#like the epicness of soa
ashshmee · 3 months
choices is like if the song of achilles and normal people had a child and it turned out to be a harry potter fanfiction
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linneastarron · 11 months
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quantumshade · 8 months
do you happen to have a song of achilles rant locked and loaded
i can sum up my distaste for that book in two anecdotes:
when i took a class on epics my sophomore year of college and the professor asked for our thoughts on patroclus and this one girl raised her hand and said "i LOVE him. he's just too sweet and pure for this world" and i was sitting there like. WHAT. patroclus?? my patroclus, accomplished soldier, who kills like 27 dudes in three lines, too sweet and pure and weak for the world he lives in? and then she was like "i'm SUCH a big fan of song of achilles--" and i was like ohhhhh. now it makes sense. you think he's just an uwu bean who needs to be rescued by his boyfriend achilles. okay.
the fact. that in that book. achilles kisses patroclus in front of briseis to "show her that she's safe". like. tell me you don't know shit about sexuality in the ancient world without TELLING me you don't know shit about sexuality in the ancient world. fuck right off for real
basically i hate what it's done to the iliad. SoA is a fine enough book on its own, it's like. whatever, right? but i hate that people are like. taking that adaptation and treating it as Fact when it comes to the actual iliad. it's like people who only know percy jackson trying to correct me on something that happens in greek myth. dgmw i LOVE percy jackson but it is an Adaptation (for children) of a bunch of stories with no real canon from thousands of years ago and you should not treat it as fact when discussing mythology. especially because the fun thing about classics and classical mythology as a whole is that there are very rarely any concrete facts in the first place. i hate the woobifying of these war criminals so much
also you didn't ask so i'm sorry but i also hate Circe. it's lauded as this like great feminist novel and then you read it and it's several hundred pages of circe literally hating every single woman she comes across. again, it's an okay enough book. like it's Fine. it's not feminist praxis. i fucking hate the trend of girlbossifying ancient myths i hate it so fucking much it's unreal
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reki-of-the-valley · 3 months
🍓-> How did you get into writing fanfiction?
Pokemon! I was obsessed with pokemon and wanted to write my own characters going on their adventures (and it was going to be 4 best friends who learned to navigate the world and do the things they loved). And then at around 13, I got into writing a lot more consistently some self-insert PJO fanfiction and I would like to never, ever read another piece of that dark time
🥑-> you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@rainbowrider1290 please hire Mr. Wright to defend me, I swear it wasn't me
🥐-> name on internet reference that will always make you laugh
I suddenly don't know what an internet reference is. What is the internet? (Jared 19. The answer is Jared 19.)
🦴-> Is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
There's actually a lot! I can say that Rick Riordan really shaped my writing style, though the resemblance has faded over the years since I really developed my own style, but at the beginning, I really tried to emulate his style (the slightly sarcastic main narration voice, a little bit cheeky at times type of writing).
More recently, I'd say Song of Achilles really inspired the way I write. I've started writing in a more poetic way, with prettier turn of phrases. I really loved how beautiful M. Miller's writing is, and I would almost study the beautiful sentences I fell in love with from SoA, so I'd say that really inspired my writing!
Otherwise, again recently, in a more broad way, Jorge Rivera-Herrans' Epic the Musical has really inspired my writing, but in the way that it sparks ideas in my mind and I just need to put those ideas onto paper (and I guess by that standard, most Taylor Swift songs have played a similar role)
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neoptolemid · 2 years
where did your love of neoptolemus come from please tell me all about your special boy
Of course of course, there aren't enough words.
I really came about getting into Neoptolemus from getting properly into Classics, part of having hyperfixiations/special interests is really learning everything you can on that subject. That was the case with Neoptolemus, I started learning more and more about Achilles and his deal and it led me to learn about him as well.
A lot the current 'fandom' of Greek mythology/classics comes from Madeline Miller so while trying to learn more and more about Neoptolemus and the other characters I saw the information presented by texts and then the way the fandom behaved. These conflicting sides of things only further got me into learning more, and it is where a lot of my love for Neo comes from. I found myself really taken by the characterization of Neo in works like 'Philoctetes' by Sophocles and 'Fall of Troy' by Quintus. I interpreted his character as far more sympathetic. I will not lie he does very terrible things, but so do all the Greeks and arguably Trojans as well. However he is a fictional character at the end of the day, and when judging him from the stance of his sources you need the context of when and who is writing it. For those antique texts it matters a lot if Romans or Greeks were the ones writing them.
None the less I really found myself drawn to him and his story, a lot of my own 'canon' is heavily changed/interpreted from the original but I will never lie and say that is it the correct, because it isn't. Most of the art I depict him in is my own canon and not correct, even some of my pieces of him are different canons. As I have gotten to know his character more and more I have changed the way I chose to write his story and the surrounding 'au's I have.
