jcmesashcroft · 10 days
"Are you talking about the stuff on the walls or the person standing behind the bar?" He couldn't help but flirt, a crooked smile on his face as he did so. "I'm alright, guess I just thought this was all pretty self explanatory and I wouldn't have to work so hard to get my vision across. That and I believe my customer service skills are a little rusty."
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"And pretty amazing art too." Orlando complimented as he made his way over. "Are you alright?" He questioned, as it sounded like the male was having a little bit of trouble with the person he was trying to explain things to.
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jcmesashcroft · 10 days
James looked at the other for a long moment, trying to school his reaction into something more neutral once again and to take a deep breath so he didn't lose his shit completely. "When you've been asked the same question on repeat for the last hour, it's going to cause a snap at one point." James pointed out the other, "And if I lose customers for that, then I lose them. Hopefully I'll keep the one's who understand what I've tried to create here."
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"That was a bit of an intense reaction," Jonah commented, "Are you looking to lose customers or did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?"
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jcmesashcroft · 21 days
"It is." James told the other. "And clearly it must have made a lasting impression on you given you're here." James pointed out before smirking. "Unless it wasn't the bar that made the lasting impression and it was in fact me and my face and my charm." He teased. "I'm hoping it'll catch on, word of mouth, maybe I should put out some advertising or something for it. But I'm sure it'll get there."
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"So this is the bar you mentioned briefly to me." Leo murmured as he entered the establishment. "It is definitely unique." He mused, having a look around. "Something people are still becoming accustomed to it seems."
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jcmesashcroft · 21 days
James continued to stare at the other as he remained quiet, the stare transforming more into a glare when the silence stretched on for a little too long. "You're a dick for milking it there, I hope you know that." James pointed out to the other. "Careful Frank, you should know that praise really does it for me." James teased the other, though he couldn't help the soft smile that settled on his face from the other being proud of him. "But thank you. I am proud of this. Still pretty stressed out and I think I will be for a little while until things settle, but I'm proud of it."
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Frank took the time to look around the place, definitely milking the silence a little longer on purpose only to keep his best friend on his toes for a moment longer. He knew this was a big deal for James after all. "I think it's amazing," Frank finally said with a smile on his face. "You did this yourself, mate. Just like you said, you quit your job and put all your time and money into this. You created something that you should be proud of," he insisted warmly. "I'm definitely proud of you."
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jcmesashcroft · 1 month
"Hey, you should be proud of yourself as well." James told the other as he hugged the other back, "A lot of this was you as well and I'm ninety percent certain that it would have remained a work in progress forever if it hadn't been for you kicking my ass into gear every so often." James took a deep breath and nodded, "I know, I should have been more prepared really. Had some sort of advertisement or article about it in the papers instead of just going into a blind opening. But here we are." He shrugged. "Stressed." He replied with a chuckled when the other asked how he was feeling. "But also happy and maybe a teeny bit proud of myself for pulling this off."
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"I'm so proud of you for finally opening it!" Elena grinned, throwing her arms over his shoulders into a tight hug. "Sure you'll probably be explaining yourself to people like that at the start but the people who get it are gonna get it," she added encouragingly. "How do you feel?"
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jcmesashcroft · 1 month
James let out a small huff at the others words, "Well you know, it's a new business, I am the owner and manager as well as being customer facing at the moment. If I call an idiot and idiot just as I've opened I might be at risk at having this place close before the end of the month is up. So I'm practicing patience right now." James told the other. "It's fucking exhausting though."
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"You know, you're showing a lot of patience right now. Why don't you just call an idiot what it is; an idiot." Gwen suggested to James after listening to the conversation for a little bit of time. "You're right, you couldn't make it any clearer. It's not a difficult concept to grasp."
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jcmesashcroft · 2 months
"You'd think with as many years as I've had on this earth- and I know that makes me sound really old and I swear I'm not-" He clarified to the other. "But you'd think I learn how fucking stupid people can be and I was a fucking Auror, my job was to deal with stupid people. And sometimes a rogue goose, but that's a different story." James smiled at the other when the other mentioned that she liked the idea of his place, "Well, I'm happy to bring it right here for you so you don't need to make the journey. Especially if this means you're going to become a regular." He flirted lightly. "Are you an artist?"
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"I hate to break it to you but some people are going to be dumb as hell– you can't escape them," Stella replied with a few shakes of her head after witnessing the interaction. "Although this is really cool by the way, an art bar. I thought I'd have to haul ass to London to go to something cool and niche like this."
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jcmesashcroft · 2 months
JAMES: Huh, didn't know you were the Auror in this relationship. But you're right, it is who I am. My brand. There's no escaping it. JAMES: It is and I'm pretty sure I've heard you say those words in conjunction with the activity before. JAMES: My looks have gotten me out of many a sticky situation, so yeah. It is a good job I'm cute. JAMES: I know it is. I only speak the truth.
REID: I don't think there is a huge difference. Both of them are against the law. As for the rest, that's just who you are.
REID: Love... is that what we're calling it now? Good job you are cute.
REID: This however is fairly true.
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jcmesashcroft · 2 months
"Please, you say that like your day didn't get brighter when you crossed my path at work. If anything I imagine you've been mourning my loss there, wondering how you'll get by without me." James told the other, "So maybe it's you who is the one who is seeking me out and missing me. I mean, I get it, I do have a pretty face after all."
