#maria schwarz
dashalbrundezimmer · 6 months
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weiße stadt & blauer hof // köln buchforst
architects: wilhelm riphahn & caspar maria grod
weiße stadt and blauer hof were both planned by the renowned architects riphahn and grod, whereby the blauer hof (1926-1927) is the older of the two estates, the white city was then built from 1929-1932. both estates are clearly committed to the style of the new objectivity, whereby the weiße stadt takes minimalism to the extreme in its design. In recent years, both estates have been renovated and modernised and the façades have been restored to their original design as far as possible. in the centre of the weiße stadt is the church of sankt petrus canisius, which was also designed by grod and riphahn and is one of the few churches in the bauhaus style in cologne. after being destroyed in the war, it was rebuilt by dominikus and gottfried böhm. the interior was redesigned for the last time in 1992 by maria schwarz. several of cologne's icons of modernism were involved in this church.
die weiße stadt und der blaue hof wurden beiden von den namhaften architekten riphahn und grod geplant und errichtet, wobei der blaue hof (1926-1927) die ältere der beiden siedlungen ist, die weiße stadt wurde dann von 1929-1932 erbaut. beide siedlungen sind deutlich dem stil der neuen sachlichkeit verpflichtet wobei die weiße stadt den minimalismus in der gestaltung auf die spitze treibt. in den letzten Jahren wurden beide siedlungen renoviert und modernisiert und die fassaden soweit wie möglich wieder an die orginale gestaltung angepasst. im zentrum der weißen stadt liegt die kirche sankt petrus canisius, welche ebenso von grod und riphahn gestaltet wurde und zu einer der wenigen kirchen des bauhausstiles in köln gehört. nach kriegszerstörung wurde sie von dominikus und gottfried böhm wiederaufgebaut. eine letzte umgestaltung des innenraumes erfolgte 1992 durch maria schwarz. somit beteiligten sich mehrere der kölner ikonen der moderne an dieser was sie schon zu etwas besonderem macht.
die siedlungen lassen sich gut mit den öffentlichen verkehrsmitteln aus dem kölner zentrum erreichen oder dem rad. das auto sollte man stehen lassen da vor ort parkplätze rar sind.
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
How about a crossover of interests? Similar to rainbow six siege what if team rwby got isekaied to arknights? Who do you think team rwby would end up being friends with in arknights?
I'll go ahead and add how I think they'd play mechanically as well.
Ruby would absolutely adore Nearl. Nearl is everything a Huntress should be, every bit the hero Ruby wants to become. She'd probably also bond with Amiya over being a young leader who feels overwhelmed by her responsibilities sometimes but nonetheless steps up to the plate. She'd probably also get along quite well with Pinus Sylvestris and I'm sure she and Saileach/Blemishine would click pretty much immediately.
Weiss and Swire would be the best of friends. They're both tsundere rich girls who defied the expectations of their far-from-perfect families to carve out their own paths, and are both also very weak to the effects of hot women. She might also form a decent relationship with Cliffheart or Pramanix for similar reasons related to family pressure. I think she'd also be drawn to anyone who reminds her of her sister or her mother, but how well she'd actually get along with characters like Schwarz, Whislash, Ling, Dobermann, Gladiia, etc. is open for debate.
Blake would be delighted that she's no longer the only sexy catgirl around, and I think she'd fit right in at Rhodes Island. Blake is no stranger to fighting for the oppressed, so I think she and Blaze would get along swimmingly, though I can't imagine they'd be happy to hear everyone mixing up their names all the time. She'd probably respond very positively toward any of the characters known for fighting hard for the sake of the infected, including the weirdos like Mudrock. 100% asks Nearl for gay gay homosexual gay sex tips.
Yang would be buddies with all the Brawler Guards, all the Rhodes Island jocks who are always up for a fight, but I think she'd also find a great deal of common ground with the Defenders, given her well-established protective and self-sacrificial nature. She's besties with Indra for sure and probably also likes to hang out with Mountain and Gavial a lot. Hoshiguma would make a great mentor for her, as someone who has also learned to control her darker side, her desire for violence and the thrill of the fight, and channel it into something productive and devote herself to the defense of the innocent. Hoshiguma is actually a lot like Qrow, in the sense that they both have rather nasty, miserable pasts they aren't proud of and don't like revealing to the people around them and yet have grown beyond them to become better people and genuine heroes. Specter, on the other hand, teaches Yang bad habits exclusively. Saria would be the shitty emotionally distant mom Raven Branwen didn't put in the effort to be. Yang would also 100% ask Nearl for gay gay homosexual gay sex tips.
