kingkrakie · 3 days
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I forgot I love them
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milo-igidk · 9 months
do you guys ever think about how the reason keefe dislikes and resents tam so bad is probably because theyre so much alike, but tam got out. they both had shitty families but where keefe was all alone tam had his sister at least, he had some support through it. and tam managed to defy his parents and leave, managed to stop the abuse. tam was in a similar position as him but he managed to be stronger and do what keefe still hasnt been able to do even after so many years, hes not able to not let his parents affect him at some degree, hes not able to not be weak towards his mother and to not let his father still hurt him. why did they get to get away when hes still stuck there, not being strong enough to be able to change it do you guys ever think about that gUYS DO YOU EVER-
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tam-shade-song · 8 months
ok so I saw this Headcanon and now I'm running w/ it-
Tam stood in front of the mirror, glaring at his reflection.
"Tien!" his mother called from downstairs. Tam made a face. "Get down here young lady!"
Tam made a face in the mirror to distract from the feeling of disgust in his stomach. He stood up, put on his boots over his tights, and smoothed the pink dress his mother made him wear.
"I'm not a lady," Tam mumbled under his breath. He closed his bedroom door behind him. "Linh! We're going!" Linh bounded out from her own bedroom, across the hall from Tam's.
"Coming!" Linh said. At ten years old, she was just taller than Tam, and she would not shut up about it. Her matching dress was wet at the back from her still-soaking wet hair.
"Linh!" Tam cried. "Mom will be so mad." He searched for a towel, but when he couldn't find one he squeezed her wet hair out himself.
"Shut up!" Tam said. "You need to pull it back."
"I don't have a hair tie," Linh said. Tam grabbed one from around his own wrist. "Can you braid it?" Tam sighed.
"Fine," Tam said. He braided Linh's hair tightly, as the water dripped down onto the carpet. "It'll be dry by the time we get home."
"Tien! Linh! Come on, your father doesn't want us to be late! We're meeting with one of his friends." Mai said. "He has a son around your age, won't it be fun to meet him? Hurry up!"
Tam rolled his eyes, and Linh giggled. Dad's friends are boring. Tam thought. He tightened his ponytail at the back of his neck. At least Mom won't be hovering all day though.
Tam and Linh came down the stairs. When Mai saw Tam's hair, she frowned.
"Come on, Tien, why won't you let your hair down? Don't you want to be pretty like all the other girls?" Mai asked. Tam had to keep the disgust from showing on his face.
"No," Tam snapped and crossed his arms over his chest. Mai frowned but said nothing as they waited for Quan. He finally came down, and together they light leaped to Candleshade.
Linh ducked behind Tam's back as a family of three stepped forward. Linh dug her nails into Tam's arm, and he bit back a curse. That's not lady-like, his mother would have said. Tam made a mental note to start swearing more. Maybe not in front of strangers, though.
"Quan," the tall man said. "Good to see you. I'm so glad I finally got the opportunity to meet your family. Which of your daughters is older? My, that could be twins!" The man laughed at the cruelty of his own joke, the punchline being that people with twins weren't as good as them. Tam smirked.
"We are twins, sir," Tam said.
"Tien!" his father scolded. "That's-"
"It's true," Linh added softly from behind Tam's back. "I'm older, though."
"No, you're not-" Tam was interrupted from what he was saying by the laughter of another child.
The boy was tall and pretty, with golden curls of hair. Tam thought he was the most beautiful person he had ever seen.
Tam was filled with instant loathing. He hated him.
"Twins? That's cool," the boy said. His father smacked his shoulder.
"Keefe," Mr. Sencen hissed. Keefe just rolled his eyes.
"You kids go play," Mai said. She, Quan and Mr. Sencen went into the other room, while Tam, Linh, and Keefe went into the living room.
"What do you want to do?" Keefe asked. Tam wanted to smack that stupid smile off his stupid face, but he didn't voice that.
"Hide and seek?" Linh suggested. Tam shrugged. He shifted away from Keefe when he stepped forward.
"Sure," Keefe said. His eyes flickered to Tam. "You seek!"
"No fair!" Linh said, but Keefe dragged Tam by the wrist out of the room before he could protest.
"Count to a hundred!" Keefe said. He pulled Tam up the stairs. Tam wanted to show Keefe down them.
"Where are we going?" Tam asked.
"The closet," Keefe said. How ironic. Tam thought and rolled his eyes.
"That'll be the first place she'll check," Tam said.
"Well, there are like, half a dozen closets in this stupid house, and she doesn't live here. And if she starts on the bottom floor, that'll take forever."
"Isn't it kinda stupid that your room is on the top floor?" Tam said, out of breath. Keefe yanked him onto the hall. They ran down the hall to another stairwell. "Your house is so stupid!" Like you. Tam thought.
"Mean!" Keefe said. He let go of Tam's wrist. Tam rubbed the skin, still hot from Keefe's tight grip. He held on like he was scared that Tam would try and leave, Tam noticed.
"You're mean!" Tam said.
"You're annoying! And you run like a girl!" Keefe said. Sexist ass. Tam thought. This time he said it out loud too.
Keefe stopped running. He stood on the stairs with his hands on his hips.
"Can you stop that? We need to hide or your sister will find us. Don't you want to beat her? We need to go, and you're slowing us down." Keefe scolded. Tam laughed. Apparently, this was not the desired reaction, because Keefe shoved him. "Most girls like me. Why don't you like me?"
"I'm sure most girls hate you, actually," Tam said. He elbowed Keefe on his way past him on the stairs. It was funny to Tam, less so to Keefe. Tam never got to roughhouse-it was fun. Tam was never given to chance to hang out with other boys, other than his cousins. It felt nice. Tam was a boy, with boys for friends.
"No," Keefe said.
"What's wrong? Got your ego bruised?" Tam asked. He grinned. Keefe glared.
"Fine, stay here and lose the game to your older sister," Keefe said.
"Fine," Tam said. He sat down on the stairwell, even though it was dusty and dirty.
Keefe started going back up the stairs. He looked over his shoulder and frowned when he saw Tam still on the ground. Tam smirked.
"I'm leaving," Keefe said. "And since my stupid house is so big, you're not going to see me until my parents make me say goodbye to you."
"Well-that would suck because I'm a lot of fun, and you're just being a jerk..." Keefe said. He whined. "Oh come on!"
"Fine!" Tam groaned. Keefe smiled, and Tam's face felt hot. Keefe held out his hand for Tam, and Tam took it. Keefe didn't expect that: his hand went slack and his face flushed. Tam dug his nails into Keefe's wrist when Keefe let go of him.
They stood still for a moment, before Tam realized he was still holding onto Keefe's hand. He tried to break free, but Keefe tightened his grip.
"Come on!" Keefe cried. The two ran up the rest of the way to the top floor.
