#luca ravenna
affogonellamarmellata · 4 months
Dargen e Luca Ravenna on a date 🥰
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weirdlittleberry · 1 year
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Cachemire podcast - season 2
(un podcast morbidissssimo)
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Puntata inaspettata ma molto apprezzata! 👀🖤
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esperimentox · 5 months
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unfuckthew0rld · 2 years
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
"levia gravia": opere di valerio anceschi e luca scarabelli @ fondazione sabe per l'arte, ravenna
Dal 15 aprile al 24 giugno, la Fondazione Sabe per l’arte di Ravenna presenta Levia Gravia, doppia personale di Valerio Anceschi e Luca Scarabelli, a cura di Francesco Tedeschi, con il patrocinio del Comune di Ravenna e del Dipartimento di Beni Culturali dell’Università di Bologna, sede di Ravenna, e in collaborazione con l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Ravenna. In mostra, il punto di connessione…
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latinotiktok · 1 year
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Bienvenidos a un torneo mal hecho, poco serio, casi inentendible que incluye: una enorme cantidad de personajes de procedencia dudosa, muchisimas encuestas y una final que va a incluir 3 personajes porque SOY TAN MALO EN MATEMÁTICAS QUE NO CALCULE NADA
AH Y SORPRESA! Metí algunos personajes más creyendo que resolvería el error matemático (no lo hizo)
anyways comenzamos con la primera ronda: Iré colocando acá bajo los links de las encuestas (si me acuerdo JAJSJSJS)
EDIT: Gustavo Fring reemplaza a Namor
Yaolt es reemplazado por Aldeberan de Caballeros del Zodiaco
Primera Ronda
Guillermo de la Cruz vs Coco
Lucas Amato vs El Profesor Jirafales
Dr Flug vs El Mandalorian
Carlos vs Panchito Pistoles
Tulio Triviño vs El Chapulín Colorado
El canario de la película de Rio (2011) vs Rodolfo Rivera
Goku vs El condorito
Lobo/La muerte vs Joaquín
José Carioca vs Isidoro Cañones
Lúcio vs Bruno
Carlitox vs Juandisimo
Lalo vs Compayito
Julio vs Kronk
El papa de Mafalda vs Ravenna
Adrián Seidelman vs Colgate 360
Roberto da Costa vs Don Ramón
Don Armando vs Pacha
Homero/Gomez Addams vs Juan Carlos Bodoque
Héctor vs Mr Trance
Black Hat vs Gabriel Reyes
Locutor/The Host vs Manolo
Guillermo de la Cruz vs Coco
Lucas Amato vs El Profesor Jirafales
Carlos vs Panchito Pistoles
Tulio Triviño vs El Chapulín Colorado
El canario de la película de Rio (2011) vs Rodolfo Rivera
Goku vs El condorito
Lobo/La muerte vs Joaquín
José Carioca vs Isidoro Cañones
Lúcio vs Bruno
Carlitox vs Juandisimo
Lalo vs Compayito
Julio vs Kronk
El papa de Mafalda vs Ravenna
Adrián Seidelman vs Colgate 360
Roberto da Costa vs Don Ramón
Don Armando vs Pacha
Homero/Gomez Addams vs Juan Carlos Bodoque
Héctor vs Mr Trance
Black Hat vs Gabriel Reyes
Locutor/The Host vs Manolo
Gus vs Adelbarán
Doctor Simi vs Santos
Yasutora Sado/Chad vs Albertano
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witchysquirrel · 3 months
Epiphany: healer!OC x Cassian
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Chapter One
The air felt dead and empty as Ravenna inhaled, eyes squeezed shut, the cold wind that roiled around her tinged with the scent of blood and smoke. A horrific scream in the distance brought her back to the field on which she stood, eyes snapping open in response. The battle had ended only moments ago, after days of chaos and terror and more death than she had seen in 300 years as a healer. Adrenaline took over once more as she carried herself to the nearest mass of gore to look for survivors. 
