#leigh’s watch machina
shadowgasp · 1 year
tlovm s2
me during episode 1
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me during episode 2
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me during episode 3
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spectralscathath · 5 months
do you have any voice headcanons for Antares? how they talk, stuff like that?
Okay well here’s the characters that I think would keep the voices similar to what they have in show, because the performances given were excellent and really defined the character to me. The cadence, the tone, all that, these ones work well.
Winter, Ironwood, Tyrian, Watts, Salem, Hazel, Oscar, Ozpin, the Ace Ops are all solid, Robyn, Whitley, Sienna, Raven, Mercury, Vernal.
So here's the ones I'd mess with:
Ruby: I’d want to still have her sound light and innocent, but I’d definitely make her way less squeaky then she was in the show. A voice that can still have a bit of grit, if she needs it. I’m picturing something like Dani Phantom in Danny Phantom, or X-23 in x-men evolution (Andrea Libman’s version). Childish but able to get dangerous.
Weiss: definitely something posh but not necessarily snooty. She should have a very clear voice, one that’s clearly been through a million dictation lessons and speaks quite musically at that. Pick a soprano broadway singer, go from there.
Blake: I think she’d probably have the deepest voice of the main four girls? Not raspy, but resonant. Able to soften up, I picture something like Vi from Arcane or Korra from Legend of Korra.
Yang: Not as deep as Blake’s voice, but definitely with a bit of grit to it that gives her that tough vibe. Where Blake has resonance, Yang does have rasp. Sorta Ryuko Matoi-esque, or like Amethyst from Steven Universe.
Qrow: as much as I like Jason Liebrecht’s work I don’t think he works quite as well for Qrow, which is not anything against him just the voice doesn’t fit as much as I’d prefer. I’ve always felt Qrow should have a voice with a deeper register anyway, so I’d be picking a performance like Wolverine from X-Men Evolution, or Ghazan, Legend of Korra.
Sun: I really like Lego Monkie Kid and all the voice actors are great, I just can’t decide if Sun gets MK’s voice (younger, peppy, excited, also Sokka) or Monkey King’s (equally peppy, a little more deep, a bit tricksy, also Goku).
Ilia: I think Cherami Leigh’s voice acting is great (maybe she can be Blake?) but my Ilia is a bit younger and a lot softer so I’d want her to have more of a higher voice, to contrast Antares-Blake’s lower register. Something that still cracks, a bit like Luz from Owl House, mayhaps, or Marcy from Amphibia.
Summer: if any of you have watched Critical Role 3 Bells Hells and have listened to Ashley Johnson’s voice for Fearne, that’s it exactly. Really soft and breathy and gentle, really distinctive from the rest of the cast.
Tortuga: Tortuga had a very deep voice compared to the other Ace Ops, but not gravelly. Not quite on the levels of like, James Earl Jones, but more like Keith Davids in his Dr Facilier role, able to be quick but with gravitas.
Cinder: needs to be huskier, definitely able to have charisma behind it rather than risking sounding childish, or whiny. I picture something like Meg from Hades or Lust from FMA.
Jaune: I think he’d have one of the higher pitched voices of the male cast? Definitely a tenor, speaks fast and nervously, I picture kinda like Martin Blackwood’s voice from the Magnus Archives (I have no idea what anyone’s accents are and I don’t want to think about it), or Rocky from Lackadaisy.
Nora: super high pitched and nasally, but really sweet and cute nonetheless. I’d say kinda like, Molly from Epithet Erased, or Ivy, Lackadaisy again.
Pyrrha: I think she should have the most standard teenager voice? She deserves it, she deserves normal and not exceptional. I picture, like Gwen Stacy from Spiderverse, or Wendy from Gravity Falls?
Ren: a very subdued, almost monotone voice, its not necessarily particularly low or high, but could totally drop down to something very menacing if pushed. I’m thinking, like, a chilled out version of Percy from Vox Machina, with that same ability to go right down into a danger zone.
Emerald: what if we took Cherami Leigh's Ilia voice and just moved it here what then? Other options I think would suit her would be something like Miriam from Dragon Age (Kimberly Brooks is always a win)
Penny: If Nora was high pitched I think Penny should sound like a literal child, on account of Pietro really leaning into the 'innocent little girl' thing when he was downloading voice clips to make into her synthesizer- or, hear me out: Penny voiced by a vocaloid.
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thebadgersknackers · 1 year
Tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Tagged by @thermoskind and @cloudofbutterflies <3
Three ships:
(2/3 are ofmd ships because of course they are)
Ineffable Husbands
First ship:
Honestly? Probably tenrose from when I first watched doctor who when I was like 11.
Last song:
Battle Cries by the Amazing Devil
Last film:
Coraline. I recently listened to the audiobook and that made me want to rewatch it.
Currently reading:
I'm rereading Ninth House by Leigh Bardugo before I read the sequel
Currently watching:
The Last of Us and season 2 of The Legend of Vox Machina
Currently consuming:
A cup of tea
Currently craving:
Some homemade soup
Tagging @turtles-on-turts @effinggravity @courtjestermerlin @blackbeardskneebrace @leatherdaddyteach @blackbeardsemophase @flightoftheconnie @notsogracefulhearts @stedebonnit No pressure though!!
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monstermonstre · 1 year
Faves of 2022
Self explanatory end of the year list of my favourite everythings I consumed this year. That includes things that came out before 2022 but that I read/watched/played for the first time this year. For those of you who are only interested in what came in 2022 I will put them at the top of each list for visibility.
Other than that, the lists aren’t sorted by any order of preference, that’s just too much to ask.
🩳 for short films, 🏳️‍🌈 for queer films (how queer they are vary immensely here so please don’t take this as me putting them all in the same basket, it’s just to highlight which could be of interest for someone looking for queer narratives and/or point of views), and finally 🌐 for films that are not a North American production.
Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) 🏳️‍🌈
Triangle of Sadness (2022) 🌐
Kimi (2022)
Barbarian (2022)
Starfuckers (2022) 🩳🏳️‍🌈
Prey (2022)
Turning Red (2022)
Love and Leashes (2022) 🌐
Rest of the list under the ‘read more’
Ringu (1998) 🌐
Keyboard Fantasies (2019) 🏳️‍🌈
Two Cars, One Night (2004) 🩳🌐
Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris (1970) 🩳🏳️‍🌈
Tama Tū (2004) 🩳🌐
Paris 05:59: Théo & Hugo (2016) 🏳️‍🌈🌐
Next Goal Wins (2014) 🏳️‍🌈🌐
Knife+Heart (2018) 🏳️‍🌈🌐
I Lost My Body (2019) 🌐
Towards Tenderness (2016) 🩳🏳️‍🌈🌐
Danton’s Death (2011) 🩳🌐
All the Crows In the World (2021) 🩳🏳️‍🌈🌐
Ex Machina (2014)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
The Samurai (2014) 🏳️‍🌈🌐
One Cut of the Dead (2017) 🌐
Prisoners (2013)
Rope (1948) 🏳️‍🌈
Frankenstein (1931) 🏳️‍🌈
The Old Dark House (1932) 🏳️‍🌈
Cat People (1942) 🏳️‍🌈
Happy Together (1997) 🏳️‍🌈🌐
Inside Llewyn Davis (2013)
Chris Fleming: Showpig (2018)
Rashomon (1950) 🌐
La Cage aux Folles (1978) 🏳️‍🌈🌐
I don’t have a lot in this list so I feel more inclined to give a lil explanation for each entry.
