#literally saving my life with these asks
zackmartin · 2 years
Were Zack and Henry Disney Channel kids or Nickelodeon kids growing up (if the channels exist in their universe?) Because I personally feel like Zack would quote SpongeBob and sing the songs unironically. (Also prank calling Ray and asking Is ThIs ThE KrUsTy KrAb?)
Oof, I’m kinda botching this new friendship already, aren’t I? 😬 I sincerely apologize, I’m kinda going through stuff right now so I haven’t logged on in quite a few days and I had everything running strictly on a queue. I would also like to once again apologize for the amount of words I’m about to spew out for such a simple question and I thank you immensely for continuing to indulge me despite the fact that it takes me a billion words to get to the point 😅
I love love love this question, but I feel like it can get a bit tricky with the amount of crossovers that have existed on both channels. But before I get into all that, let me just say first that YOU GET IT! I’ve legit thought about Zack quoting Spongebob to Henry multiple times. Like, it’s just fun to think about them both growing up with it, but while Henry kinda grew out of it after a while and really only watches it if like, Piper’s watching it or something, Zack still kinda does regularly. So, Henry recognizes the references from the earliest seasons, but Zack can quote scenes from the latest seasons that just go straight over Henry’s head 😅 (and then Zack is facepalming because Henry has essentially ruined the joke by forcing Zack to explain it lmao) 
WAIT, WAIT, THIS JUST MADE ME THINK OF SOMETHING FUNNY (well, funny to me anyways) but, I have this HC that I carry over to basically every universe that's basically, Zack knows how to play guitar and he often does so just like, as a hobby, so I just got the image of Hen and Zack in their shared apartment and it's one of their date nights where they decided to just stay in, and they had a little picnic on the floor, and it's all intimate and cute and romantic, and Zack pulls out his acoustic guitar and ofc Henry thinks he's gonna play like, one of their songs or like, a love song or something and Zack even strums a few chords to make Henry think that but then he just dives straight into the Campfire Song Song, and then Henry literally just gets up and leaves the room at that point (but, he does come back a few seconds later to sing along, because, well, you have to. It’s in the lyrics. Also, Henry’s just used to Zack’s antics at that point, he finds them endearing. and it’s not like he hasn’t pulled his own shit during the course of their relationship. it’s another thing that makes them so compatible.) (they’re idiots to idiots in love)
But, anyway, back to the original question; like I said, it gets tricky with the liveaction stuff because of all the crossovers and even,,, reusing actors, so it’s kinda hard to say like, what would be just a tv show in this universe. It’s a little easier with the cartoons I’d say, so I don’t really mind saying they exist as tv shows but like. Even with the Loud House, since there was an episode with j*ce and Cooper like,,,,, would Zack just make a joke about “hey that character kinda sounds like you” ??? who knows
 But, since Suite Life had crossovers with Hannah Montana, That’s So Raven and Wizards then I would just assume that would rule those out as being just tv shows. (although, sometimes i do forget about the crossovers because I thought about Zack finding out Henry’s secret, and being the little shit that he is is just like “oh. so you're just like Hannah Montana :)” but then I remember he like, sort of knows Hannah Montana alsdjf but then that opens up the possibility of Hannah actually existing as a popstar in this universe, and Hen just being like “are you trying to tell me you know Hannah Montana? Like, the popstar Hannah Montana? Best of Both Worlds Hannah Montana?” and Zack just being like “yeah! She ate cake off my sweater vest once :)” henry, after several seconds of silence: “are you messing with me? I feel like you’re messing with me. You’d never wear a sweater vest.” Zack: “this coming from the guy who still tries to convince me he met Bigfoot” “I DID MEET BIGFOOT”) (yes, I’ve thought extensively about this conversation) 
But, even with like,,,,Phil of the Future. I mean, technically I could say that’s just a tv show but since Brenda Song was in it for a bit like. Do Hen and Zack just think her character has an uncanny resemblance to London?? 
