#lmk red boy x reader
broke-art · 1 year
Red Son x hostage reader
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"Not eating will only make you weaker, peasant girl." Red Son challenged folding his arms.
You turned away stubbornly. For all you knew he had poisoned the food. And it didn't matter anyway. You'd missed meals before.
"You've got to be kidding me. This is the third meal you've refused. You're going to kill yourself."
You shot him a cold glare over your shoulder then turned away once again.
"Atleast answer me, dang it!"
You refused to even turn this time. Red Son had kidnapped you, to lure your cousin Mei and your mutual friend M.k into a trap.
Yet, Something was odd about it. From what you could tell, he hadn't sent a ransom to your father or, far more likely, your uncle. And he was being rather generous. Fretting over your refusal to eat being only one of the many oddities at play.
Still, you held your tongue. Hoping perhaps your silence would urge him to give you some type of understanding as to why he had taken you.
Mei had been right there! Her father was far wealthier, M.k and her were closer, and you and Tang had a running bet to see when Red Son would finally tell Mei he had a crush on her. So why take you?
"Fine!" Red son snapped suddenly.
His outburst made you flinch slightly.
"You sit here and be stubborn. I am going to handle that nuisance of a 'hero'."
Red son slammed the door behind him with a growl and marched to his room. Slamming his door with just as much force, he glared at it a moment before he deflated.
This was not the way to get into y/n's good graces. And yet he couldn't find any better ideas. And that wretched Noodle boy was supposed to have come for her by now! And he hadn't. Had he miscalculated?
No. The noodle boy was too 'heroic' to simply leave y/n to any villain's mercy. Although heaven knew 'mercy' she would hardly require from him. A simple smile would crack his resolve.
Red son groaned burying his face in his hands. His mother had been right. He was like his father. Soft for his intended.
But y/n wasn't his intended. Atleast not anymore. Red son's mind wandered back to the day he learned of his betrothal and this whole situation has escalated out of control.
"My what?! M-mother, you can't be serious." Red son stammered following Princess Iron Fan to the dining table.
"I'm perfectly serious, Red son." Princess Iron fan responded cooly taking her designated seat. "You know very well my options were, at best, limited after your father was taken from us." She explained massaging her brow. "A betrothal seemed....promising to your future. And the family was a close friend of your father and I. When they had a daughter.... Well the timing was almost perfect."
Red son took his seat mutely a concerned frown tugging at his lips.
"And when you two became friends in your early childhood, I thought perhaps it could blossom into...more." Princess Iron fan shot him a knowing look.
Red Son's cheeks burned and he stiffened in his seat.
"Mother....you don't mean-"
Princess Iron Fan nodded.
"I mean y/n l/n. She seemed a good match for you. Don't think I didn't notice how often you attempted to impress her." Princess Iron Fan's lips curled up into a smirk on one side.
Red son flinched slightly in his seat.
"That was a long time ago, mother!"
Her smirk fell with the reminder and Red Son felt a pinch of guilt as she nodded.
"Well yes...it was. And now that you are old enough, and you have brought your father back to us-" A small gleam of pride shone in her eyes, causing Red Son to sit a little straighter. "I see no reason to hold you to the agreement."
Relief flooded Red Son's chest. And he sighed.
His relief was cut short with that one simple word.
"We demons have contracts, Red Son. Betrothals between us are... Not easily broken. Fortunately, I instated a clause that would allow you to break the betrothal on the condition you inform the intended and her family yourself."
Red son's shoulders eased some. That wouldn't be too difficult. Right? They were friends of his parents after all. Of course they would be understanding. And y/n....well he hadn't seen her in years. Surely, his little crush was long gone.
"Of course, mother." Red son nodded. "I'll see to it first thing in the morning."
Princess Iron Fan nodded.
Once his father returned, they ate together and discussed where Red Son could find the l/n family. His mother also informed them that y/n's mother had passed away. And her father was, somewhat less popular with his parents. Particular his father. Still, this hardly worried Red Son. Anyone, who defied his family fell sooner or later. With the exception of the Monkey King and the noodle boy, but that was due to come before long he was sure.
The next day Red Son followed the map his mother had created to guide him and came to a moderately large mansion's gate. With a sigh he went to touch the buzzer when he heard a scream from the courtyard.
His interest, and slight concern, piqued Red Son walked around the walled perimeter and climbed the stone when he came to the scene where he believed the scream resonated from. Once he reached the top he kept low and watched a young girl take a brutal hit to the gut and hit the ground.
"Father please!" She pleaded. "Listen, she didn't mean t-" A vicious kick to her side threw the girl closer to Red Son. This gave him a proper view of a crimson liquid spilling from her gut where one of her arms hugged the wound tightly.
Her h/c (hair color) hair spilled over her face even while her e/c (eye color) eyes stared at her father pleadingly.
The sight ignited something odd inside him. As though someone had ignited a long forgotten fireplace.
"I don't care what she meant!" The father spat. His movements staggered and off kilter.
The sight informed Red Son the man was indeed drunk.
"This is my home. And as long as you live under my roof, you will follow my judgement!"
With that the man threw a bottle Red Son hadn't noticed till that moment at the girl. His nerves jerked but thankfully her father's aim was lacking. As the bottle smashed against a tree a good distance to her left.
The man turned on his heel and stomped back into the house and Red Son felt tempted to follow, but what he heard next made him freeze.
Soft crying twisted his gut as he watched y/n picked herself up and went back into the house.
Red Son sat for a moment his mind going over the possible solutions to this....predicament. Slowly, he slid off the wall and walked back towards the forge a plan formulating in his mind.
He watched her then for a few weeks and learned beatings were common in the l/n household. And y/n hadn't changed much. She was still the kind and hopeful yet spunky and sassy girl he'd known all those years ago.
There was only one major issue. Y/n wholeheartedly believed her father had her best interest at heart. Each time he followed her to her hangouts with the dragon horse girl she would go on and on about how her father was endlessly patient, always apologized, and never held her many faults against her.
The realization came quickly after that, her father was as manipulative as he was abusive. And he had manipulated her into believing he of all people was her hero. And Red Son fully intended to shatter that façade.
