#kinda disappointing tbh since i had hyped myself up
peonypuddles · 1 year
Tag game to get to know you better
tyty @minuutti for the tag :))
What book are you currently reading?
I just started "Some will not Sleep" by Adam Nevill and its ok so far! not the worst in my constant search for good horror books
What's your favorite movie you saw in theatre this year?
I don't go to the theater like ever but my favorite movie I've seen in theatres is Nope! Still and always thinking about it
What do you usually wear?
since I'm doing lab work every day I'm not at my other job everything i wear has to be lab appropriate :(( but I like big pants little shirt outfits and use that formula for most of mine lol
How tall are you?
5'0 or 152cm
What's your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event?
Pisces sun, Capricorn moon and Leo rising :) My birthday is on the Ides of March and the death of H.P Lovecraft which is all I know off the top of my head
Do you go by your name or a nickname?
I've had nicknames in the past, but most people just call me by my name which is fine with me tbh i have no strong feelings for or against it
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
Nope lol I really wanted to be an astronomer but now im a chemist, so I guess I at least stayed in the same field
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
Nope, not anymore :) i have no crush and I am actually much happier single than I was in a relationship. I do not want that to change rn
What's something you're good at vs. something you're bad at?
baking vs. driving/navigation
Dogs or Cats?
I love both but I'd prefer to have a cat
If you draw/write, or create in anyway, what's your favorite picture/ favorite line/ etc. from something you've created this year?
Really love my Perfect Blue drawing I did recently still! I feel like I'm finally finding a digital art style I enjoy that also looks nice
What's something you'd like to create content for?
Looking into making some ghost band art soon actually! I've been meaning to for a while but working myself up to making fanart always takes some time lol
What's something you're currently obsessed with?
Beetles. I literally fucking love bugs and it's all I talk about. I only have TikTok to watch people raising GOP beetles and videos of Hercules beetles beating the shit out of each other and little grubs digging around in soil
What's something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
No idea bro my standards are already kinda low for everything media wise these days
What's a hidden talent of yours?
Depending on who you ask, either that I can do art or that I can do math. Friends from different social circles have very specific opinions on who I am and what I do for school
Are you religious?
What's something you wish to have at this moment?
A tattooooo I'm so hyped for my booking but its so far outttt and I'm impatient
Tagging any of my mutuals! do it NOW (please)
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I don’t know if you’ve answered this question before, but why do you think some characters have been so sidelined in the last season? Especially Will (my fav) in both s3 and s4; Jonathan in s4; and it’s not only the sidelining, it’s that they almost haven’t been written at all. Joyce in s3 and s4 just didn’t feel like a main character anymore, and after ST had exploited her popularity to hype s1? I kinda blame it on ageism tbh. Mike, a character I loved at first sight, has been going downhill since s3; he had a lot of screentime there but in s4 he’s not only sidelined but also, still, deprived of character development. I wonder sometimes what the Duffers are doing? I feel like they just don’t care about these characters, Will in particular and Jonathan in the last season. Sometimes I think that maybe they didn’t really know what to do with their characters but I know that can’t be true — they created these characters and they can decide to give them good arcs and screentime. Idk, it just really doesn’t sit right with me and it makes me question the Duffers’ capacity. This goes hand in hand with some very weird writing choices — have Will fall for Mike of all people just to, I don’t know, add unnecessary drama as if being gay in the ‘80s wasn’t already enough? Use his love to prop up a straight relationship? I just really don’t get it, and being queer myself, I felt kinda disappointed. And don’t get me started on the whole stancy storyline. Even if they felt the need to give Steve and Nancy (Steve in particular) some kind of closure, there was no need to bring the love triangle back in, even if they wanted to show Nancy and Jonathan struggling in their relationship (which was already showed in s3 and I thought it was great even though it seems most people found it boring). We didn’t get any Byers family scenes with El — I get that her arc this season required that she’d feel unloved/misplaced, but they could have given us anything, even Joyce reaching out and her not responding would have been fine; and later have Will and Jonathan say something too while she’s being choked by Vecna. Every time I think about these kinds of things to maybe find a reason why they decided to proceed like that, it just doesn’t make any sense to me. It’s their show, their decisions: they have all the power to write good storylines and actually give their characters meaningful narratives. Idk if I’m being too harsh, I have to say I really loved Max’s storyline this season and Lucas’ as well (another character that deserved more screentime and his arc had to be given more attention and depth). Generally, though, I feel ST has been a letdown. I can’t really keep my expectations high for the next season.
