#lease to own houses near me
orionhousingsposts · 10 days
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Orion Housing is a leading re­al estate agency in Los Ange­les, CA, expertly guiding house­-hunters to modern homes for sale­ in LA. We know LA well and this helps us de­sign an easy-to-use online syste­m, simplifying your search for the perfe­ct house. We have cle­ar criteria and paperwork require­ments bringing clarity at each step, while­ real-time notifications value your time­ and keep you updated. You're­ not alone in your search; our committed te­am supports you every step of the­ way, offering virtual property visits and assistance in quick de­cision making. And it's easy to finalize - our online le­ase signing means your dream home­ can be secured without stre­ss. Ready to move? Orion Housing ensure­s a smooth transition to your new residence­ in LA without the usual stress.
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saintblk · 9 months
no bc my aomine brainrot never stops girlie!!! that man? the horniest out there, doesn't even bother stripping (himself or you) before fucking you stupid 😩
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PUH LEASE the hold this man has on me is TERRIBLE.
cw: vulgar language, sexual intercourse, reader is degraded:P
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he’s got zero patience, hates waiting for the most simple stuff. so when he finds himself with an agonizing tent in his pants, he wastes no time pulling you away from what you’re doing for his own sexual gratification.
it doesn’t help that he’s aroused by damn near everything you do. in this case, he’s watching you grind on your friends at a party he didn’t want to attend. you’re wearing a dress that’s far too tight and far too short, and he can’t help but think it should be him pressed up against you instead of some chick he didn’t bother remembering the name of.
it isn’t long before he’s getting up, grabbing your hand and leading you out the house. he’s ignoring your line of questioning and your complaints. you were having fun? you just got there? too bad — he’s horny:(
he lets you slide into the passenger seat as he plops down on the driver’s side. but aomine quickly decides he can’t wait until you’re home. he pulls you over the console and onto his lap before you can protest and when you do, you’re shut up by the feeling of his fingers slipping past your panties.
in just a few moments, his dick is out, your panties have been pushed to the side, and he’s bullying his way past your tight walls. his starting pace is relentless and cruel, helping you bounce on his member with a harsh grip on your bottom.
“s’too much!” you sob, yet you still lift yourself up just for him to pull you back down.
aomine, too busy watching your bodies connected, tsked in annoyance.
“shut up,” he growls. “your fault anyway…”
he tugs the neck of your dress down, giving him access to your nipples. his teeth prod and bite at your skin, earning him a cry out and a clench around his shaft.
“dressed like a fuckin’ slut,” he groans and sinks his teeth into your neck. “you can take it like one then, yeah?”
his first nut gives him enough clarity and self control to drive the two of you home. in the passenger seat, you lay your head against the window, drained and fucked out. yet despite your obvious need for sleep, he’s not nearly done with you. when you step through the door to his place, he’s pushing you up against the nearest wall and having his way with you again.
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2023 ©️ all rights reserved by saintblk (me) | do not copy, repost, promote, or translate any of my works without my permission
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mangoisms · 10 months
circle k (back to you)
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summary: in which you're just the graveyard shift employee at circle k bombarded by vigilantes.
━ chapter seven: just get me through the night | read chapter six
━ pairing: tim drake x f!reader
━ word count: 4.8k
━ warnings: none
━ masterlist
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Steph believes you when you tell her you tripped and hurt your wrist.
After all, it’s not exactly a lie. That is what happened. It just… happened to occur while you were being advanced upon by, you know, the Batman.
You don’t tell her that last part. It’ll just worry her, you think, and she was worried enough about you that following day, when you told her about how your shift was cut short and how you hurt yourself. She fretted about you coming back to your shitty apartment in Coventry on your own but you made up a lie about catching a taxi. 
(Technically, in a way, you suppose it could’ve been the truth but you don’t imagine Red would appreciate Redbird being referred to as a taxi service; though, at the same time, he drives like a literal maniac, so, it doesn’t fit.
And yes, he did name his car.
And yes, it is actually named Redbird.
He claims he gets around by motorcycle more these days but that obviously wasn’t conducive with the weather, so he used the car instead. A very high-tech, ultra-expensive car that you had to wonder how the hell he managed to get. He’s your age, after all. But you refrained from asking. It’s impolite, considering everything he did for you.)
After Steph’s shift, you both head to her mom’s house, where Crystal Brown, a nurse at West Mercy, generously takes a look at your wrist, as equally as concerned as her daughter when she hears the story. 
“It’s just a sprain,” she says, frowning. “I can’t be entirely certain without an X-ray but I don’t think anything is broken or fractured. No need for a brace, either, but if it keeps bothering you…”
“I’ll get it checked out,” you agree easily. “Thank you, Ms. Brown.”
“How many times do I have to tell you? Just call me Crystal.” 
“You know how she is, Mom,” Steph sighs, folding her arms over the back of the chair you’re in, dropping her chin to your head. 
“As hard-headed as you? Oh, I know.”
You smile bashfully as Steph snickers. Crystal rises from the table, stepping back to the stove, where she has dinner cooking. At their insistence, you agreed to spend the night. 
Crystal has always been kind to you. Both this summer and the previous one did she tell you you were welcome to live with her and Steph here at their shared home, since neither of you could live in the dorms unless you took classes during the summer. Steph abstained from them to get more experience and you abstained because your financial aid wouldn’t cover it, which left you grappling with a three-month lease at the shitty student apartments near GU. 
“No Tim?” Crystal asks, covering the pan, turning to look at you two.
Steph clicks her tongue, pulling away from you to flop into the chair beside yours; underneath the table, her ankle curls beneath yours, shin pressed to your calf. 
“Busy as usual.”
“He doesn’t know?”
“It’s not that big of a deal—” at the looks you get from both of them, you quickly backtrack “—I mean, I’ll tell him later… That new Mission Impossible movie came out a few weeks ago, so I was gonna see if we could watch it together…”
Crystal frowns. “But you don’t like those movies. Does Tim like those ridiculous movies?”
She probably wouldn’t be displeased if he did. Crystal isn’t overly fond of Tim. Steph says it’s because of their relationship when they were kids but sometimes, it feels far too deep for it to be just that. 
Still, she’s civil to him and he rarely says no when Steph invites him (and you) for dinner. If anything, you think Crystal doesn’t mind the opportunity to make him squirm. Steph probably doesn’t mind it, either. 
Steph stretches her arms above her head. “It would be on par with him but no. These two just like watching them and making fun of them. I’m good, though.” 
“I’ll tell him, then. He’d notice it, anyway, since my mobility is still limited, but yeah…”
“Well, be careful,” she says, mouth pursed. For some reason, it doesn’t feel like she’s talking about your wrist but about something else. 
Steph coughs. Crystal looks back to the stove. 
“Well, hopefully you two will see him soon. From what I’ve heard, it’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” you say heavily. “A while.”
Crystal doesn’t pay more attention as she focuses on the sizzle of the chicken breast but Steph does, giving you a lingering look that makes you look away. 
You… try not to give away too much to her. 
You feel horrible enough to be in love with her ex-boyfriend; pining after him in her presence is just the icing on the World’s Worst Best Friend cake. 
That’s why you avoided him, after realizing the culmination of your feelings in May. 
To see if you could shake the feelings, if you could get rid of them.
Considering how hung up you are on him still, it hasn’t worked. 
But you still want to see him again. It’s selfish, probably, to be okay with avoiding him for your own gain and then when he does it on purpose, you want to put an end to it. 
But you know now it wasn’t okay. 
You want to see Tim, want to hear his bad science puns, you just want him around. 
Your feelings won’t go away for a while but avoiding him was the wrong decision. You just have to handle it on your own like an adult. 
You would if you could see him more.
You hope you can. Even if it kills you to act normally, to be okay with being friends. By this point, you’ve started to realize having him in any capacity is more than enough.
It has to be.
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newest mission impossible movie came out… i can’t believe they’ve managed five of them and this one is only part one of the fifth one. they need to put that series down already
anyway :D in that case, was wondering if we could see it together? on sunday? i’ll get the tix and you get the snacks? we can get ice cream after and talk shit about it
i can’t, sorry! family dinner on sunday, then some other stuff before then and on sat too. see it and let me know about it, alright? :)
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You cry when the end credits start rolling.
Not because the movie is good or moving or even so bad that it makes you cry, you’re just…
So tired. 
Tired of him never having time for you, for you and Steph. 
One part of you wants to give up. What’s the point, right? 
His continued lack of time means you can’t even apologize to him, can’t even ask if your initial avoidance was what led to his in the first place. 
Mostly because it feels like it doesn’t even matter at this point. 
Maybe this is what you deserve and there should be nothing else to say on the matter. 
But that hurts even more. 
You sit far at the back—shitty seats, he would say—but it gives you the privacy to shed a few tears. 
You leave only when the end credits are almost done rolling and the theater is empty. You don’t care about the looks people give you, coming out red-eyed and sniffling from the Mission Impossible movie. You just want to go back to your apartment and hide away for the rest of the summer. 
You emerge from the cinema; it’s only eight, so the sun is still out, warming you up from the chilly theater. Sighing, you start for the nearest station to take the subway back to Coventry.
You only get a couple blocks before your eyes catch the storefront of an ice cream parlor. Wallowing deep in self-pity by now, you easily take the detour. The patio in front of it is busy with people and through the large glass window, you see the line inside is long, too. But since you have nothing else to do, you head for it, anyway.
You’re halfway across the patio when you see it.
Through the window, in line for ice cream, is Tim. 
Your eyes found him immediately, without intention or purpose. Poetic, almost, were it not for the fact of seeing him here breaks your heart.
Here, not just by himself but with friends. Friends you’ve never met but know of from pictures at his place. 
You try to rationalize it initially, still standing there in the middle of the patio, staring into the parlor. Maybe the dinner was canceled. Maybe they dragged him out. 
Maybe, maybe, maybe. 
But then it makes you feel second best. Second choice. That he didn’t think of you when his schedule freed up. 
That’s presumptuous, though, right? What gives you priority? Nothing, especially after what you pulled before. 
But the ache in your chest hardly allows for that much introspection or self-awareness.
Mostly… Mostly, you’re just hurt. 
Seeing him now, separated from you by thin glass, the yawning monster inside you that longs desperately for him is unleashed, because he is so close but he’s not here with you, for you. And that hurts. A physical thing, your chest tight, throat thick with growing emotion.
But then, he sees you. 
His head turns and you go rigid as your eyes meet his, which widen as he recognizes you.
It’s been long, so terribly long, since you’ve seen him. See the soft blue of his eyes, this lovely shade, like cornflowers. 
It makes this so much worse because you don’t think anything will change, even with this, so it’s like a taunt to see him, knowing this might be the last for a while. A long while. 
Another moment between you two, the surprise on his face morphing into something else and you look away before you can see what it is, turning on your heel.
You have to get out of here. 
The subway is across the street but the light just turned green. Too long.
The hiss of hydraulics snatches your attention. A bus, several feet away. One last person climbing on. You take off for it, scrambling for your wallet, ignoring how the rough motions make your wrist throb in protest.
You think you hear your name. You hope you don’t.
You barely wedge yourself in just as the doors close.
The bus driver eyes you with thinly-veiled suspicion but you pay the fare and take a seat at the far back, away from the windows.
You don’t even know where this bus is going. 
You don’t care.
You just have to get away. 
You bury your face in your hands, your tears flowing again as the bus pulls away from the curb.
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The worst part about it, you think, is that he doesn’t reach out to you.
Neither does Steph, but you reason expecting that is irrational. Why would he talk to her? Why would he tell her what happened? 
You can’t do it, either. It’s for the best, maybe, that you don’t say anything about it at all. 
Instead, as soon as you get back into your apartment, you collapse onto your threadbare couch and take a nap. Only dragging yourself off it when you have to get up and get ready for your shift, accompanied with the headache throbbing in the center of your forehead. 
You trade off with the evening shift and things are quiet for the most part. To distract yourself (mostly to stop yourself from bursting into tears if you think too hard about what happened), you take on your night shift tasks with renewed vigor. Cleaning the floors, the machines, adjusting displays, doing inventory. 
Your wrist protests throughout it but you ignore it. 
Steph would scold you for it. 
So would Tim.
You pause in the middle of cleaning the counter near the Slurpee machine. Your wrist throbs at your side.
The sharp gust of wind and the sound of your name surprises you.
Shocks you, really, since you’re still a bit on edge from Batman’s visit last week and you yelp, turning around, throwing the wet cloth on instinct. 
Your visitor dodges it easily. It lands on the floor with a wet splat.
“Flash? What are you—what—?”
He tilts his head, grass-green eyes narrowing slightly, mouth pursing, and you get the unmistakable feeling of being scrutinized very closely.
“What are you doing here, Flash?” you question. 
He keeps making that face. “I wanted to see you.”
That surprises you. You blink. 
“Batman won’t like that.”
“Don’t care. I’m not here to cause trouble. Just here to see you. He can’t say anything.”
