#like sometimes people let their friends/family borrow clothes or jewelry
I’m headcanoning now, that Daniella is a very savvy business woman, & overly well knowledged in finances.
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mha-adore · 3 years
General HCs: Students
Excluding Dekusquad and Bakusquad I have everyone else here, I hope you like it ☺
Tokoyami (+Dark Shadow)
* He's really trying to be a harbinger of truth and exposer of deciet. He's a dork. He's just trying to impress you.
* He's so stupidly into music and has like seven playlists he's made for you. Please listen to them he worked hard. He's really shy about his music tastes.
* Dark Shadow teases him relentlessly. You're walking near him? Tokoyami mysteriously trips into your open arms. You need help reaching something on a high shelf? Shadow birb got you covered. His only goal is to make you notice how flustered he is with you.
* He's insecure about being part avian. Most people aren't really attracted to birds, right? Honestly he could look like anything, it doesn't matter. He's a little angsty but kind hearted and pays close attention to you.
* She's written like fifteen songs for you and you've heard none of them. They're top secret hidden in her locked diary. If you ask her very nicely and promise not to judge she'll play some for you.
* Expect a lot of punk and metal gifts from her. Her entire existence is punk and metal please lift her up. She is so shy about it.
* Totally the flustered gf. Borrows your clothes without asking and denies it only to approach you in front of everyone else and be like "oh hey here's your shirt back btw" and leave like it was nothing but she is screaming inside.
* Honestly just share a closet with her you two would trade clothes so often you'd need to stitch your names into the tags to keep track. Share the same perfume/cologne too while you're at it. Did you use the same fragrance or did you snuggle together for an hour? No one else knows.
* She knows other people are after her either for her physique, her family wealth or both and as such, is distrustful at first. She doesn't want to fall for someone only to learn they're using her. Give her space to get comfortable with who you are.
* That said when she knows it's genuine feelings she spoils you rotten. Designer clothes, expensive jewelry, a custom hero costume etc. Her wallet is yours for the taking. Please don't fuck her over.
* Because her family is well known both as elites and heroes she has a reputation to keep up. She insists that you go with her dressed well and looking great so she can show you off with style.
* She is actually very soft hearted and needs some soft love sometimes. Just sit with her under a blanket she made and watch a romcom. Don't judge her for binge eating, she needs to eat well to support her quirk. If anyone makes fun of her kick their ass into the stratosphere.
* He simply will not stop sparkling and neither shall you. He shares his skin care, hair care and multi vitamins with you. You're both glowing, literally.
* He can be spontaneous and over the top in everything he does. He likes to show off and catch stares. He wants to catch your stare. If you gaze longingly at him he'll act suave while squealing with glee inside.
* He spends his money frivolously. He buys expensive care products, jewelry, clothes, stuffed animals...Did I mention it's all for you? He's penniless for you and doesn't mind that at all.
* He craves your attention so much. Spend some time alone with him and just look at him. In public keep your eyes locked on him. His ego will go through the roof, in the best way.
* He is so fucking full of himself. Until you're around. He's usually narcissistic and up his own ass but when you walk by he's suddenly humble, kind and friendly. It's just him wanting you to see his good side.
* Sweet hearted asshole wants to feel loved. Just be kind to him. Help him with his homework. Spend free time with him. Help him show up 1-A. He'll love it.
* Totally uses you as a reason 1-B is better than 1-A. "Sure you guys fought villains and all but you don't have anyone even vaguely as attractive as my beloved!" Just let him have his fun in the sun.
* His hero costume is over the top for a reason. He wants to be the prince to sweep you off your feet, kiss you and ride off on a horse. He has the attire covered. Next, your love.
* Above anything please just be accepting of his quirk. Don't ask him to use it for anything unnecessary or say anything bad about it. He's been ridiculed his entire life for his "villainous quirk", please be kind.
* Nap with him dammit. He's sleeping deprived because he pours all day and night into becoming good enough for 1-A. He wants to be a real hero and he values that over sleep. Cuddle with him at night and he'll sleep like a happy rock.
* You must love cats, end of discussion. His backpack is cat shaped, his phone case is a cat, his spirit animal is a cat, he may as well be a cat. He'd be over the moon if you compares him to a Maine Coon.
* When he does get into 1-A please be happy for him. He worked so hard for it, show your support. Even if you're in different classes you can see each other during lunchbreaks and after school.
* He is sunshine. He is warmth. He adopts introverts. It's our man. His hugs are like butterfly kisses if they could crush you.
* He's the type to be really into you and still treat you like a friend. He can't get with someone unless he knows them very well beforehand.
* Though he's friendly and out reaching to others he's still a private person who shares little about his personal life. He needs to learn about you first. Being open yourself will encourage him to start chatting about himself.
* He loves romantic songs. He isn't one for Spotify, playlists or the such but if he hears a song that makes him think of you he's texting you the link immediately. He gets so caught up texting you that he stops listening to others and is in his own little world.
* He is just....So shy. So baby. He really wants to be a strong hero and save the people he loves but he is so shy. Don't pressure him into anything, he just needs someone who will let him be himself.
* That said, he has no experience in love. He's had crushes over the years but nothing meaningful enough to mention. Until you came along and took his heart for a stroll. Now you're all he thinks about. Is your hand warm? Do you like to kiss cheeks? What's your favorite flavor Pop Tart?
* When he manages to confess to you (not if, when) it'll be something cheesy but sweet. Like on Valentine's Day he'll leave a heartfelt card on your desk with his signature and a flower. He's a simple man.
* His feelings are so sensitive please never yell at him, not even out of excitement. He's scared of upsetting the people he cares about and wouldn't dream of upsetting you, his little mochi ice cream. Yes all his pet names for you are based on food.
* She's the personification of a flower crown. With thorns. Very soft, sweet and pleasing to the eyes but very capable of defending herself. She is not a sex object and beats the ass of anyone who says so about herself or you.
* I personally headcanon her as asexual but that's my idea on it. You can see it however you like. Either way she's very romantic and loves cute gestures like 3 foot tall teddy bears and hand sewn clothes.
* Imagine this: at the beauty pageant, she wears a dress you sewed for her yourself and, alongside her natural beauty and talent, wins the pageant. She would have just been proud to show everyone your skills but she won wearing that dress, you can bet she's telling everyone you made it.
* She treats Eri like a daughter and hopes you'll do the same with her. Call it a little childish but she loves the idea of playing house with you. Married in a little happy home caring for Eri together.
I think that's everyone I need to add for now. If you want to see someone else in this let me know! My next two posts will be this same format for pros and villains. If you have any headcanons to share or a request my inbox is open
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princess-mei · 3 years
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Mei 美美 Qin – Character Sheet
it’s like everything you say is a sweet revelation / all i wanna do is get into your head / yeah we could stay alone, you and me and this temptation / sipping on your lips, hanging on by a thread, baby
late night watching television / but how’d we get in this position / it’s way too soon, i know this isn’t love (no) / but i need to tell you something
i really really really really really really like you / and i want you, do you want me, do you want me too?
Archetype — The Explorer Birthday — July 9th, 2002 Zodiac Sign — Year of the Horse, Rising Leo, Sun in Cancer, Moon in Cancer MBTI — ENFP Enneagram — 2, the Helper Temperament — Sanguine Hogwarts House — Gryffindor Moral Alignment — Chaotic Good Primary Vice — Lust Primary Virtue — Charity Element — Water/Fire (she’s a Water Horse, so she definitely identifies with that but in Western tradition she is Fire.)
Mother — Tanya Qin Father — Peng Qin Mother’s Occupation — Editor-in-Chief of the San Francisco Chronicle Father’s Occupation — financial diviner Family Finances — wealthy Birth Order — middle Brothers —  none Sisters — Ting-Ting (Gemma Chan, May 13, 1993), Su (January 22, 2003) Other Close Family — close to their mother’s side, father’s side lives in China, but they’ve taken trips to see them once or twice. do not have any cousins/aunts/uncles, but close to their grandparents. Best Friend — Daisy Zanetti, they grew up together. Met in school and were thick as thieves right away. Daisy is a half-fairy, so they both understood the whole “half” background thing. Other Friends — Lots and lots of friends~ Enemies — There was probably like one Mean Girl that Mei was always antagonizing and who was always antagonizing her. Pets — None. Home Life During Childhood — Relatively happy. Has nice, loving parents. Did a lot of Family Activities, since that was important. Mother was busy a lot with work, but her father was around a lot and Ting-Ting was always around (until she went to school.) Town or City Name(s) — San Francisco, CA What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — Posters everywhere! Very personalized and customized. Lots of reds and golds. Probably had like one of those net things around her bed. Always very messy, because Mei starts a project and then just jumps to the next. Lots of natural light too probably. Any Sports or Clubs — Dance and Gymnastics. Mei has kept up with both of these throughout the year. Does both ballet and hip hop. Her favorite gymnastics is rhythmics. Favorite Toy or Game — She wouldn’t consider it a toy or game, of course, but loves doing tarot and tea readings. Also enjoys a good board game, is very competitive though. Schooling — Public school. Favorite Subject — Physical Education ?? Maybe literature. Art classes… Popular or Loner — Decently popular. She wasn’t one of the people that everyone knew but she had a wide circle of friends. Important Experiences or Events — Discovering she had divination skills. Deciding her specialization. Moving to Swynlake! Nationality — American Culture — Chinese-American Religion and beliefs — Spiritual, borrowing from a spread of Taoism, Buddhism, Chinese folklore, and Confucianism.
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim — Cheng Xiao Complexion — Fair-skinned Hair Colour — Naturally a dark brown, but she dyes it a lot! Eye Colour — Dark brown. Height — 5’6 Build — Athletic, but slim. Tattoos — None. Piercings — Ears. Common Hairstyle — Likes to braid it or put it in two buns. Does a lot of half-up/half-down hairstyles. Clothing Style — Chic and trendy, lots of colors and patterns. Mannerisms — Very bouncy, doesn’t sit still much. Twirls her hair around her finger a lot. Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — Pretty healthy! I’m sure this is due to Ting-Ting constantly balancing her Yin-Yang Physical Ailments — None. Neurological Conditions — None. Allergies — None! Grooming Habits — Rather good. Takes a lot of care with her appearance. Always makes sure to moisturize and exfoliate and change out of sweaty clothes. Sleeping Habits — Average. Eating Habits — Eats a lot because Su is constantly making things, but can forget meals if she is distracted or concentrating. Exercise Habits —  Exercises a lot! Does all sorts of things like pilates and swimming and jogging. Emotional Stability — I give her a 7/10, she loses points for being a stubborn, unreasonable teenager and for her temper, but otherwise is pretty even-keeled. Body Temperature — Average. Sociability — Very social! Loves surrounding herself with people. Addictions — Love? Drug Use — None, we will see. Alcohol Use — Has gone to parties where she’s drank before, but not often.
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — Interrupting people, bouncing from topic to topic, meddling in things that she shouldn’t, talking back, being a general nuisance. Good Habits — Very kind, very caring. Wants to take care of all her people. Strong moral compass. Best Characteristic — Her certainty. Worst Characteristic — Her stubbornness. Worst Memory — Being told she would have to move to Swynlake. Best Memory — When her father told her that he was proud of her for completing her studies for being a sorcerer and accepting an apprenticeship. Proud of — Her magic, her family history, her looks, her sporting ability. Embarrassed by — Not much, probably the fact she isn’t very good at school. Driving Style — Probably was just learning how to drive. A speed demon, but surprisingly a good driver. Strong Points — Her moral center and her big heart. Temperament — Can be explosive, but general soft and sweet. Attitude — Generally positive. Weakness — Not knowing what she wants. Fears — Not knowing what she’s going to do with her life. Phobias — Anything unlucky, though I wouldn’t call it a phobia, more of a cautious regard. Secrets — None really? She doesn’t keep much from people. She’s very “This Is Who I am. Fight Me.” Regrets — Having to leave Swynlake. Feels Vulnerable When — People are angry or upset with her, she’s not following her heart. Pet Peeves — Being told she’s wrong, lol. Conflicts — Duty to Family v Duty to Heart Motivation — Following her heart. Short Term Goals and Hopes — Make friends and something out of her life in Swynlake. Long Term Goals and Hopes — Figure out what she wants to do with her life. Sexuality — As-is she is straight, but this can change. Day or Night Person — Day Introvert or Extrovert — Extrovert. Optimist or Pessimist — Optimist except she can be really sour when things don’t go her way.
Likes and Styles:
Music — Oh, gosh–where to start? Mei loves love songs, of course. Big fan of Elton John, Elvis Presley, Celine Dion, etc etc. She also loves modern stuff, of course. Taylor Swift, Carly Rae Jepsen, Ed Sheeran…if she’s really feeling it some Florence and the Machine. Loves KPop too. I’ll let Lauryl tell me who she stans. (Is that the phrase I feel like there is a phrase.) Anyway, anything that is love related, she’ll give it a listen. Books — Doesn’t actually like reading that much, tbh. Doesn’t hold her interest. Magazines — Do people read magazines anymore? Does Buzzfeed count as a magazine? Probably giggles over Cosmopolitan. Foods — Sweets! Chocolate is her favorite, but she likes licorice a lot too. Is one of those weird people that likes black licorice. Also, loves a good rice pudding. That’s probably her favorite dessert. She also loves chicken, any kind of chicken–she doesn’t care what you put it in or what you put on it. Isn’t much of a picky eater. Actually really enjoys being adventurous with her food. Drinks — Green tea, green tea, green tea! Mei loves tea, especially iced. She also surprisingly likes salt soda water–she goes back and forth on sweet and savory. Sometimes, she just really wants salt soda water because it is just crisp and refreshing and wakes her back-up and reorients her yin-yang when she needs it. Animals — Elephants! Mei loves elephants. She’s that girl that has like elephant shirts and an elephant backpack and an elephant stuffed animal probably. They have such a high emotional capacity and Mei really respects them for this. They are also just so cute with their floppy ears and their soft, sweet eyes! Loves birds too as most of them are symbols of good luck and good tidings–besides owls, which are harbingers of death. Sports — Gymnastics and dance. Social Issues — Magick Rights is the biggest one. Also feminism. Also all the “main” issues. Favorite Saying — “Better to light a candle, than to curse the darkness” - Chinese Proverb Color — Golds, yellows, reds, blues are her favourites. She loves gold because it is a Classy color. Most of her jewelry is gold. She loves yellow because it is bright and happy! Red is lucky in Chinese culture and it always reminds her of times like New Year’s! Also, it is the color of passion and love. Blues she likes because they are calming and gentle.  These are her lucky colors. She also loves pink, even though it is technically a color that she should avoid. Really hates white, because she doesn’t like what a blank slate it is. Also, hates brown because it is an icky boring color. As you can see, she has a lot of Opinions on colors. Clothing —Chic and trendy, lots of colors and patterns. Jewelry — Loves it! Wears mostly gold. Probably has a few staple pieces but then exchanges things depending on her mood. Websites — Tumblr, Instagram, Twitter etc etc TV Shows — CW shows and K/Cdramas Movies — All the great love classics: Gone with the Wind, the Titanic, When Harry Met Sally, Roman Holiday, all of Audrey Hepburn probably, the Notebook, Singing in the Rain…I could go on and on. She loves movies that tug at the heart strings and are full of that wild, amazing, passionate kind of love. They always make her swoon and if she is choosing a movie for movie night, you know it’s gonna be a romantic tearjerker. Though, she also likes romcoms. Doesn’t like action movies or horror movies or anything too intense, they freak her out Greatest Want — To figure out what to do with her life. Greatest Need — To grow up and learn things aren’t all about her, lmao.