"God, why is your room on the top floor?" Tam panted, out of breath.
"My parents want me out of the way," Keefe shrugged, but his eyes were sad. Tam thought about doing something comforting, like squeezing Keefe's hand, which was still in his, but he instead just pulled his hand away and crossed his arms over his chest, with a blushing face. Keefe seemed to realize too, and he blushed.
"So where's the closet?" Tam asked dryly. Real funny god, Tam thought.
"Here," Keefe said and led Tam to his room. Why does he keep grabbing my hand? Tam thought, and pried his hand from Keefe's. Keefe led Tam through his messy bedroom to a closet in the corner. Keefe stepped in first and Tam followed.
It was cramped, with just enough room for the two boys to sit next to each other, but Tam was practically on top of Keefe.
"Great going," Tam hissed. He struggled to close the door. "This is a stupid hiding spot."
"No, it's not!" Keefe said. "See, we're to the side. If Linh opens the door, she won't even see us, unless she looks to the left. I threw off my dad loads of times with this, when I was hiding."
"Huh," Tam said. He squished himself back against the wall. They sat in silence for a while. "Why do your parents want you out of the way?"
"Oh, they said I'm too much," Keefe shrugged. "Too loud. Too messy. Too much."
"Sound like something my dad would say," Tam said. "Mostly he doesn't say anything though. Might hit me or my sister. Sometimes my mom." Tam realized he shouldn't be saying anything, and turned to look at Keefe, but Keefe only nodded like he understood.
"But, boys can't hit girls," Keefe said. He pressed his lips into a line.
"Well, I'm not a girl," Tam blurted. He gasped, and cupped his hand over his mouth. "You-you can't tell my mom!"
"What? Why not? And what do you mean you're not a girl?" Keefe said. His eyes flickered to Tam's chest, and Tam smacked his head.
"Well, I look like a girl, but I don't feel like one," Tam said. He crossed his arms over his chest. You already said too much Tam. Might as well do a full confession. "I wish I looked like a boy."
"Okay," Keefe said. "Well, why can't you tell your mom?"
"She said she wouldn't have loved me if I was a boy," Tam said, staring at the ground.
"Oh," Keefe said. He looked at Tam. "Well, it doesn't matter to me if you're a boy or a girl. Girls are weird anyway."
"Thanks," Tam said. "I'm not Tien, though. I like Tam."
"That's way cooler than Tien," Keefe said. "Nice to meet you, Tam." Tam laughed.
"Why'd you change your name? Is Tien a girl name?" Keefe asked.
"No, but I wanted a fresh start, I guess," Tam said.
"Does it have a meaning?" Keefe asked. Tam grinned.
"It means twin," Tam said. Keefe burst out laughing, and Tam joined him. Tam stopped laughing, and stared at Keefe. He blushed when Keefe smiled at him. I hate him. Tam thought, slightly alarmed and panicked.
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sasharcyreal · 1 month
keefe as reki tam as langa does anyone else see the vision please say yes
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can we talk about how eager keefe seemed to take of his shirt for tam
tam was like "alright gotta get this thing out your heart" and keefe immediately started unbuttoning his shirt
this is CANON not even joking
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theogony · 4 months
nocturne in silver and blue
a/n : written originally for the kotlc secret santa for @that-glasses-dog except i horribly procrastinated on it </3. anyway i hope you enjoy the fic regardless because it is a 6k worddump on love existing despite everything and involves some of the hardest writing i've ever had to do (which probably explains the tonal whiplash). also i have already said too much so i will let you read the rest of this fic now
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“Yup,” he enunciates, popping the last syllable - not missing the sharp intake of breath from a person he knows all too well. “Neither of us have been found by our soulmates yet. Which makes me wonder - what about you, Tam? Is there any lucky girl or guy in your cards yet?” The boy in question goes rigid - unusually so, and the voice that next emerges is so painfully cold it feels downright wrong. “No, of course not. Did it seem like the opposite?” Keefe’s eyes narrow, his gaze analytical at the stiffness in his movements. A heartbeat passes between the both of them, and the steely grey of Tam’s irises gleam like a knife’s edge. Keefe wonders if it’d be like kissing steel - like pricking blood that beads up like dirtied snow. “You’re lying.” - Alternatively; In a world where you see in greyscale until you hear your soulmate laugh for the first time, Keefe laughs a lot - loud and bright. Tam...barely even smiles.
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Contrary to popular belief, Keefe doesn’t quite hate Tam Song. 
Sure, there was that tiny blip between the two of them - that blip of time when they fought like cats and dogs, both too eager to prove themselves to a world that refused to accept them for what they were and moulded them into something jaded and angry. 
But Keefe has never hated Tam Song.
He's come close to starting right now, though. 
“Wait…you're telling me that Keefe Sencen can't carry a tune to save his life?”
Tam smiles mildly as he plays back the recording of an extremely familiar muffled voice in the showers. 
“Give me that!”
As Keefe launches himself onto Tam's prone body without much warning, the rest of them begin to hoot and cheer, the easy light of the campfire warming them as they all gorged on the leftover marshmallows from the council meeting/friend group meetup/sleepover made to remedy the fact that neither Tam or Linh had ever been to one. 
Before Keefe can properly grab a fistful of his bangs, a peal of laughter rings out from the corner like tinkling bells - and the rest of them quiet down, staring at Linh - who's currently trying to muffle the growing redness in her face into a stuffed pillow. 
Dex shrugs, before reaching out to grab another handful of chips, ignoring Sophie's loud exclamation. 
“Anyone seen any life-changing colours yet?”
The entire group blinks, and Linh momentarily stiffens, before relaxing after no one shifts forward - only to coil back when Keefe teasingly pokes her in her ribs. 
“No need to look so relieved there - I'm sure I would have made a beautiful soulmate.”
Linh shrugs, cheeks reddening even further as the rest of them fully face her now. Tam warily shifts closer, only halting after she places a gentle hand on his. 
read the rest on ao3!
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hi-imgrapes · 1 year
happy holidays, kotlc fandom
Marella: Guys. Hear me out: what if there was a mistletoe but when two people are under it instead if having to kiss they have to fight each other
Dex: mistleFOE
Tam: *tapes a mistletoe to the ceiling* KEEFE GET OVER HERE-
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cyanide-art · 10 months
Keefe: Bro my toes are coldddddd Tam: *eyeroll* Pee on them. Nobody: Absolutely nobody: Keefe: Holy shit Tam: What? Keefe: That's actually a genius idea Tam: WAIT NO-
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random-writing-shit · 11 months
Chapter 1: The Beginning of Everything.
Keefe felt paralyzed as his heart beat faster than a mad horse, while his ankle felt like the hottest flames of hell due to him spraining it a mere 15 minutes ago.
Screaming would be useless as he were in an abandoned wing, consequently leaving the only voice to reply being his own from an echo. 
