#lj day 25
slythindor100 · 9 months
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Hello friends! I, along with my co-mod, timothysboxers, are thrilled to announce that 25 Days of Draco and Harry will run again in 2023. We want to thank @navi1088 for creating this art for our banner.
For those who may not be familiar with this challenge, I have included the rules at the end of this post, and I encourage you to read these.
And for the loyal fans of 25 Days of Harry and Draco: In 2023, we will be doing both Early-bird and Traditional prompts as usual. Again, we're running on LJ, DW and tumblr – the rules will be the same as last year.
Because it seemed to work out quite well last year, the Early-bird Prompts will once again be available in late October, and we will be including the Image Descriptions along with the prompts.
Early bird prompts will be available no later than Sunday, 22 October, allowing creators over 5 weeks and some change to work on their posts.
Also, we will have the Discord server specifically for 25 Days of Draco and Harry participants. Like last year, this will be a place where early bird participants can discuss (in a channel just for them) the prompts and how they might use them. Traditional participants will join the general section of the server in December.
The 2023 rules at a glance, for those familiar with the concept:
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2023 - Traditional
No changes from prior years. A photo prompt is posted starting at midnight EST 1 December, and you create a work based on that prompt and post before the next day's prompt goes up.
Each of your posts can be part of a larger work or they can stand alone.
25 Days of Draco and Harry 2023 - Early Bird
You receive access to all 25 photo prompts no later than midnight (EST) Sunday, 22 October. This is the same time frame as last year. Hopefully this will give you time to prepare and create for 25 Days before the insanity of December starts.
You will post one work per day for each prompt. This can be a stand-alone story or each day can be a part of a bigger story. We may even get a pod-fic this year of a past 25 Days fic and that would be posted a chapter a day. ♥
The advantages are this:
1) you can use the picture prompts in any order you chose
2) you can start creating early and have many of your posts ready to go before December 1st.
3) you get the prompts all at once so you can pre-plan your story or your use of each day's prompt.
The basic rules of 25 Days of Draco and Harry – Traditional Edition:
The challenge is to write a drabble, ficlet, story (whatever) for the pictures posted each day from 1 Dec to 25 Dec. Your fic for each prompt must be a minimum of 100 words – but there is no maximum. They can be twenty-five one-shots or each one can be a part of a bigger story. Pictures will be posted at midnight EST and you have until the next midnight to complete your work.
Yes, you may combine this with other communities or tumblr prompts.
Your fic does not have to be a story of the picture – you can use a part of the picture or whatever that picture says to you. We're pretty flexible around here.
Traditional Prompts must be used in their posted order. If you fall behind, you can post more than once a day to get caught up. You're also welcome to post as life allows, meaning you don't have to worry about being on time. You can also combine a few days or prompts into one fic/ficlet/drabble/etc. But the true challenge is to post every day for 25 days within the 24-hour time frame.
You do not need to sign-up for the Traditional edition, the prompts will be made available beginning 1 December at midnight EST.
While you're not required to, you are encouraged to add your story to the AO3 collection by adding "25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022" to your submissions, under collections, when you post them to your own AO3 account. A link to the collection will be provided in the official rules post after it has been created.
The basic rules of 25 Days of Draco and Harry – Early-bird Edition:
The sign-up period for Early Bird participants will be from 15 October to 20 October 2023 via AirTable.
After signups close you will be given access to the 25 picture prompts no later than Sunday, 23 October. You may use these prompts in any order you choose – but each prompt may only be used once. The challenge remains to post a daily work from 1 Dec to 25 Dec using one of the provided prompts. Each should be posted between 12 midnight (EST) and 11:59 PM (EST) the next night. For written works, the minimum word count is 100.
While you're not required to, you are encouraged to add your story to the AO3 collection by adding "25 Days of Draco and Harry 2022" to your submissions, under collections, when you post them to your own AO3 account. A link to the collection will be provided in the official rules post after it has been created.
The early bird prompts and the traditional prompts do vary. Some may be used on both but mostly they are two distinct sets of prompts.
If you have any questions, please email the 25 days mod account at [email protected] or DM one of the mods if you're on the Drarry Discord server.
@sassy-cissa and @timothysboxers
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the-unlucky-hunter · 1 year
creepypasta headcanons
 Jeff and Liu cant be trusted near each other alone 364 days a year, the only time is the anniversary of thier parents death. they leave together and go to the graveyard together. no one but them knows what they talk about. they dont want to know.
Nina has a great deal of respect for jeff, but no longer romantically loves him. she realised that he doesnt love her, and that she respects herself to much to chase him so, slowly but surely she moved on. they’re good friends.
Eyeless Jack was once sitting on the sofa, and then without warning he dragged Tim into the medbay. tims overuse of pills had severely damaged his kidneys and jack could smell it. Tim recovered and now he has to take a more monitored dosage. 
Sally is hilariously foul-mouthed, no one finds it all that surprising as she forces the far-from-eloquent Jeff, BEN, Tim and Toby to play with her. the first time she let out a string of curses slenderman was furious. it was quite the event. 
if the creeps dont have/dont remember their birthday then one will be made up for them. these aren’t concrete and if someone is bored then they may announce that there’s a party tomorrow due to a birthday, LJ had six birthdays in one year. (LJ was found deepthroating a candycane as BEN egged him on)
every couple of months The operator holds a barbecue. You HAVE to help.
no creep can physically age beyond like 25 ish. its young enough that age isnt an issue, but old enough that the creeps can get by easier. (can you imagine a creep trying to stalk someone but they cant get into a bar or sm, OR IMAGINE THEY GET PULLED OVER CAUSE THEY’RE 12 DJKFJAS)
Tim and Brian kissed on a dare, and they both still think about it. 
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romaine2424 · 2 months
For the Love of WIPs (Drarry style)
There's a lot of things I miss about LJ, but right up there was the weekly posting of the H/D Prophet run by @sassy-cissa and groovelover at the conclusion. It began posting in 2005 and It stopped posting in 2021. I know it was a ton of work for the mods to run it, but it truly kept Drarry fandom informed of all the one-shot fics, art released that week, and chapter updates for current Drarry WIPs, recs, etc... Also listed were the fests and what state they were in. Take a look at the links I posted above and see all the goodness. It was very centralized. *sigh happy times*
What made me think of this was I love reading Drarry WIPs but keep finding recent chapter fics that I missed while being posted and only found them completed and others that I'm currently reading but found by chance.