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — A three bedroom apartment with Ting-Ting and Su. Household furnishings — Rather plain at the moment, but will probably grow cozy as they settle in. Favorite Possession — Her pseudogrimoire where she writes down all the signs and stuff that she sees and puzzles out the meaning to. Most Cherished Possession — Her wand, which is a fan that was her mother’s, her mother gave it to her and her father and Ting-Ting help her imbibe it with magic. Neighborhood — Tortuga Place Married Before — No Significant Other Before — Non-serious boyfriends and Serious crushes Children — She iS a child Relationship with Family — Very close with her dad, even though he’s always yelling at her and being disappointed in her. They have a lot in common and she loves him. Her and her mother also get along more or less, she’s less stringent than her dad. Ting-Ting and her probably have the most contentious relationship, but even that hasn’t been that bad really. Mostly Mei being a nosy, annoying little sister. It will get more intense now that Ting-Ting is the authority figure and Mei is pissed about their situation. Su and Mei get along more or less well, they annoy each other, as sisters are wont to do, but Mei would def consider Su one of her best friends. Car — None. Career — Student Dream Career — She doesn’t know !! Dream Life — Married, with children, though she doesn’t know what she wants out of a career. Love Life — Nonexistant, which pisses her off. Talents or Skills — Excellent gymnast and very good with her magic. Intelligence Level — Decently intelligent, has street smarts, tbh. Very sharp in conversation. Finances — Wealthy
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adcres · 4 years
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         howdy hey , pardnerrrs :> i’m rox ( she / her ) ‘n i’ll be playing yr residential sullen broodin’ boy , nico . i didn’t have the time to write out a whole new intro , given that i have back to back classes again today :-’( , so please forgive me for recycling his old intro akawodkgrsd ; . that being said , i did tweak around some tingz and i updated his wcs for him , so if yr down to clown around just hmu on my discord :   𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔦𝔫𝔰𝔬𝔪𝔫𝔦𝔞#2854 !  okie okie , i’ll shut da eff up now ♡ 
༉‧₊˚✧ kim taehyung , cis man , he / him / his — did you see that nicholas “nico” yoon was trending last night ? the twenty three year old street artist has been getting a lot of press lately . i think it’s due to them being so + quixotic & + free-spirited , but i always thought they seemed - withdrawn & - sybaritic . their fans always say they remind them of soft smoke rings spun in a dreamy haze , silver-ringed fingers rapping against polished oak , and waning light refracting against broken glass though . i wonder if they’ve found out about REDACTED yet … i guess we’ll have to wait and see . [ rox , 22 , pst , she / her , none ]
01 and 02 .
at first glance , nico reads as this aloof , arrogant type that doesn’t like to associate w the common public . always keeping the majority of people at a comfortable distance , nico moves almost exclusively within his own social network , and doesn’t like to deviate from what he knows best .  
not so much pretentious as he is lazy , making an effort to socialize with complete strangers is simply something that nico would never do . hehe ... he’s kind of shy like that .... ♡ though he’d literally never admit it ♡
despite giving the impression that he’s some intimidating and chronically indifferent kind of guy , nico is genuinely a sweet boy — ‏‏‎ one who’s in a constant state of confusion as to why people seem to be so scared of him . it always comes as a shock when close friends of his admit that they thought he absolutely hated their guts when they first met him .
b/c tho he’s p smart , nico is very oblivious at times , and he’s 100% the kind of guy who’ll walk away from a conversation thinking he did a rly rly good job trying to make a friend ... when in reality he prob said four words in the span of thirty minutes smh .
overall , nico’s a private person , especially with what he’s thinking ... and it’s really hard to get a clear read on what’s on his mind . sharing his feelings has never been one of nico’s interests b/c he just genuinely doesn’t think whatever he has to say is rly worth mentioning . so he usually just shuts da fuck up n lets other ppl talk so he can mentally gain the strength to continue socializing .
push nico’s buttons enough tho ‘n you’ll catch this mf speaking in full sentences .
lastly , it should b noted that nico is a romantic through n through ... this mf probably d*ed in the victorian era ‘n got reincarnated b/c he’s got that ‘ lets share furtive glances across the room but never say a thing to each other  ‘ thing on lock . mr. darcy headass
and while nico might play the role of long-suffering , ever pining lover to a T , he’s more in love w / the idea of love than he is w / any single person . and he literally cannot hold down a relationship w/o fucking it up for himself in some shape or form .
kind of sarcastic ... v much the teasing type .... 
can b very impulsive at times , loves to go on solo adventures at night , prefers his own company tbh ...
overview : melancholic , reticent , noncommittal , humble , mild-mannered , romantic .
a mix of : josh from clueless and j.d. from heathers
more here .
the chill of silver jewelry against flushed skin , forgotten graffiti on porcelain sinks , flickering motel lights , kisses sticky with vodka , eyes ringed with lavender , sleepless nights surrendered to the dull buzz of television , obscure art house films , sun-kissed cheeks , the surprise of summer rain , chest aching with lost loves , scattered baby’s breath and rosemary , and a shared smile between perfect strangers .
nico was born on a brisk wintry morning in the fashion district of los angeles ( january 21st , 1997 ) to a family of six .
as the second youngest child , and the only male son to boot , nico grew up with his only inheritance being a generational kind of hunger , one that demanded for more than what his struggling parents could offer
the arts stole nico at an early age ... ushering him into a world of creation and freedom beyond the four bleak walls he daily occupied . from spending lonely summers tucked away in some forgotten corner in the library to practicing on a borrowed violin from dawn to dusk , nico knew that even with nothing at his disposal , there was always something to be made w/ the tools he’d been given  
despite not having the money for private tutors to hone their son’s growing artistic talents , his parents did whatever they could to support his dreams , whether that meant working double shifts back to back or scrounging for loose change underneath the sofa cushions to pay for whatever materials nico needed .
it was in this strange way that nico grew up p spoiled . somehow having nothing while also having absolutely everything at the same time .
very much a family man , the first big purchase nico made once he broke out in hollywood was a house in beverly hills for his parents . now that he’s finally at a place where he can take care of his family , nico makes sure that his parents and sisters want for nothing
while he showers everyone else with generous gifts and obscene amounts of money , nico doesn’t particularly feel comfortable doing the same for himself . he’s a simple man through n through . one who’s content to spend his time walking his dog late at night , listening to a podcast on his airpods , instead of going out to a club w/ other well-known socialites .
a true artist at heart , nico refuses to conform to the current trends of hollywood , instead insisting on wearing thrifted clothes to important galas — ‏‏‎much to the frustration of his PR team and the chagrin of his stylists . but none of the choices nico makes seems to surprise anyone anymore . driving flashy cars and wearing designer clothes has never really been his style , after all . and it’s important to him that he remain authentically himself despite everything .
pr relationship ( open ) : someone that nico is contractually obligated to date ... i could totally see there being drama ‘n tension from having to pretend to actually like each other ... would b better if they rly did not like each other at all ... 
fwb ( open ) : buddies who bump uglies sometimes ... they both agreed they’d never catch feelings for each other but we’ll see ... 
frenemies ( open ) : someone that grinds nico’s gears but they’re a friend of his friend ... so they’re forced to keep it civil . i can see them exchanging hateful comments in the back of their friend’s car while simultaneously posting pics of each other on ig to keep up the rouse . 
unrequited crush ( open ) : likely nico would not realize if yr muse had a crush on them ... but it’d be fun to play it out like a kdrama anyway heh heh
a close friend group ( open / any ) : i thought it’d b so cute if there was like a small group of friends , maybe 3-4 ppl , that do stupid shit like ditch going to celebrity after-parties to break into abandoned buildings , get real high , ask stupid ‘ would u rather ‘ questions , and do sum main character type shit ... yk what im puttin down ... ‘n nico is def the type to open up in the presence of extroverts so i think having a group of wild outsiders of diff bgs would b v inch resting ..
enemies / rivals ( open / any ) : tbh nico prob rubs ppl the wrong way since he has resting bitch face ‘n never wants to talk to anyone .. so im sure there r ppl who just do not like this mf ... and rest assured that the feeling is mutual ...
bad / good influence ( open / any ) : nico’s known to mount his high horse often ... mr morality over here ... so i just know he prob would butt heads w/ the residential troublemaker . tho nico’s artwork can be controversial and out of the box at times , his art style and his personality are at constant odds , and it’d b interesting to have that bad influence / good influence dynamic w/ someone .
family friend ( open ) : someone who grew up w/ nico in dtla ... couldve gone to the same public school as him ... or their families couldve gone to the same church ...
ok my intro post has become a fucking behemoth so im going to stop here ‘n just say i have so many more wcs in mind so if u wanna plot lets just talk hehe :>
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daybreak-delusion · 4 years
Chapter 9
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Introduction: Whitney Goodwinson was planning on inheriting one of her deceased grandmother's properties, but not a little house off the coast of North Carolina.  As she struggles to meet new people, fix up her new property, deal with troublemaker JJ Maybank, and perfect her grandmother's infamous lemonade, she might just find that the Outer Banks has more to offer than it seems.
Series Masterlist
Previous chapter 
I want to say that on Sunday I was totally independent and was totally not missing the presence of a certain golden boy at all, but I’d be lying to myself. It wasn't a complete waste of the day though. I did manage to drive the Bee (my new nickname for the Volkswagen) to the hardware store that I saw yesterday and picked up some essentials for fixing up the house. Blue tape, a bunch of paintbrushes and rollers, a couple of gallons of primer and white paint, drop cloths, this anti-rust spray for the garage, about a million trash bags, and some other items that I had to pre-order. The store had limited options for paint so I had to order some from a manual and it would be coming later this week. I figured I would stick to the yellow/lemon theme that she had going on and picked a shade of light yellow. Since the paint should be arriving in a week I had time to get everything situated. Somehow I managed to shove everything into the Bee and make it home. I mean back to the Lemon House. Back at the house, I placed all of my new equipment on the back porch and then headed to the garage. My task for today was going to be cleaning out the garage. I parked the Bee closer to the house so I could have more space and started to realize the trouble I was in. There was just so much junk and the last thing I wanted to do was find the pests that had made a mess of the place. I decided to change into a more suitable outfit for the deep cleaning I was about to do. After switching my sandals for some sneakers and putting on some leggings I made my way back to the garage with a trash can, recycling bin, and a box of trash bags. It was gonna be a long day. 
The boxes were filled with all kinds of things. There were old suitcases filled with clothes, rusty pans with ancient stains on them, old fashioned jewelry, and a bunch of old photographs that were in good shape. I was really conflicted about what to get rid of and what to keep. I decided to ditch the pans and pots seeing that they were out of shape. I kept the clothes in case there was a thrift store I could donate them too. Most of the stuff could also be given to thrift stores or antique shops, but there was one box underneath this ancient-looking blanket that seemed different from the others. First of all, it was an actual wooden box, not like the cardboard boxes that had held all of the other items. Unfortunately, there was a lock on the box and it wouldn't open. I didn’t want to break it in case I broke something in the box. Then I remembered the bulletin board where I found the car keys. Walking over to it there were a bunch of different labels for different keys, but one of them didn’t have a label. I figured it was my best bet. Thankfully it was a pretty good bet. When I opened it, a disgusting spider the size of one of Grandmother's lemons crawled out and I bolted out of the garage screaming, knocking over a few boxes in the process. It took me a couple of minutes to calm down and I reluctantly walked back into the garage with a baseball bat I found in my hands. I was shaking as I started to open the box again until I was sure the spider had disappeared. In the box were a bunch of misshapen things covered in old linen cloth and unfortunately spiderwebs. Not wanting to be in the pest infested room anymore I decided to take a break and bring the chest on to the porch. It was a lot lighter than I expected and stained my gray shirt with dust. I placed it on the porch and went inside to grab a damp cloth to clean off the dust. Sitting on the porch I cleaned the box and opened it again. The first misshapen item was a gold locket in good condition, I was excited to see what was in the compartment only to find it empty. The next item was a silver ring with a crop of wheat engraved on it. It was a bit bulky for my taste and definitely had belonged to a man at one point. I slipped it onto my thumb and thought it looked nice with the rest of the rings that I had on. Then at the bottom of the box was an old cracked leather journal with yellow pages. On the bottom right-hand corner the name Elenora Stanton was engraved in gold letters. I instantly knew this stuff belonged in a museum or something the date on the first page was from April 1843. 
“Holy shit,” I whispered to myself stroking my hand across the faded ink. The writing was in a small cursive that I could barely make out. It would be easier to read with a magnifying glass. I carefully wrapped the leather-bound book in the white cloth and placed it back into the box. Walking inside I cleared a space for it on the table and set the box down. Thankfully from my knife search when I was making lemonade I got an idea of where everything was in the kitchen and I remembered seeing a magnifying glass in a drawer with a bunch of other random items. I brought it over to the table and opened the old book again. Thank god Mother made me practice writing in cursive or this would have been a nightmare. 
23 April 1843
Dear friend as of today, I am eighteen years of age and now get to embark on the responsibilities of an adult. I had received many good wishes of health and good tidings for my birthday and my dearest younger sister Juliana gifted me my most favored gift, this diary. I was also gifted a new church dress from Mother and Father and Aunt Alice promised to take me into town to buy a new corset. She said that all adult women should own a suitable corset and if I am to live with her and Uncle Harry this summer it would be an absolute necessity for me to own one. Mother wishes I would stay home and help care for my younger siblings, but I find it absurd that she puts the task of looking after them on me. If Mother feels too overwhelmed with her offspring then she should simply just hire a nanny. I pray that whoever she hires will be able to keep her sanity after a week of working with my siblings or perhaps Juliana will have to bear my burdens. No matter I mustn’t worry about my family anymore. I am an adult as of today and now am able to focus on the wishes of my own heart. In all truthfulness, my wishes are few in number, but this summer I hope to make more. Aunt Alice says that Outer Banks is a marvelous island and I count the days until we depart. Nonetheless, I still have time to prepare for my departure, till next time dear friend! 
30 April 1843
Dear friend this week has been excruciating. Father is beginning to go back on his promise to let me live with Aunt Alice this upcoming summer. He is skeptical of the owner of the island being a colored man and all, but Aunt Alice says that to be truly Christian we must see and treat all people as the children of God and that my father is little-minded. I would never speak to Father with such forwardness so to help my case I have been taking on extra tasks and duties around our home. Juliana has been accompanying me in my tasks as she will be taking over my responsibilities as I predicted. She is quite a quick learner and I’m sure she will be able to manage all of my duties when I leave for the summer. Today we- 
The rest of this entry was just explaining all of the chores that Elenora and Juliana had to do on a daily basis. I was incredibly fascinated with the diary and was confused as to why it was in Grandmother's garage? I am interrupted from my thoughts by a buzz coming from my phone on the table. I placed a stray piece of paper where I left off and reached for my phone. Checking my phone I noticed a text from an unknown number. 
U/N: Hey Whitney it’s Sarah! My friends and I are going to the beach tomorrow afternoon! I remember you said your board was coming in tomorrow, but if you don’t have it yet John B has an extra one you could borrow! BTW this is nonnegotiable you are coming! We’ll be by at 1. See ya then!
Oh thank god, I was so scared it was going to be Rose Cameron inviting me over for brunch or something. 
Also, my mom wants to know if you can do brunch sometime.
Great. Oh well, I guess there could be worse things than free food. 
Me: Tell your mother that brunch this Saturday will be fine and I would love to go to the beach with you guys! About the board, I’ll be sure to let you know if I need it or not. 
Sarah: Sounds like a plan and be by your dock at 1
Me: Got it see you then! 
I was excited to finally have plans that didn't involve me having to wear a dress. I just hope that my board would get in before the afternoon, I’d hate to have to be a bother. I eyed the journal and decided to continue reading. What else did I have to do? 
The next few entries were about Elenora’s daily life. Taking care of her siblings, washing the laundry, having tea with her mother’s sewing group, and walking through town with her friends. It was starting to become boring until an entry from June 3rd. 
3 June 1843
Dear friend today is the day! I am finally leaving this simple town and am leaving with Aunt Alice and Uncle Harry to The Outer Banks of North Carolina. My soul has reached happiness beyond my comprehension. All of those days of labor around the house finally served a purpose in my measly life. Now I will be embarking to a new place where hopefully anything can happen. Nonetheless, I will not be staying there without a purpose, I am to work in Uncle Harry’s tailor shop mending minor rips and sewing on buttons and such. Mother and father are still reluctant for me to leave our household, but Aunt Alice is most persuasive especially when her favorite niece is involved. We will leave today at noon and then will stay in a tavern closer to the ferry we will take tomorrow. I am just jittery with excitement, this will be a new area for me to explore and I cannot wait to see where it takes me!  Till next time dear friend!
It was so strange that this lady, Elenora, was so excited to come to Outer Banks, and just two days ago this was the last place I wanted to be. Maybe I was being a bit ungrateful, maybe this place had more to offer than it seemed. I was absolutely fascinated with the diary, but for real why did Grandmother have it? Maybe she bought it in an auction or it was a gift or something. Looking at my phone for the time I realize it’s a quarter past 1 and I still need to clean out the rest of the garage. Sighing, I closed the diary with a makeshift bookmark and left the house. Bagging up the clothes took the longest, but with the music playing, I didn’t really mind it that much. I had also gotten used to the heat, kind of, so it wasn't completely unbearable. After cleaning everything out and dusting some of the hard to reach corners I decided to power wash the garage. It was disgusting, but it had to be done. The garage was still wet so I decided to bring the remaining boxes to the porch. I was definitely done cleaning for the night and needed some relaxation time. So I cooked up some pasta and steamed vegetables and sat down for dinner. As I was eating my lonely feelings were coming back to me. I was craving company and turned to the diary for something to do. 
10 June 1843 
Dear friend, I have been staying with Aunt Alice and Uncle Harry for a week now and it has been a thrilling experience. On the ferry ride to the island Uncle Harry let us sit on the top deck and it was exhilarating leaning over the edge to see the water. The shop that Uncle Harry owns is the only tailor shop on the island so they are always busy. We stay in the apartment space above the shop and one of the windows in the parlor gives the most breathtaking view of the ocean. It is so vast and wide that I feel as if I am a small button on a white collared shirt. The apartment is quaint, but I have my very own quarters! There is so much space that I felt quite foolish when I only had my small bag to fill up the drawers. However, Aunt Alice says that if customers are satisfied with their work they sometimes pay extra and that I can keep the excess money for myself! Me owning my own money! It will truly be thrilling I know it. I pray that my skills will be adequate for the shop and that I will exceed my skills. There is still more work to be done, so until next time dear friend! 