To Strip the Flesh by Oto Toda (2022 for the translation, 2020 in the original japanese): an anthology manga with a main story about a preop trans man who makes a living livestreaming himself cutting meat from animals that his father hunted (part of his success relying on how attractive he is to his audience who perceive him as a woman) and his struggle around coming out to his father and pursuing gender-affirming surgery.
It’s a beautiful and visceral (in every sense of the word) manga and I can’t recommend it enough. With a caveat that it contains, both in its main story and the short that make the anthology, a lot of body horror that might not be for everyone.
No Sleep Till Shengal by Zerocalcare (2022): don’t know that I have much to say about this one. People familiar with his work might understand why.
Monstrous Regiment and Going Postal by Terry Pratchett: continuing my exploration of the Discworld and enjoyed the two a great deal. Monstrous Regiment has become my favourite Discworld and maybe a favourite in general as well. It’s rare (at least to me, but maybe I’m not looking in the right places) to find satisfying trans representation in fiction, even more so in genre fiction, and even more so in stories that are overall a fun time. The final few pages make me emotional every time I read them.  “Around him, the kitchen worked.” and “‘A choice?’ said Rosemary.” forever.
My Brother’s Husband by Gengoroh Tagame: just gonna copy the wiki summary “the series follows the relationship between single father Yaichi, his daughter Kana, and Mike Flanagan, the Canadian husband of Yaichi's estranged and recently deceased twin brother.” It’s a manga, it’s beautiful, glad I finally got around to reading it.
Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo: took me ages to get to this despite having devoured Six of Crows but here we are. Since it’s a sequel I don’t feel like I can say much other than I had a great time with it and the ending got me. It helped me get out of a reading slump I was in.
The Cabin at the End of the World by Paul Tremblay: checked this one out because I saw the trailer for the upcoming film adaptation and it hooked me. It was such an easy read I finished it in 3 days (which is very fast for me nowadays). I still don’t really know what to think of it, still recovering from the ending and trying to make up my mind, but it did its job of keeping me invested and turning the pages fast. I’m very curious to see how they adapt it too.
Dracula by Bram Stoker: so thankful for dracula daily for getting me to read this, joined the squad of “why the hell adaptations do this to Mina and why do they omit my man Quincey?”.
A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers: even less “plot” than the first book but I couldn’t give a shit. I love the Wayfarers universe and its characters and this was such a comfortable and satisfying read. It even made me reevaluate some of my stances on AIs.
Overall I only read 2 of the books I said were on my to-read for 2022 but I achieved my goal of reading at least 12 books this year (even beat it by 1!) and got out of a years long reading slump so it’s a win! Looking forward to my reading in 2023.
TV Shows
Faves new shows of 2022: Our Flag Means Death, Severance, The Bear, Murderville and Interview with the Vampire
Other than that I watch too many things and TV Time is awful to navigate but off the top of my head other shows that didn’t start this year that I feel the need to highlight: What We Do In The Shadows (this latest finale was a gut punch in the best of ways), Chucky (the most fun I’ve had consistently watching anything this year), The Night Of (took me a while to get to this miniseries but it didn’t disappoint to say the least), Taskmaster NZ (the superior version), Barry, Succession, The Casketeers, Los Espookys...
Oh and you should subscribe to Dropout
Everything Else
I don’t play that much video games but of the ones I played and finished (or that can’t be finished) I played and finished Spiritfarer this year and that didn’t disappoint. Also the new Just Dance (2023 Edition) is insane. Yes they sacrificed a lot in the process but if you only take the new songs and maps into account it’s the best they’ve ever done.
And music wise I already answered a lot of Spotify Wrapped questions and that’s probably that. I’m a filthy casual enjoyer of music, incapable of having any critical sense for it.
I made this list mostly for myself and also for those of you who might have similar taste as mine and looking for recs. If after reading this you think you might have recs for me, feel free to drop them in replies or DMs!
Happy new year!
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callunavulgari · 1 year
Scrapbook 2023 | Pt I
For anyone that’s new to this, this is how I keep track of all of the things that I enjoy and/or create throughout the year. I have literally been doing this since I had a livejournal.
It’s a nice little snippet of my life and helps to organize my brain.
A reminder:
Normal font - Indifferent/Neutral Italicized font - Enjoyed bold font - Loved with an asterisk* - All time favorite (bracketed titles) - Re-watches/Re-reads strikethough - Disliked
Goals are: read 65 books, finish 4 video games, write more than 20 fics or something larger than 20k, and expand on your original novel outline to the point that you START WRITING.
Past Years
(The Day After Tomorrow)
Jurassic World: Dominion
(Princess Mononoke)
Glass Onion
Do Revenge
(Star Wars: Rogue One)
(Ever After)
Black Panther: Wakanda Forever
(Spirited Away)
(Raggedy Ann and Andy: A Musical Adventure)
(Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland)
(The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey)
(The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)
(The Hobbit: Battle of Five Armies)
(Howl’s Moving Castle)
(Lotr: The Two Towers)
(Lotr: The Fellowship of the Ring)
(Atlantis: The Lost Empire)
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
(Spirited Away)
Watcher: Top 5 Beatdown
That 90′s Show
Owl House, s3
Lockwood & Co, s1
Watcher: Top 5 Beatdown
The Witcher: Blood Origin
Fantastic Fungi
Miraculous Ladybug, s5
The White Lotus, s1
The Last of Us, s1
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Vox Machina, s2
Modern Marvels, Tea and Coffee Episodes
Watcher: Are You Scared
Watcher: Too Many Spirits
The Last of Us, s1
Watcher: Are You Scared
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
Miraculous Ladybug, s5
Russian Doll, s2
Shadow and Bone, s2
Watcher: Are You Scared
Watcher: Top 5 Beatdown
Case Study Vanitas
Buzzfeed: Worth It
Buzzfeed: Worth It
Watcher: Survival Mode
Watcher: Weird Wonderful World
The Owl House, s3*****
The Mandalorian, s3
(She-Ra, s7)
Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story
Sweet Tooth, s2
First Kill
Seasparrow | Kristin Cashore [Fin]
Ace of Shades | Faridah Àbíké-Íyímídé [Fin]
A Restless Truth | Freya Marske [Fin]
The Kingdom of Copper | S.A. Chakraborty [Fin]
Bone Witch | Rin Chupeko [Fin]
Ocean’s Echo | Everina Maxwell [Fin]
(Lair of Dreams | Libba Bray) [Fin]
(Captive Prince | CS Pacat) [Fin]
This Is How You Lose the Time War | Aman El-Mohtar, Max Gladstone [Fin]
The Empire of Gold | S.A. Chakraborty [Fin]
Legend & Lattes | Travis Baldree [Fin]
The Bone Season | Samantha Shannon [Fin]
Juniper & Thorn | Ava Reid
(A Court of Thorns and Roses | Sarah Maas) [Fin]
Milk | Mark Kurlansky
The Burning God | R F Kuang [Fin]
The Shadow of Kyoshi | FC Yee 
The Shadow of Kyoshi | FC Yee [Fin]
Juniper & Thorn | Ava Reid
Milk | Mark Kurlansky
A Mirror Mended | Alix Harrow
A Court of Mist and Fury | Sarah Maas [Fin]
Our Violent Ends | Chloe Gong [Fin]
The World We Make | N.K. Jemisin [Fin]
The Sun Down Motel | Simone St James [Fin]
Babel | RF Kuang [Fin]
The Hollow Ones | Guillermo Del Toro [Fin]
The Stolen Heir | Holly Black [Fin]
A Mirror Mended | Alix Harrow [Fin]
The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi | SA Chakraborty [Fin]
Iron Widow | Xiran Jay Zhao [Fin]
Juniper & Thorn | Ava Reid [Fin]
Love & Gelato | Jenna Evans Welch [Fin]
The Dawn of Yangchen | FC Yee [Fin]
Hell Bent | Leigh Bardugo [Fin]
Tress of the Emerald Sea | Brandon Sanderson [Fin]
Milk | Mark Kurlansky
Milk | Mark Kurlansky
The Oleander Sword | Tasha Suri [Fin]
The Beautiful Ones | Silvia Morena-Garcia [Fin]
Happy Place | Emily Henry [Fin]
Foul Lady Fortune | Chloe Gong [Fin]
(Zero Hours: A Matter of Time)
Critical Role, Campaign 2: Episodes 1-3
Critical Role, Campaign 2: Episode 4
Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, 12 hours?