Screaming would, additionally, cause him a quicker death, which was the opposite of what the young prince wanted. 
Either way, he couldn’t; his fear stopped him.
For months, raiders had been stealing and attacking the kingdoms of the West. Raiders were, unfortunately, a common occurrence in their nations. However, these raiders were a united force, leaving a single symbol to indicate their presence. 
Each kingdom had tried assembling a pattern, but the raids were random– none had surfaced in either number, merchant, time, date, or order; nothing. Just a menacing symbol of an eye hidden where the stolen object used to be or graffitied where anyone passing by could see it.
The raiders never seen, never heard, never found, always merciless.
The rare times a witness caught a glimpse of the raiders, the unfortunate witness was found dead with the symbol of the raiders burnt into their forehead like a brand they had to bear unwillingly.
Despite this, the monarchs of each kingdom facing these raids and their advisors had managed to cooperate. They noticed that the more these raids happened, the other crimes decreased, such as arson, murder (those unrelated to the raiders), robberies, riots, everything you could name.
It seemed that this organization of raiders was hiring or killing every last criminal free from the law.
And soon, Keefe would be killed by one of those raiders.
The raider’s footsteps had stopped– and Keefe’s heart stopped as well.
Was that an indication that they were sneaking up on him?
And the door-
Perhaps the raider locked it.
Why was the raider here?
Would anyone care to save him?
Would anyone care at all?
Would anyone care if he died?
The raider’s footsteps stopped-
It couldn’t be the end.
It couldn’t be the end of his bloodline.
He would be the first Crown Prince to die from a raider, but not the first noble.
He started praying for the salvation of some kind.
The door creaked.
“Your Highness?” A voice called into the hall. 
Keefe held his breath out of fear for this new person.
“If you’re hiding, it isn’t funny!” The defiant voice continued as he heard footsteps approach his hiding spot; those of the raider or this bold person, Keefe was unsure. “Your father wishes for your presence in court and told me to drag you by the ear if I have to.” 
The voice got closer to Keefe’s hiding spot with each word until the owner had found him: a girl with small braids in her blonde hair and ice-blue eyes.
Keefe faintly remembered her from a ceremony, but which one he couldn’t recall.
“Your Highness, this is no time to play foolish games. Surely, you know that!”
“O- of course. I- I was merely playing a game! A- a jest or a trick, if you will,” the baffled prince stuttered through his answer. 
The blonde rolled her eyes. “As I said a few seconds ago, if you were listening, your father demands your presence at court now.”
“I- of course. Let us depart now. I know my father doesn’t like waiting when he summons me.”
The guard pulled him to his feet, and they left the wing. 
Keefe quickly shut it and started limping away from it as fast as he could with the guard’s aid. 
As soon as Keefe knew he was in a safe space (or at least one with more guards), he stopped and breathed in relief.
“I cannot thank you enough. I was afraid that I was on the door of death.  My heart felt like a mad horse.”
“It is simply my duty, your Highness. You are the only heir to the throne, and my duty as a soldier and citizen is to serve the kingdom in any little way I can. I saw you run past my station with a raider in tow, and I couldn’t stand by knowing that you were in danger.”
“Even then, I owe my life to you, er…” he trailed off embarrassedly.
“Marella. Just Marella. No nicknames.”
“Well, in that case, I owe my life to you, Marella.”
“ I agree that I  have saved your life, but your ankle seems to hurt. Shall I take you to the physician for treatment?”
“Yes, please. I do not wish to be named the lazy heir,” Keefe joked with a grimace..
Once his ankle healed and he could walk without a limp, he requested a court audience with his parents.
His parents had heard of their son resting in the physician’s wing, but they had yet to learn about what happened to Keefe and accepted the requested audience as quickly as Keefe had sent it. 
His father was King Cassius, the sixth of his name, while his mother was Queen Gisela, the youngest daughter of the Nightfall kingdom. The king and queen never made time for Keefe amidst their royal duties, leaving Keefe to his own devices.
He had regularly spent time with his twin cousins, that had grown up alongside him when his uncle and aunt, King Adalius and Queen Violet of the Moonfire kingdom, passed away. 
Currently, his cousins were in their kingdom, preparing for their coronations as they settled political and economic problems. Keefe missed them dearly, yet he knew it was for the best.
The rare times his parents cast a single glance at him, it concerned his education and royal duties. In this time of rebellion, Keefe was lucky to get an audience when his father and mother were busy dealing with the losses of the raids.
The guards to the throne room had been reluctant to allow Marella to enter the room with Keefe as she had grown loyal to him ever since she saved him. Keefe, unwilling to let Marella leave his side, told the guards that Marella was a valuable witness.
The guards were reluctant as ever but pulled back their spears blocking the entrance to the throne room.
Without waiting for them to open the doors or announce him, Keefe pushed them open and barged into a chaotic court. 
Multiple ladies fanned themselves furiously as their cakey makeup ran down their faces for reasons Keefe couldn’t tell. 
The ladies that weren’t fanning themselves were in four categories: bored, gossiping, attempting to calm the men down, or arguing.
His mother closed her eyes as if she were staying out of this while his father argued with the lords next to him. They both looked like they had headaches.
“Is the court always like this?” Marella whispered to him.
“I assume,” Keefe whispered back. “I’m never invited to court frequently enough to know.”
It took approximately 20 minutes for his father to notice him, but it took another 10 for the court to calm down until his mother gave the signal for silence.
As soon as the room was utterly silent, Keefe wasted no time in telling what had happened to him. 
By the end of his story, his father’s eyes were stormy and forming a plan.
A month and a half later, Keefe was ready to set sail.
The timing was perfect; his father and the other monarchs had been ready to send their heirs to sign treaties of unity ever since they discovered the symbol of the Neverseen, the name the kingdoms decided to give the rebels.
As far as Keefe was concerned, the treaties stated that if the kingdoms suffered a loss in this period of raids, the other nations would send aid of some sort. 
Lumenaria was the agreed rendezvous for the treaty signing with no protest. 
Pre-dating the birth of written records, Lumenaria had been a sacred ground for signing treaties of all varieties.
Despite that, Keefe worried that he would accidentally cause a war rather than make allies for a battle if it happened. 
Keefe was famous in gossip circles for provoking pranks and aggravating certain people that didn’t have the shortest tempers, as reported by Marella, who was well-versed in gossip circles of that sort.
A voice cleared behind him, chasing his doubts away.
He turned, saw Marella in royal bodyguard apparel, and his jaw dropped in shock.
In a short time, they formed a familial bond. However, if she’d mentioned this, Keefe had forgotten.
“Marella! What- when? You didn’t tell me!”
Marella rubbed the back of her head nervously, which was also a new sight as Marella had always been confident around him, and laughed humbly.
