#like first of all it would stink in that car and second of all you'd hear like a year worth of slurs
seefasters · 1 year
people on the bcsbrba youtube page are insane
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The Distance part 2
Note: follow up to part 1!
Warnings: just fluff! a bit of angst maybe, but very light.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric picked you up from the airport.
wordcount: 2k
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While you anxiously waited to collect your bags at the airport, Sihtric was chewing off his nails while he stared at the arrivals door. He was so incredibly nervous, he had never felt anything like this before. Everything had been arranged so fast that he barely had any time to even process that you were really coming over to see him, and it had only hit him once he arrived at the airport. Part of him wanted to turn around and run back to his car, but the other part of him told him he had to man up, because meeting you was something he had been dreaming of for years and there was no way he was getting cold feet now.
Sihtric had been nervous ever since he left his house, but he had gotten even more nervous with every step he took towards the entrance, wondering if you were going to be disappointed once you met him. Because maybe you expected him to be taller, or shorter for some reason. Maybe you didn't like his shoes, which were simple black leather boots, or maybe you hated his dark grey cargo jeans. Or maybe you thought his white shirt looked stupid on him or, even worse, maybe you thought he didn't smell nice. He discreetly tried to get a whiff of his own scent and just hoped he didn't stink. 
And then he suddenly worried that maybe you'd think he looked better through a screen, or that maybe you'd hate his messy hair in real life. Sihtric cursed himself when he caught a glimpse of his reflection in a window, realising that in all his suppressed nervousness he had completely forgotten to comb his hair before jumping in his car. He quickly raked his tattooed fingers through his dark locks, in an attempt to look a little more decent, while he entered the airport and tried to get a grip on himself again.
And while Sihtric was slowly driving himself mad, with his eyes fixated on the arrivals door, you tried to freshen yourself up a little in the toilets after you had collected your luggage. You took a few deep breaths as you looked in the mirror, and you suddenly felt yourself crumble on the inside. You were overwhelmed with nerves and horrible thoughts. Because what if he suddenly realised he wasn't attracted to you in real life? Or what if the chemistry just wasn't there or if it was just incredibly awkward and you both just couldn't get a conversation going? You also became concerned when you realised you didn't know what you were supposed to do once you saw him. Was he expecting you to run to him? Would he want to kiss you immediately or would he not want to do that at all? What if he only shook your hand while you tried to go in for a kiss? You groaned at these thoughts and tried to fight your tears while you dragged your hands down your face.
Sihtric had meant everything to you these past seven years, and if things would not go as you had both expected it would truly be a bitter pill to swallow, and you didn't know what your life would look like without him. And neither did Sihtric. Because despite the fact you had never met, you both had plans for the future that involved each other or were simply built around each other, and neither of you ever even considered the option of a future alone or with someone else. There was no backup plan if this first meeting would ruin everything.
You took another deep breath and composed yourself as best as you could, and when you checked your phone you saw Sihtric had texted that he was waiting for you. Surprisingly enough the airport wasn't as busy as you had expected, and then you finally made your way through the arrivals door.
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You froze for a split second when your eyes immediately landed on Sihtric, who looked straight at you while he stood there wide eyed and with his hands in his hair, as he had been anxiously waiting for you to appear and had almost lost his mind while doing so. And Sihtric swore he just couldn't remember how to breathe anymore when he saw you, and he was completely nailed to the ground. He always imagined he'd run up to you, pick you up his arms and spin you around while he kissed you, but he just wasn't able to move an inch in reality. He saw how you stared at him as you approached him, your eyes just as wide as his, and he finally managed to slide his hands out of his hair once you were almost in arms reach.
'Sihtric,' you almost gasped.
And Sihtric tried to speak, but he couldn't make a single sound. You dropped your bag and suitcase on the ground as soon as he suddenly reached out, and you wrapped your arms around his waist while he wrapped his strong arms tightly around your shoulders and held you almost bruisingly.
As soon as Sihtric had wrapped his arms around you, he knew he would never be able to let you go anymore. To let you go home, that meant. He could never let you go back home again, for as soon as he felt your body pressed against his he knew he would never be able to breathe again without you. He knew he would never be able to fall asleep again without you next to him. And he just knew his life would never be the same anymore when he felt how you buried your face in his chest, and he then suddenly remembered to breathe again.
You cried as you enjoyed his tight embrace, feeling as if you were home in his arms and you inhaled his scent deeply. The smell of amber was soothing and suited him absolutely perfectly, and it calmed you as well as making you feel a little lightheaded. It was a scent you would never forget and also one you never wanted to miss again. You clung onto him as if you were afraid you'd be torn away from each other at any second, and Sihtric shared the same frightening thought.
