#like they Know it's wrong with aisha but don't know that with flora and it's like ??? my dude ?????
floralovebot · 1 year
i've noticed that a lot of winx fanart doesn't whitewash aisha but does whitewash flora and it's like,, you guys know that's still bad right? you guys know flora isn't just a quirked up tanned white girl right? you guys know that discussions of whitewashing aren't exclusively in regard to black characters right? you guys know it's still racist and whitewashing to lighten just flora right? you guys know that keeping aisha's skin tone correct doesn't make it okay to whitewash flora right?
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p0ckiiturtle · 1 month
So, I recently started hyperfixating on an old show I used to watch called “Winx Club”. It’s a 2004 Italian Magical Girl show that was really popular and soon made its way to the states.
I’d also like to point out that this show ran from 2004-2019. Just to give you guys a heads up on how long it ran for.
While it was loved by all, it did have many, many, MANY flaws. One of which was their love interests.
Sky: Bloom’s boyfriend
Brandon: Stella’s boyfriend
Riven: Musa’s boyfriend
Timmy: Tecna’s boyfriend
Nabu/Nex/Roy: Aisha/Layla’s boyfriend/fiance/crush I guess
And Helia: Flora’s boyfriend
Notice how Aisha’s list is a bit longer. I’m gonna get into that.
They all suffer from the same thing. A thing I like to call “The Lover Effect”. Basically, when a character is introduced, but their only trait is to be another character’s love interest.
They have no other backstory. No known morals. They’re just there to fall in love with the character. And nothing more.
A lot of shows struggle with this. Mainly with their female main characters, but there are some examples of the male characters suffering from this.
And Winx Club is one of the prime examples of this.
We know little to nothing about their pasts. We don’t know what their goals are. And they’re only there to serve the main cast. The Winx. Their entire personalities revolve around them being the boyfriends of the Winx.
I think the only characters whose past we know of are Sky and Nabu’s. And even then, it’s seldom said.
A while ago, I was researching for a video based on my own version of winx for my TikTok account (shameless plug, I know). And I came across this:
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It was from the old Winx website. I wasn't aware of this when I was watching it cause I grew up on the Nickelodeon one, but that's besides the point.
It clearly states here that Riven's mom left him when he was very young. And according to him: She probably left for money. Resulting in his distrust of people and his 'bad boy' attitude. Specifically in women. This was never stated in neither the show nor the comics.
This could've been perfect ammunition for a good redemption arc for Riven. Why he's so distrustful and so standoffish of all of his friends. Why he's constantly pushing Musa away. He's too afraid that they'll leave him. And the hurt will start all over again.
But no. They don't.
Instead, they give some toxic relationship between two characters where they're both in the wrong, but decide to paint him as the bad guy cause 'ShE wOuLd NeVeR dO tHaT!!!!". They constantly breakup. And then when they decide to give him the slightest amount of character development , they just drag him back down to being the asshole character. And the whole cycle repeats.
Every. Single. Fucking. Season.
I'm not even kidding.
I will give them this though;
As much as I will shit on Nick for practically ruining Winx Club, at least they tried to give him a redemption arc. But it was put into a half-assed breakup scene where he had to 'find himself'.
The next victim is Sky.
For those who don't know:
Sky is the crown prince/king of Eraklyon. His home kingdom. The most we know about him is that he possibly has daddy issues and was in a relationship before Bloom.
Now the way they went about Sky is interesting. Because they gave him a little bit of a backstory. But not enough for him to be an interesting character to me. The most that we know is that his dad is an asshole and his ex-fiancé was just selfish.
From what I've gathered from the show.
But what else about Sky? What was his childhood like? What was his relationship with Diaspro, his ex, like? When did Sky and Diaspro first meet?
In the show, it's stated that they were childhood friends, but for some reason, I don't believe that. Maybe it's my version of Winx clouding my judgement, but I don't care. Knowing how most marriages between the elites and royalty were mainly for political reasons back then, that was probably my reason for not believing the whole "childhood friends" thing.
We don't even know his relationship with his father. The most we know is that he has an older cousin who he doesn't trust for some reason after something he did back when they were kids.
But personally, I think him somewhat revolving around Bloom could work.
Imagine this:
Ever since you were a child, you were forced into a life of perfection. Your parents were distant from you, so you were raised by the servants in the castle. You're forced into an arranged marriage to some girl who can only think about herself, from your eyes. And that's all you know. Perfection. Perfection. Perfection.
And then all of a sudden, you meet this girl. She's outgoing. She's a bit shy. She has goals. Aspirations. But most of all, she's free.
You meet her parents and you see how strong of a relationship they have with her. She has friends in her school. She's made tons of mistakes, but no one criticizes her for them. After all, they're just mistakes.
And the more you're around her, the more you realize that your childhood wasn't good. It wasn't what you wanted. You realized that you needed your parents love. But because of their status, they never gave it to you that much. Only speaking to you at dinners or whatnot.
Sky wanting to break the mold and find his true self because of Bloom could work. With good writing and planning, his character could become far more interesting than the one we were given.
Next up: Brandon.
The most we know about him is that he's Sky's best friend/squire and is from Eraklyon just like Sky. We don't know jackshit about his family life. All we know is that he's loyal and a flirtatious guy. Even when he's dating Stella, he's still flirting with other girls!
Like wtf??
Sure, he gives Stella a heartfelt speech about always loving her for who she is, regardless of how she looks. But that's basically it. And I hate that the most I can give him is killing off his dad. Like, that's the most character I can give him. Because we don't know jackshit about his past. His goals. Or anything else about him. And it sucks.
Next: Timmy
I hate that we barely see any of him throughout the show. The most screentime we get of him is when he's searching for Tecna when she gets lost in the Omega Dimension. But the fact that he didn't go on that trip with Sky and Bloom just sucks. I get that they wanted to create some cute moments between them and they didn't want Timmy, the guy who literally found her coordinates, to be a third wheel. But his girlfriend was LITERALLY SUCKED INTO ANOTHER FRICKIN PLANET!!!!! I think he has every right to be on that trip. It could've shown his desperation and fear that he may not be able to find his love.
And as much as I love him when it comes to commitment and his girlfriend, he still falls into this category. because once again, we don't know his damn backstory. Hell, we don't even know where he's from!
Like Riven, Helia, or Nex. Unless it was specified in the show, we don't know where they're from.
I'm gonna assume that Timmy's from the same planet as Tecna, which is Zenith. A futuristic planet with highly advanced technology mixed with magic.
But here's the thing: The only thing about his character that may give me that answer is the fact that he's smart and likes to make robots.
That's the only reason why.
Nothing about his character design gave that away. Which may just come down to me being nit-picky. But I honestly don't care.
And I hate that I have to assume where he's from because the show never gives us any indication from his character.
For Tecna, she had no idea how to handle her feelings for Timmy and was constantly going back and forth on logic and heart because that was the norm in Zenith. Logic was their only answer. And for that, they probably have no reason for love or feelings.
