#may plays mele
aymayzing · 2 years
Me when Ashley is the Virmire survivor: I love her sm but I miss Kaidan :((
Me when Kaidan is the Virmire survivor: I love him sm but I miss Ashley :((
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roguelioness · 5 months
breaking news local wood elf forgets how to knock people out, kills random stranger with arrow. last quoted as saying "oh shit my bad dude"
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whisperofthewaves · 9 months
the way they dropped the difficulty setting on Balanced seriously has me considering trying out Tactician. and that is absolutely not something I do in my games. but just yesterday I cleared the whole Shattered Sanctum part of the Goblin Camp w/o breaking sweat even once when on the previous 2 occasions I'd been 2 inches away from heart attack throughout the whole ordeal and like. the power trip I got now was great! but do I want that every time.
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sebastard69 · 1 year
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A friend of mine sat me down to explain gunbreaker to me since I struggled so hard with it, so I'm finally going to pick up tanking!
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Spotify: *plays Suicide Mission*
Me: *sighs in defeat and reinstalls Mass Effect*
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forbiddenwestern · 2 years
forbidden west combat is just so satisfying
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fell-court · 10 months
Today’s gameplay achievements:
reached level 73 as a reaper, making it my highest-levelled combat job and also allowing me to play the next job quest for it (which is exciting)
realised how long it’s going to take to get reaper up to 90, oh no (which I want it to be because it’s my intended canon class for post-endwalker). I need to get black mage to 80 as well because I want that to be my canon endwalker class
successfully avoided being thrown into the royal city of rabanastre as a very inexperienced reaper again (THIS HAPPENED TWICE YESTERDAY, ONCE AS MY FIRST EVER RUN OF THE RAID)
realised that I don’t actually need to subject myself to playing as a sage for ten entire levels in order to do all of the shadowbringers role quests (since healer is currently the only role I do not have any experience playing) - scholars and summoners share levels, so if I just push summoner to level 80, then I can do the helaer ones as a scholar
subsequently made a start on going through all of the scholar job quests for the sake of getting a minuscule bit of experience; I think I stopped just before the level 60 one so the best is yet to come on that front
successfully made it through the main scenario roulette two minutes before the 4pm reset kicked in, which all four of us were very proud of achieving
made a very brief start on the Omega quests - Alpha is so cute!
acquired a headache which has since at least slightly gone away thankfully
All in all, not a bad day!
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joehills · 1 month
Sunk Cost Fallodyssey
I spent $2.72 buying Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game and was dismayed to discover that Codeweavers Crossover would only install, but not run the executable.
Unwilling to give up, I spent a few hours attempting different Crossover bottle tweaks before stumbling onto the existence of the Fallout: Community Edition project, a modern reimplementation of the game's engine with compatibility for modern computers.
At last, the game launched successfully, and I learned from the opening cinematic that war is transformative but static, and was allowed to access the character creation screen:
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Since I don't know anything about Fallout, I decided to create a character based on Kaladin Stormblessed from the Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive novels. In Sanderson's story, Kaladin is an unlucky son of a small-town physician somehow trapped in a cycle of being beaten within an inch of death while everyone else around him is killed, losing whatever job he had at the time, and ending up with a new job that is somehow more dangerous.
I started by lowering my character's luck stat to the game's floor of 1 (Very Bad), then re-investing the spare points into maxing out his endurance at 10 (Heroic) and bumping up his agility, charisma, and intelligence a bit each. I took a point out of perception because Sanderson's Kaladin usually needs obvious things explained to him.
For his three Tag Skills, I selected Melee Weapons, First Aid, and Doctor since Sanderson's Kaladin had training both as a spearman and as a physician.
For the first of his two optional traits, I selected Good Natured, which dropped his combat skills but boosted his First Aid, Doctor, Speech, and Barter abilities. My other choice here was Jinxed, which causes both the character and everyone around them to roll critical failures more often.
I started the game and died a dozen times to random encounters in the wastes. I was still having fun, but admit that I was growing a bit discouraged when I finally found my first actual spear on a random corpse giant molerats were dining on family-style.
Since grabbing the spear and fleeing those molerats, things have been looking up! I hit level two and have reached Vault 15 with far fewer deaths. The vault itself seems to be in poor repair, but without a rope to drop down the elevator shaft, I may need to continue my adventure elsewhere...