You don’t think that’ll stop him but you don’t say anything. Flash probably knows. He just doesn’t care. He’ll complain about it sometimes, go to lengths to avoid it, but other times, he just—doesn’t care. 
Flash continues to look at you. Scrutinizing you. 
You don’t bother trying to stop him from doing it. You’re too tired and the way your eyes are still red and swollen is telling, as well as the circles under your eyes. 
“You look like shit.”
“Thanks, Flash.”
His frown deepens and one of his hands comes to your shoulders. 
“Seriously… are you okay, kid?”
For some reason, that does it.
The smallest of splinters to your resolve first, your breath hitching, then it breaks entirely, emotion swelling inside you with tidal wave force, your vision blurring with tears.
Flash reels back in surprise at first, then softens, muttering, “Aw, kid,” and pulling you into a hug. 
It doesn’t feel perfunctory. Like he is doing this out of obligation at seeing you cry, like this is just another one of his duties as a superhero. It feels genuine, the way he holds you tightly against his chest, like you’re a child being comforted. 
That just makes you cry harder.
It takes a while for you to calm down. Then you get embarrassed, sniffling out an apology. 
He hands you a napkin, then pokes you affectionately on the forehead. 
“Geez, what do you take me for? I don’t mind. Besides, worse bodily fluids have ended up on me. Way worse. This is nothing.”
You laugh wetly. 
He squeezes your shoulder. “Seriously, though. Seems like you’ve got some stuff to talk about. What’s going on?”
You squeeze your eyes shut as a fresh wave of tears briefly takes hold of you. You take a deep breath, working through it, blowing your nose. 
Flash grabs two Slurpees, one cherry and one blue raspberry, and hops up on the counter, patting the spot beside him. You manage to wriggle up using just your right hand, your left still throbbing.
With plenty of breaks in between to cry a little bit more, you tell him everything that has gone on for the past month. Including the stuff with Red and the others, then your impromptu visit from Batman last week. 
“That how you hurt your wrist?” he asks, thoroughly displeased as he reaches for it with gentle fingers. It’s more swollen than before, irritated from you ignoring your body’s warnings, warm to the touch. 
“It wasn’t him,” you mumble. “Just me. I tripped and fell.”
He purses his lips but nods for you to continue, which you do, telling him about everything that happened today. 
“It just sucks,” you whisper. “I mean, what I’m doing to Steph, first of all, by feeling like that and then with the stuff going on with Tim. I know I shouldn’t have avoided him earlier because of my own feelings and maybe this is what I deserve for it but…”
He shakes his head, seemingly bothered by all of this. Really bothered. You expected some, along with the concern, but all of that seems tripled for a reason you do not know.
He says your name, solemn. “You don’t deserve any of that. Sure, it was stupid but… you still don’t deserve that.”
“I can’t change it,” you sigh, setting your cup down. Your fingers are numb from the cold of it. “I just… I dunno. Had to get it out, I guess, so thanks. Why did you really come here, though?”
He sips his Slurpee. “I really came here for you. I just had this feeling… I don’t know. But it paid off, didn’t it?”
“True,” you admit.
“You want me to talk some sense into this kid?”
“Absolutely not.”
“I don’t know,” he muses, his thoughtful tone bellying the tension that seems to permanently reside in his body now; he’s really annoyed by it. You’re touched, if not a bit confused at the depth of his feelings. “I think I should. Might be good.”
“It’s not totally Tim’s fault—”
“His reaction is his own entirely. You shouldn’t have done what you did but anyone with any amount of common sense would talk to you about it instead of turning around and avoiding you, too. It’s dumb. Don’t let him off the hook.”
“Don’t let me off the hook.”
“I’m not. But from where I’m standing, his offenses greatly outweigh yours, especially with what seemed to happen today and… everything else.”
“I’m just saying. I am, admittedly, a bit biased but… still. I’m not wrong, am I?”
You sigh. “I guess not.”
“Exactly. And for that stuff with your other friend… she hasn’t said anything about it, has she? I mean, I told you what it’s like for me and Pipes. We don’t feel like that for each other anymore. If I had some friend who turned out to like him, I wouldn’t care. So, what makes you think Stephanie does?”
You throw up your hands. “Most people would! Flash, not everyone takes that approach to their exes.”
“True,” he concedes. “But they’re clearly still friends and just friends.”
“But that doesn’t mean she’s okay with that. That doesn’t mean it’s okay. I shouldn’t… it never should have happened.”
Flash sighs, watching you for a minute. “This is a mess, isn’t it?”
You laugh humorlessly. “You’re just now getting that?”
“I knew before but this is… a mess of epic proportions. Seriously…” he mutters the last part, shaking his head slightly. 
Before you can respond, the door opens. You can’t see it, the aisle hiding it, but Flash can; since he remains calm, you assume it isn’t anyone bad.
Then you hear your name, from a very familiar voice and—
She appears around the aisle, her jean shorts and lilac purple t-shirt wrinkled and in a state of disarray, her hair equally as messy, frizzed from the humidity outside; a light sheen of sweat shines on her face. It’s like she rushed all the way over here. 
You hop down from the counter, concerned. “Steph, what are you doing here? Is everything okay? What happened?”
She lifts a hand, cobalt blue eyes on Flash, saying, distractedly, “No, it’s… it’s alright, nothing’s wrong, I just… had to talk to you… Am I interrupting something?”
“Nope,” Flash says breezily, hoping from the counter. “You can talk to her. I was just visiting.”
“Wait—” you don’t want him to leave quite yet but you don’t know how to say that.
“I’ll hang around,” he assures you, tossing your empty Slurpee cups in your next blink; the only indication he did anything is the way they disappear and the breeze that hits you and Steph.
“Don’t care. If anything, I might like to talk to him.”
“Flash,” you say, nervous, not willing to reveal what happened to Steph but also trying to tell him to very much not do that.
“I’m still thinking about it,” he says, lifting a shoulder. “But I’ll be around. I’ll come back in a few.”
He lifts a hand, then he is gone, the breeze following him much stronger this time.
“I guess you two really are friends,” Steph says when it calms, sending you a small smile, making you relax.
“Yeah…” Though friends didn’t quite cut it for you. Silly, probably, considering you don’t even know who he is under the cowl, but you can’t deny it to yourself. It’s hard to quantify exactly what he means to you—a friend, a big brother, some kind of weird uncle. If anything, it feels like an odd amalgamation of all those things. You wonder if that’s how he feels, too. You won’t ask. You can only handle so much disappointment in one night.
“I’m sorry to come by so suddenly,” she says next, her words oddly formal in a way that puts you on edge. “But I just had to talk to you.”
“About Tim.”
You go stiff. You try your best to school your expression, to not give anything away. After all, concerning him, it could be anything. What happened today, maybe. What’s been happening. 
Or your feelings.
You really hope it’s not that. 
You’ve only just started to realize you might be losing Tim. You can’t lose her. 
You can’t.
“What about him?”
She says your name. Everything inside you tightens. 
“I know. I know how you feel about him—”
Your throat aches when you swallow. Everything seems to come bursting out of you in the next second. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, Steph, I didn’t mean—I didn’t want—I wouldn’t do anything—” you take a step back, your heart squeezing painfully in your chest.
Her eyes widen and she steps forward, quickly closing the space between you, her hands coming to cradle your face.
“No, no, no, it’s okay, it’s okay—”
“No, it’s not, I never should’ve—god, I’m so sorry, Steph—” your vision blurs with tears. 
She says your name again, keeping you in her grasp. 
“I’ve known for a long time,” she quickly says. “Okay? I knew, but it’s okay. I was never mad at you, never, it’s okay, I promise.”
She shushes you gently. “It’s okay. Deep breaths, alright?”
A couple tears trace down your cheeks. She wipes them away, a small smile forming on her lips—for you, entirely for you, the warmth there reflected in her eyes. 
“Do you want to know a secret?” she asks, rubbing her thumb over your cheek. “It’s really easy to fall in love with Tim Drake. And this isn’t my roundabout way of telling you I have feelings for him. Those are long gone. I love him and he’ll always be my first love but that time has passed—for the both of us. But for you guys?”
“I don’t care that you have feelings for him. I really truly don’t. I just want you to be happy. I want you both to be happy. I think you two can do that for each other.”
“I’m sorry.”
“I’m not. I think… you’re good for him. He’s good for you. That’s all there is to it, okay? If you really want my blessing, you have it, but… it doesn’t matter to me that you like him. And I’ve known for a while but I just… I assumed you knew I was okay with it. Like it was the thing that was there but we never talked about. Stupid, I know. But… I just need you to know that. Alright?”
She hugs you. You bury your face in her shoulder, hugging her back just as tightly, unable to stop your tears from flowing. 
“I’m not just saying this to try and be the bigger person, either,” she murmurs. “Go for it. It’s been long enough.”
“I don’t know…”
“I mean, he doesn’t… and today…”
Steph pulls away, frowning now. “He likes you, too.”
“He does. I know.”
“Then why has he…” You can’t keep going, biting your lip.
“‘Cause he’s an idiot,” she mutters. “In more ways than one. But… I’m going to fix it, okay?”
“No, no, don’t—”
“It’s okay. There’s… there’s other stuff going on right now and we need to take care of that first, then you can talk about your feelings. But I’m going to fix it, okay? I’m going to try.”
“You don’t have to, this is our mess, my mess, I was the one who started avoiding him in May after finally realizing my feelings and then he…” you trail off, sniffling. 
“There’s something else,” she says cryptically. “That’s… just take my word for it. But I’m going to fix it. He’s been an idiot long enough and I’m not going to keep tolerating it, not if he’s going to keep hurting you.”
You shake your head, confused. Is she talking about today? Did he tell her? You have no idea…
“He only did it because I did.”
“No, no, it’s… it’s complicated, okay?”
You snort despite yourself. “You think?”
She smiles finally. “I know. It’s… a lot. But don’t worry. I’m going to get him to see the light. Not literally, though I wouldn’t mind roughing him up a bit just for how idiotically he’s been acting but… another time.”
You’re still confused. Terribly, terribly confused. But Steph is so impassioned, so sure, you let it go.
“Let me help,” you say. “I should be the one doing this but—but let me help. I need to. It’s my mess, too.” 
“It’s all of us,” she sighs. “And right now, I’m in a unique position. So… let me, okay? Don’t worry about it. I’ll tell you more later, but hopefully, I can get something together soon. Just sit tight, alright?”
“You do too much for me,” you whisper.
“I’m doing what I should be doing,” she says, looking… guilty almost before the look is gone. “This has gone on long enough.”
She leans forward to kiss your forehead. “But it’s gonna be okay. We’ll make it better.”
You just nod, going along with it for now. 
You scrape yourself together after a few minutes, wiping your tears away and blowing your nose. Steph hangs around long enough for Flash to return, at which point she bids you a regretful goodbye, telling you she’ll talk to you tomorrow. You worry about her getting home but she brought her car, or so she tells you, and Flash generously sees her out.
After a couple minutes, he returns. 
“So?” he asks expectantly.
“You were right,” you mutter. “She’s fine with it. I’m not entirely sure why she had to rush out to tell me or what she’s planning to fix but… I don’t think I can stop her.”
“No, I don’t think so, either,” he agrees lightly. “I don’t think you should, either. It’s probably important.”
“I guess,” you sigh. “I still don’t think she should be doing it but…”
“There might be more pieces in play than you think.”
You send him a look. “I got enough cryptic talk from her. I don’t want any more from you.”
He holds up his hands, smiling. “No more cryptic talk. Got it. I do, however, come bearing gifts.”
“Where on earth—?”
“Well, I already had them when I came here. I wanted to check on you and give you this stuff, but we got interrupted,” he says. “Give me a second.”
You give him a second. 
He leaves and comes back in that time. You raise an eyebrow. 
“Check it out,” he says, holding out a box.
You take it from him. It’s a small thing, easily held in your hand. You pull off the top. 
And promptly blink as the shiny display of a phone greets you.
“Flash, what—”
He can’t wait for you to finish asking your question, apparently too eager to tell you.
“It’s a phone, for you. But it’s programmed with my contact info, that way you can talk to me, and you can move all the stuff on your old phone over, too. It really is just a regular phone. Well, it does have League-level encryptions on it, but you know.”
“Flash… this is too much.”
“Not really,” he says. “I couldn’t give you that info without making sure your phone was secure and it would’ve been a lot more work to get yours secured, too. Besides, let’s be real, your phone has seen much better days. I think it deserves to finally be able to rest.”
“Jerk,” you laugh.
He shrugs. “Not wrong, though. Anyway, it’s not just for emergencies. You can talk to me. Text me. You know.”
“Flash,” you say, suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, pressing a hand to your face. 
He looks like he wants to say something else but stops himself last minute and just gives you a small smile. 
“Come on. Let’s set it up.”
You agree, not wanting to continue to refuse since it would be rude and… you do want to have a way to talk to him. Not just for emergencies but other stuff, too. This stuff.