Meanwhile for Timmy, he's automatically head over heels for her and has no problem confessing his love for Tecna. That could be chalked up to just how they were raised. But, as I've said before, we don't know how he was raised.
Next: Helia
You wanna know something crazy?
Originally, Helia was supposed to be a girl. But they changed his gender and made him a boy because Flora was the only one without a boyfriend. And they didn't want her to be single.
(Even though Aisha didn't have a boyfriend and was single until season 3)
The thing that gets me the most about Helia is that he's seen as the quiet and reserved nature lover of the group. Just like Flora. But even then, we barely hear from this fucking bastard.
Like, I get that he's supposed to be the quiet guy, but it's not like he's non-verbal. He can fucking talk!
At least we know from context clues that he's most likely from Linphea. The same planet Flora's from. But that's only because he's friends with the fucking princess of Linphea.
I guess you could chalk it up to his love for nature and pacifist personality, but that could be applied to anyone.
What's worse is that I couldn't even find/give him a reason as to why he's like this. I could just leave it and just say that "It's his personality. He was just born like that", but I refuse. The most i could give him was a large family. 6 sisters with him being the middle child.
Yes, I took a page out of 'Loud House', but I feel like it could work. You have absolutely no idea how much your family can shape and affect your personality.
But that's just me.
Next: Nabu
This is going to hurt me because he's my favorite out of all of the Specialists.
I want to say he falls into this category. I really do, but a part of me just doesn't have the heart to. Especially since he was basically the perfect match for Aisha/Layla.
Both come from wealthy families. Both have only known perfection throughout their lives, but are trying to break that mold and want to be their own person.
And I think it's perfect! Even if they were in an arranged marriage, they could still make it work.
You just have to develop their relationship over time. Have them do little things that makes the other fall in love with them bit by bit.
Unfortunately, they decided to fucking kill him off in season 4. Literally the season AFTER HE WAS FUCKING INTRODUCED!
And it pisses me off so much!
But back to his "Lover" trope:
See, he doesn't fall into it that much. If anything, I'd say he doesn't fall into it at all since we, as an audience, were given more than enough content of his past to make a clear picture of him.
Is this me being biased because he's my favorite? Absolutely.
And I think the reason as to why he was so loved by the fandom is because he was something new. He wasn't a copy paste of the same person but with a different personality and character design. He was something fresh.
Until they decided to fucking axe that and give us shit.
I don't wanna go too much into detail for Roy and Nex. Their characters bored me to death.
All you have to know is that Roy was the equivalent of the rebound summer fling for Aisha and Nex is like Riven, but worse. At least Riven was somewhat interesting as to why he acts the way he does. Nex is just an ass for no reason.
I get that this show is supposed to be for young girls. It's to encourage them that they can do anything. But you can have an uplifting girls show with interesting male characters.
With the reboot coming soon, I really do hope that the writers take their male characters into account and give them interesting personalities and not go down the Nickelodeon route and screw everything up.
From what I've heard, Iginio Straffi, the creator of Winx, is back to writing for the reboot. Even though his writing was flawed, I do hope that he's used these last 2-3 years in improving his characters and plot. From what I've heard, he's been working with authors from around the world. So this may be a sign of hope for the Winx fandom. Because god knows we need it.
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Sky from OG Winx Club
Disclaimer: Just my opinion
So as a kid I actually liked Sky. Like there were 10 different people I saw Bloom with more than Sky, but as a canon ship. They weren't bad. But they weren't great in the way that you go: That's love.
But now as I re-watch it, I ABSOUTLY DESPISE Sky.
Like he lied to Bloom about his identity, "But But he-" "SHHHHH" I don't care why he did it. He full on scammed her. On top of that he had a frickin fiancé. It dosen't matter he didn't want the marriage, he lied to her about his identity and the fact he was engaged.
Looking back on it I feel SO bad for Diaspero. Like there she was just minding her own business and Bloom comes out and attacks her. And accuses her of stealing her man? Like WTF? So obviously Diaspero fought back. Like I get Bloom was the protagonist and such could do no wrong, but here she was the "other woman". She had no idea about Diaspero, but she was still the person Sky was cheating on with.
Not to mention when Bloom thought she may be a witch, Sky's initial reaction was to turn away. Am I the only one who remembered that moment when Brandon pretended that Flora's spell was still working just so Stella wouldn't feel bad about her appearance and he assured her that he loved her no matter what she looked like? Like in those moment Sky reacted like a BOY and Brandon did what a MAN would do.
Also, going a quick reroute to Blooms other ships, I know people joke about Bloom having more chemistry with literally ever other character than Sky. But I honestly feel like it's SO TRUE! Like Icy and Valtor. She had so much chemistry with those two. Also, is it just me or do I feel like Bloom honestly had more screen time with Icy than Sky? I mean if shit comes down to it, I'm pretty sure it's going to end up being Icy and Bloom fighting against a big bad (Bad-Version-Valtor in season 8) than Sky and Bloom.
Gotta ask who was the best winx club boyfriend? For me personally it would come down to Brandon, Helia, and Nabu. Like Brandon and Stella were just great. Helia and Nabu were the sweetest and steadiest. Aisha and Nabu I feel like had the most growth from Aisha hating the idea of him to falling in love.
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sailorplanet1997 · 3 months
is it just me or did the winx paired with the WRONG group? Stella is all about herself and act all busy around in cloudtower and Musa looks like she doesn't care about Stella and since Musa can act very tough, it doesn't work so well with these 2 as a team Bloom is all into instinct and emotions while Tecna is all about logic, rational and a perfectionist, that really don't match well with each other, no wonder they argued a few times i don't know how to describe with Flora and Aisha, like yeah they don't fight but they're no better as a pair neither because Aisha is scared of the dark and that doesn't match well with Flora's personalities, they makes each other nervous and even more anxious this way, no offense to these 2 though my ideal pairs for each winx Flora and Tecna Bloom and Stella Musa and Aisha i don't know why but they can learn from each other and most of them have the opposite personalities so that makes more sense
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lunar-and-ardent · 5 months
Some headcanons regarding Winx's appearance I like/have
While the cartoon doesn't really have different body types, there are some headcanons about Winx I really like (and it looks like some of them, mostly about Layla/Aisha and Musa, will become canon in the 9th season/reboot, so maybe I'm onto something!).
Bloom - the whole point of her character is being an average girl that turns out to be a fairy and a princess of the lost kingdom, so I think that she should look rather average (aside from her red hair + blue eyes combo, of course). You know, like 168cm tall and with nothing too specific/characteristic about her body shape.
Stella - as a kid I always wondered why Stella likes sunbathing so much, yet it is never visible on her body. This is why I like to think that, aside from winter and especially during summer, she is more or less tanned. I also like to imagine her as tall, like 178cm, to fit into this model-like archetype, but I think it would be nice for her to be a little chubbier and/or have a pear body shape. For two reasons. First, to have the most fashionable character not fitting fully into the conventional standards of beauty. Second, I think it would be interesting in relation to her being "the ugly child" (this one retrospection of her being like 10, in S2), showing her confidence.
