#many jek
eruden-writes · 6 months
Strictly Pleasure - Part 8 Preview
orc x human age gap paranormal romance 8 of ?
Short summary: An orc with a rock n' roll past has a crush on a single mother.
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Full Part 8 can be found on Patreon right now! ;3
“Is Miss Heidi in there?” The soft voice of Calib the faun broke the silence. Another flare of embarrassment shot through Heidi as she heard the unmistakable sound of multiple feet shifting on the other side of the door. Who the hell else was out there? Heidi’s throughs spun around the other people - Jek’s bandmates - before landing on the orc himself. Her blush bit more aggressively at her cheeks.
Desperately, she looked to Periphoia, who merely raised her eyebrows and gave a grin. On the other side of the door, another person had began speaking.
“We’re sorry for laughing. Really was just at Guj, though.” Heidi thought that was the fish person, Dorzi, from team three. There was a lilt to their voice that reminded her of the stereotypical troublemaker from movies and tv shows. Like he was a second away from sharing his next scheme with you. “He’s always preened and puffed his chest out at being soooo recognizable and the figurehead of Theoret—” A meaty sounding thump interrupted the apology. “Oi!”
“Stick to the apology, limp dick.” That was unmistakably Jek. Heidi heard a similar gruff tone whenever he had to throw someone out of Strictly Pleasure, including that night at the sex shoppe’s theater. The memory made heat crawl down her spine.
However, as the voices continued on the other side of the door, Heidi could hear the camaraderie between the group. She could almost picture what the five were like on stage, traveling together, behind the scenes. The thought made her mortification creep up again. How could she have not seen it sooner? 
“That’s slander that is! I’m never limp when it matters! It ain’t my fault your little squee—“ From the other side of the door, the sounds of a scuffle interrupted Dorzi. Heidi wasn’t exactly sure what was happening, but it sounded like a mild tussle, threaded with curses.
A drawling voice, one that Heidi assumed was the elven man Minxi, cut through the low-key fray, “Oh, yes, you two fighting like that will definitely make her open those doors. Keep it up.”
“Minx is right, you two are acting childish.” The fifth and final voice, gravelly and gruff, sounded. That must be Torrik, Heidi thought, as she and Periphoia silently listened to the retired rockstars. 
Dorzi and Jek started speaking at once, their counter-arguments overlapping each other. Despite herself, Heidi felt the corners of her lips tilt up. 
Before she knew it, Periphoia was heading for the door. Fear jolted through Heidi as she followed the nymph, reaching out to tell her to wait. Before Heidi could stop Periphoia, she had thrown the door open.
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What the fuck is with older (specifically Victorian) time period musicals and having characters with the MOST PRED ENERGY KNOWN TO MAN
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fallenusurper · 8 months
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ㅤㅤ" Heh. So, should I be takin' this as yer wantin' me t'take ya out for a good night, sometime? "
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spiralingemptyness · 8 months
I want more… clone hc pt. 2
why not more hc, I’m bored and wanna ramble… sorry if I repeated any.
99 is the best vode, he knows everything. If a brother is said, he’ll hug them, give words of encouragement and stuff and a mysteriously some illegal contraband that whatever the clone likes will randomly show up.
Shaak ti is buff and can hold her own if not demolish the Alphas on the training mats (The Rancor battalion found that out the hard way)
Jek, Rys and Thire became close after the mission with Yoda, Thire is still close with the commanders on Coruscant, but he’s even closer with the other two
While Hound may be a sergeant, he’s still an honorary commander member, he became the little brother of the group
…Thorn didn’t die on Scipio, nope, no way. Amidala saved him, always carrying a blaster or smth.
Dogma became really good at braiding hair because of all the time he braided Tups hair, so after Umbara when he definitely goes to Coruscant, Amidala finds out and sometimes ask him to do her hair.
Colt may essentially be Buir of Kamino, but all the alphas (especially 17) out Buir him, and it can be very comedic how a big burly alpha is hauling a ARC commander just to force them to sleep.
Fox absolutely denies or threaten to black mail shebse squad if they bring up the fact Fox was the first to fold and call Alpha-17 buir.
Colt and Wolffe have regular holo-calls just to shit talk Ventress.
Rex got adopted into Shebse squad after he bit Cody (Wolffe was proud)
When Kix is on shift in medbay, most of the time Jesse is there with him, he doesn’t have to be their but he’s a good batch mate.
Each shebse squad member have a quirk in fighting droids: Cody punches and spin kicks them, Wolffe bits them, Rex throws his blasters at them if they run out of ammo, Fox for some reason carry’s a high voltage taser, Bly drop kicks them, and Ponds throws rocks at them to catch them off guard
On multiple occasions animals like Loth cats and Tookas have been snuck on board the venators and multiple times have had to been taken off board
Fives has a girly scream, Torrent found out after he was caught singing in the barracks
Comet (and Plo Buir) can convice Wolffe to take care of himself (little brother privileges), unlike Boost, Warthog, and Sinker who have to sedate him of physically haul him away from the bridge
MEDICS GIVE STICKERS, if a your a good patient, you get a sticker. So there is a lot of vode with stickers inside or outside there armor
Colt keeps himself loaded with weapons, many different types of blasters, check. Lots of vibroblades and vibroswords (that he stole from commando droids), check. It will take a solid 10 mins for him to de-weapon himself
after Khorm, Plo threatened Captain Ozzel…. It was terrifying, Kit Fisto was both shocked and absolutely scared of getting on Plo Koons bad side.
