#like holy shit all the little details???
kanonsarchivedblog · 2 years
*EDIT 8/10/22* hi hello this got WAY more notes that I anticipated. I wanna slap a lil' disclaimer on here: I'm not involved in the military in any branch; my father was, but he retired out before I was even born, and due to some things I don't feel like putting on here, I no longer have him in my life. That being said- thank you to the wonderful writers & folks on here who've given me more information that I didn't have/didn't previously know of! I've only recently really been digging into my own family's military history (specifically with the Seabees), so what I know primarily comes from word of mouth or what I've been able to look into during my free time.
Also please do not take what I write on here as word of a god, per say. I'm just a writer who has found these two movies to be a massive comfort. But I'll be adjusting what I have written in here with information I've received, as well as shove this neat little piece of information about the Chest Candy that the Dagger Squad has thanks to @wombtotombx !!
I rewatched Top Gun: Maverick today and I noticed so many more little details that I hadn't before, so here you go. My thoughts. My rambles. Some theories.
First thing I noticed in the beginning is Maverick's patches on his flight jacket. He has it filled up with so many- but he also has a Seabee patch. The Seabees are a branch of the Navy that are sent in ahead of everyone else to literally build shelters for the soldiers and roads- and sometimes, embassies. (My dad was a Seabee in the 80s and 90s; he helped build the US Embassy in Cairo.) Which means that Maverick, at some point, maybe was not an aviator and instead worked on the GROUND. This isn't confirmed, he could have just been friends with a Seabee and they traded patches!
Whether this was BEFORE the events of TG or during the blank period, I don't know, but I genuinely loved that little detail. I just like that they included a little nod to them.
As we know from the first movie, Mav was never able to go into the Academy; chances are, he enlisted at 18 and went in starting at an E-0 rate, went through OCS (Officer Candidate School), or was able to be in ROTC during his high school/college years.
Also, Admiral Simpson is a 3 Star Admiral; Admiral Kazansky was a 4 Star Admiral.
Admiral Simpson was in the Academy the year Pete graduated, entering in 86 and graduating in 88 (the Academy takes 4 years to go through according to the current curriculum and rules). He would have just entered when the Accident occurred. He knows of Maverick, knows who he is and what he's capable of. He doesn't hate him. He just doesn't trust him, not completely, because of how reckless he is. [PLS NOTE THE ACADEMY IS USNA, NOT TOPGUN. I genuinely forgot to slap this in here but thank you to @indynerdgirl for this]
But Maverick has 6 rows of ribbons on his dress whites. How neat.
Warlock has 6.5 rows of ribbons!
I'm causally nabbing this from the replies to this post but @wombtotombx explained ribbons better than I've been able to understand: "More ribbons does absolutely not equal higher esteem! For example, you could have two ribbons because you received two individual meritorious awards (a Joint Achievement for being at a joint command, and a Navy/MC (Marine Corps, bc they're sister branches) Achievement at a Navy Command). But if you received these individual meritorious awards at Navy commands, you'd only get one ribbon (Navy/MC Achievement, with two stars). You can also have different ribbons for campaigns, which does not mean "esteem" but just means you were in the right place at the right time. For example, East Coast carriers that deployed to the Middle East and ended up with the Afghanistan & Inherent Resolve ribbons, plus GWOT-E. West Coast carriers did not have equivalent campaign ribbons. You could have done just as many sorties/strikes in the Pacific, but not have those "ribbons" because they don't exist."
But this also made me realize that Rueben Fitch/Payback doesn't have any ribbons at all on his uniform. Just his Wings of Gold.
Hondo is still amazing and is the literal backbone when he's on the carriers. He's the one who reads everything on the screens and without his guidance, no one would know what the fuck to do.
Natasha and Bradley have HISTORY- what that is, I don't know, but enough that she genuinely trusts his flying more than Jake's- meaning they have flown together in the past. Possibly all three have flown together.
Also, Coyote's "Hey" to her- HOO those two have HISTORY, TOO.
Natasha trusted Robert the MOMENT she realized he was her backseat. Any man who can just sneak up and no one notice? Thats a damn good pilot.
Jake was closer to Coyote, Halo, Omaha, Yale, and Harvard than the others. B Team vs A Team.
