belle-keys · 8 months
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France is banning the abaya, which is a loose-fitting dress worn by Muslim women (among other groups of women), in public schools. They claim the dress is an affront to French secularism even though it's not even a religious garment – it's a cultural garment that resembles pretty much any loose-fitting modest dress.
I can't possibly spell out for you how discriminatory and backward this is for a "modern, democratic" nation like France. Muslim women deserve more humane treatment and respect than this – being forced to undress more than they're comfortable with.
Photos taken from muslim on Instagram.
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white-moon-kitty · 5 months
Jewish Nathaniel Kurtzberg headcanons
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It is canon that Nathaniel is Jewish, evident in his surname and absence from the Christmas special. However because "religion is a secular matter and cannot be portrayed in a children's TV show" (🙄), Nathaniel's heritage won't be represented in any of the episodes, so I'll be writing these headcanons.
Nathaniel (like Marinette, Adrien, and their classmates) was born between late 2000 and mid-2001.
The law on religious display in public schools (la loi sur les signes religieux dans les écoles publiques) was signed on March 15, 2004.
The law on face-coverings in public (la loi interdisant la dissimulation du visage dans l'espace public) was passed by the Senate on September 14, 2010.
TW for references of antisemitism and Islamophobia
Nathaniel's great-grandparents were German Jews who fled to France shortly before World War II
his family is not Orthodox but they are religious, they go to synagogue, celebrate the holidays, follow kosher, etc.
Nathaniel has always been a shy, quiet kid but his parents raised him to be assertive and to question authority if necessary
the first time Nathaniel realizes he is different is when he is three years old and starts preschool, during lunch he can't eat what the other children are eating in case the food is not kosher
his parents contact the preschool, who refuse to provide a kosher/pork-free option or let Nathaniel pack his own lunch, they compromise to let him go home for lunch instead
December rolls around, and the other children are excited about Christmas, except for Nathaniel, who is excited about Hanukkah but can't help but feel a bit left out
at six years old, another boy in his class starts running his hands through Nathaniel's hair out of the blue, "I heard that your people have horns, where are yours"
at eight years old, a girl in his class sees the gold Star of David necklace that Nathaniel always wears and starts bombarding him with questions
Nathaniel knows that she has no bad intentions but can't help feeling a bit uncomfortable and othered
at nine years old, during a class debate on the hijab ban, another boy says how anyone who wears their religious symbols are not truly French and should go back to where they came from, leaving Nathaniel flushing with shame and anger
at eleven years old, he begins attending Collège Françoise Dupont
on his first day of middle school, Principal Damoclés makes him remove his Star of David necklace
he is afraid but looks the principal straight in the eye and refuses, "this is my religion and my identity," he says, his heart pounding and his voice shaking
after a few more resists, Principal Damoclés suspends him
when he goes home to his confused parents, Nathaniel breaks down in tears as he explains Principal Damoclés suspending him on his first day of middle school for his necklace
his furious parents storm over to the school to confront the principal, demanding he allow their son back to school immediately and for him to wear the symbol of his religious pride
Principal Damoclés lets him back the next day but Nathaniel never wears his necklace to school again, only at home and in non-school settings
the day he returns to school, fellow classmate Alix Kubdel approaches him
Alix explains her family heritage: her family is of Algerian origin and Muslim, and while she can pass as white, her parents and brother have faced racism, Alix's mother have even had her hijab ripped off by an old white man on public transit and no one defended her
Nathaniel knows that he, as a white-presenting boy, cannot relate to the experiences of Alix or her mother, but appreciates having a friend who understands
he invited Alix to his bar mitzvah
he loves learning about the Holocaust, it is painful but his ancestors' strength and resilience make him proud, he can't stand how all of his classmates seem to stare at him during class whenever it comes up
in his third year, he is placed in Miss Bustier's class with Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Chloé Bourgeois, Sabrina Raincomprix, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Lê Chiến Kim and Max Kanté
when he arrives at school one morning he sees a swastika drawn in permanent marker on his desk, drawn by Chloé "Can't he make sushi like everyone else" Bourgeois
he reports it to a furious Miss Bustier, who sends Chloé to Principal Damoclés, who lets her off with a mere warning, which infuriates Nathaniel and his parents
