#leading fasteners manufacturers
upsindia · 6 months
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jewellery-box · 10 months
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Dress. Scotland, Glasgow (place of manufacture), circa 1863. Wool, cotton.
Glasgow Museum Collections
Woman’s dress in light purple wool embroidered with in purple and white thread in tambour-work in an abstract pattern. High round neckline trimmed with lace, bodice loosely pleated from shoulders to wide v-shape at straight waistline with two narrow vertical pieces of gauze with tambour-work centre front with fastening behind of nine metal hooks and thread eyes attached to lining. Full-length sleeves with short pointed frill at shoulder edged with tambour-work, applied narrow piece of gauze around lower arm to suggest folded back cuff, hem edged with white lace. Skirt, full-length, pleated into waistband with tambour-work border around lower half, opening at front fastened by two metal hooks and thread eyes with small watch pocket in waistband. Bodice and sleeves lined with glazed cotton, skirt lined with cotton.
This beautiful dress is made from light purple wool. The silhouette follows the fashions of the early 1860s with a softly draped bodice and wide, full-length skirt that would have been held out by a steel-framed cage-crinoline.
The dress is decorated with an abstract pattern in purple and white thread tambour-work. The stitch resembles chain-stitch but is worked with the cloth stretch over a hoop, known as tambour, using a small hook rather than a needle. The technique originated in India and reached Britain the 1760s. By the early 19th century the west of Scotland was a leading centre for manufacturing tamboured muslins, with up to 20,000 women and girls in total working in the British industry.
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nasa · 2 years
NASA Photographers Share Their Favorite Photos of the SLS Moon Rocket
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NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket is on the launch pad at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida and in final preparations for the Artemis I mission to the Moon. Now that our Moon rocket is almost ready for its debut flight, we wanted to take a look back at some of the most liked photographs of our SLS rocket coming together over the years.
We asked NASA photographers to share their favorite photos of the SLS rocket for Artemis I at different phases of testing, manufacturing, and assembly. Here are their stories behind the photos:
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“On this day in March 2018, crews at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, transported the intertank structural test article off NASA’s Pegasus barge to the Load Test Annex test facility for qualification testing.” —Emmett Given, photographer, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
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“This is the liquid oxygen tank structural test article as it was moved from the Pegasus barge to the West Test Area at our Marshall Space Flight Center on July 9, 2019. The tank, which is structurally identical to its flight version, was subsequently placed in the test stand for structural testing several days later. I remember it being a blazing hot day!” —Fred Deaton, photographer, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
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“The large components of the SLS rocket’s core stage can make you forget that there are many hands-on tasks required to assemble a rocket, too. During the mating of the liquid hydrogen tank to the forward section of the rocket’s 212-foot-tall core stage in May 2019, technicians fastened 360 bolts to the circumference of the rocket. Images like this remind me of all the small parts that have to be installed with care, expertise, and precision to create one huge Moon rocket. Getting in close to capture the teammates that work tirelessly to make Artemis a success is one of the best parts of my job.” —Eric Bordelon, photographer, NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
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“An incredible amount of precision goes into building a rocket, including making sure that each of our SLS rocket’s four RS-25 engines is aligned and integrated into the core stage correctly. In this image from October 2019, I attempted to illustrate the teamwork and communication happening as technicians at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans do their part to help land the first woman and the first person of color on the Moon through the Artemis missions. It’s rare to see the inside of a rocket – not as much for the NASA and Boeing engineers who manufacture and assemble a rocket stage!” —Jared Lyons, photographer, NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
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“When the fully assembled and completed core stage left the Michoud factory in January 2020, employees took a “family photo” to mark the moment. Crews transported the flight hardware to NASA’s Pegasus barge on Jan. 8 in preparation for the core stage Green Run test series at NASA’s Stennis Space Center near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi. When I look at this photo, I am reminded of all of the hard work and countless hours the Michoud team put forth to build this next-generation Moon rocket. I am honored to be part of this family and to photograph historic moments like this for the Artemis program.” —Steven Seipel, MAF multimedia team lead, NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
