Book Club Meeting: Reigning in Hel
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Host: @caffiend-queen​
Happy Monday! Welcome to this week’s meeting of the Marvel Book Club for Adults. (I recognize that I use the word “adult” loosely, particularly in my case.) There can be nothing better in this dreary “pandemic, we can’t go anywhere and I’m needing something to stimulate my mind (and other places) summer,” than a delightful weekly feast of tasty dishes, luscious drinks and cocktails, and a big, juicy story that we can really sink our teeth into.
Because most of the world is a scorching wasteland of burning heat and sweat, I’m offering something cool and delightful to refresh our palates before diving in….
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The Shrimp and Asparagus Stir Fry is wonderfully tasty, super quick, and has only seven ingredients. I’m an ADHD-type cook and don’t remember little things like, oh, checking the food until I see the smoke. So I’ve picked something delicious that requires minimal effort.
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For something sweet while you’re reading this juicy tale, the hardcore dessert favorite in my family is Scotch Shortbread Lemon Bars. They have that buttery base that only Scotch Shortbread can provide, with a tangy lemon curd and a dusting of powdered sugar.
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Now that we have our nibbles ready to go, may I suggest a Strawberry-Lemon Mojito? These will be will a cooling accompaniment to our story, which is going to heat you right back up. Also, these mojitos are just as delicious without the rum, if you prefer alcohol free.
Now, let’s take everything out on the front porch and catch a breeze as the sun sets. Don’t forget the bug spray…
There is no writer that can incite such blistering envy in me as @nildespirandum. You might know her as misreall on AO3, and her Loki and Nora series in all its glorious incarnations - incubus Loki, God of Sex Loki, Loki in the body of a pudgy middle-aged human, Gladiator Loki - they’re all gorgeous. But her Blue Loki … sigh. He’s responsible for many things, including my insatiable Horn Kink.
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So as the sun is blazing, allow me to draw you into Jotunn-occupied Midgard and the icy castle of King Loki in Reigning in Hel: “When the Jotunns defeated Asgard they took Midgard as a prize. Nearly a thousand years later Emperor Laufey's least favored child, Loki sits on Midgard's throne, having turned a backwater planet into one of the brightest and most valuable jewels in his father's crown. To help keep the peace with the indigenous people, he has chosen a human woman at random to serve as his queen. Now on his sixth queen, Loki finds himself with a very different kind of consort.”
Nil’s true gift is creating a fully-formed, vivid universe out of a handful of quick Marvel images or snatches of Norse myths. We enter a Midgard buried under centuries of Jotunn oppression and a universe - including Asgard - conquered by King Laufey. Nora is us: unwilling to back down and be sequestered off somewhere by her indifferent new spouse. Loki’s instant attraction to his new bride is almost appalling to him. The sex here is lush, alternately romantic and playful, but wildly arousing. As the story - and their connection - grows, there’s twists and turns and plot twists that made me screech “I did not see that coming!” about three hundred times. There’s witches and dragons and rebellions and everything that makes up a story you’ll never forget. The finish is everything you can wish for and oh, so deeply satisfying.
There’s gorgeous and very intense, detailed smut, violence, cruelty to humans and one heartbreaking (brief) scene of torture.
Even having read this half a dozen times, I downloaded it to read on a stressful flight (the jet was pitching violently up and down in a storm) and didn’t look up from my phone once in two hours … let yourself get away from wherever you are and into the dark, dreamy world of Nil’s beautiful Jotunn Midgard. I’m extremely excited to hear your responses to one of the most powerful stories I’ve ever read.
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chuuulip · 4 years
I start drawing again. Kind of 😉 I made this for @marvelbookclubforadults
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
Hi Bebe 👋 please sign me up for the book club thing 😉
We’d love to have you there. Just follow the blog and we’ll be getting details out on it. I’m excited because it’s stories recommended that I don’t have to look for? YASSS!
Thank you! 💕💖💕
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Looking to read some fantastic stories featuring your favourite Marvel characters? Want to support some talented people? Want to make some friends? Welcome to The Marvel Book Club for Adults.
Each week we will be hosting a reading party for a selected story from the Marvel Fandom chosen by members of the Book Club! 