Monnk collects different shells and rocks from the ocean floor and give them to different vode
kit fisto taught his battalion how to fish, just randomly, out of the blue he said they were going fishing and they went fishing
Ashoka definitely stole the ‘I’m no Jedi’ line from Rex.
everyone form the 212th and some 501st members were more traumatized by a bold Kenobi than the fact he faked his death to be a bounty hunter for a time period
kix has trouble staying warm after the cyro-freeze, like he’ll be bundled up in layers on tatooine
quinlan snuck into fox’s office once and was hit with a data pad on the head when he scared him and got himself a concussion, safe to say he doesn’t sneak up on fox anymore
clones have a sweet tooth
Once Hound got hurt while chasing a suspect and Grizzer went absolutely feral on the person who hurt him, it took Thorn and Stone just to separate him from the suspect, (fox and thire were just watching in shock as they helped hound)
padawans always use vents for travel (ex. Echo: where’s the commander. Fives casually: oh she’s in the vents. Echo: oh.. WHY IS SHE IN THE VENTS)
(Might be in the other one) The corrie guard have a bet everytime a battalion is on leave, the bet is: which members of what battalion will have the most in the drunk tank.
medics have to have a smex-ed meeting with every new shiny that boards
Bly (respectfully, cause he is a gentleman) asked Aayla to wear armor, the next day she was wearing Bly’s spare armor. Bly couldn’t stop blushing the whole day and it made his tattoos orange
When one or more of the Shebse squad is on leave, they bully fox into going to 79’s with them or to take care of himself. Safe to say, that whenever that happens the corrie guard can relax a bit
the most annoying patients for medics is any CO or jedis, all medics curse like sailors
when Kix was a medic shiny he hadn’t yet mastered the disapproval stare or the ‘shut the kark up and do what I say’ stare, so the vode listened to him just because it was so cute and funny, they quickly learned to stop thinking like that.
once after a battle Obi-Wan found Cody lying star fished on his back, he kicked a droid and broke his foot and collapsed once his foot gave out. Obi-wan just sighed, forced healed his foot a bit and carried him to the medics (Cody was turned into a sputtering and flustered mess)
Rex was already being corrupted by Skywalker’s tendencies when he was just a lieutenant in the 212th, Cody was horrified and wanted to bash his head into the wall.
Boil and Waxer secretly adopted Numa after Ryloth, each just co-parenting her
Kids on coruscant would sometimes come up to a guard member and hand them a paper of a drawing, ask for a hug, or just give them goodies. The guard now has a wall full of drawings given to them by kids in the barracks
the guard have stupid names for operations, it’s just a serious op about observing and trying to take down a drug ring (with vos’s help) and it has a name like “operation: too high to fly”
the cadets will hang off from any limb they can reach of their clone trainers and shaak ti
medics will lay on a cot with an injured clone on it to help them sleep, they’ll either be sleeping with them or doing data work
so yah… I’ll make more. Might make some of cod, fnaf , Dc, etc. as well and try to do art as well
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illarian-rambling · 19 days
As requested by an overwhelming 87% majority...
My Pronunciation Guide!
Izjik Meautammera (Ih-žik Mew-tam-era) (ž = s in pleasure)
Sepo Kaiacynthus (Seh-po Kai-uh-sin-θus) (θ = th in thing)
Twenari Undetasib/Devaris (Tweh-naree Uhn-dehta-sib/Dev-ah-ris)
Djek Kagura (Jek Kah-gə-rə) (ə = uh)
Astra DuClaire (Ah-strə Dew-klair)
Mashal Darezsho (Ma-shawl Dar-eh-žho)
Ivander Montane (Eve-ander Mon-tain)
Elsind Cavernsight (Ehl-sind Cavern-sight)
Avymere Spearsong (Av-ə-mear Spear-song)
Daedryn Whitenight (Day-drin White-night)
Loqang (Low-kahng)
Ceyrel Gavorn (Say-rəl Gav-orn)
Tyche Loros (Tai-kee Lo-ros)
Oyanna Devaris (Oh-yah-na Dev-ah-ris)
Azhur Devaris (Ah-zur Dev-ah-ris)
Anarac (Anna-rack)
Illaros (Ill-ə-ros)
Janaz (Jah-nahz)
Iarl (Ee-arl)
Araun (Uh-rawn)
Nabafyr (Naba-fear)
Skolan (Skow-lahn)
Sulu'Oku (Sue-lew-oku)
Salis (Salee)
Nace (Naes)
N'Diki (N-Deekee)
Ulahdris (Yu-lah-dris)
Seluthena (Seh-lew-θena)
Hope this helps! I'm a little dyslexic, so I know pronunciation guides have saved my ass many a time. Please let me know if there's a word or name I didn't include that you'd like to know how to say :)
(And here's the tag list/cool kids club: @amandacanwrite @elsie-writes @riveriafalll @kosmic-kore @kaylinalexanderbooks
@bard-coded @carrotsinnovember @patternwelded-quill @somethingclevermahogony @whatwewrotepodcast
@goldxdarkness @the-angriest-author @mk-writes-stuff @frostedlemonwriter @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling
@thebejeweledwatercat @leahnardo-da-veggie)
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antianakin · 5 months
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So again I'm going to hit this in a few parts because I think there's a few different things happening depending on the situation.
