#lord mathias
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Alexandre and Mathias wish you all an happy Valentine's Day, I hope you will have a wonderful day or evening big kisses 😘❤❤
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aprill-99 · 1 year
Oh you think I’m going to develop Stockholm Syndrome? Really? Just because you have trauma and no support structure. Ya know what no-
*Adopts you as I break out of captivity and takes you with me to be part of my found family. Don’t fight it. Resistance is futile.*
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beevean · 9 months
I'm starting to think that maybe Walter was the Dark Lord before Dracula
I mean of course all of Walter's abilities are a reference to Dracula's due to the latter literally stealing them from him, but before dying Walter tells Leon that "With my powers I will surely come back to life", and he sounded pretty sure as well
Now it is possible for any vampire to be resurrected (as seen with Elizabeth Barthory) but the only case where this has ever been presented as a "power" or innate characteristic of any kind was Dracula, and the only reason why he would always get resurrected was due to his position as the Dark Lord ergo his pact with Chaos, who would ensure that at least once every century people's hearts would grow dark enough to want to resurrect him.
So it's possible that Walter was indeed the previous Dark Lord and that by absorbing his soul and powers Mathias also took his position
Furthermore in DoS Celia claims that, for either Dario or Dimitrii to claim the title of Dark Lord, they'd have to destroy the former Dark Lord's soul since Soma still had the Power of Dominance aka the power to rule over monsters, and when Dimitrii copied this ability Celia seemed sure that this would allow him to become the next Dark Lord
Since Walter had control over thousands of monsters (most of whom will later be controlled by Dracula) it's possible that he had the Power of Dominance, granted by Chaos and that Mathias obtained it by absorbing his soul
Yeah, it could be. It would also imply that Death served him until Mathias came along. I have really not much to add lol.
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
No one:
Really no one:
Not even a soul:
Dracula: *Dramatically holds his dead wife's corpse with his eyes closed for better theatrical effects*
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jasper-the-menace · 8 months
what dnd classes would the songbirdverse main characters be?
I'm gonna break them down into categories because the main character varies wildly.
Mathias: Bard. Not horny, not even that fluent in social things, but he's just so small and confused and he looks so soft that you want to help him anyway. Also, great at singing, even with the trauma.
Ritter: Paladin/Ranger. Sort of a multiclass, sort of a blend of the two.
Jaren: Unfortunately there's no one to one for "earth mage muscle wizard" so we're gonna just say Ranger for him too.
Tibalt: Rogue. Slutty, slutty rogue. He's making up for the borderline-angelic presence of Mathias in the party.
Jetmir: Canonically a Druid.
Spara: Canonically a Paladin. Kinda. By technicality. And formerly.
Xander: Bard but in an artistic way more than a musical way. Or Rogue with spice.
Ziatora: Giant fuckoff dragon. But also a former bandit leader. Barbarian or Fighter.
Raffine: Wizard, divination specialty.
Errant: Rogue, but not really an assassin.
Anhelo and Parnesse: Both Rogues with the assassin subclass.
Ob Nixilis: Fighter, but with some oathbreaker Paladin sprinkled in for flavor.
Elizabeth Bardsly: Druid, but spicy.
Look how much overlap of classes is here. These idiots would never survive a dungeon crawl.
Thanks for sending this in, anon!
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irisleeisatumbler · 15 days
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Illusion of Vampire Hunter Mathias
In the same universe of that vampire lord Leon doodle I made... more than half a year ago...... (wiping sweat on face💦
Sorry for any confusions I might cause by tagging him
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Theory: Hannah's Birth Led to Steph's Mom Dying
Okay, this is a bit of a wild journey, but I promise it's at least somewhat thought-out if you're willing to bear with me for a bit. (Theory under the cut!)
I'm endlessly fascinated by the absence of the Church of the Starry Children (not a random opener, I promise). We're told multiple that times that "nothing that dies in Waylon Hall ever truly dies," and we learn that the Waylons put a spell in place to essentially resurrect anyone killed on the house's property. We also learn that the Waylons and their followers all died in the house in 1979. So... where are they? Max was a singular teenager, and within two weeks he had the entirety of Hatchetfield whipped into a panicked frenzy. Surely an entire cult of evil zealots brought back from the dead and imbued with insatiable bloodlust would be even more noticeable. At the very least, their Number 1 Fan Roman and remaining widow Sheila would know that they were still out there, which is clearly not the case. So it's pretty undeniable that, despite their safety-measures, the Waylons and their followers are no longer around.
