#may watches the legend of vox machina
meadowsofmay · 9 months
the way 'the legend of vox machina' held me in the sheer fear that someone might actually, irreversibly, ultimately die. not sure if i have any words as of now but — i was scared to breathe on the last ep in case i'll miss the clue. that was one hell of a damn ride and i am pulled deep under with the desire to see, watch and find out more because i am absolutely in love.
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your-turn-to-role · 1 year
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annemarieyeretzian · 1 year
I finally get what I didn’t get during the campaign: percy giving vex something he made for her is percy giving vex his heart
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the-velvet-worm · 1 year
Keyleth and Percy’s friendship is very important to me and I really need all of my favorite moments of theirs from the campaign to make it into the show, but especially them getting fucking wasted in Ank’Harel because that was just too iconic 
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quinn-of-aebradore · 1 year
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moonybadger · 2 years
Animation in the west be like:
For babies
For young kids (bad)
For young kids (good, but still for kids)
For teenagers that can occasionally slip in really cool ideas
For teenagers with the most stilted animation you’ve ever seen about high school or something
Really cool teens and older shows that get two seasons before being cancelled because two girls held hands in it or was “hard to market”
For adults but it’s all raunchy humor and “lol it’s funny cause it’s an animated character who made a dick joke”
For adults with an absolutely obscene amount of violence
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jade-jupiter · 1 year
no because I do wanna play dnd, HOWEVER, I know my autistic-ass would accidentally figure out the whole plot within the first session
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tabletop-nightmare · 1 year
My 70 year old parents and 46 year old sister are watching Legend of Vox Machina with me and I thought I would start making note of the things THEY make note of with absolutely no context of CR:
Unfortunately I didn't think of this until Season 2 so all I'll say for Season 1 is they fell in love with all of the characters.
Season 2 ep. 1-3:
Ep 1: Lots of babbling about the dragons. Raven Queen sighting 1 left them all asking me questions loudly that I obviously couldn't answer. My mom asking if Vax is bi and my sister not missing a beat "I think they all are." My sister pointing out Scanlan's unwillingness to fight the dragons. They did a lot of eye rolling with Scanlan season 1 and they are very clearly realizing shits deeper than that.
Ep 2: I'll start off with saying my family now greats me with "Bidet" its a blessing. My dad straight up said "I think the sword may be regretting who its with rn." Which obviously made me wheeze. Raven Queen sighting 2 had them asking more questions but Louder. They are very aware now that all of the characters are highly complex and that this may be a bit more than a funny violence riddled time. Osysa's comment to Scanlan especially made my family go "oh wait... oh no wait a minute." This is a Pike Trickfoot loving household. They are very aware of the character arc Grog is about to go through I think.
Ep 3: Purvan Suul funny. My sister football yelling at them to look in the lake. Seeing Grogs frenzy made a few people nod their heads. With what understanding they have of DnD and the fact the show is almost a 1 to 1 to a dnd campaign they were really fucked up about Vex's death. My mom is a sweetheart and was like "Wait did that mean she couldnt play anymore :(" and I explained some dnd stuff to her and it turns out it was an evil rouse to get me to say that Vex would "probably" be fine and she straight up went "oh okay so shes not dead :)" Evil Mother tactics.
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finn-writes-stuff · 7 months
Jack of All Trades (pt 2)
A follow-up to -this- post, with the rest of the party. The Original Request: Hello. If you're willing and have the time, I jumbly request a TLOVM headcannon for the team having an s/o who steals their weapons and tries to figure out to use them. What would their reactions be and would they/how would they teach them to use the weapons?
Percy, Vax, Scanlan & Grog x Reader
Fandom: The Legend of Vox Machina/ Critical Role
Format: Headcanons
Gender Neutral Reader
Some credit to my lovely partner for giving me accurate info about their specific weapons. As well as a discussion on whether or not you can say Percy or Orthax invented Guns. -Finn
With anyone else in the party, there's a good chance you may have used a weapon like theirs before. But not Percy and his guns. These are his own inventions, new to Tal'Dorei completely.
They are also powered by exploding gunpowder. He is a little bit worried about letting you handle them.
Hearing a gunshot when he isn't causing it is a deep cause of concern for him, please don't steal his guns, just ask.
Percy will absolutely teach you! It's a chance to have his arms around you as he steadies your aim and stance.
He's a very...specific teacher. You have to make sure he doesn't get too wrapped up in the fine details. Keep him on track with how to shoot and he won't get way into the actual mechanics of the hammer of the gun.
Let him watch you shoot after you get the hang of it. He'll start to understand why you like watching him so much.
