#ctg posts
linneastarron · 3 months
god forbid women do anything in this fucking prison
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vilalyra · 2 years
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Countdown to Greywaren - Week 1: Dream Team
Jordan Hennessy
“She wanted to have a future that didn’t look exactly like her past”
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
Okay so inspired by nothing in particular (it's inspired by reading the notes on the ace swag final poll, fun stuff in there), I have been thinking about being Cringe. Cause like, you enter a fandom, and usually, you find out shortly that somebody else hates that fandom. There is no fandom niche enough that it's not Weird to somebody, and there's no fandom mainstream enough that it's not Annoying to somebody else. And given the fact that some people do hatred recreationally, there's often going to be somebody mad enough about your fandom that they're going to go on diatribes about how your fandom is bad and actually harmful and destroying the fabric of civilization, etc. They're gonna pull out anything negative and blow it up until it's the size of the skyline and attack you for liking this negative thing.
Fun times, we've all seen it.
And the thing is, there's an impulse to have this happen and immediately find somebody else to point to and say, yeah, well, I might be weird, but at least I'm not THAT guy. I might read YA, but at least I'm not a Furry— those guys are sexual deviants! I might be into actual play podcasts, but at least I'm not into mcyt— those guys are all harmful and my guy is fine. I might be into danmei, but at least I'm not into bandom— rpf is so gross. I might be a furry, but at least I'm not into mainstream romance novels— senseless drivel aimed at middle class white women. Y'know. Immediately find someone to punch down on.
And boy do I understand why you want to do that, when people are pointing at you, but I don't actually think that it's helpful.
Cause like, every fandom has a logical train of thought and reasonable human impulses behind it. You might not share those impulses— I'm not a furry I don't think, I don't really get true crime— but that doesn't mean I can't have it explained to me by a very patient person in in the writer's workshop common room and go "oh, yeah, kinda pretending to be an animal, but you're gay about it, yeah, makes sense", or "oh yeah, morbid curiosity from the safety of your headphones, it's like a horror movie but real" and nod. Like there isn't a fandom or group out there that doesn't look weird from the outside, and there isn't a fandom or group that can't be explained if someone has thought about the human psyche enough.
And that isn't to say that there isn't sometimes salient critiques for what fandoms are doing or not doing— to grab the two examples above, I have heard people talking about issues with true crime reinforcing the current fucked up justice system, or bigotry at furry cons. But a) most of the time, there is already somebody inside that community that's fighting against those issues, and you just threw them under the bus with the problem they're trying to fix b) you don't usually know the nuances of the actual conversation and problems, you saw a couple callout posts. You saying "Yeah I'm a board game nerd but at least I don't play competitive trading card cames, those guys are doing nothing but feeding the capitalist machine" is not usually helpful towards fixing the ctg scene. It's just a cheap way to score points.
Like, I assure you that the YA scene is aware of the calcification of the genre into a tighter and tighter romantic form and their dependence on going big on tik-tok to sell enough to keep publishing. They know.
You specifically saying that your fandom is better cause it's not [problems you heard about other fandom having] is not actually going to make the person who's hating on you stop hating. They already decided that you're the person they're better than and that they're punching down on, you passing the punching down on to another fandom just makes more people sad on the internet, and potentially starts yet another chain of someone punching down at someone else. The wheel grinds on, everybody gets punched.
I guess this is just kinda turning into a "why hate on the internet, what good does that do" post, which is broader than I meant it to be. But like, there's a difference between thoughtful critique of problems (complicated to do fairly but very necessary) and finding someone new to curbstomp to make yourself feel better/morally superior (look, I'm writing this on a mcyt blog, we've all seen this happen, it does not increase the joy in the world).
Like in MCYT, we all decide to punch down on [other server we hate], or RPF, or people who write kidfic, or people who write e-rated fic/art, or people doing the popular trope of the moment, and sure, it lets you feel morally superior for the moment, at the cost of slapping the guy next to you. Haven't we had enough slapping the guy next to you? There but for the grace of god (got a fun idea/watched the wrong stream/ended up in the wrong brainstorming circle/got fixated on the wrong funny guy) goes I. You're not better than another group just because you saw a couple more callout posts (usually from people inside the community trying to fix things) about them.
