#love playing dress up with the blorbos
punkranger · 1 year
What's antoine's formal look? 😘
and @griever-receiver asked for everyone so here they are! Thank you both ^^
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adding explanations under cut!
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
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Antoine: to be honest, his formal look is just his normal clothes 99% of the time, he’s not dressing up for flyboys or kingpins, so this is the one time he was convinced to wear an actual suit and that’s why he’s grumpy. Rebels by still wearing his usual boots and 10 times more accessories - but still custom orders a suit because there’s no way he’s wearing some boring, standard black suit (he’s definitely making fun of Densil for being basic). Anyway, he does not like dressing up, too much like what he had to do in the past. At least now he can custom order the colours and materials so it’s at least somewhat comfortable and easy to move in.
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Nicholas: he likes dressing up so much - in his own way. Time to be the most dramatic: so many patterns, long swishy coats, fun cuts… They’ve got so many looks, what’s usually there are the layers and the patterns, sometimes they wear pants, sometimes a skirt or a combo of both. They’re not much for accessories though, they just don’t like the feeling of them and they’ve got enough going on anyway. Also while they do enjoy wearing fancy clothes, it’s also a bit difficult for them, they don’t like ppl looking at them (which in general they can just use telepathy for, but not Ortega and she’s the one who’s the biggest problem - aka makes him the most flustered). 
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Rene: She doesn’t have that many formal clothes, but she does like dressing up and these days she definitely has the money for it - but like Nic she also has to get over her anxiousness around people, so she’d probably get dressed up, then change her mind at the door and make some excuse not to go out. Probably goes as Ariel instead if it’s important.
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Densil: dressing formally is like anything else to him - a mask, a tool, another part of his work. It’s a familiar habit to fall into, something he knows, he doesn’t like it more or less than dressing anonymously, he just does it when necessary. So he keeps it simple, but definitely keeps track of what’s in fashion and what brands to wear - depending if he’s going somewhere where people care about such things. That’s usually Love’s job, and that.. is a different matter.. maybe even… nice.
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Wanted to practice poses and took the opportunity to experiment with some different Murderbot designs <3
[ID: a page of sketchy digital drawings of Murderbot, all water-coloured with sepia-toned light browns.
The first Murderbot is crouched in a three-point landing with one arm flung out behind it. It has a heavier build, boobs, and a soft mohawk / mullet type haircut, with metal plates on the side of its head. It’s wearing cargo pants and a sports-bra-like top, revealing inorganic details on its arms, neck, and stomach.
The second Murderbot is mid-jump with one fist drawn back, appearing to fling itself forward into a punch. It has darker skin and dark, curly hair up in two short pigtails. It’s wearing cargo pants with a large tactical belt-pouch strapped to one leg, and a big jacket with unbuckled straps on the collar and hanging off the bottom.
The third Murderbot is doing a vault, with its body mostly horizontal, one hand planted on the ground and one flung up above it. It has short, floppy hair with two longer sections on either side of its face. It’s wearing cargo pants with a thigh harness, and a long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves pushed up to the elbow, revealing the open gun ports on both its forearms.
The last Murderbot is standing in a wide, solid stance, as if preparing for action. It has darker skin and dark hair with a thick, coily texture in a box cut style with inorganic details in the side. It has a smaller build with comparatively thicker hips and thighs, and boobs. It’s wearing cargo pants with a set of pockets at the top and bottom, and a soft jacket that’s puffed out as if hit by wind.
Around the four main drawings are three smaller doodles: one of a curly-haired Murderbot lying down with both hands on its stomach looking angry, one of a Murderbot with thick legs and a puffy jacket sitting on something and flipping off the ceiling, and one of a long-haired Murderbot tying its hair up in a ponytail. /end ID]
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winepresswrath · 12 days
i am absolutely a nicki girl by the way it's just that much like show!lestat my love for him is so pure he doesn't even have to be hot. he can be an ugly crier with a floppy lil wig it only inspires tenderness.
#i'm kind of worried the show will feel the need to minimize him so louis-lestat can shine. it does not! he's the blueprint for all the sad#bitches who came after but it's very clear louis is the one who drove lestat fully out of his mind forever#don't actually love the show's take on romance and monogamy. i feel like it's in conversation with#twilight vampire mormonism and also modern fuck boy culture#the original has nothing to do with either of those things and i think has a very specific take on romantic love and fidelity#that exists on the border of what is love to the dead. like when you strip away the social constructs of the living and reinvent love for#yourself outside of those boundaries what does it look like#and my specialist blorbo is the little black dress of my world and i ship him with everyone#like i'm a lestat was cheating on louis with antoine truther but the special sauce was that he wasn't actually going outside the boundaries#of his relationship with louis he was playing games and daring him to admit he cared enough to be mad about it#like it's the oblique bitchiness of louis being like oh i wish he'd just hurry it up and eat him#that would be kinder#the way antoine does very much offer something to lestat that louis doesn't#and not just like. a dumping ground for his frustrations at home#music! affection! they were FRIENDS#was lestat thinking about eating him the whole time probably but that's not the point#press says iwtv#interview with the vampire#nicolas de lenfent
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baaad-omens · 2 months
now don't get me wrong i love fanart of jon with the fabulous outfits lots of accessories and long luscious hair as much as the next tma fan but the jon in my brain is far too pathetic for anything but years old stained and torn up jeans. and hair that hasn't been cut in years and looks like it hasn't been washed in about as much time. i enjoy the vision though
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livefromthegallows · 5 months
B:] < hey. psst. you should draw equius in a funny hat
B:D < also do you like my typin quirk? i made it myshellf hehe
they went on a lil outing together
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/ }:) \ also YES i LOVE your typing quirk it's AMAZING!!!