I think Ruby would be either a Reaper Guard like La Pluma or a Deadeye Sniper in the vein of Fartooth, Ambriel, or Firewatch. I think she'd take some cues from Schwarz and Fartooth in the sense that at least one of her skills would let her take shots down a long, narrow lane.
Weiss is, perhaps, a Charger Vanguard, generating DP on kill, or maybe a Summoner Supporter (or a Bard because she sings). She'd probably have one very powerful summon available at a time, with her skills altering which summon she could pull out and what its effects would be.
Blake is probably an Executor Fast Redeploy Specialist or a Puller Specialist, either taking out priority targets or doing standard puller things. She'd probably play similarly to Phantom in the first case and Rope in the second.
Yang is first and foremost a Fighter Guard, her natural boxing/kickboxing-based style making her a natural fit for this class, but once she gets an Alter version, she'd be either a Juggernaut or a Fortress Defender, either mechanically making use of her Aura in the former case to let her heal up or block attacks and emphasize that she is the one who will protect her teammates or her rockets in the latter case to do AoE damage from range. Either way, this version of her would emphasize her desire to defend the people she loves and her conception of herself as her team's shield against the cruelties of the world.
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fashionbooksmilano · 9 months
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Maria Mulas Milano, Ritratti di fine '900
A cura di Andrea Tomasetig
Testi di Andrea Tomasetig, Paolo Fallai, Stefano Salis, Patrizia Zappa Mulas
Allemandi, Torino 2022, 192 pagine, 89 ilustrazioni, 20x29 cm, Inglese e Italiano, ISBN 9788842225812
euro 25,00
email if you want to buy : [email protected]
Il catalogo, edito in occasione della personale di Maria Mulas a Palazzo Reale a Milano, documenta il percorso di una protagonista della storia della fotografia che, con i suoi scatti, ha mostrato come nessun altro il volto del mondo artistico e culturale milanese, italiano e internazionale.
Gli anni settanta, ottanta e novanta sono per Maria Mulas una girandola di incontri, fra le Biennali veneziane e la Documenta di Kassel, allestimenti e inaugurazioni di mostre, presentazioni di libri, feste e reportage in giro per il mondo. Il suo luogo d’osservazione privilegiato è sempre Milano, città cosmopolita che, come un magnete, accoglie e integra le varie provenienze regionali e straniere, ed è in quegli anni uno straordinario laboratorio di creatività e modernità.
Maria Mulas ha ritratto artisti, galleristi, critici, designer, architetti, scrittori, editori, giornalisti, stilisti, registi, attori, intellettuali, imprenditori, amici. Un elenco dettagliato ne riporta ben 539, dalla «A» di Claudio Abbado alla «Z» di Franco Zeffirelli. Il catalogo Allemandi documenta i cento ritratti esposti nelle sale dell’Appartamento dei Principi di Palazzo Reale, provenienti dalla mostra al Museo Nazionale Slovacco promossa dall’Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Bratislava. Tra le pagine, i volti di: Giorgio Armani, Gae Aulenti, Joseph Beuys, Umberto Eco, Inge Feltrinelli, Dario Fo, Carla Fracci, Allen Ginsberg, Krizia, Marcello Mastroianni, i Missoni, Bruno Munari, Fernanda Pivano, Giò Ponti, Miuccia Prada, Giorgio Strehler, Arturo Schwarz, Ornella Vanoni, Lea Vergine, Gianni Versace, Andy Warhol.
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clamarcap · 10 months
Greensleeves – XVIII
Gerard Schwarz (1947): Variations on Greensleeves for violin and orchestra (2008). Maria Larionoff, violin; Seattle Symphony Orchestra conducted by the composer.
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ritterintahlia · 1 year
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gogmstuff · 1 year
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Middle and Late 1870s (from top to bottom) -
Le Salon de 1874 by Camille-Léopold Cabaillot-Lassalle (on sale at Ary Jean Art Gallery). From their Web site 1574X2000.
1875 Lady in Black with a Dog by James Archer (location ?). From meisterdrucke.de-kunstdrucke-James-Archer-197600-Porträt-einer-Dame-in-Schwarz-mit-einem-Hund,-1875 2308X3878.
1877 Toilette by Jules James Rougeron (Tokyo Fuji Art Museum - Tokyo, Japan). From facebook.com/MimiMatthewsAuthor/photos/toilette-by-jules-james-rougeron-1877-this-is-the-painting-thats-on-the-cover-of/2377279908990463/ 1174X1725.
