#man i fucking love NCT
yuoic · 1 year
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nanayuz · 1 year
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inkats · 1 year
ok fine ill give in ill go back to kpop i fell off around go live and resonance pt1 us there anything i need to know now.
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neoyuno · 2 years
not you being a wonwoo stan 😭 why is every single jaehyun stan I know also a wonwoo stan? (including me).
It's always the calm guys istg.
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cherryjunnie · 1 year
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taexoxosgf · 5 months
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PAIRING park jisung x fem!reader | ft. friendgroup!nct dream
SYNOPSIS Your horny friends try to pull a little prank on you in the days leading up to Christmas. One thing Park Jisung likes to remind them is: he totally doesn’t want any part in it. Except, he totally does.
WARNINGS smut, ANGST, fluff, lots of dialogue, vag fingering, unprotected sex, creampie, vanilla vanilla vanilla, they're in love basically
NOTES I have to admit, this isn’t my best work lolllllll. though this was supposed to be posted on christmas, this can be my new years gift! 2024 here we come babyyy
★ Part of A Dreamy Christmas Collab!
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“Why don’t we all be her secret Santa?” 
“What are you talking about?” Jaemin chuckles, eyes dancing as he seems intrigued by the idea.  But what pervades his mind was nothing like what Donghyuck was about to propose. 
“Think about it…” he trails.  “She used to say, if it’s an SOS, and we need help in that department,” he points to his crotch– “She would help us out.” 
“You’re fucking crazy,” Jisung rolls his eyes when he catches on to Hyuck’s sudden idea.  
“So you’re saying we all get her a present?” Chenle asks.
“Yes… But we all have to give her the same… present,” he walks between each of the men like a devil hovering over their shoulders.   
“Hyuck, just get to the point,” Jeno huffs. 
“Okay, bu–”
“No ‘buts!’ Get to your point,” Renjun groans.  
“The gift we’re giving her can’t be put into a shitty little box.”
“Oh my god, NO!” Mark whines.  
“What’s so wrong with a little fun?” 
“Are you seriously suggesting an… orgy?” 
“No, you idiot,” Hyuck pinches his nose bridge.  “Let’s all give her our present one by one leading up to Christmas… Like an advent calendar,” he shrugs, unable to hide the pride beaming off of him from the simile.  
“So you’re suggesting we all have sex with her in the days leading up to Christmas?  Am I hearing this right?” Jaemin intervenes once more, orbs gleaming with interest. 
“Ding Ding! We have a winner!”
“Jisung’s right. You’ve gone insane,” Renjun fully laughs.
“You know I’m insane, and that’s why we have fun.  But you know what? Let’s make this more interesting… When we tell her after Christmas, the person who she says is her best fuck, get’s her secret Santa present,” Hyuck smirks. “You know she goes all out.” 
“I’m in, but it might be hard for Mark because he’s actually in love with her,” Jaemin turns his body towards his friend who avoids eye contact before offering a retort. 
“Why just me? You guys are all in love with her!” His claim is met with a group of huffs and groans.
“How do you know she’ll even agree to this?” Jeno points out, earning a nod from the others. 
“She doesn’t have to if she doesn’t want to.  If she does, then great! Amazing even! But if she doesn’t, then man, I feel kinda bad because we all got a thing for her.” Hyuck accepts the facts of the predicament. “Hopefully we can laugh about this on New Years.”
“I don’t.  I guess I’m the only one,” the youngest of the group speaks out but it’s not taken seriously by his older friends as a fit of laughter echoes within the small space.  
Hyuck’s the first one to speak– placing a hand on Jisung’s shoulder, “You’re the worst out of all of us.”  
“What are you talking about?”
“You guys always bicker and talk shit but I know all you want to do is rip each other’s clothes off,” Jeno jumps in. “Nice try though.  I almost believed it.”
“I’m not! She’s annoying as hell!”
“So annoying you want to fuck it out of her, right?” Jaemin joins. 
“You guys are jumping me right now, I’m leaving,” Jisung excuses himself earning a look of victory from his friends.
“Wait!  So you agree to it, right? Jisung?!  Hello?”  Chenle and Renjun yell out in unison, but the only reply heard is the slam of a door.  
“You’re serious about this Hyuck?” Mark asks one last time. 
“No, but this is just so those two kids will finally admit they’re down bad for each other.  I think this will be their breaking point.” 
“Damn,” all the other boys yell in unison. 
“I know right? Someone needs to hire me for something!  I don’t know for what, but something!” he crosses his arms to bask in his actions. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Mark laughs at his friend.  “You’re so dumb.” 
“Just wait and see.  He won’t make it to Christmas…”
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Everyone is being… weird. 
On the very first day of December, you and all your friends come together to pick a name out of a jar.  The game of Secret Santa is an annual tradition you love partaking in. But once the weather dropped thirty degrees, all the boys started acting shady.  They were canceling plans with you on purpose, avoiding eye contact when you spoke to any one of them, and just running away the first chance they got.  It was easy to get mad, even call them out for it, but the replies would always be the same– that there was nothing wrong or they were just tired.  
And you’re not going to lie, it was starting to make your skin crawl.  The sudden shift in dynamic between you and the boys has you wondering if you did something wrong. But if they were trying to pull something, then they had another thing coming. It was frustrating, trying to shake it out of them in every way possible, but no one would budge.
December eighth rolls around and you know everyone is free today because you all collectively promised Sunghoon that every year until the day you die, this day will always be open for him.  It’s always an annual trip to the snowy mountains– a secluded cabin and powdery snow that’s fit for snowboarding. Surprisingly, but not so surprisingly, everyone’s busy up until the car ride to the cabin. 
Their persistent avoidance, even for an event like this, just pulls on the strings even harder. 
You’re leaning against the island of the kitchen, glaring into their souls from across the room as the music's bass reverberates throughout the warm cabin; and the bitter liquid in your plastic cup disappears like water down a drain.  
“Why are you standing here all by yourself?” 
You turn to the voice, sporting a grin once you realize who it is. “Hey, birthday boy. Just glaring at the boys.  Don’t know if they notice though,” you squint a little harder, hoping they’ll finally notice. 
Sunghoon’s orbs follow the seven of them scattered around the living room. “They notice alright. I’m sure they’ll come crawling back when they realize you don’t play.” 
“Oh, they know I don’t.  But they’re still gonna try anyway,” you let out a heavy sigh.  “I just wish I knew what they’re up to.  It’s killing me.” 
“Just ask Jisung.” 
“Why Jisung?” The mention of your friend’s name causes the subject of your orbs to shift to him, but he’s already looking your way.  When you make eye contact, he hurriedly glances away, confirming the suspicion that something’s up. 
“I feel like whatever they’re planning, he’s telling them he doesn’t want to do it.” 
“Why is that so detailed? Do you know what they’re up to? Spill right now!”
Sunghoon shakes his head in denial, raising the cup to his lips before responding. “Nah, you guys are always going at it. That’s all. It’s just a hunch.” 
“Fine, maybe I will. But I was gonna do it anyway.” 
You’re already making your way towards Jisung when Sunghoon blurbs out.  “If it doesn’t work, I’m always available.”
“You wish, Park.”  But you stop in your tracks.  “Wait, what?” 
Sunghoon walks off in a hurry, “Nothing! Had to try at least once!” 
Rolling your eyes at the birthday boy, you finally make your way to your destination but all seven of your friends go completely mute once you reach it.  There’s not a sound emitting from them, and it practically forces smoke out of your ears. 
“Okay, what’s going on?”
“What do you mean?” Jeno murmurs.
“You guys have been ignoring me ever since December started! Spill your evil plans right now!” 
“Nothing’s going on,” Chenle adds, but it’s met with a crack of his voice at the final word, and you know one hundred percent they're lying. 
“Haechan! I know you’re the mastermind,” you turn to your friend, but all he does is shrug, eyes still looking everywhere but yours as he nonchalantly sips from his drink. 
“Nothing whatsoever. We’ve just been busy that’s all,” Jisung speaks out, but you chuckle, knowing he’ll eventually give in if you press him hard enough. 
“Of course, you’re a part of this! Sunghoon told me you weren’t, but I doubted him as soon as those words left his mouth!” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Jisung’s tone changes, as if he’s warning you.
“That little shithead!” Jaemin groans.
“I knew it!” you exclaim.
“What did he tell you?” Renjun interrupts.
“Nothing, just what I said before.”
“Nothing is going on. You don’t believe us?” Jisung is still firm on his decision to make you believe otherwise. With that stupid smirk he’s trying to hide and how his form influences you to shift back. 
“Of course, you’re still on that even though Jaemin just admitted you guys are planning something! You’re the worst!” 
“And you’re a dumbass,” Jisung mumbles once you turn away.
“Look who’s fucking talking,” you don’t realize you’re stepping closer at every syllable exchanged and you don’t know why your friend loves to push your buttons so much.
“You always say I’m the worst and then you come right back.  I don’t think you hate me as much as you say you do,” Jisung’s eyes glimmer with a playfulness to them, closing the space between the two of you as the bickering reaches its climax.  But his words only fuel your rage.
At this point, you can only see red.  
All you do with Jisung is bicker or fight about stupid shit. Your friendship with the other boys is the glue that holds you and Jisung together.  No one could guess that you met all the boys through him. You both had been friends with benefits long ago— practically another lifetime. But you’d jump off a cliff before admitting that the shards of glass remain. And that it still cuts. 
It’s impossible to act like everything is fine and you both can get along.  So instead, you fight and fight until no more words can be said.  
“Ooooo,” you hear Jeno say, reminding you you’re still in a place full of swarming bodies. 
“What about you? You either hate me or you love me. It can’t be both,” you mutter, condemning yourself as you catch a glimpse of his lips hovering above yours.  You're both staring one another down, and you notice the same vein on the side of his temple, and his jaw clenches with each phrase that escapes your lips. 
“Watch it,” Jisung seethes.
“What? If you wanna play this game, let’s pla—“
“Okay! Enough of this,” Hyuck groans before dragging the both of you by the wrist and out of the main room.
“What are you doing Hyuck?” you urgently inquire, but he doesn’t reply.  He only hurriedly rushes along, throwing you both into a bedroom you don’t recognize.  And as you rush to escape the enclosed space, your friend shuts the door in front of your face– leaving you with your hands practically clawing at the door.  
“Lee Donghyuck! Open the fucking door right now!” you yell out, unable to comprehend how your friend could think this was a solution.  “Open the door before I beat your ass!” 
“He’s not going to open the door,” Jisung reminds you of his presence amidst the chaos.  “Not until the morning.”  
“What?! No. No. No. This is not happening right now.”  
“Let’s just sleep.  So when we wake up, we can just get outta here.”  
You scan the room, realizing there’s nothing for you to rest on except the bed in the center– the one Jisung is currently sitting on.  “You think I can fall asleep with everything that’s going on?  And I don’t even know what’s going on,” you’re shifting awkwardly, habitually rocking yourself on the heel of your feet following the eye of the storm.  
