#legend of korra fic
The Mission Bolin x Reader Series: Part Four
You return to Republic City and don’t recieve the warmest welcome but manage to prove to everyone where your loyalties lie...but can you show this to Bolin?
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Previous Parts: One, Two and Three.
When you got back to Republic City you could’ve easily slunk away and buried your head in the sand but you didn’t. You went right to the council and shared with them everything you knew. You told them you’d accept any punishment they thought fair but asked you be allowed to help in the time being. Obviously they were all very wary of you but Varrick vouched for you. “She’s on our side now we promise! Kuvira was intimidating her as much as she was everyone else but Y/n stood up for us and is a very big part of why we're still here”. Varrick’s word didn’t seem to be doing much good though, which was understandable considering his past, so you stepped forwards ready to argue your case when Bolin beat you to it. “Varrick’s right. Y/n helped get us here and stood up to Kuvira for us...she can be trusted and she has invaluable knowledge. We’re going to need her to stop this”. Mako’s brother and the Avatar both nodded, convinced by Bolin’s world and that persuaded Tenzin and the others. “Fine!” Raiko nodded “you can help but we’ll be watching you like a hawk and the second you falter you’ll be locked away forever”. You nodded “I won’t let you down”. 
You hoped to catch Bolin after the meeting but Raiko grilled you for hours to get information about Kuvira and when you left Bolin was nowhere to be seen. The next day you found Mako, Bolin’s brother and asked if he knew where Bolin was staying. He directed you to Air Temple Island and you made your way there a bundle of nerves. You found Bolin outside playing with Pabu and smiled to see he seemed back to normal...or he did until he looked up and saw you. Oblivious, Pabu ran over to say hello before Bolin could intercept him. You stroked Pabu happily and Bolin stood up, coming towards you hesitantly. “Hey” you said softly “I’m really sorry to drop in on you like this but with the war coming I figured sooner would be better. Can we please talk?" you asked. Bolin sighed "i guess I can’t avoid it forever...let's go this way" and he led you to a private part of the island overlooking the ocean. You nodded and followed him in silence. Once you were sat down Bolin frowned "so...do you want to take the lead?". You nodded and took a breath. “I just wanted to apologise again for everything I did to you and give you a chance to ask any questions...I’m so sorry for everything Bolin and I know the journey here hasn’t solved anything. Is there anything you want to say to me?”. "Was it all just a game?" Bolin asked and you had a feeling this had been on his mind for a while. "Being nice to be, laughing with me, flirting with me...the whole time you were only speaking to me because she told you to right? Would you even have given me the time of day if she hadn't commanded you to?" Bolin asked. You nodded "of course I would have! Initially I did it because she told me to but after our first meeting I realised I enjoyed being around you and it stopped being a secret mission but something I wanted to do. I liked being around you Bolin, I would’ve acted the same way I promise". Bolin sighed "well unsurprising I don’t believe you" and he looked away upset. "Of course I want to believe you. I want to think you did care for me and like me but how can I even begin to trust you?" he pointed out. It was a very good question and one you didn’t have the answer to. You sighed "I don’t know" you replied honestly "I've hurt you in an awful way and I don’t know how I can ever do enough to repair that. To make you feel safe around me again but I promise I'm not going to quit until I do it. I'm not going to stop trying even if you lose interest or hate me. I will never stop trying to repay the damage I did because you mean a lot to me Bolin. While it wasn’t genuine at first it didn’t take long before it started being and by the end I’d really fallen for you. I know that ship has probably sailed for us forever but all I want is to get your friendship back. No matter how much work it takes". Bolin nodded "okay. I can’t promise anything but I also won’t tell you it’s impossible". You nodded to him "that’s more than I could’ve hoped for, thank you". Bolin nodded and walked away.
You heard Opal was in town the following day and figured she deserved an apology as well. You made your way to Lin Beifong’s apartment where Opal was staying and knocked twice. You were sure this wasn’t going to be pleasant and that was before you told her what you’d done to her and Bolin’s relationship. But still you wanted to wash away everything you'd done for your sister and the first step was being honest. So you’d deal with this and then you could move on.
The door opened and Opal appeared. "What do you want?" she asked. Great start, she hated you already. You winced and tried to look non-threatening. "I was hoping we could talk?" you asked. "Funny you two even think alike now" she replied and you paused "me and who?". "Bolin” she said and Opal moved back to reveal the living room where Bolin was sat awkwardly. He met your eye and you looked away "sorry I didn’t realise he was here...i’ll come back later". "No why don’t you stay?" Opal asked her voice dripping with anger "Bolin was just explaining how he broke up with me for you and I'd love to hear your side of things". You winced but Opal held the door open very menacingly for an airbender. You walked inside and sat in the only available chair which was next to Bolin. "So" Opal said standing in front of you both "carry on Bolin". Bolin coughed "so after we broke up I went to Y/n and I...we kissed". "The same night I left, right?" Opal asked. Bolin nodded "yes". "And you thought that was okay because...?". Bolin sighed "I knew it wasn’t but I hadn't seen you in so long and every time we did it was so tense. Things with Y/n had been building for a while and I was so emotional after our breakup it all just kind of burst out". Opal raised an eyebrow "so you're blaming me?". Bolin immediately denied that and went to explain himself when you stepped in. "Haven’t you told her what I did?". Bolin shook his head "I was getting to that part". You turned to her "Opal none of this was Bolin’s fault. Kuvira calculated it. She made a plan to have Bolin fall for me and I...I helped her. I seduced him and encouraged him to break up with you. I made myself seem like the better alternative and helped orchestrate the whole thing so if you want to be angry at anyone it should be me". Opal shook her head "you're acting like you twisted his arm behind his back and forced him to fall for you. Whether you encouraged it or not you didn't force him to do anything. You didn’t make him separate from me or make him kiss you. From what I've heard you actually stopped that. Bolin fell for you because he liked you" she said "and for me that's the ultimate betrayal because if he’d really have liked me and had no feelings for you to begin with then this would have never happened". "Opal please" Bolin cried as you said "let me explain it better" but she’d had enough. "No I'm done. You both said you wanted to explain and you did so get out. Bolin it’s over, stop blaming Y/n for your own actions and take responsibility. Y/n...well all the apologies in the world won’t resolve what you've done but I think I have an idea of how you can start". You frowned "how?". "You're going to help me break my family out of Kuvira’s prison".
All things considered risking your life to save Opal’s family who had been imprisoned by your sister, the one you helped takeover their home, seemed fair. So you agreed. Bolin had protested, claiming Opal shouldn’t just punish you but him too. That honestly hadn’t helped things and so you rode to the prison in a very stormy silence. Lin was smart enough not to get involved and stayed quiet. 
