#maybe if i can find it on dvd format
jestiric · 3 months
good news !! found one of the doctor who specials that took me two weeks and the creation of a reddit account. the bad news, however, is i can count the pixels on one hand and the audio quality is akin to that of someone whispering reaaallly close into their microphone on a discord call past their bedtime
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fcthots · 9 months
okay maybe nottttt the exact type of jason content you’re writing but i do really just need jason loving a curvy reader so good bc she’s having a bad body dysmorphia day
Ok im going for a more hc approach to this to keep it geared towards a more broad audience as I have to be able to relate to be able to write it. also I rlly just wanted to try out this format lol
ok so its date night and Jason looks fucking HOT
and you really wanna give him a treat. You wanna look good for him!
You want him to look at you and think "Wow! I'm so lucky! I'm so glad I found you."
You try on a dress that you think will look cute
It... doesn’t look like you thought it would
oh well. you'll just try another even though you were really planning on the first one
So you try the next one and that one doesn’t look right either
you try on the third outfit and you're starting to think maybe you're the problem
you know you're late but maybe if you find that outfit, he’ll think you're so pretty that it'll be ok. He'll think you're so beautiful that he'll forgive you. You just have to be pretty enough.
You just have to try to deserve forgiveness. You just have to try to deserve a fraction of all of the amazing love he gives you.
And that's how Jason finds you 30 minutes later, naked on the floor of your apartment surrounded by probably 14 different outfits
He sits down criss-cross next to you
"thought I'd find you in here. I got worried when you didn’t show up at my apartment. thought I had the wrong day at first."
you don’t even respond or look at him. you don’t think you can. you have no excuse
He does it for you. "You wanna tell me what's going on?"
You lean up, grab your blanket off the bed, and put it over your entire body, including your face
you hear him sigh and move closer to you before he moves the blanket away from your face
"please tell me? please."
You cave and tell him everything. He sets his jaw and listens.
you finish talking and it takes him a full minute before he speaks.
"We'll circle back to some things later, but I got you a present. I wanted you to wear it tonight. Also got some stuff I thought we could use tonight. You wanna see it?"
You nod your head, more confused than anything else. He comes back in two minutes later with a bag he tosses at you.
You open it
It's pajamas
Not lingerene
Pajamas like a giant shark onesie
you look at what else is in the bag
its a Shrek dvd
He speaks again. "I think we definitely need to watch Shrek tonight. in our matching shark onesies."
You don’t know what to say
but he does
"I'm with you because I love you and I like you. Every inch of you. I think you're smart and funny and amazing. And I also think you're sexy and gorgeous and beautiful. I can't change the way that you think. But will you at least believe me when I say that in my eyes you are the most beautiful woman on the planet?"
You pretend you're not actively crying "I think it would do me some good to watch Shrek"
He laughs and helps you up.
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inthe-afterglows · 6 months
do you ever get nostalgic for old hobbies and not even hobbies you no longer do but the ones you do but over the years the way you do that hobby has changed? like i've always been a reader. I read so many books in high school that I can't even count but then when fanfic became real popular I got into fanfic and it was reading but, in a way, better because it was free! So i stopped reading published books but then over the years, the fanfic authors I'd invested in stopped posting and new ones popped up and I'm sure they're great but then maybe I just got sick of reading about the same characters written in a thousand and one different ways and I'd finished uni so could afford books again and so I went back to published books and yet, sometimes I still find myself nostalgic for fanfic. Or movies and shows. I used to watch a movie in a cinema and hang for the DVD release, buy it and watch the crap out of it. I still remember my The Mummy obsession when I was in Year 8. I would get home from school and watch one of three movies each afternoon. Now, I can not tell you the last time I rewatched a movie on streaming after already watching it at the cinema, let alone rewatching it more than once. And shows, again, I remember hanging for week-by-week episode releases but then when Netflix introduced the whole drop one season all in one day, I loved it but now I find myself nostalgic for that one-episode a week format. I don't know, don't you ever just get nostalgic for hobbies and how they once were?
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doesnotloveyou · 7 months
Don Johnson Filmography - Free Links!
Instead of you spending countless joyful hours trawling the web for grainy old '70s flicks, I did it for you! Here's a list of FREE places to watch DJ's stuff.
This list will be in reverse chronological order as they appear on IMDb. Some are just placeholders until (if) better links can be found, and some are bootlegs from other countries. I'm excluding music videos since those aren't hard to find.
And if you want to skip boring/annoying plot but don't want to miss him, I've made a key:
MC (main character) - much of the story involves his character and he is onscreen often
SC (side character) - only part of the story involves his character, so he's onscreen far less often than other characters
C (cameo) - he's got one or two scenes and they're small, in which case I'll mark his appearances in 0:00:00 format
I'm leaving most content warnings to viewer discretion, but some I don't feel comfortable ignoring. Also, some of the YouTube vids may get taken down at any moment :( If you like something, back it up! I'm using KMPlayer to download my faves, but I've heard you can also use VLC.
>> Links below cut! <<
First, check out my list from Tubi which has the most high quality versions of his work and TV appearances. If it's on Tubi, it won't be on this post!
Home Movie: The Princess Bride - (C, 0:41:30) the entire film is hilarious, especially if you've seen the original; made by a bunch of celebs during quarantine.
Knives Out - (SC) ok, there's no link, but i'm begging you to go buy this movie on DVD it's like $5-$10 tops in stores these days.
Moondance Alexander - (SC, 0:18:20)
Just Legal - (MC, eight episodes)
Word of Honor - (MC) this vid has "helium" audio and other insufferable flaws.
Goodbye Lover - (SC, login req)
In Pursuit of Honor - (MC) WARNING: animal death/abuse
G.I. Joe: The Movie - (SC, voice only, 0:30:35...) spare yourself, skip this movie that he probably did for his kid.
Tales of the Unexpected - (SC; one episode)
Matt Houston - (SC; one episode)
Melanie - (SC)
Soggy Bottom, U.S.A. - (SC; German dub) clips of his character.
Elvis and the Beauty Queen - (MC; Portuguese subtitles)
Revenge of the Stepford Wives - (SC, 0:12:40, 0:25:15...) he has multiple scenes including one at the end, but these movies stress me out.
Beulah Land - (SC) only in part 1, but his character is replaced by a young Jonathan Frakes in part 2. WARNING: non-graphic rape
From Here to Eternity - (C, one episode, 0:07:10, 0:36:00)
The Rebels (MC, two-parts)
Amateur Night at the Dixie Bar and Grill - (SC, 0:13:39...)
First, You Cry - (SC, first scene, 0:24:20, 0:44:20, 0:57:07, 1:15:38, 1:32:16)
Katie: Portrait of a Centerfold - (C, 0:19:48, 0:32:19, 0:44:03...) can't stomach this film to find the rest of his scenes, he's a very minor character.
The American Girls - he's not in this! the main male character is played by the lovely Charles Haid from Hillstreet Blues, but it isn't listed on Haid's IMDb. Also, the character he plays does not go by the name DJ is listed under for that episode, so maybe DJ's in a different one? Regardless, I only found two episodes and DJ is in neither.
Ski Lift to Death - (SC) he shows up in the second video...don't make me watch this.
What Really Happened to the Class of '65? - TV spot w/ the only footage of him that I can find.
Cover Girls - (SC, 0:27:21, 0:40:40, 01:01:15...)
The City - (MC) costarring Mark Hamil
Barnaby Jones - (SC, one episode) I watched this and now it's missing...it sucked anyway. DJ plays an amateur arms dealer with a sickly son, a wife in jail, and a hideous mustache. He loses.
