#lxg au
strangestcase · 1 year
What is the League of Extraordinary Gentlepeople?
The League of Extraordinary Gentlepeople, or LXGP for short, is my current writing project: an AU of the 2003 movie The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, which is in turn a loose adaptation of the series of comics of the same name co-created by Alan Moore and Sir Kevin O'Neill.
The basic synopsis of both comics and movie is as follows: a somewhat dysfunctional superhero team composed of nineteenth century literary characters go on politically charged adventures. The comics and movie are very different, and... very much acquired tastes. Albeit I recommend watching the movie! It's extremely cheesy. Fun too!
Ok, but- what is LXGP really about?
Glad you asked!
In the late XIXth century, a mysterious type known as Agent M sets off to recruit various individuals which he calls Extraordinary People and forms the League, claiming it is the key to preventing a world-wide war! But as events unravel, the League comes to realize M is not who he claims to be...
The LXGP stories are out of order, focusing on both retellings of scenes from the 2003 movie and original stories set after the events of the movie canon. While it is mostly based off the movie, there are elements from the comics, some dramatic changes, and the character designs and personalities are taken from my literary crossover "world", Candyverse! So they will be, in some ways, very different from what you have seen in the LXG franchise.
Hold on- Candyverse?
Candyverse is the name of my literary crossover setting! Expect most of the cast to consist of public domain literary characters (and some not so public domain ones). Don't mind the silly name- the character designs are mildly inspired by sweets in the sense that they are colorful and spunky! But don't be fooled, Candyverse is a pretty dark world.
In Candyverse, Earth is actually a fantasy world, in which elves and fairies and all sorts of mythical creatures used to live... but as people stopped believeing in magic and replacing it with science, it started becoming a science fiction world instead, with amazing technology that is downright futuristic. During its nineteenth century, it is at its most unstable, with gothic literary characters and events "bridging" the supernatural with straight up mad science. And that is precisely the time I am centered in, so expect some gaslamp fantasy and steampunk tech!
Once we delve more into the lore, expect meta stuff, too!
Which not so public domain characters?
Wait and see!
How much time have you spent on this?
If I'm being honest? The concept of this AU came to me around 2020, in which I realized I had enough classic literature characters designed to cover the LXG roster with it- and I decided to jump to action. It has undergone a few changes since, but so far I'm satisfied with it. Also, don't be scared if a soft reboot comes along in a couple of years- I'm indecisive like that!
Why did you create it?
Do you want a honest answer? Just kidding.
I really like the LXG franchise, particularly the movie, though I'm aware it is an acquired taste. This project is meant to be a reply to all the missed opportunities in either comic and movie, and to common criticisms too. I make it with love and a little bit of anger (because SO MANY MISSED OPPORTUNITIES!), and I ride the inspiration unicorn as far as I can.
A shorter answer would be that the gothic lit fandom loves to spread misinformation about it and that drives me up the wall.
So... What's with the title?
The League's roster is only 2/6 men. It's only fair.
And the roster is...?
Mina Murray Harker (she/they), Captain Nemo (no pronouns), Irene Adler (she/they), Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde (he/they/it), Harlow Griffin (he/him), and Alice Byrd (she/fae). I will make -and post- official character bios as soon as I can!
Wait. Alice? From Wonderland?
Yep! She's in her mid-twenties here!
In which year is this set?
In the year of 18??, more or less.
Where is Jonathan? My good friend Jonathan?
He's at home! Technically he is a member of the League, but he is not in Mina's team, but in a second "backup" team that I still have to fully develop!
(This is mostly an excuse to not have to write him. I think he's a pretty boring person. Sorry!)
Where is Tom Sawyer?
He's also in the backup team!
Where is Dorian Gray?
Wait and see!
Where is Allan Quatermain?
He's dead.
...I'm sorry?
Do you have any biases?
*hiding Hyde behind me* Haha, noooo, not at all, what makes you think that, hahahaha.
Are the League heros?
Collectively, they're heroes. They do good. Well, attempt to do good. After breaking bonds with M, they set off as a rogue team of mercenaries. Individually? They range from heroic to villainous. And, honestly, for old-timey superheroes, they're ratther floppy. Their missions often go wrong or do the opposite of saving the day. Whoops!
Will there be queer stuff in this?
All League members are transgender. Does this answer your question?
...I meant like, romance...
Sheesh! Yes, yes there will be! Just be patient!