Plo's insistence that they will be found in the Malevolence arc is serving two purposes: he's presumably choosing to have faith in the Force which could be telling him to keep hope, AND he's saying what needs to be said to keep his men's spirits up. If they go into this fight believing it's hopeless anyway, then the chances are a LOT higher that they'll end up dead, whereas if they keep a little more faith in their chances of being found, it'll give them the best chance possible. He's also just trying to lift up the clones' self-esteem in GENERAL because they're mentioning that they're "expendable" which is why they have no hope in being rescued. It's not that they think the situation is completely unsalvagable, but that nobody would bother risking their lives to save a few clones when there's so many of them and they can be so easily replaced. What Plo is doing here isn't that far off from what Yoda does just the episode before with Thire, Jek, and Rys: he's affirming that he sees the clones as PEOPLE worthy of caring about and fighting for, not because they're tools he needs in the war but just because they're THEM. There is nothing else Plo can do in this situation aside from keeping them alive as long as possible, and the best way he can do that is to keep their hopes up and keep them fighting. So regardless of whether he personally believes their chances of discovery are high or not, their best chance is for Plo to convince the clones he believes they'll be found.
ANAKIN'S reaction is completely separate from that (unless you believe that Plo is sort-of listening to the Force which is telling him to keep up hope and that that's possibly coming from Anakin and Ahsoka's choices here). Anakin is basically just bending the rules here because he can tell Ahsoka cares about this. I don't personally believe Anakin would've ACTUALLY gone after Plo in this situation if Ahsoka hadn't been there and being so vocal about her feelings on the matter. I think Anakin likely would've recognized the situation as a pretty foregone conclusion and continued on in his own mission. Keep in mind that this isn't the first attack by the Malevolence and in the other situations, there were no survivors. There's no actual reason to believe Plo is alive this time and it's a LOT more logical to assume that he didn't make it. Ahsoka is being emotional because she's young and she cares about Plo and wants to abandon her own mission in order to go check on someone she cares about, which is something that could potentially have dire consequences in other areas.
What Anakin does is try to find a loophole of sorts that allows them to still complete their original mission while accomplishing this other task, too. And while this logic works out for him, it assumes that nothing is going to happen to his fleet on the way to their final destination while he's gone. He is, effectively, abandoning his entire battalion in order to go save ONE PERSON (because I don't for a SECOND believe he cares about the 104th, he only cares about Plo because that's who AHSOKA cares about). If the 501st had gotten attacked mid-route somehow or they'd had issues along the way, they were left without either Jedi General or Commander to help them out. Yes, Plo and his three men would've died, but losing an entire fleet (which would be in ADDITION to losing Plo's entire battalion) would be far worse in the long run.
And this is why Anakin keeps getting away with acting like this. He takes massive risks in the name of emotional attachments that COULD have dire consequences but he manages to just keep getting lucky, which he convinces himself means that he was RIGHT. But that's not how it works, it's not the same thing. And eventually, that kind of thinking is going to lead him down the wrong path and he won't get so lucky.
You can also look at this situation like the trolley problem. Ideally, they'd like to just stop the trolley before it gets to either line with people on it. But if they CAN'T stop the trolley in time (and they have no control over which line it goes to), and the trolley's now hit that line with one person on it, is it better to go check and see if that one person survived being hit or is it better to go get the other people off the trolley line so they DON'T get hit by a trolley at all? It's possible another trolley might never come down, it's possible that that one person is still alive and could survive if only they're attended to in time. But it's also just as possible that a second trolley might come down and hit those other people on the other track while you're off saving that one person who's already been hit.
Now let's look at Luminara on Geonosis during the factory explosion. Here we get a more direct comparison between how a REAL Jedi handles the possibility of losing someone they care about and how ANAKIN handles the possibility of losing someone he cares about. The main difference for me here is the way they ultimately end up treating EACH OTHER. There's zero evidence that Luminara WOULDN'T have supported Anakin's attempts at finding them, and in fact there's actually evidence to support that Luminara was ALSO trying to look for them when she knelt down on the ground to meditate (something Anakin, like most of the fandom, tends to misinterpret as Luminara dropping to her knees in grief). When Anakin sees what he THINKS is Luminara losing herself to emotion, he's completely capable of being compassionate and reaching out to comfort Luminara, but when she responds that she's actually okay and will deal with Barriss's death if it happens, his compassion EVAPORATES. Almost like it was never even there and wasn't truly compassion in the first place (it's not that selfless if it's only offered when she adheres to HIS idea of how to properly grieve). And he never gives her the benefit of the doubt after this, never tries to understand her perspective AT ALL. All he does is continue to provoke her and harass her and then when they DO find Barriss and Ahsoka, Anakin IMMEDIATELY chooses to throw Luminara under the bus and accuse her of not caring about her own padawan RIGHT IN FRONT OF BARRISS.