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prettyinpunk · 1 year
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whats sluttier a man with no shirt or a man in a tiny tiny shirt
speedrun congrats gift for a very special girlie, beloved loml @originofpwoper 💖💖💖
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blorbocedes · 1 year
styling wag!nico for monaco grand prix based off his actual outfits~ with a little razzle dazzle
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now the the revice x geats movie is for sale, I am reminded of how extremely funny my viewing experience was I went to see it with my sibling in theaters and I tried to speedrun them thru geats the night beforehand (a major flop - we only finished ep 4) so they would understand at least some of the plot, only to find out it was like 75% revice so instead, we're sitting in the theater as my sibling rapidly tries to explain the plot of revice to me whenever that plot is relevant (read: the whole film) and then when the geats cast shows up, I'm like, "so, the plot that you need to know here... is literally nothing: look how cute neon looks in a mage hat"
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soft-serve-soymilk · 1 year
I have acquired the books~! …yeah I’m having a normal one rn
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did another run of far cry 5 because the ‘tism so here’s more Deputy Cricket
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two-crabs · 1 year
guys if u haven't been on hero forge in a while this is your psa that they've gone OFF with the detail shit and i have spent hours over the last three days just dicking around over there
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paxdracona · 4 months
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For WIP Wednesday im coming clean: I've become obsessed with fruitbats. I spend hours on youtube watching them eat pieces of fruit waaaay too big for their faces (their little tongues poke out while they're juicing their fruit!!), chitter in annoyance at each other while thumb boxing, and I have heart palpitations when I watch baby orphan flying foxes cuddling with their human carers while suckling on a dummy. I probably have a problem but it's a fun problem so hey. Now I'm making it y'alls problem because I've made Mav a fruitbat and I'm having the time of my life ☆
(Look at this, it should be illegal)
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ricky-mortis · 12 days
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I love playing dress up with the blorbo
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gay-jesus-probably · 5 months
I like the general fandom trend to just take the plot of Hyrule Warriors as a loose guideline at best and just use the whole concept as a good excuse to get blorbos to interact across timelines, BUT I'm very disappointed that everyone is missing the comedic potential of a very specific squad of characters:
Young Link (aka Mask), who walks out of the nightmare of Majora's Mask and immediately gets portal kidnapped into a temporal war, takes one look at the whole mess and decides that you could not fucking pay him to admit to being the resident expert on Time Shenanigans. He introduces himself with the title of Hero of Termina, and definitely doesn't have any other ones, that would be crazy. Hero of Time? Never heard of him.
Tetra, who is a kickass pirate captain with zero patience for people trying to shove her into the Designated Princess role, and realizes immediately that Oh Fuck, this Hyrule has a lot of Ideas about how the Hero and the Princess are supposed to properly play their parts, the second they realize she's technically a Zelda they're gonna shove her in a goddamn dress and damsel her again, that's not happening. So she's definitely just a really cool pirate captain, nothing else going on here at all, definitely not the heir of the Hylian royal family in her time, that'd be crazy.
Ravio, who is literally just a palette swapped Link, meaning that the second his hood comes off, things are gonna get Awkward. There's no way in hell he's dealing with all that Hero baggage, that's Link work, so that giant bunny hood/mask is practically superglued to his head, and he's not taking it off for love or money.
Spirit Tracks Zelda, who is just in the Phantom Armour the whole time, and passing herself off as just a friendly ghost posessing a suit of armour to help the Hero of Spirits. Of course she isn't Princess Zelda, that's ridiculous, if she were a Zelda then people would start getting really weird about her technically being dead, and boy does that ever sound like a whole Thing she doesn't want to deal with, so she can't possibly be Zelda, she's just a nice ghost knight. Also, her teenage grandma is here, and that's kinda weird, so it's easier to just not admit to being royalty and avoid that awkward conversation.
Finally there's Sheik, who is not the Princess Zelda of the era straight up abandoning her war torn country for months at a time so she can risk her life in extreme cosplay for no clear reason, but is instead the actual Sheik from Ocarina of Time, who just beat Ganondorf like a month ago and is still trying to process what the fuck to do now. Also, he's been pretending to be a boy since he was ten, and is realizing there's a pretty good chance that he isn't pretending anymore, so that's a whole other can of worms. But for the last seven years of his life, being Princess Zelda meant certain death, so he's not really inclined to introduce himself like when in a new and stressful situation (not to mention he might actually just not be a girl named Zelda anymore), so he automatically introduces himself as just Sheik the spooky ninja man, and fuck he's in too deep to back out now, looks like he's committing to the bit. If you think you sense the Triforce of Wisdom on him, no you don't.