Will there be... steamy stuff?
I suck at writing NSFW so yeah, "steamy" is all you're gonna get lol.
Will you post art?
I suppose I will- when I make it.
How often will this update?
Can I make art?
Sure you can!
Can we collab?
Can we kiss?
Ew. No.
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m0dernchr0n1cles · 3 months
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Found in the desk of JAMES BOND
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tybaltsjuliet · 3 months
on a lighter note, i keep catching myself thinking about how fun it would be if the artful dodger was one of the baker street irregulars, before i remember that dodger is the definition of “i’ve never made anyone’s life easier and you know it!”
this is also what prevents me from watching the new artful dodger show, because the suspension of disbelief required to accept jack dawkins as an upstanding member of society that i would trust to perform surgery on me is simply too much.
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bindi-the-skunk · 1 year
A hairy gift
An offshoot from my story “shattered seashells” on archiveofourown
Just meant to be a laugh, nothing else
The day had started out as usual as any other for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, making sure everything was in order, proper maintenance, and making lists of what was needed. The ship had chosen to park near a small town where everyone could grab whatever supplies they wanted before they headed back under the seas.
Tom had overheard at dinner the previous night that Captain Nemo had never seen an opossum before. How weird! Only in pictures, he had said, the agent had not managed to hear the conversation leading up to this revelation, but it did spark an idea.
There were some woods nearby, and he could find one and bring it back; everyone on the ship would get a kick out of it, getting to see, to them, a brand new animal!
A baby opossum would be the best bet; too tiny to cause any damage and might be docile enough to be handled, the only challenge would be dealing with mama...some birdseed or bread should help with that.
Now to get to searching!
"Sawyer has been gone a long time," Mina noted to Nemo, who had met her in the hallway the two choosing to continue down the same way since the library and infirmary were down the adjoining hallway.
"Suppose he found something of interest, just so long as he does not bring anything dangerous, overly noisy, or of pungent odor to my ship, everything should be alright," Nemo responded mildly, more interested in finding his desired book and having a few chapters to himself before the duties of Captain called him back.
"Are you saying you are not concerned about the trouble he could very well find in one afternoon?" Mina said, smiling a bit to show her jesting.
Nemo offered a slight chuckle, stopping to look out a porthole to the outside world "best he get out his energy before we head back under; I do not expect everyone else to be as comfortable as myself with spending most of the day and night inside the ship, admiring the world from afar...I know I would go half mad if I was forced to stay on land in a locked room with nothing but a window."
The Captain acknowledged that well, everyone on the Nautilus was free to go where they wished in the safety of her many halls and rooms, to someone used to the vast open sky, air filled with the scent of pine, not salt, ground that did not move beneath their feet with the whims of the ocean, would become very claustrophobic, just as Nemo would despise being trapped on land for too long.
And he was no stranger to the dark cloud of insanity, but that was the past; the only thing that mattered now was the future.
"I see your point, but still, perhaps I should go out looking for him; I feel that he will or has gotten into a mess," Mina said, a feeling in her gut telling her that their youngest had found trouble.
"Perhaps I will go with y-what is that noise?" Nemo's head shot to the side with enough force that Mina thought the man might give himself whiplash at the sounds now thundering up the hallway.
About five crew members ran past the League members till Nemo managed to grab one by his collar, and the two started talking in their native language; Mina had half a mind to be offended at being excluded but knew that many on the ship did not know English, perhaps this was one of those men?
"He says Sawyer brought a beast upon the ship."
"How am I not surprised?"
"Why is everyone running? She's harmless!" Tom shouted after the fleeing crew, more than a little put out that everyone seemed to hate the tiny creature nestled in his left arm that was currently gumming on a carrot Sawyer held in his free hand.
More shouting in languages Tom was both disappointed and glad he did not know the meaning of as he tried to show the baby opossum off to them.
Poor baby had been wandering alone in the woods! It was rather cute for what it was and obviously needed caring for. Oh well, once Nemo saw her, he would surely...
Oh, here he was now!
"Hello, Captain! I found an opossum. You said you had never seen one before, so I brought one for you, isn't she cute? She's calm and just a baby," Tom said, holding out the animal slightly towards the Captain, who looked torn between being amused and annoyed.
That is when things chose to go South.
A crew member, in their hurry to get away from the creature that Sawyer was attempting to trick everyone into thinking it was cute, bumped into the agent rather harshly and gave a yell that startled said animal, who gave a squeak of fright and leaped from the young man's hands.