19 June 1843
Dear friend, I  thought that my experiences here on this island could not have been better, but I was proven wrong! This week has been most eventful. It all began on Monday the 13th in the tailor shop. Denmark Tanny, the owner of practically the whole island, came into the shop. He was accompanied by his eldest son Robert Tanny and as they were discussing business with Uncle they mentioned the expertise work on the stitching of a new suit and it was my own work! Thankfully Uncle gave me the credit and I had the pleasure to make their acquaintances. They were truly delightful people and invited us to tea that coming Wednesday at their residence at Tannyhill. Their home was the most gorgeous sight I have ever seen in my existence. It was a mansion. I felt so quaint in my three-year-old Easter dress compared to the lavish home. The Tanny family was most welcoming and tea went by too fast. The conversation was most interesting, although I did not speak much. They talked of the economy and politics and I was too mature on the subject. However what was most interesting was during the conversation I prayed my mind was not presuming it, but Robert kept looking in my direction. Looking back on the occasion I should not be assuming such things, but one cannot help themselves when the presence of an attractive male is in the room. When he smiles I feel nothing, but sunshine and complete bliss. The feeling magnifies when he smiles in my direction. I was anticipating our next meeting, however, Mr. Tanny did not come into Uncle’s shop for the rest of the week. Not all hope was lost however because today after our church services Robert Tanny asked to accompany me on my walk home. I almost fainted with excitement, however, I kept up my studious facade and accepted. On the pathway home, we talked of nature and the ocean. To my disappointment we arrived at the shop rather quickly however, Robert promised to take me to the beach to search for shells so that I may decorate my quarters. I am counting the second until this Thursday comes along. Until next time dear friend! 
I wanted to keep reading, but I noticed it was past midnight and I still had a lot to do tomorrow. JJ would be by and I had a list of things for him to get done. I also needed to get enough rest if I was going to go surfing and I didn’t want to be the one lagging behind. Elenora’s diary was just gonna have to wait. As I fell asleep I tried to imagine myself in Elenoras place, wonderstruck about Outer Banks, and starting a relationship with a true gentleman. Oh, how things have changed. Still, the name Tanny sounded really familiar to me, especially their house, Tannyhill. This all did take place on Outer Banks, so maybe some of the places Elenora was talking about still exist. I would have to save it for another day because for now, I needed as much beauty sleep as I could get.
a/n: Hey guys sorry I haven’t updated in a while I am on vacation and have been going through a bit of writers block. But I am revived and am so excited to finish this story. Also like PLOT TWIST can’t wait for you guys to read what’s next! I’m still on vacation so I’ll try to update when I can.
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halycondaze · 4 years
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death, mourning, and femininity in adrestia
trigger warnings: death, superstitions, sexism, victorian germans i mean, adrestians being wild
to start: i have modeled (and borrowed heavily) on the victorian idea of death and the public nature of mourning on the victorian idea of these things. victorian culture has been described as death obsessed, which is where we get the macabre works of artists contemporary to the time.  the fall of house usher, the bronte sister’s haunting works, these were influenced and indeed, perhaps spawned by this cultural obsession with death. 
the ideal death in victorian culture, as described by mortician c*aitlin d*oughty, was to “[meet] eternity with eyes open, bravely facing god and judgement, thought provoking last words of wisdom poised on their lips,” and “was the hope and goal of every person.” 1 she then later goes on to explain that the process associated with “victorian mourning” would have really only been practiced in higher class / upper levels of society. 
therefor, the same will be true throughout this headcanon. these are the truths for upper society, the nobles and, given fódlan’s strict social hierarchy, mainly available to those born into crest bearing families. however, much like fashion trends, what is considered standard by the upper echelon is often seen as aspirational by those below them. after all, appearance is the way the world perceives you, and if you can make the world perceive you as higher than your actual standing, you have the chance (the smallest, slightest chance) of achieving said place. respect can get you into a lot of places. 
especially in death. death is that last chance to be seen as respected, especially as unclaimed bodies in victorian times were often used for medical study.... and, given the canonical banning of autopsies 2 done by rhea, this probably, paradoxically, becomes more of a worry. the lack of official ways to study a body and doctors desperately needing to understand why people are dying might turn to stealing unclaimed corpses. and even if there aren’t surreptitious autopsies, unclaimed bodies would have had their teeth pulled to make dentures, were the teeth in good shape. 
if you’ve got even one family member, or a close friend, or simply a presence in a community, in adrestia, you’re buried and publicly mourned. it’s respect, it’s dignity, it’s about eternity. it is also, yes, a safety net, and, if someone is an unburied, unclaimed person, it’s a condemnation. and yes, this does happen more to immigrants, women, and the poor than it would to men, those born in fódlan, or the rich. unless you were truly despised by your own family, a rich man was getting buried.
unlike the victorians, however, embalming doesn’t really catch on in adrestia. the use of harsh, poisonous chemicals is seen as desecrating the body, which should be treated as gently as you would treat a living person. there are three expected processes for death in adrestia, and they depend on where the person dies: at home, out of the home in a civilian setting, or at war. 
when someone dies at home, it is expected that their family members / those they live with will record the time of death, either generally using the position of the sun/moon, or if they own / are near a sundial, will use that instead. then, all mirrors are covered with sheets or turned down, to prevent the soul from getting lost on their way to the afterlife. a black wreath will be hung on the door so anyone coming to visit will know to knock softly. 1
afterwards, it is expected to keep the body in the home, as preparations for the wake and funeral begin. the woman of the house, or a close female friend, is expected to prepare the body. they will wrap a gentle cloth around the mouth and close the deceased’s eyes with cotton pads, so they have a reserved countenance at the wake. then they will be washed, again gently, from underneath a sheet, to preserve dignity. the cloths used are burned. 1 3
from there, the deceased will be dressed, usually in their burial shroud, which the deceased would have already had, or if they did not have one, then they would simply be buried in their sunday best. while the ladies of the house prepare the body, the man (or, a male family friend) would go and fetch a casket for the burial and wake. upon return, the body would be moved into the casket. from then on, no more preparations or changes are made to the body, except for the use of ice magic to slow decay. this is the only form of preservation allowed in adrestia. 
after, letters are sent out, sealed with black wax and if the person is rich enough, on papers prepared for their death with small copies of a portrait of them. the wake lasts about five days, no longer than seven. one cannot show up at a funeral uninvited. that is considered beyond preposterous, and if you did not get an invitation, you could politely send a letter to the deceased’s family / caretakers to request to show up. 
the funeral itself is very familiar to one who grew up in the american tradition - people in black (or muted colors, see below) with their heads held down, crying and talking about their virtues. they will have a procession to the graveyard, taking as convoluted a route as possible, to prevent the spirit from simply following the family home. afterwards, they return for refreshments, usually sweets, and people will talk for a few hours and return home. 
for someone who died outside the household, the police must examine the body visually to make sure they did not die due to murder, but the rest plays out namely the same once they’re brought home. they’re washed and treated with care, and eventually brought to a graveyard. 
someone who died in battle is buried differently. they rarely have a body, and if they do, then it will proceed as above. however, if they do not, it expected for their chosen burial shroud or sunday best to be buried in their place, and the expected mourning period is elongated by a month, due to the lack of the body to bury. 
mourning (+femininity) 
now, as with actual victorian mourning, there are a lot of rules. particularly for women. so let’s roll back and place the role of women in fódlan over all:
the expectation of noble women in fódlan, is to get married and produce children who bear crests. however, this also places them as the center of the household no matter where you go. rarely is one married for love, particularly in this higher society. however, adrestia has a very large performance aspect. and of course, this expected more of women than it is of men.
for instance, an adrestian widow is expected to be in full mourning for a year, but a widower is only expected to mourn six months. after all, a widower must find another wife to continue to produce heirs, and hasn’t the time to be in full mourning. after the full mourning period, it is expected for the widow/er to be in half mourning for a few months after, but again, men are given far less scrutiny. 1 3
full mourning entails: all black dress, thick black veils, and for men, a specific kind of mourning coat. as said, these are in all black, and sometimes it is expected to have a piece of cameo jewelry, (made with the deceased’s hair) or a handkerchief on the person at all time. it is considered uncouth to go out into society during full mourning. 3
half mourning entails: muted colors (grey, lilac, navy) but in the typical, day to day style. the silhouette tends to change once a decade. one may socialize as expected of your station, but you are expected to never show intense happiness or joy if you are in half mourning. 3
servants of the household where a death occurred are expected to wear a black band around their arm until the grieving family is out of mourning. 3
there are, of course, other rituals and superstitions. copied verbatim from the source below / taken from the first source, they are: 1 3
one must cover all mirrors in the house when someone has died, because the spirit will get lost. it is bad luck to meet a funeral procession head on. If you see one approaching, turn around. If this is unavoidable, hold on to a button until the funeral cortege passes. if you hear a clap of thunder following a burial it indicates that the soul of the departed has reached heaven. if you don’t hold your breath while going by a graveyard, you will not be buried after your death. if the deceased has lived a good life, flowers would bloom on his grave; but if he has been evil, only weeds would grow.
femininity, part two
as i alluded to above, the care taking of a corpse is coded feminine, in both victorian life, and adrestian culture.  in fact, young girls are given “death kits” and expected to train to understand how to properly prepare a body, and understand why such things are done. 4 while no one seems to consider the effects of this kind of culture on the girls, it is a standard way of raising them that prepares them to be the face of a noble household. 
this leads to a very interesting form of femininity. as women in fódlan are allowed to be warriors as well (though really, only in adrestia and the alliance) there is very little expectation for a woman to be squeamish about... anything. women caretake bodies and they are trained to kill, if they’re lucky enough to go to school. however, there is also always the expectation that a noble daughter - and a poor daughter - will marry a man, hopefully above her station, to elevate the family’s status and produce heirs with a crest. and many women - namely in the holy kingdom - will actually turn to becoming nuns to avoid this fate. and if they don’t, then they run away from home, or hole themselves up to be considered unmarriageable or tear at yellow wallpapers as they slowly grab for freedom. 
to be raised in this culture is to become aware of mortality so early on, particularly for young girls, and to become either hardened to it, or more sensitive to death. the four girls we see from adrestia (edelgard, dorothea, bernadetta, and mercedes) reflect this well. they were all raised with this pressure of being the face of a future household, and have become almost perfectly poised to never be that face - the newest generation of adrestian girls is like this. they are girls ready to overthrow the system, from one point of view or another - girls who know how to kill and are ready to stop the system’s breath. 
and even if they’re not, they still grew up finding tiny porcelain corpses in cakes, the unavoidable hand of death. 5
1. we recreated a victorian funeral  2. screenshots from the fe/3h dlc 3. the rules and regulations of mourning in the victorian era 4. victorian death dolls 5. happy birthday, there’s a corpse in your cake!
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midnigtartist · 6 years
You know I have to do it to you. widomauk 10, caleb can't speak properly after a kiss ;)
“Caleb darling, can I borrow you for a moment?” Mollymauk calls over his shoulder.
“Ja-” Caleb sighs. He shuffles over to Molly and Jester’s table. “What is it?”
The lavender tiefling slings an arm over the back of his chair, leaning his head back to look up at Caleb. “The Cleric over there has this new spell she’s wanting to try, and I can’t make heads or tails of it. Figured I might get a professionals opinion.” he gives Caleb a ‘help me out here pal” sort of look. A look one parent might give to the other, seeking help in placating a very adamant child.
“Well uhh- I am no expert but, ja I will do what I can.” he settles his hands on the back of Molly’s chair. Reaching around his shoulder, Molly pats his hand.
“Thank you darling. She’s been talking nonsense” he says
Across the table Jester pouts. “It’s not even that bad you guys.” She say. “It’s just like- a really cool new spell that the Traveler told me about.”
Mollymauk  holds up a single long finger. “And that-” he says “Is my first issue with all of this. Your deity fancies himself quite the trickster and I would very much like to keep all the hair on top of my head, thank you.”
Jester rolls her eyes “You’re being overly dramatic, Molly”
“Perhaps.” he say. “Which- is why I’m utilizing all the wizards I have at my disposal.” he pats Caleb’s hand again, and Caleb’s finger flex instinctively under the gentle touch of heat.
“What is this spell, Jester?” he asks.
“Oh you know-” Jester says, picking at her fingernails now. “-It’s just a little spell, it will make you harder to hit in battle!”
Now that- that is intriguing. Caleb scratches at the scruff on his jaw. “A shield spell then?”
“Mmmhhh, something like that.” Jester says “It takes two people to work but it lasts for a week or something like that.”
Molly glances up at Caleb again, mirroring his own wide eyes and raised eyebrows. He has to agree, the spell sounds almost too good to be true.
‘Well that’s- certainly something.” Molly says, turning his attention back on Jester. He nibbles at his lower lip. “- Alright, I’ll bite. What would we have to do?”
“Okay so like basically’ Jester begins, sitting up in her chair. “I would do this super quick ritual and like, as long as the two people I’m casting the spell on are willing basically they become way harder to hit as long as they’re standing a couple feet from each other.”
“That does not sound to complicated.” Caleb says. He’s never heard of this spell before, but fundamentally it makes sense. The two parties would serve as components in an area of affect that only the two of them benefit from. That last for a week. Something like that could be extremely useful- were the Nein planning to make other long trips on dangerous stretches of road. They are still- healing- after the last grizzly accident had left them one short. His hand squeezes the back of Molly’s chair.
Jester nods. “It’s actually really good that you’re here Caleb- I was going to come and find you anyway.”
“Why me?” he asks.
“No offence Caleb but you’re like, really squishy and I’m kind of always worried that like you’ll just drop dead if somebody pushes you wrong.”
Caleb frowns. Jester ignores him
“And you’re pretty squishy too Molly- you do drop dead sometimes.” she says, earnestly.
Molly shrugs. “That’s fair.”
Jester pushes up onto her knees, leaning over the table as far as she can. “Soooooooooo?”
“What do you say, Mr. Caleb?” Molly says, flashing Caleb a wry smile over his shoulder, which Caleb returns, albeit a bit nervously. “Willing to give it a go?”
Caleb pulls at his chin. The spell seems alright, if not a bit to convenient, but they won’t know until they try it.  He truly hopes Molly was not right in think that it some sort of trick. He would also very much like to keep all his hair.
“I cannot see a reason not to uuh- try it out.” he says.
“Mind as well right?” Molly agrees.
Jester squeals. “Okay, okay okay- stand up, both of you” she says, wringing out her hands. Molly does as he’s told, moving around the back of his chair to stand beside Caleb. Jester strips two rings from her fingers, handing one to Molly and the other to Caleb. “Okay Molly- we’ll start with you.”
“Alright” he says, sounding rather amused.
“Right so- Molly, do you promise, and I mean like really really promise to keep Caleb safe and liiiike, protect him and make sure nothing happens to him. Even when he’s all grouchy and quite, or even when he like- doesn’t take a bath for like a month and gets really stinky.”
Molly laughs, cocking his head to look at Caleb out of the corner of his crimson eyes. “I think I can manage that.”
Caleb stares down at his hands, still clamped down tight to the back of the chair. He’s not sure if it’s Molly, or Jester’s phrasing, but he is growing increasingly nervous about this whole endeavor. Before he can fully sort it out in his head, however, Jester rounds on him, fingers wiggling.
“Caleb” she sings
“Eh-ja?” he says.“Caleb- do you promise to keep Molly safe, and never let anything bad to him, even when he’s doing something really stupid that’ll get him hurt. And like- promise to keep an eye on him and keep him close and take more baths because you really are stinky and I don’t even remember the last time you washed your hair-”
“Jester-” he warns
“Okay okay_!” she huffs “You don’t have to promise that stuff for the spell to work. It’s just a nice idea, that’s all.”
Caleb pinches the bridge of his nose. Molly bumps against his shoulder, Caleb peers at him from under his fingers. “You’re fine dear, ignore her”
“Anyway” Jester begins. She sounds considerably less excited now. “Caleb do you promise to take care of Molly and keep him out of trouble and protect him or whatever?”
He considers Mollymauk. All his bright colors, his pastel skin and his rich, plum colored hair that curls softly around is ears. He considers his loud, blinding cloths. His embroidered coat and his ridiculous, impractical boots. He considers all his jewelry, the golden hoops that hang heavy in his ears and gemstones pierced through his large, curling horns. He considers Molly, and his warm smile and his kind voice. He considers his gentle, personable nature, his bright excited eyes and his infectious laughter. Caleb considers all of this, and he nods.
“Ja, I will do that.” he says, and he means it.
Delighted once more, Jester slaps her hands together. “Now give each other the rings!”
It feels silly. Molly giggles as they fumble with them, Caleb nearly dropping his before pressing it to the tiefling’s palm. The whole ritual feels rather childish. Like when he was a boy, and little girls would twist together flower circlet and give them to little boys. How they would run through the town square hand in hand, loudly proclaiming how they were not married and-
“Alright then-” Jester says. “With all of the power vested in me-!”