We are all Cringe. There is nobody who's not Cringe. Don't say that you're not Cringe because someone else is more Cringe. Stop that.
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jellazticious · 4 months
sorry i don't have much better to ask, but how long have you been doing Jelllaverse stuff? it's always interesting to know how long people have had their ocs/stuff.
Jellaverse is not any official name lol, that's for organizational purposes in which I fucking forget to tag oc stuff as 😩😩😩😩😩 Also I need to update the link in the bio. Maybe temporarily hide it too
also DW ABOUT IT any ask is welcomed and appreciated! mamacita for the love of crust send me more
Answer under the cut
She-Clops has been the first among all of them, I think they've been there since 2016. It has had two rewrites and so many characters came and went but I think I'm satisfied with the Blueyesque story style it has now
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Ghost Pile and When The Moon Is Bright both came around 2017 when Deltarune and Cuphead are huge hits. These are probably gonna be dormant but like, I like to include em but also here's a random pic cuz I can't find any drawings of either
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The Light Plague started at 2018 and it has had many beautiful and painful rewrites. TLP is also the oc set with the densest story since it's a compilation of angsty characters that has each their own thing going on
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Crank Those Gears, I believe that was 2020 or 2021 during my TF2 era because that is heavily inspired by EngieSpy. Still adore GR-17 and Nodiel dearly, hope I get to start on the webcomic
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On the same world building as CTG, there's Shallow Stares with the magic tree babies. Shallow Stares came along shortly after She-Clops. One of the trees in the trio, Twelve, his design actually came to me in a dream and I just drew him. Next thing you know it became an entire dndesque adventuretimesque fantasy world, post apocalypse and all (and that apocalypse was TLP)
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Not part of any self made world but TF2 ocs but Michel and his team should also be here too, somewhere mid 2021 or early 2022, that beautiful fucker is made because the DNAD server (GODBLESS DNAD YEEHAW) has a pack of people who absolutely adores tentamercs and I joined in with em. Gave him a whole team with their own original traits to go along with them. I haven't posted anything about this but the Soldier in Michel's team is a druid that wanna be human
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Leave You're Not Safe Here, heavily inspired by Don't Hug Me, is the second newest out of all the sets, I think it's one year old or about to be a year old. Honestly I LOVE the concept of LYNSH cuz the main characters are all these weirdcore or abstract people but it's like a Regular Show thing so there's also humans in it. Tho the humans are rainbow coloured like Psychonauts characters (fun fact, TLP characters used to be coloured the same way, Cobalt is the only one that isn't changed) Lemme tell you smthn about LYNSH. It's the humans that act like weirdos and they insist that the abstract characters don't belong anywhere. Absolutely not a metaphor for anything
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And now it leads us to Cursed To Charm. First oc set that's collaborated with someone else on the writing, shoutout to my brother from the same mushroom root @beefy-the-stronk CtC is barely three months old and yet we already came up with three seasons worth of a timeline, it's beautiful shit
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Health Canada has issued two recall notices warning parents about chemical hazards of two brands of children's jewelry.
The first recall notice involves Kool Charmz Colours Strawberry, Heart & Arrow, and Apple Interchangeable charm, which contains lead in excess of the allowable limits in Canada, according to the health agency.
Since 2012, CTG Brands has sold 104 units of the "Strawberry," 96 units of the "Heart & Arrow" and 104 units of the "Apple" charms in the country, Health Canada said.
Despite the packaging, which reads "lead free," the recall says these metallic charms do, in fact, contain lead.
As of March 28, no reports of incidents or injuries have been reported, according to the health agency.
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
Article from April 6th, posted on April 7th, 2023.
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hungnitan · 8 months
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sorry for late translation ! If anyone follow my account, you must know that I still hooked on HSR vibe so I kinda gather my mood to finish the rest
From now it's just my rambling so you can skip it (lol) :
On HSR side I still scoop any gems for Danheng IL E1 if possible E2 and as I expected my IL pull lean on hard mode, I already on 70 pull and still not getting *5...
