#leave me the fuck alone lmao it’s ridiculous
kingsnack-moved · 1 year
yo @nikmikhailov I know you have me blocked, but can you quit tagging me in posts? You’re clogging up my activity feed, leave me the fuck alone.
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chimcharstar · 1 year
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Zoro x Fem Reader FLUFF JEALOUSLY HUMOR!!! Zoro is always busy that he rarely ever goes on dates or hangs out with S/O. Sure, S/O always treats him like massages or cleans his training room etc, but it doesn’t help that Zoro doesn’t want to be teased. One day, to cope with loneliness, S/O makes a plushie of Zoro to keep her company! She’s more happier and playful afterwards so she barely misses Zoro! Zoro gets some free time one day and gets rejected bc S/O is playing with Chopper and plushie!
Sup Bitches I’m back from the dead. Not really lmao but I am still alive and I finished off this draft today so here.
🍶TW’s : loneliness, Zoro being dumb, swearing, sappy OOC Zoro (fight me).
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Your hand jerked away from the needle as you pricked your finger again making this stupid plushie. You loved it, yes, and you knew it would be well-used, but that didn't change the fact that it was a pain in the ass (fingers) to make. You swore under your breath as you sucked the small injury, glaring at the offending needle.
"Whatcha makin?" Usopp sidled beside you, his nose poking into your personal space. You grunted before sighing heavily.
"A plushie."
"A green one?"
"Mmmhmm. Zoro's been...." you trailed off as you tried to come up with a better way of saying that you felt as if he was too busy for you.
"He's been training a lot" Usopp finished for you. You nodded sullenly, shaking out the cramping of your fingers. Usopp hummed in understanding.
"Well for what it's worth, I think it's turning out really well. Maybe you could make plushies of the rest of the crew!" he said with a grin. The compliment made your heart sting with happiness. You hadn't heard one in a while with Zoro so busy, and you returned his grin with a bright one of your own. Determination dulled the ache in your hands as you looked down to your project.
"Why don't you sit outside with us? You can bring that along and enjoy the sun." he offered. You nodded after a second. Spending time around your friends would help the loneliness that had seeped into your bones.
You joined the rest of the crew outdoors, giggling at the way your captain, Usopp, and Chopper all made each other screech through their various antics, joined occasionally by Brook and Franky. Brook tried to ask to see your panties, and even as your foot landed on his skull, a smile curved your lips. You'd forgotten what it was like to spend time with your friends like this, having been so caught up with Zoro being busy.
You made some serious progress on your plushie in between shared jokes and laugher, and by the time you were ready to go to sleep, you were finishing the last stitch by candle light. Zoro was on night watch as usual, leaving you in your shared bedroom by yourself. Again. You sighed, stroking the plushie's face gently like you would your boyfriend's. It felt... comforting- like you could pretend it was his sun kissed skin. Warmth flooded your face as you realized how ridiculous you must have looked. You shook your head, discarding the idea. He had pushed you to this point. Right?
You sighed heavily, the loneliness coming crashing down again as you settled into the cold blankets. You tried to push the thoughts of being alone out of your head as you cuddled the replacement Zoro to your chest.
"Dumbass" you muttered to the plush as you drifted off.
You woke up shockingly refreshed. You hadn't slept that well in a while, not since you were starved of your boyfriend's attention. Dragging the plushie with you, you rose and got dressed before stepping out of the room, almost running directly into a solid wall of muscle. Calloused hands grabbed your shoulders as you stumbled to avoid the sudden obstacle.
"Oi. Careful."
Your heart flipped at the sound of his voice and you whipped your gaze up.
"Zoro!" Your eyes brightened, and a grin puffed your cheeks. You slammed yourself into him, hugging him tightly.
His arms wrapped around you lightly before patting your shoulder as a way of asking you to pull back.
"Whatcha got in your hand?"
Your face heated as you shoved the plushie behind your back, having forgot you still had it with you.
"Umm nothing?"
He raised a single brow.
"Nothing important?" you tried as he backed you into the room step by step. He kicked the door shut without breaking eye contact.
"If it's nothing important why are you hiding it then?" He smirked at you, and you wanted to smack the knowing curve of his mouth off his face.
"...It's embarrassing" you finally mumble, looking to the side. Faster than you could realize, Zoro's arm sped around your waist and yanked the plush from your hands. You gasped, and reached in vain for his hand. He placed one hand on the top of your head as you struggled, keeping you from jumping up to grab it from him.
"Is this... me?"
You groaned in defeat. There was no hiding it anymore.
He chucked heartily, ruffling the top of your head.
"Cute. It can never compare to the real thing though" he teased. You scowled playfully and crossed your arms.
"It's only to keep me company when you're so busy!"
Zoro laughed, flopping down on the bed and tossing you the plush.
"Whatever you say. Now go get some breakfast before curlybrows kicks down this door. I need sleep."
You caught the mini-Zoro with a slightly ache in your chest. Not even a 'love you' or a kiss? You plastered on a happy energy as you walked out the door. As soon as the door closed, you looked at the plush in your arms in defeat, giving it a small forehead kiss to make up for the one the real Zoro had neglected. It helped a little, and you could focus on the short but sweet interaction you had with your boyfriend, even if it wasn't everything you wanted, or needed.
You walked into the dining area with the plush still cradled in your arms. The crew seemed excited to see your skill, asking you to make plushies of all of you. You agreed, with the promise that Nami would let you use more money than your usual allowance to buy the necessary materials.
The day passed as usual with the Strawhats. A mid-morning skirmish with a weak band of pirates gave you a little bit of exercise, with the Monster Trio wanting to blow off steam the most. Nami didn't even bother getting up from her lounge chair, flicking through her fashion magazine. Zoro didn't even talk to you during or after the skirmish, only tossing you a small victory smile as he went straight back to training. You sighed, clutching the plush tightly as you curled up under the tree on the deck with a book. You couldn't focus on the words. You were so used to reading aloud to Zoro while he "napped" beside you that it felt strange to not read aloud. Glancing at the rest of the crew, you got up with a faked yawn and wandered back to your room.
You flopped on the bed, disheartened and bored out of your skull. Your gaze fell on the plush, and you hugged it to your chest before kissing the top of its head.
"At least you're always here"
Your eyes fell on the abandoned book on your blanket. You sighed in embarrassment, but knew it would make you feel better to do it. You picked it up, and began to read aloud to mini Zoro. It felt natural, like he was actually there with you. A smile curved your lips slightly at the familiarity. Maybe... just maybe... it would be okay to let yourself believe that he was spending time with you.
Later that day, Zoro came back to the room exhausted, groaning as he hit the bed. You stroked his freshly showered hair and massaged his shoulders and arms as he fell into a slumber without a word. You swallowed down your disappointment and fell asleep beside him, waking to an empty bed.
The next day felt less lonely, and you didn't notice Zoro's absence as much with the plush by your side. When asked about it, you said you wanted to see how the design would wear before beginning the other crewmate's plush's, and it's not like you minded that it was of your boyfriend. Chopper took particular interest in the plushie, finding it adorable. The two of you played games together, Chopper even considering the plushie the third player you had to play for.
Unbeknownst to you, ever since meeting you for that brief moment in the morning after his nightwatch, Zoro had felt something missing from his life. He couldn't quite put a finger on it, but he did know that when he saw you on the deck cuddling that damn plushie like you loved it, a spike of... something... struck him. It should be him that you were showing affection. Well, it was him technically, but it wasn't at the same time. You were acting like that damn stuffed thing was actually him, instead of a thing. He sucked his teeth before beginning his next set of reps. What the hell was he feeling? You still gave him massages at night and... and... hm... When was the last time we actually spent any time together? ...Shit.
"Okay. Now it's your turn!" Chopper proclaimed as he finished his turn. You took the dice and rolled, moving your character a few spaces and drew a card. Familiar heavy footsteps vibrated the wood underneath you as your boyfriend approached you. You purposely ignored him.
"Okay, now mini-Zoro's turn!" you said cheerfully. Chopper made the plush grab the dice in his small hands and roll them one by one, and handed him a card face up so you could both see what hand he had.
"Oi" he called quietly. Chopper looked up, but you didn't move.
"Oh! real Zoro! Are you done training?"
"For today, yeah."
You interrupted their small chat.
"Chopper your turn" you reminded the small reindeer. Chopper made his turn, pulling ahead of your little character on the board with a small cheer.
You laid down two cards, and rolled the dice.
"Wow, smart move!" Chopper said, moving the mini-Zoro to make him "talk". You giggled.
"Why thank you, Zoro" you said, stressing his name. You felt your boyfriend stiffen behind you. You both knew now you were being petty, and you both knew he really did kind of deserve it. With a sigh, he stood. If that's how you were going to play it, he had to figure out how to make it up to you.
He walked away, thinking. How could he make it up to you? You'd been keeping your shared room tidy despite him just tossing his clothes and things on the floor in exhaustion. You'd massage his muscles on particularly hard days, and even snuck bottles of water near his sake when he was training. In return, he'd basically ignored you without explanation, exchange a few words here and there but there wasn't even any physical affection besides that brief hug when you'd literally stumbled into him.
You needed something special for dealing with him these last few weeks. He'd need some help from that damn cook, but for you, he'd do anything. He stalked towards the kitchen, slamming open the door. The blonde hardly flinched, glancing back with a glower.