Once you got there you were soon joined by Toph and broke into the prison. The Beifongs were literally tossed to freedom and only when you got outside of the cell undetected did they all turn to you. "Y/n?" Su yin asked the first chance she got. "You came back to us?" Wei asked a smile on his face and you felt like crying. "No" Opal’s voice rang out "she was working against us the whole time. She’s only here because Kuvira made her go against Bolin and that was too much for her. Not us". The Beifongs all frowned and you hung your head, aware there were no words in the world you could say to make up for what you’d done to your real family. "Still..." Huan said suddenly "she’s here rescuing us and where’s Bataar? Our actual flesh and blood". You looked up to see the others were slowly nodding. Suyin smiled and stepped towards you "regardless I'm happy you're here and you're safe" she said offering you a hand “if you’re willing to make this first step then so are we”. You took one look at her kind face and burst into tears. "I'm so sorry! For everything" you sobbed and Su cradled you in her arms. "It's okay" she soothed and you finally felt safe. Opal understandably wasn’t happy but the others all forgave you. You explained why Opal hated you and how it was justified. The others all just replied she’d forgive you eventually and you felt so happy to have your family back. You were always closest to the twins and found yourself staying with them on the way back to Republic City. "So..." Wei asked "where did you and Bolin leave things?". You swallowed "I told him that I'd always care for him as more but I'd never stop trying to win his friendship back". You expected the twins to judge you for saying that to their little sister’s ex-boyfriend but they just nodded. "That seems fair" Wing nodded and you stared "how are you all not yelling at me?". Wei smiled softly "Y/n you may not be a Beifong by blood but you do realise we grew up as together right? To us you're family. So is Kuvira too and anything you've done doesn’t really matter now you've said sorry and are trying to put it right. We love you and we support you. Opal and Bolin were on the outs before you even got involved but he’s a nice guy. If you have something with him then we say go for it". "Really?" You asked tears in your eyes and Wei nodded "yes". “You’re the best brothers ever” you replied and the twins grinned to hear you finally call them that. 
When the final battle came you fought in it side by side with your earth bender family. You brought Kuvira’s giant mecha suit down and then Kuvira herself. Bolin got to the new spirit portal just in time to see Korra emerge with Kuvira. Bolin spotted you across the field and you were staring frozen as Lin and Su clamped handcuffs around your sister’s wrists and everyone celebrated. Bolin watched you warily and felt a pang of sadness. No matter what you’d done he still cared about you and seeing you upset made him sad. He went to step towards you when a twin appeared on either side of you. Wei touched your arm tentatively and you turned and buried your head against him crying. Wing joined the hug and Bolin was pleased to see atleast you’d reconnected with your family. Not wanting to ruin the moment Bolin walked away.
1 year later
After the battle you were pardoned by Raiko due to your help taking down Kuvira and so you didn’t serve any jail time. However you didn’t return to Zafou after the battle. Kuvira had done a lot of damage to Republic City, hundreds injured, thousands displaced and so many homes utterly destroyed. So, you decided to do something about it. 
Bolin witnessed the whole thing and saw first hand the stroke of genius ran in Kuvira’s bloodline family. You became lead of the restoration efforts and everyone soon forgot who's sister you were once your intentions became clear. The Beifong’s were a golden support system and Bolin saw even you and Opal were friends again which was nice. Opal had also told him she’d forgiven him and they were friends again but he knew that was all it would be with her. With you however that was a different story. Bolin still liked you. He knew it was stupid, most people would never consider going back to someone who did what you’d done but he couldn’t deny how he felt. Not to mention everything you’d said turned out to be true and he saw the changes you’d made to become a better person. You weren’t the same person as before and neither was he. But that didn’t make telling you any less scary. Bolin finally decided to do it one day after he spent the whole week watching you help refugees get rehabilitated. He knew he had to tell you or move on and he chose the former. Bolin could always find you around city hall these days so he headed there and soon enough he spotted you walking down a hallway. "Y/n" he called and you stopped looking around. You smiled when you saw him and walked over "Bolin! How are you? Is everything okay?". Bolin nodded "I’m good thanks and everything is great. I was just wondering if I could talk to you? What time do you finish up here?". You seemed surprised but quickly recovered "I actually finish in an hour, there’s a great coffee shop around your corner if you’d like to go there?". Bolin nodded "sounds great! I'll meet you at the main entrance in an hour".
It was raining when Bolin got to the coffee shop so he went inside and found a table. He sat facing the door, which turned out to be a bad thing as every time it opened his heart sped up and he panicked before realising it wasn’t you. Finally, after many false calls you arrived. Bolin froze as you stood there in the doorway and he felt his palms sweat and his cheeks flush at what he was about to do. He was excited but also terrified. You’d said you would always care for him as a friend and as more but what if that had changed in the year that had passed? What if he’d missed his chance and the two of you would never get your opportunity to be a couple? “Bolin?” you called having located him and Bolin jumped up “y/n hey! Thanks for coming”. You smiled sitting down “no problem, so...how can I help? If it’s about those building permits please tell President Zhu Li I’m getting the zoning board to work as fast as possible...”. “No it’s not work-related it’s about...us”. “Ow...” you said and your whole body language changed “okay, what do you want to discuss?”. 
Bolin took a deep breath “well first of all I wanted to tell you I’ve noticed all the good things you’ve done this past year and how you’ve been trying to reduce the damage Kuvira caused and I truly believe you’re a good person. I’ve forgiven you for what happened between us”. Your face lit up in surprise and you smiled shocked “really? Bolin that’s amazing! Thank you so much”. Bolin smiled “it’s nothing, it felt right so thanks for not giving up I guess”. “Totally worth it” you grinned and Bolin blushed ”also one more thing...I wondered if things have changed at all for you? Before you mentioned you would always care for me as more than a friend but were happy just being friends, is that still true”. You paused looking down “yes my feelings haven’t changed. I think I’ll always like you but I respect your feelings and promise never to try anything with you...is that what you were worried about?”. Bolin shook his head “no more the opposite, Y/n I still like you too and all this time I was unsure if I could trust you but like I just said I know I can now and so I wondered if you’d maybe like to go on a date with me?”. Your face split into an even more surprised expression and Bolin had never seen your eyes so wide before. You spluttered in shock “I’m...of course I would! Sorry i’m just lost for words because I thought I’d royally screwed this up so to hear you say this, I can’t believe how lucky I am”. Bolin blushed, in all his relationships he was usually the one providing all the security and compliments and it was nice to have someone else share that. “Well I feel pretty lucky too, none of my past partners have gone to the amount of effort you have to show me they care. You make me feel wanted and I like that”. You blushed but didn’t look away “I do want you Bolin, so not to sound eager but when are you free for that date because I’d love to take you out and make you feel even more special”. Bolin was so flushed he felt several degrees warmer and he smiled “how’s Friday night?”. “It’s a date” you grinned and Bolin smiled “great...” and he tentatively reached across the table to take your hand. Your drinks arrived seconds later and you smiled holding yours up “a toast, may our future be a lot less complicated and happier than our past”. Bolin nodded “to our future” and clinked your glass. You had a good feeling about this and couldn’t wait to see what your future had in store. 