So much is still up in the air. 
But you can focus on the here and now, with Flash here to ease your burdens.
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Frogmore Cottage was NOT a "WEDDING GIFT"
No matter how many times Omit & MEgain have printed otherwise, Frogmore Cottage was NOT a wedding gift.
Along with Sparry's RENT FREE Cottage, The Meghans leased a house near Soho Farmhouse in the Cotswolds; however in their envious eyes, The Meghans always deserve the same as the future Kings of England: Princes William & baby prince George----both of whom lived at Nottingham Cottage without complaint. The difference: William & Catherine WAITED. They were in true love with one another as opposed to madly lusting after some fantisists idea of "royalty."
After the rushed wedding, Sparry & bride (neither of whom had ever owned a home) were not gifted a new HOUSE from the BRF. To rectify the situation, master manipulator MEgain immediately fell megnant and hired drones to invade their Cotswolds privacy.
Spoilt Sparry immediately demanded a "safer" home close to London (and away from the fishbowl) to protect the privacy of his megnant bride. William helped secure the home renovation project at Frogmore Cottage.
According to MEgain's multiple alias accounts, she was insulted by the BRF's offer to renovate Frogmore Cottage. Perhaps she had her green eyes set on an apartment at Windsor castle or at Frogmore House. She certainly felt entitled to reside in a REAL PALACE, not another refurbished old cottage. "...no one would ever believe it."
"Our FOREVER Home"- said MEgain the LIAR
The same LIAR who strategically invited NOprah into Nottingham Cottage after the wedding so she could play the role of VICTIM. "Look at poor me: The black princess forced to reside in this poor cottage."
The same LIAR who invited Serena, hubby (pink shirt) & paparazzi to polo and into their "rented" Cotswolds diggs to gain sympathy for the plight of the poor victimized black princess whose husband was only allotted $4million/year and whose new bride was forced to live without palace servants. "...she's the most courageous person I know." -said Serena Williams
"The Royal Family Owes ME!"
I've often thought that sex with Sparry must have been an unbearable experience for MEgain. For a woman who owned nothing, to suddenly expect that she was entitled to so much for so little. All she did was enter into a rushed marriage contract with #6-----she was a foreigner and a complete stranger to the BRF. She must have loathed every minute of sexy time with #6. Someone who was so desperately distracted by the very thought of a global platform, she forgot to consider the low IQ quality of Sparry's drug addled sperm.
MEgain-If you want the world to STOP thinking of you as a ho, then stop living by pay to play principles. Make something of yourself. Go to graduate school, law school, or community college and develop a set of honorable skills, then you can engage in honorable WORK. Curate a life out of hard work instead of your quid pro quo sexual contracts for services rendered.
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jupitervega · 1 year
fleein the south part II
hi, i'm ri & i'm an autistic nonbinary trans guy-lite-ish person. 4 years ago i moved out to denver from mississippi (where i was born & raised) & immediately had a massive improvement in my quality of life. i was able to access medical & psychiatric care, my career stabilized, people were addressin me with correct terms for the most part, & i was startin to feel like life had finally begun
unfortunately when the lease ran out on our house end of summer last year my roommates decided not to renew, & then the people who were gonna be my new roommates backed out last minute. in a panic i looked for other options but with time runnin short & top surgery approachin i decided to recover at a friend's house & move back to mississippi once my surgeon cleared me to travel cross country so i could regroup somewhere i figured would be less expensive & at least somewhat familiar
that, friends, was a very costly & painful mistake! every single problem that made me wanna move away in the first place has only exacerbated!
i'm comin up on 8 months post top surgery, i have a beard, & i'm still gettin called ma'am/she/her. trump flags & signs still adorn many yards/porches here. hatred & bigotry run rampant in local politics. the other day i didn't even enter one of the convenience stores in the town where i live when i stopped by because they had posted a very thinly veiled racist sign on the door
when i arrived back here i was not even a full month outta surgery & i had a minor complication, so i went to the emergency room cause what else was i sposed to do? applied for charity as i had around $100 to my name at that point, which i THINK? got approved? also applied for mississippi medicaid the same day, which got denied almost outright as i have no children. so i've been uninsured since november & rationin the 3 month supply of my psych/migraine meds i received before leavin colorado for goin on 7 months. never mind bein able to access hrt!
job prospects here are Not Great! i've had to collect unemployment for a while as i cannot for the life of me find a full time job with a livin wage. otherwise i literally cannot make ends meet as the jobs i've held so far down here are payin average 50% or less of what i was makin in denver. even with the part time gigs i've had i have yet to crack 30hr/wk on any kind of regular basis
housin is an absolute shitshow. my lease is up 1 july (got a month extension) & i've been searchin everywhere for an affordable place of my own or at least a good roommate. the more affordable studio/1bd apartments go for around $700 & up, but most have income requirements of 2.5-3x the monthly rent which, considerin previous point abt wages, is near impossible. roommate listins are available but the majority are questionable at best & seekin a live-in bangmaid at worst
with all these considerations i spent the past few weeks feelin worse & worse lookin for somewhere close to the job i currently have. the leases are like 6mo-1y so i was picturin another year down here & how i was gonna survive, let alone thrive. my thoughts got darker & darker. i'd wake up in the mornin & be sad/disappointed i'd survived the night
this is no way to live
i snapped a few days ago. said to myself "if i'm destined to struggle wherever i go, i'd rather do it somewhere i actually Wanted to be in the first place" & started applyin for housin in denver. waitin to hear back from my first option & have secured a backup with a friend with a spare room for 6mo in case that falls through
right now i need help gettin the hell out! i've got first month's rent already put back, i can continue to collect unemployment until i land a good job in denver, & i'm already reachin out to find somewhere to work. i just don't have anywhere to go for another month or two to save the money i'll need to travel almost 1200mi (~1900km) back to colorado. i'll need at least $500 to make gas/food happen durin the time it will take me to get there, & i need it by the first of july (38 days from day of postin)
please help me escape!!!
ca: $jupitervega
vmo: jupitervega
please please please donate whatever you're able! pls boost!
thank u so much for readin, pls have an item from my emergency happy photo folder for yr enjoyment
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astoldbychae · 4 months
how many emojis can I send for Miss Monet and Mr Handsome over there? because I’m tryna be all in they business. But for now I’ma send 🩶 . 🥡. & 🧸
As many as you'd wanna know 😁 Also, The 1st emoji for some reason doesn't show up, so I'm not sure which question that was. You can ask that one again, if you'd like to.
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🥡 What does a relaxing night in look like for them?
Mel is very romantic (and physical touch is definitely his love language), so He really enjoys a nice, relaxing candlelit bath with her (glass of wine is optional). Especially since He does work a lot, this is something that he looks forward to after a long week. Afterwards they end up watching a movie (that He always ends up falling asleep on because She always ends up rubbing his ears. Yes! his big ass loves to be the little spoon don't tell him I told you.) 🥺
Now that baby girl is born she sometimes throws a wrench in their relaxing night time because if she wakes up, the ONLY way she'd fall back to sleep is if she's on his chest. So now that she's learning to sleep through the night, they can ease back into their little routine.
🧸BONUS! Include one of your favorite moments between them!
It'll have to be when they first met each other again, after Mel's divorce. He was staying in Jasmine Suites because He just needed to sign a lease ASAP. It was a small, crappy apartment but He made it feel like home. Monet's older brother Mekhi is one of Melo's best friends since high school (so they know his ex-wife because they all went to high school together). Monet was staying at her brother's house until she could find her own place (she had accepted a writing job in the city). It was the beginning of Summer and Mekhi was throwing a party and Melo showed up. He hadn't seen Monet in YEARS (She's like 5 years younger than her brother & Melo). During that whole party they were damn near inseparable (playing Uno, beer pong, dancing etc). She ended up flirting with him before the party was over and that's how they got their little pink bar started. Melo's mood/whims would be all over the place because he was still in his mood about the divorce but would randomly be thinking about Monet. On top of that, she would call & invite him out often (I personally think that was her way of shooting her shot but also just trying to keep him in good spirits...and that was the cutest thing to me because He would be so happy/energetic/inspired whenever He would spend time with her). It's also cute that She's hot headed and he will literally go over and just kiss her and she'll calm TF down. LMAO
BONUS: Now that the baby is here, it's always funny to see them literally race to take care of the baby then give eachother their little smirky-look as if it were a competition. LMAO
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argothiathedreamer · 12 days
Still Breathing Part One: Into the Tiger's Den
Chapter 8: It Comes Back With Teeth To Bite
Rating: Teen and Up Summary: Tim goes back in time to avert the end of the universe, but things quickly go awry and he’s left with an important decision to make: Carry through with the plan as he originally intended; Or make a risky play to change things for the better. Argothia’s Notes: I DID IT I DIIIIIIID IT! IDIDIT!!!! After a full year of agonizing and struggling it's DONE! *deep breath* AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Alvin would be mad about the bag over his head – Really? A bag? It’s insulting! – but the material is really expensive so at least he’s being treated like a guest. It’s like when normal people break out the good silverware when company comes over, except it’s Ra’s so it has to be sinister. Ultimately it’s pointless anyway. Fighting King Snake was more than enough practice for assessing his surroundings without his sight.
He can hear gulls crying overhead and smell a brisk sea breeze when they drag him out of the car and make him walk across some kind of dirt path. Likely an island somewhere in the Mediterranean. He thinks he knows this base. It makes sense if it is that one. Good, he knows his way around it already then. He feels the ground turn from dirt to stone and the assassins – Oxana and Lottie are their names, Alvin managed to get them to tell him that much on the way over. – are reluctantly cautious with him as they reach a set of steps.
They descend quite deep under the ground until finally they reach a short corridor that leads to a much bigger, curved hallway. Hanging a left they walk for a while. Alvin notes that they seem to pass a lot of open doors and corridors on the left side, but nothing on the right until abruptly they come to a large doorway that the assassins herd him through. They walk him to the center of the large room beyond and dramatically remove the hood.
In front of Alvin is a series of steps leading up to a landing, bordered by satin curtains, where there’s an elegant and ornate chaise longue covered in silken pillows and fabric, atop which sits Ra’s al Ghul. He’s dressed in a loose fitting, white shirt and black pants along with his usual green cape. It’s an outfit that’s easy to move in quickly and there’s a sword leaning against the chaise near to hand. It seems Alvin’s being taken at lease a little seriously.
Doing his best to seem suitably impressed, Alvin looks around the room, making no attempt to hide the fact that he’s assessing the number of assassins and the room itself. Too many and difficult but not impossible to escape. The only door to the room is behind him and there’s already more than a few well trained assassins with guns between him and it. If escape were something he wanted then he’d have to work for it. Finally he looks up at Ra’s properly. “You know, some people prefer written invitations to kidnapping. Just saying.”
The entire room of assassins bristles with anger at Alvin’s lack of proper respect, but Ra’s gestures for them to stand down casually. He seems somewhat amused, but his tone shows none of that as he begins, “Your confidence is commendable and no doubt well earned, but you would do well to consider your situation before you speak. You are in my house. Mind your tongue.”
That doesn’t require a response from Alvin so for once he takes Ra’s advice and stays silent.
“You’ve caused me a good deal of inconvenience.” Ra’s pours himself a glass of wine as he talks. “Tell me, boy, what do they call you?”
He considers giving out a new fake name, if he’s too free with giving out the name he’s going by now Ra’s might deduce that it isn’t his original name. On the other hand he might take a fake name as a challenge. The last thing Alvin wants to do is give Ra’s any reason to try and investigate Alvin’s past. He’s trying to keep Tim safe too, after all. “… Alvin.”
“And this is all they call you?”
“Most people don’t call me anything.” Alvin thinks for a moment before shrugging one shoulder. “To my face anyhow.”
Ra’s remains impassive, swirling the wine in his glass with a slow languid motion as he stares down at Alvin.
It might be time for Alvin to chance a question of his own. This isn’t the hardest test he has to overcome in this mission of his, but is exceedingly tricky. If he says the wrong thing, the whole game falls apart. He needs to be careful. “I’m curious. Why have me brought here at all? If I’m such an inconvenience to you, why not just have your people kill me?”
“Curiosity, it appears, is a trait we share, child.” Ra’s smiles for the first time in this conversation and Alvin fights the urge to just bolt right now. Pleasant smiles aren’t in the repertoire of Ra’s al Ghul. “Why would a smart, young man go to such lengths to attain my attention? There are far simpler ways to join my league.”
Fuck. “What about the act of infiltrating one of your bases and beating almost everyone there senseless screams ‘requesting a job interview’ to you?”
Leaning on his free hand, Ra’s answers, “You play the game well, child, but you are still young and the young and mortal do tend to get somewhat… overeager. You left your intentions clear as day. However make no mistake this is not the ‘interview’. This is merely an introduction. I wished to see you for myself.”
“And now that you have?” Alvin asks, cautiously.