"I need food."
"You can fuckin wait for dinner."
Zoro swallowed back an insult he crossed his arms and leaned his elbows on the counter, staying well out of the kitchen.
"'s not for me" he mumbled.
"No? Did Luffy send you again? I told that damn glutton to wait just 5 minutes for a snack"
"Wha- No! It's for her."
Sanji turned around with an evil smirk.
"Oh, finally realize you were neglecting your girlfriend, and now you're trying to suck up to her with my food?"
"Damn ero-cook. Fine! I'll figure something else out!" Zoro snapped at the blonde. Sanji sucked his teeth.
"Calm your man tits, Marimo. I'll do it for her, not your dumb fuckin ass." He turned around and started to take out ingredients for your favorite dessert.
Zoro breathed deeply, nodding at the cook's back once before stalking out of the kitchen.
You felt a little bad about being so petty to Zoro earlier. Did he deserve it? Yes. Well... Maybe? He was really busy, and a partnership wasn't always 50-50, not when one person can't give as much as they want to a relationship when they're so busy with something. You just wished he could tell you he was going to be busy so he couldn't give you the attention he usually did.
You sighed, looking down at the plushie in your arms. You wished you were the one being held, or that you were holding a warm, living, breathing being you loved in your arms. Walking back to your shared room from dinner you gnawed on your lip, concerned. Zoro wasn't at dinner. Did you go too far? No. He would've called you out right there and then if you had. So why-
Your body froze in the doorway, hand still resting on the handle. Soft light echoed through the room, pillows and blankets scattered into soft piles with a tray full of your favorite dessert nestled between them. One soft mound was occupied by your favorite swordsman, shirtless and in grey sweats lounging easily with a furrow on his face. He looked up quickly as the door opened, slowly getting to his feet.
"Umm. Yeah. I uh... I'm sorry for neglecting you, and we should... spend time? um. Together. Spend time together. For you. I mean to make it up to you."
"...oh. I'd uh... really like that" your smile started small and embarrassed, and grew into a bright grin as he held out his arms for a hug.
You looked at them for a second before leaping at him and slamming your body against his, wrapping your arms around him. His grunt turned into a breathless chuckle as he caught you. You breathed in his scent, took in the warm skin under your hands, the beating of his heart. He nosed your temple before landing a kiss on it.
“Don’t let me get away with that shit again, got it? Come beat my ass if I ever start to take you for granted again. You’re… everything to me.”
You pulled back and met his gaze, eyes shining with emotional wonder.
“I’ll beat your ass so hard” you promised cheekily. He snorted.
His calloused palm scratched pleasantly against your skin as the fingers of one hand curled around the side and back of your neck, thumb brushing your cheekbone. You leaned into the touch greedily, drinking up the attention like sand soaks up water. His face was closer.
“I promise” you whisper, eyes flicking between his gaze and his lips. A small smirk curls one end of his mouth, making your breath hitch. He noticed.
Zoro was a man who never apologized with words, believing that actions are much more important than honeyed words. His kiss conveys it. His chapped lips mold to yours tenderly, lovingly. He was warm, his breath hot. His hand on your face held you to him, while his other wrapped around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to his body.
You thought of all the loneliness he had caused you, how little he communicated, and how frustrating he was. How he seemed to care more for training than your relationship, and therefore about you. Yet you couldn’t have it any other way. He drove you mad because he slashed a way into your life and heart that could never be filled by anything or anyone else. You loved him.
Fuck, I love him.
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lavendertales · 1 year
cállate la boca || Miguel O'Hara x f!reader**
summary: he's so damn annoyed by you. he detests you. he finds you boring and uninteresting. except for when you're alone with him at night.
word count: 1.2k
warnings: Miguel being a bossy asshole (who rambles in Spanish when he really gets into the heat of things), dirty talk, teasing, ass play, pussy slapping, doggy, just general filth.
A/N: ...I have no comment. idk how I got here. this is just somethin' I had to get out so I'm posting and fleeing lmao 🙈 feedback is more than welcome!
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As far as everyone else is concerned, Miguel O'Hara finds you annoying as fuck. Some might go as far as to say that he's repulsed by your mere presence.
And you don't argue with them. Why would you? You've got nothing to prove. You know the truth as well: Miguel does hate you.
Except for when he doesn't.
Which is every single night.
You don’t bother looking back on how it all started. Frankly, you don’t remember. All you know is the present and the well-choreographed routine you and Miguel have selfishly developed over the weeks.
When he shuts the door behind him, he exhales. You’re already waiting for him in the bedroom, no words spoken. Though the way in which he fucks you varies from night to night, you always know to wait for him naked unless otherwise instructed.
Miguel’s eyes notice you from the frame, drinking in the image of your nude body in the poorly lit room. He leans against the door’s frame, head cocked to the left, and then to the right. Then he slowly inches closer to the bed, disposing of the skintight suit. Your mouth nearly waters.
“Always so needy,” he groans.
You can practically hear his eyes roll. It’s best if you follow his lead once he decides the kind of mood he’s in and how he wants to use your bodies to reach the throes of pleasure.
Though you can’t help the gasp that leaves your mouth when two of his fingers boldly dip into your cunt, stroking and teasing. “Did you touch yourself before I got home?”
Part of you wants to tease him further, but you know from past experience that is a dangerous game to play with Miguel. So you gulp, shamelessly admitting defeat. “A bit,” you confess.
“So damn needy. Couldn’t wait for me to fuck you, hm?”
You barely breathe. You don’t contradict, you don’t oppose him. Your desires precede any of that; you simply want to give and receive. It’s all this physical relationship is for. Relief. A simple biological need with nothing else brewing in between.
But the way Miguel goes about pleasure is somehow fitting with him: impatient (no matter what he reprimands you for), greedy, dominant and overall a wild ride. He starts playing with your clit as you gasp, spreading your legs further, and then he stops. When you involuntarily whine, he lays a spank over your pussy, though nothing you can’t handle, and leans in to whisper to your earlobe, “Ass up for me, princesita.”
You follow his instruction, albeit the mocking petname, and turn around, your ass shamelessly on display for him to play with however he deems fit. He squeezes and spanks a few times, then he moves back to your clit—and surprisingly, to the other tight ring of skin that’s in its vicinity.
“You’d let me fuck this hole too, wouldn’t you? Yeah, I bet you would. I bet you’d like me to stretch every inch of this body and would take whatever I give you.”
You can barely muster a “mhm” as Miguel’s fingers graze further, testing, anticipating and building. Building for what, you don’t know.
All you know is that you are ridiculously wet by this point, and you have to resist the urge to reach around and play with your clit—else you won’t be able to come at all tonight. Usually when you disobey, Miguel doesn’t allow for any relief from your side.
And you desperately need some relief right about now.
Sometimes he likes it when you beg. Sometimes he himself asks you to beg for him and his cock. You just don’t have the luxury of knowing when or if it will happen.
“Needy little thing,” you hear him coo.
Sometimes he likes to tease you about the height difference too. No matter what you’d look like, you’d still be smaller than him. And Miguel fucking loves that. He loves towering over you, having power and direction over you.
You succumb to him each and every time, without fail.
You can’t conceal the broken moan that you exhale when you feel his cock thrust abruptly into you. He only gives you a few seconds to adjust to him and the sensation of having him fill you up to the brim like that, and then he starts to move.
And you see stars.
“Such a needy little cunt,” Miguel mutters, groaning. “So needy and tight and wet… you thought of me when you touched yourself? Hm?”
“Hable, hoy.”
Talk, today.
“Yes—yes, I—I did—“
Words are hard to come by when Miguel’s mercilessly pounding into you from behind, holding you by your waist and with his free hand teasing your ass, barely breaching the skin there.
“You like being a little fucktoy, don’t you? Hmpf—carajo—“
He’s grunting relentlessly, proof that he doesn’t have as much control over his own reactions as much as he’d like to. Whenever he grunts that throated fuck in Spanish, you know he’s getting close. And if past is any indication, you know that soon enough his rambles and his talk will melt almost exclusively into Spanish.
“Princesita needs—needs her little pussy stretched out, doesn’t she? Princesita n-needs to be filled—with my cock, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, that’s fucking right… ella me necesita… a mí, y a mi polla…”
She needs me… me, and my cock.
Miguel’s string of thoughts begins to lose itself into your body, your scent and your sounds, and you both know it. If you were to dwell into the moment too much, you might overthink how Miguel emphasized the “me” in his barely coherent string of filthy words, but you don’t. You can’t.
“La princesita está necesitada y estúpida de mi polla, ¿verdad?”
The little princess is needy and stupid for my cock, isn't she?
You swear you hear him smile behind the words. You can only mumble yes on a broken loop, feeling your climax close. You’re thankful that you’ve learned some Spanish when this whole Miguel ordeal began because approval is something he seeks deeply, almost like he feeds off of it, and the lack of a response wouldn’t sit well with him.
“Miguel—Miguel, I’m—“
“Mhm. P-Please—“
He grabs a handful of your hair, thus ceasing the tease to your ass, and bends your body almost in half just to whisper harshly to you, “Cállate la boca y ven”.
Shut your mouth and come.
His command sparks something inside you, and you come mere seconds later, biting your lips to the point of tasting blood so you don’t scream his name. Some night he wants to hear his name scratch your throat as you beg for him, but it seems tonight is not one of those times.