“It was a last-minute promotion. Your parents saw it fit that I was to accompany you as my training has concluded. Plus, any bodyguard you have had in the past quits almost immediately. My father panicked when royal guards showed up at our door.”
Keefe laughed, not unkindly.
“Well, congratulations! You deserve it. It seems like I don’t have to stow you away in one of the crates anymore,” he joked. 
Before they boarded the ship, Keefe took one last look at his homeland and future kingdom, praying to any deity that would listen that he got back home. Preferably unscathed with all limbs intact instead of his body scarred from war and a scowl on his face. Preferably with his people still loyal to him and his bloodline. 
He took in the towering spires of the castle he called home and turned away, praying for safe passage.
Keefe deeply breathed in the sea air and didn’t look back as soon as the sails were let loose. 
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that-glasses-dog · 1 year
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i am so curious what this fic is about tell me more!!
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rayniscatstatue · 1 year
Kam and Solinh au where Sophie and Tam start fake dating just to piss of Linh and Keefe. Tam would always say “yeah, I’m into blondes.” While Sophie always said “Told you, love people with silver hair!”
Marella has set up a betting poll on how long Keefe and Linh will catch onto the fact that it is fake. Fitz wins for Keefe’s catch on while Biana wins for Linh’s catch on.
The Vacker’s just know everyone really well. Or they are time travelers.
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tam is the wednesday in the relationship whilst keefe is the enid. shannon told me herself.
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tam-shade-song · 10 months
Do you like fanfics? Are you familiar with either Jegulus from the Marauders era or Kam from Kotlc? What about original works? If so, this is for you!
I am looking for beta readers for my two fics, Doubts and Darkness, and Swan Song on AO3 by MaresMadness, and my original work The Dragon Rider (Title will likely change) on AO3 and Wattpad. My wattpad handle is also MaresMadness The uploading schedule is that a new chapter of Doubts and Darkness is uploaded once a week, and Swan Song at least once a month.
Swan Song is a band AU where Sophie convinces Tam to teach Keefe to play guitar. There is one chapter up as of August.
Doubts and Darkness is about Regulus and James getting closer as the date of when Regulus will be forced to take the Dark Mark also grows closer. Please read the tags for this one because it could be potentially triggering for some.
The Dragon Rider is about a boy named Kenna who found a dragon egg as a child and raised it to adulthood, then ran away, killing the princess of the empire in the process. He meets the last of the dragon riders, a small group of students, and an elderly teacher whose methods Kenna doesn't approve of. The first chapter is in progress, and the goal is to write 300 words a day, save for weekends.
No previous beta reading is required, but having knowledge of the fandoms for the fics is important. So is being able to catch grammatical errors and spelling mistakes, and for the original work, plot holes and that sort of thing.
You can message me, or put something in my asks box. My writing blog is @maresmesdess.
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“how did you even get sick? you look ugly. come here.” For Keefe and Tam? Can be platonic or romantic if you want to do anything for it :). Maybe with cuddles because I, personally, am craving the skin
I love your writing btw please write a book one day <33
That's very sweet of you--I'd love to write several books someday! I've got some concepts up my sleeve already. Also, the way I set up their dynamic (a self-inflicted personal hell) the cuddles aren't as prominent as I would've liked to give you, but hopefully the rest of the fic makes up for that <3
idiot boys and stupid feelings <- ao3 link
warnings: sickness, brief reference of the twin's time banished and all associated troubles, but that's really it!
word count: 6.1k
Watching the sun wallowing, meekly disappearing before an unforgiving horizon as it trailed reds and purples and loud oranges in its wake across the sky was a conflicting sight for Tam, who observed unimpressed from the balcony.
Of all the sunsets he’d witnessed, the view from whatever place this was--Mr. Forkle had told them, but he hadn’t bothered to listen to that part; he’d been more focused on words like “resurgence” and “outbreak” and “victims,” the more important things--wasn’t one to stand out. A simple skyline, typical colors. The sun could do better.
A frown started to surface, but instead of letting it breach, he reached to tug on his bangs instead, the one habit he could never seem to break.
Cool air washed over his face, chilling the drying sweat sticking to his skin, a remnant of the efforts he’d exhausted, that they were all exhausting.
Over an hour ago, their group had dispersed to their various assignments, each to return to Wherever-the-hell once they’d finished their parts; he’d been done first, and was now alone in the hideout--as alone as one could be when they were always watched.
The balcony sat perched over a tumbling, mountainous expanse, sloping down into the night, a twisted metal railing decorated with florals and feathers encasing it. The wide doors were fully open behind him, allowing the light from the room beyond to spill into the creeping night and the cool, fresh air in.
As he stood there, he pretended he couldn’t feel the eyes of this place, examining his hand for traces of shadow, darkness caught under his nails, averting his gaze from that uninspiring sunset. From the memories they stirred.
Another sunset meant another day survived, but another night to face. Time without reliable warmth, with impaired sight, things moving in the night, fitful sleep.
Tam’s mouth twitched, more of the frown slipping out, shoving those thoughts aside and finding the nearest other to latch onto and distract himself.
Which landed him on blonde hair, pale eyes, bags creeping beneath them, charcoal smudges on fingertips.
And something…off.
Of all the people to think about, he didn’t have to settle on Keefe, how he’d seemed…fuzzy, ill-alert, at their “meeting” earlier. There were over a dozen people in the room, and he made it his business to watch each and every one of them, to be prepared just in case--
But, regardless of how many people he observed, his thoughts snagged on Keefe. There was something unspoken about him, something festering, something that had made him want to leave him behind. Give his piece of the assignment to someone else.
Instead, he’d decided that, with the least important piece of their puzzle, Keefe was the least of his troubles.
It had been a surprise, actually, to return to the hideout and find himself the first one back, he’d been so sure that with such a small responsibility Keefe would be impatiently pacing the place, about the track someone down to join them instead of waiting for them all to reconvene while complaining about how miniscule his job had been.
Tam’s thoughts were interrupted by the soft, dragging sound of approaching footsteps.
He stilled, darkness staining his fingers like charcoal as he tilted his head to the side, listening.
They came from somewhere around the hideout, outside, only audible because he, himself, was outside.
Shadows traveled further up his arm, a tactful, slow acclimation to the darkness falling further with each second the sun acquiesced the sky.
The footsteps paused, and in their place a door handle jangled; stone-like, Tam turned just enough to peer over his shoulder, to watch as the door swung open and a particular pale-eyed blond stepped through, hand pushing through his hair, eyes scanning across the room, the empty couches facing each other, barren counters, untouched chairs with throw pillows still dented from over an hour ago.
His eyes missed Tam, skipping past the balcony sheathed in unnatural shadow as he swept the door shut behind him.
Immediately, his facade crumbled, and if Tam said he was surprised he’d be lying.