There are multiple potential reasons for this. The Hatchetmen have experience with such people. Perhaps they got around the spell by taking the Cult's bodies to the Witchwood and burying them there, though that doesn't seem hugely likely. Or maybe Miss Holloway took care of the Waylons back in the 80s. That timeline arguably kinda' sorta' works--Miss Holloway gave up her life as a pop star to become an immortal witch just a handful of years after the Waylons' deaths.
But then we have Solomon in Nerdy Prudes Must Die, who has the Black Book, but says that he will never touch it "ever again." This statement heavily implies that Solomon once summoned the Lords in Black, and the absence of Steph's mother implies that she was the price he paid. (Nick and Matt also give A LOT of credence to that theory in the Hatchetfield Halloween livestream.) Solomon also knows A LOT about Max, the spell that created him, and how to put an end to it. And sure, this could be second-hand knowledge passed down from previous mayors or Miss Holloway. But what if it's not? What if, in an eerie foreshadowing of his own daughter's future actions, Solomon Lauter was the one to summon the Lords in the Black and sacrifice the love of his life to stop the resurrected Waylons?
There's an obvious problem with this theory--the timeline. Judging by Max, it's likely that a whole cult of monstrous and monstrously powerful ghosts on the loose for 25 years would have been Apocalyptic long before the timelines had the chance to shatter.
So what if they weren't around? What if the Waylons' spell was not automatically triggered upon their deaths, but instead required activation? Perhaps, in their cult-y arrogance, Mathias and Agatha never imagined that every single one of their followers would be wiped out alongside them. Maybe the Starry Children were supposed to return to the Hall upon the Waylons' deaths and activate the magic. With the Cult massacred, there was no one left with the knowledge to complete the ritual and resurrect the dead, leaving them in limbo.
And then Hannah enters the scene, born the same year that Solomon performs his Summoning. We know from Wilbur that Hannah is basically a nuclear power plant. What if her birth, together with the massive burst of energy as Lex activated her powers to save her sister, (and also maybe PEIP's portal playing whatever role it played,) was enough to do for the Waylons as Hannah would later do for Willabella Muckwab? What if Hannah's nuclear battery existence automatically served to complete the Waylons' spell, activate the house (leaving it primed for Max's return from the grave), and release the Waylons onto the unsuspecting town? Leaving Solomon, town Mayor, sentinel at the gates of hell, to work alongside Miss Holloway and her Black Book, discover the truth of the Waylons, and summon the Lords in Black for help. And maybe Miss Holloway, still in the middle of her own deal, was unable to make another, separate one, leaving Solomon to give up what he treasured most...and murder Steph's mother.
(And maybe the little girl she left behind is nothing but a reminder of his loss and his guilt.)
(Update: lmao @thatdelusionalnerd just described this as "far-fetched but still makes quite a bit of sense" and I just wanted to acknowledge that because I feel like that's my sweet spot with Hatchetfield theories. Arguments that are absolutely bananas and almost definitely not true, but to my own consternation kinda' work nonetheless.)
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wigglys-dikrats · 8 months
wait so who are the waylons because I genuinely have no clue
mathias and agatha waylon were two of the first followers of the lords in black in hatchetfield
they founded the church of the starry children, as well as built the town’s most important landmarks, revealed to be black altars where rituals written in the black book could be performed: the starlight theatre; the gazette, which would one day become CCRP; the old mill, now lakeside mall; the old schoolhouse, now hatchetfield high; and waylon hall, their home on which they put a spell so anyone who dies there doesn’t truly die
the waylons had the town in a chokehold for 150 years, until the people of hatchetfield (the hatchetmen, aka the ancestors of the metzgers we meet in perky’s buds) got sick of the waylons and their cult and burst through the doors of waylon hall and hacked them all to bits with hatchets
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castlephantom · 1 month
Top 10 Dracula designs:
(This is my opinion, but you can change according to you)
10) Dracula X
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This was a failed attempt to design Dracula like a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure art style.
9) Dracula X Chronicles
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Not a fan of this, but I like that his robe design was recycled form Curse of Darkness.
8) Bloodlines
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Scary but Dracula looks pretty weird, especially his face expression.
7) Castlevania Chronicles
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This absolutely reminds me of Mathias and his robes makes him more like an evil sorcerer.
6) Order of Ecclesia
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Just like the previous one, it reminds me of an sorcerer then a vampire lord that almost wears Japanese traditional kimono.