There was an episode of HD where Hen and Ray were watching Drake and Josh in the Man Cave, so I could see both of them being fans of that show when they’re kids. And I know both Nathan Kress and Jerry Trainor were guest stars so that might make it a little tricky, but I’d also like to believe that they (meaning Zenry ofc) enjoyed iCarly and also enjoy the reboot. 
I can’t believe I’ve never thought about Zack pranking Ray though. Like, I’ll be super super honest, I cant stand Ray, and I’m so SO close to just straight up making him the villain in one of my AUs that I kinda project that hatred through Zack a bit. Because, Zack sort of only sees the damage that Ray has done when it comes Henry, with basically throwing him into crime-fighting at just 13 and not really training him or giving him any slack when it came to Henry trying to figure out how to balance that world with school and his social life and whatnot, and even just the trauma Henry would face with like, losing his superpower in order to save the world and just,,,getting his ass kicked all the time. And since Hen is basically Zack’s world, he’s just,,,,,not really a fan of Ray; he basically tolerates him when he has to for Henry’s sake. But, I love the thought of him using prank calling as a way to get petty revenge lmao. Like, ofc it doesn’t really do anything, at best it just confuses Ray and maybe drives him insane/ruins his day, but. Any way Zack can get minor revenge on him is enough (also can’t stop thinking about henry catching him in the act one time and just being like “are you prank calling Ray again? 🙄” Zack: “👀 No. That was………Cody.”) 
Anyways, I’m sorry, I feel like I just rambled on forever in the most incoherent way possible and didn’t even answer your question 😬 but this was still super fun to think about anyways 😅
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twinstxrs · 5 months
in light of recent canon academic conversations, riz adaine gorgug study sessions have never been more real to me. gorgug helps riz + adaine get out of their own heads when they’re overworking themselves, riz + adaine help gorgug with alternative studying methods because he learns best through visuals + experience. fabian’s there occasionally when he has a particularly difficult assignment/test but he makes them all swear never to speak of it in order to protect his “image.” kristen has shown up exactly twice: once for advice on a group project that was two months overdue & once to just lay on the floor and relax for an hour before leaving. fig didn’t know the study sessions were happening until sophomore year & now keeps getting monthly bans because every time she shows up she ends up accidentally distracting riz + adaine. also, sometimes after/in the middle of really long study sessions riz adaine & gorgug go to basrar’s together to unwind but fabian kristen & fig Are Not Invited (they do still text to ask if anyone wants something brought back from basrar’s. they’re not heartless, after all).
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g1deonthefirst · 1 month
honestly i get very uncomfortable when jod stans talk about wake...they're always like "okay but it wasn't very nicies when wake impregnated herself in a desperate attempt to kill my fascist blorbo. did she ever think of that, huh??" and i'm like: okay some of the things yall say about wake sound like anti-abortion talking points & she's never done anything wrong, actually, so jot that down
eeexactly! we literally just had a whole convo in the server about the way that wake's pregnancy brings up a lot of the same themes as an abortion narrative (while also talking about how the coercive nature of imperialism removes the ability to give true consent), and so the way that people talk about wake ends up really showing their asses in terms of what they think of a woman's right to choose and how much they really value the lives of pregnant women vs. what's in their wombs.
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tali-zorahs · 9 months
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read ocean's echo recently and NOW i have brain worms.
