stickpop · 2 years
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[AF-007] Kupava for ~zeevaff
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sosuperawesome · 1 year
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Van Gogh and Klimt Purses // Kupava Felt
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unhonestlymirror · 6 months
Song of the day:
Ko gervynas
My colleagues couldn't explain to me what "Ko gervynas" song means "because it's meaningless," but I really want to understand what I'm singing, at least šiek tiek. XD
There are lots of repeating parts, especially on the beginning:
Ko gervynas, ko kurkovo, lioj siūdo, ko kurkovo.
Yeah, it looks meaningless. But. Looking at the structure overall and some phonetical to neighbouring to Lithuania languages similarities, I can only suppose it means:
Where is cranberry, where is kurkova(s), pour the rain here, where is cranberry.
I'm not sure what "Lioj siūdo" means but it's most likely an archaic imperative form of the verb "lyti" - "to pour", and it also looks similar to Ukrainian "лій сюди" [lij śiudy] - "pour here". N.B. Ukraine, Belarus, and Lithuania used to be a one state, the GDL.
I don't know what kurkova(s) is either, hell, I don't even know what the Nominativ of this word should look like there are two settlements in modern Poland called Kurkowo, both quite close to Prussia (or on former Prussia), but I don't think it matters that much because in Polish, kurkowa means:
inaczej wieśniak, który jest bardzo irytujący swoim prostackim zachowaniem zazwyczaj dziewczyna.
otherwise, a peasant who is very irritating with their boorish behavior, usually a girl.
Okay. N.B. In late Commonwealth times, Lithuanian language was considered "peasant" and boorish. If to take it into account, it means:
Where is cranberry, where is a peasant(?) girl, pour the rain here, where is cranberry.
This phrase👆 repeats and repeats, so let's move on:
Upava karvelėlis, liaj, upava, lylia.
This one was hard. Karvelėlis means a girl, or a young woman. Not sure. "Liaj" looks like an Imperative form to me, and I only suppose it means "to sing". According to Polish dictionaries, "lilia (lylia) symbolizes virginity, purity, innocence, impeccability, modesty, glory, grace, incomparable beauty, majesty, heavenly happiness".
With Upava it's even harder. It can be:
A name. Very easy.
A reduced form of the Ancient Ruthenian word "kupava". Which also can be a name. This was the name given to girls born on the holiday of Kupala, the day of the summer solstice. Kupava is also called a plant - water lily. The word kupava means handsome, well-dressed, festively dressed: “На нашій вулиці все купали й молодці, а нема, нема найкулавшого” - is sung in one of the Kupala songs. It also can mean "the one who baths in rivers and lakes". Kupava, Kupavna - "a woman with a proud gait, magnificently dressed" - a Ukrainian folk explanation of the name.
Derivative of Upavas. Upavas in Sanskrit means "a fast, a religious or health ritual." Can be, but I don't think it matters much.
Overall, the next phrase is translated as:
A beautiful young woman, sing, (k)upava, sing, a lily.
This phrase is also a refrain, but this time, together with the first phrase. Let's move on:
Krės krės, varškės. O kam? Vaikam. Kokiem? Mažam, ne dideliem.
Finally, something understandable:
"Krės, krės, I'm carrying the cottage cheese. To whom? To children. To which? To little ones, not big."
A dialogue is a very common artistic medium for folk songs. We also have an assonance here and a bit of alliteration, a bit of tautology.
it is important to note that at the same time there is a repetition of sounds:
"Put puliut" - which in real life reminds some bird sounds. Or gurgling. I'm not an expert in bird sounds, unfortunately.
"Tu tu tu" and "Zum zum zum". Easy.
"Gyvi, gyvi" - "live live".
Let's move on:
Moka krunklys krunkliuoti, krunkliuoti,
O karvėlis burkuoti, burkuoti,
Garnys kaklalį rungyti, rungyti, rungyti.
Moka žvirblis čirškėti, čirškėti,
Moka strozdas švilpuoti, švilpuoti,
Šorka nori padėti, padėti,
Garnys kaklalį rungyti, rungyti, rungyti.
O gelguta kukuoti, kukuoti,
Garnys kaklalį rungyti, rungyti, rungyti.