5) Castlevania
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Original one. Scary, blood thirsty count that already gives me vibe of Bram Stoker's novel.
4) Portrait of Ruin
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Another design that reminds me of Bram Stoker's novel. It was meant to look like Dracula played by Bela Lugosi.
3) Rondo of Blood
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I don't know why but is like a young adult version of himself, referring to the pop-culture version.
2) Symphony of the Night
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Don't get me wrong. I love SotN Dracula which is iconic and should be superior than the other designs, but is something that is a personal choise.
1) Curse of Darkness
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This is peack of Dracula's designs! He really looks both elegant and intimidating at the same time. I had to admit that this is actually my favorite.
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Sunday Afternoon Session
Conducting: Quentin L Cook
Come Rejoice
D Todd Christofferson
A limiting trait is not being valiant in your testimony
Wholehearted devotion is what we should strive for
To make it to and stay in the Celestial Kingdom we must have a firm testimony of Jesus Christ and act on that testimony
Being Valiant in your testimony of Christ
Includes nurturing and strengthening that testimony
Heading His messengers
Encouraging others by word and example
We will not let anything keep us from being together forever
Do the things Jesus shall teach and command you
Taylor G Godoy
God hears our prayers and answers them in a personalized way
Mosiah 5:12
This life by its nature brings about experiences
Call Him, don’t fall
Just because you aren’t answered immediately doesn’t mean your call wasn’t answered at all
Confidence in the Lord’s answers requires accepting that they are not always what would expect in our minds for them to be.
The Lord is the first option for help
Call Don’t Fall (pray)
After prayer do all you can to obtain the answers you pray for
Humbly accept His answers
Softly and Tenderly, Jesus is Calling
Gary E Stevenson
Where is the foundation of your bridge?
The two towers are love the Lord thy God and love your neighbor as thyself – these are the towers that the bridge of the gospel is supported by
Loving the Lord leads to eternal Happiness
Bridges our heavenly upward gaze to our heavenly outward gaze
Love of the Lord is not complete if we do not love our neighbors
Loving your neighbors includes Christlike deeps of love and service
How are you building your tower of love?
“did God call on you specifically, or were you simply the one who listened?”
These towers need to function together in balance, equal devotion, and harmony
God loves everyone and so should we; we seek out those in need and serve them regardless of race, wealth, gender identity, sexual orientation, or anything else
God commanded us to love one another. Leave judgement up to Him
How do we build our own bridge of faith and devotion?
Early drafts become polished blueprints
Mathias Held
Consequences are a part of agency
Repentance is where growth happens
Seek to learn and accept support from the Lord
In the darkness of night we can turn on our lights
We can still choose how to respond to things out of our control
We are agents not objects.
Opposites don’t exist apart from each other, they can complement each other.
Where there is sunshine, shadows must be there too. Floods brings destruction but they bring life as well
Our difficulties do not define us – it is our attitudes and choices that define us much better than our situations
How Firm a Foundation
Niel L Anderson
It is breathtaking to see the works of God
Discipline your faith, what does that mean to you?
Eleazer Cearcy – sealing story – this is why listen to promptings
Angels have charge over us
Through the power of the Holy Ghost we are filled with strength and peace and joy and unspeakable hope.
Many different ways to see the face of Christ and no better place than in His holy house
Mark L Pace
Transform our homes into sanctuaries of faith
The scriptures are here to help us draw closer to Him
How can you avoid personal apostasy?
We are responsible for our own personal spiritual growth
The most important copy of the book of Mormon is the one you read
Heavenly Father wants you to know yourself – but you must put in the effort
Russell M Nelson
Called to apostles 40 years ago!
Six temples when he was born
Ponder what the Lord’s promise means for you personally
The priesthood was restored prior to the church – to ensure that the church could be organized with the correct authority
The priesthood keys are the only way we get the essential ordinances and covenants, the only way we can have blessings the way we do – we can extend all the blessings promised to/by Abraham to all God’s children
D&C 110
The gathering of Israel is evidence God loves all of His children everywhere
The gospel of Abraham is further evidence that God loves all of His children everywhere
The sealing power is supreme evidence that God loves all of His children everywhere and wants them to return to Him
Study Kirtland temple dedicatory prayer in D&C 109
Regular temple worship will enhance how you see yourself
The temple empowers us to take on the challenges of life
You do not have to face life alone
What courage does it give you to know that angels really will help you?
