#let the truth be twisted
pen-guin-writez · 11 months
me: that moment in twisted (the main theme song thing for twisted: the untold story of a royal vizier) is so real because throughout the entire show ja’far had been willingly accepting all the death threats and insults constantly thrown at him, his only friend is this parrot his dead wife gifted him, i wouldnt be surprised if he’s constantly getting nostalgia of sherrezade, and when the townspeople didn’t hate him, and when he actually had friends. and now, here, in this song, during this very moment, all he can see and hear are people that understand him. ursula, scar, gaston, hook, these are all people that he can actually relate to. all these “villains” that he thought he knew opened themselves to him, and finally revealed the truth about their lives, instead of the twisted take that sherrezade’s story told. people that he could actually consider real friends. but that doesn’t matter anymore, does it? he has to make a choice. his princess’ life is in his hands right now. if aladdin ever got hold of the lamp, who knows what he’d do? oh, let’s face it, everyone knows what his foolish mind is thinking. ja’far could never let that arrogant street rat do what he knew he’d do to his daughter. right, his daughter. it’s crazy you would think that a deeply caring and passionate man would leave his daughter, with no one to look after her in the blink of an eye. but what other choicde did he have? he may not ever see the princess again. he may never actually get his wish of returning his wife and retrieving the happy ending he ever so desired. but how could those thoughts reach his racing mind when all he could think of are ursula’s words. the townspeoples’ words. how much everyone despised him. so if he couldn’t live happily ever after with his loved ones... might as well give up his life for them. because mortal life isn’t worth living if he the ja’far everyone only ever saw... was twisted.
my two brain cells: 
my two brain cells: jesus christ...
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starluna9-studios · 2 years
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Some ominous Janus for you all enjoy :)
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mayhemspreadingguy · 1 year
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Today I woke up and chose silliness!
(yes, the mood of my posts is all over the place but this is what you signed up for, it's literally in the name x'D)
This is another contribution to the silly rabbit au (by @cuubism ) featuring @magnusbae 's Dream in a hoodie.
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azaracyy · 3 months
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today, cupimon prays for your happiness too.
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katsigian · 2 months
Kinda hurts a little when you've spent years creating a specific character in a specific universe for hardly anyone to see them, only for someone else to do the exact same concepts and get applauded for it. Did I just do it that badly or something
I remember when I first made all of my OCs supernatural in early 2022. I was one of the first people in [redacted] fandom who made it canon and talked openly about how my OC were vampires. And I got harassed for it endlessly. People were in my asks and dms telling me it was cringe and overpowered and lame, and that I was dumb to think anyone would care. Regardless of all of that, I kept them around and didn't stop talking about them. And then everyone else caught on and also made supernatural OCs because I helped to normalize it. Which isn't the problem, make as many supernatural OCs as you like, I'm not telling people to stop. That's not what bothers me (I have to add that disclaimer bc someone will undoubtedly try to get offended).
I think what upsets me is that it feels like I talk into a void sometimes and it sometimes feels like I don't have a place to share the things I'm proud of. I have an entire world that I made and this intertwined network of 10+ original characters and I just don't know where to talk about them or how to talk about them. I know we're "supposed to create for ourselves" and to "share it for good reasons", but it's really hard to put myself in that mindset. I don't do it for clout and I never will, I love my characters too much for that. Maybe I've just been doing a bad job of sharing anything about my world and characters, that is highly likely. I just can't help but remember the times I did share things and they went completely unnoticed
Just a little bit of acknowledgement would be nice. I think I'd be happy with that. Just a little bit of acknowledgement for the way I've had to fight to have my supernatural OCs exist in a cyberpunk setting in a hostile fandom. Just a little acknowledgement of the months of effort I put into my characters. And that would be all. Or maybe I'll learn how to just ignore everything and just keep doing as I have been. Putting my head and continuing on, savoring those small bits of genuine friendly interest when they come my way. That's good too
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK ain’t gay
*Disclaimer:  If you don’t have a sense of humour don’t bother reading this post.
Part 3 of my 2 part expose into JK being straight as an arrow.  
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Cause I know people.
I’ve already proven it to you time and time again.
In part 1
part 2
Go read them now goddamn it !!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I need the likes people !!!!!!!!!!
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Clearing throat and moving on.
Our man, our ladies man fuckboy, our manliest of all men, a one Mr. Jeon Jungkook is not gay nor queer in no way, shape or form.  
So what if he sucks on another mans’ ear?  
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So what if he allows said other man  give him a hickey?
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So what if he publicly posts said other man an outright invitation to come over and devour him?  
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As our pierced and tattooed manly man told us himself:  SO WHAT???
And now all of you can see it.
In your faces suckers.
It’s proven.  
That’s it.  