And as he was overwhelmed with the idea of losing you now that he finally held you, his trembling hands searched for your face while his vision was blurred due to his teared up eyes. Once found, he cupped your cheeks firmly to lift your face up, in order to bring your lips closer to his so he could finally capture you in the kiss he had been dreaming of for almost seven years. Without any hesitation, you pressed your lips back against his, and your hands fell from his waist as you lost your ability to think for a moment. You then slid your hands slowly up his torso, feeling his muscles from underneath his shirt while moving your hands up to his neck before sliding further up and into his loose hair. 
You tangled your fingers into his slightly wavy hair while his hands still held your face, and he deepened the kiss as soon as he felt you melted into his touch and relaxed entirely. You felt his tongue as he slowly flicked it against your lips, before allowing him fully into your mouth, and the minty taste on his tongue was a pleasant one you desperately wanted to taste more of. You both forgot how to breathe this time as all you wanted was to taste and feel each other, until your lungs almost burned and you were both forced to pull away.
'My love,' Sihtric whispered as his tears fell, your face cradled in his hands while he leaned his forehead against yours, 'I'm sorry it took us so long.'
'I'm sorry too,' you sniffled, your fingers curling around the neck of his shirt, 'but life kept preventing us from meeting sooner.'
'I know,' he sighed softly, 'but we're together now, and I'm never letting you go anymore.'
You both smiled before your lips found their way back to his again, and you kissed once more until your lungs begged for air and you suddenly remembered you were in public. Sihtric then picked up your luggage with a satisfied smile, teary eyes and his cheeks a hint of red, and he wrapped his arm around your waist as he walked you out of the airport and to his car. But you didn't get there without stopping a few times just so he could kiss you again and again, dropping your bags out of his hands numerous times in order to cup your cheeks while he kissed you, or to roam his hands all over your body. 
Sihtric refused to let you carry your own bags, which you tried to do after each head spinning kiss when he had dropped everything once again. You smiled when you reached his car, recognising the vehicle as you had seen it in uncountable video calls over the years. You watched how your boyfriend picked up your luggage with ease, putting it in the trunk of his car, and without thinking you placed your hand on his bicep after you saw his muscles flex when he closed the trunk. Sihtric froze for a second and frowned upon the sudden touch, but an amused grin appeared on his face when he realised you were just admiring his body, and he definitely didn't complain about you touching him. In fact, you could touch him wherever you wanted to, he wouldn't stop you. And he kissed you again with that thought on his mind.
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You put on your seatbelt as Sihtric sat down behind the wheel. He exhaled sharply while he stared straight ahead for a few seconds, and he then turned to face you. He leaned in and smiled, and placed his hand on your thigh as he looked deeply into your eyes.
'Hi,' his voice so low and smooth, as well as a little breathy.
'Hi,' you smiled shyly.
'How are you?' he asked and leaned in closer to peck your lips.
'Good,' you murmured against his lips before you kissed him back.
'Yeah?' he asked and kissed you again.
'Mhm. And how are you?' you barely managed to ask in between kisses.
'I'm good,' he smiled against your lips, 'so good, darling. How was your flight?'
Sihtric kissed you again before you could answer.
'It was good,' you chuckled.
'Good,' he smiled and kissed you once more, then leaned back slightly, 'are you hungry? Or do you want to get a drink? I can stop by a place if you want.'
He gazed into your eyes while awaiting your answer, but when it became evident you weren't going to answer and instead just stared at him, he fought a smile as he furrowed his brow.
'Baby?' he asked as he held your chin.
'I… I'm sorry,' you suddenly snapped out of getting lost in his mismatched eyes, 'I… I can't seem to think right now.'
Sihtric laughed softly and nuzzled your nose, then kissed your lips again.
'I know,' he said, 'I'm sorry. Everything is overwhelming for me too. I guess I'll just take you home right away.'
You nodded in agreement and, when he kissed you again, slowly flicking his tongue against your lips, you took his face in your hands to deepen the kiss until you both were insanely aroused but didn't dare to say it. And when you leaned back to look at him, you smiled at each other before you pushed a strand of hair behind his ear, and you then lightly traced the scars on his face while you continued to gaze at him.
'You're so pretty,' you whispered, 'so beautiful. Even more perfect than I'd thought you'd be.'