Flora - her version from 1999, the conceptual one, had glasses and I think that she would look so cute in round ones. Plus a little more representation of people wearing glasses, and not a super-stereotypical one at that! For variety, she could sometimes wear glasses, sometimes contacts. Moreover, I like this headcanon in the community that she is chubby, with a round/apple shape, such strong mom friend vibes! Alternatively, I think that it would be also fitting for her to be like 175cm tall (you know, tall, but not super-tall) and rather skinny. I'm thinking rectangle/candle body type. I think that this could get the idea of her being shy. Of course, body shapes have nothing to do with your personality, don't understand me wrong! I'm thinking more about how characters are designed and the vibes they can instantly give. Oh, and she likes doing experiments, so maybe one went wrong, and now she has a prosthesis made from branches of trees? This could look cool, plus I'm pretty sure Flora would be like "well, stuff happens".
Layla/Aisha - for some reason I like to imagine her being tall, like the tallest of the group, maybe like 182cm. And of course with a toned body! After all, she's very into sport and dance, I think her muscles would be visible. An hourglass or a rectangle shape, I think.
Musa - while Layla for some reason is tall in my mind, I imagine Musa as the shortest one. Maybe because of her fiery temper, short characters with fire personalities are always entertaining. Plus, this would add the dynamic tall friend&short friend with Aisha. Also, a rectangle shape. Or maybe an inverted triangle?
Tecna - I think it would be funny if she looked like an ideal model. An hourglass shape, 180cm. Stella would be like "ohmygodgirlyoulooksostunningcanyouwearmyprojectspleasepleaseplease" and Tecna, just hella confused, would answer "...thanks?". The beautiful girl that has no idea how beautiful she is, just minding her own business.
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an official art of the reboot/season 9 for reference
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charmixpower · 4 months
Ok so I was reading about your spells for the girls (love them I wish I had that creativity with my spells)
How do you think the volatile spells feel? Like I know they are supposed to hurt and everything, but like Stella’s Blade of Light. I would think it would burn the target. But, would affect a magic user less than a non Magic user.
Eee thank you!!!
Most volatile spells cannot be touched and explode on impact, hence the name volatile magic (it's other name incursion magic is more inclusive of the ones that don't explode), so most of these spells feel a bit fizzy and have a bit of a crackle to them. Like an electrical wire or a soda bottle that's about to explode. You can usually feel that their full of barely contained very volatile magic, though Flora and Aisha have the least amount of spells like this. The ones that don't explode feel more like the other two types of magic though they don't feel as structured as the other two
More solid magic like nature and water tend to be less explosive, semi solid things like light is in kinda in the middle and fire doesn't tend to explode without gasoline or something so it isnt extremely explodey, then things like lighting and sound are ready to explode if you breath on them wrong
As for specific effects
Bloom's magic just burns, Stella's magic either hot or cold depending on if she's using a sun or moon spell (usually not cold enough to freeze but cold enough to give frostbite still, a bit like wind on a chilly day, though she burns people easily enough), something like Chlorophyll Bolts from Flora has a acid effect to it though this is uncommon for her spells and she usually just does blunt force trauma, Tecna's spells usually give electrical burns, Musa's spells just feel like getting hit with loud air, and Aisha's could make her spells be really hot and burning or really cold and giving cold water shock but she usually just uses room temp water or morphix so that's uncommon for her
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magix-winx-club · 11 months
Winx club relationships rating
Stella x Brandon
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The relationship I want younger girls to get and see. Stella is my little sister, and I approve of this man. Confident in their relationship, ride or die. Jumping of cliffs even without powers. Will fight a batch to save her man. Will accept a marriage he doesn't want to save his love. Accept each other as they are and love each other no matter if you are a monster or not from the royal family. Defies all the stereotypes of it, girl and jock being a toxic couple and all that shit. They straight up said toxic relationship??? I don't know her. (100/10)
Flora x Helia
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My big sisters boyfriend, I love more than anything. Would include me in their dates and buy me ice cream. Probably get high together on shit flora grew.(9/10) minus point for the lack of content with them.
Aisha/Layla x Nabu
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My mom and dad. Never got over them. Will always and forever love them. Had everything enemies to lovers, arranged marriage, only protec her (season 3). Angst, love, connection, and slowly falling in love. (11/10)
Tecna x Timmy
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The relationship I want. My neurodivergent nerds. They fulfill my Demisexual heart with love. They struggle with communicating feelings but still try. First love, puppies just stumbling about. They get excited about talking about their interests. Appreciate each other. Compliments and heart eyes. Timmy is the definition of That's my WIFE! While Tecna is fight me mode when you insult her soft baby boy boyfriend. (9/10) One minus point for the senses drama in season 2.
Bloom x Sky
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Idk, man. I think it started out pretty sweet. They became friends to lovers. Both are too shy and maybe unsure of their feelings for each other. Going on walks with the dog. Supporting each other and listening to the problems. Love that so much. Then the drama kicks in. He is engaged?? He is actually a prince??? LOVE the drama (not for my girl bloom. I love her and will fight you), but for ME, for my angsty self *chef kiss*. The scene where she walks through Magix when she makes the decision to leave, the heartbreak, the angst. Ughhh sooo good. Can't really remember a lot of the relationship in the other seasons. Although I do think they have sweet moments. Like in season 2, when they are on vacation and Sky stands watch to protect the girls and tells Bloom not to worry, he'll wake her first if something happens. Calling each other soulmates kinda cringe, kinda sweet. Overall average straight couple. (5.6/10)
Musa x Riven
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I really don't wanna get heat for that one, but my God, adult me, is not happy. My teenage self, tho 👀. Loved the angst, drama, bad boy and girl in love, him getting together with the 'wrong' girl and then he transforms into the hero and comforts and falls in love with the 'right' girl. Love it! Season 1 really fed us well. Would applause the difference and complexity in all the relationships, BUT then they really went back to moody edge emo boy in crop tops. Bro. Riven could have been the best character and then they ruined him slowly building up to fuck him over in season 4. I could hardly watch that shit show. They had their moments, but yeah...(6/10).
Aisha/Layla x Musa (10/10)
Riven x Nabu (10/10)
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aristaspark · 1 year
Ranking Winx Enchantix outfits
Disclaimer: Enchantix is literally the perfect transformation so keep in mind that even the ones at the bottom of the list are incredible. And of course it's only based on my taste.
6th place: Musa 🎶
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I remember liking it much more when I was 6 years old honestly. I think the reason I like it so much is because I think red and yellow is a match made in heaven (and I loved her transformation sequence). I love her wings, they look EXPENSIVE and her hairstyle goes well with the look. The only reason she's last is because I think the skirt looks kinda weird and messy (it's even more appearant in 3D). I also think the shape for the top could have been better, but it's really just nitpicking she looks amazing I just had to put someone last 😂
5th: Tecna 💾
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The first transformation where Tecna doesn't look like a space power ranger 🥹
The outfit is perfect, I love the overall shape of it and it was so refreshing seeing her have a pretty transformation. The colors all go well together (I love the colors in the 3D version) and the outfit is a perfect example of a feminine yet futuristic aesthetic. The wings are so cute, like, it suits her sooo much: simple but classy. The only thing I find horrid is her hairstyle, my girl deserved better (and the weird green thing in her hair is the final nail in the coffin honestly, it looks like a radioactive spider 😂).