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weedle-testaburger · 2 years
i don't think much of people who measure best to worst characters in fighting games on a scale that's not 'whether i like them'. this shit isn't a science idc what you say
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alicelufenia · 1 month
I pretty much think about this post whenever people try to argue that Minthara is, like, a low-tier Baenre or nepobaby who didn't amount to anything. It comes across as a fundamental misunderstanding of how status works in Drow society, especially for nobles.
I chalk it up to people working from an assumption that being a Paladin of Lolth somehow isn't a big deal compared to being a priestess. But like, what makes you think priestesshood isn't a PREREQUISITE to Paladinhood? Heck she even used to BE a cleric in EA, and even in final release still fights using cleric weapons (ie. maces) but with the full weapon training of a graduate of Melee-Magthere on top of that.
And while this is admittedly some conjecture, holding enough favor to swear an oath to carry out Lolth's will reflects a level of confidence in where you stand with your god that very few can likely boast. Meanwhile even HIGH priestesses need to beg from a yochlol to determine whether this or that matron has fallen out of favor.
The OTHER reason I often see given to saying she isn't important points to the lack of Drow politics or antagonists coming after her when she fell under the Absolute's control, presumably a traitor. But like, she already SAYS the consequences of that; she can never go home, or she will be tortured, turned into a dryder, sacrificed, or just straight up killed on sight. When all it takes is one member of a house to jeopardize the Matron's standing with Lolth, it's no surprise they'd take the "cut ties, brand an outcast, and call it a day" path.
Meanwhile I look to her ability to command a sizeable army of House Baenre soldiers as a big deal in and of itself, that gets equally ignored. People have to understand that armies in Menzoberranzan don't work like standing armies or police forces in real world societies. They're not beholden to Menzoberranzan as a nation-state, but to the house they serve.
Not just any Baenre could march a bunch of soldiers out of the Underdark (travel that's already heavily restricted) basically on a whim. If you think so I'd love to see examples, but at the very least this puts her in a high position of authority over military forces, a general basically, who may answer to some High Priestesses and certainly the Matron, yes, but that applies to every other noble so I don't see the point in diminishing her for that.
There's also the fact that she's 250+ years old, which is impressive for a female Baenre who must have SO MUCH competition for every step of station she achieves coming from below, and pressure from above not to overreach, yet still she not only survived, but thrived. She MISSES noble life, someone with her degree of ambition doesn't yearn for that unless they are confident they have what it takes to play the game. If she was foolish or overestimated her position, or didn't make herself an asset in all of that time, she would not be around, simple as that.
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aymayzing · 2 years
I am replaying Mass Effect and I am already in ME3. I went to Sur'Kesh and after that realized I forgot about Javik. Immediately ran to grab him and this was playing on repeat in my mind
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dailyadventureprompts · 9 months
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The Mechanics of Baldur's Gate 3
As someone who's constantly tinkering with the mechanics of my favourite RPG, I LOVE a lot of what Larian has done with D&D; not only accurately translating the base system but improving upon in ways I never thought of.
Playing BG3 feels good, and I want to see how much of their work I can adapt for my own table. As such, here's a breakdown of a bunch of little tweaks they've made to 5e (taken from the bg3 wiki) and whether or not I think they're a good fit for regular pencil and paper d&d.
Shove is not a part of the attack action. It is a bonus action available to all characters. Shove only pushes the target back an amount that depends on the shover's strength and the target's weight. It normally does not knock them prone unless they are shoved off a high ledge.
This might be THE best design Larian implemented and is instantly going in my games. Bonus action shoving is such a natural addition to combat, gives so many more tactical options. My one protest is that I am NOT calculating the weight of every creature and object ( mainly because I'm terrible at guessing weights for things) so I'd go with the distance calculation based on the creature's size and con score.
Gaining inspiration based on backgrounds
Gee, a mechanical reward for roleplaying your character, one that's way more straight forward than the DM arbitrated "ideals, bonds, flaws," system. From now on I'm going to give each of my players an upfront " You gain inspiration when you ______" note on their character sheet based on their backgrounds.
