#last boss smut
aliceinnaughtyland · 1 year
Pairing: Last Boss x Reader, Niragi x Reader
Warnings: smut, unprotected sex (wrap it guys, stay safe!), threesome
Word count: 1.4K
Summary: Your boyfriend Niragi made Last Boss an offer he could'nt refuse.
Author’s note: You cannot convince me that Niragi doesn’t have a voyeurism kink. Sharing is caring! Also "FRIEND FROM THE PAST - PART 2" is almost done and y'all are not ready!
Nota bene: We do NOT condone Niragi and Last Boss' actions as we do NOT condone violence and rape! We only love the Dori Sakurada’s interpretation of Niragi and Shuntarô Yanagi's interpretation of Last Boss! This is fantasies only! You do NOT deserve this! If you are a victim of violence, please get help as soon as possible! You are not alone. Stay safe xx
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Being Niragi’s girlfriend has its perks.
First of all, no one ever dared to bother you. You could live your best life at the Beach, knowing nothing would happen to you. Then, you had fun. Niragi took nothing seriously and you both spent the days pranking everyone before running away. But the best part of the relationship was the sex. The sex was amazing. Niragi never refused to try anything and he never let you leave before knowing you were fully satisfied.
It was a warm day. You were chilling on your boyfriend’s lap at the pool, his hand high on your uncovered thigh.
“You know he has a crush on you, right?” he asked when you both caught Last Boss staring at you, making him look away quickly.
“I see it in the way he looks at you. He wants to fuck you so bad!”
You didn’t answer, your eyes still looking at the bald man. You knew he had a crush on you for a while now. As much as he tried to hide it, he was looking like a teenage girl, staring at you when he thought you weren’t looking and blushing every time you had caught him. Yet you never could have a proper discussion with him.
“I’m not sure he’s ever slept with anyone” Niragi interrupted your trail of thoughts. “We should invite him over” he stated.
At the end of their militant meeting, Niragi waited for Last Boss, stopping him at the door.
« Come with me, I have something for you »
Last Boss rose a brow but followed anyway, as silently as always.
When both of them arrived at your room, Niragi knocked, surprising Last Boss, who knew exactly whose room it was.
You opened the door with nothing but a swimsuit bottom and an enormous shirt, Niragi’s, smiling from ear to ear. Niragi kissed you gently as he entered the room, passing you as you waited for Last Boss to enter. But he didn’t, and you began walking back inside the room, letting the door open for him to follow.
He entered suspiciously, closing the door silently behind him, and walked toward you, Niragi sitting in a chair in the room’s corner.
Last Boss stared at him questioningly before being interrupted by your voice.
« Do you have a crush on me? »
His eyes snapped toward you and bounced back to your boyfriend, almost afraid. But Niragi smiled slowly, relaxing back into the chair. Takatora glanced at the rifle that was too far for Niragi to kill him. 
« You know, if you don’t want to do that, all you have to do is say so and we’ll get back to our life like nothing happened » you told him, taking a step forward.
Last Boss stared at you for a few seconds, titling his head on the side questionably, before looking at Niragi again.
As his eyes still were on your smiling boyfriend when you approached him slowly. You could feel the heat irradiating from his body and brushed your lips against his.
The moment you separated your lips, he closed the distance between you with no hesitation and kissed you so fiercely that you stumbled.
Niragi wasn’t smiling anymore. He leaned forward, watching the scene in front of him intensely. But he wasn’t upset. He could feel the blood rushing to his cock just looking at the scene in front of him.
Last Boss laid you on the bed, not breaking the kiss, and hovered over you, caging you against the bed.
His kisses were hungry, his body overpowered yours.
His hands flew below your shirt, finding your waist. He grabbed you like he was afraid you’ll evaporate.
He began grinding against you. His body needed some sort of relief, anything coming from you really.
You lifted your knee between his legs, making him groan in the crook of your neck.
His hands didn’t leave an inch of your body untouched.
He left a trail of open-mouthed kisses from your jaw down to your torso before he focused his tongue on your already hard nipple through your shirt.
Last Boss was so lost on you he couldn’t even remember your boyfriend sitting at less than two meters from him.
He ran one of his hand from your thigh to your hip, grazing your side until he reached your face, gripping it to kiss you deeply once more.
He was so lost in the kiss he didn’t feel your legs surrounding his sides, and in one swift movement, you flipped both of you over.
Once you were on his lap, you grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a sitting position to resume your kiss as soon as possible.
He kissed your neck, finding the particular spot that made your heart jump.
Your hands were on the back of his head, pulling him as close as possible.
“Mark me” you breathed
For the first time since he felt your lips on his, Takatora acknowledged Niragi’s presence. He wanted to mark you so badly, to make everyone know he fucked you. But he didn’t know what the limits were, and he definitely didn’t want the situation to stop because he went too far.
“You heard her Takatora? Mark her. We want to make our girl happy right?”
Our Girl. Fuck. These words could have make you cum right now and there.
“Our girl” Takatora repeated quietly just for you to hear.
He grabbed your shirt and took it off of your body slowly, taking the time to admire every inch of you. And fuck, he had no fucking idea how he could just not jump on you right now and fuck you like an animal.
He wanted you. He needed you. And he didn’t want to wait anymore.
His fingers quickly found your clit through your bottom, playing with it until you were a sobbing mess on top of him.
Last Boss couldn’t take his eyes off of you. You were mesmerizing.
Niragi couldn’t take his eyes off of the scene either. His girl whining on top of his best friend.
His cock was so hard it hurt.
He quickly stood and grabbed your arm, taking you to him, your back against his front.
“Stand!” he ordered to the tall man. Takatora quickly complied, trapping you between both of them.
Niragi teared your swimsuit apart as Takatora’s hand took his previous place.
Your boyfriend gently grabbed your throat from behind, making you turn your head to look at him.
“You’re going to show Takatora how glad you are that he is here, don’t you princess ?”
You furiously nodded your head as Niragi guided you on your knees.
Last Boss’ eyes widened but rapidly closed as he felt your lips around him. You didn’t wait any time to bob your head and the man was moaning your name the next second.
“She’s good at it, isn’t she?” Niragi smirked at the scene.
You felt the man’s dick throbbed inside your mouth but stopped just before he could cum. You wanted him inside of you and you would not wait anymore.
You made him sit on the edge of the bed and sat on him, facing your boyfriend.
As he entered you, you could feel your eyes tearing up. Having an audience immediately made the sex so intense that the slightest touch could feel too much.
You began riding him but he quickly stopped you, grabbing your hips. He wanted to be the one fucking you. His thrusts were hard, fast and intensely deep. You could feel your eyes rolling at the back of your head until-
“Eyes on me”
As you reopened your eyes, you saw how close your boyfriend’s face was. You could feel his breath on you.
“Does Last Boss feel good baby?”
You couldn’t answer. You couldn’t even think of an answer.
“Does that feel good then?”
You moaned as you felt your boyfriend’s hand on your clit, it being tortured again. But this time it didn’t stop. The feelings of Takatora’s dick inside of you and Niragi’s fingers on your clit were too much and you couldn’t stop the wave of pleasure that came from the pit of your stomach.
Takatora came with you, feeling you pulsing around him.
The man couldn’t believe what had just happened. You, the subject of all of his fantasy, were just cuming on his cock a few seconds ago.
You couldn’t think about anything as you collapsed on the bed, only hearing your boyfriend one last time before falling asleep.
“You need to eat her out next time. She tastes fucking divine.”
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floresmarique · 1 year
Dragon & Bird (Last Boss x OFC!)
Hello! This is the first time i write about Alice In Borderland, but i got soo obsessed with the series that writing about one of my favorite characters was the only way that could help me release this obsession lmao.
Let me know if you'd like a part two!
WARNINGS: smut, mention of death, blood, use of spitting, use of dirty nicknames, loss of virginity, rough sex, unprotected sex.
Anya didn't know how she ended up in Borderland.
All she remembered from the day everyone suddenly disappeared and life started becoming a survival game, was that she was normally doing what she always did; taking photographs. Anya was in Japan for two years to study, her goal was to become a polyglot and a turistic guide since she loved to travel and explore the world, it was the job of her dreams. Her passion, however, was photography and cinematography. She had short films and photographs of every place she visited and of the people that lived there. That material along with her curiosity of exploring, was everything that made her feel alive in a world were she almost felt invisible.
Anya ran away from her home as soon as she turned eighteen. Her relationship with her parents in her hometown wasn't exactly ideal and it was, in fact, abusive. She felt like they wanted to cut her wings off to let her stay on the ground with them, while Anya was a colourful bird full of life that wanted to know every single thing about the world that surrounded her. But they kept her in a cage, and a bird in a cage isn't natural and will always find a way to escape before dying of desperation and pain. Her parents liked to project the life they were forced to chose on Anya, the one of a doctor and of a secretary. But when she turned eighteen, they knew they couldn't keep her in that cage anymore and that it was her right to open her wings and fly away.
And that's exactly what she did.
At the age of 23, she had visited many places; India, France, Italy, Holland, Brazil.
And now Japan, which was her biggest aspiration since she started to travel the world. She was fascinated by the culture, their cinematography, their artists. The money she used for her travels were the money she saved during her teenage years, the money she never spent to go to parties and to shopping. She worked as a waitress after school hours and, somehow, she still managed to balance studying and working. Then, as she moved from city to city, she always found some little part time jobs to save other money. It wasn't simple, but she made it look easy with her nonchalant and carefree attitude. The people she met were always admired by her when she told them her story, but she was too humble for admiration. With all the money she saved, she could finally afford to study in Japan. She could already speak four languages fluently and was now learning Japanese. Anya never liked to stay in a place for too long, and didn't even like to get too affectionate to the people she met because there was always something that made her want to move away. She in fact struggled with relationships with boys, because they always seemed to bore her out or not understand her at all. Same thing with friends. She was a lonely bird that liked to fly in the big blue sky alone without a destination. While she was in France, she met a middle aged man that was an astrologer and told her that her way of wanting to escape and her need to travel to live to the fullest was all because of her Sun sign being a Sagittarius. It made her laugh everytime she thought about that since she had always been sceptical about astrology but she considered that little encounter part of her experience.
But Anya was having trouble leaving Japan, and not only for her studying but because she found herself to be perfectly comfortable there, it was like she could picture her whole life in Tokyo. Of course even Japan had flaws like every country in the world, but there was something about those city lights at night, about the many photographs she took of the people passing. Each told a different story. She couldn't really explain it, but everytime she went out of her apartment for a quick smoke, she couldn't help but to feel a warmth spread in her chest, a sense of joy that she never felt. But also a sense of emptiness in the depths of her sould.
Everything changed on that day.
Anya was taking photographs after a lesson of Japanese. The sun was high and shining on the population that was busy with their lives. Anya was taking photographs with one of her many cameras, which that time was an old Polaroid. She clearly remembered of taking a photograph of a man with messy black hair that didn't look well groomed and a beard, he had empty droopy eyelids and made eye contact with Anya after she snapped a photograph of the man walking infront of her with plastic bags that probably contained groceries. The man walked as if he didn't own his own height, it almost looked awkward and it made Anya wonder about his story. Then, as she was about to move the camera out of her sight to concentrate on the rest of the streets, she noticed that everyone mysteriously disappeared.
That's how Anya ended up in the Borderlands and found herself fighting to stay alive between mortal games and people you couldn't easily trust. During her stay in Borderland she ended up at the infamous place called The Beach, where the main purpose was to collect every single card from the games and live the moments outside the games freely using methods like partying all night, drugs and sexual intercourse. Anya preferred to live her days there only because it had doctors that could help people with injuries after games, bedrooms to rest well and food. All she had to do was follow the rules and stay away from the militants. However, since she was the only non - japanese person in there, she unconsciously had many eyes set on her, the militants ones included. Some people rationally thought that she was probably a tourist and she ended up there just like them, but Anya also had to physically confront people that thought she was the brain behind all of that blood and death only because she was a foreign. She often found funny how quickly people change when their life is at a risk. But she couldn't judge; they were all humans that didn't know what the heck was happening and tried to find comfort in everything. She still had her Polaroid with her, taking photographs at that point was her way of calming down. Death didn't scare her, but dying without knowing what real love and life felt like surely did.
Even the fact that she had a mane of dark blond curly locks was the object of many stares. Usually some people asked her nicely if they could touch it, and she always said yes because she loved to see that kind of curiosity in humanity, especially in the Borderlands.
As she played more and more games, Anya realised that not knowing for how long she would be alive made adrenaline pump in her veins like it never happened before. It was even better than travelling, the thrill of putting yourself out there to survive. But she didn't like to kill and, when and if she had to, she always preferred to let the person die in a peaceful and non painful way. Why was she still fighting to stay alive to the point of killing? Because she asked herself: "Would i be happy to see the memories i created till now to pass me by while i'm dying, do i still have things to do?" and the answer was yes.
She was fighting for the love she never experienced, for the carnal desire she never had, for the emptiness she wanted to fulfil. And every night before sleeping, she would observe the photographs she took on the last day in the normal world and she would always get a lump in her stomach whenever she spot a person in the photos that she saw die before her eyes. One night, she concentrated more on the photo of that man with the droopy eyelids and she swore to herself that he reminded her of someone that lived at the Beach. Then one day, as she found herself staring at the militants transport someone new inside the mansion, her eyes fixed on the tall tattooed man with a katana on his back. She recognised the walk and those same droopy eyelids that were now surrounded by black ink. Anya decided to take a photograph of him with her Polaroid and, as soon as she snapped the photo, the tattooed man met her eyes. He sent her an intimidating gaze, but then walked beside Niragi and left.
That night in her room, Anya confronted the two pictures; the same lip shape, same cheekbones, same shoulders and eyes. Everything matched.
It was him.
She wondered what made him change so drastically on the outside, but she could still see the same sadness in those beautiful droopy eyes. Anya put the photographs away, hiding them in a notebook she always kept as a diary to document her days in the Borderlands. She then decided to head out of the mansion to smoke a cigarette by the pool, surrounded by drunk and high people that tried to suffocate their sufferance in partying all night.
As she drowned her feet in the warm water of the pool, she lit up a cigarette and looked around, meeting the gaze of the tattooed man that stood beside Niragi and other militants. She heard that people called him 'Last Boss' because he looked like a character out of a videogame, but of course that couldn't be his real name. Anya noticed how Last Boss couldn't keep eye contact with her, in fact he quickly looked away and adjusted his posture. She then caught a glimpse of Niragi winking at her with his pierced tongue out and she furrowed her eyebrows, taking another puff of smoke from her cigarette.
"The fact that you caught their attention is bad." She heard a male voice say behind her and, when she turned her head around to see who the person was, she noticed it was the blonde haired guy named Chishiya. She partecipated in some games with him, his intelligence and nonchalant attitude kinda intrigued her. But they never spoke before that night. Anya scoffed, smoke escaping her nostrils.
"I'm not scared of them. We're all fighting to stay alive here, them included."
Chishiya smirked at her english accent. His eyes reminded Anya of a cat, a sultry one. During the rest of the night, Anya drank two or three cocktails and decided to dance a little since it had been a long time since she last joined a party. Plus, everyday needed to be lived as if it was her last one. And it could really be her last.
When she got tired of dancing, it was already 2:00 AM. She wasn't fully drunk, but a little tipsy for sure as she walked towards her room with half closed eyelids. As she almost reached the door to her room, she heard footsteps behind her and she quickly turned her head around, trying to maintain her guard high.
Last Boss was behind her, katana in hand but Anya didn't back away not even a bit. He got closer to her, his movements almost looked like the ones of a tiger ready to attack a gazelle. When he finally got enough close to her to look at her hazel eyes, Last Boss aimed his katana to her throat but she didn't flinch.
She gulped, her fastened heartbeat betrayed her cold appearance.
"Why do you take photos of me?" It was the first time she heard him talk. His voice was deep and monotonous.
"I'm a photographer. It's what i always did even before ending up here..." Anya affirmed, his dark eyes looking her up and down. He slightly blushed when his eyes landed on her messy bikini top. "...and i think you are an interesting subject."
Anya had always been straightforward, but the alcohol made that characteristic of her more accentuated.
"How so?" Last boss asked, katana still under Anya's chin.
"I saw you on the day of the fireworks." She gulped before speaking again. "The day everyone disappeared, i saw you minutes before ending here."
He looked down in confusion, trying to remember that day. Last Boss tried to remove all of his memories from the real world, being Last Boss was his new identity. But much to his disgrace he remembered her, even before she mentioned it. How could he forget? She was a foreign that easily drawn attention. He slowly removed his katana from her body and she sighed in relaxation.
Looking at him up close, Anya was starting to feel a certain sensation growing up in her stomach, something she never felt before; desire. It was his eyes and the shape of his lips that looked so soft to the touch, she remembered thinking he was beautiful even when he had that beard and those unkept hair. And she also noticed the way he was looking at her, with flushed cheeks and eyes that tried to look at anything but her body.
"Last Boss." She called him, her accent sending him off guard. He didn't respond, but she caught his attention. "Can i ask you something?"
Again, he didn't say anything but he softly nodded, knuckles turning white as he held his katana.
"Would you have sex with me?"
Last boss didn't expect that kind of question. All his life he never knew what it felt like to have a woman touch him, he only knew the touch from his own mother when he was still a kid. Usually it was Niragi that got the most girls and not only forcefully, some literally threw themselves in his arms just to have a wild night. But him? It never happened. He would lie though if he said he didn't feel attracted to her, to her bambi eyes and doll like lips. Her body was petite, but still had curves that made him tremble at the mere thought of touching her. He stood still for a minute, looking at her with parted lips and eyes open wide. Anya found his reaction to be cute. Since he still didn't say a thing, Anya slowly walked backwards towards her room and opened the door, a playful smirk painted her face. Last Boss nervously followed her inside the room and, as soon as she locked the door, she stood at the center of the room directly looking at him that was still in disbelief.
Anya removed her shorts and the cardigan she wore over her shoulders, letting them fall to her feet. Last Boss was in complete awe when she also removed her bikini top, his gaze burning on the skin of her breasts. It was the first time for Anya too, to be naked infront of a man. But she felt strangely confident and already excited. Maybe it was the fact that he was a militant, maybe it was his tattoos or the fact that it was the first time for him too, but she wanted him with her whole body. Last Boss dropped his katana and removed the gilet with the hoodie, his eyes remaining on her the whole time. She slowly walked towards him, holding her hand up to caress his face. At first he seemed hesitant, but as soon as he felt the warmth of her hand on his skin he took a deep breath while closing his black inked eyes. Actions started to become natural at that point, and Last Boss started to caress her hair and the back of her neck before attaching his lips to her own. Fire was burning inside Anya's body and as the kiss deepened, it also started to become a lot messier since both didn't have much experience. But they were loving it. Their tongues were exploring each other's mouth, saliva was sliding down their chins and they couldn't keep their hands off each other; he started to touch her soft breasts and moaned when he felt her nipples getting hard between his fingers, while her fingertips traced the ink of the tattoos on his arms.
"I don't want you to make love to me. I still don't know what love is." Anya breathed, a soft moan escaping her mouth when he started to kiss her neck with passion. "I want you to take me with all the desperation you feel, as this was another kind of survival game. I want you to fuck everything away."
Last Boss nearly growled at those words and, not knowing where he found the confidence, he harshly pushed her on the mattress. He quickly got on top of her body kissing and biting all over her soft skin. She impatiently caressed his head, her bikini bottoms getting wetter by every passing second. When he reached the center of her pleasure, he started kissing her thighs as he harshly tore apart her bikini bottoms. The action gained him a loud moan from Anya, that felt more alive than ever when she felt his warm tongue slide across her aching pussy. Last Boss was pressing his still restrained hard cock against the mattress to get a bit of satisfaction, fearing of reaching his climax just by staring at her moan for him.
Eager for him, Anya took his face between her hands and hungrily kissed him, helping him remove his shirt. She admired his naked torso, tattoos covering his biceps too and she couldn't help but to kiss the black ink traced on his skin, earning a low groan from him. As Last Boss was too overwhelmed and distracted by her warm kisses, Anya took the lead and pushed him against the mattress to position herself on top of him. He held her neck while she passionately kissed his neck, the sensation feeling unreal to him but incredibly heavenly. When Anya lowered her body and he saw that her head was now between his long legs, Last Boss knew what it was about to happen; she was gonna suck him off. Even though he was a virgin, it didn't mean that he knew nothing about sex. After all, he still needed to masturbate during all those years spent in his bedroom.
Anya started to unbutton his pants, keeping eye contact with him the whole time. Last Boss tried so hard to not seem so inexperienced, but the way he was gripping the sheets for the excitment betrayed him. It was the first time for Anya too to see a dick in person and she was just as nervous as him, but the flame burning in both of them was stronger than their embarrassment. When she freed him from both his pants and boxers, her curious hands immediately gripped his hard cock. She admired it, observing every vein and the tip leaking with pre cum. Anya looked at him for consent and, when he furiously nodded, she slightly smirked before giving an experimental lick to the tip.
Last Boss closed his eyes, one of his hands drowned in her curly hair and he was careful not to grip it too hard. Anya started licking his cock from the bottom to the top, one of her hands were massaging his balls as she did so. His guttural moans were only keeping her going. When she started to finally bob her head and down on his cock, Last Boss opened his eyes to look at her with his mouth slightly agape and the sight nearly made him cum; her cheeks were flushed, hair all messy, lips wet and devoured by his previous kisses. He didn't expect it to feel this good and he started to understand why Niragi liked sex so much. But somehow, for Last Boss, the fact that she offered herself to him was even more exciting.
"Fuck." He impulsively cursed, both of his hands resting on her cheeks as he watched her go down on him with half lidded eyes staring at him. "I need- I need to be inside of you."
Anya gave his cock a last suck before returning to his lips to kiss him, making him taste himself on her lips. Last Boss took the lead again and gently pushed her under his slim body. Now he started to feel nervous, hoping to not mess everything up with his awkwardness and with the paranoia of not finding the hole. Anya must have noticed his change of expression and quickly caressed his cheeks, his eyes now concentrating on her face again.
"It's my first time too." She whispered. "I'll help you, but as soon as you are inside of me i want you to fuck me like an animal. Raw."
Last Boss gulped, the sparkle of excitement glinting in his eyes again. Anya took his dick in her hand and guided it towards her entrance and when she sent him a slight nod, Last Boss took the hint that he could give the first thrust. The first one was slow since both of them were exploring an unknown territory. Anya gritted her teeth for the pain of feeling her pussy being stretched out by his cock and Last Boss took a deep breath when he was fully inside, the warmth of her walls hugging him. For her it was hurting even more since she didn't even think about foreplay before, but it was too late now and she didn't want to waste anymore time.
"Fuck me." Anya moaned, eyes still watery from the pain.
"D-Doesn't it hurt?" He sounded worried, which made Anya smile. But she didn't want him to be worried, she didn't want those feelings, all she wanted was to have sex.
"It doesn't matter, it shouldn't matter. I want you to fuck me."
When Last Boss pushed half of his dick out of her to give an hard thrust, he saw blood covering his lenght and somehow that motivated him even more. With a snap of his hips, he was balls deep inside of her. Anya's legs wrapped around his torso and he started to thrust in and out of her at a furious speed. The whole bed moved and hit the walls, one of his hands was gripping the headboard as he fucked her raw just like she asked him. The mixture of pain and pleasure made Anya scream like she never did before, her nails running on the skin of his back. The wetness of the blood coming out of her and her liquids made a dirty noise that was making Last Boss go crazy.
"Oh my god!" She moaned, receiving a groan from him in response. With his other hand, Last Boss was firmly grabbing her hips, leaving a mark on her skin that she would later notice in the morning. Looking at her under him made him feel in control, the control he never had over his life. With this thought in mind, he started fucking her even harder.
"You love it don't you?" He chuckled, more to himself than directly to her. Her desperate moans were all he needed to slip out of her aching pussy, earning a muffled cry of complain from her.
"Beg." He firmly said, hand stroking his blood covered cock.
"Please, Please - keep fucking me!"
Last Boss smirked, little drops of sweat falling across the black ink on his face. With an harsh slap on her ass from him, Anya took the signal of getting on her hands and knees. Last Boss caressed her back with possessiveness, noticing a little tattoo at the bottom of her back; a pair of wings. He licked her backbone and, when he arrived to her neck, he bit her ear before whispering something.
"I'm gonna fuck you just like the little whore you are, because that's what you want. Mh?"
Anya nodded her head, panting hard.
Last Boss spit on her hole before entering her again, gripping both of her butt cheeks to steady himself. He didn't give her any time, he immediately started to thrust his cock in and out of her with an animalistic speed. The more she moaned and screamed, the more he fucked her. He growled as he watched her ass bounce against his pelvis and her breasts move with every thrust, then he reached his hand towards her mouth and pushed two fingers against her lips.
Anya immediately obliged and he loved how passive she looked in that moment, all desperate and wet for him. For him and no one else. Just that thought made him see stars.
When his thrusts started to become more erratic, Anya knew that he was about to cum.
"C- Come outside, please."
Now, if he didn't give a shit about her he would have decided to not listen to her or to not let her come. But Last Boss wasn't an asshole and the last thing he wanted was to make a woman carry his child in her womb. He didn't respond but instead started to use the fingers that were previously in her mouth to play with her clitoris, stimulating her orgasm. The harsh thrusts along with him pushing his fingers against her clit, sent Anya over the edge and she exploded into an intense orgasm that made her eyes roll back. She saw white, a choked out moan escaping her rosy lips as she came around his cock. Last Boss then slipped out of her pussy and stroked himself, keeping her ass in place with his other hand, emptying himself on the skin of her buttcheeks with a guttural moan. Anya felt some drops of sperm slide towards her back, it was warm and it also felt kinda ticklish.
They remained in that position till their breathing became steady again. After they calmed down from the rush of the orgasm, Anya turned her head around to look at him.
"Could you please bring me a towel to clean myself?"
Last Boss only nodded, standing up from the bed. He returned after some seconds, handing her a white towel that she used to clean both his liquid on her back and the blood between her legs. Last Boss started dressing, still startled by what happened.
"Wait, come here before putting your boxers!" Anya exclaimed and he reached to the end of the bed in confusion. Anya used the towel to clean his now soft cock from the blood, a slight blush forming on his cheeks as she did so.
"Thank you for tonight." She simply said before standing up to head to the bathroom. Last Boss heard the sound of water being opened as he kept dressing himself. When he was fully dressed he picked up his katana from the floor and gave one last look towards the door of the bathroom, where he could still hear water running.
After Anya got out of the bathtub with a long towel wrapped around her tired body, she noticed that Last Boss had already left.
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clownd1ck · 3 months
trouble | j. miller
fem!reader x mob!joel
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summary: you don’t regret studying literature, not in the slightest. but there’s only so many times you can work in your local library and watch twelve year olds rush to the shitty dark romance books, and all for minimum wage.
and just when you think you lead a normal life, your grandparents are introducing you to a man who the devil would’ve worshipped. he is cold, he is dark, he’s sexy, and he’s offering you a job at one of his clubs.
joel miller is a dangerous man, that’s all you know. your grandparents seem to like him, but all your college friends tell you he is an omen of death. you don’t care, of course, because why would you when your hourly salary could buy you a house, and joel treats you like royalty despite your snarky mouth?
joel’s known trouble his entire life. he’s caused it, he created it, but he never quite knew it like he knew you. a shy woman with a killer attitude, so quick to humble the next person who dares make you a subject of their torment. he knew, he knew he’d have to keep you tucked away with him.
a life of luxury and a love you’ve never experienced was something you relished in. but can the world joel has known his entire life be something you can accept, or will you go running at the first chance?
warnings: MINORS DNI!!!!!! smut (HA), age gap (reader is in her 20s, joel is in his 40s), mob!joel 🫣, angst :), possessive behaviour, obsessive behaviour, violence, murder, arguments, reader HAD a rough home life, bad language cause i have a foul mouth yk? reader is a smartass and doesn’t understand social cues. pictures do NOT represent reader’s physical appearance & they do not belong to me. i think that’s it??
how it all started
chapter one, chapter two, chapter three
a/n: *sigh* i did this to myself really…
but if you guys want to be added to the taglist, pls pls pls do tell!!
@dugiioh @amyispxnk @skysmiller @alyhull @noisynightmarepoetry @elliaze @dendulinka6 @zliteraturehoe @atyourmerci @al33naaa @mermaidgirl30 @lulawantmula @nana90azevedo @endlessthxxghts @getitoutofmymind@you-taste-so-sweet @blazeflays @iveseenstrangerthings50 @regalwhovianbrowncoat774 @aquanatalie @katw474 @ludwigxii-blog@eloquentdreamer @kyloispunk @txmel @din-jarring @daddysmilf0123 @sofiparallel @dunkinzjm @runningmom94 @ashhlsstuff @moel-jiller @isimpforfictionalmen @drewharrisonwriter @stormseyer @rodriguez31 @elliesswearjar @vvitchesh3x @joeldjarin @untamedheart81 @ellishamae25 @pedropascalfan221 @mellymbee @pedritosgfreal @yassspose @casa-boiardi
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atticrissfinch · 3 months
The Shower (joel miller x reader) (+18)
Part 4 of The Rogue Who Coaxed You
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pairing: boss!joel miller x fem!secretary!reader summary: when you convince joel to shower with you, he invites someone else to join warnings/tags: [18+ MINORS DNI] mean!joel, joel x reader x ofc threesome, joel fucks someone who is not reader, sexual f/f interaction at the direction of a male, slight dubcon (but is ultimately consensual), joel STILL respects you 0%, age gap, infidelity, hella power imbalance/dynamics, unprotected anal/slight painal, creampie, daddy!kink, hella degradation and humiliation kink (use of slut, whore, bitch, etc), money as incentive for sex extra disclaimer: as always for this series, blatant infidelity and humiliation kink warning. as in: reader gets off on being humiliated. please keep that in mind. word count: ~4.2K | ao3 a/n: so I know this is not for everyone. in fact, it’s probably only for a select few. but I wanted to write it, and an anon suggested it, so i did it. this is just me being bi but through my characters.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Kofi
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“Feel that, you dirty slut? Tell daddy you feel it.”
“I feel it,” You wince, gripping the sheets beneath your fingers. 
“Where is it, bitch? Where do you feel it?”
“In my ass,” You whimper, your head hanging low between your shoulders. 
“That’s right,” Joel croons, the flesh of your asscheek in his hand and a palm pressing at your lower back to keep you in place. “That’s where filthy whores take their cocks don’t they?” 
“Yeah,” You grit out as Joel pulls out of your clenching hole to the tip, and pushes back in with a grunt. The stretch of your asshole around his girth is not something you’ve gotten used to in the few times he’s done it. But Joel likes it, so Joel gets it. And when he has you in his bed like this, with Claire away on a solo trip, leaving him to his own selfish devices, you almost feel like he actually cares. 
You feel like a real mistress. The emotional in hand with the physical, instead of just a vessel for his infidelity. His insatiable sexual appetite and his ego. You’re not bruising your knees on his low-pile office carpet or denting your abdomen with the bite of his desk’s edge. You’re soft, like his Egyptian cotton sheets. Delicate, like his silk pillowcases. Luxurious, like his imported duvet cover and matching throws. 
And even though he’s tearing you apart from the inside out, forcing himself inside a part of you that primarily serves to heighten his own pleasure, you feel like he’s choosing you. And the squeaks of pain, the yelps of distress when he goes too hard, too fast, too much — they flood you with a sense of satisfaction. He’s getting what he needs from you . And he’s taking it from you on his wife’s side of the bed, with her Cartier bracelet on the nightstand atop a bookmarked paperback of Eat, Pray, Love. 
He eats her. He prays to her. He loves her. What the fuck does she need a book like that for? Is she so greedy that he’s not enough for her? 
He would be enough for me. 
“Tell me how it feels.”
You blink yourself back into your body, and Joel fucks back into you with enough momentum for his balls to smack against your clit. “Fuck, it’s good, daddy,” you gasp, raising your head to fall back between your shoulder blades to take in the view of him behind you. 
“You like taking it up the ass for daddy?” He asks, canting his hips into you with weighted thrusts. And he looks you in the eyes as he splits you open on his cock. A hand comes up to cup your jaw and hold your head back to pin your gaze to him. 
And goddamn it, he’s so heartbreakingly beautiful. His lips parted with exertion, his bare chest glistening with sweat from the blowjob you’d given him before he entered you from the back, droplets adorning his chest hair. His pushed-back hair falls into his face as his thrusts crash against your skin, and your fingers twitch with the desire to sweep the rogue strands back onto the top of his head. 
