#lady Z and my hubbys
biblethumpersims · 2 years
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“Sul Sul, my fellow #godlymamas! As the proud mother of a boy and a girl toddler, I’m learning soooo much about Godly motherhood! As promised in my last video, Top 7 God-Approved Ways To Raise Godly Christian Children, here’s part two: 7 Surprising Hacks To Put Jesus First In Your Baby’s Life!”
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“As we alll know, life begins at conception, but so does gender! Men and women are formed totally differently in the womb, so of course you must treat your toddlers totally differently over if he or she is a boy or a girl! Hack one: different deserts for different tots! Men aren’t told to keep trim and be attractive, so boys just don’t have to worry about food like ladies do! Now, it’s suuuuper important to keep your little man from gluttony, but a little chocolate once every so often won’t hurt him! But it will totally hurt your little princess! I give my sweet Tay-Tay some yogurt once every few months as a sweet treat - never chocolate, cake, or candy! Baby fat is suuuper hard to manage already, so your little girl needs to learn to watch her tummy as soon as possible! Healthy toddlers become become healthy children, and healthy children become Godly women who put God in charge of her diet!”
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“Never forget - our glorious Watcher looooves music! It’s the one hobby that all two of both genders can have! Women are naturally less talented than men, but my little girl is still a suuuper good xylophonist! This hack has been spoken about a looot, and for super good reasons! Singing about Jesus and God’s glory is a totally perfect hobby for the littles! And as soon as he and she are old enough, we’re adding aaaalllll sorts of Jesus-approved instruments to his and her schooling! And speaking of...”
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“Flash cards! You can act like a secular mother and keep Jesus out of any part of your baby’s education, but that’s soooo not it! A is for the apple that women used to doom humanity! B is for Bethlehem, which is where Jesus was born! C is for Christ, our Lord and Savior! Go on through the whole alphabet, assigning each letter a Godly meaning! You won’t see any ‘Z is for Zebra’ nonsense in our house - that distracts from the Lord!”
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“You might think you ought to potty train your kids the same, but remember my first tip! Men and women are totally different! Boys are naturally wayyyy more independent while women are naturally helpless, so you should finish potty training your boys before your girls! Just take a look at my Godly kids - my oldest, Jeff, was finished potty training wayyyy before Taylor! That’s sooo proof of God’s design!”
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“But the opposite is true for learning to talk! Women just can’t shut up, while men keep it short and simple! Your little girl will gain Communication skill without you even trying, while boys need a liiiiiittle more help! Now, this does not mean women are better talkers! Us girls like to gab and gaaabbbb about things that don’t matter, while every word a man speaks is important! Your little pink angel will learn to talk suuuper quicker, but your little blue angel will be better at using his words effectively!”
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“I’m nooowhere near the talker my wonderful hubby is, but I still use my words to glorify Jesus in our children’s lives! I’m aaaalways telling Taylor that she’s going to be a wife and mommy one day, and it’s obviousssly super important that she trains for it early! Mamas, listen up - letting your little girl pretend to be anything except a wife and mother only opens the door for Satan to infect her with feminism! My little sister snuck away to play with my brother’s firetruck, and now she wears pants! Protect your daughters, and ooonly let her play with gender-appropriate toys!”
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“And my last hack is a surprising one: home birth! Hospitals are infected with working women, and the first thing your baby might ever see is a woman of sin glorifying the Devil! That’s noooo way to introduce your precious baby to God’s Earth, so protect his or her vulnerable eyes from the Devil’s plan by birthing him or her in a Godly home!”
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“That’s all for now! Goodbye, and God bless!”
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valerie · 1 year
TWITL - week forty-nine - beautiful cool and gloomy
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Maybe it’s weird that I like the cool and gloomy weather. I don’t mind the chill in the air, the clouds in the sky, the gray gloom of falling rain. If I say it’s cold, it’s not a complaint, it’s merely an observation. I find that I complain more about the summer weather than I do the autumn into winter weather. We’re lucky here in that nothing gets too extreme and as I’ve gotten older, I like the cooler weather than the hotter. Of course, if I lived in a tropical place like Hawaii, I wouldn’t complain. https://flic.kr/p/2o5dw11 CPN chat Last night we had our CPN chat. LOVE getting together online with these ladies. We share about our lives and the latest goings on and sometimes mention the fella who brought us together-- Aleks Paunovic. (I'm still mad that I didn't know he and Ed Quinn were in the Bay Area last week! Not that I would have gone to San Jose to find them but damn.) We still miss our fellow Puddler, Kim, and I hope she sees us getting together from her place in the afterlife. I bet she's laughing with us and commiserating too when we do. I'm grateful for these ladies and I'm so glad that we're still doing our video chats... https://flic.kr/p/2o54DLV smiles from the holiday party Friday night was the holiday party we've been attending for the past five years or so (except for 2020, I think). This time we were at Harrison Ranch, which was a very cool space to have a party. We got lucky with the weather-- no rain! It was cold and crisp though, which was a lovely respite from the warmth of the inside... The White Elephant was fun and I was happy because I got a blanket. Love when I can score a blanket! It also came with a bottle of wine. Nice!... The employees had a raffle to pick from a table of goodies and the hubby chose a pair of Apple AirPods Pro 2. Merry Christmas to me! They're mine because he has a Samsung Z Flip 4 and though the AirPods Pro will work on it, they're better suited to my iPhone 14 Pro Max. I have such a good husband... https://flic.kr/p/2o4MvYR So it paid off to dust off that resumé. I have an interview on Wednesday morning. I'm excited and a little nervous. The position is new and will work from the front building, so it's still at the district office. I think I have a fair chance. Wish me luck! https://flic.kr/p/2o4sXeZ RANDOM MUSINGS - I'm hit by nostalgia at times and I love to tell stories about the conventions I've attended and the people I've met. I'm so glad for the friends that I've made and the friends that I've had and even the friends who've decided to step away. We had such good times and those times make me smile... https://flic.kr/p/2o5aLvn - I love how technology keeps me connected with the friends I've met in person and the friends I've yet to hug. This world is a crazy place and staying in touch with friends is important and should not be taken for granted. I could write a whole essay on what exactly I want to say but that's for another time, I think... - The 49ers game today was magnificent. - The noise cancelling on the Apple AirPods Pro 2 is amazing. - I'm listening to The Sandman on Audible. It's so good. - Still not sure how I'm going to use the new places-- Mastodon and Post. I've already muted someone on Post and I'm reading too many, "If you use Twitter, you're supporting a Nazi," comments that just turn me off. Just because I'm on Twitter does not mean I support the jackassery and if you think that I am supporting the jackassery just because I'm there, well, that's your opinion. Good for you for making your choice. Now leave others to theirs. https://flic.kr/p/2o53UhL And it's almost time for bed. The weekends go by so quickly... Read the full article
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whew-oh-em-gee · 3 years
The green-eyed monster
Warnings: the green eyed monster, of course! Implied smut and a couple of swear words. Oh! And me attempting to put in song references.
Jake Gyllenhaal x Fem!reader
I hope you enjoy it!
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Jealousy, also referred to by many as the green-eyed monster, is the act of feeling or showing a resentful suspicion that one's partner is attracted to or involved with someone else.
You had never really been the jealous type. Never. However, something about this situation was very different. Could it be because this was not an event you were familiar with? Could it be because the lady affectionately laughing while placing her hand on your boyfriend’s chest, was capable of buying most of your possessions, if not all of them, with half of her paycheck? Or could it be because your insecurities about how you looked, despite being told you looked gorgeous by your boyfriend, suddenly decided to make themselves known?
Whatever the reason was, you were jealous. And that was that.
Now the question is, how did you get here in the first place?
4 hours ago
“Don’t fret. You look gorgeous, honey! “ you boyfriend exclaimed, finally exhausted by the number of questions you asked about how you looked, while you were having a mini freak out in front of the full body length mirror in your shared bedroom. Jake genuinely thought you looked amazing in anything you wore and it irks him whenever you don’t acknowledge that as well.
Noticing the hint of expiration in his tone, you apologized.
“I’m sorry. I just...” you paused, sighing, as you tried to find the right words. “I just don’t want to let you down. There are going to be a lot of extremely beautiful women there and I don’t want to stick out like a sore thumb. Especially since this is going to be the first event we’re going to together.”
With a light chuckle, Jake pressed his lips to your forehead.