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lemongogo · 1 year
sooooo❤️ ive been misreading chapter 41 thsi ENTIRE TIMEE thinking that was knives and not vash
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dumbhero · 1 month
shuro's bad shuro's the worst i'll kill you i'll kill us both he literally hasnt eaten or showered in days and has been searching for a woman he loves very dearly i think that alone entitles him to be a little cranky with laios + he ALSO doesn't understand social cues because he comes from a totally different culture and social standing. laios is a completely different kind of person than shuro has ever had to deal with before. yes they fight but CLEARLY they don't actually want to hurt each other because if they did shuro could, weakened though he is, turn laios into mincemeat. he's angry but he wants to talk to him. he's angry because if the western elves learn falin was brought back using ancient magic they'll kill her or experiment on her, NOT because he has some beef with ancient magic itself. and literally at the end he tells Laios he's not going to say anything. and that no matter what happens he can call Shuro for help and he'll literally HELP HIM ESCAPE TO HIS HOME IN THE EAST. if you don't like shuro because he "doesnt like laios" you're already wrong because that's a bad reason to dislike a character (laios is legitimately grating and awkward, we find it endearing bc we understand he's not doing it on purpose + we know he's fictional + many of us see ourselves in him anyway) but also he LITERALLY DOES LIKE LAIOS. he finds it difficult to communicate with him just like laios finds it difficult!! if shuro hated him i cannot stress there's a million things he could've done other than punching him back when he slapped him LMAO
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softpine · 3 months
This might be juvenile, but do you have any tips on not comparing yourself to others? (Especially when it comes to note count or popularity.) I’ve been posting a story for over a year and it hardly gets any traction. It’s tough for me to see new creators post and get hundreds or even thousands of notes. I hate that I’m doing this but don’t know how to quit it!
this is not juvenile!! i struggle with this myself, especially knowing that i hit my peak years ago and i've been on the decline ever since – but only by numbers alone! i'm more proud of my story than i've ever been, i'm more attached to my characters, i'm putting more love and thought into everything, but i had to be realistic with myself and understand that i'll never pull even half the notes i did in 2020. gone are the days when i would wake up to 3 new anons about my story and dms from people every day (i can't believe i used to get overwhelmed by it...) and i would be lying if i said it didn't make me sad sometimes, because we're humans and our brains are practically wired to crave the hit of happy chemicals you get from seeing the stupid number go up 😭 it does feel demotivating. it makes me feel less urgency to post quicker if i convince myself that no one is waiting for me anyway, which means i post less, which means even less people stick around, which makes me post less, and on and on. it's a tough thing for me to come to terms with in all honesty.
but it helps to remember that i would be writing even if no one is reading. and i know that, because i have! i've written entire novel-length fics that i've never published, i've written countless short stories in the frozen pines universe that i'll never post, i've created alternate universes that will never be shown, etc. i do it because the idea is in my head and it needs to Get Out and i'm kinda just a conduit for that. that might not apply to you, and that's okay! everyone is different. the important thing is to really sit down and think about WHY you write and what you get out of it. which part of the process makes you happiest? what makes you feel a sense of fulfillment / satisfaction? play to your strengths. try not to spend your time doing things you think other people will enjoy and instead, spend more time on the things that make you happy. for me, i haaaaate editing and i always have, so lately i've been trying to speed through it a little bit quicker even if it means the final product won't be as appealing to others. (this is still a work in progress for me...) i have more fun when i experiment with different writing styles, which might not appeal to others because it takes longer and i don't really have a recognizable style, but i don't care anymore because i'm having fun! ask yourself what YOU want from your story, and then write for yourself and only yourself.
essentially what i'm saying is: there will ALWAYS be people more popular than you, and there's no guarantee that when you find the popularity you seek, you'll be able to keep it. so you need to find some sort of intrinsic motivation to continue or you'll just keep comparing yourself to others forever and you'll deny yourself the joy of creation! "comparison is the thief of joy" could not be more true!!
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symphonyofsilence · 6 months
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Learning about the Yunmeng Shuangjie and the Nieyao drama through Wei Wuxian's and Nie Mingjue's points of view.