So, I thought I'd share the WIPs I'm keeping track of and those that have been completed recently that I've read.
Notes: Most WIPs (chapter fics) are long fics (over 50K and up to 1M). There are readers that see some lengths of completed fics and wince. That is one reason why chapters are often released weekly or whenever, so you have digestible amounts (5-15K). Sometimes as an author I feel in a Catch 22, readers don't have time to read long fics, but then won't read a WIP until completed. LOL
Below the cut are WIPs that I've read and that have been recently completed. I'll post ongoing WIPs that I'm reading tomorrow! I'm not listing the Warning and Tags for these fics as I'll leave that up for you to decide on what to read or not. But, there are a few here that do have strong warnings in the tags and/or Author Notes. One final note: I'm listing WIPs (chapter fics) that were posted over a time period, not completed chapter fics that were listed on one date as a whole. OMG this is a long post!
Recently completed Drarry WIPs
Passing Stranger (53K) by @lettersbyelise This just completed yesterday! I have 2 chapters left to read. :) Summary: Five years after the war, Harry, listless and depressed, stumbles upon Draco Malfoy playing the violin in an underground bar in Muggle London. The catch? Draco lost his memories five years ago. Ignoring his friends’ advice, Harry befriends an unwitting Draco, overlooking the fact that their mutual attraction might not survive if Draco’s memories return. Comment: Haven't quite finished but I love, love, the Draco in this fic. You could feel that this is Draco stripped of all the heavy responsibilities he grew up with including having a bigoted father. The tension is palpable with Harry being attracted to this Draco but feeling that Draco needs to be Draco Malfoy to move forward. *ugh*. 2. The Boy from the Piano Shop (90.5K) by @soliblomst completed 2/25/24. Summary: After going blind in a reckless attempt to avenge Ginny's death, Harry battles with severe depression. One day, he stumbles upon a quaint piano restoration shop in the heart of London and meets the owner, a kindly old man, and his introverted young apprentice, whose voice sounds strangely familiar. As Harry and Draco slowly reconnect through private piano lessons, the small workshop becomes Harry's refuge, offering him a glimmer of hope in a world without eyes. Set five years after the Battle of Hogwarts. Comment: I binged this fic bad!!! There is so much to love in this fic but one of the standouts is the OC Richard. You will love him, too. The gradual build up of Drarry is so well done. The dealing with Harry's depression is so raw and real. No cutting of corners. The ending was one of the best I've read in celebrating what is to come for Harry and Draco. And Draco, in the final scene will make you cry *happy tears*. 3. The Star Splitter (219K) by @oflights completed 3/22/24. Summary: On a routine time travel assignment to the past, Draco stumbles upon 7-year-old Harry Potter and witnesses his neglect and mistreatment by the Dursleys. In the moment, there is only one solution, even if it goes against all his training as a Time Agent: he has to bring Harry back to the future with him. In which Draco burns his life down for the sake of his former school rival. Comment: I think I followed this one from the start as I do everything @oflights! OMG the action, the tenseness, the magical lore, the worldbuilding, and the sweetness of Draco raising young Harry will have you banging that "next chapter" button. The Drarry in this happens slowly and has its ups and downs but so so worth the wait. The bond is strong and at the end and you will recognize and cheer for this Harry who says Fuck it all, I ain't letting this go.
4. Spotlight (All Eyes on Us) (58K) by @pixiedunhoff completed 3/15/24. This is the 5th and final installment of the Dark Arts to Dance Floor Series (317K) which began posting in July '23. Spotlight Summary: The spotlight can scorch.
“Has the wizarding world ever seen a couple quite like Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter? Though the pair remain frustratingly private and out of the spotlight, hardly ever seen in public together, our readers understandably demand to know more.
‘They’re happy together,’ Minister of Magic Hermione Granger exclusively tells the Prophet, before quickly ducking into a meeting for Squib Rights. ‘They’re so very happy.’”
- Daily Prophet, 2 February 2018 Comment: Pixie says in the notes, you may only need to read the 4th installment to completely get this fic, but hell, I say read them all. Pixie is newer to Drarry writing (longtime reader). I love the casualness and realness of the characters and how they interact. In Spotlight they so capture the feel of being backstage to a 'music rock star' (in the Muggle world) and on the rise in the magical one. As you're reading this fic, it might come across as being a lighter AU type fic, but don't be fooled there is much depth and layers upon layers to both Harry and Draco. Pixie just eases you into it. There were points that I just had to stop reading for a moment and digest exactly what was going on. Pixie will be on my Current WIP list, too! 5. Skybound (61K) by @xanthippe74 Summary: No matter how much Harry Potter wanted to believe he’d left danger behind when the war ended, it found him again anyway. All he had to do was step out his own front door on a Tuesday morning. A Drarry re-imagining of Howl’s Moving Castle.
Comment: I haven't finished this one, yet, but wanted to list it here. It's 6 chapters and I'm only 2 chapters in, but holy hell what world building and magical lore (and one very nasty curse). I'm not familiar with the original source, but that's okay. I'm very happy being carried along in one floating house! I'm a big fan of @xanthippe74 and am fully confident I'll love this as much as the author's other stories. Okay, I'll be back tomorrow with a list of currently posting Drarry WIPs, including two stinging hot A/B/Os, but in very different ways.
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olderthannetfic · 7 days
I'm 25 so I was too young to use LJ in its heyday but I have a deep fascination and respect for it nonetheless and really wish I was able to use it...I know the site itself still exists, but it's definitely not the same anymore and I'm not sure of another place that might work that isn't Tumblr. I've heard of Dreamwidth...but it'd just be weird to use LJ in its current state now wouldn't it? 20 years late to the party...
What remains of "LJ fandom" is on DW these days (well, mostly). It's a shadow of its former self, but there are some people still trying to make DW happen.