Florentia Maria Crawshay 1849-1920), née Woods, as a Young Woman by ? (Cyfarthfa Castle Museum & Art Gallery - Merthyr Tydfil, Merthyr Tydfil, UK). From Wikimedia; fixed more obvious spots w Pshop 936X1200.jpg,
Princess of Wales Alexandra by W. & D. Downey (Royal Collection). From teatimeatwinterpalace.tumblr.com/post/167945509352/queen-alexandra-when-princess-of-wales-x 540X810.
Two elegant sisters in a luxurious interior by Gustave Léonard de Jonghe (location ?). From tumblr.com/artthatgivesmefeelings; fixed spots & some cracks w Pshop 2048X2809.
1879 Jacqueline Paton en robe noire by Léon Comerre (location ?). From tumblr.com/random-brushstrokes; fixed spots & flaws w Pshop 1627X3072.
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dozydawn · 8 months
(Boogie Woogie) Dancin’ Shoes by Claudja Barry.
From her album I Wanna Be Loved By You (1978) produced for Lollipop Records by Jürgen S. Korduletsch.
Backing vocals: Claudia Schwarz, Gitta Walther, Victoria Miles, Lucie Neale, Maria Neuhaus, Renate Maurer, Jerry Rix, Timothy Touchton, Patrick Gammon.
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germanpostwarmodern · 2 years
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Liebfrauenkirche (1953-55) in Cologne, Germany by Rudolf Schwarz with Paul Altgasse , Maria Schwarz, Werner Stumpf & Karl Wimmenauer
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vkeidriptournament · 11 months
Visual Kei Drip Tournament: Full Ranking - WARNING: EXTREMELY LONG POST
------------------------------------ ★ finals ★
1. kozi (malice mizer) - 61.9%
2. ryonai (blam honey) - 38.1%
★ runner ups ★
3. hide (x japan) - 60.6%
4. kaya (schwarz stein) - 39.4%
round 5
5. arisu (missalina rei) - 48.3%
6. shinya (dir en grey) - 42.4%
7. emiru (lareine) - 41%
8. zin-francois angelique (madame edwarda) - 18.5%
round 4
9. kazuki (raphael) - 47.6%
10. mana (malice mizer) - 47.1%
11. kami (malice mizer) - 47.5%
12. inoran (luna sea) - 47.5%
13. yu~ki (malice mizer) - 40.2%
14. izam (shazna) - 33.3%
15. kyouka (aliene ma'riage) - 25.6%
16. ken (l'arc en ciel) - 17.3%
round 3
17. lucifer luscious violenoue (gille loves, fiction) - 47.5%
18. jyou (exist trace) - 47.5%
19. tara-chan (kilhi ice) - 47.2%
20. hakuei (penicillin) - 46.9%
21. bou (an cafe) - 45.5%
22. toshiya (dir en grey) - 43.2%
23. kamijo (lariene, versailles) - 40.8%
24. kazushi (rouage) - 38.9%
25. hizaki (jupiter, versailles) - 36%
26. ryutaro (plastic tree) - 31.7%
27. kon (la'mule) - 31.4%
28. hyde (l'arc en ciel) - 30.9%
29. ray (aliene ma'riage) - 28.6%
30. sena (jilkua) - 27.6%
31. yoshiki (x japan) - 17.6%
32. kaoru (dir en grey) - 15.9%
round 2
33. mikoto (zigzag) - 48.2%
34. kyo (dir en grey) - 47.5%
35. mayu (lareine) - 47.5%
36. issay (der zibet) - 47.3%
37. ken morioka (soft ballet) - 46.7%
38. kiwamu (blood, gpkism) - 46.5%
39. isshi (kagrra) - 44.8%
40. die (dir en grey) - 44.6%
41. boogie (jiluka) - 42.6%
42. atsushi sakurai (buck-tick) - 42.4%
43. jasmine you (versailles) - 42.2%
44. sugizo (luna sea) - 41.7%
45. gackt (malice mizer) - 40.8%
46. ruki (the gazette) - 40.7%
47. wataru (liphlich) - 40.4%
48. kiyoharu (kuroyume) - 38.9%
49. klaha (malice mizer) - 36.8%
50. ayaha (dazzlingbad) - 35.8%
51. daisuke (kagerou) - 34%
52. ryoichi endo (soft ballet) - 33.3%
53. iT (dazzlingbad) - 31.3%
