#lg smith
notanotherlibra · 1 year
Hiya! Depending on who’s asking my name is Lib, I’m 23, GMT, and looking for rp partners! Or even fresh new roleplay groups.
The sort of vibe I like: fantasy, supernatural, historic, apocalyptic (only in groups though), and original oc’s!
Vibes I’m okay with: fandom rp’s as long as it’s with oc’s - a court of thorns and roses, throne of glass, shadow and bone, six of crows, LJ Smith books.
I am often the one to run roleplays so plotting isn’t a problem, or if you already have some ideas then shoot them my way and lets collaborate. I am almost always online but don’t expect the same from my partners, I’m keen on communication and being friends with those I roleplay with but you do have to be 21+ as I just don’t feel comfortable roleplaying with people much younger than me.
Shoot me a DM if you’d like to get started on something or if you’re interested in my little group roleplays I have going atm. Maybe start off with a fun fact - mine is that i have a playlist and Pinterest board for every character or rp i have ever made!
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benefit-popular · 3 days
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asshuka · 1 year
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mutual gay valentines gift giving hell yeah
commissions 🌠 ko-fi 🌠 patreon
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hobbitinneverland · 2 years
when u get this u have to put 5 songs 🎵 u actually listen to, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨
Thank you 💙
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don-lichterman · 2 years
After Yang (2022) Special Feature 'Recorded Memories' - Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner-Smith
After Yang (2022) Special Feature 'Recorded Memories' – Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner-Smith
After Yang – Now available on Blu-ray™ + Digital and DVD. Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner Smith, Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja, Justin H. Min, Ritchie Coster Subscribe to the LIONSGATE: YouTube Channel for the latest movie trailers, clips, and more:…
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don-lichterman · 2 years
After Yang (2022) Special Feature 'Working With Colin' - Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner-Smith
After Yang (2022) Special Feature 'Working With Colin' – Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner-Smith
After Yang – Now available on Blu-ray™ + Digital and DVD. Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner Smith, Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja, Justin H. Min, Ritchie Coster Subscribe to the LIONSGATE: YouTube Channel for the latest movie trailers, clips, and more:…
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thatsparrow · 1 year
post-honor among thieves thoughts
a delight!!
truly, a fun fantasy film with all the right blends of serious stakes and goofy missteps that is so emblematic of playing dnd
one of the things I was most curious about going into it was—given that so much of dnd is a) collaborative storytelling and b) ultimately determined by dice rolls, how would those elements of unpredictability translate to a scripted story? (which I suppose is not new to dnd-based media, there have been novels and the 80s show, but those aren't things that I've consumed.) and like. yes the story was pretty predictable overall, but I did like that there were moments of abject failure scattered throughout that really captured the vibe of rolling a nat 1 (it was also very fun to half-watch it through a lens of, oh, this person would be rolling a deception check right now. this person is succeeding then failing on a bunch of acrobatics checks, etc.)
it is. so very fun to me that bards are categorically also spellcasters, and yet they did not let chris pine do one damn magical thing, that lute was a melee weapon only
michelle rodriguez barbarian my beloved (also like, in terms of balancing references to the game with still making the movie accessible, part of me was expecting/hoping to see some visual indication of her going into a rage, but I did like that they didn't tip the hand quite that much while still making clear during fight scenes that, oh, she definitely has some rage-fueled strength right now that is allowing her to yeet a dude across a courtyard)
seeing all the spells and wildshaping was incredibly fucking cool!! that may have been the bit I was most excited about, and it did not disappoint—doric's whole infiltration and then escape of the castle was so good. the displacer beasts. the mimics!
sir that's just a portal gun
the comp het was so funny. look, I really loved both justice smith and sophia lillis but cmon guys. there was nothing there
although speaking of, edgin and holga as determinedly platonic best friends raising a child together was an absolute delight—the bit when edgin says to kira like 'I'm not trying to bring back your mom but my wife' bc yeah!! kira's mom is already right there!!
halfling bradley cooper having a clear type of 'women twice my size who could break me in half' is so valid
god paladin regé-jean page be still my heart (although yeah, the paladin as a straight-laced LG humorless type is not the only way to interpret the class, but I thought it did make for a nice contrast w the rest of the party)
but also his armor! I thought the costumers did a great job of giving them all designs/looks that spoke to their classes. truly, the visuals of the whole movie were so cool—not just in terms of the aesthetics, but the framing and movement of the shots, too. very dynamic, very fun to watch
overall, a genuinely good time!!