#'AITA for avoiding my brother like the plague after being back from the dead after learning he's been looking for me this whole time#And denying him an explanation about how & why I accidentally killed our BIL & started a massacre that resulted in our sister's death#And orphaned our nephew. And talking back to him and telling him off instead of even looking slightly apologetic#when he berates me for telling our nephew whom I accidentally orphaned he lacks maternal education?#And then without even saying so much as a hi to my brother when entering his home bringing a stranger#(that I've been spending all my time with instead of going home and giving an explanation to the brother that has suffered so much bc of me#Bc it was the easier thing to do)#To his ancestral shrine and then teaming up with my boyfriend to beat him up in his own ancestral shrine when he gets upset?#And then telling him that all I did for him (& kept from him) was bc I owed his family and then leaving him behind bleeding#metaphorically & literally (both bc of me) and not even asking him how he is before running to fuck in the bushes with my boyfriend?#*sigh* I thought Jiang Cheng would always be on my side and Lan Wangji opposite us.'#'AITA for making numerous attempts on the life of my marginalized sworn brother and ex-subordinate who has risked his life saving mine#& kicking him down the stairs & offending his mother & going to kill him again#after I told him why he won't just kill himself for the betterment of the world after he refused#To risk his life & safety doing something he had no authority to do after he tried to explain his situation to me?'#mdzs#cql#the untamed#mo dao zu shi#chen qing ling#the grandmaster of demonic cultivation#nie mingjue#jin guangyao#wei wuxian#wei ying#jiang cheng#yunmeng shuangjie#jiang wanyin#yunmeng bros#twin heroes of yunmeng
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audreyii-fic · 6 months
holy shit
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i just had a realization
what if
(and bear with me here)
i just have one ship
just one
and all of these different books/movies/shows that i love wherein i wind up shipping a new pairing
are just
AUs of that first ship
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folks what i'm saying here is that i'm pretty sure i've been shipping Christy and Dark Heart since i was three years old and literally every OTP since then has been their AU
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welcometoteyvat · 10 months
arlecchino's official title is "father" when house of hearth members refer to her ......... please just one chance please please
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saintbleeding · 7 months
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[ID: An mspaint drawing of Martin Blackwood happily bursting out of a cake. He is wearing a party hat and a cropped tank top that reads "happy birthday". end ID]
HI THIS IS VERY LATE BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY i hope you enjoy the mart <3 (it's meant to be your design but there was only so much i could do in a doodle style)
tysm this has literally made my entire WEEK i'm giving him a million smooches forever and tacking him to my bedroom ceiling so i can see him first thing every morning ;~;
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johnsspacesuittight · 6 months
the fact that it's 2023 and I'm getting regular Dan and Phil videos is still absolutely mindblowing to me
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urmomsfavelesbian · 2 months
hiiiiiiii hihihihi sorry i’ve been quiet i cracked my head open and broke my nose and then Immediately proceeded to go to vegas for a boscodayadventure bc if there’s one thing i am it’s Committed and also insane
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maddy-ferguson · 11 months
controversial opinion but i dont think the duffers set up byler well, lets be real most of the fandom outside of our echo chamber doesn't think byler is going to become canon. and like idk but i agree that they should have at least broken up mlvn and resolved the monologue issue (preferably not include it even) if they were going for the byler route. same for will's importance or even mike's importance for the plot. removing them from the show's main narrative doesn't make a good case for their importance in the story in the penultimate, esp when they received minimum screentime in this season. it's not the audience's fault to think mlvn is endgame or will or mike are unimportant when the way they've been handled were lackluster and when cali plot.... Was Like That. plus they gave it all to el's character lol. ofc ppl gonna think she's the protagonist when she was the one who opened the gate and created vecna and when mike spends the entire season talking about her. redpill but it's not making much sense here when the narrative is criticized in the byler fandom, acting like the writers did a perfect job in terms of setup is just being wilfully blind atp.
i think people not expecting it is the point though. like yeah it's obvious because when they did the same thing on a smaller scale with nancy's love triangle at the end of season 1 (her spending most of the season with jonathan them bonding and her and steve fighting but then still being together in the epilogue) most people could see that jonathan and nancy were gonna be together and not one person was called delusional for thinking that. but i really think the juxtaposition is the point, it's a queer couple so even with a similar storyline people don't expect it because of heteronormativity etc which is kind of depressing but it's also what's gonna make it happening even better...#imho
for the monologue, obviously i don't ENJOY IT but i don't hate it because i think it's interesting for el? whether you think she believed him or not, whether or not you think she was gonna break up with him at sbp, i think having him tell her he loves her makes it so no one can be like "but if mike had said he loved her everything would've been fine!" i like them going all the way in that sense. i think it's good for us as an audience to have that, this way there's no what ifs. it makes it apparent that their relationship couldn't be fixed by mike saying i love you and also that their fight in lenora wasn't only about mike and about their relationship, like mike never thought she was a monster that was all el, and him telling her that she's not a monster won't fix that internal struggle for her. and it also won't help her grow beyond the monster/superhero dichotomy.
