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Ms. Reiko
The shop known as Ms Reiko in Daikanyama
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henchthem · 3 months
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magnet yuri for planet filth server <3
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ririx446 · 2 days
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Cat mark!! Hes so stupid
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humanpeoplefanblog · 1 year
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does this mean anything.
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predator catwoman moment
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pibafish · 6 months
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manequinn regretevator
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evpatya · 3 months
why is like manequinn mark named mark, not mart
than wallmark would sound like wallmart
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automatonknight · 1 year
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id: three digital sketches of the same original character. he’s a humanoid robot with angel wings. he mostly looks similar to a manequinn, besides his upper arms which are full of wires connecting to his shoulders and appear unfinished. his face is simplistic, only showing dot-like eyes on what looks like two, folded wings. on the sketch most to the left, he’s fully visible standing and leaning to the right ever so slightly, extending his right arm out. there’s an arrow pointing to his chest that says “light chamber” and one next to his legs pointing to his wings saying “organic wings”. in the upper right corner there’s a drawing of him to a little below the shoulders. he’s bumping his pointer fingers together. the last sketch is in the bottom right and it’s of the character turned away, it shows the details on his back. there’s an arrow pointing to his right shoulderblade that says “wings grows out of here”. there’s also text to the left that says “don’t look he’s ass”.  on the canvas, there’s also writing listing the robot’s name as Meek and his pronouns as he/him, some more text states “robot powered by honest to god (haha) pure divinity or something like that, holy light whatever”. the sketches are done in blue and grey on a white background. end id
first sketches of a concept i had in my head for a while ^__^
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andy-deer · 2 months
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heres a vague idea on organizing the HH worldbuilding lmao
Sinners can become demons depending on how much souls they own (it's a way of gaining power/magic.)
I wanna follow a toy like world for both hell and heaven....god and the devil's playthings yall....
theres like actual hellborn but you can earn titles
i feel like reproducing in hell, javing kids and stuff is cute but maybe it should like be something only powerful demons can do...you know? create life??? So maybe Demons who aren't hellborn can have kids and those kids inmediatley earn the demon title and powers?
maybe the more power the less human like they become???? im not sure about that one, i want to figure out why the fuck is there a tv guy in hell
heaven works in a simlar way, you can die and become an angel but i would love if this was regulated cause you know? it's heaven, they have rules and owning souls is non-ethical. So Adam is an angel because honorific titles. Maybe if you were good enough in life you could be an angel in Heaven (the same the more angel like the more doll/manequinn/toy you could look?)
Angels can earn better ranks like Sera? but usually they're born that.
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redrum-alice · 1 day
wait but i'm actually curious. why doll specifically?
I just thought of it because ABA acts super uncanny qnd inhumane like, its almost a doll/manequinn you see in Silent Hill 🥲🗝💕
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protectoratenova07 · 11 months
Worm 12.4 is so incredibly important to me. It has so much in that one chapter that I love.
Below is me gushing over the characters for the chapter where Jack cuts Tattletale's mouth.
We get to see the Slaughterhouse Nine with their cruelties of what's to come. Detailed explanations on their tests that our protagonists are going to have to go through. We also get to see the dynamic between four of them. Cherish tries to make herself the center of focus only for that to turn around on her when Jack makes her show Manequinn's test. After that she goes and tries to get the Siberian to kill the Undersiders. Jack is there to enjoy the ride. He wants to see where he can get his entertainment from and he basically throws a tantrum when Tattletale ruins it. The Siberian is just there to be used as a threat by her teammates. The invincible cannibal who will make any resistance pointless if she decides to intervene. Then the creeping horror that is Bonesaw, how even you die she can also bring you back. But she's also the one that wants the tests to be fair and have rules and she enforces this by casually having a city wide plague already in the water.
There's Bitch, who once again doesn't tell the Undersiders what happened when she was alone. And once again it threatens to alienate her from the group. It lingers in Taylor's mind, but when it comes to Bitch's mind this meeting probably helps to push the S9 into an enemy for her. Cherish tries to play the mind games she hates, Jack admits to playing a mind game on his own teammate which she absolutely hates, and all throughout the Siberian doesn't say a thing to her. Jack also hurts one her teammates and that would piss her off. Just one meeting for any thought of joining the Nine to go out the window, but bc we're in Taylor's mind it stays as a concern for the reader.
Then you got Regent and we get a fun throwback to Bakuda where he starts a conversation with the horrifying murderers. His insults to Cherish while appealing to Bonesaw is him trying to make himself the more likeable sibling. He once again manages to get critical info for Tattletale to make her move while also pushing back their executions. And when their usual shtick fails, Regent is instantly by Tattletale's side trying to stop the bleeding. He does care for them, even if he can't fully grasp it.
Grue stays quiet. He's once again in a situation where he can't do anything. No matter how strong he trains the best he can do is just being there, insulting the Nine to try and get their attention and he fails. When Taylor doesn't know what to do he just silently takes her place, letting the others talk as he himself doesn't know what to do. Grue just tries to there and has to hope that it's enough.