Oh Scheisse-
“I pronounce you both married in the name of the Traveler! Kiss your husband!”
“Was-!” Caleb chocks out. Beside him, Mollymauk barks out a laugh. He clutches at Caleb’s arm as his shoulder shake violently with it.
Jester rolls her eyes. “You guys don’t actually have to kiss for the spell to work.”
“Well I’ve never been one for tradition-” Molly says and before Caleb can truly process it, there are fingers in his hair.
He feels himself being turn, catching the mischievous glint of Molly’s scarlet eyes before the tiefling pulls him in for a kiss.
It’s sloppy in the most juvenile sense of the word. Mollymauk mashes his lips to Caleb’s in a kiss that’s too wet and too awkward. All bark, no bite. Still Caleb’s stomach plunges at the feeling of Molly’s lips on his. His fingers dig into the other man’s coat and his head, on some old impulse tilts just enough to the right so that he’s not kissing Molly proper. Distantly he thinks he hears Jester whistle, but if he does it’s instantly smothered by the warm buzzing in his brain. The world shifts out of focus, blurring at the edge but really he can’t be bother with much else, other then the gentle give of Molly’s mouth under his own. A sigh escapes him and he leans in closer, pulls Molly in tighter and half wonders why he’s waited to do this. Then their noses bump together and the sudden, unexpected pressure has them both pulling back.
Caleb is- stunned. For a moment the lights in the tavern are too bright and the murmur of the other patrons is too loud. He blinks
And blinks again, trying to pull his thoughts back into orbit around his head.
Molly is positively beaming at him
“That’s one tradition I can get behind.” he says. His hand come up to cup the back of Caleb’s jaw. “All good their, friend? Haven’t lost you have I?”
“Uuhe” Caleb stammers, eloquently.
And Mollymauk has the audacity to laugh. “Here’s to a long and mutually beneficial partnership, eh Mr. TeaLeaf?”
Caleb swallows.
He is utterly unprepared to provide for a family.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 5 years
Star Crossed Rivalry: Part 6
Pairings: Opie x Reader (SOA/TWD MC AU Crossover ) Negan daughter!Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Fluff, little bit of Angst
Word Count: 3,593
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5
You didn’t think your dad was serious about using your wedding as an excuse to get Jax, Piney, and Chibs to North Carolina until he dragged you and Hunter out of bed at the crack of dawn to go to a bridal shop in Winston-Salem for a dress. As you tried on gown after gown, he sat with his grandson in his arms, and organized the entire wedding on the phone with Maggie, and Michonne, since the pair of them were as close to best friends and family respectfully as they could possibly get. 
“Daddy.” You whispered so you didn’t interrupt his though as you stepped out of the dressing room in what you knew was ‘the dress’. Negan glanced up at you over the tops of his reading glasses from his notepad as he balanced a bottle on a blanket for Hunter, and sat up straighter.
“Fucking fuck.” He breathed as you stepped up on the small podium and spread the lace train out in a circle behind you. You blushed and looked down in embarrassment as he took off his glasses and set them aside so he could stand up. “Oh, baby girl. You look so much like your mother…” You nodded your head in agreement as you turned on the platform to get a look at all of the angles of the very bohemian, A line, chiffon and lace dress with a plunging neckline,  and long, bell sleeves.
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“This is the one.” You said as you found his eyes in the mirror with your own tear filled ones and a nod. “This is it.”
“I know it is, princess.” He agreed as he looked up at you as tears welled in his own eyes. “Fuck, you’re so damn beautiful. Your Mom would be so proud of you.”
“Thanks, Daddy.” You said as you looked back in the mirror and wiped your tears away. “I think like ribbons or like a flower crown instead of a veil. There’s so much lace I think it would be too much…”
“What about the head band your mom wore?” He asked with a smile. “It’s still in the box in the closet. Oh, don’t you start fucking crying.” He said with a small chuckle as he reached out and put his hand on your shoulder. With a tight lipped smile, he moved his hand to cup your jaw. “I know you want her there, sweetheart. But I know she is still here with us even if it’s not in her body.” You nodded your head and put your hand on top of his on your cheek.
“Can we do the wedding at her spot instead of the club?” He nodded his head as he pulled his hand back to finish feeding Hunter.
“Whatever you want, princess. It’s your damn day.”
You were somewhat grateful that the the display dress at the store was a nearly perfect fit and that the small shop owner was able to alter it in only two days so that it hid what was left of your bump, contained your swollen breasts, and had a spot to attach nursing pads so the dress wasn’t ruined by breast milk since wearing a bra wasn’t an option with the low cut front. 
You had gone out the day before the wedding, and cleared enough of a path that you and your small hand full of guest would make it though the woods without ruining their clothes but not enough that anyone walking by would notice there was a path leading to anything special. You intended on keeping the ceremony small, a total of eleven people including the officiant, Rick, the photographer, his son, Carl, your baby, and your dog. 
The reception, which was being coordinated by Frankie and the other harlots, was going to be held pot luck, block party style on the street you lived on. You and Opie gave Frankie a list of the foods you would like, and gave her a photo of a wedding cake and topper you found on Goggle that you loved. She promised, with Negan’s help for the decorations, that she would have the street perfect for the party you deserved in the five days that she had.
You were sitting in your bathroom alone, finishing up your simple makeup, while Hunter got as much of a nap in the other room as the exactly one month old could, when your dad knocked softly on the door. You glanced over at him with a smile as you tightened the cap of your waterproof mascara.
“I have something for you.” He nearly whispered as he held up a small, wooden box with an envelop taped to the top of it. You looked up at him, slightly confused, as a few tears slipped from his eyes.
“Daddy?” You said questioningly before the beautifully scrolled handwriting on the outside of the envelope caught your eye. Your hand flew to your mouth and you grabbed onto the sink as your dad nodded his head and carefully pulled the envelope free.
“She… um…” He started as he folded the small piece of tap over and put the envelope under the box for a moment. “She made me fucking promise to give this to you and promise that I’d be the one to do them. You wearing her headband was always her plan.” He said as he popped the small latch on the box open. “It’s your something old.” 
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You nodded your head as your tears fell softly onto your robe. Negan stepped up to you, and you helped him make sure it was in its proper place with your half up, half down hair do. Once you were both satisfied, he stepped back and nodded before turning his attention back to the box. “Alright, fuck.” He said as he wiped away his tears almost angrily. “Something new. You can handle this one your damn self.” He chuckled as he pulled out a garter with the tags still on it, and passed it over to you. You laughed and nodded as you took it from him and set it aside to put it on when you put your dress on.
“OK, old, new, borrowed. And I want this shit back. Don’t make me have to hunt your ass for it.” He said as he pulled out your mom’s name bracelet from his vest pocket; a bracelet she loved that you thought she was actually buried with. It was one of three bracelets she wore every single day that had been ‘missing’ since you had every other peace of jewelry from her in your possession.
“You have this?” You said as you held out your arm.
“Yes, and it’s fucking coming back to me.” He said, protectively as he slid the engraved, thin, fitted, bangle bracelet your dad had given her for her first mothers day on your right wrist. It had her name, your name, and his name on the front in that order, and their wedding date, and your birthday on the back. “I love you, princess… but I can’t let it go, yet.” You nodded your head, feeling a bit hurt that he never told you he had it, but completely understanding why he couldn’t pass it on yet.
“It’s fine.” You said with a nod. “You’re a jerk, but I get it.”
“Yea, yea. “ He said as he looked back into the nearly empty box. “This, you can keep, though.” He said as he pulled out a second bracelet that was another one of the three. It was a diamond and sapphire repeating teardrop shaped bracelet that was gift from your dad for their first anniversary.
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“You know what…” You laughed as you pushed his shoulder before offering him your wrist. “You’re a fucking asshole.”
“Fuck you.” He laughed as he added the bracelet to your wrist and spun it in place. “I was under strict instructions by your mother. And who am I to go against her wishes?” You nodded your head as he flipped the box closed and held out the envelope. “Guys are almost ready. So you got about 45 minutes until time to go. I’ll tell Maggie to come up in a few minutes.” You nodded your head as you grabbed the garter and a few tissues and followed him out of the bathroom. He headed out of your room, smiling at your sleeping son on his way, and pulled the door closed behind him as you sat down on your bed. You took a deep breath as you ran your fingertip over your name in your mom’s hand writing. After a moment of mentally preparing for the heartbreak, and with tears already starting to fall, you opened the envelope and pulled out the pages.
My darling, beautiful, sweet baby girl,
You’ve made it to your wedding day! I can’t believe it! I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you have grown up to be a wonderful person. I know I have missed so much, but I’m watching you. I watched you as you got ready today, putting on make up and doing your hair just right. I can’t help but remember how you used to do my hair and make up when we would get ready for a party at the club or for our special mommy daughter date nights. I love you baby girl, but I really hope you have learned how to blend black eye shadow better than you used to. And I pray to everything holy you learned that blue eyeshadow is to be done as minimally as possible. 
I watched you and your father go through my gifts for you, your something old, new, borrowed, and blue. If I know your dad as well as I think I do, you had no idea those bracelets were being kept from you for a reason. I have a reason, baby girl. I know you trust me enough to know that it’s a good one, too. Don’t be mad at your father for that. 
I’ll be watching you as you walk down the isle today, to meet the man you have fallen in love with, and vow to spend the rest of your days with. I know he’s the one for you baby, because you wouldn’t be reading this if he wasn’t. That was another requirement of mine so if this is your second (or multiple after that, which I doubt your father would allow), that’s the reason you haven’t seen my gifts or this note before. But I have faith that your father and I raised you right.
I’ll be watching you as you start your life with this man. I’ll be with you when you have your children, and as you raise them with the same values we instilled in you as a child. I am with you with every breath you take, and step you walk. And, just so you know, I will look away sometimes. No mother wants to see all that.
I know I’m not there to give you a hug today, but I know your Aunt Michonne is there for me to do it for me. I know that you are crying right now as you read the indescribable love I have for you, and see my tears staining the page, but please don’t. I may not be there, physically, but I am all around you. I’m in the sunlight that will shine on your face when you step out of the car, I am in the soft breeze that will rustle your dress. I’m in the flowers in your hand, and the songs that you sing, and hear, and dance too. I am in the love that surrounds you from your friends and family. And most importantly, I am in your heart, from where I can never be removed.
I’m with you, my darling (Y/N). I will always be with you. And I am so, so proud of the woman you’ve become. I love you, princess. I will never stop loving you. Enjoy this beautiful day with your husband. And lastly, congratulations! 
All my love,
Tears poured down your cheeks, and you held the letter close to your heart as Michonne watched from the door frame. She gave you a weak smile and pushed off the frame as you set the letter aside.
“Come here, hun.” She said as she pulled you to your feet beside the bed. She didn’t say a word and simply held you tight, letting you cry it out for a few moments before pulling back to look at you. “She really did love you, sweetheart. But I know she wouldn’t want you crying today. So we’re gunna buck up, OK? We’re gunna touch up your makeup, and put your dress on. Opie is waiting from you.” You nodded your head as you both wiped at your tears. She nodded her head once as swiped her thumb across your cheek and booped your chin. “Chin up, Buttercup. Makeup while I get Hunter ready.” You nodded your head and pointed to the cute little suit you had laid out on the changing pan on your dresser.
“Aunt Chonne?” You said as she turned to walk away. She hummed at you as she turned back around. “Thank you. For everything.”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
“This was a smart idea.” Maggie said as she helped you hold your lace dress up off the ground so it wouldn’t get snagged. “Lace and twigs.”
“It’s special.” You giggled as you walked carefully in your flip flops since you intended on being barefoot on the smooth, pine covered ground surrounding the hot spring. 
“I know that.” She replied as she ducked under a tree branch. “But you at least could have warned me not to wear heels.”
“She did.” Michonne laughed as she walked in front of you with Hunter in his car seat and Creature in a travel purse over her shoulder, making sure that none of the branches you tried to clear the day before would snag your dress. “You just didn’t listen.”
“It’s here.” You said as you pointed to the peace sign tree. You could hear the guys, who had been waiting for only a few minutes, laughing through the trees, and you nodded your head as Michonne held open your dog’s bag for you. “Alright, go find Daddy.” You said to Creature as you put him down on the ground. He looked around for a moment, trying to find Opie’s voice, before he turned toward the clearing and ran off like he was supposed to.
“Not in the water! No!” Opie roared over Creature’s startled yelp when someone picked him up. “You’re killin’ me, baby!”
“Sorry!” You yelled back with a laugh as Maggie helped you spread out your dress on the aisle runner Jax and Chibs were responsible of and move your shoes off to the side out of the way.
“A’righ’ fuckers. Jus’ like we practiced.” Chibs said before you heard a very off key, acapella version of ‘here comes the bride’ with just the syllable ‘ba’. You laughed, and nodded your head as Michonne walked through the leaves first.
“God, I’m so glad we’re recording this.” Maggie said as Negan dipped back through the tress toward you.
“I’m gunna have Carl make it my ring tone.” You giggled as she turned to leave as well. 
“Last chance to run, princess.” Your father said as he held out his arm for you. You shook your head as you placed your hand int he crook of his elbow.
“Only place I’m running is to my boys.” With a nod, he put his other hand on top of yours, and with a small sigh, he took the first step to walking his pride and joy down the aisle. Your smile grew impossibly larger when you saw Opie standing only a few feet away from the waters edge. You watched him as he struggled for a moment on what to do with his hands; whether that be to fold them, cross them, or put them in his black jeans, before he just stuck his hand out a few steps to early for yours. Once he passed your hand off, Negan turned to look at his soon to be son-in-law.
“Take care of her.” Was all he could say as he pat Opie’s shoulder and turned to take his usual seat on the giant rock.
“Alright. So I’m not going to draw this out because it’s cold.” Rick said as he took a step over so that he was between you and Opie and the water’s edge. “We’re obviously gathered here today to celebrate a love that no one ever imagined would be possible. A love that stretched across the country, and trials none of us could even comprehend. A love…”
“Not a Shakespeare play.” Michonne grumbled at him behind you. 
“Talking here.” Rick said without looking away from you and Opie.
“Talk faster.” Piney sighed as he leaned back against the rock and adjusted the oxygen tube around his ear.
“Fine.” Rick breathed as he signaled to Jax for the rings. He passed them off to Opie, who handed you his with a smile. “Do you, Opie, take (Y/N) to be your wife?”
“Absolutely I do.” Your smile grew even more as Opie slid the other part of your mom’s wedding ring set onto your finger and rubbed the back of your knuckles with his thumb.
“And you, (Y/N). Do you take Opie to be your husband?” You nodded your head with a smile and a single tear of joy fell from your eyes as you pushed his ring into place beside the other ones he wore every day.
“I do.”
“Do you two have vows?” Rick asked, waiting just long enough for you and Opie to nod before he stepped out of the way so Carl could go shutter happy with his camera for the best shot possible. The love of your life let go of your hands with one of his to grab a note card from his vest pocket. You squeezed his hand as he cleared his throat, glanced at what he wrote, and put the card back in his vest.
“(Y/N), I have loved you from the moment I walked into the diner. Your gorgeous smile, bright light, and unconditional love have made my life worth living after it was clouded by so much darkness. You gave me our son and you both give me a reason to get out of bed in the mornings no matter how long you’ve kept me up the night before, talking about everything, and nothing at all. I promise to love you, no matter what life throws at us. I promise to protect you, no matter who tries to come between us. And I promise to be the husband and father you and Hunter deserve.” You nodded your head as a few more tears fell from your eyes.
“Harry…” You started teasingly. He huffed and rolled his eyes as you laced your fingers with his and pulled him a step closer to you. “Love of my life. Where do I even start? With how you can make me laugh no matter how much I try not to? Or how you can make my heart melt in my chest with the way you look at me and Hunter when you think no one’s watching? How you have made me feel free to be who I am, or how you can make me feel like there is nothing we can’t accomplish together? Because none of these things can even start to describe how much I love you, Opie. My life is gotten so much better with you by my side. You’ve given me our son, you’ve given me a love I never knew possible… you have made me a better woman. And I will spend every moment of my life, loving you, thanking you, and showing you just how grateful I am to have you in our lives.” Opie nodded his head and looked down at your hands as a single tear fell down his cheek into his beard.
“Does anyone have a reason these two can’t be married?” Rick asked as you reached up and gently tilted his head back up so you could look into his eyes. He smiled at you and tilted his head to the side, chasing your touch as your family stayed quiet around you. “Well then, by the power vested in me by the internet and the state of North Carolina, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Go ahead and kiss your bride.” You cupped your husband’s cheeks in your hand as he reached up to pull you toward him in a searing kiss. You both tried to keep it tasteful, but since he had spent the night in a hotel room with his brothers, you missed him. So after a little longer than necessary, the guys all started to cough loudly and clear their throats as the girls giggled behind you until you forced yourself to pull back.
“Alright, alright!” Opie said.
“Mr. and Mrs. Opie Winston, everyone!” Rick exclaimed before your small group cheered. You couldn’t help but giggle as you leaned into your husband’s side. 