Ra’s sets aside his glass. “Now… there will be an interview. Tomorrow. At dawn. We shall see how well you fare against an opponent who is more your equal than the unprepared rabble you so handily defeated.”
“Why tomorrow?” He would prefer to get this over with.
It almost seems like Ra’s won’t answer, the wine glass holding his attention for a moment longer, then he fixes Alvin with an unnerving gaze. “I see no reason to rush. Take the rest of the day and rest. Have a proper meal, enjoy the luxury of our bathing facilities–”
What a polite way of telling someone they look like shit.
“—You will wish to be at your very best tomorrow, I assure you.”
With that he waves a hand and Oxana grabs Alvin by the arm, roughly, and Lottie goes to replace the hood.
“Do not waste your time.” Ra’s instructs, suddenly. “The boy could fight our operatives in near pitch darkness, you will hide nothing from him.”
Lottie seems confused. Dammit. Ra’s definitely ordered the hood, which means he planned this moment. It should be an insignificant thing, but this is Ra’s al Ghul. Missing anything could be a death sentence.
Looking up, Alvin meets the sickly, green eyes of the Demon’s Head for a moment and his heart sinks into his stomach. Ra’s learned something from this. Alvin doesn’t know what, but anything could be trouble. Why can’t any of the al Ghuls be easy to deal with for once?
Oxana tugs on his arm with a little of her not inconsiderable strength, all but threatening to drag him away, so he lets her lead him out of the room. Down several corridors of stone and marble until they come to a row of doors. Oxana opens the nearest one and shoves him, none-to-gently, through into his new prison for the next far too few hours.
“Be grateful, shadow, Demon’s Head has decreed that you are to be treated as guest… for now.” Oxana hisses behind him. “Were it up to me, you would not be given such comfortable accommodations.”
Alvin doesn’t respond to her and she closes the door, leaving him alone in the stone carved room to stew in his anxiety. He looks around, it’s a fancier room than he’s gotten used to of late. A soft looking bed, a small vanity in one corner. The lights built into the ceiling don’t flicker. There’s an open door on the right side of the room that he realizes leads to a full bathroom as he approaches it. He steps inside and up to the sink. The mirror above it reflects a very different person than Alvin remembers from only a year ago… well a year for him. Time travel is weird.
The fear that all the work he’s put in over that time creeps up his throat and he splashes some water on his face to try and calm down. Running a wet hand through his too long hair, he sighs. Ra’s is right. He looks like shit. At least the room is nice.
For the third time in as many days Bruce returns from patrol much later than normal and injured. Clusters of such days seem to be getting closer and closer together of late. As much as Alfred tries to be the mediator between Jason’s enthusiasm and Bruce’s reticence, it is becoming ever more clear that things cannot go on like this for much longer. Thankfully, even at the distance that Alfred watches Bruce approach the stairs up from the landing where the car is kept, he can tell that the injuries sustained this day were quite minor. “Do you require medical attention, sir?”
Bruce hesitates as his hand comes to rest on the railing of the stairs. His shoulders rise with a deep intake of breath. Pause. And then slowly relax as he lets out a deep sigh then continues upwards. “Not tonight I think, Alfred. Just a few bruises.”
“Very good.” Alfred steps out of Bruce’s path to the computer. “I can assume the situation is as dire as ever?”
Slumping in the chair in front of the computer, Bruce lays a folder on the desk, pushes back his cowl, and runs a hand through his hair. “If anything it’s gotten worse. It’s baffling, Alfred. If it were random desperate people I might be able to understand, but these are regulars. People on mafia payrolls, career criminals, and the sort. A year ago those were some of the least dangerous people to run into on patrol. Something’s changed. Made them bolder. I don’t like it.”
“I see…” Alfred pours coffee from a thermos into a mug and holds it out for Bruce to take. “And you have no clues as to what this ‘something’ might be?”
“If I did I’d be out there fixing it,” Bruce grumbles but takes the mug gratefully before he opens the file. “I don’t know, Alfred, I just feel like I’m missing something.”
Alfred could give him some clues, but it’s not quite time for that argument yet. Instead he decides to change the subject. “I presume that file has something to do with the Drake Industries case?”
“It is,” Bruce says and takes a drink of his coffee, a look of contentment settling over his face before he continues, “Lucius was right, of course. There is something shady going on with their CEO, Nathaniel Chiles.”
“It’s a good thing Mr Fox caught on before the deal went through.” Alfred observes. Drake Industries had reached out to work a deal with Wayne Enterprises some weeks ago over some technology parts. Lucius had called Bruce with concerns the very next day.
Bruce grunts in agreement. “I’ve asked him to stall for as long as he can, give me a little more time to figure out what exactly is going on here. I thought it was simple at first, just a case of embezzlement plain and simple, but looking over it again I think Chiles is connected to something deeper.”
“Oh yes?”
“Chiles has been working at DI for twenty years even though he only became CEO within the last ten.” Bruce explains, tapping a finger on some papers in the file absently. “Before he worked there though he owned his own business in the same field. It seems to have been a promising venture but tanked unexpectedly. Apparently that’s when he visited Judge John Drake. Shortly after that DI bought out his company and he was hired on.”
“You think he asked the judge to buy the company.” Alfred surmises.
Bruce nods. “I’m positive he did. What I don’t know is why in the hell Judge Drake agreed to do it. He obviously didn’t trust Chiles. Chiles never so much as budged from the ‘consultant’ position until after the judge was killed. As usual with things connected to the ‘good’ judge there are a hundred layers to this entire situation and the key to understanding half of them probably died with him.”
“…Well, at least Mr Chiles is still alive, he may yet enlighten you on whatever dealings he had with the judge,” Alfred offers. There’s not much chance of that happening though. Judge Drake was quite good at keeping his many, many cards close to the vest. Alfred suspects the people of Gotham will be tripping over the web left behind by that man for far longer than many of them will live to see.
Reclining in his chair, Bruce seems just as hopeful as Alfred. “We’ll see… With any luck the Gala tonight might yield about Chile’s current dealings. It’s strange that the Drakes are holding another one so soon, honestly. Last I heard their archaeology and historical fund was doing quite well for itself.”
Interesting. “Speaking of the gala, I do hope you haven’t forgotten you promised to take Master Jason this time?”
“Of course.” Bruce says with the beginnings of a fond smile on his face, even as he rolls his eyes ever so slightly. “I’d never hear the end of it if I forgot.”
“Undoubtedly, sir.” Alfred makes no more than a cursory attempt to hide his amusement. “I do believe it will be good for him though, the poor lad does seem to be going a bit stir-crazy of late.”
Bruce grimaces. “He’s been complaining to you too then?”
“…Complaining is one way of putting it, I suppose,” Alfred responds and quickly finds himself the recipient of a wary glare. “I only mean that you must remember, sir, that you cannot instill in a child such a profound desire to help and expect him not to feel at least somewhat… bereft when he’s not allowed to do that.”
That at least seems to make Bruce take pause and think. He’s silent for a bit, then groans and passes a hand over his face, leaving it resting just under his nose as he says, “Fair enough. This gala should give him a chance to work on proving his theory that Alvin has some connection to Gotham’s high society at least.”
“Indeed.” It’s a budge in the right direction if nothing more. It’s going to take more work to get any better. Alfred can only hope that fate will be kind and he’ll have more time to do that work well.
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orionhousingsposts · 2 months
Discover Convinience & Quality With Orion Housing In Los Angeles
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Explore the ideal round-up of comfort and high-class life, with the Orion Housing in Los Angeles. We the best in one of the prominent Los Angeles real estate brokers are determined to give the best-in-class housing solutions meant for all styles of living and budgets.
Looking for an apartment in Fort Worth? Choose any of our luxurious and spacious places. Look no further. At Orion Housing, you get the opportunity to rent any unit at your convenience such as apartments, townhomes, and single detached houses, which will undoubtedly make you love your living experience in the metropolis of Los Angeles.
For those affording modest property prices or are vying for apartments within low-income housing authorities, Orion Housing is here to give you a helping hand. We take concern of having a variety of housing options that suit the needs of people irrespective of their walks in life by building homes for the poor of the poor as well as comfortably affordable to afford the individual and the family.
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authorautumnbanks · 18 days
One Night (8)
"We're gonna go in here," Satoru announces, jerking his thumb back at the jewelry store. Kagome peers around him and frowns.
"You're getting a new watch?"
"No, we're going in here for you," he says, smiling. "Come on, we'll be quick. I know you want to get back so you can get a nap in." He motions for her to walk first and then places a hand on her lower back as they walk into the jewelry shop. The workers look up and then rush over to attend to them. "We need a size fitting for her for an engagement ring."
"Satoru!" Kagome hisses. "You don't need to get me a ring."
"I kinda do," he says. "It's not a want, but a need. I need to get this for you." He turns his attention back to the attendant. "The engagement ring will be custom."
Kagome sighs as she holds out her hand for the attendant to size.
"Ring finger is a seven," the attendant remarks, scribbling down some notes on a notepad. "Now, did you want to discuss the customization now?"
Satoru shakes his head. "Not with her around." He flashes Kagome a smile. "But let me see what you have in stock for now. Did you want a ring or a necklace today? Or a bracelet?"
Kagome hesitates, but he sees the flicker of her eyes glancing at the rose-shaped necklace and bracelet. She gives it a second glance and then walks over to the left. Satoru follows behind her and frowns. "You don't want the first one you were looking at?"
"That one was too…" Kagome pauses. "This one is fine."
"We'll take this one and the rose necklace and bracelet," he tells the attendant. Kagome's mouth drops and she looks as though she wants to protest, so he leans forward and kisses her. "Do you have her size?" he asks, turning back to the attendant, who nods his head and hurries to get the items ready.
"Satoru, that's too expensive," Kagome says.
"Nothing is too expensive when it comes to you and Koushi." He taps his fingers on the glass while they wait. "The realtor got back with me, and they are gonna see about pushing the timelines. Might get in within two weeks, though I'd prefer for it to be a week. He sent me a text when we were at lunch."
"Why do you want to get into the house so quickly? Is the lease almost up on the apartment?"
"Nah," Satoru replies, pulling out his wallet. He taps his card against the reader and hands the small white bag to Kagome. "I'll be back to discuss the ring," he tells the attendant. Satoru places a hand on Kagome's lower back as he leads them out of the store and back out to the car. "The faster we get in the house, the faster Koushi has his own room."
Kagome rubs her eyes and sighs. "I am not getting pregnant this year. I just had Koushi."
This year?
"…So, in two months?"
"What?" Kagome straps Koushi into his car seat while Satoru leans against the open passenger door. "What's happening in two months?"
"You said not this year, but we only have this month and December left, so in two months…" he falters slightly. Kagome crosses her arms and his eyes drift down. "I wish we were at home right now. I miss your breasts."
Kagome flushes. "We're not talking about this morning." She refuses to look at him as she slides into the passenger seat. Satoru tilts his lips down as he closes the door. He needs more information. Kagome's walls are damn near stronger than his infinity.
"Got it," he says, starting the car. His phone vibrates, so he pulls it out to check it. Satoru rolls his eyes. "If you're up to it, the students and other sorcerers want to meet you."
"If it's on the way, then we can stop by." Kagome fiddles with the bag before pulling out a black box.
"You gonna open it?" he teases, as he responds to the text. When she hesitates, Satoru reaches over and opens the box himself. He pulls the rose pendant out of the box and holds it out so he can place it around her neck. "We should go on a date sometime. Maybe when mom gets back since I doubt you want to leave Koushi with Ito right now. When's the last time you've been on one?" Satoru starts the car and heads towards the school.
Kagome is silent for a bit. "I don't know if it could be really counted as a date since I bailed in the middle of it…but the last time was when I was 15?"
15? He bites his tongue. Now, Satoru has never been on a date before because there was no reason to. But Kagome was married for five years, and she hasn't been on a date since she was 15? How the hell did her ex convince her to marry him? "Why did you get a divorce?" He winces. That could have come out better.
Kagome blows out a breath. "I mean, there were a lot of things wrong with the marriage." She fiddles with the necklace. "InuYasha wanted a big family since he didn't have that. We tried, but we couldn't get pregnant, and he took on more… opportunities outside of home. Eventually, he brought her to the house to live with us since she didn't have anywhere else to go, and I couldn't take it anymore."
"Brought who to the house? A daughter?"
"No, they had a son. He wanted me to stay and help raise him, but I just couldn't do it." She leans her head against the window and looks out. Satoru tightens his hold on the wheel. There's a lot more she isn't saying, and he doesn't want to push her to a breaking point. InuYasha isn't a common name at all. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and types the message with one hand.
"He never hit you, right?" Satoru slides his phone back into his pocket.
"…No, he never hit me."
Satoru pokes the inside of his cheek with his tongue. She took far too long to answer that question. "I'd never do that," he tells her sincerely. "If you want, I can make a binding vow."
"What's the difference between a normal vow and a binding one? Shouldn't they be the same thing?"
"The difference is if I break it, then there will be repercussions. I don't know what those repercussions are. It could be something as severe as my life."