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“This photo shows workers at Stennis prepare to lift the SLS core stage into the B-2 Test Stand for the SLS Green Run test series in the early morning hours of Jan. 22, 2020. I started shooting the lift operation around midnight. During a break in the action at about 5:30 a.m., I was driving my government vehicle to the SSC gas station to fuel up, when I saw the first light breaking in the East and knew it was going to be a nice sunrise. I turned around and hurried back to the test stand, sweating that I might run out of gas. Luckily, I didn’t run out and was lucky enough to catch a beautiful Mississippi sunrise in the background, too.” —Danny Nowlin, photographer, NASA’s Stennis Space Center
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“I like the symmetry in the video as it pushes toward the launch vehicle stage adapter. Teams at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, loaded the cone-shaped piece of flight hardware onto our Pegasus barge in July 2020 for delivery to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The one-point perspective puts the launch vehicle stage adapter at the center of attention, but, if you pay attention to the edges, you can see people working. It gives a sense of scale. This was the first time I got to walk around Pegasus and meet the crew that transport the deep space rocket hardware, too.” —Sam Lott, videographer, SLS Program at Marshall Space Flight Center
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“This was my first time photographing a test at our Stennis Space Center, and I wasn't sure what to expect. I have photographed big events like professional football games, but I wasn't prepared for the awesome power unleashed by the Space Launch System’s core stage and four RS-25 engines during the Green Run hot fire test. Watching the sound wave ripple across the tall grass toward us, feeling the shock wave of ignition throughout my whole body, seeing the smoke curling up into the blue sky with rainbows hanging from the plume; all of it was as unforgettable as watching a football player hoist a trophy into the air.” —Michael DeMocker, photographer, NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
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“When our SLS Moon rocket launches the agency’s Artemis I mission to the Moon, 10 CubeSats, or small satellites, are hitching a ride inside the rocket’s Orion stage adapter (OSA). BioSentinel is one of those CubeSats. BioSentinel’s microfluidics card, designed at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, will be used to study the impact of interplanetary space radiation on yeast. To me, this photo is a great combination of the scientific importance of Artemis I and the human touch of more than 100 engineers and scientists who have dedicated themselves to the mission over the years.” —Dominic Hart, photographer, NASA’s Ames Research Center
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“I was in the employee viewing area at Kennedy when the integrated SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft was rolled out to the launchpad for its wet dress rehearsal in March 2022. I really like this photo because the sun is shining on Artemis I like a spotlight. The giant doors of the Vehicle Assembly Building are the red curtain that opened up the stage -- and the spotlight is striking the SLS because it’s the star of the show making its way to the launchpad. I remember thinking how cool that NASA Worm logo looked as well, so I wanted to capture that. It was so big that I had to turn my camera sideways because the lens I had wasn’t big enough to capture the whole thing.” —Brandon Hancock, videographer, SLS Program at NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center
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“I made this image while SLS and Orion atop the mobile launcher were nearing the end of their four-mile trek to the pad on crawler-transporter 2 ahead of launch. Small groups of employees were filtering in and out of the parking lot by the pad gate to take in the sight of the rocket’s arrival. The “We Are Going!” banner affixed to the gate in the foreground bears the handwritten names of agency employees and contractors who have worked to get the rocket and spacecraft ready for the Artemis I flight test. As we enter the final days before launch, I am proud to have made my small contribution to documenting the historic rollout for this launch to the Moon.” —Joel Kowsky, photographer, NASA Headquarters
More Photo-worthy Moments to Come!
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NASA photographers will be on the ground covering the Artemis I launch. As they do, we’ll continue to share their photos on our official NASA channels.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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sunshinesmebdy · 4 months
Balancing the Scales: Asteroid Mony in Libra and its Influence on Business Wisdom
In the intricate dance of celestial bodies, astrology has long been regarded as a tool for gaining insights into various aspects of life, including business and finance. One celestial player that holds particular significance is the asteroid Mony, with its current positioning in the zodiac sign of Libra. In this blog article, we delve into the mystical realm of astrology to explore the potential effects of asteroid Mony in Libra on business and finance. So, fasten your seatbelts as we embark on a cosmic journey into the world of economic energies guided by the stars.
Understanding Asteroid Mony:
Asteroid Mony, also known as Monya, is a celestial body that astrologers believe can influence financial matters and wealth accumulation. Its placement in different zodiac signs is thought to bring specific qualities and energies to the forefront. Currently stationed in Libra, the sign of balance and harmony, Mony’s cosmic influence takes on a unique and intriguing dimension.