i don't like will and mike being away from the supernatural plot either but yk i do think it's because they're important for the resolution of that storyline and that that's also supposed to come as a surprise. for mike well i don't actually know that he is, but i certainly know will is and i think they did set that up pretty well. he's not in episode 7 but they reveal that the upside down is frozen on the day he disappeared, he's in hawkins for five minutes but the season ends with him talking about his connection to vecna and everyone and their mother is reminded of the fact that will is a vital part of the supernatural plot. people don't necessarily think he's gonna be the key to resolving the upside down and vecna thing for good (no matter what that looks like, i'm expecting it to be both el and will because it kind of is the el show + we'll fix it together + lucas and erica (siblings) being the mvps of the basketball game and the dnd game that has a lot of foreshadowing in episode 1 etc) because el's the one who's always done it pretty much by herself...but it's also never worked. not for long anyway. i would say that like byler (but not as shocking because it's not someone assumed to be straight turning out to be gay) it's supposed to make people go oh why have i never thought of that of course will would be an integral part of the ud resolution this makes so much sense!!! when it happens. and characters also always expect el to be the one to fix it just like they don't expect byler to happen. meta.
and again i don't LOVE mike and will's thing being the conversational roadtrip only in season 4, but i get why they did it like i see the vision. i see where you're coming from and i agree that most people not seeing byler coming isn't necessarily their fault (even though i said it's similar to nancy's s1 triangle and everyone expected it then. nancy never gave steve an i love you i've loved you forever i'll love you forever speech, major difference), i really think it's NOT supposed to be that obvious. even though it is kind of. i get wishing they had broken up mlvn in volume 2 and i certainly would've liked not having to see bylers be called delusional 24/7 but i think mlvn breaking up would've made byler endgame wayy too obvious and if they wanted it to be obvious to the girls that get it only i think they've accomplished that. same with will and the supernatural plot. and everyone is free to not like it still, i just don't think that means the set up isn't good.
very last paragraph. i don't think everything they've ever written is perfect. i don't even think every decision that's been made by the st team regarding WILL's queerness is perfect like (this is another conversation) having noah deny the gay allegations on will's behalf a month before having him say oh yeah he is gay it's obvious is crazy to me it's no surprise that people feel like it's an afterthought and like byler is never gonna happen. even though i obviously disagree with them. fin.
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Hi how are you? Ask game time!
16, 47, 65 & 93?
Hi anon!! I’m doing wonderfully rn! God bless the end of finals and the upcoming summer break. How are you? (Should you feel comfortable enough to reply, of course! I don’t bite :3) Thank you for giving me a chance to ramble :3 um. 16 got long so it’s at the bottom 🥰
47: how well-decorated is your bedroom?
That depends! If you mean well decorated as in how much decoration, yes, lots! Well as in nice/aesthetic um? I like it, but I know my maximalist style can be a Lot for some people LMAO. I have posters and D&D art everywhere, a rainbow carpet, Christmas lights strung through my bookshelf, knick knacks everywhere, etc.
65: do you have a Signature Outfit™?
Oh yes absolutely. Or at least a signature formula: graphic t-shirt under matching button up, jeans or shorts, maybe a cap or beanie. Here’s my favorite button up and jeans just for sillies :3
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93: favorite game?
In an every context possible way (board game vs video game vs ttrpg), D&D, hands fucking down. But in terms of video games, I adore the Mass Effect series. No other video game series has made me cry quite so much. Baldur’s Gate 3 is a close second, though I am still in Act 3.
16: is there anyone you're not biologically related to that you consider "family"?