A knock on the door woke him from his reverie. Red Son lifted his head as a bull clone entered and informed him that the girl was becoming 'difficult'. With a sigh Red Son got to a stand and followed the bull clone to the holding cell.
He was going to get you away from that tyrant permanently, but he couldn't do that if the plan didn't play out accordingly.
You threw a bull clone by flipping him over your shoulder and dodged another that lunged at you. Then you raced towards the door to what you assumed was the dining room only to run smack into Red Son's chest.
He grabbed you quickly and pinned you against the wall.
"How did she get out of her cell?!" Her demanded looking at the nearest bull clone whilst you writhed against his hold. "Picked the lock?! WITH WHAT?!" The way his voice cracked made you pause then laugh a bit.
The sound made him pause then glare at you.
"You think this is funny, peasant girl?!"
You smirked.
"Well not the situation per se, just your reaction."
His hair exploded into flame and if you weren't mistaken you could have swore you saw his cheeks twinge pink before he shoved you at a bull clone.
"Ugh return her to her cell. Now!" He nearly yelled before stomping away.
Another bull clone grabbed your right arm whilst the one Red Son had shoved you at grabbed your left. You struggled against them watching Red Son's retreating form.
"I will get out again!" You shouted after him. "And my friends will come for me."
"Oh trust me-" Red Son's voice made you pause your struggles. "I'm counting on it."
The bull clones locked you back in your cell and you huffed. What on earth was that supposed to mean?! You guessed it didn't matter, what did matter was you getting out of here and warning your friends and cousin Mei.
Red Son stalked down the hall muttering to himself about stupid peasant girls and tardy fools. That was until his foot pressed against a small metallic chain.
Taking a step back, Red Son inspected a small silver locket on the floor. Immediately memories assaulted him.
"I made it for you." Red son said offering it to the y/n with an annoyed frown.
"H-how?" She stammered in awe taking the locket gently.
Red Son rolled his eyes.
"In my forge of course." He paused as tears welled in her eyes.
"You...really are going away for training aren't you?" She whispered turning her tear-filled gaze on him.
Red son felt his gut twist.
"Well...yes. Mother insisted but-" he sighed. "I couldn't leave without giving you a reminder that should you ever need me, I'm not far."
Y/n hugged him then. Causing him to stumble back from shock.
The memory gave way to the present as he inspected the demon bull family crest in the center surrounded but a mural of flames.
He released a low huff. The locket was an amateur's work. It would be far more suiting to give her a new one, but something told him this version held sentimental value. The only real issue was, as he moved it he realized the front part and back of the locket had snapped on two.
With a small frown he changed direction. Heading towards his forge now.
Meanwhile you meddled with the lock on the cell door using a bobby pin. It was shockingly easy the last time. You didn't really recall where the catch mechanism was this time round. Which made the task somewhat more difficult.
Just as you thought you found it the door to the outer room began to open.
With a gasp you snatched the bobby pin and shoved it back into your pocket.
Just then Red Son entered with his hands folded behind his back.
"Evening y/n."
"Red son." You responded boredly as though you hadn't just been picking the lock.
He stepped into the room and leaned against the bars with an arm.
"It appears you're missing something."
You leaned away feeling butterflies flutter in your chest.
Just then he opened his other hand revealing your locket in his palm.
You gasped and froze.
But he simply slid his hand between the bars with an annoyed look.
"Take better care of your belongings, peasant girl. I will not return it again."
You took it and stared at the silver reflection as Red Son turned. But you hardly noticed him leaving.
This locket had been given to you by your best childhood friend. You hadn't even noticed the resemblance until now. But you mind fled back to that day when he had given it to you.
You didn't remember the boy's name only a fuzzy blur of a red overcoat. Your jaw fell as you caught a glimpse of Red Son's over coat wafting behind him before the door to the outer room slammed shut.
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luxthestrange · 6 months
LMK Memes #6
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Like Father Like son...so fourth Like Spouse of the father...same with the son;s bf-
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shad-ade · 4 months
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Drew Red Son from Monkie Kid. Take care of yourselves ❤️
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crypticjackal13 · 1 year
What about Red Son reacting to the reader being LBD's host and the aftermath?
Redson x LBD host!gn!reader + aftermath Headcanons (romantic??)
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Okay so this boy will be stressed out of their mind. First his father has to play host(which was scary enough) and now one of the VERY few people he cares about has to do it too??? WHY CAN'T THEY HAVE ANYTHING THESE DAYS
You're at stake. That's plenty of motivation to want to team up with the Monkie Gang a little faster.
I Headcanon that those under LBD's control are aware of what they're doing--since when Wukong got possessed he moved as if it was a struggle. So you're forced to do all these terrible things because LBD needs a vessel and you're a good fit.
You see Redson fighting, fighting for you, fighting for their parents. And you feel helpless because it's not your fault she's so powerful, you don't want to hurt anyone, especially not Redson
The main battle happens, and you're yeeted away from her control. You're super weak from what little fighting against her you were able to do, but the last thing you see before passing out is Redson.
When you wake up, you're on Flower Fruit with all the others, post-battle. You're laying on the ground with something draped over you....it's Redson's jacket :D
He sees you're awake and immediately starts asking you how you are, do you need anything, are you in pain, etc
You're kinda amazed he's being this nice, especially in front of the others.
"Red." "I--yes?" "Relax." "yup you got it."
He's extra mindful of you for a bit. They let you sleep at their place, they send you with runes for protection whenever you're on your own, and perhaps the best privilege is getting his soft side.
Yeah, 10/10 :]]
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docwritesshit · 11 days
Trafficlight trio x Traumatized!reader Oneshot (Angst)
Reader was out gathering groceries and then they run into there Toxic (abusive) sibling and then they start to just gaslight them and curse them out and THEN they leave with the help of there lover to leave and then they start to have a panic attack and start crying and then could we have a fluffy ending PLS PLS PLS
Oh hoo hoo.
Alright! From the wording it seems you want one mini story for each character from the word “lover”. Here’s the thing: I only do one shots for one character x reader or one ship x reader, not your fault so I wont hold it against ya. However my ass is a little polyamorous so I raise you: dating all of the Traffic Light Trio. That’s how I’ll write it. Lmk if you want to change something, but this is still gonna be one request out of two for you no matter what.