Cue shenanigans as the five of them attempt to hide that they're all actually kind of A Big Deal. The group motto is "Nobody says shit", which is usually delivered as a frantic hiss whenever someone slips up. Just the reunion between Sheik and Mask alone would be absolutely buckwild given how they parted, and how they're both frantically pretending to Not be involved with each other. For added hilarity and/or drama, Sheik gives his semi-bullshit cover story of having just been a friend of the Hero of Time, then runs into said Hero of Time and they both have to desperately pretend not to know each other, because if anyone picks up on the mountain of baggage between them then Mask is busted, and he won't hesitate to drag Sheik down with him out of sheer spite. Not to mention the weird balance of Sheik being used to this Link being a teenager that's actually a small child, and now has to adjust to Link who is a small child that's actually a teenager.
Also, i really feel like we're all missing out on the comedy potential of Ganondorf recognizing Young Link on sight and the two of them immediately launching into a grudge match with some extremely personal and specific insults on both sides. Meanwhile literally everybody else is just standing there watching, trying to process the fact that out of every single person that's been pulled out of time, Ganondorf only has personal beef with a literal nine year old.
I just feel like we're all really sleeping on the potential for Shenanigans here. The whole thing is an absurd mess, why not have some fun with it?
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uzurimisery · 10 days
like real people do. / kageyama tobio / nsfw
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wc: 5.5k
Warnings: Kageyama is autistic, smut, fingering, reader has nipple piercings, reader works in A&R for music, reader used to live in brazil, friends to lovers, awkward sex
A/N: experimenting with more awkward/realistic smut and I love my autistic blorbo Kageyama
thank you to @peachyminx and @dervngedgf for beta reading
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Kageyama never did understand the way that conversations worked, or were supposed to work. They were winding, circuitous, jumping from place to place. Unstable like a fault line, bursting from tension. The older he got the more he began to have a loose grasp on them. One so faint it slipped from his fingers if there was too much deviation. It hadn’t been easy to get to this point. It took years of failed attempts at making friends, three failed relationships, and a PR manager to get here. 
Hardly a gentle climb into social know-how. 
There was a script that worked in most situations. The gym, interviews, the grocery store, casuals and quick conversations weren’t altering his normal routine in any major way.  He liked things being the normal way.
So why the hell was he in a club? A place that went so far against the normal?
It had been Hirugami’s idea, he said that the team needed to bond more. Kageyama knew it was just a thinly veiled excuse to get drunk on the team’s card.
 It was awful— the drinking.
Conversations were bad enough while sober, small talk, social cues being a forge in language, and alcohol just made him feel worse about them. The script was thrown across the room and given to an AI generator that made something worse for him to spit back out. 
The pounding music, early 2000s rap, split his head with each drum beat feeling like it was played against his skull. He could smell everything, the foreigners easily able to be picked out from the crowd. The buttons on his navy blue dress shirt had started choking him early so it was now half undone, which he hated. Shirts were meant to have only one, or two, buttons undone depending on the level of formality of the event attending. How many were appropriate for a club? At four buttons down the curve of the underside of his pecs could be seen. 
He felt out of place, out of his element, and like a child sitting at the grown-ups' table for the first time and trying to seem mature. 
“Tobio!” Nicolas shouted at him from across the booth. “When are you going to bring Y/N around again?” 
His face scrunched up. “Why?” 
“Because if you’re not going to make a move I am!” Nicolas’ laugh was grating and sharp. “They used to live not far from my parents. A shame it took until now to meet.”
“I thought you were working things out with Maria?” Kageyama had stopped bringing you around after one too many comments on how he was in love with you and afraid to make a move. Something Nicolas harped on him for and took every opportunity to flirt with you in front of him. 
“Por que não ambos? Maria doesn’t have to know.” Kageyama hated the smirk that spread across the Brazilian's face. He knew that Nicolas was teasing him, just like he knew Nicolas wasn’t interested in you in the slightest, but it always drove him up the wall.
Wakatoshi cut in, voice steady and flat, as always. As much as Kageyama struggled with conversations he knew Wakatoshi would be right there with him. ���I believe we have discussed many times that Kageyama-san has stated he is waiting for a better opportunity to discuss his feelings with Y/N-san.” 
“That’s what he said last week and three months ago and then six months ago.” Sokolov chimed into the conversation now, monkey-like as he usually was, followed by Heiwajima.
“You really should talk to them about it. Either way, you need closure to get past your emotional constipation.” 
Kageyama wanted to crawl into a hole. It was bad enough having to figure out his feelings but having them discussed in front of him made him want to jump off the side of Tokyo Tower. His feelings were complicated. Tangled and messy, blending into each other. He didn’t know if he would ever be able to separate them let alone tell you about them.
