#kira yoshihiro
whos-hotter-jjba · 27 days
sorry if something like this has already been requested but if possible i wanna see a whole DAD SHOWDOWN. maybe not every single male character that has had children because thatd be a lot but like, every notable dad. as many as you can put
Sorry for forgetting about this ask for so long! In your honor (and the other ask about dads) I'm doing a whole set of dad matchups :)
Most Notable Dads Showdown
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blindbeholder · 5 months
New joj theory/hc/story.
Yoshihiro found out about Yoshikage's first murder immediately and responded by taking the family on a vacation to Egypt, where he took that photo of Enya with the Arrow before talking to her and being given that same arrow, using it with her guidance to awaken AHF and KQ.
Evidence: the timeline more or less matches up, kira's first kill was in the early-mid eighties, and she bought the arrows around the same time, which is also when DIO became active again, yoshihiro states he met Enya in egypt and was taught to use the arrow by her.
His stand is based around photography and I'm not going to get into it too much but stand abilities are based in obsessions, so it would make sense if he's taking a bunch of pictures on vacation, and it was a lot more acceptable to photograph strangers in the mid eighties when they weren't being spread on the internet.
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strangemonochromes · 2 years
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JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure (Part IV: Diamond is Unbreakable) // Hirohiko Araki
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the-brainrot-central · 5 months
Totally random question but wouldn’t it be funny if I wrote Yoshihiro mpreg
Hahaha jk jk 😂😂😂
………unless???? 😳
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jojo-phase · 1 year
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new theory: Kira Yoshihiro was the user behind Tower of Gray
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Next is Tonio; known for having the best localised name; VS Yoshihiro; known for raising the most normal, non-problematic son.
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jjba-smash-or-pass · 5 months
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JJBA Character Theme Throwdown | Round 1
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Listen to both character themes under the cut!
Father-Son > Yoshihiro Kira
FENG SHUI - Kenzou
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filthcadillac · 2 years
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goofy ghost dad
i have way too many headcanons about him, one of them being that he's a pretty fashionable guy and has a good taste for suits, like his son.
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killer-queens · 1 year
Hi Kira! What was your reaction when your dad came back as a ghost?
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I thought I was being haunted for some time....
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ace-the-fox · 1 year
Grandad Yoshihiro driving:
Dad Kira teaching Haruka how to drive:
Idk how long this has been in my inbox for as tumblr was being homophobic and didn't give my a notification, but OMG
Yoshikage is the only Kira who is allowed to drive. And even that is debatable on some days.
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the-brainrot-central · 3 months
Umm I posted a new chapter. God help us all.
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worldsetfree · 5 months
Tarot Readings: The Star (Part 4)
There's so much I want to write for 4taro headcanons... Hard to cut it down to something digestible. Enjoy?
He got married, had a daughter, and is working on his PhD. Man needs sleep. And a cigarette.
Quit smoking when Jolyne was born.
Keeps a photo of her in his wallet. Refuses to discuss anything about her with the residents of Morioh. Man's here for business.
Kujo Jotaro wants to live a quiet life. Yet here he is once again, putting himself in harm's way for some stupid shit his grandfather roped him into. Swears he would have left his old man to his own devices if not for the Stands.
Really needs that cigarette.
Warms up to Josuke over time, but still thinks he's a weirdo.
Finds their whole family situation uncomfortable to deal with. Decides it's not his problem, lets Josuke come to him if he wants to foster that relationship.
Per him, bringing Josuke with him to hunt those rats was a tactical decision, and not uncle-nephew bonding time.
(Look, he's still not the most emotionally self-aware, okay?)
In general, he's actually pretty impressed with Josuke. Thinks the kid is handling this situation a lot better than he would have at that age.
Okuyasu, however, is on thin ice (he's not aware of it).
Jotaro respects the teen's heart, but his soul left his body when Yoshihiro Kira escaped with the fucking arrow. Good grief he just wants to go home.
At least there's ✨️Koichi✨️, though.
Jotaro appreciates how respectful the little guy is. He isn't aware that it's because Koichi is super intimidated by him.
Seriously though, he was surprised that he lived woke up after getting blown up by Sheer Heart Attack. That's the moment when Koichi earns his eternal gratitude.
He'll have the Speedwagon Foundation offer him a job when the time is right.
Overall, he's pretty mid about the kids but at least they're not too nosey.