And short because haha finals
The Past Haunts (Traffic Light Trio x reader)
You could have sworn the gods themselves were out to get you. Sincerely, you thought they were.
When you saw them, you beelined for another aisle, glancing over your shoulder every minute to make sure they wouldn’t sneak up behind you.
But of course, once you finally picked up a treat for yourself, you could hear them chuckling behind you.
“What, not gonna give family a hug?” They asked. You took a deep breath and put the item in your basket.
“Oh come on, we’re still family. That’s not how you treat family…”
You have an are over your shoulder.
“How you treated me is not how you treat family,” you snapped back. You immediately regretted it when they scowled back at you
“You bitch, it wasn’t even that bad. You’re so fucking sensitive it’s not even funny! No wonder you’re the unloved one.”
You did not need this today. But you felt frozen, tears pricking your eyes when a warm hand on your shoulder made you jump. You turned to see Redson, who was looking your family ember up and down.
“My dear, would you like help with this?” He inquired. You just mumbled about leaving and so you both left.
As soon as you walked out, you could feel your heart beating into over time and the world spin. Tears streamed down your face as your whole body racked with sobs as Redson led you to an alley to cry it out, calling MK and Mei to hurry up paying.
You wept in Reds arms, burying you head in his shoulders as she held you tight, muttering about how they could have at least lobbed a fireball at your sibling.
MK and Mei appeared shortly after, kneeling down with you as they all hugged you.
“Hey hey hey, we’re here love.” MK whispered to your ear. You took a shaky and breath and nodded.
Yeah they are here. And you were loved. And that’s all you needed.
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fawnfictions · 9 months
Saw the thing of the monkie trio with reader who falls asleep in random places and.... can I ask for the same but with Red Son?
Platonic is fine but..... maybe also a lil bit romantic? :3
sleepier findings
— red son x gn!reader
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ofc ofc ;P
i'm actually happy you requested red boy for this, this'll be fun hehe
;; romantic, fluff, no warnings.
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- the first time he finds you sleeping in some weird location, he sputters and his brain short circuits.
- what... what are you doing, sleeping in a GUTTER?
- he is IMMEDIATELY picking you up and taking you to either his house, or yours.
- don't worry, if yours is closer, he has a spare key ;))
- he's very concerned about your wellbeing, though; similarly to MK, he'll be worried that you aren't sleeping properly, or that you lack the proper vitamins that you need.
- prepare to be bombarded with questioning when you wake up.
- listen,, he just wants to be certain that you're okay <//3
- will scold you if you're sleeping somewhere public,, like if he ACTUALLY found you in a mf'ing gutter, he'd lose his temper a little, "You could've fallen into the Spider Queen's lair! And you're clothes are all dirty—you don't know what's touched the gutter!"
- after a while, he'll start keeping a closer eye on you, and checking up on you in case you've put yourself in danger.
- if you fall asleep in bad places a little too many times, he'll make you promise to be more careful.
- but, the times he finds you in safer places, like in Pigsy's Noodles or in his own house, and he's a lot calmer about it.
- call him weird for it, but he likes to stare at you as you sleep; you look so peaceful, and he adores the little expressions you unconsciously make.
- if he's been in his workshop all day, where you've kept him company off to the side, and he turns around about to call it quits for the evening and you're asleep?
- he might give in to the possibility of cuddles.
- ONLY at times like these, though; he's got a reputation to keep up as the Demon Bull King's son, and he can't be caught slacking like that ❌❌
- either way, he'll sneak a kiss on your head, though.
- if anyone catches him doing it and points it out, he'll fluster SO BADLY and nearly drop you.
- cue him yelling, causing you to stir, and shutting himself up in fear of waking you.
- he will go off at anyone who dares to even threaten waking you up, you need your sleep? you're GETTING your sleep >:(
- he'd be a great cuddle buddy, though.
- but he's reluctant to—Red Son hesitates with PDA in general, he's going to be very unsure about any sort of cuddling.
- it's easier to convince him if he's been busy all day, or if he was particularly annoyed about something/someone.
- he's very warm, given that he's a fire demon, and it is WONDERFUL for winter, horrible for summer.
- you'll wake up hot and sweaty in the worst ways, but you'll fall asleep like a baby.
With a sigh and a wipe to his forehead to rid it of a buildup of sweat, Red Son admired his work. He had spent all day tinkering in his workshop, busy on producing a vehicle to counter the Monkey King's little successor.
As much as he cherished inventing as a hobby and a skill, without you to keep him company, he'd definitely be far from completing it; easily growing bored when working on the same part for hours. Your wilful chattering and teases were keeping him sane, albeit that he constantly comments that it 'distracts' him.
Speaking of you, he realised that you hadn't spoken a word for the past ten minutes. Whilst you may have simply gotten distracted by another of his creations, he knew you well-enough to be doubting the chances of him turning around to you being anything but conscious.
And, as expected, he whipped his head around from where his back was facing you, attention caught on closed eyes and light breaths.
Lo and behold, your body—on the floor, curled up around the leg of a chair that he kept down here on the, not unusual, occasions that you would join him. The position didn't seem particularly... Uncomfortable, as your head was supported by the cushioned seat of the chair, but Red Son couldn't imagine that the concrete floor would be as soft.
Whilst tutting at your state, he stepped towards you. Leaning down, Red Son wrapped his arms under your legs and across your back, supporting your head in the crook of his neck. He couldn't lie; he loved carrying you, it boosted his ego to hold you like the innocent mortal you were.
He briefly gave a light kiss to your forehead, smiling down at your peaceful expression and holding back coos at the quiet snores you let out. He continued to the door, pushing in open with his foot and electing to finish up and close it later on. He had more pressing matters to attend to, at the moment: you.
You, who had softened his heart enough to lead to him carrying you towards his own bedroom with the intent of sneaking a cuddle in with you. A light blush dusted his cheeks, somewhat embarrassed at the prospect of snuggling to you whilst you were already asleep.
It wasn't as if you hadn't consented to it; countless times had you awoken, playfully scolding Red Son for not cuddling up to you to 'keep you warm', or to 'protect you from the bed bugs'.