This man owns so many knives. He has a full-out collection of daggers. Hugging him is a dangerous prospect because you never know where one is hiding.
And with all the different daggers, it can't be that hard to steal one or two of them. How could he even notice?
Stealing them proves to be surprisingly hard. He doesn't store many of them, they always seem to be on his person.
But once you manage it, it's quite a lot of fun to handle a truly well-made dagger. In a fantasy world like this, every adventurer has held a dagger, but Vax turns it into an art and his tools reflect that.
They are also insanely sharp. Don't get too cocky with them.
He swipes them out of your hands when he finds you with them, and it's obvious just how experienced he is with handling knives. He can twist and spin them without a glance or a nick.
"Well, well, someone's got sticky fingers, hey love?"
He'll teach you how to throw them accurately and how to spin them without hitting your fingers. He will also tease you while you practice before you get the hang of it.
Scanlan doesn't particularly use a weapon! He's fairly strictly a spellcaster.
That being said, his instruments are likely the next best thing, particularly his lute. And that is his baby, best of luck stealing it.
If you ask him, he'll let you play it and he'll teach you during downtime. He will also serenade you for demonstrations.
He'll be annoyed if you take it without asking though. His music is a source of safety for him as much as a source of joy.
Let him teach you songs around the fire at night and serenade him in return. He won't stop smiling for ages.
Grog has had some...questionable weapons. Perhaps don't borrow Craven's Edge.
But borrowing his axe or his gauntlets is a world of fun. Even if they might not be well weighted for anyone who isn't as strong as he is.
You will quickly realize how much work goes into swinging his axe and it puts his effortless attacks into a very different light for you.
Grog laughs out loud when he sees you using his weapons, but it's full of fondness and affection.
Even if he isn't exactly academically clever, this is his skill set, he knows how to fight and he does it well. So he's a really good teacher as he corrects your stance and grip.
His teaching method also includes encouraging you to just swing at him, so you'll need a bit of courage and faith that you won't hurt him.
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i haven't been in the tag so someone may have said this already but for those of you who have been watching the legend of vox machina but have never seen campaign one of critical role: once you've watched season two episode one, i SO highly recommend watching the original attack on emon. it only takes about half an hour and it's one of the most bonkers reveals/adventure hooks/Events to ever happen in an actual play. SEEING the dragons swoop in in animation is cool and all but my god the slow dawning horror as everything goes south...the counting the colors of what they've seen....19 misses....a MOMENT.
start at 3:28:50, the link should take you right there. important context you'll need immediately is that vex's favored enemy is dragons and she has the observant feat, allowing her to read lips and therefore catch things everyone else misses.
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38sr · 4 days
How did you get where you are now? Job wise I mean? Were you a college student before doing this or did you go looking for jobs in the art industry straight away?
Oh, well it's been quite a journey for me in terms of how I got to where I am right now but here's the full timeline (?):
August 1996 - BIRTH
April 2007 - I watch Brave Story at Tribeca Film Festival, life is changed and I decide to purse animation
June 2014 - Graduate high school and accepted into Montserrat College of Art for Animation & Interactive Media
Summer of 2016 - Studied abroad in Japan attending Niigata School of Art & Design
Summer of 2017 - First animation job as an animation intern for Sesame Street (yes that Sesame Street)
December 2017 - Graduated from college (yes I graduated early due to having college credits in high school), did not have a job lined up
2018 to 2019 - Living back in NY with my parents, working on indie animation productions, creating emotes and animated intros for content creators, applying and getting rejected from many job listings, received and fail multiple storyboard tests, developing my own projects and story ideas after years of not being able to for school work
July 2019 - Fly to California for the first time, made the decision to move in order to further pursue a career in animation, at this time the Nickelodeon Artist Program were accepting submissions so I busted out boards for a personal project in 3 days and submitted it (please do not be like me, take your time haha)
September 2019 - I receive a call from Nickelodeon and I go through a series of interviews for 2 months straight
Thanksgiving 2019 - I receive news I was selected as a trainee for the Nickelodeon Artist Program
January 2020 - Move to California and begin work as a trainee at Nickelodeon (specifically for Rugrats reboot)
March 2020 - The pandemic
July 2020 - I leave Nickelodeon and move onto Titmouse as a storyboard revisionist for Star Trek Lower Decks
November 2020 - My Supervising Director for Lower Decks recommends me to the first Critical Role show Legend of Vox Machina
December 2020 - I do freelance boards for Vox Machina and get hired as a full time revisionist for season 2
January 2021 - I receive a interview request for a job on WondLa at SkyDance due to one of the directors finding my work online, I heavily consider the job