Harmony and Negotiation in Business:
Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, emphasizing aesthetics, balance, and negotiation. With Mony in Libra, businesses may find themselves more attuned to the principles of harmony in their operations. This celestial alignment suggests that negotiations and partnerships will be crucial for success during this period. Entrepreneurs and business leaders are encouraged to seek win-win situations and adopt a diplomatic approach to financial dealings.
Real-life example: A global technology firm, recognizing the need for collaboration during the Mony in Libra transit, engaged in diplomatic negotiations with international partners. By fostering a harmonious working relationship, they successfully navigated complex regulatory landscapes, enabling smoother market entry and expansion.
Balancing the Financial Scales:
Libra is symbolized by the scales, representing justice, fairness, and balance. When Mony aligns with Libra, it can inspire individuals and businesses to reevaluate their financial strategies, ensuring that they are fair and just. This celestial alliance encourages fiscal responsibility and ethical financial practices, fostering a sense of equilibrium in the business world.
Real-life example: A financial institution, inspired by the celestial alliance of Mony in Libra, initiated a review of its lending practices. They implemented fair interest rates and transparent terms, ensuring that their financial strategies aligned with principles of justice and fairness. This not only improved customer trust but also contributed to long-term financial stability.
Creativity and Aesthetic Ventures:
Venus, as the ruler of Libra, also brings a touch of creativity and aesthetic appreciation to the forefront. Businesses may find that investing in artistic ventures or incorporating aesthetic elements into their products and services could prove beneficial during this cosmic alignment. Appealing to the senses and focusing on the visual aspect of branding may be key to capturing the market’s attention.
Real-life example: An innovative tech startup, recognizing the influence of Mony in Libra, revamped its product design to incorporate aesthetically pleasing elements. The redesigned user interface not only enhanced the user experience but also attracted a broader audience, leading to increased market share and improved financial performance.
Strategic Financial Planning:
As Libra is known for its strategic thinking and analytical approach, the combination of Mony and Libra suggests that meticulous financial planning will be rewarded. Businesses are encouraged to analyze their financial structures, investments, and expenses with a discerning eye. Strategic decision-making and calculated risks could lead to financial success during this celestial alignment.
Real-life example: A manufacturing company, guided by the analytical approach of Libra and Mony’s influence, implemented a comprehensive financial planning strategy. This involved a thorough analysis of production costs, strategic investments in technology, and calculated risks in entering new markets. The result was increased operational efficiency and significant revenue growth.
While skeptics may dismiss astrology as mere superstition, many individuals find solace and guidance in its teachings. The alignment of asteroid Mony in Libra offers a unique perspective on business and finance, encouraging businesses to embrace balance, harmony, and strategic thinking in their financial endeavors. Whether you’re a firm believer in astrology or simply intrigued by its mystique, exploring the cosmic influences on business can be a fascinating journey that adds a touch of celestial magic to the world of commerce.
Here are some tips for navigating this transit:
Embrace Diplomacy in Negotiations: During the transit of asteroid Mony in Libra, prioritize diplomatic and harmonious negotiations. Seek win-win situations, and approach business dealings with a spirit of cooperation and compromise. Building positive relationships will contribute to long-term success.
Reevaluate Financial Strategies with Fairness: The scales of Libra symbolize justice and balance. Take this opportunity to review your financial strategies and ensure they are fair and just. Consider implementing ethical financial practices, as this alignment encourages businesses to operate with integrity and transparency.
Strategic Financial Planning is Key: Libra’s strategic thinking, combined with Mony’s financial influence, calls for meticulous financial planning. Analyze your financial structures, investments, and expenses with precision. Develop a strategic roadmap that aligns with your business goals, helping you navigate potential challenges and seize opportunities.
Incorporate Aesthetics for Market Appeal: Venus, the ruler of Libra, brings a creative and aesthetic touch to the transit. Consider incorporating visual appeal into your products, services, or branding. Aesthetically pleasing elements can capture the attention of your target audience and set your business apart in the competitive market.
Foster Equilibrium in Business Operations: Strive for balance in all aspects of your business. Whether it’s balancing budgets, workloads, or team dynamics, maintaining equilibrium is crucial during this celestial alignment. Avoid extremes and find the middle ground to create a stable and sustainable business environment.
