#manon gage
poisonsome · 1 year
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🇫🇷 Manon Gage 🇺🇸
Photoshoot by Lorrin Brubaker
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beautyarchive · 1 year
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Manon Gage as Marissa Marcel in the FMV mystery game ‘Immortality’ (2022).
I really like Manon’s nose. She’s like Anya Taylor-Joy crossed with Rosanna Arquette
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obsidians-nightmare · 9 months
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That’s immortality, my darlings
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lapsedgamer · 2 months
Alan Wake II (PS5)
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Golly, where to even begin with this one. The first Alan Wake met me at the tail end of my reintroduction to gaming, one of a bundle of titles I got in one of those insane Xbox marketplace sales. It wowed me with its intentional storytelling and structure, but the hiking and shooting that made up the second hour of each chapter wore on me a bit. Control hit during a PS4 golden age, and wowed me with its ambitious combination of an open-world structure, inventive multimedia storytelling and systems-driven action. The AWE DLC reminded me what I'd loved about Alan Wake, and hyped me up for the now inevitable yet excitingly undefinable prospect of a sequel. Edge magazine's preview article on the game last year, with its hits of metatextual complexity and genre fiction pastiche pushed the game into essential, buy-a-console-for-this territory. It is the reason I bought - and kept a PS5 Slim.
And it's all so very much not what I could have predicted. The bones of the Alan Wake combat system are still here, yes, but used more sparingly, in more inventive ways, and with greater variety. The narrative starts out at a level of metatextual complexity that the first game had steadily built to, and only escalates further. Yet while esoteric mysteries draw you in, it's the human stakes that create and drive the conflict.
It sometimes feels crass to talk about a game's technological achievements, but Alan Wake II is also one of the most visually effective games I've played in years. There is no risk of mistaking the live-action scenes for the in-game ones, but the consistency in visuals between the two, and the first-rate facial animation, let Remedy intertwine them in fun, effective ways.
And speaking of performances, Ilka Villi's turn as Wake is probably the most fun I've had watching an actor since Manon Gage in Immortality. He's capable of not just a great expressive range - to the point where he gets the occasional borderline-unrecognisable extra role in the story - but real emotional nuance. All this while having most of his dialogue dubbed over by the always excellent Matthew Porretta.
It's fun, it's wild, it's creative, it's just-one-more-page compelling, it's pretty much up there with Tears of the Kingdom as my favourite game released in 2023. I'm restraining myself for now blowing another 20 hours on a second play-through even thought I have umpteen big new games to play. I cannot wait to see what this team does next.
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thelof9 · 1 year
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I stumbled across Manon Gage's Immortality stream with Charlotta Mohlin and now I cannot stop thinking about Marissa Marcel somehow resurfacing in the 2020s as a streamer
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mjackdaw · 8 months
one of my big takeaways from immortality (2022) was that I truly can’t get over how pretty manon gage and ty molbak are. like they have ridiculously barbie/ken faces and such good acting faces and yet I’ve never heard of them.
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iamthekarmapolice · 1 year
Immortality freaked me out like no other game ever has. I have been feeling all kinds of anxious, especially before sleeping. I just found this twitch stream of Manon Gage and Charlotta Molin (who are lead actors in the game) streaming the game doing a Q&A, and listening to them talking about being freaked out by the game despite having worked on it and knowing what happens, and about wearing pads under their costumes to stop sweating, and seeing The One play with her little dog....I think I’ll sleep fine tonight
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delicatessendigital · 2 months
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Immortality te da un tenedor y un chubasquero y te suelta desnudo en medio de la selva. Esto es, metafóricamente. Ni brújula ni mapa ni, ya que estamos, unas palmaditas en la espalda, que para cuando quieres darte cuenta estás en medio de todas esas bobinas de película y lo único que tienes junto a ti es una explicación tan sucinta de los controles que se antojan un par de latas de provisiones y tú sin abrelatas a mano. La diferencia respecto de tan bonita metáfora es que Immortality no es una selva: es un planeta alienígena. Porque, si algún juego pone a prueba el debate de lo que es un videojuego (y desmontar los videojuegos desde dentro es nuestro pasatiempo favorito en Delicatessen Digital), es este. La experiencia es... inenarrable. Así que tratemos de ubicarnos: trastearemos con los rollos que quedaron del rodaje de tres filmes ficticios (Ambrosio, Minsky y Two of Every Thing) con la intención de... ¿de qué? Bueno: pues esa es la madre del cordero. Agarra el tenedor y apáñatelas tú mismo. En el proceso, serás engullido por un faraónico teatro tetraédrico compuesto de vídeos en los que coexisten al menos cuatro relatos: el de cada una de las tres películas en sí mismas, el del rodaje de dichas películas (y que vislumbramos entre toma y toma), el de la narración que configura la propia interacción entre los personajes/actores y, encima de todo ello, el de la trama pesadillesca que da sentido unitario a toda la obra, a esa "inmortalidad" del título. Para disfrazarse de juego, el diseño se inventa unas mecánicas que hastían e hipnotizan en igual medida. El juego no se juega: se alucina. La experiencia es intravenosa. Y la posibilidad de una embolia siempre queda ahí.