“You worry too much. You look wonderful and I don’t care about all the other women because you are the only beautiful woman I’ll see.” He said, cupping your face his big hands and stroking your cheeks with his thumbs.
You smiled and tried your best not to cry because of how sweet Jake was being. You weren’t ready to mess up your make up because it was time consuming and quite expensive.
“I love you.” You finally uttered after a moment of silence, consisting of you two staring into each other’s eyes.
“I love you too, baby. Now come on. We’re gonna be late.” Jake murmured before taking your hand and tugging you out of the room and out of your shared apartment towards the rented car that was waiting for you outside.
Half an hour later, you both found yourself in the midst of many well-known actors, directors and producers. Jake pulled you along as he greeted the people he recognized and introduced you to them, if they hadn’t met you already.
“Hubby!” you heard a familiar voice call out, over the loud party music that was playing. You knew that voice quite well. Maybe too well.
Tom Holland that proud owner of the voice, accompanied by Zendaya, made his way to you and Jake.
“Well, well, well isn’t it my prodigal husband.” Jake joked as he embraced to in a side hug. Meanwhile you and Zendaya, who has become close friends the moment you met each other some time ago, smothered each other with kisses as you giggled in unison.
The four of you spent the next hour cracking jokes, while catching up with each other’s lives. That was until you were interrupted
“Jacob,” a feminine voice purred “I haven’t seen you in forever!”
All the attention moved to where the voice came from.
“Joey! Hi! It has been a while.” Jake responded, hugging her.
Zendaya looked at you with a raised eyebrow as ‘Jo’, as Jake affectionately called her started conversing with him.
You shrugged in response, answering her silent question. You had no idea who this newcomer was.
“Oh how could I forget?! Tom, Z, Y/N, this is Jolene, an old friend.” Jake introduced.
Jolene? How fitting. You suddenly felt Dolly Parton’s pain when she sang her song with the same title as this lady’s name.
Jolene giggled. “Old friend? Is that what you call all your exes now?”
“You knew what I meant, Jo.” Jake rolled his eyes playfully.
She let out more giggles.
You opened your mouth to say ‘hi’ but you were interrupted by Jolene talking again.
“Oh my god, Jacob! You absolutely have to meet someone.” She pulled Jake away from your group and towards whoever she wanted him to meet.
You blinked rapidly, trying to process what just happened.
“That was…interesting.” Tom deadpanned, earning an elbow to the ribs from Z. “Hey!” he protested rubbing the spot he was hit.
You raised your head, looking up at the ceiling. “Y/N, what are you doing?” Z asked in confusion.
“I wanna cry but my foundation cost me thirty-five dollars.” You muttered, trying to blink away the tears that were forming.
Not today, Satan, not today.
Tom’s snort quickly morphed into another exclamation of pain when he got elbowed at the same spot again by the same person.
“Aww hun, you don’t need to cry. It’s not worth it?” Z asked rubbing your back soothingly.
“His ex does seem kinda bossy, to be honest.”
Z gasped, “Thomas Stanley Holland, the next time you do something that will make the situation worse, I. Will. End. You.”
“It’s alright, Z” you sighed, as you fished through your purse to find anything to help you with keeping the tears as bay, “He’s right.”
“I think I’m going to talk to him.” Tom said, leaving before any of you could react.
Z turned to you “Y/N-“
“No, no.” you butted in “It’s okay! I’m okay! I’m just going to head home.”
Oh boy, were you lying.
Who were you kidding? She was beautiful! All Jake’s exes probably were the same. What did he see in you anyway? Why did you decide to come here at all? Ugh! Jolene, please don’t take my man.
Finally, bringing your head down to its original position, you dubbed your eyes gently and put your brave face on and made your way to the exit.
You were not going to cry here. You were not going to cry here. You were not going to cry-
“Y/N!” You heard you boyfriend’s voice shout from afar.
You stood still, taking a deep breath.
You can do this Y/N. Elsa was able to do it. Don’t forget. Conceal, don’t feel. Don’t let him know.
“Y/N.” you heard him again, only closer this time.
You opened your eyes and there he stood, right in front of you, in all his handsome glory.
“Where are you going, love?” Jake asked with a slight tilt of his head.
“You seemed very much occupied with that Jolene of yours so I decided to head home.”
Jake raised an eyebrow.
And now he knows. Fuck.
“Really? That sounds like-“
“Yes, Jacob. I am jealous because she’s extremely pretty and you are probably still attracted to her.”
Let it goooo, let it goooo. Can’t hold it back anymore. Damn, you feel so much like Elsa right now. Why on earth were you thinking about Frozen anyway?!
“Babe!” he laughed, stunned at your revelation. “What did I tell you before we left the apartment?”
You sighed.
“I know it’s just… I don’t feel like I’m enough for you sometimes and coming here just makes me feel like I’m not enough for you all the time.”
Jake shook his head, sighing, and pulled out his phone without a word.
“What are you doing?” you asked, curious.
“I’m getting us an Uber.”
“It looks like someone has to have all her insecurities fucked out of her.”
You blanched and looked around.
“Jacob!” you whisper-yelled between clenched teeth looking around to check if anyone had heard what he said.
He placed a hand on each of your shoulders. “I love you so, so, so much. Please don’t let anyone including yourself make you think otherwise. You won my heart fair and square and you own it, baby. Besides, Jolene is married anyway. ”
“What?! Really?”
“Yeah. “He chuckled.
“She took me to meet her wife. Honestly, it was quite boring. I felt like I was third wheeling. I’m glad Tom saved me.”
“I’m sorry.” You pouted.
“It’s alright, babe.” He said offering his hand which you took “Come on, let’s get of here.”
“So…your inner green-monster came out, huh.” Your boyfriend whispered as you two cuddled in bed, in your pajamas.
“Jacob, it is 2 am .Why are you thinking about THAT at 2 am?”
    Author’s note: I really don't know what to feel about this. I loved writing it, though! I would love to hear from you! What do you think about it?
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mikothebozo · 2 years
Becky Apples but 4Town wow
Ok so to be clear, Taylor is Aaron T., Zee is Aaron Z, and Jessica is just some girl that Robaire had beef with.
This probably takes place in college, before they were all actual friends
Robaire: Jessica. Zee: Jesse Eilish Both: Ugh! Robaire: Jessica. Zee: I bet Jesse's got perfect hair. Robaire: Jessica. Jessica’s got stupid, stupid eyes! Zee: I’m never gonna eat another apple ever again! Robaire: Ooh! It really bunches my feels to think how badly he hurt you. Baby boy, tell me your story~ Zee: I left my hubby so that I could raise an army Robaire: So that you could raise an army? Zee: Then Tae Young popped up And he said something alarming Robaire: Ooh, what’d he say? Zee: He told me that my best man's hangin' Robaire: No! Zee: with another man, so pretty Robaire: No way! Zee: And his name is Jesse Eilish Because Both: UGH of course it is Zee: Jesse Eilish, Jesse Eilish What a gorgeous, fancy schmuck Jesse, how you like them apples? ‘Cause I think your apples suck Jesse Eilish, Jesse Eilish Guess what? I knew Taylor first And while, technically I don’t know Jesse I know he's the worst Robaire: Ugh! He is so the worst, Zee. Zee: Right? Robaire: It’s unbelievable! Zee: Ugh. Stupid Jesse. Robaire: But can I tell you about someone who’s kind of a total Jesse in my life? Zee: Okay. Uh, I mean, I’m kind of not done being mad about Jesse Eilish. Robaire: Well, I was flirtin’, flirtin’ With a slick ******* Zee: Not the same situation. Robaire: He was the finest carny That I’ve ever pursued Zee: There was more than one? Robaire: He played me like a ukulele Zee: He did. Robaire: I don’t want no drama, baby Zee: Too late? Robaire: But I flipped when I found out His girlfriend was a HOT LADY Oh, that Jessica That Jessica's got stupid, pretty legs And I bet that sexy ******* Would let her have his kids Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, Jessica Ugh, even her eyes are prettier... Maybe Jessica's flirty boyfriend Is the one who’s the actual jerk here Ugh! Jessica! Making me feel bad about projecting my own insecurities and displacing blame on her when she really did nothing wrong? Ugh! She’s the worst. Zee: *AHEM* Oh, right! You’re sad. Both: I feel your pain, love I’m your vindicator And we don’t know Robaire: JESSICA Zee: Jesse Both: We just know we hate him This isn’t okay And this isn’t fine Robaire: Let it out, sweet boy. Zee: It’s just, I thought Taylor, would always be mine...