Cultivate Ethical Financial Practices: Libra’s influence emphasizes fairness and ethical considerations. Evaluate your financial practices to ensure they align with ethical standards. Adopting transparent and morally sound financial practices not only resonates positively with stakeholders but also contributes to long-term business stability.
Explore Artistic Ventures for Innovation: Leverage the creative energy brought forth by Mony in Libra to explore artistic ventures within your business. Whether it’s incorporating artistic elements into your marketing campaigns or investing in creative projects, tapping into the realm of aesthetics can lead to innovative solutions and heightened consumer engagement.
Be Mindful of Timing in Financial Decisions: Libra is associated with balance and timing. When making significant financial decisions, consider the timing carefully. Waiting for the opportune moment and aligning your actions with the natural flow of cosmic energies can enhance the success of your financial endeavors.
By incorporating these tips into your business strategies, you can harness the positive energies associated with asteroid Mony in Libra, creating a harmonious and prosperous path for your business and financial ventures.
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fuzzkaizer · 21 days
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mother of bra
"The underwear manufacturer Triumph was one of the leading inventors of bras without a front fastening and with adjustable straps. These sculptural shapes made of cast aluminium were used in the production of bras, probably from the 1960s onwards."
cred: instagram.com/nichtsneues_wien
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avlockindia1 · 2 months
Leading Manufacturer and Distributor of Premium Engineered Industrial Fasteners & Fastening Solutions
Get superior strength & reliability with our premium engineered industrial fasteners & solutions. Leading manufacturer & distributor. Request a quote today
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imperialchem · 10 months
Types of Insulators in Overhead Lines: The Ultimate Guide
Within the realm of electrical power transmission, overhead wires assume a pivotal function in facilitating the effective conveyance of electricity across extensive distances.  The aforementioned lines are upheld by a system of towers and poles, and a crucial element that guarantees their dependable functionality is the insulator.  Insulators are specifically engineered to impede the transmission of electrical current between the conductive elements and the supporting frameworks, ensuring the safety of the lines and upholding a consistent electrical provision.  Strengthen your electrical networks - Trust the expertly crafted Medium Voltage Support Insulators offered by Radiant Enterprises - one of the leading Medium Voltage Support Insulator manufacturers in India!
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This comprehensive reference aims to examine the various classifications of insulators utilised in overhead lines, elucidating their distinctive characteristics and practical implementations.
Pin Insulators:
Pin insulators are widely utilised in overhead lines, making them one of the most prevalent types in use.  The components are comprised of a body made of either ceramic or glass, including a spindle located at the bottom that is securely attached to the cross-arm of the supporting structure.  The conductors are affixed to the upper groove of the insulator, therefore ensuring electrical isolation.  Pin insulators are commonly used due to their simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and capacity to endure mechanical and electrical pressures.  Distribution lines and low-voltage transmission lines frequently employ these devices.
Suspension Insulators:
Suspension insulators are utilised in high-voltage transmission lines characterised by elevated tension levels.  The design of these units involves a serial connection of insulators, resulting in the formation of an elongated chain.  Typically, a unit comprises a ceramic or composite disc accompanied by a metallic cover and an insulating cement joint.  Suspension insulators are affixed to the cross-arm through the use of an insulating string, so facilitating the suspension of the conductor beneath the tower.  These insulators exhibit exceptional mechanical durability and demonstrate remarkable efficacy in environments characterised by substantial levels of pollution, such as industrial zones.
Strain Insulators:
When a transmission line terminates or a sharp turn is made in the line's direction, strain insulators are employed to securely terminate or anchor the conductors.  They are built to endure the mechanical tension of the hung conductor as well as the electrical stress.  Strain insulators are often constructed of porcelain or toughened glass and have a long, cylindrical shape.  Their major function is to disperse mechanical forces while preventing electrical contact.
Shackle Insulators:
Low-voltage distribution lines typically make use of shackle insulators, which are sometimes known as spool or link insulators.  Made of porcelain or polymer, they take the form of a spool.  Shackle insulators can be fastened to their support structure with a nut and bolt thanks to the centrally located threaded bolt.  The shackle eye is then used to secure the conductor.  For low-voltage uses, these insulators are a straightforward and inexpensive option.  Experience comfort and energy efficiency - Order high-quality Indoor Insulators manufactured and supplied by Radiant Enterprises - one of the renowned Indoor Insulator manufacturers in India!