Limbs stuck out at awkward angles, faces towards the sky with frozen, gaping mouths. A wing stuck up from one pile, covered by the six bodies it had taken to make the killing blow. An Illyrian wing, Ravenna realized as she approached, pace increasing. The panic that rushed through her then could only be described as white and hot as she dug through the other Fae bodies to get to the winged one - hoping, praying it was not someone she knew. She sighed in relief as an unfamiliar face stared back at her. She exhaled, closing the Illyrians eyes to rest and whispering the blessing she always said before the dead. It squeezed at her heart; although she did not know him, someone did. 
You’re needed back at the camp. Hurry. 
The voice of the High Lord in her head made Ravenna shudder, the urgency in his tone unsettling at the very least. She stood up straight, looking down at hands caked with blood and dirt that looked nothing like her own, and wiped them down her black cargo pants which made little difference. She took a deep breath, mustering up the bit of power she had reserved and winnowed, moving through time and space and blackness, appearing at the makeshift medic tent they had set up only days ago. The wounded were everywhere, some on the ground being tended to by other healers, many more sitting expressionless, bandages already covering their quicker healing wounds. 
Ravenna made her way into the tent, pushing through the burlap “door” and weaving between healers and warriors and wounded. At last she glimpsed a crop of blue black hair above the crowd, and shoved her way through the chaos until she’d made it to the back of the tent. Her breath caught in her chest, panic rising as she took in the scene before her.
Madja and another healer were buzzing around a makeshift cot with purpose, pure power flying in leaps and tendrils, left and right. Ravenna’s eyes shifted to Rhysand, standing nearby covered in gore, and looking like he might collapse at any second. He was held upright by Azriel, who stood next to him solemnly, a sliver of emotion in his eyes that she couldn’t quite grasp. Ravenna finally mustered up the courage to drag her gaze back to the makeshift cot, to force herself to see who it was being treated on the table in front of her. 
Cassian lay on his stomach, wings skyward, head resting to the side. Ravenna let her eyes pause there, just for one moment, ensuring she saw his chest rise and fall. His membranous wings were entirely shredded; as if they had been completely sliced through over and over again, a mass of mangled flesh and blood. The panic she’d just felt rose in her throat a second time, stinging like bile.
“We need to stop the bleeding,” Madja said under her breath, eyebrows furrowed as she held pressure to a large gash in the webbing of the left wing. Luca, the other healer, held his hands over the opposite wing, a warm, yellow light flowing from them steadily. He looked concerned, as if he wasn’t sure any of it would work. Ravenna’s hands had begun their familiar tingle, fingertips pulsating with every hammer of her heart in her chest. Power had begun to leak out of her palms in the form of a soft, blue light.
“Ravenna. We need your help,” Madja said, softly but urgently, as the healer still hadn’t moved from where she stood a few feet from the cot. Madja’s voice snapped her back into the present, and she forced herself to choke down the dread she felt, quickly reaching them. Ravenna let her hands hover gently over Cassian’s wings, eyes closed again, praying to the gods and The Mother that he would be able to fly again. That he would survive. In the window of her mind, she heaved and pulled at the sparkling purple-blue rope that was her power, willing it to course and flow through her, out of her hands and over the mangled flesh below. She inhaled deeply through her nose and exhaled slowly out of her mouth as the skin of Cassian’s wings fought frantically to find where it had been before, her power struggling to close the wounds that continued to bleed.
Ravenna thought about her friend, Cassian, whom she’d known for so many years. She’d been born in Velaris, lived there until she was thirteen. When her parents had learned of the true extent of her powers, they’d made an arrangement with a skilled healer in the Dawn Court and Ravenna was moved there to start her apprenticeship. The elder Fae, Celia, taught Ravenna everything she had known, and Ravenna learned it with diligence, channeling her power delicately and deftly until she’d become a skilled healer. When she’d turned twenty-three, she’d taken a position as a healer for the army of the Night Court and returned to Velaris once more. 
