#maybe reblog and add yours??
m0tiv8me · 1 month
MAYbe I CAN!- 15 minutes a day Challenge🧠💪
reblog if you wish and add an update on your chosen 15 minutes of activity for the day.
DAY 02/30
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@thoughts-sex-desires @definitely-grown @perspective24 @joshuamusclefan @52fit @runningfromthecuccos @athousandmorningss @marine-corps-strong @healthymist @integrationslady @lucky-jewels @tenacioustam @the-curvy-crossfitter @poh-fitblr @thepersonalhermit @wildgypsywind2 @echolaunch @robertbecomes @kittyfromthenorth123 @50snfit
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Sparks tour 2023
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r0semultiverse · 1 month
Qrow’s Semblance is Fortune! 🐦‍⬛
I talked about this briefly before, having speculated that Clover’s pin carries on his good luck after death or that Qrow has just done a lot of training mentally and/or physically. @benevolentslut had some amazing additions as well & I want to sum up this theory for you as best as I can as we reached similar conclusions even before I had read her reblog.
Qrow has only been in the negative all his life, mentally and emotionally.
This man has had barely any positivity in his life.
"His whole life he's been the epitome of cynicism and pessimism." - @benevolentslut
Qrow grew up under constant stress & threat of those around him.
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Needless to say, but I don't think he could trust anyone he grew up around except maybe Raven.
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Then he has to constantly worry about being found out by the other huntsmen! Also growing up with the threat of huntsmen and Grimm the entire time!
Then Oz drops the whole Salem problem on him & I'm sure that didn't help his mental health in the slightest!
"His sister leaves him and their team, and then summer disappears." - @benevolentslut Yeahhhh he is losing everyone close to him in one way or another! That cannot be a fun experience!
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This look like the face of a guy that's doing okay?
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I'm just going to copy paste this here as I hadn't noticed it & it feels worth noting that the intensity of his misfortune seems to increase with the increasing mental strain.
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While we don't know for sure that all of these things are a byproduct of Qrow's misfortune semblance, it certainly isn't out of the realm of possibility. Notice the worsening of his mental health resulting in potentially more disastrous outcomes. 😰
"we see him blaming himself constantly for everything that goes wrong, and it only causes that to become more true." - @benevolentslut
She lists a lot more examples of where Qrow's semblance has potentially worked this way in the original post. Clover comes along & starts lifting him up, giving him actual hope. He now has a little seed of hope planted in him. 🍀
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Wow, Qrow is doing so good for himself lately! I sure hope nothing-
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Oh... oh no. From his perspective Ruby & Yang could literally be dead. He is stricken with grief as he watches it all unfold & probably sunk back down into a negative spot mentally. He may even blame himself in some way.
When you're this low, there's a saying that goes "nowhere to go but up."
I firmly believe that Qrow would see things that way, especially after reaching his lowest point. He can only do his best to help those around him. Though he's the most alone he's ever been, he's becoming a part of a new community where people help one another. In that sense, it's impossible to be alone. In spite of it all, he slowly finds his mental health improving! Ruby's message to the world is bringing people together! 🌹
"and we see him take up clover's role, both in terms of how he's helping out around shade, and more literally, in the unmissable parallel where he catches the guy who trips." - @benevolentslut
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Ruby & Clover have both filled him with hope & he's more optimistic than he's ever been, which results in bursts good fortune! ✨
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There's also already a premise for shifts in mental health and trauma resulting in semblance evolution.
Cinder betrayed Neo & so she winds up in the Ever After & through her form changes is showing us that she now has negative feelings towards Cinder.
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She's so upset that her semblance starts to make multiple clones of her which it has never been able to do before. Her Overactive Imagination semblance has evolved due to the state of her mental health.
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Her semblance begins to evolve so much to where she can create entire architectural structures and buildings out of it!
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She can even use it to talk through the people she recreates, something she's not physically capable of herself.
While we do have to take into account that the Ever After plays by rules that are a little bit different at times; this absolutely confirms that semblances, much like people, can change & grow! 💪
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My conclusion: Volume 10 & beyond will show Qrow's personal semblance evolution as he finds out that his power is actually Fortune itself & the ability to control it, good and the bad.
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godofstory · 12 days
the worst thing about tumblr is that if you block an account you can still see their posts if someone reblogs them;and they can still reblog you and say shit under your posts; basically the block button doesn't do shit
@staff do something about this
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scoliosisgoblin · 2 months
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Eddie and Peter doodles feat. Benny from @bennydunbar
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smimon · 3 months
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I've reorganized my sticker collection recently and decided to put some good ones on my laptop ✨
(The bright one in the center says "many thoughts, head full" and it is holographic so it's not easy to take a good photo of it whoops)
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welcometoteyvat · 5 months
hello everyone. please give me inspiration.
in liyue who would be the most likely
story writer
costume designer
production designer
movie music composer (optional)
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adelacreations · 1 year
Met Gala Harringrove Ideas
Okay so imma just put these ideas out here, feel free to like add onto it but heres where I am going with this, starting with RE8 Harringrove. For context, I'm gonna try and do the 2018 theme cause that theme was unmatched RE8 HARRINGROVE
(My friends who have been working on the RE8 harringrove AU with me were sweet enough to give me some good ideas)
Billy paying homage to the fallen angel trope. Or a mix of romanticism and horror. Or erotic horror hehe.