Composite Insulators:
In recent years, composite insulators have experienced a surge in popularity owing to their advantageous characteristics, including their lightweight nature, superior mechanical strength, and exceptional pollution resistance.  Typically, these objects consist of a core made of fibreglass and a housing made of silicone rubber.  Composite insulators possess superior resistance to adverse environmental conditions, hence decreasing the necessity for maintenance.  Insulators made of alternative materials are employed in both distribution and transmission lines, serving as a practical substitute for conventional porcelain insulators.
Post Insulators:
Post insulators are commonly utilised in substations and various electrical apparatus.  These units are specifically engineered to function as a cohesive entity, effectively insulating the conductors from the earth or supporting structures.  Post insulators exhibit a diverse range of shapes and sizes, which are contingent upon the particular application and voltage prerequisites.  Crucial elements are present in order to guarantee the safety and effectiveness of electrical power networks within substations.
Final Thoughts:
Insulators play a crucial role in overhead lines, serving as essential components that guarantee the dependable and secure transmission of electrical power.  This comprehensive resource provides descriptions of numerous types of insulators that are designed to accommodate varying voltage levels, ambient circumstances, and mechanical specifications.  Various types of insulators, ranging from old pin and suspension insulators to contemporary composite insulators, possess distinct advantages and find usage in diverse contexts.
When undertaking the design of overhead lines, it is imperative to take into account many elements such as voltage levels, contamination levels, and mechanical loads in order to make an informed decision regarding the appropriate insulator type.  The continuous development of insulators, driven by breakthroughs in materials and manufacturing techniques, has resulted in improved efficiency and increased lifespan of power transmission networks on a global scale.  With the continuous advancement of technology, it is anticipated that there will be a proliferation of inventive insulator solutions in the future, which will further enhance the efficiency of overhead lines.  Ensure continuous power supply with expertly crafted Outdoor Insulators for your infrastructure supplied by Radiant Enterprises - one of the best Outdoor Insulator manufacturers in India!
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terrence-silver · 1 year
Beloved trying to pry at Terry to come up with a perfect gift for Valentine's day (since his gifts are always perfect) and he of course realizes what beloved is trying to do, and starts saying sickly sweet things that he secretly actually does mean. Like, "Oh precious, I just want you..."
Love, Cartier.
The advert said.
The Cartier Love Bracelets hand-wrought in 18k gold, locked with a special vermeil screwdriver. An exclusive Cartier design by Aldo Cipullo. Each bracelet, with a screwdriver, in four sizes, starting at $8000.
Terry Silver closes the glossy, black booklet brochure, tossing it aside, on the black leather seat, riding the train of his thoughts at the back of his chauffeured limousine Yes, that appealed to him. He supposed he went back to classics, even since he's met you and Cartier was about as classical of beginner's gift as it could get. A prelude of sorts. An introduction. Something the ingenue of every man like him needed to have. To lock you around a golden circlet on your wrist, tangibly representing his affections, with a screw only he possessed and kept? He was a connoisseur of history. Always. Five hundred years in the past, it would've been a chastity belt around your waist and he would've been a tyrant and strapped it around you to ensure nobody could even contemplate touching you, but him. The thought tickles him, but as things were, this was the 21st century, Los Angeles, California, a week before Valentines Day, and Terry Silver traded crude medieval contraptions for the nuances of modern, commissioned high-end jewelry. Was there really, truly, that much of a fundamental difference though?
They knew him by name at the invite-only Beverly Hills salon.
He's been a customer for decades.
His father before him too.
Naturally, you suspected a great many things where gifts he lavished you were concerned, but he figured a unique, measured golden choker for your neck, according to very precise sizing he gave to his manufacturers, functioning under the same concept as a love bracelet, locked with the same manner of mechanical screwdriver undoubtedly wasn't on your list of guesses for the holiday of love. He swerved you, utilizing charm and seduction, whenever you inquired; clever wordplay and all --- precious, you're all I'd ever want --- and there was no lies there, but much like a Angora pedigreed cat, well-fed, cherished and coveted on his lap, you had to have a collar with his nametag on you because that was simply what one did with pets. Maybe that's exactly why Terry needed to lock you up --- precisely because he wanted you so much. The savant of the Hills Cartier salon leads him into a separate room, neon-lit, halogen, high-security walk-in safe, followed by every pleasantry in the world when he presents the finished product, tucked away in a velvet, plush red box --- blood crimson --- showcasing the design intended for you, all smooth metal, flawlessness and the discreet engraving of his initials.