“Guuys chill, chill,” Hirugami was back with another round of drinks. “Tobio will get to it when pigs fly.” The team busted out laughing. It was humiliating no matter how many times they all poked at him about it. The only way that he’d ever get them to stop was to confess to you.
“Fuck you guys.” He was grumpy now, grumbling into his drink as he took a swig. 
The chorus all said they just wanted the best for him, that there was no way you didn’t feel the same way, that it was all in good faith, all stuff to make them feel better about teasing him. He hated being teased. 
Maybe if he just told you they’d finally leave him alone about it. You might get distant for a bit but he had faith that you could be friends again down the road. 
“If I tell them tonight will you guys leave me alone about it?”
Nicolas’ sly look managed to get worse. “You tell them tonight and I’ll give you ten thousand yen.” 
Slipping his phone out of his front pocket and pulling up your contact information had never felt so stressful. He didn’t need the money, he just wanted to be left alone about this. 
To: Y/N
Can you meet me outside Playa Del Sol? 
From: Y/N
You’re at a club?
To: Y/N
I wasn’t my idrea 
Typing was hard. The heat of all the bodies in the room made his hand slippery. 
From: Y/N
Lucky you, I’m just down the street at a gig
>You think you’d be fine to hang out for that? Local band
To: Y/N 
As long as it’s not Sean Paul 
From: Y/N
Kk see you in 10 
Kageyama was, as usual, grateful for your friendship as he excused himself from the group and headed outside to wait for you. More often than not you served as a refuge for him. One of the few people in the world who truly understood him. You didn’t question his mannerisms and need for routine. 
Once he had asked if you thought he was weird, as flawed as he felt, and you had looked at him as if the question was stupid and gave a simple ‘no.’ 
Meeting you had been a deviation from the norm in the best way. Hinata had been visiting and when they were out they bumped into you, surprised since you had been a manager at one of Hinata’s favorite jazz clubs back in Brazil. 
Kageyama got lost in the conversation as Hinata and you bounced between English, Portuguese, and Japanese when speaking. You had corrected and steered the conversation to Japanese, seeing Kageyama’s confusion. 
Your Japanese was clunky back then, and your mouth still struggling with the syllables at times. More than that, your understanding of pitch accent back then was abysmal.
But that meeting had changed his world, shifted its axis. 
Eventually, Hinata’s two-month vacation ended and he left, and Kageyama expected you to leave his orbit too. But you didn’t, you stayed around. It’s been three years and you were still around. And it's been a year since he realised he loved you. 
When the night air had started to sink in, sweat from the club finally drying, he saw you round the corner. 
Every time he saw you he thought he’d get used to how beautiful you were but he never could. You were bright as the sun, warming him, the rays of your light brushing across his skin promised growth, comfort, and shelter. 
Your braids had been half pulled back in some sort of half-updo, two ponytails at the top of your head. He has watched you do them the other week. Or he had been watching before you made him help you since he was sitting there. He didn’t know how to braid at all, but you made him learn. Told him your continued friendship was dependent on it.
He was glad you made him learn though. It gave him an excuse to be in your space, close to you, for hours on end. To touch you without worrying if the amount of contact was normal or not. 
“Tobio!” His name always sounded so perfect coming from your glossed lips. There was a twinkle in your eyes. You had done your makeup for “special events” as you had once explained it to him. Instead of a normal cat eye, you had graphic black eyeliner. He never understood why you wore makeup but he knew that it was something you enjoyed doing. 
He stumbled a bit as he moved towards you, wetting his lips with his tongue. “Y/N.” 
“Whoa careful there big guy! How much have you had to drink tonight?” 
Your arm grasped his bicep, his heart stuttering at the contact.
“Three double vodka cranberries and one beer.”
Your brows raised. “Rough time in there huh?”
“You have no idea.” Kageyama launched into recounting what had happened. 
One of his favourite things about you was how you didn’t press on topics he didn’t want to talk about. You left the conversation shift onto the gig you dragged him to and about the band. His second favourite thing about you was your willingness to unabashedly talk about your interests. Your job as an A&R at Sony meant you were always talking to him about a new band or artist. Before meeting you he wouldn’t consider himself someone who cared about music much. It was just something to help him keep pace while running. He didn’t understand why people liked it. But by watching you he started to dissect the reasons. 
It wasn’t a conscious decision, no grand realisation listening to a recommendation from you. It was a gradual shift. He started listening to more things, trying to pick out ones you’d like and he could send them to you. It was only after Wakatoshi had pointed out he was humming one day that he clocked the change went beyond just you.  
When you got to the venue, you flashed your Employee ID at security and pulled Kageyama in behind you.  It was just as dimly lit as the club but the smaller venue made it less obstructive. You had dragged him here before for a folk singer-songwriting you signed after the show. He had no idea what he was about to listen to but he knew if it was you, it’d be good. 