as much as he wants to stay home from school the next day, Nathaniel is determined to not let Chloé win and shows up at school the next day
a sneering Chloé comes up to him, but before Chloé could open her mouth, fellow classmate Marinette Dupain-Cheng spoke up
"you suck, Chloé." Marinette glares at the blonde. "you speak of him as if he is below you, but he's got more nerve in his finger than your entire body"
Rose and Juleka join in, "Leave him alone, Chloé" "go pick on someone your own size, someone with an overinflated head like you"
Chloé started bullying Marinette
meanwhile, Nathaniel starts to fall for Marinette and becomes closer to Rose and Juleka
in the middle of his fourth and final year, he gets over his crush on Marinette/Ladybug and instead starts falling for Marc Anciel, with whom he works on their Ladybug comics
he confides his feelings for Marc to Alix
"you might be bi or pan," Alix, who is aromantic and an expert in LGBT terminology, explains to him
he first comes out as bisexual to Alix, who is nothing but incredibly supportive and proud of her best friend
Rose and Juleka (canon girlfriends!) are the next to know, and he grows closer to the girls than ever
Nathaniel is hesitant to come out to his parents, however: he feels like he is betraying the Jewish identity his parents instilled in him since childhood by coming out to them
he begins to research queer Jewish identity on the Internet and hears stories of others from all across the globe, who are queer, Jewish and proud
Nathaniel eventually asks out Marc, who agrees to be his boyfriend and he is happier than ever
Marc isn't Jewish but is more than happy to learn about Jewish culture and to fight anyone who dares to say anything antisemitic, whether about Nathaniel or not
since he started dating Marc, Nathaniel gains the courage to come out to his parents, who immediately accept him, much to his pleasant surprise
"you are our son, and our religion accepts everyone," his father says
"love is love, and if this boy Marc makes you happy, that's all that matters," his mother says
he gets into the same design school as Marc and Marinette for high school
in his first year of high school, he and Marc finally publish their Ladybug comics, which quickly become successful
towards his final years of high school, he begins studying for the baccalauréat while continuing his relationship with Marc and their comics and applying for his birthright trip
on his final year of high school, he passes the bac littéraire along with Marc and Marinette, and the three reunite with their middle school friends to celebrate
soon after graduating high school, he leaves for birthright (Alix cried buckets of tears at the airport)
the trip is the best ten days of his life, Nathaniel feels at home as he connects with other French Jews and Jews from across the globe and visits the cultural sites
shortly after his return to France, Nathaniel invites Marc to the Seine, where he gets down on one knee, much to the latter's delight (they both cry tears of joy that night)
his and Marc's wedding was the most beautiful day ever, they have a traditional Jewish wedding filled with ketubah, chuppah, glass breaking, joy, light and love
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dikleyt · 1 year
Everything Is Religious Except Catholicism: A Francophone's Guide to Being Self-Righteously Antisemitic and Islamophobic
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14 avril : l’anniversaire du Dr Ambedkar, l’un des fondateurs de l’Inde actuelle
C’est le 134e anniversaire de Babasaheb Ambedkar et son aura n’a cessé de grandir ces dernières années. Cet homme, né dans un milieu défavorisé et qui sera l’un des premiers intouchables à faire des études supérieures, à bénéficier d’une bouse pour étudier aux États-Unis et à Londres, et à se hisser au plus haut niveau de l’État indien dont il a participé à la fondation. Il fut député, ministre de la Justice, du Travail… On lui doit pour l’essentiel la constitution indienne, notamment les articles sur la laïcité, la lutte contre les discriminations. Très jeune, il a lutté contre le système des castes et, une fois au gouvernement, il a mis en place une discrimination positive.
Bhimrao Ramjo Ambedkar est né le 14 avril 1891 à Mhow (appelé aujourd'hui Ambedkar Nagar) dans le Madhya Pradesh. Son anniversaire a été fêté publiquement pour la première fois à Pune en 1928 par ses partisans. Mais il a fallu attendre 1990, à la veille de son centenaire, pour que le Dr Ambdekar reçoit à titre posthume le Bharat Ratna, la plus haute distinction civile indienne. En outre, la période 1990-91 avait été déclarée « Année de la justice sociale ». Certains État de l’Inde célèbrent le 14 avril une journée de l’équité. Babasaheb Ambedkar (son surnom) est particulièrement vénéré par les intouchables qu’il appelait les datits, et basses castes dont il était (car sa famille était de la la caste des Mahars) ; mais aussi des bouddhistes, car un an avant sa mort, en 1956, il s’était converti au Bouddhisme pour protester contre le maintien de l’esprit des castes (pourtant abolies par la constitution) et la sur-représentation des hautes castes au sommet de l’État. Il avait entraîné avec lui la conversion en masse de plusieurs centaines de milliers d’intouchables.