No combination of wickedness will prevail over those who worship in the house of the Lord
Nothing will help you more to hold fast to the iron rod than attending the temple as regularly as you can, nothing will protect you more, nothing will bolster your testimony of Christ and His atonement, or recognize the significance of His plan, nothing will soothe your spirit more, nothing will open the blessings of Heavens more
15 temples:
Uturoa, French Polynesia
Chihuahua, Mexico
Florianopolis, Brazil
Rosario, Argentina
Edinburgh, Scotland
Brisbane, Australia South Area
Victoria, British Colombia
Yuma, Arizona
Houston, Texas South Area
Des Moines, Iowa
Cincinnati, Ohio
Honolulu Hawaii
West Jordan Utah
Lehi Utah
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Now Let Us Rejoice
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Today I decided to draw Mathias and Alexandre in their youth ✏️
Mathias already had a crush for his Alexandre, they are so adorable these two ❤
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Vampire & Dhampyr Family's Victory (🧛‍♂️)-(🦇 )-(🏆)-(🥇)-(🏅)
Adrian Tepes/Alucard & Vlad Tepes/Dracula from Castlevania!
The Vampire Prince for Alucard!
The Lord of the Castle for Dracula Vlad Tepes!
Adrian Tepes/Alucard & Mathias Cronqvist/Vlad Tepes/Dracula won against their own opponents (Demitri Maximoff & Ganondorf/Ganon from Darkstalkers & The Legend of Zelda respectively)
Castlevania Champions of DBX & Death Battle!
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beevean · 9 months
Mathias/Isaac + alchemy
It took quite a lot of asking and bargaining, but eventually, Isaac reluctantly accepted to allow Mathias to touch Abel.
Mathias still struggled to comprehend that the devil was truly alive. It was made of stone and shimmering gems, it was hard and smooth under his fingertips, it had imposing horns and claws and wings unlike any creature on earth, and it was life, created by one man through unspeakable powers.
This was what his teachings will lead to? All his research on alchemy, the transfiguration of matter, the studies on how to obtain immortality, twisted into something unrecognizeable and learned by two sorcerers serving the Devil.
(serving him, he mentally corrected himself before discarding the thought altogether.)
The part of Mathias raised with solid Christian principles wanted to retract the hand and wash it with holy water to cleanse himself of the terrible sin in front of him. The more... human side of him couldn't help but feel quite flattered, with the way the redhead took Mathias' research to heart.
He told him as such. Isaac startled at the praise with wide eyes, before forcing himself to deepen his scowl.
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the-crow-binary · 9 months
Today I learned about "female sodomy" (female penetrating female) in medieval times. Of course it wasn't accepted back then, and punishable by law, because gender and sexual norms and sexism and all that jazz.
The fun fact is, when a woman would be accused of female sodomy, it would be accompanied by accusations of deviancy, hermaphrodism (why is this even a crime, i have no idea), and... witchcraft.
Now remember who was executed for witchcraft and who I like to imagine pegged Dracula?
Yeah. Lisa. ;)
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jasper-the-menace · 6 months
What is your favorite character trait for each of your Songbird blorbos?
Oooo, this lets me talk about everybody!
Jaren Rakdoson: hot & traumatized bundle (one bad day away from McFucking Snapping)
Mathias Maestros: genuine good person (poor soggy little meow meow edition)
Ritter Rakdoson: so tired
Tibalt: problematic (of the murder variety)
Demons of New Capenna:
Raffine: ruthless & efficient bundle
Xander Maestros: good dad (entirely by accident)
Ziatora: union organizer
Jetmir: anarchist vibes, if not for the fact that he's already in charge
Falco Spara: barely containing his desire to murder everyone
Other New Capennans:
Anhelo: problematic (of the murder with style variety)
Elizabeth Bardsly: Token Mother Figure (better than Elesh Norn)
Errant: genuine good person (extremely capable edition)
Jinnie Fay: competent & efficient bundle
Parnesse: loves her wife (Errant)
Also Ob Nixilis refuses to die and continues to be a problem, which is a lot of fun.
Thanks for letting me talk about my little guys, Crim!
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Story in the Castlevania Games
Buckle up this is a long one!
I understand that there is often a divide about which of the Castlevania game types are better (Classicvanias, Metroidvanias, and the 3Ds) but I think this is kind of shallow because they each offer a different perspective of style. 