Omaha was Yale's backseat; Harvard flew alone. Halo was someone's RIO, but I can't remember who. [ EDIT: Rooster, Hangman, Coyote, and Fritz are single-seaters; Halo is Omaha's WSO and Harvard is Yale's WSO! ]
Iceman telling Pete that it's time to let go- not just of Goose (which he still doesn't), but of him, too. Tom knew that he was dying. He knew it. And he wanted Pete to be prepared. And how sad Tom looked when Pete started crying- his heart broke.
P e n n y. PENNY. The opening scene when Bradley starts singing Great Balls of Fire- how she looks so happy until she sees Maverick and sees that thousand yard stare- how she realizes that oh, holy shit, this is GOOSE'S son, and Pete is having a whole ass PTSD flashback. And how Pete's face crumbled- genuinely paled and looked ready to cry.
And then seeing how broken Pete was at Tom's funeral. How he was trying so fucking hard to hold those tears back because god, he's alone now. Rooster's words are true: no wife, no children, no one to mourn.
He's alone. Tom was the last piece. And he's gone.
Pete still talking to Goose gives me chills. He'll always talk to him. That's his wingman. But hearing him talk to Bradley immediately after he whispered 'Talk to me, dad.' God DAMN.
Also Bradley has a fear of open water. Its obvious. How he looks at the water while they fly over? Holy shit, that boy is scared out of his mind. All he can think of is this is how dad died in open water.
Jake Seresin. Jake, cocky bastard that he is, deserves to be a little cocky because he has three whole rows of ribbons. But he learned to care for his team, here. I don't think he had this connection to a team prior to this. And how terrified he looked while on standby when he heard that Rooster went down. He looked genuinely terrified. But was so, so fucking proud of his team when they got through it originally, before shit went BAD.
Also, whatever history he has with Natasha? And Rooster? I need to know. I loved hearing the Texan drawl.
But I think he tries to psych out his fellow pilots to make sure they're prepared for their mission. He wants to know who he can trust and who'll fuck it all up. And Rooster was the genuine wildcard, here.
Also, out of the 12 of them, Natasha and Jake have the most ribbons. They both have 3 full rows. From that I could see, I think Mickey (Fanboy) has the least, but I think that's because he may be the youngest? I'm not 100% sure on that, though.
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ambrosiagourmet · 3 months
I have been reading through the Adventurer’s Bible character blurbs more closely for fic writing reasons and it is honestly incredible to me how much every single one of these characters have some detail or nuance or story implied in their history that makes me go a little insane
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orcboxer · 4 months
bro WHAT is up with these creepy owl fuckers
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Something I find interesting as I delve deeper into different mediums of The Sandman is the way that Dream's appearance is used as a literary device. I don't remember whether I've discussed it here or not, but throughout the comics, his outfits serve as an indicator of his outward emotions and attitude while the style of the artist is often used to depict some aspect of his internal, unspoken emotional turmoil/peace. This carries over to the audiobook, though without the graphic aspect inherent to the original medium, it manifests in an interesting way through narration and further solidifies this interpretation of significance.
I had to start on Volume II for *cough* reasons, and the usage of detail is quite similar to other works by Gaiman, in that they are only included where it is important. He doesn't hit you over the head with scenery at every chance, it's carefully slotted into the scene at the points where it is most necessary and poignant, with the depth of these descriptions being directly tied to the importance that you, the listener, understand. We only hear that the random park is peaceful in the soundscaping because the park itself serves no purpose beyond that, but we get a couple paragraphs of description of Hell because it is vitally important we understand the scale and intensity of the horrors found there; setting is only acknowledged when it contributes to the narrative. This is echoed in The Sandman: Annotated, where we get some notes in the script regarding artistic choices—many of which are gestural, some of which are very detailed so that the artist may understand from this where their (and by extension the reader's) attentions must be drawn, which provides a sort of visual pacing.
To draw my point in a bit, Dream's castle follows this rule as an extension of his will and selfhood. It changes often to reflect what facet of himself he wants to convey outward most directly; appearing first as a rather low set, art nouveau affair with perhaps a silly bit of phallic imagery, then a gothic castle atop a mountain, most clearly establishing things when he puts it at the needlepoint top of a physically impossible peak covered in turrets and rooflines which jab into the air forbiddingly during Season of Mists as he contemplates the Key. When Dream is settled, the Dreaming is as well, when he is tumultuous, such follows. We don't get blow by blow descriptions, only when it is necessary.