“Alright, let’s go fucking party!” Negan exclaimed as he got up from his spot and picked up your carseat for you. “Show off the newlyweds to the rest of the family.”
Part 7
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sweetasssuga · 5 years
Taegi Fic Recs
personal favorites = ♡
new additions = ϟ
Little Lion Man by mucha [3k] [teen]
Deep down, Yoongi always knew that making rash decisions would one day send him early to his grave.
(Or; Yoongi confesses to Taehyung via text and immediately regrets it)
in all dishonesty by fruitily [3k] [teen] ♡
while taehyung is trying to figure out whether or not min yoongi wants to stab him with a fountain pen, they find out they make an excellent team when it comes to board games.
feelings you provide by sugarlizard [3k] [teen] 
Feeling a little daring, Taehyung slips the ring on his finger. He’s not expecting it to fit, he knows that part of the victorious appeal of this jewelry is it was designed to fit only Yoongi, but instead it slips over the knuckle of his ring finger like a glove.
taehyung borrows one of the SUGA diamond rings when he needs a comfort object
help me out by clumsy_taegi [4.6k] [teen] ϟ
Taehyung talks Yoongi into helping him rehearse for a play.
Of Handlebars and Heartbreak by bananamilks [5.5k] [teen] 
Totally unprepared are you, to face a world of men.
[or, the mutual pining fic in which: one of them is in denial, one is oblivious, and both of them are idiots]
caught in a lie by booksinaballroom [5.6k] [teen] 
Ten years, one acting degree, and a frankly embarrassing amount of student debt later, his plans have...changed, a bit. Turns out waiting for callbacks from Colgate toothpaste commercials and roles as extras in dramas isn’t exactly lucrative. Certainly not lucrative enough to pay off his mountainous student debt.
Which is why he has turned to a spinoff of the acting industry. The underground of the acting industry, if you will. A place to hone his skills while raking in plenty of cash. A high-stakes challenge, something that tests and proves his ability to perform under pressure.
In other words, Taehyung is what might be better known as a con artist.
(soulmate au: you can't lie to your soulmate)
A Different Kind of Magic by tryst [5.8k] [teen] ♡ 
Wherein, Taehyung doesn't really need extra Potions help, but could definitely use a hug and Yoongi is pretty indifferent about being a tutor, but is down to hold hands.
my heart flutters from the sugar high by hoars [5.9k] [mature]
Yoongi and Taehyung sneak around together, cheating on their diets. The group? They’ve drawn different conclusions.
Birds in Your Heart by m_aur_a [6k] [not rated] 
Origami cranes with cute, if kitschy, words of advice are popping up on campus. Yoongi is struggling with a lot right now, but they help. So does the pretty boy that leaves them.
Ring the Hogwarts Bell by mucha [6k] [general audiences] 
“No, it’s fine,” Taehyung interrupted him, circling his fingers around Jimin’s wrist and squeezing reassuringly. “It’s just a few days, I’ll be okay.”
It was the furthest thing from truth, though. Christmas was always his favorite holiday and in his mind, it was irreversibly connected to home and family and watching silly Christmas movies with a mug of hot chocolate in his hand and his puppy, Yeontan, in his lap. He was hoping that maybe at least one of his friends would be staying in school too, but that hope quickly vanished when he checked the list in the common room and saw no familiar names. Well, he saw one familiar name but it belonged to someone Taehyung had never spoken to, so it didn’t matter anyway.
As if he could read Taehyung’s mind, Jimin spoke up again:
“I noticed that Yoongi is staying at Hogwarts too.”
(Taehyung spends his Christmas at Hogwarts and makes a new friend)
human by awsuga [7.7k] [mature]
Taehyung almost kills the most beautiful mortal he has ever seen.
yesterday’s tomorrow by locks [8k] [mature] ♡
Yoongi just wants to get through the night with his pride intact.
Enter Kim Taehyung.
Or, the one where they used to date and meet again at their ten year high school reunion.
but not for me by raviolijouster [8k] [teen] ♡ 
Taehyung’s straightforward, he thinks. A 2 + 2 = 4 kind of guy. He’s just not always sure that his 2’s are other people’s 2’s. Sometimes it seems like they might be 3’s. Or 7’s. But Yoongi’s 2’s are the same 2’s, they’re just in italics, size 8 font, while Taehyung’s are in bold and size 72.
People think Yoongi and Taehyung are dating. Taehyung wishes they were.
ring ding dong by chlexcer [8k] [explicit]
the one where taehyung loses his precious gucci ring the very first time he meets yoongi, but he doesn't lose it just anywhere, oh no— he loses it inside of yoongi.
By Tomorrow by Oh_Hey_Tae [10.6k] [teen]
“Why are you freaking out now?” Seokjin asks, and the seconds tick by and suddenly the atmosphere shifts. “Ahh, I get it.”
Yoongi perks up, swivels, spots Taehyung stepping from the hall into the room and he’s in fitted slacks and the baby blue button-up from earlier and he looks divine.
Yoongi’s heart just stopped and he’s not sure how to get it beating again. Namjoon’s a doctor. A doctor in training, but some form of medical professional regardless. Namjoon knows CPR and cardiac arrest symptoms and all that shit. He’ll know Yoongi’s dying.
“Perfect timing. Let’s eat.”
Or he’s going to wink at Yoongi and send suggestive eyebrow raises the whole night. Great. Fabulous.
(Or: Yoongi loves Taehyung and Taehyung loves Yoongi and somewhere along the way they figure that out.)
neons and watercolors by aimandignite [12.6k] [explicit] 
“Do you stare at the sky in the middle of roads at night often?” he asks.
Yoongi shrugs. “Do you join random people staring at the sky in the middle of roads at night often?” He glances at the guy and his heart slams in his chest at the wide smile he sees.
“I’m Taehyung. Everyone calls me Tae though.”
Yoongi nods slowly, “Yoongi.”
Tae seems to repeat the name to himself, carefully remembering how it feels in his mouth. Yoongi can’t look away. “Yoongi? Do you want to get out of the middle of the road and get hot cocoa?”
812 (rock my world) by aileron [13k] [explicit] ϟ
Jimin sniffs in a way that lets Taehyung know he’s an ungrateful brat. “Look, some people would pay good money to get a free pass that allows them right in front of the stage and hence right under the nose of Min Yoongi.”
“Min who?”
Jimin waves his hand dismissively. “The rock star you couldn’t care less about but whose face you have to stare at through your camera lens tonight.”
Taehyung slings his camera bag on his shoulder and shoves the press pass into his back pocket. “Sure, whatever. Just point me in his direction when we get there.”
- or: the fic where Taehyung thinks Yoongi is an arrogant piece of shit (albeit a hot one), but as Jimin puts it, “Which memory is going to be more awesome to look back to when you’re eighty: the time when you went and fucked a rock star or the time when you didn’t and went home instead?”
Chasing the Sun by almostsophie1 [17.6k] [mature] ϟ
Yoongi calls it a phenomena.
Whatever it is, it brings Taehyung to Yoongi again and again, twining their lives together. If it's a kind of magic, it's not one that Yoongi understands. But it pulls Taehyung to him and him to Taehyung, and somehow that's all that matters.
Out to Lunch by roebling [19k] [teen]
Desperate times call for desperate measures, and Taehyung is not above taking a soul-killing office job solely for the benefits. The drab cubicle he now calls home is bad enough, but his new boss Yoongi is possibly a robot and definitely an asshole. Vision and dental coverage are enticing, but Taehyung’s not sure how long he can stick this out.
Siren of the Interstate by fringecity (indiachick) [23k] [mature] ϟ ♡ 
Yoongi is a traveling salesman circling the same set of weird towns and highways. Taehyung is a gas-station clerk in the middle of nowhere.
"Won’t space be lonely?” Yoongi asks. Taehyung shrugs—Yoongi can feel him move beside him, just a finger-breadth away. “It’s lonely down here too.”
Heart of the Matter by fringecity (indiachick) [33k] [teen] ♡ 
Disaster witch Kim Taehyung meets perfect senior Min Yoongi in the poison greenhouses of witch school. Years later, Taehyung owns a clinic that fixes hearts, Yoongi has a celebrated apothecary, and they (don't) get along.
Harry Potter-ish, but not in that universe.
A Breeze Blows, and My Heart Swells by roebling [36.6k] [teen] ϟ
Former Idol Min Yoongi is struggling to write his next album. He knows he'll never live up to the success of his first solo outing, and the pressure is getting to him. After a series of minor scandals, his manager and best friend Jimin ships him off to Harmony Retreat, an ecotourism resort deep in the Daegu countryside. With electronics strictly forbidden and no company but a rooster, a dog, and his eccentric host Kim Taehyung, Yoongi's not sure how he's going to get through this -- let alone write a hit song.
a spoonful of suga by ellievolia [38.6k] [explicit] ϟ ♡ 
“Good evening, ladies and gents. You’re listening to First, the premium digital station, and this is Spoonful of Suga, hosted by your very own Suga. Relax, let the music do its job. We’ll be taking requests later, but first, please enjoy the next uninterrupted half hour of music.”
Min Yoongi, a late night radio show host, has a regular caller. He also has busybody best friends, too much music on his playlists, dreams that feel too big for his heart, and a genius dog.
Kim Taehyung works nights as a mortuary cosmetologist, likes to listen to the radio, and he also has a genius dog.
Say My Name (And I'll Lie in the Sound) by fadetomorrow [51k] [explicit] ♡ 
Taehyung wakes up 500 years in the past and catches feelings for a Joseon prince.
The Romance of Old Clothes by fringecity (indiachick) [59.6k] [explicit] ♡ 
Min Yoongi is an art director with zero tolerance for bullshit, looking for ultimate perfection in everything he creates. Kim Taehyung is the co-owner of a vintage fashion boutique who talks to clothes and learns magic from Tumblr.
It’s a match made in the depths of hell.
[“Taehyung-ah,” Seokjin says, wily and soft, “You’re not scared of meeting Yoongi, are you?” Taehyung knows this is bait. Seokjin knows this is bait. Even Yeontan, running circles around Taehyung now, knows this is bait. His angry brows are very expressive, and right now they’re saying 'don’t take the bait, don’t be a stupid fish.' Taehyung's a stupid fish.]
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monotonemanday · 6 years
Our Birthday - Zen x MC
This is a little something I whipped up for not only Zen’s Birthday April 1st. (Which is still quite a few hours away for me) but also for my girl @zennyshoneybunch ‘s Birthday! Which is still happening for me! The 31st! haha So I hope you all enjoy! And Happy Birthday Helena! I love you girl! You are one of a kind. The Real Deal. And just sooooo wonderful! <3
The day had arrived. March 31st. Just any other day. Well more specifically, just another Birthday. You didn't have much planned. You stopped by the bakery and picked up a small cake to enjoy on your own. A simple cake decorated with a variety of fruits making it beautiful to look at. But you were definitely going to dig into it anyway. You place it on the counter and changed out of your work clothes. You put on a cute casual outfit but dressed it up a little with jewelry and a little more makeup than you would wear at work. Even though you weren't making things a huge deal it was still your birthday. You were off to a dinner with your family. You told your friends what you were up to and they asked you what the occasion was. Reluctantly, you told them it was your birthday. It was going to come out anyway. They flooded your phone with text messages.
"Well, now I feel like a dirtbag!"
"Why didn't you tell us a long time ago?!"
"We could have made plans! What do you want? I'll go pick something up right now."
"Girl it might be your birthday, but you suck. Why wouldn't you tell us when your birthday is?!"
"You gonna get laid for your birthday? We can help with that too!"
You shook your head at the barrage of messages. You didn't tell them because you knew they would overreact. They were busy and you wanted them to focus on other things. After they were done being whining and being inappropriate they sent you congratulations.
"We love you girl Happy Birthday! But next time we're going all out!"
"Love you, girl! You're the best. I hope you are nothing but happy on your Birthday! Expect gifts soon. ;)"
You told them thanks and made your way to dinner. You understood their shock. You never really ever talked about your Birthday so you didn't expect them to know, and even when people asked you danced around the subject. You hadn't even told HIM it was your Birthday.
He was a big star and he would be getting flooded with gifts. You figured your efforts would be lost in all of the celebrations that would go into his birthday. Plus he was extremely busy with rehearsals. You didn't want to burden him. Even though he was your boyfriend you felt that sometimes you could get overlooked. It wasn't his fault in any way. You knew he cared for you but it was the fans that were constantly pushing you out of the way. You decided to stop being such a Negative Nancy.
Dinner was lovely. You spent time with your family and ate tasty food. Your nieces and nephews made you wonderful homemade gifts with the help of your sister. Both your stomach and your heart were full and you made your way home.
It was far into the evening when you got home. Around 10 pm. You put your key in the doorknob and turned but it was already unlocked. You tensed up for just a second and then you figured there was no reason to be scared. It was most likely your friends trying to surprise you, knowing now that it was your birthday. You knew one of them had a spare key for emergencies. You clicked on the light and called out to them.
"Okay, criminals. I should file a police report on your crazy asses. Giving me a damn heart attack on my Birthday! My presents better be good!"
You turned the corner and you gasped, holding your hands up to your mouth. It wasn't your friends but your boyfriend. Light was flickering in his crimson eyes. He was holding the cake you had bought earlier. It was lined with lit candles. The brightest smile was on his face.
"I don't know who it was you were expecting Jagiya, but I hope you're not disappointed."
Your cheeks flushed red and you let out a nervous laugh. "Zen, what are you doing here? Didn't you have a busy day of rehearsal?"
He walked closer to you. Holding the cake up to your face. "Prince Charming would never leave his Princess alone on her birthday. Now make a wish."
You blew out the candles getting everyone to blow out except for one. Zen blew it out himself and gave you a wink. "We'll just make that our little secret." He gave you a light peck on the cheek and you took the cake from him. You placed it on the counter and rummaged through the drawer for a knife to cut it with.
"What did you wish for babe?" He asked leaning against the counter. He was watching you intently. He loved staring at you when you were running around the kitchen. It was adorable and he couldn't contain his smile.
"Well, I didn't really make a wish, Zenny." You took down two plates and placed them on the counter. Ready to share your sweet dessert with your sweet man.
"You didn't make a wish? Why is that, Jagi?"
"You see, my love. I didn't really need to! The only thing I was really regretting about my Birthday was that I didn't get to see you. And as usual, you answered my hearts call, like my knight in shining armor. Before I even had to wish!"
You could see the blush form on his cheeks. He was looking away from you. You placed a slice of cake on the plate and held it in front of him but also inches away from your face. You wanted him to look at you and couldn't help but laugh when he snatched the plate from you and mumbled a shy "Thank you" under his breath. He apologized for breaking into your apartment. He said that he had borrowed the spare key from your friend since he didn't have his own. You assured him it wasn't a problem and that you loved the surprise.
You two ate your cake and spent the rest of your birthday in bliss. You showed him the presents your nieces and nephews had given you. He talked about rehearsal and he even practiced some of his scenes for you. You chased each other around the apartment working off the calories from the cake. Which you didn't really need to since you were wearing most of the cake instead of digesting it. You pointed out Zen had gotten cake on his mouth and instead of helping out you wiped more on his lips. That led to an all-out war. And a mess you made him promise to help you clean up later.
It was a quarter until midnight and the two of you were sitting out on the balcony. He stood behind you. Arms wrapped tight around your waist. His chin resting on the top of your head. You could have fallen asleep standing up outside like that. Just due to the warmth of his loving embrace. You could hear the quiet nighttime breeze blowing and whipping both your hair around. You became very aware of the time.
"Zenny, should you be going home? You have lots of rehearsal tomorrow and it's very late. Besides...I'm sure you'll have lots of celebrating to do tomorrow and people you want to spend time with." Your voice was soft and pained. You had turned around in his arms to face him. Resting your hands against his firm chest. He kissed you softly on the forehead and you closed your eyes. You would miss him. You didn't want him to go but you didn't want to be selfish. Tears threatened to spill down your cheeks when he held your chin and lifted your face so you could meet his gaze.
"I'd like to stay until after midnight, Jagiya. If you'll let me. I want to start my Birthday with the person most precious to me. My Princess." Your lips met and you had never shared a more special and beautiful, heartwarming kiss. It was exactly midnight.
"Happy Birthday, Zen."
"Thank you, Jagi."
You excused yourself and Zen couldn't hide the confusion on his face. You had gone inside but shortly returned with a small wrapped box.
"Jagiya, you shouldn't have gotten me any kind of present!" He protested but you shoved it into his hands anyway. He opened it and his eyes lit up. "Princess are you absolutely sure that you're okay with this?"
You were confused by his question. "Of course! I thought it was very you. It's just a keychain bottle opener. I had them inscribe your name on it. I thought it was cute is all." You were blushing. He bulled the keychain bottle opener out of the box and held it up.
"No Jagi, I'm talking about this. Is this a key to your apartment?" Your blush deepened.
"Well, yes. It is."
Zen began to laugh and you playfully swatted his arm. "What is so funny, huh?"
Zen reached into his pocket and pulled out a keychain with a locket charm. Inside the charm was a picture of the two of you and attached to it was a key. You took it from him and joined in on his laughter. You thanked him with a kiss and once he pulled away he hugged you tightly.