Ravenna and Cassian had first met when the War started. She’d been twenty-five, shy in her immense power still, and had received her first real war-time assignment. Cassian had been a foot soldier when they met, they’d been assigned to the same battalion. Cassian must’ve been twenty-eight at the time, a warrior in his prime who should have been commanding a legion of his own. He was the most powerful warrior she’d ever met and ever would meet, although he was arrogant at times. At least, Ravenna thought, it was his arrogance that got him injured so often, taking hits that others might not have survived.  Though his body healed most injuries, there were many that still required assistance, and more often than not, it had been Ravenna who’d been there to tend to them. They’d become fast friends, exchanging stories of their lives before the War while she bandaged his wounds. Ravenna had come to feel like she knew Cassian’s friends, although the closest she’d been at the time was occasional glimpses of them on battlefields over those years. She had always helped him check the lists that went around of the fallen, making sure their names were absent.
When the War ended, Ravenna and Cassian returned to Velaris. She’d quickly befriended Rhysand, Azriel, and Mor, and the five of them would go on to endure the phases that all young Fae did - of long nights at Rita’s partying, drinking, one night stands, the feelings of overwhelming power -  together. And then, they’d all grown up, side by side as the centuries passed and they lived more life and saw more wars to come. But it had always been the five of them. Ravenna tried to think about the version of Cassian she saw in those memories, rather than the broken form below her hands. 
Ravenna felt like she'd summoned every last bit of her power by the time the bleeding finally began to slow. She continued on nonetheless, the bleeding that was beginning to staunch only urging her forward. “I need him to wake up,” Rhys said from behind the healers. Madja and Ravenna shared a look, turning towards him. Madja’s face bunched up in concern. “I need to know exactly what happened,” Rhys offered, answering the question they did not ask their High Lord.
“Morphine,” Ravenna said plainly, gesturing to Luca who stood nearest the supply table. He handed her the small bottle, and turned to Rhys as she unscrewed it. “You do this as quickly as possible after I give him the morphine. And I might need help restraining him when he wakes up.” 
Ravenna said it more as a command than a request, hoping to save Cassian from further pain. She moved to the head of the table where Cassian’s cheek lay pressed to the side. Ravenna closed her eyes, laying a hand on Cassian’s forehead. She entered the dense forest of his mind, where his consciousness lay, grazing it lightly. When it gave way, she pulled slowly, guiding Cassian’s mind back to consciousness. She removed her hand, waiting for his eyes to open. Rather than fluttering awake, they shot open wide and wild, and she immediately put two hands on his shoulders to keep him laying flat, Rhys and Azriel immediately jumping forward and following suit. He was groaning and whimpering, wincing and contracting against the hands that held him.
“Cassian,” she said, her voice almost a whisper as she watched him struggle, beads of sweat running down his bloodied face. Ravenna got down to his eye level, Rhys and Azriel keeping him steady. “You’re going to be okay. I know it hurts, I’m going to give you something for the pain.” He nodded slightly, wincing again and squeezing his eyes shut as he stopped resisting. She used what power she had left to move the liquid from the vial in her hand into Cassian’s mouth. He swallowed, breathing heavily. A moment passed and Ravenna watched his shoulders release the tension they were holding, relaxing again. Ravenna moved to the side, letting Rhys take her place at the head of the bed. She turned away as Rhys asked Cassian to relay what had happened just as the battle ended, asking him to repeat the event that had led to this injury, what creature had caused it. Cassian poured everything out hoarsely, but she tried to block it out of her ears. She couldn’t stand to hear it. 
A few minutes later, Rhys rose again and nodded at her. She dipped her chin to him, replacing him at Cassian’s side once again. “I’m going to put you back to sleep now, so we can get you back to Velaris,” she said gently, meeting his pained hazel eyes.