Kagome hums. "I don't need a vow."
Satoru pulls up to the school and parks the car. He cuts the engine and turns to look at her. "What about a tattoo?"
"A tattoo? Of what? My name?" Kagome laughs as she unbuckles the seatbelt.
"Yeah, we can put your name on my dick."
Kagome coughs. "Are you serious?"
"Yes. You want to order the supplies?"
Kagome squints at him. "I don't know how to tattoo, and you want me to do that on your dick?"
"There's so many things I want you to do with my dick, but yes."
Kagome rubs her forehead. "Okay, Satoru." She snorts to herself as she gets out of the car. Satoru stares at her for a moment and then gives himself a mental shake. He gets out of the car and waits as she puts Koushi into his carrier. He needs to get one of those sometime. The baby wrap Kagome has is too small for him. "Anything I should know before we meet everyone?"
"No mentioning of what you are, or what you found at the hospital. And let's not discuss the fingers either." That should cover everything. He takes Kagome's hand and leads them to the training grounds, where everyone's energy is located at. The moment they step into view, everyone rushes over to them. Satoru wraps an arm around Kagome and pulls her closer to his side. Satoru goes through and introduces Kagome to everyone. The students stare at Kagome as if she is a mad woman and the adults stare at her as if she is some kind of foreign creature. "Everyone needs to back up," he says.
Yuki frowns and puts her hands up in front of her. "Sorry…it's just." Yuki grabs her face and presses her thumb into her cheek. "Energy wise, there's nothing remarkable about you. Is it something in your bloodline that skipped you?"
"…No," Kagome replies. She glances up at him. "Can you conceal your energy?"
"Never tried to." Satoru shrugs
"Wait!" Yuki exclaims, crowding Kagome's space again. "You're concealing it? How? Can we see it?"
"Back up," Satoru warns.
Yuki freezes. The students shuffle their feet. The mood drops drastically. Normally Satoru tries to keep the energy up, but he doesn't care too much for the lack of boundaries Yuki has when it comes to his family.
"It's okay," Kagome says. "I guess I can show you a little. Satoru, I need a strand of your hair."
Huh? He plucks a couple of strands and puts them in her hand. Surely, she won't put a hex on him. Koushi tries to turn his head, but he can't move his head as freely in the carrier. "What are doing with that?" he asks, as Kagome's palms glow. He hopes it's not a hex.
"Making a shikigami."
With his hair? He tucks his glasses into his pocket and blinks at the small human-shaped paper in her hand. That's her shikigami? It leaps from Kagome's palm onto the grass. It takes a bow right before its body expands and Satoru is staring up at a bigger version of himself.
"NOOOO!" Ijichi wails.
"I didn't feel like making one completely from scratch," Kagome admits.
"You mean you don't need someone's hair to summon one?" Satoru stares at her in slight amazement.
Kagome blinks. "Summon? I guess that's one way of putting it."
"So, what can this do? Just stand around and look handsome?" Satoru asks. He's gotta admit it is the best-looking shikigami he's ever seen. Too bad Megumi isn't here to witness it. Man, he would have loved to video Megumi's reaction.
The Satoru shikigami laughs and then holds out one finger. The wind picks up and Satoru's eyes widen. Is it about to shoot off a red?
"We're going to die!" Ijichi wails, but Satoru ignores him. He wants to see if this shikigami can pull it off. It shoots the red above, but when it explodes, nothing happens.
Kagome wipes her forehead. "I didn't realize you were that strong," she says, frowning. "That could have ended poorly." The shikigami shrinks and then fades away.
Satoru bites his tongue. Did she put a barrier up around all of them?
Yuki rushes forward and grabs Kagome's hand. "Kagome-san, please let me run some tests on you."
"Out of the question," Satoru interrupts. "My family is not something for you to test on."
Kagome pulls her hands free and places one over Koushi's back.
"Sorry, but I'm not interested."
"Let's not be enemies, yeah?" Satoru smiles, flashing his teeth. Yuki narrows her eyes and nods.
"Never thought I'd see you become a family man," she quips, crossing her arms.
"Takes a special woman," Satoru says. "To lock down the strongest."
"Strongest human?" Kagome asks.
Satoru scratches his head. "Well, yes?" Why did she stress the human part? "I'll give you a crash course about jujutsu at home."
Kagome nods and then frowns. Koushi shakes his fists. Satoru leans over to look at Koushi, who opens and closes his fists. Kagome sighs as she takes Koushi out of his carrier and hands him over to Satoru. He holds Koushi up to his face and smiles. Not his fault that Koushi is a daddy's—OW!
Koushi giggles as he clings to the strands of hair.
"Koushi," Kagome says. "You shouldn't pull your dad's hair."
Koushi just continues to laugh as his hand glows. Satoru's brows shoot up. Is Koushi going to pull it off?
"He can do that?" Yuta exclaims, staggering back as the shikigami lands in front of him. It claps its hands together and turns into a mini-Satoru, though Koushi's shikigami is much smaller than the one Kagome created. It comes up to Yuta's ankle and shoots a red at him.
Satoru laughs as Yuta topples over. "How did you get bested by a baby shikigami? I thought you were learning something while you were in Africa. Guess not." Koushi claps his hands and laughs. "I take it back. Koushi is the strongest," Satoru announces.
Kagome yawns as she walks over to the shikigami. She taps it with one finger and it poofs away. Koushi stops laughing, which makes Satoru laugh harder.
"What is the range of your shikigami?" Yuki asks.
"Range?" Kagome's brows furrow together. "It's a shikigami. There is no range."
Satoru makes a choked noise in the back of his throat. "Let's get you two back home."
"They just got here," Yuki complains.
"Oh, are you working late?" Kagome yawns again, covering her mouth with her hand.
"I'll be home in time for a late dinner." He holds Koushi in one arm and reaches for Kagome's hand. "Besides, if we stay any longer, they'll be asking you to show off more." As hot as it is, seeing a glimpse of what Kagome can do, Satoru doesn't care too much for how Yuki and Gakuganji are watching Kagome. Gakuganji is the problem, though Yuki is more vocal about her excitement.
"Who taught you?" Gakuganji questions.
"I taught myself."
"You also healed the girl and gave birth to a six eyes user."
"Ignore him," Satoru says, "the elderly like to pick fights they can't win."
"Her powers are unknown and potentially dangerous. She should be placed under watch."
"Are you prepared to go down this path?" Satoru stares Gakuganji down. Kagome squeezes his hand.
"I wouldn't go down that path," Yuki quips. "Kagome-san isn't a danger to you unless you make her one. That's the problem with you and the higher ups. Keep trying to keep the powers in check and see where it gets you." Yuki motions to Koushi. "If he were older, I'd classify him as a special grade."
"We're talking about her," Gakuganji says sharply. "We have never allowed unknown powers to go unchecked."
"I'll ask one more time because I'm nice. Are you prepared to go down this path? That's a lot of blood on your hands."
Gakuganji inhales and looks at Yaga, who shrugs. "This isn't a case of a rogue curse user," Yaga says. "That's Gojo's family and from what I can see, Kagome-san is simply being a mother to her child. We have bigger things to worry about than the mother of Gojo's child. No offense," he adds the last part.
Gakuganji mumbles and jerks his head in acceptance.
Satoru throws one more glare over his shoulder as he leads Kagome off the school grounds. He opens the car door for Kagome and then gets Koushi situated in his car seat. "If anyone gives you trouble, let me know and I'll handle them," Satoru says, starting the car.
"Your clan was similar. Are all sorcerers like that?"
Satoru winces. "The ones from clans, yes. They tend to stick to the old way of thinking and the higher ups like to keep some kind of order. Others don't come from clans, and I guess they have a more rounded view point." He peeks at Kagome out of the corner of his eye.
"When you say you'll handle it…"
"Kill them." Satoru winces again. That was probably the wrong thing to—
"You're okay with that? It doesn't scare you?"
"Why would it scare me?"
Satoru hums. "How tired are you?"
"Not that tired. Why?"
"My mission is down the block if you want to come."
Kagome hums. "That's fine, though I'm a little concerned with how quickly Koushi is picking up techniques."
"What? It's awesome. Koushi is the strongest."
"Awesome for you, but a headache for me. I'm already picturing the mischief he's gonna get into. Did you want us to wait in the car?"
"Actually, I was kinda hoping to see what else you can do."
"So, you want me to do your mission?"
"I mean…. I guess you would be, but I want to know what you can do, so I can steer you away from certain conversations."
"Oh. You still think there would be some kind of manhunt?"
Kagome fiddles with the necklace again. "I don't mind taking out…the curse? But I don't see why there would be a manhunt for other spiritual users like me. Whatever it is that the other sorcerers want, probably won't happen with anyone else."
"Are you saying you're special?" Satoru smiles. He's all for Kagome praising herself.
"I'm saying that if they are looking for what an average priestess can do, then I'm not the best model for that, so hunting others down to replicate something I can do is a waste of time."
They pull up to an abandoned school. Satoru gets out of the car and grabs Koushi. "I can put the veil…up. How do you do that so quickly?"
Kagome shrugs. "So, you just go around exorcising curses? How do you know which ones to take care of?"
"We have scouters that look into them and assign grades to the curses. You wouldn't want a grade four sorcerer taking on a grade one curse. This one is a special grade, which you've already taken out one before. I won't let anything happen to you or Koushi."
"Normally, I have a bow with me," Kagome mutters. "There are several curses in this building."
Satoru hums. "Yeah…there was only supposed to be one."
"I'll just bless the area, then. I'd rather not take on several with Koushi here." Kagome places a hand on the double doors and chants something under her breath. Satoru bounces Koushi in his arms as he watches. There's a crash above. A curse leaps out of the window.
"Koushi, watch this," Satoru says, holding one finger up. He shoots off a red at the curse. Koushi giggles while Kagome continues to chant. One by one, the curses inside dwindle until there are none left.
"Satoru," Kagome says, sharply. "Don't encourage that." She plants her hands on her hips.
"Sorry," he says, "Do you want to go home and work out our differences?"
Kagome rolls her brown eyes. "Keep it up and I'll decorate the bedroom pink."
"That's fine. I love pink."
Kagome falters. "Really? Why?"
Satoru smiles.
Kagome facepalms. "I'm ready for that nap now." She walks past him and heads back to the car. Satoru laughs as he pulls his phone out. He stops and stares at his phone. "Everything okay?"
"…. Yeah, everything's fine," he replies. Satoru slides his phone back and shifts Koushi to his other arm. There are no records of Kagome being married. According to Ito, there's no record of Kagome for five years at least. No record of an InuYasha either. "Hey, when we move into the house, do you want to have a housewarming party? Invite the family and some of your friends?"
Kagome stops and turns to look at him. "You want to meet my friends?"
"Yeah, any friends of yours are friends of mine." Satoru smiles while he bounces Koushi. Does she not want him to meet her friends?
"Okay." Kagome nods. "That'll put some things to rest."
Kagome grimaces. "The girls don't believe me about Koushi not being InuYasha's. They think he is because they've never seen you and…" She motions with her hands. "We didn't exchange numbers back then."
Satoru looks at Koushi. "Did he have blue eyes too?"
"No, it's because of the hair and I didn't keep in touch with them when I was married, so I get it. Why they don't believe me." She shrugs. "Are we going home?"
"Guess I can't convince you to stay by my side for the rest of the day," Satoru sighs. Koushi smacks him on the chest. "Okay, I'll get you two home, sheesh." He opens the door for Kagome. "Hey, when I come home, could you greet me in just an apron?"
"You don't have an apron."
"You don't have to, it's…. what?"
"You don't have an apron," she repeats.
"I can buy one on the way home."
"Then how would I greet you?"
"What if I hand it to you and then go back out of the apartment?"
Kagome laughs. "Satoru, just get in the car."
His pulse quickens. He loves the sound of her laughter. Satoru opens his mouth to make a flirty comment, but Koushi slaps him. Ow! Satoru huffs. Alright, fine. Everyone wants to go home. He's got some calls to make, anyway. Like finding out who the hell InuYasha is and if he's still alive.
A/N: The shikigami will actually come into play in How To Tame. Satoru got her the Piaget Rose Pendant and Bracelet, which is around 30k each or so. And InuYasha didn't hit Kagome, she was thinking about the first time they met.
I'm not ashamed to admit that I downloaded the Gojo mod for Stardew. I played it all weekend lol.
"Did Kagome have an orgasm pre-one night stand?" - Nah, InuYasha was her first and he was more about getting his satisfaction. When Kagome would try to bring it up, he didn't take it that well.
Take care! Drink plenty of water. It's pretty hot where I'm at. And if you're in the US, have a wonderful Memorial Day! If Wish I Could cooperates, I might update later in the week.