Therefore, as he gently placed you atop his mattress, stealing another kiss from your forehead, he moved to the opposite side and pushed himself close to you. Red Son pulled the blanket up, ensuring the both of you were equally covered and that you seemed comfortable enough.
His face only grew hotter; carefully gathering you in his arms. Unconsciously, you grasped his shirt in your sleep, shortening the distance between your bodies until he was pressed up against you. He barely held himself back from stuttering at you.
Accepting his fate, albeit never planning on rejecting it, Red Son wrapped his arm over your side and felt you nuzzle your face into his chest. The exhaustion he felt from his hard work, matched with the peacefulness you seemed to radiate, he, too, found himself drifting to sleep. With red cheeks and a genuine lift of his lips, Red Son slipped out of consciousness with you in his arms.
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cain-speaks · 10 months
» three-thirty (AJR) « 0:45 ─〇───── 4:07
╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝❀╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗ AUTHOR'S NOTE ╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗❀╔⏤⏤⏤╝ ➤ These are headcanons. ➤ This is romantic. ➤ Reader is afab & uses she/her! ➤ I don't think I went as in depth as I could have been I still hope it's accurate and you enjoy it! ➤ TRIGGER WARNINGS include profanity, a little bit of angst, and minor violence. ➤ Word count: 1,325
❝ You wanna skip it if it's wordy, but fit the whole song in three-thirty .❞
╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝❀╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗ 🔥 REDSON 🔥 ╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗❀╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝ ➤ Before he finds out you have ADHD, I imagine he's confused by your behavior at best, and frustrated by it at worst.
➤ Your daydreaming and procrastination can be annoying for him (who's always about work, work, work), and when you're talking to him about your fixations, he either gets irritated because he has no idea what you're talking about or because he thinks you're making fun of him since he often rambles about his inventions even if no one's listening.
➤ He just doesn't understand why you're doing those things and neither do you. It causes a lot of struggles for you both, leading to shit communication and hurt feelings.
➤ When you're finally diagnosed, Redson listens very closely. Things are starting to make sense, but you still don't have as much information as he'd like. He researches ADHD in AFAB people on his own time (and rages quite a few times that there's so little information compared to ADHD in AMAB), but he finally understands by the end of it.
➤ And boy does he feel shitty.
➤ The idea that he blew up at you for things out of your control makes him feel ashamed, especially when some of those things (like info-dumping) are signs of affection. So you don't see him for a while, partially due to some unhealthy self-punishment on his end and also because he's trying to come up with a solution; that being a way to make it up to you, of course, not "fix" you.
➤ When Redson stops avoiding you, he takes you out on a date with all your favorite activities and thoroughly apologizes to you. He promises to change his behaviors to accommodate and support you.
➤ (Which might have made you cry, considering you've always been treated like you're the problem.)
➤ True to his word, Redson changes a lot. He leaves little notes for you as reminders, sets alarms for you, helps you finish or do tasks you don't have the energy for, etc. He even starts encouraging your fixation rambles, reading up on the source material so he can ask questions.
➤ He also does his very best to read up on masking and burnout so he can a.) keep you from going there or b.) recognize the signs when you are there and help you. I like to imagine he made a sensory room for you that has all your favorite stuff and you can just go there to chill and unwind.
➤ He's also super protective over you. If people make fun of your stims, say you talk a lot, undermine your sensory issues, etc., he will DESTROY them. No way in hell is he letting you be disrespected like that. Verbal smackdown, here we come.
➤ Ultimately, it's a learning process. But it's one he's more than willing to thoroughly explore for you.
╔⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╝❀╚⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╗ 🔮 SIX-EARED MACAQUE 🔮 ╚⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╗❀╔⏤⏤⏤⏤⏤╝ ➤ HONESTLY I headcanon Macaque as autistic so I feel like he sorta had an inkling that you were ADHD before you did.
➤ Probably made jokes like "it's the ADHD lol" for certain behaviors until you decided to do some research on it and were like "🧍‍♂️ yeah so—"
➤ Not surprised at all when you're diagnosed obviously. He uses the opportunity to show you a lot of coping mechanisms he's learned (though some have to be tweaked for your needs since autism isn't ADHD lol), and even begins to unmask more around you.
➤ Since Macaque thrives under routine/structure, he often handles reminders. He also keeps you on track, verbally and physically, if you have stuff to do. ALSO is super on you about food, since he likes cooking.
➤ Macaque's experienced dozens of burnouts in his long life, so he knows how awful they are. He can sniff out a burnout a mile away so I'd like to think that you don't experience many while with him. The dojo's pretty chill like 90% of the time due to his own sensory issues so it's a good place to unwind and relax.
➤ You guys have picked up so many phrases from each other. He'll be working on a script for a shadowplay while you're cleaning and he'll just hear you laugh and go, "wow, didn't see that one comin'." It definitely flusters him that he's part of your echolalia.
➤ Macaque rambles to you about theatrical pieces from various cultures. If you introduce him to new ones, tell him something he doesn't know about a piece he's already familar with, etc. he'll kiss you istg. Anyway this is to say the feeling is obviously mutual and he probably ends up getting into some of the stuff you tell him about!
➤ You guys mutually bully each other lmao. You'll be trying to do some work, get to talking to him about whatever comes to you, and then suddenly it's three hours later. You're like "FUCK" meanwhile he just laughs at you (you get him back, of course, and it's all in good fun).
➤ He barely thinks beating anyone who talks shit is an overreaction, but if you don't like it then you'll just have a clone stick around in your shadow or smth and scare the shit out of anyone who decides to open their mouth.
➤ In summary, Macaque is very helpful and teaches you coping skills when it comes to sensory issues + overload.
╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝❀╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗ 🍑 SUN WUKONG 🍑 ╚⏤⏤⏤⏤╗❀╔⏤⏤⏤⏤╝ ➤ First off, I headcanon Wukong as ADHD, too.
➤ With that said, I feel like Wukong just. Assumed you knew you were ADHD and rolled with it.
➤ Like you guys constantly quoted/repeated stuff and stimmed at/with each other. You'd get in loops. You'd adapt each other's phrases/stims. Neurotypicals don't do that.