"I love you, Princess."
"I love you too, Zen."
You both let out a peaceful sigh and uttered the same words for the last time that night.
"Happy Birthday."
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blogsteveclark12 · 3 years
12 Things to Buy Used If You Want to Save Money
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1) Clothes
Buying used clothes in one of the easiest ways to save money. I’ve found thrift and second-hand stores to be great for finding casual weekend wear and business casual clothes.  
I can’t tell you how many Banana Republic and J. Crew items I see every time I browse the racks. Some people might think that only old, worn, unfashionable clothes are found second-hand but that’s not true.
Related items worth buying second-hand:
Designer clothes and purses – Designer clothes are expensive. Let someone else pay the bulk of the cost by buying them retail first. Then you can save by buying second-hand. Just be sure to read up on the difference between counterfeit and authentic products to ensure you get the real thing.
School uniforms – Some schools that require uniforms (e.g., Catholic schools with plaid skirts), have programs for parents to sell their children’s old uniforms. Many children will outgrow their clothes while they’re still in good condition.
2)  Wedding dresses
Most women wear their wedding dress for one day and maybe only a few hours at that, so it might not make sense to spend a few thousand on a dress.
You can get one for much less than retail if you’re open to wearing a used one. Most sellers are willing to negotiate too because they really want to sell, so negotiations favor the buyer.
Take a good look at the website’s and seller’s return policies before purchasing. Many times there are no refunds.
Ask lots of questions and ask for more pictures if needed. If you can, try on the style in a store first to be sure it’s the one and then buy it second-hand.  
3)  Jewelry
Fine jewelry is another area where resale prices are often much lower than retail. You can even buy an affordable engagement ring second-hand.
If you’re a fan of vintage or antique pieces, you can find beautiful pieces in styles that aren’t even made anymore. Shop at local jewelers, estate sales, and online for the best finds.
4)  Baby items
Babies grow quickly and often outgrow their clothes and toys before they’ve gotten much or any use. I’ve seen lots of children and baby clothes still with tags on them at the thrift stores.
And it’s not just clothes too. Toys like play mats are quickly outgrown too. Check out online parent groups for listings.
5)  Toys & Games
Having stepped into the houses of friends and family with young children recently, I’ve been blown away by the number of toys they have. Livings rooms and bedrooms full of toys, more than the children can reasonably play with. Those toys and games end up as donations to the thrift store or offered at garage sales.
My favorite thing to buy is puzzles, but I’ve seen plenty of games like Operation and Chutes and Ladders on shelves too.
I avoid plush animals because goodness knows what’s on them. Anything that looks in good condition and can be wiped down with sanitizer wipes is fair game
6)  Books & Textbooks
Anyone who has been in school and had to buy their own books knows that textbooks are expensive. I remember having to budget several hundred dollars each semester in college just to be sure I bought all the books I needed.
I bought second-hand where I could, rented, and even borrowed a few. I didn’t matter if a book was a slightly older version as long as I could get the same information and do the homework.
If you need the book in your profession, it might be worth buying a new copy to keep. Otherwise, go second-hand and sell it when you’re done using it.
For other books, try the public library. You can borrow books for free or buy used books there for cheap. I borrow everything and only buy a book when I know I’m going to read it over and over again.
7)  Furniture
If you’ve tried to furnish a home with furniture bought at retail, you know how expensive it can be. Thankfully, some people barely use the furniture they buy.
Maybe they decide to redecorate or they are moving and have to sell. I once came across computer chairs from an office that was closing.
Another easy way to get second-hand furniture is to ask friends and family for whatever extra they have. I’ve always tried to get furniture with fabric like sofas from people I know.
If you’re getting furniture from strangers, take a look at the item and make sure the person’s place is clean. You can’t be too careful about bedbugs and pet dander.
8)  Bicycles
Like with many of the other items on this list, bikes are expensive new and depreciate in value once out the door. Many people buy bikes with the intention to ride them for exercise or fun and don’t use them much at all.
My partner got his used bike on Craigslist and loves it. I got mine as a hand-me-down from family. Unless you’re a serious bike enthusiast, a used one may work just fine for you.
As sad as this sounds, bikes are a major target for thieves in San Francisco. Save yourself the headache of being a more obvious target and having a new bike stolen by getting one that’s second-hand. If you want to save even more money, try biking instead of driving to work or for running errands.
9)  Cars
We’ve all heard that cars depreciate significantly once off the lot and most of all in their first year. Buying a used car makes sense then, especially one that’s been well-maintained. Just make sure to do your research by checking a car’s value and having it inspected before purchasing.
10)  Kitchen items
There are a lot of kitchen gadgets out there that people don’t use. The mixer that was a wedding gift but now sits at the back of the cabinet. Or the blender or crock pot that goes unused. My nearby Goodwill is full of plates and cups. Sometimes are pretty and come in full sets too.
11) Seasonal decorations
Seasonal decorations are just that, seasonal. How much do you want to spend on things that are on display for about 4 months of the year (or packed away for the other 8)? And while decorations are pretty, they don’t do much but sit around the house and look pretty.
So when I want to decorate my place, I shop thrift stores or ask family for items they’ve collected but don’t use anymore. It’s easy to replace decorations yearly too when they cost only a few dollars.
12)  Athletic gear & workout equipment
Many of those items were still in good condition by the time we stopped playing a sport or outgrew the equipment. We’ve also known people with treadmills and stationary bikes that went unused.
Some final tips:
Do your research before purchasing. Sometimes second-hand isn’t cheaper than new.
Negotiate on price. Buying second-hand usually favors the buyer unless it’s a hot item. A potential buyer can always walk away if the price is not right, but a lot of sellers will agree to a lower price because they want to get rid of an item.
If you’re meeting someone in person off Craigslist or a similar site, meet in the daytime in a public place.
The more specific you are about something that you want, the longer you’ll have to wait for it. There may be a lot of black dresses out there, but you’ll have to wait or search more to find a fit-and-flare black dress with a waist tie and lace detail in your exact size.
If a deal is too good to be true, it probably is.
Nowadays, when I come across something I want, my first thought is whether or not it’s available and worth it to buy second-hand. I’m always happy when I do buy something used and it perfectly fits my needs.
I’ve saved hundreds if not thousands of dollars over the years by buying second-hand items. I can’t wait to save more in the future by doing the same and hope you do too! Check out the thrift store in panama City Beach, FL if you want to purchase gently used items.
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lalka-laski · 3 years
You ever played Call Of Duty? Did you like it? Are you into those types of video games at all? I was never into any type of video games. Just not my scene. 
Do you like to cook for people, or do you order to be cooked for? Has anyone ever told you that you were a good cook? I love cooking for others, despite my nervousness sometimes. I find it so fulfilling! And I have been complimented on my cooking skills and creativity a number of times. 
Do you have any clocks in your house that chime when the hour changes? Do those types of clocks annoy you? Nope. Those clocks don’t really bug me unless I’m trying to sleep. But then again, ANY NOISE bugs me when I’m trying to sleep.
Has anyone ever let you borrow some of their music, promising you’d love it, but you really didn’t? Did you lie to the person and agree, or tell the truth, that you hated it? More often than not, I don’t vibe with the music people suggest to me. I guess i just have to stumble upon new songs naturally, I can’t be TOLD to listen to something. It sets me up for failure.
What is your usual hair style? Do you tend to wear the same style every day, or do you switch it up a lot? I’ve been wearing it down and au naturel lately, with the occasional messy bun or high ponytail thrown in. I’m not very adventurous with my hair. 
Have you had the same doctor pretty much your whole life, or have you went to a bunch of different ones over the years? Have you ever been to the doctor thinking something was horribly wrong with you, but it turned out to be something minor? I had the same pediatrician from infancy to early adulthood. I then switched to a GP and I’ve seen her consistently ever since. 
I honestly have never visited the doctor expecting something dire. Which is funny considering my debilitating anxiety & paranoia! 
Do you prefer to go out to get ice cream, or do you just like to get the kind you keep in your freezer? What flavor do you usually get? I love all ice creams equally. It doesn’t matter what flavor, or where I eat it- it’s all delightful to me! 
Do you look forward to the holidays, or do you dread them? What holiday is your least favorite, and why? I love most holidays, especially now that my family has expanded! In fact, I like them so much that I can’t think of a “least favorite.” 
Is the background on your phone a default picture, or a picture you took? What is the picture of? It’s a picture of my baby girl! I actually didn’t take it though, her mom did. 
What is your favorite type of print (ex: zebra, stripes, argyle)? Do you have a lot of things with this print on it? Anyone who knows me knows I love a good floral! 
Are there any stores you feel uncomfortable going into (ex: if you dress girly, do you feel uncomfortable going into Hot Topic)? Are there any stores that you refuse, or just never go in to? I’m a bit too old to feel “uncomfortable” going into a store that doesn’t quite cater to my style. And I like to think most people aren’t that close-minded. Or are they? And no, there are no stores I refuse to go in. 
Do you look in mirrors a lot, or do you try to avoid them? How many mirrors are in your house? I try to avoid them when I’m not home and can’t immediately fix my appearance. And there are 4 mirrors total in my apartment. 
What is your favorite brand of clothing? Is this a brand that is sort of expensive, or is it pretty affordable? Lately I’ve loved a brand called Pink Clover that I discovered through Stitchfix. Otherwise, my clothes come from a variety of stores like Buckle, Express, Windsor, Forever 21, and random Made In China sites. I’m a bargain hunter but I’m not afraid to splurge a little when something really grabs me.  
What person do you text the most? Glenn or my sisters.
Do you have any pictures that always make you laugh, or cry? Are they digital pictures, or printed pictures? What is the significance? Too damn many to list! I’m a sentimental sap and I can make myself spiral at the drop of a hat. IT’S A GIFT 
What are you listening to? Cafe Radio on Pandora 
What were you doing at 4am? Fast asleep 
What’s your favorite cereal? Damn this question! I have a sugary cereal addiction. Lately I’ve been obsessed with Oatmeal Creme Pie cereal but some of my other faves are Fruity Pebbles, Lucky Charms, Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Frosted Mini Wheats... ugh! 
What’s the last thing you drank? I’m sipping a coffee right now
Where is your biological mother right now? I assume she’s home, this is her prime nap hour! 
Where is your biological father right now? At work or driving between jobs 
What’s your mood? Overcaffeinated and excited for the weekend! 
Are you doing anything tomorrow? It’s TBD actually. I took the morning off work to help my sister move but she’s quarantining so those plans were put on hold. Now I have an entire Saturday off to do whatever I want! I think I’m gonna talk Glenn into taking me to brunch :)
Do you cry a lot? Way more than the average person. But I feel no shame about it and I’m actually sorry that other people can’t process their emotions as constructively! 
Have you recently? See above 
What’s your favorite candy? Anything sour and gummy is my jam. Oh and Cadbury Mini Eggs! Easter Candy is a serious weakness. 
Have you ever eaten raw pumpkin? Y’all nasty
Does your car have a name? I don’t have a car
Will you be in bed within twenty minutes? Lord I wish! But I’ll be here at work for another 2 hours. 
Who did you sleep with last night? My honey bear 
Wearing any bracelets? Nope, I hardly wear jewelry 
What is your favorite color? Pink 
What should you be doing right now? Honestly there isn’t that much work for me here at the office so... it’s acceptable that I’m doing this survey 
How much older is the person you’re currently interested in? He’s 12 years older than me (hence why I was so nervous to introduce him to my dad!) 
Remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? Quite vividly (despite my intoxicated state). You could say he made a mark on me! 
Have your parents ever caught you drinking? Yeah 
Do you love the last boy/girl you were talking to? Very much so 
Did you have an exciting last weekend? It was a lot of fun! 
Is there a secret you’ve never told your parents? Obviously 
Have you ever flirted with a friend’s crush? Not that I’m aware of. I’d never do that intentionally, that’s for sure. 
Did you have a good birthday this year? It’s 5 months away! 
Do you lead people on? No, although my friendliness is often misconstrued as flirtatiousness and attraction. Not my fault though! 
Who was the last person you made plans with? Me & Glenn have plans to lay on the floor and watch Dateline tonight... does that count? (Yes we like to make a bed on the floor. Let us BE!) 
When was the last time someone really got on your nerves? I’ve been slightly on edge recently so it could’ve been anyone 
Have you recently lost any clothes? Actually yeah, several socks in one load of laundry. Where the hell could they be?! 
What places will you be going tomorrow? Hopefully brunch! 
When is the next time you will kiss someone? In a couple hours when I get home 
How do you feel about your hair right now? It’s a little raggedy and needs a root touch-up but I can’t be bothered 
How fast have you driven a car? Not fast at all 
Have you ever smoked? Just weed
Is the last person you kissed your other half? He absolutely is 
Do you think this year is better than the last? I hate to say it but I had a pretty spectacular 2020. Although I think even more greatness is in store for 2021! 
Where is the last person you kissed at this moment? He’s at home 
Has anyone seen you in your underwear this past month? Yes 
Would you rather marry Taylor Lautner, or take a million dollars? A million, easy lol. 
Do you really believe in forever? I do 
What are you doing after this? Most likely another survey. And I’ll keep repeating this cycle ‘till it’s time to go home 
Someone says “all guys are players” You say? What grade are you in? 
Are you an official couple with the last person you kissed? We’re engaged! 
Do you believe in kissing when you’re not together yet? Do as you please! 
How serious are your feelings for the person you like? Considering I’m wearing this ring on my finger I’d say we’re pretty damn serious 
Do you live close to the person you like? We live together 
0 notes
rinnnyxr · 3 years
Bold if you can touch them from where you’re sitting
1. A remote control.  2. A cell phone.  3. A pillow. 4. Sharpie markers. 5. A glass of water. 6. A stuffed animal. 7. A box of make-up. 8. Old notebooks from school. 9. A book with more than a hundred pages. 10. A pet.
Bold if you have done these this week
1. Saw an old friend. 2. Danced or sung to music. 3. Listened to Michael Jackson’s music. 4. Spent a night in Brooklyn. 5. Planned the Fourth of July. 6. Ate something disgusting. 7. Cooked your friends food. 8. Cleaned your room. 9. Went to a party. 10. Took a friend’s dog for a walk.
Bold if you love them
1. Hugs and kisses. 2. Romantic dates. 3. Hanging out on rooftops. 4. Taking the train. 5. Making fun of tourists. 6. Eating at restaurants. 7. Chocolate. 8. Reality television. 9. Cute boys. 10. Photography.
Bold if you listen to them
1. Passion Pit. 2. Nirvana. 3. The Strokes. 4. Lady Gaga. 5. City and Colour. 6. Tegan and Sara. 7. The Kooks. 8. The Clash. 9. Kanye West. 10. Pink Floyd.
Bold if these items are in your bag/purse
1. Hand sanitizer. 2. Lotion. 3. A make-up bag. 4. Phone 5. Pens. 6. A notebook. 7. Random change. 8. Metro Card. 9. A reading book. 10. A wallet.
Bold if you like doing these things on your free time
1. Traveling to other cities with friends. 2. Going out to eat with family or friends. 3. Visiting museums around your city. 4. Volunteering at your local animal shelter. 5. Going to the movies. 6. Walking around taking pictures. 7. Meeting new people. 8. Going to parties. 9. Reading books. 10. Painting.
Bold if you find these traits attractive in your preferred sex
1. A good sarcastic and witty sense of humor. 2. Intelligence and knowledge. 3. Soft hair. 4. A gorgeous and genuine smile. 5. Some sensitivity. 6. Similar taste in music. 7. Outgoing. 8. Fun-loving. 9. Honesty. 10. Good family values.
How Girlie Are You?