You always used to fear the future but now, with Bolin back in your life you were ready for it. 
Bring it on. 
Bolin is the bestest boy! 
I never really warmed to him and Opal as a couple because it just felt forced to me, like they were both single and nice people so they got smushed together. I wish they’d given him a more romantic fun partnership like Korra x Asami and Mako x Wu (yes they’re together in my mind). Even the way they got together felt quite convenient and not really that special or fun. All I’m saying is Bolin and Opal both deserve better! 
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allofasudden00 · 5 months
A thing
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field-s-of-flowers · 2 years
A hundred starry summer nights
A birthday fic for the wonderful @jaanii! Hope you enjoy <3
There’s not much to like about the slums of Republic City. Winters are freezing, and there’s only so warm you can be in a tiny apartment with no fireplace. And there’s almost never enough to eat, no matter what season it is.
But in the summer, it’s all just a little more bearable. You see, street-lamps aren’t always properly lit, and when that happens, you can see the stars as clearly as you please.
Mako Shen thought they were beautiful from his bedroom window.
“Mako,” his father called from his own room just across the hall, “are you asleep?”
“Yeah,” Mako shouted back, giggling, before clapping a hand over his mouth. But it was too late: thundering footsteps echoed through the door and probably through the wall. The door slowly creaked open, and there stood San Shen, barely hiding a smile.
“Are you sure?”
Mako looked down bashfully. “No,” he admitted, suddenly finding the carpet very interesting.
There was a moment of awkward silence, as San made his way to the window. His smile grew and grew, until even the little boy could see it spreading.
“You don’t have school tomorrow, do you?”
“Well then,” he said, lifting Mako up to the windowsill, “I think it’s ok if you stay up for just a few more minutes.”
Even through the glass, the stars were as brilliant to Mako as if they were right next to his face. Little pinpoints of glimmering golden light seemed to dance across the inky black sky, reflecting in his father’s eyes like green-black mirrors. It was mesmerizing, even from such a great distance.
“What are those three stars in a line?”
San smiled down at his little boy’s astonishment. “In Ba Sing Se,” he said, “we used to call them the Waiting Warriors.”
“How come?”
“Because the soldiers would always stand at the city gates in groups of three, and they would stand in a straight line-” he stood, making the best salute he could with a child in his arms- “Just like that.”
Mako giggled. “And how about that one? What did you call that back in Ba Sing Se?”
“The triangle with the two little things coming out of it?”
“That was the Little Harp.”
“‘Cause it looks like a shùqín, right?”
Mako’s eyelids were growing heavy, though San knew he’d rather die than admit to being tired. Still, he could tell- the allure of spending a night in his father’s arms was nigh-irresistible to little Mako.
“What about the one that looks like… like a…” he pointed his finger up to the very top of the sky.
“Like a pot?”
“Yeah,” he said, bringing down his hand. “What’d you call that in Ba Sing Se?”
San chuckled to himself, laying Mako down in his bed with only the quietest of protests.
“I don’t think we had a name for that one,” he whispered, as Mako’s eyes finally closed. “You’ll have to come up with one yourself, won’t you?”
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lovelooksgudonu · 1 month
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doodled asami. i'll add korra next
this is how i see her in my head tbh
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wandasfifthwife · 26 days
so soaked
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korra x fem!reader
tw: 18+ MDNI, top!korra, bottom!reader, fingering (r receiving), water strap (r receiving), strap described to be her “dick” once, pure filth (im so sorry), established relationship, not proofread
a/n: this is for all of the korra fans who still love her even after like 11 years lmao :)
Korra’s most likely to come up with a stupid idea and be completely serious about putting it into action. Most times she’ll pull it off too. You know this about her, but seeing it come to life in a romantic lighting was new, different.
She had no shame showing her affection for you in public. She fully enjoyed your reactions, pulling more out of you any chance she could. Her friends could be surrounding you and she’d cheekily make comments about her attraction towards you, or about how you looked, or better yet she’d act on impulse.
That’s how she was now, in her mood to boost herself in front of others and to get a rise out of you. She came up with another one of her stupid claims, blurting every impulsive thought.
“I can do more than just fight with the elements.”
Her claim brought on one question, how. Mako and Bolin made claims, most of them were either about mundane tasks or criminal acts.
You sat near them, watching the interaction with a smile. You made eye contact with Korra when the light bulb went off in her mind. You brushed it off, moving on and taking it as a joke. That’s when it started.
A few days have passed since then and you found yourself between her body and a wall. She snuck you back to her room, shutting the door and wasting no time to pull you into a kiss. Her room was dark save for the small window in the corner allowing the moonlight, the room’s only source of light.
You struggled to see her but Korra on the other hand had no issue finding you. Her hands pulling you closer into her, a sound escaping you when she started trailing kisses down your neck.
“Feeling good already?”
You shut her up by pulling her close again, lips falling onto hers messily; Her smug grin apparent through the ones you shared. She moved back, bringing your body into hers as she falls onto the bed.
“Strip,” she leans back, eyeing your body. The hesitation written in your body language has her sitting up, cupping your face.
“You’re beautiful. I promise you,” she leans back again, “now strip.”
You make quick work of it, pulling at your clothes until nothing remained. A laugh sounded from you when she flipped you down on the bed, under her.
“Can I try something,” she asks, distracting you by pressing a kiss to your chest and spreading your legs further apart. You nodded, pressing your face into the sheets.
“Could I practice my bending on you?”
You took it as a joke, laughing softly until you met her gaze. Her pupils were blown, hair framing her face. She was serious.
“Korra, what?”
“Well I’m quite literally the avatar, it’s important—“
“What,” you push her hair back, running your fingers through it, “what were you thinking?”
Her grin grows, “I’ll make it worth your time.”
She fails to answer your question. Her body moves off the bed, grabbing you to drag you down the bed until your bottom half hung off. Her lips found yours, kissing you into the bed while her nails trailed up your thighs, drawing goosebumps.
“I mean it, you’re really pretty.”
She pushes her finger, eyes staying on your face to watch for any indication of pain. All she finds is your body curling into hers, soft sounds filling the space between you.
“Keep your eyes open, look at me.”
You try but it grows futile when you feel a second finger pressing beside her first.