54. kazuma (merry go round) - 30.4%
55. gothique prince ken (gpkism) - 29.8%
56. kyuho (madmans esprit) - 28.9%
57. kei (eliphas levi) - 28.4%
58. hora (schwarz stein) - 27.5%
59. ryuichi (luna sea) - 25%
60. tetsu (malice mizer) - 24.1%
61. hiro (la'cryma christi) - 18.5%
62. yura (psycho le cemu) - 14.3%
63. aisaku (deviloof) - 10.5%
64. reita (the gazette) - 9.6%
round 1
65. yukari (baiser) - 49.4%
66. full (guniw tools) - 49.4%
67. j (luna sea) - 47.6%
68. asagi (D) - 47.2%
69. aoi (the gazette) - 45.8%
70. kujou takemasa (kiryu) - 45.8%
71. dynamite tommy (color) - 44.4%
72. sakura (l'arc en ciel) - 44.3%
73. imai hisashi (buck-tick) - 44.2%
74. juka (moi dix mois) - 44.1%
75. miko (exist trace) - 44.1%
76. ai (gulu gulu) - 44%
77. yoshiatsu (dadaroma) - 43.8%
78. yagami toll (buck-tick) - 42.2%
79. yasu (janne da arc, acid black cherry) - 41.9%
80. teru (versailles) - 41.9%
81. uruha (the gazette) - 41.5%
82. hazuki (lynch) - 41.4%
83. chiaki (dezert) - 41.3%
84. juho (madmans esprit) - 40.7%
85. tsuzuku (mejibray) - 39.9%
86. maya (LM.C) - 39.6%
87. mia (mejibray) - 39.6%
88. lime (kizu) - 38.9%
89. aya (psycho le cemu) - 38.6%
90. miyavi (due le quartz) - 38.5%
91. jojo (the gallo) - 38.2%
92. takashi (dadaroma) - 38.1%
93. machi (lareine) - 37.7%
94. hidehiko hoshino (buck-tick) - 36.6%
95. kyonosuke (kizu) - 36.2%
96. taka (la'cryma christi) - 35.9%
97. tetsu (l'arc en ciel) - 35.7%
98. meto (mejibray) - 35.1%
99. t.m. revolution (luis-mary) - 34.4%
100. maria cross - 34.4%
101. kengo (noir fleurir) - 34.3%
102. dada (velvet eden) - 33.9%
103. morrie (dead end) - 33.3%
104. tsutomu ishizuki (fanatic crisis) - 31.9%
105. aki (laputa) - 30.9%
106. koichi (mejibray) - 30.1%
107. heath (x japan) - 29.5%
108. shou kiryuuin (golden bomber) - 29.5%
109. miko (exist trace) - 28.4%
110. yukihiro (l'arc en ciel) - 26.5%
111. mast (aliene ma'riage) - 25.5%
112. tatsuro (mucc) - 23.6%
113. aki (arlequin) - 22.3%
114. gisho (penicillin) - 21.4%
115. yutaka higuchi (buck-tick) - 21.4%
116. kyohei (das:vasser) - 21.1%
117. seek (psycho le cemu) - 21.1%
118. kirito (pierrot) - 18.9%
119. darvish kenji (golden bomber) - 18.8%
120. kisaki (phantasmagoria, mirage, la:sadies) - 18.6%
121. tsune-hito (D) - 16.1%
122. kai (the gazette) - 15.5%
123. mako (deadman) - 14.9%
124. yune (the gazette) - 14.1%
125. shun (deshabillez) - 13.9%
126. tusk (zi-kill) - 12.7%
127. chill (kane to juusei) - 12.3%
128. yohio (disreign) - 11.3%
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Make your own skinline theme what would be the theme and cost and who are the operators in the line.
Idols specifically to torment Dreamer
I thought about a lot of horny options (because of course I did), but ultimately I settled on old-timey Western skins - the Columbian Pioneer line. Rhodes Island made the mistake of letting Nian direct another set of movies, but at least they got Ling and Pozzy to edit the script this time.
I kind of ran away with this and it got really long, so just pick 5-6 for the actual skin line or assume they're released in sets.
Sheriff Nearl headlines the skin line, complete with cowboy hat and enormous fake mustache
Deputy Gavial helps Nearl bring in lawbreakers.
Blemishine is the protagonist, a young gun whose journey we follow over the course of the film series.