I’m gonna do a lot more of these, ‘cause this was fun to make and imagine, so be expecting MANY MORE, and I’m also just going to be making little things of characters who’d sing certain songs or like certain songs.
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metalmanslove · 3 years
🔩Original F/O🔩
🔩Lea/Axel (Kingdom Hearts)🔩
🔩Status:Married (He was my very first F/O)🔩
🔩Ship Tag:Flaming Hearts🔩
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🔩Main F/O🔩
🔩Karl Heisenberg (Resident Evil Village)🔩
🔩Ship Tag:N/A *Usually will be tagged under Metalman until I come up with a better name*🔩
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🔩 Secondary F/Os 🔩
🔩All Might/Toshinori Yagi (My Hero Academia)🔩
🔩Status:Married as of 2/14/2021🔩
🔩Ship Tag:My Hero Hubby🔩
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🔩Piccolo (Dragon Ball Z)🔩
🔩Status:Married as of 2/21/2021🔩
🔩Ship Tag:Big Green Hubby🔩
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🔩Chris Redfield (Resident Evil)🔩
🔩Ship Tag:S.T.A.R.S and Hearts🔩
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🔩Sammy Lawrence (Bendy And The Ink Machine)🔩
🔩Ship Tag:Inkyhearts🔩
🔩Lady Dimitrescu (Resident Evil Village)🔩
🔩Ship Tag:N/A *I haven't thought of one yet*🔩
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🔩Minor F/O's🔩
🔩Harley Quinn (DC)🔩
🔩Loki (Marvel) 🔩
🔩 Logan/Wolverine (Marvel)🔩
🔩Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)🔩
🔩Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)🔩
🔩 Manfred Von Karma (Ace Attorney)🔩
🔩Mashita (Death Mark)🔩
🔩Mr.Compress (My Hero Academia)🔩
🔩Sir Nighteye (My Hero Academia)🔩
🔩Raine (Owl House)🔩
🔩Vergil & Dante (Devil May Cry)🔩
🔩 Platonic/Familial F/O's🔩
🔩Gohan (Dragon Ball Z)🔩
🔩Donna (Resident Evil Village)🔩
🔩 Angie (Resident Evil Village)🔩
🔩 Salvatore (Resident Evil Village)🔩
🔩Izuku (My Hero Academia)🔩
🔩Self Insert Looks🔩
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🔩Extra Note;I currently don't have any artwork of my s/i and my f/o's so most posts seen will be me gushing about them🔩
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Examiner, October 12
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: 50th Anniversary Tribute to The Partridge Family -- where are they now? 
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Page 2: How the rich and famous protect themselves -- from beefy bodyguards to bulletproof mansions these celebs go the extra mile -- Pope Francis, Mark Zuckerberg, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Bill Gates 
Page 3: Queen Elizabeth, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Floyd Mayweather Jr. 
Page 4: Richard Gere -- his style leaves us breathless -- he’s an officer, a gentleman, a gigolo and gorgeous 
Page 6: When John Travolta was starting out as an actor his mom gave him some advice which he’s glad he didn’t take -- in 1975 he was offered the role of Vinnie Barbarino in Welcome Back Kotter but his mom Helen who was an acting teacher thought he’d be typecast 
Page 7: Big-hearted country star Brad Paisley and his wife Kimberly Williams-Paisley are hitting the road to feed American families financially hit by the pandemic, Neil Patrick Harris recently revealed some bad news and good news -- he and his family contracted COVID-19 but thankfully they’ve recovered from it, Sam Elliott has grabbed a TV role on the animated show Family Guy, Joan Collins says her late sister Jackie Collins sent her a message from beyond the grave on the fifth anniversary of her death 
Page 9: Cher confessed that Elvis Presley was the one that got away and she’s always regretted it -- she’s also kicking herself about Marlon Brando
Page 10: A black and white spotted dog spotted trouble and ended up saving his entire human family from a blaze that swept through their home 
Page 11: Your Health -- 6 symptoms that are not a sign of normal aging 
Page 12: Crime Countdown: Our Top 12 Fave Screen Detectives -- Columbo, Kojak, Starsky and Hutch, The Rockford Files 
Page 13: Miami Vice, Cagney & Lacey, Law & Order: SVU, Murder She Wrote (continued on page 16) 
Page 14: Dear Tony, America’s Top Psychic Healer -- use gifts you are given -- it’s never too late, Tony predicts Annette Bening will get really involved in the lives of transgender people bringing attention to those on screen and off showing who they really are 
Page 15: Some couples have a special song but this Indiana couple has a special aisle at the grocery store where they reconnected last summer and that’s where he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him 
Page 16: Remington Steele, Mannix, Magnum, P.I. 
Page 17: #1 -- NCIS 
Page 19: A former druggie thanked an Alabama cop who had her locked up multiples times by giving him a kidney 
Page 20: Cover Story -- The Partridge Family at 50 -- triumphs and tragedies of TV’s bubbly band -- Shirley Jones, David Cassidy, Susan Dey, Danny Bonaduce, Suzanne Crough, Jeremy Gelbwaks and Brian Forster 
Page 22: A hero delivery driver who took a wrong turn wound up taking a second detour to save a drowning dog 
Page 24: A woman in Michigan just received a cute postcard sent 100 years ago 
Page 25: How to choose fruit that’s ripe for the picking 
Page 26: Tony’s Mystic World -- the ancient power of Halloween 
Page 30: The Good Doctor -- Dr. Anthony Fauci recommends two vitamins to keep your immune system strong 
Page 33: Look Who’s Talking Meow -- a guide to understanding what your cat is trying to say 
Page 36: Sylvester Stallone paints -- Rambo tough guy Sly says his heart is with his art 
Page 41: How to carve perfect pumpkins 
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Kaley Cuoco strikes a pose in Brooklyn while filming her upcoming show The Flight Attendant (picture), Anne Heche before her Dancing With the Stars rehearsal (picture), Mira Sorvino would jump at a chance for a reunion with Lisa Kudrow in a sequel to 1997′s Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion, Eddie Murphy is delaying his return to stand-up comedy because of the pandemic, Christina Anstead split from husband No. 2 Ant Anstead
Page 45: Brad Pitt helps raise money for charity (picture), Jason Alexander (picture), Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo Jr. step out in the big apple (picture), Martin Scorsese wears a mask as he strolls around NYC with a bandaged hand (picture), Jodie Turner-Smith says hubby Joshua Jackson has become a new man since they welcomed their daughter Janie and said she is really in love with her husband, fans are fuming after this year’s Country Music Awards ended in a tie between Carrie Underwood and Thomas Rhett for Entertainer of the Year, things are heating up between Kaia Gerber and Jacob Elordi who jetted to Cabo San Lucas with her parents, Lady Gaga admits her popularity left her feeling down in the dumps but swears she’ll keep making music 
Page 46: There’s a silver lining to the coronavirus pandemic -- two-thirds of Americans think it has made them better people 
Page 47: Like Mother, Like Daughter -- Christie Brinkley and Sailor Brinkley-Cook, Cindy Crawford and Kaia Gerber, Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson, Gwyneth Paltrow and Apple Martin, Reese Witherspoon and Ava Phillippe, Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz, Uma Thurman and Maya Thurman Hawke
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zeldasayer · 4 years
Lady Z, I just wanted you to know, Above and Beyond floored me!!!! Suburban hubby-rogue spy- daddies are my new kink now!!! Thank you so much!!!😘😘😘😀😃❤👌👏
I am SO GLAD you liked it. Thank you for reading as always my love. ☺️💖
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prorevenge · 5 years
Don't tell mom the dog-sitter's dead.
TL;DR at the bottom.
This didn't happen to me, it happened to my sister.
My sister moved up to SC from FL about a year ago, but she still visits us periodically. We're a big and close family. Shortly after Thanksgiving, she flew down with her husband and son for one such visit. She has 3 geriatric dogs, so she got a house/dog sitter.
MS (my sister) went through the basics of how they can only be fed at certain times. They get let out at certain times. They need to be in their crates from X hour to Z hour. Most importantly, they don't get treats. They get vitamins in place of treats, but those vitamins have to be given only twice a day. No people food. Very strict diets. They're all happy and healthy, but only because MS is so strict with their regime.
This lady she got to watch her dogs had stellar reviews on the site she was found through. She's a stay-at-home mom who does this as a side thing for extra cash. I feel like I can end it here, you all can guess where this is going.