She pushes her fingers in further, the tip pressing against the spot that has your hips jerking in her hold. You reach a hand down to hold her fingers there, enjoying the way your mind begins to grow fuzzy.
“Fuck—more, please!”
She pushes a third finger by her two, stretching you out further. Her fingers avoid touching your clit, rubbing under and beside but denying you the touch that would send you over the top.
It was sudden the way she pulls her fingers out, leaving you spacey and dissatisfied. You lay panting on the bed, facing the ceiling. Though you’re not watching her, you can hear her movements.
“Spread your legs wider,” she emphasizes her words with a light tap to your left leg. Certainly you don’t look now, feeling embarrassed about being so exposed as if her fingers weren’t inside you a second ago.
What was pressing into you was a bit cold, causing you to shiver. The next thing you notice was how it filled you completely, stretching you out.
“Oh shit—you feel so good wrapped around me.”
You whine into her neck, using your legs to push her further into you. The way she snapped her hips into you made you feel euphoric. You were too blissed out to notice the way water spilt into the ground, or how it mixed with your slick and covered the inside of your thighs.
“You like it that much, huh?”
You moan your response, wrapping your arms tighter around her neck. Korra had a hand wrapped around your waist; another hand sat by your head, laid upright to bend the water around her waist.
She splits you open, putting pressure against every inch of your walls. The way it angled to hit every sensitive corner. She was just as affected as you were, whines of her own turning you on even more. She curses under her breath, angling her wrist so she can adjust the way it’s moving inside you.
“Like how good I’m fucking you? My dick better than any one you’ve had before?”
“Yes, yes—ah!”
It doesn’t have a set form, changing with however and whatever your cunt demands. The second she motions for another string of water, bringing it to almost suck at your clit, you’re overwhelmed.
“Korra—Korra, ah!”
“Shh breathe,” she brushes your cheek with a shaky hand, “don’t hold back. I want to hear how good I’m making you feel.”
Everything was too much. Her low voice, the fluid stretch of your cunt, and how she was stimulating it all. The way she pressed into you, pushing against that muscle as the other pulls against your clit was too good.
You cry out her name, back arching as you come. She follows behind, whispering your name almost incoherently into your ear.
“You okay,” she asks, laying her panting self on yours. You giggle breathlessly, pushing at her until she’s forced to stand. The bed felt more comfortable the further you crawled back towards the center of the bed. It was then you realized what was just inside you as it returns to a fluid liquid state, being directed back into a nearby jar.
“What about it.”
“Korra, you fucked me with water?”
“Judging by your reaction I’d say I did well.”
@wandamaximoffsbadgirl @billiesofficialstrapsucker @cupc4keu
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acerdime · 6 months
ATLA AU - Zuko Can See Ghosts
Dead people in ATLA either reincarnate or stay as ghosts until they’re ready to do so. There is no afterlife just as there are no gods. The closest thing to gods ATLA has is spirits but if the Spirit World was the afterlife, I think there would be a lot more humans around when Avatars visit. Iroh’s only there because he went in before he died.
Zuko knows why his mother left because Grandfather Azulon is still there as a ghost to tell him Ursa poisoned him to save Zuko’s life. He was going to haunt Ursa until he realized Zuko could see him and haunted him instead. Surprise, surprise, the guy who ordered the death of his grandson is a dick.
There are many servants dead by Ozai’s wrath in the palace. Their ghosts teach Zuko to stay quiet and fade into the background where it’s safe.
When Lu Ten dies, he regrets that he wasn’t able to save his young cousins from Ozai. Lu Ten stays a ghost and mentors Zuko in combat, bending, and strategy.
When the 41st Division die despite Zuko’s protests, and Zuko himself is burned and banished, the 41st Division find out Zuko defended them and stay ghosts to teach him all they can.
Zuko’s able to escape before the pirates hired by Zhao blow up his ship because the ghosts haunting the pirates warn him. This doesn’t change the plot, but it does save Zuko some pain.
Aang is followed/haunted by Monk Gyatso while Sokka & Katara are followed/haunted by Kya.
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hazashiovo · 2 months
hello!! saw u were taking requests and i was wondering if you could do a bolin x gn!reader? where the reader is SUPER affectionate and just spoils bolin a whole bunch whenever they go on dates
Yesss! Bolin getting the love be deserves :D
Bolin x gn! Reader
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Bolin is in love.
He swears he's the luckiest man in the entire world to have you as his s/o. Sometimes even him would wonder how can you be so loving?
You are usually a friendly person,but when you're with Bolin? Oh Lord.
He couldn't shake you of his arm even if he wanted to try. Of course he loves the feeling of you close to him.
Not mentioning the rib breaking hugs you give him each time you meet.
Sometimes he'd try to count how many kisses you gave him in an hour,but he lost count so many times he started thinking it's useless to even try.
When the two of you are with the group, Korra would tease him,saying things like how he got a second Pabu, not in an offensive way tho. He'd laugh, bringing you even closer to him if possible.
When you're walking together you're glued to his arm,a smile adorning your face.
You sometimes have the weirdest conversations with Bolin,he never makes you feel awkward or unwanted. The boy makes you feel so loved, you give it to him double in mass,and you're not ashamed of it.
He has a personal shrine at home of things you made for him,or bought him.
Oh how you love how his expression lights up when you gift him yet another love letter,followed by a loving kiss.
He wouldn't know what to do without you.
I feel like reader tbh.
Kinda short but I'm proud of this. :>
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waitingonher · 28 days
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ korra and her love languages
i. korra whose love language is physical touch. korra whose love language is physical touch because she finds solace in the warmth of your touch. 
if she could, korra would spend the rest of her life like this, with you nestled in her arms as the sun rises to paint republic city in hues of oranges and pinks. there’s nothing like waking up to a beautiful girl next to a beautiful sunrise. korra lays there silently, playing with a strand of your hair. 
in about an hour, she has to carry the weight of the avatar, but right now in this quiet corner of the world, korra wants nothing more than to just be ‘(y/n)’s girlfriend.’ and so she does. 
her eyes roam over your figure, drinking it all in. how did i get so lucky? from your cascading hair, to your plump lips, to your soft hands that just seem to flawlessy fit in her own, korra never knew it was possible to be this perfect. all her life people have only seen her as just the avatar, but you were the first to see her as just korra. you were the first to treat her as if she wasn’t some expendable end all be all to the world's problems. 
“(y/n),” korra starts, the back of her hand grazing your cheek. her voice is barely above a whisper, “i know i don’t say it as much as i should, but you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i love you so much and i-”
beep. beep. beep.
“stupid alarm.” she mutters, reaching to shut it off.  
with a soft groan, your eyes flutter open slowly, the warmth of korra's touch lingering on your skin. as consciousness filters in, you feel the strong arms of your girlfriend pulling you close. 