On Genshin side, then again I try CTG tournament but wow I guess most participant pretty desperate for freegems since even TCG newbies entered tournament only looking at list meta deck and dive head first (lol). If I gonna honest, I enter tournament only for fun and defeating those meta deck with my own deck but still fail (lol). Plus today I gonna C6 Tartaglia so just wait for my next post
This chapter is about Shinonome siblings which I really enjoy aside Kamikou chapter
Like always english and japanese aren't my things so bear with me
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jaywritesrps · 1 year
Sabe aquelas músicas de fundo de carro de som chegando na porta da casa que você odiava que faziam no seu aniversário? Imagina aí. Mano Jay dá essa moral aqui.
Oi, mana. Essa ask é pra você.
Eu não dormi bem essa noite, fiquei surpreso com o seu post no talker, vc nunca posta sem me mostrar e vc também não é de se abrir, já que tem a cabeça mais dura que uma pedra, imagina só pra tag inteira. Mas foi uma surpresa triste, pq fiquei pensando o que vc pode tá sentindo pra ter digitado aquilo.
Sei que as coisas não tem sido fáceis pra vc nesse mestrado, que tem sido difícil ser a mulher da porra toda nessas viagens que você faz cheias de caras que fazem piadas chatas. Tbm sei que tenho te decepcionado com os meus vacilos na facul por causa da bolsa, tbm sei que acabei trazendo energia ruim pro talker porque fiquei respondendo coisa que vc disse que não era pra responder, pq achei que não ia dar em nada.
Lembra quando vc morava com aquelas meninas e eu não queria ficar na nossa cidade e vc aceitou que eu viesse pra cá? Vc topou sair de um lugar bacana pra morar numa kit net de um quarto só por minha causa, e nem mesa a gente tinha ainda. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk As memórias vindo.
Vc sempre quis contribuir com algo grande na tag, pra fazer as pessoas se divertirem. Eu ouvia seus plots de uma cmm distópica e dava moral só pra dar apoio, porque eu sabia que vc não ia aguentar a pressão de fazer algo sozinha, e suas amigas tbm não queriam te ajudar a moderar, que vc era criativa do jeito errado, eu ficava puto demais.
Descobri o que era talker qdo vc ficava feliz quando um dos antigos te respondia, aí vc me explicou e eu comecei a acompanhar. Eu tinha meus jogos e vc tinha os seus, eu achava essas paradas de tumblr coisa de gente inteligente, até que vc teve a ideia do talker e tudo fluiu tão bem que no outro dia tava tudo pronto.
O Júnior, o solteirão da tag nada mudou, e a Sandy, a sensata por motivos óbvios. Mandaram algo pesado logo no início, eu fiquei puto e parei, eu sei que vc ficou bem triste mas aceitou. Eu sabia que vc sempre pensava no blog e depois de uns vacilos eu topei voltar ctg pra te deixar feliz e estamos aqui.
Eu sei que vc não me conta qdo tá triste e fica no seu canto pra não me chatear, só que eu sei que vc tá triste e fico triste no meu quarto, os dois ficam tristes sozinhos e eu fico mais mal ainda. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Você fala que sou coração mole, mas eu sei que seu é mais mole que o meu. Não quero que a tag deixe de ser um lugar legal pra vc, um monte de gente gosta de vc, e eu gosto mais, o grilo seco do seu namorado tbm mas ele não tem relevância. Qdo seu mestrado terminar você vai ser a mestra dos magos mais foda.
Não quero que a gente continue cada um no seu canto, só que eu não tomo iniciativa e vc também não, então:
Vim qui no blog do mano Jay pra dizer que se de alguma forma eu te deixei triste ou trouxe coisas pesadas pro talker por causa do meu jeito, te peço desculpa. Não só por isso, pelos vacilos aqui em casa tbm.
Lembra do nosso início? Foi bem aqui. A gente era mto inocente. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Família a gente não escolhe, sinto mto por vc, pq eu tenho a irmã mais top, gatinha e inteligente dessa tag. Bora tirar esse climão pesado aqui de casa, quero vc chegando em casa descendo o pau pq não fechei a janela e encheu de mosquito, e não pra baixo e sem energia.
Eu t* a*.
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Mano Jay, obg pela moral.
Essa minoria bosta é só um bando de gente que não tem atenção na vida e quer aparecer causando. Começa a mandar essa galerinha tosca se f*der que vc vai ver o alívio q faz pra alma.
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palettesofrenaissance · 9 months
Have You Every Experienced Body Shaming In Your Workplace?