Participating as a reader: 
read the Story of the Week
reblog with your thoughts and feelings of the story (nicely)
enjoy a damn good story
use #marvelbookclubforadults tag in your reblogs
Participating as a host:
if you have an amazing story the world needs to hear about, send us a message and we will keep a schedule of hosts
don’t forget to give us a link to the story (Tumblr, AO3 or Fanfiction.net!)
you’re hosting with snacks, right? Don’t forgot to tell us what you’re serving!
tell us why you love this story and why we should be reading it
use #marvelbookclubforadults tag in your reblogs
Don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions!
Your admin @imanuglywombat and @jtargaryen18
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Book Club Meeting: Everyone has a Vice, Pine. What is Yours?
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Welcome to this week’s meeting of the Marvel Book Club for Adults.  I’m sorry but you get me as a host this time. I’m Jamie aka @jtargaryen18​. Come on in and get comfortable. 😊
We’ll start with one of my favorite offerings HPNOTIQ. It’s produced in France and it’s a delightful blend of vodka, fruit juices, and cognac. It’s perfect for summertime visits with friends. (Though I always have bourbon if you prefer).
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  For treats, of course I didn’t make them because I’m not allowed in the kitchen and I think it’s unfair my husband is a wonderful cook! He’s originally from Russia and when our best friends come over, he’ll often make Olivier Salad and Stroganina (it’s like Russian sashimi).
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Okay, so anyone who knows me could perfectly predict my first selection.
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This is Everyone has a Vice, Pine. What is Yours? by @caffiend-queen​ 
Before I ever thought of writing a story, I was a voracious reader and one of my favorite authors has always been John le Carré. He’s written a lot of titles you’ll recognize like The Night Manager which was what the limited series starting Tom Hiddleston as Johnathan Pine was based on. 
This sublime story takes place in Pine’s world and it’s a masterpiece. In summary:
That pivotal scene in "The Night Manager" where Richard Roper is trying to dig his way into Jonathan Pine's defenses, asking "Everyone has a vice, Pine. What is yours?" 
This author has long been a favorite of mine because she’s such a good world builder, her characterizations and dialogue are on point, particularly with Jonathan Pine. Reading one of her fics is every bit as immersive as any NYT Best Seller for me. I’ve read this particular fic probably a dozen times. 
Sensuality doesn’t take a back seat here but it’s so eloquently written. There are elements of BDSM, Daddy kink, spanking, Dom/sub elements, all tastefully written without sacrificing the titillation of the experience. There are darker themes of dubious consent, human trafficking, and kidnapping. It’s all blended with a heavy dose of international intrigue, crime rings, you name it...
At its heart is a love story that will keep you reading all hours of the night, but isn’t that exactly what we’re all looking for? 
And the best part? A sequel series is underway that’s just as good as this one. 
You’re welcome. 😊
I know you’ll love this one. Let me know your thoughts. 
Bisou 💋
PS: If you’re not part of the book club, follow the blog and join us! 
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Book Club Meeting: Die Besessenheit
Your Host: @searchforanotherway​
Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well! I’m @searchforanotherway! This week I’ve been given the opportunity to host the wonderful book club by our sweet admin Laura! Grab a chair and gather around the table! We’re going into a bumpy ride!
Before we get settled though, I would like to give a word of caution that those who know me mostly know me for my love of dark themes fiction, and there is no doubt that the fic we will be discussing today will follow those themes!
But no worries! Today we’re serving some French macarons and eclairs to sweeten up the day! Not to mention that they’re actually recurring treats in today’s fic!
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To make sure that we don’t overwhelm our palette with too much sugar, we also have an artisan board with a wonderful variety of cheese, meats, and crackers! Something to snack on in between our delicious cookies and pastries!
That might not be enough to balance all the sweets, so for drinks I’ll be serving some coffee and cream: a wonderful drink that’ll reset our tongues to take another glorious bite of our eclairs!
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Okay, now that everyone’s settled in, I can finally announce that the fic for this week—made by none other than @sophiria​ and your Admin Laura @imanuglywombat​—Die Besessenheit! I think it was actually this story that I met both of them, and I think they know too that I’m the biggest fan of this story.
I actually tried to re-read the fic during the weekend… Didn’t get to finish it all unfortunately, the fic currently +65K words long, but it amazingly feels longer with how well they paced the story and balanced each chapter between being explanatory and descriptive.
To sum up a bit of the setting, our dear marvous hero Steve Rogers finds himself infatuated with our reader, a lovely reporter sent to write a piece on the Avengers. The first half of the story gives a clear uncensored view into Steve’s head as his infatuation quickly develops into an obsession. You will get more into his perspective than even the Reader’s, which is nothing but a powerful move as the audience witnesses his behavior becoming more and more risky until—
Sorry! No spoilers from me!