“Wanna paint this ass all over,” he groans.
And that is just what he does. He strokes himself to completion, his hot seed spilling in thick spurts all over your ass as he licks his lips. He’s already thinking of tomorrow night and how he’ll want to push new limits and explore more of your body.
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mochamvgz · 9 months
what they would save ur contact as
; i don't think this needs a synopsis? it's all in the title
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; ot7 enhypen x reader
; genre: hcs, non idol au, established relationship, fluff
; warnings: slight profanity, miraculous, some members being total simps, being called short by niki
; 0.5k words
; perm taglist: @inkelea @yuerki
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heeseung || ramyeon partner🍜💛
the two of you LOVE ramyeon so it's only fitting. your first date, all the way back when you guys were in uni, was having ramyeon at a local convenience store for crying out loud!
and OF COURSE you immediately fished out your phone from your pocket to change his contact to the same
jay || my pretty girl💐 (in a completely not possesive and absolutely unpatriarchal way!)
if you saw xander hawthorne you're a real one pls marry me
we already know this guy is THE ultimate green flag so this came as a surprise to no one
you and jay are also massive feminists and no sticklers for insecure masculinity hence the parenthesis
when you find out what you're saved as on his phone you can't help but fall in love with your boyfriend all over again
jake || bugaboo🐞❤️🖤
if you think miraculous is a kids show GET OUTTA HERE
"there's no way you saved me as that"
"why? is there a problem bugaboo?"
without a word you unlock your phone, open ur contacts, scroll down to find his and hold it up in front of him
jake raises his brow at you and directs his attention to your screen, his mouth immediately forming an 'o'
" ‘chat noir’ ? oh my god you're kidding!"
sunghoon || (name)
the guy first saved your number when you were paired up for a project which was 2 whole years ago mind you and for some reason it just never? occurred? to him? to change it??
of course you're mad when you find out
"seriously hoon?"
"i'm sor-"
"give me your phone"
he complies. you unlock and open his contacts going to ‘favourites’, clicking on your contact which is at the top of the list duh
you change your contact name from ‘(name)’ to ‘the love of my life💘’ and hand his phone back. he raises his brows when he sees what you did but doesn't say anything because it's true
sunoo || QWEEN🙌👑
"YES!!! GO QUEEN!!!"
you guys were hanging out at his place one day, all snuggled up watching a movie and the female lead just did something super badass making you jump up
sunoo doesn't waste a moment grabbing the opportunity
"but you're my queen"
you're surprised at the abruptness of the compliment but try to appear more ‘seriously dude?’ rather than a blushing mess
"what? it's true i even have your contact saved as that"
he brandishes his phone to show you
there's no stopping the blush now
jungwon || yang jungwon's girlfriend 😤💖💓
when you ask him why he's referring to himself in third person he'd say
"in case my phone ever gets stolen or something, the thief would still know you're mine"
you can't take it anymore and burst out laughing
"what?" he'd ask with his brows furrowed
"you're ridiculous"
"but you still love me" he's right about that
niki || shortie🙄
to be fair your height is above average but your boyfriend is a fucking giant and even then you're only like 2 cm shorter
he still can't leave it alone tho and teases you about it to no end
"are you for real?"
"what? it's true ya know"
"for fuck's sake it's only 2 cm"
and just like that the two of you are at it again
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; a/n: surprise surprise! my first hc yayyy! i hope this turned out okay bc i had no idea what i was doing lmao💀 ily if you got the reference in the jake one no i don't just mean miraculous
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© mochamvgz on tumblr | all rights reserved | do not plagiarise, repost or translate any of my works
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unfortunate17 · 1 month
i agree with you about being frustrated with how often this fandom has top/bottom discussions but its a pretty common talking point in most fandoms so YR isn’t special for that
No I totally agree with you that it’s a common topic of discussion in a lot of fandoms, but there’s a particular way we have it in this fandom that really grinds my gears.
And don’t get me wrong, I don’t care if you hc Wilmon to be vers or if you think Wille tops or Simon tops or whatever - it’s the justification and reasoning that I’m seeing behind these headcanons that I find deeply irritating and, frankly, insulting and kind of homophobic.
This is going to get long so forgive me.
1. I’ve seen so many posts talk about how the show is “brave” and “subversive” by having Wille go down on Simon or potentially bottom, but like - what the hell are we even talking about? In what world is it subversive to show a queer character having queer sex?? What are we subverting?? This show has never shown us anything with its intimate scenes other than two guys that are deeply in love and really horny for eachother and I hate that we keep bringing this shit up!!!
2. I’ve also seen people say that it was very important for us to see Wille moving to go down on Simon in the tape in S1 because it’s “more damning evidence that he’s queer” and otherwise Wille could’ve just said he was horny and desperate but he was actually imagining he was with a girl in his denial statement. But be so fucking forreal, in what world is that a thing he could argue in an official statement to the press? He’d be the laughing stock of the world.
Wilhelm isn’t more or less gay because he went down on Simon vs the other way around. He’d still be having queer sex because he’s having sex with another guy. Arguing that the framing here is for anything other than a plot device so Wille’s face wouldn’t be visible to set up the denial is actually kind of ridiculous.
As someone very smart on here said, “I’m sorry that you apparently have a tier list of sex acts ranging from “kinda straight” to “Gaylord” 😭😭 get well soon, couldn’t be me.”
Imagine for one second Simon was the one giving Wille head? Would you have criticized the show for that?? And WHY?!
3. Next: saying that Wilmon’s relationship is “equal” because you think they’re vers is…a take and a half lmao. What the fuck does being vers have to do with a relationship being equal?? Why are we assigning arbitrary hierarchies to sexual preferences??? Why are we implying that topping and bottoming are somehow not equal and you have to carefully balance both, when, ideally, it’s just whatever the fuck everyone is into???
Wille isn’t selfish for topping. Simon isn’t sacrificing anything by bottoming. They’re fucking because they’re in love and they want to 😭
TLDR: Wille doesn’t suck Simon’s dick for class liberation. Simon riding Wille isn’t a commentary on how he’s “girl-coded.” It’s just sex, leave them alone to have a good time and stop assigning agendas to queer sex.
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lovelykhaleesiii · 1 year
hi! will you write an aegon x reader imagine in which they are married out of love. and after she gives birth, alicent (or otto idk) requests to see her child like she did to rhaenyra. like what would aegon do to see his wife in pain and how would he react? thank you!
Ugh, I live for this type of angst!!! I reckon Aegon would be so fucking pisssssed. How dare they try to get you to lift a finger, let alone stand after birthing his child!!!! sorry for the wait, hope you enjoy xx
Our Child.
PAIRING: Aegon ii Targaryen x fem!Reader
WORDS: 1,948.
WARNINGS: swearing, fluff, angst, Dad!Aegon, mentions of pregnancy/birth, mentions of bullying.
A/N - I apologise for getting carried away with the beginning lmao, but I felt the need to lay some background, so don't mind me. hope you enjoy!
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Within this realm, gossip and scepticism was not unfamiliar territory. Especially regarding the livelihood and innocence of maidens such as yourself, whispers were constant, back and forth, the ongoing judgement would never be silenced although, you'd grown ignorant to. It did not matter, many accused you of being a whore, many expressed their disgust over hearing your so-called promiscuous nature, and many had ridiculed your poor upbringing.
"Surely, she's bedded men before, and the Prince seems to not mind? I heard she was betrothed to a farmer in the North, although ran away."
"Aegon is no saint either... Although he is a man, and men have needs."
"What would the Prince want with someone of her kind? She has nothing to offer, not even a dowry, and he is to be King."
The scrutiny was constant, and Aegon knew at times, no matter how well you masked it, that the words stung. He knew your story, having allowed him and granting him the time to really get to know you, Aegon had pestered you for so long, he listened and knew your truth.
The rest were all lies, deceit and gossip, for many lords had intended for their own daughters to wed the King to be.
"The realm have already made up their minds, Aegon, I stand no chance against them."
Aegon did not care. He loved you undeniably, and whatever he saw in you, made him a better man.
"They can answer to me, I'd like to hear their judgement directly."
It was true, no one dared to question Aegon's intentions with you, not at least in front of him. First off, he had a dragon. Secondly, a terribly, quick temper, the notorious Targaryen temper... The two fused well together depending on who asked.
Overtime, just as you always had, the scrutiny of the high class and council did not matter to you, for it was the least of your concerns.
Although, it bothered you greatly that his mother, Queen Alicent, had tuned into such gossip and determined herself that you unworthy.
She did not completely ignore your presence in the castle, although she was cold. She never warmed unto you like she did with other high-borne ladies, nor did she give you the chance to speak or tell your truth. Her mind was made.
Alicent was certain that you had other intentions with her son, that you'd wanted riches, gold, money, anything to help redeem your family's status in society. She assumed that you would use the Crown in all its glory, all through Aegon.
"I see you as you are, Y/N. Aegon may think with his cock when it comes to you, although I see right through you," Her words cut sharp as Valyrian blade, left you defeated and speechless.
Aegon knew of this, for he could tell how quickly your mood had shifted. He knew of his mother's sour attitude towards you, for she'd plead with him many times to let you go, even proposing the idea of offering you money in return that you leave King's Landing for good.