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Are there any bands you're listening to that you want to share? or music recommendations in general
Yeah. Most people would just share their Spotify thingies right about now, but I like to make sure I highlight bands that aren't all cishet white men so.
First and foremost I suggest following this woman on tiktok. Literally her entire page is shouting out music artists of color.
(I've linked to my favorite song by each band. Enjoy.)
Taylor Destroy- She's a woman that sings metal. Amazing screams and growls.
Banshee- Jewish Asexual woman that invented the genre fairy metal. Sings about being ace, being Jewish, and her story about getting SAed.
Dax- Yes, it's rap but that's legit a good song.
Alt Blk Era- Two Black women doing Nu Metal
Nini Music- Woman that does Taiwanese Folk metal with traditional instruments.
Nightmaer and 909- (18+) They're by the same guy, a Hispanic guy he calls his genre yallternative but it's more of a deathcore.
Fire From the Gods- lead singer is Black
Bloodywood- Indian metal band. I personally LOVE this song by them.
LG (Team Genius)- She is a rapper but she's a queer rapper
Cinnamon Babe- Black woman lead singer and she sings about the history of Rock
The Hu- Mongolian metal band uses traditional instruments and Mongolian throat singing. They sing about the history of Mongolia and their stories
Shepards Reign- Band members are Maori, Pacific Islander, and Asian
Alien Weaponry- Maori Metal band. They have a lot of songs in Maori and sing about Maori history
Fever 333- Activist metal band. Lead singer is half- black and one of the guitarists is Black.
Body Count and Ice T- Obviously you probably know who Ice T is, but I'd be stupid to pit this much work into a post recommending bands and not include my favorite metal band.
Wicked Wisdom- Lead singer is Jada Smith, and damn her vocals are good
Rage of Light and Ad Infinitum- Have the same lead singer, another Black woman with amazing vocals
Oceans of Slumber- Also has a Black woman lead singer with beautiful vocals
Hope you find something knew in there. Some of them are smaller. Some of them are more well known. About half and half between ones I found on tiktok and ones I've found through music suggestions. Some of them have only just started gaining popularity.
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Top four characters will be part of the party
(Format (Race/class)-(name)-(proficiency)-(Back story))
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tkblythofficial · 4 months
Would beat the lame looking Mr and Mrs Smith that’s coming out. Not sure why they even bothered remaking it with two actors who severely lack chemistry. R and T in a spy thriller equals FIRE. Or even a cat and mouse like game between them. There ending scene in Ballad of Songbird where T was hunting LG gave me terminator vibes lol.
Exactly. Brangelina’s chemistry was so insane and it’s very hard to remake / match that connection.
R and T would be perfect in a spy thriller. He’s an assassin that gets sent to kill her but spots at her night club and falls in love with as she sings on stage. He starts getting closer to her and he finds out she was hired to seduce and kill him. Except they truly fall in love and now have to kill their bosses to be with each other :) the material is there.
I know people hate remakes but even The Bodyguard would be a nice movie to do. Or maybe not a remake but a similar concept lol.
T’s acting was so scary in that forest. I would have ran from my life too lol.
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mariacallous · 8 months
Lena Anderson isn’t a soccer fan, but she does spend a lot of time ferrying her kids between soccer practices and competitive games.
“I may not pull out a foam finger and painted face, but soccer does have a place in my life,” says the soccer mom—who also happens to be completely made up. Anderson is a fictional personality played by artificial intelligence software like that powering ChatGPT.
Anderson doesn’t let her imaginary status get in the way of her opinions, though, and comes complete with a detailed backstory. In a wide-ranging conversation with a human interlocutor, the bot says that it has a 7-year-old son who is a fan of the New England Revolution and loves going to home games at Gillette Stadium in Massachusetts. Anderson claims to think the sport is a wonderful way for kids to stay active and make new friends.