Luminara, by contrast, continuously reaches out to Anakin to offer HIM compassion. Even in the face of his being a complete and utter asshole, his anger and selfishness towards her, she recognizes that this is Anakin GRIEVING the possibility of having lost Ahsoka, and so she offers selfless comfort ANYWAY. Even as he lashes out at her, even as he rejects her comfort and advice, she keeps offering it. Because she's a TRUE Jedi while Anakin is only a Jedi in name and nowhere is that more obvious than in this super direct parallel.
And you can compare this later to the advice Plo gives Anakin about Ahsoka during the Padawan Lost arc where he says that all Anakin can do at this point is trust that he's given her enough training to find her own way home. When there's nothing Anakin can truly do to help, he just has to trust in Ahsoka and trust in the Force to guide her. He has to trust he's been a good enough teacher. And in both the Geonosis episode with Luminara and the Padawan Lost arc with Plo, Ahsoka DOES manage to save herself. Anakin isn't really the person who does anything to save Ahsoka on Geonosis because he has no idea where to even start looking and it's a large area to search and they don't have enough time to search everywhere. Ahsoka sends a signal that gets through to the others, though, and THAT'S what saves her. It's something Anakin taught her before, sure, but nothing Anakin is doing right now in this moment is helping and THAT'S what Luminara is trying to impress upon him. All they can do right now, just like Plo and his men with the Malevolence, is trust in the Force and WAIT. Luminara is keeping herself calm, focused, and centered because getting emotional isn't going to help Barriss. Anakin getting emotional certainly doesn't help Ahsoka.
This is also a lesson we see pop up in other areas, as well. We see Obi-Wan getting taught a similar lesson during AOTC where he has to just trust he's taught Anakin well enough that he can manage his own obstacles and fix his own mistakes on a solo mission. He has to let go of his worries and doubts enough to let Anakin go because that's just how growing up works. And while we as the audience know that there's absolutely good reason to worry about Anakin being able to handle a solo mission, the Jedi aren't wrong to advise Obi-Wan to give Anakin room to make his own mistakes so he can grow. Also, in the episode JUST PRIOR to the one with Luminara, Landing at Point Rain, we see Anakin dealing with the loss of a loved one in the RIGHT way. Obi-Wan's ship crashes and Anakin is stuck far away and they don't know if Obi-Wan is injured or even alive. But Anakin is also still with Ahsoka and their troops, trying to get to the original landing site. Anakin COULD run ahead and try to get to Obi-Wan's ship to help him, but he'd be abandoning everybody else in order to do so and there's tons of enemies between them and the landing site, so the chances that they'd make it without his help are slim at best. So when Ahsoka starts getting emotional about wanting to help Obi-Wan, Anakin has to be the one to teach her this and tell her that they can't just go running off when it means abandoning other people to die. All they can do is protect the people they have the ability to protect and trust that in the Force and in Obi-Wan's own abilities.
So it's not like Anakin doesn't KNOW how he's supposed to handle this situation. He literally does EXACTLY what Luminara does JUST THE LAST EPISODE and teaches this exact fucking lesson to his own Padawan like the day before. And yet, when he's losing it and someone else is having to remind him about it, he can't take his own advice. He forgets everything he's ever learned and instead becomes a complete asshole to someone who has done nothing to deserve it.
So the lesson here isn't that you should never do anything to try to help people that MIGHT be dead, it's about prioritizing and knowing what it is you CAN do in the situation. With Plo, Anakin and Ahsoka CAN go save Plo, sure, but it means making a concession somewhere else. They prioritize saving Plo over staying with their own battalion. Plo has to prioritize keeping his men alive which means he has to choose to be optimistic even in the face of low odds because all he CAN do is keep fighting to stay alive as long as possible. Anakin can't REALLY do anything for Ahsoka when the factory explodes because he just has too little information to act on and this drives him NUTS. AHSOKA can work on sending a signal to him, but all Anakin can do is WAIT and have faith that Ahsoka will find a way out. Anakin's not so good at the faith thing, though, just canonically. Anakin doesn't like letting go of that much control in his life (or the lives of people he cares about). Luminara, however, CAN let go of the need to have control over everything and is doing what little she CAN do, which is reaching out with the Force to see if she can sense where Barriss is and keeping herself calm and focused.
Anakin IS wrong both times. The fact that things work out for him both times doesn't make him right in either instance. Remember, the exact things that cause him to make the choices he does HERE are the same things he uses to convince himself it's okay to commit a genocide against the Jedi later in order to save Padme. It's the exact same reasoning, he just gets lucky these times and gets LESS lucky later.