On the back.
Happy Valentines day indeed.
On the 14th of February, he presents the box to you over dinner, removes the collar and fastens it around your neck, clicking it into place with a sort of finality, finding it fits as perfect as Terry Silver enjoyed all things fitting. Tucking the screwdriver safely into his pocket, into a separate box all of its own, he finds he's content with the gift. Not the last, certainly. The first of all you'll accept. What choice remained?
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duplexsteel · 9 months
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Duplex steel and engg. Co. Pvt. Ltd is one of the leading manufacturer of Duplex Steel 2205, Super duplex 2507, pipe, Tube, sheet, plates, flanges, fasteners in India.
DUPLEX STEEL 2205 / UNS S31803PLATES / SHEETS / COIL Request the latest Duplex Steel 2205 Plates / Sheets / Coil Price List. Please Call +91 98691 88888 or Send an Email to [email protected] for Duplex Steel UNS S31803, 1.4462 Pipe Plates / Sheets / Coil Ready stock information and updated price list.
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upsindia · 6 months
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tanish100 · 1 year
Stainless Steel Seamless 316 Pipe
M- PIPE & FITTING SOLUTION INC. is a Leading Pipes &Tubes Manufacturer, Sheets & Plates Manufacturer, Buttweld Fittings Manufacturer, Forged Fittings Manufacturer, Flanges Manufacturer, Fasteners Manufacturer, Round Bars Manufacturer, in Mumbai, India.
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mattadrawing · 1 year
Square Profile Bar - Everything Need To Know
Square Profile Bars are steel rods that are mainly used in auto and construction projects. The stainless steel square profile bars are anti-abrasive and anti-corrosive which makes them appropriate for joints in commercial medical environments. Preferred applications of square profile barsinclude mounting decorative ironwork, gates, and safety barriers around establishments.
If you are in search of stainless steel square profile bars of the highest quality, please look no further. Matta Drawing Works is India’s leading manufacturer of highly durable stainless steel square profile bars in dozens of grades and sizes, including 304l, 316l, and 303.
What is a square profile bar?
A square profile bar, also known as square steel, squares, and the square metal bar is a multipurpose steel section highly used for manufacturing and repairs. The general-purpose square profile bar is a part of our light and re-rolled section, making it suitable for most commercial projects.
If you are looking for great quality Stainless Steel square profile bars then you have come to the right place. We are equipped with a variety of grades, sizes, and finishes to suit all your requirements whether you are a commercial business owner or a domestic customer. Matta Drawing Works is the No.1 provider of square profile bars and other products, in Grades 304, 316, and 303, providing a cutting service with a quick turnaround and 1st class polishing service.
What Makes Stainless Steel Square Profile Bar Irreplaceable?
Several reasons make stainless steel bright square profile bar irreplaceable. Whether concrete, wood, or other synthetic fibers are found in the surrounding area, the anti-corrosion qualities, durability, strength, and dependability make the stainless steel square profile bar remain unmatched. The size of the square profile bars determines its application space. These bars have a wide range of uses and are available in various grades.
Some Major Properties Of Stainless Square Bar
●       Strength to withstand any physical or chemical conditions.
●       High resistance against extreme climatic conditions.
●       Cost-effective as well as durable.
The Stainless Steel square profile bars are used because of the high strength of the bar. The square shape is geometrically stronger and is able to handle stress more than the round bars. Therefore, the material is used in pressure vessel applications and general corrosive services under specifications like the ASTM A276 Stainless Steel 316 squareprofile bar. The different polishes such as the bright, black, and polished square profilebars give them unique application abilities. The weight of the material depends on the width, diameter, length, and density of the grade of material used. The 304 and 316 grades of square profile barshave 8 grams per centimeter cube density. Major features of square profile bar include,
●       High tensile strength
●       100% purity level
●       Unmatched quality
●       Superior performance
●       Long work life
●       Chemical resistance
●       Corrosion resistance
Square profile bars made out of stainless steel, a strong and sturdy metal resistant to corrosion. They are also used for many purposes due to their flexibility and how easily they can be shaped.