4th: Aisha/Layla 🌊
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This one was really tricky to rank for me because I'm soooo bitter the went with the green version instead of the blue one. The outfit is super cute and is pretty in both colors honestly but the green one is really just TOO green for my liking. And I much prefer the yellow gloves over the purple ones. In the green outfit there are not enough variations (not even worth mentioning the 3D version because for some reason I think the shades of colors they picked are an eyesore). But as I said, the outfit is still very pretty and her wings are freaking gorgeous, the shape, the size, the colors...they are perfect (they stand out so much more in the blue version). I love her little crown thing and her hairstyle is just so amazing. Everything just goes so well together. So if I forget about what it could have been... it still looks amazing so she deserves her spot.
3rd: Stella ☀️
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I honestly didn't think much about her transformation when I was a kid, but looking back at it now, I think it does look amazing. I love the shades they picked in both the 2D and 3D version and the colors just go amazing together. The top and the skirt compliments eachothers perfectly and I love that they added a little touch of blue. And her butterfly wiiiiings, I think I don't need to say anything, they are big and dramatic, I love their shape, they look like they're made of gold and they just elevate the whole look.
2nd: Bloom 🔥
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Ok, this one might be a little controversial because I'm under the impression that not a lot of people love this outfit (I could be wrong though). But I don't know, I just love her dress. I was always a sucker for ruffle dresses. I also live for the color gradation from blue to green, I just love it soooo much, it looks like crystal clear water. Also, it's worth mentioning that if I were to only take the 3D versions into consideration Bloom would EASILY rank first. BY A MILE. The colors ? The silhouette ? Hello ? It just looks so beautiful, magical,... Her transformation in 3D is just so beautiful to me. The hairstyle is amazing and refreshing since she really didn't have any in the first transformation. I do wish her wings were a little more dramatic or shaped differently, but they're still pretty. Really, the only thing I "dislike" is the ribbon on her neck which I always thought looked like pasta 😭 but I must say I kinda grew to like it 😂.
1st: Flora 🌺
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I think nobody is surprised. When I think about it, for Flora it's not really about the dress. I mean, the dress is beautiful but it's the last thing catching my eyes. But THE WINGS ? THE HAIRSTYLE ? I can't even describe it. She looks so etheral, I had to put her first. She looks like a freaking goddess. And I remember when I was a kid, Flora was the first fairy I saw in her enchantix form in promotional pictures and I was just in awe. I was like 😲...Fairies are too pretty. She really looks like she came from a fairytail book.
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wtfastaroth · 1 month
Soldiers, poets kings? EXPLAIN 🙏 (@darlenicy )
Sorry, it took me a long time to write but here it is.
This explanation is about a team, how each of them would act in a fight/exploitation situation as we saw so much in the series.
For me, a soldier is someone with a battle strategy, is someone energetic and simple, someone with great morale, confidence and strength, someone courageous who will do everything in his power to defend those they love, a defender.
Bloom has a very strong sense of morality, she will do everything in her power to help others, above all she conveys trust to people, her friends know that she will never betray them.
Musa has courage, she fights for everything she believes in, she fights for herself and her friends, her strength comes from her perseverance. People think that because she is more cheerful and open, she will always be a sweet person with everyone, but the truth is that she is very frank, always says what needs to be said, and will treat others the way they deserve to be treated, she doesn't give respect for nothing, you have to deserve it.
Brandon is strong, he built his mental and physical strength alone, his daily effort is enormous, he works hard to be someone better every day, he wants to evolve more and more, if he makes mistakes he learns from them, hes not ashamed of his "weaker" self.
And Nabu is Nabu ✌️ (I don't know how to explain his lol)
Poets are dreamy and witty, extremely empathetic, but this does not mean weakness, in fact it is their greatest weapon. They are great arguers and extremely socially intelligent.
Stella may not look like it but she is very empathetic, she speaks without thinking and hates hurting other people's feelings without meaning to. As she grew up alone she had to raise herself, her mother ignored her and her father only paid attention when he wanted to look like a good father to the public, she saw all her parents twisted decisions towards the empire, and learned from their mistakes to become a leader and no longer a dictator like em.
Flora, do I really need to explain? Look at her, she is an extremely witty person, her strength comes from her great empathy towards everyone, her morals are unbreakable, her sense of right and wrong is strong, her empathy makes her seem weak but that is all she is not. At first her insecurity and innocence hold her back, but soon these chains are broken and she feels the confidence she needs to stand firm and be able to act.
Helia is an artistic and creative person, he looks at the world with different eyes, eyes full of charm and magic, he is unshakable and a great friend. It's also very similar to Stella, like A LOT. It is because of that many things in common that they were able to create such a sincere friendship.
My Riven is like in canon but with some depth?, this aggressiveness is a defense mechanism that he had to create within himself, he takes time to trust, and he is extremely insecure in his social relationships, but above all he has empathy, he doesn't want anyone to go through what he went through, and he doesn't force others to want to be on his side, Riven gradually wins everyone's hearts, he is a person of his word and honor and would never leave any member of the Winx backwards. (Sorry for the cliche lmao)
Kings, or bette, leaders, are people who inspire, they are people who are soldiers and poets mixed together, and that is why they are so good at guiding roles. Their empathy mixes with their courage and morals, making them able to command and help others.
Aisha was created to be a great queen, to make decisions for the good of her team. As she grew and learned from all the people on her planet, she honed and polished her fighting and command skills. She still needs to learn that all her actions interfere with the group tho
Tecna is a strategist, she was taught that the logical is more reliable than the emotional, so she became capable of remaining calm and finding solutions even in the most stressful situations.
While Aisha is a born leader, capable of charming and gaining the trust of others, she is still stubborn, this charisma influences people to follow her, even if the path doesn't make sense. On the other hand, Tecna doesn't have that much charisma, she's terrible at dealing with this aspect of leadership, but she knows how to identify which fights are worth it or not, so the two take action on each other's weak points, together they become better.
Timmy is able to understand the people on his team well, always knowing how they are doing and listening to them before making decisions, he assesses the physical and psychological state of each person carefully, to know if they are comfortable and well.
Sky is sky, I don't even need to explain.
I explained a little poorly to not accidentally add any spoilers, so it might be a little empty emotionally speaking lmao
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moonlightreal · 9 months
First we have teasers for New York Comic Con:
From October 12 to 15, we are waiting for you at booth 3154 with tons of news.