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nicki0kaye · 4 months
Kalluzeb AUs
fuckit I can't pick where to start so here's a list of my many, many Kalluzeb AUs. I'll link any explanations I post, be it just cuz I wanna or in reply to asks/requests to elaborate. All of these were written with @sidhebeingbrand as Zeb -- >Test Subject A) Jek B) Trouble [1] C) Jek and Trouble
>Sentinel/Guide [1] A) Canon compliant up to ice date -Golden Wings route -Ring fighter to Lira San route [1] B) Pre-Empire Meetcute [1] [2] -Agent 021 -Past!Kallus and Future!Kallus switch C) Gladiators of Nar Shaada [1] -Agent 021 -Reunion after Zero Hour -Sandr leaves with Ezra D) Unbridled Potential -Test subject route -Agent 021 route (fic compliant)
>Ice moon Amnesia A) Good route B) Gideon route -Specter rescue -Bad Batch rescue
>Passenger Parasite A) Infected while in Empire B) Infected while in Rebellion C) Infected while in Empire v2.0
>Starseed A) Kallus goes into Heat B) Starbaby Deception
>Darkside Maze A) Pre Ice Moon [1] B) Post Ice moon
>Lobot!Kallus A) Kallus under wraps B) Mareysha, Sasha, and Kallus [1]
>WereTooka!Kallus [1]
>ISB Agent Kallus moderates a Furry Smut RP holoforum
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roostercrowned · 1 month
Realm of the Elderlings Ask Meme Thing
tagged by @tragediegh! \o/ Favorite RotE book: I'm also gonna have to say Fool's Fate though Ass Quest is a close second Why: Listen I will never forget the shrimp emotions I experienced in that tent or during the resurrection, and the reveal/healing of Fitz's forging re-contextualizing all his previous choices. This book pulls no punches. I don't think I would have survived it if I had read it back in 2003 with no guarantee of Beloved surviving. And the ending was devastating but honestly, upon reflection I accept it--not as a "happy" ending but as Fitz maladaptively retreating to his past and being unable to follow through on the character growth that was happening for him up to that point. It is NOT a happy ending for Molly. Top three favorite characters: Amber, Lord Golden, and the Fool. Haha ok no, favorite supporting characters: Patience, Paragon, and Chade, with honorable mention to Jek and Rapskal Top Three Least Favorite Characters: uhhh Tats "Friendzone" Last Name, and Lant--he had me at "poor terrorized kid," lost me at "mean to Bee," started winning me back a little, then lost me again at "dating the 14 year old (implicitly as part of her casting off her gender nonconformity)." Everyone else I was pretty much cool with Favorite Ship (of the floating kind): I already said Paragon so it's gonna have to be Ophelia, she was such a bawdy aunt and she got to slap some bad guys (I don't even remember who it was now but the slapping was important) Top Three Favorite Ships (of the people kind): I'm not really into shipping as like a recreational activity, I feel like Robin Hobb already put in all the work for me on the one I care about. That said: PATIENCE AND LACEY. ...Actually I also really love that one text post about how Chade and Jek definitely hooked up and were total bros about it. I'll try to find it after I post this Would you rather be Witted or Skilled? Witted 100% If you were Witted, what animal would you bond with? A cormorant, and I would regress into full Gollum mode just eating raw fish and wallowing in the sea as god intended Would you rather live in the Outislands, the Mountain Kingdom, the Six Duchies, Bingtown, The Rain Wilds, Kelsingra, Jamaillia, The Pirate Isles, or the Fool's Homeland? Hard not to choose the one of these locations that's presented only as an idealized memory. With NO WINTERS (I grew up in California). Mountain Kingdom might be nice but they need to work on their ableism How were you introduced to the books? A friend with good taste mentioned finishing Farseer and being obsessed with it, and I was like "Hey I like vintage fantasy, would like to get back into reading more, and am laid up with a fucked up shoulder that's keeping me from drawing." and now here we are Share a quote you love: there are so many beautiful profound quotes about changing the world and unconditional love but @tragediegh had those covered so I am gonna go with the only balm for my soul in the aftermath of Fitz eavesdropping on Jek and Amber:
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get his ass my mind blanks when it's time to tag people but uhhh @everywaythatmatters and @cicide76536 if you haven't been tagged yet!
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WIP game
Rules: In a new post, post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
Tagged by @tragediegh thanks trage, this seems fun! Okay so I use Scrivener and I don't have a WIP folder per se but I have one project where I keep fic and lots of folders in this project, but lots of them are untitled because they just autosave under each new chapter I create for each folder within the project, and I have two folders, one for ROTE and one for ASOAIF. But here are a few of the ones that do have titles. Some of these are super old and pretty much discarded, but whatever! ROTE WIPS
many untitled (really just snippets)
Bee Raised in Clerres
no stabby
gambling lord golden
watch the masochists all celebrating love (part 3)
Divorced dads pt 3
DAU pt 5 and pt 6
many untitled (really just snippets)
Margaret Pole Alicent
Court in exile AU
signs that would bury our lives
thoughts become undisciplined
Tagging @aifsaath @whatevsbla @alloysius-g @inthedayswhenlandswerefew @theothermaidoftarth @lairn
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wantonlywindswept · 5 months
👀 (which by the way is a genuine reaction to your "I have so many things" tag-comment)
haaah there were. so many ideas. few of them coherent. x_X
this one i do actually want to finish at some point; it's corrie guard shenanigans, SOME of them trust that the jedi might be able to fix things so uh. they try. to maybe do that.
...kidnapping may or may not be involved.
Jek liked to think that he was a good soldier.
He wasn't the best--he would happily leave that to Commander Fox's batch and whatever tube glitch had resulted in Captain Rex--but he was decent. A solid middle. He got the job done, he worked hard, he didn't complain. (And not just because complaining on Coruscant could easily mean a recon.)
The point was, he didn't deserve to be put on trial for treason.
"It's only treason if it's against the Republic," Rys pointed out. "This is just standard treachery. That's prison time, at most."