➤ It's genuinely amusing thinking about you two just repeating the same things at each other. It's such a serotonin boost and it makes you both laugh. Same for when you stim together, especially hand-flapping and jumping up and down.
➤ You're both trash at remembering stuff but fortunately you seem to have an awful lot of capacity for the other. Meaning you remind Wukong he has a session with MK today because he forgot, and he reminds you that you agreed to make noodles with Pigsy today because you forgot.
➤ I don't think remembering to eat or drink is a big problem for you, since Wukong is a big comfort eater and shares his snacks with you so you kinda just,, roll with it lol.
➤ Wukong has a bunch of homemade stim tools. Once he sees that you're interested, he makes some more for you. Even after your diagnosis, you don't try "professionally" made stim toys—you just don't need them when Wukong's work so well.
➤ You guys spend hours talking about your interests, ping-ponging off each other. Like "OH did you know x?" "NO but did you hear about x?" x1000.
➤ You guys also bully each other. Like "hey Great Sage you forgot do the dishes again you crusty bitch" "says the dumbass who started folding laundry and then did a fashion show with the monkeys".
➤ Like Macaque, Wukong's had his fair share of burnouts. Unfortunately, he's not super good at preventing them or even realizing he's in them until it's been a few months, but you guys take care of each other if the other is struggling. You're also very aware of the other's limits so if one of you is pushing it, you can help each other step back.
➤ He's a talk shit get hit kinda guy, sorry. He barely leaves the mountain as is, so if during one of the few times someone decides to be a dick while you guys are stimming together? He'll hold back just enough, but he has no sympathy if their nose breaks.
➤ Basically nothing changes after you get diagnosed lol. You and Wukong are very happy ADHD gremlins who are celebrating your neurodivergency :)
❝ I thought I had the ADHD, but that's a real thing (and I'm just lazy) .❞
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watercurtaincave · 5 months
𖤓 !! — Masterlist A collecting of this blog's writing
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𖤓 !! — SUN WUKONG | monkey king, great sage, equal to heaven
○ !- I [love] you like the sun ○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — SIX-EARED MACAQUE | The Warrior
○ !- Pampering Macaque ○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — Qi Xiaotian | monkie kid, noodle boy
○ !- Maybe thinking... ○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — AO LIE | White Horse Dragon
○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — NE ZHA | third lotus prince
○ !- New Years ○ !- Invisible Red String Theory
𖤓 !! — RED SON | son of the demon bull kind
○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — PRINCESS IRON FAN | mother of red son
○ !- New Years
𖤓 !! — KUI MULANG | guardian of the celestial court
○ !- tba
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𖤓 !! — all writing in this page belongs to @watercurtaincaves, please do not repost on other sites, plagiarize, or steal. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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phantom-playdough · 11 months
Red Son x GN!Reader: Happy Birthday!
My 20th birthday has passed and I wanted to celebrate with a fanfic. I promise I will work on the small list of requests I have piling up, but this red baby needed a fanfic. I guess this is my [very late] birthday gift…?
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Red Son was sat at her desk with about a dozen crumbled up and/or torn up pieces of paper that were filled with scribbles flooding every surface around her.
She was trying to prepare for her significant other's birthday. However, the task of coming up with something to give Y/n was proving to be more difficult than Red Son accounted for.
After around two hours, Red Son decided to take a small nap...okay that's a lie. What actually happened is that Red Son passed out on her desk mid-scribble on her papers.
"Red Son?" She just about shot up fin her seat, at first thinking that it was Y/n beside her. However, it luckily just appeared to be her father, DBK.
"F-father!? What are you doing in here? I-it's still early in the morning!" Red Son said, clearly confused as her father was FAR from a morning person.
At this, The Demon Bull King blinked once or twice. He clearly was confused as well. "Red Son, I came down here to tell you that it was time for dinner."
Silence for a beat or two.
After a moment or two of quiet, Red Son groaned loudly and face-planted onto her desk.
DBK felt a sweat drop, feeling around ten times more concerned for his hot-headed child.
"Nothing is GOOD ENOUGH!!" Red Son yelled, her hair igniting into flames.
Not sure of what to do, DBK patted Red Son's shoulder gently. "Uh, there there...?" He said, uncertainty leaking from every syllable.
Despite the crappy way to try and comfort someone, Red Son somehow felt it start to help as she slowly relaxed. This could be guessed because her flaming hair calmed itself, as well as how she peeled her face off of the table and her expression was just glum instead of full of rage, like before.
"Red Son, what is troubling you?" DBK asked, the effort he was making was strong and commendable despite how poorly it could be seen as.
Red Son sighed lightly. "Y/n's birthday is coming up in four days and I...I just CAN'T think of what a good gift for them could be! I swear this is more impossible than scheming to taking over the city!!"
DBK could empathize. "Well, Red Son, maybe you should stop trying to figure it out on your own and ask your mother for help. Or perhaps you could ask the noodle-boy and dragon-girl for advice." DBK chuckled. "I am afraid I will not be able to help much, though."
"Huh, why not?"
"I once gave your mother asparagus for our anniversary. I...am not sure I could help you if I wanted to." DBK explained, a little embarrassed at having to admit a blunder like that to Red Son. DBK patted her shoulder again.
"But, whatever you decide to give Y/n, make sure you put your heart into it." DBK then turned and left, leaving Red Son with her thoughts.
"Put your heart into it..." Red Son mumbled. She wrote those words down before deciding to ask around.
Well, Red Son had asked everyone, and I mean EVERYONE she knew, about what to get Y/n. Some of the advice was good. Macaque mentioned to get them something that will always make them think of Red Son. Tang and Ne zha both said to get them something personal, but useful.
Some of the other advice Red Son received was not as constructive. Like, how Wukong had suggested a gift that would not and SHOULD not be said in front of a room full of children. MK and Mei were really random with their gift ideas, but almost everyone said something similar at the end of the day:
"Put your heart into it."
These words swirled around in Red Son's fiery head so much it felt like the world was spinning.
But finally, it was time.
Y/n was seated across from Red Son, enjoying a small dinner at their apartment that Red Son INSISTED on cooking.