Animal planet time:
A crow can caw, and a pigeon can coo,
And a gray heron can compete with its neck (with other herons).
A sparrow can chirp, and a magpie wants to help,
And a gray heron can compete with its neck (with other herons).
A thrush can whistle, and a cuckoo can cuckoo,
And a gray heron can compete with its neck (with other herons).
At the same time, there is a refrain "gyvi, gyvi, sveiki, gyvi" - which approximately means "live, live and be healthy".
In conclusion:
It's a typical Lithuanian spring song.
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nadiiaosov · 1 year
I wanted to create some "small" character. She's a halfling and her name Kupava( it's mean flower "kupalnycia") and she's a wizard
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alioks-blog · 1 year
The Alloro Understanding and How It Makes Us Question Reality
This is a continuation of this post about why we think Ostrovsky’s Snow Maiden is aro(ace)
The alloro interpretations of this story baffle us. We saw two versions of the play on the Internet and a discussion/analysis video, and now we can safely assume what they dislike and wanna change the most is the ending.
Let's describe the actual ending real quick. (TW: character death, suicide)
 After receiving the ability to love in form of a flower crown, Snow Maiden bumps into Mizgir', who's been lost in the forest all night, trying to find her. Snow Maiden assures him that she loves him now and he doesn't have to worry about it, but she doesn't forget the threat to her life. If the sun sees her being in love, he'll melt her! So the girl insists on hiding. Mizgir', however, tells her to forget the childish fears and come with him to the celebration, where they will marry and Mizgir' won't have to go to exile (to which he was sentenced after he dumped his fiance). They do so, and everyone cheers as they greet the sun, only for Snow Maiden to melt and her husband to throw himself in the river.
The two people in the discussion/analysis video both expressed their sentiment about the deaths and wished that both stayed alive instead. "Mizgir' is a good guy, actually*. Why couldn't have everything be happy, why couldn't have Snow Maiden stayed with Mizgir'?". 
And in both plays we watched, this is exactly what happened: Snow Maiden doesn't die, but instead lives happily ever after with Mizgir'! In one, it appears for a few moments that she melted, but the king comes forth and says that her ice heart melted instead, turning her human and letting her live with humans. The other play just doesn't explain anything: Snow Maiden just greets the sun with everyone, not minding anything and forgetting that she was scared out of her wits just three minutes ago. But... nothing???
In our opinion, it changes the idea of "Snow Maiden" entirely. But at leas it's clear to see what alloromantics consider a true happy ending - a conveniently beautiful character getting together with another one despite being unable to love romantically with a bad excuse of an explanation (if any at all) as to how that works and how she didn't die. Like, what, magic of love solved all the problems?!
When we watched all of these, it made us think: "Huh... So everyone laments the so-called 'happy ending'? Were we the only ones who just felt sad for poor Snow Maiden? Really?"
*This influenced our opinion on Mizgir' greatly, but even before that, we never really... considered him a good guy? Not a nice one, at least. He's just so desperate, and not in a very good manner: promising Snow Maiden riches in exchange for her love (as if that's how it should work, yeah), trying to keep her from running away in fear!! Red flags right here! Not to mention that he didn't care about Snow Maiden's very real "childish fears", because getting rid of that exile punishment is much more important. And don't even get us started on how he disgraced Kupava, comparing her openly loving behaviour to that of a cheating woman.
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randofics · 2 years
Oc Soldier x civilian reader pt.1?
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I couldn't get this idea out of my head so I had to write it out. I think I'll work on a part 2 idk.
Running for cover from the explosion behind you, you slid behind a chunk of concrete and braced for the raining debris. Dust engulfed you and you covered your face with your shirt. You sit there for a bit in case another explosion followed, but none came. You got up and looked around before jogging away. Making it to the treeline you wriggled into some bushes to hide for a bit. You looked through your backpack taking note of your supplies. Pulling your water jug out you take a few swigs of the artificial flavored liquid. It was orange flavored which you hoped would help prevent scurvy and sickness. You had found it in a partially destroyed kitchen knowing that even after purifying water it wouldn't taste great.