Where it dashed towards apparent safety by scaling up Mina's skirts who grabbed hold of the folds of her dress to try and shake the animal loose well shouting for Sawyer to take it away from her person.
Nemo managed to grab the baby opossum around its waist to try and relieve the vampiress of the offending animal, and found himself turned on and turned into the creature's next climbing post as its paws dug into the sleeve of his coat before doing another leap to reach his chest to burrow itself under his beard to hide.
The Captain could not help but feel sorry for the thing, it could not help it was positively hideous to look upon, and it was just an infant of its species, who must have gotten a little lost from its mother and happily accepted Sawyer's offer of food and attention like any baby.
It shivered and shook against Nemo's neck, scared, and Tom took it back and petted the animal to try and comfort it.
"I suggest returning it to where you found her or find someone who is better equipped with handling them" Nemo ordered/requested.
"Sorry, Captain, I thought you and the crew would like it" Tom gave a crooked nervous grin of someone who knew they had messed up, bad.
"It's alright, I appreciate your efforts, but perhaps next time you wish to show me something,tell me what it is first," Nemo said, now feeling more annoyed at how easily his crew had been scared off by what was essentially a giant mouse.
He would need to work on that one later...
The end
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dross-the-fish · 5 months
I've seen you comment on LOEG from time to time and you mentioned you don't mind hyde/mina. Does any of that play into your au? Are you not bothered at what LOEG did with Jonathan?
I have no plans to ship Edward and Mina as my versions of the characters wouldn't really vibe romantically and Jonathan is still very much in the picture.
But, at the risk of raising some people's ire, I was not bothered by Jonathan and Mina divorcing. Tbh given how Mina's trauma was depicted and how her scars were implied to be triggering to Jonathan, who has his own completely understandable trauma with Dracula, I feel like the reasons given for them to separate made enough sense in universe that I could let it go. I also think Mina is a strong enough character in the comic to hold up on her own without Jonathan around.
I was honestly way more upset about the gratuitous use of SA for shock value. It was really badly handled and as a rape survivor myself I found it to be in really poor taste. I had to skip a few panels as I was reading because it actually made me angry how often it was used and how little gravity it was given every time. There was also a lot of badly handled racism that almost didn't read as satire, even it that was the intention. I say this as someone who overall enjoyed LXG and who likes the concept. There is plenty to criticize and Jonathan not being in it is far from the worst thing about it.
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spider-xan · 9 months
Thinking about one possibility in the LXG filmverse Henriel AU where Utterson uses his investigation skills to figure out where Jekyll lives in Paris and waits next to his front door all day for several days to meet him again for the first time since his death in a mirror of how he met Hyde for the first time by staking out Jekyll's back door in London years ago.
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steampunkforever · 3 months
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen's film adaptation is a mixed bag for me. Is it camp? Yes, sort of. Is it very bad? Absolutely. Is it one of the best current examples of steampunk cinema? Unfortunately.
When people talk about steampunk, there's often a bit of a dismissive bent to discussions of the genre's social critiques. The consensus seems to be that steampunk lacks the biting criticism of modern society that genres like Cyberpunk contain, and this conclusion isn't 100% wrong. Steampunk overall is the Ren Faire of genres, more of a costume variant to throw on your favorite superhero in 2013 than a proper literary movement. It's a sort of fantasy AU with gears and steam-powered robots for your average star wars cosplayers, and really has been since the steampunk explosion spread out from Portland in the mid 2000s.
This is the steampunk context I really grew up in, but this evaluation fails to look past the ugly top hats and examine the roots of the genre, which is firmly couched in anti-imperialism and critiques of industrial society. The first volume of LXG which the film loosely (and I mean LOOSELY) adapts is about a former colonist soldier and an anticolonial freedom fighter teaming up with the malformed ceations of new horrific industrial processes to prevent the British Empire from bombing its own citizens in its struggle to maintain hegemony. Not exactly devoid of critiques here are we.
Other examples of steampunk cinema like Sucker Punch (also bad but at least fun), City of Lost Children, Dark City (kind of) and Hugo tend to stick closer to the Industrial Society Has Consequences angle, but the LXG movie takes an anti-imperialist bent, critiquing the military industrial complex with a plot revolving around a scheme to start wars of imperialism in order to benefit capital. For a film that came out in 2003, this was a timely movie. Unfortunately it is also very bad.