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"You know, I was under the impression when you left the profession I might find myself less troubled by you. Now I'm beginning to think you've picked up a new hobby in seeking me out, Ashcroft." Lysander commented as he picked up the bags of groceries he'd come out for. "Missing me that much?"
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jcmesashcroft · 2 months
"Look, I'm not sure how I can make it anymore clearer. It literally says it under the name of the place, Polaris, Art Bar." James tried to explain to the other. "It's a bar, that displays art you can buy and also has a studio in the back for lessons and artists to use as a creative space. Also we hold paint and sip nights, sometimes. Don't know how to make it anymore clearer, mate."
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jcmesashcroft · 2 months
JAMES: You're right, you're not one for keeping still that for sure. JAMES: Attempted to steal penguins, no penguins were actually stolen. Unfortunately. But you're right, for an ex-Auror the need to be gay and do crime is pretty strong in me. JAMES: Is that a threat or a promise? You can't deny the fact that you do love me when I'm being a brat. JAMES: I'd say that we both enjoy the torture on equal levels. You like torturing me and I like being tortured in a certain way. It's a win win situation really.
REID: That's never been an issue for me. You have more of a problem keeping me and my mind still.
REID: Says the one who steals penguins. It's really not me we need to be worried about in this friendship.
REID: I don't always have time to spare. If you want to see my time efficiency I can use it on you when I end you for being a brat. That or I just torture you efficiently for however long I've got though I know you like that a little too much.
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jcmesashcroft · 3 months
"So.." James started as he leaned across the bar on his folded arms. "What do you think?" He asked the other. Polaris finally being open meant that his friends could finally come by and test it out when there weren't paint cans littering the floor and plastic sheets covering furniture. But he wasn't expecting waiting for feedback to be so nerve-wracking, especially if it was coming from someone like Frank. "Please note that if you hate it, break it to me gently. Given I you know, quit my job and put all my money into this place and therefore happen to be pretty broke."
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jcmesashcroft · 3 months
JAMES: I see you have not got the sloth brain cell today. But sure, why not. JAMES: Though part of me realises that I might regret saying yes before asking what it is you're wanting to do. Pretty sure how this is how people become accomplices to crimes. JAMES: I can see this time efficiency. Not sure I've seen you use it before, kind of proud of you for being logical.
Text|| James
REID: Practice got done early. I feel like to not do something with this extra time would be to waste it. Wanna do something? REID: And yeah, I know I could have come back to the apartment and said this but I'm being time efficient.
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jcmesashcroft · 3 months
"Oh, I don't know. It could be for a lot of things, like a conversation start, a flirting tactic, etcetera." James told the other, a smile on his face despite the slightly disgruntled expression on the others face. "You're correct in the fact that I don't owe you anything, maybe I just wanted to come and talk to you and this was a good way to go about it." James shrugged. "Are you trying to tell me you don't drink coffee? Because you totally look like the type of person to drink coffee."
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"What's this for?" Aaron asked as he raised an eyebrow at the man in front of him and what had been set in front of him. "I don't recall you owing me anything."
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jcmesashcroft · 3 months
"Hi." James replied to the other, turning his head slightly so he was mostly facing her and obscuring face from the passerbys. "Just needed a refuge for a moment, to pretend that we were together having coffee, having a conversation." He continued. "A very bad hook up of mine is over there and I know if they see me, well-... things wouldn't go down well. So I guess this is me hiding from them."
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Hazel raised her eyebrows when the other sat across from her at the table she was working at. "Uh, hi?" she replied. "Can I help you?"
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jcmesashcroft · 3 months
"What, you mean to tell me you don't yearn to be a melodramatic vampire who sparkles in the sun? I thought that was everyone's goal in life." James continued to tease, before giving a small shrug when the other offered him condolence. "It's alright, it was one sided but amicable if that makes any sense. She had her reasons and I understood them and supported her, even if it did hurt like a bitch. Because like you said, a love like that will hurt twice as hard when you lose it." James nodded. "I have told my friends I'm going back to my hoe era and honestly, it would be great if I wasn't so rusty."
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"Please no– that's a fate worse than death," she played up the dramatics momentarily before shaking her head with a laugh at the reference. "I'm really sorry that didn't work out for you. The fact that you had a love like that at all is something I'm jealous of, but I imagine it only made things hurt twice as much," Val spoke sympathetically. "That's something I totally respect. Sometimes that's just what you need at the moment."
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jcmesashcroft · 3 months
"Oof, I'm wounded. Are they hotter than me?" James couldn't help but ask, mostly joking but there was a part of him that was serious too. An ugly side of his emotions appearing in the form of jealousy, which was ridiculous given that Reid was his friend. "People have caught my eye, there are plenty of hot people here. However, I don't think I've caught anyone's eye which is honestly a fucking shame and is making me question whether or not I've lost my game."
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Reid hadn't even realised he'd been staring but he must have been for James to be able to spot that he was already spoken for tonight. "You know I'd not normally turn down the opportunity to get you into my bed but yeah, I already have pre-made plans tonight." Reid admitted, knowing there was no point trying to hide that kind of thing from James. "That doesn't mean I can't help you though. Hasn't anyone caught your eye?"
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