Nos gusta: Las actrices y los actores, brillantes, especialmente la propia Manon Gage, que interpreta en el juego a Marissa Marcel, a su vez una actriz a la que vemos encarnar a cuatro personajes distintos a lo largo de tres películas... porque, en la última, como si fuera ya el colmo, Marcel queda a cargo de dos personajes, idénticos físicamente. Nos gusta especialmente uno de los filmes dentro del juego, Ambrosio, una suerte de adaptación cinematográfica de El Monje (novela escrita en 1796 por el británico Matthew Gregory Lewis) que es arrobadora y vale la experiencia por si sola. Y nos gustan, como la guinda del pastel (somos fanes), los guiños imperceptibles a la saga Silent Hill... con la que el director del juego, Sam Barlow, tiene cierta conexión.
No nos gusta: La verdad es que, tras Ambrosio, los otros dos filmes dentro de Immortality nos parece que van de más a menos. Por otro lado, solo hay dos mecánicas en el juego, y la principal se va sintiendo paulatinamente más tediosa y más absurda. Cabría preguntarse cuándo los videojuegos se librarán de tener que ser videojuegos, cuándo lo serán verdaderamente por no tratar de serlo, pero, hasta que eso ocurra, los juegos más audaces serán siempre los más perjudicados por el titubeo de su osadía. No nos gusta el divorcio tremendo entre el juego al que jugamos y las respuestas que luego encuentra uno por internet: no nos gustó despertar de esta ensoñación febril de símbolos e interpretaciones solo para descubrir que hay (¡se supone!) una trama tan tangible y tan concreta, tan desligada de todo, que hasta sentimos arbitraria.
Nuestro veredicto: No nos malinterpretéis: fuimos adeptos y, en cierto modo, lo seguimos siendo. Recomendaríamos esta experiencia, sus Ideas Sugestivas, visionarias, a cualquiera. Pero lo haríamos presa de una acuciante sensación de culpa, y trataríamos de salir de la habitación lo antes posible: para no estar presentes cuando el éxtasis se tornara en extenuación. Cuando el trago se le atragantara a uno.
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jcmarchi · 4 months
Immortality's Unsettling Mystery Comes To PlayStation 5 This Month
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/immortalitys-unsettling-mystery-comes-to-playstation-5-this-month/
Immortality's Unsettling Mystery Comes To PlayStation 5 This Month
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Sam Barlow’s acclaimed interactive cinematic mystery game Immortality is making its way to PlayStation 5 on January 23. The game first arrived on Xbox Series X/S and PC in August 2022.
Like Barlow’s previous works, Her Story and Telling Lies, Immortality sees players interacting with live-action footage to solve the mystery behind the disappearance of fictional actress Marissa Marcel (Manon Gage). Once a promising young star, Marcel only made three movies – none of which were ever released – before she vanished. 
Learning what happened to Marcel involves searching out dozens of clips of each film’s behind-the-scenes footage, scrubbing them for clues, and finding related videos using the ability to “match cut.” This mechanic allows players to click on elements within a scene (like a person or object) to uncover new clips featuring that selected element. The PS5 version enhances these mechanics with new haptic feedback and controller speaker features.