Now that the visual language has been established and connected (insofar as I really can with the allotted mental energy for a tumblr post, however much of a passion project this may be, I am tired), it can be connected to Dream himself. His character design is very intentional, it reflects the post-punk, modernist take on its themes through his incredibly goth Look—he has the big, messy hair and impossibly white skin, dark clothes and dramatic fashion sensibilities—but beyond that, it reflects what feeling we are supposed to get from him. Morpheus' sense of self is ridiculously deeply tied to expectaction and perception of others, his entire personhood is based on what they expect. Despite this, to his infinite chagrin it seems, he has a personal identity sitting at his core that we see in his "natural" versus "put on" appearance (for lack of better terms): he's quiet and withdrawn but highly passionate and caring with all of the expected emotional regulation issues we would expect of someone with these temperaments they desperately repress; What he can control (clothes and hair) are utilized similarly to the castle, conveying his outward intention—think his driving outfit in Brief Lives versus his family dinner outfit in Season of Mists versus his final outfit in the Kindly Ones—where the things he cannot consciously seem to control are disguised by him, but utilized by art or narration to make a statement on his surroundings and feelings—think again of those outfits, of what his behavior means through that lens, what is conveyed through detail and silhouette.
What these more consistent physical attributes say is quite interesting, and quite revealing: Dream is not that scary. Sure his eyes will make you feel like you've stared down the cosmos and felt god touch your soul, but beyond that? Really? He's just a dude. A beautiful and strange one, but really nothing especially imposing. He's tall, but that effect is sort of diminished by his slight build. His face is angular and ethereal, but often careworn or haggard as well in a way I would compare to a very old and very poorly maintained stone statue. What this means to me is that Dream was never meant to be this frightening and imposing figure, that this was a choice made by the active individual we know exists because he is the one telling us about this all! A choice against his own nature that is concealed as often, swiftly, and mistakenly as his internal nature. This is, to conclude my point, supported by where these aspect of his appearance are given weight through art and narration. We only hear about his stature when he's sad or scared, only hear about his inhumanly pale skin when faced against the more beautiful aspects of personhood or mortality, only hear about his eyes when he uses them to scare or comfort.
These details of appearance are as woven into the narrative as any plot point, and used as any theme; which makes sense, he is the Prince of Stories afterall.
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moinsbienquekaworu · 1 year
Rewatched OFMD for my presentation and I don't know how I managed to be normal about Izzy for months but I sure as fuck am not normal about him right now
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@korblez I'm counting it as close enough to 'you asked', here's a chunk of drell thinks in general xD
And the realization I've had recently that... I think I've unconsciously been developing them as a sort of... foil?? Parallel? to the asari xD Which was probably running with the designer notes of 'this entire species based on creating a single individual of Pure Fanservice'.
But yes there's elements like:
Biotics! I HC Rakhana as an eezo rich planet, and most native life had biotic potential... but it never really developed beyond that. Unlike most contemporary sapient species, drell had no prothean ruins- the most alien tech present on the planet were a handful of discarded Dragon's Teeth style items from cycles long past, knowledge of which only survives in folklore today. Once introduced to the wider galactic community though, all refugees were identified as having biotic potential, and the few who remain on Rakhana do as well. Subsequent generations have markedly lower degrees, but there is a very distinct correlation of biotics born following pilgrimage trips to the homeworld.
Rakhana is actually still inhabited... but yeah it's rough. While there were offerings to try terraforming techniques to restore some of the ecosystem, they were refused- drell are creatures of memory, after all, and future generations must be allowed to see with their own eyes what unchecked progress for progress' sake wrought. Pilgrimage, for them, is mostly a matter of seeing their own ruin: here were once verdant oases teeming with life, now dried into dust, displays of flora and fauna driven to extinction, that sort of thing. The more spiritual/hardcore sorts have a parallel journey that stops at several temples, ruins, and natural formations. Traditionally, it's done on foot with no navigation equipment, following ancient migration paths still passed down through various songs, poems, and family histories.
Drell have an absolutely unmatched oral tradition and no one will ever convince me otherwise, The Oddesy ain't got shit on some of the drell epics xD However, this comes with an unfortunate drawback, especially with the climate crisis- there was a sharp lack of written works, and when communications/storage failed, they lost an enormous amount of information.