Besides the characterization of Steve and his development through the fic, you’ll find that Laura and Sophiria have plotted the fic with amazing focus, pulling out previous mentions back into the fic chapters later, and keeping track of other characters and their actions, including Bucky and the reader. The use of supporting characters does not feel at all forced or obvious as tools to drive the plot. While there are only a few supporting characters currently, they’ve been integrated into the fic well enough that their presence brings the slice of life into the Avengers world that everyone is yearning for.
Definitely spend some time rereading the fic if you’ve already read it, and if you’re obsessed about this story as much as me, send me a DM so that we can geek about it together!
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Book Club Meeting: Beauty in the Blood
Host: @strawberrysoup​
Okay guys, I’m gonna try to be as eloquent and lovely as all of the other hosts have been thus far—but it’s honestly not my strong suit so bear with me my dudes. I’m @strawberrysoup and I’m this week’s host of the Marvel Bookclub for Adults 😊
For drinks we’ve got some pomegranate red wine sangria with some vodka infused fruit. I suggest some ice, it’s a California Zin fortified with grape brandy­— what do you mean you didn’t come tonight with the intention of getting fucked up? Too bad this story’ll fuck you up lmaoo.
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Now where I live right now our peaches are in season, and Palisade peaches are the best. So I’ve got two dishes with that in mind: braised brisket with a bourbon-peach glaze and veggies and a spinach and bacon salad with roasted peaches. Hope it suits y’all!
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Since our dinner and drinks have both been heavily fruit inspired, I’m gonna swing us around to a super decadent dessert. I’ve got individual chocolate bread puddings for everyone, because I’m still a southerner at heart. They’re real sweet so if you’d like an espresso shot or two to get with it, just let me know.
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Now onto the real reason we’re there. This week it’s on account of @nikki-writes-stuff​ and her fic Beauty in the Blood. Y’all remember that post that went around about a serial killer falling in love with a an author who writes murder thrillers? She wrote it my dudes. She did the damn thing and we all get to reap the rewards in the form of a carefully crafted Medical Examiner, Loki, who happens to maybe sort of commit brutal and violent murders every once in a while. Well, maybe a bit more than every once in a while. Nikki’s version of Loki is fantastic and in combination with her reader—look it’s spicy, okay.
I won’t lie to you, it’s got some pretty graphic bits and Nikki is amazing at painting a very vivid picture of violent murder. Did you watch Hannibal? Did you like that? If yes, then good; stay with me. It’s like that Bryan Fuller level of attention to detail that somehow by chapter four is no longer gut wrenching or repulsive but artistic. You followin’?
She’s just dipped her toes into this excellently choreographed fic, we’ve got four chapters so far but things are looking up my dudes. I’m super thrilled to see what comes next and I eagerly await the next chapter, as do all of her readers I’m sure. If you finish Beauty in the Blood and find yourself jonesing for another, just flip through the rest of her masterlist while you wait patiently for an update—there’s so much good stuff on there that I almost couldn’t pick which fic I wanted to rec for tonight’s meeting.
Now y’all enjoy the food and the drinks and the fic and if you’d rather smoke some Lilac Diesel in a passion fruit Swisher than hit that sangria, you just let me know and I’ll pass it along 🤙🤙
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
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Book Club Schedule
If you are interested in hosting a Book Club Party please send a direct message to @jtargaryen18 or @imanuglywombat and we can add you to our list. 