Personally I love the Igarashi era because the first game I 100% completed was Symphony of the Night (I started with Super Castlevania on a SNES). I also connect with the style because I’m a terrible gamer and you can easily scrape through those (yes I went as mist throughout a lot of the inverted castle don’t @ me) as opposed to the classicvanias which make you pay for it (I like the tough concept and the reward, but I can’t tell you how many times I have screamed about falling off stairs). I haven't had a chance to play the 3Ds yet, but I have watched the Curse of Darkness cutscenes in 4K numerous times!
My own preferences aside, we all know that despite gameplay, every Castlevania game (the ones that follow the timeline, bc idk anything about the Lord of Shadows series) have the same simple plot with the sole purpose in defeating Dracula. And I sometimes see in the gaming community that their simplicity of plot is marked off as terrible and shallow. In a surface level view this can be true if you just play games to play games. But in regards to Ernest Hemingway’s Iceberg Theory that “emphasizes the idea that a writer should only reveal a small portion of the story, with the bulk of the meaning and emotion implied or hinted at”, the Castlevania games explore such deep concepts of love, human struggle, identity, gender roles, sexuality, good vs. evil, religion, and other philosophies. 
By having the same basic objective, the writers are able to explore the different avenues in going about the completion of the task of defeating Dracula and point to the ideas of what it means to be human. Some examples under the cut:
Symphony of the Night has the debate of how evil and even good can have radical ideology evident with Dracula obviously, but also in Richter who got so consumed with being the force of good he was manipulated by darkness. Thus Alucard, who is a product of both good and evil is the only one who can reinstate this balance and leave behind the quote from the Sega Saturn version, “However, you must never forget this: the one with the power to destroy this world is not him... Humans themselves possess this power.” The dialogue is actually good and complex in this game when you compare the different versions. 
CVIII: Dracula’s Curse is argued to have one of the hardest gameplays (outside of the original Japanese version) and couldn’t this have an impact on the fact Trevor Belmont and the gang are the first ones to take down Dracula? It had to have been hard for them to achieve such a feat! Also the different motives for all of the playable characters. Trevor and his family’s fealty to fighting the night and who was once Mathias Cronqvist. Grant Danasty who seeks revenge for getting temporarily turned into a monster and fights for his country’s safety. Alucard who wants to stop his father from tormenting humans. And Syfa Belnades who was a female magic user for the church in a time where that mysticism could be deadly, but was necessary to preserve humanity. I think Syfa is interesting in terms of hiding versus showing true identity (something Yoko Belnades eons later talks about). 
Curse of Darkness. Y’all this might be the most complete and obviously complex story (supplement material aside) that they have ever produced, yet it’s the one that’s the most sidelined. And for what?? Hector is an outstanding foil to Dracula even to the point of the goal is to use him as a vessel to resurrect Dracula. Like that is so interesting!! Even Isaac and Julia have great characterizations. If you want more stuff about this game, check out @beevean they have great content. 
My second favorite game, Aria of Sorrow explores how Soma is actually a reincarnation of Dracula and it’s a battle of the self, temptation, and his love for Mina that can defeat the evil within. Also Alucard’s change in terms of approaching the situation of defeating his father under the guise of Arikado Genya. Now that’s a can of worms right there.
Order of Ecclesia and the discourse of cults, Harmony of Dissonance regarding how the Belmonts are just as cursed as Dracula, friendship and more in CV: Bloodlines, Simon Belmont’s battle with outward and internal strength, Lament of Innocence and how the women are fridged for both good and evil, the list can go on.
Now I won’t say that every single Castlevania game achieves this well, most things are left to speculation and interpretation like deeper information of what happens between games and what the Belmont lineage canonically looks like. But the fact you can draw these intense and deep messages from pixels and gameplay is incredible!  
What may be my biggest frustration with Konami sidelining the Castlevania series is the potential of a complex story within a well-thought out gameplay and style. Grimoire of Souls may have failed with repetition and it being a gacha game, but the story was interesting because they explored what it looks like with the characters from different games comparing and contrasting themes. It shows that there are people in the writing room who still care about the games because of the story. But money seems to be the problem for Konami which is stupid because they would make bank with this game franchise imo
Anyways my real point here is that taking a minimalistic approach to the story-telling within a game isn’t a bad thing because there’s always going to be deeper meanings. Perhaps this is why I myself gravitate so much towards this series. For me it’s not always about how good I can get through a level or boss fight, but the subject of what speaks to the human soul.
TL;DR: don’t get hung up on what gameplay is better, pay attention to the fact that all the games share a simple plot in order to explore complex themes of humanity, saying that less is more.
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