The Last of Us [Fin]
(Horizon: Forbidden West)
Persona 5 Royal, 220 hrs [Fin]
Assassin’s Creed: Origins, 20ish hours
Stardew Valley, 20 hours?
Stardew Valley, 56 hrs
(Kingdom Hearts 3)
Stardew Valley, 56 hrs
Assassin’s Creed: Origins
(Bioshock Infinite) [Fin]
Red Dead: Redemption
Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, all the hours
Fanmixes/Spotify Playlists/Graphics
Kawaii desu desu bullsh*t 
Prelude Music
Invitations by nbfutureboy | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | “Uh, Steve? How do you know my Dungeon Master?”
the sun in the west by misantlery | House of the Dragon | Rhaenyra/Daemon | 6k | Scenes from the reign of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, first of her name.
Halfway There by nbfutureboy | Stranger Things | 2k | Eddie wakes up to a thumping headache, a sweat under his collar, and a warm spot in the bed where Steve had previously been.
I Could Lift You Up by ouijaboy | Watcher | Shane/Ryan | 5k |  Five times Shane made a big ol’ romantic gesture, and one time Ryan returned the sentiment.
whatever you want by Wildehack (tyleet) | Wolf 359 | Kepler/Jacobi | 5k | Kepler doesn't fuck him that first day, when Daniel swallows his pride like it's a hot coal he can feel boiling down to the pit of his stomach and dials the number left on the card.  
turn our golden faces into the sun by liesmyth | The Locked Tomb | Harrow/Gideon | 5k | After Canaan House and Cytherea's death, Harrow wakes up on the Erebos as a newly-made Lyctor. She meets God. Then she meets God's daughter.
Two Pollens (Alike in Indignity) by rhysiana, ritualist | The Untamed | Nie Mingjue/Jin Guangyao | 12k | Meng Yao gets dosed with truth pollen. The cure has some side effects.
A Man of Honor by astolat | GOT | Jaime/Robb | 36k | Tyrion sighed. “He's nineteen, well-favored, and as far as I know, neither demented nor stupid. And not a hint of a betrothal. Sorry.”
in the garden of my heart by liesmyth | House of the Dragon | Alicent/Rhaenyra | 1k | It was a strange feeling. Alicent she found herself grasping Rhaenyra’s fingers, hard, filled with a possessiveness she couldn’t give a name to, a fierce love that threatened to burst out of her.
The Mistress Clause by sir_not_appearing_in_this_archive | Mistborn | Wax/Wayne, Wax/Steris | 51k | Wayne doesn’t poach, because poaching’s just a fancy word for stealing a heart, and he doesn’t steal (anymore). But he might trade for a heart, if he can find something of equal value to swap it with.
Here, After by spqr | 9-1-1 | Buck/Eddie | 12k | Buck’s not proud. Buck lives in a horror movie.
high water by spqr | Star Trek | Spock/Kirk | 7k | “Andorian wine is very potent,” Spock says. “How much did you consume?”
rhadamanthus by spqr | Star Trek | Spock/Kirk | 6k | Spock murmurs, “I cannot imagine a universe in which it is not my life’s duty to protect you. You are — “ he has to search for the right words, in Jim’s language. “You are — most dear to me, of all things.”
Necromantic Adventures in Bodyswapping! by liesmyth | The Locked Tomb | Augustine/Mercymorn | 4k | Mercymorn swallowed. Then she said, “I should’ve known you’d suck your own dick, you empty-headed egomaniac.”
of all that lived by spqr | Batman | Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne | 9k | WIP | The first thing Kyle does when he gets home to find his apartment ransacked is account for all his cats.
That Old Forever by spqr | Star Wars | Din/Luke | 29k | Din had commed laughing to show him his ewok targets stacked three deep in carbonite, which would have made Luke laugh too if he weren’t too busy being sullen and sleep-deprived and generally unpleasant—and focused on concealing a giant, soul-crushing, absolutely mortifying pubescent crush on his adopted brother.
a warm spot in a cold snap by hygarden | Wolf 359 | Jacobi/Kepler | 4k | The thing is it’s not like Jacobi hasn’t thought about it.
a luxury few can afford by three-fingered (calciseptine) | Marvel | Spiderman/Deadpool | WIP | "And what's the going rate for swiss cheese?" Peter asks as casually as possible.
Roll To Charm Person by harriet_vane | Stranger Things | Will/Mike | 59k | Will needs a date to his mom's wedding. Mike volunteers.
it hurts at first (but it ain't that bad) by Lise | The Untamed | Xiao Xingchen/Xue Yang | 12k | Xue Yang might be dying, but he can at least make sure Xiao Xingchen knows who tricked him.
so little time and i'm way off track by defractum | The Untamed | Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji | 25k |  "Have you heard of Wei Wuxian?" someone bellows.
god was a dog-man by spqr | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 12k | “Do you have a secret teenage son?” Stiles demands, as soon as Derek opens the door.
Here's Not Here by theroguesgambit | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 10k | Stiles is different today.
It Can All But Break Your Heart by orbiting_saturn | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 7k | Turns out, Derek can’t go anywhere without getting hit on.
I Might Be A Fool by prettylittlementirosa | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 35k |  The thing about Stiles, though, is that for him, turned on and angry are not mutually exclusive feelings.
The Price by theroguesgambit | Teen Wolf | Sterek | 18k | Stiles must surrender the most important thing in his life to protect the town… and no one can figure out what it was.
you were there and so was i by magneticwave | Teen Wolf | Sterek, Allison & Stiles | 8k |  For their tenth birthday, Stiles had gotten Allison a mug from a kiosk at the mall with AREN’T YOU GLAD WE EVOLVED OUT OF NEIGHBORING CELLS on one side and a picture from their school trip to the zoo, the one where Allison was hitting a goat trying to eat Stiles’ shirt, on the other.