In despite of the adversity, Aegon held his ground, for one of the first times in his life. He remained with you, by your side relentlessly, and defended your honour. He often returned to your chambers tiresome of the repetitive quarrelling with his mother about you, and yet he did not intend to stop, until she'd accepted you. In time, he had asked for your hand, wedding you in a private ceremony, upholding his Valyrian heritage, and not before long, you were with child, Aegon's child and his rightful heir.
The birthing was difficult to say the least, going on for a fair few hours in the night, right until sunlight could be seen in the horizon. The instant cry of your newborn babe filled the room, and much to your relief, caused you to beam with a smile on your face, as you embraced the small bub in your arms.
"A boy, your Grace. Kicking like a goat," The experienced midwife exclaimed, as she tended to the sweat dripping on your face, and the blood marked on your cheeks, from kissing the babe, trying to make you somewhat decent if Aegon was to return.
Aegon although, desperate to be with you, was caught in a council meeting. Much to his dismay, his abrupt marriage to you left many lords in uproar as his family had promised them the opportunities for their daughters to meet the young Prince, determined to see if he'd take a liking to one of the them. Many now furious at the Crown, refusing to pay taxes and levies.
As you cradled the baby in your arms, enamoured by the bundle of joy, little shrouds of hair on his head, parallel to his father's Targaryen heritage, his nose even a copy of Aegon's. It was his little twin. Trying to take your son's presence all in, was suddenly interrupted by a loud knock on the door, jolting your attention towards the entrance. Your heart raced with excitement, as you'd relished in the image of Aegon rushing through to your bedside, meeting his newborn son for the first moment ever.
Much to your disappointment it was a knight, although, one that you'd grown familiar to seeing in the Queen's company.
"Apologies to bother you, your Grace. Although, Queen Alicent wishes to see you and the babe at this very moment."
A puzzled look drenched your face, as you scanned the faces of the midwives and maester present during your birth, each of them sharing a discerning look, some quickly looking to their shuffling feet, trying to seem busy.
"Right now?" You stuttered, holding your newborn tightly instinctively.
The knight merely nodded, as though hesitant to giving such orders considering the ordeal you'd endured just mere minutes ago.
Now you'd grown annoyed, you gestured for one of the midwives to hold your dear son, who continued to wail as he left your arms, whilst the others helped you to your feet, blood drenched clothes, pooling down your legs as you gained steadiness.
You couldn't stand by yourself, your head whirling and your belly and thighs aching in a dull pain, sudden movements and long strides caused sharp pains to bellow your lower back and hips, cramping your muscles. It was pain you'd never felt like before.
The maester attempted to convince you of taking milk of the poppy for the walk, although short, would be tormenting with the stairs you had to conquer.
Although, milk of the poppy made you feel weaker, less conscious. You did not want to wish dropping the babe in your arms, nor be less alert for Alicent.
The midwives carefully donned you in a clean, silk gown, attempting to make you as decent and proper as possible, for people began to bustle through the castle now. Hearing their conversations and steps outside the door, for it was morning and you'd grown familiar to its routine.
"Y/N dearest, perhaps we can send a message to the Queen that your condition does not allow for you to travel currently-" The maester pitied.
"No, it is fine. If this is what the Queen wants, this is what she shall get."
The midwife that had held your son, returned him to your arms, as the knight helped to guide you out, holding out his armoured arm as you gripped it tightly for support. Thankfully, he did not rush you, for he could see how slow and careful you were taking your steps.
Some lords and ladies passing by would congratulate you, whilst others remained ignorant to your presence, and some in pure shock that you were travelling in such a state.
Their whispers again, filled the morning air, although before reaching the steps, you'd taken a glance at your newborn son, snug in his blankets. Again, the same, warm smile gleamed on your face as you watched him, before a sharp pain pierced through your lower abdomen. Your grip on the knight tensed and he knew immediately, questioning if you wished to turn back.
"No-No, let's just fucking go."
As you took the first, agonising step up, a familiar voice yelled out your name. Slowly turning back, your body straining, resisting all the physical movement, you could see Aegon down the other side of the corridor, rushing past as he reached your side.
"What's the meaning of this, where are you going in such a state?"
He kept his focus on you, oblivious to the babe in your arms, as one hand massaged your back, whilst the other held your arm for support, as you began to cower in pain.
"Ughh-Y-Your mother, wanted t-to see the babe, now."
You stuttered, your voice trembling as the pain worsened the more you remained on your feet, becoming breathless by the second.
As you mentioned the babe, Aegon looked down, his eyes meeting his newborn son, a cherished look on his face appeared for a split second, before he realised the situation. His eyes darted towards the knight and commanded that he tell his mother, "That would not be wise, if she so wishes to see the babe, she can come down herself."
You reassured the knight that you were fine, as Aegon took his place by your side, turning you back around to your chambers, the midwives still present as they remained cleaning the bloody scene, were relieved to see you return. They all helped you back down cautiously, propping pillows behind your back for support, even preparing a small cup of milk of the poppy, now that you were rested in bed.
"What were you thinking Y/N? Don't you ever think that you need to prove yourself like that, my mother can answer to me."
"I-I don't know, Aegon. She is the Queen, a-and I thought... I am sorry husband."
Aegon had been pacing himself up and down the room, as the midwives left to give you both peace and privacy, shaking and rubbing his head. Out of fury, he slammed his fist against the wooden post of the bed railing, before calming himself. Seating himself down by your side, as he ran his fingers through his short, tussled platinum hair. A low sigh escaping his mouth, as he exchanged a worried look on his face, your hand reaching over to hold his reddened knuckles, as your thumb grazed the small, fresh cut.
"You-You my dearest, need not to apologise, you did nothing wrong. I just cannot fathom how my mother think it okay to torment you like that."
"I-I do not know, Aegon. But rest assured, our son is happy and healthy, come-"
You pulled his fingers, beckoning to come closer, as you pulled down the cover on your son's little face, despite all the mayhem that ensued following his birth, he remained quiet and slept. Unphased by the drama of his presence, he was your calm before the storm.
"He's beautiful isn't he? Our child." You softly whisper, as you looked up from the babe to Aegon, and back down again, gently cradling him in your arms.
Aegon's arm wrapped beneath yours, as his free hand, a finger gently grazed over his son's nose, dotting it. Helplessly, a smile beamed up on his face, as his son cooed against his father's touch.
"As angelic as his mother is." He uttered, before resting his head against your shoulder.
"She will be dealt with, Y/N. Rest assured, I will speak with her and it will be the last time we speak of this matter again. She did not deem me fit to be King before, she will now."
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freakshowtwopointoh · 7 months
In Which Jordan and Marie are Forced To Figure It Out
*takes place at some point in episode 7 or 8 probably?? Idk lmao*
"Jordan, wait!" Marie ran after them, praying she can keep her balance on the slippery tile. They're a master of the speed walk, and she's panting heavily when she finally reaches them. "Is the infamous Jordan Li leaving a party early?"
"Back off, Moreau. Leave me alone." Their voice was cold.
"Did I do something to upset you?" Marie's brows furrowed. They hadn't been so gruff with her in a long time.
"Don't be ridiculous. The world doesn't revolve around you. Now back off." And with that, they stormed away, and she was too stunned to do anything but stare at their disappearing back.
For the entire morning of classes, Marie kept her phone off. She pretended like it was just to keep her focus on schoolwork, but in reality, she didn't know what she wanted or how she wanted it. Did she want Jordan to call? She was both disappointed and pleased she didn't hear from them while she slept. On the one hand, she was so angry at them disappearing during the stupid GodU event, forcing Marie to cover for them. On the other hand, she was glad Jordan at least stuck to their dickery rather than immediately rescinding to her. Usually, her doe eyes got her anything from Stone Cold Jordan Li, but last night was weird. And it wasn't their parents -- they hadn't even been at the event! It was just some stupid potential student thing. So it wasn't that ridiculous at all that she assumed she had done something. To be quite honest, she hadn't been paying the best attention to Jordan during the event, but there were donors to schmooze, shots to sneak, and Emma had a minor crisis with her dress that she had to help with. Once Marie had stitched the strap back on and fixed the hole in the back, she caught sight of Jordan leaving the ballroom.
She was bent over a textbook, trying to focus on what it was saying about the connection between emotion and power, when someone interrupted her.
"Moreau! I've been tryin to call you all day." Jordan looked like they had been working out all day, sweaty and stunning.
"My phone's been off. Studying." She gestured at the papers and books strewn about. They didn't seem quite appeased. "Look, if you've come to apologize about last night, don't. You have every right to have your own shit going on. I shouldn't have pried." She put her head back down, hoping that would be the end of it.
If she was really honest with herself, she was terrified about what Jordan was going to say. Her relationship with them was 99% vibes, and she had no experience with this shit. She was terrified of being their girlfriend, terrified they wouldn't want her to be their girlfriend. Terrified that she was both too much and not enough for Jordan. If she wanted to keep things casual, she had to stay casual. They were cool, right? Yeah, they had made out at basically every free moment, and they had walked around campus holding hands and talking for hours. Every thing about this, about Jordan, was intoxicating for her, and she was so fucking scared that it was all going to slip through her fingers, or explode in her face. Ironic, considering the advice she had given them just a little while ago.
"You deserve an explanation. Let's walk and talk, ok?"