“Just sleep.  It’ll be over soon,” Jisung already makes himself comfy, placing his legs under the covers and rearranging the pillow to his liking.  He’s too calm.  Way too calm for what just occurred. 
“Where am I supposed to sleep?” 
“I don’t know, figure it out,” he mumbles, lids already fluttering shut.  You hate how you admire how long his eyelashes are.  
His eagerness to ignore the dilemma influences you to the bed to pry his lids open.  As Jisung opens his eyes willingly, you finally take notice of how close you both are.  His eyes widen at the proximity and he shifts back to the edge of the bed in surprise. You’re caught off guard because there seems to be something lingering in the air between the two of you.  And you brush it off because you know it’s annoyance. 
“Just sleep,” he softly lets out before returning to his original position.  “Next to me.” 
His softness in these last words has you admitting some defeat– realizing fighting won’t solve anything.  “Fine.”  
There are still zero answers that will satisfy your scrambled mind.  
And you’re trapped in a room with someone you can’t stand for more than five minutes.
It’ll be over soon.  Right? 
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You’re fucking drenched. 
As the daze of sleep washes over, you notice the stickiness between your thighs. And not the good kind. 
It felt as if you just entered the fiery pits of hell. 
“What the fuck?” you whine. The air was so humid, you were practically suffocating.  And as you turn to the side, you see an irritated Jisung.  If you thought you looked gross, Jisung didn’t have a dry spot on his clothing.   
You try your hardest not to stare at the clothing sticking to his abs.  This is not the time.
“Don’t,” he warns, thinking you’re about to poke fun at him.
You chuckle at the sight of his discomfort, offering a half-assed apology.  “Sorry.”  
“Lee Donghyuck! Turn off the fucking heater!” he yells out, but there’s no answer.  
“Fuck.  We’re going to die.” 
“I’m not dying here with you.  That’s not how I’m going out.”  
“Is that so bad?  Chill the fuck out,” you roll your eyes. 
“Yes it is! I’m gonna kick the door down and beat Donghyuck’s ass.”
You don’t know if it’s the unbearable heat, or the constant fucking attitude from Jisung all night.  Maybe it was the pent-up frustration from all the other times you both didn’t get along.  But you’ve decided enough is enough. 
“What’s your fucking problem?” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“You’re always so fucking mad at me.  I do nothing and you’re mad.  I breathe and you’re mad.  It pisses me off!  At this point, I should be the one giving you the attitude you give me!”  
“And you know what?  I always cared what you thought.  But not anymore. I’m done caring so pretend I don’t even exist,” your heart is beating out of your chest as the words spill out like vomit.  
“That’s no–” Jisung’s unable to finish his sentence when suddenly his orbs follow your fingertips gripping the hem of your top to bring over your head– leaving you in a bra.  “Wha-”
“It’s hot as shit and I’m not going to suffer.  Do what you want,” you huff, continuing with the removal of your jeans. You notice Jisung's stare lingering on your contours as you eventually pull them off, and it appears as if a million different things are running through his mind when he suddenly glances away and shakes his head.  
You’re not going to lie, it’s amusing seeing Jisung’s usual persona falter. Your boldness and the situation it creates masks the uncomfortable predicament the two of you are in.  “It’s not like you haven’t seen me like this before.”  
“What did you mean by ‘you used to care about what I thought?’” He swallows nervously.
His words have you stopping in your tracks, not realizing your words were true candor. “Nothing, I was just saying nonsense,” is all you can render as you make your way to the bed, but Jisung beats you to it, grabbing your wrist to prevent you from escaping.  
“Tell me. Please.  I know it wasn’t nonsense,” his voice is like syrup, the usual bite to it completely gone.  
You turn to face him, though you regret it the moment you notice how his eyes match his voice. “Well, I cared what you thought because of what we did before we all became friends.  And us… Or whatever we are.  I don’t know what we are now but I cared about you and what you thought about me.”
“I still do…”  
“Then why do we fight?” 
“I don’t know.  I guess you hate me so I just returned that energy.” 
“I don’t hate you,” he sounds hurt, the similar bite of his voice attempting to escape.  “You annoy the hell out of me, but I could never hate you.”
“You really act like you hate me though,” Jisung offers a small smile.  
“I don’t hate you. You’re annoying as hell. And I just don’t know what to do with everything lingering in the air when I’m around you,” you bite your lip at the confession, realizing it wasn’t a very good one. And you see him watch you do so. 
“You mean the tension?” 
“Yeah… The tension… The tension causes us to fight. Right?” The air becomes more suffocating than it already is. Maybe it’s the heat, maybe it’s Jisung so close to you, or how you’re basically naked in front of him.  
“What else would we do?” his eyes are still trained on your lips.  
“I don’t know,” you murmur not above a whisper. “You tell me.”
“Let me try something,” he takes a step forward, shortening the small space between the two of you. “Promise you won’t get mad.” 
“No promises,” you urge, because you’re unsure of what Jisung planned to do after the indirect confessions made in the room today.  One things for sure. This territory hadn’t been visited in ages and it scares the shit out of you.  
“What are you go–” You’re cut off the lips that make its way onto yours. 
When you see Jisung dipping his head down to capture your lips onto his, you're taken aback.  However, the minute he makes contact, your legs almost buckle.  It's a familiar sensation, and you melt into him as he tests the waters with increasing devotion.  
When you reciprocate the kiss, it gets feverish, and your trembling lips work together haphazardly, interwoven with airy sighs.  His arms reach for your waist, pulling you into him harder than ever before.  He knows your body like no one else, and it drives parts of your brain haywire.  It feels like only yesterday that you both would rendezvous.
He groans into your mouth and squeezes your ass as you tug on his hair the way he likes it.  It makes you whimper since the combination of the sloppy kiss and the rush of pleasure is far too satisfying. 
 It feels good.  Way too good.  
That's why when Jisung pulls away, you chase his lips and he emits a small chuckle at the action. “Tell me you missed me.  Tell me you don’t hate me and never did,” his shoulders rise and fall at a rapid pace as he catches his breath. 
“I don’t,” you look up at him, and you want nothing more to kiss him again.  It feels like all the frustration aimed at him was sexual.  It’s honestly his fault for always looking so tempting while offering some smartass retort.  “I never did.” 
"God, I missed you," he smashes his lips against yours again, this time much more aggressive, and the back of your knees reach the edge of the bed, briefly disconnecting your lips.  You laugh, and he smirks before diving back into you as soon as your back comes into contact the mattress.  
Something possesses him at that moment, makes his hands glide up the back of your thighs, to kiss down your neck, sucking and biting to leave small bites that he later licks over to soothe the sting.  “Know how much you love to be marked.” 
“And I know how much you love me choking on your dick,” you giggle, licking a long stripe along his neck up to his jaw.  
“You’re dangerous,” Jisung hooks your thong aside, unsurprised when he notices the sticky arousal coating his fingers.  “Fuck, I forgot how wet you get.” 
“It’s from the heat.”  Your words contradict themselves as noises of pleasure leave your lips when he runs his fingers along your folds.  Jisung, on the other hand, knows the meaning behind your words like no other.  “All this stickiness is from the heat? I don’t think so baby,” he offers some stimulation to your clit and your back arches once he comes in contact with your bud.  
You shake your head and he dips his head down onto your neck offering a small kiss against the side of your neck.  God, he looks so hot, with the sweat dripping down the side of his temple and his puffy lips from kissing.  
The lewd sounds from his fingers running along your folds sends you into a frenzy.  You’re attempting to gain more friction, bucking your hips to feel more.  You’re so needy for his touch.   You've been longing for this touch.  "I'll be nice, baby," he says, inserting one finger inside your hole, your walls engulfing him up to the knuckle.  Jisung experiments with twisting and curling his fingers, enjoying the way you gasp and pulse around his fingertips. 
The wet glide is so satisfying and you moan, basically fucking yourself onto his fingers. “Sung–” is all you can choke out as he begins thrusting with a rhythm you both can’t forget.  “Wai–”
But Jisung can’t withhold any longer, not with you looking so pretty underneath him.  Not with the sounds that he remembers all too well.  His cock practically throbs at these thoughts, begging to be free from its confines when you’re already a mess.  He’s pressing against your clit along with the constant thrust of his fingers.  “Shit, Sung!” you wail, already foreseeing your high from the short time.  
Your nails dig into his forearm, body twitching from the overwhelming pleasure only he can give you.  “Oh, fuck,” the words are combined with a moan as your orgasm takes you by surprise, coating his fingers in a creamy pearl substance.  It drips down your folds as he pulls away, and the wash of the aftermath runs from your toes to the crown of your head.  It’s blissful, but your hunger for him doesn’t stay satiated.  “Good girl,” he says as he revels in your figure. 
“I need you,” you pant.  “Now.”  
“Whatever you say, Mom,” he jokes as he pulls his shirt over his head before discarding the rest of his clothing.  
“Ewww. Never say that again,” you say, earning a laugh from Jisung.  
“Like words ever stopped me before pretty girl.”
He's tugging the side of your panties, dragging them down the side of your legs while practically gaping. He continues with your bra and he gazes, unable to believe everything taking place currently.  You're like a dream, sprawled out beneath him. The pretty girl he could never get close to after being so close with.  
“Ready?” he asks after he shakes himself out of the trance you have him in.  
“Mhm,” you nod.  
He pushes inside, sighing into your ear at the creaminess of your cunt.  Your arms are wrapped around his neck as he bottoms out, fingers burrowing further into his scalp.  Jisung, rather than staying against your neck, takes advantage of the chance to peer at you.  When his nose brushes up against yours, all he sees are your lips caught between your teeth.  
At the feeling of his big cock inside of you, you clench around him.  He groans against your mouth, habitually bucking his hips forward.  “Fuck,” you moan out, back arching at the feel of his cock dragging against your walls. Your brain is already a mess and it has been since the moment he kissed you.  But Jisung loves how you’re a mess around him.  He takes pride in how he makes you feel, and that turns him on beyond belief. 
“Move Sungie, please,”  you plead and Jisung groans at the nickname you know he loves so much.  It’s enough for him to grab your wrists to pin them above your head before he begins moving.  
“Sung,” you call out again when he begins to move.  His calculated movements have you squirming beneath him, but you’re still perfectly fit against him and it’s as if you both never stopped this routine.  
“You’re mine.  I’m not letting anyone touch you,” he coos, and you’re quick to agree.  “Yours.” 
The constant rhythm he keeps has your eyes rolling to the back of your head, and you're shivering when he picks up the pace--giving him a look that seems to make Jisung's cock practically explode.  He snaps his hips forward, so close to the edge that you shudder at the perspective. 
He's fucking you so well that your eyesight is fuzzy, and the brush of his dick against the spot that drives you insane only adds to the sensation. "I-I'm so close," you warn, your irregular breathing hitting his face.  
