#and who cares
kanmom51 · 1 year
JK ain’t gay
*Disclaimer:  If you don’t have a sense of humour don’t bother reading this post.
Part 3 of my 2 part expose into JK being straight as an arrow.  
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Cause I know people.
I’ve already proven it to you time and time again.
In part 1
part 2
Go read them now goddamn it !!!!!!!!!!!!! 
I need the likes people !!!!!!!!!!
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Clearing throat and moving on.
Our man, our ladies man fuckboy, our manliest of all men, a one Mr. Jeon Jungkook is not gay nor queer in no way, shape or form.  
So what if he sucks on another mans’ ear?  
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So what if he allows said other man  give him a hickey?
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So what if he publicly posts said other man an outright invitation to come over and devour him?  
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As our pierced and tattooed manly man told us himself:  SO WHAT???
And now all of you can see it.
In your faces suckers.
It’s proven.  
That’s it.  
Our holey (typo intentional) mission done.  
We have irrefutable evidence.
JK has been photographed with his girlfriend on a super romantic very secretive vacay on Jeju.  
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Wait, wrong pic.
This one has our straight manliest man, man of all men, sitting together with his girlfriend at a restaurant having a super romantic dinner together, of which at the end he proposed to her, cause that’s what you do when the love of your life is about to become the mother of your child, oh and before he goes to the army.  Yeah, that too.
Well, ok, we don’t really know if he proposed to her of if she’s even pregnant, but she’s his girlfriend for sure.
Well, ok, we don’t really know if it’s a romantic dinner or even if she’s his girlfriend, but there’s a pic which contains JK seen with A WOMAN.
Well, ok, so not exactly seen WITH a woman.  More like sitting somewhere and a woman in his proximity.
Well, ok. not exactly a full pic, more like a cropped pic where we see maybe JK sitting opposite someone, he is looking in that direction, and we don’t get to see who that is.
But there is a pic.  With JK (well, maybe JK?) from Jeju.  
Yes, Jeju is a sure thing.
So we have a pic with someone, maybe JK, with a woman sitting near by from a restaurant in Jeju.
Oh, and he is going to the army.  We do have that too.
And obviously that’s more than enough to prove that JK is our beloved straight fuckboy.  
Got there finally.  That was exhausting.
End of part 1 of part 3 of our JK ain’t gay expose.
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To be continued with part 2 of part 3 of our JK ain’t gay expose in which we will divulge mind blowing transcripts we don’t have from recordings never made of a private conversations between our manly man JK and his bro JM.  
This will be it.  The conclusive and irrefutable piece of evidence we’ve been waiting for.  
Or have we?
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r0ttingsystem · 2 months
I need a man
I don't know what for but I need one
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livvyofthelake · 11 months
nina and matthias in season one is actually good i decided because it’s like having commercial breaks.
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readordiebyemilyt · 2 years
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Everyone stop and look at this dapper little gentleman!
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rklf001 · 2 years
my favorite thing is seeing the gamer bros on twitter being mad every week because bungie is using the layouts of lost sectors that don’t exist for a one time playable activity
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faeriekit · 7 months
"This fic was ai generated—" Cool, so lemme block you real quick
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trashy-greyjoy · 4 months
really love dynamics that are like 'it honestly doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic, the point is that they love each other. the type of love is inconsequential, all that matters is that it's there'. gotta be one of my favorite genders.
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quinnfebrey · 4 months
annie lennox calling for a ceasefire during the grammys but being completely overshadowed by taylor swift announcing the release of some new songs is like an onion headline except it actually happened
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mpekamitzii · 8 months
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK ain’t gay expose
*Disclaimer:  If you don’t have a sense of humour don’t bother reading this post.
Part 2 of part 3 of our JK ain’t gay expose.
In which we’ll disclose super secret transcripts of secret recordings that don’t exist that have come our way from our super secret agent who’s true identity we canine (typo intended) divulge at this point in time (wham BAM thank you mam).  