"For natborns, maybe," Jek mourned. "Pretty sure if we fuck up they just send us back to Kamino for a refund."
"You are both following orders," Commander Thire gritted out, "So if anyone is brought up on charges, it will be me."
That made Jek feel a lot better, actually.
"Now shut up."
"Yessir," he and Rys chorused.
They marched crisply on either side of the heavily-laden hovercart, Thire in the lead as they made their way towards the entrance to the Jedi Temple. The loading bay was relatively busy this time of day, which is why Thire chose it, and they didn't expect too much scrutiny: clones came and went from the Temple all the time.
Not Guard clones, admittedly, but this was their city. Technically they had the right to go wherever they wanted.
A thought occurred to Jek then, flitting across his mind like one of those colorful flappy insects that Mack had tattooed on his arm.
"So, what do we do if General Yoda isn't here?"
Thire stumbled over his own feet.
"You mean you haven't already thought about that?" Rys hissed. He laid a hand atop the largest crate--the most important crate--on the hovercart, fingers spread out protectively across the smooth durasteel. "What if they want us to leave it in his room? If he's out on a mission he could be gone for months--"
"We're fucked if he's gone for more than another two hours," Jek pointed out helpfully.
"I will figure it out," Thire snapped. 
Two days into his new commission and he was already able to spew banthashit like the rest of the Commanders. Incredible.
"Are there even any other Jedi we could trust?" Jek asked. They'd met Master Yoda on the mission to Rugosa, so they knew he was a good person, but none of them really had experience with any of the other Jedi.
"Sinker said that General Koon is pretty good," Rys offered.
Thire snorted.
"General Koon actually likes Commander Wolffe. There's gotta be something wrong with him if he willingly puts up with that level of crazy."
"Maybe Kenobi? Commander Fox always bitches about Marshall Commander Cody going on about him."
Rys grimaced, shaking his head.
"He's Skywalker's master."
All three of them shuddered. Skywalker was friends with the Chancellor, and Commander Fox regularly came back from meetings with the Chancellor sporting mysterious injuries that somehow never got recorded on his medical file.
They all knew better to trust anyone that was on good terms with the Chancellor.
"What about General Windu?" Rhys suggested.
"What about me?"
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meteor752 · 8 months
This is Halloween
We’re just a few days away from the new life series, and judging by the status of a server I’m on and Trafficblr as a whole, none of us are quite ready
But I do what I gotta do, and the spoopy season is upon us, so here we are
I said I would be making Halloween costumes for the kids a few days ago, and I’ve slaves away all night and day preparing this presentation
No but fr, I had fun. Hope you like em
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Liana as Mumbo Jumbo
We’re starting out strong boys. Liana considers Mumbo her biggest financial rival, so their relationship is very, well, rivalesk. At least on her end. Mumbo’s still confused. She probably spent the entire Halloween night imitating him the best she could in a half mocking manner, and both her dads found it hilarious
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Wes as a cat burglar
Because what is Halloween without someone in a tight latex cat suit? Wes was 100% forced into this, and as much as he’s a little uncomfortable, he also finds it kinda fun. Jassy def tried to make him wear heels as well, but his balance is shit. He also managed to talk his way out of the tail, since he already has one.
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Gertrude as a mobster
Well, she is a king, might as well expand on the brand. Absolutely slaying too, I need to put her in more suits. She probably spent the entire Halloween night sitting mysteriously in some corner, “smoking” her fake cigar.
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Johnny as an angel
Cute ironic costume. This was actually suggested by someone in my dm’s, so I thank thee for the idea. The little wings were probably hand crafted from chicken feathers that my lad spent months on, and he’s very proud of them. He’s using the wreath crown to hide his horns as well, they ruin the angelic look. The lyre was borrowed from Novo as well, and he absolutely does not know how to play.
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Jassy as a ghost
Can you just put a sheet on your head and call it a day? Yes. But is that any fun? Fuck no. Chains will be rattling all night, and she’ll be throwing them around left and right. The white makeup is probably crappy af too and will start to come off after like, half an hour, but she still looks pretty fucking cool. Will try to scare as many people as she can.
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Jekiv as the real monster
A lot of Cleo designs incorporate the classic stitches across the skin, and Jekiv does have that as well on some places where his skin has just come off. But dressing as “Frankenstein’s monster” would be too easy. No, let’s go for the true villain of that story, Viktor Frankenstein himself. It’s a bit fitting too tho, since Jek is a necromancer. He’s just a lot nicer to his creations, amongst other things
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Novo as little red riding hood
His gf is a wolf, and the reasoning for his costume ends there. Very disappointed that Gert didn’t want to go in a couples costume, but oh well. The red hood is strangely comforting to him as well, what with his mom and all. He’s girlbossing
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eriexplosion · 7 months
Clone Wars - Ambush
And for now, back to the very start!
Real talk, part of the reason I was putting this off is because it STILL gives me such conflicted feelings regarding the Jedi & the clones relationship. And about Yoda, who is not my favorite but I hesitate to say I DISLIKE him because I do think he has fascinating angles but also I want to dropkick him like a little green football much of the time. I don't tend to talk about him much because I get Rambly.
However, his turn will come in a second, first things first: VENTRESS. Honestly it's still hilarious to me how if I had actually watched this show as a kid this woman would have single handedly led me to my sexuality like 7 years earlier than I managed it.