“Wait S-sung-g no.” Just as you’re about to hit your peak, Jisung flips you over so that you’re sitting on his thighs.  Though you’re disappointed in the delay of your orgasm, the angle has his cock pushing deeper than before, tip nudging against your velvety walls harshly.  “Fuck, I can’t,” you beg as your back arches at the smallest movements.  
As fast as words leave his throat, Jisung dips down to suck on your nipple, occasionally leaving purple blossoms.  “Wait I’ll–” 
“You’ll what?” he says, chuckling when he sees you instinctively grinding forward against his member. “Cream my cock?” He watches your fucked out expressions, loving how your eyes are lined with tears.  
“I’m planning on it, “ he smirks before thrusting up into you.  
“J-jisung!” you’re a sobbing mess above him as his harsh thrusts sends pure pleasure up your spine.  His name falls off your lips like a mantra, and the gibberish he can’t make out only urges him to move furiously into you.  Though your brain is a puddle of mush, the band in your lower abdomen is about to snap, so you grind your hips against him with newly found fervor, stimulating your clit in the best way possible. 
Jisung watches you above him as his fingers dig into your waist.  You’re so beautiful, he thinks.  Everything about you, every part of your mind and body he worships, and he swears he’s not going to let go of you this time. 
“S-sung,” you moan again and again, and Jisung continues to abuse your boob, kissing up your throat as you inch closer to your high. “So perfect.” 
You let out a high-pitched moan at a specific thrust, and your thighs tremble against his.  "I got you," he says as he places a gentle kiss on your lips.  And after a few thrusts, you're collapsing against him, again repeating his name.  You're just a lick away from teetering off the edge.  
“I want it so bad,” you blabber against his neck.  “S-so close.  Don’t stop.” 
“Give it to me,” he dips underneath to circle your bundle of nerves with the perfect pressure and you come undone, high-pitched moans and whimpers against his ear.  
 The mix of cum and the slick from prior allows the glide to be that much easier for Jisung to glide against as he tips over the edge as well.  You’re still pulsing and gripping his cock like a vice and it’s a done deal for Jisung.  “Inside?” 
“Inside me,” you kiss the side of his neck.  He feels euphoric as your noises against his ear urges him on and his arms hold you tightly.  And after a few more thrusts and desperate hips, his cum shoots inside you.  “Fuck.” 
It's so much energy that when the sensation of your high washes over you, you collapse against Jisung, who also collapses against the mattress. 
“You’re sticky,” you look at his face and admire how good the afterglow of sex looks on him.  
 Jisung massages little circles across the small of your back in comforting stillness.  
“I’m going to murder Hyuck,” he realizes how much the humidity encases the room. 
“Maybe not too brutal, because his plan to lock us in here so we can finally make up worked,” you notify him and his eyes light up.
“I think everyone’s asleep.  How about we torture them some more?” he smirks at you.  
“I say Hyuck isn’t going to get a wink of sleep tonight,” you mischievously grin and it’s enough for Jisung to dive down and continue drowning in your lips. 
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DECEMBER 31  11:59 PM
“Damn, I can’t believe my plan worked! You guys are attached to the fucking hip,” Hyuck comes over to you and Jisung hand-in-hand.  
“Your plan worked for once dumbass,” Jeno butts in abruptly, almost spilling the alcohol in his cup. 
“We have no more arguing but I don’t know if it’s worth it,” Jaemin points.  
“You guys are like rabbits!” Mark yells out.
“Gross! Not the fucking time! I need to find someone to kiss,” Renjun groans. 
“Yeah but everything Hyuck does to end our suffering, it just reappears as something else!” Chenle laughs, earning a middle-finger from the subject of his words. 
“Guess you were right.  We can laugh about this on New Year's,” Jeno turns to Hyuck.  
“Happy new year motherfuckers,” Chenle says before clinking all the cups together.  
You turn to Jisung as the clock counts down, his arm around your waist. “Happy New Year, boyfriend.” 
“Happy New Year, Girlfriend,” he smiles the hardest you’ve seen him in a while.  
“Happy fucking new year,” he says before smashing his lips onto yours. 
Happy fucking new year indeed. 
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reiderwriter · 11 months
✍️Introduction and Masterlist✍️
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About me: Hi! I'm Kacie, I'm 21, and I use she/her/any pronouns. I'm from the UK but I'm currently an English Teacher in South Korea (if you want to know more I'm totally open to conversations about it!) and this is my side blog, so I follow and respond to comments from @studykac
Writing: At this point in time. I only write for Spencer Reid. I will pass on any requests that focus on other characters because I don't currently write for them. A lot of my work is also NSFW. If you are under the age of 18, do NOT interact with any of my posts that are tagged #maturereiding - please block this tag!! When my requests are open you can request through the Ask box, or through DMs, but please keep in mind I do have a full time job, so I will do my best to get things out quickly. You can find my recommendations in the tag #reiderrecommends!
Other interests: kpop, especially Seventeen, SHINee, NCT and BTS, Criminal Minds (obv), NCIS, reading any genre of books (here's a link for my GoodReads page), Percy Jackson, languages (learning Korean currently!), English Literature, Jane Austen etc.
Requests are: CLOSED - find my request guidelines here!
Spencer Reid x Reader NSFW
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Everyone Looks Better in a Sundress // 3.8k
Summary: The AC at the BAU decides to take a holiday during a summer heatwave, and when you decide the FBI’s dress code is merely a suggestion, you unwittingly catch Spencer’s eye.
Warnings: Dom!Spencer, sub!reader, semi-public sex, fingering, car sex, degradation, name-calling, edging, praise-kink, dumbification
Everyone Looks Better in a Sundress pt. 2 // 2.4K
Summary: After a hot encounter in your car, Spencer pulls you inside your apartment hoping to give you some more relief from the heat.
Warnings: Dom!Spencer, sub!Reader, soft Dom, oral (M receiving), pet names, degradation, face fucking, messy sex, creampie, breeding kink
Margaritas and Mistakes // Part 1 // Part 2
Summary: On a group night out, you get a little more drunk than you want to, and when Spencer shows up looking like the love of your life and not just your coworker, you realise that the margarita’s are having more of an effect than they should be.
Warnings: Suggestive language, dirty talk, heavy petting, hickeys, making out, mentions of arousal etc. (part one)
Show You What Devotion Is ❤️‍🔥
Summary: After a lustful encounter on the jet, you and Spencer decide to try out a friends-with-benefits relationship. What you didn't expect was for his sex drive to be so high, and your need for him to overpower your ability to function properly.
Warnings: So many, check the post for details.
More Than Words 🫶 // 8k
Summary: After telling a white lie to your family about your relationship status, you're forced to ask your coworker Spencer to pretend to be your boyfriend for a weekend wedding.
Warnings: Mostly fluff, penetrative sex, creampie, mentions of Spencer's childhood.
The Us That Could've Been 💔 // 5.7k
Summary: They say to get over a man, you have to get under another. Spencer isn't sure why the idea of you doing just that makes him feel so bad.
Warnings: angst, unprotected sex, creampie, spoilers for season 8, mentions of Maeve, Spencer is emotionally illiterate etc.
Unhappy Holidays 👻🦃🎄🎆// 5k
Summary: You're unlucky enough to run into Spencer Reid at holiday celebrations four years in a row. In the New Year, you're resolving to rid him from your mind forever, but you never were one to stick to resolutions 👻🦃🎄🎆
Warnings: Enemies to lovers, low-key work rivals, semi-public sex, car sex, hate sex, fingering, thigh riding, creampie, unprotected sex (no condoms but contraceptive mentioned), slight spoilers for s4 of Criminal Minds (but not really).
Flirting with the FBI // 7.1k
Summary: To catch a killer, you have to first out him on the FBI's radar. By hacking their systems and flirting with Spencer Reid, of course.
Warnings: Rough sex, Dom Spencer, bimbofication, dacryphilia, unprotected sex, creampie, fingering, use of slut and good girl, more in the fic warnings.
Spencer Reid x Reader SFW
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The Lightbulb Moment // 4.8k
Summary: You want Spencer all to yourself for the first few months of your relationship and he's only too happy to comply. Unfortunately, you're two dumbasses who can't keep their hands off one another.
Just Hanging Out // 3k
Summary: To kick off your vacation, you find yourself at Rossi's mansion with your team for a big summer barbeque. A hammock in the garden catches your eye, and you enlist Reid to help you have some fun in the sun.
(Not smut but highly suggestive, read at your own discretion).
Isn't She Pretty, Daddy? // 2k
Summary: You're a teacher, and you have to call in one of your students' parents to talk about their recent troubling behaviour. It's more embarrassing than you thought when Spencer Reid shows up.
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That's What You Get // complete 💕
Summary: After three weeks on a case in Vegas and a particularly draining phone call from your mother, you decide to take Reid up on his offer to show you the sights of Las Vegas. When you wake up the next morning, you realise that one of the sights was a 24hour Wedding Parlor, and that you're now Mrs Reid.
Genres: Fluff, smut in later chapters, angst in later chapters, happy ending.
Playlist: Me and You in 2024
Summary: One song fic a week throughout 2024!
Genres: Various, check individual chapters for specific warnings!♡
Answered Requests
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(NSFW) Request inspired by Taylor Swift's False God 🙏// 2.2k
(NSFW) Request for a soft!Dom Spencer with cockwarming and breeding kink 💕 // 2k words
(NSFW) Request for Reader introducing vanilla!Spencer to a BDSM lifestyle ✨// 0.7k words
(SFW) Request for Reader kidnapped by unsub and saved by Spencer 💕 // 2.2k
(SFW) Request for pregnant Reader and Spencer who is an absolute fool for her 🌸 // 1.2k
(SFW) Request for shamelessly flirting with an oblivious Spencer 😊// 2k
(NSFW) Request for post-Maeve Spencer who uses sex as a coping mechanism 🫡//4.6k
(NSFW) Request for alt!sub!Reader meeting the team for the first time (and they totally think she's the Dom) 🤭// 1.5k
(NSFW) Request for CNC office sex with Spencer 🚫// 1k
(SFW) Request for Spencer finding out you knew Emily was alive 😿// 0.7k
(SFW) Request for training session with Spencer 🤼‍♀️// 1.8k
(SFW) Request for I Can See You inspired angst 🥺// 1.7k
(NSFW) Request for Spencer making the reader beg for it ❤️‍🔥// 1.6k
(NSFW) Request for CNC with soft!Dom Spencer - shower sex 💦// 1.3k
(NSFW) PROMPT REQUEST - Professor Reid doesn't know he's distracting the class 👓// 3k
(NSFW) Request for Sub!Spencer begging reader to dominate him 🫣// 1.7k
(NSFW) Request for Genophobic virgin!Reader ❤️‍🩹// 5k
(NSFW) Request for Professor Spencer with a jealous gf 🐺//2k
(SFW) Request for reader helping Spencer through recovery 🤕// 1k
(NSFW) Request for possessive Spencer reacting to your little black dress 💃// 2.5k
(NSFW) PROMPT REQUEST - Undercover with an "excited" Spencer 🕵‍♂️// 3.6k
(SFW) Request for playing video games with Spencer 🎮// 1k
(NSFW) PROMPT REQUEST - munch! Spencer is obsessed with you 👅// 2k
(SFW) Request for Spencer babying an oblivious reader 👶// 2k
(NSFW) PROMPT REQUEST - sharing a cold bed with Frenemy Spencer 🛌// 3.5k
(NSFW) Request for reader being distracted while Spencer is reading 📚// 1k
(NSFW) Request for Pillow fort sex with Spencer ⛺️// 2k
(NSFW) Request for car confession and oral with Spencer 🚗// 1.7k
(NSFW) Request for dancing the night away with Spencer 💃// 2.5k
(NSFW) Request for the morning after Spencer loses his V-Card 😶// 0.7k
(NSFW) Request for reader confessing to Spencer when he's in his anthrax shower 🚿// 0.7k
(NSFW) Request for Spencer finding readers unusual sensitive area 🤝// 3.5k
(NSFW) Request for Spencer and Hotch!Reader secret relationship 🤐// 6k
(SFW) Request for reader being jealous of Spencer and Lila 🤽‍♀️// 2.1k
(NSFW) Request for gun kink 🔫//3k
(SFW) Request for Shy! Spencer and Flirty!Reader 🫣 // 2.3k
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xotaemintol · 1 month
Which one of the dreamies is the most dominant iyo?
