#krampus meme
murdercake · 5 months
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I hope you got everything you wanted this year. Say, what's that over there behind the desk? One more present: My 2023 Krampus comics.
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teathattast · 1 year
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She would do numbers on tumblr
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zal-cryptid · 3 months
Y'know Zal, I was thinking. Paul, Jen, Gabe, Dolores, Mel, Tammy...that's 6/9 canonically queer characters. Does Krampus just hate queer people? Is Krampus a self-loathing pansexual? Or does he love giving queer people a second chance...
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To be fair, he didn't know half of them were queer, and even if he did, he doesn't give them a free pass if they choose to be horrible people.
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troublemakingrebel · 6 months
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Krampus Khan is at again, folks...
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punkonbus1701 · 6 months
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May this flirtation between Paramount and Warner Bros. be only a Christmas fling! David Zaslav is a petaQ and need be nowhere near Star Trek!🖖🏿
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hedgewitchgarden · 6 months
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misspjsuperior · 6 months
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The "thinning of the veil" (as if a veil ain't thin already by very definition) is by tradition NOT a "one night only" event on Halloween. Samhain more traditionally marks the BEGINNING of “spooky season" in its pagan roots. As recently as the Victorian period Christmas time, amidst the darkest of days around winter solstice, is when that aforementioned veil actually is historically considered worn most bare. Traditional European Christmas figures like Krampus and Mari Lwyd have in recent years regained a once waned popularity to remind us of this. Most American pagans still are unaware there already is a sort of “second/spring Halloween” that they call for, referred to modernly as Walpurgis Night in the UK and Hexennacht in Germany. This time is kind of a bookend with Samhain in the northern wheel of the four seasoned year with Samhain. So fret not goths, lean further into the roots and use this excuse to resurrect more morbid beauty to this crazy world!
Spooky Xmas art by PJ Superior
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nickreads89 · 6 months
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Happy Krampus day!
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spookyhotmess · 7 months
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pixelsunshine · 4 months
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Whoa hey there friends- did you know that I do art requests for my patrons who are at my $6 tier?
That’s right man- 6 bucks is all you have to pay for a really rad drawing of your OC, fave character, or neat concept. Here’s some sketches I’ve done in the past:
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You also get some snail mail sent to you each month if you live in the US!
Anyway- you can join here if this seems like the kind of thing you’d like!
Spring Fox Studios patreon
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insidious-journalist · 11 months
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[Bite] - Danny feels himself getting watched in his own place. It feels oddly cold and suddenly, thunder breaks down above his house with stormy rain banging onto his home. When the raindrops hit the windows, they suddenly turned into iceflowers, a cracking noise followed the layer of ice that suddenly grew. Frost started to cover his home's interior like a velvet blanket.
Then, a shadow moved. Bigger, wider. Then the shadow shaped into Krampus. He looked stronger than when the two met the first time. Now he was sporting four arms and a tail that moved when he started to approach Danny.
It was a few seconds of creepy staring when the glowing orange eyes turned red and he lunged forward, baring his teeth. Sporting not one but multiple rows of sharp fangs like a demonic shark, it was clear that the demon had been upset somehow. A low rumbling glow came from his throat, making the ground vibrate.
(I still love your art you made <3)
Weather had never before touched the Ghostface's residence until now. The Entity had left it in the state it was when the being had stolen it years prior, and so Danny was stuck in this monotonous realm without the rain or sun to brighten the place up. And so when snow began to fall rapidly and blanket his home, he got a sinking feeling that pushed him to quickly dawn his trials gear and prepare for... Whatever was going on.
Once the windows were frosted over he hunkered down in the living room, blade drawn as if he could somehow fight off the incoming snow like it was alive and killable. But then the shadows crept up the wall, and coalesced into a vaguely familiar form he hadn't seen in months. Was that... Krampus? The Krampus? Why did he look so different, what the fuck was going on-
But there was no time to ask. This twisted thing snarled and made it's intentions clear, and Danny quickly scrambled away from his charge and attempted to get upstairs. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck-
His arm, its tattoos, burned bright orange beneath his dense dark cloth and already the snow outside began to melt away. Seems like his Entity is more focused on keeping the house unaltered than protecting the one living in it, a fact Danny cursed ashe tried to escape the winter demon's fury.
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murdercake · 6 months
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Happy Krampusnacht! Be sure to do something relaxing after work. More Krampus to come!
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thethetwistedone · 2 years
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This might becoming an addiction
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mamastumpf · 1 year
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glassofb33r · 1 year
None at all.
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cheshiremask · 1 year
Lookout. My roadrage alone is enough to sentence me to the naughty list.
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