The Streets of San Francisco - (SC, one episode)
Law of the Land - (MC)
Return to Macon County - (MC) login to YT req but there is also a Spanish dub that doesn't req login. costarring Nick Nolte
A Boy and His Dog - (MC) this version has the nude scenes edited out, sign in to YT for the full cut; much higher quality than Tubi. WARNING: rape, etc.
The Rookies - (SC, one episode) costarring Nick Nolte
Kung Fu - making an executive decision here uhhh skip this one
The Harrad Experiment - (MC; two-parter w/ odd in-video ads that you can easily fast forward) WARNING: they all get naked
The Bold Ones: The New Doctors - (MC, one episode)
Lollipops, Roses and Talangka - (SC; some scenes in Tagalog) can't find the 1975 sequel or much information on English sites, but one Filipino fanblog implies the film may no longer exist.
Zachariah (MC)
Endlessly impressed by how much has been preserved and curated over the years. Even if a ton of it was junk, it's nice to save people's hard work and memories :)
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poppiesforthirteen · 1 year
3. Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around?
5. What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
17. What fic are you most proud of?
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
19. Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
3. Do you write fics from start or finish, or jump around?
from start to finish! if i jump around i can't make the pieces fit together
5. What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
it's 11pm, i'm in bed on my phone in the dark, hyperfocused, google docs open. i have one song open on spotify and only stop writing to press play every 3½ minutes. when i resurface it's 2:30 am and i've created a new masterpiece of transformative literature (sometimes this process will also start at 7am and end around 12ish)
alternatively, heavily caffeinated at my desk, with both my laptop and my phone open to the same document before me, alternating between the two every so often, spotify's dark academia classical or creative writing playlist playing. this is better for screenplays due to formatting requirements
10. Do you enjoy writing dialogue, exposition, or plot the most?
DIALOGUE oh i love writing speech - i hate exposition so much and tend to skirt around plot a little but dialogue is my favourite
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
i'd love to write a proper bed sharing fic! so far i've mostly hinted at it, but i need to play out all the Actual Tenderness of it
17. What fic are you most proud of?
currently? every version of the story ends with you - it's not necessarily my favourite work or even my favourite screenplay, but it represents a milestone for me. i remember taking a break from writing at the point that (spoilers!) the war snuck into the plot for the second time after i forced it out and telling myself, if you can't write this alien invasion - not even well, just write it - then you're not cut out to be a scifi writer. so i did, i muscled through, finished and posted it, and now i'm applying to writing schools in the uk :)
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
talking about thirteen meeting the timeless child in we'll do it right
the fic starts with the doctor doing gallifreyan maths on the tardis walls as a stim, to keep her mind on track while she processes what happened to her. i've paralleled it here:
Towards the back of the room, the Timeless Child sits and draws circles in crayon on the wall.
maybe it's a coincidence, but the doctor takes it as proof. nothing really changes. it's a - forgive the pun - circular narrative, in this moment, the doctor feels just as much at tecteun's mercy as the child is. inescapable. maybe the child senses it as well; the doctor is so distanced from herself she doesn't know what she's thinking when their eyes meet:
This is what happens to you. Please tell me you like it.
the doctor is distant from herself, but tecteun's influence is so so close, it's paralysing. no wonder she can feel the child's fear (to the point of a phantom regeneration, they're not dying, but their body reacts like it) across bodies:
She slumps down, leaning against the shut door and closes her eyes as the first hint of phantom regeneration pricks her palms again. Breathes in through her nose and out through her mouth and tries not to imagine sparks flying from her lips.
the doctor is overwhelmed by her own helplessness - she can't cope with being ineffective, so she takes approach after approach after approach ro save herself. the way i see this fic, it takes place just before flux, when (rather than chasing the child's early life) the doctor tries to find her past self in her present. her failures make her relentless, disappointing yaz makes her secretive. a set up for a tragedy <3
19. Who is the easiest/hardest character for you to write about? Why?
paradoxically, koschei is both easiest and hardest for me to write. whenever i write him, i'm flying blind a little, i don't know what he's "actually" like and that gives me a lot of freedom i'm not used to. at the same time, i'm very familiar with my version of koschei, and the experiences that dominate his world - in love with his closest friend, bound by social norms, full of potential, huge expectations, even greater ambitions. living in the moment and yearning for the future
he's tricky to work with, trying to stay true to him and not knowing what to stay true to. it's a lot of fun though lol
thanks for your ask bestie <3 <3 <3 <3
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Sooo! *Excitedly slaps hands on the table* They released NANA on DVD and Bluray in my country! And my copy of the first volume arrived just today!!! (゚∀゚*)(*゚∀゚)
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Here's how the packaging looks from the front (left) and from the back (right)
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And here is the packaging from the inside with the DvDs
I love NANA with my whole being, it's one of my favourite anime of all time and my absolute favourite manga. I've reread and rewatched so often I can't even tell anymore how many times exactly. ┐('~`;)┌
When it was announced this would be released I pre ordered a copy for the hefty price of 59,99€. But well it's NANA, I have to have it and if I have to skimp on something else for the month. (;`∀´)
This volume contains the first 12 episodes and an OVA, also as usual creditless opening and ending songs. There are also 5 extras included.
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Two art cards, one of Osaki Nana and one of Komatsu Nana. One side you have them with their eyes open and on the other side with their eyes closed.
I will definitely find some space to put these art cards up on my walls somewhere and if I have to take something else down!
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A Trapnest poster, which is a bit smaller than normal A3 format.
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These adorable strawberry stickers. On the side it says "Strawberry stickers, 6 per glas, Caution! The stickers are not dishwasher safe, rather clean the glasses by hand". And also this temporary tattoo of Nana O.s Ren tattoo.
As much as I love the idea of having my own set of the strawberry glasses, I usually only drink out of mugs or straight out of the bottle so I feel it would be sad to waste them when I won't use them. I have similar feelings about the temporary tattoo, as much as I love it, I can only use it one time, so I don't want to waste it.
Anyway, maybe no one cares about this release, but I was so happy and excited I just had to share it! (゚∀゚*)(*゚∀゚)
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adultswim2021 · 1 year
Space Ghost Week
Wherein we cover an entire season of Space Ghost Coast to Coast over the course of a week
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Space Ghost Coast to Coast #42: “Switcheroo” (aka “Switcheroo II”) | September 12, 1997 | S04E09
This episode is titled “Switcheroo”, but enterprising fans have taken to calling this “Switcheroo II” simply because there is already an episode called Switcheroo. What will you call this? Brother, you’re going to have so sort that out for yourself.
In this episode: Space Ghost has his original guests (boring guys) swapped out for sci-fi legends Bill Mumy and Mark Hamill. They were poached from a sci-fi convention that was attended by (or maybe run by) Zorak and Moltar (sorry, I forgot the precious plot details). Meanwhile, Space Ghost pouts and gets jealous that Moltar and Zorak have a better rapport with them than he does. Eventually Space Ghost tries to put on his own convention and it’s a failure.
There was a brief period of time when one of my main hangouts online were South Park related. I forget if this happened on my main hangout board (GoTimmyGo.com) or an offshoot board started by a member of that board, but there was a sub-forum dedicated to other cartoons that weren’t South Park. I started a Space Ghost thread, encouraging people to tune into Space Ghost Coast to Coast on Cartoon Network, which had ceased airing new episodes and seemed like it was quietly going away from the schedule altogether. Adult Swim was looming on the horizon but I didn’t know that.