This year the New York Comic Con is under the sign of Winx! From October 12 to 15, we are waiting for you at booth 3154 with tons of news. New official Winx Club merchandise, like pins, totes, hoodies and more The limited edition Winx Club x Papercutz Comic Book (only available at NYCC) Wings to become a fairy and share the magic with your Winx Squad Giveaways, a photo corner, and loads of surprises and magic! Plus, don't miss the exclusive pre-recorded interview with Iginio Straffi, creator of Winx Club, during the panel with Mad Cave Studios on October 14, to discover more about the upcoming graphic novel series. Join us in the Magical Dimension!
Merchandise where? The redbubble clone or could Rainbow finally be making another try for the American merch market? We can only hope!
I bet the limited edition comic book is a teaser for whatever this comic turns out to be. The interesting thing is that Papercutz and Mad Cave are both publishers, separate publishers. So we’ve got two companies doing Winx comics, one that seems more kids’ books oriented and one that seems more teen oriented. Don’t know yet if they’ll be doing reprints of the comics, new comics, Fate, or all of the above, but we’ve got two publishers doing it and that is good news!
Hopefully someone comes through with a report for the fans next month!
And then there’s a mysterious leaked image.
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On the right is the image we’ve seen before, Bloom versus Ogron with dragons.
In the middle… I see the Trix, I see probably Bloom, Stella and maybe Flora or Aisha. But who’s that in the middle? Gives off Dark Sirenix vibes but it looks like a dude. More Wizards of the Black Circle? Riven evil again? Jim hopping over into the main canon? At this point, who can say!
And then there’s the picture on the left. It’s definitely the girls… hang on, who’s that second from the left? Stealing the spotlight from Stella, who seems to have become an albino and faded into the background completely.
This is the Winx fandom, where faking leaks is just A Thing. So I don’t really think Rainbow went for a seventh Winx and decided to import Terra instead of sticking with Roxy. It’s gotta be Terra, right? Curves and brown hair? And Straffi at least pretends to like Fate and have hopes for more of it so it’s vaguely possible he’d want to import Fate’s OC? Nah, I don’t buy it. The show struggles to give six characters enough attention, I don’t believe they’d bring in another one.
But maybe I’m wrong! We’ll have to wait and see!
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skylaryozora · 1 year
Hey!! I know my question will be basic, but if you had to rate winx ships (Musa&Riven, Flora&Helia, Stella&Brandon, Tecna&Timmy, Aisha&Nabu, Bloom&Sky) in a scale from your favourite to your least favourite, how would it be?? I am just curious haha. By the way, your art is so amazing!!
Hello anon! Oh, no, it's not basic at all, I think I have actually never rated Winx ships before, so maybe it's high time for me to do a personal ranking. And thank you so much for appreciating my art!
Musa and Riven - I mean, it's not a shocker if you've been following me on IG or here on Tumblr. They have always interested me the most, for numerous reasons. I sometimes like to think they are the example of "she fell first, but he fell harder". It wasn't obvious they will become a couple in S1, but already then Riven was given a chance to face his demons which was intriguing to see since he's a secondary character after all, but it showed a side of him which then foretold his development later on in the series. In S2 they have a slow, gradual progression which ends with a dramatic, emotional kiss. In S3 and S4 they do have ups and downs which seem to stand out, and because of that people tend to focus very often on the downs. Unfortunately, the show's writing leaves a lot to be desired, and it did them dirty because I'm of the opinion that Musa should have realized she also needs to work on herself to ease the unnecessary tension in this relationship which more often that not stems from poor communication. Riven does have a substantial character development in S4, and I'd love Musa to grow too and understand that she could become an emotional sanctuary for him. If I were to try to sum up why I am particularly fond of them, it's because of this special depth and potential in their relation: two emotional wrecks with tough childhood and traumas subconsciously feel they would understand each other very well, but instead clash due to communication issues, and yet they crave each other and so should make an effort to understand each other better, in order to create a one of a kind, thriving relation. Of course I do have my headcanons which have an impact on my view of them, and I would write a lot of things differently (I constantly come up with something while rewatching). Anyway, watching a seemingly unadjusted couple becoming well-adjusted to each other over time is simply something that fascinates and satisfies me.
Aisha and Nabu - Another interesting one, and also not so obvious at the beginning. What makes them similar to Musa and Riven is that they also seem to have lonely and sad childhood. Single and happy throughout S2, Aisha was devastated to know she was supposed to end up in an arranged marriage with a guy she doesn't even know. At that time her animosity towards men is even more intense, and her relation with Nabu started... unpromisingly, because Nabu was spying on her. Of course the spying was without malicious intentions, because he wanted to see and learn something more about his future fiancee before approaching her, but that still left a poor first impression, especially because he was exposed in the public. As S3 goes on, Nabu turns out to be a trustworthy wizard who also eventually confesses to Aisha about his fleeing from Andros and reveals his real name, and admits how wrong it was to spy on Aisha. All of that makes her soften and she develops strong feelings for him. In S4 they don't stir unnecessary drama when it's revealed guys went to Earth to provide additional protection for Winx, but they cherish their time together to the fullest. I noticed that this relationship made Aisha go from being in masculine energy (S2/23) to more feminine energy (S4). I dare say that if it hadn't been for Nabu and if she had been single at the beginning of S4, I'm pretty sure she would have also lashed out at guys for "not trusting them that they're fine on their own". Instead, when guys arrive once again to help them, Aisha radiates pure joy and shouts "NABU! I'm so happy to see you again! (...) It's all good now that you're here!", which shows how much in love she's with him, and that she has no problem being dependent or receiving help from a guy anymore. They had quite a lot of screentime in S3 which made me attached to them, and in S4 they're the strongest ray of sunshine among all the couples in my opinion (I won't talk about how this relationship ended ;-;).
Stella and Brandon - Their S4 drama left a scar on my view on their relationship, but apart from that they're really precious and do have potential to be like Morticia and Gomez Addams, who are often referred to as couple goals. They are both flirtatious and deeply in love with each other. Stella doesn't give a fluff about Brandon's lower social status, and she's always happy to see him. In S2 she was dead serious about rescuing Brandon whatever and however long it took, while Sky (Brandon's best friend) didn't seem to be concerned about him at all... In S3 Brandon made her realize he and other people love her for who she is, not for her looks. There are probably more things I want to say about them, but can't remember them now, so let me just say that in my eyes they ooze an aura of lightness and authenticity which I guess is what makes them pleasant to watch.
Tecna and Timmy - Some say that the majority of Timmy's personality is centered around being Tecna's boyfriend, and I kinda agree with it, because again we know little to nothing about Timmy's background. Surely he has a lot of common with Tecna, and that's basically their passion towards IT, computers, logic, and all of that. We fortunately got some insight into how Timmy feels about Tecna when she was gone for a while, and Timmy's tearful confession about Tecna's being his best friend made my heart melt. While watching S4, I noticed Tecna softened a lot since she's with Timmy, and contrary to expectations, they are fine with public display of affection. I don't have a lot more to say about them, but I do think they are interesting: a serious, overly-logical tech geek meets an awkward, shy tech geek, and there we go, a relationship blooms. You could say that common passion brought them together.