Now the timeline of the epic cycle isn't real lol
the epic cycle isn't meant to be read as super linear, none of the antique writers were counting out the years, they just called someone an 'old man' or 'young man' and called it a day (it is a bit more complex than that but this is a simplification) but when you think about that in versions of Achilles leaving the island of Skyros either Neo wasn't born yet or was still very small this means that by the time of the 10th year of the war Neo could very well be from 10-15, I generally put it at 13-ish.
He is a child soldier drafted into a war, and that aspect of his character and how that must shape a person is very interesting to me. Some childhood trauma I think is something a fair bit of us can relate to. I don't see him through the lenses of Madeline Miller or Virgil, I see him just as a traumatized kid reacting to the world around him in the best way he can. Trying to survive and being influenced by the many adults around him, the adults around him are the ones that have agenda and plans, the ones who more so care about fame and glory. He is a child responding to all that. He has only loose idea of those concepts. Furthermore Neo's story doesn't end in the abrupt way that Madeline Miller writes it in SoA.
There is a lot more going on and there are a fair amount of details that go on between the time that Neo leaves the shores of Troy and is buried in Delphi.
That is another thing that draws me to Neo but also to most everyone in the epic cycle. what you see with basic google searches and in many books surrounding these myths is only the most basic things, there are so many more myths and small details that you find out from sitting down and reading texts, combing through these stories and Neo was exactly the same. There are plenty of little details that he has that can influence the way you see him when you just look a bit deeper and for me those make all the difference. I think some of the beauty can be found in the drama, in the sadness of these characters. In the details and pieces that others will miss because they never looked deeper.
I could truly could just go on and on about my thoughts on Neo and what motivates me to love him.
In my mind it is a true shame that people will learn about Neoptolemus from Madeline Miller's, Song of Achilles and will never look deeper and just accept everything she says in her book.
She is straight wrong and in some cases the way she portrays things are harmful.
It pains me when I see people take her work for fact, it only pushes me to create to try and get people to see Neoptolemus for what I see, for all the possibilities I see in him. I create more and more for myself and for my friends who like my work and inspire me, but I also create in the hopes of getting others to see what I see.
To inspire them to look deeper into these amazing characters in the same way as I have been inspired.
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juiceinpanties · 2 years
Omg thank you so much for sharing the endings of Get You In & You Only Live Twice! That was really nice and I wasn’t expecting it. I know a lot of authors might not want to say in case they ever decide to get back to finishing their stories, so I really thought I was taking a shot at the dark when I asked.
I’m one of those people that actually like spoilers (can’t handle suspense and it helps me cope/prepare for the end) so I’m extra excited to read them should you ever come back.
My dumb ass actually read Get You In before I read Into the Blood and it was a happy mistake since it gave me so many “aha” moments and a deeper appreciation for Juice and Olivia’s old relationship when I read Into the Blood. I ended up rereading Get You In afterwards and I find myself picturing Juice losing his shit when Olivia broke up with him in college. As for the ending now… That’s batshit crazy that Olivia has a kid haha I can’t even begin to imagine her trying to cook something besides grilled cheese for that kid. Thank god for Juice, who was practically born to be a mother. I wonder why the club wanted Olivia dead. Oof, that’s gotta be tough for Jax considering their childhood together and then to find out it was Opie instead?! Phewwww! Btw thank you so much for sparing Donna from the life. She deserved better! I’m a little sad for Opie but I mean… I’m team Juice so 😬.
As for You Only Live Twice, I audibly gasped at the mole part. I can’t believe you’re killing off a character though!!! Please don’t say Juice or Olivia!!! Or on second thought, please do because with the way you write, I know you’ll make it incredibly sad but incredibly beautiful too and it’ll be part of the journey in your writing.
Sorry for my scattered thoughts. I just really liked the fics and it’s what made me get a tumble page just so I could send you my asks! Also figured you stopped going on your ao3 page but you seemed kinda active here on tumblr so here I am almost ten years later lol. I only started watching SOA out of boredom during the tail end of the pandemic and found your fic soon after.
Honestly, I don’t mind sharing because it HAS been so long and because im not sure I’ll finish, esp Get You In :/ I know how frustrating something unfinished is, so it’s good. Plus remembering my old plot ideas makes me wanna write!
I actually am still on ao3! I haven’t written anything in a few months, but these days I write for Criminal Minds and a big epic re-write of The Stand that I need to finish. 😬 I haven’t written for SoA since just after the show ended, but here you can find a fic my bestie and I co-wrote that’s like “if Olivia were canon, after Juice died.”