You led him to the middle of the standing-room area. You preferred a more central location so you could observe the artist’s dynamics and stage presence. While he would normally want to be on the outskirts, he didn’t mind being in the middle. It was crowded though so you were stood in front of him. Someone walked past and knocked you back against him. 
“Sorry!” You knew that he didn’t like physical contact much, so you created space as soon as you could. It pained him. 
“It’s okay. I don’t mind if it’s you.” When you smiled up at him, he felt like he was going to short-circuit. “Who are we discovering today?” 
Another person bumped you into him, shifting your balance and almost causing you to fall. He wrapped his arms around you to stabilise you before he even knew what he was doing.
You muttered under your breath something about expecting better from the crowd here. “You remember Hozier?” 
He knew who Hozier was. You had forced him to listen to Hozier’s entire discography one day. He liked Hozier. In another world maybe he would be as good with his words as the singer was. He could write you poems and sonnets, tell you all the little things about you that made him feel right. As much as he might try now, he couldn’t so he hoped that you wouldn’t hold it against him.
“Yes. You made me listen to his entire discography.” His throat felt dry. “I don’t believe I understood all the metaphors but he has a good voice.”
“Well, imagine Hozier if he was Japanese. And he blended traditional instruments, taiko drums and all that, with a raspy voice and great lyricism.” 
“I see.”  His gaze shifted, watching you adjust in his arms. He wondered if he should release you if he was supposed to have let go three seconds ago or held on longer. Now he was scared to move and make it weirder by moving.
“Sorry, should I let you go?” He was nervous, anxiety creeping, edging him out of the buzz he had from drinking earlier and into harsh sobriety. 
“No, it’s okay. I’m kinda cold and you’re really warm.” 
The conversation between the two of you died down and Kageyama wanted to make a clone of himself and shake it around. What the hell was he doing? Under the dim lights, the first few chords starting to play, cradling you in his arms, he felt so nervous. 
The opening band started to fill the room with an instrumental. Their first two songs went by quickly enough at least. You would sway along, occasionally bobbing your head to the beat. Your eyes were focused on them as they performed. Someone might look over and think you were a long-time fan of the opening act, enraptured by their performance, but Kageyama knew you. You were appraising them, seeing if they had potential.
As their set drug on, he found himself watching you more than the band. Your brows would twitch, pulling together in the middle for a split second, every time they did something you considered to be a technical miss. You had told him that bands were like a team of volleyball players. 
When you explained it you said that singers were like aces. The powerhouse that made a team stand apart from their opponents. Drums were the setter. They set the tempo, and the flow, of the song Guitars were like hitters, driving down the point. Keys or synths were liberos, not always on the track but essential for making a good song, and basses were middle blockers, getting a perfect read and keeping the team grounded. So far it seemed like the band was winning their set. 
He liked watching you like this, seeing you the most in your element. It hurt his heart, made it tight in his chest from how your eyes darted across the stage. It felt like ripping off a bandage. Diving without a kneepad and your skin tearing on the polished floor of the court.  Like hand sanitiser in a superficial wound. Painful, but knowing that the pain was a sign of growth, of healing. 
The lighting changed, hues of pink and red, as the frontman started talking about their next and final song. He was telling the crowd to grab their lovers, pull them close, and sway along with the music. Kageyama nearly choked when you turned to face him and wrapped your arms around his neck. 
“Well hello lover.” you giggle at the last word, joking about your relationship. While didn’t like the joking nature of it, he wanted it to be real, he liked you calling him it. Your fingernails scratched at the nape of his neck, tangling in the hairs there.
He had had too much to drink and feeling your chest against his own was making the blood rush from his head and straight to his groin. He felt like a teenage boy, unable to keep himself from growing hard. Maybe it was wishful thinking, but he swore he could feel your nipples. 
His breath hitched as he went to respond, low and raspy in your ear. “Hello.” Kageyama wanted to say something better, more suave and flirtatious, wishing for a second that he could embody the same way with women Nicolas had. 
“How much did you have to drink?” 
“Not enough.” His cheeks were flush, he needed something in this moment. To pull you closer against himself or to push you away so you didn’t catch on to his growing hard-on. 
Your heartbeat against his own in the confined space, slower than his rapid one. The music drowned out, turning to background sounds as he stared into your eyes. Eye contact was normally so forced for him, constantly having to remind himself to make it. It felt so much more intense with you like you could see through him. He loved your eye colour and the way the corners of your eyes crinkled when you smiled. 
Your lips curled up into a smile as you gazed at him, coated in a shimmery gloss that smelt like vanilla. Your tongue poked out the wet your lips, something you always did when you needed to reapply the lip gloss. He wanted to know what it felt like against his own. If it was as sticky as it looked. If it’d pull into fine strands as you separated. 
“What are you staring at so intensely? I feel like you’re dissecting me.” 
He felt loose and sappy from the drinks earlier, more willing to take risks.
“You. I’m staring at you.” 
His eyes shifted up to meet yours again. “You.” You chuckled a little bit at him before replying. 