Sihtric blushed lightly and smiled, returning the compliment while he tried to hide his teared up eyes as he looked down at his feet for a moment. And after a dozen more kisses, Sihtric finally started the car and placed his hand on your thigh while driving back home.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexwolfhale @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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dunnswrld · 2 years
hii! can i request a smut with fem! reader giving johnny road head maybe during the gumball 3000? tysm for being a supplier to my johnny knoxville brain rot <3
Road Head
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a/n: This is such a great idea thank you for requesting it! The Gumball 3000 were some of my favorite Jackass clips honestly
prompt: The Gumball 3000 was a long, hot, and long trip. You were even mad you told your boyfriend Johnny you'd even go. But when it's Johnny's turn to drive at night, you have passenger seat, and everyone else is dead asleep you finally get to have some fun.
warnings: smut! Fem!reader, semi-public road head
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It was probably your worst idea yet. Telling your boyfriend, Johnny, that you would willingly drive 3000 miles with four (smelly) boys in the car and rarely anytime to stop and take a breather. You really didn't think through the whole thing, the only thing you thought of when Johnny asked if you wanted to join was being able to spend time with Johnny, completely forgetting that there would be three other boys in the car.
"God move over Steve-o!" You barked. Shoving him off your shoulder. "You totally stink!" You added. "My feelings are crushed!" Steve-o said in a fake heart broken tone, putting his hand to his chest and dramatically falling backwards onto you. "I'm going to crush your balls with a hammer if you don't get off me!"
"Are we coming up to the next stop? I think Yn is going to kill Steve-o if we don't get out of here soon." Chris spoke. "Yeah we are like two minutes away from the next stop, we have to be quick there though." The guy driving said, though you couldn't remember his name he was a very nice guy. "I'm counting down the fucking seconds." You said. "Cheer up doll." Your boyfriend, Johnny, spoke up. He turned his body to face the back seat, a camera in hand as he did so. When he turned fully and processed what he was looking at he let out a loud wheeze.
You were sitting as close as you could get to the door as you had your hand pushing Steve-o's face as far as you could even if it was disturbing Chris. "I don't think Yn is loving your company Steve-o." Johnny laughed. "Really? I thought she was going to leave you for me." "In your damn dreams." You said as you shoved his head before moving your hand back to your lap.
"Well party people we are at the stop." The boy droving spoke as he turned into the gas station. Before the boy got the chance to put the car in park you were out, slamming your car door shut as you finally got a breath of clean air that didn't smell like Steve-o's BO.
The rest of the boys got out of the car when it was finally in park and Johnny made his way to your side of the car where you stood and placed his arm around your shoulders.
"Here let's go get a snack or something yeah?" You nodded your head at your boyfriends words without having to look at him. You two began the short walk to the small gas station were Johnny held the door open for you and you gave a small thank you before walking in. Johnny quickly followed in behind you.
You walked to the first isle which happened to be the candy isle, the colorful packaging of all the candies filling your vision. Johnny was a step behind you as he entered the isle, Johnny was able to take one look at you and know how annoyed you were.
"I'm sorry doll, I can tell you aren't enjoying this." Johnny said, you turned your head quickly to his words seeing the sadden looked on his face. "No no Johnny I am just Steve-o is a lot sometimes." "Yeah I know I'm sorry." "Don't apologize Knox." You said as you grabbed his hand and locked your fingers with his, "At least I got you right?" You smiled. Johnny smiled back as he nodded.
You picked a bag of peach rings as your snack and Johnny was happy to buy the small bag of candy for you. When you and Johnny walked out of the gas station the three other boys sat by the car.
"There they are!" Chris said pointing at you and Johnny. "Your turn to drive Knoxville." The boy who drove to the gas station said. "What? No it's Pontius's turn!" Johnny said in defense. "Nope I drove while you slept remember?" Johnny nodded as he did remember that Chris did in fact already drive. "I'll drive if Yn gets shotgun." The three boys all said that was fine, not seeming to care who gets shot gun because they knew they would fall asleep either way.
"I must warn you all though I've been known to fall asleep behind the wheel." Johnny laughed nervously.
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Johnny had been driving for about an hour and a half now, the three boys in the back out cold. Sleep-o's snores confirming that at least he was asleep. You were the only one awake and keeping Johnny company.
Though you were keeping your boyfriend company it was silent in the car, the only thing to be heard was Steve-o's snores and the light music that played from the radio.
You looked out the window of the car, dark siloets of trees and every so often a house taking up the view.
"Geez I am beat." Johnny spoke with a chuckle, breaking the comforting silence in the car. You turned your head to Johnny to see him briefly taking one of his hands off the wheel and rubbing it down his face. "Well if you wanna pull over I can finish the drive for you." You said.
"No no no, it's another four hours of driving I wouldn't wish that upon you." You giggled at your boyfriends deny of your request. "Well how can I help you stay awake Knox?" "Well uh-" Johnny laughed nervously. You cocked a brow at your boyfriend, confused on why he was so flustered all of a sudden. Your eyes began to slowly travel to his lap, even through the darkness seemed to take up the whole car, the small amount of light from the buttons in the car gave you just enough light.