“You’re always right there when I need you,” he croaked, voice cracking at the end as the corner of his mouth twitched upward slightly. 
“Stop getting hurt and maybe you’ll see less of me,” she answered, sending another wave of medicine into his mouth. He looked like he wanted to respond, but his eyelids grew heavier and heavier, until he was asleep again. Ravenna turned back to Rhys and Azriel.
“I’m not strong enough to winnow him by myself.” Cassian was at least a foot taller than her, and she was already exhausted.  
“You take Madja,” Rhys said, “Azriel and I will get him to the House of Wind.” 
“Fine, we’ll meet you there. His wings are very fragile right now, so please be careful. Maybe put him in the private library on the second floor, we’ll set it up as an infirmary,” Ravenna answered, taking one last look at Cassian as Rhys and Az lifted him and disappeared quickly, the blood pooled on the floor the only evidence anyone had been there at all. 
“Luca, you stay here. Tell Maurine that Ravenna and I must return to Velaris immediately,” Madja said softly, packing up her kit. Ravenna pursed her lips, looking around at the busy tent and hoping they had enough healers and nursemaids to manage here. Madja threw her bag over one shoulder, reaching out to grab Ravenna’s outstretched hand. She took it, and they winnowed back to Velaris in a flash of black and gray.
Authors note: hello and welcome, I’m Holland :) i initially posted this fic under the title A Court of Healers and Plotholes, but decided I wanted something more serious. I enjoy reading and writing as a hobby and am by no means a professional, but I am certainly having fun doing whatever the fuck I want with this story hahahah. please let me know what you think <3
Epiphany Masterlist
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bagofbonesmp3 · 1 year
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sexo? sí, es verdad. democraticamente vamos a elegir a quien representaría a nuestro país en el mundial del sexyman, si eso existiera (debería #VAMOSPORLACUARTA)
la primera ronda va a durar una semana porque sino qué chiste. a partir de las 16vas se decide en un día. el tag es #sexyman argentino 2023
ricardo fort (ricardo fort) vs. argentina (countryhumans)
carlitox (alejo y valentina) vs. jaique (tres acordes)
el robot de la ypf (las propagandas de ases al volante) vs. osvaldo (magistral)
isidoro cañones (isidoro) vs. el profesor neurus
rodolfo barili (del telefe) vs. padre coraje (padre coraje)
el emo (de peter capusotto) vs. el pibe de yendo al kiosco (bueno me chupa un huevo)
el flaco de la propaganda de galicia (se llama marcos) vs. ravenna (los simuladores)
topa (propiedad de disney) vs. kito pizza (KITO PIZZA)
pepe bombín (se acuerdan de am?) vs. perón (from peronism)
lucas amato (cybersix) vs. el viejo del bastón (alejo y valentina)
el dibu (CAMPEÓN DEL MUNDO) vs. nico del caño (nico del caño del caño fumandose un caño)
adrián suar (22 el loco. no me acuerdo como se llamaba) vs. el pachu peña (real)
adrián seidelman (cybersix) vs. lorenzo (floricienta)
cerati (quien chota sos) vs. tanguito (tango feroz)
el cara de pipa (los caligaris) vs. charly garcia (musika)
que gane el peor
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pizzettauniversale · 29 days
AMIC* ma non vi ho detto che ieri ho incontrato mio marito LUCA RAVENNA
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uno che tocca l'altro che ride sono così stanca
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weirdlittleberry · 1 year
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Sanremo non finisce mai!
Continua per settimane!
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aurora-daily · 11 months
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AURORA @ Ravenna Fest by Luca Concas // 04.07.2023 // Ravenna, Italy
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A great video on some beats in the bolognese school of fencing, and while not everything is the same for some other systems we can definitely see similar actions, especially tactically within Meyer’s version of KDF(kunst des fechtens - art of combat), and these principles can be applied very similarly to various other weapons too.