Fuck. She had no reason to say no, so she packed up her stuff slowly. She wished her hands weren't so shaky. Everything made it into her bag, and she got up to walk with Jordan.
Once they got far enough away from other students, Jordan turned to Marie.
"I'm going to talk. I need you to listen." Marie nodded, trying to keep her face smooth and unaffected. "I lied last night. It was about you. It's always about you these days, Moreau. I thought I could control it, that I could be immune to you. And it's more than just you being a pretty girl. I've been with pretty girls and pretty boys and no one mixes me up like you do. I thought I was over the bullshit from my exes and my parents and that I could keep that all away from you, you beautiful, kind, amazing girl. And being with you last night, I was..." they paused. "I was jealous. And I realized, I can't do it anymore! I can't keep you away anymore, I can't watch you pull away from me anymore." They ran their fingers through their bob, not daring to look at Marie directly yet. They took a deep breath. "I am not easy to love, or to be with. I am not a boy all the time. I am not a girl all the time. I am still a messy, broken kid trying to pick up the pieces and become the person I'm going to be. I have a short temper, and I do a decent amount of drugs. And I definitely didn't expect you to come storming into my life. I wasn't ready for you, for these feelings, for this. I don't know if we will be good together, I don't know if this is going to blow up in my face but I can't do this half way anymore. I want more. I want you by my side at every event. I want everyone to know that we're together. I want to protect you when things go south, and I want to celebrate all of your successes. I want you, now and always. Will you be my partner?" They finally looked at Marie, who had tears streaming down her face.
She kissed them, gripping their jacket with an intensity that would make you think they were heading off to battle. She tasted of tears and coffee and everything they never knew they wanted. They couldn't have dreamed Marie Moreau if they tried. When they finally pulled away, she smiled impishly at them, seemingly pleased to be slightly taller this time.
"That was a yes, by the way. I want all of you, Jordan Li. Exactly as you are." And then she kissed them again, and nothing else mattered. "We are good together. I know it. I didn't see it until now, but I see it. We'll end up an old married couple, you'll see."
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Team Green fanfiction will always show Rhaenyra as a sex-crazed monster who abused poor baby Alicent or she's the master manipulator who single-handedly orchestrated Alicent's suffering and left her with PTSD. Oh, and here's a treat: almost every single Rhaenicent fanfic makes Rhaenyra's little lie the driving plot and the sole reason for Alicent's misery or turning Rhaenyra into an abusive partner in modern aus, where she cheats on Alicent, leaving her alone with the kids to go party. Don't even get me started on Aemond x Sansa fanfics where, surprise, surprise, they both hate Dany and Rhaenyra equally and become the pretty perfect King and Queen of Westeros. ( Let's not forget the Ocs who kiss Alicent's ass every chance they get or Jon Snow falling head over heels in love with Alicent because she reminds him of Sansa @_@ )
I really love ao3's filter for this reason lmao. I literally can't stand to scroll through the HOTD fics with everyone's pro-TG shit.
It really shows how fucked their media comprehension is that they believe Aemond would even look at Sansa, let alone "love" her. Also the fact that they're obsessed with Alicent as Rhaenyra's victim is completely ridiculous. Alicent abused Rhaenyra for years, Rhaenyra only ever was angry with her before Alicent declared war on her. Even then Rhaenyra was wayyyyy more understanding than she should've been.
This is the first time I'm hearing about Jon falling in love with Alicent though, and I hate it with every fiber of my being. Jon likes warrior women, those who take control of their lives like Ygritte and Val. In other words the exact opposite of show Alicent.
Of course the reasoning for Jon x Alicent (🤢) is jonsa, those fans will never fail to amaze me with their delusion and stupidity. Their inability to understand the characters they claim to love is hilarious and infuriating.
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billy hargrove x pregnant/mom!reader.
content: mentions of smut, alcohol use, the kid isn't billy's genetically, friends to lovers, swearing, mention of smoking.
i'm probably gonna make several different versions of this where it's different situations but idk yet. oh and i changed red text (in the content section that refers to words or things that may be triggering for some readers) to green because i didn't like how the green and red looked together. oh and sorry if i don't post so much, it's honestly because of school and mid terms and like i kinda wanna do good on that lmao so that's what i'm focusing on rn. it's likely that the next few posts will be drafts.
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Billy fucking Hargrove being the first one to find out about your pregnancy had to have been the stupidest but best decision in your life.
You'd gotten pregnant by someone, whom you hadn't known because who's to shame you for being an adult with sexual needs?
Letting Billy know you had something important to tell him and for him to head over to your apartment, he got there in his breaking record of three minutes. Barging in through your door, no warning whatsoever still wearing his work uniform.
"You can't just walk into my house like that." You scold, though all you're doing is sitting on your couch reading a magazine.
"Your door is open.." He'd say in that sarcastically rude tone he'd always use as he takes his spot beside you on the couch. "So what's up?".
Sighing and standing up, walking over to the tv table rested across the room to pick up a test and a picture. Handing the two items to your friend who looks at them in confusion. "What?"
"Are you fucking stupid?" You'd dramatically point at the place on the test where it says "pregnancy test" in bold lettering.
"Did someone come by and drop that off to you? Tell you to show me?" He'd say with a concerned expression and you'd sarcastically laugh at how stupid he is.
"No you idiot. Wait– did you? Nevermind, no. It's mine." You shake your head and sit beside him as he examines the picture of your uterus.
He sits for a moment before opening his mouth, his back falling back expressing that he understands as he lets out a big "Ohhh."
"Yeah, ohhh." You repeat in a soft whisper and he looks into your eyes.
"Who's the dad?" Is his first question. Which you'd expected him to ask. Often times the two of you would talk about your sex life to one another as you'd been close friends and to put it bluntly both of you were whores and had all the gossip of how such and such is in bed. Common to find yourselves on the couch taking shots talking shit about certain people's way of going at it and falling asleep in eachothers arms.
You don't say anything, a small smile starting to form on your face and he immediately understands, the two of you giggle together.
"Seriously though, I need help. What do I do?" You ask, shoving his shoulder slightly as he places the test and picture on the glass table that rests affront the two of you.
"What do you want to do?" He asked, referring to if you want to keep it or not. You had to think long and hard about your decision.
If we're being honest, all you could think about was who you were going to have sex with when your tummy starts showing. Which is ridiculous, but it felt important. And you're sure to voice that to Billy.
"Are you fucking kidding me right now?" He laughs and you giggle back. You were like two bestfriends talking about their crushes at a sleepover.. except, this was way more serious than that.
——Start - 2 months——
And thats how it began. Billy took care of you, bringing you home food after work and talking to you until you would fall asleep. He brought you pain meds and heating pads when you were complaining. He really was your bestfriend. And you knew he would act like this.
What you weren't expecting was his reaction to your hormones. You thought maybe he'd just leave you alone when you were horny to masturbate, but no. Because when you complained about being horny mid regular conversation on the phone he'd tell you "Be there in like.. 5." before hanging up.
You were confused but like he said he would be there, he just walked into your door with some bag in his hand while you were curled up on your couch reading your magazine wearing just panties and one of Billy's shirts that'd been at your house.
"I told you, you can't just walk into my house, Billy." You smile when he throws you an annoyed expression.
"Not my fault little miss 'nobody wants to fuck a pregnant woman' complains about being horny all the time." He wasn't wrong, you complained about it a lot and almost every time he'd tell you to get with someone and you'd argue the same thing every time.
"Well what are you gonna do about it mr 'I can just walk into your house because of something you said over the phone'?" You laugh and stand up on wobbly feet.
He walks over to you and rubs his hand over your small but obvious little bump, his other hand going to push a strand of hair behind your ear. "Let me take care of you mama." He'd smirk down at you when your breath hitches at his request.
"Pretty sure you saying 'mama' just made me cum so I think I'm good actually." You giggle and bring your forearms to rest on his shoulders and tangle your hands in his curly blonde locks.
Pulling his head down so you could feel his hot breath colliding with your own, looking into his eyes and grabbing a better grip on his hair before he leans down into your lips.
At first it's a simple kiss, lasts a few seconds then you release. But your lips chase eachothers and find them creating contact again. His cold hands rubbing under your shirt causing goosebumps to form on your skin and you moan into the kiss, giving him time to slip his tongue into your mouth.
Your knees hit the back of the couch and you sit down, laying back and he hovers over you.
That night he gave you the best god damn sex you've had in all the 23 years of life you've lived on this planet. You knew he would be good, but that good? Could just be the hormones but wow.
——6 months——
"You suck." You'd say, chest falling up and down as Billy falls naked be your side on your bed, throwing a heavy arm to rest just above your now big belly. A low vibrating chuckle leaves his lips. "At this point you're the one who has me knocked up by how many times you've came inside me.. kids gonna come out looking just like you." You joked.
"You're already pregnant why would I pull out?" He smirks and pecks your lips softly.
——8 months——
You'd been about 8 and a half months pregnant when you starting going to the community pool that Billy worked at during summers. It became his side summer job since highschool, you used to go with him all the time and talk to him while he's working so he's not so bored.
Laying on one of the chairs that rests in the sun, reading your magazine like always with a lollipop in your mouth. You resorted to lollipops rather than cigarettes while pregnant, and so did Billy.
Before his shift started he'd make sure to come out and sit on the end of the chair with your feet in his lap, rubbing them softly as you complain about how expensive the shitty hair sprays were in the magazines.