Suddenly you heard shouting and gunfire close by. You zipped up your bag and slipped out the other side of the bushes and into the thick woods. Thorns and broken branches caught on your clothing slowing your progress but eventually you got through to the less overgrown part of the forest. Seeing a small ravine in front of you, you carefully look down into it. It wasn't very deep in some spots but others you would most likely break something falling down. You find a short spot and decided to climb down so you wouldn't have to go around it. Carefully you tested the rock face for any loose material and finding good holds you slowly made your way down. When there was only a foot down you jumped landing safely. Now you had to find a way up the other side. You walk through the ravine looking for a short spot to climb up. So busy with looking up you didn't see the man on the ground in front of you.
"Hey!" You jumped at the sudden voice. The man was on the ground set against the side of the ravine. He pointed his pistol at you with a weak look on his face. You could tell by his accent that he was the enemy. But with no weapons of your own you couldn't defend yourself against him. Stepping back you lost your footing on the wet loose rocks. You fell backwards but your backpack saved you from hitting your head. You looked up to see that the man had lowered his weapon realizing that you weren't a real threat. You spotted the Kroyaepia Dynasty insignia on his vest. Kroyaepia was an empire to the east of your home, the Vulaerus Empire. "хто ты?"- who are you?" You couldn't understand him very well but with some basic hand gestures you understood what he asked. "My name is y/n. What's yours?" He took a moment to process whether he should answer or not. "Paval Kupava." You moved into a squatting position because your bottom was now wet from the soaked ground. Suddenly you realize that he was practically in a puddle and was shivering slightly from the cold.
You stood and took a few steps towards him making him pull his gun on you again. You made a few gestures to help him understand that you wanted to get him out of the puddle. He hesitated but when a particularly violent shiver shook him he relented. You held out your hand and pulled him up with all your strength. You had to prop him against you so he could steady himself. Now you could see the cut in his leg which he had tried to bandage. It wasn't too deep but it would need to be cleaned and stitched. Wait why were you helping the enemy!? well it was too late now because you already had his arm across your shoulders. He limped along with you as you continued searching for a way up. Finally you found a spot and you set him against the wall. You tested for loose rock and climbed up. Once you were up you tied your rope to a strong tree and tossed it down to him. You knew it would be hard for him to climb up but you wouldn't be able to pull him up either.
He slowly clambered up with the help of the rope. After his slow climb he collapsed on his back breathing heavily. You untied the rope then crouched beside him and pulled your jug out offering him some. He hesitated so you drank some yourself to show him it was ok. He gulped down some and handed it back to you. A cold breeze swept over you and you looked up to see the sun hanging low in the sky. Quickly you put everything in your bag and helped him up. You made a gesture on your wrist that you didn't have much time before nightfall. He nodded and you make your way deeper into the forest. Once you find a good spot to make camp you dig a hole for a fire in the side of a small hill. You gather sticks and wood and make some tinder with some wood shavings. Pulling out your fire piston and a piece of char cloth you light the fire. After a minute the fire is blazing in the hole with very little smoke billowing up. Paval scoots to the fire and holds his hands out to warm them. With little light left you start on a basic shelter. You find two branches with a y shape in them and stick them in the ground, laying another straight branch on them. Then you lean more branches against the cross beam, covering them with leaves.
You break some pine branches with bunches of leaves and lay them on the floor of the shelter Making a bed. With the shelter finished and the heat of the fire warming it up you pull out two cans of food. One is Chilli and the other is cream of mushroom soup. You pull the tabs on both and set them against the fire to let them cook. After a few minutes you can see them bubbling a bit and with two sticks you pull them away to cool. Paval's stomach grumbles at the smell making you laugh. By now it's dark and you lightly touch the cans to see if they're cool enough. You hand him the Chilli and he nods in thanks before opening it all the way. You open your's and take a gulp of the warm soup smiling at the nice feeling it gives. You pull out the jug and take a sip, handing it to him so he can have some. Once you've finished your meal you gesture that you want to look at his wound. He pulls up his pants leg allowing you to pull off the bandage.