I heard this conversation on a radio show podcast this morning while at work. While this is a topic that most women have experienced, hearing the stories from first-hand was something. Here are a few.
Lauren: “It’s hard as a Black woman having natural body parts and it’s just being overly sexualized in people’s mind when it’s not [sexual]. If y’all remember that “Home Depot Girl” that was going around the internet? She wasn’t even wearing nothing anywhere inappropriate, but people were harassing her. So it’s hard for Black woman because we’re always being oversexualized for no reason. We wear our natural hair and it used to be called “nappy.” So, it’s hard being a Black woman in workspaces.”
Cristina: “When I went to join the army, and you know they have very strict standards, and I had to lose five pounds to be sworn in. And I’m very hippy and I’ve been naturally like that, and then after I had kids, it enhanced it. So for the past fifteen years at my job they changed the dress code to where we couldn’t wear leggings and things like that that show off our shape. But anything I wear it’s going to be tight.”
AJ Holiday: “Y’all remember that news reporter? I think her name was Demetria… Beautiful, but it was all the White women calling and complaining and putting messages online but she looked very nice in her clothes.”
Kelly: “So, being Puerto Rican in a White dominated area… I was in gymnastics and different type of sports. I had to literally tape my thighs so they wouldn’t bust out, you know, or be too big for my tights or whatever. Or my butt was too big. And then, like, it was really hard in gymnastics when all these things would turn up because all these girls would be so skinny, and I’m sitting here in a leotard and obviously I have a bigger figure. I didn’t want anyone to stare. …I would take duct tape and try to make my pants smaller on me. …So my mom found out when I was around 16 and she told me like, she was like, you know, “Self-worth” and you know, “Everything is within not outward.” Um, but, like, I had to know that having a body is a thing.”
TamBam: “Yeah, so, it just depends. You know in Charleston they have rapport. So a lot of times they’re complaining about women wearing, because you know women are now working out there, they’re complaining about he women wearing leggings to work. I feel like you should wear cargo pants. You should wear a thicker material if you’re in an environment like that.”
AJ Holiday: “It’s hot!”
TamBam: “Yeah, but leggings? Among mostly men? I think we have to consider that as women.”
AJ Holiday: “No, men have to consider those things. Why do women have to change their attire? Like, men need to change their mindset. Focus on your job. Focus on rapport, right. Get to ‘porting.”
TamBam: “But men are very physical. They see-”
CTG: “I agree with you but what if it’s hard for them to focus?”
AJ Holiday: “Well then they need to change their focus. That’s not the lady’s fault. Putting on your leggings. It’s 110 degrees out there.”
This post is about Black women. Racists and misogynists and gender enthusiasts/gender role conservatives, this post isn't for you.
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thekitchnpro · 2 years
Top 5 Slicers That You Would Love
New Post has been published on https://thekitchnpro.com/top-5-slicers-that-you-would-love/
Top 5 Slicers That You Would Love
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A food slicer is an essential piece of equipment in any home kitchen, especially if you enjoy cooking and preparing meals from scratch. Slicers allow you to prepare foods with greater precision and speed, which will help you save time and effort in the long run. If you’re wondering what the best slicer options are, check out this list of top 5 slicers on the market today. We’ve even included a buyer’s guide at the end to make your search easier.
  Cuisinart CTG-00-BG Box Slicers
There’s a reason so many home cooks and professional chefs keep a box slicers around: It’s versatile. And it never needs sharpening. The Cuisinart version is particularly well-made and can handle everything from delicate nutmeg to coarse salt. A good all-around choice that will see plenty of use in your kitchen for years to come. Just watch out for those sharp blades! This grater made our best sellers list for 2015, but it’s still at or near #1 on Amazon’s own list of bestselling box graters, which tells you something about its popularity.
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 Brieftons Manual Food Processor
This is an expensive but efficient food processor. It has a 15-cup capacity, meaning you can slice all of your ingredients in one go. It’s easy to use, with no buttons or levers to worry about—you just place your food on top and pop it in. Made from BPA-free plastic, it’s safe for both indoor and outdoor use. There are several blades that come with it too, for chopping meat or cutting through poultry bones easily. You can even adjust its slicing thickness for making deli-style slices at home.