Their lifespan being around 80 years is... Flawed. Prior to evac, it was close to current human standards, but got skewed extremely hard once Kepral's became commonplace. It's starting to climb again, thanks to improving treatments, and there are high hopes for a widely available preventative gene therapy soon. (I choose to play it as - oh, it's severe, nasty to treat/prone to reoccurring... but it is treatable, especially with early diagnosis. Also, it's not an important hc, but I imagine Dr. Saleon had a lot of drell patients back when he was active...)
Gender/sex is interesting for drell - the closest Earth analog is a trioecy system, ultimately most drell unions can potentially produce offspring (and there's been around half a dozen known cases of parthenogenesis), but on the whole, birth rates stay fairly low without intervention. Certain environmental conditions (light, temperature, & diet) can have a masculinizing or femininizing effect, but in the current day it's a lot easier to go for direct targeted hormone treatment if you're dead-set on going towards an extreme end. (As far as presentation goes: earthy/warm tones have more of a feminine association, bright/jewel tones more masculine- kind of playing off the alleged bird inspirations lol, and fashion/cultural intricacies are all over the place- if there's much of a divide in the first place. They & the hanar got lucky, neither being a species with a hard binary situation, it was a lot less fun trying to figure out how to get things to translate well with others...)
The most widely practiced branch of polytheism (particularly on Kajhe) is actually more accurately labeled a semi-omnism, drawing deities and spirits from many drell religions; an attempt to preserve as many elements of their cultures as possible and a declaration of unity as a people in the face of a broadened universe and their own near demise. Younger generations haven't held onto that so much, and there's even some who espouse an attitude of 'whatever gods we had, we killed', while others lean towards a pantheistic/siari deal. While practice isn't totally discouraged on Kajhe, it's hard to find more than a household shrine; several high-profile priests died under... questionable circumstances within the last twenty years or so, and funerary procedures are almost exclusively drawn from Enkindler doctrines; a drell enclave on the Citadel is the current hub for the more devout.
There was/still is a serious thing with debt/gratitude in drell culture- there's no convenient 'oh I forgot you did that!' lol. You treat people well, because they will remember! This is partly what led to the Compact- refugees who felt they owed the hanar a genuine life debt, and a few families feel it lingers through subsequent generations- after all, they wouldn't be there otherwise, right? Thane's family were among that group, so as far as he knew, that was just how things worked. He... never entirely reconciled Irikah's pointing out that it was one thing for first generation- or even present adults- to make that choice, something else entirely to give up a child just developing their permanent memory. (But hey, he agreed to keeping Kolyat out of it, so... progress?)
Drell cuisine tends to go wild on flavour/seasoning, and a major part of post-evacuation culture has been food-oriented- learning new dishes, adapting old ones, fusion cuisine is a massive hit, and if you're invited for a visit, you are getting dinner and extra for the next night.
On the whole they lean towards fairly social- multigenerational households are the norm, and especially around Kajhe and the Citadel, you'll often find otherwise unaffiliated single adults meeting at a dinner table. Even the more introverted will tend towards lurking in crowded spots. (Part of this may have developed due to the slippery nature of their memories- those who slip hard into something alone may be hurt or waste away, staying near crowds ups the chance of someone maybe helping bring you back to the present.)
Ok this one seems to go against a common take I've seen, and it's that drell can handle (relative) temperature extremes either way- I imagine Rakhana tends towards hot days and cold nights, so it takes a fair bit for either cold or heat to get to them. (That said, heat tolerance > cold tolerance, but it's still more than most humans can take xD)
Aaand I think that's all I got for now xD
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darubyprincx · 1 year
i'm going to go to bed and try as best as i can to melt into the earth and then reread this book again knowing exactly how it will end
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bewilderedbuck · 1 year
all i have to say so far is holy shit oh my fucking god
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salty-dracon · 1 year
it is absolutely wild that i’m very much not a pokemon fan but i’m absolutely crazy about temtem’s world design, worldbuilding, and art direction
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lilgynt · 1 year
my male coworkers are fucking crazy it’s so funny this dude asked me what my plans for the day were and i was either knocking out or going to the movies and he’s like oh shit lemme hop on so i was like sure and we tried inviting our other coworker but blah blah im like we can plan for next week if it doesn’t work for her and he’s like nah we’ll just go then texts me while i’m driving home like actually i can’t see a movie alone with u it would need to be a group for my gf to approve HELP?