“Yes,” you pant, the words tight with the stretch of your skin over your throat at your current angle. 
“Say you’re daddy’s whore, baby. Tell me what you are.”
“I’m your whore,” you whine, feeling Joel’s hips increasing in speed. 
“Yeah? You a piece of meat for me?”
“I’m a piece of meat, daddy,” you recite, your eyes clenching shut and your mouth dropping open as his cock stretches your ass open with abandon, the hole twinging with pain as he tears through it with a smirk on his face. 
“Look at me. Look at who’s doin’ this to you.”
You whimper as your eyes pry open, seeing the hunger reflected in Joel’s eyes. You want the hunger to be for you, for your body, for what you can provide for him that his wife can’t. You’re not sure it is, but you imagine. 
His face starts to collapse as his hips buck forward and he grunts out his release, pumping you full of his thick seed. And you revel in it, knowing this is something he’d never ask of her . This is something you can provide him that she would never. 
Joel grimaces as he pulls his spent cock from the stretched ring of your ass and flops down onto his back, catching his breath. “Good girl,” he mutters wearily, tapping your thigh with his knuckle. 
You wrestle with the grin on your lips, knowing that if he sees the glow on your face due to his words he may well rescind them. So you bury your face in your arms instead, letting the joy bleed to your cheeks as you slump against the bed, a slow trickle of his come slithering down the slit of your pussy and onto his expensive duvet. 
You love tainting his bedding like this. Her bedding. It’s sick and it’s satisfying. Particularly when he’s lying naked next to you, coming back to himself after giving everything he had to you, and you’re lying sore from his cock that he vowed to her years ago. Dripping him onto her sheets. Being his good girl . 
You may never have him like she has him. 
But she will never have him like you have him. 
“I think I need to shower,” you mutter, unearthing your face from your arms to take in the rise and fall of Joel’s chest. 
“Then go shower,” he dismisses, running a hand through his damp hair, but otherwise staying put where he lies. 
You nudge him lightly. “Join me.”
Joel’s eyes trail over you lethargically. He makes a sound of disinterest, scratching an itch on his crotch and waving you off. 
“You just fucked my ass. You don’t wanna shower that off?” You ask, drifting your fingers over his shoulder. 
Another lazy look from Joel and he groans in reluctant acquiescence. You give a triumphant noise and help him off the bed, tugging him toward the en-suite. 
Joel cranks the handles on his oversized glass paneled shower, dual rainfall heads spitting to life onto the heated tile. The water heats instantly and Joel is waving you in before him. You scurry inside, heaving a sigh at the pelting of the hot water on your back and over your neck. 
Joel makes his way inside, and some small part of you hopes he’ll saunter up behind you and pull you close, but he just lets the other shower head wash over him to your right. He scrubs at his face and runs his fingers through his hair, and you find yourself mesmerized. Rivulets flow down his hairy chest, his plump ass, his gym-toned thighs. 
Your pussy throbs between your legs, reminding you just what it hasn’t had yet. You take a step toward him, reaching out, and Joel jerks his head in your direction, his hands freezing in his hair. He gives you a once-over. 
“I didn’t come yet,” you point out, placing a hand on his hip. He glances down at it, then back at you, squinting through the water. 
You pout, guiding him to the back wall with you, out of the spray. “I’d really like to come.”
Joel rests an arm above your head against the shower wall, looking over you as the water hits his back. “You’d like to come, huh? My dick not enough?”
“No, it is, I just didn’t…where it was…it was distracting,” you attempt to explain. You normally don’t have much of an issue getting yourself off on Joel’s cock, even with him being relatively inattentive to your own orgasms. But the discomfort of him being in your ass, as good as it feels, seems to discourage your pussy from cooperating properly. All your focus was on finding pleasure in the pain, making the fuck good for him . And it just never happened. 
“Hmm,” Joel hums, tapping his thumb against the tile as he thinks. “You really wanna come?”
You nod, looking at him with pleading eyes. 
He nods back for a moment, then pushes off the wall and back toward the door of the shower. 
Confusion imprints your features as you watch him open the door and usher in a rush of cold air. “Joel, where—”
Joel pads with wet footsteps to the opening of the en-suite and calls out, “Julia!”
Julia? His maid? What the fuck is he summoning Julia for?
“Yes, sir!” You barely hear from a distance. 
“My bedroom, please!”
You don’t hear her respond, but seconds later Julia appears in the archway of the bathroom. Upon seeing the state of the two of you, she squeaks in surprise and clamps a hand over her eyes. “I’m so sorry, sir! I didn’t know—”
“‘S alright, sweetheart,” he placates, wrapping a hand around her wrist and tugging it away from her eyes. Her eyes are squeezed shut regardless of the shield of her hand. “Hey, it’s alright. Open your eyes.”
And you can hear authority in his voice, but it’s starkly different from the tone he uses with you. It sounds more understanding. Like he’s attempting to comfort her even as he commands her. It makes your skin prickle. 
Julia blinks her eyes open, sweeping them upward quickly to skip over his crotch. 
“There we go,” he encourages, swiping a damp thumb over her cheek in a gesture that makes your stomach swoop. 
He’s touched her like this before. 
You know he’s hinted at it to you, but you thought he was just trying to make you jealous. But no, this isn’t the first time he’s had his hand on her face. Or likely the first time she’s seen him naked. You can tell that much from the way she doesn’t flinch from his touch and the way her cheeks alight. 
But why the fuck did he call her in here?
“Tell me, sweetheart, what do you think of her?” Joel asks, gesturing to you with his head. 
Julia looks nervous as she hesitates. “I-I don’t know��”
You narrow your eyes in assessment of the situation unfolding in front of you, securing a self-consoling arm around your abdomen as you step into the open doorway of the shower, leaving the comforting warmth behind. 
Joel shrugs, pouting his lips briefly in tandem. “Well, she’s reasonably pretty isn’t she? I like to think I pick out pretty toys, don’t I?” He caresses the point of her chin with an air of confidence that swiftly expels any doubt you had that this wasn’t their first time interacting this intimately. 
Reasonably pretty . You’ll take it. 
Julia’s eyes dart to you, then to Joel. “Sh-she is very pretty, sir,” she stutters, her chin still firmly between his fingers. 
Joel nods and looks over at you. And when he speaks again, he’s studying your expression, but clearly addressing her. “How about you go and see how she feels? See how soft she is.”
Your eyes bulge in your head. “Joel…”
“Sir, I…” Julia trails off, her gaze fluttering between you and Joel. 
“Go on,” he coaxes, tossing his head toward you. “I bet she’d like it. Wouldn’t you, baby?” This time he’s talking to you, and it takes you slightly aback. He looks so cocky about it. Like you wouldn’t dare tell him “no”. 
And fuck him, he’s right. 
So you swallow lightly and consciously loosen your heavy grip on the glass opening. “Yeah. I’d like it.”
Julia is undoubtedly beautiful. A short thing. Dainty. Dark hair, bright eyes, large tits for as small a frame as she has. You’ve never really observed her this seriously before, but analyzing her now it’s obvious that Joel would never have let a gorgeous woman like her traipse around his house without sampling her. 
She looks so unsure as she sizes you up in turn. “Sir, I really don’t know.”
Joel smiles and leans down to her ear. You can’t hear what he says, but you watch her eyes light up as he speaks. When he pulls back to gauge her expression, she nods with a shy grin. 
“That’s a good girl,” he purrs, slipping behind her. 
His fingers burrow under her shirt and he lifts it off of her body, letting it fall to the floor. She avoids your gaze as he undresses her with patience in spades that he never seems to have for you. Her thick breasts fall free of her bra, nipples pebbling in the exposed air. And then his fingers tuck into her leggings and underwear, and he crouches to shuffle them down her hips. She steps out of them timidly, her hands clasping in a show of modesty in front of her neatly trimmed pussy. Joel makes a wanton noise as his hands and lips skim over her ass and hips as he rises to stand. His hands journey up to her tits, massaging them in his huge palms. She releases a tiny moan at the treatment and Joel chuckles. 
“Go ahead, sweetheart,” he nudges her toward the shower. Her legs propel her forward as her hands stay in place to obscure her crotch. You stare at her as she approaches the entrance, and you slowly make your way to the back of the space until you’re pressed against the wall once more with her closing in on you. 
Joel hangs back, watching the two of you move from a comfortable distance, eyes sharp like he’s stalking his prey. 
“Can-can I touch you?” She whispers, shifting on her feet with anxiousness but finally meeting your gaze again. 
You look up at Joel and he nods deliberately. 
You take a steadying breath and say, “Yes.”
Her fingers are so gentle. Gentle in a way that men never seem to be. They skim your sides, stroke your abdomen, and pause at the curve of your breasts. 
“Can I?” She asks again, and you give her the same answer. 
The pads of her fingers are softer than Joel’s. She stimulates your nipples with her thumbs with curiosity, and you catch her biting her lip. 
“You can taste them,” you whisper, and that coy smile teases her lips again. 
“Okay,” she says timidly. Her mouth finds one of your hardened nubs and she sucks it into her mouth. You gasp at the graze of her tongue over you. Hers is smaller than Joel’s. Thinner in width and depth, more flighty over your flesh. You feel your eyelids sagging in pleasure and you sneak a look at Joel. 
His cock is working toward full mast as he revels in the sight of the two of you, a hand caressing his balls. “How does she taste, sweetheart?”
Julia frees your nipple to glance over her shoulder. “Wonderful,” she giggles. 
“Good,” he rasps out as his arousal grows and he advances on you. 
You shudder as she takes your other nipple into her mouth and Joel leans against the entrance of the shower. 
“Touch her pussy, Julia.”
She moans around your breast and pops you out of her mouth as she trails two fingers up your inner thigh. She halts again at the crease of you, and before she can ask, you reassure her of your consent. With her hand on your hip and Joel’s eyes glued to your reactions, two thin, manicured fingers slip between your folds. 
Your head falls back in a moan as she strokes up the length of your cunt and circles your clit. 
“How does she feel, baby?”
“So good,” you sigh, jutting your hips out from the wall to angle into her fingers as she rubs at the bundle of nerves between your legs. 
“I was asking Julia,” he corrects, finally stepping back into the shower and pressing his fully hard cock up against her back, gripping her hips in his hands. He dips down to her neck and sucks wet kisses into her skin. “How does she feel?”
“Amazing,” Julia replies, tilting her head back as Joel’s lips move against her neck. 
It tugs at you, the ease with which he touches her. How often has Joel been inside her? Has he fucked her in their bed more than he has you? How many times has he made her drench his sheets, then paid her to change them?
Julia’s fingers dance at the opening of your pussy and you whine, “Please.”
Soaked and desperate, her fingers glide inside you with no resistance. Just a moan from you and a gasp from her as Joel’s hips rock into her ass. Her fingers stroke at your walls with a grace that feels devastating, even as you hear her breath hitch with the push of Joel’s cock between her cheeks. 
“Just like that, good girl,” he praises her, petting down her sides. “You’ve done this before, haven’t you, sweetheart? Fucked another girl.”
“In college,” she mutters, a flush blooming in her cheeks. 
“Naughty little thing,” he smirks, groping her asscheeks in his hands. His eyes glisten as he shifts his attention to you. “What about you, slutty girl? This your first time?”
You try to tamp down your embarrassment as you mumble, “Yeah.”
“Well, I know Julia’s gonna take real good care of you. Aren’t you, sweetheart?”
Julia nods bashfully, but pinches your clit with the sides of her fingers and glides up and down in a move that has you whining pathetically while she fucks you deftly with her other hand. 
Joel groans as he takes his cock in his hand, positioning it between her legs with intent and grinding it up the slit of her pussy until she whimpers. 
“Condom,” she breathes out, and he stops. He sighs and drops his forehead between her shoulders. 
“Alright. Keep touchin’ her. I’ll be right back.”
Joel’s cock bobs obscenely as he exits the bathroom, leaving the pair of you alone, your pussy opening around her fingers at a glorious pace. 
You take the moment alone to whisper, “Has…has he ever done this with Claire?”
Julia’s big eyes go round as she takes in your words, her fingers slowing inside you. She shakes her head. “He, uh. He likes to keep her to himself.”
You nod, closing your eyes to refocus on the thrust of her fingers. A thumb starts to massage at your clit again, and it has a quiet whine leaving your lips. 
“You’re beautiful,” she whispers. When you open your eyes, she’s staring into yours with an aroused ferocity. 
“So are you,” you offer back, your mouth hanging with the pleasure spiraling in your abdomen. 
“Jesus, look at you two,” you hear in Joel’s trademark deep drawl, and he’s stepping back into the enclosure, rubber securely hugging his thick cock.  
And the sight of Joel approaching you, hard and horny and prepared to fuck another woman right in front of you — while he uses her to get you off for him — the reality has your orgasm hitting you all at once. You let out a loud, reverberating moan as you buck into Julia’s hand, and she lets out an adorable giggle as you clench around her fingers. 
“Good fucking girl, sweetheart,” he rumbles, biting a kiss into Julia’s shoulder as he situates his cock where he wants it. 
The heat from the shower swirls in your head in conjunction with your mind-numbing orgasm, and you’re dizzy as you hear Julia moan while he enters her cunt in a fluid thrust, her fingers still curling inside you. 
“Take it just like that, good girl,” Joel coos, angling her hips back as he fucks into her with abandon. Julia is vocal, her whines and screams only muffled by her face buried in your chest. Her fingers slip free of your clutch and cling to your hips as the deafening, wet clap of Joel’s thrusts fill the bathroom. 
Joel snaps his fingers to get your attention and barks at you, “Play with her tits. She loves that shit.”
As much as your brain fights to dwell over the fact that he knows that about her, that he’s fucked her enough to know what she likes, cared enough to notice what she likes, you just bite your tongue and obey. 
Her tits are stunning, that much is undeniable. Round and full, blushing pink nipples stiffened with the humid breeze of the downpour and the slide of Joel’s length that you know the feeling of so well. The kind of tits that men would trip over themselves to stick their cock between. 
It really doesn’t take much convincing to cup the ample flesh of them in your hands and work them in your grip, the drag of her nipples hard against your palms. Julia lets out a guttural moan and tucks her face into the crook of your neck. She whimpers as you pinch and twist at them and she begins to mouth at your wet skin. 
And though the order makes your heart stutter briefly, Julia — seeming truly gone to the spread of his cock inside her — doesn’t even think before she’s smashing her lips into yours. Her tongue entwines with your own like silk, sliding with it as she pushes moans into where you connect. 
“Look at me,” Joel says, quiet enough that Julia doesn���t assume it’s for her, but loud enough for you to hear it over the ricochet of the water on tile and his hips against her ass. Your lips still locked with Julia’s, you ease your eyes open. He holds your gaze as he reaches down between Julia’s legs and plays with her clit, pulling even louder sounds from her. 
As your mouth moves with hers, getting sloppier as Julia’s own release creeps up on her, Joel orders, “You watch me get her off. Eyes right on me.”
Julia’s mouth slides off yours, panting wetly into your neck, whining, “Yes, yes, fuck, sir, please!”
“Come for me, sweetheart,” he commands her, his eyes fixed on yours, and she screams out her climax into the echoing room, her fingernails digging into your skin where she holds onto you. 
Joel pistons his hips into her, grunting and swearing to your face until he shouts his own release into the condom. 
At least she doesn’t let him come inside her. That I can give him . 
Julia’s legs shake as Joel pulls out and smacks her on the ass, and you secure an arm around her waist as she grounds herself, all while avoiding Joel’s eyes. 
“Thank you,” she breathes into you, finding her strength as Joel steps out of the bathroom to discard the condom, snatching up a towel off the bar on his way out. 
“Yeah,” you reply simply, a grimace on your lips as pieces of herself fall back into place. 
She heads into the direct line of the shower again, and the water is still miraculously hot, billowing out through the doorway until you yank the door closed and join her under the deluge. 
“What did he say to convince you?” You ask, unable to hold back your stubborn curiosity. 
Julia hesitates, then raises her hand and rubs her thumb on the pads of her fingers in a telling gesture. 
“ Money ? He offered you money?” You ask incredulously. 
“I need to pay off my student loans,” she mumbles, massaging at the back of her neck as she allows the hot water to soak her muscles. “He always gives me a bonus after he fucks me. But this time it was…significantly more money. Like, don’t-think-twice kind of money.”
You stare at her as she speaks, and you are left speechless. When you don’t say anything, she pivots her head to you quizzically. 
“He gives you bonuses, right? That’s why you let him treat you like that? I’ve noticed.”
And you really don’t want to lie. You don’t like to lie to people who don’t deserve it. But, for what is possibly the first time, you truly feel embarrassed about what you’re doing with him. And you hate that feeling. 
So you plaster a smile and nod. “Yeah. Yeah, he gives me money. So much money.”
“Good,” she nods back. “Get that bag, girl. Claire drives me fucking nuts anyway.”
“Yeah,” you agree quietly, feeling yourself going distant. “Yeah, same.”
Julia shrugs, stepping out of the spray and wringing out her hair. “Anyway, what my boyfriend doesn’t know can’t hurt him. And I don’t hear him complaining about the nice gifts, so he can deal.” Julia gives you a warm smile and squeezes your hip reassuringly before exiting the shower and heading for the clean towels, putting one up on the hook next to the door for you with a wink. “Maybe we can do that again sometime.”
“Sure,” you mutter, a faint smile still formed on your lips as she leaves. 
As you melt in the heat of the water, you drift a hand between your legs, feeling where she was. Then further back to the tender pucker of your asshole, the memory of the stretch still prominent when the skin smarts at your touch. 
Joel’s voice jolts you out of your reverie from the bedroom. “Wasting all my fuckin’ hot water! Wrap it up in there.”
So you hasten your scrubbing, wistfully contriving all the methods you could use to smash that stupid Cartier bracelet into scrap metal. 
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savannahsdeath · 8 months
heyy! this is my first time asking a request but can you do more mafia ellie? i love her sm omg 🤭
mdni please<3
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warnings: 18+!! mentions of ellie not having time for reader;(( finger sucking? cum eating just smut and ellie ending up shoving her fingers in your mouth because .
writers note: inspired by @seattlesellie 's fic though hers about abby 🤭(read it here) .. i found it days ago and just couldnt get this out of my head goshhh and finding it again was so hard !!
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: ̗̀➛ "yeah, good fuckin' job." ellie mumbled in a raspy whisper.
you could see her arm muscles tense as her grip on her phone tightened. you bit your lip and threw your head back, leaning it on her shoulder.
it wasn't supposed to be like that. not at all.
: ̗̀➛ she told you she has a day off - well, she's her own boss, so she could have one any day, but her job is hard to take a break of. there's always some problems or complications. or unexpected calls, like this one. of course, she apologised a hundred times before picking it off (not really, she just murmured a half-assed 'sorry, babe'), but it didn't make it any less annoying.
: ̗̀➛ so you ended up pressed against her chest with legs spread wide open, making room for her right hand, which, much to your surprise, didn't slid out of you.
"ellie—" you let out a desperate mewl, feeling her fingers slow down as her focus shifted to the person on the phone.
she shushed you, planting a loving kiss on your neck, which only added fuel to your neediness.
"i know." she whispered, curling her fingers inside of you to prove her point. she straightened up as if whoever she was talking with could see her previous posture. "uhh, yeah... could you repeat?"
her every move would force a sound out of the back of your throat, every touch of her lips on your neck whenever she wasn't the one speaking left dark marks on your skin. you held onto her hand, digging your nails into her forearm what didn't bother her at all. being silent wasn't easy, it took lots of self-control which disappeared in ellie's presence.
: ̗̀➛ it was even harder when the "good fuckin' job" turned out to be something more like "fucked job". that's when you finally earned her focus. her fingers found the perfect way to calm her down, take some anger out and let her listen to your beautiful moans. you really tried to be quiet, but all you could do is purse your lips, what only muffled all the little whimpers.
"look, if you don't figure it out till tomorrow, you're fucking dead." she hissed, her frustration spreading through her whole body - from head to toes.
you felt the electricity cumulating in her fingers, you felt how mad she was. oh, yes, you felt that.
"i—" you whined, tugging on her arm to get even more of the attention.
"hushh..." she clicked her tongue, turning back to her phone. "i'm not kidding. your wife's gonna get your head as a christmas gift, if i'll feel generous."
every single word that escaped her mouth caused another gasp from you, because you didn't really listen to how harsh her statement was, you just enjoyed her raspy voice which was perfectly sychronised with her fingers. when she spoke slowly, her movement would also slow down, and, oh, how much you wanted to beg her to hang up.
"i don't care— no, shush, shut up." she hissed, but you felt better at the thought of you not being the only one who has to stay quiet now. "i have no idea how you'll do it, but you will, or i swear to god i—" her slim digits digged into you as she kissed your cheek, mumbling a tired; "fuckin' idiots" close to your ear while pulling away.
the man on the phone must start to get nervous, as his pathetic voice was now audible even for you. he kept apologizing and rambling nonsense, though ellie wasn't really interested in his excuses. plus, she had other things to do.
she used the little break as much as she could, pumping her fingers in and out of you and even slightly withdrawing her phone from her ear so she could listen to the sticky, dirty noises. nuzzling her face in your neck, she let out a long hum, either satisfied at the sound or to make the poor man think she cares. maybe both.
eventually, she continued her conversation. not forgetting about a disappointed, dramatic sigh first, of course. "any last wish?" she asked with an obvious smirk.
his voice raised even more, now not only apologizing but begging her for forgiveness. ellie never hurt any of her 'workers', unless they were traitors, so the fact that he took her seriously seemed unusual and, at some point, hilarious.
: ̗̀➛ you were so close, finally, after minutes of this torture - of your satisfaction disappearing for a few seconds just to come back... just to leave again, making your neediness take over. you bit your lip and looked at ellie, plopping your head on the crook of her neck. she felt how fastly and roughly you exhaled against her collarbone, grinning in amusement. you shifted, pressing your back even harder to her chest so you could feel it raising and falling as she breathes. your eyelids fell, making you get lost in a dark maze of every possible sense but sight.
"ellielliellie!" you whined, her name rang out in the dense, cold air.
your voice could be definitely heard on the other side of the phone, though the man didn't even stop his panicked rambling, what probably meant he was too busy to notice it.
she tsked as your throbbing walls clenched around her, her soaked fingers dripping on her palm. the ache which was persistently located somewhere deep in your body, maybe in the core of your bones, and didn't want to let go of you finally subsided. your hands almost unconsciously rested against your sides and as you opened your eyes you could see little moon shapes left on her forearm, where your nails digged into her.
it took you by complete surprise, not giving you time to react - though you wouldn't do anything anyway - before your pornographic moan got cut off with her digits sliding inside of your mouth. your saliva pooled down as your teeth grazed her flesh; salty and,, callous. her palm rested against your chin, forcing you to keep it raised.
"el—luhh" you tried to mumble but it came out as nothing like your girlfriend's name. it was slobbery, unclear and— disgusting.
she turned back to her phone, making you only able to guess what her expression was but she was, without a doubt, smirking. your tongue flopped flat beneath / against her fingers, earning a hum from ellie. as your pouty lips closed around her, her digits moved in deeper, causing you to gag for a second.
"c'mon, you'll live." she rolled her eyes, and you weren't sure which one of you is she talking to now - you, or the man who thinks he fights for his life, when in reality his 'threat' doesn't even listen to him?
your view range was violated by her grip, but you could see how unbothered she was through the corner of your eye. you could feel it - feel that her thighs don't tremble and clench, or that her breath is steady and deep, unlike yours.
as she shoved her fingers almost knuckles deep in your mouth, she spread them as if to gesture scissors and you swore you can read her mind, so you twirled your tongue around them, cleaning them up. your own juices got replaced with just as messy saliva, which small droplets cumulated in the corner of your lips. you couldn't help but suck on her digits, and the action itself made your eyes watery.
"you'll stay silent now, 'kay?" she spoke up in a mocking tone, and you couldn't tell who is she talking to again - no matter which one of you it was, you knew she wasn't asking and you hoped that the man realizes it too.
still, you nodded, making her whole hand follow your movements, what almost felt like she's the one controlling your body's reaction.
"of course you will." she cooed in a serious voice, though there was a different undertone - laced with taunting sweetnes.
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beardedjoel · 11 months
new addiction
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boss!joel x f!reader one shot collection | part two
summary: you’ve been fantasizing about your boss, but when he leaves you a mysterious note to meet him after work hours, everything changes.
warnings: 18+! MDNI! non-apocalypse au, boss!joel is a lil mean but not too mean, oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, unprotected piv, spit kink, size kink kinda, panty stealing? does that need a tag idk, this is a filthy nasty fic and i love it
word count: 4k
a/n: basically just a shamless one shot of joel being your boss and you getting to fuck him, this is not my most proof read work i’ve ever posted but i hope you all like it! inspired by the new taylor swift song “i can see you” it’s literally my religion right now
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You feel the crinkle of the paper in your hands another time, staring down at it as if the words on the page are going to change any time soon. You read over the simple phrasing, almost wanting to trace your fingers over the inking just to check that it’s truly real.
my office
You’ve been working for Mr. Miller - Joel, he told you to call him, but old habits die hard - for a little over four months now. You’d always been taught to refer to any person of authority this way, so it was taking some getting used to to just call him Joel. 
This has been the longest four months of your life, mostly due to the man in question - Joel fucking Miller, your boss, the man responsible for your livelihood, the man you absolutely should not be pining over. How you can stop lusting after him is beyond you when he looks like that - his dark hair has grown out a bit since you started, brown curls flecked with gray that match his beard traveling down his neck now. Curls you dream of sinking your hands into and tugging in the heat of the moment every single day. Every time his dark brown eyes catch yours during conversation, you have to fight your mind to stay on track.  Watching his lips move, wondering what they’d feel like on yours, on any part of your body. It’s been completely mind bending, the attraction you feel for him. 
It all started a few weeks ago, when you started to wonder if the attraction was mutual. At first, it was a sidelong glance that lasted a bit too long here and there, then a few times where he brushed his body a little too close to yours, and you’d feel the heat of it linger long after he was gone. You could scarcely breathe when he got that close to you, a few times he’d hovered behind you at your desk to look at something on the computer with you and you wondered how you weren’t combusting, flames dancing across your skin. The moment you’d felt his hot breath on your neck, you fought hard not to shudder, and when one slipped by, you cursed yourself, hoping Joel hadn’t noticed. You’d thought maybe he hadn’t, but he suggested as he walked away that maybe you get a sweater to wear inside if you were so cold.
Fucking asshole.
He had to know the effect he was having on you. No matter how hard you tried to hide it, he was flirting in his own, restrained way. The most you’d gotten out of him was when he put one of his large, my god, so large, hands on your lower back as he’d breezed past you in the small, cramped employee break room to get to the coffee machine. 
“‘Scuse me, doll,” he’d said gruffly as he passed, and you nearly choked upon hearing the little pet name from him. Doll… you’d rolled the word around in your mind the entire rest of the day, amazed you could get any work done.
It was a small office - just a little, rented space to run his contracting business out of, and you’d been hired on to do any kind of admin work, really. There wasn’t any kind of official job title, you’d just been needed to tend to the books, appointments, and making sure everything was in order. It wasn’t a bad gig, not your dream job by any means, but now that you’d fallen deeply into your infatuation with your boss, of all people, it was making it hard to want to leave. 
And if you’re honest with yourself, you should want to find a new job - Joel can be, well, an asshole, to put it mildly. He doesn’t have time for bullshit, and he makes that perfectly clear to everyone in his vicinity. All the employees at the construction sites and office do revere him, and know he’s one of the best in Austin to learn from and have on your resume as far as contracting goes. On his good days, however, he really is a pleasure to have around, and you relish in the times you get to see his warm smile and hear him laugh at one of his employees busting his balls. On those days, you can see the speck of hope that keeps the people around him in his life.
Joel typically stops in at least once a day before rushing off to check on things at his job sites, and sometimes you do worry he’s wearing himself too thin. He comes in looking exhausted some days, snapping easily and drinking copious amounts of coffee. But you have to constantly remind yourself that’s not for you to worry about - you aren’t his wife, his girlfriend, his anything. You can’t fight off the desire to be something for him, though, wanting to be there for him, to provide some kind of release for him on those tightly wound days. From there, your mind drifts to the deepest corners of depravity, thinking of all the ways you could help him release.
On one such stressful day, he dropped a note on your desk, so quickly in passing anyone else in the room might have missed it. He didn’t bother to look back at you afterwards, leaving you wide eyed, staring down at the small piece of paper that was folded in half as he continued on to his office.
You felt like you were floating the entire day, anticipation boiling in your gut as you wondered if this note could mean what you think it does. By the time 5:45 rolls around, Joel having breezed back into the building and shutting himself in his office thirty minutes ago, you’ve decided you’re either getting canned or fucked tonight, and both options are making you so nervous you might jump out of your own skin. The few people left in the office pack up for the day and head out, leaving you pretending to finish up work as you wave goodbye to them.
You stand up right on time, smoothing down the short pencil skirt you’re wearing before breathing deeply and reaching for the doorknob to his office. You knock as you open the door, poking your head in. Joel looks up from his desk, where he’d had his forehead on his palm, looking over some paperwork.
“See you got my note,” he says, his voice slightly hoarse from a day of likely speaking and barking orders at his various job sites. “Shut the door behind ya,” Joel adds, and you feel your heart jump further into your throat, a slightly shaky hand shutting the door behind you as he asks. 
“Sure. Er, what’s this about, Mr. Miller?” You fidget with your hands in front of you, resting them on your belly as you wait expectantly. 
“Joel, remember?” he replies with a cocky smile. You still haven’t quite figured out his intentions, and at this point, you figure it could go either way, and you’re bracing yourself internally for either losing your job or what could be the best sex of your life.
“Right,” you say with a shaky chuckle. “Nervous habit, sorry… Joel.”
“Nothin’ to be nervous about, why don’t ya come on in,” Joel says genially, a hint of a smirk pulling at his lips at hearing you say his name. 
You slowly make your way to the chair that’s across from his desk, a cluttered mess that you’ve learned is organized in his own way, as he always seems to be able to find everything he needs despite you offering many times to help organize it for him. S’okay, I’ve got a system, he’d repeat every single time, so eventually you’d given up on asking.
“How was your day? You seem stressed,” you dare to ask as you sit down, and Joel quirks a brow at you.
“Same old bullshit,” he says breezily, rubbing a hand down his face and pushing the papers on his desk aside, focusing his attention on you. “So fuckin’ stressed, but you don’t need to worry about all of that.”
“What if…” you start, swallowing hard. Now or fucking never. If you’re about to possibly lose your job, you may as well go out with all you’ve got. “What if I did worry about that?” you blink a few times, eyelashes fluttering in his direction and Joel gives you an indiscernible look, but you swear his eyes go a shake darker. “Just, that you’re stressed, I mean. Isn’t it my job to help you?”
Joel barely even reacts other than a flicker across his eyes that you only notice because you’re looking so intently. The bastard was probably prepared for this, like he knew you’d come in here ready to flirt your little heart out if the situation called for it.
Fucking. Asshole. But an extremely hot asshole with his eyes trained right on yours, making you melt instantly and forgetting all about the cursing him you were doing in your head.
“That so?” Joel says slowly with an amused, deep chuckle. He stands up, making his way around the desk towards you, and your heart picks up, practically beating out of your chest now. “That in your job description, hm? Help ol’ Mr. Miller when he’s stressed?” 
His tone, his body language, everything is screaming green lights for you to continue this witty repartee. “It could be, if you wanted it to,” you reply, squaring your shoulders back, not cowering from his gaze, but rather intensifying yours with a small pout of your lips. Joel’s movements over to you are slow and calculated, practically sauntering until he’s standing in front of you. He absolutely towers over you now, more than usual, his broad shoulders looking even wider from your angle below him. He leans back on the desk, perching on the edge, giving you a direct view at his crotch, a now very apparent bulge in his jeans.
“Pretty thing like you’d really want to do all that for me?” Joel asks.
You lick your lips, trying to steady your breathing. “Mhm,” you sound, and your confirmation is enough to have Joel leaning forward, placing a hand on your cheek, fingers ghosting along the skin as he makes his way down to your neck, the light trace of his calloused pads sending goosebumps along your arms.