You can go here and scroll to the bottom for the links to all of them.
As for why the club wanted to kill Olivia: just like in canon, they thought she ratted when Stahl picked her up. In my version, they get her and not Opie, but because they know Olivia has a turbulent history with the club, they think she’s eager to rat.
Hmmm actually I think it would be kinda neat to read the fics in reverse order. Like you said, it would fill in the blanks on things i allude to in GYI and make you really understand what Juice and Olivia mean to each other.
Have you read Come With me Tonight? That’s the original Juice/Olivia fic. And it’s finished, as is its (crack-ish) sequel, Under My Skin. Honestly the sequel isn’t entirely “canon” (my personal canon) because it’s SUCH crack, but it’s still fun.
Thank you for your lovely messages!!
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crookedtreepoetry · 2 years
How To Become A Full Stack Developer In Ninety Days
We at 360DigiTMG give our students the choice of each classroom and online studying. There are many initiatives that one can take up in this subject to realize sensible knowledge. You can work on constructing a web software for actual estate, storage options, mobile tracking, reporting tool software, or a wholesale distribution system that provides sooner inquiries to the monetary information. It will assist you to grasp MongoDB installation, knowledge modelling, schema design, knowledge indexing, monitoring, sharding, replication and aggregation.
Handle diverse data varieties and handle your purposes effectively using MongoDB. Brush up on your knowledge of software development fundamentals, Agile and Scrum methodologies, Java and information structures, GIT to manage version control systems, and Maven to handle project dependencies. This Full Stack Java developer course in Kuala Lumpur will allow you to increase your Full-Stack Developer occupation. To design highly net-scalable packages, you may research prime business expertise with a Full Stack Java developer course in Kuala Lumpur together with Servlets, Hibernate, Spring Boot, Angular, and JSPs, as well as MVC, web services, and SOA.
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pintura · 7 years
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“I feel like I could eat the world raw.”
Please consider Song of Achilles au for tododeku im crying at a dennys
(click for caption)
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sophsicle · 2 years
My roommate asked me if should could borrow my copy of SoA because she feels she needs to read it since their story is referenced so much in Choices…I love how she just went for SoA instead of the Iliad lmao
PS: (very niche I guess?) getting “philtatos” tattooed on my back next week I’m so excited!!!
Hello lovely! Yeah, having some Patroclus and Achilles background knowledge will definitely add to the experience! Also SoA is beautiful and the Iliad is, honestly, pretty boring. Like 90% boring 10% epic. So SoA is the better choice :) PS: that is truly a stellar tattoo idea, I'm so jealous, I wanna get more tattoos but they're so expensive, it hurts me
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catgriller · 2 years
I really like Raised as a sith anakin/suitless Vader fanfics and I want MORE of them becuase they are just so good
So Shmi is alive, and a Jedi. Why? Because she deserves to be alive!!!
Anakin was stolen from her (by Sidious) and the grief was too much that she left the Jedi Order to gather herself up blah blah fast forward an Epic Fight happens between Vader and ObiWan and Obes hits Vader’s Mask with his lightsaber and “WHATTT it’s a 22 year old?!?!? I thought he was 40 from that mask???” Blah blah this is not the point jus saying shi;
An idea keeps popping in my head of a Vaderkin Redemption of Anakin just being depressed as shit, facing face first on the couch being bored. He has no idea what a Holo-TV is but he asks C3PO for help (because he’s embarrassed to ask any of the Jedi) and clicks through the genres to.. Soap Opera..? What the hell is Soap Opera? Is it.. About Soa-
“I cant live like this!! Our love was never meant to be!”
…….. Now Anakin is lowkey intrigued and wants to find out what the hell she’s talking about. Legit 8 hours later he’s snuggled in some blankets eating popcorn, booing at the Holo-TV and throwing popcorn at it. Shmi walks past Anakin’s room and hears the commotion, at first she has no idea what’s happening and freaks out then stops. Then laughs softly at him and AGHHHUFUHHUGJDNFHRUTJEKFHTTH HRHRRHRHE SHMI I MISS YOU SO MUCH HNGNHH
Shmi sometimes invites Obi Wan for tea, they usually leave Anakin to his TV shows until Obes brings Ashoka one day. Straight off the bat Ashoka full on insults Anakin in his face, Obi Wan is like “PADAWAN????:??” But Anakin Laughs. Like really Laughs and tells Ashoka that she’s the first person to ever insult him at his face, in person and thanks her…….. Then proceeds to calls her Short, Tiny, Little, Snippy and keeps going and going until Ashoka fights back and they are just bickering at this point which is a weird sight to see a Past Jedi Killer bickering with a young Jedi Padawan
And I’m just sprouting shit outta my mouth at this point but whoever makes Suitless Vader/Raised as a sith Anakin fanfics I love you platonically ❤️
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ciceroprofacto · 2 years
Well I don't know if this may come as rude but. Honestly, I'd like a lot that in a certain moment, soa has more of that ofmd energy you mentioned: not giving a fuck of what actually happened, but staying somehow not out of reality.