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insectsinsects · 3 months
Interestingly, we actually were girls together... When I met Jo I was 18 years and 11 months old, and had just emerged from my house for the first time in 3 months— straight to school in New York. We were shockingly vulnerable in a really simple 101 Writing class. We spent much of our time in cafes and academic buildings dissecting and chipping away at our Didion imitations until we pretended to 'find' some sort of voice at the end of the semester (how timely!). She towered above me, and coaxed a part of me I thought was shut away for good in a house in Oklahoma City. I felt really comfortable. She celebrated my birthday with me after knowing me for a week. We'd speed through SoHo, two of my strides to one of hers, and I always thought she looked cool with a cigarette in hand though it wasn't anything I was smoking at the time. Her suitcase remained empty with 20 minutes till departure, and we barely missed a bus down to DC. She got us new tickets and against her stature leaned all the way down onto my shoulder for the 5-hour ride, and we split at Union Station. She went off to visit a friend at some DC school and I was seeing family. We reconnected at the end of the week, where those cheap buses meet up, and went back home to New York.
When we were sent home, we sent letters across the Midwest in riveting exchanges between Oklahoma and Illinois. We scrawled bits of forgotten writing projects onto paper and wrote to each other often. Radio silence for a while, and we were back nine months later. She was living with her best friend at the time. It wasn't me. Their sublease was really gorgeous. The energy was funny. They stopped being friends after the lease ran out. I last saw her on my 21st birthday in Tompkins with a slice of cheesecake. Late as usual.
Two years of radio silence. I texted her for some reason in April 2023 and we chatted briefly. Nothing again. She's always been in New York, though. I knew her face really well. I superimposed it onto strangers in the crowd. I knew she was here, somewhere.
That summer I felt another friendship dying. I went home exhausted and sweaty and annoyed. No seats on the subway but a space near a familiar face. I was glad she recognized me. I was afraid she wouldn't. She was to transfer at one stop. I told her I'd be on the train for another hour getting to the outer reaches of Queens. "Safe travels," and I let the subway car population dwindle before weeping. Nothing again. Maybe I was afraid to reach out myself because I didn't have anything to say (<- symptom of being frozen by anxiety for 2 years).
And then something this past week. I waited 12 minutes to reply. I missed the person I used to be so severely and was deadly curious about her. I was embarrassed about our run-in on the train. I sweat so badly I had pit stains on a plain, over-sized shirt (symbolism) and she was in business casual workwear. It felt awfully on-the-nose about my perception of my own life and disappointment in myself. I didn't text her because I didn't want to think about it. But she texted me. Our old writing professor from that very class where we met mentioned me, thus prompting the text. She told me on the phone that she thinks often about a thing I used to say (an Andrea original?!) about Jaywalking with the new mothers because no car would run over a baby in a stroller (😭). A saying which attaches a smile to every crosswalk. And remember she's been in New York this entire time. Couldn't help but cry about it. She regaled me on everything. Seems we've been lonely the same past 6 months. I wish we had each other then. I wish she could've seen the joyful moments. I actually don't know if you'd like her, and I think Winnie has a thing about Jo 'cause she unfollowed her on IG a while back (we were all in that same writing class and we are all deeply unwell lmfao⚠️) but I do consider her a great influence on the Andrea you ended up meeting two years ago, if that's worth something at all. At the very least it'd be funny? I'll make it happen. She's in Bushwick now actually.
Anyway everything's a missed bus to DC and every good thing in life is being that uncomfortable shoulder to lean down and cry on. Likewise, the security I felt knowing she could always casually pick things back up and move forward is something that could pull me out of the tar pit. We have suffered apart and alone long enough.
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thepowerisyouth · 3 months
Eh mental health is annoying. Buying & cooking cheap low-FODMAP diet is annoying. My best top note for now is I'm using this blog to practice writing. I need more practice in it. I only know business, accounting & economics stuff. Its stupid stuff. Theres too much actual fraud everywhere that its annoying
Also I use mobile so formatting sucks cause Nvidia GPUs, or Arch dont like tumblr site. Or tumblr site dont like tumbkr site
Also also I 100,000% support all my fellow ones-and-zeros and their identity. Everyone is welcome here.
Except transphobes/zionist/long list of others but you get it. I'll help harrass any of those types endlessly if someone wants to tag me, and bring me in on an argument like that friend you call for backup with fights
Im unhinged so who's to say exactly what will end up here but this is also a completely public blog to me friends, family, hell, even acquaintances i dont give a fuc.
Blog should be expected to be roughly as child-friendly as simpsons or bobs burgers. But also boring like a civics/economics lesson sometimes. Yay
I (and my husband) am ex mormon. Its a weird thing. Look into it if you havent recently. Realllllyyyy look into. Takes time to figure it all out in this fuckin fucked up world.
I just moved a year ago. Didnt watch the US stock market as much as I normally do. Had my first snowstorm 10 weeks ago, that was.. fun to handle while ill prepared. About 6 weeks ago I was hopping back on the market and notice its a huge tech bubble about to pop and all the conditions Ive been warned about my whole career imply this is not good. Just took a little more thinking & digging and I'm a little too confident to stop talking about it now.
(Oh I'm also care-free as fuc so I dont really read or desire to change past posts more than lil-nitpicks. More informative for the reader & myself-in-the-future-reading that way)
And I'm not kidding I do love feedback & questions. Its a very public blog tho so I get that part for sure.
If you search "life story" in my tags I had that pinned for a min Im just moving shit around rn
Being poor sucks. Will write more on that later.
First of all-- the exact timeline of an "economic shock" is literal insanity. Dont worry about the exact timing of any of this-- just know its doomed to happen soon.
Here are some effects I predict of this upcoming economic downturn
If anyone comes across any sources for these events that support my arguments please feel free to add in comments, reblogs, etc.
This concise list is mainly for my own reference, but it would be great to add to it if any one has something to add!
0.5. US Stock market collapse-- I have no desire to try and predict this one exactly. Too many conspiracies are actually correct about this big guy. Lets just say 7 US Tech stocks are worth 25% of the entire worlds market, roughly. "Too big to fail"-- I believe is the phrase
1. Corporate (slightly later will be residential by extension) real estate crisis: currently way too overvalued. Most of the houses, land, & urban corporate property we see could stand to decrease by about 60-90% from its current price.
2. Bankruptcy crisis: similar to the after-effects of the 70s inflation-- we can expect to see a huge wave of bankruptcies affecting a variety of business: from the micro-self employed; to the small business with leased buildings; to the largest corporations who commit massive accounting fraud & hope to escape accountability in time
3. Bank runs-- there is an extremely high overreliance on the Federal Reserve, who does not have good control over this situation. Once it becomes clear that there is a crisis (we call this a catalyst event)-- bank runs for physical cash are a surety. Hard to say how long a crisis like this might last. I should ask my siblings who lived near the SVB bank crisis hotspot (but those were rich fucks they do their "bank runs" over the phone)
3.5. Global currency collapse, which takes effect in every single local, state, & national economy at slightly different times. This means prices lower. Much lower. But takes time
4. Whatever the fuck the geopolitics is gonna do???. Its weird. You got Russia wanting to invade Europe? (Look at global economic forum 2024) Trump wants to let them. Biden wants to be an establishment corporate ass. North Korea has changed its #1 public enemy to South Korea (dont remember my source but it was a couple months ago). USA is stationing more troops in Taiwan, but probably only because of semiconductor technology?
The scope of our global financial woes are larger than can be explained in any of our lifetimes. Its much, much closer to pre-revolution France or the late 1920s. Big change is coming. Itll be soon
5. More to come
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freeuseanddemand · 5 months
Sarah's Head of the Household
They take care of me, so long as I make myself available to take care of them. If you didn't know any better, you might think I was their slave, but I'm not... unless you count being a slave to pleasure. I was actually the one that brought everyone together.
I was in need of somewhere to live. My previous roommates were getting married and wanted the place to themselves as soon as possible. Since my name wasn't even on the lease, I was in no position to argue, and I was genuinely happy for them.
I found the dream home for rent. It was a huge old Victorian with a turret out front and a balcony out back. Every room felt massive compared to everywhere else I have lived. One of the bedrooms was in the turret, I had to have it, I needed to feel like a princess. Of course, I could never afford it on my own.
So I started talking to everyone I knew, but first I needed to clear my head.
"Sarah, the place sounds amazing, but I'm not really looking to move. I don't have any roommates right now and I like it that way. Plus, you and I could never afford this on our own, so we would need more roommates." Shane said as my head bobbed in his lap. He paused for a moment holding my hair tight to control the motion of my mouth on his cock. "The only thing swaying me right now, is knowing that you have no ability to turn me down, and you let me do whatever I want."
Shane pulled my head up so I could finally respond. After taking a moment to catch my breath, "...I know roommates can be a lot of stress, but I want this bad enough that I promise to be the arbiter of all disputes."
I grabbed his spit covered cock and started stroking, "And you can always take your stress out on me, because you're right, I have no ability to turn you down. I always do whatever you want because you come nowhere near my limits, so I know I can safely give you full control of my body."
Shane, still holding my head by my hair, shoved me back down. His cock was in my throat now and he was just holding me there. I was suppressing my gag reflex as the tears started rolling down my face. "I'll consider it," There's just something about telling a guy that he hasn't reached your limits that always makes them just magically get more rough, it hasn't failed me yet. I could tell that Shane was in, and the house just got so much better.
The next day I was at a small party with some friends. There I found Darren and Tonya. I had known them both for a bit just being in the same friend groups. They didn't take much convincing, Darren was flirting with me all night and Tonya couldn't seem to take her eyes off me.
Darren may have been trying too hard to get in me, but I was desperate to find roommates. If I weren't on a mission, I would have taken him somewhere to make him cum and get it over with. It was hard for me, I'm not known for sexual restraint. He was cute and I was sure with the way he was lusting over me, I could make the same deal I made with Shane. I was right.
Tonya was infatuated with me, but I was loving her all the same. It was like we were already best friends and she was the only one that knew it. We were talking and drinking well past everyone leaving or passing out, aside from Darren and the host.
Tonya finally decided to explain why she's been so fixated on me that night. "Sarah, you clearly don't remember," she laughed, "you and I have hung out together at parties like this at least six times over the last year. You usually just party way harder than you did tonight and don't remember anything the next day.
I laughed, knowing she was right, and if it weren't for my mission to find roommates, I would have probably partied until I forgot tonight as well. "Like, this is the longest you and I have gone into a party without something happening between us. Last time, you showed up here ready to go, you were eating me out within the first 20 minutes of being here."
I pretended to be shocked, "no way! Am I that easy?"
Tonya, trying not to laugh too hard, "you're the easiest and the best at what you do. Our first threesome, I wasn't feeling like being fucked by a guy that night, so you just kissed me and told me not to worry, that you would be the 'cocksleeve.' You were amazing, the way you devoured me sitting on your face while you were being railed, heaven!"
I was disappointed that I couldn't remember that or any other time Tonya and I had been together. "It's perfect, I've been looking for a new place to live for months now, but everything has been out of my price range and this place sounds amazing. I can't wait to be roomies," Tonya said with pure glee on her face.
"I just want you to be aware of one thing, Tonya," I said with a more serious tone, "the way you've known me to be at parties, I'm like that... all the time. Not that I blackout all the time, but I am very much free-use. I made deals with the other two who agreed to move into the apartment. Well for them it's a deal, for me it's a dream."
Tonya was so excited to hear this, "Shut up, no way! That's amazing! I can't wait to use you too! I was already hoping we would fuck more living together, but you're saying I can just use you whenever? I'll sign the lease now, please."
I just laughed and leaned in to start kissing her, but after just a peck, Tonya got up, "I have to run and get some rest before work, but don't worry, that won't be the last time our lips touch. Give me your number so you don't forget this night too!"
After everything was said and done, we all moved in. It was overwhelming at first, like they were testing me and my limits. I loved taking care of all of them though, no matter how utterly exhausted I was. They convinced me to quit my job just a few months after we all settled in. I know this won't last forever, but I have never been happier.
My job these days is cleaning up the house, cooking, and being fuck toy, a stress ball, and a bed warmer. I do everything around the house that they need, I don't have to make any decisions, and they just grab me and use me wherever, whenever. They do so well sharing their time with me, but I wish they would use me as a group more often. Regardless, being the focus of group free-use, is more than I could have ever dreamed.
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tinkerbelldetective · 5 months
It is not their first words, or the place you meet, or the first place you touch. It is the first time you argue. There is no feeling like seeing the words on your wrist slowly turn from being a touch darker than your skin to a brilliant gold, but as an attorney, it certainly is awkward to watch it happen in the middle of a suppression hearing, or immediately afterwards.
Michael Cutter is startlingly dismissive of the detectives who searched your client's house without a warrant, of the beat cops who stopped her without reason. The evidence Michael Cutter is so vehemently supporting is nothing less than the fruit of the poisonous tree. He has nothing without it, and he knows it.
"Mr. Cutter, we both know the evidence is inadmissible. You're an intelligent man. Turn your energy to reminding the officers who bring you evidence that they are bound by law just as we are."