“Like the way I’m touchin’ you, pretty girl?” he asks quietly, and you manage to let out another affirmative noise. You watch his thick fingers tracing down the top of your chest, silently begging please keep going, please. When his hand reaches the top button of your shirt, he pauses, and your legs squeeze together in anticipation. You nearly whine when he withdraws his hand, but seconds later he’s using a finger to tip your chin up, indicating for you to stand.
You meet him against his desk, his legs opening wide for you to step in between them, and you press in close, feeling unsure of what to do with your hands, how far he wants to take things. You delicately place a hand on his thigh to steady yourself, and he slips his arms around you, immediately sliding them down your back and to your ass.
“Fuck,” he mumbles as he squeezes your ass firmly through your skirt. “Such a sexy little thing, you wear this for me?”
“You’ve caught me,” you say with a sly look. The skirt isn’t anything that scandalous, but you do suppose it shows more of your legs than may typically be deemed appropriate in an office setting. You’ve always blamed the more skimpy clothing you’d wear on the hot Austin climate, but you know in the back of your mind, it was all always for Joel.
“Don’t have to wear all this to get my attention, y’know,” he says a little more tenderly, still kneading the globes of your ass hungrily, pulling your skirt up in the process.
“Seemed like you enjoyed it, all those times I saw you watch me leave your office,” you quip back.
“Damn right I did, ‘m only human, darlin’,” he says gruffly, yanking you forward, and the hardness in his jeans is pressing right into your own throbbing heat, sending a swirling wave of desire in between your legs. Slickness is gathering there quickly, leaving your underwear already wet and uncomfortable against your skin.
“On your knees, now,” Joel says, pushing you down by your shoulders until you bow under the pressure, getting down onto the carpet and sitting on your knees. “That’s a good girl,” he says with a smirk. He makes quick work of his belt and zipper, freeing his cock within moments, and it takes everything in you not to gasp at the sight laid before you.
His cock is beyond what you’d imagined - he’s a big guy overall, but you can’t say you’ve ever been with someone his size, and it’s immediately intimidating. And the bastard knows it, you can tell by his coy little smile as you look at his throbbing cock with wide eyes, taking in the size of him at full attention. You take a little comfort in the fact that he seems painfully turned on by you, the head of his cock leaking pre-cum, pink and pulsating for any part of you to be on it.
“Go on now, doll, ain’t got all night,” Joel says, snapping you out of your reverence for his cock, and you glance up to him before placing a few kisses on the head. Joel hisses through his teeth, his hips bucking forward at your face. When you lap up the drop of precum, swirling your tongue with your eyes locked on his, he lets out a full groan. You hover over his cock, letting your drool collect and fall down onto his shaft in a long string, and the warmth of it brings out a frustrated growl from Joel. He watches with darkened eyes, and his hand shoots to the back of your head, gripping your hair tightly.
“Knew you’d be so fuckin’ dirty, such a little tease,” he growls out. He uses your hair to tilt your head back, so your neck is craned up, facing him more directly now. “If you’re gonna act like that, be willin’ to take it in return, sweetheart,” Joel says more coldly. “Open your mouth.” It’s not an ask, but a command, and the authoritarian in him makes you want to listen. You pop your mouth open, shaking a little bit under his tight grip as you watch him gather his own saliva and let it slowly fall out of his mouth, straight down into yours. You taste the strangeness of the sensation, never having had someone else's spit in your mouth in such a copious amount.
“Now swallow,” he demands, and you make a show of swallowing hard, eliciting a devious smile from Joel. “And get back to work,” he says, loosening his grip on your hair and pushing your head back to the level of his cock, dripping and awaiting your mouth.
You immediately slide your mouth down his shaft, not wanting any more pushback from Joel on your teasing, and you taste the saltiness of him as your mouth stretches more than you’re sure you can accommodate. You start to bob more quickly, savoring the myriad of groans and hums Joel makes in the height of his pleasure. 
“Fuck… your mouth’s even better than I ‘magined,” Joel says, his hips thrusting in time with your bobbing, sending his cock back further into your throat. A gag slips out, but you swallow him down, allowing him even deeper as your hand works on the rest of him that won’t fit inside of your mouth. He inhales sharply before pushing you back by the shoulders, his cock leaving your mouth with a loud pop.
You barely have time to be confused by the sudden interruption before Joel pulls you up under the arms, spinning you and flattening you against his desk, and you scramble to slide back, papers and office supplies spilling and moving everywhere. He flings a frustrated hand to clear it out of the way, sending everything flying onto the floor, and you stare wide-eyed, thinking this kind of thing only happens in the movies. And here you are, living in a real life fucking movie.
Joel grips your face, turning your attention back his way before crashing his lips into yours, ravenous kisses and swipes of his tongue taking over every sense. You moan, grinding your hips into him as you return the energy of his kisses, pulling back to trace your lips along his chin, the roughness of his beard scratching your face before you reach his earlobe, giving it a few gentle sucks.
“Shit,” Joel hisses out, pushing down your chest to have you lay back on the desk. He tugs under your knees, pulling you to the edge and hiking up your skirt in the process. His hand slides up your thigh, and you’re panting in anticipation, knowing he’s about to see the very evidence of your arousal absolutely soaking your lace panites. When Joel hooks his thumbs in the sides, pulling them down, he makes a satisfied huff at the slick, shining stain that’s left on the black fabric.
“Now that’s a sight…” Joel says, holding the panties up before slipping them into his back pocket. “Didn’t know you’d wanted to help me de-stress this badly, darlin’, would’ve called you in here ages ago,” he teases you with a wry chuckle, clearly enjoying the very compromising position he has you in.
“I do,” you say impatiently. “Didn’t know if it was okay to… you’re my boss.” 
“More than okay. Y’see, I’ve been thinkin’ the same thing f’ a while now, havin’ to resist such a perfect little thing that walked right into my office one day.” He tuts with frustration, tightening his grip on your thighs. “Seen you watch me like you couldn't wait to get that mouth on this cock, sugar.”
You nod, confirming everything he said was true. “I j-ust see you so worked up, so much on your shoulders, Joel. Let me…” you heave, “Take it all out on me.”
You tempt him to take that next step, wrapping your legs around his hips, your ankles crossing over each other to pull him even closer. 
“Sure you ain’t gonna tell anyone about this?” Joel asks with a few huffs, clearly holding back from what he really desires right now. His body is radiating the unmet need of release that’s throbbing from his every pore right down to his painfully hard cock.
You shake your head wildly, the back of your head moving along the desk. You sit up enough to peer at him and make sure he knows you’re serious. 
“Our little secret,” you whisper huskily, letting a smile curl onto your lips. 
“Good girl.” Joel returns the smile, one much more cunning as his features darken and he pushes his hard cock against your opening, the large head alone already making your hips twitch with pleasure. When he pushes in you make a small whimper, but try to stuff it down quickly as he stretches you with a beautiful sting along your opening. 
“Fu… oh my god,” you murmur, as he pushes in further and further, until you’re sure you couldn’t possibly be more full of him. When he moves past even that point, you groan and realize he’s fully seated inside of you, deeper than you’d ever imagined was even possible. You quickly pulsate around him, your body adjusting to his size until it starts to feel more pleasurable than painful.
“There we go, look at that…” Joel says breathlessly. “Takin’ this cock so pretty, aren’t ya?” He doesn’t even take a beat before he begins thrusting, his massive hands holding tightly onto your hips to steady you as you jostle back onto the desk. Your back arches into the pounding of your two bodies together, warmth growing from deep inside of you where he’s hitting so perfectly. You decide that while you’d made this about him, you wanted to fulfill a fantasy of your own while you had the chance. You’d daydreamed of a certain scenario countless times over the weeks, one you intended to have come to life and turn out to be even better than you could have imagined.
“Fuck me over your desk, Mr. Miller,” you say, an extra bite on the last words, knowing he won’t correct you on his name this time. He growls, a noise deep in his throat at your words.
“Want me to bend you over ‘n fuck you right on this desk, d’ya?” Joel asks, not even allowing you to answer before pulling out of you. You brace yourself on the desk, hopping off and immediately turning around, standing up and pressing the entire length of your body back onto Joel’s. You reach an arm up around his neck and pull him down for a kiss, and he lets out a low hum, grinding into your back.
He doesn’t let it last, though, the tender kiss, before he pushes you down with the palm of his hand on your back, guiding you to rest with your ass out and body pressed low onto the desk. You pant hard, feeling slick gathering between your legs all over again at how close you are to fulfilling your ultimate fantasy with him.
Joel has no mercy, slamming his cock into you, and this angle is completely devastating, ready to ruin you at any moment as your legs immediately begin to shake when his cock hits against your walls hard. He thrusts into you over and over, and you can’t help but be anything but loud, moaning out his name and every expletive that comes to mind as you practically go wild over the way he pumps you so full each and every time. You feel tears sting your eyes, the release trying to build to a crescendo deep in your core. 
One of Joel’s hands finds your clit, rubbing tight circles and you fold, completely undone at the large pad of his finger starting to coax your climax out of you. 
“C’mon, let me feel you come on this cock, know you’ve been wantin’ to,” Joel says haughtily, and you give in to the sensation, letting the waves of practically transcendent pleasure overtake you as you come hard, screaming Joel’s name in the process.
“Fuck, sweetheart, I’m gonna - “ Joel says in the midst of your writhing, moaning mess, before being cut off by his own orgasm being pulled from your pussy squeezing his cock. He quickly pulls out, letting himself spill onto your back with a few extra jerks of his cock, the ropes of cum warm on your skin. Joel breathes heavily, caught off guard by the intensity and quickness of his climax, knowing he nearly didn’t make it.
“Jesus, sugar, gonna make a man fuckin’ crazy with a pussy like that,” Joel purrs, using a tissue to begrudgingly clean up your back - he’d thought you’d looked much better all flushed and covered in his cum, and was already plotting a way to see it again and again.
You hum a satisfied sigh, turning back to look at him before sitting up and settling on the edge of the desk. “Glad I could help, boss,” you say teasingly, and Joel already feels another twitch in his cock at your toying with him. “You still stressed?” you ask, batting your eyelashes innocently.
“You’ve no fuckin’ idea…” Joel sighs. “Got a whole new set of problems now,” he says, looking you over with greedy eyes.
“Well, you know where to find me, if you ever need any help with that,” you say with a wink before hopping off the desk and breezing out of his office, daring a last look back at him.
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uselesssomebody · 1 year
𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕠𝕗 𝕛𝕦𝕝𝕪 (𝕝) - neighbor!joel miller x reader (pre!outbreak)
complete masterlist | joel miller masterlist
"𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕥𝕒𝕤𝕥𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕠𝕗 𝕛𝕦𝕝𝕪 𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕢𝕦𝕠𝕣 𝕠𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕓𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕙, 𝕞𝕪, 𝕞𝕪" - you can be the boss | lana del rey
words || 𝟠.𝟛𝕜
summary || in which the reader gets real friendly with one of her neighbors
next part || fourth of july (II)
a/n || in honor of that one deleted dvcree edit. may it rest in peace ➵ i became ghastly ill when i tried to write so apologies that it took a while. ➵ this is set before the events of the show, back when joel and sarah were still both alive and in austin, texas. i've never been so i dunno how accurate my descriptions are, or my accents, either. don't hate them please ➵ there is an age gap in this story !! if that makes you uncomfortable, i have many other non-age-gap fics you can browse on my page. reader is like 27 and joel is like 36. he's not old, though he is mentioned as such because he's old compared to her. also canonical dilf ➵ thinking of putting out a sister blog but with darker fics? what're we thinking, guys? ➵ send me requests if you have ‘em. enjoy!
warnings || fluff/smut ➵ unprotected sex ➵ piv sex ➵ oral (m receiving) ➵ fingering ➵ overstimulation ➵ facial & cum ig (tell me if i miss anything)
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austin was hot.
she was sure that was one of her first thoughts as she’d stepped off the plane, quick to push her suddenly-heavy locks out of her face. lugging luggage and a young teen with her certainly didn’t make it better, but the light gust of fresh air when she stepped out of the airport left her sighing deeply in relief.
flagging down a taxi was simple enough, but getting her sister to help place their suitcases in the trunk was not.
“nicole - please get off your ass and help me!” she said it in such a sweet voice, that her harsh choice of words seemed to both mildly bewilder and amuse the driver.
no one called nicole ‘nicole’, except, of course, her big sister - and even then, only to frighten her. to everyone else she was just nicky and, if they were real close, nick.
swallowing sharply at the implied warning - the use of her full name - she did, indeed, get off her ass and help push the last suitcase into the trunk.
they piled into the backseat, the cool of the a.c. soothing the light flush on the sisters’ skin. she’s quick to give the driver the address, and he nods, setting off.
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neither of them had imagined ever moving back to austin, but here they were.
it’d been about 13 years, as far as she remembers, and the scenery had changed significantly. more people bustled around the streets than there had been before, more businesses had seemingly popped up, and everything seemed fancier.
nicky wouldn’t have noticed the change, having moved alongside her family at the ripe age of a year old, but her significantly older sister could.
she still remembers how her parents had sat her down - on a pretty summer evening before her freshman year. they’d mentioned many things - how the family was due for a new start, how austin wasn’t so feasible for them anymore, and so on. the only thing she’d heard was change and loss.
and that's what it was for her. her whole life turned upside on its head, as the family of 4 made the move across the country to the cold state of michigan. and that’s where they’d stayed - for the rest of her childhood, and then her adulthood, too.
her parents had been young when they’d had her. very young, and she sometimes sensed the sadness that she caused them because of it. they never tried to be outward about it, and her life had been as happy as she could have realistically wanted it.
and, though she loved her young sister, she knew that she became less important in the eyes of her parents after nicky’s birth, taking the back-burner to make space for the family’s golden child, conceived with careful planning and meticulous care - as opposed to the case that she’d been.
now, though, being much older, she didn’t let that bother her, though she never felt particularly at home in michigan. in fact, the last place she’d felt at ease had been austin, and when her father had stated that he couldn’t continue to find renters for their old property there, and was thinking of selling it, she was quick to discourage him, swaying him by stating she’d be more than happy to stay there, renting under her parents. they’d been excited at the notion of being able to keep the house, she was happy to get out of there, and nicky was… well, she was, frankly, devastated at the thought of her big sister being several states away.
regardless of the tense family dynamic, the both of them had remained steadfastly bonded, with her providing the role of a caretaker as much as she was a sister to nicky when her parents found themselves unable to relate to or understand their young daughter. nicky’d begged for weeks to travel with her sister, and her parents had been - to put it lightly - hesitant, worried that the big change would affect their daughter’s development.
nicky was outgoing, for sure, and she had her friends and her school - but she knew all those came and went. the only rock she’d truly had in her life was her sister, and the notion of losing her had been too much to bear.
she’d gotten ill after that first week it was announced - it was as much a physical sickness as it was a psychological one - and the wallowing she had done at the advent of the news had only spurred the sickness to be harsher.
her parents had had to reprioritize after that, finally grasping the profound effect the separation might have on the two.
and that’s what led them here - just a few blocks away from her childhood home.
nicky wasn’t sure how exactly she felt about the suburban environment after their last few years in an apartment at the heart of the city, but when she looked over, she could see her sister’s happy - nay, giddy - face. that was definitely a big plus.
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she had practically fallen out of the car in her excitement, and she spent just a minute marvelling at the fact that building hasn't changed a bit from when she last saw it.
it had transported her back to her teenage self, and, lost in the moment, the taxi driver wondered if he should remind her of her bags and his fare. nicky, who had been less of a help on the ride here, started unloading them herself, and it took until the second suitcase for him to help her.
“just give her a minute,” she mumbles, making him laugh lightly. hearing the conversation, she snaps her head back, realizing that most of the bags were already on the pavement.
“oh! sorry,” she fished into her wallet, producing his fare, which he accepted with a nod and salute. she smiled, the two sisters thanking him and waving him off, before turning back to their place, “excited?” she mumbles it to nicky.
“incredibly,” she said it with a faux-bored expression, but even she could appreciate the extra space this house would provide them.
she walks up the patio steps, slotting the key she’d so delicately carried the entire journey here into the lock, and hearing the distinct click it made when it opened.
the sound of a new beginning.
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it'd been a few weeks, and everything was shockingly alright. the house felt more like home to her than anywhere she'd ever been, and though nicky was still adjusting, she felt infinitely better in a somewhat unfamiliar environment with her sister, as opposed to a familiar one without her. the house had three bedrooms, and nicky’d happened to pick her childhood bedroom out of the two offered to her, and, though nicky hadn't realized yet, she could see the love she’d put into the bedroom when she was younger: chipped wallpaper where she’d put her posters, a faint ring of liquid on the windowsill from where she'd kept her potted plant, the creak of the bed whenever someone would sit on it.
hey, she never said it was perfect, and they'd been quick to make their way to the furniture store closer to the city to find some new things for the place. all she was glad about was that there was no need for renovations in the old house.
they'd found a lot of time to spend together; having moved early into the summer, they'd hoped nicky would get acquainted with the change before going to school. that’d also left her to be a somewhat bored teen, so she did what she, as a younger sibling, did best: annoy her sister.
of course, she didn't mind, simply happy they had a chance to hang out, something that had been harder to do for her between work back in michigan, and her school. currently, she was also taking a break, having left her job, and having a new one lined up in another month.
that left ample time for them to catch up on all the movies and t.v. they'd had to watch, and for the older sister to teach nicky a thing or two about good music. she couldn't have her sister entering high school with a bad taste of music - it'd be blasphemous. she'd been brushing up on her housekeeping abilities as well, so the time also consisted of teaching nicky of how to cook, and keep everything in the house in order to minimize the risk of damage.
that time had begun to dwindle as of recent, with nicky being out of the house more often. she'd come into her sister's room sporadically, in order to ask her permission to meet with a friend. she'd tend to say yes, considering her sister was old enough to handle herself, though she was always a little shocked at the speed at which nicky made friends.
on one fine morning, she finally sat her down.
“so, who's this friend you've been spending all your time with?” it'd been in the middle of breakfast, and nicky'd become frozen, spoonful of cereal sticking out of her mouth. she’s quick to realize the awkward position, pulling the spoon out of her mouth, and hastening her chewing in order to answer the question more quickly.
“you haven't met her? oh my god, you absolutely have to. she's been showing me around the place - apparently she knows all the coolest spots, cause her and her dad - they've been living here for, like, forever, and-” the sudden onslaught of information made the older sister practically recoil, before it was replaced by an amused chuckle.
“well, mom and dad were worried about how well you'd adjust, but it seems like you're doing just fine.” nicky smiled too, though it was a little sheepish, “so, where did you say she stayed?” she was still slightly confused as to how nicky had met her, as she'd never exactly strayed very far from the house.
“oh, she lives next-door. didn't I mention?” the information was jarring for a moment, as it seemed a massive oversight on her part to not even notice her adjacent neighbors, but she suddenly found herself remembering something. there had been a young girl coming out of the house next door with a bag slung over her shoulder, and her hair pulled back and under a visor to protect her from the blinding texan sun. she’d been out to attend to some of the plants she had bought for the porch, and she had looked up when she’d heard the girl’s crunching steps on the somewhat gravelly pavement.
she’d smiled and waved at her, and she’d nodded back, just slightly confused by the encounter. of course, due to the nature of it, she’d promptly forgotten about it by evening, but she was quickly coming to realize that this must be the girl that nicky was talking about.
“wait - she’s the one with the big hair, wears band shirts?” nicky nods enthusiastically, and she smiles approvingly. the young girl seemed sweet enough, and she was more than happy that nicky had already found a friend.
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the next week, nicky had been begging that they invite sarah over for dinner. it’d been a chill weekend anyways, so she was definitely not opposed to the idea, but she was quick to extend the invitation.
“okay, okay - invite her over on sunday. tell her to invite her parents too; it’d be nice to meet the neighbors.” nicky was quick to shake her head.
“parent, it’s just her and her dad.” she corrected herself quickly.
“right, ‘f course. invite him over too, then.” nicky nodded excitedly, rushing over to her room to get on the phone with sarah along the street.
that sunday, she did join the sister’s for dinner, but, as she’d been ushered into the house by two friendly smiles, she seemed to putting off a phrase at the tip of her tongue.
“s’everything ‘lright, hun?” she was quick to notice her guest’s guarded appearance, as she’d sat on the couch with nicky.
“hmm? oh, yeah, yeah. it’s just - my dad’s working tonight, so he couldn’t make it.” she waved her off.
“oh, don’t worry about that, we’re just happy you’re here!”
nicky echoed the sentiment, and the two young girls spent their time talking and laughing, a couple miscellaneous snack bowls spread over the coffee table as sarah became more comfortable. they’d migrated to the dining table when they’d been served dinner. she didn’t tend to cook for guests, so she attempted to pull out all her makeshift stops and, considering the end product, she was quite satisfied with the result.
no one was more excited than nicky and sarah, though - the both of them practically scarfing down the delicious meal. the conversation had turned to include all three of them, and sarah was beginning to reacquaint the both of them to austin, while they entertained her with stories of their time in michigan.
though they’d tried their very best, neither girl came all that close to finishing all the food she’d set out, so she was quick to package it up, sending sarah on her way with the food as a nod to her father’s missed opportunity.
“are you sure? i mean, i don’t know if i can take this-”
“yes, you can. unless you don’t think he’ll like it-”
“no! absolutely not, he’ll love it, it’s just-”
“sarah.” the faux-strict tone made sarah’s face crack into a smile, before she nodded, tucking the packet under her arm as she turned to say her goodbyes to nicky.
once she’d left, she pounced on her older sister.
“isn’t she great?” startled, she laughed, before nodding.
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june passed quickly, and, by july, she’d finished the paperwork for the house, for her job, and for nicky’s school. she was glad to know that it was the same one that sarah went to, and, with the added comfort of her sister spending increasing amounts of time exploring austin, she’d sat her cramped joints down in front of the t.v., vying at the chance to enjoy some trashy reality or game show.
though the sun still provided sweltering heat, when she left the kitchen and living room windows slightly ajar, she could feel the hint of a breeze work in place of their energy-consuming a.c. - which she’d turned off for that exact reason.
she turned her head from the t.v., the contestants on the screen continuing to speak with the host, and she let her eyes drift over the sliver of scenery that she could see through the half-obstructed kitchen windows. some of her neighbors had put up american flags. some were old, new, tattered, printed, there was even one that seemed to be homemade. of course, she knew this behavior was really only reserved in this neighborhood during this time of year, as the texans prepared to celebrate the 4th of july.
reminiscing of her own experiences with the holiday: going swimming with friends, eating good meals, and the occasional barbecue at a friend’s place - she was caught off guard when she heard the doorbell ring. it made her jump, but she quickly composed herself, standing up and brushing off her clothes.
she ran her fingers through her hair and, hoping she looked presentable, she opened the door.
it was her neighbor on her other side, a woman by the name of martha. she was a little older - her and her husband - and they were absolute sweethearts. in fact, they were the first to greet the new neighbors, back on their second day here. she was looking up at her with an excited smile.
“martha, hi! what can i do for you!”
“well - i was just wondering if you’d join us: we’re having a little barbecue tomorrow for the 4th, and i’ve invited a few of the neighbors. we’d really love to have you and nicky.”
she was just a bit taken aback by the invitation, but she didn’t hesitate in her response.
“of course, we’d be happy to be there! shall i bring anything?”
“no, of course not, dear. we’re hosting, just bring your little one.” she let out a light laugh, agreeing. martha bid her a quick goodbye, and headed in the next house’s direction - the millers.
perfect, she thought, nicky’ll have some fun too, then.
july the 4th, and a neighborhood barbecue. it’s a nation-wide phenomenon, then.
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nicky’d been significantly more excited than her, once again, proving herself to be the more social one. nevertheless, as the younger girl got ready the next morning, her older sister spent her time finishing a tin of muffins. martha’d assured her she didn’t have to bring anything, but it almost hurt her soul to show up empty-handed. if she’d calculated correctly - and she’d hoped she’d done - she’d made just about enough for the whole group.
by 11:30, they were both ready, and she’d placed two boxes of them in nicky’s hand, while she carried the other two. the both of them made their way over, and she noticed the large group mingling in their yard and backyard. she could see martha’s husband, john, commandeering their large grill, a corona in his hand. she looked around for martha, and caught the eye of the woman as she turned away from greeting another guest.
“oh, you two ‘re here, perfect.”
“hey, martha. look, i know what you said, but-” martha gasped in delight at the boxes as she neared and noticed them, lightly taking them off of her.
“they look great; you haven’t stressed making them, have ya?”
“no - no, it’s my pleasure, really.” martha smiled at her, a mix of graciousness and happiness, before turning her attention to nicky.
“hey, nicky. how’re ya holding up?” nicky nodded.
“good, pretty good. thanks for having us.” she waved her hand at the notion, ushering the both of them inside.
for the first hour, she got acquainted with martha’s husband, the smiths from across from them, and marriots from down the road. they were all very curious about michigan and she, in turn, curious about how much exactly austin had changed since she’d last been here. at the same time, nicky was talking to a pair of twins a year younger than her who lived about two houses down. they were pretty cool, and were going to the same school as her, so they were filling her in on some of the school-wide drama: stuff sarah never cared so much about.
speaking of which, by about 12:30, she hears sarah’s voice greeting someone, and she turns her head, waving at her. behind her is her father, two packs of cold ones in his hands, that he sets down as he greets the hosts. sarah’s quick to detach from him, saluting him goodbye, as she instead makes her way over to nicky and the two other girls.
nicky's older sister had been enraptured in a conversation about the new dog the marriots were getting next week, when she felt someone come up to her.
john had brought joel over to the group, and he integrated without interrupting the story, letting mr. marriot express his excitement for the miniature pinscher they were getting. once he was done, he notices the newest member of his audience.
“hey! joel, how’re ya doin’?” his words turned the attention of everyone in the group, and she realized that this was the coveted joel miller: the man she missed for that one dinner. she turned her head to look at him, flashing him a friendly smile, but it almost froze on her face as she drank in his appearance.
good god, was he fine. messy hair that he’d pushed back, a full beard and an intense gaze. jesus, he was piercing straight through her, his eyes boring into hers while his mouth reflected a polite smile. she averted her gaze for a moment, before john is quick to introduce them.
“and this is joel; him and his daughter live right next door to you guys.” she nods, reaching over to shake his outstretched hand.
“nice to meet you; you’re sarah’s dad?” he nods, smiling at the mention of his daughter. she made the mistake of looking up to catch his gaze, and she felt her breath hitch. the moment passed as she released his hand, but, when she looked back up at his face for a half-second, as ms. smith began talking about her daughter, she swore she saw a smirk in the corner of his mouth.
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the lunch had been lovely, and the company had been better. she’d heard stories of four neighbor’s dogs, and seven neighbor’s kids, and then stories of john and martha’s holiday the previous winter, and she felt much closer to the entire neighborhood. nicky had been bustling between her and her friends the entire time, as had sarah, but with her father.
speaking of whom - joel was interesting. he seemed just a bit tired, and maybe bit quiet compared to the others, but he had managed to find a keen amusement in making her squirm. and how could she not? this attractive, sweet, hot, funny, hot, gentlemanly, hot single dad was meeting her eyes every few moments with a gaze that made it look like he wanted to make her forget her name.
did she mention he was hot?
as was she, after a few hours of this strange back and forth, where the both of them seemed to be enraptured in the conversations they were in, but couldn’t seem to take their attention off each other.
jesus christ - he’s your neighbor. and he’s 10 years older than you. and he’s got a daughter who is best friends with your sister!
she jumped when nicky had come up to her, shocked by the feeling of practically materializing her sister.
“hey, i was wondering if i could go over to sarah’s place? i’ll be home in the evening.” nicky seemed a little tired of the party, obviously not the absolute best scene for a teenager like her.
“huh? oh, um - is she and her dad okay with that?”
“i’m alright with it,” a deep voice came from behind her, and she whipped her head around. joel had a kind smile on his face, and he was looking over at nicky, nodding.
“oh, thank you mr. miller! i appreciate it.” nicky smiled back up at him, before looking at her sister with practically puppy eyes.
“alright, nicky. be home by 5.”
“by 6, see you!” nicky rushed off before she had a chance to argue, and she opened her mouth, stuck between bemusement and amusement at her gall. joel laughed behind her, a deep, quiet noise. she didn’t realize how close he was to her, feeling the vibrations of his body in her own. she turned to properly face him, taking a half-step back to allow herself a more comfortable angle to look at him.
“nicky’s always so excited to hang out with sarah, and i can see why: she’s really sweet.” he smiled at the compliment for his daughter, his eyes holding a far-away quality that indicated his reminiscing of her.
“yeah - yeah, nicky too. sarah’s always harpin’ me to be able to go out with her.” he took a breath as he snapped back to look at her, “you’re new to the neighborhood then.” she smiled.
“yeah, we just moved in last month.” he nodded, gesturing around.
“it’s not a bad place, when you’re used to it.” there’s a joking twang in his tone.
“it’s not a bad place, even when you aren’t.” a light chuckle fell from him, as he took another swig of his beer. she could feel the proximity heating her up, so she brushed some hair out of her face, “i think i’ll step out for a moment. d’ya wanna join me?” she gestured to the door, and he shrugged.
“why not.”
the yard was more empty now, as people had begun leaving the gathering, or entering the house as the food had dwindled. though, still placed on the table, were a few of the many muffins she had made. she walked over, him in invisible tow, and she took one, handing it over to him.
“do me a favor, tell me what you think.” he seemed a bit confused, but obliged her, eating the muffin with great care. maybe exaggerated, but the expression on his face made her laugh, so she didn’t mind.
“this is great! martha went all out for these.” she nodded at the praise, him oblivious that it should have been directed towards her.
“martha definitely did. those were mine, though.” he looked back at her, in a mixture of impress and awe.
“well - you’re as good a baker as you are a cook, then.” she laughed at the reference to their lost dinner.
“oh, you did get it from sarah. perfect, what’d you think?”
“i thought that i regretted missing the chance to meet you then.”
suddenly, she felt the conversation had veered away from her ability to make food, and more towards - well, her. she went to retort, but heard her phone’s tone go. she snapped her head to her pocket, mumbling an apology as she did so.
it wasn’t anything important, thankfully, but it did give her an opportunity to check the time and, true to belief, it seemed that, very soon, she’d have overstayed her welcome.
“shit, it’s later than i thought.” she looked up at him, almost apologetically.
“you’re heading home?” though she wasn’t a master at reading faces, she could almost swear there was a hint of disappointment on his.
“well, joel, you’re a hard man to get a hold of. so, mind helping me bring these boxes back?” she gestured to the four boxes, and, in her own roundabout manner, made the bold move of inviting him over.
was it even bold? he lived a few meters from the place anyway. he smiled though, and, in his own gentlemanly manner, agreed immediately. he grabbed three of the boxes before she could stop him, and she almost sheepishly took the last box back up the street with him, pausing for only a moment to unlock the door to hers, before ushering him into the place.
he seemed almost hesitant to step too far in, but she waved it off, telling him to make himself comfortable as he set the boxes down.
“want anything? water, beer? something to eat?” he held his hand up, shaking his head, but did indulge in sitting at her dinner table. she ignored his gesture, taking out two cans for the both of them, before sitting in the seat beside him. he didn’t seem to mind, though, taking the cold beverage gratefully. it made her smile: at least the heat was affecting the both of them.
she took a long, almost wincing sip of hers, having almost forgotten how strong the liquid tasted in her mouth.
“sarah mentioned you’re a contractor?” it was a feeble attempt at reigniting their conversation; truly, she just didn’t want him to leave yet. he seemed to notice that notion, as he took a moment to answer, looking up at her between sips.
“yeah, yeah. me and my brother.” it was new info, and she nodded, rubbing at her nose lightly as she concentrated on the tab of the can, “so, how’d you find the place - the people?”
“they’re - uh, they’re really nice, i guess. everyone seems really friendly.” he nods.
“sure, sure. i’m sure it’s a little annoying though - everyone’s a bit older, right?” she looked up at him, and he had an unreadable expression on his face.
“well, i don’t mind older.” she maintained eye contact as she saw his smile twist, lip curling into a smirk, one he tried to hide behind his drink, “in fact, i think it’s better. older guys tend to be more mature - put together, you know?”
“guys?” his face betrayed his shock at her directness, and she suppressed a laugh.
“well, that is what you’re asking, aren’t you?” he held a hand up in surrender.
“and if i was?” she stuck her tongue into the side of her cheek, surveying the space between them.