There’s a lot here, but “I feel like they just don’t care about these [i.e. some] characters” gets at it I think. Instead of writing for each character consistently and somewhat equally, they both developed clear faves, the faves tended to turn towards comedy and changed the tone and focus of the show, and they kept bringing in new characters, while sidelining multiple OGs. It really makes no sense.
I’m still mystified by how much they’ve sidelined the Byers family, though. They bring such heart, but it feels like part of shifting the focus of the show away from subtle character moments. I agree a lot of the writing choices have been v baffling! I really hope there are real Byers fam and Byers-Hopper fam scenes in s5. And more equal character writing and plots across the board.
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iloverodrigo · 2 years
Hey! Cant believe that ive finally found my people!! i didnt think anyone else liked him as much as me 🙂🙂 quick quest: how’d you get into him? for me it was when i watched minor monogram for around the 3rd time and really paid attention to him!!! Ive literally been stalking all rodrigo related tags since… lol. Cant believe someone made a full stan account!! Was considering it myself but was scared of nobody being interested. Love! 🥰🥰
hi omg!!! so basically how it all started was that I wanted 2 binge the whole phineas & ferb series bc I only saw like maybe half of the eps as a kid. i was so attached to him the moment I saw him, I rlly like supervillain / extremely genius characters in general (ex i also had a huge L/DeathNote phase) & also im a teen & he’s a teen so it’s kinda like same age attraction partly lmao! i def think him & vanessa wouldve been such a cute couple, i rlly didn’t like that she ended up w ferb in the timeskip </3. generally i thought at first there would b a huge fanbase 4 him, since he’s like the standard “cutish smart villain” but there wasn’t, which was lowk disappointing tbh bc i was soso looking forward 2 consuming all the rodrigo media I could find lmao. so since there wasn’t a lot of things abt him on the internet, i thought I could make an acc to like hype him up and in general js express how much i lvoed him in hopes of finding some1 else who also did !!! so yeah, v open to making new friends and stuff who also love rodrigo!! u should def make that stan acc id b so interested in following lol! thanku 4 asking *_*!
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stawmie · 5 years
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It was funnier in my head
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okay ive decided that ive seen all the good posts (and some really bad takes lmao), so here's my 2 cents.
no spoilers:
the first 30ish minutes of this movie are disappointing. the only good thing that happens is meeting America
everything after that gets better and scarier and more violent
please don't take your kids to see this movie and if you do, be prepared for the nightmares
im serious, they pull very little punches this time and shit gets dark fast
this is also one of the best marvel movies imo and probably my second favourite thing they've ever produced after WandaVision (im biased bc i love Wanda but still)
this movie has some really innovative and fun scenes on top of a lot very well executed horror elements. the cinematography is gorgeous in the later acts. sadly the dialogue is often meh at best and some lines are downright cringe worthy, but the script makes up for it with a handful of pretty funny jokes at the right moments
spoilers under the cut
had a similar issue with nwh where they straight up stole the train scene from into the spiderverse, this time they just copied the demon they fight first from the Suicide Squad Film? huge one-eyed, multi-armed monster? poke its eye out with a spear? literally, it's the fucking same
America more than made up for it though, idk bout you guys but i thought she was a delight and was in love from the first second we saw her. i would die for her + her lil pride pin!! also her jacket said love is love
not much to say for the next 30 minutes tbh, they were mediocre at best and just terrible at worst. like, Wanda goes up against the full force of the sorcerers and all they do is block her and try shoot her with a cannon? marvel disease at its finest, how can make this fight that's wholly reliant on magic work like shooting guns and missiles???
i really liked this movie i swear im getting to the praise in a minute
the scene where Strange traps Wanda in that lil mirror dimension prison and the glass shatters and gets all spikey and you hear her breathing get ragged until she forced herself to calm down and reaches out to touch that one surface? yeah man that was the moment.
wanda crawling out of that gong really set the tone for the rest of this movie in hindsight
Wong was having the shittiest time out of everyone and i think he deserves a vacation and a massage
ill be honest i though the way Strange and America bonded while tripping dimensions was cute and all but not the strongest scenes? it was fine though
who was that lady who destroyed the darkhold? i was deadass more invested in her and Wong than Strange and Christine.