In another conversation, two more AI characters, Jason Smith and Ashley Thompson, talk to one another about ways that Major League Soccer (MLS) might reach new audiences. Smith suggests a mobile app with an augmented reality feature showing different views of games. Thompson adds that the app could include “gamification” that lets players earn points as they watch.
The three bots are among scores of AI characters that have been developed by Fantasy, a New York company that helps businesses such as LG, Ford, Spotify, and Google dream up and test new product ideas. Fantasy calls its bots synthetic humans and says they can help clients learn about audiences, think through product concepts, and even generate new ideas, like the soccer app.
"The technology is truly incredible," says Cole Sletten, VP of digital experience at the MLS. “We’re already seeing huge value and this is just the beginning.”
Fantasy uses the kind of machine learning technology that powers chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard to create its synthetic humans. The company gives each agent dozens of characteristics drawn from ethnographic research on real people, feeding them into commercial large language models like OpenAI’s GPT and Anthropic’s Claude. Its agents can also be set up to have knowledge of existing product lines or businesses, so they can converse about a client’s offerings.
Fantasy then creates focus groups of both synthetic humans and real people. The participants are given a topic or a product idea to discuss, and Fantasy and its client watch the chatter. BP, an oil and gas company, asked a swarm of 50 of Fantasy’s synthetic humans to discuss ideas for smart city projects. “We've gotten a really good trove of ideas,” says Roger Rohatgi, BP’s global head of design. “Whereas a human may get tired of answering questions or not want to answer that many ways, a synthetic human can keep going,” he says.
Peter Smart, chief experience officer at Fantasy, says that synthetic humans have produced novel ideas for clients, and prompted real humans included in their conversations to be more creative. “It is fascinating to see novelty—genuine novelty—come out of both sides of that equation—it’s incredibly interesting,” he says.
Large language models are proving remarkably good at mirroring human behavior. Their algorithms are trained on huge amounts of text slurped from books, articles, websites like Reddit, and other sources—giving them the ability to mimic many kinds of social interaction.
When these bots adopt human personas, things can get weird.
Experts warn that anthropomorphizing AI is both potentially powerful and problematic, but that hasn’t stopped companies from trying it. Character.AI, for instance, lets users build chatbots that assume the personalities of real or imaginary individuals. The company has reportedly sought funding that would value it at around $5 billion.
The way language models seem to reflect human behavior has also caught the eye of some academics. Economist John Horton of MIT, for instance, sees potential in using these simulated humans—which he dubs Homo silicus—to simulate market behavior.
You don’t have to be an MIT professor or a multinational company to get a collection of chatbots talking amongst themselves. For the past few days, WIRED has been running a simulated society of 25 AI agents go about their daily lives in Smallville, a village with amenities including a college, stores, and a park. The characters’ chat with one another and move around a map that looks a lot like the game Stardew Valley. The characters in the WIRED sim include Jennifer Moore, a 68-year-old watercolor painter who putters around the house most days; Mei Lin, a professor who can often be found helping her kids with their homework; and Tom Moreno, a cantankerous shopkeeper.
The characters in this simulated world are powered by OpenAI’s GPT-4 language model, but the software needed to create and maintain them was open sourced by a team at Stanford University. The research shows how language models can be used to produce some fascinating and realistic, if rather simplistic, social behavior. It was fun to see them start talking to customers, taking naps, and in one case decide to start a podcast.
Large language models “have learned a heck of a lot about human behavior” from their copious training data, says Michael Bernstein, an associate professor at Stanford University who led the development of Smallville. He hopes that language-model-powered agents will be able to autonomously test software that taps into social connections before real humans use them. He says there has also been plenty of interest in the project from videogame developers, too.
The Stanford software includes a way for the chatbot-powered characters to remember their personalities, what they have been up to, and to reflect upon what to do next. “We started building a reflection architecture where, at regular intervals, the agents would sort of draw up some of their more important memories, and ask themselves questions about them,” Bernstein says. “You do this a bunch of times and you kind of build up this tree of higher-and-higher-level reflections.”
Anyone hoping to use AI to model real humans, Bernstein says, should remember to question how faithfully language models actually mirror real behavior. Characters generated this way are not as complex or intelligent as real people and may tend to be more stereotypical and less varied than information sampled from real populations. How to make the models reflect reality more faithfully is “still an open research question,” he says.