I remember this being among the first episodes to air after my rallying cry of “hey internet friends, let’s all watch Space Ghost reruns and talk about them in this thread”. This was the era when I would record the show and take said recordings and transfer them to the ends of my Mystery Science Theater 3000 tapes. I edited the commercials out of those MST3K episodes, leaving about 30 minutes at the end of each tape, so I’d put a couple random SGC2Cs on there. The two shows just seemed like they went together really well.
My point is, I remember this episode specifically because I watched it “with” my internet friends, and I remember thinking it was kind of a mediocre episode. Maybe that’s because it actually is, or maybe that’s because I prefaced this one with the promise of greatness. It’s another one of those episodes where the writers are jazzed to have this legendary guest so they lean on a theme. Star Wars is heavily referenced, obviously. In 1997, Star Wars had a resurgence because it was re-released in theaters, but Star Wars nerds were nowhere near as obnoxious as they are now. I guess the prequels were on the horizon, sure, but to those not following too closely (me) it just felt like Star Wars was living a natural life-cycle that every other big-budget sci-fi trilogy had: A series of films that were hits but with diminishing returns which has one final hurrah as Saturday Morning programming (or a comic book) and then hibernates until it’s either released on a new home video format or an anniversary reunion happens. It was good enough for Back to the Future, Robocop, and Alien. Why not Star Wars?
Two big laughs: Space Ghost saying “Duke Fartknocker”. I also remember loving him trying to interject during Moltar and Zorak’s sci-fight with “What do you think of those Ghostbusters?”. Still funny!
DVD NOTE: you can find two deleted bits from this episode. One is of a disheveled man showing up in Space Ghost’s monitor claiming to have escaped from the planet Moltar seemingly made-up earlier in the show. There’s also a parody Star Wars crawl presumably meant to open the episode. Pausing it treats you to a direct Spaceballs reference.
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Ring of Honor: One Year Later
One year ago today, I was excited. I had some extra cash, and I was going to get a replica of the Ring of Honor World Championship belt. I never had a replica belt of my own, and I was excited to add one to my collection.
It had been a while since I had seen ROH, but I heard great things about the Pure tournament, and I had seen some highlights here and there. So I thought I'd be able to get back into ROH that way.
And then, I checked the news.
“Throughout the pandemic, our top priority was to keep everyone healthy and safe, and despite not producing any live events over 18 months, we were able to keep everyone fully contracted. We now find ourselves at a time where we need to make changes to our business operations and are planning a pivot for Ring of Honor, with a new mission and strategy.
The year will culminate with a Final Battle in December, and we will be taking the first quarter of 2022 to work internally to reimagine ROH. ROH has the most dedicated fans in the industry, and we appreciate their loyalty and patience as we reconceptualize ROH.
We anticipate returning to live events in April for the Super Card of Honor with a new fan-focused product and provide a unique experience for wrestling fans.”
Oh no.
On that day's episode of Wrestling Observer Live, they were finding this out in real time, and they announced that everyone had been released from their contracts.
Oh no.
A week later, I get the news that my roommate is selling his house, and I'll have to be gone by April.
Coincidence? I think not.
I was still heavily into AEW around that time, but I finally caught my first ROH match in god knows how long, as Taylor Rust defeated Tracy Williams in a Pure Rules match. From there, I watched my first full ROH PPV, Final Battle. Aside from the CYN stuff (which was hilarious in hindsight, given that Kross and Strowman both returned to WWE anyway), the show was tremendous and heartfelt. It definitely resonated with me, as I was getting ready to say goodbye to the place I lived at for four years.
I then caught ROH TV on Christmas night. I stayed up late to watch it, and it wasn't until the end of the episode that I realized that it would be the last original episode for a long time. Maybe ever. The next day, I set out to correct my wrongs of not catching up with ROH, and purchased the Pure Tournament DVD, as well as some other DVDs on clearance. I wish I could have gotten the Sinclair logo shirt as well, because I highly doubt it's going up on Shop Honor anytime soon.
Two months after I had moved into my new place, Tony Khan announced that he had purchased ROH. I made a point to catch Supercard of Honor, which was a tremendous show from top to bottom. In the gym, I began catching up on ROH episodes while on the treadmill, mostly from the pandemic era. I can honestly say that 2020-2021 ROH is some of the best pro wrestling television I've ever seen. Tons of great matches, and an easy to follow format. I haven't seen every episode yet, but it's tremendous. The three-way faction war between The Foundation, La Facción Ingobernable, and VLNCE UNLMTD, the rise of The Righetous, and the Quest for Gold to crown the inaugural ROH Women's World Champion is all just compelling stuff. I know Hunter Johnston catches a lot of flack for his booking philosophies, but he deserves a ton of credit for how this show came together over the course of sixteen months. I know a lot of people were disappointed by the lack of crowds, but I think having no fans was different, and in some ways, enhanced the product. Being able to hear the trash talk (Tony Deppen: "What, do you think I'm stupid?!" Tracy Williams: "...yes.") and seeing wrestlers work while calling spots as quietly as humanly possible is fascinating.
Since then, we've seen Death Before Dishonor, which was yet another tremendous show anchored by the rematch between FTR and The Briscoes for the ROH World Tag Team Championship. That was the same week as the overbooked, disastrous Barbed Wire Everything match between Eddie Kingston and Chris Jericho, and I was in no mood to hear anything about AEW for the rest of the week. Death Before Dishonor, much like Supercard of Honor before it, featured matches with clean finishes and little to no shenanigans outside of Samoa Joe vs. Jay Lethal. This is what I'm hoping for when ROH inevitably (hopefully) returns to TV next year. It needs to have its own separate identity. I get that it's easier to consolidate everything when you have the same crew filming and working your shows, but ROH needs to be its own company. Not just a glorified edition of Dark or Elevation every week.
The Ring of Jericho stuff shows promise, and it's a good way to keep eyes on the company, while simultaneously showcasing guys like Bandido and Dalton Castle, both of whom absolutely deserve a spotlight.
In one of the episodes of pandemic era ROH, there was a match between Dragon Lee and Eli Isom for the ROH World Television Championship. There was a throwaway line about how Dalton Castle (on commentary) wanted ROH TV to get Golden Globes and Emmys, but lead announcer Ian Riccaboni preferred to settle for a Wrestling Observer Award before asking, “Do we even qualify for those anymore?”
I laughed... and then I didn't.
Catching up on these episodes (as well as episodes from when The Elite were running the show) has been a reminder as to why I loved ROH in the first place. I have a pro wrestling creative writing project called Soul Wrestling Incorporated, and it feels like an emulation of ROH. I can picture the camera angles, the stage, the sounds in my head as I write these results and shows, and everything ties into ROH. This company has influenced my writing in many ways, and I can't thank them enough.
It's the company that never said die (even when they were losing money before the Sinclair deal), the company that developed talents long before there was an NXT, and the company that helped define what pro wrestling is today. Without ROH, there's no Yes movement, no Pipebomb, no Architect of the Shield, and Adam Cole Bay Bay. And while AEW could have turned out fine regardless, it was ROH that helped give the Elite the platform needed to break out and make it on their own (although to be fair, that had more to do with Being the Elite being as popular as it was).
ROH going on hiatus and firing everyone right around the time I had to find a new place to live really hit home to me. The house I was living at became a veritable safe space for me. It was the place I lived when I got my license, secured a promotion at work, and needed shelter from the pandemic. I always knew that eventually, I'd have to move on, but I always thought I had more time. But life has a funny way of working out. Now I'm a homeowner despite being told growing up that I never would be (I'm autistic), and ROH is going to host its 21st Final Battle event in less than two months.