"Can you put sunscreen on me?" You ask, handing him the bottle of lotion with a knowing smile and he'd take it from you with a dramatic groan. But he knew damn well he enjoyed doing it for you. All the moms reactions when he'd rub your big belly and massage your back, sneakily rubbing hands between your thighs just to "make sure they won't get burnt" admiring the hickies he'd left the night prior.
And the new lifeguard girl that begun working there since Heather stopped would head off her chair, walking past the two of you saying "Your shift, dad." throwing you a wink.
He'd laugh and loudly whisper to you "Call me daddy." and get up, not before pecking your lips softly. Heading over his chair where he's meant to be watching the kids but he can't keep his eyes off you.
Billy's in the room when you deliver. All the kids such as Max, El, Lucas, Dustin, Will, and Mike sat in the waiting room until they got the okay to head in. Nancy, Jonathan, Steve, and Robin where there too as they were pretty good friends of you and Billy.
The younger kids came in first as a big group and you were convinced that wasn't allowed but didn't care when you saw the smiles on their faces as they came and stood beside your bed where you were holding your daughter. The only one who didn't stand by your bed was Max, who was sitting in a chair patiently next to Billy, making conversation.
They'd cascade you with questions that you didn't answer. Things like did it hurt, who's the dad was a big one, and are you okay was the one you answered.
"I'm fine guys, really. Just can't go up stairs for a while." You smile softly. It was a c-section, rather than vaginal. Again, something you decided on because of sex.. Not completely though, knowing that you didn't want vaginal birth anyway.
"So.. who's the dad?" El would ask, just curious unlike others who may have just wanted to hear the gossip.
You eye Billy and smile, "He is." you nod your head in reference to him and they all gasp in shock except El and Max.
"Are you guys slow or something? Why do you think he was in the room this whole time?" Max would roll her eyes and stand up, pushing them out of the way to see her niece that she waited patiently enough to see.
Her features soften and she sighs before asking "Can I hold her?".
You smile softly and make space for her to sit down on your hospital bed before handing her your daughter. She handled her with so much love and care, and you've honestly never been happier.
——Following Week——
Billy ended up moving into your apartment, he was there almost all the time anyway. Besides, decidedly he was the father to your baby. And he was a damn good one.
——2 months——
You hear the cries of your daughter at a little past midnight. Sitting up and wiping your eyes to go get her, your boyfriend sits up quicker than you can take the blankets off.
"Hey, go back to sleep baby. I got her." He'd get up and walk his half naked self to your daughter's room. Not long after you hear the door open and sit up again, you couldn't find yourself falling back asleep.
"Is she okay?" You ask with a small voice and Billy chuckles, standing by the bed.
"She's fine, baby. Thought you were gonna go back to bed." He says as you crawl over to him, sitting yourself on your knees and you take his hand. You nod your head no and he asks why.
"Not tired no more." You shoot him a pretty smile and you stay on your knees, just lifting your body up to where you're eye level with Billy. You kiss him softly. "Can we take shots?" You ask with a smirk on your features.
He nods his head as he chuckles, placing his hands on your waist before kissing you again. "Just one though." He says inbetween kisses and you smile into the last one.
You make your way off the bed and follow him in a little jog to the kitchen. You felt like a teenager all over again, taking shots with Billy and giggling together about whatever was going on in your lives. You missed that, more than anything while pregnant. And you were scared. Scared that if after he had sex with you it would be awkward. But no, it changed your life for the better. And you couldn't wish to be with anyone else.
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moongothic · 6 months
What do you think with Hancock Interaction with Crocodile If crocodad canon? Is she will pestering Croco for his gratitude to marrying Luffy or their will fight because Hancock need provide her value like. Croco : "I will not let you marry my son UNLESS you can beat me!"
LMAO Okay so. My gut instinct would be that, like. Crocodile would probably think it's none of his business, like he wasn't there to parent the dumbass for the past 19 years so it ain't his place to try to pick up that mantle now, he has no say in it and that's fine with him. He'd probably just want Luffy to have whatever Luffy wants
And so if Hancock did want for his blessings, like. If Luffy wanted to marry her too then?? Sure?? His son and the Kuja Pirate Empress?? Why not, could be worse??? Like she's competent enough, surely??
But that's where it gets fucking funny, because Luffy doesn't care. He doesn't want to marry Hancock and he has made that explicitly clear.
And so if Hancock admitted that to Crocodile, that Luffy had rejected her proposals before and that she hadn't given up, like. I could imagine Crocodile being like "...if he said 'no' then give up and leave him alone". But I can't imagine him actually saying that to Hancock, right, like only because it'd definitely make it sound like he cares about Luffy and he can't have that now can he. But what I could imagine Crocodile telling Hancock would be more like, something about it being disgraceful and shameful of her to keep on pursuing someone after being told no, and that if she really loves him then she should respect his feelings and accept that either she will have to love him from afar without those feelings being returned, or she has to move on. 'Cause, mean and cold as saying that would be, there would be a hint of truth to it. And Crocodile does seem to understand people's feelings enough to manipulate them (see: how he played Vivi like a fiddle). If he could manipulate Hancock to leave Luffy alone it could be in everyone's best interest (including Hancock's if we're being real). And I think hearing something like that could be what Hancock herself needs, like those could be the words she could take to heart. Maybe. MAYBE. IDK it's Hancock, she can be unpredictable
I think Crocodile would find it hilarious Hancock has fallen for Luffy of all fucking people on the planet
I think he would be confused by it because. Luffy is a dumbass and absolutely unhinged, what the fuck does she see in him
But also Hancock behaves ridiculous at times too and you need to be at least a little stupid and/or deranged to fall in love with Luffy so, guess that would make them perfect for each other
Hero of the Marines, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, one Shichibukai, Gold Roger's son. You didn't think this family could get any more insane, and now the fellow Shichibukai Kuja Pirate Empress aka The Most Beautiful Woman in the World wants to join. What is up with this family
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candyskiez · 3 months
Thinking about why Separation arc works so well again.
There's already a very good post about how it makes you think it'll have Reigen fail at keeping up the business on his own, and apologize to Mob to get him back because he can't do it without him. Only to have him actually be perfectly capable of running the business by himself without even touching real spirits. But why didn't they do that?
It wouldn't have actually meant anything. Reigen apologizing to Mob wouldn't have meant shit, because it would just come off as using him. Mob going back to him wouldn't be satisfying or a relief. It'd just feel like he was going back to an unhealthy environment. No character development, no actual satisfying resolution.
What they do instead works so much better, and I've been thinking about why. Because I think about this show way too much, let me live.
Reigen was perfectly fine money wise before Mob showed up. Money problems aren't even implied to be a reason why he wants to leave spirits n such. It's all just being unsatisfied. He's restless and unfulfilled, and nothing really catches his interest. And then actual company shows up, and gets him talking to people, and gives him something worthwhile to do.
Most of Reigens worst moments have nothing to do with money. His controlling tendencies come out when he feels left behind or like someone is a better person than him. His toxic traits are so painfully human. He lashes out when he feels like his place in someone's life is in danger, he's not honest because he feels like nobody can love him as he is, and he doesn't try to change because he feels like he's inherently bad and cannot get better. Because of this, he doesn't stop and recognize he's hurting people. He thinks of him being a bad person as Inherent, not actions he can stop doing.
This is why it's so so SO important that there be a moment in the arc where he stops and looks back at how he treats people. He needs to realize that him being Bad isn't determined by just being bad by existing, but by what he says and does. Mob didn't leave because Reigen is inherently bad. Mob left because Reigen treated him badly.
If the Reigen and Mob conflict had been resolved with Reigen apologizing because he needed him for his business, it would've come off like Reigen didn't care about Mob. But because it became clear that Reigen didn't need Mob for his business, it tells the audience that Reigen really fucking cares about Mob AND why Reigen had actually acted the way he did:
Because he was a sad bastard who's scared of being alone.
And also, if they had Reigen just take on a spirit alone, the audience wouldn't have had nearly as much reason to be sympathetic towards him. It would've just felt like Reigen was being an idiot. But because of how they set up Reigen's downfall, we're so much more sympathetic to him. He works hard and gets what he thinks he wants, only to be set up by a guy who he saved the life of. It makes us feel extremely bad for him and like his ridicule is completely undeserved.
It also tells us something about him. Reigen has had so much experience where doing the right thing is punished. Reigen feels like it's too late to be good. Reigen falls into thinking he cannot be good, so he needs to buckle in and keep going. Because it shows Reigen being punished for being good as well as being punished for being bad, it makes what Reigen did feel so much more human. You're more inclined to sympathize with him, because it's not just about money. It's about the fact he was an asshole to his only friend because he felt like if he had other friends, he'd like them more and leave him. And seeing him face negative consequences for Doing The Right Thing as well as the wrong thing makes you understand why he just...doesn't try. If that makes sense lmao.
The way they constructed the arc makes us sympathize with Reigen while he's acting like an absolute asshole, while also setting up Reigen stopping and asking himself "why DID I do this, why DID I choose this path, why DO I treat people like this" perfectly.
Tldr, it's a really good arc.
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thestobingirlie · 2 months
Stancy antis need to stop using "he couldn't remember Nancy's favourite song" as an argument for why Steve 'doesn't deserve' Nancy.
