#love u guyss
6-2-aestheticsofhate · 7 months
can people stop putting good posts on my dash im trying to go to sleep and i keep seeing stuff and getting distracted
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echidnana · 8 months
1-4, 13, and 14 for Minori and Haruka!!!! sorry if this is to much btw 😭 -finny 🩷 + asher ❤️‍🔥
HUGS YOU. DONT EVEN WORRY we are in such a mmj mood this is awesome.
under a cut because it got pretty long!!
1. Gender/sexuality headcanon!
🧡 Minori: aspec cis lesbian! she literally never really had a realization, she's just never been interested in boys.
💙 Haruka: aspec agender transfem lesbian! she's also intersex and came out as transfem pretty young, it's not a secret but it's also something most people don't know about her
2. Disability headcanon!
🧡 Minori: hypermobility + autistic! she has joint pain frequently and spends a lot of time warming up to minimize pain and make dancing easier
💙 Haruka: autistic + dissociative + (canon) ED! growing up in the public eye she sort of developed a necessary detachment from herself in order to cope with it. even though she absolutely loves being an idol, it did leave negative impacts on her.
3. Any appearance headcanons (piercings, hair, style, skintone, etc.)!
🧡 Minori: we hc Minori as mixed! she's darker skinned and has freckles + curly hair. we also like her hair being slightly more orange than brown!
💙 Haruka: she has a few piercings! not a ton, but maybe lobes and a cartilage one. also she likes having shorter hair + sometimes an undercut in the summer! we also hc her as Chinese <3
4. Favorite focus event song!
🧡 Minori: DREAM PLACE by EasyPop. this is so hard because all Minori songs are absolute bangers, but dear me as I was back then is our favorite Minori event and the song is so funky
💙 Haruka: If by Yurrycanon. we feel like it fits her vibe the best! but ai no material is a close second, it's so graceful
13. A (non-PRSK) song you associate with the character or would like to see them cover!
🧡 Minori: Heart Attack by LOONA/Chuu. idk it has Minori vibes!!! and she'd sound so cute singing it!!
💙 Haruka: Can't Be Right by ZUTOMAYO. ok this is based on vibes because we don't know what the lyrics are about but we think Haruka would sound AMAZING singing it. another good one is freely tomorrow by mitchie m!
14. Random headcanon!
🧡 Minori: likes law/attorney dramas! we like to think she played ace attorney- maya fey is her favorite character :)
💙 Haruka: isn't bothered by insects at all! she finds them cute and interesting- she's usually the one to take bugs out of the house in her family + friend group
project sekai character ask game
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mitskikissme · 3 months
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caruliaa · 5 months
angel on my shoulder, trying to get my attention and slowly growing smaller with a more squeaky voice as it speaks : please ! wouldnt it be so "based" and "slay pilled" if you let you weary body rest ? it is almost 2 am for goodness sake ! weren't you so tired earlier ? your body is precious ! it deserves rest ! please !
devil on my shoulder, pounding a celsius: you need to join a discord convo thats gonna keep you up for at least another hour with people in a differnt timezone for the fifth night in a row ruight fucking now
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pensivebathtub · 5 months
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we never go out of style ! ☆
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obrigados · 4 months
tyy for 1.5k !! 💗💗
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starrynightnight · 1 year
slaps this on tha table
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theyr just guys,, smal,,,,,,, full of,, oil,,,,,,,,,,,, oh no
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neteyamyawne · 6 months
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Y'allll!!!! Omggg 1k??? Wow I don't know what to say 😭😭😭🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 you guys are so amazing!!! I'm gonna hold a little event!! So I hope y'all will interact!
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meloncalic · 2 years
Captain’s Log
an ISWM fanfic heavily inspired by Alone with My Thoughts - Noah Floersch
(i have had this song on repeat since @spiritmoon23 recommended it with engie and it spurred this headcanon that i wanted to flesh out)
this was also written quite mediocrely, quickly and minimally edited
warnings: none? angst out the wazoo tho
The Captain had terrible memory. If you asked Mark, he would say they have no faults, they are perfect, the very apex of their species... except for that.
On the Invincible, there were many, many things to keep track of. That’s why, despite how silly it would look to others, the Captain would always be seen with an arm lifted up to their face mumbling into their device.