ABSOLUTELY. In fact, why don’t I tag those of them that exist here as an excuse to be a huge fucking sap about it and so you all can go follow them. (Uh. This gets long, so adding a read more thing. I get sappy after 10 pm oopsies)
While I am no longer in the fandom that brought us all together (nor are most of them), I do have to thank that fandom for being what put us all in one place. One beta reading comment left on a fic inspired me to finally pick up D&D again after years of failed campaigns—and we’ve been going strong near a year and a half now. This D&D group is fucking everything to me. These people have been with my through the lowest points of my life and I owe everything to them. Not only are they all talented in art, writing, poetry, and the many things they do, but they are all absolutely incredible people and the best friends I ever could have asked for. One little comment genuinely changed my life.
@daughterofdrearburh is one of the coolest people in the world. She’s smart as a whip, hilarious as fuck, and one of the kindest hearts I’ve ever met. If you get the chance, you should bug her about her novel (I am the number one Starblossom fan) and about her horse, Ginger, who she has made incredible strides with. I admire her a lot. Also about her homebrew/framkensteined together TTRPG she’s running, because it’s a fucking blast!!
@ninthhousesteel was actually the first of the gang that I was mutuals with!! She’s also incredibly funny (probably the most hilarious person I know, seriously they pop out of fucking nowhere with one liners that’ll leave you in stitches). She’s so fucking smart and doing incredible things in engineering (I may not understand it, but I know they’re going to do great things), as well as being a great artist and wonderful writer. Also? Incredible taste in music, frankly. Another thing to bug them about!
@haaawaiianshirt is like. I don’t even know where to start. The best personality ever. She’s funny, outgoing, unbelievably sweet, with just the right amount of bite! She’s like summertime personified, just warm and the best to be around. You can’t help but smile. Add onto that the most delicious art style and an incredible talent for so many different crafts (ask her about crochet beast!!). They’re going to be famous one day for being behind the set design of all your favorite theme parks and theme park rides.
@candle-lion is so COOL. I genuinely look up to her so so so much. Again with the super funny (literally can’t breathe with this group, you will be in stitches). One of the most talented writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, an incredible DM, master at roleplay and making characters you can’t help but fall in love with, as a player or a DM. I admire everything she does in teaching—she is exactly the kind of teacher that our world is in desperate need of. She’s going to change lives, I just know it.
@lavenderlevetan where Emmie is summertime, Eve is autumn. She’s so unbelievably chill, a breath of fresh air to be around, a warm mug of tea of a person, if you catch my drift. She’s so sweet and so smart and sooo wonderful to hang out with, with possibly the most lovely laugh ever. Her writing is immaculate, and god I just LOVE the way she builds characters. You can’t help but be sucked into their inner workings. And yet another incredible artist!!
@suwunnysideup the master storyteller. I have never met someone with such a skill for weaving together stories and characters in such a beautiful web that you can’t help but be starstruck. Seriously, the world building is insane and so in depth, you can see how much they really care. They’re a fucking riot and my best fucking friend. Once again, another insanely talented artist, I need to shake their art like a chew toy. Ask them about carpe diem :3
And last but not least, while not an active PC in our main campaign, the group would not be complete without @avocadosockz . Our resident meme maker, comedian, character arc instigator, beloved guest star NPC, and best audience in the world—while also joining our side campaign as the funniest possible character choice in the world (ask her about Sadie!). Another amazingly supportive person who I appreciate with all of my heart, I love bouncing evil ideas off of her in DMs to enact upon the rest of the party. Excited for our next little scheme >:3
That’s the D&D group covered but I’m not done, if you would believe it. I will take every single chance to be a complete sap about my friends.
More people I met through fandom! I haven’t talked to them as much in recent months, which I’m terribly guilty about, they are all incredible people. @lionydoorin is a wonderful artist and a super sweet person, someone you can always rely on. They’re going to med school and I know they’re going to be fucking amazing in their field. @idyllghost is another rad artist and one of my first really good friends here in Tumblr! He’s so sweet, so funny, and so good at poetry and writing too. An artistic genius in so many ways.