One of the clones kneeling to present Yoda with the communicator is SO cute. When the clones interact with beings much smaller than them........... I feel. But okay the first Complicated Feeling with Yoda is that I genuinely like him during the moment when he's marveling over the beauty of the moon and being a little playful. Kind of like I genuinely like him in the Original Trilogy when he's being a touch senile. Which just drives home how much I do not like him during most of his serious moments where his whole reputation for wisdom is used mostly to lead the plot around or say shit like his 'when our loved ones die we should be happy for them' advice to Anakin which, shockingly, didn't improve his Anxieties.
And he acknowledges the clones as individuals! It's a really sweet scene actually, and it starts the show out with the confirmation that yes these are people, they are full people with individual personalities. And then it gets helpfully ignored and Yoda never shows any concern about the clones as individuals again. Especially with the decision to retcon Jek in as one of the clones that Yoda straight up decapitates without pause or reflection.
Likeeee, this really undermines the feeling of the scene and sets an entirely different tone for Yoda's character to me, because it's such a strong moment in episode, so for it to never really come up with Yoda in particular again it's just. It's a weird decision, character tone wise.
Anyway this kind of ended up making me more resentful of Yoda in the long run? Because we get the immediate and obvious proof that he knows the clones are individuals, all of them unique and valuable, and then he proceeds to keep leading the Jedi through using them as tools for the rest of the war and ends up executing one of these same clones years later without pause or concern. If they had threaded this through a little more and given us more scenes like this it might not feel so stark? But that's also a big issue with the writing of the Jedi in general, where they lightly brush against the moral issues of the clones and then suddenly go "OH LOOK, LIGHTSABERS" and ignore it for 20 episodes.
My headcanon way of interpreting this is that Yoda was still very open early on but soon enough he starts realizing how many clones are going to die in this war. Each of them unique in the force. And since he's not really willing to push back against the Senate, for a variety of reasons, his other option is to just. Retreat back emotionally from the clones as individuals. Can't be consumed by negativity if you simply refuse to feel those bad things!
That said 'the force resides in all lifeforms' - increasingly loving this kind of drop in now that we know anyone can learn to use the force to some degree.
Another thing I enjoy is that I think that Yoda is actually really served design wise by the early season TCW animation. He looks good when he's stylized in the wood carving fashion.
This is much more of a flashy fight episode than a plot one, but any time clones are onscreen of course I can collect a pile of Thoughts about them. We also get a lot of battle droid comedy relief because they may be godawful fighters but at least they're funny. I think it does work better several episodes into the watch than it did as the very first episode, because watching the TCW movie (which was mostly excuses for long fights) and THEN this was a slog, but interspersing with other episodes that had a bit more substance to them made it feel like less of one.
Still. Vibrating about the clones even more in this watch because of having Hidden Enemy be so early on and calling attention to the clones horrifying situation makes my complicated feelings on Yoda acknowledging their individuality once and never again SO much stronger. Just. GAH. MY BOYS?
On a final note. Shout out to this fucking. Face. Ventress makes when she gets her lightsabers back.
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Ventress the instant she's called 'young one': >:<
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twilekchiss · 11 months
In all seriousness, I did like Jacen Syndulla's design, even if it, uh, wasn't aesthetically pleasing. I liked how it was so different from Shaeeah and Jek Lawquane because it showed variety in how Twi'lek hybrids could look like. Some could look very Twi'lek, whereas some could look more like their non-Twi'lek parent. Jacen got green hair, not a naturally occurring color in humans, while Shaeeah's skin has a lovely mottled pattern with a Twi'lek color and a human's skin tone. The Lawquane kids have eyebrows, which Twi'leks don't naturally grow, and Jacen's ears are pointed, with a tinge of green. The Lawquanes have lekku but no hair, and Jacen had hair with no (visible) lekku. (Though, there was a fan art out there that had Jacen with vestigial lekku in his hair, and I LOVED that.)
I love how wacky and a bit weird Twi'lek hybrids can come out. And that is why I'm disappointed in Jacen Syndulla's change. I'm hoping that it's a temporary disguise, that someone dyed his hair brown, and the green will be his actual color. I've seen arguments on both sides, and I get that Jacen's initial design was not... pretty. And that made him the butt of jokes, and many didn't like it. But I ended up really liking it because it felt... like a realistic way two species could hybridized.
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panther-os · 1 year
"so which boys are back in town?" well.... almost all of them?
this was a very nice little set up for the finale. i was worried we were gonna get another plot heavy episode and the end would be super rushed, but that's not the case. they even name dropped the title of episode 15 which had me immediately like 👀
tarkin is a bastard as always. crosshair refusing to give up the batch - including omega - breaks my heart. i also love how they show how fucked up he is by the torture by the way he misses shots - two of them. his whole thing is that he never misses. i'm also getting the sense that emerie only has this job because it pays the bills (her line about her access card not getting crosshair outside makes me think she's not even free to leave) and that she might be an ally next week.
it was good to see riyo with an obviously established halfway home setup in the martez' garage for deserted or rescued clones, but there's still no cody :( and rex was only there in spirit. no phee this episode either which hurted my little tephee shipper heart.
i'm super glad we got to see new clones! i would already die for fireball and the fact that he's wearing 41st ranger armor (like gree and jek in rots) and he and howzer clearly know each other has me 👀 about howzer possibly being assigned there before ryloth.