Is ROH in a better place than it was a year ago? 90% yes, but 10% no. The future looks promising with a new TV deal, and the fact that ROH has the likes of Jericho, Claudio Castagnoli, Samoa Joe, Daniel Garcia, Wheeler Yuta, Lee Moriarty, Dalton Castle, Willow Nightingale, and more in their corner. In addition, there are arguably more eyes on what ROH will do next since the Elite left. But as a fan, I feel that a lot was sacrificed to get to this point. Jonathan Gresham, arguably one of, if not, the best technical wrestlers in the world, quit after not being used properly. There's no more Foundation or VLNCE UNLMTD (although I won't miss Chris Dickinson). Rok-C and Quinn McKay are both in WWE, where the former has wanted to be since she started, so I can't blame her. Most of the guys that were having great matches during the pandemic are being trotted out on Dark and Elevation to be fed to AEW guys. Eli Isom, for all the work he put in and all the great matches he had, gets steamrolled by Ricky Starks in under a minute.
So, there is cautious optimism. It all depends on who will dethrone Jericho for the ROH World Championship, and what the TV show will look like. All I know is that a year ago today, I never would have guessed that having ROH back in my life would be so damn satisfying as a long-time fan of professional wrestling.
Thank you for everything, ROH. It's been a wild ride. See you on December 10.
“We are ALL Ring of Honor strong.”
– Jonathan Gresham after winning the ROH Pure Championship
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valerie · 4 months
TWITL - week 2 - felt a bit dragged
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TUESDAY - 9 January I'm thinking maybe I need a new format for my blog. Maybe not post daily but perhaps write something randomly and do a wrap up at the end of the week. If I write during the week, then I might not have as much to do at the end of the week besides some short musings or the like. Let's try it this week. I did screenshots before bed last night of a Canadian show called STAT because Thomas Beaudoin, my new Muse apparently, made an appearance and of course I just had to have a gander. I was just going to skim to his scenes, do the screenshots, then go along my merry way. When I saw French subtitles, I frowned a little because the words were getting in the way of the screenshots. At this point, I popped on my AirPods and turned up the audio to find that Docteur Davis, his character, was speaking French AND English, which meant the French subtitles were for the folks who don't understand English. Neat! https://flic.kr/p/2prqhE3 I must say, the fact that he can go from English to French so smoothly was just lovely to hear. I was quite happy to watch his scenes even if I had no idea what was going. Actually, I figured out the gist of it from the English bits but the whole thing was still chaos to me because I think the show is a bit on the soap opera side and the episode seemed to start in the middle of the action. Anyhoo, he looked rather nice all scruffy while wearing military BDUs. Way to hit my fangirl buttons, whew! https://flic.kr/p/2prqU3K Adan Canto died yesterday. I remember him best on his turn in the show The Following and I will always remember thinking how much he reminded me of "my" Kevin Smith ("Ares" on Xena and Hercules). I didn't follow his career very closely but I saw his work over the years and figured he'd appear in something I was watching sooner or later. Alas, it will not be. Journey well into the next, Adan... Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Tonight's episode was another good one! It was lovely seeing Timothy Omundson as Hephaestus and I will always have a soft spot for the character of Ares because of the aforementioned Kevin Smith. Adam Copeland's turn as the god of war was a joy to watch. I am very seriously enjoying this show. WEDNESDAY - 10 January https://flic.kr/p/2prG6Vx We had a bit of rain today. Nothing too serious. Since I've upgraded my webhost, I feel like I need to update this website. Maybe I should revive Moonlit Jazz, which has been languishing in its current state for... over 8 years. Eight years?! In its last iteration, it was the place where I dropped my daily photos for Project 365. I now do Project 365 at my secondary Instagram (@vasiakiari). Now it just sits as it has since 2015. Back to this place though, kiari.com. I'm using a different theme but I think it's a work in progress at this point. Maybe I'll keep hunting around for more inspirational themes. We'll see if I settle on anything for more than a day. THURSDAY - 11 January Oh, Xena: Warrior Princess and Hercules: The Legendary Journeys is streaming on Amazon Prime! I already own XWP on iTunes (and DVD!) but I never did pony up the money for HTLJ. Now when I'm feeling nostalgic, I can head to Amazon Prime to watch either of those two shows. Oh, and do screenshots. For some reason, I felt like doing screenshots of Hades, as played by Erik Thomson. I marvel how back in the late 90s, it took FOREVER to do screenshots. Now it's just minutes, depending on how many scenes my subject is in. It's wild! https://flic.kr/p/2prYUcR from the Xena: Warrior Princess episode, "Adventures in the Sin Trade" I should do a re-watch of both HTLJ and XWP. I'll have to compartmentalize myself a bit and forget about how the one playing Hercules didn't turn out so well and just enjoy the episodes. XWP will be easier to re-watch because it was always the stronger show to me, in terms of characters and plots, though Michael Hurst (Iolaus) did make me cry in an episode of HTLJ. Just doing these screenshots brushed aside the veil of time to remind me of how it felt when the shows first aired. https://flic.kr/p/2prZ7tV from the Hercules: The Legendary Journey episode, "The Other Side" Honestly, soon after I started watching the shows, I found that I gravitated towards the guest stars, especially Erik Thomson and the late Kevin Smith, who played Ares. They were the reason I watched. They were the reason I started chatting online with like minded fans. They were the reason I started my website. They are part of the me that is Kiari. I made lifelong friends because of the show, the conventions, the mutual love for the guest stars. And I will ever be grateful... FRIDAY - 12 January It's finally the weekend! Yes, it's Friday evening and I have three whole days without work. Good times! Don't have any real plans. Maybe I'll clean. Maybe I'll do some laundry. Maybe I'll take lots of naps. We shall see! https://flic.kr/p/2ps4UmV wearing my favorite vest jacket Since I was feeling nostalgic after doing those screenshots, I pulled out my Hercules/Xena crew vest jacket. I always LOVE wearing this vest jacket, as I'm sure I've said plenty of times here. I love all the pockets. I love all the details. I love that it crossed space and time to become mine. And I love that Chris Conrad sent it to me. I still marvel at that last point. So very sweet of him. It makes me smile to wear it. SUNDAY - 14 January https://flic.kr/p/2pmyEv2 Luis Gerardo Méndez y Miguel Ángel Silvestre en la primera temporada de Los Enviados Los Enviados/The Envoys - We binge watched the second season today. I liked it! I might have liked it better than the first season. The nun had a bigger part and she was a delight. The ending felt a little as if they'd be back in the little town. The Brotherhood seemed to be unfinished business. I'd love another season of the two priests and the nun... 30 Monedas/30 Coins - We started another Miguel Ángel Silvestre show. Second season again. The first few episodes were a bit heavy on the monster-like imagery. Effectively creepy, especially if you're religious in the Catholic way. It's an adjustment going from Simón Antequera (Los Enviados) to Paco (30 Monedas). Despite being played by Miguel Ángel Silvestre, the two characters are so very different... https://flic.kr/p/2oSKgLE Miguel Ángel Silvestre en la primera temporado de 30 Monedas And that's week number two of 2024 in the books! Time for bed... Read the full article
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videoviolence · 8 months
custom vhs/DVD questions JUMPSCARE!!! do you have any custom/home recorded tapes in your collection? are there any movies you wish were available on either formats (but we're never released physically, etc). do you prefer to shop for VHS/dvds online or in person? do you own any physically interesting tapes/DVDs (think like.. ex video store tapes, maybe some interesting packing or anything fun/unique you wanna share)? any 'holy grail' items relating to either that you've been searching for/have?