when Wong was telling Wanda about the original spells carved into walls i was hyping myself up to be let down but then he actually said "Mt. Wundagore" and i nearly screamed bc!! it made it into the mcu!!
now for the thing that blew this shit out the water and into my top 2 out of all the marvel stuff: meeting the 813 Illuminati
the Christine reveal ?? chef's kiss
i loved how she took control of her 838 self
never in my wildest dreams would i have imagined they actually pull through on this. Wanda not just being an actual villain but being terrifying and ruthless and deadly. "what mouth?" was the most chilling line in the entire movie and unlike many others it hit. hard.
that whole sequence is living rent free in my head. give me a "Wanda kills the Marvel Universe" movie, I'd watch the fuck out of that
they really said "men ain't shit" in that scene too, huh
Peggy's death was kinda hard to watch but also so, so awesome
Wanda limping into the room bloody and barefoot added 15 years to my life, i have never been so attracted to her ever and i have loved her since age of ultron
many thoughts on Charles Xavier that would get me anon hate but let's suffice it to say i loved that scene where she snaps his neck
the entire scene of the trio running from Wanda was peak horror film and i loved every second
okay this getting really long so here just my favourite parts from the rest of the movie:
that shot where Stephen walks up the stairs to meet the other Stephen. cinematography on point, legit the most beautiful shot i can remember from marvel ever
the Strange on Strange fight. most creative and innovative thing Marvel's done in a while, maybe ever. really liked seeing that
America going "I can't beat you. So I'll give you what you want." and Stephen then telling her "not yet" when she wants to pull Wanda out of that reality again. i can't really explain why but i really liked that ending
the third eye popping up scene was v alien-esque, nicely done
yeah so far so good. let me know what you thought, what you liked about this movie preferably, if my criticisms are invalid or just whatever you feel like as long as it's nice. have a good night
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its-chelisey-stuff · 2 years
My 2021 in dramaland
kdrama edition!
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With one exception (The Red Sleeve and I’m soooo behind) I’ve finished catching up with all my airing kdramas of this year, so it was time to make this post. I know I’m not the only one who thinks this year’s kdramas were a bit disappointing. This is the year I’ve dropped the most dramas since I started watching them ten years ago. It’s also the year where I felt a lot of shows started off great but then turned into a “wtf is this?” disaster after the first half. Did I make good choices in finishing the ones I did? Not always, but mostly.
Sweet Home: Watched it for Song Kang tbh. But I liked it. I actually liked the cgi monsters and all the gory stuff. Would I watch a second season of it even if I’m against multiple season dramas? Only if Song Kang is involved lol. It’s a 8/10 for me.
Run On: OBSESSED with the second couple. I need Kang TaeOh and Sooyoung on another drama asap. Whatever it is, I’m in. I don’t remember much about the main OTP but overall I feel like it was a well written, acted and directed drama. A 9/10 for me. Totally would recommend it!
She Would Never Know: Drama’s biggest flaw was the writing, everything else was decently good. Did that stopped me from watching? Obviously no, because I needed my weekly fix of Rowoon lmao and he looked so hot. I was only here for him but I lost count of all the times the FL made me upset or want to punch her. Good soundtrack! I still listen KJH’s (from Nell) song from time to time. A 7/10 for me because I can’t give Rowoon anything lower lol and tbh it had some GREAT kiss scenes!
Navillera: Slice of life melos are so not my type of drama. But I watched it for Song Kang and I basically teared up every ep. GRANDPA!!! The story hit a bit too close to home, which I guess it’s what made it extra emotional for me. This is why I prefer fantasy and over the top crazy romcoms, the farthest they are from reality, the better. But I’m glad I watched it. 10/10 honestly, it was touching and beautiful.
So Not Worth it: so freaking worth it!!!! I did a review here! 9/10. If you are feeling down and/or want to watch something hilarious and silly, this is for you.
Doom at your service: Meh. For a good 8 eps I thought this show was everything I wanted and needed. And then it wasn’t. I had so many problems with the story and the way some characters were written, but it’s not worth saying now. Great chemistry by the whole main cast, though. Especially by main OTP. An 8/10 because modern fantasy dramas are among my fave kdrama genres.