Ambedkar Jayanti n'est pas une fête nationale en Inde. Mais, c'est un jour férié dans 25 États et territoires de l'Union indienne (sur 36) , dont Andhra Pradesh , Bihar , Chandigarh , Chhattisgarh , Goa , Gujarat , Haryana , Himachal Pradesh , Jammu-et-Cachemire , Jharkhand , Karnataka , Kerala , Ladakh , Madhya Pradesh. , Maharashtra , Odisha , Pondichéry , Pendjab , Rajasthan , Sikkim , Tamil Nadu , Telangana , Uttarakhand , Uttar Pradesh , Bengale occidental…
Ce sont ces deux dernières décennies que le culte d’Ambdekar a pris de l’ampleur. Le jour de son anniversaire, les gens se rassemblent devant les statues et les mémoriaux du Dr Ambedkar pour lui rendre hommage. Les autorités indiennes ont fini par s’y plier et à déclarer, localement, la journée du 14 avril comme fériée. Les écoles et les universités organisent des séminaires, des conférences et des discussions pour informer les jeunes générations sur la vie, les philosophies et les contributions d'Ambedkar. Les processions et rassemblements publics sont très courants dans le cadre des célébrations. On organise chaque année un marathon, « Run for Ambdekar » , des spectacles de danse et de musique traditionnelles illustrant les thèmes de l'égalité et de la justice sociale ajoutent une dimension culturelle aux célébrations. On prononce des discours et organise des débats sur des questions liées à la justice sociale et à la discrimination de caste.
Il n’est pas vraiment dans la droite ligne de l’Inde de Narendra Modi mais son culte n’a cessé de grandir ces dernières années. On célèbre aussi l’anniversaire de sa mort, chaque 6 décembre, Mahaparinirvan Diwas.
Un article de l'Almanach international des éditions BiblioMonde, 13 avril 2024
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monempathieetmoi · 1 year
Mais du coup si au collège ils ont le droit d'etudier la bible parceque c'est de la "culture", ils ont le droit d'etudier le Seigneur des anneaux ou Harry Potter non?
Quitte à étudier des concepts qui n'existent pas c'est pareil non? (et y'en a même certains qui n'ont déclenché aucune guerre physique 😏).
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micmacplanet · 2 years
laïcité à l’école nombreuses atteintes
laïcité à l’école nombreuses atteintes
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timriva-blog · 1 month
Feminismo, laicismo y multiculturalidad
El movimiento feminista aún es blanco de ataques religiosos y políticos de distinto signo. Ante estas derivas autoritarias, hay que defender el Estado laico. Por Gisela Kozak Rovero No cabe duda de que el movimiento feminista ha tenido éxitos resonantes con el reconocimiento –al menos en el papel– de la dignidad humana de la mujer en muchos países del mundo, incluso en aquellas regiones que por…
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le-journal-catalan · 5 months
La Laïcité s’affiche et s’affirme aussi en catalan
C’est lors de l’Assemblée générale de l’Office Public de la Langue Catalane (OPLC), réunie à l’Université de Perpignan jeudi 7 décembre, que les membres de cet établissement public ont présenté l’une des dernières productions pédagogiques : la Charte de la Laïcité à l’École – Carta de la Laïcitat a l’Escola.Élaborée à l’intention des personnels, des élèves et de l’ensemble des membres de la…
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sabbathsermon · 8 months
Abaya, laïcité et liberté de conscience
Abaya, laïcité et liberté de conscience Faut-il en parler ? En voyant la polémique, on se dit que peut-être pas. Toutefois, il y a quelque chose de profondément important derrière le jeu des instrumentalisations politiques et religieuses tant du vêtement féminin que des interdictions du gouvernement. Quelque chose d’important, car quelque chose qui nous concerne tous, ou qui finira tôt ou tard…
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pierre-hector · 9 months
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Symbole laïc s'il en est [1], et carrefour de l'Europe à toutes les sauces... mêmes médiévales — on arrête pas de réécrire l'histoire. — « Le beffroi de Mons est un des plus récents parmi les beffrois de Belgique et de France. Ce beffroi, classé depuis le 15 janvier 1936, relève du Patrimoine majeur de Wallonie et fait partie des beffrois de Belgique et de France reconnu en tant que patrimoine mondial de l'Humanité par l'Unesco depuis le 1er décembre 1999. Il est le seul de style baroque reconnu par l'UNESCO. Mesurant 87 mètres, au point culminant de la ville de Mons, construite sur une colline. [...] L’origine du site remonte au XIe siècle lorsque les comtes de Hainaut décidèrent d’y établir leur demeure au point le plus haut de la butte offrant une place forte au carrefour de l’Europe. Le bâtiment a été récemment rénové pendant plus de 30 ans [2]. Le bâtiment appartient à la Ville de Mons et connu dans les années 1980' des chutes d'éléments en pierre et de nombreuses fuites dans ses toitures. La restauration récente se termina par l'établissement du centre d'interprétation par le