HI HI HI HI HI RAINER ty im just getting to this now but [cracks fingers]
do you have any custom/home recorded tapes in your collection?
UNFORTUNATELY I do not . unless you count my copy of the abomination, I believe its a home-recorded bootleg rip
2. are there any movies you wish were available on either formats (but we're never released physically, etc)?
none that I can think of off of the top of my head but there are quite a few SOV movies that never got mass VHS release, only straight-to-DVD rips
3. do you prefer to shop for VHS/DVDs online or in person?
in person, because the joys of combing through stacks / shelves is very therapeutic . and it's very exciting to come across something you dont own and getting to jump for joy
4. do you own any physically interesting tapes/DVDs?
ex-rentals are always my favorites to come across . I have a handful that still come with the squeeze sleeve + my critters 4 copy came with an original 'horror' sticker on it likely from an old family video !!
5. any 'holy grail' items relating to either that you've been searching for/have?
semi-relevant question that I did actually get asked a couple days ago you can find here
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Playing With Fire
Disclaimer: While this fic features nothing explicit, it does get suggestive, so I’d rather no one under 16 interacts with this post. Thank you!
It had been two weeks since the defeat of the category 5 Kaiju. The war that had raged for over a decade had finally shifted in humanity’s favor, and the world rejoiced as the beasts were seemingly conquered once and for all. However, for those in the fight against the Kaiju, there was still work to be done. Surveillance was still required in case of a resurgence, and scientists had their work cut out for them with the new discoveries of the Kaiju themselves.
Among these scientists, Newton Gieszler was likely the most excited about these new discoveries. Being obsessed with these other worldly beasts since the first attack, he was at the forefront of this new wave of information regarding the Kaiju. Being the one to discover the hive minded-nature of them, he provided a catalyst for new discoveries of their biology. Yet, even with this age of information unfolding around him, he found his mind away from scientific pursuits; for the first time in recent memory anyway. 
Instead of vigorously studying in his lab, tirelessly experimenting and researching the very existence of the kaiju, he was instead in his barrack. In place of his typical attire of a white button up and slacks, he was in a more comfortable T-shirt and sweatpants. He was lounging on his bed, The Hangover playing on a small portable DVD player (it was a miracle they even found the thing, nevermind getting it to work). Newton usually found himself restless if he wasn’t occupied with studying the kaiju, but tonight he felt different. Maybe it was the newfound relief of their victory, maybe he finally felt fulfilled in his contribution, 
Or maybe it was because Ramsey Rockefeller was in his company tonight.
Newton didn’t know what surprised him more; witnessing the defeat of the Kaiju, or the fact that someone he had a crush on liked him back. Even if they had a rocky start to their friendship, xe was the only person willing to accompany him to find Chau, and even stuck by him when he ended up being a target for the beast.
Even after two weeks, he was still trying to process everything that happened. Ramsey shared this sentiment, and opted for the two of them to just spend a night relaxing. While Newton was for the idea, he was rather estranged to the concept of relaxation. His crush lounging a couple feet away from him did not help his nerves. 
“You know, this part was foreshadowed.” Xe said, snapping him out of his trance. “Before the guys leave to find Doug, they notice the mattress on the roof.’
“O-Oh, really?” He sputtered, refocusing on the film. 
The two watched the finale of the film, Ramsey giggling as the four men looked at the photos in horror as the credits rolled. 
“And, that was The Hangover!” xe said as xe stretched xyr arms about xyr head. “What did you think?” 
“I thought it was pretty cool!” Newton said earnestly, even if he didn’t remember parts of it. “I can see why you like it so much.” 
“You know, I didn’t actually watch it for the first time until I was eighteen.” Ramsey chuckled. “Was with an old buddy of mine from college.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Yeah, his name was Ryan. Used to go to his place to hang out all the time.”
“You know, I don’t think you’ve ever told me where you went to college.” Newton realized. 
“University of Pittsburgh, majored in engineering.” Xe held up a hand in a claw formation playfully. “Go Panthers! Heh.” 
“Pittsburg, huh? Heard that’s a pretty good school.” 
“It’s decent enough as they go, I applied there because they had a great engineering program. I’d say I learned some useful stuff.” Xe turned to him. “What about you?” 
“I went to Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Was the second youngest person to ever be admitted there, actually.” 
“Wow, that’s impressive!” xe exclaimed. 
“I guess so. After I graduated, I taught there for a few years until 2016, when I joined the Jaeger academy.” 
“The Jaeger academy? What did you do there?” 
“I was mostly a Conn-Pod instructor. Helped make scenarios for the students to fight against.” 
“Gotcha.” Ramsey thought for a moment. “I’m curious, what was college like for you?”
“Well, it wasn’t particularly interesting socially. I mostly just kept to my studies.” He wrung his hands around each other. “I bet it was the opposite for you- I mean, socializing was always so easy for you.”
“Maybe. But I wasn’t always like that.”
“You weren’t?” He asked with wide eyes. 
“Nope. While I had Ryan and some other people that I hung out with from my GSA, I was mostly on my own.”
“Guess we have more in common than I thought, huh?” Newton laughed nervously. 
“Well hey, even if I didn’t have many friends, the ones I did have meant the world to me.” Xe mused. “Taught me the concept of quantity over quality in a way.” 
“Yeah, I get that.” He nodded.
“Even when Ryan was one of the few people who I talked to, he helped me out of a really rough time in my life.” 
This caught Newton’s attention. “What happened? I-If you don’t mind me asking.” 
Ramsey shrugged. “It was kind of a lot of things. My anxiety spiked, my classes were giving me grief, I was caught in some drama between internet friends, and I just felt so alone.”
“... I’m sorry to hear you went through that.” 
“Thanks, it was years ago anyway. Eventually I got on meds that helped stabilize my mental health, and I started to reconnect with my friends and be more open about what I was going through. But, in those few months where I felt like the world was against me, going to Ryan’s place and just watching movies, playing video games, and goofing off kept me sane. I know it sounds silly, but it was kind of a sanctuary for me.” 
“No no, I get it. Sometimes it's the small things that can add up a lot.” He reassured xem. “When I went through my own rough patches, learning about the Kaiju comforted me. It made me feel like I  had some sort of purpose, if that makes sense.”
“It does. I’ve had times where my interests brought me comfort, sometimes you just need something that you feel like you have control over.” 
“... Yeah, you’re right.”
Ramsey reclined against the couch. “You’re right Newton, we do have more in common than meets the eye.” 
“We do?” Once again, his nerves got the best of him. “W-Well, if you think about it, it makes sense; people are subconsciously attracted to people similar to them, even if they-”
Newton’s ramble was interrupted by Ramsey leaning against his side, resting xyr head on his shoulder. He immediately froze, not used to this sort of contact. 
“I’m really glad I met you.” Xe said softly. 
He could feel his heart beating out of his chest, his face turning red with a bright blush. “Er- uh, same to you.” 
Ramsey remained quiet as xe rested by his side, leaving Newton with his own racing thoughts. He dared not move a muscle, almost forgetting to breathe at times. Was he doing this right? Should he put an arm around xem? Was he acting weird??