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Immortality’s unsettling atmosphere, inventive mechanics, and strong storytelling earned it a place on Game Informer’s Top 10 Games of 2022. Immortality is also available now on Xbox Series X/S, PC, and mobile devices via Netflix. 
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lucidpantone · 5 months
for me the new gen ruined the ending of wtfock. those last scenes on the beach were a perfect end and i think it should have been left at that. i find anais boring because she has no personality. she has no interests, no hobbies, no strong opinions. we never see her alone. shes meant to like music but we barely see it
Is this you 1st newgen? I am not asking that condescendingly it's more to gage your experiences with newgens. This is my 4th newgen(dont count Italia a new gen since its blended). The new gens are their own thing. Even when they correlate to the past (Lola/nora) they are still standalone shows. Particularly wtfock and Shirleys/Manon's newgen for skamfr. They have absolutely nothing to do with the OG cast. Basically two completely different shows with some similar show aesthetic but that's it that's were the correlation ends unless your watching David's Lola season or Nora's season that finalizes Kiki's arc with her whole fam. The rest of the seasons are a whole new show.
So this version of the show has nothing to do with the old version. Basically two entirely different shows but with similarities because ovi Rutgers is still the boss so it has the same style and BTS staff but that's it. I mean you're clearly bias because of the old cast which I also love but Anais def has interest. Since s1 we have seen her love of fashion and we see this season her love of music. I do agree she has no strong opinions and that's why people find her to be a pushover and yea would love to see her alone more but TBH we saw Ada alone a lot and that season truly was boring so maybe I prefer this angle.
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ccthewriter · 1 year
CC's New Watch Ranking 2022: #7 - The Passion of Joan of Arc (and Immortality)
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1928, dir. Carl Theodor Dreyer
Every year on Letterboxd, I make a list of the 100 best films I’ve seen for the first time. It’s a fun way to compare movies separated in time, genre, and country of origin, and helps me keep track of what I’m watching! This is a series of posts about my Top 10.
Insightful writers have been commenting on this film for nearly a century. I don’t expect to add anything very meaningful to that discourse, but I would like to use this film as a launching point for discussing the best game I played this year, one that I started the day after watching this masterpiece - Immortality. Perhaps it’s the adjacency with which I engaged in these two pieces, but they seemed to be intentionally, brilliantly in dialogue with one another. Immortality is a game about legacy, sacrifice, and the dangers of making art. The Passion of Joan of Arc is a living example of those lessons. 
First, the film - Passion is a psychological study of the last days of Joan of Arc’s life. It takes its sparse dialogue from the real transcripts of the martyr’s trial. The dominant image is extreme close ups on Joan, played by Renée Jeanne Falconetti, as she stares and responds to the priests who are persecuting her. Cutaways to them is almost always from Joan’s point of view - the camera is her gaze, transforming this from a history film into a character study. Joan’s despair, her strength, her disbelief in the injustice she’s facing, the cycles of emotion as she approaches her end - they emanate from Falconetti with the force of gales. This is one of cinema’s great performances. 
The palpable discomfort, the central element of its atmosphere, is reinforced through every other production aspect. The sets are claustrophobic, the priests act grotesque, every element seems to linger in suffering. There are popular rumors that Dreyer was a tyrant on set and evokes Falconetti’s performance with heavy handed cruelty, but most sources I’ve found seem to show that she and other crew members denied such behavior ever happened. What is sure is that Falconetti struggled with internal suffering for most of her life. After filming was done, she did not act on film again. She died in tragic circumstances. Falconetti’s masterful performance is born out of some connection with the immense suffering Joan, the historical figure and this telling’s character, experienced throughout her own tumultuous life. Everything about this film, from its literal contents to the context of its production, provokes the viewer into a meditation on suffering. It provokes thorny questions, and after a century of doing so, it’s safe to say it will continue to prod audiences for as long as we’re around. This movie has a kind of eternal power, a lasting quality that keeps it relevant. 
It has a kind of immortality. 