Smallville is still fascinating and charming to observe. In one instance, described in the researchers’ paper on the project, the experimenters informed one character that it should throw a Valentine’s Day party. The team then watched as the agents autonomously spread invitations, asked each other out on dates to the party, and planned to show up together at the right time.
WIRED was sadly unable to re-create this delightful phenomenon with its own minions, but they managed to keep busy anyway. Be warned, however, running an instance of Smallville eats up API credits for access to OpenAI's GPT-4 at an alarming rate. Bernstein says running the sim for a day or more costs upwards of a thousand dollars. Just like real humans, it seems, synthetic ones don’t work for free.
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eserveuniverse · 2 years
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fiadhaisteach · 2 years
Fall Roasted Chicken
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2 - 3# chickens
1 - lg onion, diced
garlic (use your own discretion)
4 - granny smith apples, peeled, cored, & sliced (could've been 3 apples)
1 - small butternut squash, peeled, diced & roasted
2.5 c. - small red potatoes (bigger ones halved or quartered) I used ones that had been parboiled & frozen, but fresh'd do too
1-2 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp butter
Lightly carmelize onions in olive oil (dash of white wine optional) in large, oven safe skillet*. Add garlic & stir. Remove from heat & add squash & potatoes, stir.
Clean & dry chickens (use paper towels to really dry the skin). Stuff with a spoonful of oniony, squashy, potatoes & as many apple slices as you can. Tie up the legs with kitchen twine.
Make divots in the oniony, potato-y, squash for the chickens. Rub the butter on the Sahara dry chicken skins. IF there's any left, quarter it with your fingers and place around the birds. Salt & pepper to taste.
Stuff the rest of the apple slices around & between the chickens.
Bake for 1.25 hours at 375°F. Check the internal temp, to make sure it reaches 165°F.
Set aside to rest for 15 minutes before carving. This allows all the juices to get distributed back through the meat.
Carve up the chicken serve with veggies & whatever else you like.
This is our Samhain dinner, so we also have mashed sweet potatoes, cranberry sauce, & salad.
*my 12" cast iron skillet is missing. I used a half-wok instead.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
After Yang (2022) Special Feature 'Dancing Scene' - Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner-Smith
After Yang (2022) Special Feature 'Dancing Scene' – Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner-Smith
After Yang – Now available on Blu-ray™ + Digital and DVD. Colin Farrell, Jodie Turner Smith, Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja, Justin H. Min, Ritchie Coster Subscribe to the LIONSGATE: YouTube Channel for the latest movie trailers, clips, and more:…
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scaredmaggot · 1 year
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My name is Maggot/Artillery My pronouns can be found Here I'm a Russian-Finnish selfshipper I'm a homosexual transsexual man, I LIKE MEN.
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This account is a COPING ACCOUNT, I in NO WAY think the things I post about are okay, I myself have been a victim of abuse
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My Self Insert Name: Masha / Artillery Pronouns: He/him + Xe/xim Appearance: ugly (just search #self insert on acc)
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My fictional others: Demoman (Team Fortress 2)♡♡♡♡♡ Soldier (Team Fortress 2)♡♡♡♡♡ Tank Grunt (Sims)♡♡♡♡♡ Johnny Smith (Sims)♡♡♡♡ Dusty Hogg (Sims)♡♡♡♡ (I also like and post about others but these r my favorite boys atm, my meow meows if you will)
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BYF: If you dont like blood/guro/ect please block those tags or block me, my tag system is at the very end of the post, I might also RB and post things related to age gaps, toxic relationships, yandere, ect. A lot of my q1nks come from my trauma, please dont attack me for them as this is how I cope, I RETWEET ADULT CONTENT. DNI: Sh/tacon, L/licon, DD/LG, fujos + fetishizers, I do not want minors to interact with NSFW on my page, any "Phobes", rad-inclus, "ultra proship" (just fuck off if you're gonna ship 1nc3st or adults with preteens)
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TAGS: #minors dni = Spicy content *_> #gore #guro #ero guro #noncon #connoncon ect = Warning tags #flag #mogai = Self explanatory #my boyfriend <3 = Posts about my irl partner #yandere irl = Self explanatory #selfship = Self explanatory I tag F/O post with #F/O + their name *w-
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