"Um, Y/n, I-I have your gift." Red Son said, pulling on her collar nervously. "C-could you close your eyes for me, dear?"
Confused, but compliant, Y/n agreed and did as told. Red Son fumbled with getting the box out of her inner coat pocket, but got it out without tearing up the wrapping paper, luckily.
"Alright, open them."
Y/n did just that and was greeted with a bright red wrapped box. The bow of the box was a vibrant (Favorite color), the bow shining in the light. It was almost a shame to rip the wrapping off, but it needed to be done.
Y/n began to tear off the wrapping, revealing a box (red of course) that was velvety. With a confused glance at Red Son, Y/n opened the lid of the box and gasped as they saw a picture frame. It was a picture frame in the shape of a big heart, a small slideshow of photos Y/n and Red Son took together playing on a loop within the frame.
"I-I wasn't sure about what exactly to get you, but I just thought that I could...put my heart into it?" Red Son began to trail off as he saw Y/n was starting to tear up. "Y-Y/n? What's wrong? Is it not right? I-I just--!" Y/n cut Red Son off and launched themself into her arms.
"It's perfect. You're perfect, Red Son. I love it. I-I-I love you. Thank you." Y/n said softly as they fought back the tears. Red Son had to fight the sudden surge of emotion as the love of her life held onto her for dear life.
Red Son smiled and placed the picture frame on the coffee table next to the pair. The two of them then spent the longest time looking at the photos slide onto the frame, enjoying the memories and the moment with each other.
The End~~~!
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asurius · 1 year
🔥Red Son finding out reader likes him via listening in🔥
-He had finally done it!
-He had infiltrated the hideout of his nemesis MK and his terrible friend group…and you…and hidden a camera to watch their movements so that him and his family could keep an eye out
-He went to turn on his systems to begin listening in
-“You have terrible taste in men!” “All I said was that I think he’s cute!”
-Wait that was your voice. That was you saying someone was cute.
-Who was it. Who dared to steal away your attention. Not that he cares or anything. He doesn’t! He only wants to know for evil purposes. Maybe he can kidnap them later and demand they stay away from you or else he’ll burn their house down.
-“He’s tried to kill us on multiple occasions!” “And you are making a much bigger deal of this than it is!”
-WHO WOULD DARE TRY AND LAY A HAND ON YOU he still doesn’t care though. Not at all. He just thinks the honor of killing you should be his. Yeah that’s it. Definitely nothing else.
-“I just think that, you know, he’s got that nice red hair and that cute smile, plus he’s kinda funny, and that scar makes him look pretty handsome but that’s it!”
-Right so he’s looking for someone with red hair, a nice smile, funny, and…a…scar? Wait a minute
-“This is Red Son we’re talking about!! You can’t be crushing on the enemy!” “Well it’s not like I’m acting on it or anything!”
-He frantically waved his hands to make the holoscreens disappear as his face very quickly became as red as his hair.
-That was enough listening for one day.
someone save this poor boy
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solarkindred · 1 year
Even more gay thoughts about LMK.
Y/N blinked as he looked into the crystalline blue visor. He could just barely see the blank white eyes of a possessed Red Son, child to the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, a wielder of flame.
An essential piece to Y/N’s defeat.
Too bad Red Son was now among Y/N’s top generals within his army of bone spirits and demons.
His mother had a wide network of contacts, ones she saved specifically for Y/N. The White Lady was a cruel woman, an almost true embodiment of evil. It was why many people feared her.
And her son, even more so. If the Lady Bone Demon was a nigh perfect iteration of evil, than her son was the bane of all things good. Born to a bone spirit and the Black Dragon of the North Sea, Y/N was a truly formidable force, equally as vile and malicious as his mother.
So why? Why was the only son to the White Lady so gentle with his enemy? Y/N traced the ice encased face of Red Son with his own icy hand. He hated how his left arm looked. Flesh stopped at his elbow and from there only bone. His bones where then encased in a thick and enhanced blue ice. It was made by his mother. And he despised it.
Tapping the ice with his sharp finger, the ice mask fell away from Red Son’s face and formed a thick blue collar on his neck. With a jolt Red Son’s once white returned to their original fiery auburn. Alarmed by the closeness of the hybrid Red Son stepped back only to slip on the smooth and slippery ice covered obsidian floor. Y/N caught Red Son by the small of his back, making the the ice wielder appear to be dipping Red Son. Red Son shivered at the feeling of his enemy’s freezing hand on his back, holding him up from a disgraceful fall.
Red Son scrambled to set himself straight on the thin ice, clutching on to Y/N’s arms to balance himself. As much as the red clad demon hates relying on this half dragon, he is by no means used to walking on ice. And besides, this is inly temporary! He’ll let go once he gets his proper footing!
“… Are you alright?” Y/N asked quietly, deep blue eyes boring deep into Red Son’s. Red Son felt exposed under such a stare. “Y–yes. I’m perfectly fine! I don’t need help from one such as you!” he snarled. Y/N blinked before shrugging off Red Son’s hands,”If that is the case then you have no need to cling to me.”
As Red Son was beginning to slide away he clawed at Y/N’s clothing and glued himself to the bone spirit’s arm to stop himself from flailing like a newborn baby.
Once again, realizing how he looked, he pushed away from Y/N only to indeed flail like a newborn and fall face first into the floor. Y/N couldn’t help the snicker that fell from his lips. Hearing the sound, Red Son tried to summon his fire only for it to appear as meek little sparks from his hands. Appalled by the discovery he looked at his hands and then to Y/N, who was looking at him the smallest smirk. That made Red Son even more mad,”WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!” he demanded. Y/N tapped his own neck, the exact spot where the ice collar was on Red Son,”Nothing much. Just a simple seal to block the use of your flames until I call upon them.”
That pissed off Red Son,”WHAT?!? HOW DARE YOU!! YOU VILE CREATURE, ONCE I GET MYSELF FREE FROM THIS PATHETIC COLLAR I WILL BURN YOU ALIVE!” he shrieked, hair glowing vibrantly but not bursting into flame. Y/N chuckled, walking gracefully across the ice (Red Son wondered quietly how Y/N managed to walk on this ice) and used his clawed hand to make Red Son look at him,”I’d like to see you try. But, alas, it is not you who has control over your body…” Y/N snapped his other, fully flesh, hand, the collar surged from his neck and making the ice visor again, allowing the half dragon full control of Red Son again,”… It is I.”