Flora and Helia - These two are both very romantic and they match aesthetic-wise, but ngl due to little screentime, they are quite forgettable to me XD at one point I seriously forgot that Helia exists even though he already was Flora's boyfriend. That notwithstanding, I do like their first encounter which highlighted the fact that Flora noticed something about Helia's drawing which other people overlooked. She also gains her Charmix thanks to mustering enough courage to confess her attraction to him. But then again, Helia isn't much more than just Flora's boyfriend when you think about how the show is written, and as any other guy (maybe apart from Sky xD) deserves to have his background and personality explained more.
Bloom and Sky - Well, I think I'm just tired of them. In the series they have a lot of screentime (two first movies are basically centered around these two), but I feel like despite all the spotlight they got little development. I certainly don't like that Sky likes to invent problems and disappear out of the blue, ghosting Bloom and giving her emotional rollercoasters, while she acts naive and too forgiving towards him. I do find them overly sweet to my taste as well. They do have their good sides too, of course, (e.g. Sky does support Bloom a lot when she feels down, provided he's by her side at the moment), but in my eyes there is just too much of them.
And what's your ranking? Comment below!
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floralovebot · 2 years
To me, the thing is that the show at first had different stypes for all the girls. They all felt comfortable both in skirts and in pants, it's just that each of them used one more than the other.
In the first seasons, each girl had their style and their outfits were unique and different to fit those stiles.
Now, it's like they're all wearing uniforms, the same ugly outfits to all of them, with just the colors to differ.
that's what i'm saying!! none of the girls were ever uncomfortable or against dressing femininely, they just all had their own styles and personal comfort levels with it. obviously the later seasons fucked that over but my problem is when people act like canon musa was never "girly" in the early seasons or that she would be against traditional femininity. i've seen people headcanon that she would make fun of stella for that and like... dude... she made fun of that one Very Creative dress stella made because it was ugly and she didn't understand why stella was so into the beauty pageant, but that doesn't mean she would ever make fun of her for being a high femme!! she's so supportive of stella being That Bitch and acting like she isn't is fucking weird!!
like again i have no issue with people criticizing the later seasons for getting rid of their individual styles and overly feminizing all of them (cause that's exactly what happened) nor do i have an issue with people headcanoning that musa is a tomboy or redesigning her looks to be less feminine, but i do have an issue with people treating canon musa as this Anti Feminine Tomboy Who Hates The Winx And Pink. it just screams racist misogynistic, especially when they do it with aisha too like DUDE
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january-summers · 9 months
Campfire Kiss
Fandom: Winx Club Pairings: Stella/Bloom Rating: gen? teen? Tags: all the Winx girls show up, Farm/Ranch AU, Musician AU, technically a Youtuber AU but that wasn't really specified in the text. Meet Cute|Meet Ugly, romance, kind of slice of life, pig (named after my fav tepig), unbeta'd, rabies mentioned, AUroulette2023 Word count: 2,300 (ish)
Bloom is shifting hay bales in the barn's loft when she hears the scream. It's sharp and high and full of terror, Bloom doesn't even register how unfamiliar it is until she's already down the ladder and out the barn door.
She slows as she takes in the sight of three young women, all strangers to her, then speeds up when she spots Pork-chop, their largest, most adventurous pig on top of a fourth young woman, the screaming one.
“Pork-chop!” Bloom yells at him as she races over, but the large beast barely gives her his attention. His mouth is full of foamy drool, his jaw moving as he chews on something that might be attached to the screaming woman. “Pork-chop, drop it!”
Bloom's command is punctuated by a smack to Pork-chop's side, but all he does is shuffle in place.
With an annoyed sigh, Bloom moves around to his head and bypasses him completely, reaching down to put her arms under the other woman's armpits and pull her up. There's a tearing sound as whatever Pork-chop was chewing rips free of the woman's clothes.
The woman, blonde hair tousled and drool damp, looks at Bloom with terrified eyes.
“Do I have rabies now?” she asks, and Bloom tries not to laugh.
“It was frothing at the mouth!” The blonde exclaims. “That's a sign of rabies! ...Right?”
Bloom can't help it, she laughs, even as she catches sight of just how badly the blonde's fancy dress has been torn. Bloom pulls the plaid shirt from around her own waist, tied there when the labour of moving hay had made her too warm, and wraps it around the blonde.
“Pigs just have frothy spit sometimes, I promise he's not rabid.” Bloom looks the other three over and asks, “what are you all doing here anyway, this is private property.”
“We have permission from the owner,” comes the reply, mildly defensive. “Daphne said it would be okay for us to film a music video on her farm.”
Bloom frowns, trying to remember if her sister has mentioned anything like that, but she's distracted when the blonde whines, holding up her spit-riddled hair.
“We only just arrived,” another of the young women explains, “and we were trying to head up to the house, but the, uh...” she gestures to the fences and then to Pork-chop, and Bloom understands immediately.
The way from the front gate to the buildings is more convoluted than it looks, a byproduct of moving the driveway and some but not all of the fences in their renovations over the last few years. They'd obviously taken the wrong entrance and ended up closer to the barns where Pork-chop's latest escape attempt had brought him into contact with them.
Bloom nods, “Yeah, the entry is a bit muddled, we're still renovating it. Anyway, I'm Bloom, I'm Daphne's sister, I don't know anything about your music video, but I can take you up to the house to find Daphne.” Bloom pauses and gives the blonde a obvious once over. “And a shower.”
“Oh my gosh, yes, thank you!” The blonde says, looking ready to cry. “I'm Stella by the way. And this is Aisha, Musa, and Tecna.”
“Hey,” Bloom greets the newly introduced women, then jerks her head towards the house, “come on.” The women begin to follow her as she escorts Stella, one arm wrapped around the blonde, and Bloom glares back at Pork-chop, the pig still chewing on whatever he'd torn from Stella's dress. “Don't think this is over Pork-chop,” Bloom warns him before they get too far away.
Bloom leaves Stella and her friends in Daphne and Flora's care at the house and ducks out to get back to her chores only to find Pork-chop still chewing outside the barn. In the end she has to get Roxy's help to finally get Pork-chop to release the piece of Stella's dress. The young farmhand and part time veterinary student has a way with animals, and once she's on the scene it doesn't take long for Pork-chop to give up his ill gotten gains, a bow with a large, round edged disk she assumes is made of resin and star shaped glitter. Against the dark fabric of the bow, the glitter swirls look like a galaxy.
No wonder Pork-chop went after it, Bloom thinks. She swears the pig is part magpie.
Roxy and Bloom share a look of mixed amused-disgust. The bow and disk are sopping, slimy and frothy with pig spit. Neither of them wants to touch it, even a lifetime on the farm doesn't stop it from being gross.
“I have to go find out how Pork-chop escaped this time,” Bloom makes her excuses quickly, “could you do something about that?” She's already running away by the time Roxy picks it up daintily with two fingers and a faint squelch before she mocks throwing it after Bloom.
