#lotor’s generals
artsyjesseblue · 11 months
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Don’t mess with my Acxa 😎 💙
(inspired by a fight scene in my ongoing fic “Nothing Ever Truly Goes Extinct” - chapter 32)
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kaezerdoodles · 8 months
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My Ven Diagram of Simpery
I have 2 types- Buff Feral Man or Rat Man
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discordiansamba · 6 months
spitballing some more ATLA AU facts:
Keith's grandfather deserted from the Fire Nation early on in the 100 year war and married an Earth Kingdom woman, so Keith's dad grew up in the Earth Kingdom and has only ever been to the Fire Nation once. He met Keith's mother there.
Keith voice: On all levels except physical, I am a dragon.
Hunk tries to resolve things without resorting to violence as much as possible, but sometimes he knows he doesn't have any other option.
This makes for a very funny dynamic when it's just him and Keith traveling together.
Hunk WILL baby talk to every animal he can, Keith's komodo-lion and Kosmo included. Did I mention he takes in a baby sabertooth moose-lion? Because he absolutely does. Animals also love Hunk. They DO want his scratchies.
Lance and Hunk hit it off right away when they finally meet. Keith feels strangely jealous, only he doesn't know what jealousy is because he's never experienced it before. Shiro literally has to point it out to him.
Keith and Lance still get along like oil and water... or in this case, like fire and water. Lance is against the idea of traveling with a firebender at first, but he relents because Hunk vouches for him. Allura comes from a time before the 100 year war so she's fine with this actually.
Keith becomes Hunk's firebending master, which is... an interesting experience because all of Keith's actual training comes from a man who had no formal firebending training either. At first this causes a bit of a struggle, since Keith's bending is all instinct, but it's ultimately for the best since in many ways, Keith's firebending is the closest to true firebending there is.
Hunk struggles to learn airbending, even though Shiro is a much better teacher. Thankfully Shiro is also a very patient teacher, willing to carefully take his time to make sure Hunk gets the best teachings possible.
(Unfortunately, they also don't have that kind of time.)
Allura is Hunk's waterbending teacher, and he has the easiest time with this element. Lance isn't technically his teacher, but he does teach Hunk some cool tricks, and having a study buddy actually helps him out a lot.
Hunk does not like going into the Avatar State very much.
Hunk does manage to reunite with his family in Ba Sing Se... only to quickly realize there's something awfully fishy about this city. They should definitely leave, like ASAP, but Allura and Keith want to stay and investigate.
Hunk: okay, but if this goes south, remember- I was the guy who wanted to leave.
Allura & Keith: Noted.
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kaezer · 1 year
Me: Yeah, I think I’m asexual
Villains/Morally gray father-figures: *exist*
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vld-prompts · 5 months
Lotor and the Generals gather around a campfire with the Paladins.
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lilflowerpot · 1 year
i just binged all of little blade and i am so happy i did, it’s incredible and i adore the characterization and all the world building it’s beautiful. before i go and read all your other fics, i wanted to pop by and ask a silly little question.
in one of the earlier chapters, lotor refers to keith as being extremely attractive by empire standards and i wondered if the paladins (maybe specifically lance lol) ever find out that he is - essentially - a fair representation of the empire’s beauty standard.
just. room full of aliens and lance asks who’s the most attractive and almost the whole room looks at keith. oof.
in a similar vein, when the empire settles down under lotor’s reign with keith as a member of his household, does keith become some kind of muse? the kind where artists fill entire sketchbooks with studies of him, the color of his eyes gets featured in the works of contemporary poets regularly, if it were earth i’d say they stamp his profile on currency, maybe there are statues built? galra mona lisa is a keith portrait.
historians will later state that he was one of the empire’s greatest beauties. earth historians liken him to helen of troy.
all of the paladins are absolutely screaming internally. they have seen keith brush his hair maybe once. he does not care about getting his hands dirty and his nose bloodied. and yet when keith shows up half dressed and streaked with rain to an important function, it becomes a galran fashion trend. why do they even bother getting dressed up is a common lament.
((This is the exceedingly long masterpost from a year ago in which I compiled all the "Keith Kogane is pretty" content I could find, so if you've not given that I read then I'd very much suggest that you do so!))
I do imagine that the paladins would find out eventually, yes! At first they think it's just Lotor's preference, of course—they've already sort of put that together given the the prince's apparent penchant for galra hybrids, combined with all his terribly obnoxious fawning over Keith—but the more time that passes the more obvious it becomes that Keith's Imperial popularity is of the distinctly Romantic sort; whispered anecdotes turn to lengthy ballads that turn to full-blown theatrical productions, all of which praise the sole galra-paladin of voltron with fervent zeal!