“well, mr. miller. i’d tell you to stop beating around the bush and just take what you want.” he set his drink down with a light thud, something more desperate swirling in his eyes.
“and what would that be?” he wanted her to iterate exactly what she thought would happen.
“you tell me.” she didn’t give in, hoping the older man would break before she would.
he didn’t need much convincing, though, placing a firm grip on her arm, and pulling her closer to him, leaning forward and taking her cheek in his much larger hand.
“you’re asking too much of me, sweetheart. what’d the neighbors think?” his breath fanned over her face, and the tone of his voice indicated his teasing nature.
“what?” he laughed against her, shaking her body, before he gestured to the window just adjacent to him.
“only been here a few weeks, and already seducing one of your neighbors? it’s bold - i’ll tell you that much.” his cologne - a soft, but distracting smell - was overpowering her, and she couldn’t exactly think clearly as he sat so close to her.
“joel.” it came out as more of a plea than she had maybe wished, and he smiled, his eyes flicking across her face, “should we go upstairs?” she detached from his eyes for just the slightest moment, to look up at the staircase leading to her room.
“if you want to, sweetheart.”
fuck. being called sweetheart? by him? she was done for.
she led him up the stairs, her steps just slightly shaky as she walked up.
what was she doing? him, she supposed.
her bedroom was messier than she’d hoped as they walked in, but she didn’t have time to dwell on that as he pulled her towards him while she shut the door behind her, pressing his lips to her ear as her back hits his thick chest.
“you sure you want to do this?” his voice is huskier than it had been before, and it made her let out a shaky breath.
“please.” he smiles against her soft skin, turning her to face him. she doesn’t waste a moment, leaning closer to his face as he pulled hers closer to him, capturing her lips in his own.
his beard tickled her chin, his breath warm on her face as she closed her eyes against him. he tasted like an interesting mix between the barbecue, her muffins, and the beer he’d been drinking, creating a festive, american aftertaste in her mouth.
the kiss made her moan against him, as her hands finally began exploring the man in front of her. his shirt was flimsy against his torso, and that made her almost more inclined to pull it off of him, as she placed her hands under the thin fabric. he broke the kiss with an amused exhale, pulling her hands out from under it with a smile playing on his lips.
“think you owe me something, first, sweetheart.” she looked back up at him in confusion, but, noticing the fingers at the ends of her own top, she as quick to pull it off of herself. even he seemed a little shocked by her eagerness, but that didn’t stop him, pulling her into him with such force that the both of them fell onto her bed.
he sat back up in a heartbeat, redirecting her thighs so that they straddled his own, pulling her towards him. the angle left her neck at eye level with him, and his nose traced the skin of her collarbone, the ghost of kisses leaving a trail up her neck as she wrapped her fingers in his scruffy hair. she let herself get lost in his touch, the softness of his lips on her chest, the sharp sting of his teeth occasionally grazing her skin, the harshness of his fingers against the skin of her thighs.
before she - or he, for that matter - could get too carried away, she pushed away from him lightly, reaching back down to tug at his shirt.
“you got what you wanted, now come on-” he laughed as he pulled the offending cloth off of him, and she sighed happily at the sight.
god, he was hot. she pushed him further back until he was laying down, and attached herself to his jaw, placing chaste kisses in a similar manner he’d done, tracing the edges on his beard with her lips. he kept his hands firmly on her sides, squeezing gently as she made her way down his body, over his chest, where the hair tickled her nose, making her smile. then, over his stomach, until she’d gotten dangerously close to his rapidly hardening cock.
he gripped her tightly, making her squeak in shock which, surprisingly, did nothing to quell his arousal.
“let me, c’mon.” she said it as though there was a measure needed to persuade him. that definitely wasn’t the issue; rather he was worried he’d finish far too quickly for the mature older man he’d portrayed himself to be.
but how could he not - this fucking gorgeous woman with her head between his legs looking up at him with those eyes. fuck, those eyes.
“please, joel?” he’d grunted in that moment, releasing his grip, and she had a smug smile on her face as she unbuttoned his jeans. he couldn’t see it though, his head thrown back as he tried to even his breaths.
she wasted not a moment to tease him, tracing the outline of him lightly through the thin fabric of his boxers. he’d groaned her name - almost in warning, and she smiled as she relented, pulling him out from the confines of the cloth.
she hadn’t exactly been proud of her expression in that moment - akin to an actress on a certain screen, if you caught her drift - except hers wasn’t a fake one. older men had always been a hit or miss for her in terms of dick size, but this one seemed to be the fucking hit.
he’d recovered in time to catch that look, leaning on his forearm to be able to reach his hand over and push her hair out of your face.
“shocked, sweetheart?” she didn’t take her eyes off him.
“excited, more like.” she pulled her hand lightly up and down his cock, spitting in her hand before continuing. the added lubrication made him moan through his teeth, and she didn’t give him a moment of reprieve, readjusting so she was at the perfect angle to lightly lick his tip.
he practically shuddered at the contact of the wet muscle on him, a hand going to weave the hair falling over her face away, and gripping her head maybe tightly than he intended to, as she placed feather-light, open-mouthed kisses from the top to the bottom of his cock. he didn’t say anything, his appreciation for the act moreso communicated through the squeezing and releasing of her hair, and his shuddered breaths and quiet, almost broken moans.
deciding she didn’t want to wait any longer, she wrapped her lips completely around him, taking him deeper and practically feeling him twitch as she sunk lower on him. he guided her movements slightly with his grip on her, pushing her down as he let loose to the feeling, and pulling her up lightly as she came too close to unraveling him.
breathing in deeply through her nose, she pushed down further on him, swallowing to suppress her gag as she felt her nose being tickled by the hair at his base.
“fuck, sweetheart.” the curse left his mouth almost aggressively, as he twitched behind her lips. her throat constricted around him, and she resurfaced, breathing heavily to make up for the lost air. he looks down at her, taking in her cock-drunk appearance as she sighed between his thighs. she lazily pulled her hand up and down his cock, as she caught her breath, “come up here, baby.” through both of their pants, she made out his request, getting up so that she was sitting on her knees, as he also rose to rest better against the headboard. he gestured her to some closer, and she placed a knee of either side of him, practically crawling up his legs.
the shorts she was wearing were his biggest obstacle at the moment, and he was quick to pull her up by the front of them, unbuttoning them in the process. a squeak emitted from her, shocked by the manhandling, and he was quick to pull them down her legs. her hands cover his, the both of them almost desperately taking them off and, once he’d finally done so, he focused his eyes to hers, his fingers sliding up her thigh and to her cunt. he traced her lower lips lightly, and she could feel her thighs tense, her breathing hitching.
noticing her reaction, he smiles, pulling her lips to his, and kissing her as he traced up and down her slit, placing the ghost of pressure on her clit. she almost jumps at the sensation, but the firm grip his other hand keeps on her hip stops her.
“don’t run away now, sweetheart.” it’s a whisper into the space between them, and she wordlessly nods, her hand going to his biceps and gripping as he applied more pressure, “tell me what you want.” she looked up at him, a mix of disappointment and frustration at the request.
“you?” she cleared her throat, averting her gaze, and he used his free hand to direct her chin to look at him, “what d’you want?”
“i want you to fuck me.” she felt almost ashamed saying it, but he smiled in pride - a smug smile.
“we’ll have to get you ready, first; don’t ya think?” he dips the tip of his finger into her and she shudders again, her hips jumping lightly, causing him to squeeze her. she nods, humming, too focused on the movements of him fingers to properly answer. taking pity on her, he obliges, pushing a finger into her, and curling it up.
“oh, god.” the sensation makes every muscle in her tense, the sexual frustration piquing at the feeling, and simultaneous lack thereof. her head falls into the space between them, and he places an almost comforting kiss to the top of her head, before beginning to move his finger.
initially, he moved it in and out of her almost exploratively, as if he was trying to determine what exactly made her tick. it resulted in soft moans and cut-off breaths, before he heard something akin to a whimper when he’d found a particular spot inside her.
he pushed another finger in, making her noises only grow, gripping him tighter. he started moving in and out of her at a more rapid rate, his fingers curling, to the point where she was moaning so loudly that he was worried the neighbors would hear regardless of their relocation.
he took his lips to hers again, hoping to muffle her noises, and it worked, her mouth focused on feverishly returning his passion that she managed to swallow the majority of her moans. though, it didn’t help when she felt the knot inside her begin to tighten, her hips grinding against his fingers.
“y’gonna cum, sweetheart?” she couldn’t speak, worried she’d be too loud if she opened her mouth, so she nodded frantically, pushing more quickly against him as she chased her high, “that’s it, baby, cum for me, cum for me-” his encouragement almost made it easier, and she did cum, in something akin to a burst: her body fully stilled, as did his movements, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head, the hint of a squeal leaving her parched mouth. her voice sounded almost broken because of the intensity of it, and she practically leaped off of his fingers, unable to take the overstimulation as he had begun to move again.
“sorry - fuck, it’s too much, sorry-” he shook his head, assuring her immediately.
“it’s fine, sweetheart, you’re fine. ‘re ya ‘kay?” his accent came out more aggressively as he checked on her. she’d placed her hands over her face in an attempt to cool its warm flush, trying to catch her breath, as she nodded shakily.
“i’m - i’m, fuck, yeah, i’m fine.” she practically stuttered through her gasps, and he found it endearing, giving her a moment to compose herself. he adjusted the way she sat on him for her to be more comfortable, him fingers kneading the flesh of her thigh gently, hoping the contact would ground her.
it worked, with her taking her hands off her face after a few moments. her eyes had a far-away look to them, but she had a sheepish smile on her face.
“that was - uh, it was really good.” he smiled at her reaction, but it dropped after a moment.
“we can - we can stop, if ya want, sweetheart. if it’s too much-”
“no!” her response was so aggressive that it made him look at her in light amusement, “i mean, no. i don’t want to stop.” he surveyed her with an analytical eye.
“are ya sure?”
“joel, please?” she’d moved closer so her cunt sat inches from his cock, her warmth radiating onto him.
“i-” he went to say something, but seeing her flushed skin, her lust-blown eyes and the plea to fuck him, he seceded.
he pulled her up by her thighs, so she hovered over his cock. she used her hand to hold it steady, before he helped her lower onto him. it took a try or two, with his cock bumping against her clit and making her jolt. his tip caught her entrance in just another moment, though, and she took in a deep breath as she sunk onto him.
“fuck-” his response made up for her wordless one, her face contorting in pleasure as she tried to handle the size of him in her.
“joel-” she needed a moment to adjust, and it seemed as though he’d realized even before her.
“take your time, sweetheart.” she took a deep breath, sinking into joel’s arms further as she felt his thumb over her clit, trying to make the process easier for her.
finally, she mustered the strength to grip onto his shoulders, his hand finding a firm place on her waist, as she strained the muscles in her thighs to lift herself up. she felt a moment of aching emptiness, before she sunk back down on him, his cock catching practically every sensitive spot inside of her, making her moan.
it was a bit laborious, but along with his own effort, they came to a working rhythm seamlessly, and her moans began to be matched by his grunts at the feeling of her warm cunt, enveloping and twitching around him. she felt fucking amazing, and the warm breath of her gasps spurred him to push against her with just that bit more force. her eyes widened, her moans breaking as her breath caught in her throat. she felt her muscles turn to jelly with each thrust, practically being held up just by his hands. her head falls against his shoulder, her breath stuttering. his pace didn’t relent, though, with him readjusting just slightly to do the brunt of the work, fucking up into her as she tried not to let the pleasure consume her.
“joel - joel, you’re, oh, fuck-” she became a mess of mumbles as she attempted to just take it, but she felt her second orgasm oncoming, and way too quickly.
“c’mon, c’mon-” even joel wasn’t really registering what he was saying, focusing on feeling her cunt pulse again, like it had around his fingers. she didn’t make him wait too long, as her mouth fell open and her body tensed, clamming up as her orgasm crashed over her. his name came out in a squeak, and he resisted the urge to moan too loudly by attaching his lips to her neck, taking in the feeling of her pulsating cunt.
she slumped against him, desperately trying to catch her breath, before she was reminded her was still inside her. he helped her off of him and, before he could do anything else, she kneeled back in front of him, positioning her face right in front of his cock and stroking him to completion, his warm cum falling over her face in ropes.
“jesus christ, sweetheart.” he had to physically turn away from her, worried he’d get hard again at the sight, and she let out a tired laugh at his reaction. she rose from the bed after a moment of catching her breath, turning into her bathroom in order to clean herself up. it only took a minute or two, and by the time she’d walked back, joel had managed to pull his jeans back over him, and was desperately searching for his shirt. it was just by her feet, and she could give it to him.
but did she want to?
both of their heads snapped up when they heard the sound of the front door opening.
nicky - she’d come back at her sister’s previously preferred time, 5, and that had become increasingly problematic.
“shit-” she threw his shirt at him, and he caught it with one hand, trying to adjust the button of his pants with the other, “what do we-?” she questioned, as she pulled her shorts over her legs and shirt over her own head.
“just say ya were showing me around?” he suggested, and, through a shaky breath, she nodded.
“smart - smart, uh, do we-?” she gestured to herself, hoping she looked presentable, and the both of them gave each other a once over in approval that neither looked too disheveled, before they opened the door.
of course, those post-orgasm should never be told to rationally judge anything, as nicky and sarah could tell something was off from practically the moment their family members stepped out of the room.
“nicky? you didn’t have to be back so early, you know.” she said it quickly, without thinking, and, upon seeing joel’s what the fuck? expression, she realized how bad it sounded. nicky had, too, her brows furrowing as she turned to sarah, who simply shrugged in similar confusion.
“i’m sorry?” she watched as her sister - and then, to her surprise, mr. miller - came down the stairs.
“that’s not what i meant.” her sister mumbled, a sheepish smile on her face.
“dad, what’re you doing here?” sarah looks at her father quizzically, and he opens his mouth to speak, as she does at the same time.
“just - showing me around-”
“i’m giving him a tour!” they spoke over each other, and she glanced to look at him in slight embarrassment. he was trying his absolute hardest to keep from chuckling.
“anyways, sarah, we should get going. you two have fun?” sarah still looked between the both of them inquisitively, as nicky bore a glare at her sister, as if asking a question telepathically.
“lots of fun, dad.” it’s got an awkward delivery, so he coughs in an attempt to dissuade the tension, turning to her once more.
“it was nice meeting you, then - the both of you.” he smiled at nicky as well, before reuniting with his daughter.
“of course! it was great to see you again, too, sarah.” she mentioned, as she opened the front door for the both of them.
“see you around, sarah. good evening, mr. miller.” nicky spoke from behind her, and the millers nodded in goodbye. the front door shut with a click behind them.
there was a moment of silence between her and nicky, as she leaned against the door, before nicky broke into a big smile.
“i can’t believe you did that.” panic flashed over her face, and she whipped her head to face nicky.
“he’s so much older than you. and my friend’s dad, c’mon!” she sounded annoyed, but the exaggerated nature indicated that it was fake. she immediately tried to deny her sister’s completely true assertion, but the younger girl practically laughed in her face. she rolled her eyes at the reaction, brushing her off.
“shut up, nicky. he’s not even that much older than me.”
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only a few meters away, sarah was trying very hard to suppress her own laugh.
“she’s really nice, right, dad?” joel, who had a faraway look in his eyes, hummed in response, prompting her to continue, “nicky’s sister. she’s really nice.”
“yeah - yeah, she is.” joel shrugged, unsure of how exactly to respond to his daughter. he looked down at her, and she had this glint of mischievousness in her eyes.
it worried him.
as he ushered her in when he’d unlocked the door, she’d made a beeline for her room. though, before she made her way up the stairs, she turned back for a moment, looking at him.
“and dad? you’re shirt’s on backwards.” she doesn’t wait for his response, walking up the stairs. shocked, joel looks down at his shirt, where the tag was practically looking him in the face. he sighed, closing the door behind him.
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niragiinborderland · 1 year
Based on Paralysed by Sueco - Niragi x Fem!Reader
 Angst because it’s emo hours and I <3 Sueco. Kind of edited, kind of not. Also my first attempt at smut :-)
Word Count: 2.9K
TW: Alcohol, drugs, sex/smut, mental health issues/mental instability (reader), death, blood, general aib themes.
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Alcohol, drugs, sex - you’d try anything to keep your mind off this fever dream you were living in. Your life before Borderland was far from perfect, but this was pure hell.
So, when you weren’t fighting for your life or avoiding the militants, you could be found drinking and snorting anything you could get your hands on. One particularly rowdy night saw you being dragged out of a private party you somehow got caught up in for, apparently, starting a fight.
Stupid bitch deserved it you thought to yourself, aggressively removing your shoes and stomping around your room as you prepared yourself to attempt to sleep.
A knock at the door interrupted you, injecting more anger into your substance-laced veins.
“What the fuck do y-“ you snarled, stopping yourself when you saw the figure on the other side of the door.
“You should watch your mouth there, sweets” Niragi smirked down at you.
The shock was surprisingly sobering, and the anger was replaced with a low buzz of fear. You knew what the militants were like, and you knew Niragi in particular was not to be messed with.
“Sorry,” you swallowed, trying to avoid eye contact “why are you here?”
“You left your cocaine on my nightstand,” he held up a baggy with the hand that wasn’t adorned with his well-kept weapon “just wanted to return it to ya.”
The tension you didn’t realise you were holding in your shoulders eased at the realisation he wasn’t here to… well, whatever it is happens to people who cross the militants.
But something didn’t make sense.
The Beach was teeming with drugs, it wouldn’t exactly be a big job to find more - so what exactly compelled Niragi to return yours to you?
Whatever it was, you weren’t interested in finding out.
“Oh, thanks I guess” you said, tone laced with confusion as you took the baggy and simultaneously tried to shut the door.
Your attempt was futile, as the door jolted against Niragi’s boot with a loud thud.
“You’re pretty feisty, huh?” Niragi quipped, pushing the door back open with his foot, “I didn’t think you had it in you” he finished, running his piercing over his bottom lip.
What the hell does he know?
“Yeah, well if she hadn’t been such a- “
“I’m not asking you to explain yourself,” Niragi cut you off, “just saying I’d like to see it again.”
He was looking you up and down, smirk plastered on his face. You stood there like a deer in headlights, stomach churning at the thought of what was going to happen next before your saving grace sounded off from the hallway.
“Oi, Niragi!” boomed a loud voice, presumably Aguni’s, “stop fuckin’ around, emergency meeting. Now.”
Niragi rolled his eyes, replying with a quick “coming, boss” as he complied with his superior.
“See you around” he said to you over his shoulder as he was walking away, arrogance laced in his words.
You slammed the door shut without replying, shaken up and not sober enough to process what just happened.
Thank god for Aguni you thought to yourself for the first time ever, as you rolled yourself into bed, eager to forget about the entire interaction.
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“God, you’re such a filthy little slut,” Niragi spat from above you, hips slamming against your ass and his hand around your throat “where’s that feisty side now, huh?”
Between the pressure on your windpipe and the way his cock was slamming your sweet spot over and over, you couldn’t muster a reply other than broken moans.
“You wanna cum so bad don’t you?” he teased, being met with rapid nods and noises of pleasure from you.
“Beg then” Niragi demanded, pulling himself out of your hungry pussy and loosening the grip around your throat just enough for you to speak.
“P-please, Niragi,” your voice raspy and your legs squirming as your desperate cunt begged to be filled “please, m-make me cum” you managed to stammer out.
“Good girl” he said, devilish grin on his face and lust-filled eyes drinking in the view.
His cock slammed back into you harder and faster before, but still in the perfect spot to keep tightening the coil in your stomach.
Tears brimmed your eyes as your head was pushed further into the mattress, Niragi’s own grunts and laboured breathing pushing you over the edge.
The knot in your stomach snapped and warmth spread through your body as your orgasm washed over you, filling all of your senses. Niragi didn’t slow down as he chased his own high, fucking your throbbing pussy into overstimulation and relishing the whimpers he was eliciting from you.
“Ni-niragi” you choked out, balling the sheets in both of your fists.
“That’s right, say my name,” he panted, “no one else can make you feel this good, can they?”
“No, p-please – I n-need you” you begged, urging him to fill you up.
His breathing was erratic, his strokes becoming less uniformed and more desperate as he pounded away at you, lewd noises filling the room. Your whole world was fuzzy as you took every thrust – the feeling was borderline euphoric.
“Fuck!” was all you heard before you felt the hot rush of Niragi’s cum pulsating into every corner of your plush walls.
His weight pinned you to the bed as he caught his breath, bodies adorned with sweat and each other’s pleasure melding into one being for just a few moments.
Niragi removed himself from your frame, looking down with a proud smirk at the sight of your marked body and the mess he’d made.
This is how most of your nights went now – being fucked senseless and left broken on the bed after Niragi had his way with you.
You don’t know why you do it, and you promise yourself you’ll never let it happen again – but yet you end up here every night, begging for him.
There was nothing loving or sweet about your interactions, they didn’t lessen the void inside of you that you desperately tried to fill.
They were harsh and violent, leaving you battered and bruised, incapable of even being able to fill yourself.
But in the moments where his skin is on yours and the friction is hot enough to start a fire; when his lips collide with yours before his warm mouth wraps itself around your neck; and his eyes look into yours with such primal desire, you could almost feel something you thought was just a foreign concept now – comfort.
And maybe that almost feeling was enough.
Your thoughts had distracted you from the fact that Niragi had already left, and with your euphoria quickly turning into a headache, you pull the blanket over your aching body and drift off to sleep.
In the beginning, you’d tried to hide the dark bruises that littered your skin, ashamed of what you did – what he did to you – in the previous hours. But, it was obvious to anyone who took a second to look at you what was going on.
“Looks like Niragi has a new toy” you’d heard one say.
“Imagine not respecting yourself to the point where you’d walk around like that” another had chimed in.
“C’mon sweets, don’t be shy,” Niragi had sneered at you, not happy with your retaliation to him groping your ass one day, “everyone knows your favourite necklace is my right hand” he’d proudly announced to the entire poolside.
Now, standing in the bathroom and checking the damage he’d left you with – all of those moments flowing through your brain – you couldn’t even turn to face yourself in the mirror.
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Niragi loved every aspect of his Borderlands life – no laws to stop his deviancy, the post-game high he got to experience on a regular basis, a reputation that made him feel invincible – however, he did not love guard duty. But, it had gotten a bit more bearable lately.
Staked out at a high point by the poolside, it gave him a perfect view of the entire area. It was a good vantage point, he’s able to see the movements of everyone in the vicinity – including you, sitting in your usual spot at the bar, sipping away at a drink.
He watched as your lips gently attached themselves to the glass, admiring your figure in the swimsuit that adorned your body and the hickeys that were oh-so visible due to the lack of clothing. He was supposed to be monitoring everyone, but with the lights from the dancefloor and poolside illuminating you so gently, all he could see was you.
“Hey lover boy,” Last Boss muttered, breaking Niragi’s trance, “wanna stop staring at your girlfriend and do your job?”
Niragi’s head snapped in his friends direction at the outlandish statement.
“Wanna shut up? She’s not my girlfriend,” he scoffed, “and don’t ever call me ‘lover boy’ ever again.”
“Whatever you say” Last Boss mumbled in response.
Where the fuck did he get that idea from? He’s the closest thing Niragi has to a friend, Last Boss should know that he’s not exactly one to tie himself down – in fact, it was quite the opposite. Niragi’s good looks and reputation could get him anyone he wanted, he took full advantage of that and planned to keep doing so.
You were a bit… different, though. Your fiery nature that first caught his eye was still there, you could hold your own and even tried standing up to him on occasion. You weren’t a nuisance to drink with and you could almost drink him under the table. On the occasions his tongue wasn’t already down your throat, you’d ask about his day before your late night activities and listen to whatever rant and rave he wanted to share.
But you still weren’t his girlfriend.
Pull yourself together he scolded himself, scanning his eyes over the party goers.
The crowd was as boring as ever, no one daring to step out of line with him perched above them. He returned his gaze to the bar to admire the view a while longer, but all he got was an empty seat. You were gone.
His eyebrows furrowed and his jaw clenched at the sight, Niragi knew what time you usually stayed out until and it was far too early for you to be leaving – where did you go?
“I’m gonna check the hallways,” he said abruptly, propping his rifle on his shoulder as he stood up, “this is fucking painful.”
He didn’t even wait for Last Boss to respond as he strode away, entering the building at a brisk pace.
You didn’t care for dancing so Niragi bypassed the dancefloor and began stalking the halls, checking your most frequented hiding spots, but to no avail.
Frustrated, he stormed his way through the next corridor towards your room, almost banging the door down when he arrived outside.
“Jesus, calm down,” you huffed as you opened the door, “what are you doing here, aren’t you on duty?”
“You left the bar early tonight, how come?” he questioned.
“Just wasn’t feeling it tonight” you replied, avoiding eye contact.
“Look at me” he demanded, gripping your chin in his hand and forcing you to meet his gaze.
Niragi examined your face, his hold loosening ever so slightly as he saw your glassy eyes encased in puffy, red skin – you’d been crying.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, eyes narrowed
“It’s noth-“
“Did someone hurt you?” he cut you off.
“No, it’s not like th-“
“Who hurt you? I’ll kill them” his tone was flat, but earnest.
“Stop,” you snapped, grabbing his wrist to take his hand off your face “nothing happened, no one hurt me – I’m just having a shit day.”
Niragi’s face twitched, concern threatening to spill out from under his staunch demeanour. He wasn’t sure what to say – violence was his way of solving things, but he knew it wasn’t yours. His eyes flicked down to where you still held his wrist, the warmth of your hand dissipating as you awkwardly pulled away.
“Do you… wanna talk about it?” he broke the silence, voice tinged with uncertainty.
“It’s fine, I’ll get over it,” you tried to brush it off, “plus, you’re on duty anyway.”
“I can come by after,” he almost blurted out, “plus, you listen to me all the time – just returning the favour.”
“O-okay,” you replied, confusion evident in your tone, “I’ll see you later then.”
“Yeah, see you later” Niragi said, turning on his heels and walking away.
He stopped after he heard your door close, rubbing his temples between the fingers and thumb of his free hand.
What was he doing?
This wasn’t the plan. He never planned to be nice to anyone. He never planned on wanting to spend time with anyone. He never planned to involve himself with anyone further than the length of his dick.
You were never part of the plan, and yet here you were, re-writing it.
Niragi returned to your room that night as promised, and for the first time he didn’t leave until the morning.
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As your time in Borderland increased, your mental state deteriorated with each passing day. You were past the point of trying to fill the void, content with your emptiness to the point where the games didn’t even phase you anymore – you truly didn’t care if you lived or died.
Niragi knew, you’d told him all of this during your late night chat a couple of months ago, and he couldn’t wrap his head around why you hated it so much. He tried to show you the beauty of this new world – taking you to the militant target practice area to blow off steam, going on drives to loot the already pillaged stores, he even started staying with you some nights – but he couldn’t seem to get through to you.
He knew you were in a bad place, but he didn’t think you’d reached the point where you’d try something like this.
“You tried to steal the cards for yourself and escape,” Aguni stated, “your actions deem you as a traitor of the Beach, and rule three is death to all traitors.”
You said nothing, just staring ahead at the firing squad before you with dead eyes – you had no idea why there were so many people here, you hadn’t even resisted when the militant goons bound your wrists and dragged you away.
Niragi tried to fight it, saying it was all Chishiya’s idea and that he should be the one dying instead of you. He told them you were just a pawn in the blonde rats game, that he’d take personal responsibility for you, that you could join the militants as punishment.
He was brushed off as someone with a vendetta – Chishiya had reported it to Aguni in the first place, why would he ruin his own plan?
Now all he could do was watch as you paid for your crimes, another militant already standing at arm’s length with a pistol pressed to your temple.
“Any last words?” Aguni asked.
“Fuck you, and fuck the Beach” you spat at him, staring him dead in the eyes.
Niragi winced as the gunshot rang out, followed by the thud of your body slumping to the ground. Just like that, his new plan was over before it began.
“Don’t fucking touch her,” Niragi hissed at the two militants that stepped forward to move your body, “I’ll take care of it.”
“Alright, whatever you say” replied one.
“Damn, you really are kinky, huh?” the other joked.
Niragi lurched forward, his own gun pressed under the chin of his colleague.
“Get the fuck out of here before I have two bodies to clean up, you hear me!?” he shouted, seething at the man in front of him.
“Jeez chill out, not my fault your girlfriend was a traitor” the militant snapped back, pushing Niragi’s rifle away.
Niragi scoffed before swinging his weapon around and smashing it across the man’s face, blood spatter hitting the concrete below as the man toppled over from the impact.
“Anyone else have something to fucking say?” he scowled at the group of men in front of him.
There was only muttered ‘no’s and whispers in response as everyone cleared out, leaving just him and you.
Turning himself in the direction of your body, Niragi was paralysed as he looked at your lifeless frame lying in a pool of crimson blood. He swallowed hard before slowly making his way over, crouching above you and brushing the clumped hair off of your face.
“Finally got what you wanted, huh?” he sighed, “kind of selfish of you, but at least you’re at peace now, I guess” he continued speaking into the wind.
Niragi remained stationary for a few moments, before rolling the dead weight of your body over to pick you up. He carried you bridal style to the dumpster filled with corpses, hesitating to put you to rest in there.
He stepped up onto a pile of discarded wooden pallets to lower you in, tucking your hair behind your ears and placing your hands atop of each other on your chest.
“I know you wouldn’t want to hear this, but I will get revenge for you. That’s a promise” his brief look of sorrow turning to that of scorn as he spoke his final words to you.
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aliceinnaughtyland · 1 year
Pairing: Takatora x Reader
Warnings: Smut (obviously), unprotected sex (be smarter than that!), inexperienced!Last Boss, experienced!reader, slightly sub!Last Boss, slightly dom!reader, begging, slight orgasm control, a little of angst
Word count: 2.1 K
Summary: Last Boss overthinked something he heard, leading to a really happy ending.
Author’s note: Guess who’s back, back again! Thank you all for being so kind and patient! This is a really soft smut, nothing to crazy, but I think it’s cute. I love this story but to be honest, it’s been a while since I have written anything and as English is not my native language, I think the grammar is a little less correct than usual. Feel free to correct me if needed! Also Niragi smut coming soon!
Nota bene: We do NOT condone Takatora’s actions as we do NOT condone rape! We only love the Shuntarô Yanagi’s interpretation of Last Boss. This is fantasies only! You do NOT deserve this! If you are a victim of violence, please get help as soon as possible: You are not alone. Staf safe xx
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Same place, different day. The sun was high in the sky, which could only mean one thing: let’s hang out at the pool!
You were wearing your best bikini, looking like a goddamn Goddess as usual, as a guy approached you. You never saw him before, but you didn’t think too much of it. The Beach was a big place.
After the usual–and boring- pickup lines, as you were trying to find a polite way to leave, you heard a voice resonated behind you.
“Well, well, well, trying to get lucky tonight?” Niragi asked, the poor guy, the usual level of arrogance in his voice.
You turned around to see the armed guy staring at him, a playful look in his eyes as scaring people off amused him, all the militants behind him. The guy didn’t answer, so Niragi continued. 
“Fuck off now, she’s Last Boss’ girl!”
The guy ran away before you could say anything, and now you were pissed. Obviously you weren’t interested in this guy, but who the fuck did Niragi think he was?
“Fuck off, Niragi! What the fuck? I’m no one’s girl, you hear me? Now get away from me!” you stormed off, letting Niragi confused.
As you left, you didn’t pay attention to Last Boss and didn’t see how his face contortioned with hurt. I mean, sure you two weren’t together, but you didn’t have to act so annoyed about people thinking it was the case.
Ok both of you never promised anything to each other. Fuck, you never even kiss! But you couldn’t convince him that there was absolutely nothing between you two.
You were always together!
He could recognize you just by the heat coming from your body. That’s how much you’ve been around each other recently.
He felt safe sleeping with you every night, even if that meant he had to share every aspect of his life and intimacy with you. That how comfortable he was around you.
So yeah, maybe you weren’t his girl, but fuck, you had to be something!
You getting so defensive over the fact that someone could have had thought that you were his-
You had to be his!
This night was the first time in weeks he didn’t come to your room. No problem, you decided to go to his instead. You took all the things you needed for the night and headed through the corridor, ready to hang out. But arrived at his room, he was nowhere to be found.
You figured he just had some militant shit to do and just went back to your room, binge watching your last Netflix movie until you fell asleep.