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Just a random pic.  Nothing to do with our secret agent.  Not at all.  Ignore it. 
The recordings were made sometime before JM’s birthday, early October 2022, exact date unknown to us, as we are still experiencing difficulties with our translator from and to doggie (god, get your minds out of the gutter - doggie language not style).
These recordings we don’t have, god, they are damning.
A conversation that never ever happened between our manliest macho macho man JK and his buddy and protector of his secret relationship with his long term girlfriend, now turned fiancé and mother of his future child (you know - the one from the restaurant).
This transcript which is not at all a figment of my imagination (or is it?) will finally prove to what lengths these two would go to hide JK’s gf from us, their most trustworthy fandom, those who love them oh so much, those who know them the most in the world, those who listen to what they say.  My god, the violation of our trust in them.
I tell you, after reading this transcript I AM SHOOK.
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Here we go people, get ready to have your minds blown:
JK:  Jyaman, my man, how did your recording go today?
JM:  Yeah, not too bad.  Been working round the clock.  
JK:   So, dude, you know I don’t do small talk, I’ll get right to it.  I need a HUGE favour from you Jyaman, my Jyaman, my mate, my everything, but you know, ew, not EVERYTHING.
JM:  What is it Jungkookie?  What do you need me to do?  You know I’ll always be there for you.  You are my everything too, well not EVERYTHING, you know not EVERYTHING, although you do remember that time with the purple ribbon...ahm, yeah...
JK: (Throat clearing) Things with yyyy are getting serious, but you already know that, right?  You literally helped me choose the engagement ring together, dah.  Anyways, ma man, things are getting tricky for me.  Too many people are saying you and I are not a thing anymore.  
You know, our fanservice thing we used to do to protect Tae and my loving relationship.  
Wait, no, I’m getting muddled up, I’ve been reading too much TKK content.  Man, those fanfics are something else.  Actually, you don’t even need to go to the fanfics, read the posts they are a whole fanfic of their own. Got me believing them too, shit.  
JM:  My macho macho man JK, well, not MINE per say, but someone’s...
I digress...how could you even JK?  We were doing it to protect our girlfriends, man.  Maybe you should take a break from SM, eh?   
JK:  Bro, good idea.  I think I need to delete my whole IG account.  Wait, I’ve already done that.  
JM:  Babe, oops, I mean manly man JK, don’t worry about it.  What was it you wanted from me?
JK:  I’m planning a trip to Jeju and going to propose to yyyy.  But you know how we don’t have any kind of privacy now days.  I’m worried we’ll be seen and everyone will find out we’re together.  
You know the lengths we went to with the hickey, right?  We can’t let this fall apart now!!!
JM: Look man, I helped you with the hickey, just like you helped me during RB.  God forbid someone would have seen that lipstick mark on my ear.  That was such a good catch dude.  I have to thank you again for sucking it off my ear.  Phew.  
JK: So, my close but not too close friend, I need your help once again.  A pre-emptive strike this time, if you wish.
JM:  Whatever you need you sexy but clearly heterosexual man of all men...(gulp clearly heard).
JK:  So, I was thinking... your birthday is coming up followed by our Busan concert. And I want to get the tongues wagging again, about us, you know, like maybe we’re doing IT?  
Better they think I’m queer than in a relationship with a woman, right?
JM:  Yeah, for sure.  
JK:  Three steps to my plan:  I’m going to post for your birthday this year.  Yeah.  And I’m going to make it all sexy and stuff, get them all riled up, the fans, you know, but it’s for you...
JM:  A-ha, ok.  So step one thirst trap.  Got it.  Yeah, that’s ok, xxxx won’t mind, she’s already used to it...
JK: Great.  We’re so lucky we have such understanding girlfriends.  Although yyyy did tell me she once sent and ask to Reddit about us.  Seems she was a little unsure about what was going on between us.  Lol, as if... (clearing throat again).
JM:  A-ha.  Yes yes.  Right.