#personal#it was just so funny to me bc he asked to come with!!!#i was the one pushing for our coworker!!!#it was like all that for what??????#anyway that and my other coworker being like yeah no i can’t take ur number my gf would go insane#straight relationship boundaries are so fuckin crazy#or maybe it’s just me but still both times i was like :0#to be clear it wasn’t even in that sense i was getting my other coworkers info bc she was gonna take a nap and i was gonna call if she o#overslept through lunch and i offered if he wanted to get in my contacts too then he detailed his situation but like holy fuck that’s funny#all my coworkers that i hang with are a little qookie like the other day one of them straight admitted to stealing shit at some stores#and everyone including our trainer was like right. never say that at work again.#and then today i held a funeral for a baby bird while detailing MY situation with audrey and gg#yes they’re my partners we’re gonna spend the rest of our lives together#no we’re not sexually or romantically involed but honestly there’s a lot of tension and grey areas but we’re cool with it#they come first in my life but we’re allowed to get partners since we ain’t actually u know#and i didn’t mention but when going over it it’s like well fuck i need another partner for anyway i have them but that’s TOO faggy#inspired by my coworker who always talks about her wife letting us know it’s not a legal situation but of the heart and everyone was like#:0. also so funny she made a cutting joke no one got but me and we had like 30 seconds of non sensical laughing and screaming while#discreetly show scars and no one knew what was happening it was pretty funny
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righteousruin · 1 year
I know Penguin's an unreliable narrator but I gotta say,,, the audacity of including Bane in a room full of batvictim villains who joker got together to figure out who Batman was,,,lol,,,lmao even
#rascal reads comics#Bane figured that shit out in like a week it's kind of his Whole Deal lmao#this reboot is wild istg Secret Six Bane wasn't lying DC really did forget Who He Is#also this story about him being interviewed in prison before he went to the cavidad obscuro as a teenager -- sir#sir he was sent there as a CHILD that's the point he was cut off from literally all socialization during the time when it is most important#he didn't see or speak to or hear another human being between the ages of eight and nineteen it's why he's so weird with people#this reboot is removing all the details that made bane who he is alskdj#And he's already huge as a teenager ? he only built himself up like that because of the vision he had of himself when he was comatose#yknow - - the coma he fell into as a child who couldn't defend himself from the man he would wake up and murder as a child#and he wasn't send to the cavidad obscuro because of the murder -- he was sent there because he was a little boy who broke into the cell#of a grown-ass man with wHAT APPEARS TO BE A SCREWDRIVER -- and then MURDERED HIM WITH THE SCREWDRIVER#They found him following a trail of blood -- Bane was drenched in said blood and sitting grinning on his own bed . He was a CHILD.#doing those things AS A CHILD is why the warden called him 'a bane to all things holy' -- that's how he got his name#no one would be shocked that a huge teenager murdering a fellow inmate he wouldn't be sent to the obscuro for that#that was a religious ‟reflection‟ cell built by the monastery#He was sent there for being a devil child#Bane is a legend there because they put an Eight Year Old Boy with no survival skills into a death cell and he survived it#You remove the weight of it when you make him older -- he was in protective custody with his mother bro he spent ONE NIGHT in population#And it was after everyone else was locked up!! He interacted with two inmates!#Bane got sent to cell hell because he spent a total of maybe an hour total interacting with two inmates before he violently killed one#And then told the warden that he was speaking to the his dead mother in his dreams#Bane is a tragic character but bitch he was a Spooky Scary Demon Child first#Don't you dare erase my horrible hell baby DC that child was TERRIFYING
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lusalemaart · 8 months
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#really getting fucking tired of tumblr not compressing my file itself. like it ruins the quality but it wont#automatically resize my massive fucking files!? gotta do it myself?? ugh. the lack of usability across all social media platforms is just#getting so hard to stomach anymore. nothing is functional. people get their accounts removed for no logical reason. im exhausted.#and yet i still want all my shit in a collective place -_-#ugh.do you ever look at something and are like. holy shit i painted this.damn. unfortunately it doesnt happen very often but when it does?#almost always my vent boy. why. why is that?why cant i paint anything half decent except this emo boy with a mullet?whatever. also. kinda#random but.not actually random. related actually.idk if this is just me but like. sometimes there are Articles in ur living space that just#exist. like u just accept they exist even tho u have no recollection of attaining them. im talkin clothes specifically rn. like i have this#aqua-green robe with blue trim that ive had as far back as i can recall...except i cant for the life of me remember where it came from! its#almost like it spawned in my closet one day.i just. accept it.like. dont get me wrong. it cozy. its quite physically held up for decades.