MS left for Florida for a week. The first 5 days, everything is going well. DS (dog sitter) texts MS regularly or video calls. She shows MS pictures and gives her regular updates of when she comes and goes to MS's house. MS just bought that house, btw. She's been working her butt off to finally be able to afford it. She puts so much into making that a nice home for her family.
MS has some health problems herself. She's got a ton of prescription medication in her medicine cabinet. She brought enough for the week, but left the rest at home. Stuff for epilepsy, asthma, and allergies. But she's also got a ton of pain killers from when she had my nephew not that long ago. She's paranoid about becoming addicted, so she kept the pills for safety, but never used them. It's a full bottle.
On top of that, she's been a collector of rare beer for about 15 years now. Beer that's not even sold anymore because they were promotional from micro breweries. Beer she can't get anymore because she doesn't live in Florida. Those bottles, she keeps as mostly decoration in her kitchen.
On the 6th day of her vacation, DS stops all communication altogether. MS texts, calls, emails. Nothing. Radio silence. She's got a bad feeling, but she doesn't want to kill the mood because she doesn't get to see her family very often anymore.
Day 7, she gets on a late flight back to SC. The plane gets there around 2 in the morning. They drive an hour to their rural town. They get home. The front door is wide open. The lawn looks like someone in a truck (which DS happened to drive) just tried to go drifting over grass and a tree before vacating the premises super quick.
MS goes to handle my nephew who is groggy and screaming. It's been a rough day. She's thinking the worst. That someone robbed the house while this poor lady was there. MS's husband (BiL) goes inside to survey the damages. It's all clear, MS and Nephew go inside too.
The back door is wide open. The couch looks like it exploded. The rug in the living room and the couch, and pretty much every square foot on the bottom floor is covered in the kind of pee and poop that can only be made from 3 geriatric furry buttholes.
The dogs are, thankfully, still in the backyard. But they're shivering and filthy. There are broken beer bottles everywhere. Some have been stuffed deep in the trash to hide the evidence. Some have been refilled with water and put back with their tops precariously situated on top so they might look like they haven't been touched.
82 bottles, each growler sized (roughly 64 oz) - gone. The medicine cabinet is like one of those Western ghost town's with a tumbleweed bouncing through. MS is already thinking this DS threw herself a party. No way in heck could someone 5'6'', 170 lbs, drink that much beer and take that many pills and not be dead.
MS called the cops. Obviously. The police get there to figure this must be a break in. They take a bunch of pictures, take an account of all the bottles and drugs that were missing. MS cleans what she can, but gets to sleep because thankfully the upstairs hasn't been touched.
One day later, the police find DS. MS has assumed she's dead and abducted, so the police were looking for her and her car. They found the truck run off the side of a highway, with this lady about two miles up, tweaking OUT OF HER MIND walking along the side of the road, screaming at nothing.
They take her in for whatever charges. Idk. Her husband bails her out and picks her up. According to her husband, this has happened before. DS has a drug and alcohol problem.
At first, she's messaging my sister, super apologetic, saying she'll reimburse MS and please don't press charges. MS quotes her the price of the rug, a new couch, and the vet bills because her dogs had somehow gained access to 9 containers of doggie vitamins and one of them was having liver failure. (The dog is fine now, but she's an old yorkie so who knows. Also, MS buys in bulk from a wholesaler, hence 9 containers). The total was somewhere around $800. MS didn't bother with the beers, the meds, the lawn, cleaning the house. She could have. Heck, I would have.
On top of that, MS demanded DS never dog sit again and she had to refund MS for her dog sitting. MS works in advertising. I won't say what kind, but basically if she saw/sees DS advertising herself as a dog sitter ever again, she has the means to drag this lady until all she sees is mud for the rest of her life.
DS insists she'd gonna pay it back, but that MS has to wait until they get their taxes back. Ok. So MS waits. Late February, she texts DS asking where her money is. DS immediately starts saying how she didn't do anything wrong, MS is a bad dog owner and her dogs are miserable, none of the stuff MS says DS did was actually done. MS has all the old texts of DS admitting to all of it sooo....?
This goes on for a while. Eventually, DS starts saying how "as a courtesy" she has a friend who owns a furniture store, she will give MS a credit of $200 for a new couch. And she has an old rug she doesn't want anymore that MS can have.
Erm... what?
She payed MS about $500, but and insists she'll get the coupon to MS soon. March goes by. Nothing.
Around March 20th, MS marches her happy butt to the small claims court and files. Then she snaps pictures of everything. Then she sends DS the message. "As a courtesy, I'm letting you know that I just filed this at the small claims court."
Then the fun starts. This lady goes OFF on MS. She says she's going to sue for slander and undue distress and harassment and blah blah blah blah blah. MS saves all of it, including the fun bits where DS threatens her family and calls her the C-word 20-dozen times.
Today is what? April 6th? Tuesday was the court date. Things move fast in a small town, idk. This lady shows up looking like she just got run through by a garbage disposal. She gives the judge her sob-story, talking about how she did nothing but give MS and her animals the best care, that MS is making all this up.
Yeah. MS has the OG cop with her. She's got pictures of all the damage, the vet bills, the bottles, proof that she was out of town, police reports of both the "break-in" as well as DS's DWI the following day. DS tries to spin it with that one law about how you can't serve alcohol to a known alcoholic. That obviously gets thrown right tf out.
DS then tries to appeal to Judge and MS's sense of humanity. She tells them how her husband just left her and is suing her for full custody (good!) and that if she can't dog-sit how is she supposed to support herself or ever get her kids back (tough cookies!). The judge takes my sister's side, for obvious reason, come tf on.
DS is homeless now, living with her parents. She can't see her kids, who btw don't want to see her. Apparently she was a drunk who ran her hubby's credit all the way down, she was abusive to her kids, and because of her heavy alcohol abuse - one of her kids has FAS. DS has 60 days to pay the remaining $300 or she faces jail time (idk how much time, sorry). Her husband filed for divorce already. Oh, and she lost her license thanks to that DWI.
As a former addict myself and someone who's been through a DWI, I want to sympathize. That's a lot of stuff to go through. MS gave her chance after chance, but at some point, you have to take responsibility for your actions. It really seems like this lady has just been using her husband as a crutch while she tries to get better, only to backslide hard. It's rough, I know. I hope she gets the help she needs.
MS's dogs are doing well. She got a replacement couch on Amazon for like $75 and a nice fluffy rug for even less. DS eventually coughed up that coupon. It didn't even work. It was for something like 20% off with a purchase of $500 or more, so um...no thanks.
TL;DR: World's poopiest dog-sitter trashes my sister's house after going on a bender. Claims she didn't do that, while also promising to pay for the damages. Never pays. Gets taken to court. Loses her home, job, kids, and marriage.
(source) story by (/u/anoukdaae)
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blackrosesfanfic · 4 years
Chapter 210
Next Day
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Leah kisses my chest. I like playing house. Should have been done this shit with her. More control less mouth from her. Don't even got to lift a finger during sex. No complaining about anything. Just chill all day. Probably would have been stopped all her shit. Only if I had of stopped my shit. Leah hands me my phone.
"Why you stop? To grab the phone?" I snap.
She answers it. "They called 3 times. It's Forrest."
"What's up?"
I sit up. "What you want Forrest?"
"Nobody taking me serious. Cammie mad and my mama is being her son."
"Okay, Forrest."
He was quiet for a few seconds. "Naw, I'm good. Yeah. Where you going? Aight. Yeah."
I lay back. Forrest never calls me. It's about to be about some dumb shit. Some shit I don't feel like dealing with. I already know it is.
"Naw, but real quick. Trey started back drinking and he is being stupid as fuck. Only time he talks to someone is when they trying to party. But most of the fucking time he be too damn drunk to do anything. We were about to fly to Texas just to go to a party then New York. Too drunk. Then he be inviting these girls over. Be too fucking drunk for them too, ends up cursing the girl out or I stop her before she comes in. I threw up on one girl."
"So you being a snitch?"
He sucks his teeth. "He not himself. Like he been fucking... I don't know. I just don't think this what he want. He fucking love Cammie..."
"You talking to Cammie?" I hear Trey yell.
"No nigga I ain't said no damn Cammie. I said can we. Can we... dumbass." He sucks his teeth. "He listening to me now. Are you gonna do anything?"