Despite having a solid cast, the direction and delivery suck. The art direction is fun, but distinctly less charismatic than the graphic novels the film is based, to the point that reading the book and watching the film back to back will only lead to disappointment. It's really quite a shame that this is Sean Connery's final onscreen performance.
Yet it's fun. The performances and editing and action and the un fortunate rest of the film all fall into campy if not outright camp, and I can appreciate that. For as much as this is not a good movie I can't hate it, and if I wanted a good anticolonial film about superpowers I'd watch Disney's Atlantis again.
Not saying watch it or anything, but the six wheeled steampunk car DOES go hard.
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lonely-dog-song · 1 year
I got this comic book 2day- i figured I would read it once i'm done with J&H, although I've never heard of it before so IDK if it's particularly good?
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It seems like a sequel/AU of the original Strange Case (Unless it's actually a sequel to a different comic book. In which case oups). the premise reminds me of LXG which is also an AU I guess
Uaghh well. I thought this was a neat find :•)
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blapis-blazuli · 6 years
What do you think would happen if the different versions of Griffin got stuck in a room together?
Hawley Griffin would not live long.
Probably because Jack Griffin would kill Hawley for making some nasty comment about Flora.
Book!Griffin couldn’t give two shits about any of them so long as he doesn’t get murdered. He secretly thinks that he’s the best Invisible Man out of all of them.
Claude Griffin would just drink booze and make jokes to himself. He knows when and when not to be extra, and considering that he’s the only one in the room who hasn’t murdered anyone he’d like to avoid bringing any attention to himself that would make him the next target. He’s got a son to worry about after all.
AU Jack Griffin would reflect on how different he could’ve been by observing all the different versions of himself (mostly the other Jack Griffin) and share a drink with Claude. He’s not in the mood to start shit with any of these invisible men, he’s got bigger things to worry about, like his child, or any of his partners, or his brother or any of his brother’s partners, or other monsters.
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strangestcase · 1 year
Check out LIFE, DEATH, AND EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN, the new League of Extraordinary Gentlepeople adventure for children aged 9-99, steam-powered automatons, and scraggly wizards! A break from the usual life-risking missions turns sour when the League’s guest begins acting… rather out of character. Will they solve the mystery before it is too late?
The League of Extraordinary Gentlepeople is my League of Extraordinary Gentlemen AU, set in a literary crossover world of my own twisted, headcanon-ful, openly Steampunk and Gothic creation called Candyverse. Mostly based off the 2003 LXG movie, but containing elements from the original Moore and O'Neill comics, it serves as a reply to the many missed opportunities in either of them- and the legitimate criticisms coming from fans and haters alike.
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m0dernchr0n1cles · 4 months
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My take on Rhonda/Miss Moneypenny.
The quiet and deadly secretary of M or "Mother", whose dedication to her work encompasses her life. The few, positive relationships in her life are limited to those in her workspace.
One such relationship is with operative 007, James Bond, who coined her nickname: “Penny.”
Silent and statuesque, she easily blends into the background, making her the perfect ace up the sleeve.
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twooboomoomoo · 3 years
For the send me a character thing.. what abt um. Victor Frankenstein is probably too obvious. What about Jekyll?? Maybe if you want?? Or Dorian Gray could be fun :0c whichever you'd rather do. (I wish I knew abt ur other interests besides classic lit haha)
I have done Victor already (idk how to link posts), so I'll answer for Dorian bc he happens to be one of my favorite classic lit characters!
First impression: Your an interesting dude but also an annoying asshole
Impression now: Your an interesting dude but also an annoying asshole *holds hand*
Favorite moment: I don't have a good memory, however I did enjoy reading the chapters where he kills and gets rid of Basil. Idk it was an interesting part and when I pick the book up I'll usually reread sections of it. I also like when he just launches himself onto couches, he does it a couple times I think and idk its funny to read
Idea for a story: uhh well a couple nights ago I had a dream thar lead to me planning a classic lit heist-esque story and ofc he'd be in it. And, like I said for Victor, I like the ideas for like monster hunter-esque stories and things like that but penny dreadful and LXG kinda did that (and in my opinion they did it badly. I will not forgive LXG for using the classic lit superhero idea)
Unpopular opinion: uhh idk if I have too many 'unpopular' opinions as far as I know. Its a long story, but when I did end up reading the book freshman year my mind read all of Dorian's lines in a southern accent so I mean there's that. (Its a long story). I also don't think he's the worst classic lit character, and he's actually one of my favorites! I think he's pretty interesting.