Same As It Ever Was by QuokkaFoxtrot | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 62k | "Deja-vu? Like you feel like you've done this before, because-"
In Bloom by Celia_and for BensCalligraphySet | Star Wars | Rey/Ben | 14k | He doesn’t love her. But when his hands are on her body, she can pretend.
straight at the sun by brawlite | Trigun Stampede | Vash/Wolfwood | 4k | Drunk as a skunk and feeling maudlin, Wolfwood finds a stranger in a saloon who reminds him of Vash. He lets hungry fantasies get the better of him.
night sounds by brawlite | Trigun Stampede | Knives/Wolfwood | 6k | While drunk, Wolfwood confesses his feelings to Vash. It goes surprisingly well -- until it really, really doesn’t.
fool in the moon by arahir | Trigun Stampede | Vash/Wolfwood | 8k | Wolfwood carries a body.
I just can’t wait for love to destroy us by FlowerCitti | Trigun Stampede | Vash/Wolfwood | 8k | There are small things to be noticed, if you know to look, that make Vash just a little less human.
come to conceal the confusion we feel by iodhadh | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen/Xue Chengmei | 7k | As far as Song Lan is concerned, Xue Yang is nothing more or less than the most irritating student taking lessons at the dance studio he co-owns with his boyfriend.
No Passing Fascination by madamerioulette | The Untamed | Song Lan/Xue Yang/Xiao Xingchen | 36k | “If no consensus can be made, and no act of justice agreed upon, then it falls to myself and my companion Song Zichen to take matters into our own hands.”
Hawkins Halfway House for Homeless Horrors by Trensu | Stranger Things | Eddie/Steve | 2k | Steve wanted to be a dad more than anything. Unfortunately, he was a single dude in his thirties which meant no adoption agency in the world was willing to give him a chance. Or at least no human adoption agency.
Please Hold by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k | Lesson of the day, no matter how busy you are, it's rarely a good idea to let your subconscious take the wheel.
pretty doctor by spqr | House | House/Chase | 5k | ROBBIE DOWN UNDER. LET ME GET UNDER YOU. “CRIKEY, THAT’S A BIG COCK!”
My Right Hand Man by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 4k | In which movie night takes an unexpected turn, and it's surprisingly easy to just let it happen.
then out of nowhere, somebody comes and hits you with an ooh la la la, ooh la la la, ooh la la la, ooh by @calciseptine | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 42k | A man with spider-themed superpowers accidentally breaks into Wade's apartment. 
like a record, baby by jilliancares | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 8k | “I already have an escape plan,” Deadpool says. He grabs Peter’s wrist, raises it above his head, and then digs his thumb into Peter’s spinneret.
So No One Told You Life Was Gonna Be This Way by Jenetica | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 32k |  Peter Parker's life doesn't need an influx of new, distinctly spidery Spider-Man powers.
let me explain by jilliancares | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 8k |  Peter's starting to realize just how much Wade knows about him
Tiny Entanglements by MargaretKire | Marvel | Peter/Wade | 7k | Spider-Man has some hidden desires. So does Deadpool. Things get complicated when Morbius claims to have a cure for Peter’s ‘impure’ DNA.
Your Call Is Important To Us by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k | Steve needs a minute, and some moral support from a friend, after accidentally kissing Eddie goodbye.
Hard to be Soft by stereobone | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 2k | Eddie's had sex on a bed before. A lot, actually. Face down, usually, sheets dirty, barely able to breathe, someone holding him bruise-tight and pressing his face into the mattress.
A Breach In The Wall by entanglednow | Stranger Things | Steve/Eddie | 1k | Steve is forced to wonder if it's still a rude awakening when you're just pretending to be asleep.
2022 || Multifandom Mashup (Happy New Year)
2022 Movie Trailer Mashup
therefore i am [Wednesday]
Paint It Black || The Rolling Stones
MARVEL || Ode to Joy
House Targaryen | Fire & Blood
The Batman || Where is My MInd?
(The Witcher) Geralt Of Rivia | Home
The Batman || Where is My MInd?
Princess Cirilla of Cintra (+Geralt & Yennefer)
It's Alright - Percy de Rolo AMV (Legend of Vox Machina)
MARVEL || Ant-Man and The Wasp: Quantumania - Rise
derek & stiles || on my way
call me by your name; stiles & derek
Ellie | The Last of Us
Multifandom || It's Going Down Tonight
Wednesday || Bad Guy
They will not control us
Joel & Ellie | Look for the light
Joel & Ellie || The Last of Us
Daemon & Rhaenyra || Play With Fire
Iron Man & Doctor Strange || Don't put your blame on me
sick thoughts
Doctor Strange || Enemy (Tommee Profitt)
The Last of Us | When Innocence Dies
loud | Wednesday
Derek x Stiles | the one to save me
The Last of Us | Fear
Time changes everything.
wednesday || utopia
Meimuna - Meimuna
Colors - Black Pumas
Sho’s Song - Cecile Corbel
The Darker the Weather - MISSIO
Thumbs - Sabrina Carpenter
Dragonstea Din Tea - Feuerchwanz
Onwards We Row - Miracle of Sound
Edge of Midnight - Miley Cyrus
August - Vanisa Khamkhosy
Warrior of the Mind - Jorge Rivera-Herrans
Happier Than Ever - Billie Eilish
FU In My Head - Cloudy June
Villain - Bella Poarch
Kalyna - Go-A
I See You - Leona Lewis
Genesis - Otyken
Dimna Juda - Walkauz
See You Again - Miley Cyrus
Ohio Is For Lovers - Hawthorne Heights
Queen of Kings - Alessandra
Flowers - Miley Cyrus
Take A Hint - Victorious Cast
rapunzel - emlyn
Sorry Barbie - Todrick Hall
Six Soundtrack
Fairytale (Violin) - Joel Sunny
Tea, Milk and Honey - Oh Pep!
Middle of the Night - Elley Duhe
Tongues & Teeth | The Crane Wives
King | The Amazing Devil
A Little Bit Off | Five Finger Death Punch
Masterpiece | Motionless In White
Khamlu | Hubert von Goisern
Con La Brisa | Foudeqush
Interlude | Stormzy
Our Light | Lyn
Mountain at My Gates | Foals
Fuel to Fire | Agnes Obel
Arms Unfolding | dodie
Truly Madly Deeply - Yoke Lore
Step Into Darkness | Dubkiller
Main Theme | PurpleSchala
Hungry Heart | Steve Aoki
ceilings | Lizzy McAlpine
It’s Terror Time Again | Sesamoid
Tuning In To You | Wonstein
Lost | Linkin Park
Got You | GA Eun
Wake Up | Elaine
Watch the World Burn | Falling In Reverse
Eat Your Young | Hozier
Scars | Boy Epic
Cover Me | Black Math
Just a Man | Jorge Rivera-Herrans
labour | Paris Paloma
The Tornado | Owl City
Green Green Grass | George Ezra
Tombi | Kvi Baba
Suzume | Radwimps
Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You - Boys Town Gang
Linger a while - Jorge Rivera-Herrans
Mermaids - Florence & the Machine
Una Musica Brutal - Gotan Project
Francesca - Hozier
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colourfulgreyscales · 11 months
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Just watched Annihilation and... It's a lot to take in. I can't make up my mind about whether it's better than Ex Machina. Amazing cinematography. Oscar and Natalie killed it, but I also liked Tessa Thompson, Gina Rodriguez and Jennifer Jason Leigh in it.