My toenails are almost always painted. During the summer pretty much the only shoes I wear are flip flops or go barefoot. My favorite toy as a child were Barbies. My favorite color is pink or purple. I did gymnastics. I love skirts/skorts. Hollister is my favorite place to shop. Tight jeans are the only jeans I’ll wear. I love chocolate. TOTAL SO FAR: 4
I straighten my hair. I have at least 8 Facebook pictures. I usually go shopping once a week. I love to hang out with friends. I have a real diamond ring or diamond necklace. I’ve gone to a tanning salon. I’ve gone to the beach to tan - not to swim. I have at least 10 pairs of shoes. I watch(ed) either The OC, Laguna Beach OR Desperate Housewives. I change my profile weekly. I have worn a shower cap. TOTAL SO FAR: 6
I would NEVER step foot into Hot Topic. My cell phone might as well become a part of me. I wear mascara every day. I’ve been or am on a diet. Bathing suits are adorable. I don’t know the difference between a sheep and a goat. Big sunglasses are hot. I have gotten my nails done. I own over 10 purses. Music is one of my favorite channels. TOTAL SO FAR: 11
I like to talk about boys. I like to have other people do my hair. I like to give and receive hugs from all my friends. I hate bugs. Carnivals are so fun! Summer is THE best season. My swimsuit has 2 pieces. I’m waiting for my knight in shining armor. Musicians are hot. You write me a poem and tell me I’m beautiful and I’m all yours. TOTAL SO FAR: 18
I’m self-conscious. I cry often. My room smells like vanilla. My dishes get washed more than once a week. I don’t do sports. I hate to run. I squeal when I am surprised. I eat dried fruit as a snack. I love romance novels. Drew Barrymore is so cute. TOTAL SO FAR: 26
I dance a lot. I usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house. My hair is important. I love to get dressed up. Every part of my outfit needs to match. I talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends. I’d love to have a photoshoot of myself. The price of clothes hardly matters. I apply lipgloss 50 times a day. I wish I looked like a model. TOTAL SO FAR: 33
I wish I could meet Paris Hilton. R&B is the best music. I pop my collar. Guys with Mohawks are GROSS! Horses are beautiful. I never pay attention in school. Cats are adorable. TOTAL SO FAR: 35
I write my own music. I would love to visit Hawaii. Valentine’s Day is so cute! White is better than black. I wouldn’t be caught dead in all black. My closet is STOCK FULL of clothes. I hate the grunge look of a beard. I love to read magazines. TOTAL SO FAR: 37
I love to gossip. I love Celine Dion. My baths are 2 hours long. My wedding only needs a groom because it’s already planned. My friends and I are in a strict group. We mostly only hang out with each other. I like kids. Diet drinks are the best. I have been a vegetarian. I refuse to eat at McDonald’s. TOTAL SO FAR: 38
I check my Facebook every day. I have a lot of jewelry. Claire[s] has cheap jewelry. My screen name[s] have X’s in them. Either one of my MSN names has/had <3/♥’s in them. I would never want to be the opposite sex. I have more than 3 pillows on my bed. TOTAL: 39
Below 40 = Not girlie. Above 40 = Girlie. Above 55 = Paris Hilton.
1. I have a strong immune system 2. I think it’s cute when a guy is close with his mom 3. I wear gray eyeliner 4. I cannot finish an entire pizza on my own, unless it’s individual-sized 5. I don’t eat pickles by themselves 6. ^ I only have them in burgers, if at all 7. I refuse to wear neon colors 8. My favorite color from the rainbow is blue 9. I don’t like sleeping with socks on unless it’s really cold 10. I prefer glue sticks to bottled glue 11. I don’t like soy milk 12. But I do like soy burgers 13. I prefer Kosher hot dogs to normal ones 14. I currently have a hickey 15. It bothers me when people borrow my things without asking 16. I visit the postsecret website every Sunday 17. I’ve been to Las Vegas 18. I’ve never left my country 19. I live in California 20. I can almost do the splits 21. I like making people smile when they’re sad 22. ^ but I don’t like it when people are sad 23. Watching others yawn makes me yawn as well 24. I’ve wished on a shooting star 25. I’ve never climbed a tree 26. I’m a bookworm 27. I started puberty at a young age 28. Humidity makes my hair have static 29. ^ I hate that 30. It’s hard to get on my bad side 31. And it’s even harder to get back on my good side 32. I’m currently sleepy but I don’t want to sleep yet 33. I do not have a bed time 34. But I have a curfew 35. I like spinach 36. I’d love to work at a book store or a pet store 37. I love the smell of coffee 38. I type pretty fast 39. I have a flip flop tan 40. I don’t like it when people touch my feet
I have been watching a lot more television lately. I usually just let my hair dry after washing it.
I’ve been considering getting a new tattoo soon.
I’ve been thinking about my future a lot more lately.
I love going to thrift stores and garage sales.
I have never smoked a cigarette.
I love goofy cartoons like Spongebob and Adventure Time.
I am generally good with kids. I got to sleep in today :). I text at least one of my parents just about every day.
I’ve been trying to broaden my taste in music lately.
Sometimes I like to eat dry cereal, without milk or anything. I’m pretty good at keeping secrets.
I’ve been reading a lot more books lately. Sometimes I can literally spend all day online.
I want to start working out, but it just seems like I have no motivation; I need a workout partner. I would much rather date a clean shaven guy over one who lets his beard grow out. I sometimes think about the hidden meaning behind movies, instead of just the obvious storyline. When I feel sick, I don’t like to be touched or bothered. I could really go for some pasta right now.
I love looking at Christmas lights and decorations.
I’ve made a few new friends recently.
I get cranky when I am hungry.
I find it easier to dress cute in the winter than in the summer.
I usually just go barefoot when I’m hanging out around my house.
I still have a basic phone, while all my friends have cool iPhones and such.
When I hear about a celebrity’s nude picture being posted online, I sometimes look it up.
Whenever I make a survey, I enjoy reading other people’s responses to my questions.
I would love to go skydiving or bungee jumping.
I would love to have some kind of fruit tree in my yard.
I find other cultures interesting.
I still have some of my toys from when I was little. I’ve been procrastinating on something, and I really just need to get it over with.
I love when it gets cold out, so I can cuddle up on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa. I love 50’s pinup style.
I really don’t like talking on the phone, I’d much rather just text the person. I wish I had that one friend that I could tell everything to.
I don’t feel like going to a bar is my kind of thing, I’d much rather just hang out with a few friends at home.
I dislike some foods, not because of the flavor, but because of the texture, or how it looks.
I get sunburnt fairly easily. I love giving and getting surprises. I’ve been spending a lot of time away from home lately.
I don’t really enjoy muffins, they are so dry!
I don’t really like sour foods or candy.
One of my good friends recently had a baby
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Yes you may, hope you enjoy the matches!
 Your matches are… Keiji Akaashi and Hikaru Hitachiin!
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Authors notes: 🏐 = Keiji, 🌹 = Hikaru
🌹He loves them curves alright. Like, since he is a very touchy person, his hands kind of just gravitate towards your hips cause like… you’re so soft and he is thinking to himself like, oh my gosh what a soft cute lady I love her. Expect kisses to be placed where your hips are at cause thats his favorite place to kiss you on your body, he just loves the soft touch to his lips and he can not get enough of that.
🏐He is very impressed how you are the class monitor. But, he doesn’t get how you tend to be so lazy but yet still get perfect scores on test. Like… you are the strangest class monitor he has ever met. Don’t think of it as a bad thing or anything! Its strange cause like… he so much wishes he can be like that. Like he can skip practice for like a day or two and be totally ok. But no, if he skips a day, he would actually feel guilty about it, so he never skips practice (unless he has a very bad fever or an injury). In the meanwhile, he will scold you for not at least looking over the material for the next days test. You tell him not to worry about it cause you know you will be fine. But now he is just thinking to himself that, he doesn’t think a class monitor should act like this. But, who is he to judge? So, he mostly just leaves you alone and lets you do whatever you want, but he low-key cares a lot and just wants to help.
🌹He is actually very interested in the mystical and paranormal stuff (but he low-key likes it, cause he is afraid if he tells anyone about it they will deem him weird, so only you and his brother know about his fascination with the abnormal). So when you two found out you both like the mystical and abnormal phenomenas, many of your dates mostly consist of (well if its raining or snowing) cuddling each other under blankets, surrounded by various snacks, and watching videos about angels/devils and “the paranormal caught on camera” videos. But when you look up to see him, he is so mesmerized by the video. His eyes are practically glued to the screen, his mouth is open a little bit, plus he is drooling a bit. You giggle at him and wipe some of the drool off the corner of his mouth. He actually gets spooked and playfully punches your arm. He then wraps his arms around your shoulders and makes a pouty face, saying don’t scare him like that when he is watching something like that!!
🏐He can be kind of cold and harsh towards his teammates sometimes if they make him irritated and frustrated, its a natural human thing to do. And honestly, if you act cold towards him, he honestly wouldn’t mind. Cause he figures that you are going through a rough day and will not say anything to make it worse for you. Instead, he keeps his distance but will come to you if you need anything. But besides that, he loves how reliable you are, which means he can always count on you if he ever needs help with anything. And even if he doesn’t get some of your sense of humor or the jokes you make, he honestly just loves seeing you smile and close your eyes while you laugh at your own jokes you made, cause that makes his heart flutter a lot, and he can’t help but chuckle too.
🏐He absolutely admires your logic when it comes to respecting people, cause he is the exact same way. He likes that you are always calm and always have reasons as to why you are arguing with that person. To him you are honestly a blessing, cause some of his teammates would start arguing for no reason and he would get ticked off. But when he sees you arguing with a person and hears you calmly explain to them your reasons he can’t help but blush a little bit.
🌹He would never really thought you could be timid. You seem so confident and bright, he never would have thought about you being timid! But to be truthfully honest, he finds your timid side pretty cute, and will tease you about it by calling you out on it and giving you nicknames that is based around being timid and such. But what he didn’t expect that you would do anything to get revenge for your friends and family. Like, whoah that is super duper cool of you, he also dubs you as a badass because of that. And, because of his childish possession part of him, he will also do anything to take revenge for you, whether it be because someone told you something mean or even a family member scolded you, he will do anything to protect you and make sure that you are feeling happy.
🌹Oh man does this boy love hearing rants too. He especially loves hearing rants that are about gossip, cause he wants in on that. So if he is having a break in-between his host work, he will go into the empty room with you next to the host room, share an earbud with you, turn on youtube, and watch those rant vlogs from his phone. The host club could hear you guys laughing hysterically or raging with anger and they honestly find it pretty hilarious how you two can get so worked up over someone else’s problems.
🏐He actually low-key really likes them mystery/horror genre. Like, he thinks those two genres really fit well together and honestly appreciates the writing in those kinds of movies. So, when Halloween comes around, you two on that day would jus cuddle each other up and binge watch a whole bunch of mystery/horror movies. Even though he doesn’t get scared easily, but when you do get scared, he will hold you tight and pet your hair as telling you that its alright.
🏐He loves the winter (and not just because his birthday is in the winter)! He loves the cooler weather and thinks everything is so much prettier when snow is gently descending from the sky. Plus, since you love wearing big sized clothing, he offers up his clothes so you can wear them. And when you are walking around his home, in his white t-shirt and black shorts, he has to take a minute to look away to regain his composure cause he is blushing up a storm on his cheeks. But, when outside, you look so adorable in them oversized coats that fall to your knees and scarves that basically cover all of your face. Before going out into the snowy weather, he always adjusts your coat and scarf and hat to make sure they one, the coat doest drag behind you and you trip on it and two, so the hat doest cover your eyes and you loose your sight for a second or so.
🌹This kids playlists… its all over the darn place. Like, you would question to yourself how in the world did he find this kind of music? But then again you say you have horrible taste in music so its ok. So as pranks, you two would blast horrible music from playlists you two created together when the host club is in session and some certain hosts would get extremely pissed and chase you two down. But, if you two are just chilling, you guys would play the music in the background and try to dance to it together, with his hands on your hips and your arms around his neck, swinging each other from one place to another to the rhythm of the beat. Even if it may be hard to dance to the music since its, well, horrible, its ok, cause you two are having fun, and thats all that matters.
🌹He loves how you smell of milk and strawberries. He wants to know your secret why you smell so sweet and lovely. Is it the shampoo you using? Thats probably it. So then he steals it. Like literally, one day he would be at your house chilling with you, and he had to use the bathroom before he left. So after using the bathroom he put the shampoo underneath his shirt and walked out with it. The next day you noticed all the girls petting and smelling his hair, how it smelled like milk and strawberries. So he was the culprit all along. Oh jeez, he could have just asked you to borrow it instead of stealing it.
🏐He likes how you do not always follow the latest trends. Cause sometimes, the latest trends can look pretty foolish and stupid to him, and he is very glad that you do not easily get into them quickly. Cause some certain teammates would talk about these new trends and he would think to himself on how weird and foolish they are. He is so glad that you are not like that.
🌹He honestly loves your style?? Like, he loves the balance between masculinity and femininity when it comes to clothes, and you fit right into that. He likes how you would wear a basic t-shirt, pair of jeans, and a pair of sneakers. Like, thats it. No makeup, no jewelry, nothing extra. Just, simple. He honestly wishes he can dress up like that to go to school instead of wearing his uniform all the time. But, when you two go out, you two don’t dress extravagantly or anything, just simple t-shirts and jeans or sweatpants and converse or vans.
🏐He also loves to read when he isn’t practicing or doing schoolwork. And while reading, he would occasionally doodle whatever he is reading and draw it to life on paper. You find this very cute, so as dates, you two as a activity would: one would read, and the other would draw the scenes out. Then after reading a couple chapters you two would color the drawings one of you made and hang them on the wall to see your guys hard work. A simple and fun activity you two enjoy immensely.
🌹You like rings and wristbands? Good, cause thats what he is gonna buy you pretty much everyday. Well, for wristbands, if he’s one that reminds you of him, he will immediately buy it with no hesitation. As for rings, he only buys you one ring. And what is this one ring? Well, its a promise ring. So on this ring, it is gold, with tiny little orange and blue crystals dotting all over the ring. And on the top is a little chocolate-diamond. In the inside of the ring it is laser-written which says “to my beloved rose, I shall love you to the moon and back forever ~Hikaru Hitachiin”
🏐He claims he aint a nerd, but, he actually is. He a mystery/horror nerd ok he geeks out over detective novels and can’t wait to see the next psychological horror movie so he a nerd even though he denies it. As for anxiety, he doesn’t really get it much often, but when he notices you going through anxiety, he knows that it sometimes it helps people to trace over objects. So he would stick his hand out to you with his other hand on your back bringing you closer. You would then trace his palm while he traced circles on your back to help calm you down.
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sorryhaz · 7 years
Chapter 3
The next time Harry saw Jude was, once again, at Nick’s place, a couple of weeks later.
He had a cocktail party coming up and Nick would let him borrow a shirt that matched his white suit, so he had to pick the shirt up before getting ready.
Jude was in fact the one that opened Nick’s apartment door for him to get in. As soon as she saw him, her smile grew and the blush that was always resting on her cheeks seemed to gain a certain brightness.
“Hey!” she’d smile cheerfully “It’s been a minute, Haz” she quickly gave him a small hug, and he couldn’t help but feel electricity as soon as she called her that nickname, Haz.
“Hi there” he smiled back “Yeah, it has, I’m afraid” he got in, following Jude through Nick’s apartment, one that he already knew very well.
“Nick’s not home” she said “He actually asked me to come over so I could let you in to get some shirt or something like that” she rambled “So I guess we should go to his bedroom”
Harry just nodded and the two of them paced towards the bedroom. When they got there, Jude sat on the bed while Harry carefully looked through the shirts that his friend had, looking for the striped one that was meant to go with his suit.
“So” Jude spoke up “You got an event or something?” she questioned.
“A cocktail thing” he replied “Kind of a boring thing, not very excited to go, to be honest” he chuckled.
“I’m sorry about that” she smiled “but I mean, it’s still a cocktail, you can get very drunk and have fun” she suggested.
Harry laughed, grabbing the shirt as he found it “Actually” he turned around “I still need a date, Jude” he felt nervous and licked his lips “Would you like to go? As friends, obviously” he cleared up “I’ll take you and I’ll bring you back, we could have some fun…” he started rambling, afraid of being rejected.
“I mean, sure” she smiled “I just don’t know if I have anything to wear for the occasion” she furrowed her eyebrows “Like, what do you even wear to those things?”
He laughed “Like, a nice dress, Ju”
“Yeah” she nodded, remembering what she had at home “Would you mind to go to my place and help me find something?” she asked “You have a pretty sweet style and I guess I could use that”
Harry felt his heart beat quicker. Yes. Yes. Sure.
“I wouldn’t mind” he played it cool “Let’s go find you something.”
Jude smiled and got up, walking with Harry towards the door, locking it up and heading towards her apartment.
Harry was quite surprised by Jude’s apartment. It was messier than Nick’s, but there was a really artistic vibe to it. She had a big book shelf on the living room, along with a white couch that had a knitted throw laying on it, a coffee table with some carving done on the sides and two armchairs, along with plants and a few crystals for decoration. Harry could also notice how the walls had various paintings and prints hanging on them, and he took special care to scan them.
“Are any of these yours?” he wondered, looking around at the artwork.
“No, there are either my friend’s or I’ve bought them” she said, looking at them as well “I have mine on my studio” she said pointing towards a door “want to have a look?”
He did. He really did. They didn’t have time however.
“Oh God, I’m dying to” he sincerely said “But we need to get ready because this thing starts in a couple of hours” he said “Any other day I’d be more than glad”
She was a bit disappointed but also excited about the fact that Harry was interested in her art, so she just nodded and guided the way towards her room.
“Well, keep in mind that I don’t have as many clothes as Nick does, but I do have some dresses here…” she said.
Harry stepped forwards and began going through her clothes, picking out a honey-yellow, flowy dress, along with some black heels. Jude nodded and took the clothes from him.
“I need to go get ready now, but I’ll pick you up in about an hour, alright?” he asked.
“Sure, let me walk you to the door” they both paced towards the front door and Jude smiled once they reached it “See you in a minute”
“See you in a minute” he greeted, giving her a small hug and leaving.
To say Jude was nervous was an understatement; she was terrified.