(Not you sending this anonymously after texting me about it girl lmfao 😭) but anyways, I’ve actually been thinking about this for a while now because I want to start doing NCT DREAM hc’s but I feel like it’ll definitely shock some people if I don’t put Jeno first buuuut…
My personal ranking would be: Jaemin, Jeno, Mark, Jisung, Haechan, Chenle, and Renjun.
Jaemin gives soft dom energy, like he’s rough but he’d also praise you and tell you that you’re doing a good job for him. He seems like he gets enjoyment out of you being embarrassed, covering your face, or doing anything that makes you look smaller than him. He seems like the type to have a size kink as well, so if you even utter the words “so big.” Or “too big.” He gets so turned on and will immediately tease you, he’ll ask you in soft coo’s if it feels good—telling you to take it as he thrusts into you with powerful movements. Luckily he’s not cruel enough to be so deep or so rough that he’ll bruise your cervix but it’s happened once or twice before. But like I said he gives soft dom energy, I just know that immediately after he’s clinging to you and kissing your face all over. “Oh baby you did such a good job!” He’s right back to giving you adorable words of encouragement while cleaning you up as you lie there in shambles.
Jeno seems like he’d be the most dominant but I beg to differ, he’s definitely a service dom. He wants to do anything to get you off but he’s not submissive, tell him where you want him to touch, tell him you want him to eat you out, ask him to finger you—your strong puppy boyfriend is there to please you right away “Like that baby? Does it feel good? Right there?” . Sometimes he’s a little strict on what he will and won’t do, once you asked him to fuck you in the bathroom of the restaurant you were in and he told you no three times before he basically dragged you there and fucked you like a wild man. But in general Jeno likes to be gentle with you, when he’s eating you out or fingering you he loves getting genuine reactions—he compliments you as he gives you soft kisses on your thighs with his fingers deep inside of you. When he fucks you (if he’s not feeling especially feral or punishing you.) he holds you close, he’ll hold your body tightly as his thick cock slides in and out of you—his praises are quiet and accompanied by gentle kisses all over your neck. He’s really into the sounds you make so he fucks you like he’s dying to hear you say his name. “Good girl. Good good girl..my pretty baby…pretty princess…say-say my name…say my name.” His words are both soft yet aggressive, and when he cums inside of you he holds you so tight you might pop.
Mark also gives soft dom energy, he’s more of a playful dom. He likes to keep things mostly vanilla and lead you calmly, he loves guided masturbation and he especially loves it when you touch yourself as if he’s not there. He’ll praise with in a low and steady voice, telling you to keep the same slow pace as you move your fingers in and out of you. it’s absolutely agonizing but the way he talks to you makes your whole body throb with desire. “Just like that baby, keep your eyes on me…now move your hand…just like that baby, that’s right…good girl.” He’s so good at praise, it’s literally insane how good he is at using his words—he’s almost too good. The moment he notices you getting impatient he starts teasing you, he’ll tell you to beg for him and trust if you don’t beg enough he’ll tell you to do it with more passion. “No no no baby, say it like you mean it; say please, please fuck me Mark.” The moment you give him what he wants he’ll fuck you like his life depends on it. You feel like you’re floating away from how good his stroke game is, while he’s fucking you he’s still talking to you—telling you how good you feel around him, how pretty you are and how much he loves fucking you.
Jisung is definitely more of a hard dom but he could pass as a switch but it’s only because hes extremely likely fuck himself dumb. Jisung is really really into seeing you beg, cry, cum, shake, scream—anything that indicates pleasure (or pain hes close to that line.) makes him go crazy. He absolutely loves to degrade you but with a healthy mixture of praise too, “You’re so pretty baby, my pretty girl…my pretty slut. Did my voice make you that horny? Did my slutty girl go dumb already?” He’s such a dirty talker, especially when you lose it. His fingers are enough to have you empty headed and desperate, his long slender fingers fuck you so good; but they also only make you want him more. Every whiny call of his name makes him sicker than the last. “Sung? Sungie? Jisung? What’s wrong baby? Is it too much? Are you trying to tell me that it’s too much?” It’s like his fingers shut your brain off through your pussy, and when he finally fucks you it’s so rough—he loves to kiss you while he’s deep inside of you, something about it turns him on so much more. And of course he has to cum inside of you, he just loves how it feels.
Haechan is more of a switch, a bratty one too. He enjoys doing things that’ll piss you off, if he’s feeling more dominate that day he’ll edge you for hours. He’s so set on seeing you cry and beg, if he’s fingering you and he notices you getting close he’ll stop right before you finish—he’ll do this for so long until you finally break. “You look so cute baby, are you gonna cry? Hm? You gonna cry baby?” He loves teasing you, he gets off to the way you whimper and call his name. “Hyuck? D-Do…you look so cute when you beg.” When he fucks you he absolutely loves to make you look at him; seeing your eyes roll as you struggle to keep them open makes his toes curl. But when he’s submissive, the shoe is completely on the other foot. He’s so sensitive, if you touch his nipples even a little his body flinches. “You’re so cute like this Hyuck…” When you praise him he melts into such a mess, his voice cracks as you ride him—he’s so sensitive, he can hardly even speak from the feeling of your walls around him. You’re so warm, so wet, and he fits so perfectly inside of you. He gets so drunk on you when he’s being subby, and when he cums he has to hold you and have your body as close to his as possible.
Chenle is also a bratty switch, when hes subbing he’s so difficult and disobedient and when he’s a dom he’s so cruel. “You look so pretty on your knees baby, do you think you’ve earned it yet?” He’ll tease you when you’re sucking his dick, complimenting how pretty your lips look around his cock and pulling your hair as you look him in his eyes. When he fucks you he’s so vocal and so rough, biting, scratching, hair pulling—he likes it all. Of course he has to cum inside of you, he fucks you as deep as humanly possible and when he’s close he’ll tease you about how he’s going to get your pregnant one of these times. “You ready to have my baby?” He’s such a kinky fuck. But when he’s subbing…it’s like what he did to you is only a projection of what he wants. Slap him, bite him, pull his hair and degrade him; sit on his face and make him eat you out till his jaw locks. “You’re such a good boy for me.” Even the most basic praise in between humiliating him will reduce him to a pathetic and desperate animal in heat. When you’ve finally had your fill of him eating you out and decide that he’s worthy of fucking you he’s so overstimulated that he can’t even speak; all that comes out of his mouth is gibberish. But even in that state he can still beg to cum inside of you—and if he’s been good enough you’ll let him.
Renjun gives me model sub energy, like he wants you to treat him like a prince—buy him sexy outfits to wear, worship his body, and spoil him with kisses and pleasure. He loves it when you suck his dick, he gets off to the feeling of your lips and tongue before he gets to fuck you—and of course it’s his right to fuck you; he’s your spoiled baby after all. “Mhmm…just like that, it feels so good.” His moans are so pretty, it’s such a show when fucking him—the way his back arches and how his heavy dick throbs and twitches is so lewd and beautiful. By the time he’s inside of you he’s already cum three times, but he can last for another because it means he finally gets to be deep inside of you. When he’s on top his stroke game is amazing, it’s like his brain has moved to his dick from how perfectly he fucks you. His lips are red and kiss swollen and his entire face is flushed—when you get on top you can fully appreciate how beautiful his face looks when you please him. “S-So good…” his voice drifts off as his eyes roll, his head falls back into the pillows and he goes silent from how good you feel. When he finally cums he gasps for air and looks you right in your eyes—he loves to look at you and watch your face as he cums, you’re just so pretty and he loves you so much; he has to burn the image of you in his mind as he cums inside of you.
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ghostofhyuck · 2 months
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NCT Dream when you go out on a club with them. 
AN: While writing this, I forgot Dreamies' alcohol tolerance, so I apologize if there might be inaccuracies. 
Mark Lee
You know that girls night out where one girl always brings their boyfriend? yeah that's you with Mark. All your girl friends love Mark though. He knows the great and money-worthy clubs in your area. He pays half of the bill and watches not only after you but also to your other friends. He's the type to just sit at the couch, with a beer in his hand, keeping an eye on your bags and you dancing on the dance floor. Sometimes he dances with you, if you drag him to the dance floor.
Huang Renjun
Renjun isn't that fond of clubs. It's too loud and sweaty, especially when there's a lot of people. But since you love clubs, he insists on going with you so that he can take care of you. The most frequent thing that he does is hold onto your glass while you dance on the dance floor. He makes sure that you won't get spiked or anything. He's also the type to take a sip on your drink first before giving it to you, just in case it taste weird, (he does that despite not liking the taste of alcohol!)
Lee Jeno
SCREAMS. Okay, *breathes* but this man is overprotective of you when it comes to clubs. You know those sickening couple that's glued together on the dance floor? that's the two of you!! But that's because Jeno makes sure that you're not being touched or uncomfy around people. He's the type to pull you closer to him when you're dancing or has his arms wrapped around your waist so that you wouldn't be bumping onto strangers. Although he still gives you space to have fun, he just makes sure that he's around before a stranger approaches you. 
Lee Donghyuck
This is so hot but I believe in Haechan who would take shots for you. You have very low tolerance in alcohol, so you could only take a few drinks and shots. That's why whenever you're already tipsy and your friends insist you to take a shot, Haechan will snatch it and drink it on behalf of you. Like you can see that the alcohol doesn't matter to him and just takes it with a blank expression, and despite taking a lot of drinks, he would remain sober. 