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Ninja Master Prep Professional
The Ninja Master Prep Professional Blender has a six-cup capacity and a dual-stage blender system for maximum food processing. The pulse button will chop, crush, puree, mix and emulsify ingredients to your desired consistency. It features a Total Crushing technology that pulverizes ice into snow in seconds, with no cubes left behind. Its pitcher lid includes a smoothie cap for easy pouring of juice or smoothies from pitcher to glass without dripping or spilling. If you want to purchase under $40 blender with multiple speed settings and pulse feature then I would suggest you consider buying ninja master prep professional because it is a great addition to kitchen appliances at a very reasonable price.
Buy Now! Hamilton Beach 72850 Flexi-Slice Vegetable Slicer
Don’t let its sleek design fool you, this is a robust product that does more than just shred cheese. This durable slicer is ideal for cutting vegetables like zucchini, carrots, and cucumbers into neat slices to make yummy sides or nutritious snacks. The best part? It’s dishwasher safe! If you want to minimize prep time in your kitchen, look no further than Hamilton Beach’s Flexi-Slice Vegetable Slicer. You can choose from three thickness settings to suit your desired outcome—finely shredded zucchini, mild chopped veggies, or thick carrot sticks. Slicing couldn’t be easier: just put down some paper towels and press down on top of produce with moderate pressure (one hand may be all you need). The wide feet help keep it stable while slicing so you don’t have to worry about any slipping—perfect if counter space is at a premium in your kitchen.
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OXO Good Grips V-Blade Mandoline Slicers
The V-Blade Mandoline offers a unique blade design that creates ultra-thin slices for salads, stir-fries, and more. The easy-to-use slicer features four preprogrammed thickness settings, allowing you to create anything from paper-thin up to 1/4 inch thick slices with one turn of a knob. The V-Blade Mandoline is versatile too; it comes with three interchangeable blades for French fries, vegetable chips, and grating fruits and vegetables. A handguard provides added safety when operating the mandoline slicer on its side. And unlike other mandolines, which can be difficult to clean or prone to rusting if exposed to water, dishwasher safe parts make cleanup quick and easy.
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abagofpennies · 2 months
Pregnancy journey
Just realized that it has been awhile since I reflected on my pregnancy journey (last post was on 10+3 weeks). I remembered that I still had bleeding, and this time the bleeding was worse, it had blood clots and it looked like menses. I was so afraid that it was an ongoing miscarriage. We went down to KKH in the middle of the night and was checked - the pregnancy sac was still present with presence of heartbeat. However there were clots on the vagina examination. All hope was not lost, I was restarted on duphaston and given 3 days of HL to rest, was also told to monitor for worsening bleeding, pain etc. If not better, to go back to UOGC. I recall the next few days there were still some bleeding which stopped spontaneously. I went back to work after 3 days of rest. I remember clinging onto God's promises and the peace that He gave me when we wanted to try for a baby. That kept me sane and kept me going..
The rest of the pregnancy was very smooth sailing. I recall that the team in UOGC was telling me that bleeding in first trimester, as long as bby is ok, almost has no implications on baby or rest of pregnancy. As long as it doesn't cross into 2nd trimester.
True enough, 2nd and 3rd trimester turned out to be fantastically amazing. I gained a lot of weight (unfortunately) but I was able to eat mostly what I wanted and able to go most places. We even went on our baby moon in Australia in November with my in laws. That was quite fun.
Towards the end of the pregnancy, I was given hospitalization leave from weeks 35+5 till delivery, my official last day of work was on 15th Jan 2024. I was able to catch up on sleep, but most of the time was really spent on trying to induce labour (i.e. climbing stairs, walking everywhere). However these attempts have largely failed because we went for an induction at 39+5 weeks (The scan at 38 weeks showed that baby was around 3.3kg estimated weight and there were worries about impending macrosomia).
Baby was successfully born on 14th Feb, he was health, safe and sound. The labour process took a total of 26 hours including the insertion of cervidil (induction pill).
The whole process was documented because I wanted to remember my first pregnancy and the birth of baby Jo.