I couldn't read soa in one week. I had to read it in four months for the huge emotional charge it is. And I had to re read previous chapters or some paragraphs before continuing because I had almost forgotten what was there before. I know you want this to be serious and you're putting a LOT of effort in it. It's noticeable, and I think I haven't ever seen a fic writer make that much effort in their writing.
But the plot, characters and themes (philosophical themes) sometimes are not simply a lot to handle. They're too much to handle, making it difficult for people with already busy lifes read it.
Sorry if I made any spelling or grammar mistake. English isn't my first language, and I practically learned it by myself. Thanks.
I'm vibing as much as I can with the meaning, but I do have a little confusion and I don't want to misunderstand, so correct me if I'm wrong. It seems like you're saying the tone of it doesn't take itself too seriously, but the themes and plot are really heavy. I think that's absolutely true!
But, I could do it better
The strength of comedy is that you're able to make heavy things lighter and it gives more people the ability to carry it. Which is exactly why ofmd has blown up where Black Sails didn't- despite BS being basically as-perfect as a show can be (Taika Waititi's name on ofmd definitely helps). It's the difference between having comedic relief and being a comedy. BS is an epic period drama that's with a touch, funny. Ofmd is really well-made comedy that's able to convey fairly-heavy themes because it nails the notes between things that are jokes and things that are not jokes. But, it also isn't quite as ambitious as Black Sails on what themes it's taking on- it skirts carefully around period-typical homophobia, racism, and sexism by creating a bubble in which those things have less influence, whereas Black Sails dunks you headfirst into that reality.
Since I'm trying to take on similar issues, I've been taking my tonal cues more from Black Sails. But, there's a lot that I can learn from ofmd's escapism, because it somehow manages to still be immersive despite not going into depth on some of those concepts, and because they don't go so far into those concepts they're able to focus on the more-accessible nuances of human emotion like found family, self-discovery, and falling in love. While it's important to take on issues and ensure the tone reflects the gravity of those issues- taking on some issues shouldn't be a commitment to take on all issues because then the tone becomes so burdensome no one can stomach the weight of the story anymore.
Basically- ofmd shows you don't have to delve into every little plot tangent to make an immersive period piece, and tangents are definitely my biggest weakness as a writer. What you're calling 'effort' is what I consider my little 'fascinations'. Half the time I'm writing plot around the research that I was doing for fun and half the time I'm researching to connect holes in the story. It's the plot vs story balance, and I think both SOA and BS try and keep those two on equal-footing while ofmd is character-focused with the story taking priority over plot. SOA and BS's style lets things get complicated and can be really intellectually-impressive, whereas ofmd's style is a lot more streamline and emotionally-impactful.
It's also nice that ofmd gives a lot of leeway to anachronisms. SOA and BS aren't exactly high-brow compared to the source material, but the language is still less-accessible than a show that just totally doesn't bother with 18th c. dialogue.
tldr; SOA is hard to read and I can do more to fix that.
Themes- people want to laugh, no one wants to laugh at injustice.
Tone- escapism is easier to stomach than realistic conflict.
Content- more people care about story than plot.
Delivery- more people understand what the fuck you're saying if characters talk like modern humans.
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tkc-info · 2 years
Wombo-ed art of books my characters are soft for
Because why not
Arash's gf
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Not going to say why though
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Kinda obvious but whatever
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NOT because of Cal, but just because five-year old Hunter loved the idea of that creepy children's book. I know it deep in my heart
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AKA this is depressing as fuck
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He absolutely loves Persian epic poetry, I stand by this (PS: Sohrab doesn't like to read)
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I just want to spread my Plato-loving agenda (and something about the Timeo has a hint of something that happens in lodgb)
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Don't quote my on this, but Caleb just gives me I-would-love-soa's vibes (and so would Sohrab, while having his bimonthly sexuality crisis)
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Okay, but Atalanta definitely liked to have kids books based around Greek mythology read to her when she was a child
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ambrcsialtm · 3 years
all of that being said, i really wanna find some new partners maybe ? i’m prob not gonna take on a lot of plots rn but i have my intro to me post here & below i’m just gonna list some plots i’m interested in writing nowadays so woohoo ! it should be noted that i really only write oc’s even if the plot is set in an established show / movie / series. i am not like como se dice .... good ? at writing canons :)
anything inspired by like soa / mayans mc, i just love a biker romance
college romances esp with like athletes !!!!