Immortality is a game by Sam Barlow, creator of Her Story, that has the player explore a fictional archive of films. All three were never released, sharing a lead actress named Marissa Marcel (player by Manon Gage). By clicking through objects and people in the clips, you can match-cut to a similar image in another clip, and go through the game spinning through footage, trying to learn the plot of the films, as well as the behind-the-scenes footage that shows Marissa’s life. (Spoilers ahead.) Eventually, the player will discover that by reeling the footage backwards, and feeling out a certain sweet-spot through controller vibrations and a sound effect, you can access secret footage. Marissa is possessed by a supernatural figure called The One, played by Charlotta Mohlin, a sort of demonic spirit that feeds off and influences humanity. They - and I’ll refer to them as a them, as they seem to the sort of species that transcends a gender binary - address you directly, telling the story of how they first became Marissa, their life, and what they were trying to achieve in becoming mortal. You learn about their tragic end at the hands of The Other One, another spirit that is inextricably paired to them. 
This many layered narrative revolves around themes of suffering, manipulation, and sacrifice in the pursuit of fulfillment. The content of the three fictional films have plots with similar themes. Behind the scenes, Marissa retires from acting after accidentally killing her co-star in her second film - an act orchestrated by the possessing One to murder The Other One who is in the co-stars body. Maris emerges from retirement decades later, only to be murdered in turn by The Other One who has possessed yet another actor. It is the fulfillment of their eons-long struggle for control and independence. You learn their story through black-and-white shots, mostly closeups of The One’s face. They address the viewer directly, occasionally cutting away to them literally possessing the actors in a scene, inserting themself in the action. A strong sense of fear, of discomfort, emerges as you search for The One’s footage, as they break the cinematic language of the rest of the game. They pop up like a jump scare - the intensity of their gaze, the cruelty and desperation, is on full display. Every element, from the music, to the controls, to the performances throughout the films, provokes thorny questions about the act on creation. 
And The One meets their end by being burnt alive. 
It surprises me, given these parallels, not to see this particular version of the Joan of Arc story on Half Mermaid’s own Letterboxd list of films that inspired the game. The 1957 version, directed by Otto Preminger, is listed instead. Though I strongly suspect this inspired certain moments in the game, what matters is that the elements that make Passion so powerful are the same that make Immortality one of the best games I’ve ever played. Barlow understands the power of faces. His other game, Her Story, is entirely comprised of close-ups of a single actress, as you see her character’s responses to questions asked off-screen. In Immortality, the One’s appearances are shot with even more focus on Charlotta Mohlin’s powerful gaze. She has an otherworldly air, and the stark black-and-white photography stands in sharp contrast to the rest of the colorful footage. In Passion, Joan tends to be shot with a softer lighting scheme compared to establishing shots of her prison and the priests she’s interacting with. They are sharp, harsh, and alienating. 
The contrast between these shots, in both works, creates a sense of reality for their central figure. The One feels like a real entity that has possessed your screen, a creepypasta legend come to life. She can be shot in full definition, compared to the grainer footage of the three films that emulate moviemaking of their decade. She can enter the frame in ways no one else depicted can. Joan’s presence is likewise ethereal, and the realness of her portrayal of pain makes her come to life like no other figure in cinema. She really seems to leap through the screen, boring into your soul. 
Passion’s exploration of suffering ultimately leads to - unsurprisingly - a rather Christian message of martyrdom. Through Joan’s sacrifice the peasantry revolt, inspired and moved by the suffering she volunteers for. She is depicted as a Christ figure. The One, by contrast, claims to be responsible for that particular myth. Their demise, their suffering, appears to be more self-serving. The One wishes to be immortalized, to be loved forever, to always exist through being viewed, being understood. That’s what you give them by playing the game. Their death serves their mission, much like Joan’s sacrifice makes her a martyr and completes her cause. 
The greatest works of art embody their subject matter on every level. The controls reinforce the story; the images reflect the theme. This is the quality I’ve grown to appreciate the most as I contemplate the works of art that have moved me this year. Right now we seem to be subsumed in media that feels disposable, stuff that is meant to occupy our time without offending our sensibilities too much. Everything is algorithmically calculated to provide just enough. If it wants discussion, it’s only provoking discourse for advertising purposes. Engaging with works of art that really seem to be hammering at some essential, something shared between people, is what’s keeping me going. I think works like these can inspire people to demand more of their media, to be open to receiving challenging ideas. To be satisfied with a series of question, rather than a prescribed list of answers. I came away from both these works filled with wonder and curiosity. The Passion of Joan of Arc has been inspiring interest for a century and forever. I can’t say for sure if Immortality has that potential… but I do wonder. 