“good morning, baby,” she whispers, placing gentle kisses on your forehead. 
with a contented sigh, you gaze up at korra, smoothing out her tousled hair, “mm, good morning.” 
she chuckles at your groggy voice before placing a final kiss on your crown. making efforts to rise from her position, she untangles herself from the bedsheets, “i’ll get the tea going. we’ve got a busy day ahead of us,” she sighs. 
“korra,” you draw out her name. reaching for her arm, you gently tug on the sleeve of her pajamas, a silent plea for her to stay, “please my love, stay. ten more minutes?” 
you flash her your signature puppydog eyes, your lips pulled downwards, eyes widened. and as easily as that, korra’s resolve falters. how can she say no to you? especially when you look so beautiful, your tired eyes looking up at her so sweetly and your open arms inviting her back to the comfort of your touch. 
“well…” she gives you that saccharine smile you’ve always been fond of, and that’s when you know you’ve got her, “i guess the world can wait another hour for their avatar.” 
and she climbs back into bed.
ii. korra whose love language is quality time. korra whose love language is quality time because amongst all of her avatar duties, she'll always want to come home to you.
the arctic hen sizzles beautifully on the pan as you take in the fragrant aroma of the kitchen. it’s savory from the arctic hen, yet delicately sweet from the cookies in the oven. you dance around, tending to the sea prune stew and seaweed stir fry. checking the clock, it reads 6:46pm, serving as a gentle reminder of korra’s anticipated return by 7:00pm. 
everything is perfect. 
after all, it is korra’s birthday. it has to be perfect. 
you begin plating everything, attempting to replicate the elegant plating from a mover that you had watched over the weekend. a little smear of sauce. some accent dots. and finally…seaweed flakes for garnish. clapping your hands together, you take a step back from the dining room table, admiring your hard work. as if on cue, you hear the front door slide open. 
“babe, i’m home! wow it smells really go-”
“happy birthday, my love!" you exclaim, catching korra off guard as you dash over and envelop her in a tight embrace. stepping back slightly, you tenderly sweep a stray lock of hair behind her ear, your eyes overflowing with affection. leaning in once more, you share a deep, heartfelt kiss, your whispered words carrying the weight of your emotions. "i love you so much, korra.”
she swears she’ll never get used to you doing that, her rapid heartbeat a testament to that. korra chuckles, her hands finding purchase on your waist, “i love you too. now, what smells so good?” 
her gaze wanders the kitchen, taking in the familiar sights, as you gently grasp her hands, guiding her toward the dining room. as korra enters, a gasp escapes her lips, and she feels a rush of emotion at the sight before her. the table is adorned with an array of dishes, each one a cherished memory from her childhood, meticulously prepared with love.
with a sheepish smile, you guide her to the two wooden chairs at the table, “now i know it’s not a lot. but i asked your mom for the recipes so i hope you like-”
korra shuts you up with a kiss. her hands again find their way to your hips, holding you. and by the look in her eyes, you know that she's been needing this. korra knows she’s never exactly been the best with words, so she hopes you understand what she’s trying to say, “(y/n), it’s perfect.” 
you lean into her side, a sigh of relief escaping you, “oh good, i was so worried you’d hate it.” 
your girlfriend turns to you, an expression of disbelief painted on her face, “what? babe, i’d love it even if you were a bad cook.” 
“what about the time i burned the seal jerky?”
“okay maybe that’s the exception. how do you even burn jerky?” 
“hey! you were distracting me!”
iii. korra whose love language is acts of service. korra whose love language is acts of service because when she’s not out there saving the world, she’s making sure her baby is taken care of. 
if there were a competition for the worst worst day ever, today’s events would take the cake. first, you and korra totally overslept, thus causing you to be late to your crucial work meeting. after a solid ten minutes of your boss’s scolding, of course, your coworker just had to call out sick, and just like that, you had to complete his portion of the work project. oh and for the cherry on top, your favorite lunch spot was inexplicably closed. 
today was not your day, you conclude. 
with a heavy heart, you trudge homeward, with nothing but your bothersome chores in mind. fold the laundry, dust the shelves, reorganize the desk…each task more dismaying than the last.
unlocking the front door, your ears are met with the quiet melody of an upbeat jazz tune. that’s strange. there’s never really music playing unless you’re home. then you’re greeted by naga, her gargantuan head nuzzling your side. and it’s even stranger, usually korra’s the first to welcome you home, “naga,” you stroke the top of her head, white fur as fluffy as always, “where’s korra?” 
the polar bear dog offers you a hushed bark as her nose points you to your shared bedroom, “thanks girl.” 
you find the door closed, the music resonating softly from the room. as the door swings open, you’re met with korra precariously balancing on her tippytoes, diligently dusting the shelves. the rest of the room seems to be spotless, the laundry basket empty and your desk absolutely pristine. 
at the sound of your voice, your girlfriend whirls around, almost surprised, “(y/n)! hi! you’re home early.” 
you chuckle, her crooked smile on display, “yeah, i spilled stew on my pants so i got to go home,” you gesture to the brown stain on your thigh, “but wait, wasn’t i supposed to do all of this? you only had to do the dishes and clean the bathrooms.”
“yeah, i know,” she lilts. korra’s grin widens as she hops down from the wooden stool, meeting you where you stand. her hands come up to rest on your waist and she plants a sweet kiss on your lips, “but i did them all anyways.” 
your astonishment quickly melts into gratitude. maybe today isn’t as bad as you had thought, “but…but when did you even have the time? didn’t you have to meet with the city council?” 
korra nods, savoring your reaction, “mhm, but they cancelled, so i came home and got a head start on everything. and plus, i wanted you to come home and not have to do anything for once. i know how much stress your work has been putting on you recently.” 
as you stand there, taking in the scene before you, another wave of gratitude washes over you. tears begin to well in your eyes, a floodgate opened by the weight of the day's trials and tribulations, mingling with a profound sense of appreciation for your girlfriend. korra knows all too well what you’re feeling—what it's like when the dam breaks. once more, she pulls you into her tight embrace, sturdy arms enclosing your waist.
“i’m sorry,” you begin, attempting to hold your tears back. korra gives you a sympathetic smile, “i’m happy, i promise. it’s just…everything today was such a big mess. so, thank you.” 
“it’s no biggie, babe,” korra states, her hands gingerly wiping away your tears. she places a soft kiss on each tear stained cheek before taking hold of your hand, leading you out to the living room, “bolin’s new mover is out. wanna give it a watch?” 
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waterfire1848 · 8 months
I’ve seen a few fics where The Gaang is transported into the future and sees Korra’s time but has anyone ever done a fic where Tenzin, Kya, Bumi, Izumi, Lin, and Suyin are transported into the past during the Hundred Year War?