spy vs spy, falling in love on a mission type shit, mr and mrs smith is also a good ref here
ok hear me out smth inspired by laurel x frank in the first two seasons of htgawm ? like 1L student falls in love w their mentor’s rough around the edges, badass private investigator ???
something inspired by logan x veronica in veronica mars just basically the epic speech
oc’s in set fandoms like marvel, dceu, harry potter, game of thrones, grishaverse OR canon x oc.
heist romances like in ocean’s eleven, the thomas crowne affair, fool’s gold, etc.
lawyer + lawyer fall in love, doctor + doctor, workplace romances in general p much
dan + amy in veep vibes, political interns that have witty back & forths but also are like in love ?
period romances oh god pls
frank + karen in the punisher vibes oh yes
listen just give me trevante, daniel k, manny montana, joel kinnaman, or damson idris in smth steamy and ill love u forever :)
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doomedandstoned · 3 years
13 Unusual Records That Rocked n’ Wrecked 2020
~By Billy Goate~
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Photograph by Randy J Byrd
With all of the uncertainty and unrest we experienced in 2020, it was hard to imagine what kind of a musical year it would be last January. As it turned out, the music won out, with disquieted souls unleashing a bevy of sound and fury!
Following last week's parade of top albums from the Doomed & Stoned team, it's the editor's turn. I submit for your consideration 13 records that had me coming back again and again.
Nothing - The Great Dismal
The depressive rock vibes of Nothing captured so much of the spirit of 2020 -- wistful, jaded and, well, dismal -- with the sentiment, This will never end.. By October, we were really feeling it, too. Then along came NOTHING (originally a side project of Agalloch members Jason William Walton and Don Anderson) with what I regard as their finest longplay to date, spitting out along with it a plethora of visceral music videos that made The Great Dismal hard to ignore. Timely medicine for my jaded, weary soul. No surprise then that I listened to this album constantly throughout the year.
Isn't it strange Watching people Try and outrun the rain
5 R V L N 5 - The Black Mark
Chuck Clybourne (ex-Faces of the Bog) delivers one of the most authentic and gripping biographical albums of recent memory. I was in the Chicago studio on the final day of its recording and recall how dark and angry it seemed, a doomier kind of industrial metal. The Black Mark includes contributions from Chicago Doomed & Stoned Fest organizer Lara Noel. As I remarked on "Flesh" last January: "The song builds and builds in intensity, generating a wall of sound and fury contrasted with dreamlike vox and emotive synth licks that made me an instant fan of 5 R V L N 5. I suspect the effect will be similar for you."
Crimson Caravan - Big Big Bang
Screeeeeech! Stop the presses! Here's an unbelievable find! Didn't pick up on these Russian stoner-doomers until the New Year's dawn (to be fair, it was released on December 29th), but everytime I listen to Big Big Bang I'm awed at just how goddamn heavy it is. An outstanding specimen of the genre, with songs like "Heap of Junk" of an Electric Wizard, Monolord, or Dopelord aura.
Elder Druid - Golgotha
Those champions of winter, Elder Druid, brought us a compelling sophomore offering in Golgotha, which we were among the earliest to review on January 9th, at which time I gushed: "Every yard as epic as it’s title, its power and majesty bleeds through every low-fuzzed corpuscle and sinew." Almost one year to the day and I must say time was kind to this prodigious paragon.
Enslaved - Utgard
A worthy entry into a very crowded field of contenders, Utgard shows us the more experimental side of Enslaved -- roaring black metal meets seventies prog rock (yep, you read that right). Though their fifteenth (!) LP received some mixed reviews, it's definitely worth hearing because, you know, it's mother effen Enslaved! Plus it draws heavily on Norse mythology, which is always cool. As expected, the album was preceded and followed by a number of music videos that brought us the band in all its coldness, melancholy, and savagery
Ethyl Ether - Neon Chrome Jesus
It was a big year for the South African music scene, led by Cape Town's Ethyl Ether, who released their third album on the newly founded local label Mongrel Records. Keep an eye on this scene, and especially this band, in the year ahead. Psychedelic texture don an eighties rock sound for a very chill vibe, indeed.
Forming The Void - Omens
What can one say about this rapidly rising voice in metal, already a widely recognized voice in doom? The expansive soundscapes, serpentine vocals, and deluge of big low-end. Omens is another out-of-the-ballpark homerun for Ripple and a fitting fourth full-length for the band. We reviewed it in May, at which time I remarked: "It’s earthy moving rhythm is joined by the prophetic utterance of vocals that soar vastly overhead, surveying the horizon like a bird of prey. It’s a vibe that Slomatics fans will be used to, though arguably Forming The Void makes it much groovier. After all, you can’t avoid the influence of the blues in a place like Louisiana.."