“What are you always saying into that thing, anyways?” 
“Just boring captain stuff.” they replied with a chuckle and a dismissive wave.
Though it wasn’t entirely false, they were the only one to access it, so it was never really a worry. Mark never pressed further, content with the answer.
Though the passage of time really didn’t exist per-say, he would guess he’s been in the room trying to rebuild the Warp Core for about a couple days.
And he already missed them.
A freak collision in the wormhole sent him here, without his Captain. Without anyone really.
Normally, he would only (rarely) leave the Warp Core to eat and use the bathroom. But, on particularly bad days, he wanted to just take a walk and clear his head.
It was pretty depressing, the empty Invincible. Mark was so used to the (somewhat) organized chaos of the ship that it felt unnatural for no one to be there. Nothing. No sign of anything, save him and the core.
He found himself close to the cabin wing. He debated whether it would be ok for him to sleep in his own bed, instead of passing out on the cold, hard floor of the Warp Core room, tool in hand.
Mark shook that thought away. He had to use every possible moment to try and get back, to fix everything. He probably should be there right now, instead of wasting time here—
He came across the Captain’s cabin. Mark felt his hand come up to press the scanner to let himself in, almost on autopilot.
He had never been inside, as he didn’t want to cross that boundary, as close as the two of them were. He respected their privacy. It was quite plain, with a bed, desk, and some lighting.
On the desk were scattered several pens, notebooks, and paperwork. But that isn’t what caught Mark’s attention. A blinking red light from under the numerous papers did, however.
The telltale sign of a low battery was coming from the Captain’s personal device, one that he noticed was slightly different than Mark’s own as he turned it in his hand.
He didn’t know why he went to charge it. The Captain wasn’t here to use it, so who would need it?
As he plugged it in, he accidentally touched a part on the screen, and the sudden laughter made him jump.
“BAHAHAHAHA!! NO!! No way!! wh—GAHAHAHA—what in the Cosmos possessed you to do that you absolute dingus!! 
Dingus? that’s a new one, Cap. Is that worse than Asshat? Celci, should I be offended?
The answer to that question is always yes, Asshat. Now can you PLEASE stop horsing around and get back to fixing this CryoChamber?”
It took everything in him to not start crying. It hit him all at once. That was the Captain. Their voice. They didn’t just use this for official reminders, they used this for memories of their time here. This is one of multiple recorded files.
70, to be exact. Little snippets describing funny things that happened on the ship, actual Captain reminders, and secret little recordings of the most mundane conversations, always filled with laughter from the crew.
By the time Mark had listened to them all, the device flashed a bright green, seemingly charged.
It felt wrong to just leave it unused.
He made his way back to the Warp Core, a new fire of determination in his heart. A faint click was heard in the room.
“Captain’s Log: Entry 71, the wires at the base of the Warp Core seem to be attached properly now, giving...”
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astrajune · 2 years
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distant crying noises) I MISS HER.
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hazmatazz · 11 months
oh!!!! i can't wait to see miles again!!!! and maybe we'll get some connection between peter and miles because now both of their childhood best friends have turned into villians!! oh!!!!! ehehebrkanfksnd maybe miles can meet harry before he becomes the villian/is revealed as the villian!!! oh oh oh !!!!!! ehehehrkanfkanrk!!!! maybe they can be friends for a moment :33333
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junkissed · 11 months
guys i am so happy for jun i love him so much and he is so good and im so happy hes so amazing and speical and wonderful and i am so proud of him because hes so nice and i had to say it !! everyone needs to love jun
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caruliaa · 7 months
she miss on my hollo till i way .
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castielsparkle · 11 months
so fucking scared for my t shot today not out of like fear or anything but because i cannot get any more insane than i already am (boner emotions) like woa hey . can we chill. i am so excited though because,the boy shot. im so excited. just. i cannot possibly get more Huaving Covid.png than i am rn yknow
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sillysymbol · 2 years
fuck everything i love club penguin so so much
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gracie-rosee · 1 year
If you changed your username at all in the last year and have been mutuals with me since before then, PLEASE TELL ME.
I am only just now realizing that some people I thought left Tumblr have been here the entire time and I thought they were just new friends because I didn’t recognize the username and missed any kind of announcement that they changed it.
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