"Philip how on earth are you hard right now." You said as you tried not to snicker at your boyfriends random hard. "Well when I'm driving and it's silent in here and your next to me my mind is gonna wonder." "What a perv you are." "I'm not a perv!"
You couldn't help but laugh at your boyfriend, he even began to laugh with you. "Well is that the only way I can keep you awake?" "Yeah I think I'm gonna-" Johnny fake slumped forward and let out and even faker snore, "Sit up I'm not dying of a car crash over you being dramatic." You laughed, Johnny lifted his head up as he turned to look at you with a smile before looking back at the road.
"Well I haven't exactly heard a no... I can take my pants off for you-" "Johnny your driving. Just sit still for two seconds." You unbuckled your seat belt and got onto your knees, reaching over the center console and beginning to under your boyfriends belt.
Johnny couldn't help but dart his eyes from your hands taking off his belt to the road, he wasn't sure if this was gonna help him with staying focused on the road.
Once you undid his belt you quickly unbuttoned his pants and looked up at him, Johnny knew what you met by a single look and lifted his hips up to help you be able to pull down his pants. You shimmied his pants to just above his knees before you placed your hand on his hard that were still covered by his boxers and slowly moved your hand up and down. This earned you a shaky breath from your boyfriend.
"What if one of them wakes up?" You asked quietly, "So what? Let them see." Johnny said, he was way too focused on how great your hand felt stroking him through his boxers to care about one of his friends seeing him get road head. You shrugged it off knowing that you've walked in on Chris and Steve-o many times so this is just a pay back right?
You pulled Johnny's cock out of his boxers, his tip a reddish color and leaking with pre-cum. You shifted your body once again and lowered your head closer to Johnny's lap.
You started off with small kitten licks to his head causing Johnny's thighs to visibly tense up. You began to swirl your tongue around him slowly, really taking your time as you did so. Johnny shifted his hips trying to get anymore friction from your mouth that he could. "Come on doll stop being such a tease." You softly chuckled at your boyfriends whines, you decided to listen to him and finally take him in your mouth.
A large breath of air leaving Johnny's mouth as you began to move your head up and down at a stead motion. You sucked in your cheeks as you moved your head down, making the feeling only more pleasurable for Johnny.
"Oh geez sweetheart-" Johnny tried his best to stop himself from pinching his eyes shut from how great this really felt or from looking at you in order to pay attention to the road. "You're making' this real hard to focus on the road." Johnny breathless laughed as gripped the steering wheel; his knuckles turning white.
You took your mouth off of his dick and began to jerk him off. Johnny saw you out of the corner of his eyes prop your free arm up on the center consul, you were still on your knees in the passenger seat your back arched just enough to allow Johnny to see from the corner of his eye. You were basically taunting Johnny as he tried to get as many glances as he could while driving.
Johnny finally caved and fully turned his head to you, his eyes locked with yours quickly. Your eyes were hung low and even teary from the blow job you gave him not that long ago, saliva and possibly pre-cum gave your lips and chin a shine, and the noticed the lust-filled smile on your face.
"God you are such a great thing on the eyes sweetheart." Johnny's cheeks flushing as he saw your bottom lip suck into your teeth. "I could say the same."
You really could, the look on Johnny's face was amazing, his cheeks flushed, a small layer of sweat on his forehead, the way his brows were furrowed, the way he bite his bottom lip to avoid making any noise; the noises you so badly wanted to hear.
"I'm so close." Johnny whined lowly, moving his eyes back to the road realizing he needed to focus on not killing everyone in the car. You began to move your hand in a quicker pace, trying to help the mutual goal you both were trying to reach. "Just like that sweetheart- ah shit." Johnny's southern accent babbled. You looked down to Johnny's lap to see the sight about to take place.
Johnny's thighs tensed up as the knot in his stomach came undone, shooting cum all over your hand and even a little onto his jeans. You looked back up at Johnny's face as you kept stroking him, you watch as he tried his hardest to not pinch his eyes shut and tilt his head back from the pleasure washing over his body that made his vision go double.
"Holy shit-" Johnny would try and say as his mouth was open, letting out quiet breathless moans. You began to slow your hand movements down as Johnny's high began to end. His chest rising up and down as he tried to relax his body.
You took your hand off Johnny's dick, your hand covered in his cum. Johnny lazily turning his head to see you looking at your hand. "Oh geez I'm so sorry- here you can use my shirt to wipe your hand I don't care-" What Johnny wasn't expecting was for your to bring your hand up to your mouth and begin to lick his cum off your hand with a small smile on your lips. You slowly trailed your tongue on your knuckles as you licked your hand clean.