JK:  Next step will be in the live after the concert.  I’ll make a comment about a fan asking me to marry them, and you’ll act all jealous and stuff.  
JM:  Yeah, whatever.  Probably won’t take much acting on my part, wait what? Did I say that out loud?
JK: Ahm...yeah?
...and maybe something else, I haven’t decided yet, I’ll surprise you during the live, but something to get their tongues wagging about us.  I have to protect my heterosexual relationship you know.  
What would people say if they found out I have a girlfriend.  Better they think we’re a couple, right?
JM:  Oh JK, my most masculine of masculine men that I know and want.
Did I just say that out loud again?  Fuck.  Anyways bro, yeah, no probs. We need to protect you.  Poor Tae.  If only we would have helped him before those photos leaked...  
JK:  Yeah, a couple of selfies with him would have overshadowed those pics in a second.  
Oh the shame he has to live with now.  
People knowing he’s with one of the prettiest gals in our industry.  He’s absolutely devastated by it.  
JM:  Ma man, Ma JK, I gotta go now, but no worries, I’ll ride your plan, and anything else you want me to..(giggling heard)
...your bike...god, get out of that dirty mind of yours.  
Anyways, I guess I’ll see you in Busan, yeah?  As we are now not really on speaking terms anymore and are clearly distant.  
SM says it, so it must be true...
JK:  True that.  
So here’s to not seeing you like ever again, unless we need to work together, ugh.  
Have to listen to our fans, they know best.
JM:  Bye Bammie, guess I won’t be seeing you, like ever again... 
Wait, I’m not seeing you now either, cause fans say I’m never at JK’s, so...is this in my imagination?
Narrator:  probably.  It’s definitely in mine.
And there you have it people.
Cut and dry evidence.
Court is out.
Clearly you now KNOW that JK WAS  on Jeju with yyyy, his gf and by now fiancé (our non existent secret agent has notified us that yyyy, the bitch, accepted, fuck her).
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eastgaysian · 9 months
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greelin · 2 months
[guy who genuinely fucking loathes himself voice] well on account of my charming and endearing nature. Of course
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stuckinapril · 3 months
i don't think people really understand what's happening in gaza. with each passing day that sees more and more palestinians dead, it's becoming easier and easier for those in the west to perceive them as nothing more than a statistic. they might engage w the occasional palestine post, sure, but it's just as easy to scroll right past that moments later w no real outrage for the genocide retained.
it's vital to stay reminded that palestinians who are with us today won't be with us tomorrow. it's happening every second of every minute of every hour, and it's relentless. somewhere in gaza a little girl is losing her mother, a little boy is watching his siblings bleed to death, elderly people are infirm with starvation and illness, palestinian women and girls are being sexually assaulted and kept in cages, fathers are leaving tents to find food for their families and not coming back. this is all happening right now, and it's a direct result of the west's complacency. it's a direct result of their not seeing arabs as people worth saving.
it might be hard to compute as a westerner, but this is real. don't let your privilege blind you to your humanity.
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thestuffedalligator · 6 months
So usually when an imaginary friend is a real thing in a story, it’s either a demon or a ghost or some supernatural boogeyman that probably wants to eat the kid they’ve befriended (Mama, a couple of the Paranormal Activity movies), or “imaginary friends” are just treated as a real thing in the setting, and if a child just thinks hard enough they can manifest a friend into existence (Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends, Happy).
And somewhere in the middle is an area where the imaginary friend in question is real and they are supernatural, but they aren’t malevolent, and they aren’t entirely honest about what they are. Like maybe they’re a fairy or a god or some kind of boggle from mythology, but they just got caught by a six year old and they don’t have time to get into it, so they just go “…Yes. I’m your imaginary friend. We haven’t met. How do you do.” And then they stick around because they do love this kid, and if you’re a boggle from mythology in the modern day good food is really hard to come by.
And at some level. That’s what I think Hobbes is.
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thepixelatedcactus · 6 months
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flying the original character artist flag with pride
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catilinas · 4 months
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