My roommate is a Gumiho: Again, I loved the first half, had so many problems with the second one. Chemistry of OTP was not the issue, so I guess that’s a win. Loved Hyeri’s acting in this, actually. Second OTP was a delight. And I actually liked the second lead a lot lol almost had SLS. 7/10.
Police University: Drama suffered an identity crisis after ep 8 and it was real bad to the point of almost making me cry. I’m blacklisting the writer of this drama. NEVER AGAIN. 7/10 because the first half was honestly really really good and fun.
Squid Game: Technically a kdrama, right? Watched it for the hype. 6/10 for me.
Lovers of the red sky: cheating with this one because I didn’t exactly finish it but I saw enough. A hot mess that started with such promise. A 7/10 imo.
Yumi’s cells: What did I say about dramas reminding me of reality? Yeah, I don’t like to watch them but when I do, I end up loving them. I’m waiting for S2 and I’ll be the first to clown myself for saying I don’t do multiple season dramas. At least I’m self-aware lol. A 9/10, great acting, good writing and the cells’ parts were always the best. My thoughts here!
Would you like a cup of coffee? I’m a big fan of Ong Seung Wu’s acting, so I decided to watch whatever this was gonna be even if I was wary of the premise. Can’t handle caffeine irl but I loved all the coffee talk hahaha one of those feel-good dramas with one case per ep kinda thing. Very touching at times. A web drama of 12 eps of 20 min and a 8/10 for me. Totally recommend it if you’re in the mood for it. Seong Wu, I need you in a full length drama soon!
Light on Me: Wanted to watch it since it aired and finally had the opportunity to see it all in one day when I was in bed thanks to my second vaccine dose lol they really made poor Shinwoo suffer with this, don’t you think? A 9/10, it was delightful! korean BLs are getting better and better, I’m glad! Hoping to get a full one hour 16 eps on a big network someday.
My TOP 3 of the year:
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Vincenzo: I started it to laugh about how bad it was supposed to be because the premise sounded extremely silly. 10 minutes in and I was loving it. Every ep I was at the edge of my seat and always loved the crazy plot twists. I laughed, I cried, I swooned and I loved it. OTP was my favorite of the year, actually. 10/10 for me. Final thoughts here!
Imitation: Biggest and nicest surprise of the year for me. Wasn’t expecting much from an Idol drama, especially good acting given the cast is 99.99% made of idols, but I was wrong. The story had a lot of heart and the script was good. Deserved to be a 16 ep drama instead of 12, because some plots needed a bit more time to be explored. Loved it. 9/10 for me. I made a little review.
The King’s Affection: It wasn’t what I was expecting at first, but I ended up loving it anyway. I’m glad that I was able to close this year with a drama I loved and obsessed with so much! Congratulations to Rowoon for making such a wonderful comeback after the hot mess of SWNK, in the same year. I’m happy for the drama’s success and popularity, it’s well deserved. Now let’s hope Rowoon’s company lets him rest one of these days...
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asianhappinesss · 2 years
The Bride of Habaek (2017)
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What would you do if you had to continue a strange family legacy? Yoon So Ah is a pragmatic neuropsychiatrist who carries a tremendous financial burden to run her own practice. Her family has been tasked with serving Ha Baek, a reincarnated water god, for many generations, and So Ah is forced to do the same. Ha Baek starts to develop feelings for So Ah, but he has competition for her heart from Hoo Ye, the CEO of a resort company, who clashes with So Ah over a piece of land but then falls in love with her. Moo Ra is a goddess from the Water Kingdom who has been living on Earth for hundreds of years. Working as an actress, Moo Ra loves Ha Baek and doesn’t appreciate So Ah stealing him away from her. Meanwhile, Bi Ryum is a wind god who has always had a one-sided crush on Moo Ra despite knowing her feelings for Ha Baek. Can a relationship between a mortal female and a god have a future?