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mooniemilkieway · 7 months
Random Creepypasta Headcanons Episode 2: Electric Boogaloo
Jeff the Killer makes fun of Slenderman’s tentacles by referring to them as tentacle hentai monsters. Slender Man got so frustrated that he broke Jeff’s PS4 by throwing it out the window
Nina the Killer uses Splat Hair Dye and would dye her hair in the middle of the night even though the rest of the Creepypasta’s can smell the intoxicated hair bleach
Ticci Toby’s the type of person to say whoopsie daisies when he accidentally causes a fire
Eyeless Jack’s room smells horrendous because of his secret stash of rotten kidneys laying under his bed
Laughing Jack can fly and would glide around because he feels like it but he’ll complain for about an hour about having to walk on his feet against his will
BEN Drowned one time got one of those fake tattoos from Shein and put one on his arm to seem “badass” but one day Jeff sprayed water at him bc Jeff lost a Star in Mario Party during Chance Time and the tattoo came off and BEN had a rash on his arm for about 2 weeks
Candy Pop’s the type of person to get a sugar rush after drinking a soda can
Clockwork sometimes does fashion shows for Ticci Toby and Clockwork definitely has done Toby’s eyeliner and black nails
Sally Williams fell though the ceiling once and gave Jane the Killer a death stare (iyk the tiktok ykwita)
Jane the Killer binge watched Euphoria about 3 times and kins Maddy Perez
Zalgo definitely sings about how “evil and diabolical 👹😈” he is in the shower with the lights on
When Jane the killer told Jeff that she was a lesbian and married to Mary Jeff recalled “I thought you were American?” Then Jane slapped him
Homicidal Liu has read the Chainsaw Man mangas and his favorite character is either Aki or Reze. He thought the anime was a let down though and would argue with people over it on Twitter
Sally would force Laughing Jack to be the jester for her Castle Playtime if Candy Pop wasn’t able to do it. LJ would complain but Sally would offer him either candy or one time $25
Slender Man is trying to rizz up Hachishakusama by sending her pick up lines. One time they were texting and Slender Man was legit kicking his feet lying on his stomach giggling
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one-vivid-judgment · 19 days
Remember when I said I was gonna dice into the differences between the Eng and Spanish subs of Infinite Wealth?
WELL WAKE UP BABE, IT'S TIME FOR 'Vicky analyzes language differences'!!
Believe me when I say I would've loved to start this by dwelling on character interactions and whatnot, but as it turns out, that is a VERY time-consuming task and I'm still working on it (can you believe the Eiji-Kasuga interactions in chapter 2 ALONE take up 25 Word pages? Between Spanish subs-English translation of Spanish subs-English subs? Yeah, crazy). So, for now, let's focus on something else!
The chapter titles
As we all know by now, the English names of the chapters are all based on Elvis songs. In previous RGG games (and by that I mean the ones who actually have Spanish versions: LAD, Judgment and LJ), the chapter titles were all direct translations of their English counterparts. However, this doesn't happen in IW for the reason listed above; the meaning would pretty much be diluted, even if many Spanish speakers DO know about Elvis and have listened to his music. So, what did they do for the Spanish version:
Simple! Change the titles to Spanish songs (oldies, mostly) who convey a similar meaning. Or, as we'll see with chapter 1, a radically opposite meaning to the original, but which highlights a different side of the chapter itself/the characters personalities.
This would be a PRETTY long post if I talked about every chapter here. So, for now, let's focus on just one per post, yeah? Starting up...
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In English: Doin’ the best I can
In Spanish: Voy a pasármelo bien (I’m gonna have some fun)
The songs chosen are pretty much opposites in terms of... everything, really.
In the English version, we have a very mellow Elvis song. It’s more about heartbreak than anything else, which is pretty fitting when you think about what happens in the chapter. Ichiban is living the life, with a stable job and carrying on Arakawa’s legacy (Doin' the best he can), he scores a date with Saeko and they have fun. It all comes crashing down afterwards though: Saeko rejects him then ghosts him for a year, he is exposed by the Tatara Channel and loses his job, and he goes from being ‘the hero of Yokohama’ to being at rock bottom again. At some point, after being fired, Ichiban says “Everything is back to how it used to be.” He tried his best, but it wasn’t enough (“I’ll be a dreamer, I’ll be a fool”, “Doin’ the best I can but it’s not good enough for you”).
Overall, the vibe of it is more about what goes wrong rather than the good things that happen.
Then there is the Spanish version picking a very hype song from Hombres G, a band that was very popular here in the 80s (they are still active, if anyone is interested, and they have many iconic songs under their belts. We still quote "Sufre, mamón" ('Suffer, asshole') to this day where I'm from).
The vibe is the complete opposite:
Hoy me he levantado dando un salto mortal 
Echado un par de huevos a mi sartén
Dando volteretas he llegado al baño
Me he duchado y he despilfarrado el gel
Porque hoy algo me dice
Que voy a pasármelo bien
(Today I woke up doing somersaults / threw a couple eggs in my pan / doing cartwheels I made it to the bathroom / I showered and wasted the shower gel / Cause today something tells me / that I’m gonna have some fun)
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Sé que tengo algunos enemigos
Pero esta noche no podrán contar conmigo
Porque voy a convertirme en hombre lobo
Me he jurado a mí mismo que no dormiré solo
(I know I have some enemies / But tonight they can count me out / Cause I’m gonna turn into a werewolf / I swore to myself I won’t be sleeping alone)
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Voy a cogerme un pedo'e los que hacen afición
Me iré arrastrando a casa con la sonrisa puesta
Mañana ya, si puedo, dormiré la siesta
Pero esta noche no, esta noche no
(I’m gonna get shit-faced like never before / I’ll drag myself back home with a smile still on / Tomorrow, if I can, I’ll take a nap / But not tonight, not tonight)
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So yes, this song is all about the positive vibes before it all comes crashing down. Even so, after things do go sideways, Kasuga is still smiling and not letting it get to him (at most, he feels like shit because he dragged Adachi and Nanba down with him). The song goes very well, not only with the ‘happy’ part of the chapter, but also with Kasuga’s personality in general. Especially the “I know I have some enemies, but they can count me out.” Cause boy does Kasuga have enemies after the Tatara exposé. And even after all that, what he is worried about is how his actions affect other people, his vibes are that pure.
Overall, I would say that, although the vibes are completely different, it works as a sort of contrast. English goes for the ‘downfall’ and the sensation of failing even after trying your best not to, which is was Kasuga was trying to do employing former yakuza through Hello Work; meanwhile, Spanish chooses to go for a more light-hearted, slightly unserious tone that just so happens to perfectly match Kasuga’s personality and how he chooses to see the good side of things despite being back at rock bottom.
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lee-bella · 6 months
HP Fest Schedule: December 2023
Below the cut is a list of HP fest dates for the month of December. If you are curious about what's happening in 2024, see the full HP Fest Schedule (Google doc).
December 1
Sirius Black Fest 2023: Posting begins.
H/D Erised 2023 (Tumblr; exchange): Posting starts.
H/D Owlpost 2023: Call for pinch-hitter. Posting begins.