1, favourite songs change. They haven't spent a lot of time together for over a year at the time of s4. That is plenty of time for a favourite song/ band/ artist to change with new releases and new artists coming onto the scene. And tastes change. She could have been into top 40 pop, or rock, or she might have got into the punk music that Jonathan listened to.
2, he never said anything about the music. He didn't make any indication to whether or not he knew what her favourite songs were. He called her name, begged for her to wake up, and shouted for the others to hurry up.
3, him knowing her favourite song didn't really matter that much. Because they were limited to whatever music was available in Eddie's trailer. Eddie was a metalhead and Wayne was an older man, so chances of there being anything to Nancy's music taste were slim. Even if Steve knew it, they probably didn't have it, and they didn't have time to get it. So it wouldn't have helped anyway.
And it's almost always ronance stans that argue this point. Sure Robin was trying to find music that could help Nancy, but Steve was too busy staying with Nancy, making sure she wasn't getting all broken up and dying a painful death. What else was he supposed to do? Leave her all alone in the Upside Down while under Vecna's curse so no one knew how she was?
people are seriously using that as an argument lmao? if you asked me at gunpoint what my favourite song was, i couldn’t tell you, let alone my loved ones
we all know that if steve truly loved nancy he would’ve been keeping her favourite tape up his ass, ready at all times in case nancy suddenly got vecna’d 🙄🙄
(also. kinda ridiculous for r/nancers to use this anyway because robin didn’t fucking know nancy’s favourite song either and she’d looked through nancy’s tapes, like, the day before.)
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thegreymoon · 5 months
The Story of Minglan
My guy, you are barely alive.
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Your ministers are right, please pick an heir.
Ah. Parents who bury their chilren break my heart.
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Adopting a heir means making it official that his son is really dead 😢
I've known him for two minutes, why are there tears in my eyes 😭
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Shut up, you have worms for brains.
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You are not fit to wipe the floor Gu Tingye walks on.
Isn't this the guy from Guardian?
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I've never actually watched him in anything, I just stanned by proxy through my mutuals' blogs.
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She was also in Love like the Galaxy. She's just stupid beautiful, I can't stop staring when she's on screen. Anwyway, hiiiiiiiiii 😍
LMAO, I love him and his good-natured, smiley face already!
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LOL, did her stupid ass steal it?
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This woman just refuses to give me roles where I can stan her. I am so READY but she picks characters that are simply the worst.
LMAO, I am so glad I live in a time when I can find this hilarious 🤣🤣
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With that said, if these people were living in 2024, there is zero doubt in my mind that Molan would have found a way to implicate herself by secretly saving nudes on his phone or something equally ridiculous.
And the servants are getting beaten again because someone has to take the fall for the misdeeds of the gentry 😕
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Listen, my dude, I'm stanning you by proxy as it is. Keep getting between my ship and I will unstan you so fast, istg.
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Hmmm... I'm worried he may have just killed that servant instead.
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Accusing a young lady of setting a servant up is not going to go down well.
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Ugh, he annoys me.
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He can get her into so much shit with this garbage. She is a low-level daughter of a weak family, there is zero chance he can get parents to approve of her being his legal wife.
Oh, sweetheart 😢
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You will have the BEST BEST BEST of husbands of any woman in your generation!
So, both her sisters are going to be shitty.
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Hell family.
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If he really does end up marrying her, I will riot.
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Oh my god 😬😬
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Here's to hoping that at least her brothers are cool.
Second-what, now? 🤨
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beetlebrownleaf · 1 year
the catch-22 of wanting to be taken seriously in this fandom as a Lalafell
like I don't want to be taken seriously in a humorless, as if Lalafell are real way, as if Lalafell jokes are "oppression" (they're not, don't lump me in with people who call it "racism" because that's tone deaf and frankly racist), I want to be taken as seriously as any other player, which is not much because it's just a video game, but like, just in a normal amount lmao.
I want y'all to remember we are literally SO FUCKING BOTHERED both in game and online, people literally do not fucking leave us alone just because we... write, draw or present our characters as adults
"'take me seriously!!1' says the 3 foot tall race" okay you play a girl with cat ears. some of y'all play lizards. some of y'all play pretty edgy anime boys... with bunny ears. we can play that game with everyone lmao.
I just want us all to be taken on the same level of "not that serious, but I recognize there's a living person behind that WoL", you know? I really don't think that's a ridiculous thing to ask
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Out of Time
Amado Carrillo Fuentes x F!Reader
For Day 29 of @whumpril's 2023 Challenge: surrender
Warnings: 18+, language, angst
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: In true drabbles-mc fashion, I have no idea what happened here with this one but I thoroughly enjoyed writing it. We love fics all based on vibes in this house lmao. Also, thank you @hausofmamadas for giving me a little nudge out of my comfort zone. tqm, df 🥰
Narcos/NMX Taglist: @thesandbeneathmytoes @garbinge @winchestershiresauce @panagiasikelia @616wilsons @hauntedforsst @mirabee @buckybarneshairpullingkink @boomclapxox @nessamc @southotheborder @supersanelyromantic @padbrookcottage @mysun-n-stars @raincoffeeandfandoms @justreblogginfics @ashlingnarcos @proceduralpassion @artemiseamoon @narcolini @cositapreciosa (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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Once it all started to unravel the way that it did, Amado decided that there was no other choice. Surrender was never going to be an option for him, not the way that it was for the godfathers. He wasn’t going to turn himself in and simply do his bid. What would it all have been for, then?
So there he was, packing his bags. All the work he’d put into his beautiful home, or rather, all the money he’d put into his beautiful home making others do the work, and now he was going to take off and leave it vacant. It was a small loss, he supposed. With the money he had he could afford to make just about anywhere home. It was a skill that was going to come in handy, too, because he didn’t know how long he was going to have to be on the run before he finally settled down somewhere quiet enough for him to live out the rest of his life in quiet, secluded luxury. That’s really all he wanted now: to be left the fuck alone.
The suitcases that were on the floor beside his bed were already filled with clothes. The zippers on them were strained, nearly to their breaking point, but they still held. There was another still on his bed, open and only half-full as he continued to pack away more clothes into it. Part of him felt like it was a bit ridiculous, packing up his clothes and some of his other easily replaceable belongings, but he still found himself doing it. Maybe it was sentimental, he wasn’t sure—there wasn’t enough time for him to sit back and try to figure it out.
He was the only thing in the entire house making noise, so it wasn’t difficult for him to hear the sound of someone else coming up the stairs that would lead to the hallway that held his bedroom. He reached for his gun even though he wasn’t quite sure who it would be. If it had been the cops, or the feds, they would’ve already caused a scene. They wouldn’t have been able to make such a quiet entrance—they wouldn’t have sent one man in alone.
He moved quickly, quietly across the floor of his room. He positioned himself so that he was hidden behind his open bedroom door. His breathing was slow, controlled as he listened to the footsteps slowly but surely get closer and closer to his room.
Through the sliver between the door and its frame, he caught the silhouette of the person as they started to step into his room. The second he was able, he stepped out from his hiding place, grabbing them and pushing them back towards the wall of his room with his gun pressed underneath their chin before he even had a moment to stop and check and see who it was.
When the wall stopped him from being able to keep pushing the person, he finally looked to see who it was. His eyes widened when he saw that it was you, the nerves that had been mounting went away, replaced instead by guilt when he saw the fear in your eyes with the mouth of his gun pressed harshly against your chin.
“A-Amado?” you stammered out, unable to even get your arms to cooperate enough to try and push him away from you.
He lowered his gun, tucking it back into his waistband as he loosened his vice grip on you. “Querida? Qué paso?” He knew that he should’ve been apologizing for nearly splitting your skull in two, but the question came out first instead.
There were still goosebumps on your skin even though the only thing still touching you was Amado’s warm palm. His fingers curled around your bicep, thumb tracing back and forth to smooth over the way that he’d gripped onto you so harshly before. You were trying to get out the words that you wanted to say, but it was proving to be more effort than you thought it was going to be.
“Estás saliendo?” you finally asked, a slight tremor to your voice.
He hesitated at that for a moment. The answer was evident—he knew that you knew. He wondered if you just wanted to hear him say it. Maybe you were looking more for the answer to the question that was coming next: Why? Although you were also smart enough to put together the broad strokes of the answers to that question as well.
Stepping back from you, granting you some more breathing room but with his hand still on your arm, he nodded once. He watched you look at the suitcases on his floor, the one sitting on top of his mattress. Your eyes traveled around the room—it was the only spot in the house where things were looking like they’d disappeared or were out of place. All that square footage and the only room with things that mattered enough to take with him was his bedroom.
“Cuándo…” your voice trailed off, not quite sure if the answer mattered once you started to ask the question. The exact time of his departure wasn’t what your real concern was. Whenever it was, it was clearly soon. Too soon.
Selfishly, the next question you wanted to ask was, “Were you just going to leave without telling me?” but you couldn’t manage it. It seemed small, childish even, to ask that when hardly two minutes before he’d had his finger on the trigger of his gun that was pressed against the bottom of your jaw.
Clearing your throat, you allowed yourself to lean back against the wall behind you for support, taking what you could get. “Adónde vas?”