Keefe’s shoulders drooped, carefully curated carefree expression melting into bland nothing, fingers coming up to hold his temples, traveling back to poke gently at the base of his neck like it ached.
Shuffling, dragging footsteps took him to one of the couches, where he lowered himself as though the weight of the world rested solely on his shoulders.
Tam only watched, squinting to see better.
He wondered how long it would take Keefe to realize he was there, if he even would at all. The thought of how long he could probably get away with it amused him, but slipped from his grasp at the sound of a sniffle.
His muscles tensed once more, ready to make himself known and gone immediately if Keefe was about to start crying, but the sound repeated, and with it, everything from that evening clicked into place.
“How did you even get sick? You look ugly. Come here,” he said, turning fully as he did so, facing his back to the memory of a sunset and inclining his head as he learned against the railing, looking Keefe over from the better angle.
With that angle, he got a good view of the way he jumped, spine straightening and eyes widening, showing the whites all around.
His hands dropped from his head, falling in his lap as he shook himself off, a few precious seconds passing before he had himself sorted. “Were you just watching me? Dude, that’s so creepy.”
Tam ignored the question. “Drop the act, I can see right through it.”
Keefe’s shoulders tightened, and he opened his mouth to retort, but was interrupted.
“Don’t even bother to try and lie to me right now. You’ve been off all evening. Now, like I said, come here.” Tam jerked his head towards the spot beside him.
His posture shifted, softening ever so slightly as he glanced between him and the door, as if there was someone else to see. Perhaps waiting for Biana to leap out of the shadows and accost them.
“Fresh air.”
Keefe frowned, leaning back further into the cushions, a slight grate to his voice. “But I just got all that fresh air running around scouting, looking for nothing.”
Tam shrugged. “Fine. Don’t, then.”
Silence fell for only a few short moments before Keefe grumbled something Tam couldn’t pick up, not even with all his practice, pushing up off the couch and stalking over to the balcony beside him, leaning facing out.
At least, Tam thought that’s what he was going for; instead, his feet dragged across the floor and his path swayed, Keefe unable to keep himself moving straight until he slumped against the banister, breath shaky--though he tried to hide it.
“You’re a mess, where’d you even catch…whatever that is,” Tam eyed him up and down, from the wan pallor of his face contrasted with the unnatural flush on his cheeks to the uneven rise and fall of his chest to the unsteady stance of his feet, relying on that railing for support.
Keefe huffed out what might’ve been a laugh. “Wow, thanks. Real supportive. I feel so cared about.” A low sighed rolled between his lips, laughter fading. “I think I caught it from Fitz. He wasn’t feeling great, but I ignored that and insisted we hang out anyway, and now…wait, earlier, did you say ‘all evening?’ Like you’ve been watching me all evening?”
It took Tam a moment to follow Keefe’s disjointed thoughts, lips tightening as he recalled the exact words he’d spoken.
If his cheeks felt warm, it was all the layers, all the black, nothing else. He scowled. “It’s not my fault you’ve had that funk around you all day. It’s hard to ignore.”
It wasn’t, actually; he had more than enough experience curating what, exactly, he paid attention to and was aware of. Pushing Keefe and the haze around him from his mind would’ve been simple enough.
In fact, it took more energy to pay attention than to let his gaze skip past that concealed fog around him. And yet he’d paid attention anyway.
“I think you just like me,” Keefe said, grin pulling at his lips, lifting his head enough to turn and peer at him. The unhealthy flush spread across his cheeks had starting fading to a lighter pink in the cool air, his eyes still dimly alight with fever, he noticed.
His eyes scanned scarred, warm skin, mussed hair, a silhouette backlit by the soft glow of the room beyond, the silence stretching on, his statement unanswered.
Keefe shifted, pushing off the railing to stand straighter, the two of them almost equal in height, though Keefe stood slightly taller and shamelessly used it to his advantage. “We’re alone; you can admit it, you know.”
That was…much more forward than usual.
Tam rolled his eyes. “All I have to admit is how much more annoying you are than I let on.”
“You hesitated.”
“You’re aren’t thinking clearly.”
Keefe shook his head, looking down the few inches he had on Tam, leaning in closer, unconscious of the movement; Tam was very conscious of it. “Uh uh, I may be fuzzy”--he tapped at his temple, blinking as though fighting to keep his eyes open--”but I noticed. You were thinking about it, weren’t you? You’re always thinking about something.”
Tam’s lips pressed together, averting his eyes, scowling. His gaze flickered to the door, fragments of shadows skittered along the edge of the room in tandem. They were alone, but for how long? How long until the rest of their group finished each of their individual scouting missions, returning to catch them too close in the dark?
He’d spent his life with it as his defense, and yet now its charged silence threatened to turn on him.
“You’re doing it again,” Keefe interrupted, the words fumbled, exhaustion creeping its greedy fingertips around the edges, digging its claws into the vowels.
His voice drew Tam’s gaze back, piercing through the dark. Had Keefe gotten even closer?
How had he missed it?
Tam’s body went rigid, the cool air doing nothing to combat the turmoil stirring in his mind, leaving him to fend for himself. “What--what are you doing? Cut it out.”
Brow furrowing, the words took a moment to pierce through Keefe’s thick skull.
When they did, he took a step away.
He opened his mouth, but closed it again, instead letting out a breath, one hand unconsciously rising to rub at the base of his skull, poking and prodding at what he was now certain was a headache.
Tam latched onto it like a lifeline against the sudden silence, the retreat he’d asked for and dreaded. “Have you--hailed Elwin? He always fixes you up.”
Keefe let his prior comments drop untouched, as though they were never there, snorting, “Elwin’s got enough going on with the gnomes and all the councillor visits. I’m not going to bother him with just a”--he gestured at himself--”cold or something. Whatever it is.”
“He’d want you to,” Tam reminded him, trying to be less…whatever it was about him that had Keefe stepping away. Even though he’d told him to.
Keefe had slumped over the banister again, forehead practically pressed to the railing, goosebumps raised across his skin, shivering now instead of overheating. He didn’t answer.
A few shadows slipped forward, invisible against the descending dark, hedging around the edges of Keefe’s shape, hesitating.
“Are you going to tell anyone?” It was more exhale than speaking, the words happening to tumble out at the same time, by chance rather than intention.
Tam frowned, only for a moment before he schooled his expression. “What are you even talking about?”
“When everyone else gets back, are you going to tell them?” Without any force, he gestured to himself.
“That you’re sick? Tell them yourself. Probably won’t even have to, one look at you and it’s obvious.”
Keefe sighed in what might’ve been relief. “Thanks.”
Tam crossed his arms, looking away, eyes scanning over the empty room, shadows creeping through the door searching and searching for others, but there was no one to break the silence that fell once more. They truly were alone, just like Keefe had said.
Why? They weren’t supposed to be. Where was everyone else? Why hadn’t they come back yet?