0 notes
smokeybrandreviews · 1 year
Winds Over Neo-Tokyo
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I just read that Taika Waititi's live action remake of Akira is still in the works and, f*ck, if I'm upset about it. his cat is the absolute wrong choice fr this film. And i say film because he wants to remake the anime classic, not re-adapt he manga it’s based on. This sh*t is devastating because Waititi doesn’t have the chops to deliver on the entire vision that is Akira. Mans doesn’t make epics. He makes cute little character dramas, wrapped in clever humor. That’s fine for, say, a There film or Jojo Rabbit but Akira? Bro, there is nothing “fun” about Akira. It’s an existential hellscape masquerading as a nihilistic, dystopian, nightmare. Nothing Taika has ever made, makes me believe he can deliver on such heady material. That said, there are several directors that i think could and i wanted to highlight them here.
Denis Villeneuve
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I think, aesthetically, Deni is the best choice for this sh*t. He’d bring the spirit of  Katsuhiro Otomo’s masterpiece, but gift us a more epic and cinematic visual presentation. He’d do what he did with Blade Runner, i think, and give us something very special. That said, mans is busy finishing up the best Dune adaption to date so i get why he’s not tied to this picture. Such a goddamn shame, that.
Alex Garland
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Ex Machina and Annihilation. That’s it. That’s the pitch. If I'm objective and not completely up Denis’ ass because of how goddamn gorgeous his films are, it’s Alex Garland. This man has proven he can do Cyberpunk with Ex Machina and delivered some uniquely grotesque body horror with Annihilation. he less said about Men the better but, even in that weirdly pretentious train wreck, you can see the potential to deliver on the existential trauma everyone suffers from in Neo Tokyo.
Robert Rodriguez
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Book of Boba Fett aside, Rodriguez delivered Alita: Battle Angel and nailed that sh*t perfectly. Alita is, arguably, the best anime adaption we have o date and that was all thanks to Rodriguez respecting the source materiel. I think he could deliver a very solid, very faithful, Akira adaption, though, he wouldn’t be my top pick.
Neill Blomkamp
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I don’t understand how this dude wasn’t the first one called for this project. I mean, have you seen his catalog? Elysium, alone, nails the emotional tone necessary to bring Tetsuo’s journey to the big screen and dude’s sci-fi sensibilities are unassailable. District 9. Chappie. Everything out of Oats Studios. He’d do Neo Tokyo mad justice. Blomkamp is the obvious choice and he didn’t get a meeting? Really?
Leigh Whannell
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Leigh is probably the best fit for his film in terms of experience , availability, and budget. This man has worked wonders with nothing and all of his films feel tactile, like they use way more practical effects than they actually do. Plus, his background in horror will go along a way to delivering that Tetsuo meltdown in the Olympic Arena at the climax. If you’re not convinced, go watch Upgrade and tell me this man can’t deliver a fantastic Akira adaptions for pennies on the dollar of what it will take Taika.
Chad Stahelski
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The other half of the brain trust that gave us John Wick, Stahelski has proven himself to be one of the best action directors in the business. I think that level of creativity lends itself to he stylized nature of an anime adaption but, specifically, Akira. Some of the brilliant set pieces he dreamed up in the John Wick series go a long way to lending confidence in his ability to capture the gritty, urban, feel of the Cyberpunk genre.
Michael B. Jordan
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And the dark horse entry bringing up the rear! Jordan is a card-carrying weeb and he can actual direct his ass off. Creed III is dope as f*ck and that scrap at the end was brilliant. Mans literally said, out loud, he took from anime like Megalobox, Naruto, Hajime No Ippo, and Dragon Ball Z to make that happen. What that says to me is he knows his sh*t, that he would treat this adaption seriously and give us something a fan would want to see.
If i had my pick, i think Garland or Blomkamp should be directing this production. They definitely have the chops in terms of experience and vision to give us something really special. It’s insane to me that f*cking Taika Waititi is the guy in charge of bringing one of the most influential films, not just an anime classic, to live action. The same f*cking guy who sh*t the bed with Thor IV. The same f*cking guy who played a fat, brown, imaginary Hitler. Like, this man makes quirky comedies and you want him to helm the entire production to one of the bleakest films ever made? Really? I’m not trying to say Waititi is bad at his job because he isn’t. I love Jojo Rabbit. I love Thor: Ragnarok. I love What We Do in the Shadows and Reservation Dogs. None of this sh*t screams Akira to me. Dude’s out of his depth with that material and I'm terrified he’s going to make it some goofy, juvenile, chuckle-fest when it’s not supposed to be at all. Now, if we're talking a Bartkira adaption, Waititi might just be perfect for that...
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0 notes
smokeybrand · 1 year
Winds Over Neo-Tokyo
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I just read that Taika Waititi's live action remake of Akira is still in the works and, f*ck, if I'm upset about it. his cat is the absolute wrong choice fr this film. And i say film because he wants to remake the anime classic, not re-adapt he manga it’s based on. This sh*t is devastating because Waititi doesn’t have the chops to deliver on the entire vision that is Akira. Mans doesn’t make epics. He makes cute little character dramas, wrapped in clever humor. That’s fine for, say, a There film or Jojo Rabbit but Akira? Bro, there is nothing “fun” about Akira. It’s an existential hellscape masquerading as a nihilistic, dystopian, nightmare. Nothing Taika has ever made, makes me believe he can deliver on such heady material. That said, there are several directors that i think could and i wanted to highlight them here.
Denis Villeneuve
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I think, aesthetically, Deni is the best choice for this sh*t. He’d bring the spirit of  Katsuhiro Otomo’s masterpiece, but gift us a more epic and cinematic visual presentation. He’d do what he did with Blade Runner, i think, and give us something very special. That said, mans is busy finishing up the best Dune adaption to date so i get why he’s not tied to this picture. Such a goddamn shame, that.
Alex Garland
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Ex Machina and Annihilation. That’s it. That’s the pitch. If I'm objective and not completely up Denis’ ass because of how goddamn gorgeous his films are, it’s Alex Garland. This man has proven he can do Cyberpunk with Ex Machina and delivered some uniquely grotesque body horror with Annihilation. he less said about Men the better but, even in that weirdly pretentious train wreck, you can see the potential to deliver on the existential trauma everyone suffers from in Neo Tokyo.
Robert Rodriguez
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Book of Boba Fett aside, Rodriguez delivered Alita: Battle Angel and nailed that sh*t perfectly. Alita is, arguably, the best anime adaption we have o date and that was all thanks to Rodriguez respecting the source materiel. I think he could deliver a very solid, very faithful, Akira adaption, though, he wouldn’t be my top pick.
Neill Blomkamp
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I don’t understand how this dude wasn’t the first one called for this project. I mean, have you seen his catalog? Elysium, alone, nails the emotional tone necessary to bring Tetsuo’s journey to the big screen and dude’s sci-fi sensibilities are unassailable. District 9. Chappie. Everything out of Oats Studios. He’d do Neo Tokyo mad justice. Blomkamp is the obvious choice and he didn’t get a meeting? Really?
Leigh Whannell
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Leigh is probably the best fit for his film in terms of experience , availability, and budget. This man has worked wonders with nothing and all of his films feel tactile, like they use way more practical effects than they actually do. Plus, his background in horror will go along a way to delivering that Tetsuo meltdown in the Olympic Arena at the climax. If you’re not convinced, go watch Upgrade and tell me this man can’t deliver a fantastic Akira adaptions for pennies on the dollar of what it will take Taika.