Thank you for reading! If you made it this far why don't you give me a follow on Letterboxd, where I post reviews and keep obsessive track of all the movies I watch. Feel free to drop a line if you checked this movie out and want to share your thoughts!
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mademoiselleseraph · 1 year
I hope Manon Gage, Jascha Slesers, Miles Szanto and all them know that they were so compelling in the Ambrosio scenes of the game that i actually started to read the real book the fake movie was based on
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iamvoid0 · 1 year
Nintendo gets Call of Duty, FTC Sues Microsoft, Panda CEO steps down, and $70 Video games!
🕹️ The Console War Rages On
Monster Hunter Rise coming to other console platforms - The game is set to go to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One digitally on the 20th of January, 2023, for $39.99 USD. The Sunbreak expansion will follow in the Summer of 2023. (Source)
Microsoft is raising game prices - Xbox X|S first-party titles will now cost USD 70, according to Microsoft. Forza Motorsport, Redfall, and Starfield will cost USD 69.99 USD 69.99 at launch. Microsoft stated, "This price reflects the content, scale, and technical complexity of these titles.". (Source)
Panda CEO steps down - Following the controversy surrounding the Smash Bros tournaments, the Panda CEO has stepped down following several accusations regarding his conduct - bullying players and organizers in partnering with Panda Cup. The Panda Cup Finale has also been postponed. This is an ongoing story. (Source)
Microsoft has inked a 10-year deal for Call of Duty to go on Nintendo Platforms - In a new report, Microsoft has announced that they have signed a new 10-year agreement to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo Platforms. The word itself does not name the Switch. Microsoft has also stated they've committed to keeping Call of Duty on Steam, with Gabe Newell confirming the release and praising Microsoft for "following through" with their statements. (Source)
Sony Fires Back At Nintendo & Microsoft - Microsoft's new deal with Nintendo has raised a response from Sony. Sony claims that the Call of Duty deal with Nintendo is meaningless as the Switch "could not run Call of Duty easily and may never be able to" and that Nintendo's younger audience has no interest in Call of Duty. (Source)
FTC Sues to block Microsoft's Acquisition of Activision-Blizzard-King. In a new report, the FTC has indicated their decision to sue Microsoft to block the acquisition of Activision-Blizzard-King. The FTC representative stated, "Microsoft has already shown that it can and will withhold content from its gaming rivals." (Source, Twitter Thread)
✨ Going to Events Spiritually
The Game Awards 2022 happened.
Credit to IGN for the formatted list.
Game of the Year
It is recognizing a game that delivers the absolute best experience across all creative and technical fields.
A Plague Tale: Requiem
Elden Ring - WINNER
God of War Ragnarok
Horizon Forbidden West
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Best Game Direction
It is awarded for outstanding creative vision, game direction, and design innovation.
Elden Ring - WINNER
God of War Ragnarok
Horizon Forbidden West
Best Narrative
For outstanding storytelling and narrative development in a game.
A Plague Tale: Requiem
Elden Ring
God of War Ragnarok - WINNER
Horizon Forbidden West
Best Art Direction
For outstanding creative and technical achievement in artistic design and animation.
Elden Ring - WINNER
God of War: Ragnarok
Horizon: Forbidden West
Best Score/Music
For outstanding music, including score, original song and licensed soundtrack.
Olivier Deriviere - A Plague Tale: Requiem
Tsukasa Saitoh - Elden Ring
Bear McCreary - God of War: Ragnarok - WINNER
Two Feathers - Metal Hellinger
Yasunori Mitsuda
Best Audio Design
It is recognizing the best in-game audio and sound design.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Elden Ring
God of War Ragnarok - WINNER
Gran Turismo 7
Horizon Forbidden West
Best Performance
It is awarded to an individual for voice-over acting, motion and performance capture.
Ashly Birch - Horizon: Forbidden West
Charlotte McBurney - A Plague Tale: Requiem
Christopher Judge - God of War: Ragnarok - WINNER
Manon Gage - Immortality
Sunny Suljic - God of War: Ragnarok
Games for Impact
For a thought-provoking game with a pro-social meaning or message.