When you finally cleaned your hand you brought both your hands to Johnnys boxers and pulled them up, then you pulled up his pants. Leaving his belt unbuckled. Johnny watched you do this all, taking in how attractive you looked even just pulling his pants up for him and before you took your seat back in the passenger seat you notice your boyfriends stares and brought your hand up to Johnny's chin, closing his slightly open mouth and turned his head back to the road. "Eyes on the road Knox." You spoke, Johnny chuckling at your words.
"God I love you doll."
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valberryy · 3 years
i wanna ruin our friendship. — childe
im sorry for using jenny song lyrics but its been living in my head rent free 😩 diversity win? anyways
the second of the raffle requests!! this one is for @pazii !! i had a lot of fun writing this, so i hope u like it!! <3 also i call childe by his real name here cause idk how to explain his uhhhhh soundcloud rapper nicknames or whatever in a modern au so. does peace sign in front of mirror
pairing: childe x gn!reader
content warnings: spoilers for childe's real name
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Of all the ways Ajax expected his summer break to go, getting random texts from you was honestly a rather common occurrence—he'd have found it weirder to not hear from you, honestly, no matter the time of day.
What made this stranger than the normal "hey ugly where are u" messages he'd often get was the sheer absurdity of what you were asking: with no pretense whatsoever, he had been woken up at some ungodly time of the night to see a text from you that simply read, "can you pretend to be my boyfriend for a thing".
He simply rubbed at his eyes and went back to sleep.
The next day you barged into his apartment and made yourself at home on his couch, your feet up on the armrest as you explained yourself. "My cousin's getting married," you said, "and he and I made a bet a few years ago that I wouldn't be able to get a boyfriend by college."
Ajax raised an eyebrow, taking a sip of his coffee as he said, "And what does that have to do with me?"
"I hate losing."
He raised another eyebrow at your determined expression—and he'd deal with any and all jabs you'd make about how dumb he probably looked right now—but agreed, taking another swig of coffee as he did. He watched as you grinned, clapping your hands together in a way that made him suspect that he was definitely the first person you asked.
"Great! That's good!" You started digging through your pockets for your phone and continued to explain. He caught the date and also something about, "needing to act the part"—and he nearly dropped his mug as you dragged him forward by the collar with some starstruck look in your eyes.
"Let's go gift shopping, dearest boyfriend of mine!" you teased. "What better way to get into that mindset, you know?"
You stifled another laugh as he shoved his hand in your face and pushed you away.
And a few hours later, Ajax found himself strolling with you through one of the many malls near campus. At some point during the trip he had joked about wearing matching outfits, and it seemed you were so into the idea that he was at your mercy as you dragged him in and out of clothing stores. More than once had you shoved him back into the fitting room for coming out in what you called, "an insult to anyone with a decent sense of fashion."
"Oh? And would you prefer to dress me instead, sweetheart?"
"Just change back, Ajax!"
He laughed as you kicked at his shin to force him back inside.
By the end of the day, his and your arms alike were sore from the weight of the bags you'd been carrying around ("Hey! It's not my turn yet, take them back!"), but Ajax couldn't quite find it in himself to tease you for the dopey smile on your face as he walked you back home.
"If I'm going to be your pretend boyfriend, I need to go the whole nine yards," he had said.
You stopped walking in front of your door, peering into shopping bags and handing him the ones with his things in them. Ajax was about to bid you a simple goodnight right when you pulled him in for a hug, lingering for a few seconds longer with your hands wound tight against his waist.
"Thanks for agreeing," you said, and he could hear the beginnings of a laugh start to bubble up your throat, "even if it's kind of a dumb thing to ask."
You let him go before he could respond, making a show of blowing him a kiss as you closed the door.
Ajax' chest felt warm as he walked home that night.
"So, how thick do I need to lay it on them?"
He heard you let out a little snort from the passenger seat, hearing the rustling of your clothes as you inspected the wrapped gift in your hands for any dents. "Just don't go getting on one knee or anything," you said. "But don't worry, they'll love you...I think."
Ajax drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. "You think," he repeated.
You snorted again, and through the corner of his vision, he caught the way you were smiling at him.
The rest of the trip was silent save for the occasional snide comment and the low droning of the radio, and the wedding ceremony itself was rather quick in and of itself—the parts that felt the longest were the ones that involved talking to your family.