I sigh. "If I call my sister and she wants this nigga then yeah. If not then fuck him."
"Naw, cause... aight man. Damn, nobody listening."
"Deal with your drunk brother."
He hangs up the phone. Little nigga wants me to fucking save Trey. Fuck that. Why would I do that? Let the dummy end his marriage. I glance at Leah then call Cammie. When the last time I talked to my sister?
"Hey." She says dry.
"Why you sound like that?"
She sucks her teeth. "Why you suddenly calling me?"
"I... Man, you could have called me."
"I got a lot of shit going on."
She sighs. "Bye."
"Hold up, Bae. What's wrong? Let me know. I need to kill a nigga. It's Trey?"
"I'm dealing with these kids, Trey, work, and you."
"Me? Come on. Aight, okay. You want me in Cali?"
She doesn't say nothing. "Hello?"
I chuckle. "Hey, Lane."
"Uncle Rollie?"
"Yeah, man."
He sucks his teeth. "Way you at?"
"At home."
"Here?" He yells.
I chuckle. "No. Where is Caden?"
"Laying down on he bed. Caden?"
"Lane, watch out. Don't put that on him. Talk on the phone."
"No." Lane snaps. "Bye."
The phone hangs up. He so damn bad. Guess I'm getting my ass up and going to where ever the fuck this bitch at. I have to solve Cammie's damn problem for her. I kiss Leah's cheek then get up out of the bed. I call Forrest back.
"Yeah." He says.
"Where are you?"
He sucks his teeth. "Trey you said what? For what? A party."
"Aye, where are you before I change my mind?"
"We about to fly with Khaled to Atlanta to go to some party that Jay Z having. How fucking dumb is that?"
"Oh great. I don't have to leave. Let me know where the party is."
I think Forrest was frustrated with everything. "Yeah, aight."
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"JJ, why you doing all that crying, Baby?" I ask.
Dee moves the camera around doing something. "You hear your mama talking to you?"
"What is wrong with him, Dee?"
Everything goes quiet. I can't leave him and his father alone for nothing. Dee is not the most patient when it comes to kids. It's only for one day plus his mother is there. He shouldn't get frustrated with them that fast.
"We all good now." Dee says.
"Where is JJ?"
Dee turns the camera around. JJ is sitting in the middle of the floor eating a popsicle with no shirt on. My baby does not like clothes. He needs to get out of that because he needs to start school.
"Where is his shirt?"
"Hell if I know." Dee says turning the camera back to himself. "You had fun?"
I shrug. "I think I would have had more fun if Cammie wasn't going through shit with Trey and this dancing stuff she doing. He still hasn't called her since he told her not to call him."
"And she ain't call him?"
"Devin, why does it matter if she call him? She has his kids."
Dee shrugs. "I'm just saying. Don't sound like Cammie to do what he said."
I roll my eyes. "One minute you on Trey side next minute you on hers?"
"Mookie, I love you."
"I wanna stay here longer."
He makes a sad face. "But we supposed to be..."
"I just said I wanted to."
"And you left these babies with me. I'm ready to go to work or something not to deal with this. Baby wants to sit up and watch everything. I can't just lay her on the damn bed and play my game. Your son... Look at him."
He was rolling around on the floor eating the popsicle.
"Devin! Get him in the kitchen! If he mess up my carpet!"
JJ stops rolling and looks around at Dee. He licks his lips then he stands up walking out of the room. He must have heard what I said. He knows better than to do all that while in the living room. Him and his daddy.
"Damn, Bae. Can you hear him singing?"
Devin chuckles. "Mook, come home."
"Shut up. I'm coming home tonight." I grab Amber's waist. "Let's talk.”
"What" Dee snaps.
I blow him a kiss. "Love you, Bae. Gotta talk to Amber."
"Aight." He says then hangs up.
"What do we need to talk about? I like coming before the hubby."
"So I need to go back home but I'm worried about Cammie. What do you have to do?"
She makes a sad face. "I promised that I would go support Chris on something he has to do. It's kinda a big thing."
I sigh. "Yeah but this is kinda a big thing what she is going through alone. I'm trying not to let my bae down but shit. I got to take care of this woman that calls herself my mother in law. Fuck she making shit difficult. If it wasn't for her I could talk Dee into coming to LA for a week or two. Plus I miss my baby."
"That makes me fucking sad. You are making me sad."
"I know right. We both have to leave her."
I cross my arms. "I'm going to go home, get rid of this lady, then come back to my Bae. When can you come back?"
Amber shrugs. "Two days maybe?"
"Okay but we got to call her every day. Keep her up beat and try to get her talking with Trey again. She tries to act all bad ass but she needs him and those boys need him. Lane acts like an ass when Trey is not around."
"I can do that. Trey about as stubborn as a fucking steel pole."
"Imma go cook something for her before I leave tonight. Maybe we can try to clean up. I know her and April usually keeps everything clean."
"I'm glad she has April."
I nod. "Hell yes. She could not be me on top of the shit she deals with."
Amber kisses my cheek. "I like being your side bitch."
"excuse me!" Cammie yells from the door. "You like being her what?"
"It's not what you think." I say then push Amber away. "I love you."
She rolls her eyes. "Tell that to this locked door. Talking about she going to get something out of the car."
Amber laughs then runs off to the car. "I forgot."
"I bet you did." Cammie says slamming the door.
I laugh. "I do love you!"
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basmathgirl · 6 years
About Me - 3
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
Tagged by the ever so lovely @dvandme! Thank you. :D
A - Age: 5*mumble mumble*
B - Birthplace: East London
C - Current time: 22:27
D - Drink you last had: a mug of tea
E - Easiest person to talk to: my son
F - Favourite song: I don’t currently have a favourite above all others
G - Grossest memory: probably being projectile vomited on then having to stand under a cold shower to get it all off my clothing, and finding a missing bit in my bra. Deep joy.
H - Horror yes or horror no: not usually unless it is a comedy and/or has hunky men wearing leather trousers
I - In love?: technically yes
J - Jealous of people?: nah! I can’t be arsed with that sort of thing
L - Love at first sight or should I walk by again?: I’ll agree there’s attraction at first sight, but not love. But by all means come and chat with me. 
M - Middle name: S... nope, ain’t admitting that one again either
N - Number of siblings: two
O - One wish: my sons to be healthy and happy
P - Person you called: I think it was DHL, and a lovely lady in export customer services called Julie. 
Q - Question you are always asked: "You’re quiet; are you okay?” which is bloody ironic because I was accused of being too chatty this week
R - Reason to smile: just opening the front door is a reason to smile. I’m very much a ‘silver lining’ sort of person. Although I’ve had it confirmed I’ll be babysitting my wee grandson on Saturday!!! Oodles of smiles to gain from that. 
S - Song you sang last: “Tainted Love” by Soft Cell
T - Time you woke up: hubby tried to wake me about 7:30am but I resisted it for an hour
U - Underwear colour: cheeky! it’s white, btw.
V - Vacation spot: nothing has been planned yet
W - Worst habit: overthinking and letting anxiety about where to park the car really get to me
X - X-rays: pelvis, chest, and boobs
Y - Your Favourite food: chips and/or crusty bread.
Z - Zodiac sign: Virgo
Tagging: @whovianfloozy, @love-in-the-time, @ellenemi, @dahlia-ships, @smackalicious, @echogivesnoanswer, @drtonks, @memsevpersonal, @svlover & @bananenparty
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A-Z tag
I was tagged by @alittlebitridiculous
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better
A - Age: 35
B - Birthplace: Quebec City, Canada
C - Current time: 5:35pm
D - Drink you last had: Water
E - Easiest person to talk to: My hubby <3
F - Favorite song: How am I supposed to chose a favorite song? Wtf is wrong with you??? Uuuughhhh lately: Electric (Feat. Khalid) - Alia Baraz
G - Grossest memory: When I got sick at the hotel in Boston. March 2017. Never again.
H - Horror yes or horror no: No.
I - In love?: Been for nearly 15 years now.
J - Jealous of people?: Only a couple. I’m not someone who gets jealous of other people and I’m so happy where I am right now.
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again? Try walking by again. Unless you’re @alittlebitridiculous
M - Middle name: Jeannine
N - Number of siblings: 1 half brother so I guess technically I’m an only child?
O - One wish: Having less problems with my health
P - Person you called last: My mom a couple days ago.
Q - Question you are always asked: “Have you slept?”