“You,” Keefe started, though he stayed with his head pressed to his arm against the railing, “are one to talk about funks when you’ve got your own all over you.”
Keefe waved a free hand, nonchalant. “You’re so worried I can feel it, and I’m not even touching you.”
Tam glanced down to Keefe’s hands, where they rested against the railing. Close enough that they could reach out and touch him, if they wanted to.
He looked away.
“Did I successfully distract you with my charming personality?” Keefe asked, shifting his head so he could look at Tam, the hint of a smile on his mouth. But…less so. Not as wide as he’d been smiling earlier.
“You talk too much,” he scowled, reaching up to tug at his bangs, the scratch of metal against his fingertips comforting.
Keefe made an indignant noise. “You’re the one who started this conversation, creeping on me from the shadows and telling me to ‘come here.’ This one’s on you. If you didn’t want to talk to me, why ask me to come closer to you? Hypocrite.”
Now it was Tam’s turn to be indignant. “You were feverish, I told you to get over here to cool off--and so you wouldn’t infect the room.”
“Nice to know you care.” Keefe mumbled, eyes rolling.
“Of course I do,” he hissed back, then clamped his mouth shut.
Keefe stilled beside him, but Tam refused to move his gaze from where it bored a hole into the far wall, that frown from before resurfacing as his fingers dug into the railing he leaned on, bones and muscle turning to stone.
Silence screamed for long enough Tam was nearly convinced neither of them would ever speak again, and then--
“You’re gonna pass out if you stay so rigid. Didn’t anyone ever teach you to loosen up once in a while?”
Internally, he flinched, but his body remained impassive. He shot Keefe a glare. “You have to make everything into a joke, don’t you?”
It was Keefe’s turn to flinch, scowling as he looked away--but it lacked any real conviction, lethargy dimming the edges as he sniffled, a slight shiver running through him.
Tam’s frown deepened.
He watched--though if you asked if he’d been watching, he’d deny it--as Keefe’s attention snagged on something he couldn’t see, eyes distant as he flexed his hand over and over.
Flashes of cold nights and running noses, flush cheeks and wondering hoping begging Linh to wake, to be well, to push through the haze and find him again passed through his mind. Searching for herbs but not knowing what to look for, never enough supplies, coughs and setting suns and days stretching into weeks into months into eternity as Keefe faded further and further into that haze, away from him.
He couldn’t stand it any longer. “What?”
Somehow Keefe found a way to slump down even further, resting his head on his arm, squished cheek distorting his words as they spilled out, filter breaking like a dam under his exhaustion. “I don’t get you. You say you’ve been watching me all evening and tell me to come stand next to you, and then get all defensive and upset with everything I say. You’re feeling something strong enough I’m picking up flashes through the air, but I’m not touching you and I can’t think straight so I don’t know what it is, but it doesn’t feel great. You say you care and then snap at me, what am I supposed to make of all that?”
Outburst over, Keefe stopped leaning on the rail entirely, instead lowering himself to the ground as he rubbed at his neck, still sniffling, staring off into the dark, sun long since gone.
Tam couldn’t help the lurch in his chest at the sight.
Keefe or the darkness, he couldn’t tell, but the jolt was there all the same.
“You must be worse than I thought if you’re getting all emotionally aware on me,” he peered down at him, trying to distract himself from the stone sitting in his chest.
“Seriously? You were just getting on my ass about making jokes out of everything.”
Shadows pulsed under his palms, swirling with an unidentified heat he didn’t want to think about. “Fine. You have a point there. I…sorry.”
Keefe made a dismissive gesture up at him, other hand still flexing, eyes closed now as he rested his face against the railing, legs crossed beneath him. It didn’t look comfortable.
After a few terse moments of debate with himself, both sides screaming adamantly, he huffed out a breath and lowered himself down hard, not giving himself a chance to second guess any longer.
“Do you want to read my emotions?”
Keefe sat up in surprise, looking over at the hand extended in offering.
“What? You’d let me?”
Teeth grinding, words slow, “You said you couldn’t tell through the air. Wouldn’t this help?”
Keefe searched his face as though making sure he was serious, and Tam fervently hoped there wasn’t anything to find as he reached to tug on his bangs. “Make a decision before I change my mind.”
That was all the encouragement Keefe needed, gaze sliding down his body--Tam swore he could feel its weight against his skin like static--to his hand, wrapping two fingers around his wrist as though taking his pulse.
Keefe’s eyelids fluttered as he inhaled, sudden and deep, grip tightening, a furrow between his brows as he pushed through his fatigue and into the maelstrom of emotion he’d been complaining about.
Trying not to squirm beneath the scrutiny, all he could do was watch, entirely unaware of what, specifically, Keefe was finding. What he’d learn.
Was this what it felt like when he read people’s shadow vapor, the sitting and the waiting?
Why had he agreed to this?
Why had he even suggested it?
A small, rebellious voice in the back of his head knew why, but he shoved it away before it could put voice to those thoughts.
“What--” Keefe made a face, scrunching up his nose, soft confusion in his tone, “what are you afraid of?”
Tam started. “I’m not--”
“You do realize you can’t lie to me, right?”
Keefe looked at him with an intensity that made him want to knock the look from his face, to turn around and walk into the night.
He settled for pulling his arm away, breaking the connection--or at least, he tried to.
As his wrist slipped from Keefe’s grip, he caught his hand, fingers brushing against his palm as he squeezed tight.
“Wait. I’m…sorry.” Keefe looked lost, fumbling for words, rubbing at his neck with his free hand. “I…didn’t mean to push you. It’s just a really strong feeling. It surprised me. Is it the thing with the gnomes? Because we’re going to figure it out and fix it.”
“I know that.”
“Then what…?” Keefe trailed off, looking lost, brows furrowing as he tried to think through the fog in his mind.
Tam’s grip tightened involuntarily, memories from his and Linh’s Exillium days flashing through his mind. “I don’t like sickness.”
Keefe nodded, still not quite following. “Well duh, no one does, it sucks--”
“It’s not the same for you,” he interrupted, looking away, leaning back against the railings, peering into the night sky as his stomach clenched. “When you’ve been sick, you’ve always been able to call on the best care your world has to offer, just a hail away. All the supplies you could ever need readily available. You’d be better by the morning as though it’d never even happened, just a slight discomfort, comfortable knowing you’d be just fine. You could take a day off, even. You never had to wonder if there was enough to treat you, if you could find what you needed, not sure when she’d get better and if she’d be okay to go to school, or if you’d have to leave her alone to go and get your beads, hoping you wouldn’t catch it because there wasn’t enough to treat the both of you and someone had to get the beads otherwise you’d be left behind.”
Tam cut off, biting his lip, for once not even caring what Keefe picked up on his palm, too distracted as he tried to get the images of Linh’s flushed cheeks, the shadows under her eyes, the tremor in her fingers as she propped herself against the wall, out of his head.