25 Days of Draco & Harry (LJ, Tumblr): Challenge begins.
Deflower December: Challenge begins.
Liquid Luck Roll the Dice Winter Edition: Challenge begins.
HP Chan Fest (AO3, DW): Claiming opens.
Harry Potter Rec Fest: Challenge begins.
HP Yuletide Bliss 2023: Challenge opens.
Snolidays 2023 (Severus): Challenge begins.
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge: Challenge begins.
Rare Pair Shorts Winter Prompt Challenge (Tumblr): December challenge begins.
25 Days of Kinkmas: Challenge begins.
December 2
Marauders Mayhem Voldy's Valentines (exchange): Sign-up opens.
December 3
Blackcest Fest 2024 (Black family; incest): Prompting ends.
December 4
Blackcest Fest 2024 (Black family; incest): Claiming opens.
HP Triad!Fest: Prompting closes.
December 5
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Submissions due.
Hoggywartyxmas Book Club: Opening post due.
HoggyWartyXmas Be Creative (non-fic/art medium): Submissions due.
Magical Trans Comfort Fest 2023: Fest & prompts announced.
December 7
HP Triad!Fest: Claiming opens.
HP Trans Fest 2024: Fest announced.
December 8
Draco Tops Harry Fest 2024 (Tumblr): Announced.
December 9
Riddle Fest (AO3): Prompting begins.
December 10
HP Festival of Stars 2023: Claiming ends.
Drarry Fans Discord Server Double Drabble Exchange (discord only): Works due.
December 11
Charlie's Birthday Bash: Claiming ends. Stories due.
Remus Lupin Fest: Claiming closes.
TTB The Twelve Days of Yule Bash (canon compliant): Challenge begins.
December 12
Charlie's Birthday Bash: Stories reveal.
December 14
HP Festival of Stars 2023: Submissions due.
Marauders Mayhem Voldy's Valentines (exchange): Sign-up closes.
December 15
R/S Big Bang 2023: Art due.
Sirius Black Fest 2023: Posting ends.
HP Soulmates Secret Santa: Works due.
HP Festival of Stars 2023: Reveal begins.
Love Is In The Air (Twitter): Claiming opens.
December 17
Yuletide and Mulled Wine Fest (AO3): Stories due.
Drarry Fans Discord Server Double Drabble Exchange (discord only): Reveals.
Wheel of Drarry Secret Santa 2023: Works due.
December 18
Yuletide and Mulled Wine Fest (AO3): Works reveals.
Dark Festivus Gift Exchange: Fics due.
HP Soulmates Secret Santa: Posting begins.
HP Saffics Secret Santa: Works due.
Wheel of Drarry Secret Santa 2023: Posting begins.
December 19
Dark Festivus Gift Exchange: Reveals.
December 20
HP Bard Fest: Claiming closes.
Marauders Christmas Fest: Challenge begins.
Wheel of the Year Fest (Dramione): Works due.
December 21
Wheel of the Year Fest (Dramione): Reveals.
December 22
H/D Owlpost 2023: Last day late gifts will be accepted.
Yuletide and Mulled Wine Fest (AO3): Creators revealed.
HP Soulmates Secret Santa: Posting ends.
TTB The Twelve Days of Yule Bash (canon compliant): Challenge ends.
December 23
H/D Kidfic Fest 2024: Submissions due.
HoggyWartyXmas Prompt Fest: Posting begins (tentative).
Twistmas: Claiming closes; works due.
Magical Trans Comfort Fest 2023: Posting begins.
December 24
Twistmas: Works revealed.
December 25
25 Days of Draco & Harry (LJ, Tumblr): Challenge ends.
HP Saffics Secret Santa: Works & creators revealed.
Magical Trans Comfort Fest 2023: Last day to post.
25 Days of Kinkmas: Challenge ends.
December 26
Wheel of Drarry Secret Santa 2023: Reveals.
December 30
Riddle Fest (AO3): Prompting closes.
December 31
Sugarfest: A Sugar Daddy Harry Fest: Claiming closes. Submission closes.
2023 Harry Potter Crossover Gift Exchange: Submission deadline.
HP Snooze Fest 2023: Last day to self-post.
H/D Owlpost 2023: Posting ends or until all gifts are delivered.
Remadora Fest (Remus/Tonks): Works due.
Deflower December: Challenge ends.
Harry Potter Kink Meme (Tumblr): Round 2 ends.
HP Festival of Stars 2023: Reveal closes.
Marauders Christmas Fest: Last day of challenge.
Harry Potter Rec Fest: Last day of challenge.
HP Yuletide Bliss 2023: Challenge closes.
Snolidays 2023 (Severus): Last day of challenge.
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge: Challenge ends.
Rare Pair Shorts Winter Prompt Challenge (Tumblr): December challenge ends.
Riddle Fest (AO3): Prompts announced.
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morethanwords229 · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @somuchwhatever and @goodthingscomeinthrees!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently SVU and OC. Previously Madam Secretary, Doctor Who, Ashes to Ashes, Spooks and M*A*S*H.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
End of the Year
Tango in the Night
fragments of light
White Lily
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I try to! It means so much when someone takes the time to comment on something I’ve written and I like to acknowledge that. Plus I’ve made some really good friends through conversations that started via fic comments (I think the formats of LJ and Tumblr were/are better for getting conversations going than Ao3, though). I don’t always reply to every single comment because, y’know, life etc, but I do try :)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Mostly I cannot resist writing a happy ending, even if there perhaps shouldn’t be one, so I don’t have too many angsty endings. The Glassblower, maybe. That one is open to interpretation.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Maaaaybe Tango in the Night? Or bedtime story.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not so far!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Mostly smut-with-feelings.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
If SVU/OC counts, then yes! Otherwise not so far. Although I nearly wrote a Doctor Who/SVU crossover in a moment of… something.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don’t think so.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not that I know of.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I co-wrote a couple of Doctor Who fics back in the day.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Oh gosh, how can I choose?! I think it’s between Elliot/Olivia from SVU/OC and Elizabeth/Henry from Madam Secretary. They are delicious in different ways. E/O for the 25 year slow burn and E/H for the 25 year marriage. Honourable mention to Xena/Gabrielle.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a couple of Madam Secretary fics on ff.net that I think are resigned to eternal incomplete status.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Fakin’ it ‘til I make it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can be repetitive with language and word choice and theme/plot. I think my smut could be better. I overuse particular pieces of punctuation (currently em-dashes, previously semicolons). Not finishing all my WIPs. Writing definitively happy endings when something more ambiguous might be better (see above). Imposter syndrome.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Words or phrases, sure. But I am not sufficiently fluent to attempt anything more ambitious. Add that to my list of weaknesses!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
M*A*S*H. Those stories are, uh, no longer available.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Some of my favourites are actually a couple of my least popular, kudos-wise – they’re ones I wrote to scratch very specific, weird itches and I really like how they turned out - how to raise the dead and The Glassblower. I also am quite proud of Testimony.