Roxy sighs and looks at Pork-chop, who snuffles about, already ready for more mischief.
“You are going to make so many bacon sandwiches someday,” Roxy tells him threateningly. Pork-chop ignores her warning.
It is hours later when Bloom next sees any of the visitors. She is sitting partway in the fence of Pork-chop's pigpen as she repairs it, one leg slung over the lower horizontal board so she could more easily hold the upper board in place while her hands are busy. The rattle-purr of the ratchet as she tightens the nuts covers the sounds of footsteps. The ratchet stops, the nut refusing to tighten any more and Bloom leans her weight into pressing the ratchet gently, just enough to judge if it's actually tight, only almost tight, or about to strip the thread of the bolt tight.
She judges it good and pulls the ratchet and the wrench she was using for counterweight free, turns to drop them back into her tool bag and is stopped by the sight of a familiar faded custard yellow flannel shirt very close to her face.
“Hi again!” Stella greets her cheerfully, no sign of her earlier distress. Bloom does her best not to let her eyes dip down to the shirt, one of Bloom's old shirts, that Stella has rolled up to tie under her bust so her entire stomach is showing. There's only two buttons done up and Bloom can see slivers of the bright orange cups of Stella's bra peaking out.
“Hey,” Bloom says back warmly, hoping it's not obvious in her voice how long it's been since she talked to a non-coworker pretty girl. “All cleaned up?” Bloom asks like its not obvious, and gives herself a little wiggle-twist to get out of the fence.
“Yeah,” Stella says, “but I might never forget the horror of the monster attack.” She gives an exaggerated shudder, but follows it up with a coy smile.
“Well, if there's anything I can do to help you in this trying time, just let me know?” Blooms says, mentally fist pumping when Stella twirls one of her pigtails and says “I'll be sure to do that.”
Bloom is 92% certain she and Stella are flirting. She's 87% certain she's flirting successfully.
Bloom feels a little ridiculous if she's being honest. She'd expected something... else when she'd offered to help Stella. Maybe lift some heavy things, show of her strength from working on the farm, or even her epic curve balls from her time on the local women's baseball team.
Even just showing Stella and her friends around the farm had made it higher on the list of potential things than this, mostly because this hadn't made it on to the list at all. Bloom had showered for this and put on her nicest flannel like she was going to the fancy pub in town, the one that was so fancy they called it a restaurant and not a pub.
Bloom and Stella walk through the small apple section of the farm's orchards, Stella casually twirling some flowers Flora had cut for them. They stop under one of the trees and Stella looks up to the ripe fruit. Bloom tries not to let her thoughts get in the way as she lifts Stella up so the blonde can pluck a single apple.
She doesn't drop Stella, Bloom releases just enough of her grip for Stella to slide down her body, letting her land gently. Stella twist in Bloom's arms just enough to offer the apple to Bloom with a cheek, flirty smile.
“Aaand cut!” Aisha calls out, startling Bloom as it does every time. She looks over to Stella's friends, Aisha and Tecna looking closely at the monitor of the film equipment they had set up. Musa gives Stella and Bloom two thumbs up and a happy grin. Aisha nods and also looks over at them. “That one was perfect, we'll wrap it up here and move on to the next shot.”
Stella and her friends were on Bloom and Daphne's farm to film a music video for Musa's latest song, Bloom had known that, they'd told her that when she'd first met them. At most Bloom had expected to maybe help them move their equipment and find spots on the farm to film, she hadn't expected to be in the music video.
A loud crispy-crunch pulls Bloom from her thoughts.
“Mmmm, this is so good,” Stella says and takes another bite of the apple before offering it to Bloom. Bloom takes a bite of her own and tries to focus on how nice the taste is and not whether or not this counts as an indirect kiss.
Flora joins them in the field of wild flowers, and helps them make flower crowns, and Bloom continues to hope she doesn't look as silly as she feels when she stands alone amongst the flowers and smiles at the camera.
It's easier to watch Musa sing her song at almost every site they stop at. It's a catchy love song that Bloom finds herself humming repeatedly.
It takes three days to get through the bulk of the filming, because they have to find each place on the farm, some of which they have to ride to, and they have to do multiple takes, and Bloom does still need to do her actual work.
On the afternoon of the final filming, all of the girls - including Flora and Daphne, and their other farmhands Roxy, Mirta and Lucy, and Flora's sister Miele, who only helps on the weekends – ride horses up the farm's forested hill lands, to the farm's campsite for a bonfire.
The cameras are set up around them, but there are no specific scenes for them to shoot, they've been told to act natural and forget the camera's are there. That there will either be good footage or there won't be.
“But if you could sit with Stella, that would help,” Aisha says to Bloom as the sun is setting.
“Sure, not exactly a hardship,” Bloom replies jokingly. Aisha's eyebrows raise in interest.
“Oh?” She asks, “so Stella's eighty-seven step plan to hijack the filming as a means of seduction is working?”
Bloom still, the worry that has slowly been growing in her chest - that Stella was just a naturally flirty person, that Bloom had misread, that Stella had only flirted to get Bloom to help with the filming – cracks and breaks and dissolves like ashes in the wind.
“Did it really have eighty-seven steps?” Bloom asks. Aisha hold her hand up to make a 'kind of' gesture and Bloom grins, leaning in to whisper, “that's kind of overkill. She had me at 'do I have rabies.'”
Aisha burst out laughing, drawing the attention of the others, but she waves them off, pats Bloom on the shoulder and gives her a friendly shove towards Stella who grins brightly when Bloom sits down next to her.
The whole group chatters, timidly and unsure at first, but by the time the sun has set they're all feeling comfortable with each other, laughing as marshmallows fall off skewers or set alight before they can be squished between crackers and chocolate.
Bloom and Stella join in the fun, but most of their time is just spent getting to know one another.
When Musa pulls out a guitar to sing her song, Bloom sings along. By the third rendition all of them are singing, to various degrees of success.
“Dance with me?” Bloom asks Stella, and Stella agrees. They aren't the only ones who dance, even after Musa puts away her guitar and Daphne brings out an old radio to play other music.
Tecna takes the sight of the radio as a chance to talk to Daphne about the farm's technology, suggesting some things to help streamline some of the issues Daphne and Bloom have been worrying over for the past few months.
But Bloom's to busy kissing a chaste kiss against Stella's marshmallow sticky mouth to pay much attention.
When Stella and her friends leave after lunch the next day, Stella leaves with all of Bloom's contact information and social media details saved in her phone.
She's back two weeks later, ostensibly to show them all the music video, like it wasn't 5 days into trending online. She stays for the weekend, and when she leaves, Daphne joins Bloom on the porch, leaning against the sturdy railing their father had built twenty years before.
“She's nice,” Daphne says to her sister. “I like how much she makes you smile.”
Bloom smiles, “me too.” They lapse into silence, and just as Bloom thinks Daphne has finished saying all she has to say on the matter:
“But when you marry that girl and bring her home for keeps, stop letting her help out in the yards, our vegetable garden cannot withstand her weeding.”