Cliche Ending
Anyways, on to the review for “The Bride of Habaek.” Tbh, I’m gonna go on a little side rant… if you ask me, “Did I enjoy it?” I’m gonna answer… “Kinda?” At the beginning, I was super hyped for the drama, especially since I loved the manhwa. I knew that the drama would take a different route by modernizing the setting… and yet, that’s not the reason why this drama disappointed me so much. The most disappointing aspect about this drama was the plot itself. There was so much they could have done with all the elements they introduced into the story… but instead, they took the typical boring route and casted aside development for their characters to have a happy cliche ending. 1. Plot/Story Again, I’m going to reiterate, the plot/story wasn’t really captivating. Even in the beginning, the plot was kinda confusing. Habaek’s mission was to collect the god stones to become king… but once he found all the god stones… they kinda became insignificant to the storyline. As well as, answers to the questions in the drama were revealed “too late” to add to the suspense of those questions; it would have been helpful to reveal the backstory sooner to better comprehend the plot. Really, the whole purpose of the god stones were for Habaek to travel to the human world to understand and empathize with humans — but once I figured that out, I already didn’t care why those god stones were important. What really threw me off, though, was how this drama ended and basically said “forget all the things we’ve built up for the plot, let’s just have a bullshit happy ending.” Various elements were introduced into the drama to stir up “drama” and create a unique story, such as Habaek’s missing powers, the half-god Shin Hoo-ye, So-ah’s missing father, Habaek’s ex-lover Nak-bin, the disappearance of the other god stone, the rambunctious childhood friend Bi-ryeom, and the cold but unrequited love of Moo-ra towards Habaek. These various elements added flavor to the enjoyment of the drama, however, they were readily tossed aside when it came to the progression of the main couple’s love story — which, in my opinion, was a hit or miss. Sometimes I felt the chemistry between the two and then sometimes it completely flat-lined, but they focused way too much on “fan-service” action and not enough to completely convince me the depth of Habaek and So-ah’s love. Also, so much “fan-service,” to the point where the “heavy consequences” of the drama were complete jokes. Overall, the story was bearable enough for me to finish the drama, but I found myself dreading each episode as they dragged on. 2. Characters The acting wasn’t phenomenal, but it wasn’t the worst either. I was fairly impressed by Shin Se-kyung’s acting; she was able to portray So-ah’s character of kindness, understanding, but — yet — she is ashamed of her upbringing. Despite being ashamed of her upbringing for helping others before herself, she chose a career that was the definition of helping others — a psychiatrist. Sometimes she didn’t seem like a competent psychiatrist (which I always seem to have problems with dramas that portray mental health and illnesses), but So-ah was a genuine and considerate person when it mattered and she reminded us that she is only human. Thus she makes mistakes (such as her ridiculous debt lmao). As for Habaek, I’m not sure if Nam Joo-hyuk was the best fit to play the character considering how complex Habaek’s personality was, but NJH was very adorable and definitely “eye-candy”… if you know what I mean. I just personally think that perhaps a more experienced actor could have done better to fully bring out the gravity of Habaek’s complex and demanding personality, his trust issues with humans from the betrayal of Nak-bin, and the grandeur of being the chosen king of the gods. As for the other characters, I really liked Moo Ra and Bi Ryeom… and I kinda wished there was more development for these two characters. Tbh, they didn’t really feel like “second lead” characters and more like side characters. Towards the end, we got a bit of romance between the two, but even
their love story was rushed and didn’t fully convince me of Moo Ra’s feelings because she has always loved Habaek. Honestly, you could remove these secondary characters and it wouldn’t change the plot of the drama… that’s how poorly written the second characters were. They just added drama that made the story more disorganized. Lastly, the winner of this drama goes to Hoo Ye — the adorable CEO. Lim Ju Hwan did a PHENOMENAL job… I completely fell in love with his character to the point I was shipping him with So Ah. In my opinion, Hoo Ye had the best character development and story out of everyone. His character was relatable and felt realistic. He was an abandoned child who was casted away because he was considered a mistake — someone who shouldn’t have been born even though it wasn’t his fault for being a demigod. I loved how the moment he met So Ah, he gradually changed and he became a better person to where he could love and accept his true self. I was so disappointed at how they simply casted him aside after his story was “resolved.” If there was a sequel drama just about him, I wouldn’t complain at all because he deserves a happy ending. 3. Overall There were too many concepts that this drama introduced, but the writing failed to concretely focus on one message or issue to solidify the drama as a complete story. Basically, this drama was about one’s fate and searching for happiness; to give other people happiness is to sacrifice your own, so you have to learn to love yourself before you can love and understand others. Habaek learned this concept that to be a king, he must be capable of protecting others and not just himself. So Ah learned that in order to help others and give them proper advice, she must help and take care of herself too. Hoo Ye learned that he has to accept him for what he his, so he can learn to accept and trust others into his life. Unfortunately, this drama lands in my list of “dramas that I wouldn’t rewatch.” I still scratch my head to this day as to what the “real” message of the drama was supposed to be. But I guess… one thing that was clearly seen was that Habaek and So Ah were just fated to be. Though this drama is fantasy, one thing this drama really lacked was the element of the gods’ powers. We got to see snippets of these godly powers, but it continued to be dragged out with Habaek being powerless. I understand why he lost his powers, but we only saw his powers in action like once or twice. The cinematography and sceneries of this drama was done well, so those are some redeeming qualities (as well as the nice music). My recommendation is… if you like these actors and actresses, then give this drama a shot. However, this drama will require your utmost patience and understanding to follow the reckless ideas that occur randomly throughout in this drama. Also, if you just want to see some really cute romantic scenes between the main couple, then this drama takes the trophy.