You have Tattletale in her element. She tries three times to get Jack to find entertainment in them so that he doesn't kill them then and there and she gets her mouth cut for it. It's even meant to kill her, but instead of backing down she goes all in. Bleeding out she makes a deal that Jack finds interest in and he basically takes it. Then to cap it all off you have her push Taylor to go. Go, leave her to save her dad and warn everyone she can. Fucking peak Lisa, not letting Taylor in because it would hurt too much.
Sundancer is just a bystander. She's just as scared as everyone there and is probably marveling at at they're even managing to talk to the Nine. When Tattletale gets injured she's actually there with Regent to try and help her, but when Tattletale goes to make her deal with Jack she's just a bit slow until she catches up to help. It's this repeating thing where Sundancer absolutely hates that this is her life and she probably hates how quickly she can jump into it.
Finally Taylor. Taylor the hopeful Worm, getting called that at last. In the face of the Siberian appearing she thinks of a plan, when she learns that Shatterbird is going to sing her thoughts go to her dad and her people, but Lisa gets injured and she stops. She's late to stopping the bleeding because Lisa's blood is splattered on her. Jack is saying she'll die and Taylor doesn't know what to do. Then when Lisa leaves it to her to finish the deal with Jack her ability to analyze the situation comes into play. She seen that Jack and Bonesaw are the two most important to get the Nine on board so she says it'll be interesting and that the game will be fair. And with the Nine gone she's has to decide between staying with Lisa or warning her dad and others about Shatterbird and again she freezes. Despite all the claims that Taylor behaves to clear minded in insane situations, she really doesn't. She just places far more value in her friends than herself so when it's her being hurt she can still operate but when it's her friends she just wants to leave with them. It's only with Lisa reassuring her that she goes and does something incredibly heroic.
This is after they leave the villain alliance making them the underdogs again. Before Taylor's fight with Manequinn where she wins because her people intervene to help her. Some of the absolute best of the Undersiders and Worm in general. I only wish Imp was here as well.
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ririx446 · 10 days
Manequinn mark
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humanpeoplefanblog · 8 months
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agent-toast · 9 months
entirety of my TUArtemis crossover headcanon so far
had to get this out and write it, it was bouncing around in my head for days
Includes most main characters of both The Umbrella Academy and Artemis Fowl :D
What I'm not obsessed who gave you that idea?
Pairings (NOT SHIPS)
Five & Artemis: Two short bois who constantly annoy each other, but tolerate each other decently well, as they find that Five/Artemis are one of very few people who have an equal level of intelligence and comprehension about things that they are interested in.
Five is both academically and emotionally smart. The latter is more developed than Artemis (in the first few Fowl books), for that matter.
Artemis finds most people less intelligent than him, but Five is one of those exceptions, similar to Minerva, except this relationship holds out.
Artemis: Five, where's my entire stock of Earl Grey Tea? Five: I threw it out the window. Five: You refused to give me coffee. Five: So now you will face my fucking wrath. Artemis: Artemis: Holly, Five is having a tantrum again. Five: IT'S NOT A TANTRUM IT IS DESTRUCTION OF THE ENTIRE WORLD
Five & Holly: What with Five usually being the oldest one in the group, he's going to feel a bit out of place when with the thousand year old (iirc) elf, Holly. But they probably get along as well as Holly and Artemis, though Five provokes Holly a lot more actively and easily than Arty.
On a slightly different tangent, Five can definitely 'see through' Holly's shield by slowing down time just a smidge. This works as a good plot point and makes Five just a little stronger than Holly in that specific area.
Holly: Five, when I first met you, I thought you were dumb and annoying. Five: And? Holly: You are. Five:
Allison & Juliet: Allison would be a nice older sister figure for Juliet. They're both good fighters, and I think they'd be a really wholesome lil pairing!
Juliet: You know, I wish I had that rumour power of yours sometimes. Allison: Why? Juliet: It'd make things a looot easier. Allison: Well, you don't have to rumour me into caring for you, just so you know. Juliet: Juliet: NO SERIOUS THINGS RIGHT NOW I ACCEPT ONLY FUN AND CHAOS Allison: OKAY OKAY
Luther & Mulch: Luther is just a mix of disgusted and confused by Mulch the entire time. Mulch enjoys toying with him :D
Luther & Butler: Butler definitely tells Luther that he's treating Five, who reminds Butler so much of Artemis, really badly. Sure, Five can be a bit of a pain in the ass most of the time, but he's still Luther's brother, and Luther should treat him as such. Butler would be the good parental figure to Luther that he never had.
Diego & Holly: HEAR ME OUT These two would be so badass during fighting scenes. Holly shielding in and out, helping Diego fight, while Diego curves his knives, making sure not to hit the shielded Holly. I want to watch that kind of fight scene so badly :DD
Orion & Five: Basically a wholesome, delusional ray of sunshine paired with angry swearing old man. This would be such an entertaining pair, and Orion would definitely get hit in the face with a coffee cup Five throws away.