“I want to kiss you.” The words slipped out of him before he could stop them, once again putting his foot in his mouth. You were going to reject him, tell him off for violating your boundaries. He’d have to text Hinata tomorrow that he fucked up with you and that everything went wrong. 
“Kiss me.” The first time you said the words it didn’t compute in his brain. 
“Tobio, kiss me.” He stood frozen, short-circuiting, he had been so set on an outcome that a change in path threw him off.
The trance was broken when he felt your lips against his, sticky from the lip gloss as he imagined. You were soft, like a feather brushing across his kiss, gentle and tentative. When you pulled away from him it felt like he could breathe again. You tasted sweet, no doubt partially from the lip gloss but also just you. He wanted more.
Kageyama leaned in, one hand tentatively reaching up to the side of your face to cradle it. His lips met yours again it started with pecks, gentle like you had been, before building in intensity. It felt like Kageyama had been starving for years, the sensation unknown and accepted as just a part of living, but as your mouth opened and his tongue met yours he realised that his hunger, his craving, his desire, had been an aspect of himself so far removed from his understanding until this moment. He understood want and need now that he had tasted you.
The heat of your breath melting with his own made his nerves alight as you parted for air. 
“I’m in love with you.” Your forehead met his shoulder and you laughed. 
“Tobio I know,” it was like the lights in the room knew to shine down around you giving you a halo. “You’re not good at hiding it.”
“I’m sorry.”  You tucked your head under his chin and he let his hands slip down from your waist and into your back pockets, feeling emboldened by your actions.
You swayed with him to the beat of the song as the transition music into the main act’s set began. 
“If it’s any consolation I found it cute.” Your lips met the side of his neck and you tilted upwards to his ear. “I’m in love with you too.”
He joined you in shifting side to side, enjoying the moment as you murmured against his skin, voice warmth with honesty. He didn’t understand it all, but he understood you in this moment, the shared feeling of love between you. One old and ancient, but never weathered by time, still steadfast in its stature. Unending, unshifting. 
The “Japanese Hozier” stepped out onstage and Kageyama let you turn to face the stage, moving to take his hands off you only to find them being wrapped around your waist again, guided by your hands.  He wouldn’t remember the set list, or the singer's performance, too entangled in you and feeling you in all his senses to care about anything else. 
───※ ·❆· ※───
You had brought him home after the show, still humming some of the songs as you puttered around. He had changed as you made a midnight snack for the two of you. His hair hung in clumped damp strands as he played sudoku on his phone waiting for you to finish up. You hated when he got in your way in the kitchen. 
With a plate full of mini pancakes you plopped down on the couch next to him, your makeup removed and hair up. He liked you the most like this, relaxed and human. Sometimes he worried you were an angel sent down from the heavens to make him believe in god but instead drove him to sin.
He took one off the plate when you moved it closer to him. Chewing on it slowly, watching you nibble on yours. 
“You wanna talk about it?” His eyes were peeled on your lips. 
“Only if you’re comfortable.” 
“I’m fine…” you moved and placed the plate on the coffee table. “Good, actually. Great even.”
“I feel like I owe you an explanation.”
You raised an eyebrow at him. “For what?”
“I don’t know.” He felt so many things right now it was difficult to verbalise any of them.
You pulled your knees to your chest and faced him. A braid fell into your face and you tucked it behind your ear. Every time he looked at you he understood poetry and prose, songs of admiration, why men would go to war over their lovers. It was nonsensical, to think you could see stars in someone's eyes, but you reflected the lights of the room like a planetarium. He thought that he might die before he found the words to express his thoughts and feelings to you, to get his point across, but he knew with you he didn’t have to. He had never had to. 
His hand encompassed your own, interlocking his fingers with yours. They fit together like puzzle pieces, you the last piece needed to complete the puzzle. Simple connection, conjoining of spirits. 
Kageyama tugged on your hand, pulling you towards himself, making you come to rest on your shins in between his legs. He kissed the back of your hand, softly, tenderly, still afraid that there was something he was missing. But the ball never dropped, the tower never crumbled, and he led you further forward, your free hand resting at his chest before slithering up the back of his neck. 
He couldn’t tell if it was you or him who moved first, closing the distance between you, your lips meeting again. It felt more tentative than the first ones had. Careful and measured, aware of the space, the boundaries, the dynamic you had had. Of how that was shifting, changing, as the pretences you had were changed. 
Kageyama dropped your hand in favour of wrapping his around your waist, guiding you to manoeuvre into his lap. Your ass rested against his groin. The longer he kissed you, the more he felt himself growing hard, aided by your hips grinding down on him. Once on a night out with the team, you had danced with him and it was then that he learned of how fluid you were. Tonight you were water, dripping down on him, swirling around him, wetting his skin. 
He palmed at the waistband of the sleep shorts you had changed into, desperately wanting to remove them but unwilling to force you into something. You pulled away from kissing him to remove your shorts, left in just your underwear and oversized shirt. Kageyama quickly stripped off his shirt before kissing you again, this time letting it evolve into making out with you.