@whiteredrose13 is possibly my oldest internet friend. I think we’re going on?? 5+ years now? Which isn’t much compared to some of y’all, but it’s a lot to me. Rose is one of the kindest, most supportive people in the entire world. She’s so unbelievably patient, listening to me ramble on and on about my D&D campaign and my unfinished writings. Speaking of, because I’m literally surrounded by talent, they are yet another insanely wonderful artist AND writer, with an incredible world and the most lovable OCs ever. Gabe and Ana and their entire family will always live rent free in my brain 🫶
And a special shout-out to the one irl friend who has stuck by me through everything 🫶 Elaina is so kind, so funny, so fucking smart, the best taste in music, one of my favorite people to talk for hours with. I wish we hung out more :,) (Side note, Em I’m realizing the two of you are like two sides of the same coin and would get along so we’ll probably)
If I forgot anyone, know that you are loved in equal measure, I am simply sleepy and functioning on post finals brain fry 🫶
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matchandelure · 1 month
binge read all of kaiju no 8 a couple days ago :::) and im all caught up w the anime now too i am hooked holy
#haha i start my internship in a couple days so im feeling really shitty and anxious and need to bury my feelings w new media#I LOVE THIS SERIES??!!! A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i didnt do research before starting the anime like i usually do..so i had zero idea who the voice actors were#BUT THEN I HEARD HOSHINA SAY ONE LINE AND WAS IMMEDIATELY LIKE. ASAGIRI GEN IS THAT YOU?!?!??!?@??@?@!?!!?!?!!!#IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND OOOOOOOH THE ACCENT IS PERFECT!!!!!#hoshina is my favourite.....silly guy who wields his sword for fun... i also caught up with b side bc i heard he was the main#and i cried lol...#also cried a couple more times during my run through the manga haha#kafka... ohhhhh kafka as a protag!!!!!! HES SO SO AMAZING#guy in his 30s fueld by a promise w his childhood friend to stand next to her and eliminate all the monsters#THE WAY HE CARES SO MUCH ;O; THE IMPACT HES HAD ON BOTH RENO AND KIKORU#KIKORU MY DAUGHTER ;O; SHES DONE SO MUCH SHES DONE SO WELL SHES AMAZING SHE DESERVES SO MUCH PRAISE AND LOVE#yea....i like these guys i think they are very very cool I CANNOT WAIT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THEM#honestly kn8 episodes are gonna be what gets me through the weeks now...#both these eps and ALSO THE NEW TOURABU ANIME BUT IM SO SAD ITS ENDING IN 3 MROE EPS :(((#literally either teared up cried or screamed or all 3 a ton as i watched each episode tkrb will always cheer me up#i am gods most predictable pathetically weak soldier i saw hoshina who smiles like ranpo and laughs and jokes around constantly and yet als#has this huge sense of like... what is my purpose. what is my proof of existence. how can i be asked to just drop the one thing that ive#kept at all my life. thats all i have out here thats the only way for me to save people and prove i existed#that keeps me this role in this force in this organization and this is all i ahve to live for#HES SO URUHRHTUGHGSDFKJFK#GUY WHO ON THE SURFACE SEEMS SO HAPPY GO LUCKY AND SIMPLE WHO SHOUDLERS AND KEEPS SO MUCH TO HIMSELF WHO IS SO PASSIONATE ABOUT ONE THING#THAT HAS SHAPED HIS ENTIRE LIFE WHO CARES SO SO MUCH AND JUST WANTS TO DO WHATEVER HE CAN BECAUSE ITS ALL HE CAN DO#i discovered bsd when i was 14 years old discovered ranpo bsd and was never the same#comfort character fr actually..so comfort character that it transcends just the one series#lol enough rambling i shall go back to playing hades watching one piece with kn8 manga tab open split screen style and listening to p3r#soundtrack so that i can stop thinking and forget that i am actually somehow a person#willows rambling branch
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