#kotlc fics
theogony · 4 months
nocturne in silver and blue
a/n : written originally for the kotlc secret santa for @that-glasses-dog except i horribly procrastinated on it </3. anyway i hope you enjoy the fic regardless because it is a 6k worddump on love existing despite everything and involves some of the hardest writing i've ever had to do (which probably explains the tonal whiplash). also i have already said too much so i will let you read the rest of this fic now
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“Yup,” he enunciates, popping the last syllable - not missing the sharp intake of breath from a person he knows all too well. “Neither of us have been found by our soulmates yet. Which makes me wonder - what about you, Tam? Is there any lucky girl or guy in your cards yet?” The boy in question goes rigid - unusually so, and the voice that next emerges is so painfully cold it feels downright wrong. “No, of course not. Did it seem like the opposite?” Keefe’s eyes narrow, his gaze analytical at the stiffness in his movements. A heartbeat passes between the both of them, and the steely grey of Tam’s irises gleam like a knife’s edge. Keefe wonders if it’d be like kissing steel - like pricking blood that beads up like dirtied snow. “You’re lying.” - Alternatively; In a world where you see in greyscale until you hear your soulmate laugh for the first time, Keefe laughs a lot - loud and bright. Tam...barely even smiles.
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Contrary to popular belief, Keefe doesn’t quite hate Tam Song. 
Sure, there was that tiny blip between the two of them - that blip of time when they fought like cats and dogs, both too eager to prove themselves to a world that refused to accept them for what they were and moulded them into something jaded and angry. 
But Keefe has never hated Tam Song.
He's come close to starting right now, though. 
“Wait…you're telling me that Keefe Sencen can't carry a tune to save his life?”
Tam smiles mildly as he plays back the recording of an extremely familiar muffled voice in the showers. 
“Give me that!”
As Keefe launches himself onto Tam's prone body without much warning, the rest of them begin to hoot and cheer, the easy light of the campfire warming them as they all gorged on the leftover marshmallows from the council meeting/friend group meetup/sleepover made to remedy the fact that neither Tam or Linh had ever been to one. 
Before Keefe can properly grab a fistful of his bangs, a peal of laughter rings out from the corner like tinkling bells - and the rest of them quiet down, staring at Linh - who's currently trying to muffle the growing redness in her face into a stuffed pillow. 
Dex shrugs, before reaching out to grab another handful of chips, ignoring Sophie's loud exclamation. 
“Anyone seen any life-changing colours yet?”
The entire group blinks, and Linh momentarily stiffens, before relaxing after no one shifts forward - only to coil back when Keefe teasingly pokes her in her ribs. 
“No need to look so relieved there - I'm sure I would have made a beautiful soulmate.”
Linh shrugs, cheeks reddening even further as the rest of them fully face her now. Tam warily shifts closer, only halting after she places a gentle hand on his. 
read the rest on ao3!
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kotlcfics · 2 months
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“the sun, stars, and moon are gorgeous.”
“what’s worse than being powerless? being too powerful.”
“i like purple, it’s fit for a royal.”
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Lunar Dahlia Wilson is a girl who did archery when she was younger, but had to stop due to her doctors comments from the mysterious sun, moon, and star marks on her hand.
She loves the sun, moon, and stars and is often called like “Moon, Starlight, Luna, Eclipse, Sunlight, Celeste, etc.”
She has purple eyes, but wears blue contacts to hide them.
She loves the colors purple, blue, white, black, grays, pinks, and golds/silvers and mainly wears those colors.
She was taught combat from her guardians ever since she was young.
She around the same age as Sophie and too has photographic memory.
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Copyrights © 2023 kotlcfics. All rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost anything without my permission.
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sorry if it's a stupid question but when you say that juline is taken prisoner by the neverseen, it's in her Squall disguise or just as juline dizznee?
i mean,, do you think they know her identity
no it’s not stupid! i never specified
i think it will probably be something like, the Neverseen attack Dex, Stina, Juline (and whoever else is present), Juline ends up getting captured, and while the Neverseen don’t know she’s Squall they are still going to interrogate her, so she takes the poison from her ring to not only hide that’s she part of the Black Swan Collective but also any sensitive information from the Neverseen
Yeahhhh this is gonna be my Neverseen extravaganza fic.
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synonymroll648 · 2 years
Hey this might be kinda weird, but do you have any sokeefitz fic recs?
anon this is so so so far from weird - people have dubbed me the sokeefitz person on tumblr, so you came to the right place!!!
if anyone reads through this list and thinks i missed an excellent sokeefitz fic to recommend, recommend it in a reblog!! for real!! these are just fics that are coming to mind off the top of my head - a starting point, if you will.
No Limits to Love by sweetmothiricannotwrite (@/gay-otlc on here!) is an all time fav of mine. literally one of the best sokeefitz fics ever. definitely go read that one first and foremost. sweetmothiricannotwrite also wrote another amazing sokeefitz fic called Jealousy, so i definitely recommend that one too!!