Upon building the courage to look down at xem, he felt at ease at the sight of xyr tranquil expression. He felt the weight and warmth of xyr body against his, and he started to realize just how good it felt. Ever so slowly, he leaned his head against xyrs, relishing in their closeness. 
“... Newton?” Ramsey spoke after a few minutes. 
Newton’s head shot up as he looked down at them “Y-Yeah?” 
Xe turned up to him, positioning xemself upwards as xe met his gaze. The look in xyr eyes was raw and vulnerable, seemingly peering into his soul with tender sincerity. 
“I love you.”
It was all Newton could do to stare back at xem, mouth agape in disbelief. Seeing the shock on his face, Ramsey withdrew. 
“But, if that freaks you out, that’s okay- you can forget I said it, I-”
“No! No no, its alright, really I-” he paused, taking a breath. “... I love you too.” 
The way xyr face lit up made Newton’s heart flutter. 
“That… Makes me really happy.” 
Ramsey shifted towards him, reaching xyr arm to cup his cheek. Feeling xyr breath against his face for just a moment, xe pressed xyr lips against his. The same fleeting feeling in his core from that night returned, but he found it lingering as xe almost seemed to ground him to the spot with xyr presence. He closed his eyes as he ran his hands up xyr back, returning the kiss.
Ramsey was gentle in xyr affection, grazing xyr lips on his in a chaste manner before pulling back. However, Newton brought his hand to the back of xyr head, continuing the kiss as he let himself express his pent up affection. The motion almost surprised himself as much as it did Ramsey, but xe returned the passion as xe clasped xyr hands around his jaw. With the weight of xyr body on his, he felt like he was on fire. He wanted to keep xem in his arms forever, he was addicted to how soft and warm xe was, the sounds that escaped xyr mouth as he caressed xyr skin. Their tongues slipped into each other’s mouths, savoring the taste of each other. 
He wanted xem. He wanted to be inside xem, he wanted to hold xem and love xem and make them feel so good-
“Newton.” Ramsey broke the kiss, trying to catch xyr breath. “Do…Do you wanna go all the way?”
For a brief moment, he was brought back to reality, processing the fantasies that burned in his mind just moments prior. 
“I-I uh, I mean- only if you want to.” He muttered sheepishly.
“I do. But only if you want to as well.” 
With his tongue tied by the escalation of the moment, Newton could only manage a nod in response.
Xe shifted to Newton’s side, sliding xyr hand down his torso and grasping at his belt. He held his breath, eyes locked on xyr hand- and his growing erection. 
This was going to be one hell of a night. 
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megid0nt · 1 year
I have this idea stuck in my head that I haven't really articulated yet so I'm going to endeavour to here:
It's kinda weird how much of our time now is spent interacting with some corporation's platform. And I don't mean in the "we don't own our copy of Bambi like we used to on VHS, now we are just allowed to view it by Disney on their platform," bc that's oft cited and oft bemoaned (for good reason). No, I mean that the part I find insidious is the intermediary becoming a visible, everpresent individual that is inherently part of the experience.
Like, imagine it's 2003. You wanna watch Pokemon: Jirachi - Wish Maker, which you have a DVD of - cutting edge! You're very cool. It's the only DVD you own. You have a CRT TV, a DVD player, and a DVD. It's 2003 so when the DVD player isn't playing it's got this plain blue screen that it's outputting, and when you turn your TV on your room is awash with Blue, the colour of waiting for you to do something next. You insert your DVD, and bada-bing bada-boom suddenly you're watching previews. There's still this intermediary there, this DVD player, but the only purpose it really seems to serve is to take some data you have on hand, process it, and re-encode it into a format you can work with (analog video on a lil yellow plug for your TV), just like the vcr before it, cassette players, CD players, and damn near every multimedia tool I can think of except, like, Dreamcast and the Satellaview.
But lets say you don't have your data on hand - that's fine, you turn on your TV and you get static, or you get whatever input is coming from your cable box, or whatever input is coming from your antenna. There's not really much of a digital user interface (sometimes your cable box might have a TV Guide built in!) because there doesn't need to be; there just needs to be a box for data processing, a box for presentation, and the user interface is you plug them together with cables. Maybe adjust the tint.
Yesterday I was sick in bed, and I didn't really have a brain in my head, and I just wanted to turn on a noise box. My first instinct is turn on the TV - if nothing else, I'll get static. But now....
Now I turn on a TV, there is a menu. My television has an operating system. It's turned from a box that shows a video signal to a box that shows a video signal, harvests my data, sells my data, runs an application platform, connects to the network, sells more of my data, and demands interaction. Gone are the days of me being able to pipe audio into the RCA audio jacks on my TV and use it as speakers, because my Sleek, Modern, FUTURISTIC! tv mutes RCA audio if there's no video signal.
And they try to brand this future as something bright and beautiful! Look, your television is no more just a Box that you Look At! Now you INTERACT! It's got all your favourite movies built in, if you'll just give your money to Disney, if you give your money to HBO, if they decide it's profitable to have your favourite movies at all, if their whims align. It's no longer about having the correct box to connect to your TV to re-encode the data you'd like; it's about the TV being itself a black box full of other black boxes sending and receiving data both locally and to and from the internet as a whole. It feels as though you are no longer trusted to connect your own boxes, although the more dreadful answer is of course that it's more profitable for the company that made your TV to give you the selection of boxes they can make the most money off of. (And this isn't even getting into the fact that they can just. Put advertisements that I cannot disable on the main home screen of a device I paid $500 for.)
But.... I run a shoutcast web radio station! I am a big fan of just being able to look at a URL and listen to some music, I'm very guilty of musical indecision and love the freedom that an unseekable shuffle gives, and to be quite honest the future is now and I have no problem with resources being available primarily online. And, especially with the ever increasing filesizes of higher and higher resolution and framerate video, yeah! It makes a good amount of sense to not require users to keep all of their own media data, either in hard drives or in disk binders.
But you may not. There is no app for my TV that allows me to connect to an arbitrary shoutcast stream, and even trying to search for internet radio nowadays just shows you iHeartRadio, Pandora, and the other corporate algorithmic recommendation engines that are an insult to the concept of radio. There's no repository of media from which the public can pull. There's no stability to any of it anymore! It's all platforms on top of platforms, with every piece of the pie you might have once been allowed to interface with, tweak, replace, or even just hold in your hand being replaced gradually with nebulous black boxes of software that you're not even able to stop automatically yelling noises at you. Fuck.
I don't have a good resolution to this. I know I can, for now at least, make my TV start up to a given input, so one of these days I'm probably going to set up a media center computer as the base input and do my best to circumvent all but one of those platforms, but that doesn't change the fact that I am in Roku's grasp, that there's no escaping the quagmire that is capitalist-interest-driven software development, that everything just feels that little bit less friendly and like a fun adventure to interact with, or that I fear might never feel in control of my own electronic devices (even one as simple as "Show the video signal from this cable") ever again.