Ok now that was clear. He was fucking ignoring you!
It has been days now, and that was fucking annoying. Hurtful even.
What the hell have you done for him to treat you like that suddenly?
You no longer saw him, and when you did catch him across the room, when you tried to reach out to him, he just raw away. Two fucking times.
Not only were you confused as fuck, because what the hell did you do to him for him to just erase you from his life, but this behaviour also hurt you. Even if it had only been three days, you were so used to his presence near you that this absence was remarkable. You were missing your friend.
Friends. That’s what you were right.! Right?
That’s normal for friends to hang out a lot. That’s what friends do.
Always searching for the other in a room? Friends.
Not accepting to let the other go to a game alone, even if that means risking your life? Very friendly way.
Sleeping together every night? Friends.
Cuddling after a nightmare? Obviously friends.
And wanting to hold his hand? Friends?
Imagining how soft his lips would be against yours? Okay-
Maybe the limits weren’t that clear to be honest.
But you never talked about it. Never even implied it. Never kissed.
Okay, since you’ve met him, no one else in the entire Beach ever caught your eyes.
Not that anyone dared to seduce you. Any times you entered a room, a dangerous killer was by your side.
Anyway, no matter what your situationship was, this little game of hide and seek needed to stop! You were determinate to confront him. And you needed this confrontation today!
You waited in the corner of the corridor, your eyes on his dorm, waiting for him. As he appeared, you followed him.
As you slammed the door behind you, Takatora quickly turned around, his katana soon pressing into your throat.
“Y/N what the actual fuck? I could have killed you”
 “Hello to you too Takatora”
 He didn’t answer you, the sound of his name on your tongue making his heart freeze a little.
 “Are you going to lower that thing of yours or are you debating on actually killing me?” you continued.
 The man sighed as he pushed his katana aside on the table beside you.
 “What are you doing here?”
“Why are you ignoring me?”
 He stayed silent so you continued.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, T?”
“What the fuck is wrong with me? Oh a lot of things are wrong with me Y/N! That’s why I’m trying to make sure you’re not seen with me! Wouldn’t want to embarrass you now, would we?”
He wasn’t screaming, but his tone was harsh and cold.
“What?” you asked in disbelief. Your eyebrows frowned. You didn’t even know how to react at this point.
“Oh cut the crap will you”
Cut the crap? Since when did Last Boss became so bitter. He was acting so out of character.
“You think I didn’t hear you the other day?” he continued “Making sure everyone knew we weren’t together”
“What?” you repeated
Your brain just ceased to function at this point, and all you did was try to comprehend the words that came out of his fucking mouth as he continued to ramble incoherently.
“Wait, wait! Just shut the fuck up, will you?” you interrupted him “You think I’m mad because Niragi said we were together?”
“I’m not mad at people thinking we’re together, Takatora. I’m mad because I want Niragi to respect me as a person and not as someone’s property. I want men to respect me because I said no, not because I’m a man’s wife. I want my no to be more important than another man's prize.”
“Yeah! Oh!” you imitated him.
Okay, now he was definitely ashamed. His eyes were scanning the ground as his life depended on it.
“I’m with you 24/7 T. Do you really think I give a fuck about what people think? Huh? And what would they think anyway?”
Your questions were meet with silence.
“What would they think, Takatora?” you repeated, much softer this time as you approached him.
Your hand found his cheek, pulling his face to finally look at you again.
“I don’t know” he whispered.
“I don’t know either”
Takatora was thinking. He needed to come with something. Quick. Something to change the subject. Fucking anything.
He tried his hardest, but his trail of thoughts was interrupted by someone getting too close to him. Not someone. You.
His eyes found yours and-
The kiss was sweet. Almost chaste. It was a kiss of pure love. At first.
Your arms soon found their way around his neck as he deepened the kiss. He caressed you, palms exploring the curves of your body.
His hands were trembling. Was it the nervousness about what was coming or the fear of losing you? He didn’t know himself.
His fingers became more urgent, slipping under your shirt to feel the warmth of your skin against his.
You raised your arms for him to take the hint and lift your shirt over your head, and he did, unable to resist. Meanwhile, one of your hand opened his hoodie while the other traced his newly uncovered chest.
“You’ll have to teach me” he panted against your lips.
 “You’ve never-“
 “No, I’ve never” he said as he kissed you again.
Soon enough, you were both on the bed, him laying down on his back, completely naked, you kneeling next to him, in nothing but your panties.
You were kissing his neck and he was already gone. Your body next to his, your warmth on his skin, your lips on his neck, your hand that was traveling south really fast and-
“Oh ! ” He panted as you grabbed him.
You lifted your eyebrows, silently asking him for permission and he nodded.
His strangle moans filled the room as you started sliding your hand up and down his cock. Who knew he was so noisy?
“You ignored me” you stated, your hand slowly moving around him.
“I’m sorry” he breathed.
“For three days”
“I’ll make anything for you to forgive me”
“Like what?”
“Any- Anything you want”
At this point, he couldn’t take it anymore. You were casually talking to him. While jerking him off. You were masturbating him so slowly, making sure it wasn’t enough for him to cum. But it was. And he was so close. He could almost feel it.
His hands were gripping the sheets beside him, not daring touching you. His eyes were elusive.
“Look at me”
“I can’t. You’re too perfect, I’m gonna cum” he panted, and you giggled.
“I’ll think about forgiving you then” you continued.
“Y/N” he whispered, gripping your wrist for you to stop your ministrations and sitting, making you sit with him, “I really am sorry”
This time, his eyes were on yours. It wasn’t about sex anymore. He really was searching for you. He wanted to be sure that you’ll forgive him.
You pushed him back, laying him down on the bed again.
You needed him now, but you still wanted to tease him. You wanted to be in control.
You stood beside the bed, taking off your panties and he audibly gasped, throwing his head back on the bed, though his eyes stayed on you the entire time.
You straddle his thighs, and he grunted, feeling your weight on him. You brushed his length with your knuckles and smirked at his reaction. But you wanted more. You wanted to make him go crazy. Crazy for you.
You leant toward him and kissed him deeply. And as you did, you readjusted yourself to sit on his dick.
You started to grin against him, rolling your hips on his length. Humping was always one of your favourites, but with Takatora beneath you, breathless and helpless, you knew you could become fucking addicted. Your clit rubbed against his navel at each of your motions, sending jolts of electricity to your core.
Takatora didn’t know what to do. This was the first time he ever had this kind of feeling, this kind of intimacy. And it was you. His brain couldn’t function anymore. But his body knew better. His hands gripped your hips, accompanying your movements without altering them. His eyes couldn’t leave you either. Your tummy, your breasts, your face. Everything about you was surreal. And the sounds. He could die a lucky man if the last sound he heard was your soft moans.
That was it. He was close.
“Ah fuck, I’m gonna- Fuck”
You stopped moving, and he groaned.
“Not yet T”
He wanted to ask you, to beg you. Anything that could encourage you to continue, to go faster. But he knew better than that. Oh well, fuck it-
“I want you to fuck me. Ride me. Use me to get off. Fuck. Give me anything. Please.”
These words only made your pussy throb against him. You knew he could feel it. There was something about having a dangerous man beneath you, helpless and begging for more.
The words were dirty, but the eyes, this was the look of love. He looked at you with so much adoration that you wished you could have for yourself half the love he had for you.
You didn’t want to lose any time anymore. You reached between you and grabbed his cock, asking him a last time if he was still ok with the experience. And after having the confirmation you needed, you sat on his cock. The strangled moan that came out of him at this exact moment was printed inside your brain. He fitted perfectly inside of you and you resumed your previous movements, this time feeling him inside of you.
“Fuck. Fuck. Y/N. Fuck”
Takatora knew he was coming sooner rather than later.
“What can I do?” he asked “Tell me what to do for you”
At that, you grabbed his hand and guided it to your core.
Takatora had no experience, and you knew it. So you just moved his fingers against your clit. He took over quickly, and you sped up one last time before your orgasm milked his.
You laid on him, your face on his neck, trying to regain a normal breathing pattern.
“I should ignore you more often”
"Don't you dare!"
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megangovier · 2 hours
Performance review
Pairing: Boss! Joel x employee! fem reader
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Wc: 625
Summary: Your Boss wanted to see you about your performance review and why you're behind. He finds the reason for your distractions through subreddit of your wild fantasies about him. He prints them out and makes you read them, while he eats you out from behind.
Warning: 18+ Only || DILF || Power dynamic || boss/employee || oral!f || Spit in mouth || degrading || spanking || fingering || mdni
A knock on the door echoes through the walls of his office "come in" he said. Walking in, the room was quite spacious everything well organised and smelled of plants and his cologne. "Please take a seat, I've got to finish this email and I'll be right with you" as you sat down, looking around there wasn't much to see but you couldn't help but look at the breathtaking view. "Email sent" looking at him, you couldn't help but gasp at how handsome he looked, the way he carried himself and that voice of his. "You may be wondering why you're here, well ma'am I've got a few things to go through with you".
Still sat in his chair, disappointment ran through his eyes "I've summoned you here because of your performance review, you're one of my intelligent and dedicated employees here but something is distracting you isnt it, you're not as focused" you couldn't do anything but stare at him, crimson faced. "Matter in fact, I found the reason why you're so distant in this work, as I was on my phone this morning, scrolling through Reddit I found a pinned subreddit of smut about their boss doing things to them in the office." Joel looking at you with a smirk on his face "that's when I printed it out"
Giving you the copies of what you've written, he had pushed you up against his desk and whispered "This is what you wanted huh, my strength pinning you down, my bulge against your ass" a whimper left your throat. "Now read that smut of yours, while I eat you out, if you stop reading I'll spank you, if you make a single excuse to not read, I'll spank you" Both hands on the paper, eyes darken with lust Joel gets behind you and kneels down. "Now let's see how wet you're, just by me bending you over that desk" pulling panties to the side growls left his lips "Fuck, already wet? What a dirty fucking slut you're, I bet you've been dreaming about this, in your bed at night with your hand between those luscious thighs of yours" A slap to the right cheek, made you squeal.
"Don't you dare stop reading until you're finished" pulling your pants down and putting them in his pocket "I'm going to save these for later", Joel attached his lips to your sensitive clit, a strangled moan left your mouth, causing him to spank your right cheek again "Bitch, what did i say.. I don't care if this feels good for you, I'm doing this for me, I'm taking what's mine and you're going to enjoy it, now keep fucking reading". As he kept eating you out from behind, your lower stomach was building with arousal "I know you're close baby, come on my fucking face, come on you can do it" a spank hit your left cheek this time, clenching around his tongue "fuck please, just come on my fucking tongue, come on baby" with enough encouragement you did what you were told.
"Atta girl, you finished reading as well" walking towards him hand about to grab his belt and take it off, he took your wrist and shook his head "not today slut" a smirk left your face and puppy eyes appeared "not going to work on me, I'm still very disappointed in you" a smile fell onto his face. As he told you to open that pretty mouth of yours, his saliva and your sweet juices ran into your mouth, making your cunt clench the second time today. "Now, what you're going to do for me is walk back out there, sit at your desk and imagine all the things, I've couldn't done to you"
@toxicanonymity @joelsgreys @macfrog @joelmillerisapunk @joelscurls @pinkberry1rxx❤️
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clownd1ck · 3 months
trouble, j. miller | chapter one
mob!joel miller x fem!reader
chapter summary: after getting fired from your job at the bookstore, your grandparents introduce you to the man who’s been helping them out for awhile: joel miller. now, it’s his turn to help you.
chapter warnings: reader swears and has dry humour (she’s a bit of me x), mentions of vip’s getting touchy but it’s hypothetical if that makes sense?? reader calls her grandparents ‘pops’ and ‘nonna’, no beta cause i cba, blah blah blah that’s it
also no hate to anyone who reads romance/physical smut books, the hate is simply towards minors who read them & their parents for allowing them LOL
word count: 2518
(series masterlist)
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you really don’t know how much longer you can do this.
you’re six hours into your ten hour shift. you’re bored, you haven’t had your lunch break, and your phone is charging behind the desk where you were watching criminal minds before two teenage girls walked into the bookstore.
you’ve watched them for the past twenty minutes. they practically ran to the romance section, picking up books and flicking to certain pages you know had the most pornographic scenes in them before they’d giggle amongst themselves and add it to the pile they were building.
can teenage girls even afford this many books? you had been working since you were sixteen, and you’d barely get enough money to buy yourself two books whilst the rest would be stored away for college. and is this what people were reading nowadays? a male character that exudes toxic masculine standards whilst the author plays into the whole “innocent, virginal” female character who hadn’t the slightest clue about sex or life? is this what parents were allowing their children to-
“we want these books.” a demanding voice speaks to you, and you almost have to do a double take when you see the two teenage girls stood before you at the counter. god, you couldn’t even rely on the younger generation to be polite these days, especially not when one of them is judging you for your oversized hoodie and sweats and the crocs that sit on your feet.
“of course.” you force a smile, biting back on the insults you wish to hurl upon them. but, your boss is in the back. probably doing jackshit like she usually does, leaving you to work your ass off without any breaks.
the scanner scans the barcode on the back of every book before placing them in two bags. dante’s nine circles of hell sounds more appealing than this. you might just grab one of the books and hit yourself with it, hoping you hit so hard you might pass out and get to leave early. not like your boss would allow it, but the thought of having a hot shower and slipping into bed sounded nice.
“and your total is $194.68, is that going to be cash or card?” you rest your hands on the counter, looking at the two girls. one of them whips out a card, so black and matte you almost feel the courage to ask her if: it’s her fathers, and if so, is he single?
you hand her the card machine where she taps the card, and once the payment is deemed successful, one of the girls takes the bag, looks into it and frowns. “these aren’t in the right order.”
“excuse me?”
“the books aren’t in the right order.”
there’s a right order to put books in. none of them were even a series, and even then, does it really matter if your fucking fairy porn trilogy is separated?
“did you ask for them in a certain order?”
the girl gives you a look. “no?”
“so then why would i know what order to put them in?” you’re so done. you’re so fucking done, mentally, physically, and in the eyes of your boss, as well. the girls look at you, mouths agape, probably because they didn’t think they’d be spoken to this way, but you always said that the second a customer is rude to you, you’re being rude back.
the duo scowl at you as they leave the store, muttering insults under their breaths like it was a middle school friendship break up. you sigh, going to turn around to grab your phone when you jump back, spotting your boss leant against the wall.
“you’re fired.” she states.
“yes!” you fist pump the air sarcastically, grabbing your stuff and practically racing out the store. you didn’t even care if you were supposed to wait until the end of your shift to fully leave your job. you were hungry, tired, and your pops and nonna had told you that pops’ infamous burgers would be made for dinner and you were eager.
on your walk home, you listen to your music. it was relatively dark outside, and ideally, as a woman, you shouldn’t be wearing headphones in the dark. but you had always been more frightened by the noises you could hear rather than the ones you couldn’t.
you step into your home, taking your shoes off by the door and walk into the kitchen. you stop at the sight. your pops and nonna were stood in the kitchen talking to a man you have never seen before and you’re almost offended that your grandparents hadn’t allowed you to meet him because jesus christ and all things holy, that man is beautiful.
he’s tall. scarily tall, actually. and not to say you have a thing for muscular men but you would not mind letting this stranger throw you about. he leans on the kitchen counter, arms folded across his chest as he eyes you up.
“he. who is he?” you point to the man, looking at your grandparents.
your nonna tuts your name. “he is joel miller, helps us out where we need it. why are you home so early, sugar, i thought you had a ten hour shift today?” nonna embraces you, kissing your cheek as she taps your arm, signaling for you to sit down at the kitchen table.
a faux laugh escapes you. “heh, well, you see-”
“don’t tell me that damn boss of yours ‘s been givin’ you a hard time again.” your pops speaks up this time, interrupting you this time. your pops was a scary man. he used to be involved in a lot of shit back in the day, constantly being chased down streets and alleyways by the police, always having them on his doorstep which would cause his mother to scold him. you can’t count the amount of times he’s threatened to come down and give your boss an earful on both hands.
“she actually fired me. apparently addressing one’s stupidity isn’t allowed. however, i am more focused on joel. joel, what is your purpose in this here house?” your head turns to look at the man as he addresses you, and he gives you a small smirk, walking over to the table and sitting across from you.
“she got a mouth on her, don’t she?” he asks your grandparents, and your nonna chuckles.
“always has. only started living with us when she was eighteen because of college, but she’s always had something to say.”
“something that’s gotta be shared with everyone.” your pops adds, and you give him a playful pout.
“right here guys, right here.” you announce. “back to the topic at hand. joel, why have you interrupted my pops’ burger night?” you’re facing each other now, your eyes analysing his face but all he does is smirk and since when was smirking so attractive on a man?
“well, your grandparents here mentioned how you hated your job, and i just so happen to have one that needs filled at one of my clubs.” his texan accent was prominent and full as he spoke, his brown eyes never leaving yours. “‘s if you want it, of course.”
“what club?”
you slam your hands on the table with a wide grin. “i’m sold. when do i start?”
joel chuckles. “no questions about the pay, the shifts?”
you shake your head. “nope, don’t care. you know how hard that club is to get into?” you turn your head to look at your grandparents. “extremely fucking hard, i’ll tell you that right now. and i’ll get to work in there? god, life is so generous to me sometimes.” you exhale lightly, jokingly.
joel doesn’t stay for your pops’ burgers, but he’s given some to take home anyway. you decide to walk him to the door, being the ever so kind woman that you were, ready to see him off when he stops.
“ya’ start at five p.m. tomorrow, alright? i’ll have someone show you around, get you your uniform ‘nd all that before the club opens.”
nodding your head at joel, you bid him goodbye and watch as he makes his way to a sleek, black porsche, get in, and drive off.
“what do you mean you’re working for joel miller?” alicia asks you. alicia was the first friend you made at college after you chewed her ear off for the entirety of your first class. a girl who followed gothic fashion and was an absolute sweetheart compared to the people you’ve known in the past.
“i mean exactly what i said, babe. he’s apparently been looking after my grandparents for awhile and he offered me a job at apocalypse after that old bitch fired me.” you shrug, taking a bite of burger you got from dining hall.
“but joel miller is…he’s dangerous! everyone says his clubs are just money laundering schemes to hide his actual money.” naomi spoke up this time. ever the worrier, she was.
“money laundering would mean that no one was using his clubs and they were just there, naomi. the clubs are exclusive. i mean, we’ve all seen the lines to get in. we’ve been in those lines!” alicia somewhat comes to your defense even though you know she’s fully against you working there.
“my friend tina, the one from the political science class, worked there last year, and she says the pay is amazing!” a woman with black curls approaches your trio, another close friend of yours: georgia. “don’t get me wrong, she said some shady stuff happens in the v.i.p. lounge, but probably just guys gambling or something.”
you embrace georgia. “see, good pay and all i have to do is not ask questions. i’ll be fine, guys. and you,” you look at georgia “need to meet me at our cafe so you can tell me about that little masc lesbian of yours.”
you finish the rest of your burger, and pick up your bag. “gotta get home, but i’ll fill you all when i see you.”
you wave goodbye to your friends, walking out of the building as you scroll on your phone. when you get to the street, you bump into someone, about to apologise until you look up and gasp dramatically. “you! are you stalking me. god, joel, i didn’t know i was worth being stalked. that’s so flattering.”
joel scoffs, and opens the passenger door to his black porsche. “get in. ‘m gonna drive you down to the club.”
“don’t have to tell me twice.” you get into the passenger seat, placing your bag down in between your legs and joel closed your door. he rounds the front, getting in beside you and starts the car.
“ya’ hungry?” he asks, driving away from your college building.
“i ate just before i left. had a cheeseburger. not the most edible thing i’ve ever had, but it worked.”
“if you’re hungry when we get there, i’ll take ya’ down to the kitchen and grab you somethin’ there. house mom might have some snacks for ya’ too.”
brows furrowed, you turn to look at him. “the fuck is a house mom?”
“older woman who works with the dancers, takes care of ‘em in between dances. she’ll have snacks, spare outfits or shoes, hygiene products. helps ‘em all like a mom would.”
“nice.” you nod your head, and soon you’re in the private parking lot for the club. joel gets out first, rounding to your side and opening the door up for you. “gotta love a southern gentleman.” you snicker, walking into the club behind him.
he walks up a set of marbled stairs, heading to the second floor. “you’ll be working in the v.i.p. lounge, ‘s where all the dancers are and most of our staff.”
the second floor of the club is lit with red led lights, creating a sultry atmosphere. there are private rooms scattered all around, but there are booths scattered in the middle. joel walks you down to a hidden room and opens the door.
“this is my office. you can put your shit in here.” you walk in and place your bag down on the cushioned sofa, taking a seat beside your belongings. “i’m here when i’m not in the booths doing business, but if anything happens out there, ya’ come and find me, alright?”
you nod your head at him.
“all v.i.p’s know dancers and staff aren’t to be touched, but you gotta promise you’ll come find me if that rule is broken.” after promising, he continues. “i’ll take you down to adele and see if she’s got any spare uniform for you. she’ll walk you through anything else.”
joel guides you down the haul with a hand on your lower back, and if there was a camera following you, you would’ve hand an office moment with this simple touch.
“momma!” joel yells, knocking on a pink door.
the door opens, and an african-american woman opens it. she looks at joel, then you, and embraces you in a tight hug. “welcome, baby. this the new girl we’ve been hearing about?”
“yes ma’am!” you answer before joel can, shooting him a shit-eating grin.
joel speaks your name, and your eyes meet his. “go inside while i talk to adele, she’ll be back to help you in a minute.”
as you step inside the room, you’re met with an abundance of dancers. some are singing, doing their hair and make up, zipping up their heels, and others are lay on sat around eating some snacks.
“hi guys!” you wave at everyone, and they all squeal when they see you, immediately asking questions.
you answer them as best as you can until adele comes in. “now, i gotta get her some heels and her uniform, and when i come back-” adele glances around the room, pointing at an east asian woman with pin straight black hair. “lucy, do her make up, just so she knows what the standard is. your hair is fine, baby, don’t need anyone touching that.”
lucy smiles and waves at you, and you return it as adele leads you into the changing rooms. “uniforms are simple. black shorts, black long sleeve, and…what size shoe are you, baby?”
you respond, and she goes over to a rack of black, leather heeled boots. they’re platformed, shiny, and you know your feet are going to hurt the second your shift is done. “and these. i’ll let you get changed and you just come straight out when you’re done. help yourself to some snacks as well.”
“i don’t have to pay you for them?”
adele chuckles. “no, baby. joel gives me the money to buy the snacks. anything for you girls, joel pays for.” and with that, she leaves the room.
you sigh, looking at the mirror in front of you. this was a new job, with a hot boss, and from what you could tell, the rest of the girls in there were lovely.
this was your life now.
a/n: first chapter mother fuckers let’s GOOOOO
taglist (if you want to be added, pls let me know!! & if your name is in bold, i couldn’t find your account :()
@dugiioh @amyispxnk @skysmiller @alyhull @noisynightmarepoetry @elliaze @dendulinka6 @zliteraturehoe @atyourmerci @al33naaa @mermaidgirl30 @lulawantmula @nana90azevedo @endlessthxxghts @getitoutofmymind @you-taste-so-sweet @blazeflays @iveseenstrangerthings50 @regalwhovianbrowncoat774 @aquanatalie @katw474 @ludwigxii-blog @eloquentdreamer @kyloispunk @txmel @din-jarring @daddysmilf0123 @sofiparallel @dunkinzjm @runningmom94 @ashhlsstuff @moel-jiller @isimpforfictionalmen @drewharrisonwriter @stormseyer @rodriguez31 @elliesswearjar @vvitchesh3x @joeldjarin @untamedheart81 @ellishamae25 @pedropascalfan221 @mellymbee @pedritosgfreal @yassspose @casa-boiardi
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atticrissfinch · 8 months
Series: The Rogue Who Coaxed You | (joel miller x fem!reader) (18+)
Part 1: The Phone Call
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pairing: boss!joel miller x fem!secretary!reader summary: you suck joel off while he takes a Very Important call warnings/tags:  [18+ MINORS DNI] mean!joel but reader is way into it, joel respects you approximately 0%, age gap (no specifics), infidelity, hella power imbalance/dynamics, daddy!kink, also hella degradation and humiliation kink, oral (m receiving), use of slut, whore, etc extra disclaimer: we are going to be HEAVY on the infidelity in this series, folks. it’s basically its own character. it’s frequently referenced by the characters, very in-your-face, and will be used as a kink in this series. So if that bothers you, you may want to skip this one ❤️ word count: ~2.5K | ao3 a/n: the infidelity kink bug has bitten me and I am stokeddd. I fucking love writing joel as a dick with a massive dick. i'm planning this as an interconnected series as opposed to linear, so we might jump around. But I have a lot of ideas for these two so I hope you like them 😊(also she said i didn't have to but i'm still gonna shout out max @macfrog for her Elite ceo!joel series Sex on Fire which i HIGHLY suggest for a joel that is a little....nicer lmfao) Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Kofi
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You like to think that you’re an okay person. You donate to charity when you can. You occasionally buy food for panhandlers on street corners. You’re always nice to waitstaff. You’re not a saint by any stretch of the imagination, but you like to think you have some redeeming qualities. 
“Oh fuck, baby, just like that. So good with that dirty mouth of yours.”
Okay, so you’re on your knees with a mouthful of your boss’s cock right now. Who hasn’t dabbled in a little ethically dubious workplace activity? Maybe it’s a bit wrong, a bit scandalous, but where’s the fun in following the rules?
“So pretty on your knees for me, baby. Keep goin’, just like that,” Joel spurs you on from above, his fingers carded in your hair and his legs spread wide for you to fit between. 
When you moan softly around his cock, his head hits the back of his office chair with a quiet curse. Rug burn is already sprouting on your knees through your black nylons, your matching black pumps long discarded by your feet in the alcove beneath his desk where his chair usually resides—now pushed out slightly to accommodate you. 
His cock is thick and glistening with your saliva as your head bobs on it obscenely, inches appearing and disappearing like a crude vanishing act. 
“So fucking naughty for me. The perfect naughty little secretary, all for me, yeah?”
You nod as well as you can with your mouth occupied, eyes straining to remain fixed on his, just how he likes. He loves looking into your eyes when he takes you, capturing your attention as well as your body. Loves knowing that you know exactly who you’re doing it for. Loves looking into your eyes in the more professional moments in the office, knowing they’re the same ones staring back at him while one of your holes is being filled by him. 
You whine around him as you pull up off him, spit clinging to him from your lips. “Love your cock, daddy,” You purr, sucking kisses along his shaft to tease him. 
“I know you do, baby. It loves you too,” He sighs, his eyes fluttering shut and his hips rocking subtly to rub his cock along your plumped lips. 
The pointed tip of your tongue drags up the vein on the underside of him when a rhythmic beeping comes from Joel’s phone. Joel taps a button with a brisk, “Yes, Laura?”
The voice of the receptionist fills the room through the intercom function on his phone. “Mr. Miller, your wife is on line one.”
Okay, so you’re sucking off your married boss in his office. Who…who hasn’t, right? 
Fine. You’re not a great person. But…fuck. The way Joel looks at you. The way Joel fucks you. You can rationalize being a shitty person. Maybe even delight in it. And that’s Joel’s fault, not yours. Couldn’t be yours. 
Joel sighs and flexes his hand at your scalp. He leans forward slightly and presses a button again. “Thank you, Laura.” He flattens his back against the chair again and looks down at you. “I’ll get rid of her, just give me a sec.”
You think for a brief moment, then whisper against his cock with a playful glint in your eye, “Answer it.”
Joel quirks an eyebrow at you, but he doesn’t pull you away. “That’s fucked up, dirty girl.”
Your smile imprints into his hardened flesh, the filthy look shimmering in your eyes still going strong. “Scared?”
Joel snorts, shaking his head. “Fine. But you keep fuckin’ quiet, you hear me? Not a fuckin’ peep, or you’ll be very sorry,” He threatens vaguely, leaning forward for the handset. 
“Put it on speaker.”
He hesitates as he studies your impish grin as you place little kitten licks up his cock. He gives you one last hard look and repeats, “Not a fuckin’ peep,” as he hits a couple buttons on his phone. 
“Hey, honey,” Joel greets, relaxing back in his chair and scratching at your scalp with his short, manicured nails. You sigh at the sensation, burrowing your face into the base of his cock, his zipper scraping lightly at your cheek as you suck at him with leisurely movements. 
“Hi, baby,” Her mezzo-soprano tones ring through the office, and you inhale the musk of his groomed pubic hair as you mouth at him. “Just got in finally. JFK was a fucking nightmare, as per usual.”
“As per usual,” Joel recites in understanding affirmation. He glances down at your head in his lap and tugs lightly on your hair, tilting his head toward his cock in silent instruction. 
Your mischievous smile returns as you grip him around the base and slip the head of him back in your mouth, eyes drifting closed at the delicious weight of him on your tongue. Joel taps under your chin twice, and your eyes spring back open to gaze back up at him. 
He very distinctly mouths, “Eyes open.”
You nod obediently before sinking further into him, mouth watering again as he fills your mouth back up. 
“Had Douglas waiting an extra two goddamn hours at the airport in Austin while the incompetent assholes found my bags. But I guess that’s what we pay him for.”
“It is indeed what we pay him for,” Joel parrots, thumb petting at your temple as you suck him down, tongue dancing into the slit of his cock on your upbeats. 
“And then, god fucking dammit, Joel, and then I come home. Fix myself a goddamn drink. And she’s fucked up the ballerinas again, Joel!”
Your eyebrows raise as you lock eyes with him. He rolls his eyes at you in response to his wife’s words, and presses onto the top of your head, urging you further onto his cock. You restrain the gag that threatens to break through, raising your mouth back up slightly to stem the noise. Joel nods approvingly down at you with a dirty smile, stroking at your hair. 
“What happened with the ballerinas, honey?” Joel inquires, cool as a fucking cucumber with his dick roving every crevice of your mouth. 
“Julia fucked them up again, Joel! They’re all cattywampus!”
Joel’s mouth contorts as he tries not to laugh. “Cattywampus, Claire?”
She sounds absolutely put out. “Yes Joel, cattywampus. Arabella is where Maureen should be, Siobhan is completely turned around, not even facing Charlotte. It’s a mess in here, Joel. She does such a good job otherwise, but if she can’t get this right we’re gonna have to let her go. It’s not that hard to dust a cabinet and leave everything intact.”
While Joel’s wife rants about her ballerinas, you’re savoring the taste of her husband, each bead of precome slipping free of his tip, every inch of his cock that is coated in his own unique Joel taste intermingled with your spit. Joel’s lips remain parted in pleasure, intermittently wetting them with his tongue as he devours the sight of you swallowing his cock over and over. 
Joel offers her a very astute, “Mmhmm,” in response. 
“And for some reason, god only knows why, she spritzed this god-awful, sickly sweet linen spray all over our sheets. It’s horrid.”
You choke on Joel’s cock unexpectedly, quickly wincing and quieting yourself down as Joel yanks at your hair in reprimand, mouthing down at you through clenched teeth, “Quiet!”
But she doesn’t comment on the sound if she hears anything. 
Joel sighs, licking his lips and rolling his hips into your mouth shallowly. “I’ll talk to Julia, honey. I’ll make sure she doesn’t mess up your ballerinas again.”
“Thank you, baby.”
“I like Julia, I don’t want to have to fire her. And I hate having to hire new help, you know that.” Joel’s eyes take in the bob of your head, the stroke of your hand around him, the dribble of your spit from the corners of your mouth, and gives you an open-mouthed smile laced with filth. It encourages you, your head moving faster on him as your hand comes up to massage at his balls. 
His eyes clench as he lets out a long, tampered breath through pursed lips. The first real indication that what you’re engaging in is actually impacting him. A calculated move on your part, since you know he can’t resist his balls being played with, and it pays off. You love that little dent that carves between his brows. 
She sighs and says, “You know I like her too, it’s just…she needs to do shit right.”
Joel swallows and clears his throat. “I know, honey. I said I’ll talk to her. Now I have to go, okay? I need to work.”
“Okay,” she replies, sounding a little pouty for a grown woman in her 40s. 
“I’ll see you at home.”
Her voice suddenly goes more sultry, inviting. “And I’ll be waiting for you at home. In a little something I picked up on Fifth Ave. Missed you up there, big boy.”
Your nostrils flare as you look up at him, and he looks down at you with a clear order in his eyes. Behave. 