May 2021 - My Adventures of Superman is announced, I draw a piece of fanart that goes viral
July 2021 - Vox Machina season 2 wraps, I receive an offer to return to Lower Decks season 3 as well to work on X-Men 97 (I said yes to Lower Decks)
August 2021 - Spiderman Freshmen Year (now known as Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman) asks if I be interested to do boards, I decline not knowing what it was for
September 2021 - Showrunner for Spiderman contacts me personally for interview, my Superman fanart from May 2021 finds it way in front of the eyes of one of the creators for MAWS, still currently doing revisions for Lower Decks S3
October 2021 - Accept job offer as board artist for Spiderman, freelancing on MAWS as a character designer (first time doing this job), turn down SkyDance job offer
December 2021 - Wrapped on Lower Decks S3
January 2022 - Launch as board artist for Spiderman at Marvel Studios, still been developing my own personal projects at this point
February 2022 - Studio Shaft offers layout and genga work for Madoka Magia Record after seeing animation work of my personal projects, I accept
April 2022 - My episode of Madoka Magia Record airs, Studio Pierrot sends offer for work on Boruto
May 2022 - After my first episode on Boruto I am offered to work on Bleach Thousand Year Blood War, I accept and continue to on Bleach as of this post (3 seasons in total), Studio Mir offers me animation work for XMen 97 (I accept but only work on the first episode)
Summer of 2022 - Working on Spiderman, animating on animes, I think at some point this is when I was offered to do animation work for Castlevania Nocturne
November 2022 - Complete season 1 of Spiderman, Marvel/Disney lays me off for *reasons*, I receive an email about potential work on an unannounced show at Nickelodeon, I'm unemployed at this point
January 2023 - Collecting unemployment, freelancing on animes, trying to survive in general, also approached by Colosso to create my own course
February 2023 - Land a short gig on Big City Greens movie over at Disney TVA, Studio Mir once again offer me work but this time for second animated Witcher film
March 2023 - Land an interview as a character designer for that unannounced Nick show, didn't get the job
May 2023 - Wrap up on Big City Greens and Witcher, fly to Japan to relax (I failed)
July 2023 - Land a layout artist position at A24 (no it's not for Hazbin Hotel), Studio Mappa offer me work on Jujutsu Kaisen Shibuya Arc
September 2023 - Land another interview with Nickelodeon (this time for storyboard artist), freelancing on layouts and animation for Castlevania Nocturne S2, A24 job is stressing me out way too much so I decide to leave, MAWS hits me up for retakes on season 2
October 2023 - Wrap up at A24, I land the board artist job at Nick, I am also drowning in Jujutsu Kaisen production meltdown, complete my online course for Colosso, wrap up on MAWS S2
November 2023 - I start at Nick as a board artist, Colosso course release, I am still dying by the hands of Studio Mappa
January 2024 till now - Still boarding over at Nick and still animating on animes (I am VERY selective now about it though after JJK), I am also in therapy now Yeah so that's like, a real rough timeline over everything from school till now (and even then I am missing a lot of work details like video games and development projects due to NDAs). But pretty much what carried me was putting myself and my art out there on social media along with building relationships with people in the studios (outside of just my production) and that's how I've been able to maintain a steady work flow even when I was unemployed. Also not being afraid to develop my own ideas and share them since most of the times that gives the leadership a pretty good idea what sensibilities I have (and they just happen to match). I hope that answered your question!
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meadowsofmay · 9 months
i'm watching the legend of vox machina, first episode in and i am shaking in my pants every time vax and vex talk. thank you very much.
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utilitycaster · 5 months
If you're willing, totally get if you aren't, would you rate the campaigns you've watched? Not best to worst but out of whatever stars? I'm just curious and feel like you'd have interesting answers.
Hey anon,
I must admit that unless I genuinely liked all campaigns exactly equally this still ends up being a ranking in that they're going to have different numbers of stars and some will have more. I will strive to explain myself though since that's where the interest is, but, spoiler: my opinion is a fairly common one and I don't know if you'll find it interesting.
I'm using the Goodreads 5 star system of 1 - didn't like it, 2 - it's ok, 3 - liked it, 4 - really liked it, 5 - it's amazing.
Campaign 1: 4 stars. I think the one-two punch of the Briarwoods and Chroma Conclave - half the campaign - is an incredible story, and greatly enjoy both the lead-in and fade-out (yes I know Vecna is the final BBEG but the emotional heart of the campaign is Briarwoods/Conclave). Perhaps because I've been thinking about the Drizzt novels again but it feels like the closest, most archetypal form of that kind of This Is D&D story. I enjoy all the characters, though some took longer to grow on me; the emotional beats and the relationships all hit (Perc'ahlia exceptionally well for me, but Percy and Vex are just characters who happen to be directly up my alley), and while the shift from Pathfinder to D&D shortly before airing/incompleteness of some of the world occasionally peeks through that's very minor. Fantastic campaign, would recommend highly.