The party is limited to two short rests per long rest. Short rests restore each ally's hit points by an amount equal to half their maximum HP (rounded down). There is no hit die rolling. Long rests require camp supplies, which are food items that must be looted or purchased. In towns you will be able to rest at an inn.
This is a mixed bag for me only because I like hitdie as a mechanical abstract and I don't want to see them removed. Tbh I wish more mechanics interacted with them and they were called something abstract like "stamina" or something. That said I ADORE the camp supplies idea because it not only gives you something minor to reward exploration with besides GP. On the otherhand tracking all those supplies without the game's inventory management would be tedious as hell so it'd need to be highly simplified.
I especially like the idea of limited short rests/supplies in larger survival based adventures where time isn't at a premium like it is inside a dungeon.
If you hide while not in a creature's sight cone, you automatically succeed. If you try to hide while in a creature's sight cone, you automatically fail. If you are hidden and enter a creature's sight cone, you must roll stealth against the creature's passive perception. This may be a straight roll, advantage, or disadvantage, based on the creature's senses and the level of lighting. Some creatures with different senses such as blindsight may follow different rules
Congrats on fixing stealth rolls Larian. No notes.
LOTS more opinions under the cut.
When a creature is at least 10 ft above their target and makes a ranged attack, they receive a +2 bonus to the attack roll due to high ground. When a creature is at least 10 ft below their target and makes a ranged attack, they receive a -2 penalty to the attack roll due to low ground.
This is fine, and quite inline with a lot of fixes I've seen for flanking rules. I'm fine with a little extra battlefield math in order to make moments of advantage (spending inspiration, reckless attacking etc) shine.
The game does not stop a character from casting a leveled spell with both an action and a bonus action
Mixed on this, on one hand I've played enough clerics to know how much it sucks to have to use your bonus action to do a necessary spell and then be stuck with a so-so cantrip or melee attack for standard. On the other hand there's some design balance issues at play here.
Help is an Action. This ability allows characters to aid an ally in combat and remove negative Conditions. Using the help action on a downed ally brings them back to 1 hit point and leaves them prone.
Love the idea of help doing multiple things AND being a solution to minor status conditions. and giving everyone the ability to help means I can be a lot more aggressive when it comes to knocking character to 0. if I had to further patch this, I'd say that this also allows for a medicine check to allow a creature to spend a hitdie when they're downed, or allows the helping character to make a "SNAP OUT OF IT, WE'RE YOUR FRIENDS" charisma roll for charmed allies.
Jumping is a bonus action which consumes 10 ft of movement speed. With a Strength score of 10 or below, a creature can jump 15 ft, and this increases by 5 ft for every two points in strength above 10. At 20 Str a creature may spend 10 ft of movement speed and a bonus action to jump, and can travel 35 ft effectively increasing the creature's movement speed by up to 25 feet.
This, combined with the prone rules (see below) is JUICY, as it allows for risk-reward battlefield mobility . That said I'd add some caveats/clarifications: The jump always succeeds in moving you, but if you're taking damage, jumping up or down more than 10ft, or into rough terrain you need to make an acrobatics check not to beef it and fall prone (ending your turn). Your jump is likewise a buffer for how far you can willingly fall before taking damage, but if you fall after your jump, you always land prone.
Weapon actions, 'nough said.
It's more complexity than I'd give to first time players but HOT DAMN if it isn't a great idea to give the martial characters some options instead of just making the same attacks over and over again. I've actually been sockpiling 3rd party versions of this for a while now and I can't wait to add them in.
All The conditions are great:
Blinded: In addition to the other effects, ranged attacks are limited to 15 ft range. Blinded creatures can also make opportunity attacks.
Frightened: Creatures which are frightened are unable to move at all (rather than being unable to move toward the source of their fear), unless the effect instead makes them "fearful" which gives them the frightened effect as well as making them flee.
Prone: Being prone gives disadvantage on Strength and Dexteritysaving throws, attacks against a prone creature have advantage out to a range of 10 ft rather than 5 ft, and ranged attacks against a prone creature do not have disadvantage. Your character cannot do anything while prone. Starting the turn while prone will cause you to automatically use half your movement to stand up. Becoming prone during your turn automatically ends your turn.