Na Jaemin
I think that whenever Jaemin joins you in your night out with your friends, he's just there to take care of you. He's not going to touch any drinks or alcohol, maybe a glass of water or juice if he's feeling it, BUT he's there for you. He lets you get drunk and let loose as long he's there to bring you home. He doesn't get tired of taking care of your drunk self since when you're drunk, you're just sleepy. Jaemin's probably the type to help you sober up first before bringing you home too. 
Zhong Chenle
Just like Jaemin, I think that Chenle is the type to join you in a club only for the purpose of bringing you home. He has his own car so that means he has to drive safe. I feel like Chenle can still let himself let loose, taking a shot or two, maybe a bottle of beer, just enough to vibe with the club and sober enough to drive you two home!! AND he always brings you home safe and sound, especially when you're knocked-out drunk. 
Park Jisung
NOW Jisung is the life of the party. He's probably the type who will hype you up, dance with you, and go drunk with you. He knows his alcohol tolerance and honestly he doesn't fucking care, he's there to have fun with you. You two are probably those giggly drunk couple who at some point made out on the dance floor, or maybe outside the club or inside the bathroom. Still, despite being drunk, you two still have senses to go home, (sometimes you two would sober up at a near convenience store.)
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babylion · 8 months
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multifandomslxt · 1 month
Nct 127 and non-physical attributes that make them attractive
Taeil: He's so quiet but when he does say something it leaves me on the floor. It's either hilarious or completely unhinged lmao.
Johnny: He doesn't allow people around him to feel awkward. His jokes, his energy- his everything really. He just seems like someone who makes others feel comfortable
Taeyong: The man is a NERD and it's absolutely endearing. It's a nice change from his stage persona yk? he builds Legos for fun ffs. (nothing is wrong with that btw but personally, I don't have that much brain power lmao)
Yuta: his straightforwardness is so refreshing. Says what he means and means what he says. Stands up for what he believes is right and takes no shit.
Doyoung: He's a damn good listener. I don't know if y'all have realized but his advice??? he gives you that shit from his heart AFTER listening. We love a good listener.
Jaehyun: He's funny. Like actually funny. I kid you not all his jokes are so lame they're funny lmaoo. You can always see him plotting a joke too. the guy doesn't get enough credit tbh.
Jungwoo: He's not afraid to do dumb shit. Jungwoo always makes me laugh mainly because he is ALWAYS doing some shit when left unsupervised lmfaooo.
Mark: He's awkward. So awkward it hurts because it's fucking adorable. he can't say a sentence without "Yo" "bro" and "like". I love it.
Haechan: He's actually so annoying it's endearing. He likes to tease his friends and fans a lot. This mf just sits back and laughs at the chaos he causes.
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jenoslutie · 9 months
nct reaction: how nct dream jerks off (m)
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warnings: usage of toys, jerking off in the shower, edging, overstimulation, use of lubricants (mentioned: lube, lotion and spit), talking through orgasms kinda, hyuck biased cuz i cant stop thinking about him lately hehe.
a/n: big thanks to @jasminexox5 for inspiring this LMAOAO u made me feral today bestie. also big thanks to @thetypingpup @hall0ween-twn and @mrkis for helping me come up with ideas when i was stuck ily all. ENJOY PLS.
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I feel like Mark would be really impatient, when he gets horny, the only thing he can think of is how bad he needs to fucking cum. Being too impatient to even take off his clothes properly, he’d pull his shorts down enough so he could take his cock out and get to work. Mark would use his own spit to lube up his cock and if he's feeling fancy he’d take out the lotion. Do expect a shit ton of groaning from Mark. He’s just so desperate to cum he jerks himself off as fast as he can, even bringing his other hand down to fondle his balls to add to the stimulation. Mark’s so fucked out that only after he finishes, he realizes he just got his shirt all stained with cum. Poor baby just wanted to cum but now he has to do laundry sooner than he'd hoped :(((
Renjun…he’s a pretty sight. He would be a sight to see, the way he looks so fucking pretty when he jerks off. Renjun likes neat things so he’d definitely use his own spit as lube but he also loves using lube with pretty scents. He wouldn’t be as messy but he’s so fucking hard and horny, he’s arching his back with his other hand gripping onto his pretty silk sheets. He’s fucking into his fist so fast just to finally cum. As horny as he gets, he doesn’t like to spend too much time jerking off so he tries to be fast about it. Not that it takes him long in the first place. 
When he’s horny...he’s horny. Fucking into his fist like his life depends on it. He lubes himself up like crazy, lube dripping all around his crotch, some even getting on his abs. It’s all so messy and he fucking loves it. He loves the way his cock feels sliding through the slippery mess on his hands. That man is vocal. His groans and grunts fill up the room as he nears his climax. The feeling is so overwhelming and powerful for him that he has to bite down on his hand, sometimes his pillow to keep himself from being too loud. When he cums, he comes hard. Head lolling back and jaw dropping as he paints his abs white. 
God am I excited for this one… He’d like literally be sobbing while he has his lubed up cock in one hand and the other rubbing his nipples while he literally shakes from the simulation and he's so fucking loud and whiny too. Maybe he’ll even have a lil vibrator and everytime he uses it he overstimulates the fuck out of himself to the point theres cum everywhere. Staining his shirt, his sheets, his covers, everything, His cum painting his pretty tan skin. The way he'd be too fucked out to even realize that he's gonna have to clean up all his sticky mess. His legs feel weak as he catches his breath after edging and overstimulating himself for an hour. Even after he'd be so fucked out and dumb to even get up to clean up his mess so he whines about it to himself for so long while he waits for the feeling in his legs to come back. Hyuck is the messy kind. We all know he is. He doesn’t care about the aesthetics of him masturbating, he’ll use spit, he’ll use lotion (he has lots of lotion) and if no one’s home maybe he’ll sneak into someone’s room and borrow their lube. God…another thing, Hyuck would definitely talk himself through his orgasms. 
“Just a little more” He’d reassure himself in a faint whisper as he made himself cum for the nth time that night. His cock screamed from the overstimulation but he just felt too good to stop. 
Jaemin... .Jaemin's an edger for sure. Much like he’d do to any girl he fucks, he likes to tease. Whether it be himself or someone else, he loves to make them want it. When he jerks off it's no different, he’d edge himself until he’s squirming and can’t take it anymore. Maybe he’d even add in a fleshlight if he’s feeling really fucking desperate. The feeling of the silicone pussy wrapped around him making him cum faster than he usually would. 
Chenle is one big complainer. He likes feeling good, he likes jerking off but he hates the part where he has to clean up after himself. And as much as he dislikes taking showers, he prefers to jerk off in the shower than on his bed. He’s another member who likes to be quick with it. Chenle isn’t too loud, he’s more on the quieter side and plus, the sound of the water would definitely drown out any noise he does make. I also think Chenle would use a fleshlight if he’s really feeling needy, fucking into the silicone pussy would make him cum really fucking hard but when post nut clarity hits he just stares at himself in the mirror like “Did I just do that?”
Jisung is probably as down bad as it gets tbh. He’s insatiable, probably jerks off multiple times a day because he made the mistake of downloading Twitter on his phone and now everytime he gets a notification he has to click on it only to be shown yet another porn link and he can’t deny that he loves it. He might even have a little bit of an obsession with jerking off but no one needed to know that right? But also due to the numerous times a day he jacks off, he’s super fucking sensitive and he can almost cum untouched but like Jaemin, he likes to torture and tease himself so he will beat his dick no matter what. He’s also very vocal :(( whimpers a lot and groans loudly especially when he brings a hand down to play with his balls. All the stimulation feels too much for him but that's what he loves most about it. 
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xomakara · 3 months
All About You
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SUMMARY | You and your five boyfriends go on a trip. PAIRING | NCT ‘00 Line/Reader GENRE | smut with no plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), oral sex, anal sex, vaginal sex, gangbang, multiple penetration, sex in general, filthy sex RATING | Mature LENGTH | 6K words AUTHOR’S NOTE | Oh lord…please excuse me as I go dunk myself in holy water.
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"Baby, are you close?" Haechan whispered in your ear as he stroked your cheek.
"Fuck, Haechan...I'm so close." You could barely get the words out through your panting breath.
"Fuck, she's clenching down on me!" Jeno groaned, his breathing matching yours, "She must be very close, because it feels like she's squeezing the life out of my dick."
Haechan let out a chuckle and stroked your hair back gently, watching as you bounced on Jeno's cock, taking him all the way inside of you, causing you to tremble with pleasure at how good you felt wrapped around his thick shaft. He moved his hand up from your hip to the small of your back and squeezed gently. "It looks like your body is craving more."
"Mmm..." You moaned and then quickly corrected yourself, "Not that I don't love what we're doing now, but I need to feel something more inside of me too."
Jeno started thrusting faster now and Haechan stopped rubbing your ass to move his other hand to the front of your body, resting it on your clit. He lightly pinched it as he continued moving your hips up and down on Jeno's cock. "That's right, baby. Fuck your little pussy harder for us."
You bit your lip as you rode Jeno's cock faster. Your legs were starting to shake now, which only intensified your need for release. "Oh god, Haechan, I'm gonna come so hard..."
"Did she come yet?" You heard Jaemin asking Haechan as they watched you ride Jeno's dick. There was no mistaking the lust in his voice. You could tell by the tone of his voice that he was getting off on this just as much as you were.
"Kitten," Renjun whispered in your ear. "Does Jeno's cock feel good? Tell us how it feels."
"So good...so fucking good..." You whimpered, feeling Jeno's cock throbbing inside of you.
"Our little dumpling must be close." Yangyang muttered from his spot in the corner, watching you riding Jeno's cock with nothing but a towel covering him. "And that tight pussy of hers is milking his cock for everything it's worth."
"Baby, you look so damn hot right now." Haechan whispered in your ear as he trailed kisses along your neck, letting them linger near your collarbone. You closed your eyes and pressed your face against Haechan's chest.
"Oh my god, I'm coming..."
Your body shook from the waves of pleasure washing over you and you cried out as Jeno began filling your insides with his warm seed. You clenched down on him, trying to milk every last drop of cum from his balls, but the man simply refused to let go. He kept grinding into you, his dick still hard, even after he had finished shooting his load deep inside of you. As he held himself inside of you, your body shuddered uncontrollably, your face buried in Haechan's chest as you trembled and cried from the blissful aftershocks of orgasmic bliss coursing through your body. It took you several minutes before you could regain control of your body enough to slide off of Jeno and collapse on the bed beside him.
Jaemin came to your side in an instant, kissing you deeply as you reached out to grasp his naked chest. "How does our little Y/N feel? Do you want more?"
Ever since you and your five boyfriends moved in together, your sex life has become a daily ritual of steamy threesomes, late night drunken sessions and even spontaneous gang bangs. You can never get enough of each other and it's all thanks to you being open minded and not putting labels on anything that goes on between you.