Tagging @eoangstlover56, @belledamn, @broadwayfreak5357, @marilynwhitmore and anyone else who fancies it.
This was fun!
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mychoombatheroomba · 4 months
Things I Love About the Shitty Live Action Resident Evil Movies
So, it was my birthday recently and my roommates asked if I wanted to do anything fun. My response, of course, was to suggest getting drunk and watching the live action Resident Evil movies and like, damn, I love those stupid ass movies so much. So I wanted to make a really dumb (and lengthy) post about the goofy things I like, whether for legit or meme reasons.
Y'all, I know they're bad, that is, in fact, why I love them.
1 - The opening is genuinely kinda freaky, like, the elevator scene? Oof, well done suspense
2 - Michelle Rodriguez. That's it, that's the post.
3- The LASER ROOM - so iconic they used it in the games. The first movie came out in 2002, RE4 then used the laser room in 2005, like, y'all, they took that from the goddamn movie, that's how much of a vibe it was
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(And honestly, just the Red Queen in general, what an absolute icon, love that her appearance changes in every movie she's in)
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4 - Alice is the most fanfic Mary Sue character I've perhaps ever seen on-screen, and I love that for her. Look at her kicking this zombie dog in the face, it's hilarious
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5 - Pretty game-accurate costuming? I can dig it
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6 - They're gay, your honor
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7 - Bad CGI on the Licker, I would expect nothing less
8 - Alice is at her most powerful when she finds a white bathrobe just lying around somewhere
9 - Raccoon City gets destroyed in the course of, like, a day if I'm understanding the timeline right. Like, first infection to nuking the city seems to be about 24 hours. Incredible.
10 - Leon fucking wishes he was Alice, miss ma'am out here driving motorcycles into buildings and then launching them at a monster just to shoot it and blow it up.
(Special mention for another "they're gay, your honor"
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11 - You'd think the kid they have to rescue from Raccoon City is Sherry, wouldn't you? An Umbrella scientist's daughter who the gang have to save? NOPE it's Angela Ashford. Not to be confused with the game's Alexia Ashford. Is it an easter egg? A botched cameo? IDK bro, you think they know the lore?
12 - "GTA MOTHERFUCKER" - LJ, before running over a zombie
13 - THEY GAVE NEMESIS A REDEMPTION ARC??? Incredible (not before making him and Alice fist-fight each other)
14 - Keeping with RE tradition, the helicopter almost always crashes.
15 - They just decided, fuck it, let's give Alice superpowers. Also the stupid Umbrella eyes, literally whenever they come up.
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16 - The third movie is just Mad Max and Fallout: New Vegas merged together. Also the way they say the whole earth withered and died but later movies very clearly show flora still alive
17 - Why is Jorah Mormont from Game of Thrones here? WHY IS JOHNNY CAGE FROM MORTAL KOMBAT 1995 HERE???
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Also why does Wesker look a little like Eminem to me in the third movie?
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18 - The amount of just, like, "hey, this monster/character was in the games, let's just put them in the movie anywhere!"
19 - Carlos gets one of the only satisfying death scenes for a named character from the games. And by that I mean he gets one of the only on-screen death scenes for a named character from the games. Slay, king.
20 - Why does the Tyrant look like that?
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21 - The army of Alice clones were blonde originally, but all went out and dyed their hair together between movies and I think that's cute.
22 - The timeline is so fucked up, I don't think they even knew how long was supposed to pass between the movies
23 - The way they shoehorned Chris in so bad that, as a kid, I thought he had no importance and they just wanted to give Claire a character to help her with her amnesia (also, Claire having amnesia). The Redfields do get to shoot the shit out of Wesker at the end though, good for them.
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25 - The Executioner from RE5 just like, is in Los Angeles for some reason?
26 - This shot of Wesker.
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27 - Wesker takes Alice's powers away in the beginning of the 4th movie, then at the end of the 5th movie he reinfects her with the T-Virus so she can be a superhuman again and just like, bud, you're wildin'. Also it's mentioned in the 3rd movie that Alice's blood could be the cure, and that she could synthesize it once the Tyrant is dealt with? But she doesn't? She just takes the clones of her in the facility instead of using the equipment to make a cure? I know they cure it in the last movie but like, girlie, you could have tried earlier idk. Fascinating.
28 - The opening credits scene for the 5th movie is actually pretty cool
29 - The rest of the fifth movie . . . whatever those writers were smoking, I want some. I know there's literally an Umbrella base in Antarctica in the game but like, idk, having an underwater base where you have multiple city simulations running for BOW production is so funny to me. They've got clones of Carlos and the whole team from the first movie, a random child Alice adopts, Las Plagas lads on motorcycles, more Executioners, Barry (oh, hi Barry!) and damn I love every terrible minute of it.
30 - "The Leon you ordered from AliExpress"
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31 - Li Bingbing as Ada, my beloved
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32 - Whatever the hell this fight scene is (I am obsessed with it). The sapphic energy of Jill v Alice. Las Plagas giving you instant superpowers. Michelle Rodriguez beating the shit out of Leon Kennedy (mans draws his knife and immediately gets disarmed, Krauser would be so disappointed). Ada just snoozing in the snow the whole time. Cinema.
The music kinda slaps though.
The second half of this where Michelle gets clocked in the face with a fire extinguisher and just looks offended? Immaculate.
33 - Wesker saying that he, Alice, Jill, Leon and Ada are the last hope for humanity from the roof of the White House. What a team.
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35 - I have never seen the Final Chapter, but I do know that Claire is the only (known) surviving original RE character. Chris is MIA and everyone else is dead. The lesbians win again.
36 - Also there's a character named K-Mart. No notes.
I cannot say I would recommend these movies without the consumption of alcohol involved. Once that's in the mix? They're a great time.