Wet: This is a new condition that prevents the character from burning (e.g. from Searing Smite) and grants resistance to fire damage, but also makes the creature vulnerable to lightning and cold damage
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geekyarmorel · 4 months
We deserve something nice after the last angst so here's an idea... established relationship between Alcina and reader, and Bella, Cass and Dani calling reader mama for the first time. Fluff fluff fluff.
So much fluff! This was a cute prompt, I hope I did it justice!
The fireplace crackled as another log split and let embers fly up the chimney. You softly turned the page of your book, careful not to jostle Daniela as she laid her head in your lap. It was a rainy day outside but here gathered in the library it was warm and cozy.
Bela and Alcina played chess off to the side, friendly chatter between them. Cassandra sat on another couch polishing her sickle.
For a while there was no sounds other than the dull roar of the rain and the cackling of the fire. Suddenly there was a huge boom of thunder that felt like it shook the castle. You jumped at the sound, disturbing Daniela as she slept. "Huh? What?" She mumbled out, rising just a little as she was still half asleep.
"It's nothing Dani." You soothe, reaching out and brushing some hair from her face. "The thunder just startled me, that's all. Go back to sleep."
"Yes momma." She murmured before settling back down and drifted back to sleep. You froze in your spot for a moment, hand slowly lowering down to gently carress her cheek. A soft smile coming across your lips, you felt eyes upon you and you immediately look up to Alcina. She also has a soft smile on her lips and her eyes a just a touch watery.
Bela and Cassandra looked between both of you, with a slightly nervous look on their faces. "What is it Bela? Cassandra?"
They look at each other before Bela nods and speaks. "It's just....we didn't know how you or mother would react and-" She cuts herself off and tentatively said. "Is it alright if we call you momma? Is that alright mother?" She said turning to look at Alcina.
"Yes, it's quite alright with me." She assures, reach out to gently squeeze her daughter's hand. "I had no idea that you felt like she's your mama."
"She's been with us for so long now, she treats us with love and affection. Occasionally scolds us too like a mother." Cassandra speaks up, "We've actually been calling her mama between the three of us for a while." Her voice soft as she states the last part, looking at you.
"Oh iubirile mele." Alcina looks between them and you, watching as tears bloom in your eyes. "It makes me so happy that you feel that way. And you draga mea? How do you feel?"
"Incredibly honored, it makes me so happy that you think of me as your mama. I've thought of you all as my girls for a while." You admit, putting aside your book in favor of opening your arms. "May I have a hug?" It was almost in a blink of an eye that you were swarmed by Bela and Cassandra, bodies crashing into you to squeeze and happily nuzzle into your chest.
The sweet moment caused Daniela to wake, as she was shoved aside by Cassandra. Daniela's brows furrowed as she woke up before sensing something was up. "What happened?" She asked, looking at the scene beside her and the tears her mother had in her eyes.
"You called her mama." Bela spoke from her spot.
"And she and mother are happy and accept that we call her mama." Cassandra answered. Daniela beamed, doing her best to shove aside her sisters as she tried to make it into your lap.
"I love you." You tell your girls, pressing a kiss to each forehead. Looking up Alcina had risen and made her way over to you. She sat on the empty cushion and pulled you all into her arms. "I love you all."
"And I love you." Alcina said pressing a kiss to your lips and then one to each of the girls' forehead.
"Love you too." Bela smiled.
"Yeah I love you too." Cassandra playfully but happily huffed.
"I love you too!" Daniela piped up as she snuggled deeper into her mother's arms. And for a while you all sat there, basking in the warmth of the embrace of being a family.
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varethane · 15 days
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There was a challenge going around Twitter to paint your WoL as a pictomancer. While I will probably unlock it and play around with it, all of my game-playing instincts are tuned around melee combat, which may lead to.... interesting results.......
Krile, you may need to intervene, it looks like he's having too much fun.
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shenspeaker · 1 month
Circle of Sports Homebrew
Have been wanting to whip this up since last week's episode. I love the circle of sports. Used the circle of stars as a base, even though circle of spores is the more obvious typo lol. Enjoy!
 Druid: Circle of Sports
Since the first being aspired to test their might, hone their skill, and chase the thrill of victory, the power of sports has shaped the planes.
None understand this better than the druids of the Circle of Sports, students of the Plane of Sports. These druids have balled since time immemorial, dunking with primordials and discovering lost secrets in the ancient temples of gains. By honoring sportsmanship, competition, and the purity of the big man taking the rock all the way to the points hole, the Circle of Sports pursue teamwork, self-betterment, and a dynamic universe full of excitement and challenge.