His blue eyes-cold, calculating, intelligent - flash over to you. It occurs to you he probably has, but was determined to fight for what they acquired, as it is his job.
"The NYPD not only serves me, but you as well, counselor. We would not be here if Elisabeth Williams had not harbored evidence from the police."
Your client was a victim of domestic abuse. A survivor who was finally trying to get out. A woman who had been intimidated into hiding a weapon and photographs.
"My client is just another victim, your honor. Her rights have been violated enough. The knife was only found because Officer Braco stopped her for loitering 3 feet away from her own property and found out that the person who was recently taken off the lease had an active warrant on file."
"Mr. Cutter, the knife is out."
"The photographs?"
"Also out, pending further investigation, any charges regarding Ms. Williams and the objects found in her home are hereby dismissed."
"Thank you, your honor," you nodded, slipping the case files back into your brief case.
"We'll call her as a witness," he asserts, following you into the elevator.
You scoff, "Haven't you considered that putting your suspect's former partner on the stand may hurt your case? Or, hurt her?" A sigh leaves your lips as you switch your bag over to your other hand. "Ben Stone made cases without murder weapons. Surely, you can manage."
Cutter tensed, hand tightening around his own briefcase. A glance at his wrist revealed "Surely you can manage." turning to a faint rose gold script.
Of course. Of course, it would happen here.
His eyes flick over to you once more, noticing the way you tug at your lip with your teeth as you think.
Did his words already rescript in gold over your skin?
Your wrist feels cooler than it had 20 minutes ago, when Cutter had turned to you and wondered why you finally answered the call from Legal Aid.
"Charity wins out in the end, I suppose."
You had wished those words were said near the end of the argument, a laying down of arms, with fond teasing and acceptance. Yet, Cutter's words had burned in more ways than just the changing color of the sentence on your wrist.
Now, in the elevator, you finally catch the smallest glimpse of gold peaking out under the gray of his suit jacket.
Your words tumble out before you can stop them, "Photographs still need film to be developed."
And you both know. There's no way he doesn't feel the pull, the snapping of the thread of hostility, like breathing in new air.
His smirk is disorienting, somewhat unsettling, and it beckons you to match.
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
okay so my buddy @somethingthatsaysbubbles has been nice enough to tag me in six sentence sundays twice now and I keep! forgetting!! so this is me doing two to make up for it lmao
both under the cut so I don’t crowd dashes bc lmao of course I wasn’t just going to post six sentences, are you kidding me?
and bc of some very slight nsft in the last one
no-pressure tagging some friends in the meantime! @rosemaremembrance @maximoffwxnda @bigtiddythanos @illegalcerebral @lightinthedarkuniverse/ @jmathesonandsiblings @pondering-and-wondering @lorna-d-m @scuttle-buttle @eldritchcircus @somethingthatsaysbubbles @ebiemidnightlibrarian @norabrice1701 and anyone else feeling up to it!
I. conversations at the cemetery line -
Leon chuckled. “Well, who else is there, champ? Your brother,” he said quietly. “We all heard he’s a scrapper, when he needs to be. But it’s been a while, and his daddy ain’t around to beg anyone to go easy on him anymore.”
“First of all, Hex is my cousin, and second of all, he can hold his own just fine,” Maxi snapped, his eyes red as a fresh wound.
“Sure, sure. But can the Belle of the Ball?” Leon asked, tilting his head with a smile showing too-long teeth. “Word is she’s up giving pretty boy a run for his money still. That would mean she’s fair game, too.”
“Ask your employers,” Maxi said flatly. “She ruined their whole party, you were there.”
“You Lifers, you really let being born into this make you think you know shit about shit.” Leon closed the distance between them so they were eye to eye, what little gray there was seeming to drain from his irises and pupil to leave only a ghastly white. “Did you really think you all could get out of this unscathed, boy?” His voice changed drastically, like gravel had scraped his vocal chords. “Show them up in their own house and go home to laugh about it?”
“Who’s laughin’?” Maxi said, his voice lowering to near a growl of his own.
“You’re gonna get yourselves killed, kid. Did you really think They’ll stop at just you? You think they won’t come for that little friend of yours once they chew through your family line? That they won’t come for everyone who ever laid eyes on you, and everyone you ever called a friend? They make ghost towns. I’ve seen ‘em do it.”
II. an indecent proposal --
Silence stretched like skin over an abscess, tight and uncomfortable. Maxi and Rora met each other’s eyes, before he and Hector seemed to have a long, oddly tense shared stare. Finally, when something between them was wordlessly settled, they both looked back to Rora.
Rora paused, her glass halfway to her mouth again. “…What. Why’re y’all lookin’ at me.” She looked between the two of them, irritated now. “Why am I the one makin’ the call?”
“It was your suggestion,” Maxi drawled, with not a small bit of snark. “Figured it’s only fair.”
“Plus you’re the one who knew what moon we needed,” Hex added. “And all that stuff.”
“Because it’s common sense, if you thought about it for even a half a second,” Rora sighed, putting her glass down to pinch the bridge of her nose. “And if either of you ever bothered to study—“
“I didn’t!” Hector said, throwing his hands in the air. “I didn’t, we both know I didn’t, why do you keep talking to me like I’m suddenly gonna wake up and want to memorize all the esoteric bullshit our dads never made me learn!”
“Because if you want the title at all, and don’t want to be an embarrassment to the entire lineage,” Rora turned to Hector, sounding like she was revving up on an ongoing argument. “You need to know your shit outside just ‘Ghost go poof’.”
“You know what, puta,” Hector turned, pointing an accusing finger at her. “You always wanna talk shit about the Veil, but you’re just mad you could never—“
“Oh puh-lease, Hector, tell me what I don’t know about the goddamn Veil, since I’m the one that’s actually been there—“
“Jesus Christ, not this again,” Maxi sighed, rubbing his temples. “Y’all, leave it alone, c’mon.“
“Butt out, Maxi, you abdicated.” Rora glared at her brother.
“Yeah, no one asked,” Hector agreed over Rora’s shoulder.
Maxi’s hands fell to the kitchen table, eyes dark. “That don’t mean I can’t fuse both y’all’s lips closed right now—“
You weren’t sure if it was the tequila that made you knock twice on the table, or made you ask, loudly: “Are you guys fucking me tonight or what?”
and now I’m just gonna leave these here :3 thanks for thinking of me, linds!
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The Demigod From Asgard - Steve Rogers x Reader (Part 79)
Summary: The first day of preschool is an exciting and nervous day, for parents and kids
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Angst! Grief Driven Alcoholism! Language!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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Chapter 79: First Day Nerves
2 years since the snap
Steve stopped for a moment as he rounded the corner to his street, hands on his knees as he caught his breath. Scout bounced excitedly in front of him willing him to keep on going, biting his lease and tugging it.
“I know bud, just give me a second” Steve panted wishing he had the same amount of energy as the pup.
Since moving into the new house Steve had only just managed to get back into the routine of going for a run. Roberta would look after JJ for an hour while Steve went out and had some time to himself. He didn’t go every day and his runs were nowhere near as long as they used to be. Mostly because he was older now, he didn’t have the same amount of energy he used to have, he also had responsibilities to attend to like JJ. But a part of it was that Steve didn’t like having too much time with his own thoughts, even with Scout with him if he stayed out too long he found his mind walking itself back towards the cliff’s edge.
Scout let out a loud bark and whine nudging Steve on with his snout making Steve chuckle “Okay, okay we’re going now then you’ll get a treat okay” Steve offers, Scout wagging his tail enthusiastically.
Steve started the gentle jog back down the street towards his house, Scout happily trotting beside him as they went. He had just walked up the stairs of the front porch when he heard something behind him. Glancing over his shoulder his eyebrows raised in surprise when he saw Thor standing at the bottom of the path.
Steve quickly let Scout into the house before shutting the door and making his way down the path towards Thor. As he approached he could see how much Thor had changed in the last year. His hair was longer, now almost reaching his shoulders, and his beard was also thicker but much more unkept than it ever had been before. Thor’s physique had also changed too, he wasn’t necessarily fat but he’d lost a lot of muscle definition and looked generally softer.
“Thor, I wasn’t expecting to see you” Steve greets holding out his hand.
“ah yes captain, I thought I’d swing by and see how little JJ is,” Thor says with a small chuckle.
“well he’s not so small anymore, he turned 3 a couple of months ago,” Steve tells him with a smile, Steve had invited Thor over but never heard anything in response.
“that is a fine age, I remember when Y/N-“ Thor starts before stopping himself, clearing his throat uncomfortably.
An awkward silence falls between the pair, Steve not really knowing what to say. Hating how neither of them could bring themselves to talk about you in each other’s presence.
“um, why don’t you come inside JJ is just with our neighbour Roberta,” Steve says breaking the silence and gesturing over his shoulder with his thumb.
“yes of course!” Thor says clapping his hands together walking past Steve and towards the house.
As Thor passed Steve the smell of alcohol wafted its way up Steve’s nostrils. He has to stop himself from scrunching up his nose in disgust, letting out a concerned sigh as he watched Thor walk up the path. He didn’t seem drunk at least but Steve would have to keep an eye out that’s for sure.
Steve jogged back up the path opening up the door for Thor, and gesturing for Thor to go on it “JJ there’s someone here to see you!” Steve called out getting JJ’s attention.
JJ stopped running around and playing with Scout turning to face Steve and Thor his face lighting up when he saw his uncle “Uncle Tor!” He shouted running over and hugging Thor’s legs tightly.
“hey kiddo, you’ve gotten so big!” Thor chuckled bending down to lift JJ up.
“I’m thwee” JJ says proudly holding up three fingers.
“yeah you are, growing up so quickly!” Thor nods his smile faltering slightly as he looked at JJ.
“dada says I a bwig boy,” JJ says looking over at Steve.
“practically a man already” Steve sighs gently, nodding his head “why don’t you hang out for a bit while I grab a shower” Steve suggests.
“fancy hanging out with you uncle thor?” Thor asks JJ who nods his head excitedly clapping his hands.
“yay! Uncle tor!” JJ squeals.
Steve nods in agreement before making his way over towards the kitchen, subtly gesturing for Roberta to follow him. They had barely walked into the kitchen when Roberta made her complaints known.
“Are you really gonna leave him alone with JJ” she whispers harshly “he reeks of booze”
“I know and I’m not, can you stay just to keep an eye on him while I just have a shower?” Steve asks her keeping his voice down.
“he shouldn’t even be allowed near JJ when he’s drunk” Roberta states shaking her head.
“I know, but it looks like he’s had a rough time, he lost her too and I can’t stop him from seeing the only connection he has to her now” Steve reasons gently.
Roberta sighs deeply and Steve can tell she still isn’t sold on the idea “Please Roberta, he needs some time with his nephew, I won’t be long I promise” Steve presses.
She sighs in resignation nodding her head “fine, but you have to tell him that he can’t be drunk in the future, it’ll only cause problems” Roberta states pointing at Steve.
“deal, thanks Roberta” he agrees before making his way up the stairs.
Steve quickly showered and got dressed before making his way back down the stairs. Walking into the living room he saw JJ and Thor sitting on the floor playing with toys, JJ doing most of the playing while Thor just watched. Steve glanced over at Roberta arching a brow in question, instead of answering she said goodbye to JJ before making her way over to Steve.
“he’s been fine but something’s up, you should probably talk to him,” Roberta tells him quietly.
Steve sighs nodding his head slightly as he looked over her shoulder at Thor “thanks Roberta, I’ll see you soon” Steve thanks her.
Once she was gone Steve made his way over to the couch sitting down to watch JJ and more importantly thor, hoping he could work out what was going on. Scout soon joined him hopping up onto the couch beside him and plopping himself down so his head rested on Steve’s lap.
As Steve watched he saw Thor becoming less and less jovial around JJ. Something Steve thought of as impossible considering how much light JJ brought into his own life. He could see Thor was trying but for whatever reason, it just didn’t seem to be working. Before Steve could say anything it all boiled over when Thor snapped at JJ’s response to a question he’d asked.
“Foolish child!” Thor snapped, JJ instantly flinching at his booming voice.
“Thor!” Steve shouted, the protective father in him instantly being triggered “there’s no need for that!”
Steve looked down at JJ to see his bottom lips quivering as he looked up at Steve, a scared and confused expression on his face. Steve instantly stood scooping JJ up into his arms and soothing him before he started bawling.
“Hey, hey it's okay, it's okay,” Steve says quietly and gently to JJ, rubbing his back as JJ buried his face in the crook of Steve’s neck.
Steve looked back over at Thor shaking his head at him disapprovingly “what was that about?” he whispered harshly, keeping his voice down so he didn’t startle JJ again.
“it’s wrong it’s all wrong!” Thor huffs pushing himself up, wobbling slightly as he found his feet.
Steve shook his head in confusion “what do you mean?” he questions.
“that” Thor states pointing at JJ “is no son of Y/N’s”
Steve instantly felt his temper flare, his jaw clenching as he glared back at Thor “how could you possibly say that?” he demands.