Frayle - 1692
The Ohio atmospheric doomers outdid themselves in 2020 by taking us back to another year: 1692. It was on March 1st that the Salem Witch Trials began in Salem Village of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. Witnessing their performance at Chicago Doomed & Stoned Show gave me a new appreciation for the thoughtful execution of every note, and the arch that links them all together. They played "Dead Inside", and it was all chills for me. You would be hard pressed to listen to a number like "Burn" and walk away with anything short of adoration.
Greg Puciato - Fuck Content
If you were missing the Dillinger Escape Plan in 2020, their enigmatic singer came back just in time with new solo material, published under the banner of Federal Prisoner. And while there's a lot to love about the album Child Soldier: Creator God, it's the live album that really reached me. It's hard not to get caught up in its adrenaline fueled performances ("Fire for Water"), grungy rumblers ("Deep Set"), incendiary ballades ("Don't Wanna Deal"), and narcotic chill ("Evacuation").
Hellvetika - redux series
Love Spit Love // redux by Hellvetika
Aaron D.C. Edge is one hell of an improviser and absolutely wowed us with this rather brilliant bunch of sludged-up tributes to the musical greats. Under the project name Hellvetika Aaron recorded whole albums of these damning transformations, including covers of: Alice in Chains, AC/DC, Deftones, NIN, Willie Nelson, STP, The Smashing Pumpkins, The Cure, Clutch, Depeche Mode, Helmet, Audioslave, Joy Division, Weezer, Radiohead, Sting, and a whole lot more. I have no idea how long the project took him, but it certainly gives release to a lot of pent up emotion, perhaps borne of crushing isolation, and if so that's something I can entirely relate to. The series is also available sans voix right here.
I Am Low - Illusions
Illusions by I Am Low
I've been sort of low-key predicting that Grunge is poised for a big comeback. It's only natural, as the last two decades we reexamined the music of the '60s, '70s, and '80s. Hell, Brazil is a few years ahead of us, with grunge bands popping up left and right. Now, from Sweden comes Grunge med båda fötterna på Umeås jord ("Grunge with both feet on Umeå's soil")...I Am Low. Great name for a grunge band that meddles in doom, by the way. Their EP 'Illusions' (2020) (another late-December release) pulls you right in with its filthy tone, shimmering solos, and characteristically dulled singing. Like the disaffected youth of yesterday, they come with a disaffected message:
Here we are now All forgotten They betrayed us All for nothing
Sleepwulf - Sleepwulf
Then out of nowhere the following month, these standing stones of southern Sweden sent us their sublime sounds. Needless to say, we were enamored with the band's eponymous debut. Their feet firmly planted in the Pentagram school of doom, Sleepwulf are kindred spirits of Denmark's Demon Head and Norway's Dunbarrow. The band's debut LP was reviewed by Reek of STOOM in February.
Slift - UMMON
We introduced them to you on episode 18 of The Doomed & Stoned Show, but French band blew up weeks before with the widely-praised single "Hyperion." We wondered where these psychedelic krautrockers had been all our lives! Toulouse is the answer, and UMMON wasn't their only laudible opus, either.
What were your favorite records of 2020? Leave a comment below and let us know! As 2021 unwraps, we want you to join us on a quest to find the best in heavy underground music. Give Doomed & Stoned a follow on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for daily updates and subscribe to our weekly podcast for our choice cuts from the latest doom metal and stoner rock spins!
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livinginsunnyhell · 4 years
Ask game for fanfic writers! ⌨️🖊📓📝
1. What fandoms do you write for?
2. What pairings do you write for?
3. What is your most popular fanfic?
4. Do you write original stories as well?
5. What fanfic of yours should everyone have read?
6. What is a fandom you will never write for?
7. What is a ship you will never write for?
8. Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.net, Wattpad, Tumblr, etc. which platform do you prefer?
9. What are your favorite fanfics?
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
11. What’s your longest fanfic?
12. Do you want to break your readers‘ heart or make them laugh?
13. What is your planning process?
14. What have others criticized about your fanfic?
15. OCs or no OCs?
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
17. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts?