Joel matches her tone, letting his eyelids sag down a bit over his eyes, his lower lip sliding between his teeth and popping back out slick with saliva. “Looking forward to it. Missed you too, honey. I’ll see you.”
She purrs her goodbye, and Joel leans in to hang up the call. 
Joel takes a deep breath and lets himself collapse all the way back in his chair. “Such a good little slut, being so quiet for daddy,” He coos, gripping harshly at your scalp again and pulling you off his cock. 
You can’t scrub away the crease between your brows, the bitterness on your face. “You gonna fuck her tonight?”
Joel scoffs, yanking your head back to ensure you’re looking at him. “She’s my goddamn wife. ‘Course I’m gonna fuck her.”
“She doesn’t do it like I can.”
A sneer pulls up on his face as he looks down at you, internalizes your self-proclaimed prowess. He rests his forearms on his thighs and bends down closer to you, pinching your chin between his thumb and the knuckle of his pointer finger, enough to make it hurt. “And I’m countin’ on that. Know why?”
You shift your jaw in obstinance. “Why?”
His eyes scan over your face with superiority, and when he speaks, it’s without even a hint of remorse. “Because you’re the nasty bitch. The nasty holes for daddy to fuck however he wants. The filthy whore who does all the shit no respectable wife would ever do. I can go home and be the husband she needs me to be ‘cause I fucked all the disrespectful, depraved shit in my brain into your tight, slutty little body.” 
You shuffle on your knees, staring him down. You knew this. You’ve known this for a long time. He fucks you like a two-dollar whore, then goes home and makes love to his wife. And you like being the whore. His whore. His mistress. You like him depraved and degrading. 
But you hate that he fucks her at all. You don’t hate her. Just what he does with her. Even if you’re the other woman. 
So you don’t argue further. Just pelt him with a sassier, “Yes, daddy,” than usual. 
“Come here,” He spits back at you, his iron grip on your hair jerking you back onto his cock. “Prove to me you're worth my fucking time. Show me what you’re good for.”
And you do. 
You take him down deep, the fat head of him dragging against the back of your throat as he fucks up into you, using your mouth. 
“That’s what you are, isn’t it? Just a hole for me to fuck?” He groans as your throat constricts around him before he pulls you off, just to fuck right back in again. 
You nod when you can, your eyes watering and spilling over as you open yourself up for his taking. Your throat is scratchy, sore, and fighting against him. He doesn’t care. 
“Yeah, that’s what you are. Just a slutty little secretary. Sole purpose is to obey your boss. Spread your legs when he says to spread ‘em. Open your mouth when he says to open it. Shut the fuck up when he tells ya to shut the fuck up.”
You whimper around his cock as he fucks your mouth, your pussy clenching between your legs as he degrades you. 
Joel’s thrusts begin to staccato as he reaches his climax, shoving your head all the way down onto his cock until your nose smashes against his pubic bone and his come jets down your throat, forcing you to swallow him down in his entirety. 
As he releases you, you spring off his cock, your head falling to rest on his thigh, panting and rasping in breaths. His hand reaches up to grip the back of his chair at the headrest as his chest evens out. 
His hips raise as he stuffs himself back into his slacks, successfully hiding it from view until he pulls it back out to fuck his wife tonight, your saliva dried into his skin. 
“I have a confession to make,” You whisper, cheek still pressed against the cotton of his pants. 
He peers down at you, stroking a hand over your hair. “Yes?”
You sigh, lifting your head and setting your chin on his knee. “I moved the ballerinas. Last night. When you were fixing our drinks.” 
Those stupid fucking porcelain ballerinas, all pristine on their glass shelf. You’re actually surprised she noticed, but the fact that she did has your chest welling with satisfaction. 
A moment passes before recognition creeps across his features, and then a scandalized grin. “You little devil. You could’ve cost poor Julia her job, baby.”
You shrug, a hand coming up to caress his other knee. “Maybe I could be your maid instead. Get one of those sexy little outfits.”
“You can borrow the one I make Julia wear when it’s just me at home.”
You give a soft gasp, realistically knowing he’s most likely just joking, but also knowing him well enough that it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility. “You dirty old man. Exploiting your maid.”
He smirks, dipping his head low to murmur in your ear, “She likes it. Something the two of you have in common.”
You can’t exactly argue with that. You’re a glutton for punishment, and you both know it.
“And wear a lighter perfume next time, baby. Claire’s already gonna be confused when the maid insists she didn’t change the linen spray.”
You muffle a laugh into his slacks and nod. As long as there’s still a next time, you’ll do whatever the fuck he wants. 
All the red from your lipstick has transposed onto your knees beneath your stockings as you slip out the door, a pleasant ache in your jaw and your joints as you complete the rest of your secretarial duties for the day. 
Joel still looks flawless when he switches the lights off in his office and heads out for the night, Douglas waiting for him with the car and Claire waiting for him in his bed with her Fifth Avenue negligée. 
And you…
Well, you drive yourself home to no one, playing with your clit to the daydream of whatever Joel might see fit to use you for tomorrow. 
Part 2
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beardedjoel · 10 months
new habits
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part two of new addiction | part one 
boss!joel x f!reader one-shot collection
summary: you can’t place the emotion - is joel miller guilty for the rendezvous you two had in his office? you soon get an answer in the form of  another late night visit with him.
warnings: 18+! MDNI! non-apocalypse au, boss!joel is a lil mean but not too mean, oral sex (f recieving), dirty talk, unprotected piv, fingering, cum play, squirting, size kink kinda, panty stealing, daddy kink (my hand slipped i swear)
word count: 5.1k
a/n: hellooooo back with another part for boss!joel and reader, i got literally one request for another part and was like yep i’m not tired of them yet at ALL so here we go! time to get more depraved with my fav manager
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If you didn’t know any better, it would seem like Joel Miller was avoiding you. 
The day after what you’ve been referring to as the incident (the most mind blowing incident) he hadn’t even stopped by the office, spending the entire day out at the construction sites. That was a Friday, so the entire weekend you pined, plotted, and over thought the whole thing. Could it be possible that Joel - the same Joel who had gladly and enthusiastically spit right into your mouth for fuck’s sake - was feeling guilty? He certainly hadn’t seemed it when his cock was shoved so deep in your pussy you could’ve seen stars, so what the hell gives now?
Monday came, and Joel breezed into the office in his typical manner, too busy for anything other than a quick “morning” to you all, grumbling that “there’d better be coffee made” before working on scheduling and blueprints in his office for a few hours. 
Just having him so close by, your desk mere feet from his office door, makes your skin buzz. Knowing the things you did in there, the depths of your depravity with him that nobody else in the room could even dream about, makes you wild. You realize halfway through the day you’re practically soaking your panties with just your thoughts alone. You really could stand to get it together, you think as you sneak into the break room for a cup of tea, hoping the calming drink could take your mind off of things. 
Suddenly the exact opposite is happening when Joel enters the room, sidling up next to you at the counter, fixing to pour himself a cup of coffee. For a few moments just the potent, rich smell of it hangs in the air between you two and Joel clears his throat a little. 
“How was your weekend, doll?” he asks quietly, and when you glance at him in semi-shock, he has a knowing smirk on his face. He’s enjoying this, he knows he’s been making you squirm for days, and is testing your patience.
“Was alright. I had a lot to think about,” you reply, and Joel snorts a tiny chuckle out. 
“I’ll bet,” he replies, and before you can even return the favor to ask him about his weekend, his hand is around the mug handle and he’s leaving the room. 
He doesn’t interact with you for the rest of the day. 
You’re practically fuming as you walk to your car after work, not having heard much else from Joel other than the things he was telling everyone in your vicinity, from upcoming projects to a few housekeeping items he needed done around the office this week. The only respite you’d had was when his eyes lingered slightly on you, legs crossed and stretching out gracefully from your short dress. His gaze had raked over your body in a quick, ravenous glance, and that one look could’ve eaten you alive with how much power was behind it. Only a flash of the man you’d met that night, that was all you got for now. 
You don’t know what to do from here. Are you supposed to wait for another note? Or did your last secret rendezvous mean that it was free game to pay him a visit any time you wanted as well? You had a feeling the former was more his style, wanting to be in control, to have the upper hand here. You sigh as you grip the wheel on the way home, knowing there isn’t exactly a handbook for the perfect way to have a secret affair with your boss. 
When Wednesday comes around, with Tuesday having had almost the same outcome, you’re practically seething, ready to confront him privately and figure out just what the hell is going on in that twisted mind of his. If he likes playing games, fine, you’d just like to at least be clued into them so you can get some enjoyment from the chase of it all. 
Your phone pings in the middle of the workday, and your lips part in shock as you glance down at the screen and see words that make the blood rush inside your ears and your heart jump. A new message from Joel Miller. You’d completely forgotten you’d even saved his number on your first day of work, him claiming he wanted every employee to have it for emergencies. And you have to wonder if what he messaged you for truly was, well, an emergency, just of a different nature. A sly smile creeps onto your lips as you read the words on your screen. 
Joel Miller: Feeling awful stressed today. Meeting after fuckin meeting. Think you could help me out with that, babydoll? 
Your fingers go flying, not caring just how desperately quick you’re texting him back, all the anger brewing inside of you at him quickly forgotten. 
You: Whatever you need from me boss ;)
Joel Miller: How about some pretty photos of you to ease my pain
You swallow hard, sneaking off the bathroom, your heartbeat pounding against your chest as if every single person in this office can read your mind and knows what you’re about to do. You lock yourself inside a stall and try to think quickly of what Joel would want to see from you.
You pull the backside of your dress up, showing off the curve of your ass adorned by a cheeky, red lace set of panties and try to angle your phone in a way that will capture the sexy essence you’re going for, feeling absolutely ridiculous with the way you’re contorting your body to try to get the shot. Next, you put a foot up on the toilet seat and try to get an upskirt shot, placing your free hand dangerously close to your pussy, letting the fingers rest comfortably, spread out along your thigh teasingly. 
Fuck. Yes. You’re surprised at just how well the photos turned out given your time constraint and shaky hands. You’ve taken a few photos like this before, but something about these, knowing they’re going to Joel, your heart flutters with anticipation as you queue them up with a message for him.
You: Hope these help until you can get the real thing
When you exit the stall with a shaky breath and return to your desk, he hasn’t answered yet, and you assume with good intentions that he’s just in a meeting, not ignoring your absolutely perfect nudes you’ve sent over.
You tap your foot impatiently, trying to get some work done, when your phone lights up next to you, alerting you to a message.
Joel Miller: So dirty baby. Need to get my hands on that perfect ass
You decide on a bold whim to leave him hanging, let him stew without a response from you to egg him on, only the photos.
Joel’s appearance in the office later that evening shows just how long he felt his day was - his tie askew, the knot partially pulled down to give his neck some room to breathe, and hair mussed from running his hands through it too many times. In some perverted little way, you find the sight of him looking so rough exciting. The more stressed Joel is, the more likely he’ll need to lean on you tonight. When your life got this pathetic, you don’t know, but you have a feeling you could trace it back to the first time you laid eyes on Joel Miller.
He walks through the space, saying quick goodnights to a few of his employees that are finishing up for the day, claiming he forgot something at the office when he went out for his meetings earlier. As he reaches to pass your desk, your heart jumps into your throat, and suddenly it’s so dry you can barely swallow. 
An imperceptible nod. That’s all he gives you when he passes, but it says everything you need to know. He needs you tonight. 
You wriggle in your seat, the dull ache of arousal coming to your attention between your legs as you start to anticipate Joel’s advances being focused on you in just a few short moments. You impatiently wait out everyone else in the office, practically jumping out of your chair at the last of your coworker’s departures.
Shoulders back. Deep breath. Exude confidence.
The silent chant moves through your thoughts as you approach Joel’s office door and poke your head in the small space where the door was left cracked, slowly pushing it open as you enter. The sight that awaits you, Joel sitting back in his office chair, legs spread, as if inviting you to his lap, makes your knees want to quake.
He hasn’t said a word yet, so you choose not to either, taking careful, bordering on feline-like steps around his desk to where he sits. You swing your leg over him delicately, spreading yourself wide as you settle onto his lap, straddling him. He instantly groans at the pressure of your warm body on him, as if that was all he needed in the world to satisfy him.
“Dressed up today, huh? I kinda like it,” you say, wrapping your fingers around the tie and pulling slightly, nudging his head a bit closer to yours.
“Client meetings for a big project, hate wearin’ this shit,” he grumbles. He reaches up to loosen his tie and pull it off over his head, tossing it on the floor next to his chair.
His lips find your neck, but he’s more reserved today, already knowing he has you right where he wants you. His lips graze the skin lightly, sending shiver after shiver of goosebumps over your body. Playful light kisses press onto the sensitive skin over and over, Joel’s tongue flicking out every so often to taste you even deeper. 
“Smell so fuckin’ good, all a man needs after a day like mine, swear,” he says gruffly, barely pulling off of your neck, taking a deep breath of the perfume you’d put on just for him, every single day since you started working here.
“You can talk to me, y’know. What I’m here for, all to take care of you. I’m whatever you need,” you say huskily, already lost in all the touch he’s delivering. He simply lets out a small hum of satisfaction, running his large, rough hands along your back, feeling the curve of it as you arch into his touch.
“That make you all wet, babydoll? Wantin’ that pussy to get all used up by me when I need you?” His lips are on you the second his sentence finished, sucking on your neck lightly before tracing up to your earlobe and lightly taking it between his lips.
“Yes, Mr. Miller,” you reply, barely a hushed whisper. You mewl quietly at his lips’ various movements on you, drawing your hips down onto his lap, trying to find any sense of relief. The dull ache from earlier has been replaced quickly with a full on throbbing on your sensitive clit, making you feel wild with need for him.
“Mmm, so polite, sweetheart. Weren’t so polite earlier, were you? Takin’ naughty photos in the bathroom for me.”
You blush under his words and his gaze, unable to control the slightly burning creeping onto your cheeks at the thought of you taking those photos for him earlier. It had felt wrong, contorting and perching yourself just right to get a photo to help fulfill his little fantasies, and you loved every minute of it.
“Liked what you saw?” you ask, your hips starting to grind absentmindedly against his center.
“Y’know I did,” he says, hands sliding to your ass, pulling you closer so that your movements get more friction. You can feel yourself seeping through your panties already, probably about to soak the front of him at any moment. “Such a tease, those little photos, thought ‘bout ‘em all day.”
“What did you think about, huh? What got you through the day?” you whisper melodically in his ear, trying to be the soothing presence for him that you desire so badly to be.
Joel chuckles, deep and throaty. “Little slut, want to hear me talk about how I love your pussy so bad, don’t you? Thought about it all fuckin’ day, could barely hear a word in those damn meetings.”
“That’s what I wanted to hear,” you purr, hips grinding a little harder, and you let out a breathy sound. You pinch your lips together, suddenly feeling slightly embarrassed at just how shamelessly you’re moving yourself against him. At the least you’re comforted by the fact that you can feel his hard length straining against his jeans as you rub against him, meaning he’s enjoying this just as much.
“Go on, don’t be shy,” Joel says, looking down in between you at the way you’re moving on him. “Kept you waiting a long time, didn’t I, babydoll? Needin’ this cock again so badly.”
You nod as you look at him with heady eyes starting to glaze over with need. “Thought you didn’t need me anymore. Wanted to do my good little job for you.” You whine with a pout, your voice is a low pitched hush, head buried in his shoulder as you continue to get yourself off.
“Doin’ so good, waitin’ on me every moment in case I need ya,” Joel says, and you’re embarrassingly close to climaxing, your soaked panties rubbing perfectly against your clit as you grind on his jeans, the firmness of his cock pressing deliciously against your folds.
“I’m- I’m close…” you whimper.
Joel chuckles again, clearly amused at just how easy it is for you to lose yourself to him. His hands move from where they’ve been kneading your ass through your dress to your hips, and he grips tightly, lifting you up. Your hips grind out into nothing, and you groan loudly at the unexpected interruption in your quickly approaching bliss.
“N-no, Mr. Miller, I- please -” Your entire body shudders down with the loss of the coming climax, your insides feeling like they’re clawing to get the sensation out, but with nothing there to edge it forward, you’re lost. You sigh in desperation, reaching to grip his shoulders and pull yourself back down.
“Nuh-uh, sugar,” Joel tuts with a devious glint in his eye. “Playin’ with you will make me feel better, isn’t that what you want?”
Your entire body shakes as you nod yes, and Joel smirks happily. “Good girl,” he says, “Now what to do with you…” He looks you over, his eyes roaming over your tits now starting to spill out of the top of your dress with the way you’d been rubbing against him, moving the fabric.
“You like dressin’ like a little whore for me, don’t you, havin’ your tits out and everything,” he says, releasing your hips to palm both of them, squeezing them upwards, testing the weight in his hands. 
“Want to give you something fun to look at at work,” you say with a little giggle, which Joel returns with his own gruff chuckle.
“Y’sure do,” he concludes, tearing the dress down to reveal your chest to him, and he hisses through his teeth, seeing your bare tits bounce out at him.
“Knew you’d look so perfect,” he practically growls out, immediately going for one of your nipples, rolling it between his fingers. You let out a gasp, your hips defying all logic and moving of their own accord, grinding down on him again as your back arches.
“Lemme taste you, that’ll make daddy feel so much better,” Joel says, eyes transfixed on the way he’s playing with your nipples and your body’s eager reactions to it. You’re not even sure he realizes the new shift in dynamic he’s just introduced, the words flowing out of him so naturally.
“Yes, daddy, taste me, taste me,” you say, echoing him without a second thought. You weren’t sure where it came from, but whatever gets Joel off seems to get you off, if you’re honest. Your cunt is aching beyond control now, the throbbing bordering on painful now, your breath hitching at the thought of his tongue licking the increasingly sensitive spot.
“Be good and get on up there, then,” Joel commands, nodding towards the desk. You sit on the edge, legs dangling and spreading open for him. “All the way back,” Joel corrects, grabbing at your hips and scooting you himself, then placing a hand on your chest and pushing back, so that you eventually end up laying down completely. Joel hovers over you, playing with the hem of your dress, slowly pulling it up. 
You writhe and wriggle, strangled little cries coming out of your mouth, unable to take the anticipation anymore.
“Joel…” you whine.
“Haven't even started yet and you’re callin’ my name,” he laughs before his fingers reach the band of your underwear, sliding a finger along it. You cry out again when his finger brushes further down on your mound. You want to slam your fists onto the desk in pure desire-fueled frustration, but you refrain, showing Joel how eager you are by movements and twists of your hips.
When he finally pulls your panties down, the cool air touching your bare sex, you sigh a bit of relief at the coming pleasure. 
“Didn’t get to ‘preciate this ‘nuff the last time, sugar,” Joel muses. “Bet you taste so sweet too… fuckin’ divine…” One of his fingers swipes through your slit and you gasp, peering up at him as you watch him slide it through several times to your entrance, gathering as much slickness as he can. He slides the finger into his mouth, tasting it almost pornographically, groaning in pleasure before popping it out.
“Was right, y’know. Ever tasted yourself, babydoll?” Joel asks with an enticing lick of his lips, like he needs to clean every bit of you off that he can.
“N-no, I haven’t,” you answer, too stunned by his behavior and your distractingly aching pussy to think of anything witty to retort.
“Oh, you’re missin’ out,” he coos before repeating the same motions on your pussy, every time he brushes the sensitive bud of your clit it’s own tiny form of torture. He leans over your body, his shiny, slick finger reaching towards your mouth. 
“Don’t make me hav’ta ask,” he warns, and you sit up on your elbows and part your lips alluringly, allowing his finger to slide right in. You suck hard with a swirl of your tongue, hoping it emulates the way your mouth had felt on his cock just a few days ago. It seems to do the trick, Joel’s smile growing into a devious smirk as he groans a little.
“This fuckin’ mouth,” he says with a shake of his head, letting his finger linger a few moments longer, pumping it in and out of your mouth in slow strokes. “Such a pretty mouth, but does such dirty things for me, doesn’t it?”
You nod for him before Joel pulls his finger out of your mouth and moves back to position himself between your legs.
“Legs up, just like that,” Joel says, manually lifting your legs so that your knees are bent with your feet flat on the desk, legs immediately falling open for him. He takes a long pause to look at your completely exposed cunt, a burning look of desire in his eyes.
“Poor baby, ain’t ya? So wet and ready with no cock inside ya to ease the pain. You achin’ for daddy’s cock, sugar?” Joel delivers a swift slap to your pussy that sends your hips lurching forward for a moment before he laughs. 
Asshole, you think with a little rush of desire. But this absolute asshole is about to make you come, so you decide against saying anything of the sort.
“Mhm,” you say instead. “Need you to use me and fuck yourself better, daddy.” Joel nearly snarls at the nickname leaving your mouth, starting to undo his belt as he lowers his head in between your legs. One hand is gripping onto your thigh while the other steadily works to free his cock from his pants, palming it tightly as his mouth licks a long strip up your pussy. His fingers dip inside of you gathering up your arousal before he brings it down to his cock, spreading it along the lengthy shaft. He moans into your cunt as he licks, beginning to stroke himself as he tastes you. 
You’ve never been treated like this before, like Joel is a man hungry for his last meal as he ravenously slurps and licks up every bit of arousal that keeps pouring out for him. His enthusiastic yet gruff reactions and noises start a vicious cycle - you’re so turned on by it that you’re getting impossibly wet, and in turn, Joel laps it up like he’s never tasted anything better in his life. It brings you close to the brink faster than you’d expected, another high quickly building low in your stomach. The tingling sensation starts to overtake every one of your senses and you let out a moan low and deep from your throat.
“Oh, Joel, p-please, I’m so close…” you murmur, your head rolling wildly on the desk as his tongue flicks on your clit and then sucks for a few pulses. “Daddy…” you whimper, and the guttural noise he makes is indescribable before he pulls off of you completely. You cry out, feeling tears start to form in your eyes at the injustice he’s been serving on your pussy tonight.
“Let daddy play with you a bit, it’s half the fun,” he says, and you can hear the smirk in his voice, and it instantly adds to your frustration just how much he’s getting off on this. The sound of his hand slapping against his own flesh comes and goes, and he seems to be bringing himself close to climaxing along with you.
He brings you back to the edge again moments later with just the lightest flicks of his tongue right on your clit, and as he senses your entire body tensing he stops again, leaving a desperate moan to die out in your throat as you’d nearly reached the throes of ecstasy again.
“Please… I’m begging you, it’s too much, Joel,” you whine. Your whole body is starting to tremble, your hips squirming along the surface of your desk from the throbbing of your swollen, aching heat just wanting him to give you release.
“Little longer, babydoll, be a good girl and keep begging me,” Joel replies.
“Please, let me come, I’ll do anything,” you say, your frown deepening despite the way that you’re also getting off on this, maybe just as much as him. You’ve never had someone give you so much careful, specialized attention like this - taking the time to make you feel this insanely turned on and desperate for them. 
Joel puts his face between your legs again while you let whispers of your continued begging along with his name pass your lips over and over until he edges you one more time and you nearly scream, letting out a choked back moan for him instead.
“Music to my ears,” Joel chuckles, and you breathe heavily, then peer down at him with your slick covering his face from the way he’s been indulging himself repeatedly on your pussy and you feel yourself clenching, nearly reaching your climax from the sight of him like that alone.
You nearly feel like passing out at this point, your breathing so erratic and body so overstimulated that you nearly can’t take it anymore when Joel returns to his former position, but this time inserting two fingers, stretching you as he scissors them apart while his tongue works on your clit. You cry out a furious whimper, your body bordering on madness as you feel Joel push deep inside of you with his fingers before pressing right on the perfect, spongy part inside that has your eyes rolling back.
“H-holy shit,” you blurt out, the tension coiling deep in your belly quickly as Joel presses over and over while he works his tongue on your abused clit. His other hand pushes down low on your belly, only increasing the sensation of everything and you’re panting, wild, incorrigible sounds flying out of your mouth.
“Don’t stop, please, please, don’t… let me come this time, I can’t take it anymore,” you manage to say as your body tumbles towards a cliff, your insides clawing for release and escape from this heavenly torture he’s put putting you through. Joel doesn’t stop this time, but intensifies everything - his fingers, his mouth, his warm, large palm pushing down on the bottom of your stomach.
You scream over and over, barely registering the sheer volume of the sound leaving your mouth as you gush and spasm onto him, the tether to reality snapping as you're transported to another place for a few moments, your vision going dark as you squeeze your eyes shut in pure bliss. You’re coming so hard that it seems like it’s never ending, sloppy, wet noises filling the room along with your little sobs. A sudden gush escapes you in the midst of everything, and when you finally come down, only then do you realize the reason everything felt so unreal for a moment, so much.
You can feel the excess wetness on your dress, all over the desk underneath you, and you nearly die with embarrassment at how much of a mess you’ve made because of this man, but Joel doesn’t seem to mind one bit, sliding you forward and wrapping his arms underneath your back, sitting you up and pulling you to your feet. You sway dazedly in your current state, practically useless to speak, think, or move, but Joel seems to be covering those bases for the two of you.
He swings your body in his grip, slamming your back against a nearby tall cabinet full of files that you’d spend hours helping organize, but you tear your mind away from the droll thought and back to Joel, whose cock is now pressing against your slick folds as he lifts one of your legs and hooks under your knee, holding it up.
“Fuckin’ filthy girl for me aren’t you? Squirting all over the place… like the way I make you come, don’t you?”
“Fuck yes, I do. S-so- so good,” you reply, hips bucking forward towards his cock despite the oversensitivity now raging there. He pushes in with one swift stroke, burying himself deep and you yelp at the sudden stretch. You’ve been warmed up plenty, but the sheer size of Joel is still enough to cause a sharp moment of discomfort before your body adjusts.
“I know, c’mon babydoll, you can take it. Want to make me feel good, don’t you?” Joel coos, his voice a little gentler now, urging you along. 
You nod enthusiastically for him, grinding forward to take the last bit of him into you until he’s fully seated. He grins wildly, his eyes flashing intensely as he starts to fuck you in earnest, snapping his hips into yours quickly.
“That’s a good girl for me,” he praises as you continue to take his cock over and over, and you’re so full, you can feel everything - him throbbing against your walls as he slides in and out.
“So f-fucking full of you, Joel,” you murmur as you flutter your eyes. 
“That’s right, babydoll, y’like my big cock using your little pussy, like it when I fill you up,” he grunts as his breath starts wavering more. Your own body is trembling, another climax building right where Joel’s cock is slamming into you each time he pushes in again. 
“Yes, Joel, fill me up today. Don’t pull out,” you beg.
Joel groans loudly, and you feel a rush of satisfaction at the way your words hold so much power over him. You can feel how you drive him wild, in and out of your own private world in his office. The way he steals glances at you, ogles your short skirts and dresses, the cleavage that you show for him, down to right now, when simply telling him to come inside of you has him practically spasming.
“Want me to fill you up with daddy’s come, that it? Like the little slut for me you are,” Joel retorts, his movements more sporadic now as he chases his own climax. 
“Only if it’ll help your day get better, Mr. Miller,” you tease with eyelashes fluttering, and Joel lets out a strangled little chuckle, his eyes completely glazed over with lust as you look into them. 
“Fuckin’ kiddin’ me, sugar, ‘course it would,” he says simply, letting out a little moan as he feels you squeeze around him slightly as he brushes against your walls over and over.
“Then do it, fill me up, daddy,” you say, and Joel doesn’t need to hear anything more, can’t hear anything more as he thrusts deeply into you and you gasp, feeling him come and fill you up so deeply. You milk every bit of it out of him, feeling your own climax overtake you unexpectedly at the pure power trip you’ve gotten from making him come this hard. You shudder into his cock still inside of you, your own white creaminess coating his shaft along with his cum and you let out a breathy moan at the sight of it pulling out of you a few moments later. 
“Sure made a mess, bad little girl,” Joel sucks his tongue between his teeth a few times, chastising you. “Half a mind to make you clean all this up.” He shakes his head as he steps away, but you just smile bashfully at him, still leaning against the cabinet, dripping pussy and tits still falling out of your dress. 
“Really gonna ask that from me after all I did for you tonight, baby?” you ask him with a saccharine smile, your voice dripping honey like off your tongue. 
“Lookin’ like that? No way in hell. You just stand there pretty and let me get a good look at ya all fucked out like that f’me,” Joel replies, tucking himself back into his pants. 
You spy your underwear on the ground, and as Joel follows your eyeline he swipes them off the floor, but tucks them in his back pocket again instead of handing them over to you. After the second time, you can see this is one of his things, and take a mental note to buy some more panties.
“Need to do this more often, don’t we?” Joel asks as he settles back into his office chair, groaning a little as he goes down. 
“Absolutely,” you grin. 
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uselesssomebody · 1 year
𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕙 𝕠𝕗 𝕛𝕦𝕝𝕪 (𝕝𝕝)- neighbor!joel miller x reader (pre!outbreak)
complete masterlist | joel miller masterlist
"𝕚 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕚 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕪𝕠𝕦, 𝕓𝕒𝕓𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕚 𝕟𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕪𝕠𝕟𝕖" - you can be the boss | lana del rey
words || 𝟞.𝟠𝕜
summary || in which the reader and joel don't speak for a few months
previous part || fourth of july (I)
a/n || this is very feral but badly written smut; bad combo, man ➵ it's exam szn so me posting will be sporadic i can't lie. ➵ experimenting with the accent, tell me what y'all think ➵ same disclaimer: there is an age gap in this story !! if that makes you uncomfortable, i have many other non-age-gap fics you can browse on my page. reader is like 27 and joel is like 36. he's not old, though he is mentioned as such because he's old compared to her. also canonical dilf ➵ not edited (yet) ➵ i've been on a bit of a pascal spree and am thinking about writing for javier pena, frankie morales, agent whiskey and din djarin whenever i find time to update, so ➵ send me requests if you have ‘em. enjoy!
warnings || fluff/smut/bit of angst➵ unprotected p.i.v. ➵ oral (f receiving) ➵ fingering ➵ cum ig (tell me if i miss anything)
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it was nicky’s first day of school. that was how much time had passed.
she adjusted her hair in the mirror for a moment, as her sister wrapped up her lunch and placed it neatly into a bag. as she came down the stairs, she had a distinct pep in her step, practically waltzing into the kitchen before she sat to eat her breakfast.
“someone’s excited!” nicky nodded at her sister’s accurate assessment, as she scarfed down the scrambled eggs on her plate. her sister watched her fondly, handing her some water, and then a napkin, before sitting opposite her.
the two sat, conversing in between nicky’s bites: nicky was telling her about all the things that she’d heard from sarah about the school, and her sister was listening adamantly, only interrupting her in order to remind her to chew her food.
when she was done, she grabbed her bag, kissed her sister on the cheek, and opened to door to meet her friends, making her way to the bus stop just a few doors down. her sister looked up to see the neighbor opposite them looking over the group with a similar smile on her face, as her daughter goes to join the group as well. she waves at her, and the neighbor smiles back.
they’d been in the neighborhood for a few months, and she found the people around her to be simply a part of her routines - waving at jerry the postman, greeting martha and john when either left for work, or spending a few minutes each afternoon petting the pinscher that the marriots had gotten when his daily walk passed her lawn.
she was accustomed to it all. except for one little thing.
joel miller.
after that fourth of july evening, she felt as though he’d been avoiding her like the plague, always jetting in and out of the house at odd times in his pickup, and seemingly stuck to the confines of his place whenever she was outside, tending to the small plants on their lawn to keep it presentable and inviting. when she smiled at or greeted him, he’d give her a curt nod or a gruff good morning, before taking just slightly longer strides away.
it threw her for a loop completely, unable to understand how the man could go from the affection present in their moment of intimacy, to something as foreign as a stranger. for the first couple days, she found herself offended and a little insulted by the change in attitude, before it morphed into something more carefree as she came to the conclusion everyone comes to at some point in their life.
men ain’t shit.
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joel miller should have woken up that morning to the sound of his alarm, but the late night he’d had to pull last night had rendered him half dead as he slumbered deeper into the morning.
it took sarah shouting for him, knocking at his door, and then tentatively stepping inside to grab his arm and physically lug him up. the pressure around his forearm made him groggily open his eyes and, seeing her impatient but amused face, he nodded with a groan, ensuring her that he’d be up in a moment.
sarah’s uncle tommy was eating out of their pantry as he plated her toast, handing the slices over to her as her father descended the stairs. he patted sarah’s shoulder as he passed her, and she mumbled a sarcastic good morning through her bites. tommy smiled at his brother’s barely-awake face as joel reached for his coffee.