You hiss at the sight of the cut and pull out some of your own first aid supplies including a shot bottle of vodka to disinfect any wounds. You gently whipe away any dirt from the gash and hand him a stick to bite down on. He sucks in a breath before you pour the alcohol onto the wound effectively flushing it clean. Quickly you pour a bit more on some fresh gauze and take a needle and thread whiping it down and preparing to stitch him up. The procedure is extremely painful and you take frequent breaks for him to catch his breath. You finish and tie the end of the stitch before placing another piece of gauze over the wound and wrapping it. You can tell Paval is exhausted and you start to help him into the shelter but he stops you. He pulls off his identifying flag and emblem tossing them into the fire behind you. He then gives you the ok to help move him. You wonder why he did that but seeing how tired he is you don't ask. You cover him with your blanket and sit back next to the fire for the first watch.
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victoriaderegus · 1 year
BUSINESS ACTIVITY 2004-present time
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«Pharmacy 450» (logo), Kharkov, UA; 
«XXP» (advertizing blocks in magazine), Kharkov, UA; 
«KLD» (logo, corporate package, letterhead, brand color, corporate font), Belgorod, RU; 
«Centaur Plus» (logo, corporate package, letterhead, brand color, corporate font) Belgorod, RU; 
«IZOVOL» (booklet), Belgorod, RU; 
«Opti-SM» (design of a logo) London; 
«Expat Media LLC» (design of a logo) London; 
«Magnezitovaja Plita» (booklet, a series of icons)Belgorod, RU;   
«Evrostroy Kharkov» (logo, business cards, booklet, the signs in the booklet, design of website), Kharkov, UA; 
«Gold Ukraina» (design of a logo, corporate press, business cards), Kharkov, UA; 
«Pannochka» (design of a logo), Kharkov, UA; 
«Karavan» (advertising on transport), Kharkov, UA; 
«SPEKA» (design of a logo), Kharkov, UA; 
«Faina models» (design of a logo), Kharkov, UA; 
«Polyplast» (branding plastic bags), Lugansk, UA; 
«STROYGIDRAVLIKA» (quarter calendar), Kharkov, UA; 
«CENTER of WOODWORKING TECHNOLOGIES» (letterhead), Kharkov, UA; 
Corporation «GLAVSTROY Mospromstrojmaterialy» (icons), Moscow, RU; 
«Floria» (development of a new series of labels, price label, leaflets, shelf-taker, banner, t-shirt branding, outdoor advertising, advertising on transport), Kharkov, UA;  
«Suzirya» (labels, price lists, leaflets, shelf-taker, banner, outdoor advertising, advertising on transport), Kharkov, UA;  
«Picnic» (logo, labels), Kharkov, UA; 
«SESA» (business cards, diploma), Kharkov, UA;
«Extra Cola» (logo, the image on the bottle cap, labels, price label, leaflets, posters, design of a bottle), Kharkov, UA; 
«Extra Cola zi smakom moroziva» (logo, image on the bottle cap, labels, design of a bottle), Kharkov, UA; 
«Master Frut» (labels, price label, leaflets, shelf-taker, poster, campaign), Kharkov, UA; 
«Kupava» (logo, labels, design of a bottle, price label, leaflets, poster), Kharkov, UA; 
«PIC» (logo, business cards), Kharkov, UA; 
«SIMEX Group» (design of a logo) Moscow, RU; 
«ATS» (booklet, catalogue), Moscow, RU; 
The plant «Gidromash» (postcard), Melitopol, UA; 
Italian automotive oil and special liquid «Agip» (booklet, poster, banners on website,) Kharkov, UA; 
Menu design for Irish restaurant (list of food, list of drinks), Moscow, RU; 
Advertising winter tyres «Сooper» (board), Kharkov, UA; 
Advertising winter tyres «KAMA» (leaflets, banners on website), Kharkov, UA; 
Advertising of cars Lada (leaflets, board, banners on website), Dnepropetrovsk, UA; 
Different banners on «Losk», Kharkov, UA; 
«OAO VTI» (business card), Kharkov, UA;
Conference GAS. «Reorganization of approaches to the inclusion and certification of participants in the retail service and sales channel in Ukraine», UA - Graphic design conferences; 
Conference «The market of components for cars VAZ in Ukraine. Prospects of development», UA - Graphic design conferences; 
2008 & 2009: 
«Dorozna Karta» (banners, billboards, signboards, signs, pointers, strips, advertizing blocks, postcards, business cards, the content of the company website (pages, design headers on website, buttons, banners on website, scheme of travel), slats, signs, flags, lightboxes, stella, Kharkov, UA;  
2008 & 2009: 