We went to the hospital at 8AM and was checked into the induction room at 9.30AM. At that point in time, I was only about 1cm dilated, with no visible contractions on the CTG. The nurse came to insert the cervidil at 10.10AM and we went down for lunch at about 12pm. I was still happily eating lots of food because there was no sensation. At about 2pm, the contractions started to get more regular and more intense. It became so bad that I requested to go down to labour ward for pain relief at about 4pm (Only about 2 hours after it started -- it was REALLY bad, I couldn't sit or lie down or stand up or walk..). I was given the nitrous oxide. I was checked at 4.20pm - and realized that I am only 1.5cm dilated. AT 4.25pm they gave me the pethidine injection and that helped a little with the pain relief. At about 5.20pm, I was about 3cm dilated and I qualify (finally) for epidural. The epidural (now termed as HAPPY-dural) was amazing, I was instantly pain free! During the whole time I was lying in bed with the CTG machine hooked up. The nurses came in multiple times to assess me and asked me to turn positions multiple times as there were some decelerations that they noted on the monitoring. But these decelerations were also met with quick recovery so it wasn't THAT worrying hence I was left alone.
At about 3.30AM, team noted that decels were getting more frequent and they were slightly worried - they asked for the water bag to be broken to assess for any meconium staining - if present, will signify fetal distress and potentially C-section. Thankfully waters were clear and they said to monitor for awhile more.
At about 4AM, I was 4-5cm dilated. At 5.40AM, I was 7cm dilated. At 6.30AM I felt the contraction pains coming back but upon assessment still only 7cm. At 8AM, I was about 8cm dilated. At about 10AM I felt the urge to push, I was about 10cm dilated but the anterior lip was still slightly thick, but can try to push already.
I ended up pushing for 2 hours from 10.30AM - 12.28PM. They initially tried to vacuum baby Jo out but the cup failed. My contractions were also less regular by about 12+pm, and they tried to up the synto drip. There were about 4-5 people with me at this time point and everyone was just waiting for the contractions. At some point in time, my gynae said not to wait for contractions and just push it out myself. To be honest, I felt that this was not in line with what I wanted, but I had to push extremely hard. In the end, the episiotomy was performed and baby came out normal vaginal delivery. Bby weight was about 2.8kg. My gynae said my vagina tissues were friable and I bled a lot. She placed a vagina pack and inserted an IDC to be kept overnight, I saw that she stitched a lot.
However likely from the prolonged labour, baby had high lactate levels and required to be in special care nursery monitoring for awhile. They repeated the pH test in the afternoon, and it was still slightly low. Hence was kept there until about 10pm. In the end baby Jo's results returned favorable and he was able to be transferred to the normal nursery within the same day - thanks be to God.
Looking back at my journey, I could really see and feel the hands of God upon my life and also upon baby's life. He sustained and healed baby Jo throughout the days of His life.
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linneastarron · 6 months
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grazynagranata5 · 3 months
One Of The Best Water Guns Of 2023
Lawyer info for Middleton was not immediately accessible. Middleton was employed by the town's Department of Correction in January 2013 and was assigned to the Correction Academy firing range, officials mentioned. Law enforcement sources instructed NBC New York one angle within the investigation is the toy "Orbeez" Orbi Gun Chaluisant had in his automotive. To this point in the investigation, there’s no evidence Chaluisant fired it at Middleton, the news station reported. Cases involving the toy guns have cropped up throughout the U.S., with legislation enforcement agencies linking their use to a TikTok pattern identified because the "Orbeez Challenge." Some videos on the social media platform depict individuals taking pictures gel Orbeez balls at citizens with bead blasters or water pellet guns. Orbeez balls can grow more than one hundred fifty times their size when submerged in water, based on their Amazon web page. Many TikTok movies with the hashtag "orbeezchallenge" showed individuals playing with Orbeez in recreational actions like filling a swimming pool and watching the small orbs increase in water, but only a handful of posts appeared to point out individuals using toy guns to hearth Orbeez at others.
Developers of a fashionable Gyrojet pistol may use this methodology to offer it higher range and power than any existing underwater weapon. Perhaps the most intriguing hint of the place the underwater arms race is headed comes from a 2005 U.S. Thomas J. Gieseke, a Navy scientist at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center. The patent proposes a "excessive-velocity underwater jet weapon" that fires a stream of excessive-velocity liquid "bullets" -- wonderful grains of steel or sand that type a cavity more effectively than strong rounds. 2023 Condé Nast. All rights reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. WIRED might earn a portion of sales from products which might be bought through our site as a part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. The material on this site will not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or in any other case used, besides with the prior written permission of Condé Nast.