Chad Stahelski
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The other half of the brain trust that gave us John Wick, Stahelski has proven himself to be one of the best action directors in the business. I think that level of creativity lends itself to he stylized nature of an anime adaption but, specifically, Akira. Some of the brilliant set pieces he dreamed up in the John Wick series go a long way to lending confidence in his ability to capture the gritty, urban, feel of the Cyberpunk genre.
Michael B. Jordan
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And the dark horse entry bringing up the rear! Jordan is a card-carrying weeb and he can actual direct his ass off. Creed III is dope as f*ck and that scrap at the end was brilliant. Mans literally said, out loud, he took from anime like Megalobox, Naruto, Hajime No Ippo, and Dragon Ball Z to make that happen. What that says to me is he knows his sh*t, that he would treat this adaption seriously and give us something a fan would want to see.
If i had my pick, i think Garland or Blomkamp should be directing this production. They definitely have the chops in terms of experience and vision to give us something really special. It’s insane to me that f*cking Taika Waititi is the guy in charge of bringing one of the most influential films, not just an anime classic, to live action. The same f*cking guy who sh*t the bed with Thor IV. The same f*cking guy who played a fat, brown, imaginary Hitler. Like, this man makes quirky comedies and you want him to helm the entire production to one of the bleakest films ever made? Really? I’m not trying to say Waititi is bad at his job because he isn’t. I love Jojo Rabbit. I love Thor: Ragnarok. I love What We Do in the Shadows and Reservation Dogs. None of this sh*t screams Akira to me. Dude’s out of his depth with that material and I'm terrified he’s going to make it some goofy, juvenile, chuckle-fest when it’s not supposed to be at all. Now, if we're talking a Bartkira adaption, Waititi might just be perfect for that...
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0 notes
razerathane · 2 years
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to know/catch-up with - cbf tagging, if you wanna do it though you can say I tagged you
last song listened to: "more than life" - Machine Gun Kelly
last show: uhhhh I think it was Vox Machina actually
currently watching: literally nothing oops
currently reading: slowly going through "Crooked Kingdom" by Leigh Bardugo!
0 notes
nott-gay · 3 years
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Vax propositioning Grog, tag urself
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latchkeyadult · 3 years
Alex’s new weapon better not be a constant deus ex machina. It has been twice in less than 15 minutes.
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mst3kproject · 2 years
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Curse of the Voodoo
This fucking movie stars Bryant fucking Haliday from Devil Doll and was directed by Lindsay fucking Shonteff of the same.  It was made in eighteen days on a budget of fifty thousand pounds, and I hate it, violently.  To all the Apple folks who can't see this review because I had to tag it #tw: racism, count your blessings because I suspect even reading about Curse of the Voodoo will make you beg to be abducted by aliens so you can get off the stupid fucking planet this movie was made on.
After an opening narration tells us about how savage and primitive Africa is, we see some limp-dicked British butthead try to shoot a lion.  He doesn't manage to kill it, because this guy's never shot at anything meaner than a partridge in his life – but he does wound it, and his American safari guide Michael Stacey (we can tell he's American because he wears a cowboy hat) has to follow it into the bush and finish it off for him.  This takes him into the territory of the Simbaza, a particularly savage tribe who revere lions as gods.  The moment he kills the lion, a terrible curse falls upon him, which can only be broken by killing the Simbaza chief!
Hmm. How shall I describe this movie?
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Basically, Curse of the Voodoo is a story about a man struggling with alcoholism, and his problems with addiction are mirrored by his problems with this curse.  Enough emphasis is placed on his drinking that I'm pretty sure this is, in fact, what writers Brian Clemens and Leigh Vance were going for. Stacey insists he doesn't have a problem even when it's clear to everybody else, he refuses offers of help, and his relationships are falling apart all around him.  Trying to address the symptoms of the problem doesn't work – he has to get back to the root of it in order to heal.  And I guess it kinda works, but to get at that you have to wade through the dark, tarry abyss of the most racist movie I have seen in my life.
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I've seen Jungle Goddess, remember.  I've seen Black Dragons. Hell, I've seen King of the Zombies although I haven't gotten around to reviewing it yet.  So when I say this is the most racist movie I've ever seen, you know it's got some stiff competition.  Well, Curse of the Voodoo absolutely blows those other movies away. I barely know where to begin.
I guess I can start with the opening narration, which goes like this: Africa: a country that for centuries was hidden from civilized man!  Africa: a country of grandeur, power, beauty, and sudden death!  Africa: where primitive tribes still practice evil religions which weave a dark web of death around all who sin against their gods!  One such god is Simba, the Lion.
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Movies like this always go on about how dark and primitive these ancient religions are... and yet the magic always works. If gods exist and this stuff is so evil, why can't the white people's clearly superior Christian god protect them from it?  Why are they forced to deal with it on its terms?  On a storytelling level, the answer of course is that having God intervene would be a literal deus ex machina and that's fundamentally unsatisfying because it deprives the main characters of agency... but I do wonder if the idea isn't partially rooted way back in Roman times, when Christians insisted that the Roman gods had no power and yet God never intervened to miraculously save them from being eaten by lions in the Colosseum despite that exact thing literally happening in the Old Testament.
Anyway, with the narration over, we get right into the racism.  Our supposed hero, Michael Stacey, is played by Bryant Haliday.  I don't understand how this man got lead roles in movies.  He is not at all interesting to watch or even pretty to look at.  Without his Great Vorelli fake beard he looks like how you'd imagine surly adult Draco Malfoy if all you'd seen was the first movie.  IMDB tells me he was born in the United States but I'm not sure I believe that.  He always sounds like an English guy trying to do an American accent and never getting it quite right.
For the purposes of this movie, the only thing that really matters is he's white, which the film-makers are at great pains to emphasize.  He's so pale he almost glows.  His hair is bleached so blonde it looks white, and particularly during the African scenes he wears white.  This can't be intended to make him seem saintly because the character is a sour, arrogant asshole, so it must be meant to emphasize Stacey's European-ness.  He then goes out of his way to disrespect local customs and people, and when they protest, he complains that 'the damn boys are getting out of hand', as if these are misbehaving children rather than adult human beings with priorities that differ from his own.
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Once he is cursed by the Simbaza chief sticking a spear in the dirt at his feet, we start to watch Stacey's life disintegrate.  He returns to Johannesburg to learn that his wife has left him and taken their son. One of his friends, Major Lomas, insists that he is not a bad husband, but nothing we see of Stacey himself supports this.  He's a self-absorbed jerk.  His wife Janet taking off doesn't feel like something induced by a curse, coming out of nowhere... it feels like it's probably been a long time coming and our instinctive reaction is good for her. When he subsequently goes to London to try to win her back, he refuses to accept Janet's mother telling him she doesn't want to see him – he insists on seeing Janet herself, and orders her to meet him at a hotel that night to talk it over even when she repeatedly refuses!
Then, when she stands him up, he heads off to fuck a girl who kind of looks like her but is at least ten years younger.  I didn't care about this man to begin with and now I negative care about him.  I actively want him to be mauled by the ghost of that lion he shot, and for a glorious moment it looks like it's actually going to happen!  Sadly, it turns out he was hallucinating.  This guy is such a dick that it honestly never feels like any of this stuff is the result of a curse.  Stacey ruined his own damn life, and now he's suffering the consequences.