But you stuck by his side after the ceremony and into the reception—in true best friend fashion, he joked—and instead of leaving him to the wolves, whatever fabricated stories dates you two went on (which were mostly just joyrides where Ajax dragged you to come with) left even your skeptical cousin looking convinced.
And then you were dragged away to dance with one of your younger cousins, and Ajax was left to the wolves.
Your cousin walked up to him and nudged his shoulder, jerking his chin in your direction. You had to bend down a fair bit to "dance" properly with the cousin who had dragged you off, and they were standing on your feet to boot, but you still looked rather happy in spite of that.
"Thanks for dealing with them," your cousin said, snapping Ajax out of his daze.
"If anything, I think you should thank [Name] for dealing with me."
With a laugh, your cousin clapped him on the shoulder before going off to mingle with the rest of your family, and Ajax found his gaze drawn back to you.
Somehow, he wished that the night would go by slower.
A few hours later, you stood by his side in the parking lot, rolling the few knots out of your neck as you waved goodbye to your relatives that passed by. "Ahh, I can't wait to get out of these shoes," you said.
Ajax glanced at you as he dug through his pockets for his keys. "Don't go stinking up my car, dearest partner of mine," he replied.
You laughed as you slipped into the passenger seat.
He hadn't bothered to turn on the radio, or the GPS for that matter, and you made an odd noise from the back of your throat once you realised his little detour. You turned to him with an eyebrow raised, and he looked at you as much as he could without taking his eyes off the road.
"Don't look at me like that," he teased. "Let me do this one last thing as your pretend boyfriend."
"Where are we even going?!"
He laughed, opening the windows and sputtering as a stray leaf hit you square in the face.
"We'll see when we get there."
You seemed about to curse at him again, before you settled with a fond sigh. "Well then, pretend boyfriend, you better make it count, hm?"
He didn't say anything in reply, only watching you out of the corner of his eye and watching the way the moonlight shone on your hair.
Maybe next time, he wouldn't have to play pretend.
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spevonnie · 4 years
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Everybody has bad days. A day where you wake up, and you don't know why, but something is just off. You don't feel like getting out of bed, you don't feel like making or eating breakfast, you don't feel like going to work, but you suck it up and deal with it--Only some people can't.
Steven had woken up Saturday morning, luckily a day he and his flatmate slash girlfriend Connie both had off work, with a heavy, slimy ball of despair banging around his torso, his chest tight and a thick layer of gloom and guilt coating his throat. He lay on his side of the twin sized bed they shared, blankets tangled and askew as one leg and one arm hung off, his face smushed against his pillows, staring at the wall. He was awake unusally early, probably due to a nightmare he didn't remember, and he decided he had no intention, nor energy, to get out of bed that day. He felt Connie stir beside him, stretching out a bit, and she yawned and scooted closer to him, hugging him from behind as she wormed an arm under his rib cage and lay her head against his back.
"Mmmm....Good morning." She mumbled softly, waking up.
Steven, not wanting to alarm her and knowing she would try and get him out of bed because it was 'good for him' ow whatever, pretended to be asleep.
"Steven," Connie said, fingers scrambling sleepily at the little words on the chest of his shirt. "I know you're awake, I can tell by the way you're breathing."
Steven sighed. "That's impossible,"
"Well obviously not."
He didn't answer. Even his lips felt heavy, like it took an enormous amount of energy and motivation to speak.
"Steven?" Connie began, lifting her head so she could look at him. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah!" He mustered. "I'm fine."
She peered at him. "Bull. I'm gonna go make coffee, I'll even put that ridiculous amount of creamer you use in. Does that sound good?"
"I don't want any..."
Connie frowned. "Would you like me to make you breakfast?" She rubbed his back in slow circles. "Anything you'd like, I can even do those egg, mozzarella, sausage, and mushroom quesadillas."
"No thanks." He mumbled.
He didn't respond.
"Okay, well I'm gonna go get myself coffee and breakfast, okay? I'll come check on you." She kissed his cheek and left the half-walled room, making her way to the little kitchenette.
Steven remained in the same position, and she noticed with a deepening frown as she checked on him after breakfast, after her run, after her shower.
After her shower was when she finally drew the line. "Steven, you're isolating," She frowned. "Come on, come get out of bed and do something with me. It's almost noon." She walked over and crouched by his face so he was looking at her, taking his hand gently. "You wanna cook with me?"
He looked at her. "Can we make zucchini bread?"
Connie was a little but surprised at his response, but she smiled. "Zucchini bread? Yeah, sure! C'mon, sit up."
He nodded and sat up, stretching a bit and yawning. "Kiss me?" He asked her as he stood.