One of your hands moved to his lower abdomen, brushing against his happy trail, making him shiver. He felt you palm at his length through his sweats, slow and sensually. His dick was bigger than you thought it’d be. Average girth but one or two inches longer than expected.  
“Can I touch you?” 
“Yes.” His response was quick, jumping the gun, eager to have you take him in your hand. 
When your skin met his Kageyama swore he might cum from it. His emotions were high-strung, making him more sensitive. He whimpered as your thumb crossed over the tip. 
Your hands felt like velvet against him, smooth and soft, your touch gentle but firm, supplying the perfect amount of pressure as you began sliding it up and down his shaft. His stomach muscles tightened as you went along, pulling him in on himself. It should be criminal that you made him feel such a way from something so simple, reducing him into a schoolboy being touched for the first time. 
He wrapped a hand around your wrist to stop your movements, separating from kissing you to speak. 
“I’m going to cum if you do that too much.”
“That’s the goal Tobio.” 
“Yes, I know, but I would like to make you cum before I do.” 
You gave a small smile, butterflies flitting around in his stomach as you did. “Well, who am I to stop you?”
You crossed your arms as you took off your shirt. When you changed earlier you must not have put on a bra. The curve of your waist he knew already to be temptation incarnate, but the swell of your chest would turn any many into a sinner. 
Your nipples were hard as they were exposed to the cool air of your apartment, small silver balls catching the overhead light. 
“You have your nipples pierced?” 
You cupped your breasts, pinching your nipples. Tobio’s eyes were locked in, focused on the way the silver complimented you. “Yeah, I’ve had them for ages.”
“Can I touch them?” He wanted to pinch at your nipples and feel the cool metal beside them. Your nod was all he needed to do so. 
His touch was hesitant at first, afraid of damaging the piercing somehow. When he squeezed down harder on them he could feel the bars going through your nipples. It was interesting to him, the modification, he wondered what made you get them in the first place. 
As he pinched and twisted your nipples slightly, a soft whimper snuck out the back of your throat, going straight to his already painfully hard erection. 
If you were sensitive to this he wanted to know what it would do to you if he took them into his mouth. It was in the name of science that he did so, leaning forward and wrapping his mouth around your left nipple. 
The metal met his tongue, cold and sharp, constructing against the warmth of your chest. He was cautious not to use his teeth as he played with your nipple in his mouth. You gave out small moans and gasps, hips stuttering against his own, as you threw your head back. Ever since you had gotten them pierced your nipples were more sensitive than ever. 
Kagayema stared up at you. He wondered how he got so lucky in life. He’d have to go to the shrine on New Year with his mother to thank the gods for letting him have you like this. 
He wanted to make you feel more, to know his touch in ways you never had before. 
His free hand not ding at your waist trailed down your side, tracing the outline, as he dragged it down to your core. When he met your underwear, the fabric a simple micro fibre, and slipped past it he was certain that he’d need to go to the shrine every holiday. You were wet, drenched even, allowing his fingers to slip through your slick folds easily. 
Kageyama was not a virgin, he’d had sex before and he was thorough with it. His thumb met your clot, going over it in slow circles, while his pointer and ring finger started to tease your hole. 
When he was able the press both fingers into you and pump them in and out of you, he released your nipple that he had ever so diligently been sucking on to swap for the other one. He bit down it ever so slightly making a shocked gasp and whimper of his name escape you. 
“Be gentle jackass!” Your speech airy, escaping as an exhale. 
It was cruel the way how you said his name made his dick jerk as if he was going to cum, the muscle in his abdomen flexing tight. He’d be dammed if he came before you though, his teeth grazing over your nipple again, tongue swiping over the bar. 
His fingers picked up in speed, pressing against a spot that made you squeak almost. High-pitched and short. Like you hadn’t expected him to hit it. 
The pressure building kept building as he did so, making you get lightheaded as it went on. He was so close to making you cum. Like an itch, you scratch just next to it, the edge. 
His thumb kept toying with your clit as he kept his pace steady, matching the tempo. You could feel yourself tightening up as he worked your body. The noises in the room turned pornographic as more liquid gushed out of you, lubricating his hand, making it easier for him to thrust his fingers in and out and in again. 
Kageyama detached himself from your chest and moved to kiss along the side of your neck and ear.
“You’re so pretty…” he trailed off before biting your neck and sucking hard to leave a hickey. 
You came with a start, the orgasm rolling through you as he bit down, his name coming out a broken moan. Your muscle winding right before snapping under the pressure, eyes screwing shut. It made your head spin, feeling your heartbeat in your skull and down to your toes. The force of it made you clamp down so hard on Kageyama’s fingers that as he tried to pull them out, he couldn’t. 
A minute passed before he was finally able to slip them out of you as you whined for him to keep them inside. When you finally opened your eyes you were met with Kageyams face being entirely red.
“You okay?”  You propped yourself up on your elbows to get a better look at him. 