To the outside world, you and Haechan were just a couple that loved each other deeply and unconditionally, but that was just one side of the story. They knew about Renjun, Jeno, Jaemin and Yangyang but most people assumed that you were all just friends. And while they may have thought that the six of you had settled into an unbreakable bond, they couldn't possibly know what really went on behind closed doors.
You laid in bed, trying to compose yourself as you listened to your boyfriends talking about how well the night went. Jaemin was whispering sweet words in your ear, praising how much of a good girl you'd been, saying that you made sure to make everyone feel good, how you deserved to have such good men worship you. The others were making similar comments about how they had all enjoyed themselves, but Jeno sounded especially proud.
You smiled softly to yourself and glanced over to see Haechan smiling at you with pure adoration. He was your whole world. No matter how many times you came, or how many orgasms you gave out, you would always return to him, unable to find anyone else who could match the passion you shared with him. Even though he was your first real boyfriend, he would always hold a special place in your heart because he taught you how to love, and trust.
As your thoughts drifted to Haechan's strong arms wrapped around you and his firm lips caressing your skin, you remembered another reason why you loved Haechan so much: Because he had introduced you to the other four men who would change your life forever. You had five men who loved you as their own and wanted to share you with each other, without any rules or limits. And the best part was, no matter what happened, you would always have Haechan there to take care of you, loving you with all of his heart.
"Baby, you okay? Are you feeling sore?" Haechan kissed your forehead tenderly as he replaced Jeno's spot on the bed.
"No, I'm fine...just thinking about tonight makes me tired." You said and buried your head in his chest.
"Ahhh...that's understandable. It takes a lot of energy for us to fuck that tight little pussy of yours over and over again." Jeno laughed as he caressed your thigh. "But don't worry; we'll let you rest tomorrow. We'll go ahead and get cleaned up for now."
You snuggled closer to Haechan, smiling to yourself as you felt Renjun and Yangyang clean your body with washclothes and soap, gently wiping away every last trace of sweat and semen from your flushed skin. As you drifted off to sleep, safe in the knowledge that these five men would protect you and make sure that you always had what you needed, you couldn't help but smile.
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"I feel like I've been torn in half." You groaned the next morning, your head on Jaemin's shoulder. "I swear, if my vagina hurts anymore, I might die."
"You say that all the time, bunny." Jaemin laughed. "But you still want us to fuck you senseless, right?"
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever. You guys are just lucky I'm built like a goddamn pole. You all can use me however you want."
Renjun chuckled as he joined in the conversation. "I think it's safe to say that there isn't a man alive who doesn't want to bend our little Y/N over and take her for a ride."
"Speaking of rides..." Jeno piped up, placing his hand under your chin and turning your head to meet his eyes, "we have some news to share with you."
Yangyang cleared his throat. "Yeah...we talked about it last night, and decided to take a trip to Busan. We'd thought it would be nice to take a vacation together before school starts."
Jaemin nodded, "We all really wanted to do this. You deserve a nice vacation and this is something that we've been wanting to do for a long time."
"Really? A road trip?" You asked, perking up a bit at the prospect of spending some alone time with the guys.
"Really, really." Haechan said as he walked into the kitchen. He gave you a kiss on the forehead and sat down next to you. "Are you excited?"
You grinned. "Very."
"Okay, great." Haechan kissed you again and then turned his attention to the others. "Well, what do you say, guys? Shall we pack up and hit the road?"
The guys began chattering amongst themselves, discussing what they should bring with them and where they should stop along the way. After they had finally settled on what they were going to bring and where they would stay during their vacation, you stood up from the table and stretched, yawning loudly. "I guess I better get ready for the day. Let me get my bag packed and I'll be ready to go."
"I'll drive today." Jaemin volunteered. "I wanna see if I can break any land speed records."
"Oh yeah?" You asked, feigning surprise. "Should I start counting miles or something?"
He chuckled. "Just relax and enjoy the ride. When you're not fucking one of us, that is."
You rolled your eyes. "Is sex all you guys think about?"
"Only if it's with you, Y/N." Yangyang winked at you. "But yeah, we can't get enough of your pussy either."
Renjun nodded enthusiastically. "Aye, same here. Those cute tits of yours keep me up at night."
Jeno nodded his head, "That sweet, tight little pussy keeps us up at night too. That pussy is seriously the perfect blend of creamy smoothness and dripping wet, wet nectar. Every time I taste it, it's like I've died and gone to heaven."
You groaned and buried your head in Haechan's chest as he let out a chuckle. "Man, you guys are hopeless."
They all laughed as you walked out of the kitchen and headed to the bathroom. You shed your clothes, stepped into the shower, and stood in the hot water as it washed over your skin. With each passing second, you could feel the tension in your muscles slowly leaving your body and you closed your eyes, savoring the sensation.
Just as you started to drift off, a hand suddenly gripped your hip tightly and spun you around so that you were facing Haechan. Burying his face in your wet hair, he whispered huskily in your ear, "Don't fall asleep now, baby. Wouldn't want you to get hurt. Stay awake, okay?"
"Do I finally get some alone time with my Haechannie? Or will the other boys come in and steal me away?" You giggled softly.
"It's just me, love." Haechan said, grabbing the shampoo and dispensing it into his hands. He lathered your hair. "Just you and me."
"I love you, Haechan." You leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the lips.
Haechan hummed softly as he continued to wash your hair. "I love you too, baby. Don't forget that."
When Haechan was done rinsing you off, he led you out of the shower and dried you off gently with a large fluffy white towel. Once he was satisfied that you were completely dry, he took your hand and led you back to the bedroom. "Come on, sleepy head. Time to get dressed and get going."
After you had put on a pair of shorts and a tank top, Haechan scooped you up in his arms and carried you out to the living room. You watched as he placed you on the couch and hurried over to grab your backpack.
Your stomach grumbled as you looked around the room, noticing that everyone else seemed to be occupied with packing their things.
"Breakfast in fifteen minutes, Y/N." Renjun announced.
Jaemin smiled as he climbed onto the couch next to you, placing his arm around your shoulders. "C'mon, babe. Let's go get some food for you. We'll eat breakfast, then load up the car and leave. Sounds good?"
"That sounds great." You replied and cuddled close to him, planting a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you for everything, you guys."
"Aw, shucks. Thank you for coming with us." Jeno smiled as he gave you a peck on the lips. "And you know we wouldn't have gone anywhere without you, right?"
Yangyang kissed you on the cheek and pulled you close. "This trip wouldn't have been the same without you. Just remember that."
"I know." You said and gave him a quick hug.
After all of the guys had finished packing up, they gathered around the kitchen table to eat a quick meal before hitting the road. After finishing off a plate full of scrambled eggs, toast and hash browns, you were stuffed.
"Alright, I think I'm good to go." You laughed as you pushed your plate away from you.
Jeno smiled. "Good, 'cause I don't want to carry you to the car."
You giggled and patted his cheek playfully. "Uh huh, you say that but I know you'd enjoy it too much."
Everyone laughed as you got up from the table and followed Jaemin out of the house. When you reached the driveway, you saw the two cars that were being loaded up.
Haechan opened your door for you and held out his hand. "Ready?"
"Yep!" You grabbed his hand and he helped you climb into the passenger seat of the jeep. Before you knew it, you were backing out of the driveway and heading toward Busan.
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As the sky darkened overhead, you glanced outside of the window and noticed that the town had begun to fade into the distance. The mountains that loomed over the valley were growing larger and more prominent, drawing closer and closer until they enveloped the entire landscape, making it impossible to see anything but darkness.
Suddenly, the car stopped moving as Haechan pulled into a rest stop. You watched the other car pull up behind you and soon both vehicles came to a halt.
"Y/N!" Yangyang shouted as he bounded out of the other jeep and made his way to open your door, only to bury his face in your hair. "I missed you."
You patted his head. "Yangyang, we were just separated by cars. It's not the same thing as actually being apart."
Jaemin pouted as he emerged from the driver's side of the other jeep. "Man, he beat me to get Y/N's attention first."
Renjun shrugged and got out of the other jeep, smiling brightly at you. "Well, hello there, cutie. How's my favorite girlfriend doing? Being stuck in the car with Haechan and Jeno didn't make you go crazy?"
You shook your head. "Not even a little bit."
"Good girl." Renjun ran his fingers through your hair. "Now, are you hungry? We have a little while until we reach Busan."
"Actually, I am kind of hungry." You admitted. "What do you guys have?"
"There's some watermelon, grapes and pretzels in the cooler in the trunk." Renjun informed you. "There's also a picnic basket in there with sandwiches and other snacks in it. We also brought along a few bottles of water."
"Sounds delicious." You laughed as you leaned back against the seat. "Now feed me."
Once everyone had finished eating, Haechan switched off the headlights and opened the windows. The cool breeze caressed your cheeks and played with your hair, sending chills down your spine. Your eyes fell upon the mountain range ahead of you and you felt an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder as the deep purple of the night sky glowed eerily in the background. In spite of how dark it was outside, you could clearly make out every detail of the mountains as they rose high above you, looming silently in the night air. The moon cast a gentle glow across the landscape and illuminated every path of its journey, leading you through a picturesque wilderness.
You leaned out the window to watch Yangyang and Renjun converse quietly beside you. Their voices floated through the wind and surrounded you as you listened to the hushed tones of their voices. From time to time, they would look over at you and smile warmly, reassuring you with every glance. You blushed at their constant adoration of you and you tried your best to pay attention to their conversation. They were discussing how busy school was going to be when they returned to Seoul.
"Hey, baby. Are you getting tired?" Haechan whispered softly into your ear.
“Just a little.” You let out a small yawn. “But, honestly, it doesn’t matter. As long as I’m with you, I couldn’t possibly ever be tired.”
Haechan gazed at you lovingly. "Good answer. Let’s take over the backseat when we get back on the road. Jeno can take over the driving while we sleep.”
"That sounds like a wonderful idea." You mumbled, leaning over and kissing him on the lips.
As soon as the car was in motion again, Haechan crawled into the backseat and tucked you in beside him.
"Sleep well, beautiful." He whispered softly. "Love you."
"I love you too." You murmured, snuggling closer to him.
For the next hour or so, you laid there in silence, simply enjoying the closeness of your boyfriend and the feeling of his strong arms wrapped around you. Each time you began to drift off, you would hear a voice murmur softly in your ear, always waking you up within seconds.
"Keep sleeping, baby." Haechan mumbled in between kisses. "Just close your eyes and enjoy the moment."
You closed your eyes, enjoying the casual banter of Haechan and Jeno as they engaged in small talk while Jeno drove. A feeling of contentment flooded your heart as you drifted further and further into dreamland. For once, you were truly relaxed and stress free.