#i wear it all the damn time. but ive no mortal clue how it got here. ive no memory of receiving it.also ngl i had way too much fun renderin#his beard.like u cant tell bc i apply about a million overlay layers and filters respectively to my finished works. ultimately covering up#hours + hours worth of finely rendered details each drawn individually by hand. deeming my efforts useless in the end bc i cover it up but.#trust me. i took some time with that beard.beard gang beard gang.mullet beard gang.dirty smelly mullet beard man. hello yes my name is#80 y/o who is 32/33 years old. how are you today? im personally doing terrible.good talk. WHAT CAN I SAY i just think the emo grown ass man#with boatloads of physical AND emotional trauma is neat. MY HANDS LOOK LIKE THIS SO HIS DONT HAVE TO *camera pans to a fucked up little set#of discolored claws skin translucent as alll hell. no muscle.atrophied beyond repair. also a bit of dirt is caked under the brittle + ridge#unhealthy nails. cuts and scraped take approx 3 months to heal bc the nerve functioning is That Bad*.#botdbs#fk#on a final note. I drew these about a week ago. I was literally only listening to cheeseburger in paradise the whole time. Then I learned#today that Jimmy Buffett passed away yesterday. broke my heart a little. i was just drinking my coffee from my margaritaville mug too.#Rest in peace legend. I hope heaven has so many cheeseburgers.#so many cheeseburgers in literal paradise.#Makin' the best of every virtue and vice. Worth every damn bit of sacrifice. to get a. cheeseburger in paradise.
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fettery-fetterie · 9 months
Trying so hard to not go overly insane over bottle edition's ost but holy shit. Hooooly fuck hoOOOOOOly shit HooooooOOOOly hell
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ambrosiagourmet · 3 months
Little details from Falin's (final) resurrection that I love:
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when they say that they will need to rebuild her lower body, they seem to mean it pretty literally. There are scalpels and other surgical instruments on the table nearby, and that part is left to the elves to lead due to the difficulty. I wonder what kind of mix of magic and physical skill is needed to repair and recreate a body like that.
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Both Laios and Marcille contribute mana to help bring her back...
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but we don't get to hear exactly what they say. Those words are left for them and them alone.
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During Falin's meal, the little dragon is hungry too...
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so she shares her meal with it.
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Though Falin's dress is whole when we first see it, after she consumes the dragon meal, the bottom of it begins to fray in a way that resembles the veins we see being reconstructed with her body while she eats.
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three just in this set of panels - the bowl is there because she's been sleeping for some time (days?? weeks???) and they have been feeding her.
Marcille chewing on her sleeve while she sleeps.
And the fact that Izutsumi was holding vigil right alongside the rest of them.
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Laios just talking to & then hugging Falin right over Marcille.
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Speaking of the wait - how long was it? They'd almost given up?? They must have waited so long for her to wake up, sleeping right next to her bed the whole time.
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The cuddle pile..... Falin looks so (lovingly) annoyed bless her.
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This absolutely brutally dark joke that literally only could have come from Chilchuck. Holy shit buddy ^^;;
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Somewhat relatedly, Senshi making sure to mention the curry that they used to lure in & kill her. Note Marcille's face in the background.
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Izutsumi having waited there the whole time, but still being shy. Plus how she hides behind Laios. Truly the cat of all cat girls.
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This line from Marcille kind of seems like its her being overly protective of Falin (as she was after the first resurrection), until you realize that...
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It's probably more because she knows there is a big crowd outside and Falin is still in a nightgown.
Other small details in this part:
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Embarrassed Shuro averting his gaze, while Kabru keeps trying to snoop even after Marcille pulls Falin back inside (snoopy Namari too, though she's a little more justified than him)
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Senshi & Chilchuk go off together to make food, while Izutsumi (grumpily) accepts a proper introduction.
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Wherever they got this outfit & cloak for Falin, they also seem to have shared similar ones ones with...
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Laios, Chilchuck, and Yaad. I think its cute that they look like they either bought a bunch of similar cloaks, or were provided them as gifts.