He licked his lips before speaking, trying to wet them. “I just came.” 
Things were still for a second. 
“Is there, uh, anything I can do to help?” 
“No. Just give me a minute.” This was the most embarrassment he had felt in a long time 
“Okay.” You cupped his face with one hand. He turned a kissed your palm “We can stop here if you want.”
He contemplated for a few moments in his head, his boxer briefs now feeling sticky. The sensation was grossing him out no matter how badly he wanted to continue.  
“Tobio,” you flicked his forehead “Get out of your head, you’ve got that scrunched-up look on your face.” 
He grumbled against your palm as he spoke. “I like you and I’m embarrassed.”
“Well, I love you and we can always go for a second round.” 
He stilled, humming under his breath. “Could we shower first?” 
“Of course.” 
───※ ·❆· ※───
Out of the shower, where a second round had happened, along with telling you about the bet, Kageyama felt unsure of what to do next. It reminded him of leaving a court at the end of a game, his adrenaline high and heart pumping. The adjustment to reality was strange and foreign. He was sure this must have been how you felt after a concert ended. Lost, unsure what to do after as he cuddled with you in your bed. 
“What happens next?” 
You laughed and it shook your body as you lay on top of him, tracing patterns on his chest.
“You buy me breakfast in the morning.” 
“And after that?” 
“What about after that?” 
“Well,” you started. “We keep doing what we’ve always done. But when we go out to eat we don’t call it hanging out, we call it a date. When we sleep at the other’s place, we sleep in the same bed. Only the little things change between us, the big things stay the same and we get to kiss now. When an interviewer asks if you’ve got a girlfriend, you get to say yes.” 
“You’re my girlfriend?” 
“Well, I thought that was the point of the confession, well along with winning a bet, unless you don't want me to be?” 
“No, I do.” 
It was silent for a moment as he intertwined his free hand in your own, bringing it closer to his mouth so he could kiss it. You settled further into him, filling out the space where he was the most empty both physically and metaphorically, humming ‘Like Real People Do’.
A Venmo notification cut through the peace. 
Nicolas Romero sent you ¥10,000 
“Atta boy Tobio” 
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©️ uzuzrimisery
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hazzybat · 4 months
Non-exhaustive list of Actually helpful ADHD cleaning tips from somone with ADHD who has gone many months without cleaning at all before and is figuring out what works for them
- VACUUM EARLY. The usual cleaning rule is to vacuum last but that won't work for us. Get everything off the floor then vacuum while you still have motivation and you aren't tired yet. It'll feel nicer to walk around, it will get a lot of dust and dirt (so you're in a cleaner space) and if you get burnt out/distracted half way through then at least that big thing is done
If you have energy once everything is put away then vacuum again to get the dirt you missed.
- Take meds. If you have meds take them. They help. Even if you think they don't, even if you hate some side effects take them so you can have a nice house
- Music or a podcast. You have to play something to keep yourself occupied. TV will make you want to watch but audio will let you do other things
- Set the bar low. Only say you'll clean one room. Or you'll just put away clothes. Or you'll just change your sheets. Give yourself victories so you want to keep going. And then if you don't do more then hey! You did what you set out to do!
- Throw out things. I know hording tendencies are hard and if you are a crafter you want to keep every little scrap of junk but it'll help if you throw things out.
If you feel you have to keep that piece of cardboard ir plastic then get a zip lock bag and put all your little craft bits in it. You can keep it but if you use nothing from it then you can throw out the whole bag after a week or a month.
- Put on a cute apron/ tie your hair up/ pretend you are a 50s housewife. You have to make it interesting for yourself so play dress up! It'll help it be fun and it's like a work uniform. It'll help to tell your brain that now you're in "cleaning mode". And a fun apron will help protect you from any dirt which is extra good. Hell wear a pair of high heels and tiny booty shorts just to wear something different.
- Along those lines of making it fun/different pretend you are on a cleaning show! Pretend you're making a YouTube video about how to clean/look at this amazing transformation! I love videos of people with my level of depression or adhd actually clean and feel better. It makes me feel less alone so sometimes I pretend I'm also making a video for everyone else who struggles.
- If your house smells bad light a candle or incense or have room spray. You need to be able to clean up the bad smells so you have to be in the room with the bad smells. Make them less bad so you can get rid of them
- Wear gloves even if you aren't doing dishes.
- It's okay to do one room at a time. It's okay to do only bits of the room. It's okay to put away half your clothes then clean the desk them put away the other half of the clothes. You don't have to do everything in order
- Bring a big garbage bag with you everywhere so you can easily put everything there instead of filling up the bin in each room.
- Also bring a laundry basket with you. Anything that need to go in another room put it in the basket so you can stay in the room you're cleaning and not get distracted, then take it with you when you leave
- If you have a blorbo pretend they're helping you. They're encouraging you from where they're leaning against a wall or they're gonna come over after so you want your house to be nice for them. It can help you feel like there's a point to it all.
- You aren't a failure. You have a brain that works differently and it needs help to work best.
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