Bloom snorts, then swats at Daphne playfully for the entirely accurate insult. Daphne swats back before dodging back inside to leave Bloom to moon after her new girlfriend.
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bluewings55 · 11 months
Acheron, the Legendarium and the Mythix Transformation.
NOTE: I didn't watch Season 6, only a summary/documentary/research so i don't know everything by 100%. So in case I got smt wrong, that's why.
So I kinda wrapped my head around a few ideas that I thought were really cool to have for this.... Idk can u really call it an AU? Let's call it an AU for now.
Let's start with the guy that started everything:
Part one:
Acheron was known to be a loyal and great Paladin. He wasn't a warrior but actually a teacher, telling young paladins the different legends, history and creatures that existed, or had existed.
He was obsessed with legends and stories, his house resembling a library, full of books, objects and parts of magical creatures.
After a visit to other realms, including earth, he realized something interesting:
Stories had powers. Legends and stories, real or fanfiction had the power to influence and change people, inspiring them to create art and more stories, shaping people since they believed in certain legends from History
The paladin started his research, finding out if he could use that power for the greater good.
Acheron was so obsessed with finding out if he could use stories as power that the others started to make him feel like an outcast: ridiculed by the idea to use fanfiction to fight evil.
After many years, he created the Legendarium, a magical book that could not only bring fictional creatures to reality, but also had an own world inside the book, shaped and inspired by other stories.
The other Paladins were overjoyed with his research, and used it's power to banish evil inside the book and summon creatures to aid in battle.
However: the Legendarium needed others stories, legends and ideas to use that power: it lead to stealing and removing bits, or even the entire story from the original.
The paladins realized that the Legendarium was leaving humans and magical beings to loose their history and art, turning them into lifeless uninspired beings that couldn't create, live and enjoy.
The Legendarium had to be sealed away.
Acheron was already consumed with the power it had, refusing to never use his creation again.
The paladins were forced to seal Acheron into the Legendarium world. They managed to bring back the stolen parts of History and only used the book to seal away dangerous beings and creatures.
I hope you guys like this idea!
I will try to post Part two, telling more about the Legendarium and how it works.
As for the Mythix update: Flora and Aisha only need their wings and they are done!
Not only that:
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 months
How would you rank the canon Winx couples?
and I'm so bored I will answer this anyways I'm just not gonna use the actual winx tag lmao.
first place is Tecmy they are the only straights still standing in this franchise so dedicated to heterosexuality (I ignore that one comic where she dumped him for a surfer).
Second place is Brella even when they have forced drama it's more about THEM than about external sources and that makes it easier to handle for me personally.
Third place is Skoom, only because I understand that as The Main Couple they have to be filled with drama 24/7. That and I actually liked how they were handled in S5.
Fourth, fifth and sixth place is all of Aisha's comphets. They all suck in different ways but they're all short so you don't have to deal with all of them for too long so that puts them above the last 2 places.
Seventh is MuRi. I don't think I have to explain myself, it's MuRi. (we reject Riv*sa as the name in this household I don't care that it goes better with the other names it's a spawn of Fate and all spawns of Fate should die)
and so last place is Florelia, which I'm sure surprises people that don't know me. What is their crime you may ask? that they're BORING. I'll take toxicity over nothingness. That and their major fight in the entire show was about a dog and like. Flora was in the wrong I don't care Amarok deserved better lol.
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
First of all, I'd like you to know that I'm a fan of your story.
However, I don't want to sound mean at all, and maybe it's just my own interpretation, but I get the impression that you've somehow taken certain traits from Layla/Aisha and put them in Flora? As I said above, I don't mean any harm, it's just my point of view, it's just that as a Winx Club fan, I find it a bit sad. For example, Aisha/Layla is a dancer, which you've kept, but you've mainly given the role of dancer to Flora. Although she's a ballet dancer only and you kept Aisha/Layla dance talents quite diverse, in one season we very clearly see her dancing ballet if my memory serves me right.
The same goes for combat and training. I may be wrong but, in the fourth season, when the Winx are doing their Winxology course, Aisha/Layla is the only one not doing magic and Tecna says "Layla is showing us that magic isn't everything. Training and healthy lifestyles are the secret to facing any challenge", so I think it's really sad that you're removing that aspect of her. Of course, I'm aware that this is your rewrite of Winx Club and that you don't always follow the elements of the show, but Layla/Aisha, from the moment she arrived, had shown that she was a resourceful girl and that she wouldn’t take sh*t from people. I'm going to say it again, but this message isn't meant to be mean, far from it. I tend to be defensive towards Layla/Aisha as I've seen plenty of people disregarding her or simply ignore her or dislike her for arriving after the first season (yes, just for that). Obviously I know you're not one of those people. I was just wondering why you decided not to let her have those aspects of her.
Also, sorry about the name changes, I grew up with Layla so I'm used to it but knowing that her real name is Aisha, it feels a bit weird not calling her that.
Sorry for the long message too… 😅
Anyway…. Happy Pride Month!!! 🏳️‍🌈
So, tbh, the dance thing is just smth that I decided to give both of them. Maybe I’ve given Flora a few more scenes actually dancing but due to Aisha’s plotlines there hasn’t been a lot of time to show her dancing, but that should change in s4 since it will be a lot calmer.
S2 was to introduce Aisha and establish all of her dynamics with all of the girls and the guys so that was my priority for her character in s2, not really showing the details of her personality, just the overall traits of loyalty, overcoming trauma and becoming confident in herself and her place in the group
S3 is just packed to the brim with plot, there is shit constantly going down, dynamics shifting and just so much going on I haven’t gotten the chance to include a lot of more quiet moments and when I have quiet moments, I tend to focus on friendships and relationships to have some breathing room, due to that I haven’t gotten the chance to show the interests and those kinds of things of… really any character, or if I do get to show those interests, they are very much in passing unfortunately. (Also a lot of Aisha’s quiet moments in S3 have been to deepen her bonds with Flora and Brandon and for her blooming relationship with Nabu)
So between those 2, I haven’t really gotten the chance to give Aisha more quiet moments to show off her passions.
That’s what s4 will be for. Not just for Aisha but for all of them. There will still be quite a bit of plot happening in s4 but it won’t be nearly as crazy as s3 has been. Also it’s going to be a very big part of s4 to have the gang starting to figure out what they want to do with their lives (since they will be on their second-to-last year at Alfea/Red Fountain) so we will get to delve more into all of their interests and passions and life crisis in s4. Which includes Aisha!
As for the fighting thing, I never really saw Aisha as a physical fighter if that makes sense. To me she is a dancer and the reason I made Flora a fighter was mostly to have a little activity that was solely hers and Riven’s. It has to do more with their friendship (Riven teaching her to set her boundries and Flora teaching him to be more vulnerable) than with Flora herself if that makes sense.
I hope that all made sense!
Happy Pride Month to you too!
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