Campaign 2: 5 stars. I think this sets the standard of what a long-form actual play D&D campaign can be. Without going on too long a tangent, I think the great thing about the medium of actual play is that it can go to places that something scripted likely wouldn't, and in doing so, show us something we (as consumers of scripted/written fantasy media) didn't know we wanted but desperately did. Campaign 2 does this; Worlds Beyond Number is the only thing that has shown that same potential that I can think of. I think it is character-driven in a way even D&D often doesn't get a chance to be, I think the characters are made with incredible love and care, and I think that in the end pretty much every single beat - plot, character, romances, worldbuilding - lands. When Critical Role stops airing longform campaigns, whenever that may be, I will be sad, but I will be excited to have the time to finally get around to a Campaign 2 rewatch.
Campaign 3: 3 stars. I like that having established this world in Campaign 1 and further in Campaign 2 we are threatening it in a unique way that could truly change it forever without destroying it, though it also may destroy it. I'm enjoying the plot: while it takes some time to settle, there is a domino effect to it that, while present in the other campaigns, is deeply satisfying due to its cross-campaign, years-in-the-making nature. I also think the role that Bells Hells plays within this plot is unique: whereas Vox Machina are already near-legends by the time their arc of reckoning comes about, and the Mighty Nein are by and large unsung, Bells Hells finds themselves as one piece in a vast machine, and that's a different perspective uncommon in D&D narratives that's fun to see. I have said in the past that I think the only thing holding it back from being...well, under this system, 5 stars, is the character creation process was likely lacking and did not adequately set up for the very intentional and structured plot. I maintain that is true.
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Ok, so as you may have noticed I just discovered Vox Machina and Critical Role and I am hyperfixating extremely hard on everything I can find !
As I'm watching the campaign 1 and re-watching the 1st season of the legend of vox machina I just noticed that in the ep 7 when Percy's being confronted by Vax and the team about the pepper box after he went berserk (good for him) on Stonefell, he explains that every barrel on the pepper box is assigned to someone he wants vengeance on and Scanlan asks who's the sixth barrel is for considering it has no name on it.
Now, I've already watched both season and almost finished the Whitestone's arc in the campaign so I technically know that this barrel will later be for Cassandra.
BUT Percy's doesn't know it and in the next shot after Scanlan's question, we see Percy sitting down with his shadow behind him MAKING IT LOOK LIKE THE GUN'S POINTED AT HIS HEAD !!!!!
Also Percy love, please get therapy.
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Sorry for the shitty quality but I was too lazy to try and find a screenshot .
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championsofthegate · 5 months
//I don't have the attention span to watch the whole ass DND campaign but I have decided to watch the legend of vox machina animated series
Some of these idiots may get added here lmao
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𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Turquoise, purple, black
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐅𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑(𝐒): Spicy and savory. So thai, indian, latine, gimme. I have a sweet tooth as well but if I had to never have one again I could do without sweets.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐂: Nothing specific, I listen to a lot, but currently the biggest ones are lo-fi, reggaeton, the Arane soundtrack, and celtic music.
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄(𝐒): Prince Caspian, Peter Pan (2003), X-Men, Dorian Gray, Balto, Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, Star Wars (1-6),
𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Book? Show? Idk that's a lot of shit to list in one go. Current active brainrots tho- Criminal Minds, Shadow & Bone, Arcane, Wolverine and the X-Men, The Dresden Files (books I refuse to watch the show), Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Redwall, The Expanse, Orphan Black
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒: Currently in yet another CM rewatch. I started in 12 where I had left off before Netflix dropped it, finished through what's current, and now I'm looping back around and am in S2. If we're talking what I finished? Uh...it was either Legend of Vox Machina, or H.annibal
𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄: Labyrinth (for the first time courtesy of @suffcring). Yes, yes I am aware I was overdue, I had a sheltered life okay 🤣
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆: My reading spoons (beyond RP that is) left for the war and haven't returned. I used to be able to read 400 page books in one day... Anywho I've been utilizing audiobooks, so the current one for that is Battle Ground by Jim Butcher
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐀𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆: Criminal Minds. Sort of The Terror as well, that one had a hard time holding me so I may need to circle back around.
𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐋𝐘 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐍: Making it through every day. Technically I also need to be working on art but I ain't got it in me pals. I'm so tired.
Tagged by: @suffcring and @positivelybeastly
Tagging: you're it, and tag me so I can read
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