Favorite relationship: Book wise I'm not sure. He wasn't really close to anyone in the book imo, since they all either ended up dead or were Henry, and despite knowing him for a while I never thought they were really close if that makes sense. However thanks to my big brain and my epic heist crossover, I think he'd be able to make some friends. It's definatly wouldn't work canonically but I write Victor and Dorian as being friends, or at the very least friendly to eachother. Its my AU I make the rules.
Favorite headcanon: Not to repeat myself but I think (my au wise) him and Victor would get along. Dorian likes to sit and listen about new things and he knows next to nothing about science, so he'll listen to Victor's long science lectures. I also think he'd be pretty decent at embroidery or making small rings. He can also speak like a dozen languages near fluently. Also poor guy can't cook to save his life. Doesn't even know how to work a stove.
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bindi-the-skunk · 1 year
Ok time for another weird Au question
Literature characters in omegaverse who would they be?
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omniishambles · 3 years
3, 4, 9, 19, and 20 (to Jonathan), please?
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3. Are there any particular AUs or plots that you’d really like to write?
For Jonathan specifically, not at the moment! Other than giving the His Dark Materials verse more outings.
4. What are some of your rp pet peeves?
This one counts more for me than for Jonathan, so...really really unpopular opinion time, probably: I don’t like it when someone makes a blog and either remakes it or makes a new one after a couple of weeks with barely any activity. I’m talking serial blog hopping, not refreshing your blog like once a year or having a few additional blogs, because that’s fine if you want multiple single blogs. But when people are only present for five minutes before disappearing to a new blog again, I tend to avoid. Personal preference and all that jazz.
I also hate tiny icons that are over exposed. I cannot see whatever expression your muse is meant to be making. I cannot see ANYTHING. Again, people are welcome to do whatever aesthetic they want on their blog but if it’s super heavy I’m not into it. And when people format their posts with those weird huge spaces so it takes me five minutes longer to read than a normal format. Be fancy, be free, but if I have to struggle to read what you’ve written, I am outta there.
9. Do you write fanfiction, or have you in the past?
I’ve never written any fanfiction for The Mummy! But @the-french-belphegor writes some wonderful stuff and also makes art! I have written in the past, obviously for LXG because that’s how I got into RPing in the first place, and that’s mostly what I wrote. It’s all old and shit though. I started a Doctor Who/Sherlock Holmes crossover but abandoned it. I also wrote a little Ritchie Holmes one shot. But I haven’t done anything for a couple of years. Something I might return to one day.
19. Have you received anon hate? If so, how do you deal with it?
I’m not popular enough to get anon hate. And if I ever did I’d just delete it.
20. If you could tell your muse something, what would it be?
If you see something shiny, LEAVE IT ALONE.
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dross-the-fish · 8 months
What do you think of larger Hydes? Like from LXG?
I think it makes sense. They explained that as he grows more developed he increases in size and I think that's even true for the book so I have no problems with hulking creature Hyde.
I prefer him to be shorter personally because I like seeing people underestimate him and, while I think it's fair to say he's definitely grown a few inches since he was born, I don't think he's actually at a point when my AU starts where he's developed enough to grow more, in fact after Jekyll "killed" himself Hyde became stuck, he's no longer a disguise or alter ego he's the main face and he has to carry the burden of that. Which he does by ignoring the situation, running from his problems and pretending like he doesn't miss being Jekyll sometimes or have regrets over what he's done. He is, in a way, stunting his own growth. Kind of ironic because he will tell everyone else he's the most genuine, honest and pure version of Jekyll (something he only half-believes)
Hyde doesn't lie to other people, but he's an expert at lying to himself, just like Jekyll.
I also think, If I were to write him as growing taller, I wouldn't go the hulking beast route either, his terminal height would be equal to Jekyll's. (6'3")
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spider-xan · 9 months
Getting back into a LXG filmverse mood and I have the Henriel AU on my mind where Utterson realizes Hyde - and against all hope, perhaps Jekyll - is still alive and was most recently rumoured to have been sighted in France, so he tracks him down to Paris and finds either Jekyll or Hyde first depending on the scenario I'm interested in exploring at a given moment, and I should just write actual fics that no one will read, but maybe I'll just do more stream of consciousness meta posts later, which no one will read either tbh lol
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