And, of course,
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This smile C:
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thefatedthoughtofyou · 6 months
{ Thank you for the idea @imsodonewiththissite !! It almost got angsty but i controlled myself!!! }
"What in God's name is that?" Dustin’s voice goes almost shrill as he walks behind Steve, looks down at his pumpkin. Eddie's head shoots up from where he's carving his own pumpkin, his legs shot out in front of him, his feet hitting Steve's across from him. Steve flushes, tells Dustin to shut up, and shoves at his legs to get him to move on.
"Alright alright jeez! It's just... I've never seen a pumpkin like that. Did you even try?" Dustin huffs as he settles back into his own carving area between Lucas and Will.
"Yes. I did try. Thank you very much. Henderson." Steve huffs, wipes at his pumpkin, then wipes his hand in the grass to get the bits of guts off. Eddie sits up taller, making a show of trying to see Steve's carving, but not really trying to see, they'd agreed to show each other at the same time.
Steve hadn't really had any idea what to do, so he'd just done something silly. But he could see Will and Dustin’s and theirs were detailed, and spooky. And his just looked... stupid, now. Steve sighed and put the top back on his, waiting for Eddie to finish.
He was staring, he knew he was. He couldn't help it. He loved when Eddie was in full concentration mode, his tongue poking out between his lips, his brows crinkled. Steve would never tell him that. But he could look. No harm in that.
Eddie looked up and met his eyes, smiled brightly, and dusted of his own pumpkin before popping the top back on. He tilted his head, this way and that, a few times and then looked at Steve again.
"Okay. You ready?" He asked, drumming his fingers on the gourd resting under his hands. Steve scrunched his nose.
"I'm having second thoughts." He said quietly, the kids were all yelling, in their own little world, but he still didn't want them to hear.
"Aww. But I'm excited to see it! Especially with the way Dusty Buns reacted." Eddie drooped, his eyes going wide and sad, the way Steve was weak agaisnt. He sighed, his own body drooping.
"Ugh. Fine. On three?" He tilted his head. Eddie nodded.
"On three."
"Twosie." Eddie wiggled his fingers, Steve rolled his eyes fondly.
"Three!" They both said it together and turned their pumpkins toward each other.
Steve's eyes shot open, Eddie's was... good. Like really good. Everything a spooky jack-o-lantern should be. Creepy eyes, sharp teeth, what looked like a skull nose.
"Holy shit Eds. That's... holy shit. Mine is so shit compared to- why are you making that face? What's happening?" Steve changed directions mid sentence because Eddie's mouth had dropped open as he stared at Steve hideous excuse for a carving.
"Oh my god you hate it." Steve grabbed at his pumpkin, about to turn it back toward him and hide it forever but he froze when a sound started coming out of Eddie's open mouth.
It took a moment to really form, but once it got going, Steve could hear it. Manical giggles were bubbling up out of Eddie's mouth. He slapped his hands over his face to stop them but they just kept coming.
Steve wasn't sure if he should be offended or not. He frowned though, his brows dropping on his head and Eddie immediately shook his head.
"Oh my god he's ADORABLE!" Eddie cackled the words, shoved his own pumpkin genlty aside and crawled toward Steve's, his hands outstreched and grabbing.
"I know it's- wait what?" Steve was so confused.
"Steve I love him. Look at his stupid little face." He'd devolved into baby talk and was scratching at the pumkin like you would a babies chin. Steve felt himself smiling.
"Wait you actually like it?" Dustin guffawed from behind him. Eddie spun around fast, guarding Steve's pumpkin from sight.
"Excuse me?! 'It'? Don't you ever speak like that about my son- our son!" He jerked his thumb over his shoulder at Steve. Dustin rolled his eyes.
"It's not even scary! It's just a big mouth!" Dustin’s hands flailed. Eddie screamed at him dramatically, clutching his chest.
"He has a tooth! And two adorable teeny tiny eyes!" Eddie moved, pointed at the face Steve had made. El and Will both aw-d, Max and Lucas smiled, Mike just rolled his eyes.
"He's not- it's just-" Dustin stammered a bit.
"What? Dustin. He's what?!" Eddie asked, his hands still clutching at his chest.
"He's ugly! Okay? It's an ugly pumpkin!" Dustin yelled, Steve didn't even have time to feel hurt, because Eddie shrieked again, his voice going impossibly high.