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facelessxchurch · 3 years
Last book title announced, it's "Until the End" which... alright. Appears to be a red book, which is definitely cheating because Bedlam was already a red book two books ago, you can't do that. Are you hyped for another hit-and-miss probably-traced cover? I'm hyped.
I know. First a mini rant about that livestream tho: that fat fuck seriously lured people into watching that livestream with the title reveal (I guess the LS's without any SP content don't pull the numbers he'd like them to) and then he doesn't even do anything SP related leading up to it?? That explains why the promo material for the LS had no SP stuff on it. I only managed to endure it for like 3min before deciding I don't hate myself enough to put myself through this. Kinda hilarious that they messed up the timing again and the SP Facebook posted the title about 40min too early.
Can't say I had a strong reaction to the title tbh. It was something of a I'm disappointed but not surprised kinda thing. But I get why he's pandering to the Valdugs. It probably worked out great for him when it came to the DoA US cover (they were holding hands and if you disagree you're lying to yourself) and at this point, if you ain't here for Val and Skul, why are you still reading?
At least the title sounds final, so fingers crossed there won't be a phase 3.
The title implies there will be even more on a focus on their relationship and I wonder if, since it's the last book, Landy is gonna be like fuck it and make Valduggery canon and then kill one of them or both instantly, so no one is happy-
You know what would be hilarious? If he pulled an Rylo and has Val and Skul kiss in the final, making the ship canon, but then when he changes his mind and starts writing phase 3 he retcons it into being a 'platonic' kiss. Ah, doesn't exactly speak for him that I could see him do that lmao
Also, just bc the title reveal thing is red doesn't mean the cover will be. The title reveal image for DoA was orange, but the actual cover was purple, remember? Also if he uses the same fucking Anya Taylor-Joy image to trace Valkyrie from AGAIN imma lose my fucking shit. He's even lazy about tracing, I fucking can't hbdvcrexgsa
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pan0ramy · 3 years
re8 thought dump because YE
i feel like this was almost inevitable but idk where else to talk about resident evil village so i’m just going to rant about it here!!! i have,,,, a lot of thoughts on this game after being so excited for it for so long
obviously, massive spoilers if you haven’t finished the game. i feel like i have thoughts on pretty much everything so please please please stay clear of this post if you’re trying to stay blind
otherwise, let me just rant about this game for a bit - mainly the story and characters - because i have Thoughts™
(also i feel like it goes without saying but this will be probably be quite long, so. strap in, ig)
okay SO. the whole intro was pretty interesting - even though we’d seen bits of it in trailers, it was still pretty unnerving and felt like it came out of nowhere. but the first thing that really stood out was the first village section with the hordes of lycans; i didn’t expect this game to start freaking me out so quickly but JESUS my blood pressure went up fast. 
there’s so many of them coming at you at once, and not only have you just lost half your damn hand, you’re not really used to the gunplay at that point AND you don’t have that many weapons at your disposal. so it’s basically just “hey we’re throwing you into this ring of death, good luck surviving!” which... now that i think about it, that really sums up the whole game lol
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but for the most part, the early parts of the game are what we saw in the demos, so there’s nothing too new - it was nice getting to see the scene with all four lords and mother miranda, though. i wasn’t sure how the whole chase scene with the lycans would work - i thought heisenberg’s area was going to be some sort of mine, and that the chase would take place there - but it didn’t, and it was interesting regardless of it being so short. 
but the castle. THE CASTLE. 