Many druids of this circle keep records of the Great Games of the world, feats of strength and sportsmanship that ring forever in the legendary Hall of Fame at the heart of the Plane of Sports. They contend these records hold the spirits of those who came before, and can serve as markers, clues, and guides to what is possible. Shrines, gyms, trophies, trading cards, or artifacts signed by heroes long passed are both defended and sought after by these sages, scoundrels, and adventurers alike. Other druids seek to place their own names in the Hall of Fame and pave the way for heroes yet to come.
Sports Trance
When you join this circle at 2nd level you form a link to the Plane of Sports that grants you proficiency in Athletics and doubles your proficiency bonus for any check made using Athletics. If you already have proficiency in Athletics you may gain proficiency in a different skill of your choice.
Additionally, you learn to ascend your consciousness to the sequestered Plane of Sports and enter a sports trance. While in this trance your body becomes a Tiny sports-related object of your choice, with resistance to all damage, that can be used as a simple melee weapon that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage and has the finesse, light, and thrown properties (range 20/60).
While in this state you are unconscious, but can be roused as if from sleep, ending the trance. You can complete a long rest in 4 hours, if you spend those hours in this trance.
Circle Spells
The pure energy from the Plane of Sports grants you access to some spells when you reach certain levels in this class, as shown on the Circle of Sports Spells table.
Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the Druid Spell List, the spell is nonetheless a druid spell for you.
Druid Level - Spells
2nd - Compelled Duel, Catapult
3rd - Kinetic Jaunt, Spiritual Weapon
5th - Motivational Speech, Haste
7th - Freedom of Movement, Staggering Smite
9th - Conjure Volley, Greater Restoration
Sports Form
At 2nd level, you gain the ability to harness the power of sports to alter your form. As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your Wild Shape feature to take on a sports form, rather than transforming into a beast. Changing into a sports form ends any other active Wild Shapes.
While in your sports form, your clothes take on the appearance of appropriate sports attire, and appropriate sports-themed music plays. The form lasts for 10 minutes. It ends early if you dismiss it (no action required), are incapacitated, die, or use this feature again.
Whenever you assume your sports form, choose which of the following styles you embody; your choice gives you certain benefits while in the form:
Fastball. A series of sports-themed balls and projectiles appear in orbit around you. When you activate this style, and as a bonus action on your subsequent turns while it lasts, you can make a ranged spell attack, hurling a ball or other projectile that targets one creature within 60 feet of you. On a hit, the attack deals bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + your Wisdom modifier.
Nike. An incredible set of appropriate sports footwear appears on your feet. While in this style your walking speed increases by 15 feet. You gain a swimming and climbing speed of 30 feet. If you already have a swim and climb speed, you can instead increase that speed by 15 feet. When you jump, you may add twice your proficiency bonus in feet to the distance in any direction.
Roughhouse. Your muscles bulge and glisten as if oiled. In this style you can add your Wisdom bonus to Strength checks, Strength saving throws, and Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration. In this form you can make a grapple or shove attack as a bonus action.
Rally the Team
When you reach 6th level, you learn to channel the power of sports to your allies. As a bonus action, all creatures you choose within 30 feet may either gain 1d8 temporary hit points or immediately roll a save to end any continuous negative effect that could normally be negated with a successful saving throw. They must be able to hear or see you to gain this benefit.
You cannot use this ability again until you finish a short rest.
Welcome to the Jam
At 10th level, the styles of your Sports Form improve. The 1d8 of Fastball becomes 2d8. While Nike is active all opportunity attacks have disadvantage against you. While Roughhouse is active you can grapple or push creatures of any size without penalty.
Moreover, at the start of each of your turns while in your Sports Form, you can change which style you embody.
Hall of Fame
At 14th level, your connection to the plane of sports has become something of legend. While in your Sports Form, this legacy grants you a kind of immortality, giving you resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
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huggingtentacles · 2 months
Alright you just beat Elden Ring. Congratulations! You're now one of the cool folks who can actually beat the game, and you're not ready to put it down yet.