Whislash is her mentor, the retired gunslinger that passes on her tips and tricks to both Margaret and Maria. Can frequently be found drunk at the bar in the town saloon.
Gladiia, Horn, and Bagpipe are Columbian military officers assigned to occupy the territory and keep the peace and provide manpower to the protagonists when necessary.
Mountain is a wealthy rancher with political connections back in more settled areas who comes into frequent conflict with SilverAsh over the latter's efforts to expand his influence. Saria is his bodyguard. Croissant and Exusiai are his ranch hands.
Swire is the daughter of a Senator and Mountain's childhood friend. She's the one he sends a telegram to when SilverAsh is causing too much trouble. Swire insisted that her character be married to Ch'en's before she would participate/help bankroll the film.
Ch'en wanted nothing to do with this nonsense, but was eventually bullied/cajoled into taking her (relatively small) part. Nearly throttled all three of Swire, Closure, and Nian when they tried to shoehorn her into a shower scene.
Tomimi barged into one of the planning meetings and demanded a part that let her be close to Gavial, so Nian made her the town barber and Gavial's wife. Tomimi initially demanded at least one explicit and fully method-acted sex scene between her and Gavial per movie, but casting director Shining managed to negotiate her down to making out with tongue.
Penance plays the Hanging Judge. She keeps correcting Nian's ideas about how the legal system works.
SilverAsh is the wealthy railroad baron from back East, and the backer of the various troublemakers Nearl/Gavial/Blemishine have to contend with early on. He's the ultimate antagonist.
Degenbrecher is his personal gun-for-hire, the fastest gun in the west, who Margaret faces down in a climactic shootout at the end of the series. For added bonus points, she's the one that retired Whislash.
Matterhorn and Courier are more of SilverAsh's hired gunslingers.
Chongyue plays the corrupt territorial governor in SilverAsh's pocket. He asked if he could have a part to help Nian out. Closure agreed on the condition that he get at least one shirtless scene to drive sales.
Hoshiguma is the leader of the legendary Oni Gang, a group of outlaws that also includes "Deadeye" Schwarz, Specter "The Shark" Laurentina, Lappland "The Executioner" Saluzzo, and Indra "El Tigre" Jackson. All five of them are having the time of their lives hamming it up as villains.
Passenger is an arms dealer who hired a group of mercenaries to start skirmishes on the frontier to drum up business. W is the leader of those mercenaries. The heroes have to hunt them down before they manage to start a full-fledged war.
Mlynar once served in the army, retired, and now owns and runs the town's general store. He disapproves of his nieces' decision to become gunfighters and voices that opinion frequently.
Kal'tsit is the owner of the town saloon and the madam of the attached brothel. She frequently has to be reminded to deliver her lines as written and not... expand upon them.
Blaze is the saloon's bartender/bouncer. She was not permitted access to real alcohol during filming.
Skadi plays a dancer/singer at the saloon. She took the part to get the Doctor's attention and then immediately regretted it when she saw the dress that Nian and Closure expected her to wear. Forceful negotiation from both her and Gladiia convinced the costume department to provide her with clothing that is unlikely to cause a wardrobe malfunction during filming.
Elysium plays the classic hooker with a heart of gold and has to be frequently reminded that ratings agencies do not consider full frontal male nudity acceptable for the films' intended audience.
Franka plays another one of the brothel's working ladies and keeps asking the costuming department if she can show more cleavage.
Liskarm is a Pinkerton detective who swings by town to spend her wages on Franka with considerable regularity.
Saileach is the local schoolmarm. The kids at Rhodes Island play her students.
Eunectes serves as the local blacksmith. There may or may not be a budding romance between her and Blemishine.
Executor plays the town preacher and takes his assigned role very seriously.
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daughterofhecata · 5 months
Reading List 2023
Ocean Vuong: Night Sky With Exit Wounds
Alena Mornštajnová: Hana
Wolfgang Benz: Theresienstadt. Ein Geschichte von Täuschung und Vernichtung.
Jáchym Topol: Die Teufelswerkstatt [org. title: Chladnou zemí]
Ocean Vuong: Time is a Mother
Richard Siken: Crush
Ben Nevis: Die Drei ??? Die Yacht des Verrats
Frank Wedekind: Frühlings Erwachen (reread)
James Ellroy: Die Schwarze Dahlie [org. title: The Black Dahlia]
André Marx: Die Drei ??? und der Puppenmacher
Evelyn Boyd: Rocky Beach Crimes #2. Mord unter Palmen.