Letting go of Red Son’s now limp head, he silently commanded for his “Bluespark General” to rise and stand next to him. The possessed demon followed the order, standing at full attention and walking steadily across the ice to stand beside the grandiose spiky throne, the ice of which it is made of glimmered tauntingly at Y/N. He hated that throne. But his feet hurt and the over the top throne was only form of comfortable seating.
And so, within the tall imposing and frozen-over volcano, sat Y/N son to Lady Bone Demon and Xuanlong the Black Dragon of the North Sea. Accompanied by the only child to the Demon Bull King and Princess Iron Fan, Red Son. Who knows, perhaps fate might turn out differently than what everyone expects?
By that I mean Red Son and Y/N kiss. And learn to be open and more human.
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broke-art · 1 year
Red Son x reader cute scare
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Red Son stepped carefully though the house to avoid the creaky boards he had memorized. Your words from the other night ringing in his ears.
"You have no idea how to be stealthy, do you?" You giggled catching his arm and pulling him into the light.
He had been following you home to ensure your safety, but you had spotted him fairly easily.
"I do too!" Red son shouted his ponytail igniting ablaze.
This only made you giggle more.
"Alright then, show me sometime, ok?"
And show you, he certainly would. Today he intended to sneak into your house without being detected and scare you. Perhaps it was childish, but you always lit up so adorably when you saw him. And he couldn't bring himself to hurt you in anyway. Thus, this alternative was a solid bet.
He nimbly made his way up the stairs and pressed his back against the wall next to your room. Your door was open, so you definitely weren't showering or dressing.
Your sweet voice drifted through the door way into the hall and he considered holding off for a moment. But he quickly dismissed the idea. He could always request you sing to him later.
In one swift movement he darted into the room.
"AHA!" He shouted.
You jumped and whirled around in your vanity desk. Your hair in a different style and your figure, adorned with a new dress.
Instantly Red Son's cheeks ignited and his hair set ablaze.
"Why are you getting dressed up?!" He shouted suddenly.
You stared at Red Son in confusion for a moment, then your lips slowly curled into a smile.
"Did you seriously sneak into my house just to prove you can be stealthy?"
Red Son's blush deepened significantly, giving you your answer.
"No, NO! You are not changing the subject! Why are you getting all dressed up?! Are you seeing someone else?!" He demanded.
You giggled lightly and got up.
"Because tomorrow is your birthday, and I wanted to surprise you."
Red Son paused for a moment to think. It was his birthday tomorrow. He had completely forgotten.
"W-well, in that case, thank you." He huffed folding his arms.
You walked over to him.
"Well since you kinda spoiled your birthday present, why don't you make it up to me?"
"Huh?" Red Son took on a lost look. The type he regularly took when you caught him off guard.
"You can stay and we can have a movie night." You proposed with an excited smile.
Red Son frowned.
"Please? You basically broke in to my house. If it was that easy for you someone else could too." You explained putting up a scared front.
"I am a professional." Red Son huffed hautily.
"You're also a wonderful fighter." You complimented meaningfully.
"Why, yes I am." Red Son agreed. "And I do suppose reparations are in order for spoiling your gift." He sighed rubbing the back of his neck.
"Yay!" You cheered before grabbing his arm and racing to the t.v room.
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luxthestrange · 1 year
LMK Incorrect quotes#9 The Suitors
Closing Time for Pigsy's Noodle
Wukong: Macaque...*About to enter the shop for something he 'forgot' to tell Mk and You about his next training*
Macaque: Wukong*Growls, Was coming to give Mk the new game he created for his new kid...and to openly flirt with you*
Macaque: Azure...*Gives the Lion a smile but it doesnt reach his eyes*
Azure*Sighs and waves at him*Macaque...
Redson*Was coming to return the jacket Mk lent him to wear*Ugh-Mother was right...men are idiots...*Passing by an angry Pigsy and heading upstairs*
Pigsy*Doesnt mind Redson and walks out, smiling 'politely' at the Trio as he is coming out to see why there was a commotion*
Pigsy: Pigsy, Tang~ *Pointing to himself and Tang beside him* Great~ Now that we all know each other, get OUTTA MAH property it is late!?!
Inside the house, You are tucking Mk into bed both unaware of Dadsy is sending the suitors away
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Mk:Pigsy is my dad,Mr.Tang is married to my Dadsy, Mx.Y/n is kinda like my mom but they aren't with Dadsy and Mr. Tang's relationship romanticly-Azure Lion is kinda like my unky and Monkey King isn't my dad...I think?, Anyway...Macaque is like my...other mom?
Redson:...Your Family is a nightmare
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noisymutantherelol · 3 months
Mei x Twin!Fem!Reader (redsons twin :0) pt.2
"Y/n,so are going to EXPLAIN TO ME WHY YOU DID THAT AND THAT YOUR DATING THE DRAGON GIRL!??!!?!!",your brother yelled at you while pointing at you and Mei," pfft- chill red boy </3", your girlfriend said as the put her finger over his mouth,"Brother I don't see the *cough* problem is hehe.....",Redson looked at you in annoyance he looked like he could burn the whole world down by now,"Y/n.........if you don't stop acting stupid I telling mother and father everything."
"Redson PLS ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!!!", you yelled as Mei catches you from falling down,"Then tell me...WHAT THE HECK!?!!?,Y/n we're going home and your telling me everything, is that clear?",you sigh looking up at your brother,you straighten your back before saying, " Yes brother.",you walked to him,leaving your girlfriend behind, "bye,Mei...", before teleporting you both out of there and into Redsons room," Y/n,how long have you and The Dragon girl been together? "
"Pfft- like half a year?...hehe"
"Are you serious right now?"
A/n; @shotofmomo,yes this is another cliffhanger HAHAHAHAAHAH
Pt.3 is the finale ok?