Orion: Might I ask, what is it about your dear manequinn that draws you to her? Five: Her loyalty. Her kindness. Her compassion. Five: But most of all, her ability to keep silent when I'm busy. Five: Unlike you. Orion: I see, I see... Five: Can you not take a hint GET OUT OF MY ROOM
Orion & Viktor: The epitome of wholesomeness. Viktor would finally get the older, more knowledgable sibling figure role as he takes care of Orion. He'd be so sweetly confused by Orion's ramblings of middle earth tales, but perhaps play along with him. And Orion would listen to Viktor's violin solos quietly and admirably. This is a relief for Holly as well, she can escape from Orion's constant romantic drivel being spouted at her all the time.
Orion: The beautiful princess, the young maiden, the heroine of the ice, my dear Holly Short... have I told you about her, perchance? Viktor: About 60 times before, yes. Orion: Ah. It is not a bother for you, I hope? Viktor: No, you can tell me again.
comment or reblog with tags if you want to see my opinions on your pairings!
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reine-du-sourire · 9 months
Your prompts game: spooning and Stigal? I am in stigal fluff mood 1000% of the time. I hope you're having a nice day sticker oracle :)
Thanks, JJ, hope you are too (; *unintelligible noises*
Anyway! From this ask we have a Fluff™️
"You're a dirty liar," Hal says flatly.
"You're the one who swallowed the lie," Stig rejoins, completely unrepentant. "Hook, line, and sinker."
"Yes, yes, very brilliant of you."
Stig curls yet more tightly around his skirl, squeezing just gently enough to let Hal know he's pleased.
"Why would you think that I actually wanted you for a wrestling practice parter?" he chuckles. "Honestly."
"You don't get to spoon me and make fun of me at the same time, Stig."
"Watch me."
"I quite literally can't. Why don't you go bother Jesper?"
"I can't. Lotte's using him as a dress manequinn again."
Hal nods, head brushing the underside of Stig's jaw and throat. He can't argue with that.
Stig lets go of a remarkably high-pitched giggle.
"Your hair tickles," he explains, nuzzling into it once more.
"Just how exactly did you get the name Ironskin?"
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barclaysangel · 8 days
So, for my Camp Enlightenment Concept, I was thinking that some, if not all of the ghosts there are somewhat malicious and want to make the people staying there experience their worst fears.
Lexy's is never finding Caroline and being alone forever. Or even being rejected by the last family she has and forever being reminded of the horrible person she used to be.
Jake's...idk. I can't decide between Devon or Lexy dying or Chucky coming back. Possibly both. Like he would full-on experience their deaths and just 'wake up" from that nightmare with tears and hyperventilating.
But Devon's would be a little more complicated. He would start out with hearing someone call his name from somewhere, and for some reason, he'd be compelled to follow it, despite hearing his boyfriend and his best friend (more like sister) trying to get his attention and telling him to come back. And slowly the carpet floors of the White House fade into grass, and the wall paper and furniture and pictures form trees or wildlife and Devon's stepping into a summer camp.
It seemed mostly empty, and then he hears music coming from a large common area cabin, and that's where most of the kids are. Younger ones are watching, analyzing, paying attention and memorizing the routine, while the older ones are either doing yoga stretches and routines or even a ballet routine with percise and accurate movements, taunt like wires. And Devon's just standing there, almost watching in horror as the stupid smiling bitch comes up near him, with glee in her eyes.
"You'll break them. Every single one." Devon would say.
"Only the ones that are breakable. You were made of stone." And then, all of the sudden, everyone's sitting around a bonfire, having a great time and one of Devon's older friends, he can't exactly remember her name but she did give him a s'more. It's like he's 12 all over again, and he's having a great time, and then it switches.
It's target practice, and he's wearing noise-cancelling headphones with other kids. They're given a single rule: shoot the manequinn on the head, heart, or thigh. And that's what Devon does - perfect shots, 3 for 3. No wonder he's the favorite.
But it glitches, whatever he could call this - a dream? A flashback? A nightmare? It glitches, and suddenly, sitting before him is a woman. Bound in a wooden chair, gagged, with a bag over her head. And Devon noticed something - she was pregnant.
But that didn't stop him, and he raised the gun again and pulled the trigger. Then, suddenly, he's being rolled on a stretcher - the aftertaste of a couple melatonin gummies in his mouth and bright lights as he hits ever bump in the grass and wood. He's hyperventilating, he knows it - he knows how painful this is going to be, how he would never have this choice again. He's in some sort of hospital gown, but he isn't at a hospital.
And he hears someone tell him "It'll hurt much less if you don't struggle, okay? Now try not to scream." And it's like his world is shaking, an earthquake almost as his breathing gets heavier and heavier, and suddenly-
He's pulled away from something and landing on the floor. Back in The White House. And there's two things he noticed. Jake's wrists were bleeding, they were in Grants room, Lexy was by the door, phone about to call the police and he was in front of an open window. And, in his hands there was a pair of scissors and a rope.
Holy shit this is crazy…I love it!
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