A Memoir Blue
As Dusk Falls - WINNER
Citizen Sleeper
Endling - Extinction is Forever
I Was a Teenage Exocolonist
Best Ongoing Game
It is awarded to a game for outstanding ongoing content development that evolves the player experience over time.
Apex Legends
Destiny 2
Final Fantasy 14 Online - WINNER
Genshin Impact
Best Indie Game
For outstanding creative and technical achievement in a game made outside the traditional publisher system.
Cult of the Lamb
Neon White
Stray - WINNER
Best Debut Indie Game
For the best debut game created by a new independent studio.
Neon White
Stray - WINNER
Vampire Survivors
Best Mobile Game
For the best game playable on a mobile device.
Apex Legends Mobile
Diablo Immortal
Genshin Impact
Marvel Snap - WINNER
Tower of Fantasy
Best Community Support
It recognises a game for outstanding community support, transparency and responsiveness, including social media activity and game updates/patches.
Apex Legends
Destiny 2
Final Fantasy 14 Online - WINNER
No Man's Sky
Best VR/AR Game
For the best game experience, playable in virtual or augmented reality, irrespective of platform.
After the Fall
Among Us VR
Moss: Book II - WINNER
Red Matter 2
Innovation in Accessibility
Recognizing software and hardware that is pushing the medium forward by adding features, technology and content to help games be played and enjoyed by an even wider audience.
As Dusk Falls
God of War: Ragnarok - WINNER
Return to Monkey Island
The Last of Us Part 1
The Quarry
Best Action Game
The best game in the action genre focused primarily on combat.
Bayonetta 3 - WINNER
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II
Neon White
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
Best Action/Adventure Game
Combine combat with traversal and puzzle solving for the best action/adventure game.
A Plague Tale: Requiem
God of War Ragnarok - WINNER
Horizon Forbidden West
Best RPG
For the best game designed with rich player character customization and progression, including massively multiplayer experiences.
Elden Ring - WINNER
Live a Live
Pokémon Legends: Arceus
Triangle Strategy
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Best Fighting Game
For the best game designed primarily around head-to-head combat.
DNF Duel
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle R
The King of Fighters 15
MultiVersus - WINNER
Best Family Game
For the best game appropriate for family play, irrespective of genre or platform.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land - WINNER
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope
Nintendo Switch Sports
Splatoon 3
Best Sports/Racing Game
For the best traditional and non-traditional sports and racing game.
F1 22
NBA 2K23
Gran Turismo 7 - WINNER
OlliOlli World
Best SIM/Strategy Game
The best game focused on real-time or turn-based simulation or strategy gameplay, irrespective of platform.
Dune: Spice Wars
Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope - WINNER
Total War: WARHAMMER 3
Two Point Campus
Victoria 3
Best Multiplayer Game
For outstanding online multiplayer gameplay and design, including co-op and massively multiplayer experiences, irrespective of game genre or platform.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
Overwatch 2
Splatoon 3 - WINNER
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
Content Creator of the Year
For a streamer or content creator who has made an important and positive impact on the community in 2021.
Karl Jacobs
Ludwig - WINNER
Best Esports Athlete
The esports athlete judged to be the most outstanding for performance and conduct in 2021, irrespective of game.
Jeong "Chovy" Ji-hoon  (Gen.G, LOL)
Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok (T1, LOL)
Finn "karrigan" Andersen ( (FaZe Clan - CS:GO)
Oleksandr "s1mple" Kostyliev (Natus Vincere, CS:GO)
Jacob "Yay" Whiteaker (Cloud9, Valorant) - WINNER
Best Esports Coach
The Esports coach judged to be the most outstanding for performance and conduct in 2021.
Andrii "B1ad3" Horodenskyi  (Natus Vincere, CS:GO)
Matheus “bzkA” Tarasconi (LOUD, VALORANT) - WINNER
Erik “d00mbr0s” Sandgren (FPX, VALORANT)
Robert "RobbaN" Dahlström (FaZe Clan, CS:GO)
Go "Score" Dong-bin (Gen.G, LOL)
Best Esports Event
Recognizing an event (across single or multiple days) that delivered a best-of-class experience for participants and the broadcast audience.