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loklove48 · 2 months
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More art from a fic I’ve started.
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kyoshi-era-week-24 · 16 days
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To commemorate The Rise of Kyoshi's 5th anniversary on July 16th, the Kyoshi Era Week 2024 will happen from July 14th to July 21st! Please, save the date and check the prompts below to start planning!
Sunday 14th - Team Avatar || Found Family || Daofei
Monday 15th - Parental Figures || Protectiveness || Possessiveness
Tuesday 16th - Yokoya || Fire Lilies || "Damned if you do, damned if you don't"
Wednesday 17th - Growing Old Together || Spirit World || "Distance makes the heart grow fonder"
Thursday 18th - Hair Brushing || "Blood is thicker than water" || "Do as I say, not as I do"
Friday 19th - Avatar State || Companion Animals || "Touch her* and I'll kill you"
Saturday 20th - Recovery || Healing || Jealousy
Sunday 21st - Gay Panic || Touch Starved || Flirtation
*Feel free to change this to any other pronoun.
The prompts are supposed to inspire you, not to restrict you. So, do as you wish with them!
Thank you to everyone who voted and/or reblogged the prompt polls! We hope you enjoy the event!
Do you want to be a mod? Do you need a tw/cw tag? Do you want to join the Discord server? Please send us an ask and we'll answer privately.
Click here to check the event rules!
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Imagine being Mako’s best friend and a member of the Triple Threat Triad.
Requested by @pikachuzoey​
When Mako left the gang with his brother Bolin you were happy for him. You'd all got involved with the Triple Threat Triad as kids and dreamed of a way out and he found one! You only wished he hadn't forgotten about you the second he left. You'd met Mako when you joined the gang a year after him. You'd run away from home and found yourself at the doors of the triad. You weren't a bender but you were a scrappy child and the leaders saw promise in you. So you were allowed to stay and often got sent on jobs with Mako being the same age. You quickly became friends and looked out for one another. You protected Bolin like he was your own and became close friends with Mako. He couldn't really rely on Bolin, he was young and naive but you were similar to him and he grew to really value having your support and friendship. It made him feel less alone and you in turn appreciated having Mako too...but as you got older you realised you liked Mako as more than friends. You'd been meaning to tell Mako for the past five years but then he left before you got the chance. At first you assumed Mako was just laying low that's why he hadn't been in contact. Then you thought perhaps the gang was stopping him from getting messages to you, so you went out in public places to make it easier for him to contact you. Still you heard nothing. You were starting to worry he wasn't okay. What if he'd been hurt or run out of town. That was the only possible reason you could think of to explain his absence. Then you saw him one day coming down the street and he pretended he didn't even know you.
You were with another boy in the gang the same age as you and were doing some surveillance when you spotted Mako hurrying down the street with some bags. "Mako!" you called excitedly and he looked up at the sound of his name. He looked right at you but didn't return your smile. Still you weren't put off and tried to get through the crowd towards him. In response Mako just put his head down and started walking faster. You stopped momentarily stunned at what had just happened. "Mako...it's me y/n" you tried again in case he somehow hadn't recognised his best friend of 5 years. Your colleague snorted "yeah I think he knows that, that's why he's running away". You shook your head "Mako wouldn't do that, we're friends". "You were" he replied "now he's a law-abiding citizen and we're the riffraff he doesn't want to associate with. Trust me you'll only ever see him again if he needs something illegal". "No, Mako isn't like that! you argued but the boy just smirked like he was enjoying this and Mako disappeared out of your sight. After that, you were annoyed by Mako's behaviour but also wanted answers. You tried getting notes to Mako, sending letters to the arena but months later you heard nothing back. So you decided to go there yourself. You bought a ticket and joined all the other fans in the packed arena. You followed them inside and then slipped off easily down one of the corridors. You saw some people who looked like competitors and followed them down to the changing rooms. From there it was almost too easy. Each door had the name of a group on and Mako's was right at the end of the hall. The Fire Ferrets. You knocked on the door and heard a muffled noise inside. "Just a second!" you heard Bolin call and the door was thrown open. "Y/n!" he cried seeing you but you looked past him to his brother. Mako had been wrapping his hands but froze when Bolin spoke. His eyes shot to the door and there you were. Staring at him with all those questions. "Hi Bolin" you said taking your eyes off Mako "nice outfit". "Thanks" Bolin smiled "It's so come to see you, come in". Mako went to stop him but it was too late. You stepped inside and scanned your eyes around the room. Mako could feel the coldness coming off you and it was only broken when Pabu jumped on. You jumped before smiling "Pabu, it's nice to see you too". Your smile was just as nice as Mako remembered and he could feel himself thawing...so you had to go. "What are you doing here y/n?" Mako asked. It was the first thing your best friend had said to you in months. That hurt. You looked up at him and shrugged "I came to see why you ditched me the second you got your freedom. Don't you think after being best friends five years I'm owed an explanation?". Mako sighed "Bo why don't you go look for Hasook" Mako said and Bolin looked worriedly between you both but sighed "okay". He left the room and Mako shook his head "you shouldn't have come here. Bolin and I are trying not to have any contact with the gang". "So I'm just a gang member to you now?" you asked "all our years of friendship mean nothing to you?". Mako struggled to respond and stumbled over his words but you weren't feeling sympathetic. "There's just a lot you don't understand and I'm sorry but this is the way it has to be" Mako said. "Why? Nobodies going to kick you out of the league for being friends with a gang member, half of the athletes are probably taking bribes from them!". Mako shook his head and just kept muttering "you don't understand" and "too dangerous" over and over again. "You're right I don't understand and I can tell something's wrong so Mako please just tell me the truth!" you cried your voice rising to a shout. Mako looked at you and you thought he was going to break when the door squeaked open. A waterbender appeared and looked between the two of you "friend of yours"? he asked Mako. You went to reply when Mako shook his head "no she was just leaving". You were hurt by his tone of voice and shook your head "leaving?". Mako nodded "yes and I think it's best if you don't come here again. Bolin and I are done with everything related to that lifestyle...including you". You must've replayed Mako's words over and over again in your head for weeks. You just couldn't get over him abandoning you or how cooly he'd done it. You were understandably pretty upset for the next few months and decided you were done with Mako. You worked hard for the Triple Threat Triad and were hoping for a promotion. You heard Mako had become friends with the Avatar and even made it to the finals of the tournament. It didn't seem fair that everything had gone right for him after how he'd treated you but what could you do? So you put Mako from your mind and carried on working hard...only for Mako to finally come clean about everything. Everyone in the gang lived close to one another on your side of town and you had a small apartment to yourself. It had taken you years to get this privilege and you treasured it. So much so, you took precautions when you left each day and left traps to indicate if someone had gone inside your apartment. When you came home one of them had been triggered instead of coming in through the front door you went around to the window which you could jimmy open. Once it was open wide enough you slipped inside and grabbed the crowbar you kept under your bed. You inched towards the living room and peered out through a small crack in the door. There was a figure stood pacing back and forth clearly waiting for you to come home. You stepped back and knocked something off your table on purpose. It