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monstersinthecosmos · 10 months
I know we've talked about it before but never in depth really so I wanna know -- I think at least for me there's THOSE TWO BIG MOMENTS right:
the one where we instantly and impossibly imprinted on our VC faves like lost little ducklings
and then whatever followed that cemented that love for all eternity like- "oh yeah this is it, I don't even need to see or talk to anyone else, we're good"
so what were your Marius Moments? 🥹
!!!!! oh wow what a question!
I know for sure without a doubt that when Marius DEBUTS in TVL is when I was DONE FOR. Like the slow burn leading up to it with Lestat trying to find him and then when he finally shows up he's this like nurturing, comforting force that is so gentle with him!!!!!!!!
Like idk how everyone else feels but my first time reading VC I was just going in cold, like there was fandom on LJ and stuff but I wasn't really lurking (bc spoilers lol) so I was just going into each book completely fresh and ready for an adventure, so I remember feeling like TVL was this MYSTERY to me the first time and I was just so excited to even see what it was about. But TVL (even to this day) really takes off for me when Armand shows up and then like, Armand already intrigued me so much and I was like WHAT WHO * MADE * THIS GUY OH MY GOD and I was just mega excited to meet him.
And as for the second question, I'm not sure I really have an answer! Coming out of TVL he was my favorite character so any time he showed up I was so excited to see him. Again, to this day I think I kinda rank my enjoyment of the VCs depending how much Marius is in them. 😂 But when I first read VC, Merrick was the most current book and it took me a couple years to read and catch up (with the Mayfair detour bc Merrick was supposed to be a crossover lol) so B&G was my first VC that I got to like go out and buy when it came out and it was like THE NEW BOOK MORE VAMPIRES! And just wow like how exciting that I caught up in time for a WHOLE BOOK about my fav. 🥹🥹🥹
But reading B&G maybe cemented it? tbh it was such a long time ago it's hard to say. It's just kinda always been there. Like this all happened when I was 12-13 and it was my first like deep dive into adult books and like coming from reading kids's series and YA it was so weighty to me and gave me so much to think about. But like I vivdly remember the first time I read B&G I was in my room and I kept putting it down to cry because it made me so emotional. Like getting to really get that deep dive into his POV and understand how lonely he was and how conflicted he was about his beliefs.
As a 13 year old I think I connected to it with my own point of reference that's evolved over the years; I revisit the entire series every few years and get different things out of it each time, not just from getting older but also just being more educated as time goes on. And sometimes I wonder if he'd be my fav if I read it for the first time at 25, or even if I'd been born at a different time; like would I have felt the same way if I was 13 but it was 2017 and Tumblr was in full swing with radfem rheotric poisoning the well? idk. But I do know that every time I feel the same way, I still love him just as much, even when I pick apart more flaws I just appreciate this character so deeply.
Like yknow to read VC as a 13 year old who is severely bullied you connect with it as being about "outsiders". The year B&G came out a bully put me in the hospital by bashing my head open on a locker. Teachers at my school thought I was going to be a school shooter because I was goth and I liked horror films. So it's comforting to see someone who is an outsider and struggles with Christofascism but who is surviving. And reading B&G and hearing how much he struggled was so like grounding for me. I'm not sure I can explain it now without it sounding trite (and maybe it was trite bc I was 13). And like him being a savior & mentor to Lestat was so comforting to me like I think at that age my biggest fantasy was that a vampire could come steal me away from my difficult life LOL. I wanted someone to come save me!!!!!!!!!
And then you know, growing up, being in an abusive relationship, having people around me die, trying to understand how I identify as queer, how I navigate my relationship to my own creativity and what it means to me, growing as a person and trying to be the most mindful and empathetic version of myself that I can be; all of this stuff is all over VC and in that book in particular.
It just means a lot to me man!
And I love that VC asks us to empathize with bad people, it asks us to forgive people, it asks us if we're are only our worst deed and if we deserve love even when we've fucked up. Lestat and Marius have so much in common so I think these themes just permeate both of their stories so much in every book, but. Idk for whatever reason Marius is the one that stuck out to me and I've never been able to shake it!!!!!
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oh-megamind · 7 months
Secret Santa Gift Exchange and Holiday Card Exchange
It's that time again! Time to share the joy and warmth of the holidays with the Secret Santa Gift Exchange and Holiday Card Exchange! :D I don't know how many people even visit this site any more but this is an event that has been popular in the past and I'm not about to let the tradition die! This community deserves a Mega-awesome holiday and we're going to make it one! :D But before I get to the rules etc. I need to call attention to one very important rule first:
Only sign up to participate if you intend and are able to send something in return. Let me put this another way as well: If you plan to receive something, send something. It is VERY unfair to everyone else if you sign up to participate, receive gifts and/or cards, but send out nothing. Now I understand that sometimes Life doesn't play out as we might wish; we may sign up fully intending to participate but then emergencies come up or paychecks fall through or any of a hundred different things that might force us to change our plans arise and that's fine -- BUT if something like this happens, please let me know BEFORE the e-mails go out, ESPECIALLY if you're participating in the Gift Exchange. It's only fair to ALL involved that if they spend their time and money (a luxury many of us may not have) to send out a gift to someone that they should have the joy of receiving one as well. If you sign up to participate, please hold up your end of the deal and send something out -- or at least let me know before the participation deadline (Thursday, November 30) that you can no longer participate so I can make sure everyone gets paired off with someone and no one gets left out. Let's make this fair and fun for all! :D Thank you.
OK, now, on to the fun! Everyone is welcome to participate regardless of country! I don't want to restrict this to the U.S. only; everyone is welcome to spread some holiday cheer! So don't let your location hinder you -- we'll have participants from all over the globe! Participation is simple! (As both the Secret Santa gift exchange and holiday card exchange require physical addresses to which stuff can be mailed, if you are a minor or whenever necessary, please get permission from your parents or guardian to participate. Thank you!) Here's how it works:
Send an e-mail to me ([email protected], no PM's please -- e-mail is easier to keep organized) with your name, username (or usernames and where from, like LJ, Discord, etc.), an e-mail address I can use to send the final list to, your address, and whether you want to participate in the Secret Santa gift exchange, the card exchange, or both. If participating in the Secret Santa gift exchange, please also include a few suggestions for gift types you might like. It's that easy! I will accept entries for both until Thursday, November 30 at midnight Eastern Standard Time (I'm choosing this date so that participants in both events will have a few weeks in which to send out their cards/gifts so they will arrive at their destinations before Christmas Day, December 25 :D). On Friday, December 1, I will send an e-mail to you with the information you'll need depending on which event you will be participating in!