«Omega-Avtopostavka» (outdoor advertising, folder, letterhead, corporate package, cover, badge, souvenirs, graphics on the disk and disc cover, leaflets,  posters, pointers, conduct of corporate identity of the company, design headers on website, banners on corporate website, the content of the site, Kharkov, UA; 
Advertising winter tyres «Сooper» (boards, banners, posters, leaflets, stepper, booklet), Kharkov, UA;  
Advertising winter tyres «Hankook» (bords, banners, stepper), Kharkov, UA; 
The insurance company «Velta» (leaflet), Kharkov, UA; 
«Simex Group» (logo), Moscow - St. Petersburg, RU;  
Publishing house «OSNOVA» (gift certificates, class timetables, calendars, booklet), Kharkov, UA;
Pestaurant «Sherwood» (cocktail menu, children's menu), Kharkov, UA;
Corporation «MOSTINVEST» (folder, design of website, design headers on the website, design of prompt of the site, buttons, site icons, redesign of a logo), Kharkov, UA;
«SVOYA» (poster, sticker), Kharkov, UA;
«TASCOM» (labels), Kharkov, UA;
«Translation agency» (business card), Kharkov, UA; 
Beauty salon «Cleopatra» (business card), Kharkov, UA;  
«La Strada» (a series of outdoor advertising), Kharkov, UA;  
«Terra Infinity Travel» (outdoor advertising), Kharkov, UA;  
«MAFIA» (gift certificate), Kharkov, UA;
Insurance company «Velta» (leaflet), Kharkov, UA;
«Rokfor Market» (outdoor advertising), Kharkov, UA;  
Website «Kinoman» (design headers on the website), Kharkov, UA;
2010 & 2012: Publishing house «Factor» and its branches (posters, leaflets, calendars, covers, cards, icons, advertizing blocks, banners on websites, site business card), Kharkov, UA;
Beauty salon «Beauty Studio» (design of website, banners on website, design headers on website, outdoor advertising, price list), Kharkov, UA;
Company «Bravo» (leaflet), Kharkov, UA;
Publishing house of children's literature and art «PELICAN» (booklet, catalogue), Yevpatoria, UA; 
Online shop women's shopping club «Chocolate» (leaflet), Kharkov, UA; 
«Stroitelnie Materiali» (banners, signs), Belgorod, RU; 
«GAZPROMHOLDING» (online shop), Kharkov, UA; 
«Ukrainian Souvenirs» (lightboxes, billboards, branding of the stands, outdoor advertising), Kiev, UA; 
«Pharmacy 9-1-1» (leaflet, advertizing blocks), Kharkov, UA; 
Сoffee company «VALEO ROSSI» (branding of cars), Kharkov, UA;
«Delmar» (branding of the ceiling), Kiev, UA;
«KosMix» (business card), Kharkov, UA; 
«Vilena» (business card), Simferopol, UA; 
«LUA Crystal» (design of a logo), UA;
«ANVI Fishing» (design of a logo), Kharkov, UA; 
Borispol airport (the New Year's stands, sticker on cash zones, branding of the stand with guides, branding of the chocolate stand), Kiev, UA; 
Сompany «Sandblasting of metal products» (branding of cars), Kharkov, UA;
«RUTEX» (series of packages), Kharkov, UA;  
Publishing house «Micar» (series of covers), Kharkov, UA; 
2011-2012: «SAN FLEX» (labels), Kharkov, UA;  
International Institute of modern medicine «On Clinic» (prepress, banner on website), Kharkov, UA; 
«ORDANA» (label), Kharkov, UA; 
«STO PUDOV» (series of labels, calendar, series of banners for outdoor advertising), Kharkov, UA; 
«FAMILY TRIP» (design of a logo, design of website, design headers on website, favicon), UA; 
«Plaster in the machine way» (branding of cars) Kharkov, UA; 
«English School of Tomorrow» (design of website, design headers, buttons, the festive design of  website), Kharkov, UA; 
«Kharkovsaharsbyt» (working with color package for social survey in supermarkets), Kharkov, UA; 
«ARMA TRADE» (logo), Kharkov, UA; 
«Nad Kapotom» (design of a logo, design of website, buttons), Moscow, RU; 
«LORINA» (design of website, design headers on website, buttons), Kharkov, UA; 
«I-TOCHKA» (logo design, online shop, buttons, business cards), Kharkov, UA; 
«Anita» (corporate cards), Kharkov, UA; 
«Anita Care» (advertizing block), Kharkov, UA; 
«Anita Maternity» (underwear price, swimwear price), Kharkov, UA; 
«Anita Active» (price of sports underwear), Kharkov, UA; 
«Samara-Premium» (drawing, redesign of a logo), Kharkov, UA; 
«TD Auto» (drawing of a logo, business card), Kharkov, UA; 
«SexiShop» (online shop, buttons), Kharkov, UA; 
2015 - present time: Old constant customers & а customers, who expressed desire to not to place the project in a portfolio, not to specify authorship (for confidentiality reasons), Worldwide
Thank you for you time. I hope for a long and fruitful cooperation.