biais d'un parcours muséal au cœur de la tour. Les travaux ont été financés par les Fonds européens [3], la région Wallonne, le commissariat général au Tourisme (CGT) et la Ville de Mons (1). » — (1) https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beffroi_de_Mons (cons. 31 juil. 2023). [1] ndr : ce n'est pas l'archange Saint Michel qui est au sommet, mais une girouette. [2] ndr : Il y a de l'espoir pour la gare qui n'est pas loin. [3] ndr : Nos deniers et la Belgique a une contribution nette négative ; elle reçoit de l'UE davantage qu'elle ne verse. En 2017, elle a versé 2978 M€ à l'UE et a reçu 7358 M€ en retour avec donc un bénéfice de 4380 M€... cela sur le dos des contribuables français, allemands, italiens, hollandais et anglais à l'époque. La Nouvelle République, « Budget de l'Union européenne : combien versent les États et que reçoivent-ils en retour ? », pub. 4 avr. 2019, https://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/a-la-une/budget-de-l-union-europeenne-combien-versent-les-etats-et-que-recoivent-ils-en-retour (cons. 31 juil. 2023).
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mounadiloun · 2 years
Inclusivité et laïcité
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stephanegemmani · 2 years
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De #JeSuisMila à #JeSuisAvecMila… 🫶 #Laïcité #LibertéDexpression ✊ (at La Table Ronde) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdgbJf0tr20/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gerardgaltier · 2 years
Monseigneur di Falco s’en prend à l’Académie Française, qui semble soutenir tous ceux qui ne veulent plus de jours fériés à connotation catholique, mais qui les prennent quand même, sans trop se poser de questions...
Vous n’allez peut-être pas me croire ? Pourtant ce temps des élections commence à me fatiguer.  Vous aussi ?… Alors nous pouvons nous entendre. Vous avez enfin pris conscience que nous allons élire  577 députés. Et alors ? Nous avons déjà des sénateurs, des députés européens, des élus régionaux, des élus départementaux, des élus communautaires, des élus communaux… Soit au total, plus de 600.000…
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inlowearthorbit · 2 months
The insistence that Israel is an "ethnostate" and uniquely evil among states by being a state with a majority population of one particular ethnicity and the state favoring one religion (though while protecting and facilitating the practice of others, actually, for example by extending the right to religious holidays off work to Christians and Muslims) is an example of Americans being totally ignorant of how... Most other countries work.
Most countries are populated by a majority of people of their particular ethnicity and most countries favor a specific religion if not outright stating so, including the alleged leftist paradise of Europe.
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A Muslim organization and a civil rights group seeking to suspend Quebec's ban on prayer spaces in public schools have been denied leave to appeal a court decision that maintained the ban.
Quebec Court of Appeal Justice Robert Mainville ruled Wednesday that he's not convinced the appeal — which sought to allow the prayer spaces while the courts hear a constitutional challenge — had a reasonable chance of success.
"The courts will not lightly order that a duly adopted law or regulation be rendered inoperative before it has undergone a full constitutional review, since it is presumed to have been adopted in the public interest," Mainville wrote.
The Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the National Council of Canadian Muslims are challenging the constitutionality of the prayer space ban. A lawyer for the two groups had argued before Mainville on Monday that a Quebec Superior Court judge erred in June when he refused to suspend the ban.
Olga Redko said the rule, which forbids schools from making any space available on school grounds for students to pray overtly, will cause irreparable harm to Muslim students. The Superior Court judge failed to properly consider the significance of the harm and the urgency of the situation, with classes scheduled to resume in late August and no trial date set, she said. [...]
Continue Reading.
Note from the poster @el-shab-hussein: Because people are still going to read this and continue being obstinate and pretending they don't see the issue, the only people who need a prayer room throughout the day are Muslims, to fulfill our 5 daily prayers. This targets Muslims specifically. Even if it was vague enough, why are all these legal changes to religious behaviour's legality coming now? Québec has had a long time to secularize, a long long time. Why did it only start when Muslims started showing up in large numbers after the Syrian war? Think about it. Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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micmacplanet · 7 months
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