He gave a slight shake of his head before shrugging. He made just enough of a motion with his arm, like an attempt at throwing his hands up in defeat without truly committing to it. “No sé.” He huffed out something that would’ve been a laugh if the air surrounding the conversation between you hadn’t felt so heavy. “Lejos de aquí.”
You nodded slowly, trying to process what he was telling you, still trying to process the scene that you were seeing in front of you. For as much of a mess as Amado’s life could be, his house had always been spotless. That was one of the perks of never having the time to be there—it never got to the point where it looked lived-in. The only person who had been around enough to even try to make a mess had been you, and you were always careful. But now his room looked like it had been pulled apart, broken down like an old car in search of decent scraps to put into a new one.
Pushing yourself off the wall, you slowly walked over towards his bed. Aside from the wrinkles at the foot of it where he’s been rotating out his suitcases, it still looked perfectly-made. The pillows were all in their correct spots, the blanket and sheet by the head of the bed still folded and set to perfection. You found a spot beside his suitcase and sat down, trying not to think about the way that he was watching you so intently.
You reached into the suitcase, fingers dragging along the fabric of one of the last shirts that he had thrown into the bag. The black cloth passed so smoothly beneath your fingertips. An impulsive part of you wanted to ball it up inside your fist, leave a set of wrinkles that he would have to contend with whenever he got to wherever it was that he was going. Leave him some nuisance to sort out that would make him think of you once he had left you behind. You thought about it, pressed the pads of your fingers harder into the fabric, but then you stopped and just smoothed over it with your palm instead.
“Esto es el fin?” you asked, “Para nosotros?”
For us might’ve been a little presumptuous on your part. But you still deserved an answer. After all, you’d caught the man getting ready to leave without offering you so much as a goodbye or a warning first. If you were here, you might as well make him to through the effort, the pain of stating the obvious. You’d earned that much at least, you’d like to think.
He frowned at the question, and you tried to figure out if he was frowning in confusion because the answer seemed obvious, or if he was frowning because he was actually sad about leaving you behind. Maybe it was something else entirely. Still, you waited patiently for his response.
He shrugged, pausing a moment, his brows knitting like he was trying to think of an answer that wasn’t the most obvious one. “Sí…” he dragged the word out for a beat longer than necessary as he reached up, pinching the bridge of his nose for a moment.
“Amado,” you said as you shook your head, sadness plaguing your voice, “what the fuck?”
His eyes snapped back to you at that. You weren’t sure what caught him more off-guard, the sudden switch or the heaviness and sadness that accompanied a question that was usually shouted between the two of you in anger.
He walked over to the bed, positioning himself so that he was standing between your legs. He looked down at you, silently waiting for you to look up at him. “Qué quieres de mi, mija? Hm? Digame.”
“I—” you started, stopping yourself short as you shook your head. The reality of it was that you weren’t really sure what you wanted from him. A heads-up? An invitation? For him to go back in time and not wind up on a path that led to him having to make the choice to either live on the run or to surrender and die in prison? Sighing, you dropped your chin towards your chest as you admitted, “Yo no sé.”
“Hey.” He rested his hand on your shoulder. When you didn’t look up at him, he said, “Mírame.” When you finally looked up at him, he repeated his question. “Qué quieres? Quieres salir conmigo?”
You found yourself shaking your head even though you weren’t quite sure if that was your real answer. You tried not to think too hard about the way his hand warmed your shoulder, about the look in his eyes that you almost thought meant he wanted you to say yes to the question.
“No puedo…” you started, stopping and shaking your head, “I can’t just…”
He tilted his head, like he was curious, almost confused. “Por qué no?”
You leaned back, shock all over your face, “Por qué n—” you cut yourself off, shaking your head, unable to believe that he really just asked you that.
Maybe you should’ve expected it. The rest of the people in his life could pack it all up and leave just like he could, after all. You were the one thing that wasn’t like all the others. You were the only one in his world who couldn’t trade it all in with the flip of a switch. Maybe that’s what the offer was, though, an opportunity to change that.
Despite the fact that you’d thought about it, contemplated it for longer than you thought, you knew that you weren’t going to go. It was an easy choice for Amado. If you had been left with the same choices that he was, you’d probably pick the same thing. But those weren’t the choices that you had. There was so much more left for you here than there was for him, and despite every hopelessly romantic bone in your body, you knew that neither one of you was enough to sway the other. Amado was going to leave no matter what you said, and you were going to stay no matter what he offered.
Reaching, you took his hands in your own. You tried not to think about the tears gathering at the edges of your eyes as you gave him a small pull towards you, trying to coax him to come just a little closer to you before he left you for the last time. You watched him, all of him, the slight slump in his shoulders when he made the decision to give in, when he realized the answer you were going to give him.
He knelt down in front of you, putting himself just below eye-level with you. Your fingers were still threaded through his. Your lips twitched as you tried to keep your tears from spilling, keep your bottom lip from trembling. Leaning forward, you rested your forehead against his.
Taking a deep breath, you said, your voice shaking more than you’d ever admit to after the fact, “Tu sabes…”
You felt the rise and fall of his shoulders and chest from the deep breath that he took. Precious seconds that he didn’t have an excess of anymore, still being spent on you, for you, with you. “No puedes salir,” he said, his voice heavier than you thought it was going to be.
He didn’t know why it hit him so hard. Just a few minutes ago he was ready to leave without even saying goodbye, knowing that for one reason or another he wasn’t ever going to see you again. He’d been ready for that. Maybe the melancholy would catch up to him when he finally slowed down, maybe then he’d feel a passing twinge of regret. What he felt now though was so much more than that, heavier on his shoulders.
Leaving without telling you would’ve been all on his terms. He was in control of it. He wouldn’t have had to stick around to see the pain on your face over it, either. By then he would’ve been long gone. Also, if he had just left without telling you, he wouldn’t have been stuck in the situation he was currently in—he wouldn’t have been getting rejected by you.
Taking one of your hands out of his and resting it on the side of his face, you traced your thumb along his cheekbone, over the stubble that was growing longer, somewhere between unruly and an actual beard.
“No,” you finally said, your voice soft.
The two of you lingered that way for a moment, letting that one word hang between you, the short, simple confirmation that this was the end of the road for the two of you. It didn’t have to be, but it did. Amado couldn't resign himself to what life would look like if he chose to stay, but you could. You had to.
He took a deep breath, and for a fleeting moment you thought that he was going to have something profound to say, something that would shake the foundations of the entire situation. Or maybe he’d kiss you, something so fierce that it would blot out the heart-wrenching reality that the two of you were facing something that would sweep you off your feet one last time. But he didn’t do either of those things. Shaking his head with his forehead still pressed against yours, he let out the breath he’d taken in before getting back up onto his feet.
Neither of you said anything else as he went back to packing up the last of his things. Every item he put into the pile, you found yourself running your hand over it. The next shirt, each pair of pants, rinse and repeat.
By the time he was done, with all of his bags now stacked by the door, you were hoping to have something more to say. He was hoping you’d have something more to say too, because this part had never been the part that he was good at.
Walking from his doorway back to the bed, he sat on the mattress beside you. He let his hand wander, allowed his fingers to hook into yours. He was looking down at your joined hands rather than in your eyes. “Estas segura de esto?” he asked.
You chuckled quietly at that, the sound a little sad beneath the humor of it. It felt like you were supposed to be the one asking him that question. He was the one leaving everything behind to start over somewhere else, drop his old life in favor of a new one without knowing how it would play out. Your life was staying startlingly the same. The only thing that was going to change was that Amado wasn’t going to be in it anymore.
Finally forcing himself to look you in the eyes again, he saw the hint of a smile on your face. He mirrored your expression, knowing exactly what you were thinking. He gave your hand a light squeeze. “Ven conmigo.”
Your smile widened a bit at that, the tears in your eyes growing. “Es mi última oportunidad, yea?”
He nodded. “Yea.”
Leaning in, you pressed your lips to his. It was soft, drawn out longer than it would’ve been any other day because you both knew that it was going to be the last one. He leaned back into you, not the way that he usually did, not in a way that was aimed to escalate or rile you up. He was soaking it up, savoring the feeling in a way that he didn’t take the time to do nearly enough before.
When he finally pulled away, his eyes were still closed for a few seconds longer. You studied his face while you could. When he finally opened them, all he said was, “Lo siento.”
Your automatic reaction was to tell him that it was okay, but you both knew it would’ve been a lie. Part of you wanted to make a joke about how he should get going before he missed his flight, both of you knowing that the humor lied in the impossibility of it. But nothing was making it past your lips. Instead, you leaned in and kissed his cheek, unbothered by the stubble when maybe on a different, better day you might’ve been.
With more effort than he thought it would’ve taken, Amado forced himself up onto his feet. He leaned down, pressing his lips to the top of your head before walking towards the door. He picked up his bags, lingering in the doorway as he turned back to you. You could spot the lingering sadness in his eyes that hadn’t been there when you’d shown up. Still, he managed to give you a smile.
“Disfruta la casa, yea?” He took another step back out into the hallway. “Para mi.”
You nodded, the sad smile on your face pairing a little too well with the tears that were beginning to trickle out onto your cheeks. You desperately wanted something more to say, but the same emotions that were clouding your mind were also choking out any chance to give him a comeback, to end things on the same note that they’d started so long ago. But you couldn’t, so you watched him turn and disappear out of the doorway, the last of your seconds with him finally spent.
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