“you look like shit,” he chides, as joel sips out of his large mug. he places it down, shaking his head as he grasps his food from tommy’s fingers, and placing it back where it belongs.
“and ya eat like shit, tom.” tommy’s expression turns exaggeratedly indignant, and sarah laughs as she see it. she places her plate into the sink as she wipes her mouth, and she sidesteps her father to grab her backpack.
“you don’t need to drop me off - i’m gonna head to the bus with nicky and some of the other girls.” joel’s curious expression peers over his mug, but, seeing sarah’s excited face as her eyes glanced to the windows to see if her friends had already left home, he smiles into the beverage.
“’lright.” she smiles, making a beeline for the door as he follows her to wave her off. “ya ready?” he asks, as she puts her sneakers on and, when she rises again, she nods, almost solemnly.
“i’ll see you tonight?” joel winced, scratching his head as he thought about how long he’d be on-site that day.
“i - i think so?” it’s not a statement, instead a question, but it makes sarah smile a little as she rolled her eyes, pulling her father into a goodbye hug. he squeezed her tightly, before opening the door for her and watching her walk over to nicky and her sister’s place.
when he looked up, he saw the younger girl exit her house, her sister in the doorway as she said goodbye to her.
she was wearing a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, obviously also not having been awake for too long, but the mere sight of her makes joel adjust on the heels of his feet, straightening his back as leaned just slightly against the door way.
she was as gorgeous as two months ago, when he’d had the pleasure of seeing her in that much less. every time he saw her petting that one little dog, or meticulously looking over her flowers, all he wanted to do was hold her again.
but, of course, he realized how it looked: he was getting older; even sarah had started teasing him about it, and, well, she wasn’t. she may have had a type excluding men her age, but that wasn’t feasible - and joel had panicked after the realization that, though the sex was great, he wasn’t particularly capable of being much more than that for her without her having to sacrifice a likely healthier and more realistic relationship. besides, after his experience with sarah’s mother, he had always been worried as to what to do and how to handle future endeavors with women. so, he’d pretty much sworn off them.
that didn’t make it any easier when he had to pretend he didn’t care all that much about her when her gaze radiated in his direction.
tommy peeked out of the doorway, trying to see what had so keenly captured his brother’s attention. following his gaze, he sees the neighbor that sarah had been telling him about previously, and he suppressed a laugh as he looked between her soft, smiling figure and his brother’s ‘kicked puppy’ expression. he patted his chest as he exited the house, ready to start the car.
“don’t stare too much - y’already look like a creep.” joel blinked his thoughts away as he focused on his brother’s advice. he rolled his eyes, grabbing the car keys that tommy had somehow forgot and tossing them to him as he locked the door.
“stop runnin’ yer mouth, tommy.”
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she found herself home alone so much more now. of course, she had work to keep her distracted, but she’d wrap up quickly, not having quite that much to do as she waited for her sister to come back and for her to routinely explain the events of her day. she’d subscribed herself to an almost-riveting nature show that would air in the afternoons, feeling her eyes focus and unfocus on the colorful videos of birds or the tense videos of predators and prey.
on the days the two girls wanted a bit of privacy, or maybe some quiet, they would head over the millers’ place, knowing that mr.miller wouldn’t be back in for another few hours
but when they didn’t, nicky’d tend to bring sarah back to hers for a bit. her sister was more than happy to accommodate the two girls, enjoying the company and finding a distinct amusement in their banter. sarah spent just as much time talking to her as she did nicky, mostly for - shockingly enough - cooking tips. she’d mentioned how often her father was out of the house, and how that owed to her sometimes becoming bored of the takeout that he or her uncle would bring, and that she would usually eat the leftovers from the next night.
when she suggested that she teach her some basic meals to add some variety to her dinners, sarah was more excited than expected. that enthusiasm, and the fact that she was a fast learner contributed to the both of them spending many a evening experimenting with some new meal that one of the three girls picked up. though nicky would usually listen in to the lessons, or help organize the correct ingredients or pans, she spent nearly as much time trying to swipe bites from practically each step of the cooking process, owing to sarah’s continued amusement, and her sister’s exaggerated annoyance.
truly, sarah had sometimes found it a bit lonely at her place, only really seeing her family when her father or uncle would sporadically pop-in as they’d forgotten some documents, or something like that. now, though, she was relieved that that loneliness didn’t occur as much, in the sweet company of her neighbors.
so, when she bid nicky goodbye a little early one night, as she’d had to go home and speak with her parents, she was shocked to find, as she unlocked her door, the dull sound of the t.v., followed by a mumbled greeting from her father. she turned the corner to the living room, and his tired form was sprawled over the couch, with a her-shaped spot next to him. she took the opportunity, sitting beside him as he gave her a quick squeeze, only half-paying attention to his surroundings.
“how was work?” she said it into the small space between her and her father, and, though she was quiet, her voice was loud in the near-silent house.
“amazing.” he whispered back sarcastically, making her smile.
“well, have you had dinner?”
“’ve ya?” he countered, and she shook her head, using his knee to lever herself up, heading to the kitchen. he quirked an eyebrow as his eyes followed her steps, “what’re ya doing?” she poked her head back into the hall between the living room and kitchen.
“making something to eat?” he had assumed that she was going to make a sandwich, so, when he heard her turn on the stove, he looked in her direction, confused. finally, he pushed himself up, heading towards her to see what she was doing.
she’d pulled out a few things as he leaned against the doorway, watching her.
“what’re ya making?”
sarah mumbles the name of the dish, mentioning how their neighbor had been polite enough to teach her the recipe, as she continues to move around the kitchen, meticulously following the steps that she remembered.
“well, d’ya want any help?” sarah shakes her head.
“you’ll throw me off,” she chided, making joel laugh.
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over the next couple weeks, joel had had the pleasure of eating more home-grown food as opposed to the takout he’d practically been thriving off for the previous months, all at the hand of his daughter.
though he felt worried she’d overexert herself, he found her to be excitable as opposed to annoyed about the prospect, and he attempted to make it up to her by releasing her from a few of her other chores.
on one colder october evening, nicky comes back home a little earlier than usual, getting comfortable on the couch, to the shock of her sister.
“hey, nick? how was school?” nicky shrugged, fiddling with the remote, as she gestured for her sister to join her.
“it’s fine. i’ve got a math test next thursday.” her sister went to join her, letting nicky rest her head on her thigh, her eyes trained to the t.v.
“need any help with it?” nicky shook her head, the movement dragging over her sister’s thigh.
“actually, i wanted to ask: bea’s having a birthday sleepover at her place this friday. can i go?” suddenly, the affection clicked in her sister’s head. she’d done the same thing when asking their parents to go meet her friends, hoping the added sweetness would convince them to let her. of course, the same treatment wasn’t necessary with her, but it definitely didn’t hurt.
“sure, nick. where does she live?”
“closer to the city. her mom said she’d pick us up after school and take us there.”
“’lright, hun. get your bag set up well, okay?” nicky smiled at the confirmation, before sinking further into her sister and enjoying the movie she’d clicked on.
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she has a meeting that afternoon, and it was her first face-to-face one since settling in austin. the company she worked for really pushed a work-from-home agenda, but, every quarter, they’d indulge in a conference in order to maintain good professional connections and ensure everything was running smoothly.
she was just slightly worried she’d be late, as she attempted to smooth down her blouse and skirt, struggling just slightly with the front of her heels not allowing perfect breathing room for her toes. she grabbed her purse as she stuffed an out-of-place clump of hair back into place. the light curls framing her face did a lot to add to the professional nature of her look, but one thing that would definitely not contribute to a professional first impression would be arriving late. she looks at the watch on her wrist as she exits her house, wincing as she tried to remember the direction towards the stop from where she’d have to catch her bus into the city.
from just a few meters away, joel’s placing his tools into the back of his truck, getting ready to head into the city for a job he and his brother had been called in on. he glances up when he hears the faint clack of heels on the pavement, and he nearly does a double take when he sees her.
sure, she’d been nice and dressed-up for that neighborhood barbecue, but nothing quite like this. he averted his gaze in a moment, remembering what tommy had told him the other day, but, when he sneaks another peek at her, he notices her confused impression.
“’re ya alright?” against his better judgment, he starts bridging the gap between them, calling her name, making her whip her head towards him.
she’s pretty sure she hasn’t spoken to him in, like, a month, so she can’t really look at his still-intense gaze, instead fidgeting with the strap of her purse.
“hmm? yeah, ‘ve just got this meeting to get to - honestly i’m running a bit late-” she can feel herself beginning to nervously ramble, so she cuts herself off.
“which direction are you heading in?” she finally looks up at him, shaking her head.
“into the city? i’m actually looking for the bus stop.” he gestures to his car.
“c’mon, i’ll give you a ride.” her mouth hangs open for a moment, shocked by the offer, before she shakes her head.
“no - joel, you don’t have to do that-”
“the buses come every 30 minutes, besides, i’m heading to the city anyways.” conflicted, she goes to disagree again, but decides not to. she allows him to accompany her to his pickup, and thanks him when he helps her into the passenger seat.
as he starts up the vehicle, she adjusts a little in her seat, suddenly feeling warm in the knowledge of her proximity with her neighbor.
“thanks, again, joel.” she mumbles, as he pulls out of his driveway.
“don’t worry about it, sweetheart.” she’s a little shocked by the reuse of the nickname, but doesn’t hate the feeling it reignites in her. joel, on the other hand, cringes at the slip of his tongue, reminding himself that this interaction was strictly in order to help his neighbor, and not the otherwise beautiful woman in his front seat, whose skirt he was trying very hard not to focus on, as he kept his eyes religiously on the road in front of him, “what’re ya all dressed up for?” he sniffs, an attempt at small talk as the danger of silence threatens to envelop the distinctly small space between them.
“oh - um, yeah. i���ve got this conference for work, and - well, have to look professional, y’know.” he hums in agreement, but his brow quirks.
“i thought ya work from home?” she glances over at him, confused as to how he’d known. though many things happened during that one evening together, she didn’t remember telling him that.
“yeah, i - the company has 4 conferences annually, to make sure everyone still remembers everyone, i guess.” his lips don the hint of a smile at the quasi-joke, “how’d - how did you know?” joel’s eyes trace over her expression for a half-moment, before returning to the road.
“i - sarah’s mentioned it.”
“oh, of course.” that silence creeps up on them once more, and it makes her swallow dryly, “um, nicky was telling me about this sleepover she’s got in the city,” she continues, “i assume sarah’s going, too?” joel nods, running a hand through his hair.
“yup - girl’s excited too. was shocked, she’s not the type to go to these things.” she smiles at the comment.
“nicky’s a bad influence.” she makes a joke, and he finally smiles, putting her at substantial ease.
“eh - ya make up for it.” he makes the comment lowly, and she wonders if she’s supposed to have heard it.
her breath stills, as she glances at his unemotive expression, as she wonders what the hell he means.
“wh - what?” joel’s eyes widen just slightly as he realizes the implication of his words.
“you’re - y’re a good influence, s’all i’m saying. with ‘er cookin’ now n’all.” his southern accent comes out heavily in his lightly flustered state, and she suppresses her laugh so as to not embarrass him further.
“right. she’s cooking for you too, now?” he nods.
“almost ev’ry night. damn good food, too.” she laughs at his aggressive praise for his daughter.
“i’m assuming nothing for friday, then?” he sighs, not really having thought about that.
“yeah, wonder how i’ll manage.”
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her friday had started with a 4 hour call from 8 in the morning, fleshing out the plans for the upcoming quarter discussed briefly during her face-to-face conference.
after joel had dropped her off, he’d offered to pick her up as well, but she’d been insistent he not worry about it, citing he’d done more than enough for her already, and she’d instead taken a ride home with a coworker who, shockingly enough, lived in the same area as her.
she’d helped nicky set up her bag during the opening hour of her call, fixing her a hearty breakfast, and having over some money in the event of an emergency. she smiled at her young sister’s bubbly attitude over the prospect of her sleepover than night and, later, when she saw nicky meet up with sarah, she saw that same emotion plastered over the other young girl’s face.
her next few hours consisted of another two calls, a presentation for a meeting next week that she had to make, and maybe a grand total of a fuck ton of emails.
she had just the slightest hint of a moment of reprieve in the afternoon, so she spent a moment taking a breath of fresh air, stepping outside onto her porch. she glances to her right, almost instinctively, and she feels a distinct lack of surprise that his pickup wasn’t in the driveway. he really was out of the house a lot.
she remembered what he’d jokingly mumbled in his car when she’d mentioned sarah wouldn’t be home tonight: how would he manage? of course, she was sure he’d be just fine, but that didn’t stop her from feeling sympathetic at the, likely tired, man’s plight for what would likely just be leftovers of monotonous take-out.
knowing this, and knowing that she did technically owe him for the ride he’d given her, that night, she made a little extra for dinner, packing it up as she finished cleaning the kitchen before her own meal. she can see his car in his driveway now, just a little earlier than the long nights sarah would mention her father pull, and, with a steely resolve, she dons a sweater to combat the uncharacteristically cold night air.
after she’d knocked on the door, and was waiting for joel to answer, she wondered if this was a stupid idea. did it come as desperate? intrusive? assumptive? it wasn’t like they just did this, hell, they spoke for the first time in months just a few days ago. and since, it’d been realistically radio silent.
she tries to quell her racing mind. she was just being a friendly neighbor. it wasn’t like she was trying to get in his pants - again - right?
she’s snapped from her thoughts when he opens the door, donning just a solid grey shirt and sweatpants. she spends a half moment just blinking at his chest, before shaking herself out of it, smiling as she adjusted to look at him.
“hey - hey, joel. i never properly thanked you for the drive and i know sarah’s out so -” instead of fully explaining her presence, she opts instead to brandish the tupperware box with his assumed dinner, placing it into his slightly confused hands.
“i, you - ya didn’t have to do that.” his voice is a little hoarse, as if he hadn’t spoken in a few hours, and she looks away from him, suddenly embarrassed.
“i - i know, i just thought i’d -” she trails off, and he shakes his head.
“no - no, i really ‘preciate it. here, come in.” her eyes widened at his offer, assuming this to be a simple drop-off.
“oh - um-” she hesitates, “right, thanks.” she slides past his frame as he closes the door behind her.
she wonders why he’d be willing to let her in after placing so much distance in between them. he wonders why he’s opening himself up to temptation after trying so hard to avoid her.
they both come to the same conclusion: he’s just being a friendly neighbor.
he goes to set the dinner table for the both of them, placing the box on the kitchen counter, but, seeing the documents he’d haphazardly scattered on it this morning, he gestures to the couch.
“oh, shit,” she peers in to see if everything’s alright, and the lightly flustered look on his face makes her shakily exhale - though quietly. when he turns to her, she tries to smile, “uh - make yerself comfortable, ‘lright?” she nods as she resists the urge to peel off her sweater in the warmer house, knowing she wasn’t exactly wearing much under it.
she can hear the tinkering of plates in the kitchen, and she lets her eyes drift over the minimal but homely living room, the added decoration of a couple of sarah’s trophies on the mantelpiece being a sweet touch.
when he walked in with two plates, he was quick to tell her to turn something on, if she wished. she obliges, taking the plate he’d set for her, flicking through the channels until she found something, realistically, not remotely interesting. a few minutes into it, they eat in near silence.
“god, this is good.” he mumbles, not even attempting to praise her - moreso in observation. she laughs at the comment, looking back at him, as he attempts to fix himself up and properly appreciate her.
“thanks, joel.” they’re silent for another moment.
“ya didn’t have to do this f’r me, sweetheart.” he mentions, and she swallows.
he’s getting too comfortable with that nickname.
“i wanted to.” when she glances at him, he’s got the ghost of a smile in his expression.
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sporadic conversation graced their meal, but the majority of it carried in silence. unknown to the other, both spent a long time stealing glances at the other, appreciating the way that the low light of the room accentuated their features.
finally, when she rose to place her plate away, she swiped his own empty one before he could tell her to sit down and act like an actual guest, taking them both to the sink. he follows her, the movie quickly abandoned as he places the rest of the food into his fridge.
she’s turned on the faucet as his back is turned to her, and he turns back to see her beginning to wash the few dishes in the sink.
“no - wait-” he goes to stop her but she brandishes a soapy hand to ward him off, laughing at his immediate recoil, “ya can’t-” he attempts to dissuade her from the action once again, but she’s not having it.
“joel - you’ve had a long day. it’s just one thing, isn’t it?” a silence falls over him, as he mulls over her words.
he’d not mentioned a thing about how long his day was - or how truly exhausted he felt on his way home. she just knew, and went the extra step of trying to make it that bit better for him. it’d been the same with the food she’d brought over: he’d not asked for it once, yet she felt compelled to do it simply through her caring nature. he thinks about how much she seems to care, and how upset he would feel to lose that, regardless of the taboo that their relationship would entail.
and he thinks about how much he missed caring about how she felt.
so, when she turned around, wiping her hands on the cloth beside her, she was shocked to feel the gentle tug of her body towards the kitchen counter, as joel’s warm hands grip her now lightly cold wrists. she’s shocked by the gesture, but even more shocked when she feels his hand on her cheeks, pulling her lips into his. it’s a languid motion, soft, and satisfying, as she allows the brush of her soft lips to graze the coarseness of his own.
she pulls away for a moment, if for nothing more than to breathe, and joel exhales, shaking his head.
“i’m sorry, sweetheart, i shouldn’t have-” she cuts him off by tipping her head forward, hungry to feel his lips against hers again. his beard tickles her chin, but she can barely pay it any mind, enraptured by the warmth of his body. she reciprocates the movement of his hands, pulling at his neck to press up more closely against him, as she felt his own gently holding and squeezing her waist. the cold of her hands sends a shiver up his spine, but the sensation does nothing to rival the jolts he gets when he feels her tongue graze against his own.
“fuck, joel. what’re we doing?” she mumbles it into the air above him as his head ducks into her neck, his chapped lips ghosting over the skin of her throat.
“m’sorry, sweetheart, le’me make you feel good?” it’s a question, but it doesn’t exactly wait for an answer as his teeth begin nipping the supple flesh of her barely exposed chest.
“i’ll - god, joel-” her breath’s just a little more labored now, and she’s itching for the wandering hands on her waist to meander their way further south.
knowing himself, he knows that there’s little chance he’ll have the patience to take her all the way upstairs, so, in just a moment of reprieve, he opts instead for the couch, not detaching himself from her form as he guided her there.
“c’mere, baby,” his voice is nothing over a whisper, but the licks of soft baritone grace it, making her immediately oblige, allowing him to pull her onto his spread legs over the couch cushions, the movie behind them providing a quiet ambiance, doing little to disguise the sounds of her soft gasps, and his rough exhales, as he eases her sweater off, pulling her chest into his fervent lips.
she can’t help the buck of her hips as his teeth pull as the supple skin of her chest and breasts, and she can feel his smile against her when he feels the grind of her hips over his. he can sense her desperation pique as he continues, so, taking hold of her back, he’s quick to set her down against the couch.
she’s a little shocked by the action, rising up on her elbows to see him beginning to unbutton her jeans.
“take these off for me, sweetheart,” it’s not a question anymore, and she finds her hands working faster than her brain can, sliding the fabric off her thighs and calves in one swift motion. he helps her the rest of the way, doing little to hide his fixation on her anticipating expression. when he’d finally removed the offending clothing, he looked down at her, taking her ankles in his hands and placing them over his shoulders. he doesn’t break eye contact, allowing her ragged breathing to be the only discernible noise to his ears as he lowered down towards her thighs.
she can feel the tension in muscles dissipate - though not entirely - when his lips finally make contact with her inner thigh, pulling her up by her hips just a bit to place her in a more favorable position to him. he kisses up the soft flesh of both her thighs, doing a immensely annoying job of teasing her just right.
“joel - joel, please.” she’s not ashamed to beg after the third time his lips choose to press against the corner of her panties, before swiftly switching to her other thigh.
“hmm? whad’ya want me to do sweetheart? wanna le’me taste this pretty pussy?” his casual tone is overshadowed by the nature of his words, and she feels her stomach churn at the direct statement. she can’t do much but nod, light ‘please, please - please!’s tumbling off her lips. it’s enough for him, though, finally obliging her as he pulls the fabric of her underwear to the side, letting a slight chill graze her exposed cunt, causing her to shiver.
when she feels his tongue lightly trace a circle over her clit, the tension of her muscles crash, making her let out a long, low, shaky exhale. it’s not a moment of reprieve, though, as his assault quickens, his tongue meandering over her slit with a passion - renewing that tension, though now in her core.
his pace switches between quick and languid at a moment’s notice, causing her body to be unable to release the tension in time, but to rather hold onto it for longer, staving off her orgasm with precision as his thumb pulls lightly at the apex of her cunt, putting pressure on - but not quite on - her clit as his tongue experimentally dipped in and around her dripping entrance.
he begins to speed up again, and it manifests in moans and whimpers spilling from her lips as she attempts to place a hand over her loud mouth, though, when he slows down for the umpteenth time, he heard a garbled sound fall from her instead.
“fuck - joel, please, don’t fucking tease!” her frustration had gotten the better of her, and it only increased when she felt him smile against her cunt.
“tell me what ya want, baby.” she swallows roughly, her thighs tensing just slightly against his head, before she lets out a shaky breath.
“please - please, let me cum.” for a moment, he doesn’t move, and she wants to scream at his lack of action, but that’s until she feels his clloused fingers against her thigh.
his mouth reattaches to her cunt, alternating between short, quick licks and sucking, as he eases two of his fingers into her, with little resistance. the added sensation against her walls makes her toes curl, her moans only growing louder.
her orgasm, already impending, suddenly feels as if it’s been increased tenfold by the drag of his fingers against a specific soft spot inside her, the movement of them in and out of her allowing them a way to find that spot each time. that, accompanied with his mouth’s renewed focus on her clit, makes her want to scream, and she does, as the tightened sensation in her stomach snaps, the tension building to her orgasm releasing with an aggressive sensitivity.
her moans are broken as he helps her through the feeling, continuing to slowly pump his fingers inside her, only stopping for a moment when he felt her thighs squeeze her with the might of a guinness strongman.
as she comes down from the sensation, she attempts to place her hands over her warm face, but he doesn’t let her, taking them off her to truly appreciate her flushed expression.
“good - good, really, really good-” she’s babbling quietly in an attempt to praise his effort, and it makes him laugh, rising up so that he can place a chaste kiss to her lips. she doesn’t allow it to be quick, though, allowing her mouth to indulge in the taste of herself, as opposed to continuing to mindlessly mumble. he groans at the action, not expecting her to be into it. pulling back to let her catch her breath, his lips flit over her neck, feeling her rapid heartbeat under the thin layer of skin, “joel, please - i-” she’s saying something, and it’s causing him to come back up to look at her.
though he can’t interpret it initially, when he feels the lazily roll of her hips against his again, he realizes what he wants, laughing lightly.
his laugh does little to quell her desire - instead, spurring it on, as her hands snake down his torso and towards the elastic of his sweatpants. he lets her hands work them down, pulling out his cock over the waistband of them, and gritting his teeth as her soft hand gently grips him.
“slow - fuck, slow down, there, baby-” she shakes her head adamantly.
“joel, fuck - i need you, now. right now.” she does little to disguise her thoughts, the small space between his cock and his cunt too much for her to think straight.
“’lright, sweetheart, ‘lrigt” he pulls his pants the rest of the way down, not removing her still, but exploratory hand, as, on her palm, rested his cock, her fingers grazing his inner thighs and balls. he props her up again, pulling her legs over his shoulders. though knowing she was definitely wet enough to accommodate him, it doesn’t stop her from spitting into her fingers, coating the tip of him in the makeshift lubricant, before adjusting so that he rested against her.
he tapped the tip of her cock over her clit, if for no reason other than to hear her squeak just one more time, before dragging himself down, and pushing in. she fights her urge to close her eyes at the sensation, wanting to really see him, but the feeling of it was almost too much, and she bit down on her tongue to keep quiet.
“don’t hide y’r sounds fro’me, sweetheart, let’t out, babygirl, let it out.” his accent’s thick in her ear as his hips meet her ass, and the soft order makes her mouth fall open, a low, quiet moan befalling her as she adjusted to the size of him. he practically filled every crevice inside her, the warmth of him enough to make her overheat as she tried not to focus on the increasingly sensitive feeling of his cock just lightly grazing against that one spot inside her.
“joel - move, god, i need you to move.” he doesn’t hesitate, pulling out slowly, the drag of his cock making her breath ragged. then, when he pushes back in, it’s just a bit harsher, owing to her squeaking.
“feel good, baby?” he mumbles it right into her ear as he thrusts in and out of her, his pace teetering between slow and aggressive, as if he were holding back.
“so - so good, joel, fuck, you make me feel so - good-!” she’s cut off when he readjusts and begins hitting another angle inside her, amplifying the feel of him significantly.
“that’s the spot, isn’t it, sweetheart? ya gonna be a good girl and scream for me?” he doesn’t even have to ask her, as her moans become unabashedly loud at the intensity of his new thrusts. the spur him to move just that bit faster, owing to her hands wildly grasping at his arms in an attempt to ground herself against the overwhelming sensation.
it doesn’t take long for that reignited tension in her core to beg for release.
“fuck, joel - i’m gonna cum, can i cum? please let me cum, please?” she’s begging him to keep going just like he is, and the honeyed pleas sound like the sweet music to his ear.
“that’s right, sweetheart, go ahead - cum all over me.” the approval pushes her over the edge, her legs shaking violently as her fingers dig into the muscle of his forearms. he want to slow down so as to not overstimulate her, but the feel of her pulsing walls wills him over the edge as well, pushing into her just a few more times, “whered’ya want me, baby?” he’s not sure if she’s able to answer him, but the lazy, gesturing hands towards her torso seem indication enough, as he pulls out of her, stroking himself to completion and spilling over the heaving skin of chest.
for a minute or two, they both catch their breath, before she feels him detach from her. she can hear his light footsteps into another room, and then the sound of a tap, before he reemerges with a damp towel. she’s sure she raises her hand to take it off him, but he ignores it, instead running the damp cloth over her himself. first, he cleans his own mess off of her chest, before lightly pressing at the flesh of her thighs and cunt, trying very hard not to stimulate her farther. the gentleness of his actions seems very joel miller-esque, she thinks, but not exactly akin to the man he’d been for the past few months.
she takes the towel when he’s done, returning the favor, before she speaks.
“didn’t think we’d do this again.” he winces at the implication of her words, stilling her movements as he pulls her cheeks to look up at him.
“i - i know, and i’m real sorry, sweetheart. ya know that, right?” she cups the hand against her face, smiling softly.
“of course i do. you think you’ll tell me why?” she wasn’t mad - just curious.
“i -” he trails off, before shaking his head, a humorless laugh escaping his lips, “why’d you think, baby? m’too old f’r ya.”
for a moment, she’s not sure she heard him right.
“c’mon. you’re this gorgeous young woman - new to the neighborhood and everything. shouldn’t end up with someone like me. people’d talk.” she adjusts so that she’s closer to eye-level with him, taking both his hands.
“i don’t give a shit what other people say, joel - god, all anyone should care about is what i actually want.”
“but-” he goes to disagree, but she cuts him off with a soft kiss to his lips.
“i want you, joel miller. you’re the only person i want - i don’t give a shit about if you’re a little older, or my neighbor - anything like that.” he finally raises his eyes from the floor to look at her. the earnest expression on his face makes his resolve crumble, his contemplative expression morphing into a small smile.
“ya want to spend your nights me, then?” she rolls her eyes.
“and my mornings, afternoons and evenings.” the admission of them as so much more than just the fuck-buddy status that they currently have makes him grip her just a little tighter - a show of his affection, “really, our only problem is telling the girls.”
joel thinks about that upcoming challenge, wincing.
“that’s f’r t’morrow. tonight’s about you, sweetheart.”
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bwere · 9 days
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wc: 5.4k
sukuna ryomen. notorious for firing his secretaries left and right—and despite the constant doting from your peers’ of this, you apply for an interview. if he wont take assurance in your words, what better way than to prove them—right?
warnings: modern!au, ceo!au, creampię, pssy eating, slight spnking, degradation, seduction, mentions of bawls, raw-doggin’, semi-exhibitionism, deęp-throating, filthy smut. not proofread entirely, may seem repetitive until updated.
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Ryomen Sukuna, infamous for firing his secretaries without regard for their backgrounds or talents. Their appearance—whether pretty or plain—held no sway; if Sukuna disagreed, they were promptly shown the door. 
Gojo leaned back in his chair. Shoes kicked up on the table, rocking his weight to make the chair aloft above the floor in the slightest - before it clunks back down. "Are you sure you're up for this? You do know his secretaries don't even last a week before they're fired, right?"
"Or quit." Geto chimed in with an obnoxious slurp of his drink.
Gojo shrugged. "Exactly my point, even if he does hire you—I'd give it like a week tops."
It wasn’t as if you didn’t know–you were more than aware. And still, you chose to ignore their crude remarks. 
Shoko, who had been silently observing the interaction, finally interjected. Her voice, a soothing balm, countered the mounting concern. "Gentlemen," she asserted, "I think our friend has had her fill of the negativity you keep putting in her head." 
"Thank you, Shoko." You retorted, emphasizing her name with a sigh that mingled thankfulness with a teasing nuance.
"But I'm- you knoww, juust curious," Shoko persisted, her eyes searching yours for an answer. “What makes you want to take up the role of a secretary for him?”
Your friends' questioning looks prompted a brief moment of reflection. Why indeed? The challenge, the thrill, the chance to prove yourself? You knew the answer, but articulating it seemed more discouraging than facing the notorious Ryomen Sukuna himself.
Ryomen Sukuna, a name that sent tremors down spines, loomed large in the headlines. And here you were, recommended for a position under him. Why did you persist, knowing the outcome was likely to remain unchanged?
Your reputation as an efficient secretary preceded you, effortlessly navigating past employers. Your serious organization and unwavering commitment to schedules impressed every employer you’ve worked for. 
Much like any employer, they clung to their stubbornness, refusing to acknowledge your skills or consider promoting you. 
Why? Pure greed.
To make matters worse, you were never compensated fairly for keeping their businesses afloat. Instead, your hard work was consistently overlooked, and someone else often claimed credit for your accomplishments.
You begin to speak, recounting your past experiences, your friends gather around, hanging on every word. "Well, each of my previous bosses had their quirks. Mr. Tanaka was all about efficiency. He'd have me schedule his meetings back-to-back, with no breaks. Taught me how to manage a tight calendar."
Shoko sighed. "Sounds exhausting."
You continued, "Yup. Then there was Ms. Sato. Brilliant mind, but her focus skills were...lacking.”
Geto chuckled, “That’s a bit brutal, isn’t it? No mercy from you, I see.” 
Gojo’s infectious barks of laughter echoes through the coffee shop, turning heads as patrons look over in frowns. “Ouch!” he cries out, feigning injury as Shoko’s elbow connects with a harsh nudge.
“Welll…it’s just that, I practically ran the office for her. It's pretty much where I learned to foresee everyone's needs and you know, take initiative."
"And Oh! Let's not forget Mr. Yamada," you spoke up with a huff. 
“Uh Oh, not Mr. Yamada…” Gojo mocks teasingly, faking a dramatic gasp as he throws his hands in the air.
“Ah, yes Mr. Yamada,” you play along with Gojo’s theatrics, your voice laced with mock solemnity. “He was such a stickler for details. I’m talking—everything had to be perfect from reports to the scuffs on my shoes... So much that perfection became my middle name, if I must add.”
Gojo laughed. "He sounds more controlling than anything."
"More or less," you affirmed. "Though, each one taught me something valuable. That's why I think I can handle Mr. Ryomen. He's just another challenge to overcome." 
Your friends shared glances, their expressions a blend of respect and worry. They understood the futility of doubting your capabilities. Your reputation for transforming challenges into triumphs was well-established.
“T’ah, Indeed, it would be a poor decision on his part to let you go,” Geto concurred, not once doubting your value.
“More like he’d be a serious idiot if he did.” Gojo said, his eyes rolling comically in a show of hatred for the entire idea.
“Besides,” you added with a smirk, “I’ve always enjoyed a good challenge. And Mr. Ryomen? He’s the Everest of bosses. Conquering that peak would be quite the resume highlight, don’t you think?”