Maybe PvP intimidates you and you just wanna explore the world again. You may try a new build sure, but now that you know more about the game, you might wanna try something different, like a challenge run.
"huggingtentacles I am trash at the game there is no way I could do any of the cool runs, I died to Radagon a bazillion times"
Most people are good enough to beat a challange run. You can define what a challange is for yourself! There is no need to jump into something insane like a rune level 1 run or a torch only run. You can set any restriction you want, and completing the game with an additional challange is immensely more satisfying (and gives you bragging rights)
There are many different challange runs all varying in difficulty. Here are the runs that I've done personally.
Region Lock Run — the premise is simple, you can't leave the region you are in unless you best the major boss(es) of that region. You can't go to Liurnia untill you beat Margit, you can't go to Altus untill you beat Rennala, etc. This run is fun because you can't skip over progression (like killing the Caelid dragon early with bleed to be overlevelled for Limgrave) which makes every fight feel appropriately difficult.
Starting Class Run — Only use the gear you start the game with. You can level up and upgrade your weapons and flask, but you can't use any other consumables and talismans you didn't start the game with. This run is quite flexible in difficulty because whether you choose to, say, use ashes of war or different spells or even golden seeds is ultimately up to you. All of them count.
No spirit summons — for some this is just the normal Elden Ring run, but for most it's a challange. While it can be somewhat difficult, not having spirit summons still leaves you with enough options to steamroll through the game if you need to. The challenge comes from actually learning the bosses and their patterns and engaging with combat more.
No status effects — As simple as it sounds. Perhaps you used to crutch on bleed, frost, rot or poison, now you can't. There are plenty of other very powerful damage options in the game, so the run is definitely not very hard, it only limits your arsenal somewhat.
Spells only/melee only — depending on what your previous run was. If you're used to standing behind and throwing pebbles, picking up a weapon might be a fun new challenge. And if you are used to your Big Sword, it's gonna be kinda hard to adjust to managing your FP and putting together a build.
Spirit Summons Only — moderately difficult because it requires rather extensive knowledge of the game's mechanics. The basic premise is that you can only deal damage using spirit summons. You can restrict it to bosses only or to the whole run in general. It's an absolutely hilarious run. The AI built into the game can beat the entire game for you. Including the hardest endgame bosses like Malenia. Also playing as a support, healing and buffing your summons is really fun :)
No Crimson Flask — LISTEN. I swear it's not that hard. Yes it sucks a bit in the early game, but there are so many tools and options available to completely replace your flask with regen and heal spells. Just level up your vigor. This run is incredibly fun and it's good if you are aiming for harder runs in the future but aren't sure if you have it in you. I know you do ;)
Taunter's Tongue Run — Definitely my FAVOURITE of all of them. Its incredibly simple: you get Taunter's Tongue as soon as you get access to Roundtable Hold and you turn it on forever. Fight invaders alone or with a friend in 2v2s. If you don't have any PvP experience, this is one of the ways to learn. By the end of it, you won't be half bad at PvP, trust me (unless you just run away all the time which is also an option)
Rune Level 1 is such a difficult run to do, but the cultural legacy of Fromsoft "no leveling up" runs makes the completion of it so desirable. Completing this run basically makes you part of the small section of people who actually know how to fight every single boss without relying on cheap tactics and cheese. You learn how to counter every move most enemies make because of how unforgiving it is.
But what's more fun is the sheer variety. Stat boosting gear is so common in this game you can literally use almost anything you want as a weapon.
Permadeath — If you die, you restart. Use any tools at your disposal to survive, play it safe, level up your vigor. But most importantly, brace for setbacks. Restarting because of a dumb mistake sucks, but that's why it's such an impressive run to complete. If you can take a loss on Elden Beast and make it to the inside of the Erdtree again, you will achieve one of the hardest challanges ER has to offer.
An easier variation of Permadeath would be "no rune loss" run. There are tools the game gives you to avoid losing runes, but it's still a very difficult run.
Torch Only Run — You pick up a standard torch from Church of Elleh and you use it to Kill God.
An easier variation would be Torches Only run which allows you to use the entire arsenal of torches. Still a very difficult run that requires a lot of skill to beat.
No Thinking About Kissing Malenia run — still working on this one. Can't figure it out. If you have advice please DM me
Feel free to add more challange run ideas!
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