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martensenbojsen85 · 1 year
movavi video editor overlay
In this age of quick-changing technology, handsets are not just for calling or sending messages but furthermore become portable gadgets that allow one to play movies, to be able to music and play games just that one thing to enjoy utilizing. One particular problem although many gadgets existing sold in the market today, is the use of varied formats in storing video and multimedia files. In fact, you may find it difficult managed files from gadget to gadget. Videos often don't play good or they are not contain any audio or in one cases, it might only a person with images without any sound. Removing the DRM in the music files is completed specialized software that converts only a digital elements with the file into many different formats, leaving only the tunes and not one of the copy security. Delivering your message either as a no cost download in order to be purchased is essential. Delivering it in the right format furthermore of great importance to people. If you were writing about golf and describing the right way to be the next putter, would just words adequate? Not hardly. Ought to be want to incorporate photos showing your reader exactly how to putt. End up being even be superior if fashion show them a video, so your delivery method can get a point across even faster. The old expression "A picture may be worth a thousand words" pops into their brain. Maybe a youtube Movavi Video Converter is worth ten many thousands. Deciding which format, PDF or EXE, would best produce your message then becomes very important to prove to them. The four is a famous of video format and else many others available on the internet. But the problem about DVD player in AVH P4200 will it be better is only suitable with a DivX record. So, what can you do if you owned a MKV or MOV submit? Media file conversion. In the event you download music videos for iPod, the files aren't always in iPod compatible format. movavi video converter Torrent are in mpeg and wmv structure. But don't worry; all you should use is the software to convert the files to MP4 iPod compatible format. Where we can get the conversion software? You can get the software as an extra if find membership from a reputable download site. Fill the keyword section of your appearance. This is important because buyers will rummage around for suppliers by typing in keywords the actual world search rod. Think of movavi video converter Crack Full Version that customer will be utilising when trying to find your services and make use of these. If you are too generic words such as 'Designer' benefits will show thousands of contractors. It's great to are a range of keywords which reflect the requirements you offer, including some specialist keywords which a little more experienced buyer might have. This will also reduce the number of suppliers showing up in success. movavi video converter Crack Full Version is finally a mature product. It's beautifully built, has a vivid display, and offers just enough connectivity become worse most Mac-users happy. Apple did omit a few things when i like, most noticeably the backlit keyboard and browsing sensors. Attempts are finally possible on an air. During my tests I came across that everything was as quick or faster than the Pro, with exclusion of processor insensitive tasks such as video editing, converting or professional 3D modeling. As an example new generation of Intel processors would've helped this bit. Due to great battery, the SSD and a casing that exceeds the imagination, this Macbook air is a great portable workhorse and outstanding member for this Macbook-family. Great coming!
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mhgreys · 2 years
7th call area qso party macloggerdx
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Free Online VOB to MKV Converter You Should Try If you seek for a free online converter for meeting your temporary needs, you may as well continue reading and try the powerful free online converter recommended below. It may take you several minutes according to the length of your videos. Then choose Video > MKV as the output format.Īfter selecting the location of files, click Convert All to start converting your files from VOB to MKV. Note: When you want to set different output formats for each video file, you need to find the format selection drop-down menu at the back right of each video file. Then select the video resolutions including Same as source, HD, 720P, SD based on your needs. You can add several VOB files to convert simultaneously.įind Convert All to at the top right of the video list, then choose Video > MKV as the output format from the drop-down menu. Launch the program after installation.Ĭlick Add Files or directly drag your VOB videos to the main interface.
It is equipped with a built-in lightweight video editor to create your personalized videos.įree download Vidmore Video Converter for Windows or Mac.
It can convert video for any device, including the latest models of iPhone, iPad, Samsung Galaxy, etc.
It has 50x faster video conversion speed and high-speed video processing algorithms.
It can safely and easily convert video to over 200+ formats, including MOV, WMV, AVI, MP4, etc.
Vidmore Video Converter supports converting all popular video formats into a wide range of formats at 50x faster speed. Not only can it successfully convert VOB files to MKV files, but preserve MKV files as a smaller file size without quality loss. To convert VOB files to MKV files, the best converter is Vidmore Video Converter. Best Converter to Convert VOB to MKV without Quality Loss
Let’s move on to find the answer together! Best Vob Converter For Mac Part 1. Luckily, in this article, you’ll find the way to losslessly convert VOB files to MKV files. Besides, even converting VOB to MKV successfully, VOB files’ data get damaged or lost. For example, some converters are hard to deal with large-sized VOB files. When converting VOB to MKV, people encountered some issues. Most people choose to convert VOB to MKV, because MKV is a wonderful audio and video container format.
So here comes the question of how to convert a VOB to another format that can be played on the smartphone or portable media player. We know that the DVD file is saved as the VOB format that can’t be played by the most popular devices. It is very common that many people want to make their DVD movies digitalized so that they can watch these movies on their smartphones or portable media player. But how do I convert a VOB file to an MKV? I’m looking at digitalizing my collection of DVDs (mostly TV series), so I can carry them with me easily while traveling, and as ‘insurance’ in case the original discs get lost or damaged.
If you want to watch your favorite DVD movie on your smartphone or MacBook Air, you first have to convert VOB to MP4 or another appropriate format. Many PC- or Mac-based players can play VOB files, but most mobile devices don’t support this format and some laptops don’t have a DVD drive. After VOB to MP4 for Mac video conversion, you can get the excellent output quality and high. Maybe it is your ideal tool that enables you to easily convert VOB to MP4 for Mac, the process is as easy as 1-2-3.
Undoubtedly, it is a professional video converter designed for Mac users, and also, it can be acted as Mac VOB to MP4 converter. To add VOB files, you can either drag videos from your file folder to the program’s primary interface or click the button to load your target VOB video files from your local computer. Step 1 Add VOB files to Wondershare VOB to MOV (QuickTime) converter. How to convert VOB file to MOV on Windows/Mac without losing quality. Handbrake is available on different platforms, Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Vob To Mp3 Converter For Mac freeload.
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adultswim2021 · 2 years
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12 oz. Mouse: “Prolegomenon” | December 18, 2006 – 12:45AM | S02E13
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! No post last night, and I’m sorry, but I had to give this one more thought. Really, I got high and thought I not only finished the write-up, but also scheduled it in my queue after I wrote a single paragraph and fell asleep. Whoops.
Okay, so it’s all been leading up to this, and this write-up will eventually cover what “this” is. But before I go into it, I wanna say that this episode led me to do some googling. I learned something that I possibly knew at one point, but had lost sight of: season 2 was supposed to have 20 episodes but was shortened to 13. With that, the series was also canceled, forcing Matt Maiellaro to plan some kind of conclusion where there might not have originally been one. I guess you can draw comparisons from things like Twin Peaks; David Lynch wanted to keep the mystery of who killed Laura Palmer unsolved indefinitely, but the network forced him to come up with a conclusion midway through season 2. Arrested Development had one of its seasons shortened, and I recall episodes from before that happening seeming to set things up that never got resolved. Could that be the explanation for the ending we got on 12 Oz. Mouse? Or could it be that it meant nothing the entire time? 
Okay, so it’s not really a hard ending. Mouse plays pinball for a lot of this episode, while a floating light speaks to him. We finally find out the true nature of Shark and Square Business man, and the Eyes, and Peanut Cop and the question woman. The finale confirms what I suspected (and half-remembered), and what most viewers paying close attention to the series should have also suspected: Cardboard City is a simulation. But when we cut out to the real world we see a big green mouse and we see his rodent friend skillet, real as this show is long. They don’t have human counterparts. They are still themselves in the real world.  It’s all the others that have human counterparts (or a different outfit in question woman’s case).
So what basically seems to happen is the people running this program decided that it was time to stop it and roughly reset everything, so the intense war our gang was in the middle of fighting  just sorta turns off, basically. Then, back in Cardboard City, mouse and his friends shake off the fact that moments ago they were fighting a war, and now they are not. The sky turns blue and cloudy. The team waltzes away, for a brand new day. The simulation is over, and a vague sense that maybe another will begin. It’s like a soft reboot, sorta symbolizing what episodic TV is supposed to be. They’re going to go do a different adventure now. Perhaps a… web adventure?