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crypticjackal13 · 2 years
Hello, there! I hope you're having a good day :Dc If it's no trouble, can I request Red Son, Nezha, SWK and Macaque meeting their s/o's family for the first time?? But here's the twist; s/o's family is really fracking wholesome, and their family never judges them once! Like,, they don't care about their god/demon/villain status - and: they didn't get nervous when Red Son or Macaque appears, nor did they immediately worship SWK or Nezha bc of the legends, they just treat them like they were any normal person, casually talking to them about their hobbies over dinner, and even once affectionately calling them their own "son"/"child". Basically, s/o's family really approves of them because they make their child happy, and doesn't judge them for who they are! :Dc These fellas gets a second family and they honestly deserve it-
THEY DO DESERVE IT YOU ARE CORRECT anyways here's some headcanons/scenarios since y'know stories are. difficult
Redson, Nezha, SWK, and Macaque Meeting their S/O's very supportive parents for the first time! Headcanons!(ROMANTIC)(GN)
Redson - so confused at first. He’s formal, prepared to justify everything about themselves to s/o’s parents. Probably was expecting them to be like his parents, but then they treat her not only nicely but also like a person and not some nasty creature?? What??? They may think they’re being tricked, but no, the s/o’s parents gush about their kid and then compliment Redson about his skills and how they’ve heard so much about them!! Dinner goes super well, and they send Redson home with the leftovers because “she needs some more meat on those bones!!” You talk to Redson after you two leave and ask them what he thought; Red bursts out crying /pos
Nezha - He goes in thinking he’ll have to explain everything about his past, surely s/o’s parents have heard about the terrifying Nezha? But to his delight they don't care about all that. They want their kid to be happy, and oh my what a strong young man you are! We’ve heard all about how sweet and protective you are!! He’s absolutely flabbergasted. He probably brought along some kind of food to offer them, and they literally love him so much! S/o has to reassure him he doesn’t have to be so stiff. The parents appreciate him for keeping their child safe and give him their blessing to keep dating and maybe even marry s/o if the two do end up wanting to marry(cue embarrassment from both Nezha and s/o)
SWK - listen. This man has worked so hard for his reputation as a good guy. But he’s got some stuff in his past he’s not proud of nor does he care for. So he’s going in fully prepared to be insulted, berated, overall just not treated right. But……the parents don't mention anything about his past. They don’t ask, they don’t press him about it. They compliment him, how nice he is, how he dresses well. They don’t nag him when he stims after s/o said something funny. They have something with peaches in it for dessert that he practically cries over. He’s so perplexed over the whole situation but honestly it’s in the best way possible. Very excited to see s/o’s parents again.
Macaque - there’s no way s/o’s parents would like him. C’mon, he’s a demon, he’s hurt people, he’s got this big scar over his eye…but they love him. They like his stories, how cool and calm he is, and the jokes he makes. He’s never felt so accepted before except for when he’s with s/o. Definitely thinks it’s a prank or a cruel joke, but it’s not, and he DEFINITELY cries about it. He would love to see them again. Thinks about how kind they were to him every day because it makes him happy that not only does he have s/o in his life, he’s also got their parents to support him as well. 10/10.
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docwritesshit · 1 month
Redson x Sister!reader Angst as redson is kinda mad about her dating now and then they get into a huge fight and some PIF mother comfort please and a happy ending? One shot please...........
Ooooooh? Gladly!
Redson x Sis!Reader Angst
“YOU CANT JUST GO OUT LIKE THAT AND NOT FUCKING TELL ME!” Redson exclaimed, flames already starting to spurt out the strays of his hair. You growled, slamming you hand down on the table
“It was a spur of the moment thing! I texted you the first chance I got!” You shot back. She scoffed.
“That’s hardly any notice! And how long have you known this one?”
“That’s why it was a date. The point is to get to know each other! And I had fun! They didn’t even do anything!” You explained. Redson gave you a stern glare.
“You are old enough to be courted now. And you know that you have to run potential suitors by Father and Mother, and me. You should have done so before going off.” Redson clarified. You gaped
“Do you hear yourself? It’s modern times! Many don’t do that anymore! And Mother said that I can pursue who I want until I’m ready to marry them!”
“That was when things were different for us. With Father back-“
“Again with Father! You are so uptight now that he’s back. You are so desperate for their approval, it’s laughable. And so pitiful"
Redson paused, looking you in the eyes, a mixture of pain and flames of rage swirling inside them. Your gaze softened
"Im sorry, that was-"
Redsons' chair screeched as they pushed themselves from the table. She stalked away.
"Go ahead then. Go live your fucking life. Seek your own approval from the swine and let them break your heart. I wont be the shoulder for you to cry on when they do." He stated, turning the corner and disappearing.
Cut to you now in your room, going between curling into a ball and crying and punching your pillows. You couldn't see why this was such a big deal. It was such a little thing. Why did Reds-
Someone cleared their throat, making you whirl around to see your mother standing in your doorway, standing tall with a book in her hands. She smiled at you.
"May i come in?" She asked. You wiped your tears and nodded. Princess Iron Fam closed the door behind her, seeming to float over to the edge of your bed. She beckoned you over, sitting on the mattress. You reluctantly shuffled over and flopped down next to her.
She flipped open the book she carried, laying it on top of her lap. You glanced at the first page. Your eyes widened, seeing a beautifully drawn picture. A picture if… something familiar.
There was little you, only a toddler, sitting in the dirt with a circle drawn around and little Redson standing in-front of you, wielding a stick with his tiny chest puffed all the way out.
Your mother smiled softly, caressing the page gently.
"He always was your knight, in his mind. At least, when you two weren't causing havoc around the home."
She flipped to the next page, where you two were a bit older and he stood in-front of you as you cowered behind him, scared of a little bug that was just crawling around.
"He always protected you. He might snark and say the petty comment more than the genuine compliment, but he cares" She affirmed. She then closed the book, and looked at you.
"He is afraid he might not be able to be your knight here. And he cares too much to think you can handle yourself. Prove that you can, my little spark" She said. Tears pricked your eyes again. She tutted, wrapping you up in a hug.
"We all care, darling. We are all here. Just remember that," She murmured. You cried into her shoulder, sobs racking your body.
She was your sibling. He was your shield. You just needed to be able to proved yourself as the sword
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