“he looks absolutely nothing like her! doesn’t act as she did either! He is the perfect copy of you! not her! there is nothing of her in him, only you!” Thor shouts getting more and more worked up.
JJ whimpers in Steve’s arms clutching onto his shirt tighter “keep your voice down you’re scaring him” Steve tells him firmly.
“I don’t care! He’s no nephew of mine!” Thor growls glaring daggers at JJ.
“Thor!” Steve exclaims in disbelief.
At that exact moment, Roberta burst through the front door, storming into the living room and standing in between Thor and Steve. Steve should have guessed she wouldn’t have gone far, listening into the conversation.
“I’m going to give you 5 seconds to get the hell out of this house before I whoop your ass” She threatens glaring up at Thor.
Thor baulks slightly as he looks down at Roberta “who are you to tell a god what to do?” he states once he recovered from his initial shock.
“the woman who’s gonna beat your ass if you don’t get your drunk, washed-up, ass outta this house!” Roberta tells him pointing to his chest harshly.
Thor glances over at Steve but Steve wasn’t giving him any help, not after he’d disrespected both you and JJ. While Steve deep down knew it was his grief causing Thor to act out, he couldn’t let his son get hurt in the process.
“Thor just go and don’t come back, I’m not letting you see JJ again until you sort yourself out” Steve states, hoping some tough love would snap him out of it.
“Fine! I don’t want to see either of you again anyway, not after you failed her” Thor says pointing over at Steve accusingly.
“Thor-“ Steve starts but Thor interrupts.
“No, you don’t get to say anything! You broke your promise! You swore you’d keep her safe and you failed! Liar!” Thor shouts before storming back out of the house, disappearing with a clap of thunder.
Steve took a shuddering breath as he looked down at JJ, holding him closer as he gently soothed him rocking him.
“It's okay, it's okay now, dada’s sorry for shouting” Steve whispered kissing the top of JJ’s head and blinking back his tears.
“you okay?” Roberta asked gently, putting a hand on Steve’s arm.
“yeah” Steve lies his voice breaking.
“hey it’s okay you didn’t fail her, you did everything you could to save her” Roberta reminds him gently, rubbing her hand up and down his arm.
“I know” Steve mutters sniffling back the tears “It’s just that…” he starts before taking a deep breath to compose himself and find the words he wanted “he’s not wrong, JJ looks nothing like her” he sighs.
“she’s still in him though, they’ll be parts of her that’ll shine through as he grows up” Roberta reassures him smiling gently over at JJ.
“I know… it's just that I’m glad he doesn’t look like her and I feel so guilty about that” Steve admits shaking his head.
“why?” Roberta asks tilting her head slightly.
“because I’m not sure if I could cope if every time I looked at him, I saw her” Steve explains “and I know in a few year's time I’ll probably think differently, and wish he did look more like her but right now I don’t”
“That's okay Steve, I’m sure any parent in your situation would feel the same way,” Roberta tells him “I know Frank found it hard seeing Mary grow up looking just like her mother but also loved seeing part of her in Mary, it’s a double-edged sword… but as JJ grows you’ll see more of Y/N in him I promise”
“Thanks Roberta” Steve sighed sniffling back his tears, he then looked down at JJ relieved to see him now settled.
JJ lifted his head from Steve’s shoulder, a small frown forming on his face when he saw Steve’s sad expression. He shifted himself in Steve’s arms his small hands moving to Steve’s cheeks wiping away his tears and pushing Steve’s lips up into a smile.
“it's otay dada,” JJ says and instantly Steve saw you in JJ’s behaviour and mannerism, always looking after others before yourself.
“yeah, it's okay,” Steve says smiling through the tears.
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Steve was dreading September. He had been secretly hoping it would never come but soon enough it was the first week of September and JJ was heading off to his first day of preschool. Steve was thinking of waiting another year until he was 4 but Roberta, Nat and the preschool teachers had told him that now was the perfect time. If he waited another year it would be harder for JJ to integrate with all the other kids and he’d have less time to get ready for kindergarten.
So here he was standing on his front porch, Nat and Roberta stood beside him as JJ stood proudly in front of the front door. He smiled brightly as he held up the chalkboard Nat had brought that had ‘1st day of Preschool’ written on it, Scout sat next to him. Steve took a small step back as he let Nat take a photo, she was always much better at that than him, giving JJ a thumbs up as she took the photo.
“you excited?” Roberta asks quietly, nudging Steve in the side.
“Hm?” Steve hums glancing down at her.
“you excited to have a bit of your life back, you can do whatever you want now during the day and not have to worry about childcare” Roberta explains.
“huh? Oh yeah I guess, guess I could finally finish those guest rooms” Steve says thinking out loud.
“you should try and get out of the house Steve” Roberta pushes.
“yeah I guess” Steve sighs before glancing down at his watch noticing the time “Alright bean time to go otherwise we’ll be late,” Steve says walking back over to JJ.
“say bye-bye to scout, you’ll see him later when you’re finished with preschool,” Steve tells him nodding down to Scout.
“otay, buh-bye ‘out” JJ says giving Scout a tight hug, Scout’s tail wagging furiously at the attention.
“right in you go Scout, I’ll be back later for a run, don’t steal any socks while I’m gone,” Steve says ushering Scout back inside the house.
“c’mon bean, say goodbye to Auntie Nat and Roberta,” Steve says grabbing JJ’s tiny rucksack in one hand, and holding onto JJ’s hand with the other.
“Buh-bye!” JJ cheers waving at Nat and Roberta before they walk to the car.
Steve helps JJ into his car seat, strapping him in before gently shutting the door.
“see you later Steve, try not to cry” Nat smirks as Steve walks round to the driver's side door.
“thanks Romanoff” Steve deadpans rolling his eyes as he opens the car door and climbs into the car.
He starts up the car, rolling down the windows so JJ could wave to Nat and Roberta as Steve slowly backed the car off the drive and set off in the direction of the preschool.
Soon enough they pulled up outside of the preschool and Steve took JJ’s hand as they walked to the room he’d be in. JJ practically bounced with excitement as they approached. JJ’s teacher, Miss Hutchinson, waved at JJ when she saw them approaching.
“Hey there JJ! Are you excited for your first day of preschool?” She smiles bending down to be at eye level with JJ.
“yeah!” JJ beams nodding his head vigorously.
“That’s great! And how’s dad doing?” She asks Steve as she stands up, a warm smile on her face.
“he’s fine” Steve nods giving her a small and awkward smile in return.
“Good, now the latest pick up is 4 pm but if you need to come back earlier you are more than welcome to” She explains to Steve.
“4 pm should be fine, just let me know if he needs picking up earlier” Steve nods down to JJ.
“we will, now JJ are you gonna be a brave boy and say goodbye to dad?” Miss Hutchinson says to JJ.
JJ nods turning round to face Steve, hugging him tightly as Steve crouched down “be a good boy and I’ll see you later okay?” Steve tells him putting his hands on JJ’s shoulder.
“otay! Bye dada” JJ beams nodding his head.
“bye bean,” Steve says forcing a smile as he gives JJ one more hug before letting him head into the class.
Steve was expecting some form of kickback but JJ went in easily, clearly perfectly okay with the idea of Steve leaving him in a strange place. Steve hovered slightly just in case JJ suddenly changed his mind but he didn’t.
“you should probably go now if he sees you hanging around he might get worried,” Miss Hutchinson tells Steve gently.
Steve clears his throat nodding, tearing his eyes away from JJ “yes of course, just give me a call if there’s a problem”
“will do Mr Rogers, have a nice day and try not to worry too much” She smiles ushering Steve away.
The entire day Steve tried to keep himself occupied, he cleaned around the house until there was no more mess. He took Scout out for the longest run to date, even the energetic pup was exhausted when they got home. Steve ticked off everything on his to-do list but he still found himself constantly checking his phone to see if he’d missed a call or text asking to pick JJ up, but there was always nothing.
Steve just felt a bit lost.
His days used to be filled with chaos as he looked after JJ while trying to get stuff done around the house. But now the house was silent. The only noise was Scout’s snores as he snoozed post-run. He didn’t realise how just much of his day-to-day life revolved around JJ until JJ wasn’t there.
Steve tried to wait until 4 pm to pick JJ up but he couldn’t. Eventually caving and picking him up at 3 pm, at least it was only an hour early. The weird feeling Steve had all day melted away as soon as JJ came running out crashing into Steve’s open arms. Steve chuckled as he picked JJ up giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“hey, bean! Did you have a good day?” Steve smiles brushing some of JJ’s bright blonde hair off his forehead.
“yeah!” JJ nods excitedly.
“Good, now because you were such a good boy and super brave, how about we go out for a little treat?” Steve offers tilting his head slightly.
JJ gasps “I-scream?” he asks hopefully.
“yep ice cream, c’mon” Steve chuckled as he put JJ back down, taking his hand and leading him back to the car.
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As the weeks went on Steve was hoping that he’d be able to form a routine for himself but he couldn’t. that weird feeling he felt whenever he was home alone only got worse and worse and it was getting harder and harder for Steve to not pick JJ up early.
“so are you finally gonna tell me what’s been bothering you the past couple of weeks?” Dr Raynor asks knowingly as she leans back in her chair.
“I’m fine,” Steve says shaking his head.
Dr Raynor raises a brow before going to reach for her notebook. Steve instantly puts his hand out to stop her.
“Okay, okay, fine there’s something, just don’t do the notebook thing” Steve sighs shaking his head.
“want to talk about it?” She asks resting her hand back in her lap.
“Maybe, I dunno… I don’t think there’s much to talk about?” Steve admits shrugging his shoulders.
“Well let’s see, shall we? What has happened the past couple of weeks?” Dr Raynor asks him.
“um okay… well JJ started Pre-school a couple of weeks back and ever since I’ve just had this weird feeling whenever he’s at school” Steve explains gesturing to his chest.
“What kind of feeling?” Dr Raynor asks tilting her head, brows furrowing slightly.
“I don’t know, I guess I just feel a bit lost like I’m looking around the house trying to find something to do but I either don’t have the energy or there isn’t anything to do because I’ve done it all” Steve explains shrugging his shoulders.
Dr Raynor nods her head slowly “and does this feeling go when you pick JJ up?” she asks knowingly.
“yeah” Steve sighs nodding his head.
A smile forms on Dr Raynor’s lips as she nods her head “that is a perfectly normal feeling for any parent whose kids have just started school” she tells him.
“Really?” Steve asks surprised.
“yes, I felt the same when I dropped my kids off on their first days” She smiles.
“how do you stop it?” Steve asks.
“Most parents go back to work,” Dr Raynor says shrugging her shoulders.
Steve shakes his head “I don’t need a job, I have enough money from Avenging” he tells her.
Dr Raynor arches a brow “you know not everyone has a job for money, some people get jobs because it provided them with a routine and a purpose” she tells him.
“I guess…” Steve sighs before shrugging his shoulders “I just don’t know what I would do”
“well you like art, and you’re pretty good at it and I know local community centres are always looking for new teachers so you could teach art there” She suggests.
“aren’t they usually evening classes?” Steve points out.
“typically but classes do run during the day too, especially in this post-snap world when people are trying move on and rebuild” Dr Raynor explains.
“Okay, I guess I’ll look into it” Steve sighs nodding his head.
Once his session was finished Steve kept to his word and stopped by the local community centre near his house to enquire about starting up an art class. The woman behind the desk was really helpful, showing Steve all the equipment they already had and finding slots in the timetable that worked for both the centre and Steve.
“that’s all sorted, it’ll take a couple of weeks to start getting sign-ups but I’m sure there’ll be plenty” she smiles passing Steve a couple of forms for him to fill out.
“hi um sorry to interrupt but I was wondering if there were any support groups here?” a man asks walking over nervously.
“of course, what kind of support are you after?” the woman asks looking down at her computer.
“um post snap support?” the man asks rubbing his hands together nervously as he glanced at Steve.
Steve sighed dropping his head and wishing he was able to do more or just something to help people, especially since he couldn’t stop the snap from happening in the first place.
“oh no we don’t sorry, have you tried other community centres?” she says shaking her head.
“yeah they’re all full or don’t have one either” the man explains.
“I’m sorry, if you give me your email I can let you know if we get one sorted?” The woman offers.
Suddenly a memory pops into Steve’s head, the one of Steve listening in to the support group Sam used to run in DC. The more steve thought about it the more he realised that maybe this could be the thing he could do to help.
“um,” Steve says clearing his throat as he spoke up “I um could possibly run a support group?” Steve suggests.
“Really?” the woman says surprised.
“um yeah, I know how important support groups are and if I can help people by running one then I want to help, especially since it’s kinda my fault” Steve admits looking down at the floor.
“That would be amazing thank you so much,” the man says gratefully taking Steve by surprise.
“Okay then, I’ll get you a couple more forms to fill out,” the woman says with a lopsided grin as she starts tapping at her computer.
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orionhousingsposts · 2 months
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