Peter Hallama: Nationale Helden und jüdische Opfer. Tschechische Repräsentationen des Holocaust.
Brigitte Johanna Henkel-Waidhofer: Die Drei ??? Späte Rache
Kim Newman: Professor Moriarty. The Hound of the D‘Urbervilles. (reread)
Vera Schiff: The Theresienstadt Deception. The Concentration Camp the Nazis Created to Deceive the World.
Evelyn Boyd: Rocky Beach Crimes #2. Mord unter Palmen. (reread)
Josef Bor: Die verlassene Puppe [org. title: Opuštěná panenka]
Kari Erlhoff: Rocky Beach Crimes #1. Tödliche Törtchen.
Susanna Partsch: Wer klaute die Mona Lisa? Die berühmtesten Kunstdiebstähle der Welt.
Kathy Reichs: Virals #1. Tote können nicht mehr reden. [org. title: Virals] (reread)
Arthur Schnitzler: Reigen (reread)
Evelyn Boyd: Die Drei ??? Teuflisches Foul
Faye Kellerman: Der Zorn sei dein Ende [org. title: The Hunt]
J.D. Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye
Władysław Szlengel: Was ich den Toten las [org. title: Co czytałem umarłym]
Hanna Krall: Dem Herrgott Zuvorkommen [org. title: Zdążyć przed Panem Bogiem]
Ursula K. Le Guin: The Dispossessed
Thomas Mann: Der Tod in Venedig
James Oswald: Natural Causes. An Inspector McLean Novel.
Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar (reread)
Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? Melodie der Rache
Maria Rolnikaitė: Mein Tagebuch [org. title: Ja dolžna rasskazat']
Mark Thompson: Leatherfolk. Radical Sex, People, Politics and Practice.
James Baldwin: Giovanni‘s Room
Christopher Tauber, Hanna Wenzel: Rocky Beach. Eine Interpretation.
Lorraine Vivian Hansberry: A Raisin in the Sun
Jonathan Kellerman: Unnatural History. An Alex Delaware Novel.
Robert Arthur: Die Drei ??? und die Geisterinsel. [org. title: The Three Investigators in the Secret of Skeleton Island]
Evelyn Boyd: Rocky Beach Crimes #3. Eiskalter Rausch.
André Marx: Die Drei ??? Labyrinth der Götter
John Barth: Lost in the Funhouse
Langston Hughes: Selected Poems of Langston Hughes.
Claude McKay: Harlem Shadows. The Poems of Claude McKay.
Jonathan Kellerman: Exit. Ein Alex Delaware Roman. [org. title: Devil‘s Waltz. An Alex Delaware Novel.] (reread)
David Henry Hwang: M Butterfly
James Oswald: The Book of Souls. An Inspector McLean Novel.
Jonathan Kellerman: Time Bomb. An Alex Delaware Novel. (reread)
Manuela Günter: Überleben schreiben. Zur Autobiographik der Shoah.
Birgit Kröhle: Geschichte und Geschichten. Die literarische Verarbeitung von Auschwitz-Erlebnissen.
Alexander F. Spreng: Der Fluch (reread)
Sibylle Schmidt: Zeugenschaft. Ethische und politische Dimensionen.
Sibylle Schmidt: Ethik und Episteme der Zeugenschaft
Kari Erlhoff & Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? und die Salztote
Jeanette McCurdy: I‘m Glad My Mom Died
E.T.A. Hoffmann: Der Sandmann
Hendrik Buchna: Die Drei ??? Drehbuch der Täuschung
Michael Scott: The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel #2. The Magician. (reread)
Alain Locke: The New Negro
Mascha Kaléko: Großstadtliebe. Lyrische Stenogramme.
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? Der Tag der Toten
Georg Heym: Gedichte [herausgegeben von Stephan Hermlin]
Rose Ausländer: Hinter allen Worten. Gedichte. [herausgegeben von Helmut Braun]
Vladimir Nabokov: Lolita
Paul Celan: Ausgewählte Gedichte. Zwei Reden. [herausgegeben von Günther Busch]
Rich Cohen: Lake Shore Drive [org. title: Lake Effect]
Jan T. Gross: Neighbors. The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland.
Kathy Reichs: Virals #2. Nur die Tote kennt die Wahrheit. [org. title: Seizure]
Jonathan Kellerman: Bones. An Alex Delaware Novel. (reread)
Akwaeke Emezi: You made a Fool of Death with your Beauty
Friedrich Schiller: Maria Stuart
Bret Easton Ellis: American Psycho
Christian Handel: Die Hexenwald-Chroniken #2. Palast aus Gold und Tränen.