"Dustin Henderson! I can't believe you just called your brother ugly. You heathen!" Eddie practically hissed the last word before he hopped to his feet and bundled Steve's pumpkin into his arms.
"Unbelievable. We don't need them Steve. Let's go." He popped his nose into the air and looked to Steve. He knew he had to look like a deer in headlights, not sure exactly where they were meant to be going.
"Kitchen." Eddie whispered, giving Steve a wink.
"Oh right. Okay yeah." Steve stumbled toward the door, opening it for Eddie as he stomped after him.
"Oh what you're going inside? Just leaving us out here?" Dustin called, Will and El booing him as he kept taunting Steve and Eddie. Eddie spun, looked at Dustin, propped the pumpkin on his hip like a toddler and pointed his finger accusingly.
"Yes. And we are leaving... in a huff!" Eddie's accent sounded slightly French at the end as he spun around again and stomped into the house.
"Slam the door Steven. Show them we mean it." Eddie said with an air finality. Steve grinned, fighting back laughter, and slammed the door. He tugged the blind closed too, for good measure. He turned to find Eddie wiping at the pumpkin with a wet washrag, getting all the little shavings off.
"You didn't have to do that." Steve said, moving to stand next to him. But not too close.
"Do what?" Eddie asked, grabbing the dish towel off the little hook and drying the pumpkin now. Steve sighed, leaned his butt against the counter and looked at the floor.
"Play it up liked you love the pumpkin. To make me feel better about my complete lack of skill." Steve laughed a little, shrugged, and looked up to find Eddie staring at him. He tossed the towel down and took a step forward.
"Oh no. Unfortunately for you, Steven. That was a genuine reaction. I fucking love this thing." He patted at the side of the pumpkin and grinned at Steve. Steve frowned.
"Really? It's not... I mean it's nothing special. Did you see Will's, I swear there was a castle on it." Steve shook his head. Dismissive.
"Oh I saw it. Still like yours more." Eddie said, matter of fact.
"Why?" Steve was still frowning. Eddie sighed, walked over and stood next to Steve, his arm pressed agaisnt him, warm.
"Me and my mom used to buy four pumpkins. Every Halloween. Always four. Two for her. And two for me." Eddie's voice was soft, the way it always was when he talked about his mother. Steve found himself trying not to breathe to loudly, he wanted to hear everything Eddie had to say.
"We'd each do a classic, spooky guy. But the other one. The other one we used to make just... the most ridiculous faces. Or the dumbest ones. Anything cute and silly." He looked at Steve for a moment, a soft smile on his lips at the memory.
"It very quickly became a contest of who could make who laugh the most. Just by carving some silly face." Eddie shook his head and laughed gently.
"I haven't made a funny one since she died. And you turned that pumpkin around and it took me back. To all those stupid pumpkins and how we used to laugh. And I mean really laugh." Eddie's voice was getting tight as he spoke, a little wobbly, and Steve wanted to hug him, wasn't sure if he could.
"She had the best laugh Steve. She'd have loved this." He moved his hand over the pumpkin again, gently stroked down it's side.
"And you."
It was almost too quiet. Steve almost didn't hear it. Wasn't sure he had until he looked up and saw the way Eddie was looking at him. Steve is so sure that it's the same way he'd been looking at Eddie for months now.
"It's the perfect pumpkin Steve. The best one I've seen in years." He's so serious, when he says it. Steve feels like he might cry. Feels a bit reckless, with Eddie looking at him like that. So he leans toward Eddie, his heart fluttering as Eddie smiles, just a barely thing, and leans toward him too.
The kiss is soft, Eddie makes a little sound in the back of his throat when Steve's hand moves to his neck and pulls him closer. They kiss until they're both smiling so much it's just their teeth clicking together and Eddie dissolves into manic giggles again and buries his face in Steve's neck as he holds him close.
"You have a good laugh too Ed's. " Steve sighs, pulling Eddie closer as he hums and nuzzles into his neck, his fingers pressing into Steve's back as he cuddles closer. Steve breathes deeply, his nose buried in Eddie's hair, and feels Eddie smile against the soft skin of his neck.
( below is an approximation of their pumpkin faces. I fucked up the eddie one's mouth dont looookk at meeeee )
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goblindsay · 1 year
Ah I asked the darkness for help with my nails but it gave me a cool hairdo instead
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