With love, Victoria Deregus
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vitwix · 2 years
Kupava - Production of Diapers from Twix Production on Vimeo.
A video showing the process of diaper production
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kran-art · 5 years
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mermaidenmystic · 2 years
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KUPAVA (print) ~ for a MerMay exhibit ~ watercolor ~ Brigitte Roka ~ https://www.gallerynucleus.com/detail/29623/ 
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dark-water-siren · 3 years
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Kupava by Brigitte Roka
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Kupava by Brigitte Roka (Prints Available for Purchase)
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viktor-vasnetsov · 2 years
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Kupava, 1885, Viktor Vasnetsov
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unhonestlymirror · 4 months
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Portraits of Vytautas by Belaruthian artists:
1. By Мікола Купава (Mikoła Kupava)
2. By Павел Татарнікаў (Pavel Tatarnikaŭ)
3. Першай беларускай паштоўкай, прысвечанай Вітаўту, была паштоўка "Вялікі князь Вітаўт”, якая выйшла з друку на эміграцыі напачатку 1950-х гадоў.
The first Belaruthian postcard dedicated to Vytautas was the postcard "Grand Duke Vitaŭt", which was printed in exile in the early 1950s.
4. By Арлен Кашкурэвіч (Arlen Kaškurevič)
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nicholasroerich · 3 years
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Kupava, 1920, Nicholas Roerich
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alioks-blog · 1 year
Snow Maiden’s Aspec Experiences
This is a continuation of this post about why we think Ostrovsky’s Snow Maiden is aro(ace)
We noticed that Snow Maiden's experiences are a lot like aro experiences (some may also be applied to aces, but we’ll cover a specific one later):
- Lel' leaves her to for alloromantic girls, and later for a romantic relationship with someone else, making her feel that she isn't beautiful/worthy, because that's how she understands this whole "choosing someone" thing.
- Lel' calls Snow Maiden's love "childish" (hellooo infantilization)
- The king can't believe that "such a beautiful girl" doesn't fall in love.
- Same king wants Snow Maiden to get together with someone, because this will surely please their supreme deity. 
- Snow Maiden's female friend Kupava is happy to soon get married with a handsome rich merchant named Mizgir'. As soon as the guy sees Snow Maiden, however, he breaks up with his fiancé, because "one can't control their heart". Kupava yells at Snow Maiden, demanding that she gives Mizgir' back. The titular character is hurt by her friend's words. She feels sorry for Kupava and wants nothing to do with this. She didn’t ask for Mizgir’ to fall in love with her!
- Snow Maiden's poor and greedy caretakers want her to get together with Mizgir' for their own financial gain. Actually, getting rich through marriage might be one of the reasons they took her in in the first place.
- She is forced to chase Lel' away, even though she doesn't want that. It's almost like everyone but her prioritizes romance over friendship! Wait a minute. That's because they do.
- Mizgir' says passionate speeches, attempts to buy her love with jewelry and invades Snow Maiden's personal space, all of which just scares her. 
- Snow Maiden doesn't want to be alone, which is the only reason she asks her mother for the ability to love (because friendships aren't as important in this society, as you might've noticed).
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