Our holey (typo intentional) mission done.  
We have irrefutable evidence.
JK has been photographed with his girlfriend on a super romantic very secretive vacay on Jeju.  
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Wait, wrong pic.
This one has our straight manliest man, man of all men, sitting together with his girlfriend at a restaurant having a super romantic dinner together, of which at the end he proposed to her, cause that’s what you do when the love of your life is about to become the mother of your child, oh and before he goes to the army.  Yeah, that too.
Well, ok, we don’t really know if he proposed to her of if she’s even pregnant, but she’s his girlfriend for sure.
Well, ok, we don’t really know if it’s a romantic dinner or even if she’s his girlfriend, but there’s a pic which contains JK seen with A WOMAN.
Well, ok, so not exactly seen WITH a woman.  More like sitting somewhere and a woman in his proximity.
Well, ok. not exactly a full pic, more like a cropped pic where we see maybe JK sitting opposite someone, he is looking in that direction, and we don’t get to see who that is.
But there is a pic.  With JK (well, maybe JK?) from Jeju.  
Yes, Jeju is a sure thing.
So we have a pic with someone, maybe JK, with a woman sitting near by from a restaurant in Jeju.
Oh, and he is going to the army.  We do have that too.
And obviously that’s more than enough to prove that JK is our beloved straight fuckboy.  
Got there finally.  That was exhausting.
End of part 1 of part 3 of our JK ain’t gay expose.
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To be continued with part 2 of part 3 of our JK ain’t gay expose in which we will divulge mind blowing transcripts we don’t have from recordings never made of a private conversations between our manly man JK and his bro JM.  
This will be it.  The conclusive and irrefutable piece of evidence we’ve been waiting for.  
Or have we?
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beggingwolf · 9 months
why does no one talk about alex rider. that series had me in a chokehold through all of elementary school. when he "killed off' alex at the end of scorpia I fully went insane
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asterdust · 10 months
nanyin subplot is just..... anyway if it were me, i need an antagonist who's only reviving a dead sect for their own selfish goals, fakes being a descendant of that said sect to achieve what they want, and manages to manipulate all the real descendants into his bidding (because haven't they all decided not to do whatever their ancestors want after experiencing wealth??? most of them are dead anyways). now that's a nasty motherfucker through and through.
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finexbright · 2 years
#thinking thoughts that harry might actually be leaving his label and management and the whole three contract deal#wasn't a rumour at all because like what the fuck is actually happening#really fucking sorry but even if harry was straight. or wasn't with louis. he would NOT be dating this woman after everything#like every single person can see just how vile she is and how she's barely keeping up with her own lies#if you really want me to believe that harry is dating this woman who has no shred of self awareness#and has such a twisted view of things. and has been so cruel to so many people on set. and has supported#an actual abuser. and has looked down on one of the most respected actresses in hollywood rn. and has been spinning lies#then i honestly don't know what to tell you#i don't know how much truth there is to the nanny story but there was this quote about how she's fame hungry and how much she cares about#what other people and she's only with harry because of his fame and i think that was the only truth in that article#i don't know what sort of a hellish deal she negotiated with harry/his team but she was really fucking clever with it because what the fuck#convinced she doesn't have a team or publicist or whatever and that she's been pulling strings all along. anyways for fuck's sake#free harry from this mess and do you know what let him disappear for some time while she digs her own grave for her career#like you guys do see that she's been in the industry for over 20 years and has had so many career changes#acting/producing/directing etc and the thing that's gotten her the most fame is this pr stunt. is her bearding. says a lot about her#priorities and who she is as a person and if after all this you still think that harry is actually with her or that he's not#miserable with her. then boy do i have news for you. i don't claim to know him or whatever but like. any decent human would see through#her facade and back the fuck away. like any self respecting person would've seen her world of lies and said nope. i care about my life and#career goodbye. so yeah anyways hope this ends soon and hope she vanishes because it's clear that her career in hollywood is done for
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imgfile · 8 months
just came home from a pro-Palestine protest in Brooklyn, which started out peaceful for the most part until the cops started rushing in and pushing, beating & detaining the protestors
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hella1975 · 1 year
Okay I have a question regarding story writing,,, and it’s okay if you don’t WANT to answer or want to answer in private or whatever. I’m just curious if you have like, generally speaking, the ENTIRE plot beginning to end laid out before you start writing anything?