18. What is your favorite writing prompt?
19. Dead or overused tropes?
20. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
21. What’s your shortest fanfic?
22. Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
23. Long chapters or short chapters?
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
25. How many WIPs will you finish?
26. First-person-narrative or third-person-narrative?
27. Do you take requests?
28. I will name you three things (drunk Ian — shared bachelor party — Gallavich): write a paragraph or two!
29. What’s more difficult? Fanfics or original work?
30. What writing software do you use?
31. Do you use beta/sensitivity readers?
32. Past or present tense?
33. Do friends and family know that you write fanfics?
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
35. What is your favorite review?
36. Did you ever delete a work of yours?
37. Did your work ever get plagiarized?
38. Do you partake in any fanfic/writing events? (Big bangs, zines, NaNoWriMo, etc?)
39. Collaborations or working solo?
40. Do you have any rituals before uploading a fic?
41. What is something you don’t like about your writing?
42. Rudest review?
43. Guilty pleasure tropes and scenarios?
44. Does fanart of your fanfic exist?
45. Do fanfics of your fanfic exist?
46. Few long essay reviews or many short reviews?
47. What fanfic of yours is truly underrated?
48. What is your favorite sentence that you’ve used in a fanfic?
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
50. Can we get a teaser for an upcoming chapter?
(Don't feel obligated to answer. Thought if you're into these kinda things, that'd be a nice ask. ;))
Oh this is so nice!! Thanks for sending this @annansmith
I chose a few of them to do. 
1. What fandoms do you write for?
Currently, I’m writing for Shameless (Gallavich) but I’ve written for:
Veronica Mars (LoVe), Veep (Amy/Dan), Arrow (Oliver/Felicity), Once Upon A Time (Hook/Emma), The Old Guard (Joe/Nicky), That 70′s show (Hyde/Jackie), Sons of Anarchy (Tara/Jax), Vampire Diaries (Klaroline), Hart of Dixie (Zoe/Wade), Gilmore Girls (Rory/Jess), X-men (Rogue/Pyro), One Tree Hill (Haley/Nathan), and a few others.
2. What pairings do you write for?
Now I write Gallavich. 
But I’d say my top ones I love writing for now (my fanfiction writing has spanned about 14 years) are Dan/Amy, Veronica/Logan, Klaus/Caroline, Mickey/Ian.
3. What is your most popular fanfic?
My most popular fic on Ao3 is The Course of True Love (Arrow) and on FF Of Bloodshed, Babies, and Epic LoVe (Veronica Mars)
4. Do you write original stories as well?
Yes, I do. I’m working on a book, well, two books. But it’s going very slowly. The first is a memoir of my travels from around the world and the second is a vampire urban fantasy one. We’ll see how it goes, but I’d like to finish them by next year and see if I can get them published, but it’s hard so who knows. 
10. How do you stay motivated to finish what you’ve started?
Well, recently I’ve really been trying to finish everything I write. I have a lot of WIPs from years and years ago and even within the the last year, so this answer is pretty new. Basically, I focus on one fic at a time and write a little every day to stay motivated. Now, I try to update once a week on a certain day. I think comments/reviews and kudos and people being genuinely encouraging helps though. It’s also what’s gotten me considering finishing my older fics.
11. What’s your longest fanfic?
Of Bloodshed, Babies, and Epic Love (over 165k)
13. What is your planning process?
Now, it’s different. I have a doc of ideas and I wait to see which one I can’t seem to shake. Then I plan out each chapter with a few sentences and I have a list of things I want to focus on in the story. Usually, each story now has a kind of theme to it and a main focus. I sometimes will just want to write a certain situation/scene/focus and the story is born from there. But what really helps is writing down chapter 1, 2, etc. and having a sentence or two for what I want to happen. It doesn’t always go according to plan, but I never get writers block or forget what happened in previous chapters now.
16. Do you use sentence starters, writing prompts and/or fandom headcanons for your fanfics?
Probably a mixture of fandom (or my personal) headcanons. I don’t start with prompts unless it’s a challenge or sentence starters. Usually, I have a scene I already want to write in my head and then I sit down and write it.
17. Do you use/follow advice from writing blogs/posts?
Yes, I’ve read several books on writing. My undergrad was creative writing too, so I learned a lot there. I also follow writing instagram accounts which are helpful. I take everything I learn with a grain of salt and I see what is best for me. The best advice I heard recently was short sentences and so now I’m experimenting with that.
20. Can we get a list of all of your current available fanfics?
There’s a lot from many different fandoms. I used to be on FF.net as Psyc0gurl0 and now I’m ProstheticLoVe on a03. I like writing on ao3 better cause it’s easier and I love the tagging process. Plus the gallavich fandom on there is unreal. So to think about going back to ff.net to finish my WIPs seems like such a process now. 
Currently though, I’m writing an Ian’s POV 5 chapter fic called Chocolate. It’s not out yet, but it’ll focus on Ian from 1x06 to 1x09 or so and how his feelings for Mickey change and evolve. It’s the second part to a series called Chocolate and Cigarettes. Mickey’s POV was Cigarettes.