“Linh got sick,” Keefe whispered, more statement than question, but he decided to answer it anyways.
“Bad. It’d started out just a mild cold she must’ve caught from another wayward--fever, sniffles, headaches,” he glanced at Keefe’s flushed cheeks, blinking uncomfortably as he rubbed at his neck, both all too aware how it matched up with his symptoms, “but it didn’t go away. And we didn’t have anything to treat it with. And it got worse. A lot worse. I hated watching the sun set because she always shivered so badly without the sunlight’s warmth, no matter how hot I made my body. But the worst part was the only reason it got that bad was because we didn’t have any elixirs or treatment--but they exist. We just didn’t have access. And yet you do and throw it away,” he added at the end, bitterness coating his tongue.
Keefe swallowed, thumb pressed into the back of Tam’s hand. “I…guess I hadn’t thought about that.”
“No shit.”
For once, Keefe let the attitude slide, an incredibly unsettling phenomenon, because instead he was looking directly at Tam. He was suddenly reminded that with their hands still linked, he could still feel every single one of his emotions.
“What if--what if I promise to take something myself then? I still don't want to bother Elwin--the gnomes have him busy enough--but…you don’t need a physician to take elixirs. There’s probably something somewhere in whatever-the-hell this place is called--I wasn’t listening when Fork man said the name.”
“Me either,” Tam admitted. “It’s probably something stupid. Do you really plan to take something, or are you just saying that?” He couldn’t hide the skepticism in his voice, but Keefe would’ve felt it anyways.
Keefe made an offended noise. “I meant it! I’m trying to make you feel better about your sad life, because Foster keeps getting on my case about being nice to you and she’s so stubborn about it--and maybe I just like you, you ever thought about that?”
Unlike Tam, Keefe didn’t look the slightest bit concerned by the confession, grumpily playing with Tam’s fingers in his hand, poking at the veins beneath his skin. Though maybe he hadn’t thought through the consequences of saying it, or was too tired to.
“Do you?” Tam asked, quiet, braced against the answer.
Was he worried he’d say no?
Or that he’d say yes?
“I do,” he said, eyes on their linked hands, “more than I should.”
A heady rush passed through him, spine tingling as his stomach dropped--relief? Fear?
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Keefe’s already flushed face reddened further, as his brain started to catch up with where the conversation was headed, pressing his lips together as though he could stop it. But there was no way Tam was letting him walk away without answers and Keefe knew it; he’d opened the floodgates, now he had to ride out the wave. It was his own fault, really.
Sighing, he made a non-committal gesture as though that would explain everything. “We both know it would be better for both of us if…if no one had to put up with me. If I could just keep all my problems and feelings to myself instead of everyone else having to deal with the mess.”
Tam made a face, snapping, “You don’t have any right to say what would be better for me. Don’t make that choice for me.”
Starting back a little, Keefe tilted his head to the side, mouth falling open a touch, glassy eyes searching Tam’s.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means you don’t get to decide what is and isn’t worth my time.”
Keefe’s breath caught, tongue between his teeth as he ventured, barely audible, “And me? Am I…?”
Tam didn’t answer for a moment, heartbeat screaming in his ears loud enough he could barely hear himself say, “You’re the empath, you tell me.”
A few moments passed, Keefe’s shaking fingers pressing against the lines of his palm with intention this time.
As the shaking spread, Keefe’s eyes widening as he glanced between him and his palm, Tam added, “Why do you think I invited you over here?”
“...Fresh air?”
Tam rolled his eyes, but tried to keep his voice gentle as he stared ahead. “Because…I wanted to keep an eye on you. Because I care and its--fuck it, its worth my time, alright? Don’t make me say it again.”
Against his better judgment, he glanced at Keefe, only to see a shit-eating grin starting to spread across his lips.
“Don’t push your luck,” Tam grumbled, shifting as he reached for his bangs with his free hand, fingers flexing in Keefe’s grip unconsciously.
Keefe nodded, smile mellowing, lingering until it turned into something uncertain. “Where…where does that leave us?”
Tam didn’t have an answer.
“Us?” he repeated instead.
Reddening, Keefe tried to backtrack, though he still didn’t let go of his hand.
But he was all out of words, quickfire mind finally exhausted, nothing left to shield himself as his mouth gaped and closed, nothing to save himself.
As if he’d ever need saving from Tam.
Scowling, he cursed idiot boys and stupid feelings, shaking his head, pressing his palm firmly against Keefe’s, deliberately thinking the words he didn’t know if he could voice again, bringing the feeling to the forefront of his very self.
I care.
Keefe hissed in a breath through his teeth. “I--oh.”
It was all he said, but it was all he needed to say in that moment, because suddenly it was no longer a question.
It was an undeniable certainty.
“Alright,” Tam said, nearly lightheaded, “us.”
He didn’t think he minded his hand in Keefe’s anymore, whatever he’d find.
He’d already found exactly what Tam had wanted him to, what he’d been unwilling to admit he’d been hoping he would.
A shiver crawled through Keefe’s body, and for a moment Tam became the empath between the two of them. Unimaginable lethargy pulled at his bones, breath labored through narrowed airways, a fog in his mind trying to drag him into darkness.
They’d left his illness unspoken for a moment, distracted by their…whatever that conversation was, but no longer.
“You need to rest,” Tam instructed, gentle, but firm. He wouldn’t take no for an answer, but Keefe wouldn’t make it easy.
That, as expected, sparked something in Keefe, some last ditch effort to pull himself together. “No, there’s the resurgence, and we still have to reconvene with everyone--” “Please.”
The word surprised them both, stopping them short.
That…wasn’t what he’d meant to say.
But something in Keefe looked uncertain, lost, so he said it again. “Please, Keefe.”
“I…okay,” he deflated, words barely a whisper as he gave in, the bravado he’d put on slipping away, leaving him hunched over, sniffling, chills coating his bare arms on the now cold balcony, washed in the light spilling out from the room behind them.
Tam looked him over, nodding to himself--he believed him, that he’d listen for once in his life, though he didn’t know why. It wasn’t like Keefe. “I’ll find wherever their stash of elixirs is and bring them to you--why don’t you sit on the couch, get out of the cold?”
Another tremor ran through him as he finally let Tam’s hand slip from his as the two pushed to their feet in tandem, one much steadier than the other.
And even though their hands didn’t touch, not even the barest of brushes between their fingers, a silent electricity hummed between their bodies, tingling along his skin as they split. Keefe collapsed face first into the couch, groaning, and Tam moved to search the rest of the place in the quiet that followed, haunted by the hollow feeling of skin that hadn’t been touched, but nearly had been.