Unlike a certain mangaka who ended up needing to extend their hiatus after trying to use Heaven's Door on Jotaro.
I really wish we got a chapter on these two meeting each other! I'm sure it was an absolute disaster for Rohan.
Jotaro thinks his grandfather joining him in Morioh was a bad idea, but he had no choice.
Joseph was very upset that his request to fly into Morioh in a helicopter or a propeller plane was pre-emptively and unequivocally shut down.
"You won't survive a fifth plane crash, old man."
Visits his parents at least twice while he's in Japan. The experience is the most healing thing for his soul in years. Holy's cooking still hits.
Jotaro is a little bit upset that this Twin Peaks detective adventure is not as fun as he hoped it would be. Hunting 2 serial killers with Stands is terrifying.
Overall, 7/10 he's never taking Jolyne to this town but at least there's no vampires this time?? Bonus points for the starfish.
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starry-blue-echoes · 10 months
Oh I had. A thought for the Cinderella Rewrite AU. Because now there's a girl out there who is extraordinarily pissed at Yukako, right?
Well that's great for Yoshihiro Kira who is trying to find people willing to distract the Morioh Gang from hunting down and finding his son. And this girl already has a grudge against one of them? Perfect Enemy Stand potential!
There are so many ways this plotline could go which is amazing. Does the girl learn the error of her ways or remain stubborn, becoming a shadow archetype to Yukako, someone unwilling to settle her feelings in a healthy way? Does Koichi beat her or does Yukako? Does this happen on The Thursday? If so, does Yukako reluctantly drag in someone like Hazamada to help or does she try to go it alone only to fail and need the help of, say, Joseph or Tonio?
Speaking of which, if it isn't on The Thursday, where is Yukako during All Of That?
While I have no idea what her Stand could be, I LOVE the idea of her being turned into a Stand User and getting involved in The Thursday. Maybe she ends up teaming up with Terunosuke in the kidnapping of Koichi and it sorta skews how everything goes. What her Stand is will definitely impact how things are going, but with how we've created her there are. So many possibilities and I'm not sure which would be best. I do think it should be more inclined to trickery than straight up power but other than that I've got nothing
ANYWAYS tho, as for how this ties into things and redirects them: maybe the girl (also, we really need to give her a name don't we) was set up to work with Terunosuke, but under the condition that Koichi and Yukako were hers. Teru does his thing and kidnaps Koichi and Tomoko, but he ends up passing Paper Koichi off to the girl
Josuke, Okuyasu, Yukako and Yuya are all going to temporarily be together and chasing after Terunosuke, but maybe somewhere during the chase the girl ends up jumping them and goads Yukako into a fight. Yukako tells the others to go on ahead and keep chasing after Teru and that she'll catch up later. It only after they've left that Yukako learns Koichi is actually here. I'd imagine their fight is a lot of chasing and shouting, and personally I really like the possibility of Tonio and Joseph getting involved, though I'm not super sure how
Koichi definitely gets freed at some point, and when he joins the fight there's a noticeable difference in the tide. After all, out of the four of them Koichi has the 2nd most combat experience (plus, Joseph's gotten a bit nerfed because of his age) and isn't afraid to pull his punches if he genuinely believes he's in danger. He's had like. Three near death experiences at this point, two of which could be argued were just flat out death, plus who knows how many other fights where his friends were in danger. Koichi knows what's at risk here and he's not going to let anyone else get hurt if he can help it. (Now, he's not going for lethal shots, but he's definitly aiming to hurt)
and maybe that's how Tonio and Joseph get involved? For safety and potential back up, Koichi and Yukako ended up running to Tonio's since it was the closest place and Joseph just happened to be there (Shizuka is fine tho, she's Jotaro at the moment), and they end up getting wrapped into things
for the resolution of this, I'll admit I really want to play into the fact that this girl has no IDEA what's actually going on or how much is actually at stake here, and how her ignorance to it has consequences. She's far from blameless of course, she did do some really fucked up shit in the past and now, but she also had no idea she's gotten involved with serial killers who are looking to do far worse than high school bullying. She'd been so wrapped up in her own little world of getting revenge that she hadn't thought to think Hey Maybe The Weird Picture Man With The Arrow Doesn't Have My Best Interests At Heart
Now does this mean she gets off scott free? No, and to be honest given the amount of property damage and kidnapping and manipulation she's done she's definitely going to be on the Foundation's radar, double especially because she's a User who was again, working for a known serial killer (albeit unknowingly)
but finally, after weeks and weeks of all of this happening, she finally gets to see how there's more to this world that her immediate circle and there are going to be concesuqences for her actions
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quirofiliac · 4 months
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kira doesn't like children. this is simply a fact of life; it'll never change and is most certainly not up for debate. kira yoshikage isn't good with children and has come to terms with that quite easily.