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Monday 21st July: @chuuulip
Monday 27th July: @caffiend-queen
Monday 3rd August: @strawberrysoup
Monday 10th August: @velvetzybanshee
Monday 24th August: @searchforanotherway​
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Book Club Meetings Masterlist
Here you will find an up to date of previous Meetings. If you are interested in hosting a meeting please dm @imanuglywombat or @jtargaryen18​
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Artistic License by @cametobuyplums hosted by @imanuglywombat
Everyone Has A Vice, Pine. What Is Yours? by @caffiend-queen hosted by @jtargaryen18
Forces of Nature by @totallynotashieldagent hosted by @chuuulip​
Reigning in Hell by @nildespirandum​ hosted by @caffiend-queen​
Beauty in the Blood by @nikki-writes-stuff​ hosted by @strawberrysoup​
Dancing In Your Storm by @fadingcoast hosted by @velvetzybanshee​
Die Besessenheit by @imanuglywombat​ and @sophiria​ hosted by @searchforanotherway​
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Book Club Meeting: Force of Nature
Hi everyone! Welcome to the meeting this week with me @chuuulip​ or you can call me Marshmalloween 😉 I am first and foremost a fanfic reader turned sporadic fanfic writer. Marshmalloween was supposed to be a character of a ghostly/ghoul but cute marshmallow, I still have an icon that represents it correctly in my AO3 account. As for the meeting today, I like to do something like afternoon tea. I am actually an avid coffee drinker but now converted due to some digestive problem. Booze is also out of the picture but don’t fret, we still can have fun! So, please pull your chair closer and get comfy 😊
Since it will be an afternoon tea, I will serve my favorite Irish black tea with milk (lactose free one). I also add two teaspoons of condensed milk for the sweetness. That's how I like my tea. I also have several teas you can choose and other types of milk (oats, soy, almond and non lactose free one).
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For today’s sweet, I would like to present chocolate eclairs with a little bit of white chocolate on top and a mini size strawberry shortcake. Both are things I like to bake if I have a lot of spare time (nowadays I would say I’m lucky if I can make pancake 🤣).
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As everyone has their own tea and sweets on the table, let's get started. I would say I’m kind of an old fan of Marvel in general (maybe not that old, definitely less than 5 years) but I tend to stick to specific pairing. It will take me some time to switch pairing or OTP. I would like to elaborate a lil bit if everyone doesn't mind. Loki x Darcy is the first OTP I shipped. After that, it takes me a year or two to switch interest to Steve x Natasha. In the meantime, I read one story that has Steve and Natasha as one of the character relationships but the major relationship in that story was Bucky Barnes and a female character. That story I believed was the start of my journey diving myself into Bucky Barnes x y/n or Bucky Barnes x reader fanfic. The story called “Force of Nature”
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The “Force of Nature” was written by Totallynotashieldagent. She also has tumblr with the same name although she has been inactive on tumblr for a couple years now (although her Ao3 account is still active, and she also posted a lot of other stories!). I would like to quote my comment on the last chapter in Ao3 “I spent my weekend last week to finish this story. Honestly I am glad that I wait for it to be completed first before I read it, it's been there in my steve x natasha bookmark everytime i refresh it lol. It's been 2 days of a roller coaster for me hahaha, gosh this story seriously affects me in some ways because of the angst. But I really love this story, you my dear have a really good ‘tell a tale’ in every chapter ♡” (M, 2018).
This story in my opinion was really rich with action, romance, heart broken, romance, broken soul, smut, angst, apocalypse you name it. The whole story is a bit of a mix of The Avengers and X-Men first class. Set in a modern environment, the female protagonist (reader/you) is somewhat kind of a damsel in distress but that’s not for long. I love Bucky here but again who doesn’t love him? You need to be patient because this one is a slow burn kind of story that will captivate you. Some things that I love from this story were the details and its multi character focus. I would love to reread this story again sometimes just to feel the pain (honestly I’m not good at keeping up with angst). It’s been two years since I last read this story but I still can remember vividly how this story made me feel at that late night, almost dawn after I read the last chapter.
If you love a Bucky x Reader slow burn mix angst and some action, you need to read this one! I hope you enjoy today’s Marvel Book Club for Adults and let me know what your thought after reading it!
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Book Club Meeting: Dancing In Your Storm
Your Host: @velvetzybanshee​
Come one, come all to this tragic affair. Welcome to La Casa de Zyra! Get comfy, because you're all in for a ride of tears and pain!
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For this evening’s Book Club meeting, I’ve invited you over to read one of my favorite stories of woe!
To ease some of the unforgettable angst this fic brings, I offer a varied spread of refreshments and treats. I’ve prepared chicken flautas with guacamole, pico de gallo and queso for you to enjoy.
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As well as corn tortilla quesadillas.
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And for those of you with a sweet tooth: I offer my favorite summer treat, mangonadas!
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Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are at your disposal. Our alcoholic selection includes Bailey’s, dessert wine and imported beer.
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Or refreshing homemade lemonade, if alcohol is not your friend.
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As for me? I'll be nibbling on some flautas whilst having a few beers. And I'll save my mangonada for last to bring some sweetness to the ending.