Maurice Leblanc: Arsène Lupin und der Schatz der Könige von Frankreich [org. title: L'Aiguille creuse]
E.T.A. Hoffmann: Nussknacker und Mausekönig
Marco Sonnleitner: Die Drei ??? Panik im Park
Ben Nevis: Die Drei ??? Tal des Schreckens
Michael Borlik: Ihr mich auch
Robert Arthur: Die Drei ??? und der grüne Geist [org. title: Alfred Hitchcock and the Three Investigators in the Mystery of the Green Ghost]
Barbara Köhler: Niemands Frau. Gesänge.
Christoph Dittert: Die Drei ??? Hotel der Diebe
Cornelia Funke: Tintenwelt #4. Die Farbe der Rache.
Thomas Ziebula: Paul Stainer #1. Der rote Judas.
Faye Kellerman: Mord im Garten Eden [org. title: The Garden of Eden and Other Criminal Delights]
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Tag 21 16.04.2024 Madeira
Es hat geklappt, wir scheinen pünktlich um 05:30 Uhr angekommen zu sein 🤣. Da wir uns heute um 16:00 Uhr nochmal die Wellness-Suite gebucht hatten, sind wir früh aufgestanden, um schön viel Zeit für Madeira, genauer gesagt Funchal zu haben. Und um 07:00 Uhr war alles für den Landgang vorbereitet. So früh sind wir dann aber doch nicht losgestiefelt, erstmal stand ein gemütliches Frühstück auf dem Plan. Und da wir Madeira schon 2020 kurz vor Corona-Beginn erwandert haben, buchten wir für heute keinen Ausflug, sondern wollten den Tag in Funchal verbringen. Die Pier lag nur ca. 30 Minuten vom Stadtzentrum entfernt, so dass wir statt des angebotenen Shuttles unsere Füße (und vollgefutterten Bäuche) in Bewegung setzten. Auf dem Weg in die Stadt stolpert man unweigerlich am „CR7“-Museum vorbei. Hätte mich jemand vorher gefragt, was das für ein Museum ist, hätte ich nur unwissend mit den Schultern gezuckt aber dank gestriger Ocean Lounge war ich ja vorbereitet 😅
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Unserer nächster Stopp: die Markthalle 😅, ja schon wieder eine Markthalle aber auch wenn wir diese schon kannten, wollten wir unbedingt noch mal das bunte Treiben erleben. Und als alte Hasen wussten wir, möglichst morgens erscheinen, ansonsten ist ein Durchkommen schwierig 😁 Neben zahlreichen Blumen- und Obstständen ist auch der Fischmarkt immer wieder spannend. Hauptsächlich wird dort Tunfisch angeboten und der nur auf Madeira heimische schwarze Degenfisch (Espada)
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Erstaunlich ist, wieviele verschiedene Maracuja-Arten es gibt und wie motiviert die Einheimischen sind, diese an den Mann bzw. an die Frau zu bringen🤪 Den zahlreichen Probierangeboten konnten wir hier noch widerstehen aber bei den Feigen sind wir doch schwach geworden 😅. Es gibt welche mit Schokoladen-, Zimt-, Erdbeer- oder Madeiraweinüberzug, alle sehr lecker, so dass wir auch welche mitgenommen haben…geht doch😆 Die Besuche der Kreuzfahrtschiffe soll sich schließlich wenigstens ein bisschen für die Einheimischen lohnen, nicht dass alle nur Fotos machen…
Unser nächstes Ziel: Das alte Fischerviertel mit der Rua Santa Maria. Seit 2011 gestalten hier Künstler die vormals oft etwas heruntergekommenen und tristen Eingänge der Häuser. Jede Tür ist ein Unikat, eigentlich hätte man alle fotografieren können aber soviel Platz gibt’s dafür nicht im Blog, also nur ein paar Beispiele. Da man hier auch sehr gemütlich Käffchen trinken kann, nutzten wir die Gelegenheit für Cappuccino und das typische Madeira-Törtchen, eine Art Blätterteig mit Pudding gefüllt.