Soon, you found yourself drifting deeper and deeper into sleep, lulled by the soothing sound of Haechan’s gentle breathing and the hypnotic sway of the car as it raced along the winding roads. All too soon, you were lost in a state of blissful slumber.
When you awoke, you blinked a few times to adjust your vision and slowly turned to find yourself nestled against Haechan’s firm chest. His strong arms were wrapped around you protectively, cradling you gently against him. You took a moment to appreciate the comfort of this intimate embrace. To know that someone cared about you so deeply was a truly comforting thought.
You felt the car come to a stop and heard the door unlock as Renjun entered the vehicle. Opening your eyes, you saw Haechan stirring beside you, taking in your awakening state. He quickly moved his arm off of you and rubbed his face as he sat up.
"I guess we've arrived." He mumbled groggily, stretching out his limbs.
You felt Jaemin climb into the car and lean over, handing you a bottle of water. You took a sip and nodded. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're here."
The other guys started to unload the jeeps and make their way into the little house that you rented out for the duration of your trip. When they had finally finished and piled into the living room, they each gave you hugs.
"Morning, princess." Jeno murmured affectionately. "You looked so peaceful sleeping during the drive. I didn't want to wake you."
You grinned. "Thanks, Jeno. I really needed sleep."
"Of course, Kitten." Renjun walked over and planted a soft kiss on your forehead. "Don't you worry. We'll take care of you."
You smiled at him gratefully and accepted the kiss. “Thank you. I’m so glad I get to spend this week with you guys.”
“We’re so glad you decided to come with us.” Haechan commented as he walked over and knelt down beside you. “It means a lot to us that you agreed to go on this trip."
"I love you all, you know that right?” You sighed happily. “Every single one of you is my family."
"Hi, dumpling." Yangyang kissed you lightly on the lips. "Looks like you slept well."
You cuddled closer to him. "I did. That nap really helped, especially after that long car ride."
Yangyang smiled. "We're happy to hear that."
He took your hand in his and squeezed it. "How about we grab some food now? I'm sure we're all famished from the long drive."
You stood up and stretched. "Sounds good to me."
"Come on, you guys. Let's go." Renjun called as he led the way into the house.
You followed the others inside and waited patiently for them to finish unpacking and preparing breakfast. Soon, the smell of fresh waffles filled the house and your stomach growled loudly. While you enjoyed the waffles, you took the opportunity to give each man another kiss. They each responded happily, basking in your admiration of them.
While you ate, you conversed with everyone else in the group, laughing and talking merrily as you discussed what they planned to do during the trip. Everyone seemed excited to explore Busan and the surrounding areas and you were eager to follow suit. By the time you had finished eating, it was already past noon.
Haechan pulled out his phone and tapped the screen a few times, bringing up a map of the area.
"Okay, since this is the first leg of our trip, we're gonna need to take things easy." Haechan explained. " Let's rest for the rest of the day and we'll start our activities tomorrow. What do you think?"
You paused for a moment before nodding. "Sure. Sounds good to me."
"Alright then." Haechan checked the time. "Jeno, let's put some music on. No reason why we can't have a party while we relax today."
Jeno nodded. "Gotcha."
Within minutes, he was browsing through his playlist and humming a catchy tune. As soon as he had selected a song, the entire group erupted into cheers and applause. Even you joined in with them and sang along with the lyrics.
As the song continued, you made your way over to Jaemin and plopped yourself in his lap. He smiled warmly and took your hands in his.
"Now this is a surprise. Why is my precious angel sitting in my lap?"
"Oh, nothing much." You giggled. "Just wanted to be closer to you."
Jaemin stroked your cheek softly with his thumb and tenderly cupped your face in his hands. "So sweet. You might as well give me some lovin’ now."
You obliged him eagerly, pressing your body tightly against his as you pressed your lips against his own. As soon as your lips met, sparks flew between the two of you and you felt your heart flutter in excitement. After spending a solid ten minutes of making out with him, you reluctantly pulled away, breaking the connection between you two.
Jaemin gently wiped away the remnants of your lipstick and licked his lips suggestively. "Now I'm expecting more of that later."
With a seductive smirk, you ran your hands over his shirt and pressed your lips to his neck, planting kisses against his skin.
"Are you trying to get the other guys jealous?" Jaemin let out a small huff of laughter. "Because I think it's working."
"Oops." You pouted innocently. "Sorry. Guess I got carried away. I can't help it when I'm with you all. My hormones just run wild whenever I'm near you all. It must be because of how hot you are. You turn me on so easily."
"Mmm…" Jaemin leaned in and nibbled on your bottom lip playfully. "You're right. How am I supposed to focus when you're distracting me like this?"
Your mouth moved away from his, trailing hot kisses down his jawline. As you traced your tongue along his neck, he placed his hand on the back of your head and pulled you closer, deepening the kiss. Every touch of your lips against his sent shivers down his spine and heightened the pleasure you both experienced.
"Oh, Y/N…" He moaned as you pulled away. "Seriously...you're making the others jealous."
You looked over at the others and let out a laugh of your own. It appeared that Jeno and Haechan had taken notice of your display and raised their eyebrows. "I think one of them is ready to throw me over their shoulder and carry me to the bedroom."
Jaemin shook his head, his hands coming to rest on your thighs. "Instead of the bedroom..."
"What are you insinuating, Na Jaemin?" You teased.
Jaemin gestured to the couch cushions. "These cushions look very comfortable..."
You dropped to your knees in front of him and reached for the waistband of his pants. Haechan and Jeno watched on in amusement as you undid the button and zipper of Jaemin's jeans.
"Well, aren't you just the sweetest thing I've ever seen." Jaemin chuckled as you slid his jeans and boxers down his legs, exposing his erect cock. "You gonna suck my dick while the others watch? Because I don't mind if you do."
"You like it when I get naughty, Jaemin?" You smirked.
Jaemin shook his head fondly. "I like everything about you, Y/N."
With a seductive grin, you lowered your mouth to his dick and placed your lips around it. You gently sucked on his length, drawing small moans from his throat. With each stroke, you would take a bit more of him into your mouth until you had taken all of him in. The room was silent except for the moans coming from Jaemin's mouth and the slight slurping sound of you bobbing your head up and down on his shaft.
Soon enough you heard Renjun's soft breathing as he took a seat next to Jaemin, his throbbing erection straining against his jeans. He opened his pants and began rubbing himself over his own bulge, moaning loudly in pleasure. Yangyang sat on Jaemin's other side, already fist pumping his own cock. You watched as Jeno let out a low moan, growing hard as you continued sucking on Jaemin's dick. Haechan kneeled next to you, his hands already rubbing your sweet aching nub as he praised you for taking Jaemin's cock so nicely.
Jaemin's eyes rolled back in his head as he grew more and more aroused, letting out guttural cries of pleasure.
Jaemin grabbed onto your hair, pulling you up to meet his thrusting hips. Your tongue fluttered across the tip of his member and you could feel his body shudder with ecstasy.
Jaemin finally came with a loud shout, shooting his hot cum into your mouth. As you greedily swallowed every last drop of semen, Jaemin collapsed back against the cushions and sighed contently.
You were definitely feeling horny now. Especially after seeing how pleased everyone was with you, wanting to reward you for doing such a good job. While Jaemin caught his breath, you went over to Renjun and tugged at his pants. "Now I'm feeling generous."
His eyes widened as you pulled out his hardened cock and brought it to your lips. "You wanna go again, baby?"
"Mmm...I could suck all of your cocks right now if you'd like me to." You said sweetly, running your tongue around the tip of his dick. "But now I want all of your dicks. In my pussy, in my ass, in my mouth, in my hands..."
Renjun's eyes gleamed with lust as he slid his hands under your short top, lifting it up above your breasts. "Well, isn't this quite the sight?"
Renjun stroked his fingers through your hair and tilted your head up towards his face. "It doesn't matter where you put my dick, baby. All that matters is you feeling good."
You glanced over at Haechan and the other guys, each of them slowly taking off their clothes. Jaemin threw one of the throw pillows on the floor, Haechan taking his position to lay down on it. His eyes were fixated on you, watching as you crawled up his body, capturing his lips in a heated kiss. Your nails dug into his shoulders as you sunk down unto his waiting erection, feeling the fullness of him filling your wet slit.
The smell of arousal was thick in the air and everyone in the room was more than ready to fuck. You couldn't help but feel so damn sexy, wearing nothing but a smile as you lay atop Haechan.
Once you had settled down onto his thick length, you looked up into his eyes. "Ready?"
Haechan laughed. "I'm always ready for you, babe."
You closed your eyes and savored the moment, pressing your naked breasts into his chest. Slowly, you began rocking your hips back and forth, matching the rhythm of your movement with the waves of pleasure that radiated throughout your entire body. Before you knew it, Haechan had his hands on your hips, holding you still as he pounded you harder and faster. You let out muffled whimpers as you arched your back, closing your eyes and soaking in the sensation of being fucked.
You leaned forward, feeling Yangyang positioned himself behind you, his dick lining up with your ass hole.
"Oh fuck." You moaned, feeling both Haechan and Yangyang filling you up. "Yes!"
Yangyang pushed himself deep inside of you, causing you to cry out in pleasure. Both of your holes were stretched beyond capacity by the multiple dicks penetrating them. Yet you didn't care. The only thing you cared about right now was making sure all your boyfriends feel good.
Renjun stood in front of you, dick in hand as he guided it to your mouth. "Open up, kitten. Take my cock."
You obediently opened your mouth and wrapped your lips around his head, sucking lightly. He let out a grunt of satisfaction and withdrew, quickly sliding his cock back into your mouth. With a deep moan, Renjun thrust harder and deeper into your throat, causing you to gag slightly.
You reached for Jaemin and Jeno's cocks, taking both in your hands and stroking them in unison. With a series of movements, you worked them both to a state of orgasmic bliss. Their moans of pleasure echoed throughout the room and filled you with joy. You grinned widely, knowing they were enjoying themselves. You all matched each other's pace; Haechan slamming into your pussy, Yangyang pounding your ass, Renjun shoving his dick down your throat and you fist pumping both Jeno and Jaemin.
Before long, the sounds of grunting and groaning echoed throughout the room, intermingling together to create a beautiful symphony of sex. Each of you became completely lost in the moment, no longer caring who was getting what. Only concerned with pleasing your partners and they pleasing you.
"Fuck, Y/N." Haechan growled, his cock buried balls deep inside of you. "Look at how turned on you are. Seeing all us guys take turns fucking you is driving you crazy, isn't it?"
You nodded vigorously, swallowing thickly as you enjoyed the attention of five rock hard cocks.
"I can tell." He said, bringing his head close to yours. "Tell me, baby. Use your words. Tell me how much you love having us inside of you."
You nodded once again, unable to form any words. Your heart raced and your breath quickened.
Haechan smiled lovingly. "That's it, baby. Feel free to say whatever comes to your mind. Even if it's just some naughty words or an animalistic growl."