Square profile bars is a solid metal bar that has a square cross-section. They are widely used in multiple industries for general assembly or manufacturing. Square profilebars are also used for general repairs of plant equipment and railings. Common applications of square profile barsinclude ornamental ironwork, gates, and protective barriers on windows. Other applications include,
●       Automobile industries
●       Machining equipment
●       Machining Tools
●       Heavy engineering
●       Textile industries
●       Fasteners
Matta Drawing Works is a stainless steel bright square profile bar...
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Our first post
We, Nufit Piping Solutions, are An ISO Certified Leading Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier in India We Supply Sheet, Plate, Seamless Pipe, Welded Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Buttweld pipe fittings, Tube fittings, Forged Fittings, Flanges, Welding Rod, Bar, Valves, Fasteners & all type of industrial products.
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dtnut · 2 years
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ananka-fasteners · 2 years
Nickel Aluminium Bronze NES 833 Part 2 - Ananka Fasteners
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Ananka Group is a leading Aluminium Bronze Fasteners Manufacturer in India, producing a wide range of Aluminium Bronze Fasteners in various sizes, grades, and scales. Our Aluminium Bronze Fasteners are manufactured by national & international standards. C614 Aluminum Bronze Studs are alloyed with zinc and have higher corrosion resistance to high-velocity seawater. Ananka Group is a manufacturer of all kinds of metal products. We are in the industry for several years.
Our Aluminum Bronze Threaded Rod can be used in high wear and tear applications. We offer various sizes of studs, screws, rods, and fasteners in the aluminum bronze range. We produce the most popular grade C63000 Aluminium Bronze Bolts And Nuts which are used in seawater applications and marine applications for high shock resistance and abrasion resistance.
Specifications of Aluminum Bronze Fasteners
Aluminum Bronze Alloy Fasteners Material Specification:- C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze Plow Bolts, UNS C62300 Bolts
Aluminum Bronze Fasteners / Bolts Standard:- DIN, UNI, ISO, JIS, GB, IS, BS, ASME, ANSI, ASTM and all International Standards
C61400 Aluminum Bronze Fasteners/ Bolts Size:- M2, M2.5, M3, M4, M5, M6, M8, M10, M12, M14, M16, M20, M24, M30, M36 to M160
Length of C955 Aluminum Bronze Hex Cap Screw:- 3 mm to 200 mm
C614 Aluminum Bronze Bolts, Studs Threads:- METRIC, BSW, BSF, UNC, UNF or as required
C630 Nickel Aluminum Bronze Allen Cap Screw Standard:- ANSI – American National Standards Institute - ANSI B 18.2.4 2M, ANSI B 28.2.4 1M, Aluminum Bronze Alloy Stud Bolt length are defined in ASME B16.5 standard, Aluminum Bronze Hex nuts are defined in ASME B18.2.2, ASME B18.5 DIN: 931, 933, 934, 970 UTS – Unified Thread Standard: UNC, UNF, UNEF, UNS, NPT, NPTF ISO – International Organization for Standardization: ISO 4032, ISO 4033, JIS standards
Source of Raw Materials to Manufacture Cual10ni5fe4 Aluminum Bronze Socket Cap Screw:- Tata Steel, JSPL, RINL, Usha Martin, Dhamm Steel, Mukund Steel, etc.
Scope:- Manufacturer of Hot Forged C955 Nickel Aluminum Bronze Hex Cap Screws, Nut / Bolt; up to M36 / 1-1/2” Dia, up to 1100mm lg, Manufacturer of CNC Machined Aluminum Bronze Fasteners, Nut / Bolt; up to M100 / 4” Dia, up to 1500mm lg
Uns C61400 Aluminum Bronze U Bolt in Form Of:- Hex, Square, Round, Threading as per Gauge Etc.
Head Drive:- Phillips, Slotted, Phillips/Slot, Six-Lobe, etc.