The rules for the card exchange are simple: Everyone who participates in the card exchange will receive the addresses of everyone else participating, this way you can send cards to only a few on the list, or everyone! :D
The rules for the Secret Santa gift exchange are slightly more complex: There will be a $10.00 price limit on the gifts; this way no one person gets something super-expensive while others get less extravagant gifts. I just want to try to make it fair for all involved. :) Homemade gifts are acceptable too if you get the itch to make something! (All I ask is that if it's Megamind related, like artwork, please scan it/take a photo of it and post it to the community after your recipient receives it in case they are unable to do so; this way the rest of us can share in the goodness! :D Please keep any artwork rated G though. :P) The key here is to have fun! The recipients will have no idea who their Secret Santa is until they receive your package in the mail! That said, here's how the names will be paired for the Secret Santa gift exchange: On December 1, after I've gathered all the participating names together, I will throw them all in a hat and draw names at random. First name drawn will give a gift to the second name drawn, second name drawn will give a gift to the third name drawn and so forth, with the final name drawn giving a gift to the first. This way everyone gets one gift and no one knows who's getting who what! ;D However, if you could send me a few suggestions for things you might like along with your interest in participating I can forward those ideas to your Secret Santa so they'll be able to better personalize their shopping for you! <3 One last thing to note (since this question has come up) is that I cannot fix the results of the random drawing to guarantee a local pairing with your recipient; sometimes I may only have one entry from, say, the U.K. for example, so fixing the results is not only unfair to all but is also impossible. No one will know before the drawing where their gifts will be sent, so all who participate understand and accept that it's possible their match may live in another country.
If you have any questions, please e-mail me at [email protected]. No PM's please. I will not see them so it's better to e-mail me. XP
And there you have it! This should be easy enough to organize, and loads of fun to participate in! I, myself, will be participating in both the Secret Santa gift exchange and the card exchange! Let the fun begin! :D Happy Holidays, Everyone! <3
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slythindor100 · 7 months
Attn all 25 Days of Draco and Harry participants (early bird and traditional)
You can post your fics anywhere, but please use the header below or some variation of it - with a link to where ever you post. We highly recommend you post to the AO3 collection set up for this challenge: 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2023
You can do this easily by posting the work to your AO3 account and where it says post to collections start typing 25 Days... a list will come up and you simply need to select: 25 Days of Draco and Harry 2023 (25_Days_of_Draco_and_Harry_2023)
when you post it's included in the collection. Easy!!
This will help sassy_cissa find fics more easily for the recap that will be put together in January. ♥ But you are NOT obligated to post to AO3.
A hint for those of you writing one, big story is to click "this work has multiple chapters" when you make your first post. That way you can add a chapter to it each day and people can find it easily. Also, if you're doing 25 not related fics – click "this work is part of a series" and then title your series something like your user name's 2023 25 Days of D/H series or something that will uniquely identify it on AO3.
NOTE: your fic does not have to be a story of the picture - you can use a part of the picture or whatever that picture says to you.
For those doing traditional style – the prompts must be used in order – as stated in the guidelines. *This does not apply for early-bird participants* The challenge of this is to write and post within the 24-hour period between prompt postings. There's no penalty if you don't, but if you'd like to challenge yourself you can. Otherwise, you can post anytime for any prompt if you are posting for fun. You can also combine prompts if you're not able to write one day. The hope for this is for it to be fun and low-stress. And because I want more H/D loveliness during Christmas!! NOTE: your work doesn't have to be beta'd for this challenge.
If you are posting on LJ, it would be great if you could post your header (see below for the one to use for this challenge) on slythindor100. Feel free to link your story to where ever you prefer to post it.
Title: Author: Word Count: Rating: Prompt: you can either post a link to the prompt that you’ve saved to your computer or just use the description provided – you cannot link from Discord (they are eliminating that feature) Warning: Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended. Author's Notes: _______________________________________________________
Each day at midnight (EST) beginning on Dec 1st - the prompt for that day will become available by clicking the gift for that day. At the end of each day, the prompt will stay - without having to click on it to see it.
NOTE: THIS CLOCK is the official clock. If you have any questions or concerns - feel free to contact us at [email protected]. Or you can find us on the 25 Days Discord Server.
If you'd like access to the 25 Days server or want to have your information updated, please click HERE and we'll get you sorted. You do not have to join the server to participate, but there you can chat with others who are doing the challenge.
sassy_cissa and timothysboxers
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shinelikethunder · 8 months
btw, speaking of finding the fucked-up shit... if you mod (or just want to find stuff on) a dreamwidth kinkmeme that's too large to browse in its entirety, i'll happily gift some paid time to the community in order to enable full-text comment search.
let's set "large enough to need it" at around 25 pages of prompts for an active comm, or 50ish for a dead one. one request per person; only valid if the comm isn't already a paid account.
i've just done this for lesmiskinkmeme, which i modded back in its lj days, and hydratrashmeme, which has brought me much revolting joy over the years. go forth and full-text search them if you dare.
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romaine2424 · 11 months
Daily Blog June 27, 2023
Arg! I'd hoped to spend sometime planting the pretty flowers I bought yesterday but to my dismay I discovered an invasive weed was mixed in with my Shasta Daisies, which are just about to bloom. The kind of weed that attaches to your clothes and skin. Gloves came out and two hours later, I made a huge dent. Flowers tomorrow.
I had mentioned there were would be additional categories I'd throw into the mix and today I have one I've been anxious to get to. I'm going to call it Magical Elves. They are the people who help make fandom run. I mentioned @phoenixacid in an earlier post, who has been hosting @hd-fan-fair for ten years. This category will cover folks like her and that do even more...yes, even more...
What I'm reading:
On the Discord Drarry Fans Writers and Artists there is a channel for recs. I stole this one from there but then discovered I'd already read it. However, it was long enough ago that I don't remember all of the details. I think I read it when it first came out and before I hopped back into fandom in spring of 2021. The Ordeal of Being Known (146k) by @lou-isfake. I'm only on chapter 3 right now but I just love this Draco and his Oscar the Grouch house-slippers and his house-elf Timsy. The writing is so fresh and clever, I find myself smiling most of the time. Here's the summary, which I think gives you a flavor of the writing style I'm talking about:
When Auror Potter is anonymously cursed with silence by being forced to hide his own voice inside his mind, there's unfortunately only one person in the country with the qualifications to fix it: Certified and Licensed Healer Legilimens, Draco Malfoy, specialist in Mind Curses and Afflictions. It's obviously a terrible idea, a disaster waiting to happen, but Draco's never been able to back down from a challenge... especially from Potter. Features fuzzy cartoon slippers, devious house elves, 90s music, and lots—LOTS—of memories. Ron is annoyingly hot, Hermione sees right through you, Harry is a powerful idiot, and Draco is a reclusive masochist that would buy an entire city if it would make a kid happy. (And Pansy is "5'2, I wanna dance with you, and I'm sophisticated fun.")