She smiled and stood on her tiptoes the slightest bit, giving Steven a little peck on the lips, making a playful stink-face at him as she pulled back. "Brush your teeth,"
He snorted and nodded, going to brush his teeth.
A few moments later, Steven and Connie were washing their hands in the kitchen sink.
"Okay, so," Connie began excitedly "I didn't know if you had a recipe in mind, butI was thinking maybe we could look for one that has-"
"I don't need a recipe," He shook his head.
"What? Steven, no," She giggled.
"Yeah! I made this all the time, we can do it."
"Okay, whatever you say." She said skeptically, but she smiled.
He gathered what he thought the ingredients were, and she began grating the zucchini.
"How much of this do we need?"
"Umm..." He began. "L-Like three cups?"
"Oh boy," She muttered playfully to herself as she shook her head at him, grating more.
He was mixing together their dry ingredients, and in Connie's opinion, he was spending way too much time switching between measuring tools before he actually used each one. She finally managed three cups of shredded zucchini and came to help with the wet ingredients.
"How many eggs?"
She gave a small laugh. "Steven," She said with a smile, hip bumping him gently. "I'm hearing an awful lot of hesitant threes. Are you sure you know the recipe?"
"Yes! Yeah, of course!" He grinned. "you just don't know how any of this works, you're too busy genius-ing or whatever."
She giggled as she cracked three eggs into the bowl. He turned around, hands on his hips and powdered ingredients all on his pajamas, scanning the room. She watched him, smiling a bit, seeing his eyes light up a bit as he found what he was looking for, a whisk he'd left on the counter. He brought it over and poured some milk into the bowl, eyeballing it and whisking. She pulled the zucchini over and they mixed it into thw wet ingredients, combining it with the dry. They poured it into their greased pan, and Steven popped it in the oven, setting a timer.
"Okay, you wanna come watch that one episode I've been telling you about all week?" She asked, poking his cheek with hands on his shoulders.
"Yeah, okay," He shrugged and took her hand, her free hand reaching to dust him off. He blushed and they cuddled on their little loveseat.
Some time later, Connie got up to pull it out of the oven, making a face.
"What, 'what'?" She asked
"You're making your oh-no face." Steven said.
"Er--It's nothing, I'm sure it'll be fine." She smiled.
"Connie, that's like the least effective way to assure someone," He smiled, shaking his head as he walked over on his toes a bit.
"PFFFT OH NO!" He laughed, blushing and covering his face a bit. "How-How did I mess it up this badly?" He asked, frowning at the sloppy, deformed lump on the cooling rack.
"Steven, I'm sure it's fine, it probably tastes delicious." She said, breaking a piece off and blowing on it for a second. She popped ut in her mouth, waving the heat off and beginning to chew. "See? It's--" She made a face and spit it into the sink.
Steven groaned and covered his face again. "Oh no, I wasted our groceries and your time, I-"
"No you didn't!" She smiled. "Okay, the zucchini, a little bit, but we weren't gonna use that anyway I bet. Steven, of course you didn't waste my time. You think I pulled you out here because I wanted some picture-perfect baked good?"
"Well--Well, yeah," Steven admitted, shrugging as he blushed a bit, rubbing the back of his neck.
She smiled and shook her head, reaching up and hooking her hands together behind his neck. "Honey, I brought you out here so you'd get out of bed and spend time with me. I couldn't care less if you made gourmet or garbage, I just wanted you to take care of yourself and let me take care of you." She said, blushing a bit.
He was a little pink as he nodded. He kissed the tip of her nose. "Well thank you..."
She smacked his shoulder playfully. "No thank-you's! This is just what you get when you have my love. You wanna go see if we can get some donuts?"
He smiled and nodded. "But I'm paying-"
"Not if I get my wallet first!"
They laughed as they stumbled over each other in their scramble to get their wallets and to the one set of car keys hanging by the door, and Steven felt a bit better in that instant--Not cured, and it was still a rough day, but he knew he had someone on his side.
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prxttypxrker · 6 years
read below before going through texts
[secrets: part three]
[part] one two
You were surprised, in all honesty. Not only did Peter keep his focus on you and helping with your studies, he even walked to the library with you. Not once had he checked the time or left a message for Stark, at least not while the two of you were together during those two hours.
The two of you were sat in the back of the library where the group as a whole would usually sit for the team study sessions. You were almost done putting everything back in your backpack when a voice interrupted. “Hey.” You glanced up at Peter, nodding slightly to let him know you were listening. “Thanks.”
“For what?” You questioned, shoving the science textbook in and closing the zipper.
“Letting me make up for kind of pushing you aside.”