made a bang and the figure paused. You backed up into the corner and waited. Sure enough the figure gingerly opened the door and came inside. You came out of your hiding place and the figure turned just as you swung the bar. "Y/n!" Mako cried and you froze. You managed to slow the crowbar down and it just gently knocked against his chest. "Mako?" you asked "what on earth are you doing here? I thought you never wanted to see me again?". Mako shook his head "I had to say that, y/n i'm so sorry. Please let me explain". You told Mako he had five minutes and still gripped your crowbar tightly. "I was saving up money so I could afford to buy you out". "Buy me out?" you asked and Mako nodded "before I left I told Shady Shin you were coming with us but he said I didn't have the authority for that. You still had 3 years of service to work off and so you couldn't leave...not unless I paid for your years instead". You shook your head "but how much is that?". Mako shook his head "that's not important, what is important is I finally made enough and can get you out of here! You can start a new life, become a doctor, a teacher anything!" he smiled "you'll be free". You grinned before an idea occurred to you "but why didn't you tell me? Why keep it a big secret and act like you didn't know me". Mako sighed "I didn't want to but I knew I wasn't supposed to have contact with anyone in the gang anymore. I worried if I was still hanging around you he'd move you to another city or punish you for being friends with me. I had to keep the attention off you until I'd made enough and now I have!". You nodded "okay so what happens now?". "Pack your stuff, we're going to shady shin" Mako said beaming. 10 minutes later you were on your way to Shady Shin's headquarters. You didn't have many belongings but that didn't really matter. You felt lighter than you had in months finally reunited with your best friend but the other gang members weren't so happy to see him. When you reached the most popular hangout, the hang members outside stared at Mako and yourself but Mako stared right back and they didn't stop you from entering. You finally made your way to the inner section and one of Shady Shin's men spotted you and smirked. "What do we have here? Did someone get lost?". "I'm here to see Shady Shin, we have business to finalise" Mako said and the man glanced at you. He smiled "sure, go on it" and gestured for you to go into one of the backrooms. You went into a dim room which you figured was an office. Shady Shin was talking to some men but he smiled when he saw you both. "We'll finish this later" he told his men before walking to you and Mako "to what do I owe the pleasure Mako?". Mako didn't return his smile "I'm here to cash in on our deal. I've raised the funds to buy out y/n's contract". "Is that so?" Shady Shin asked and Mako nodded passing him an envelope. "It's all there, feel free to count it". Shady Shin leafed through it and then shook his head "it's no good". "It's all real and I earned every penny!" Mako cried. Shady Shin shrugged "it's not the money that's the problem but the price..it just doubled". Shady Shin smirked and you felt the room get hotter courtesy of Mako. "You can't do that! We had a deal!" Mako cried. Shady Shin just shrugged "did you ever get it in writing? No...then I guess it's your word against mine". "Y/n is leaving with me tonight" Mako said through gritted teeth and Shady Shin smiled "oh yeah? You're welcome to try" and he pressed a button on his desk. Men filtered on from the outer room and blocked the exits. "You really don't want a fight" Mako said and you wondered what on earth he was doing, there was no way he could take on 10 guys. Shady Shin thought the same because he laughed loudly "I think my men are more than capable of dispatching one fire bender". Mako shrugged "maybe but what about her?". Suddenly the skylight above Shady Shin smashed and a short but muscly young woman landed effortlessly on the floor. "So" she smiled "who thinks they can take on the Avatar?". The men paused but of course with their inflated male egos they soon recovered and started heading towards the Avatar. That just made the girl smile though "I was hoping you'd say that and she threw a water whip at the nearest man. Mako immediately sprang into action sending fire at another and not wanting to miss out you joined in too. You'd heard the Avatar was amazing, after all she had stopped Amon and saved the city but seeing her in action was something else. She was amazing and took out one guy with a punch to the chest alone. Mako had also clearly been practising and soon the room cleared. "More will be on the way" Korra said kicking one man to the ground "come on we've got to go" and she earth bent the wall away. You ran all the way to the docks when you finally stopped by the docks. You clutched your sides catching your breath and Mako leaned against a wall but Korra didn't even seem winded "nice to meet you by the way, I'm Korra". "I guessed" you laughed "only the Avatar could fight like that". She smiled looking at Mako "I see why you like her so much". You both blushed before the panic set in "wait what are we doing? Shouldn't we keep moving in case they come after us?" you asked and Korra smirked "after the beating we just gave them? They'll be down for a while". You shook your head "but eventually they'll come for us. That's how shady shin is". "That's why I'm sending you somewhere safe" Mako told you "Air Temple Island is the safest place in the whole city, especially since Korra moved there". The Avatar nodded "you'll be safe with me y/n". You paused "but what about you" turning to Mako "he'll come for you to get revenge, why on earth did you do that?". "Well there is one more thing I should tell you and I want you to let me explain before you freak out...I'm not a pro-bender anymore. Starting Monday I'm a Republic City Police Officer". Your eyes widened "you're a what!" and Mako nodded "I know, I know but trust me I know the chief of police and she's a good woman. Sure there are a lot of crooked cops, we know that but she's a good leader and she wants to root them out just like I do. I'm going to change the system from the inside out and also Shady Shin will hesitate to attack me now I'm an officer". You paused "are you sure...I still don't get why you'd risk all that. Just to help me". Mako shook his head "are you kidding? I can't think of a better reason to risk myself than for you". You blushed and Korra smiled "I'm gonna go check out the water" and she excused herself. You watched her go before turning back to Mako "honestly it's weird to hear you say that after everything that happened...after going almost a year with you refusing to speak to me". Mako nodded "Y/n I'm so sorry for that. I thought it would keep you safe but now I realise I never should've trusted Shady Shin in the first place...but you're safe now and I promise I'll never turn my back on you again. I'll always be here for you y/n". "You say that now but you've left before" you said softly and Mako frowned "I did...". "So what's to stop you from doing it again?" you asked and Mako almost broke at the sad sound of your voice. He didn't know he'd hurt you so badly and he knew he had to do something about that. "Well I know it might've seemed like I left but I always planned on coming back for you...but that did take me a year so I can see how that might not be a comfort. How about if I promise to always be honest with you starting right now?". You nodded "no more lies?" and Mako nodded "I promise and in the spirit of that I should probably confess something...I like you y/n. I have since we were 14 and you took out that bender twice your age and height in one move. I thought you were the coolest, hottest and smartest person in Republic City and I still think that. That's another reason why I'd never leave you, not properly because I wouldn't be able to. I need you y/n". You blinked taking it all in. This whole night seemed like a weird dream and you couldn't quite process it. "Y/n?" Mako asked after you hadn't spoken for a few seconds and you laughed "I...I gave up any hope of this so long ago. It doesn't seem real" you admitted. "Well it is" Mako replied "I'm here...if you want me". You laughed "that's all I've ever wanted" and fell into Mako's arms. You fit together effortlessly and Mako wrapped his arms around you carefully like you were a precious valuable. "I'm so sorry for everything y/n but I promise this is the start of something new for us both...together" Mako told you. You smiled as the fog cleared and Air Temple Island came into view. Korra jumped up from a rock and smiled "you ready to see your new home?". You nodded "so ready" and took Mako's hand, stepping into your new freedom.