You felt Jeno replacing Yangyang's spot from behind you, easing his large dick inside of your ass. "You like getting fucked in the ass, don't you?"
"God yes!" You cried, biting your lower lip. "It feels amazing! And your dick feels so big inside of me!"
Jeno pumped his hips, filling your ass with his dick. "How does it feel?"
You felt Haechan's hands come to rest on your hips, keeping you steady as he thrust deeper into you. "So good...fuck. Fuck. Oh god. Yes."
Jeno pulled out and slammed back into you, his body moving in sync with Haechan. "Let's hear you say it again."
"Ugh. Uhhuhu..." You moaned as the feeling of two dicks sliding in and out of you grew stronger.
Yangyang positioned himself in front of you, his dick slapping against your cheek. "Come on, baby. don't forget about us."
You couldn't help but swallow up his dick, Renjun and Jaemin in your hands at the same time. Your lips parted and you gasped as he pushed his way past your tongue. It felt so warm and good, almost surreal. A delicious mix of sensations rushed through your body, pushing you over the edge into another intense climax.
You moaned and whimpered as the world began to spin around you. This orgasm felt like it lasted forever.
Jaemin and Renjun eyes were locked on you as they stared at you from above, witnessing your passion as they coated your body with their hot jizz. Yangyang couldn't help but hold your head against his cock as he let himself go, grunting loudly as his seed filled your mouth. You felt Jeno's dick stiffen before unloading his cum in your ass and Haechan's cock pulsed several times as he finished filling you up with his seed.
Once the orgasms subsided, the six of you curled up together in the pile of cushions, lazily chatting and caressing each other. Soon, you all fell asleep, lulled by the soft melody of the song playing in the background.
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You awoke to find yourself nestled snugly in Haechan's arms. You stretched your limbs and yawned widely, looking around the room curiously. Everyone was still fast asleep, the sunlight streaming through the windows casting beautiful colors on the sleeping faces of the boys. For a moment, you lingered, content to watch the guys sleep.
You wiggled out of Haechan's embrace and winced from the aftermath of all the fucking and sucking that had happened last night. As you rose to your feet, you saw Renjun stirring beside Haechan. He lifted his head and blinked several times before looking at you. A smile crossed his face as soon as he recognized who it was.
"Good morning, gorgeous." Renjun whispered. "Didn't know you had it in you."
Your cheeks flushed and you could feel your face growing hotter by the second. "No more gangbangs for the next few weeks. I'm so sore."
Renjun laughed quietly. "Aw, poor little thing. Whose fault was it to have everyone all at one time?"
"Shut up." You pouted playfully. "You knew what kind of person you were dealing with."
Haechan stirred and groggily got to his feet, rubbing his eyes. He gazed at you with sleepy eyes and stroked your cheek affectionately.
"Morning, love." He murmured. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I could crawl into bed and never leave." You answered honestly. "If I ever ask for another gangbang, I need you to intervene. I can't handle it."
Haechan kissed you on the forehead. "Don't worry about it, darling. If you really don't want to experience another round, I'll make sure that you don't. Promise."
The rest of the guys woke up, each asking how you were feeling from last night. You told them that your legs and back were aching but you otherwise felt fine. Each of them nodded solemnly, having been present during last night's event.
"Sorry, Princess." Jeno muttered. "Maybe next time we won't do it all at once."
"I'm banning sex from all of you." You retorted, rolling your eyes. "Please let my vagina rest."
Everyone burst out laughing, happy to see you feeling better. After breakfast was prepared and served, everyone showered and dressed before heading outside. It was a beautiful day today and it made you glad that they didn't decide to cancel the trip. They had gone swimming earlier in the day, bringing you along to splash around with them. You and the others spent the entire afternoon laying on the beach, soaking up the sun and listening to music. At dinner, you enjoyed the seafood you ordered while watching the waves crash against the sand. By the end of the evening, you couldn't help but fall asleep in Haechan's arms, lulled by the gentle rhythm of the waves.
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smileysuh · 3 days
ride night TEASER
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🌙 starring. Lee Donghyuck x afab!Reader
🔮 preview. “You always told me you had a thing for older men. Said I wasn’t your usual type- not daddy enough for you, well, here you go, baby. Let daddy hear you moan for my cock.” You seriously can’t believe this is happening. All you can do is try to relax while Hyuck fucks you stupid in some dive bar bathroom stall, your core still throbbing and desperate after six orgasms from a vibrator while on his bike. The fingers on your oversensitive bud are unrelenting, just like your boyfriend, and at this point, you can’t even bring yourself to care that his ride night dad is listening in, only a few feet away. 
tw/cw. Exhibitionism, riding a Harley with a vibrator inside of you, multiple orgasms, fucking in a bar bathroom while someone (John) listens in, overstimulation, unprotected sex, vibrator as a ball gag, voyeurism, dirty talk, praise, choking, brief pussy eating, Hyuck has tattoos, etc… I pet names: (hers) princess.
👹 rating.18+ explicit I wc. 4.9k
🍭 aus. Established relationship au, motorcycle au, etc…
☀️ mlist + an. The I love Harleys saga continues but this time with NCT
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You close your eyes, giving in to the onslaught of sensations. 
The air ripping at your tight riding jacket, gravel buffering your knees ever so often, music ringing through your helmet, the powerful vibrator in your pussy, and the even more powerful machine that Hyuck maneuvers like a God-
If you focus too hard, if you allow yourself to enjoy all of this, you might just cum, and part of you wants to resist that, so you open your eyes, looking over at John on the bike next to you.
Hyuck might be the notorious dare devil, but John’s not all that angelic either. The man is standing straight up on his foot pegs, his butt raised completely off his seat. The wind is tearing at his leather jacket, and you can’t even imagine the pressure of the air he’s cutting through, battering at his body-
Even so, he looks as free as you’ve ever seen a man look.
Your pussy pulses pathetically around the toy and you grip Hyuck’s hips, legs shaking around his own.
His hand lands on your thigh, squeezing, as if to say ‘cum for me,’ and your body can’t help itself this time. You release all the pressure, your muscles going slack for a moment of peace before contracting from the power of your orgasm.
Your core throbs desperately around the vibrator, your eyes closing to enjoy the sensation.
Hyuck takes his hand away from your thigh, revving the engine and kicking into an even higher gear. The bike purs below you, as if she - like her master - is amped up from the energy of your release.
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ryozaki21 · 1 year
diary of the heartbreakers;
00z series
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╰┈➤ Diary of the Heartbreakers; 00z series
➸ ♡ They used to be the ones breaking hearts, but when karma comes around, suddenly the don't know what to do. Navigate through college life with your favorite idiots, and read through the Diary of the Heartbreakers.
GENRES: College AU, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Humour
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, drug abuse, Infidelity, Toxic relationships/characters, Heavy topics discussed, player!00z, Language and Violence.
AUTHOR's NOTE: I thought long and hard about making this a series, because of my commitment issues and I don't trust myself to commit to a writing project like this TT, But since I have story ideas for these characters, (00z) I just linked all of them together. SLOW UPDATE. Also my first time doing a series, how about that?!? I hope you guys like it!
DISCLAIMER: This story is purely fanfiction. Only the names of the Idols are used, and does not reflect on them in real life. There's no way in any shape of form that they are like this in person, because I MADE IT UP. I don't personally know them. DO NOT STEAL / TRANSLATE / MODIFY. This is my work and I don't appreciate people stealing it. Thank you.
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╰┈➤ After You
➸ ♡ Na Jaemin had it easy. Loved by everybody, the man of everyone's dream. He's a perfect mix of a charmer and a player. Girls begged to be his, and he loved every part of it. Life used to be so fucking perfect for him. Then comes you. You're like an old book, ink fading, cover tearing, but he swears you're worth the read. Before you, life was easy. After you? He wasn't so sure.
"Break my heart, and you'll find yourself inside."
GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Mature themes
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, Language, Mental Illness, Drugs/Alcohol usage, toxic!reader, fuckboy!Jaemin (but still a sweetheart)
AUTHOR's NOTE: Oh, this one's heavy. Much serious than the other stories and quite one that's holds some sensitive topics. If I get some things wrong about certain topics, please do tell me and I'll quickly correct it. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 15k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ Yours, Inevitably
➸ ♡ To say that Lee Jeno is pretty would be an understatement. The man's gorgeous. One thing he uses to his advantage, going through college getting girls he spots his eyes on. But there's one he just couldn't get. His brother's bestfriend. You can continue and avoid your feelings for each other, but eventually, it'll happen. You were someone that stayed, a constant in his life. You might not know it, but for the years you've known Lee Jeno, he slowly became yours, inevitably.
"I should've known that it was you, because no one else made sense."
GENRE: Fluff, Angst, Humour, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Explicit sexual content, Language, Alcohol usage, Mentions of Drugs, fuckboy!Jeno, brothersbsf!reader
AUTHOR's NOTE: This story was collecting dust on my drafts for so longg! Originally I was gonna post it as a stand-alone but figured it made sense to be a part of this series. One of my faves. Also lots of other members of nct mentioned. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ The Fine Art of Rejection
➸ ♡ Huang Renjun, the sweetie of the year, is one hard star to catch. Not as easy as his other friends, he's quite difficult to have. Although he has a fair share of affairs with girls, it is considered to be a rare occurence. But you? Oh boy were you something. You were quite head over heels over him. His friends could never understand, but you were persistent to get the boy. No matter how much he refuses your advances, Its like you found art in rejection. But to what degree can you hold it out?
"I can be everything I want, but fuck, I only wanted to be yours. Even though you couldn't be mine."
GENRE: Unrequited love, Humour, Fluff, Angst, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Language, Explicit sexual content, Alcohol Usage, cheerleader!reader, Renjun is sometimes rude lol
AUTHOR's NOTE: Actually, I wanted to write something pure fluffy for Renjun, but I figured I need to put a sprinkle (more than that actually lmao) of angst. Also my favorite plot to write. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
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╰┈➤ Illicit Affairs
➸ ♡ Infamous for being every girl's guilty pleasure, Lee Haechan strutted through his life shamelessly. But recently, the new girl caught his eye. Im Hayeon, who he believes that would finally tame his wreckless heart. He was confident he could get the girl. And when he did, he never expected her to have baggages. For example, you, Im Hayeon's best friend. Who suddenly, sparked an idea on his pretty little head. You're trouble-- and you're making Haechan commit Illicit Affairs.
"You're making me do bad things, very, bad things. But then again, I'm no stranger in being the bad guy."
GENRE: Fluff, Angst, Humour, Smut
WARNINGS: Minors DNI, Language, Explicit sexual content, Alcohol Usage, Infidelity, Haechan and reader is kind of an asshole
AUTHOR's NOTE: okay, for one, i don't condone cheating. its just for the story! also i won't tackle on it too much-- literally just for the plot. Enjoy reading!
Expected WC: 8k-10k
STATUS: published
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© ryozaki21 2023
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