It didn’t take long for him to find a small, but well-equipped supply of medicinal elixirs, balms, and miscellaneous assortments for small injuries and ailments. He grabbed two he thought would help, shutting the doors behind him as quietly as possible, but they still echoed in the silent place--seriously, where was everyone else?
Had so little time passed that no one else had returned?
He could’ve sworn lifetimes had come and gone on that balcony.
So brief, and yet now the scope of his world had changed, new, undefined tethers drawing him to a certain troublesome boy with no sense of self-preservation or risk sprawled across the entirety of a couch.
Leaning over the back of it, peering down at him, Tam tapped the two vials he held against the back of Keefe’s head, smiling to himself as Keefe swatted half-heartedly at him.
“You already agreed, you don’t get to take it back.”
“I wasn’t going to!” he protested as he shifted to a propped up position, though it had less force than he would’ve expected. “I told you I meant it. I know everyone’s always telling me off for being stubborn, but I don’t always push back. I can make smart decisions.”
He’d believe it when he saw it.
Keefe grabbed the vials, uncorking the first.
Tam blinked as he downed the contents and studiously avoided his gaze. “You’re holding something back.”
Keefe scowled at his matter of fact tone as he downed the second, though his hands shook as he uncorked it. “Fine. Your story about Linh got to me, okay? I don’t want to worry anyone else.”
Of course. He’d never relent for his own sake, only to prevent himself from becoming a burden to others.
Keefe wrapped his arms around himself, shivering, waiting for the elixirs to kick in and for Tam to say something, but he was too busy scanning the room for a blanket, frowning when he came up short. Surely a secret, underground rebel organization trying to fix fundamental problems in their world had enough interior decor sense and time to have decorative blankets somewhere.
Apparently not.
“What are you looking for?”
“A blanket. You’re shivering, but I don’t see any,” he continued, ignoring Keefe’s mouth opening--likely to protest. He always had something to say. Infuriating.
Keefe didn’t like being ignored and rolled his eyes--though he winced with the action, probably aggravating whatever of his headache hadn’t eased yet--and grumbled, “This is ridiculous. I’m not even that cold. What are you even going to do about it without blankets? Share your body heat?”
It took a moment for Keefe to register what he’d just said, but when he did his eyes went wide, mouth snapping shut as he dared a glance at Tam.
He kept his face carefully impassive, but he reached up to tug at his bangs, habit traitorously giving his frazzled state of mind away.
Neither of them spoke for a moment longer--Keefe, because while sick, had the sense to realize he’d given away much more than he’d intended to tonight, and Tam because he had no idea what to do with everything Keefe had given him.
“Careful there, someone might think you actually wanted to be close to me,” Tam deadpanned at last, fingers still in the rough metal, though the joke fell oddly. Like with whatever their new us was, it didn’t fit anymore. Like it was just going through the motions without the venom behind it.
Keefe said nothing, but his gaze flickered, away from Tam’s face--only for a few moments, but long enough for Tam to see him rake it down his body before snapping back, and he could’ve sworn it lingered on his hands.
Tam stopped short, mind going blank. “...do you?”
“I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to,” was the answer he got, unable to tell if his flush was from sickness or embarrassment as he refused to meet Tam’s eye.
He gave his bangs one final tug before he dropped his hands, blurting out, “When we couldn’t keep warm in the neutral territories--before we’d learned to regulate our temperatures or when we were too tired--we’d share body heat.”
Keefe’s brow furrowed, looking up at him, uncertainty on his face. “...are you offering--”
“Well if you don’t want to--”
“I didn’t say that! You…you’re warm,” he tacked on at the end, trying to find a suitable explanation, but the hesitation gave him away.
Tam stayed silent for a moment, then, “Sit up.”
“I said sit up; you’re taking up the whole couch. Unless you want me to crush you with my body weight, I need space,” he continued, but Keefe was already scrambling to push himself up, freeing up a spot that Tam slid into, breath catching as their arms brushed together.
He’d been close to people before--closer, even, usually with Linh.
But something about Keefe’s arm against his jolted through him, every hair on his body standing on end.
“I’m not going to bite,” he said, amused, watching Keefe sit stunned beside him, rigid as a statue, a cornered animal ready to bolt. “Well, probably not.”
Keefe huffed, something sounding like asshole and fuck it spilling past his lips as he shifted closer, their legs pressing together too now, the static between them building, though neither mentioned it.
Quietly, glancing at him for permission as he did so, Keefe reached out and took Tam’s hand; he felt rather than saw the tremor that rocketed through him at the influx of emotions the touch provided, but Keefe just held on tighter.
Their breaths the only sound, they sat like that, pressed together, until Keefe’s shivers had started to abate.
“How are you so warm?” Keefe mumbled suddenly, starting to melt back into the cushions beside him--whether because he was comfortable or exhausted, Tam couldn’t tell. “You’d think a shadow guy would be freezing.”
“Shadow guy?”
“Shut up. You know what I meant.”
Keefe’s eyes had fallen closed, words slurring, chest moving slow, rhythmic.
Hardly daring to move, Tam watched as Keefe’s muscles gave in to sleep, his head tilting, falling in a slow arc towards him, until Keefe’s cheek was pressed against his shoulder, grip loosening in his hand.
Tam’s breath caught in his throat, but he stayed still--until Keefe started to slip, at just the wrong angle that gravity tried to pull him forward.
Before he could fall further, Tam caught him, grinding his teeth together as he weighed his options.
Gently, he shifted, hardly daring to breath lest he wake Keefe from his much needed nap, and just…adjusted his trajectory slightly.
Instead of falling forward and off the couch, or roughly shoving him back, Tam lowered his head into his lap, hands hovering over the rest of his body uncertainly before he finally let them settle on Keefe’s arm.
A few terse moments later, Keefe gave no sign of stirring, settling into the new position, breaths even--and Tam thought his color had improved too, the elixirs starting to kick in.
There was nothing else to do in the silence that followed but breathe an easy sigh, looking around at the well furnished room--unforgivably devoid of blankets, but otherwise lavish--the steady light, the stable structure, secure in the knowledge that no matter what happened next, he wasn’t--they weren’t--out there still.
That they could get what they needed, and enough of it.
They weren’t the only people looking out for them anymore.
Which brought a different problem to mind: where was everyone else?
Almost as soon as he put thought to the question, something prickled his senses, and the door across the room swung open, Biana bursting in with Linh close behind, breathless.
They stopped short at what they found as Tam tensed, Biana’s mouth falling open and Linh covering a knowing smile with her mouth.
“Don’t you dare say a word,” he hissed, glaring at them, heart pounding.
The glance the two shared and the grins that followed didn’t bode well for him.
But as Keefe shifted in his lap, sleeping peacefully, safely, recovering, skin soft against his own, he couldn’t quite remember why he cared.
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This is what happened
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askdetz · 2 years
detz, tired of keefe and tam’s mutual pining
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118 notes · View notes