She kept checking herself in the mirror, fixing her makeup and hair, checking her teeth and wondering over and over if her jewelry was too much or too little for the occasion
She then started to grow anxious over the fact that she was going to be seen with Harry and her photo would probably be taken a hundred times. She was also anxious about what she was going to tell Matt after all of this, since the two of them had been hooking up and kind of cared about the other, but weren’t nowhere near to being a couple, or anything. They, however, still had something going on, and she’d have to explain that to Harry.
Sitting on the couch, the bell finally rang and she got up to receive a, very handsome, Harry waiting for her on her doorstep.
“Hello again” he grinned, dimples showing “you look beautiful” he complimented her.
“Hi there” Jude blushed “you look really handsome as well, thank you” her cheeks heated even more “let me get my bag and we can get going, yeah?” he nodded and he rushed inside to pick her bag and her phone, making sure everything she needed was inside.
“I’m ready” she informed, both of the exiting the apartment and making their way towards Harry’s car that was waiting outside the apartment complex.
Harry introduced his driver, Joe, and opened the door for Jude, sitting right next to her.
The car ride was quite silent, Jude staring out of the window and Harry being way too nervous to even try and start a conversation. She intimidated him, a lot; and he never knew how to act around her, even if he was aware of the fact that she was way too nice to even be mean to him, whatever he did.
He thanked the gods when they arrived to the hotel that was hosting the cocktail, helped Jude out of the car, and thanked Joe, telling him he’d call him when he needed to go back.
Jude could feel all the stares that came with walking in with Harry, and as soon as she saw the brightness of the first flash, she got closer to him, looking for protection.
“Shit, I’m sorry about the pictures” he sincerely said.
“It’s no problem, happens the same when I go out with Nick” she smiled “it’s just awkward, but really, don’t worry” she smiled.
He hated that she was so lovely.
They both found themselves glasses of champagne and walked around the room, Harry introducing people to Jude and her trying to make small chat with everyone. Things got a bit awkward when an old man that worked at Harry’s record company suggested that Jude was his girlfriend, and they both had to explain that, in fact, she was just a friend.
Between silly excuses, the both of them could get themselves out of the conversations and find a spot to chat on the terrace. It was decorated with fairy lights and floral bouquets on the white-clothed tables that rested on the terrace’s grass, so they took a sit on one of those after getting new drinks.
“I see you liked mojitos” she pointed out when she saw what Harry had chosen.
“You hooked me on these” he chuckled “Hey, Jude, I really hope I’m not crossing any boundaries in here, but, if I may ask, what’s going on between you and Matt?” he asked her, anxiety growing over him as he said each word.
“I-well” she stopped, looking for the right words to say “I mean, we kind of have this thing going on, I don’t know if I could explain it very well…” she bit her lip “I like Matt, he’s a really educated, eloquent guy, and I guess he fancies me as well, so I guess we’re just messing around for a bit, nothing too serious, we hook-up and we care for each other, I don’t know” her hand went through her curls “We’re friends, at the end of the day. I like to keep things casual, you know… Why’d you ask?”
Harry felt himself blush and he obliged himself to believe that it was because of a different reason than the frustration he felt knowing that Jude fancied Matt “Don’t know, just that I saw you kissing the other day and… don’t know” Jude knew better than pushing things out of him so she smiled and kept drinking.
“What about you, are you dating anyone?” she wondered.
“Oh, no, I’m not” he licked his lips “I guess there isn’t anyone out there, who’s available, that feels right.”
“Someone will come up” she assured him “You’re honestly a great guy, I really think you are, even if we don’t know each other that much”  Harry just wanted to tell her that she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen and that Matty could fuck himself and that he just wanted to kiss her so bad.
But he didn’t. He just kept asking questions.
“Don’t you ever miss your family?” he softly asked.
“I do, yes” she nodded “However, my dad already lived in a different country than I did, even back there” she explained “I really miss my sister though, she’s my best friend, and I could use some mum time sometimes too” she looked away from him, clearly getting nostalgic “But I guess, this is what I always dreamed of, and they come visit from time to time, so I really try not to think about the distance”.
“I’m sorry you have to be away from them” he smiled “I bet they miss you as well”
“You should meet them when they come! They’re lovely, especially my father, he’s the most interesting, most educated man I know” she smiled “You and him would get along really well”
They kept chatting about random topics; family, friends, food, art, books, pets, even plants.
“What’s your favorite flower?” Jude wondered, resting her head on her right hand, elbow on the table.
“What?” he chuckled.
“You know, people think flowers are just for girls, but they’re so pretty, I don’t see why men wouldn’t have a favorite flower” she explained “So what’s yours?”
“Carnations” he replied “I had never given much thought to it, but I do like to buy them whenever I stumble across a flower stand on the street, I don’t know, I just like them” he smiled “What about you?”
“Poppies” Harry thought that the lipstick she was wearing was just the color of poppies’ petals “My mum always smelled like them, so I guess that’s where I got the liking from”
The conversation flued until Jude was interrupted by a phone call, from Matty, and excused herself from Harry to answer. He obviously said yes but wanted to throw her phone across the party and have a never ending conversation with her.
“Hello?” she spoke.
“Hi, love” Matt spoke on the other end “How are you?”
“I’m good, I’m with Harry, joined him to this cocktail party thing” she bit her lip, nervous of his reaction “What about you?”
“I’m good, actually missed you and was wondering if I could go over for some tea, but I guess it won’t be, maybe we can see each other tomorrow?” he wondered. She could not sense any tone of anger on his voice so she got calmer.
“Sure thing. Just shoot me a text when you wake up and we’ll schedule something.” She smiled to the phone. No matter how casual things were, she was really into Matt.
“Alright darling, have fun with Harry, tell him I say hey” Matt voiced “See you tomorrow, bye”
“See you” she mumbled before cutting the call and walking back to Harry. He was sitting on the same table, watching people on the dancefloor.
“Matty says hi” she announced.
“Oh, I guess I say hi too” he chuckled “Do you want to go dance?” he nodded towards the dancefloor.
Jude’s face lit up. If something she liked to do, was dancing, especially in Britain, since in here she felt like the best dancer, always feeling like brits were a bit stiff when dancing.
She just took Harry’s hand and lead him to the dancefloor, their bodies moving together to the beat of the music. That until ‘Despacito’ came in. Then she let herself go and felt her roots in the music.
Harry couldn’t help but stare at her. She looked so beautiful. Her curls were down and the moved her hips to the beat, leading him to dance with her. He placed his hands on her waist and they danced until they got tired of it, when Harry suggested that they called Joe to pick them up.
Jude agreed, although she would’ve liked to stay with Harry a little longer, enjoying his company too much.
Joe arrived a couple of minutes later, and yet again the car ride was silent, although this time the silence was comfortable.
Harry walked Jude to her doorstep, trying to extend the night as much as possible.
“Thank you for tonight, Haz, I really did have a lot of fun” she smiled while she looked for her keys “Do you want to come in? Have a drink?” she offered.
”I enjoyed it as well” he smiled “And as much as I’d love to have a drink, I think we all should have some sleep” he politely declined the offer.
“You’re right, we should. Maybe you can come tomorrow evening? We could have some coffee and I’ll finally get to show you my art” She offered.
“I’d love to” he agreed “At about 5?”
“Five’s perfect” she smiled “again, thank you Harry, really had an amazing night” she said before kissing his cheek and entering his apartment.
Harry just stood on her doorstep for a couple of minutes.
Her favorite flowers were poppies.
AN: Please message me about what you think of What A Shame so far!! I’m kind of really into writing it, so feedback is much appreciated!
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taradreschner-blog · 7 years
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tara dreschner + headcanons
1. Tara is judgmental. They can’t help it or at least have never tried. They quickly come up with an idea of what someone is and rarely change their mind, instead choosing to believe the role that they’ve cast everybody in. Their assumptions are often deeply cynical in nature; they look for the worst in people before ever finding the good. There are people Tara will never be friends with because of what they’ve seen in them.
2. They’ve only begun recently making friends besides the two they’ve always had. It was easy in high school to stay forever in each other’s company, to barely acknowledge anyone outside their band of musketeers. But with Denna gone Tara had no choice but to expand their horizons and, reluctantly, they did. Despite themselves they’ve actually enjoyed spending time with Gen and Leo, but it feels like a strange sort of betrayal. Not even to Denna, who doesn’t seem to mind with how busy she is with her fascinating new life, but to Tara. They aren’t used to talking to people who don’t know them in and out, who don’t instinctively know how to translate their rolling eyes and monotone into affection.
3. Most people think Tara is rude. They don’t blame them, mainly because they kind of are. They communicate primarily through blunt comments and long-suffering sighs, actual enthusiasm hidden behind a layer of armor. It’s a defense mechanism, albeit a horrible and often negative one.
4. As a child Tara had always been too much. Too bossy, too serious and sullen and prone to acts of mild melodrama like calling daycare teachers fascist ogres or “borrowing” every book in their family library one by one until their room became a fortress of bound leather and paper. They were terminally weird, the kind of kid that made adults chuckle and peers cringe. Their mother called it precociousness. Most people called it being a pain in the ass. They were, Tara thinks, both right.
5. Tara doesn’t have a father. Or, rather, they do and it doesn’t matter. Lea Dreschner, heiress to a family legacy of railway barons and stock market kings, had known a man once upon a time as a rich girl with nothing to do. Things ended, as relationships so often do, and she found that she was pregnant. She describes Tara as a happy accident, the thing that helped her decide what she wanted out of life. These days Lea works as a motivational speaker talking about finding your inner light and living as a summer breeze, listing sentimental declarations on life and love that Tara can’t bring themselves to believe. Lea is everything her child is not; optimistic, enthusiastic, extroverted and often naive. It’s easy to see that she was sheltered in a way that Tara never could have been. Lea sees life as a fairytale and, almost as a result, Tara sees it as all too real.
6. This is not to say that Tara dislikes their mother. They love her. Lea Dreschner was for a time the only one who stood by her child, who insisted that there was nothing wrong with a child that was a little serious and uptight and prone to lecturing about injustice. It was Lea, when Tara came out at fourteen, who made buttons and threw a party for two with streamers and cake frosted with pronouns. She’s silly and Tara needs a little bit of silliness just as her mother needs someone to bring her down to earth.
7. It was natural, when Lea began making friends in the neighborhood, that Tara would tag along. Spending time with Denna and Preston was always refreshing, kids of the same age who always seemed to understand that their lack of expression didn’t mean a lack of enthusiasm.
8. Tara hates their family home. It’s a McMansion monstrosity, all beige and spiraling staircases and tacky granite floors, that Lea had bought when she’d decided to settle down. Their childhood bedroom has been altered greatly over the years; walls are covered in posters of everything from 1930’s public health warnings to bands they haven’t listened to in years, polaroids and dried herbs hanging above their bed, colorful rugs scattered across the floor, and a shade over their light that tints the whole room green.
9. In Preston’s Dnd campaign, which Tara pretends to still not know all the rules to, Tara plays a wood elf bard named Madge (They insisted they couldn’t think of a more creative name). They insisted Preston let them create a spell and now “Wonderwall” is their go-to move. The rest of the time they do everything they can to avoid a fight, leading Madge to make many options that lean worryingly evil.
10. A word that could be used to describe Tara is particular. Another is exacting. Perhaps the most accurate would be control freak.
11. Tara looks way cooler than they actually are. They care about clothes and style in a very particular way and their mother has always indulged their whims. Many people say that Tara presents more feminine, but Tara thinks that’s kind of bullshit. Their hair may be grown out long, but it’s more 70s shag than anything else. A lot of their clothes lean retro- bell bottoms and crop tops and big ugly jackets with big clunky boots to top it all off. And if sometimes they wear a bitchin’ dress, well, that’s no one’s business but their own.
12. In their sophomore year of high school, Tara began selling their old clothes and their mother’s vintage online for petty cash. Years later their shop Despoena has achieved an impressive amount of popularity and has expanded into an online vintage store, as well as selling a couple indie clothing, makeup and skincare brands. Tara does not make clothing themselves, but they have a good eye for curating a specific image. The store’s official instagram has far more followers than their personal one, which is how they like it. No one except Denna and Preston even know they run the store, though others might know of it.
13. They know they’re hardly charming enough to be the face of the enterprise, so they keep it purposefully anonymous. The store’s official blog and social media is amiable in a way that Tara is incapable of being, seeming authentic and soft while still professional.
14. Tara recently found out that the amazing designs they’d seen around town are by Naia and they will walk over broken glass to get her stuff in their store. They just don’t know how to ask her.
15. It’s too silly and unsure for Tara to admit wanting it, but in moments where they’re truly honest about their goals they want to expand Despoena into something even bigger. They’ve started taking business classes, but they’re too nervous to talk about it with anyone besides Preston (Not Denna. It’s petty, but they like keeping something from her like how they know she’s keeping something from them). It feels ridiculous for someone as practical as them to be dreaming so big.
16. Imagine Despoena as a cross between Nasty Gal and Goop. There’s a focus on a natural minimalism with quirky touches. Down below I’ll link to some of the clothes and stuff I think would be on there. If I could do literally anything in photoshop I would make a logo, but I’m actually garbage sooo… sorry.
17. Tara was raised on health food and their deep dark shame is that they basically hoard circus peanuts. They’ve been vegetarian basically since birth in addition to being kosher and circus peanuts are neither. They taste like toxic bananas and are orange for some reason and they always have a bag hidden under their bed.
18. Tara and Heath would actually probably get along if Tara were able to talk to Heath without immediately hating them. If anything they could bond over starting a business anonymously or being ridiculously protective of Denna. This isn’t even a headcanon this is just something I realized while writing this.
19. Tara is more cold than angry. If they’re mad at you, you might not even know until a month later.
20. They don’t really look pretty. Or attractive or whatever, despite having the bone structure of an angel. And they don’t want to be attractive. When it comes to their personal look, Tara revels in the strange and interesting. They’re far more likely to wear a sweatshirt patterned with cockroaches than one of the simple and fun dresses you’d find on Despoena. It’s not that Tara dislikes that style- they love it, it’s why their store is the way it is. But for themselves they can only accept it in diluted doses; a simple blouse only feels right when combined with the most trashed thrift store jeans that they have and ostentatious costume jewelry. It’s with the combination of the staid and the bizarre that Tara can feel like themselves, rather than picking a side to stick to.
21. All of Tara’s favorite movies are campy B horror. They love the cartoonish performances and technicolor gore. Preston and Denna have, in their time, been forced to watch many. Tara has most of them memorized line-for-line. They often lament that their wardrobe could use more neon pink-orange bloodstains ala Suspiria.
22. Tara is guarded, but deeply protective of anyone they consider a friend. If someone hurts someone that they care about, they will hate that person for the rest of time. It’s a passion that they don’t have in regards to defending themselves. Tara doesn’t care about people who might have been cruel to them once upon a time, but anyone who ever pushed Denna or Preston on the playground better watch out.
23. Tara was raised Jewish, but doesn’t practice heavily. They still identify as culturally Jewish, go to the synagogue on Yom Kippur, and do their best to keep kosher, mainly out of habit. Since they’re vegetarian, it mainly means feeling weird about cheese made with animal rennet. One time they tried bacon out of curiosity and honestly? Not worth it.
24 At 6’1, they’ve always been one of the tallest people they know. Whenever they interact with someone taller they get grumpy. It’s not something they’re self-conscious about; rather, they see it as something that helps define them.
25. Tara does, in fact, know things about video and tabletop games. They just have horrible twitch reflexes and a bad habit of getting sidetracked on quests no one thought of making, like trying to break down the government of a fantasy world and replace it with a functioning democracy instead of doing fun things and killing dragons.
26. Sometimes Tara appears on Preston’s channel, often to fail horribly at Overwatch (they main Zarya because she’s cute, but have no idea how to play her). Their main appearances are on a very rarely updated series where Tara plays Grand Theft Auto with Preston and tries to accomplish a very specific task that isn’t actually in the game (i.e: buying a pizza, working out at the gym).
27. Part of the reason Tara likes to focus on other people is because it means they don’t have to think about their own problems and mistakes. It’s easier to help a friend than to help yourself.
28. Tara’s romantic history is… complicated. They’ve never been in an official relationship, just flings that occasionally seemed like they might be more. Sometimes when they’re too depressed for their own good they wonder if they’re incapable of anything more, if that’s the cost of seeing the complicated parts of people first.
29. I have a half-formed wisp of an idea that might be really stupid, but I think in high school Tara had a crush on one of Denna’s significant others and nothing happened but they still feel really guilty and gross about it.
30. Tara would rather be miserable than possibly hurt one of their friends.
31. For all of middle school and the first two years of high school, Tara had braces and (occasionally) headgear. It was horrible and part of the reason why they rarely smile or show their teeth.
32. Halloween is Tara’s favorite holiday. They would always give their candy to Preston and Denna as a kid, because their favorite part was going all out with costumes and decorations. Their costumes have only gotten more elaborate over the years and they rope friends into joining them. In the vague future where everything’s cool and they’ve accepted Denna and Heath’s relationship, they finally get to accomplish their dream of going as the cast of Scooby Doo with Pluto as Scooby.
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