Should I Cave on My "No Toy Guns" Policy? I all the time thought I’d hold firm on it, but my son is begging for a water gun. My 5-Year-Old Keeps Bursting Into Tears. We have to Get to the bottom of It. Care and Feeding is Slate’s parenting recommendation column. Have a query for Care and Feeding? We are the dad and mom of a 6-yr-old boy. As a household we're very anti-gun and, frankly, anti-weapons of any variety. Since our son was little, our philosophy has been to avoid any toy weapons. However, our son always sees children at the park with water guns and it’s become a bit of an obsession for him. If someone offers to let him play with a water gun, I let him. But now he’s been begging for a water gun. The problem is all of the water guns I discover are very gunlike. I’ve discovered myself wondering if we need to let go of our "no toy weapons" coverage.
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At the same time, American inventor Oliver Evans experienced related achievements. Trevithick's new Cornish Engine was cheaper, lighter and smaller than the Boulton and Watt engine. Arthur Woolf further improved the usage of excessive-strain steam in 1804. The London brewery engineer realized the idea of compounding - a technique where excess steam from one piston fires a second piston and then a 3rd. This technique results in much less heat loss. While some believe Ferdinand Verbiest created a working steam car in 1672, extra proof suggests French inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot made the primary steam-powered car in 1769. But whereas the analysis and growth of steam-powered automobiles continued for a while, the thought was most successful within the form of the rail-mounted steam locomotive. The man behind the Cornish Engine, Richard Trevithick, was additionally a key particular person in the event of the steam locomotive. It's necessary to notice that prepare tracks already existed in the 1770s in varied industrial areas of England.
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toutmontbeliard-com · 5 months
Conseil municipal de Montbéliard
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Conseil municipal de Montbéliard ce lundi 18 décembre 2023 à 18h00, salle du Conseil de Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération, avenue des Alliés à Montbéliard. L’ordre du jour est : Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 1- Projet d’évolution du site du Château – Autorisation de dépôt d’une demande de subvention à la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC) Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 2- Zones d’accélération des énergies renouvelables Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 3- Marchés d’impression des supports de communication 2023-2026 – Signature des accords-cadres suite à appel d’offres M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 4- Cité éducative – Subvention – Signature d’une convention M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 5- Ecoles – Demandes de subventions M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 6- Marché de transport d’enfants par autocars – Lot n°4 – Avenant n°1 M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 7- Convention de partenariat entre la Ville de Montbéliard et l’Université de Franche-Comté – UFR STAPS – Filière DEUST (Diplôme d'Etudes Universitaires Scientifiques et Techniques) M. Alexandre GAUTHIER Mme Christine SCHMITT 8- Subventions aux associations – Année 2023 : Association Arts Martiaux Compétitions Loisir, École du Muay, Union Sportive de l’Enseignement du Premier degré (USEP), Confrérie des Escargotiers du Princes Mme Christine SCHMITT 9- Convention de partenariat entre la Ville de Montbéliard, l’Etablissement Français du Sang et l’Association pour le Don du Sang Bénévole M. Philippe DUVERNOY 10- Forfait Post-Stationnement (FPS) – Mise en œuvre – Convention avec l’ANTAI - Renouvellement pour la période du 1er janvier 2024 au 31 décembre 2026 M. Philippe DUVERNOY 11- Recensement de la population – Rémunération des agents recenseurs Mme Annie VITALI 12- Convention unique intercommunale de gestion en flux des réservations de logements sociaux M. Philippe TISSOT 13- Le 19, Centre Régional d’Art Contemporain de Montbéliard – Convention pluriannuelle d’objectifs 2024 / 2027 entre l’Etat-Ministère de la Culture, la Région Bourgogne Franche-Comté, la Ville de Montbéliard, Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération et l’association – Convention de contributions financières et non financières 2024 / 