I am a whore for pain, and the author delivers so much angst in such a short fic. Angst that feels raw and relatable. It’s got everything you can ask for: violent, dangerous escapades; heroism, fiery smut, badass characters, and glorious pain and despair. Everything in only four chapters!
Reader is awesome in her own right, and capable of standing up to Loki in a way that it feels real. I must say I’m a huge fan of how she drags him in the fic.
If you're the musical sort, then the author offers an additional treat! If you take a peek at the end of each chapter, you'll notice they have their own theme songs. Don't miss out on those! They add an additional little pang of pain that ties the story together and make it hurt juuuussst right.
Without further ado, I leave you with this masterpiece.
Dancing In Your Storm by @fadingcoast​
I hope you enjoy it, and get as invested in it as I did. I wanna read all the thoughts you have on this fic!!
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Book Club Meeting: Artistic Licence
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Hi guys! Welcome to the very first Marvel Book Club for Adults meeting. I’m your host @imanuglywombat​. Pull up a comfy pillow, help yourself to the snacks and beverages. 
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To start you off, we have a Four Pillars Bloody Shiraz Gin and Tonic (source: Four Pillars instagram page). Refreshing and delicious.
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Snacks we have are a spicy jalapeño queso with corn chips and earl grey macarons. 
So grab yourself a plate and let’s get started.
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I chose Artistic Licence by @cametobuyplums​ as it was one of the first stories I had the pleasure of readng on Tumblr, but not only that, it was also the first story to gently take my hand and kindly hurl me into the abyss known as Bucky Barnes.
Fizz has taken a well loved trope and has managed to create something so beautiful and fresh that you can’t help but allow yourself to be pulled into this wonderful and decadent world. I love a sugar daddy story; I’m a lover of expensive handbags and perfume on a purse and deodrant budget, so to be able to get lost in this is wonderful. 
Set in the stunning backdrop of Paris, our reader is an aspring artist living the kind of Bohemian lifestyle you would find entangled in poetry and the greatest love stories. What's a girl to do to make ends meet? Get herself a rich sugar daddy of course. 
Our reader is absolutely divine. Oozing with enviable “cool” and sex appeal, she’s the girl you want to be and make out with in the backcorner of some decandent wine bar on the edge of the River Seine. She’s calm and collected and it’s easy to see why our delicious sugar daddy is so quick to fall under her spell.
Bucky Barnes, an American lawyer starting fresh in Paris, is literal fire. He is experienced and dominant. Oh, and generous in more ways than one. He’s the epitome of what you would like your dream sugar daddy to be; rich, handsome, a little bit jealous and a demon in the sack.
And the smut... you will need a tall, cool glass of something bubbly and expensive to get through the smut. 
Highlights: breast play, ice play, light bondage, roleplay, group sex, mirror sex... ooffff I need a breather. 
The sex isn’t just hot; there’s this next-level intimacy and evocative imagery that literally keeps you pinned word for word. This is smut writing at its most beautiful. 
The imagery in this story is probably the thing that sticks with me the most, even after all this time. You can feel, see, hear and smell Paris as you are taken on this wonderful, sexy adventure. It makes you long to wander the streets, sample the food and wine, and potentially receive a happy ending in the dark corner of a bar. 
Thank you Fizz for gracing us with this beautiful, evocative story. 
I really hope you all enjoy this as much as I did. 
Laura x
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Invitation: Artistic Licence
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You are cordially invited to the first Marvel Book Club for Adults meeting hosted by @imanuglywombat​ in her burrow. 
Story Selection: Artistic Licence by @cametobuyplums​
Location: a wombat burrow somewhere in Australia filled with sustainably handmade floor cushions from India, fairy lights and alpaca wool throws. 
Serving: Blood Shiraz gin and tonics served with a wedge of blood orange in a crystal highball glass, spicy jalapeño nachos with blue corn chips and earl grey macarons for the sweet tooth. 
Host: @imanuglywombat, possibly the ugliest wombat known to mankind and the mean admin of this blog, is excited to play host for the first meeting. Laura (aka the uglywombat) writes both dark and non-dark Marvel fics featuring Steve Rogers, Bucky Barnes and Carol Danvers. 
I am so excited for you all to read this amazing story. It’s one of the first stories I read on Tumblr when I first joined and it left a massive lasting impression on me. I can’t wait to reread this week and give a more indepth review! Happy reading - Laura x 
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