R - Reason to smile: I just got off the phone with my dad and from what he said, looks like he’s getting rid of his bitch girlfriend. YEEE HA!!!! CELEBRATORY DANCE!
S - Song you last sang: The Cure - Lady Gaga
T - Time you woke up: 6:47
U - Underwear color: Dusty pink
V - Vacation destination: My last vacation was Flagstaff, Arizona. Next one, I really don’t know and I don’t know when.
W - Worst habit: Self-harm
X - X-rays: Teeth, lungs, knees, shoulder, wrists.
Y - Your favorite food: Tartar
Z - Zodiac sign: Libra
I’m going to tag
@sisblaq @seirines @wanderonawhisp @ssambun @temporarypeace and whoever sees this and wants to do it because honestly I’m not here enough and I suck at making friends =\ sorry guys
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xjmparrish · 6 years
Christmas Gifts 2017
Everyone receiving something from J this year is listed below in alphabetical order by first name. Each gift bundle has a handwritten card attached detailing just what is being given and well-wishes for the upcoming New Year. 
@skarsgardb @xolively @candicepat @cmmurrray @quirkymisscb @krispinot @clrholt @deltslea @bviewgron @levittjoe @sharnamayxo @shay-bright @drizztroi @tylerjbburn @chmerkval @zendayam @zoeydevtch 
Happy Holidays❤️
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Best friend. Here is my returning the gift of our hot chocolate bar, for when our schedules suck at matching, and a scarf to help you keep warm. I also may or may not have taken the chance to do something we’ve planned for months, and if the passport case isn’t a hint.. yes that is a plane ticket. I’m dragging you home to your motherland!  Thank you for being the bestest friend I made this year, love you lots!!
Merry Christmas - J
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My Monica to my Rachel, my Cristina to my Mer.. I hope you like the diaper bag! I figured #momneeds. Before you kill me for making you think I got the girls better gifts between Ines’s shoes and Jame’s food truck, I have to say, even if the diaper bag was empty you’d still love me, right? This Christmas I thought I’d take it upon myself to spoil you some. So aside from the baby bag, every momma bear needs black sunnies for those rough mornings, comfy slippers for lazy afternoons, a fancy robe and pj shorts for those nights you wanna feel a little special. It also wouldn’t be spoiling you without some jewelry, so some cute earrings and a watch will come in handy next time we go on a girl’s date. I also threw in some essential oils for fun. Last but not least, I know you love chocolate. So chocolate covered almonds it was! (You should probably share some with your hubby cause that one’s half his.. if you want.) So happy holidays my wife, nieces, and I guess you too Ryan.. LOL! 😜 I love you all! 
Merry Christmas - Janellybean
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My soul sister of sorts (the offer to marry is still on the table) , I had to spoil you just a bit after you suffered rooming with me on the trip. So a bracelet and some earrings to add to your wardrobe and just a little something extra to keep your life stylish. I hope you love it as much as I love you! 
Merry Christmas - Janel
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My favorite human (and your mini me). Needless to say, I didn’t know what to get you. Hopefully, in time I’ll learn how to shop. Naturally, the first thing I picked up was a bottle of Jack for those late nights. Then I decided I couldn’t go wrong with clothes and accessories. Two sweaters and a jacket to keep warm, hopefully you like them. (If not, I’ll totally get you new ones.) I’ve also learned that you try to rep the Bills just about anywhere, so a new snapback seemed perfect. It’s a good look on you  😜 Then I got you some sunnies last (you’ll be twinning with Jlo), figuring everyone could always use another pair. And for Jackson, I’m still learning on the kid front, so a stuffed animal is always a safe bet. So he gets a dinosaur, because what kid doesn’t like dinosaurs?  I might also secretly be hoping he learns a thing or two from me because I got him a little keyboard (you can hate me, just be happy it’s not drums) and lastly a collection of play-doh. It’s a right of passage for a kid. I promise, I’ll get better at this gift giving thing in the future. Thanks for making this holiday season just a little more special. 
Merry Christmas - Janelly 
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For the bestest duet partner in the world, some boots, a red coat (I think I’m secretly turning you into A) and cute little ear muffs to keep you warm this winter! Thank you for making 2017 awesome, you deserve so much more. Love you pretty lady! 
Merry Christmas - Janel
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My favorite Chris (that’s still our secret), some items to keep you warm this season and a pair of sun glasses so that you stay looking cool everywhere you go. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and even better start off to the new year! 
Merry Christmas - Janel
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My favorite blondie from the land down under, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you but I thought now being in town together, I’d get you just a little something. So a scarf, beanie, and some sunnies seemed perfect. I couldn’t get over how cute the glasses were and had to get them, so I hope you get good use out of them. Love you!
Merry Christmas - Janel
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Pretty lady that I love so dearly, I hope you get good use of your gifts this coming year! A cute chunky sweater to keep warm, a little black cold shoulder lacy top for adding a little cute to layering, and some booties with a tie back. I hope you love them, and they’re just a little thank you for being one of the best people I’ve been fortunate enough to meet this year. Have a wonderful Christmas babes!
Merry Christmas - Janel 
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Di, I saw this bag and thought of you so I had to get it. It might just be my love of the color red on you. So what better thing to include than a new red lipstick? And along with the lip trend, gloss is all the rage right now so a fresh tube could never hurt. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas - that one random cheerleader from a decade ago (Janel)
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To the man who does it all and puts my workaholic nature to shame by a longshot, seeing as you’ll be heading off on travels for work I thought a backpack might come in handy to pack some stuff in. Maybe even instead of lugging around everything on your visits back to town, it could come in handy. And you’ve also got new shoes for the new year, which I really hope you like! Have a wonderful holiday! 
Merry Christmas - Janel 
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Disney, disney, disney. The little mermaid and her baby get themed gifts this year. So for you Shar, sweats and a cute little backpack because you could never have too many. And for baby El, a little Minnie Mouse dress. I couldn’t help myself when I saw the backpack and that’s how this came about. Hope you love! 
Merry Christmas - J
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Shannon, my sister from another mister (and part time lover?) Nothing says Merry Christmas to you like furry jackets, and because you’re 200 times more stylish than me.. feel free to donate to Sammy if you don’t like. A faux fur hoodie, yes a hoodie, the best of both worlds, I think very Shan appropriate. The second coat is Mimi inspired, so you can live out your dreams nightly lip syncing to the RENT soundtrack in your living room. Lastly, not one but two sriracha key chains because nothing says Shay like bringing your own hot sauce anywhere. Kleo wanted to give Foxy and Angel some stuffed animals to play with too, so enjoy! Kisses from us to you! 
Merry Christmas - Janel & Klee
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My caffeine addicted hippie rocker big sis, nothing screamed your name at me more than this Coffee & Friends sign when I saw it, I just had to get it. I’ll personally build you a coffee bar to hang it over if I need to. A new mug to add to the collection, too. A girl could use a hat from time to time, so here’s a new one that I hope you don’t have yet. And lastly, a poncho to stay just a little warmer this winter. With all of the love. 
Merry Christmas - J
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My TyTy. Auntie J and Kleebear got Dylan a couple of toys, I hope they last her longer than a few hours. Lol. And for you Ty, I raided AllSaints for you to show my love. A hat to add to the collection, and two shirts you probably already own but could use new ones of. And it couldn’t be Christmas without just a slight reminder that we probably belong on the naughty list, so a new lighter and flask for the new year baby! 😜 Much better than coal. Love you, loser. 
Merry Christmas - Janey & Klee
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V, I couldn’t help myself but get your something after reconnecting (also kind of makes up for that one Christmas but, you know..) so I hope you like everything. Between traveling and rehearsals, I figured you could use a new bag to carry your stuff in. Also, some new wireless headphones for those long nights on the tour bus or early mornings at the airport. A snapback repping the OG Brooklyn team, because nothing says you more than a backwards snapback (no kitty ear damage to this one necessary). And lastly, what is quite probably your true love in life.. nutella. Enjoy, babe!