Drops of Jupiter by theunmappedstar (also @/theunmappedstar on here!) is a collection of queer kotlc oneshots, a few of which are sokeefitz. i'm pretty sure this oneshot collection was actually my introduction to sokeefitz, if i recall correctly. anyway. i'm specifically recommending chapter 4 [it's called party (sokeefitz)]. chapter 5 is good too, but in my opinion, chapter 4 is where it's at. bonus fics they wrote exclusively on tumblr (from what i've seen): sokeefitz day 6: cozy and this untitled catboy au fic that has tucked itself into a warm nook in my heart :)
Only in my darkest moments (can I see the light) by Tobi_Continued (@/xanadaus on here!) also has a very very special place in my heart. i will admit there's probably bias with my love of this one since tobi wrote this fic using one of my posts as inspiration, but. that does not change the fact that i love it.
there's more sokeefitz works in the sokeefitz ao3 tag, so if you wanna find more in case you think there's a really good one i missed, go for it! i personally recommend searching by kudos or bookmarks over the default date updated setting. good luck, though - there's only 36 works in the sokeefitz ao3 tag as of the date i'm posting this (10/2/22). and ofc, searching through the sokeefitz tag here on tumblr (try sorting by top, not recent) is a good way of getting content of various mediums that aren't just fics, such as fanart!
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shithead-123 · 1 year
Psst. I updated the Marty fic. I have three chapters on ao3 right now, and a 4th in the works.
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kingkrakie · 2 months
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memory loss au???
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periwinkle-the-11th · 1 month
I think my favorite kotlc fic that i've ever written is the one where young Sophie catches Mr. Forkle sneaking into her house (a thing he canonically did to mess with her mind) and she just. pepper sprays him. straight in the eyes. dead on.
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bookwyrminspiration · 1 month
opened my kotlc from fitz's perspective fic for the first time in a while
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everliving-everblaze · 3 months
You know, I see a lot of older fans talk about "the 2020 fandom," and I truly think that was an unrepeatable situation. Not ONLY were we all on pandemic brain, but the author of the series had just announced for the first time that there wouldn't be a full book that year. We had all the free time in the world, zero content coming our way, and had just been left on a book where Sophitz broke up and Keefe got put into a coma. How could we NOT have gone absolutely feral? anything was possible
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 3 months
do ya'll remember how awkward and tense it was between Fitz and Tiergan when he first started mentoring sophie and him??
cuz I do. It's good fic material is all I'm saying...
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aphelea · 7 months
what if fitz’s full name is actually fitzruy (the registry misspelled it) and he’s been ruy this whole time
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myfairkatiecat · 23 days
Mirrored Conflicts chapter 15!!
Technically it is on time. It is still Sunday. That is the update promise 😅
Sophie and her friends face the falling out after the day’s events, and Keefe faces a much harsher punishment that makes him question his own choice. And he doesn’t know where to go….
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@swans-chirping-in-the-distance @venux777 @figure-skating-avocado @vildefol @milo-igidk @iggydancebreak @imobsessed123 @justmossyall @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @purplebunnydraws @permanently-stressed @cutebisexualmess @thoughtlescat @sparklenarniawizard @sacrificiallovingyetagain
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Have we all collectively forgotten that Grady doesn't hate Keefe anymore?
It started in at least Nightfall, when he "looked at Keefe like he'd never seen him before." He finally started to see the soft side of Keefe. He started to see what Sophie saw in him.
You'll notice in Stellarlune that he was totally chill with Keefe living at Havenfield and even offered to train him.
He doesn't call him That Boy now, either.
I honestly think when ue finds out about Sokeefe Sophie is gonna expect some blow up and he's just like "Sophie you have a strong head on your shoulders and I trust you" and "I don't hate you Keefe"
I could see him being a father figure for Keefe, honestly, and I feel like no one notices his character development.
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 20 days
wow y’all where no where near this supportive when i was witch hunted holy shit
the posts that where made general attitude was “if you’re prolife fuck go yourself and block me” or “im pro choice if you have a problem with that block me” i had to literally tell the only person who supported me the whole time not to say anything out of fear they would get targeted too, i didn’t have this kind of support. what i posted wasn’t even supposed to go on that blog, it wasn’t reblogged intentionally, and it was taken down quickly. i was still witch hunted for it two months later.
its just a little funny to see who and what you’re all willing to publicly support and what you’re not.
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synonymroll648 · 10 months
after fitz cools off a little bit about sophie and keefe being a thing, he should drop tidbits about keefe (mostly during trust exercises) that he thinks she might find helpful since they're dating.
the thing is, instead of just stuff like, 'keefe loves frogs, so he might appreciate a gift or trip related to them, idk' he also drops things like 'btw if you just hold his hand in your hands - specifically towards the back of his head, just behind his ears - while you're talking to him, he'll probably melt haha. also his scalp is sensitive, do with that what you will, but make sure you're gentle'.
bonus points if sophie asks keefe about why every single tidbit fitz gives is correct and he goes tomato red for the first time ever and sputters out something like 'i gave fitz the lord of the snuggles title based on personal experience - he's clingy when he's tired, ok?'
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I think that Elwin has had a lot of kids that went to Foxfire that he cared deeply about, and i think a good portion of those kids got banished. for every kid that gets banished he buys a stuffed animal to remember them by and those stuffies take up a lot of the space in his stuffie room.
there’s no way all those kids survived, and the reason he’s so protective over his stuffed animals collection is because it’s all he has left of those kids. he can go through all the stuffed animals and name each child they where bought for, but he can’t do it very long without crying.
because all he can think about is all the ways those kids could have died, and he’s angry at the council for banishing them, and most of all he blames himself for not figuring out how to save them, even though that was basically impossible
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