EVO 2022
2022 League of Legends World Championship - WINNER
PGL Major Antwerp 2022
The 2022 Mid-Season Invitational
VALORANT Champions 2022
Best Esports Game
For the game that has delivered the best overall esports experience to players (inclusive of tournaments, community support and content updates), irrespective of genre or platform.
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
League of Legends
Rocket League
Best Esports Team
Recognizing a specific esports team (not the entire organization) judged the most outstanding for performance and conduct in 2021.
DarkZero Esports (Apex Legends)
FaZe Clan (CS:GO)
Gen.G (League of Legends)
LA Thieves (Call of Duty)
LOUD (Valorant) - WINNER
Most Anticipated Game
Recognizing an announced game that has demonstrably illustrated potential to push the gaming medium forward.
Final Fantasy 16
Hogwarts Legacy
Resident Evil 4
The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - WINNER
Best Adaptation
Celebrating game-inspired projects across entertainment including TV, movies, comics, and more.
Arcane: League of Legends - WINNER
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
The Cuphead Show!
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Final Fantasy XVI will be released on the 22nd of June, 2023.
Armoured Core VI: Fires of Rubicon, from the developer of Elden Ring - FromSoftware, is set for a 2023 release.
Hades 2 was announced with a gameplay trailer. Supergiant Games will release Hades 2 in Early Access in 2023.
Bioshock creator, Ken Levine, has revealed his next game - Judas.
Death Stranding 2 has been announced.
Cyberpunk 2077 new expansion Phantom Liberty will get Idris Elba.
Star Wars: Jedi Survivor will be released on the 17th of March, 2023.
Diablo 4 will be released on the 6th of June, 2023.
Street Fighter VI will be released on the 2nd of June, 2023.
Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League will be released on the 26th of May, 2023. It was also confirmed that this game would be Kevin Conroy's, one of the voices of Batman who has done the voice for decades and who passed away recently, last appearance as Batman.
Tekken 8 gets a new gameplay trailer.
Horizon Forbidden West: Burning Shores DLC will release on the 19th of April, 2023, for PS5.
Crash Team Rumble, a spin-off of the Crash Bandicoot franchise, will receive a 4v4 multiplayer game set for release in 2023.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 got a gameplay trailer and is set for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC in 2023.
Earthblade, from Celeste developer, showed off a gameplay trailer which a release window of 2024.
Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon Announced and will be released on the Switch on the 17th of March, 2023.
Hellboy will receive a new game under the subtitle "Web of Wyrd". It will be available for PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.
Crime Boss: Rocky City Announced With Cast Including Chuck Norris, Danny Trejo, and Vanilla Ice.
Lords of the Fallen gets a new gameplay trailer. It will be a soul-like reboot of the 2016 Lords of the Fallen.
Last of Us Part 1 will arrive on the PC on the 3rd of March, 2023.
Returnal will be released for the PC in early 2023.
Baldur's Gate 3 gets a release window of August 2023.
Transformers gets an online action game coming to PC and consoles developed by Splash Damage. The title of the game will be Transformers: Reactivate; no further information was revealed.
Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden was announced.
Immortals of Aveum, a first-person magic shooter, was developed by developers who previously worked on Dead Space, Halo, and Bioshock. It received an announcement and is part of EA Originals.
Remnant 2 will arrive on the PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC in 2023.
Blue Protocol will be released in North America by Amazon Games.
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Finally, using my Final Fantasy XIV for four free days.
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techstartro · 1 year
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kalorphic · 2 years
Congrats on the demo release, it was amazing! Loved Noah and how fun he was in the prologue, I’m excited see what else you have planned!! Keep up the great work ❤️
Thank you so much Gage!💕
Noah is just a giant dork when they’re not killing people 🥰 Manon is disgusted <3
Good luck with your own demo, I’m super excited for it! I just know I’m going to be hooked!!
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pierre-renaldi · 5 years
The fire crackling quietly, comfortably and warm, Pierre sat with tiny Manon bubled up in his lap and a thick blanket enveloping them both. Smiling fiantly, he hummed and sang little Genovian lullabies and ditties to her while he watched her small hand hold on tightly to his finger. 
He only looked up when he heard the door open and Ashildr come in. “Hello,” he greeted her gently, trying to gage how she was feeling after what had seemed a rough afternoon for her.
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