22. Do you listen to music during your writing process? What music do you listen to while you’re writing?
Yes, I listen while writing but I need silence while editing. I have a Love (lol) playlist. It’s basically all the love songs that remind me of couples I ship. So for example, The Acid is in there a lot because their music is great, but also Basic Instinct is so haunting. Overall, I like all music except country, so sometimes I’ll listen to my larger playlists while writing. 
23. Long chapters or short chapters?
So this has changed over the years. Initially, I wrote short chapters, then when I got back into fanfiction while writing klaroline they got a lot longer and now it’s just basically where the chapter has a natural ending. So the chapters are between 4 - 10k words depending. I try to get over 4k though. Right now, once I’m done with my current fic, I really want to write something over 100k.
24. How many WIPs (work-in-progress) do you’ve got?
A lot...none in Shameless though. Well, I guess my current one, but I haven’t posted that yet. I’d say I probs have about 10 WIPs spanning different fandoms. I know. But my goal for 2021 is to pick two and finish them. 
25. How many WIPs will you finish?
Not all of them. Some of them are from years and years ago. But I’d like to finish the ones that I still get reviews on. So there’s a SOAs fic I want to finish cause that fandom is so lovely. I also want to finish a klaroline one cause that was fun to write. And my Amy/Dan ones I’d like to finish. I would like to finish my Veronica Mars ones (I have two) but they need a lot more attention, so when people message me about them I tell them the planned ending.
28. I will name you three things (drunk Ian — shared bachelor party — Gallavich): write a paragraph or two!
“Fuck, Mickey, I probably shouldn’t have had the third Hot Toddy,” Ian grimaced as the world around him spun. 
Mickey laughed at him and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. Ian wanted to think his future husband just wanted to pull him closer, but he had a feeling it was to steady him.
“Probably should’ve cut you off earlier,” Mickey said tugging Ian closer. 
Ian wobbled and plopped down on the back steps of the porch. Mickey followed suit a moment letter and they both looked out toward the backyard where the Gallaghers, Balls, and a few of the Milkovich cousins were alternatively huddling around a fire, drinking, and dancing.
“I blame Lip for making us have this stupid shared bachelor party in the first place,” Ian grumbled.
Mickey kissed him on the forehead as Ian lay his head on his shoulder. “It’s Sandy’s fault too.”
Ian hmmed in response and Mickey knew he was going to fall asleep any moment. He ran his hand up and down Ian’s arm and watched as Debbie bounced over to them.
“Jesus, you aren’t even married yet and you two are like an old married couple. Are you going to come dance or what?” she whined.
Mickey looked down at Ian, whose eyes were already closed, and then back up to Debbie. She was watching them with knowing eyes.
“We’ll dance at the wedding. Go grab Lip, I need his help to get Sleeping Beauty upstairs.”
Debbie turned to go get her eldest brother and Mickey looked back down at Ian. In his sleep, he nuzzled Mickey’s shoulder, breathed deeply, and a gentle smile appeared there. 
3 more days and they’d officially be husbands. 
34. How did you find the magical world of fanfics?
I was about 10 and my cousin used to write a buffy the vampire slayer zine. There was a link to a site called buffyworld.com or something like that. And I found fanfic that way. There was a link on the site to ff.net and that’s how I stumbled across that. I stayed there for many many years until my second time in the veronica mars fandom around 2014 when I was lead to a03 and then I’ve been there ever since. On and off, my writing has fluctuated through the years based on my personal life.
49. Where do you draw inspiration from?
Everywhere! omg. It’s insane. Gallavich I love writing for. There’s so many different facets to them, but truly everywhere I find inspiration. I have a whole doc of gallavich ideas that have stemmed from other fanfics, headcanons from me and other people, rewatching episodes, what’s going to happen in s11, cute moments i’d like to see happen, holidays, and just general life. I saw a pic of WW2 vets who were in a long term relationship and i was like mickey and ian! another idea is born.  
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consequentson · 4 years
tbh I accidentally logged in here trying to remember old account details for the multimuse, because I miss writing like heck, and finally have a stable career that pays well and so on and so I have time to establish like designated “hobby” time but I don’t miss all the bullshit that followed me on this account BUT
I have to just put a little shout out to all the familiar blogs that I see are still active, especially @gatekeepcr, because it is hard writing a canon character from a less popular fandom on tumblr, especially an actual adult character that doesn’t look like a teenager, and I finally started watching SoA and Gemma is by far the coolest/most interesting character on the show, imo.  @gatekeepcr is epic and awesome and yall should be bowing down to the queen, hecken yeah.
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