I’m asking cause there’s a comic I’ve been working on the story for and I’m REALLY struggling with the later part and I’m wondering if I should just start,, drawing??? Or if I should keep trying to figure out the plot and I figure,,, I mean writing and drawing are not HUGELY different in my head and I love your writing so I wanted to ask what you do?
omg hi i love answering stuff like this so pls dw about that <3 that's so exciting that you're doing a comic! as someone who cant even draw stickmen i have so much respect for artists lmao.
as for me and my writing, ive talked on here a lot before about how batshit i think my own method is because i literally do just outline the ENTIRE thing before i even start writing it. like the outline for taob ch41 is the same as it was when i first wrote it down in august 2020. like that is mental. i do that Big Outline in as much detail as possible and generally i wont stray from it unless the story really gets a mind of its own, but i do tend to add details and even entire plot arcs as i go, so i suppose i do a mix? like my writing really does just have a mind of its own and i get dragged along in the current. ive had it in the past where halfway through a wip ive had to scrap the entire plot outline and just run off piste with it bc the story is Not Cooperating With The Initial Vision, and you know what? allowing myself that flexibility always yields more satisfying results. it really depends on the vibe of that specific story. it knows what's best for itself and sometimes you just need to follow it blindly.
so yeah, while my general method is to do one big plot outline before i even start writing and then stick with that until the end, im also liable to change and i think it's more about listening to your story and trusting your gut :)
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pompouspuffball · 2 years
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I say aloud "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I want to gacha............." while my sibling is beside me. Knowing full well that they are evil and WILL tempt me to gacha. . .
When they say "Just gacha." (unfazed. Knowing full well I am soft for them and will probably let them gacha in my phone. Tempting me.) I say "No" because I will NOT be tempted because I know self control and I—
My brother walks in. A lightbulb appeared on my head. I ask my brother to gacha. My sibling say "(how about) me?" (Sparkling tone and eyes) and I say "no" because I know self control (No I don't- I looked at my gems and my keys (I only have 1 tenfold pull and 15 single keys (my sibling already have enough gems+keys for a 300 pulls btw that li'l.....................) and I say "Haha. (disappointment in myself) I can. I can just. I can just grind for more....." and I solidify my will to pull)
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I was like "AT LEAST. AT LEAST HIS LABWEAR.... PLEASE........" while sitting away, not wearing my glasses while my siblings taunt me by showing me my phone screen (I saw the colours btw) AND THEN HE CAME....
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ROOK HUNT.........................
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oloohyeah · 2 years
Look my love I wish to make you aware to few thing that you might think it's not major or for you you see it already so no duh or huh . But seriously. Have you saw me hanging out with you moms boyfriend? I guess you answered sure not.so why your mom associated with my 5 years ex girlfriend Erika Friedman? Or Ruby Sunset, or perhaps Gianna Dipiatzza? Is that a Morley conducted behavior or maybe there is intentions behind the reason... wake up love you been in the same person I was for nearly 20 years it called mind prison.
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demonlordcosnime · 2 months
lets play persona 3 reload part 68
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ladysansana · 6 months
i know people focus on the plagiarism aspect because thats literally the point of h/bomb's video and its a significant issue that reflects the soul sucking mass content driven culture we're living in right now but
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discovering (from twitter after the video was made) how fucking racist jsomerton is about asian queer media (and how twisted his own words to play victim) is mindboggling. of course not all of his followers are aware of it and may not have even seen those tweets he made. those that had and chose to continue their support for him, however. they chose to support a white western man making white savior remarks about asian queer media throwing asian queer artists under the bus and im just ... tired
link to the tweet where i found the screenshots
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK ain’t gay expose
*Disclaimer:  If you don’t have a sense of humour don’t bother reading this post.
Part 2 of part 3 of our JK ain’t gay expose.
In which we’ll disclose super secret transcripts of secret recordings that don’t exist that have come our way from our super secret agent who’s true identity we canine (typo intended) divulge at this point in time (wham BAM thank you mam).  
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Just a random pic.  Nothing to do with our secret agent.  Not at all.  Ignore it. 
The recordings were made sometime before JM’s birthday, early October 2022, exact date unknown to us, as we are still experiencing difficulties with our translator from and to doggie (god, get your minds out of the gutter - doggie language not style).
These recordings we don’t have, god, they are damning.
A conversation that never ever happened between our manliest macho macho man JK and his buddy and protector of his secret relationship with his long term girlfriend, now turned fiancé and mother of his future child (you know - the one from the restaurant).
This transcript which is not at all a figment of my imagination (or is it?) will finally prove to what lengths these two would go to hide JK’s gf from us, their most trustworthy fandom, those who love them oh so much, those who know them the most in the world, those who listen to what they say.  My god, the violation of our trust in them.
I tell you, after reading this transcript I AM SHOOK.
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Here we go people, get ready to have your minds blown:
JK:  Jyaman, my man, how did your recording go today?
JM:  Yeah, not too bad.  Been working round the clock.  
JK:   So, dude, you know I don’t do small talk, I’ll get right to it.  I need a HUGE favour from you Jyaman, my Jyaman, my mate, my everything, but you know, ew, not EVERYTHING.