Happy Holidays - that one Chinese-Irish Hawaiian chick 😜
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Z, let’s be honest I didn’t know what to get the most stylish person I know. But I figure, you can make just about anything work, so maybe I shouldn’t stress. So I got you some black knee high boots, cute high high socks (they don’t have to go together, I just thought they’d be cute) and a white bag to offset all of the black. All hopefully a great start for 2018. I hope you love everything! xoxo 
Merry Christmas - J
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To the little sister I never knew I needed until your mama making out with my boo on tv someone brought us close (it’s a weird family dynamic). It’s been a blast reconnecting, and I can’t wait for new adventures in 2018. In the meantime, I got you a pretty dress nobody else could rock, a shirt to remind you that what Mama Lea and do, you can too, and a beanie that just says what I think about you like 99.9% of the time. (The only time my mind changes is when you’re clumsier than me.) Also, the homemade food from Mama P just as promised, still warm so you better eat up! Love you!!
Merry Christmas - Janel
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bi-e-ne · 7 years
Nicknames/Pet names
Hello there!
I’m searching for a list of nicknames or pet names, however you may call it. Though I started writing my first fanfiction I did a lot of research for such names. But to be honest I’ve got no idea of such names in english, the german ones are pretty boring I need to admit. So, I’m gonna post this list here with names I already found. If you like to add something, please, just feel free to comment! I really would appreciate that. Thanks a lot ;)
Angel | Angel Cakes | Angel Eyes | Angel Face |
Babe(s) | Baby | Baby Boy | Baby Cakes | Baby Daddy | Baby Doll | Baby Face | Baby Girl | Beau | Beautiful | Better Half | Big Daddy | Boo-Boo | Bright Eyes | Bunny | Buttercup |
Care Bear | Chérie (ma/mon) | Cinnamon | Cinnamon Roll | Cookie | Cuddle Bug | Cuddle Bunny | Cupcake | Cutie | Cutie Pie |
Darling | Dear | Dearie | Dearest | Dearheart | Doll Face | Dork
Home Slice | Handsome | Honey | Honey Bee | Honey Bunch | Honey Buns | Honey Muffin | Honey Pie | Hot Cakes | Hot Mama | Hot Stuff | Hottie | Hubby | Hun |
Jelly Bean
Kit Kat | Kitten |
Lady Bug | Little Monkey | Love | Love Bug | Love Muffin | Lovebird | Lover Boy | Lovey Dovey 
Meatball | Muffin | My King | My Queen |
Other Half |
Pookie | Precious | Precious Angel | Pretty Lady | Prince | Prince Charming | Princess | Pudding | Pumpkin | Pussycat |
Sex Machine |Sexy | Sexy Lady | Sexy Legs | Significant Other | Snookums | Snowflake | Snuggle Bunny | Spouse | Sugar | Sugar Mama | Sugarplum | Sunshine | Sweet Cheeks | Sweetie Pie | Sweet Cakes | Sweet Lips | Sweetheart | Sweetie |
Teddy Bear | Tiger | Tootsie | Twinkle Toes |
Wifey | Wookums
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buzzmery · 4 years
How To Be a far better Wife: 11 Tips To think about
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How To Be an honest Wife Let’s talk all about the way to be a far better wife.
Does this thought have you ever scratching your head? These ideas are here to assist.
Let me start this off by saying I do know it takes two to form a wedding work. Team sports for the win!
But don’t spend an excessive amount of time analyzing if you ought to attempt to make a change until your husband changes x, y, and z. Don’t do something supported by what your partner is or isn’t doing.
Look inside yourself. believe the way to be a far better wife today!
How to be an honest wife! An all-around better person.
This is not a contest to ascertain who is doing more work and who is doing it better.
Making a change is for yourself even as very much like for your spouse.
I included my husband in on this one. I even have been loving hearing his combat things.
Yes, it is often hard sometimes. He may have used the word trapped during a conversation. But there’s little question in my mind that those hard conversations cause better things.
Dare I exploit the word breakthrough?
Now, this might surprise you. But I'm no marriage counselor. Although, some days I desire one.
But I'm hooked into thriving in my marriage. to mention I do touch research is an irony.
Just like there's nobody size fits all with parenting. an equivalent is true for marriage.
These are things I make it a priority to figure on. I'm constantly evaluating myself and my relationship with my hubby. Doing a touch check-in you'll say.
You know when the check engine light comes on in your car.
Well, picture a light-weight like that for your marriage. Keep things running smoothly with these tried and true tips.
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Here Are 11 recommendations on the way to Be a far better Wife and Improve Your Marriage 1) Give Him Some Space OK, so I'd be the lady waiting at the highest of the steps like an eager dog when my hubby gets home from work. and that I am armed with a minimum of 3 things to inform him about my day.
And I follow him around to whatever room he goes in. Oops. Now, I don’t do that to harass him. I'm not purposely invading his personal space every second.
I am just legitimately happy to ascertain him. and therefore the incontrovertible fact that he isn’t running into my arms has been known to harm my feelings.
Even though we all know most are different. It is often a challenge to accept and understand this. then adjust accordingly.
I am comfortable with him invading my personal space most of the time but that’s not how he's employed. And that’s fine.
There are worse things than him wanting some space. albeit sometimes my heart feels a touch broken.
I am performing on TRYING to ascertain things from his side and not take everything so personally.
2) Know His Love Language This one may be a game-changer. For you and your spouse.
Knowing a love language can assist you better understand the various ways people give and receive love.
If you've got no idea what this is often then you're certain a treat. This book is so helpful!
I can consider a couple of (OK a lot) of times I wish I might have had this handy marriage tool. But luckily I do now.
Does this mean we sleep in marital bliss?
Does this mean I understand him a touch more?
Also sometimes.
But I assure you this book helped us understand one another more.
3) Compliment More Do you give compliments regularly? I'm not talking about gushing over your spouse. I’m talking about small things.
These little things can take a backseat during a marriage. Life goes on and that we forget to only stop and say something nice. Isn’t that crazy. We forget to mention nice things.
I try very hard to form sure I'm dispensing compliments daily.
Compliments give me a touching pep in my step. I'm pretty sure it does an equivalent for my husband. and every one the opposite men out there.
One last item. Don’t roll in the hay just to urge something reciprocally. that kind of defeats the aim.
I know I even have been guilty of this. Staring him down so hard and most the time he's watching me with no idea why my eyes are bulging out of my head.
This is a reminder to all or any folks that a compliment is 100% for and about the opposite person.
4) Criticize Less I am a professional at giving my two cents. Who isn’t?
I’m sort of a cat able to pounce.
But sometimes an individual doesn't want advice or your combat things. they only want to be heard. Listened to.
I am performing on knowing when my combat things aren't needed. Man, this is often a tough one. Especially once I desire I even have the solution or I do know a far better way. My mouth and my brain start having an inner argument.
My mouth has been known to win but what am I able to say. I’m a piece ongoing.
And ladies, sometimes we do know best. Am I right?
5) means Something Good a day Some days this may be easy peasy. Other days, it's going to take some deep thinking to return up with something.
But I still try. It doesn’t need to be anything huge. I even have found that it is that the little things that matter. These are the items that fall flat the cracks.
This also involves being thankful. I find myself browsing the motions and not stopping to be grateful.
Showing appreciation for the items my husband does. Even when all I would like to try to do is call him out for x, y, and z.
My husband is the best daddy to our female child. So, even on the rough days, there's always that tiny nugget of excellent.
Even when it feels challenging, find, and acknowledge the great in your spouse.
6) specialize in The Positive He doesn't get to hear about every little annoyance that occurred in my day. Becoming a negative Nancy may be a slippery slope.
We all have crap days. and that we want to vent to someone. That’s fine and dandy. But my venting was the type that never stopped. It just went on and on.
It is very easy for that to happen. you begin by saying one thing and your level of annoyance keeps rising and you're mad everywhere again. I don’t want something to possess that much control over me.
Focus on the positive in yourself, the positive you see in others, and therefore the positive things in your life.
how to be a far better wife 7) Asking What He Wants/Needs My husband works tons. I do know I'm not alone during this. So, when he's off I tend to form the plans for the day. Without even talking with him. I just tell him what we do that day.
This is another one among those things I am not doing maliciously. But maybe he's not on board with having his entire time off controlled.
Maybe he's feeling tired or drained. Maybe he's mentally exhausted and wishes some alone time.
I don’t know if I don’t ask. I could await him to inform me eventually. But at that time, he has been holding things in and that we all skills that sometimes seems.
We all know the hard part about change. the sole person we will change is ourselves. I know, bummer. Some days, i wish I could change my husband.
But something amazing happens once you work on yourself. It won’t happen overnight but it's pretty safe to mention you'll see a change in your spouse.
Fingers crossed, ladies!
8) Give Him Guy Time Girl talk makes me feel alive. Seriously. It makes me feel rejuvenated.