Yes, there was a webisode. Will I relegate the webisode to ephemera since it didn’t air on television? Or will I give it it’s own entry? Only time will tell (I will give it it’s own entry). The webisode was announced, and I think Matt Maiellaro was hopeful that the show would be allowed to continue in a new format. Not now, my child. Not now. So, I think he’s setting up some sort of meta contextual way to explain that the show can simply be rebooted into different configurations. Kinda like if Bugs Bunny was revealed to be in the Matrix, and it somehow explained how he could fight Yosemite Sam in medieval England, ancient Egypt, and the old west, and seem like they’re meeting for the first time every time. 
The whole DVD being cut together like a movie gives you the impression that 12 Oz. Mouse is a huge epic story that wraps up nicely, with purpose. No such luck. It really was sorta nonsense, I guess. I’m guessing Aspirin would have made another appearance in some other context in some other version of the show, and not be elaborated on. Eventually Aspirin is revealed to be a god particle, or something, just as some other weird concept is introduced to fixate on instead. It can go anywhere and everywhere man. It’s like Everyone Everywhere All Over The Place, At Once! or whatever that movie was called.
So the ending is a bit of a disappointment. I forgot that it was, honest. I only saw a few random episodes of this show before getting the DVD and watching the entire thing in one day when I was recovering from a hernia surgery and on Vicodin. I was recuperating at my parent’s house and brought a stack of DVDs from home to watch. I had just gotten Human Giant season one on DVD which had dozens of additional commentary tracks that were all hysterical. Vicodin notwithstanding, it became less-than-ideal viewing material while I was on the mend because laughing physically hurt. A LOT. This isn’t a compliment, and I’m sorry, but I switched to 12 Oz. Mouse specifically because I could capably watch it without hurting myself.
The ending feels sudden and the series feels cut-short. That’s because it was. There was a webisode coming, which was meant to kick-start a new short season. It didn’t. Years later there was a special and a third season, some of which I’ve seen. But, the show is enormously specific, and that’s a good thing. It’s obtuse and feels like a show you’re supposed to be watching at 1AM. You can get really into it, especially if you’re high. I get why people love this show. I get why this might be a show people enjoy watching over and over. I feel slightly compelled to start watching it again, even if it’s just for background noise. But the idea that it fulfilled some kind of narrative promise is a stretch. I guess I’m glad I gave it a sincere shot at trying to “get” it, and I’m slightly eager to check it out again, even, in it’s movie form.
Additionally, in its defense: many network shows with much bigger fan-bases are allowed to have overlapping serialized story-lines that sometimes go nowhere and are quietly replaced by different ones. I’ve tricked myself into thinking that 12 Oz. Mouse might be a meta-textual critique of storytelling on television; the ending can be seen as symbolic of a network stepping in and rebooting the status quo of a TV show that’s in danger of going too far up its own ass. Or, maybe 12 Oz. Mouse was only ever meant to be about the vibes, which it has in spades. Who knows. But you owe it to yourself to at the very least check out the pilot episode, “Hired’. Don’t feel too bad if you don’t feel like watching more. Don’t feel bad if you like the show but don’t feel like you “get” it. Just don’t feel bad about anything ever. Mouse would want it that way.
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evermmorg · 2 years
How to make labels in microsoft word for mac 2011
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How to make labels in microsoft word for mac 2011 how to#
How to make labels in microsoft word for mac 2011 code#
How to make labels in microsoft word for mac 2011 download#
Then, after you burn your data, music, or video onto a CD or DVD, simply flip the disc over, put it back into the drive, and burn your newly created (laser-etched) label design directly onto the disc.
How to make labels in microsoft word for mac 2011 download#
With LightScribe, you create or download the label of your choice. If you’ll be hanging your mobile indoors, you could use tempera paint for this project.How do you burn labels on a LightScribe CD? Paint your CDs We chose acrylic paints because they hold up well for an outdoor project and also because the colours are rich and the coverage is great. The RW stands for rewritable because you can use it just like you would a floppy disk or hard drive and write data onto it numerous times. A CD-RW is a type of CD that allows you to burn over previously recorded data. Use your CD-RW discs over and over again. a hard disk drive) Can you write over a CD? Direct-to-disk recording (DDR), a recording method by which audio and/or video signals are recorded directly to digital storage media (e.g. What is direct disc printing?ĭirect-to-disc printing, the means by which an inkjet printable DVD has a label printed directly onto its surface with a specially-designed inkjet printer. After printing on a CD/DVD, carefully remove the CD/DVD from the CD/DVD tray, and then press the CD Tray button to close the tray. Make sure None is selected as Print Check Pattern setting and click Print. Select CD/DVD or CD/DVD Premium Surface as the Media Type setting. Select your printer from the printer list. Other markers may also work fine, but some may not.
How to make labels in microsoft word for mac 2011 how to#
And yes, you can ruin the disc and maybe the drive when you do that – here’s how to make it work.
How to make labels in microsoft word for mac 2011 code#
If you have a compatible template code select “Change document layout”, then click “Label options”. All you have to do is select one of the templates, fill it with your data and print the label. Microsoft Word 2007 is able to print CD labels and, in fact, comes with its own predefined CD label templates. Does Microsoft Word have a CD label template? Don’t worry about the design on the cover. Select the one that best suits the kind of cover you want to make. Select the “Template” option and click on “Labels.” In the “Media” category, browse the CD cover templates available. Open Word and choose “New” from the “File” menu.
36 How to make labels in Word | Microsoft Word tutorial.
35 How to design a DVD label in Microsoft Word 2016.
32 How do you burn labels on a LightScribe CD?.
31 What kind of paint can you use on CDs?.
27 Can you write on a CD with a Sharpie?.
25 How do I make labels in Word from Excel?.
24 What is the best way to make address labels?.
22 How do I print Avery labels with different addresses in Word?.
21 How do I use Avery 5266 labels in Word?.
17 Does Microsoft have a label template?.
16 How do I create labels in Word 2016?.
10 How do I download a label template in Word?.
9 How do I create avery 5160 template in Word?.
8 How do I create Avery 5162 labels in Word?.
7 How do you make a CD label in Word 2013?.
6 Where do I find label templates in Word?.
3 How do I create Avery CD labels in Word?.
First click on Create New which will reveal a drop down menu. Once youre in Word, if the 'Mail Merge Manager' doesnt appear, select it under the 'Tools' menu. You should specify that you want to merge to 'Mailing Labels'.
2 Does Microsoft Word have a CD label template? Under the 'Tools' menu, click on 'Microsoft Word:mac', then 'Create Mail Merge'.
1 How To Make Cd Labels On Microsoft Word?.
Use the Microsoft Word's Find and Replace formatting tool to replace all the pre-designed template text in each label with your own information.
Continue with Step 3 until all labels are filled with your information.
Position the cursor in the next label, right-click and select Paste.
Highlight all the content in the first label, right-click and select Copy.
Insert your information on the 1st label.
How to create a sheet of all the same labels: Then click Text Wrapping and select In Front of Text in the drop down list. Select your image in the template and click the Page Layout tab in the Ribbon Toolbar. Highlight the text you entered and use the tools in Microsoft Word to format the text.Ĭlick the Insert tab in the Ribbon Toolbar to insert your own image, clip art, shapes and more. Once the file is open, type your information into the template. If the template looks like a blank page, select Table Tools > Layout > Show Gridlines to view the template layout. Double-click the Avery Word Template file you downloaded and saved to your copmuter.
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