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Auch die nächste Empfehlung, ein Besuch des Klosters von Santa Clara, welches aus dem späten 15. Jahrhundert stammt, erhielten wir in der Ocean Lounge 😅. Das Kloster ist wirklich bemerkenswert und war den Aufstieg von ca. 120hm auf Kopfsteinpflaster in engen Gassen allemal wert👍. Es ist erstaunlich gut erhalten und sowohl die Klosterkirche mit dem vergoldeten Altar als auch mehrere Kapellen auf zwei Ebenen sind zu besichtigen. An den Wänden befinden sich Kacheln aus dem 17. Jahrhundert im hispanoarabischen Stil, heute auch bekannt als „Santa Clara Muster“. Die Gebäude dienen noch heute als Franziskaner-Nonnenkloster und beherbergen ebenfalls einen Kindergarten.
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Das Santa-Clara-Muster begegnet einem überall in der Stadt, beispielsweise in der Markthalle oder wie auf nachfolgendem Bild an einem Aussichtspunkt:
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Und weiter geht’s in Teil 2 🤩
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 6 months
End of the year book ask: 3! Love to know which books people liked best 👀
What were your top five books of the year?
Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, yes, I am horribly late to discover this book but it was incredible and i loved it so much
Jurij Brězan's Die schwarze Mühle, because I will be a Krabat stan till i DIE and also the prose was??? incredible, which i didn't even expect tbh. I love a dark folktale and whooo boy this was DARK and so so folktale-y
Elizabeth Gaskell's North and South, surprised me by being genuinely very funny and sweet on top of the expected, but glorious, dramatic Victorian pining and social commentary
Rainer Maria Rilke's Requiems - I shall plug "Requiem für Wolf Graf von Kalckreuth" forever, it is one of the most beautiful most heartbreaking pieces of poetry I have ever read and this may have been the first time I sat down to read it all in one piece. The "Requiem for a friend" while not as brilliant imo is also very very good.
Stephen King's Dr Sleep - finally a King book that I could love almost as much as I wanted to love it! It wasn't AS great as the good parts of It, but it also was never anywhere near as offputting as the bad parts of It. And the exploration of addiction is so good.
end of year book asks!
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clamarcap · 1 year
Quel cosacco al di là del Danubio
Anonimo: Їхав козак за Дунай (Ikhav kozak za Dunaj, Cavalcò un cosacco al di là del Danubio), canto tradizionale ucraino, qui interpretato dal cantante e virtuoso di bandura Taras Kom­pa­ni­čenko, da Kiev, con il suo ensemble. Il testo è attribuito al poeta ucraino Semen Klimovskij (1705 - 1785). Portato nell’Europa occidentale dai soldati dell’esercito zarista in guerra contro Napoleone, questo…
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himedachi · 3 months
rin/karin's rp history
the rules are simple! post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. then tag ten people to do the same ( if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people ). please repost, don’t reblog!
Current Muse:
Ren Kougyoku (Magi)
Kasuga (Senbasa)
Yoimiya (Genpact)
Seele (HSR)
OCs (Megohime is notably a muse I revamped from her super old concept I had since 2014 && her character turned out quite different from the initial concept as compared to the others that I currently have)
Want to write:
Juliana/Anna (Pokemon SV)
Surtr (Arknights)
Oichi (Senbasa)
Kyogoku Maria (Senbasa) I have this urge to write insufferable evil ojousamas
Juno (Beastars)
I often have this urge to conceptualize OCs. If there are notable mentions, it's Eira (valkyrie) and Jinluo (jade rabbit), whose profiles I safely still keep in the basement.
Have written (in Tumblr & other platforms):
Sajyou Ayaka (Fate/Prototype)
Kagura (Onmyoji)
Susabi (Onmyoji)
Aoandon (Onmyoji)
Dan Fei (Thunderbolt Fantasy)
Nihongou (TKRB)
Marnie (Pokemon Sword & Shield)
Metera (Granblue Fantasy)
Izumi Kyoka (BSD)
Schwarz (Arknights)
Many other OCs I probably can't mention one by one help
Would write again:
I fell out of touch with most of my old canons && OCs but if I really really have to choose.. it's Marnie (Pokemon Sword & Shield) heh.
tagging: if you see this && haven't done it, consider that you are tagged!!
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wtffanfiction-de · 9 months
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Fandom: Harry Potter
„Getestete Person: Sirius Adrian Black
Magie: 100% schwarze / 100% weiße
Wesen: Dämon
Eltern: Marcus Janus Sarciel Potter & Maria Anna Sophia Tariel Everhate
Geschwister: James Eximus Lee Alexiel Constantine Potter
Geburtsname: Jason Septimus Tao Zephyr Rosiel Potter“
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