Aluminum Bronze Alloy Hex Bolt Thread:- Metric Coarse
Aluminum Bronze Bolting Test Certificate:- Manufacturer Test Certificate as per EN 10204 / 3.1
C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze Bolts Types:- Aluminum Bronze Alloy Hex Bolts, Flange Bolts, Hex Head Bolts, Lag Bolts, Square Bolts, Eye Bolts, U Bolts, T Bolts, Countersunk Bolts, etc.
C955 Aluminum Bronze Nut Types:- Aluminum Bronze Alloy Hex Head Nut, Eye Nut, Dome Nut, Wing Nut, T Nut, Panel Nut, Lock Nut, Coupling Nut, Square Nut, Acorn Nut, etc.
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Ready Stock Available Metric Aluminum Bronze Fasteners Aluminum Bronze Alloy Bolts M16 x 65mm DIN933 Aluminum Bronze Bolts M16 x 45mm DIN933 C61400 Aluminum Bronze Hex Nut M16 C63000 Aluminum Bronze Washer M16 C614 Aluminum Bronze Bolts M16 X 60mm C959 Aluminum Bronze Bolts M16 X 55mm C62300 Aluminum Bronze Bolts M16 X 35mm C63000 Nickel Aluminum Bronze Bolts M12 X 90mm C955 Aluminum Bronze Bolts M12 X 70mm C630 Nickel Aluminum Bronze Bolts M20 x 70mm Cual10ni5fe4 Aluminum Bronze Bolts M20 x 75mm
Source:- https://anankafasteners.com/aluminium-bronze-fasteners-manufacturer-india/ Call & WhatsApp:- +91 83690 74984 Mail:- [email protected] Website:- https://anankafasteners.com/
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delacruzgeorge45 · 2 years
Silent Diesel Generators Bundu Energy
To complement its ageing power vegetation, Eskom is growing the Kusile and Medupi projects, however each are years behind schedule and tens of billions of rands over budget. The few models at Kusile and Medupi that are on-line carry out unreliably. Eskom’s power station performance has deteriorated steeply partially due to delays to crucial upkeep work. The scenario worsened on Saturday after Eskom misplaced its electricity imports from the Cahora Bassa hydroelectric system in Mozambique, which contributes more than 1,000 MW to the South African grid, after a robust cyclone. Eateries throughout the nation have been onerous hit by the rolling blackouts after energy provider Eskom lost some of its technology capacity. Yes at these intervals the prices may be comparable, but generators are an ongoing expense where batteries/inverters are fastened. Not solely will power outages cut back your businesses’ productivity and profitability, power black outs additionally create safety system failures. A diesel generator converts mechanical energy into electrical vitality. Although a generator doesn't actually create vitality, it quite uses the mechanical energy supplied, to move electric expenses by way of the circuit. This could be especially true when installing further energy generation into an current constructing. These generators have a stable build and are dependable, cost-effective and highly effective. Designed with the customer in mind, QAS vary comes with all that's wanted as normal to supply reliable power in rental applications and heavy duty development use. These energy generators are also unrivalled in phrases of flexibility, due to their simple paralleling. diesel generator Not certain how folks can moan, especially those living in suburbia where you have leaf blowers, angle grinders, lawn mowers, individuals working on automobiles and and which are method louder. From electrical autos to sensible monitoring drones, NAMPO Harvest Day 2022 shone a spotlight on modern agriculture technologies. 4Sight’s implementation of the Aveva resolution at the pharmaceutical firm Reckitt earned both events an award. Leading consulting engineering and infrastructure advisory firm, Zutari, has appointed Zipporah Maubane as chief advertising and communications officer for Africa and the Middle East . “This was a singular challenge for the SSI staff as a outcome of the intense element required within the bill of portions went means past ranges required on typical projects. The remoteness of the situation demanded that every little thing required for development be delivered in the right quantities as the supply ship, the SA Agulhas, only calls on the Island each 4 months. Our diesel generators vary from 5kVA up to 50kVA, with optional AVR . AVR is on the market on all imported items and so they are perfect for building use, mines, industrial, agricultural and residential use. With varied well-known manufacturers similar to Weima and Lutian, we offer high-quality, sturdy generator solutions. Providing powerful solutions throughout the whole of South Africa, we can provide diesel generator sets in all sizes from 10 kVA to 1000 kVA+ and repair all industries.
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