Shoko’s giggles joined the chorus of agreement. “Truly, if there’s someone who can manage the notorious Sukuna, it’s you.” 
Eventually, the conversation dove through a tapestry of topics, the cafe becoming a cocoon of your shared jokes and light-hearted banter. 
Time, on the other hand—had places to be. 
As your eyes landed on the plastic clock perched near the register. The benign ticking was a stark reminder that the afternoon’s grace period had expired, stabbing you back as remembrance of your planned afternoon kicked in.
“Oh my gosh- that clock right? Is it 11:30 already?” Your drink almost tipping over as you leaped to your feet.
Shoko’s eyes mirrored your alarm. “Isn’t your interview scheduled for 12?” 
“Yes! How could it slip my mind?” A rush of urgency overtook you as you snatched up your belongings, the voices of your friends merging into a symphony of encouragement and last-minute tips as you dashed through the door and made a beeline for your car.
“Knock em’ dead!!"
The name ‘COMPANY REP’ plastered on your phone’s lock screen, peering over as your phone flashed through your peripheral view. Feeling a wave of pressure as you read the name, it was Uraume, the representative for Ryomen. 
Shit—you were still a good distance from the company’s location, about an exit to be precise. 
Grabbing your phone from the cup holder, you tapped the green icon to answer. Uraume’s voice crackling through the speaker. “Hello, I’m just checking in about your interview for the secretary role at noon.”
You rose back from the steering wheel, as if it's inscribed in your memory to adopt a more formal posture as the cacophony of honking horns invaded the air around you. “Hello,” you responded, keeping your voice cheerful and composed.
“I’m on my way right now; I got caught up in a lunch rush.” You chuckled, hoping to ease the tension. “But I promise, I’ll be there.”
“Very well,” the representative said, their voice smooth. “I’ll be waiting by the elevator on the top floor when you arrive.” 
Soon after, the line went dead, leaving you with an itching sense of anxiety. 
For a moment, the thought of 'accidentally' skipping the next exit crossed your mind and boy did it sound good right about now.
But could you honestly deny the interest that lit within you? What might lay beyond those translucent doors—an opportunity for a fresh start, perhaps? Or was it the hand of destiny at play? Regardless, you stood ready for whatever awaited you.
The clock in your head seemed to tick impatiently as you rushed toward the imposing glass doors of the corporation. Your interview was scheduled for noon, and you were already cutting it dangerously close.
You dashed through the revolving doors, the sound of your heels punctuating the quiet of the marble lobby. Approaching the front desk, as you requested a temporary ID pass. “Good afternoon, I’m here for the secretary position interview at 12 p.m.”
“Oh yeah! Uraume mentioned your appointment. Here’s your guest pass. The elevator to your left will take you straight to the top floor,” the receptionist replied. 
“Thank you kindly,” you responded with a gracious smile. 
“No problem, I’ll inform Uraume that you’re on your way up.” she added.
Pass in hand, you pivoted toward the elevator. The cool marble underfoot seemed to resonate with the flutter of nerves within you. The rhythmic click of your heels on the stone served as a metronome to your thoughts, each step a beat closer to a potentially life-changing interview. 
The elevator was a sleek, modern contraption, its steel doors reflecting your anxious expression. You pressed the button for the top floor, and as the doors slid shut, you were enclosed in a small, quiet world. The only sound was the tinny melody of the elevator, a constant drone that mirrored your heart's unkempt thump. 
As the elevator climbed, thoughts tumbled through your mind. Was stepping into this role the correct move? With the odds stacked against success, what made you different? Doubts swirled in your mind, each one more insistent than the last.
Soon, the elevator came to a lurching stop, and you were pulled from your thoughts. As doors slid open, you were greeted by the sight of Uraume, whose presence was like a beacon, cutting through the fog of your doubts. 
Well shit, no turning back now.
Emerging from the elevator your eyes met with Uraume’s. Their face gave nothing away, yet their voice carried a note of caution. "I’d advise you to mind your words with Mr. Ryomen. He has little patience for ignorance."
You hummed with a tentative nod, you seemed to be endlessly made aware of Mr. Ryomen's reputation. Especially since your friends found out you were going to this interview—not a second went by where they didn’t bring it up. You felt as if you understood more than anyone how some barely lasted a day.
With a determined pep in your step, you proceeded down the dimly lit corridor, Uraume's silent presence a step behind.
Mr. Ryomen or rather—Sukuna, was a man of striking features, no doubt. His salmon-colored hair was always impeccably styled, and his piercing eyes held an intensity that could make anyone’s heart prone to failure. His sharp jawline was accentuated by a usually neatly shaven face, and his tailored suits always seemed too tight around his muscular build. He carried an air of authority and charisma that was both intimidating and captivating.
His allure extended beyond mere aesthetics. As one of the nation's elite CEOs, his reputation was built on groundbreaking tactics and bold leadership. His guidance propelled the company to new heights of prosperity and influence, cementing its status as a powerhouse in the business world.
Sukuna’s popularity was not just about his charisma either; it was his professional acumen that had everyone vying for his attention. Aspiring candidates flocked, eager for the chance to bask in his aura and absorb his energy. Expectably, they fell short. Sukuna’s expectations seemed to soar to stratospheric levels, ones that even NASA would find daunting to align with.
And you’d be lying if you didn’t find yourself wondering what it could be like by his side. Waking up everyday with a pool in your panties—because you’d get to see your attractive boss calling your name by his side with need. 
As Sukuna’s success and influence grew, so did his reluctance to admit the need for support. The absence of a secretary began to take its toll on the productivity of his team, especially his representative’s. 
Snapping you out of your thoughts as Uraume halted just before Sukuna’s office door. “Good luck,” they offered, before making their way back to the elevator. You adjusted your form-fitting dress, a mix of poise and nerves. Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you knocked with a dense one, two - three on the door.
"You may enter."
As you step into his office, the reality of the situation settles in. 
Here was the man who had graced countless headlines, a visionary whose name was synonymous with success. Though, as terrifyingly lurking as the prospect was, you were determined to not just be another face in the crowd.
This was your chance, the moment of truth. Most of which people never got.
As your gaze met his, there was an undeniable pull towards the depth of his eyes, a fierce intensity that held a world of ambition and insight.
It's as if his gaze was trying to unravel you, like pieces of a puzzle, but you don't let it.
Sukuna sat there, the very picture of corporate elegance, his presence commanding the space around him. His scent, bespoke and expensive, filled the room with an air of dominance, while his hair, a striking shade of muted pink with whispers of black, framing his face perfectly.
Your heart races, but not out of fear – no, it's exhilaration. This is what you’ve prepared for, all those late nights, every challenging task, every impossible deadline you’ve made possible.
He caught you in the act of admiring him, a knowing smirk proud on his lips. "Enjoyin’ the view?" he tugs, before his expression shifted to one of business-like seriousness. "Uraume has mentioned your potential. It’d be best not to waste that." 
The challenge was set, and the interview began.
“Thank you,” you replied, trying to keep your nerves in check. “I’ve always believed in simplicity.”
His eyebrow arched. “Simplicity?”
“Yes,” you said, leaning forward. “Complexity often masks inefficiency. A straightforward approach can yield remarkable results.”
He leaned back, intrigued. “Most people stumble over their words when they meet me.”
“You’ll find…” you begin, holding his gaze with unwavering poise, “that I’m not one to follow the common trend.”
Tilting his head to the side, his eyes narrow. “That remains to be seen.”
For the next few minutes, the interview wove through a conversation of intellect and subtlety. You navigated his inquiries with finesse, sidestepped the snares he laid, and even managed to steal a laugh from him. As time ticked on, a frisson of worry tinged your nerves, Uraume's cautionary words a distant murmur.
Sukuna's voice, a resonant timbre, stirred the air. His incisive gaze seemed to dissect your very thoughts. "Enlighten me, what makes you believe you deserve the job of working for me?"
You inhaled deeply, your reply sulking in assurance, "Mr. Ryomen, my expertise aligns perfectly with your needs. And when it comes to managing your expectations," you trailed, a sly smile plastering on your lips, "I have a knack for exceeding them in the most unexpected ways."
His eyes locked with yours, unwavering. "You're confident you're the one?"
"Without a doubt," you affirmed. "It's often the unassuming key that unlocks the door to brilliance."
He reclined, a contemplative shadow crossing his features. His stare never faltered. "You have a way with words," he observed, a trace of vindication in his voice.
"However, words alone are commonplace. Tell me, how will you demonstrate that you're more than just a woman with commendable references?"
You collected your thoughts, your confidence unshaken. "Mr. Ryomen," you began, your tone imbued with conviction, "I'm a believer in the showance of action. Grant me the chance, and I assure you, my performance will not only meet but eclipse your…high standards."
Wonder sparked in his eyes, a subtle smile embarking at the corners of his mouth. "Oh?" he intoned, the word hanging in the air, ripe with expectation. "Well then, I await the proof of your claims, Miss…?" His tone dipped, a whisper of question in the quiet space between you.
"Think of me as your right hand, Mr. Ryomen," you replied softly, your voice steady despite the intensity of the moment. "I'm here to ensure that your every need is met, with precision and a personal touch."
His gaze was unyielding, tracking your every movement, a longing in the depths of his eyes. He observed you closely, a silent notice of your boldness. The air between you was charged, a palpable tension that spoke volumes more than words ever could. 
Without waiting for a response, you motion around the desk. Circling the desk with calculated steps, you maintained eye contact, now before him. Mere inches away from his face—the moment was ripe with possibility, the beginning of a partnership that could redefine the very essence of collaboration. 
And slowly, you begin to unbutton your dress, exposing a bra with lace details that drew attention to your tender breasts. 
"I'll be your right hand in the office," you murmur, letting your dress slide off your shoulders, just barely baring your smooth, supple skin. "And your left hand..." You trace his strong jawline with your fingers, savoring the slight stubble. "...whenever you crave a touch of pleasure."
Sukuna's eyes darken in covetous as he sinks in your intentions. "Impressive initiative, but it'll take more than that to convince me, beautiful. I have very specific requirements and expectations that need to be met."
Unpersuaded, you choose to escalate your lure on him. Feeling the firmness of his growing erection pressing against your thighs, you straddle his lap. Your grin - sluggish, your folds damp with elation in your panties as you hush, "I plan to take care of all of your needs, Mr. Ryomen. Actually—I intend to surpass them."
His breath retracted, as you pressed your soft breasts against his pecs and began to undo his suit jacket, exposing his toned, muscular chest. 
Your fingers trailed down his warm skin, sending goosebumps through his body as you explicitly avoided the growing bulge in his slacks.
“Mmm, Mr. Ryomenn—I know you’re aching," you murmur, your fingertips tantalizingly weaving over his torso. "And I have just the perfect remedy to alleviate that stress. Shall I show you?"
Sukuna nods in agreement, his eyes broadening, feeling a surge of lust that leaves him thirsty. The curiosity about your limits conquering over his mind.
You slip off his lap, your body slithering to the floor on your knees, your lips forming up into an enticing grin. With slow, careful manuvers, you undo his belt and unzip his fly, peeling the material back to release his thick, hard cock. A soft moan escapes your lips as you take in the sight of his length, throbbing with urgent need.
You take the tip into your comforting, wet mouth, swirling your tongue around the sensitive head, tasting the sweet dribbles of pre-cum. Humming with delight, sending vibrations through his core as you take in more of him, sucking gently.
Sukuna's eyes just want to roll back in pure pleasure—a deep groan escaping his lips. "Mnh, is that tha’ best you can do?" His right hand rests atop your head, ghostingly guiding you as to respect your pace.
It’s all just motivation, as you suck harder, taking him deeper until your eyes start to water from the intensity. You hollow your cheeks; as you take him the deepest you can go with a gag. Your head bobs up and down, your hands gently cupping his heavy balls.
"That's ittt—suck me, show me how bad y’wanna be m’ lil secretary," he grunts, his hips thrusting in rhythm with your mouth. "That fuckin’ mouth s’gon’ be the death of me."
Your actions are fueled by his words, whining in return as your thighs rub together nothing but static—yearning for some attention. You slip a hand through your panties, slipping a finger in your aching cunt, feening for your own release.
He observes the scene below him, almost studying as you multitask your way through the pleasure. Ensuring not a single strand of his clothing gets into contact with the filthy mix of your saliva and his pre-cum. Admiring the way you finger your dependent pussy, all the while taking him so deep down your throat, managing to slobber down to the base of his cock and swallow everything back up like it never existed. 
You take pride in your work, and he was now experiencing it. In fact, if anything it turned him on more. He might even have to make you his toy if you kept on. 
Sensing you're close to the edge, Sukuna suddenly pulls his cock out of your throat with a disgusting pop. His cock now drenched in fluids from your lovely torment. “Aht aht, Strip.”
You obey his orders without hesitation, his eyes roaming your body as you strip. Visibly tracing every curve in your silhouette. Fantasizing the things you might have in store for him, his dick twitches against his skin, swelling more and more each second. 
“There y’go, stick that ass out f’me.” He stares at you - appetizingly, becoming ravenous at the way you're already hunched over his handcrafted mahogany desk. 
In a matter of seconds, purely to provide him a better view.
You braced your weight on the edges of the cold surface. Pressed palms onto the glossy wood—hypnotizing him as you began to squirm your ass in his direction. 
"Like this, Mr. Ryomen?" you spoke as if you were completely innocent, your lashes moving in a way that made it appear like you weren't attempting to play coy.
Maybe in another universe he’d fall for it—but not in this one. He delivers a sharp slap to your ass cheek, leaving a stinging sensation that only makes your pussy wetter. "You jus’ keep gettin’ sluttier and sluttier, huh?" 
He snakes his veiny hand between your legs, thanks to the pad of his thumb, he prods at your delicate clit, reaching a soft whimper out of your throat. You attempt to clamp your legs together, but his big hands keep them apart as he proceeds to drive two of his fingers deep in you—instantaneously, without any delay.
"You’r so fuckin’ wet f’me." He taunts, his breath hot against your ear. "You like that, don' you?" His fingers slide in and out, his thumb continuously twisting at your burning clit.
"Y-Yes Sir…" you cry out, your body becoming weaker under his touch. 
"Sukuna." He cuts off with a sinister chuckle, "Call me Sukuna."
You nod frantically, your hips doing all the talking as you mindlessly drag onto the lengths of his fingers. Grinning wolfishly, he moves his thumb in slow circles, working your clit. "Well, aren't you just a sight for sore fuckin’ eyes?"
"Oh my fuck- it feels so good nmmh!" you breathe out, panting heavily.
“Yeah? I bet.” he laughs, adding a third finger, stretching you out deliciously.
He drove his fingers sickeningly deep into you, your pussy canal squeezing around them, seeking for more.
His persistent botherence made you gasp for air as you fought to keep your composure. Sukuna leaned in, his lips coming into contact with your neck, delivering a forceful bite.
“Mngh–Kuna’ ts’ hurts! P-please I wan’uh cuhm..!-” You cried out, arching your back—grinding your ass further against him in advance.
His fingers gradually came to a quit as he withdrew from your neck.
Your expression crumbling at his actions, “Please- don’ stop.” 
But Sukuna doesn't let you have it. He pulls his fingers out of you completely—just as you're prepared to dive over the edge, leaving you empty and writhing in dissatisfaction. 
He then raised them to his mouth, never breaking eye contact with you. He savored the taste with an exaggerated moan, letting out a contented sigh.
“You’re so fucking mmhn- delicious.” he murmured.
Sukuna's lips formed a sadistic smile as he lowly chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Please what?"
You picked at your bottom lip with your teeth, your thighs rubbing together like two wet sticks trying to starting a fire. Your pussy begged for more. "Please...fuck me.." you pleaded, your voice trembling.
"Not yet," Sukuna shook his head. "Get on the desk."
You hastily climb onto the desk, heeding to his instructions to avoid wasting any more unnecessary time. Relishing the brash feeling of the cold wood fatally against your back. 
You’re embarrassingly exposed now—wide open for the man in front of you. The same man who’s about to search for your soul with his mouth. The same man who doesn’t plan on quitting until your dignities on his tongue–that is, if you had any left. 
"Goood girl." He smirks, kneeling down between your legs. Forcefully restricting you from closing your legs as he peels them apart. You can feel the cool air of the room on your wet pussy. Shivering in anticipation as he darts his tongue out. Exploring every inch of your folds as he sucks them apart with hunger. 
You possess handfuls of his hair—overflowing around your fingers, moaning as you draw him in suffocatingly. Fleeing your fingers through his strands rougher—when he hits - that spot.
"Mnghm–you’re sh’o fuckin tasty aren’tcha?" he whispers against your clit.
“Hnn…!” Unable to speak or barely catch your breath, you can feel your orgasm building again so easily, except this time you're not going to let him stop you. 
He runs his tongue over your clit—your fingertips tightening in his hair as you hold him in place. 
You feel his stubble graze your inner thighs, his hot breath fanning over your slick folds, making you needier. He provokes your desperate shouts for more - laughing at how the octaves in your voice only seem to keep raising. But you can't help the moan that escapes your lips when his tongue flicks over your clit.
"Fuck, Sukuna…s’too m-much..!" you breathe. 
He’s good—too good at this. 
He chuckles against your cunt. His fingers digging snug into your thighs, holding you down as he continues to entice you, not once letting up for air.
“Yeah? Mgnh, s’that why r’you grippin’ m’ hair so fuckin’ mmhnguh tight?—” He licks and sucks on your puffy clit—sliding two of his fingers back inside you, fucking quicker than he did before. He's devouring everything he can like a vacuum - drowning in your folds as he does so.
You're so close, so fucking close, but he still won't let you cum. You can feel the orgasm burning inside you, your whole body tensing up as you try to hold back. But it's no use, you can't fight it any longer.
Sukuna knows it too, and he redoubles his efforts, his tongue and fingers working in tandem to bring you to the edge. You can feel your breath shortening as you gradually get closer, until you can't take it anymore, your orgasm preparing to rip through you like a freight train. 
"Please, Suh-S-Sukuna, can’ h-hold it gon’a…cumnnh!" 
He looks up at you, a carnivorous desire in his tone. "Beg for it," he growls, his tongue melting over your clit again.
“Please, Kuna’, I'm begging you. P-Please let me cum…!”
He smirks, the taste buds on his tongue roaming faster over your cunt. "Go on baby, cuhm f’me like a lil slut," he murmurs, his fingers digging into your thighs brutally.
“Ahhnn–S’Kuna n’ cummin’..!” Your whole body quivers as you succumb to his charm, your orgasm overwhelmingly taking you. His tongue sucks on your pussy—gulping down your substances.
Descending from your euphoria, he begins to stand up. His hands, his face, his entire body—now saturated in your concoction.
Disregarding his shirt over his head and tossing it to the side. His pants follow quickly after, leaving him standing in front of you with nothing but his boxers. You can see the outline of his hard cock through the fabric, and you can't wait to get your hands on it.
Sukuna hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his boxers and timelessly pulled them down. You licked your lips in conviction.
He reached out and cupped your chin in his palm, his thumb smoothing over your jaw. "You want this job don't you?," he whispered, his voice clouded in vanity. 
You looked up at him, and nodded—your eyes following his lips. 
“Use your words.” 
“Yes, Mr—S-Sukuna, I do.” He leaned down and kissed you, his tongue delving deep into your mouth. His lips were on yours, his tongue messily racing through your mouth. 
You could feel the heaviness of his cock brushing past your leg, prompting you—of what was coming next.
“Y’gonna keep it all inside like a good girl right? Not g’nna spill any of it?.”
“Mhm! Gonna be a good girl, ‘Kuna..—” He placed his hands on the sides of your head as you laid back—the hard wooden desk becoming your only security. You could feel the heat radiating from his body, the scent of his cologne, and sex - becoming intoxicating. 
Sukuna moaned into your mouth as you brought a hand below you and started to stroke him, his hips thrusting forward in time with your strokes. Dissolving into your touch before he broke the kiss, he looked down at you.
"Need’ t’be inside you," he seethed.
“M’ all yours, Mr. ‘Kuna…” You wanted him inside you just as much as he wanted to be there. 
Sukuna grabbed your calves—hauling you towards the edge of the desk, positioning you so that his cock was aimed methodically at your oh, so—more than ready cunt. 
He made a single, resentful, forceful thrust that went deep into you. You inhaled sharply at the newfound fullness, getting used to the feeling of his thick cock surging through your walls.
“Ahnn!..f-fuck-” you hiccuped as he started to fuck you harder. Inevitably slamming himself into you while lowering down to get hold of your hips—using them as leverage. 
"Ts’like she’s made f’me," he grunted, his brows are pinched, the sight of sweat accumulating around his eyes, irritably blurring his line of sight. "Tight, wet, ‘nd fuck…perfect for my cock." 
Sukuna began to roughly pound into you, each of his thrusts making you scream his name—resembling that of a prayer. His fingers now bruising into the flesh of your hips.
He was relentless, each stroke more forceful than the last. He made your legs weaken as he fucked you soulfully, the desk beneath you visibly quaking with each impact. Creaking with complaints as the legs of the table shook violently.
You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him deeper into you with each thrust. You could feel another orgasm ready to burst through, the pleasure coiling within your belly as Sukuna's cock drilled into your guts. You pathetically clung to him, clawing at his back for some sort of stability other than the shaking table underneath you.
The sound of your bodies filled the room as the noise of his balls smashing into your ass reverberated. With every thrust that brought you closer to the brink, you could feel the heat of your own need enveloping inside of you.
"Ahn…! Don't stop, don't stop, p-please..!-" you cried out, your voice hardly audible anymore. 
So, of course Sukuna’s only response was to fuck you harder, his hips ramming into yours with a force that made you see stars. 
“F-Fuck…y’r cunts gonna squeeze me f-fuckin dry..”
“G-Give it t’me ‘K-Kunauh…!-” You chanted in desperation. His thrusts became more erratic at your vowels, his hips bucking wildly as he approached his own release. You could feel his cock cruelly plowing inside you, assaulting everything in its way, leaving no room for pity. 
“Hughn- fuck..fuck…fuck..” He reiterated, guttural moans dropping from his throat as his cock probed inside you, signaling his impending release. 
You tightened your muscles around him, you could feel his cum filling you up, each second his cock rested in you, was another second that caused your walls to pulse tight around him, confirming—he didn’t finish until the very last drop. As he subsided you into your own climax, the nubs of your feet kept him still. Milking his cock of anything he had to give as you both came.
Being brought into consciousness, the noise of his office phone pulls you out of your lucidity—your naked bodies sweaty and worn yet, still exuding warmth from one another. 
"Fuck," he grunted, pulling away from you and reaching for the phone.
"Ryomen here," he sighs into the receiver, his expression glum as he listens to his receptionist's next words.
Whilst you hurriedly put your clothes back on, you maintain your eyes on him, your body still stiff from the unnerving orgasms he had just tore from you. Sore from the constant torment he had inflicted upon your insides like a curse. 
A curse you hoped for.
"Yes, I know, but I'm in the middle of something right now," Sukuna said, his eyes flicking over to you.
With a smile on your face, you gestured to him to continue. 
"I want it to be canceled," Sukuna kept on, his eyes never leaving yours.
The voice on the other end of the line stuttered, “But s-sir, it’s an important meet-”
Sukuna cut her off, his tone firm. “I said cancel it. I’m busy.”
“But Mr. Ryomen, the client…-”
“I don’t care.” Sukuna interrupted again, his gaze still locked with yours. His eyes were soft, a stark contrast to the harsh tone he was using on the phone. “You scheduled it, so cancel it.”
He hung up and tossed the phone back onto his desk without any thought. He smiled softly as he turned back to face you. 
“Now…where were we?” 
You couldn’t help but giggle, the tension from the phone call dissipating. “I think…we were at the part where you tell me if I got the job or not.” 
Sukuna erupted with laughter, amused. He grins "Is that right?"
“Tsk–well, in that case...” he paused, calamity radiating in his charming smile. “Better start memorizin' the way I like my tea.”
You laughed against his words, your voice resonating through his office. “And how is that?” you asked.
“Two sugars, dash of milk, brewed strong. Don’t forget.”
“Two sugars, a dash of milk, anddd brewed strong,” you repeated, a cheeky smile on your lips. “Got it.”
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TAGLIST (if tag isn’t grey, i could not tag. also if you keep getting tagging notifications the taglist keeps glitching so I apologise): @jotarohat @lxchlaouch @izuuzuxuzuzu @nyamocka @deepenthevoid @shitpostathon-nbpw @yaygurist @sadityb230 @qlorin @partr1dge @mikyapixie @ventila98 @aydene @kizzyxren @tananaxx @tojideckmuncher @httpstoyosi @is-belluvism @shinrjj @sephraee @c4rm1son @theiridescentdragon @spindyl @guacam011y @brianmaysclog @sexicherri3 @kukigirli @puran-poli @ilivefortheleague @freakquencys @6demonize6me6 @mmeharuno @domainexpansionmypants @mermaidian02 @no-regrets-just-confusion @qv4nx11 @seelevoellerei @iloveboysinred @hoesbeforebros101 @glossygreene @kivrumi @distinguishedlove @ssetsuka @thisuserdrinkslavendertea @love-me-satoru @tyke2219 @paprikaquinn @skunkfeet @suguruswiifey @oidloid
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aliceinnaughtyland · 2 years
Pairing: Last Boss x Reader
Warnings: harassment, smut, masturbation, fingering, caught during sex, unprotected sex (wrap it please)
Word count: 1.4 K
Summary: You and the militant meet again.
Author’s note: And I disappeared again. It’s like I cannot finish something I begin (TDAH hello). But here is the third and last part of this fic. Sorry for the people who waited for it, I hope it’s worthy of your time. I already finished two smutty fics, one with Karube and one with Niragi, and they both are coming really soon. Take care x
Nota bene: We do NOT condone Last Boss' actions as we do NOT condone violence and rape! We only love the Shuntarô Yanagi's interpretation of Last Boss! This is fantasies only! You do NOT deserve this! If you are a victim of violence, please get help as soon as possible! You are not alone. Stay safe xx
Tags: @scuzmunkie
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It was a new day. You had enough days on your visa to rest a little. Everything was ok.
You decided to put your best swimsuit on and to go to the pool. You wanted to feel the sun on your body and the water on your skin.
As you walked straight to your goal, you caught a certain militant’s eyes. Well, two of them actually.
Niragi saw the bruises covering your body. They were discreet, but Niragi knew. He saw you two leaving the party the night before. And that was it, the beginning of a day in Hell for Last Boss.
As you tried to enjoy your day and relax, you spotted the guy from the night before, the one from the club, walking straight to you.
“Can I help you?”
Niragi was teasing Last Boss for the last ten minutes when they both saw the man violently grabbing your arm. The bald guy rushed to you and his friend followed him. As soon as he saw them approaching angrily, your harasser quickly released you and left. Did he know something was up or was he just a coward who couldn’t find himself near the armed men? We’ll never know.
“I had a patrol this morning, that’s why I left” Last Boss spoke after a few seconds of silence. His eyes were scanning your body with an emotion you couldn’t really understand. Worry? Empathy? Hunger?
“It’s ok you don’t have to justify yourself”
“I want to”
You nodded silently as the man in front of you continued.
“I have some stuff to do but I’ll see you later”
“I need to talk to you. Meet me at my room when you’re done with the party tonight”
He turned away, told you his room number over his shoulder and left.
You couldn’t really enjoy the party, your brain focusing on your future rendezvous with Last Boss. You glanced at the VIP room, searching through the militants. The man you were looking for wasn’t there. You quickly left the party, rummaging through the hallways. You weren’t nervous. Actually at this point you weren’t really thinking anymore, your body taking you to the place you wanted to be.
As you arrived at the door, you knocked lightly and waited. The door opened quickly. He was waiting for you. He shifted for you to enter and closed the door behind you.
Ok Y/N, you are alone in a murderer’s room. A murderer you slept with the night before. But still a murderer.
“Thank you for coming” His voice interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Well you asked me, so here I am”
And then the silence. You weren’t feeling threatened. You were abnormally calm.
You took the time to scan the surrounding room. You saw a lot of papers and books everywhere. Was it his room? The man who spoke so little but wrote so much?
Nevermind, he invited you for a reason. He wanted to talk to you, probably about last night. And then it hit you. You realized the guy had slept with you as a favour. I mean, you knew it. But what if he wasn’t okay with it? What if he did it only because he was feeling grateful?
“Look about last night” you began, drawing his attention back to you “I shouldn’t have asked you to do that. I just –”
“I liked it. That’s why you’re here” he interrupted.
“So... What are all of these papers about?”
And that was it. The beginning of your night. You spent hours talking about everything and anything, forgetting for a moment the world you both lived in.
“I didn’t know you were such a talker”
“I only am when I’m interested”
You two continued talking the night away until you fell asleep on his bed.
You woke up before the sun. And Takatora wasn’t here. As you were about to turn around, trying to sleep away the deception, the bathroom door opened.
He came back to bed, shifting beside you.
“Did you sleep ok?”
“Did you sleep at all?”
Takatora only chuckled in response, his eyes dipping into yours. At that moment, there was no need for anything to be said. Takatora leant into you and kissed you deeply, moving to feel your body against his. You could feel it all. His hand on your face, the other pulling on your hip, his warm chest touching yours, his hard cock against your thigh. And just like that, you needed more, you needed it all.
Your hands travelled his body, from his neck, to his shoulder, to his arm, to his navel, until you could feel him in your hands. You stroked his cock slowly, caressing his tip before continuing your motions. He moved his mouth away from your neck to look at you, a pink flush on his cheeks. The man who was once terrifying became accessible and soft and you wanted him to ravish you here and now.
You continued stimulating him until it was enough for him to push you on your back, settling himself on top of you, taking your wrists in one of his hand. As he kissed your neck again, his fingers found their way inside of your swimsuit bottom, playing with your clit. Takatora grunt at the feeling of your pussy against his hand, soaked for him. A strangled moan escaped your lips when two of his fingers found their way inside of you, stimulating all the delightful spots, opening you for him. He aligned himself, and looked into your eyes to search for any sign of doubt. He found none.
You gasped as he entered you. At that moment, nothing but both of you existed. He thrusts into you, slowly but in a way that made you see stars. It was intimate, almost romantic. And then it snapped. His thrusts became fast and hard. His body was doing the thinking. The room was filled with the pornographic sounds of your moans and grunts. Takatora was grabbing every part of you he could reach, your waist, your hips, your thighs. You could feel his hot breathing in your ear.
You locked your legs around him, allowing him to thrust deeper inside you and used them as leverage to turn you both around, settling on top of him.
Takatora sat up, taking you with him. At that moment, he needed more and with one hand he tore your t-shirt apart.
As you were riding Takatora, you could hear the door behind you opening.
“Morning sunshine” Niragi’s voice resonated.
“Oh shit shit sorry”
It wasn’t Niragi character to be scared. Usually he would have stay there and teased the life out of him. But Lass Boss could be intimidating and even if he didn’t want to say it, Niragi was totally afraid of him. He quickly closed the door and almost run at the other side of the hostel.
You laughed softly as Last Boss grunted, his face buried on your neck.
He couldn’t believe it. He really couldn’t have one moment of peace with this motherfucker. He couldn’t even have one single fuck in fucking peace.
“I don’t know which one of you two will kill me first” he complained.
But soon enough, he could feel your hips moving again and just like that, Niragi exited his mind.
“Y/N fuck”
Your name was all he could say, the feeling of your cunt around him taking away his ability to think. He knew he was close. He knew he had to do something to take you with him. He touched your clit as you fasten your pace, rubbing fast circles into it.
You were soon submerged by the strong pleasure you were feeling and as you couldn’t take it anymore, your thrusts became sloppier. Takatora grabbed your thighs and began fucking you from under, his cock hitting all of your sensitive spots.
A stroke on your clit was all it took to made you come around him, milking his own orgasm away.
As the bald guy entered the meeting, Niragi immediately put his arms up defensively.
“Ok you need to know I’m sorry”
“You’re dead”
“Hey what is up with you two? » Aguni interjected.
“You know how Boss here can be a late sleeper so I went to check for the safety of this meeting right?”
“Right?” Aguni waited.
“Turned out he wasn’t sleeping, neither did the naked girl on top of him”
��“I’m gonna kill you” Last Boss spat as the rest of the room began laughing.
“Come on you need to invite her over, we want to meet here” another militant replicated.
“Who I’m fucking or not is not your business”
“Well from what I saw she was the one fucking you”
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