"fireball" also is the name of a clone pilot captain in the 501st's gold squadron. he showed up in clone wars gambit and we know he had bright red hair with a black streak, liked to play turbodarts, and went by fib for short. so it could also be that he wasn't originally a pilot, was crosstrained, and then got transferred back to ground in the 41st later in the war and so we have a fifth captain to add to keeli, rex, howzer, and wilco's fanon squad.
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(i would also die for nemec but i forgot his name and was consumed by fireball's wiki page and various writer-of-fanfic-shaped thoughts)
it was also great to see gregor wearing his gold again and fucking bizarre to see echo without a kama.
speaking of echo, his exchange with hunter was enlightening. echo's really intense about this, even moreso than before, and part of me wonders if that's because he's doing this because fives would, because he's come across so many apathetic brothers he tried to recruit and defaulted to the schpiel, or because both.
by far the best moment, though - even better than tech teaching omega to fly and the "tech turn" - was omega throwing herself into echo's arms and the way he just caught and held her. it's so obvious he misses her too. that's his kid your honor.
this is... actually my new favorite episode, just barely ahead of last week's.
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queen-scribbles · 2 months
Fine Print
Immediately post-Ruhnuk Kina/Rass ficlet bc I got a plot gizka. :D ---
The adrenaline didn't start to fade until their shuttle was lifting off from Ruhnuk in a flurry of dust plumes and downdrafts.
And even then her heart didn't slow much. This had been a close one no matter how much Kina thrived on adrenaline--and despite the fact they'd come out on top.
Kina set the autopilot to rendezvous with Shae's flagship and let out a deep breath as she sat back, glancing over at the copilot's chair. Jekiah and Akaavi were helping Shae in the back and she knew joining them would create a 'too many cooks in the cantina' situation. But Rass was sitting with one arm still curled protectively across his chest, over the burn marring his armor, jaw tight. That was something she could help.
"Hey," she began, bumping her knee against his to get his attention, "you alright? Anything broken?"
"Broken, don't think so." Rass shifted in his seat, jaw unclenching a little. He let go the shielding grip and ran his hand through his hair. "And I know what broken ribs feel like; that is distinctly absent. Aches like hell, but that's probably just bruises."
"Really?" Kina shot a skeptical look at the damage to his armor. "B'cause from where I was standin' it looked like Ri'kan had a hell of a backhand."
"Oh, he does," Rass said glibly. The half-smile he sent her looked forced around the edges. "Beskar's good stuff, Spike."
"Uh-huh." She gave him a flat look for the nickname. "Well, Tough Guy, maybe I should check anyway. Just to make sure you're not bleeding internally and gonna die a tragically young death soon as we land on the Spirit."
He laughed at that, though it was stilted and ended with a grimace. "That would be a shame."
"And since the med-techs are gonna bee busy with Shae" --and maybe Akaavi, she added to herself, remembering what he'd said about the relay station ambush-- "d'you really want them worryin' about you, too?"
Rass cocked his head, smirking faintly. "Better for you to worry about me?"
"I'm gonna do it anyway," Kina shrugged, "might as well benefit from it." Half-jokingly, she reached toward one of his armor clasps.
Something flickered in his eyes at her more-honest-than-intended comment, before amusement came back and he playfully batted her hand away. "Appreciated, but if you wanna get me out of my armor, you're gonna have to buy me dinner first."
"Not even if I say pretty please?" she teased with an exaggerated bat of her eyes. "Or remind you I did say I'd watch your back, and this counts. Y'know, in the fine print."
"Good to know, and more than a little tempting." Rass leaned his head back against the seat and watched the rapidly approaching flagship. "But I think I gotta stick to my guns on this one. Dinner. Or at least a drink."
"That's an awful fast compromise, Tough Guy," Kina grinned, still fiddling with the kolto injector she'd pulled out.
"Chalk it up to your persuasion skills." He glanced over, and there must've been something in her face that made him straighten. "Really, Kina, I'll be fine. Much like beskar, I'm sturdier than I look. And I'm pretty sure just bruises made it through."
"You'll hafta let me know if there're any pretty patterns to it," she joked. Something in her did an odd little flutter at him using her name, but she shook it off and waggled the kolto. "'Least want somethin' to help with the achiness?"
The good humor in his eyes faded to something serious. "Probably should. There's... a lot to talk to Jek about, once Mandalore's taken care of. Better to not be distracted by bruised ribs."
She almost protested, insisted on professional grounds rather than personal interest in 'getting him out of his armor', but just bit her tongue and handed over the kolto injector. "You know if you need anything you can hit me up." She smirked. "I am very good at acquiring things."
"This more of the fine print for havin' my back?" Rass teased. She didn't miss the wash of relief across his face when the kolto kicked in.
"Nah, I just like you," she grinned.
A flicker of a smile broke through the other emotions clearly taking over his thoughts. "Lucky me, then."
Kina winked at him, then turned her attention to the controls, witching back to manual for the final approach to the Spirit of Vengeance II. Her heart rate was climbing again, despite her attempts to settle it.
Just for a completely different reason now.
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