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alien-slushie · 1 month
[In an AU where Keith is one of Lotor's Generals]
Lotor: Look, let's just cut right to the chase here Paladins of Voltron. What's it gonna take for you guys to say 'yes'? Money? Weapons?... Keith?
Keith: Excuse me?!
Lotor: What? It's a compliment!
Keith: Wow, Your Highness, I thought you didn't have magic, but look at you, turning people into trophies!
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violet-moonstone · 3 months
casually dropping back into the voltron fandom for this:
currently thinking about my lotor/acxa/zethrid/ezor polycule that has very specific dynamics with varying levels of romance, sexual attraction, and platonic compatibility
strongest romance: lotor/acxa, zethrid/ezor
closest friends: lotor/zethrid, acxa/ezor
most intense sexual attraction: lotor/ezor, acxa/zethrid
these dynamics are entirely based on memories of vibes because its been years since i watched voltron
honestly im mostly interested in the aesthetics and possible dynamics of lotor and his generals (mostly sans narti - bc i dont remember much about her) so i just look at screenshots once in a while and make up little stories in my head completely independent of the actual voltron plot
whether they're good, bad, or morally grey completely depends on my mood
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look at these
look at the colour schemes and the lighting and the expressions!
i very much enjoyed voltron but i also want to watch whatever show these screenshots would seem like to someone with zero context
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romaritimeharbor · 3 months
If you can parentify Pantalone (that man should not be a father) you can parentify Lotor ❗️❗️❗️❗️ (I love encouraging ideas™)
GET OUT OF MY SKINNNNNNN ❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️❗️
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stardustedstories · 6 months
So I'm finally watching S.he-Ra on N.etflix (apparently it's recently been "Mal gets caught up with animated shows that they meant to watch but never got around to for one reason or another), and I can't help but be amused at some of the physical similarities between Lotor and Huntara. Purple skin, yellow eyes, white hair. She even has the little hair front hair swoopie that he does.
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Lotor @ Huntara: Hmmm, my father probably would have been a lot happier if I had your muscle mass.
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crossoverheaven · 9 months
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probablyhuntersmom · 1 year
If you love both VLD and Mass Effect and the killer OSTs of both, you can never quite separate both pieces of media from one another.
The ME nightclub music though? Each of those tracks can be matched pretty damn well to Lotor and each of his generals.
Acxa's character goes with the Dark Star Lounge theme, I think. Protagonist/redemption arc energy
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Narti's kinda theme song would be the Club Eternity theme
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Zethrid who can go batshit crazy couldn't be a better match with Lower Afterlife
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Ezor gets the most dance-y one, of course. The Purgatory theme
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For Lotor himself I'd settle on the Upper Afterlife track since the vibes are super steady
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
Sorry to be back in a voltron phase for a hot second but introducing Lotor by 1) saying he fights alongside his enlisted men 2) saying his top generals are "half breeds" looked down upon by most galra society 3) saying he lets conquered planets rule themselves and 4) giving him not one but two badass fight scenes in the first 5 minutes he's on screen was the best introduction any character on this show ever got.
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vld-prompts · 2 years
Ezor drags Team Sincline to watch the space circus.
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lilflowerpot · 2 years
jumping off you Keith/Kuron-Lotor/Narti analysis, it made me consider something about Axca's betrayal. i may be remembering wrong, but before Narti's death the generals seemed to be kept pretty in the loop about Lotor's actions and plans. but after her death, he keeps them more at a distance. makes me think that isolating himself and wrapping himself so completely in "the mission" is his way of coping with what he had to do. on the unfortunate flip side, you have the generals, who watch Lotor kill their friend and then shut them all out, giving them the bare minimum of information. it's sad, but i can understand how that would shake their faith in him.
(also also side note, but if this IS Lotor's coping method, i think that's a cool parallel to Keith, because that's also the way that HE seems to deal with Shiro's "deaths," by throwing himself into projects/missions. first with the blue lion, then with his fixation on Lotor. i like to think that it would help them in a relationship, so they would understand why the other might be reacting to their pain this way, and use that understanding to best help them.)
I absolutely agree!
I'll go into greater depth in LB when the time comes, of course, but the broad strokes of it are that Lotor did what he felt had to be done regarding Narti, but that doesn't mean he wanted to. He's grieving just as much as the others (potentially more so), but at his core he's a creature of logic and practicality and so... he throws himself into his work. Because he couldn't save Narti, certainly can't bring her back, and so the only option left to him is to ensure that his friend didn't die in vain.
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wogwoman · 1 year
VLD Lotor but he’s Lucius Malfoy from AVPS
Every since I saw this post from @staerkmaelk :
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And after a few tries I FINALLY DID IT! I hope you enjoy it @staerkmaelk !
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