JM:  What is it Jungkookie?  What do you need me to do?  You know I’ll always be there for you.  You are my everything too, well not EVERYTHING, you know not EVERYTHING, although you do remember that time with the purple ribbon...ahm, yeah...
JK: (Throat clearing) Things with yyyy are getting serious, but you already know that, right?  You literally helped me choose the engagement ring together, dah.  Anyways, ma man, things are getting tricky for me.  Too many people are saying you and I are not a thing anymore.  
You know, our fanservice thing we used to do to protect Tae and my loving relationship.  
Wait, no, I’m getting muddled up, I’ve been reading too much TKK content.  Man, those fanfics are something else.  Actually, you don’t even need to go to the fanfics, read the posts they are a whole fanfic of their own. Got me believing them too, shit.  
JM:  My macho macho man JK, well, not MINE per say, but someone’s...
I digress...how could you even JK?  We were doing it to protect our girlfriends, man.  Maybe you should take a break from SM, eh?   
JK:  Bro, good idea.  I think I need to delete my whole IG account.  Wait, I’ve already done that.  
JM:  Babe, oops, I mean manly man JK, don’t worry about it.  What was it you wanted from me?
JK:  I’m planning a trip to Jeju and going to propose to yyyy.  But you know how we don’t have any kind of privacy now days.  I’m worried we’ll be seen and everyone will find out we’re together.  
You know the lengths we went to with the hickey, right?  We can’t let this fall apart now!!!
JM: Look man, I helped you with the hickey, just like you helped me during RB.  God forbid someone would have seen that lipstick mark on my ear.  That was such a good catch dude.  I have to thank you again for sucking it off my ear.  Phew.  
JK: So, my close but not too close friend, I need your help once again.  A pre-emptive strike this time, if you wish.
JM:  Whatever you need you sexy but clearly heterosexual man of all men...(gulp clearly heard).
JK:  So, I was thinking... your birthday is coming up followed by our Busan concert. And I want to get the tongues wagging again, about us, you know, like maybe we’re doing IT?  
Better they think I’m queer than in a relationship with a woman, right?
JM:  Yeah, for sure.  
JK:  Three steps to my plan:  I’m going to post for your birthday this year.  Yeah.  And I’m going to make it all sexy and stuff, get them all riled up, the fans, you know, but it’s for you...
JM:  A-ha, ok.  So step one thirst trap.  Got it.  Yeah, that’s ok, xxxx won’t mind, she’s already used to it...
JK: Great.  We’re so lucky we have such understanding girlfriends.  Although yyyy did tell me she once sent and ask to Reddit about us.  Seems she was a little unsure about what was going on between us.  Lol, as if... (clearing throat again).
JM:  A-ha.  Yes yes.  Right.
JK:  Next step will be in the live after the concert.  I’ll make a comment about a fan asking me to marry them, and you’ll act all jealous and stuff.  
JM:  Yeah, whatever.  Probably won’t take much acting on my part, wait what? Did I say that out loud?
JK: Ahm...yeah?
...and maybe something else, I haven’t decided yet, I’ll surprise you during the live, but something to get their tongues wagging about us.  I have to protect my heterosexual relationship you know.  
What would people say if they found out I have a girlfriend.  Better they think we’re a couple, right?
JM:  Oh JK, my most masculine of masculine men that I know and want.
Did I just say that out loud again?  Fuck.  Anyways bro, yeah, no probs. We need to protect you.  Poor Tae.  If only we would have helped him before those photos leaked...  
JK:  Yeah, a couple of selfies with him would have overshadowed those pics in a second.  
Oh the shame he has to live with now.  
People knowing he’s with one of the prettiest gals in our industry.  He’s absolutely devastated by it.  
JM:  Ma man, Ma JK, I gotta go now, but no worries, I’ll ride your plan, and anything else you want me to..(giggling heard)
...your bike...god, get out of that dirty mind of yours.  
Anyways, I guess I’ll see you in Busan, yeah?  As we are now not really on speaking terms anymore and are clearly distant.  
SM says it, so it must be true...
JK:  True that.  
So here’s to not seeing you like ever again, unless we need to work together, ugh.  
Have to listen to our fans, they know best.
JM:  Bye Bammie, guess I won’t be seeing you, like ever again... 
Wait, I’m not seeing you now either, cause fans say I’m never at JK’s, so...is this in my imagination?
Narrator:  probably.  It’s definitely in mine.
And there you have it people.
Cut and dry evidence.
Court is out.
Clearly you now KNOW that JK WAS  on Jeju with yyyy, his gf and by now fiancé (our non existent secret agent has notified us that yyyy, the bitch, accepted, fuck her).
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