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giisip · 13 hours
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Killer green eyes.
Inspired and taken from ch2 of this beautiful fic by selftaughthuman!
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jade-of-mourning · 5 months
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season 1 krew! hoping to rewatch lok really soon yay :>
i was genuinely finishing the lineart at 4a.m. last night and coloring in the car please forgive inconsistencies to the actual characters
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awakefor48hours · 6 months
Fun fact about the Avatar universe that I don’t see touched on often: Fire Lord Sozin made gay marriage illegal, meaning that gay marriage was illegal all throughout the original ATLA story
Source: The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars part 1
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wandasfifthwife · 24 days
all I want is for you to be safe
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korra x fem!reader
tw: established relationship, hurt/comfort, mentions of an argument, action/fighting discussion, kissing, angst w/ happy ending, discussions of death, minor injury (korra), R isn’t a bender, not proofread lmao
a/n: though this says fem!reader, I don’t beleive any gender is mentioned (I just imagined fem!reader when writing)
As an avatar Korra’s familiar with injuries, both emotional and physical. She understands the weight that actions have, seen the results around her and on herself. She’s seen people loose a family member and have come across how one’s selfish actions affect others. So she should’ve been better with the one she cared for.
It was a valid concern. You had come to her, whispered words on how lately you’ve become scared. Witnessing the danger she was in often made you fear her saftey, but she shoved you off.
It was a joke at first, stating that she was the avatar and everything happening was destined. Then something had come over her; she got defense and hurtful words were thrown. You had left in silence. Korra’s guilt eating away at her as she watched you leave.
She had come back to her room, relieved to see your body in her bed. The room was completely silent when she got ready for bed and finally crawled under the sheets. Your back faced hers and still didn’t turn even after you felt her body dip in on her side of the bed.
She too rolled over with a purposeful huff, the sound annoying and irritating. The two of you laid close enough to know each other was there, but far enough to tell the other that you’re still hurt. You were half asleep, listening to Korra deep breaths when the room shook. Her eyes snapped open, body already slipping from bed to look out the door.
A fleet of earth benders were at the far corner of the city, pushing houses to completely collapse in on themselves. You were reaching her, calling out her name when a flurry of dust and small rocks filled the room. It was suffocating. Her hand met yours, pushing through the smoke with you in toll.
“Go,” she yells, reaching behind her to knock one of them onto a railing below you two.
She curses and grabs a hold of you, grip tighter this time. Air rushes around you, the city looking smaller and smaller as you reached higher altitude. You shout when a stone barrels at you. It crumbled a second later, dust inside adding to the already growing cloud.
“Do you have to be so stubborn?”
Her complain turns into a rant, pushing you into a house on the other side of the city.
“Sorry,” she doesn’t catch how you close in on yourself at her words, hands shaking at your chest.
Her eyebrow twitches in annoyance, “I can’t do this right now. Just stay here.”
Then in a split second she’s gone, door shutting behind her. It left you in a dark room, same worries from before drowning you. You understand where she came from, thinking you didn’t she was strong enough. She already has worries of her own about being the avatar, feeling she needs to prove it at every opportunity.
It still didn’t take away your point, and now was a great example. The universe seemed to be playing you, bringing up the same situation that caused a ripple in your relationship just hours earlier. Time seemed to slow down while you sat in the dark room, hearing and occasionally feeling the walls shake from the extent of their attacks.
They got closer, making your throat clog with panic. You couldn’t match their aggression, you had nothing to fight with; something Korra liked to mention a few times during your fight. You know that she has it all, every fighting chance while you didn’t.
You don’t doubt her abilities, that wasn’t why you sought her out earlier.
You were worried someone could catch her off guard, trap her, use her weaknesses against her. You were worried you couldn’t do anything, and it was so unfair that she used that against you.
Fifteen maybe twenty minutes passed. The city grew quiet once again, residents slowly emerging from their hiding spots. The door to the building you were in bursts open, Korra entering with a brush of her hands.
“They barely put up a fight, too eas—“
Your figure rested on the ground, hands brushing away the tears that continued to trail down your cheeks. The sight slowed her words down, remembering her previous actions and realizing this is the result of them.
She moves with ease, footsteps making no noise as she comes to sit beside you. The sound of your hushed cry hurt to listen to and it was all she could hear at the moment, coming from beside her. She was grateful enough you haven’t shrugged her off or yelled at her.
“Are you hurt anywhere?”
“You can be so mean Korra,” you choke out, delivery shaky instead of stern.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why do you need to be so brash? I was only trying to express my concern and you had to make it about yourself. I know you can handle yourself, but you didn’t have to tell me—“
At the notion that you’re working yourself up again, she’s moving herself in front of you and taking one of your hands in hers.
“I’m really sorry. Everything I’ve said lately was completely out of line and mean. I take full responsibility. Nothing of what I said was true, you are capable and—“
“Are you okay,” you reach to brush the cuts on her forehead. A hiss spills from her when you touch the open wound, hands reaching to quickly pull yours away.
“It’ll heal. Are you okay?”
“Will be after you kiss me.”
“Woah,” she arches an eyebrow, “already? Now?”
You initiate, pulling her closer by where your hand was intertwined with hers on your leg. She relaxes into the kiss, slotting herself further between your legs. Her thumb brushes away the tear stains, pulling back with a solemn expression.
“I’m so sorry,” she says softly and so close to your lips, attention staying on your eyes and how they looked comparatively dimmer as compared to yesterday.
“I forgive you,” you rub her face in the same manner as her, small sniffles coming from you, “if you promise to not speak to me like that ever again.” She agrees, a soft smile growing on her face when you bring her back to kiss you again. When she makes it back to bed, she’s pulling you into her, resting her head on yours.
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