Go read The Ordeal of Being Known on AO3.
Hit the Keep Reading!!!!!
Magical Elves:
The first person I want to highlight in this category is actually someone I've met in person at HP Cons and we've stayed in touch over the years in real life. *hugs darlin* You've probably seen @sassy-cissa's name as an author or maybe an email asking you about a fic for a fest but I'm betting most of you have no idea how much she's done for fandom for more than a decade and half, especially for Drarry fandom.
Let me list the ways in how awesome she is:
Current modding responsibilities:
25 Days of Draco and Harry (started in 2009) What 2009 ? Oh my! And do you know she reads each and every story posted for the fest and comments, too! HD Mpreg Fest – (started in 2011 – I've been modding since 2018) HD Fan Fair/Career Fair – co-modding since 2019)
Previous modding responsibilities:
Co-mod for H/D Erised from 2014 to 2018 Moderated the H/D Prophet from about 2016 to 2021
See that last one H/D Prophet. Take a look at the link just for a moment. Every Drarry WIP that was updated that week was listed, fests' status, drabble prompts, etc...Every single week. The prophet soon closed down after a few more months due to lack of participation (fandom had moved away from LJ).
Communities owned and/or Maintain:
On LJ: Slythindor100 and HarryDraco Mpreg On Tumblr: H/D Mpreg and Slythindor100
In addition, why yes there is more, Sassy writes, too, and beautifully! Sassy-Cissa (on AO3). Over 109 stories, mostly Drarry, some Hermione/Severus and a few Harry/Ginny...but as she put it....(but they usually end up divorced or Ginny dies). *snicker*
And she's on FanLore! And she also betas for some of the best.
So I know this is long but I just want folks to be aware of those working in the background, making our experience here in fandom enjoyable and filled with lovely content. They truly are magical elves. Sassy doesn't post much on Tumblr or on Discord but she does pop-in now and then. Next time you see her name, you'll now know who she is.
Tumblr Tidbit:
Did you know that you can edit the text below the Keep Reading line on your post and it will make the changes to all reblogs of your post. Edit above and sorry the reblogs will show the original. This comes in handy if you're making a Masterlist of works or something else that has lots of links or needs to be updated frequently.
Happy Tuesday and Sorry this was so late. My ancient computer decided to crash multiple times. Rom
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windowsandfeelings · 7 months
20 Questions Game for fic writers
tagged by @terrainofheartfelt and @slumped-in-the-arms-of-fiction (<3 <3 <3!)
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 25! (But I've written a lot more that are scattered across ffn and livejournal. I've been at this a while.)
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 153,671
3. What fandoms do you write for? Eternally Gilmore Girls, lately also Nancy Drew, and not for a while, but perhaps most notably Gossip Girl. (I've written for other fandoms, too, but not recently.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? All the Lights that Light the Way are Blinding (Gossip Girl) November 24, 2016 (Gilmore Girls) Met You at the Right Time (Gilmore Girls) The River in Egypt (Gossip Girl) The Boyfriend Tour of North America (Gilmore Girls)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? I try to, but I'm definitely behind on it at the moment. I so appreciate every comment I get (okay, every nice comment I get), and I want to acknowledge them.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm...I don't really do angsty endings. Maybe I Am Sorry to Tell You? But that's mostly because Lost hadn't actually ended yet when I wrote it so I didn't have a way to get Rory and Jess off the island. But it wasn't really presented as angsty. (I have occasionally considered writing a sequel.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? All of them? IDK, maybe MYatRT? Just because it takes such a long time to get to it, but I think it's earned.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Occasionally, yes, mostly on All the Lights..., or people commenting on other fics and shitting on All the Lights... in the process.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind? I write v v v light smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written? lol, I wrote a Barney Stinson/Buffy Summers ficlet once.
I would say I'm not a huge fan of crossovers, but I wrote a bunch of short ones back in my lj days because a couple of my friends had a crossover fic contest...really more like drabbles.
And then of course there's I Am Sorry to Tell You. Because I got really into Lost at one point and had to find a way to combine it with Gilmore Girls. And honestly I think it came out pretty well.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I don't think so, but I've definitely seen stolen fics.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yeah! Someone translated All the Lights... into Russian!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I can't remember. Maybe back in my ffn days? Nothing is springing to mind.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? LITERATI 4 LYFE
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I'd like to finish Saturn Return someday, but I don't really know where it will go. Which is why it's unfinished.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue, probably? I wasn't comfortable writing dialogue for a long time, but especially since taking screenwriting classes a few years ago I feel much more confident in it.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I struggle hard with plot. You want me to figure out what's going to actually happen in a story? Ugh!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I would probably only do it in French or maybe very basic Spanish, because that's the extent of not English that I'm confident in.
19. First fandom you ever wrote for? I'm pretty sure the first fic I ever wrote was a continuation of someone else's post-season 1 Gilmore Girls fic that they hadn't finished, but I never published it. (I still have it. It's hand-written...and bad. Because I was 13.) The first one I ever published was a Harry Potter fic on ffn. Also bad. Very unfinished.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written? 100,000% Met You at the Right Time. I could not be more proud of that thing if I tried. It was a labor of love, but it also came out exactly the way I wanted to, which is just...nearly impossible to imagine. Like I could quibble with some of the writing, especially in the first couple of chapters, but at the end of the day...it's really good. Which is not a humble statement, but it's true.
tagging: @wonderlandleighleigh @oh-bonerline @strangenewgirls @stellaluna33 @georgianadarcies and anyone else who wants to do it
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I do! This week, Emily and V talk commentfic and comment memes back in the LJ days because the "Let's Get Gay Married!" Commentfic Meme started this week in fandom history as a celebration of marriage equality passing into law in New York state. Plus, a rundown on what commentfic and comment memes were like since they've mostly gone the way of the dinosaur -- largely extinct -- and they were a magical time in fannish collaboration. Did you participate in commentfic or comment memes? And how did you celebrate marriage equality?
This Week In Fandom History is a fandom-centric podcast that tells you… what happened this week in fandom history!
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