1820-1850s fashion styles with modern twists added to the shapes!
Or just go lovecraftian with it. Quote from friend: "Billy's outfit could be some sort of lovecraftian homage to the mind flayer and also maybe a homage to angel (the idea of Billy doing that fucking Lucifer pose where he's glaring like that one painting is stuck in my mind)"
As for Steve (cause he would try to go in a black suit but it's Billy. He will get no dick if he just went in a suit.)
Homage to the Fall of the Usher OR Frankenstein's monster (it's a spoiler about that one about Steve in this AU. If you know YOU KNOW)
Half masks that cover the faces vertically
Still with the fallen angel theme for Billy or some rendition of Gigi Hadid's 2018 dress (that dress was EVERYTHINGGGGGGGG)
Or Billy and Steve matching to do the Madonna-whore complex
Homage to Titian's Sacred and Profane Love.
Angels, but like the bibical angels in a way. Maybe using wings in some way
Homage to the Masque of the Red Death
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redwinterroses · 1 year
tumblr etiquette: don't reblog someone's post about how excited they are about something just to go off on your own rant about how much you hate the thing. You will be blocked, and you will deserve it.
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kyoupann · 9 months
To all my neurodivergent besties out there, here's the situation :
So I've been in therapy for about two months now and a couple sessions ago I told my therapist how when people recommend stuff to me like books and shows, to me it feels like I'm getting to know the person. I'm learning about them through media they like; and that if I feel said media is gonna teach me something new about the other person, then I engage with that media. In my mind, it's a scale "will I learn anything new about them? Yes/no"
I rarely ever have interest in new stuff, but when my friends get into something new I like to ask the why's and how's first because I'd love to understand. In a way, it's something I do out of interest for my friends. And yeah, sometimes I've felt like I'm being more annoying than anything else but—that's besides the point; I like to watch new things to understand people, I watch things with people in mind. I read and I like finding a scene that makes me understand why this person recommended this story. My love language some would say lmao.
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mishapen-dear · 11 months
people can use this site however they want but there's something almost- idk, sad? about how few people are actually using their blogs. you can turn themes on and have skeletons dancing in the background. you can make everything hot pink. your blog is your scrapbook and you can put whatever you want in there. tags are okay at organizing things so you can have just a whole archive of cool shit to look at later. i know people complain a lot about people liking stuff about reblogging for engagement, and on one hand i get that- it is WILD to see a drawing i spent hours on get only 12 reblogs and 60 likes. Absolute culture shock compared to my previous fandoms. but i don't think you should reblog anything to make artists happy. i think you should reblog things so you can find them again. i think you should queue things to appear on the dash at specific times on certain days. i think you should reblog things so when you're talking to your friends about xyz post you saw you can look in your blog's archive and find it again. i think you should reblog things so that your dash is filled with one really sleepy cat. with the loss of reblogs there's the loss of engagement, which Does hurt the community-focus that makes tumblr so appealing, but idk i just wish people were more excited about the incredible amount of customization that tumblr allows and took advantage of that more
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m0tiv8me · 1 month
MAYbe I CAN!- 15 minutes a day challenge.
DAY 01/30
Time to turn one day into day one!🙌
@thoughts-sex-desires @definitely-grown @perspective24 @joshuamusclefan @52fit @runningfromthecuccos @athousandmorningss @marine-corps-strong @healthymist @integrationslady @lucky-jewels @tenacioustam @the-curvy-crossfitter @poh-fitblr @thepersonalhermit @wildgypsywind2 @echolaunch @robertbecomes
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thelassoway · 1 year
Do you ever think about the origin of the name Theodore? No. "From the Ancient Greek name Θεόδωρος (Theódoros), meaning "gift of God(s)" (from the Ancient Greek words θεός, (theós) "God/Gods" and δῶρον (dṓron) "gift.""
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quarklynx · 7 months
Folks, can we please tag posts regarding current events? not everyone is in a space where they should be seeing content like that quite so frequently
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thesewers · 1 year
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anatolleee silly little guy
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wedding-shemp · 6 months
In their most dastardly move yet, the Israeli government has tricked the American people into posting screenshots that say "you like Carly Rae Jepsen" on their Instagram stories
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