2027 entre la Ville de Montbéliard et l’association M. Philippe TISSOT 14- Archives municipales – Demande de subvention à la Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles (DRAC) dans le cadre du Programme de Numérisation et de Valorisation (PNV) – Année 2024 – Poursuite de la numérisation et de la mise en ligne de l’état-civil Mme Léopoldine ROUDET 15- Prolongation des conventions liant la Ville de Montbéliard aux associations Léo Lagrange et MJC Petite-Hollande – Signature d’avenants Mme Léopoldine ROUDET 16- Convention d’objectifs et de financement Ville / CAF – Prestations de service extrascolaire pour les 12/17 ans avec « Bonus CTG » M. Christophe FROPPIER 17- Projet de dynamisation du centre-ville – Fonds d’aide à la requalification des enseignes et façades commerciales – Versement des subventions M. Christophe FROPPIER 18- Ravalements de façades d’immeubles – Versement des subventions M. Eddie STAMPONE 19- Décision Modificative n°3 – Budget Principal M. Eddie STAMPONE 20- Autorisations de Programme - Ajustement M. Eddie STAMPONE 21- Autorisation de liquider et de mandater les dépenses d’investissement avant le vote du Budget Primitif 2024 M. Eddie STAMPONE 22- Subventions aux associations – Versement d’acomptes avant le vote du Budget Primitif 2024 M. Eddie STAMPONE 23- Tarification – Année 2024 M. Eddie STAMPONE 24- Rapport Social Unique 2022 – Présentation M. Eddie STAMPONE 25- Personnel communal – Actualisation du tableau des emplois M. Eddie STAMPONE 26- Centre de Gestion 25 - Affiliation au « socle commun » et adhésion aux missions complémentaires du Centre Départemental de Gestion de la Fonction Publique Territoriale du Doubs M. Rémi PLUCHE 27- Délégation de Service Public – Rapport d’activité – Année 2022 – Chauffage urbain / DALKIA M. Rémi PLUCHE 28- Groupement de commandes d’achat d’énergie - Adhésion M. Rémi PLUCHE 29- Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération – Rapport annuel sur le prix et la qualité des services publics d’eau potable et d’assainissement – Année 2022 – Présentation et communication M. Rémi PLUCHE 30- Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération – Rapport annuel sur le prix et la qualité du service public de prévention et de gestion des déchets ménagers et assimilés – Année 2022 – Présentation et communication M. Gilles MAILLARD 31- Convention d’indemnisation de l’imprévision avec l’entreprise ID VERDE portant sur le marché n°2020-013 ayant pour objet « Cœur de quartier Debussy / Massenet – Requalification des espaces publics – Lot n°3 : bétons, mobilier, serrurerie et espaces verts » M. Gilles MAILLARD 32- Programme d’éclairage public 2023 en régie – Subvention SYDED Questions diverses. Read the full article
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ireallylovelanguages · 11 months
Post vom June 15 2023 at 05:02PM
Graffiti @ Lindenbrauerei in Unna. #graffiti #unna #mauer #graffito #piece #streetart #art #kunst #farbig #bunt #dortmund #photography #love #germany #lindenbrauerei #graffitiart #hamm #wall #photooftheday #artwork #colors #lünen #instagood #artist #nrw #nordrheinwestfalen Anschauen im Original: https://instagr.am/p/Ctg-vloov-l/
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ivabellini · 11 months
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Posted @withregram • @marijatiurina #instagram #foto 🌚 After a few months I can finally share my latest medium-size watercolor that started as a reflection on my own darkness and heavy swampy thoughts, and developed into something more optimistic and therapeutic. I called it 'Exit Through the Woods' and it's about making it through a darker time we all have in our lives, walking through the night forest filled with all kinds of creatures while our own darkness is trying to hold us back or slow us down 🌒 I will tell you a little more about it in the next post. For now, here's some process that started with a rough pencil sketch, evolved into masking out some areas and outlining all the elements in watercolor, then going further with bold dark colours and soft light sources. But largely I wanted it to be dark and rich in shades of night colours, after all, we're talking about the feeling of stumbling through the woods of one's mind.. those are certainly the darkest. * #watercolorpainting #illustration #art #drawing #artistsoninstagram #darkness
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arifulhaquesuman · 1 year
দুই ভাগ্নেকে আশ্রয় দেয়াই কাল হলো মামার; কেড়ে নিলো আস্ত বাড়ি! | CTG | Hom...
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