Giovanni Dall'Agocchie is a great facebook group for folks interested in the various Bolognese sources and Ilkka Outo is a youtube channel with lots of information.
And  Antonio Manciolino, Achilles Marozzo, Angelo Viggiani, Giovanni dall'Agocchie, Filippo Dardi, Guido Antonio di Luca and Anonimo Bolognese (MSS Ravenna M-345/M-346) are some useful wiktenauer pages to check out to learn more about the general systems of bolognese fencing.
The beats in the video and their tactical approach can definitely work nicely with the p-t-h concept from Meyer, here’s a post on the provoker-taker-hitter concept within dussack,  Here’s also a recent post on the usage of the concept of provoker-taker-hitter in sparring with longswords. Here’s also another post overviewing KDF concepts in a more general framework that’s a bit less focused with mechanics and a bit more with the philosophy around it all and practical tactical issues as well that you may enjoy.
And here’s a masterpost about Joachim Meyer if you’re interested in his system specifically. For anyone who hasn’t yet seen the following links:
Some advice on how to start studying the sources generally can be found in these older posts
Remember to check out  A Guide to Starting a Liberation Martial Arts Gym as it may help with your own club/gym/dojo/school culture and approach.Check out their curriculum too.
Fear is the Mind Killer: How to Build a Training Culture that Fosters Strength and Resilience by   Kajetan Sadowski   may be relevant as well.
“How We Learn to Move: A Revolution in the Way We Coach & Practice Sports Skills”  by Rob Gray  as well as this post that goes over the basics of his constraints lead, ecological approach.
Another useful book to check out is  The Theory and Practice of Historical European Martial Arts (while about HEMA, a lot of it is applicable to other historical martial arts clubs dealing with research and recreation of old fighting systems).
Trauma informed coaching and why it matters
Why having a systematic approach to training can be beneficial
Why we may not want one attack 10 000 times, nor 10 000 attacks done once, but a third option.
How consent and opting in function and why it matters.
More on tactics in fencing
Open vs closed skills
The three primary factors to safety within historical fencing
Worth checking out are this blogs tags on pedagogy and teaching for other related useful posts.
And if you train any weapon based form of historical fencing check out the ‘HEMA game archive’ where you can find a plethora of different drills, focused sparring and game options to use for effective, useful and fun training.
For more on how to use youtube content for learning historical fencing I suggest checking out these older posts on the concept of video study of sparring and tournament footage.
Consider getting some patches of this sort or these cool rashguards to show support for good causes or a t-shirt like to send a good message while at training.
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thetudorslovers · 1 year
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Barbara Longhi was an Italian painter, much admired in her lifetime as a portraitist, although most of her portraits are now lost or unattributed. Her work, such as her many Madonna and Child paintings, earned her a fine reputation as an artist. She was also known for her religious paintings and her depictions of women in domestic settings.
Barbara Longhi was born on 21 September 1552 in the central Italian city of Ravenna, where she spent her entire life. Her father, Luca Longhi was a well-known Mannerist painter, and her older brother Francesco was also a painter. Both siblings received painting education from their father and were part of his studio, with Barbara assisting in such projects as work on large altarpieces. She also modeled, and gained some familiarity with the process of marketing her artwork to patrons. Although her training was completed by 1570, her ties to her family and to her father's workshop remained strong. Very little is known of her life, not even whether she was ever married.
Most of Longhi's paintings are unsigned, but on one she included the initials "B.L.F.", standing for "Barbara Longhi fecit" ("made by Barbara Longhi") and on another, "B.L.P.", for "Barbara Longhi pinxit" ("painted by Barbara Longhi"). As almost all of her work was unsigned, it is unknown how many paintings she created or are still in existence. Only about fifteen are definitively attributed to her. Of those, about twelve are paintings of the Virgin and Child; such paintings were very popular during the Counter-Reformation. It is thought that some of her works may be erroneously attributed to her father.
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