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I could probably go through every single incident in the movie pointing out the myriad ways in which it is offensive or stupid, but I'm writing an internet movie review, not a PhD thesis.  I will therefore single out several more things that are particularly terrible and leave the rest.  First, let's talk about Sadie, Stacey's translator who is I think supposed to be his friend.  After the curse is cast, he literally tries to stab Stacey in the back and then when he flees the scene of his crime the white people try to shoot him like an animal.
As the movie progresses we see that Sadie is also subject to the curse. He has been captured by the Simbaza and is being tied up and tortured both magically and physically.  Of course we don't watch this in any detail because the movie is about Stacey, who at the end runs in to save him all White Knight sort of thing.  So I think the murder attempt was more of an assisted suicide, in that Sadie knew what was coming and intended to kill Stacey before he could suffer too much.  In the moment, however, it looks like maybe he's under some kind of spell intended to help the curse along, which apparently didn't affect the white folks.  I was relieved I was wrong... but it ultimately doesn't help much.
There's a nightclub dancer in sparkly silver pants and with tassels on her tits.  She does a very long dance which we have to watch every moment of, and which of course contributes nothing to the plot.  It's just killing time, as a number of other sequences in the movie do – some of them can be excused as trying to build suspense but mostly they just drag.  The dancer is the same one who appears in a scene of Simbaza drumming and chanting and is supposed to be a symptom of Stacey's mental breakdown, but all of these scenes focus entirely on her ass.  It's so blatant that I would be surprised to learn director Lindsay Shonteff can even spell the word 'shame'.
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As the movie nears its end, Janet (who reunited with her husband because she realized he needed her... Jan, honey, you don't need his ass) goes to see an expert, who tells her that the only way to break the curse is for Stacey to kill the man who cursed him, the Simbaza chief.  This is a bit jarring because in trying to fix his relationship with Janet, Stacey has been focused on making amends and seeking forgiveness... shouldn't that theme extend into the curse thing, since it mirrors his other problems?  Nope, apparently forgiveness is for white people, because murder is the only way – emphasized by the fact that the professor who delivers this news is also black.  Civilized Europeans solve their problems through talk, primitive Africans do it through violence.
I naively assumed the climax of the movie would therefore be Stacey fighting the Simbaza chief, but nope, he walks in with his gun to shoot the man!  He hits the shaman instead and then stalks the chief through the underbrush, shooting at him repeatedly until running out of ammo... whereupon he instead runs the Simbaza chief over with his fucking car. We have to see this man's broken body wrapped around the wheel well and we're supposed to feel relief that the curse is broken.  You can say this was the product of a Different Time but even in 1965 the reviews for Curse of the Voodoo focused on how revoltingly racist the story is.  Sweet Raptor Jesus.
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This all leaves Curse of the Voodoo in a very similar place, I think, to Cry Wilderness.  It is, without hesitation, a very, very bad movie that deserves merciless scorn.  On the other hand, it's also such a deeply offensive one that having watched it, I wasn't sure I wanted to write it up.  I ended up doing so anyway, because I wanted to get this off my chest.  Honestly, though, I have to say the same thing I said about that stinking dump of a bigfoot movie: this kind of attitude should not be reaching a wider audience, even one that's going to ridicule it, and I am glad it was never on MST3K.  Fuck this movie.
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elektricangel · 2 years
Rules: Tag 9 people you would like to know/catch up with.
Tagged by: @silvokrent
Last song: Ego by Willy William. I've been playing a lot of Twisted Wonderland and this song gives me such good villain vibes 😈
Last movie TV show: The Legend of Vox Machina. I'm right back in Critical Role heaven/hell.
Currently watching: The Case Study of Vanitas. I have mixed feelings, though. They're all such dramatic bitches, even by vampire standards XD
Currently reading: Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo. It's taken me years to get around to this after Six of Crows.
Tagging: Anyone who wants to, just say I tagged you!
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@Rules: tag nine people you want to know better.
Tagged by @mimisempai thank you
Three ships: Lokius, Priley and Geraskier
First ever ship: first one I've recognised, Lokius. I'm a late bloomer and spent too many years suffering trauma to see anything as beautiful as these two. I know better now. :)
Last song: in my head? Let The Bodies Hit The Floor by Drowning Pool. Last one I heard - I Don't Remember by Rotersand.
Last movie: Operation Hyacinth. Good movie. Highly recommend.
Currently reading: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Currently watching: a lot of things. Snowpiercer, Reacher, Legends of Vox Machina.
Currently consuming: nothing yet, but will be onto coffee and Weetabix soon (for breakfast)
Currently craving: water (just up so I'm parched)
sorry if you've been tagged in this before. @abitofboth @owenwlwilson @coffee-and-contemplation1983 @orayasan @highwarlockofphilly @work-your-loki @fraeuleinwinterschnee
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jadynrosetta · 4 years
Okay so I may have caught COVID (not sure I’m going to the doctor tomorrow) so to occupy my time I got a prime account and decided to FINALLY watch Promare.
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This movie has been on my Watch List since I first heard of it, which was before 2020 started.  I just never got around to it, till I realized I was going to be stuck in my room to avoid people :(
So I watched it... twice.  I probably will watch it again cause it’s the only movie I bought and I am not buying anything else.  So here’s a little review and my thoughts about the movie.  (Spoilers ahead if you haven’t seen it)
So the plot I thought was very interesting.  For those who don’t know, the story starts with introducing “The Burnish”, a group of people who can create and control flames.  These people seemed to come out of nowhere and it started a whole movement for Burnish rights and it caused a lot of problems for society.  It ended, but The Burnish were labled as terrorists and do not have the same rights as humans.  (Harsh)
Our main character is a part of a group called the Burning Rescue.  Which is a group of fire fighters that deal with emergancy flames caused by The Burnish.
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The team includes: Lucia, Varys, Remi, Aina, Ignis the leader, and Galo Thymos.
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Now as I said, this himbo (Galo) is the main protagonist.  He’s a rookie in the Burning Rescue, and has a “Firey Spirit”.  He always goes off on some random speech and enjoys his job being a fire fighter and takes pride in saving people.  He keeps this mindset and energy throughout the whole movie.
He gets sent up a building to save people on the roof and meets a terrorist group called the Mad Burnish.  There aren’t many of them out now, but the top generals and the leader are still at large.  
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(This was the first and only image I saw from this movie and I was so confused I had to see it... months later)
After a tense fight with the generals (Both noting that Galo is an idiot) he defeats them and takes on their leader.  The leader isn’t so easy to defeat, not backing down easily and even pinning Galo, but ultimetly he was taken down by the whole Burning Rescue squad.  Their leader is actually a very small young man who goes by the name of Lio Fotia.
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(I specifically wanted this scene so I looked hard for it)
Lio, who was mistaken for a child, is shown to be one of the strongest Burnish alive and takes pride in it.  Wanting nothing but rights for his people and will never stop fighting for that.  
He’s actually a good foil to Galo for many reasons and why I like them being the protagonists for the story.  Galo is loud, over the top, and loves to show off his skills.  While Lio is more on the quiet side, and doesn’t really show off, more on the reserved side.
But the two are very alike.  Both feel the need to protect their people (Galo with humans and Lio with Burnish), but they don’t hate the other.  Galo wants Burnish rights while Lio vows to never kill humans.  They also share a god damn brain cell and 90% of the time neither of them have it.