he's never understood the desires of those around him-- claiming that it's a "biological need" or that children are "the future". it's never appealed to him and, whenever he's in earshot of such assertions, found himself pushing back more and more as time went on. children, to kira, are both people and "things" simultaneously. he doesn't see the point in handling them with (this is a bit of an unintentional pun... or was it better said as wordplay?) "kid gloves" and always regards them like he would an adult. this is only when he's forced -- which is rare but not entirely absent -- to, however.
his parents, especially his mother, have always wanted a child. kira just so happened to be that very child. it remains unclear to him if he were ever intended to have any siblings (he suspects they would've been absorbed in the womb.) as neither his mother nor his father made any further attempts after his birth. his mother, especially... kimiko-- oh, dear, sweet kimiko? her tender heart's too delicate! it'd probably shatter if she'd have to suffer through another complication!
no, the thought alone was already too much for her. her loving, caring husband, yoshihiro, too... he would never let the thought cross his mind for any longer than a second. kira was their "miracle child", and they'd like to keep it that way.
with those little anecdotes in mind, kira himself never quite managed to grasp the importance of children. even when he was spoiled day in and day out by his parents on sheer principle of being their child, he's always found it difficult to acclimate. their attention was, at best, stifling and, at worst, absolutely overwhelming and suffocating. he wondered if all parents did that, especially to his fellow classmates (and then, much later, his coworkers.) who strove for straight A's and perfect attendance.
it didn't take long for him to realize that that wasn't the case.
children are not beings that require any sort of special treatment. kira views them as a "commodity" of sort-- they are dirty, loud, and oftentimes... destructive. he doesn't necessarily view them as an unimportant variable within life (to do so would diminish his own existence as one. and that was merely too existential for an average guy like himself to ponder on.) but would never consider them as a "higher priority" like so many in society do. he does not view them as exempt from responsibility nor does he fathom why so many adults -- you'd think they'd know better... -- are privy to protect them.
when he was a child, his parents never bothered to properly discipline him. it wasn't standard within the household, mostly due to kira's own behavior. he was what many would call a "good kid", a boy that "kept to himself" and a boy that "did as he was told". he never thought of it as imperative to "act out". weighing the pros and cons of "acting out" always steered him in the proper direction: peace and quiet versus crowding and unnecessary attention... it's no surprise what eventually (no, that's a hyperbole. it wasn't "eventually"... kira knew immediately.) won out in the end.
kira's of the opinion, however, that had he lashed out as a child? he most likely would've deserved a beating. corporal punishment to him isn't up for debate-- it simply was a route that more parents should take. too many parents (mothers especially.) were afraid of hurting their precious, little baby's feelings... it got under kira's skin in a way he didn't think possible.
hearing a baby cry in the store, at least three-to-five aisles down, wasn't a mere inconvenience. instead, it was a disruption. plain and simple. kira views parents (why should he care about their situation? that was their choice and their choice alone.) as the catalyst of a child's behavior. it's no mistake that this logic, bizarrely, does not apply to him because, again, kira's never had to go through it. he was privileged compared to many other children, and he recognizes this fact but doesn't intend on "acting" upon it. since birth, he knew exactly how to act and when to act.
his parents, while undoubtedly flawed people, raised kira with the best of intentions. there's no argument as to why he's never received discipline... it's simply because he's never done anything to deserve it.
he's unable to say the rest for kids and their ilk. teenagers were not exempt from that and were, in fact, held up to even higher standards. whereas children could maybe get off with the excuse of being "underdeveloped", teenagers were grown. they should know better and yet insist on behaving the total opposite. it's frustrating for him, time again and again, to witness with seemingly no disciplinary actions in place.
after all, why should he be the one to "take care" of someone else's children? by that point, it's safer to assume that they shouldn't have had kids in the first place. kira has no problem whatsoever in testing (and, of course, proving it.) this theory, either.
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