So, maybe it does an equivalent for him?
This one is tough on my behalf. In my mind, his eagerness to spend time together with his friends is not eager to spend time with me. But it doesn’t work like that. Some days I would like ice coffee and a few days hot coffee is my ally.
It is not always about choosing one thing over another.
I am black and White. The struggle is real, friends!
A bonus to the present is him having some guy time is additionally an ideal opportunity to specialize in some self-care!
I planned and began this blog while he was playing video games together with his friends!
9) leave of Your temperature I need to form an attempt to try to things that aren't my exact cup of tea.
Like when it's his address pick the movie for date night. I desire there's no way I will be able to like his pick then find yourself loving it.
I am not the foremost adventurous person around. And I’m fine with the way I'm. But a part of being during a relationship is doing things for the opposite person. Even once you don’t desire it.
10) Speak Up Ever hold something certain goodbye that you simply word barfed everywhere your husband.
And maybe, within the beginning, it wasn’t an enormous thing. But it grew and grew sort of a weed. Now, it seems like there's a dang 20 foot oak inside you waiting to burst out.
Communication is crucial. (Don’t miss these communication tips that are vital for your relationship)
The biggest mistake I wont to make was saying those certain two words. “I’m fine.”
Those words mean anything but that. I might say they then hold things in and expect him to read my mind. I assumed I used to be making it obvious I used to be not fine but apparently, he just thought it had been my time of the month or something.
The deduct from this?
Talk it out. Always!
how to be a far better wife 11) Watch Your Words Does this sound familiar? you usually do x, y, and z. You NEVER do that or that.
These words were my best friends. once you are mad about something, it can desire things are always or never a particular way. Especially when this thing went on before.
The best thing I can do when my blood is boiling is to require a moment. Hit the pause button.
If a screaming match starts, neither one among you is listening. you're just thinking of what you're getting to say next. Your next insult is on deck.
And this does absolutely nothing positive for your relationship.
Marriage isn't a one-person job. But sometimes it can desire you're alone. the reality is marriage is going to be hard. I stray far away from using the word easy in the least when it involves relationships.
There are different seasons. Sometimes a tough season will sneak up on you. Like snow in April. Rare in my parts but it's happened. It just happened the opposite day.
Now, I still get mad. I still say things I don’t mean and exaggerate situations. So does he. So does everyone. But I attempt to speak in a way that helps move a conversation forward.
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mrenterta1nment · 6 years
M1ndful Predictions: 2018 Grammys Performance Categories
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While everyone has been focusing on the film industry for the past few weeks, the spotlight is about to (temporarily) transition to music as the 60th edition of the Grammy awards, air on Sunday.  This was quite the interesting year in music and the nominees are reflective of the diverse talent that permeated the airwaves throughout 2017 (and in late 2016 and early 2018.)  
I’ll start my predictions with the genre performance categories.
Best Pop Solo Performance “Love So Soft” - Kelly Clarkson “Praying” - Kesha “Million Reasons” - Lady Gaga “What About Us” - P!nk “Shape of You” - Ed Sheeran
As always, this category features some of the biggest names in music; shockingly, none of the nominees earned a bid in either Record or Song of the Year, making this a challenging race to predict. Sheeran’s failure to dominate the nominations as expected was a head-scratcher so a win here could be the Recording Academy’s way of making up for that; ditto for Gaga.  I’m thinking the Grammys will select Kesha, whose redemptive and transformative work was one of the highlights of 2017.   
Best Pop Duo/Group Performance “Something Just Like This” - The Chainsmokers & Coldplay “Despacito” - Luis Fonsi & Daddy Yankee featuring Justin Bieber “Thunder” - Imagine Dragons “Feel It Still” - Portugal. The Man “Stay” - Zedd & Alessia Cara
“Despacito” seems like the sensible choice because it’s up for Record of the Year.  Additionally, it was the longest running number one song of last year too which significantly aids its chances.  I’m going with that one.
Best R&B Performance “Get You” - Daniel Caesar featuring Kali Uchis “Distraction” - Kehlani “High” - Ledisi “That’s What I Like” - Bruno Mars “The Weekend” - SZA
The Grammys solidified SZA’s (pictured above) banner year by showering her with more nods than any other female artist (and rightfully so.)  Mars represents her biggest competition though, even if his placement in this category rings false.  Despite my personal preference, I’m picking Mars to win in what should be an incredible night for him.
Best Rap Performance “Bounce Back” - Big Sean “Bodak Yellow” - Cardi B “4:44″ - JAY-Z “HUMBLE.” - Kendrick Lamar “Bad And Boujee” - Migos featuring Lil Uzi Vert
Lamar and JAY-Z are facing off a lot this year and this is just one of their battles that everyone will be watching closely; the fact that both songs are up in the general categories further complicates matters. Breakout Cardi B could play spoiler, though.  How progressive would it be if the sole female nominee trumps two legends, especially with the gender climate we’re in right now. I give Hov the slight lead.
Best Rap/Sung Performance “PRBLMS” - 6LACK “Crew” - Goldlink featuring Brent Faiyaz & Shy Glizzy “Family Feud” - JAY-Z featuring Beyonce “LOYALTY.” - Kendrick Lamar featuring Rihanna “Love Galore” - SZA featuring Travis Scott
Another showdown between Lamar and JAY-Z - this time with female heavyweights Beyonce and Rihanna in the fray.  Beyonce’s Grammy clout should make a significant difference, giving her hubby another Grammy on his mantle.  Keep en eye on SZA though; if the two nominations leaders cancel each other out, that could pave the way for her name being called.
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Tagged by: @hallowedmaiden <3<3<3
Tagging:  @snowbryneich  @sheliesshattered @conquistadoradelmar
 A) What does the last text you sent say? And to whom? “It was actually a picture of a chicken LOL to my husband, go figure B) What does the last text you received say? And from whom? “Thanks! From my mom. C) What time do you wake up most mornings? 7am. D) Are you afraid of walking alone at night? Not in the city. Sometimes where I live though, because its pitch black and there could be a bear in the yard LOL. E) What do you do to relax at the end of a stressful day? I like to lay on my chaise lounge and look at my phone, read, or go putter in the garden. F) Where did your last kiss take place and with whom? My hubby at the door as he was going to work <3.   G) Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school? I got into trouble for kicking boys a lot when I was younger LOL. They all deserved it. #Sorrynotsorry H) Do you enjoy your job? If unemployed, are you content being so? Its ok I guess. Pretty boring most days to be honest but unless someone would like to start paying me for writing I don’t know what else I’d do... I) Do you often pick up on double entendres and innuendos? Too much LOL. Awkward as hell. Phrasing, Laaaana!. J) Have you ever been offered drugs but declined? Haha Yes. K) Have you ever met someone who has completely altered your way of thinking? Sure, of course. L) Have you ever been offered drugs and accepted? That too lol. M) Tell us something weird that turns you on. LOL my husband is such a trickster. He’ll casually ask me to bring him something and then grab me and kiss me silly haha, I love it. N) When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual? Haha this morning? We’re pretty lovey dovey to be honest. I’m a lucky lady. O) What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? Agreed Hayley, fanfiction! XD. P) When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? Every time I’m at my inlaws LOL. They’re VERY Christian, and I’m an atheist with Buddhist leanings…its just easier to smile and keep my mouth shut, because I’m not going to change their mind and they’re not going to change mine.  Q) Do you usually initiate hugs? Sure, I love hugs!. R) Are you a very affectionate person? Yes, unless I’m mad lol, which is often tbh. S) Can you roll your own cigarettes? Probably not haha. Never tried, don’t smoke. T) What are you looking forward to? My birthday tomorrow! Writing more for my PotC/HP crossover fic, vegging out, and watching Game of Thrones…. U) Do you have any tattoos. Do you want any/more? I do, I have a big honking butterfly and Pablo Neruda poem inside my arm, and a flower feather thingy on my foot that should probably be covered up LOL. Ah, to be 18 again...  V) Are you mentally strong? Yes. W) Are you physically strong? Yes. X) Do you think you’re a good person? For the most part haha. I can’t live up to Gandhi’s standards or anything but I do my best to not make life harder than it has to be for people. Y) Name one thing you wish you could change about your life right now. I guess my job? It really WOULD be nice to get paid for writing… Z) What do you usually eat for breakfast? Farm fresh scrambled eggs w French pressed coffee. My fav meal of the day :) 
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