You shrugged and picked up some books you wanted to check out off the table, “I'm just glad you showed up.” As the two of you stood up, he rushed to grab the stack of hardcovers from your arms. Against your protesting, he carried them to the desk and out the doors of the library, only handing them to you when you reached your locker and opened it.
As you guys walked toward the entrance of the school, Peter's phone went off. He figured since your hangout was technically over that it would be alright, but he still looked to you for a form of approval to answer the call. When you nodded, he gave you a small smile. From his side of the conversation, it seemed that he needed to leave. Once he hung up, he had an expression of guilt cross his face, making you feel like you needed to speak up. “If you have to go, it's okay.”
“Are you sure? You don't want some company?”
You shook your head, “I'm fine on my own. Besides you're already late enough because of me.”
Peter's gaze snapped up from sending someone a message to meet yours, shaking his head rapidly. “N-no no, it wasn't your fault. I wanted to hang out and help you.” You chuckled at his quick reaction, putting a hand on his shoulder. You thanked him once more and ushered him to start going home or he'd be even more late by standing there. After a few more minutes of reassurance, you managed to get him to agree and waited until he started to walk the opposite direction before leaving yourself.
Despite the cold and how some people were cranky once it came into the year, you loved the autumn season. Even in such a busy part of the city the few trees lined up against the sidewalks around your neighborhood were beautiful once the fall colors began to show in the leaves. The only downside was having to carry so much when the temperature was going down so much. You should've had to focus on staying warm not balancing books in your arms and holding up your bag.
You were about halfway home by the time you decided you'd rather risk a back issue at seventeen rather than hold it all and risk damaging stuff that wasn't yours. You slowed your walk just enough to swing the backpack off, but as you were going to open it up to stuff in the library books, a biker rushed by at a dangerously close proximity. His arm brushed yours roughly and you were knocked toward the side of the shops, the books falling onto the ground. You have got to be kidding me. You grumbled swears under your breath while trying to dust them off completely. Once you were able to fit them all inside your bag, you put your arms through the straps and looked around. Barely seeing the man up ahead, you started to jog forward, weaving through the crowd in order to catch up faster.
By the time you found him you were out of breath and ready to curse him out when you saw it. The unknown man had a bag filled with tons of cash and other seemingly valuable trinkets that he was trying to hide somewhere. Though it clearly looked like he just committed a crime, you were just mad about being shoved. “Hey, asshole. Why don't you watch where you're riding that piece of junk next time?”
At the sound of your voice the guy turned around, his face transitioning from frantic to annoyance. “Why don't you watch your mouth and respect your elders, kid?”
You scoffed as he stalked towards you, nerves racked but nothing really telling you to either stay put or hightail it home. The man didn't look like the type who would care about whether he hurt a kid or not, which made the situation even worse. Just as he was near to being less than a foot away, your eyes widened seeing a new figure jumped down, landing inches behind him. “Hey, has anyone ever told you how much you stink? You could really use a shower.” The likely older of the two spun around with no hesitation in throwing a punch. The red and blue clad hero dodged it easily, ducking down to do a roundhouse kick. “Maybe a few karate lessons would do some good, too. Because I gotta say - being cursed at by a teenage girl and losing to someone in tights?” Spider-Man lifted him up and shot a web blaster, sticking the thief onto the brick wall. He walked over to the bag, zipped it up and slung it around his shoulders. He stood in front of the stranger and looked up at him, “Not very manly of you.”
You resisted the urge to laugh under the circumstances, so you settled for letting out a quiet giggle. The masked man's head turned toward yours. Seconds of silence passed before he made his way over to you. “Are you okay?”
You lifted your chin a bit to be able to look at his white eyes directly, nodding. “I'm okay.”
“That was pretty cool - standing up to someone like that. But, uh, do me a favor and be careful next time, yeah?” He looked back at the webbed criminal. “That guy could've been way more dangerous than he actually was.”
“Yeah. Sorry.” You glanced away, adjusting the straps of your backpack.
“Don't get me wrong. I really admire the courage - just, you know - safety first, right?”
You grinned a small one at his statement, but almost invisibly shook your head so you could nod and agree. “Right.”
A moment passed as you both looked at one another and he cleared his throat. “Well, I have to go return this. See you around - and don't do anything else.”
“I won't.” He gave you a scout salute, similar to the one Peter always gave you when he'd leave your place after hanging out. You watched the boy jump up from a nearby lamppost and onto a car heading his designated direction before launching himself into the air and using a web to swing away. You kept your line of vision on the mass of red and blue as he ran across buildings and climbed up one, throwing out another web to swing around a final building at the corner. When he disappeared, you realized you'd been smiling since he left. “See you around, Spider-Man.” You stated quietly, the smile still on your face when you continued to head home.
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