So yeah, Galo gets a medal from his hero, Governer Kray, impressive prison break and all that.  We cut to Galo and Aina having a moment, which Galo realizes the Burnish had escaped prison.  He finds them in a cave and thus we learn more about the Burnish from their very leader, Lio, who remembers Galo, but Galo forgot him.
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(Fire go pew)
Lio explains to Galo that the Burnish are people too, even showing how disgusted he is by Galo thinking otherwise (some very racist viewpoints).  There Galo witnesses the death of a Burnish, turning her to ash.  Lio explains to Galo that the Burnish can hear the flames, they speak to them, wanting to burn more.  He also learns that his hero, Kray, was using the Burnish for human experiments, and calls Galo an idiot and to believe what he wants.  Then the Burnish run away and leave Galo tied up...
Galo’s whole view changes on the Burnish and see that Kray is conducting human experiments on the Burnish, even though they’re people like them.  The reason being that the Earth is gonna become a dead planet and everything is going to shit.  So Kray is going to take 10,000 humans to another planet and use the Burnish as fuel.  (Fucked up).
Galo goes against this and gets arrested.  Meanwhile Lio and the other Burnish are found and taken as fuel, but Lio’s loyal generals get him to safety (much to Lio’s disagreement).
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Lio goes into a full on rage and uses his full power to attack the city and Kray.  Telling him to free the Burnish, or watch the city burn.
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He takes the form of a dragon and damn near destroys the whole city.  He almost succeeds too, getting to Kray.  But of course Galo cuts in and fights Lio in an effort to calm him down.  Aina decides to drop them off by the frozen lake to “cool off” and discover a lab under all the ice.
They meet Professor Deus, the man responsible for all the cooling gear.  He wanted to help the Burnish, but was killed by Kray for disagreeing with him and his viewpoints.  Deus, who is now a living computer, tells Galo, Lio, and Aina about the “Promare”,  A group of aliens from another dimension who connected with a human, Burnish.  However the Promare feel what their human host feels, even extreme pain.  If Kray’s plan succeeds, then the Earth is gonna blow up due to all the pain the Promare feel.
It’s up to Galo and Lio to stop Kray from his evil plans (cause they happened to be there) by piloting the Deus X Machina.  Later on the suit gets a name change, Lio de Galon.
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A suit powered by a firefighter and a Burnish.  Both Galo and Lio work together to stop Kray.  Along with their allies they succeed in stopping the ship, but Kray was not finished.  He reveals himself to also be a Burnish, and kidnaps Lio, saying he was going to be the new core to the ship.  He then attacks Galo and sends him flying in flames.  But Galo was saved last minute by Lio’s flames, and now he plans to save Lio, with the help of his team, and goes into the core to save his new friend.
He makes it, stopping the ship a second time, and sees Lio is dying, turning to ash right before him.  Kray was ready to fight, but could not harm Galo due to Lio’s flame.  Galo punches Kray and says he’s gonna save Lio, stop the magma, and even save him.  Then we get the scene.  The scene.
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The “Kiss of Life” some like to call it, or just CPR.  Either way, it’s a pretty romantic scene.  Galo brings Lio to life and the two have a new plan.  Save the Earth.  Lio says the Promare want to burn out, so with the help of Galo, and all the Burnish, they create Galo de Lion
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This behemoth of a mech saves the Earth and everyone on it.  As well as burning out the Promare, sending them home.  The movie ends with everyone being okay and the end of the Burnish.  Thus the next plan, to clean up the mess they all made.  The End
Longer than I thought, sorry...  So what’s my thoughts?
Well let’s start with the animation.  It was done by Trigger (if it wasn’t obvious just by looking at it), and they go ALL out on it.  Everything is stylized and looks gorgeous.  The colors just pop out at you, nothing in this movie looks dull.  Action scenes are very fast pace and intense, and their calmer moments are beautiful and let you relax with the gorgeous scenery, everything is gorgeous in the movie.
The characers are pretty good, one complaint is that we don’t get to know some of them well, like some of the Burning Rescue.  We only get to know Aina out of the Burning Rescue team.  Plus a few other side characters, like the two Generals, Meis and Gueira, don’t get enough screentime, but I guess they weren’t the focus.
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Galo and Lio, again, were really good main characters, who play off each other well.  They both open each other’s eyes and see things in a different light, especially Lio who showed Galo what the Burnish are really like.  They do tend to argue and seem to disagree, but they are an amazing team.  We see that when they pilot Lio de Galon and together create Galo de Lion.  I do believe they fell for one another in the end, but I cannot say it’s canon since I don’t know for sure.
Voice acting was also great. I watched it dub, don’t kill me, and I actually think the dub was better than the sub, and this is coming from someone who watches subs more and is very biased.  Billy Kametz played Galo well, just giving off so much energy and really selling his performance.  I’ve heard people not liking Johnny Yong Bosch playing Lio, but he was perfect for the role.  Enough sass and emotion for Lio, I don’t think anyone could have done it better.  Everyone else did a great job as well, Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld as Aina, Crispin Freeman as Kray, and Steven Blum as Ignis.  Just... everyone did amazing.
Do I need to say anything about the soundtrack?  It’s beautiful and I love every song in this movie, I am listening to is as I type this review.  From upbeat songs like Inferno, to the saddest like Ashes.  Each song that plays puts the whole scene together, music makes the scene after all.  Gallant Ones is the most memorable example (plays during the scene) and it really sets the mood on how the characters feel about one another.  Ashes is really good in my opinion since it plays during the death of a Burnish.  But they all are good, if you haven’t seen the movie and don’t plan on watching it, go listen to the soundtrack, it’s worth it.
Overall I adore this movie, it’s over the top and super entertaining, keeping my attention the whole time.  It has helped me relax during this pretty scary time for me ^^;  I highly recommend this movie.  It’s got way too many good points that I dare say it’s one of my favorites.  It sold me on the plot and I stayed for the great and entertaining characters.  If you haven’t seen it (which I would be surprised) then go check it out.  If you want to see the sub then it’s on Youtube, but if I sold you on the dub then it’s on Amazon Prime, (you’ll have to pay for both and I’m too lazy to find it for free).  
That’s all, thanks for reading my overly long review of this movie.
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It's official: There is nothing Melissa Benoist can't do. She acts, she sings, she flies... and now she directs.
The Supergirl star planted her feet firmly on the ground and behind the camera to helm the May 3 episode, "Deus Lex Machina," a clever, smartly paced, and emotional hour in which we get to see exactly why the world thinks Lex Luthor (Jon Cryer) is a hero by retracing his underhanded antics since the Crisis on Infinite Earths.
There's an amazing scene between you and Katie McGrath that is painful to watch. The tension between Kara and Lena... you want these two to work it out, but where they stand right now, they can't. I was like "Oh my God, this is heartbreaking." Yeah. On top of everything that's going on with Lex and every which way that he's manipulating people, I did feel like I got this scene that was the crux of this battlefield these two women have been on this entire Season 5. It was like the balancing of the teeter-totter, that one singular moment, wasn't it?
You also got to direct a scene in the apartment with Chyler [Leigh, Alex] and whenever you guys are on the couch, that is honestly the beating heart of the show. It feels that way to us, too.
And Chyler has always been your biggest fan, so was just cheering you on from the side? Everyone was so supportive. I feel so fortunate because it's not always true that casts get along as well as ours does or as close with their crew as we are. It really is a big happy family. It is a very idyllic place and I feel really fortunate in that respect. I felt support from all sides.
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