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i would be lying through my teeth if i said i wasn’t excited for dimitrescu like everybody else; i’m firmly in the camp of people who both meme about how attractive she is, and then also the people who legitimately find her attractive, soooo i kinda had high expectations going in? 
and sure, the castle section is only part of the game, but if there’s anything that makes me nervous most, it’s stalker enemies. resi 2 remake was actually pretty tough for me to get through because of how anxiety-inducing mr x was, and even though i don’t feel like she was as present as mr x was, lady d was still great! there were a good few times where you could hear her walking around and you just knew she was searching for you, which was really damn cool.
also, i know capcom had a lot of hype to live up to with lady dimitrescu, but goddamn they did such a great job with her. she’s so imposing but badass and just... really damn cool? like i honestly found myself being excited for her to show up rather than being scared. i just think she’s neat! I MEAN LOOK AT HER.
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(also yes i know the whole internet has talked about how attractive she is, but can we just. appreciate that for a second???? she’s gorgeous and yall can’t tell me otherwise. like. bro ik the pronunciation is wrong but the way she says dimitrescu made me GASP i love this powerful vampire woman)
if anything, though, i... actually felt really bad that her story ended up the way it did. i mean, think about it: you break into her house, kill the three people she’s grown to consider her daughters, rob her shit, and then kill her? she technically goes through the same kind of parental grief that ethan does, in a way, which is a really interesting parallel. grief seems to be a theme that capcom really pushed for this game, and it works. 
also, her boss fight design is badass. she’s literally a dragon, how is that not incredible
so the castle was great, where could the game go from here? oh, i don’t know, how about gOOD OLD FASIONED FUCKING TRAUMA.
jesus christ the dollhouse GOT TO ME.
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i’m pretty used to horror in general; i love horror games, movies, books, you name it. i’ve gone to horror movies where people have ran out because of fear all while i’ve sat there giggling the whole time. but the dollhouse? that dollhouse is FUCKED. i can’t remember the last time i watched someone play through a horror game and was so... on edge the whole time. the fact that they keep you waiting for so long with nothing happening just... makes the atmosphere incredibly uncomfortable, and then when shit does start going down, it goes down fast. in other words, jesus fucking christ that baby will haunt my nightmares until the end of time
basically capcom managed to make the n*zi baby joke from south park: the stick of truth legitimately terrifying, and i was glad to see donna die. moving on.
moreau’s section is the one i... actually don’t have as many thoughts on. it’s cool, sure, and the whole idea of him turning into a fish when he hits water is neat - it’s definitely a good callback to re4 - but idk, it didn’t really scare me that much. i can see it scaring those with a fear of water or the ocean, for sure, but eh. i thought the designs were cool, but i kinda tuned out a little here.
heisenberg, though, was anything but. the entire time leading up to village’s release, this guy has fascinated me for some reason. i don’t know if it’s because he’s the most normal-looking of the four lords, or the fact that he has telekinesis, or his amazing voice acting (seriously i know some people have shit on his VA but oh my god i adore it) or what, but this guy stood out to me from day one. i even went into the game expecting him not to die tbh. but no, he does, and his fight is pretty damn cool all things considered. only in a resident evil game could you have a mech fight and have it not feel out of place lol
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also this line ^^^ legitimately made me laugh so hard i almost choked on my water. THE FACT HE TURNS AROUND AND APOLOGISES SO MEEKLY its fucking hilarious to me
but anyway.
similar to alcina, though, i was left with one big question about heisenberg - what did mother miranda do to him to get him to join her impromptu familly? he said himself to ethan that he didn’t want to join, so what did miranda do that didn’t give him a choice? did he have a family at some point? is he grieving too? what did miranda take from him? i can only hope this gets answered in the dlc, because it’s by far one of my biggest questions surrounding all of this. i may very well have missed it somewhere, and at least we know he has his telekinesis abilities thanks to miranda, but it’s a question that’ll definitely be on my mind going forward.
at this point, though, the story REALLY gets insane. it’s really nice how village decided to just continue on straight from what 7 did, and i’m very glad that everyone’s theories about chris being a werewolf were wrong - it’s a really nice spanner to throw in the works. if anything, the whole revelation of mother miranda disguising herself as mia the whole time since rose’s birth was really cool, and ethan being Mold™ the entire time was pretty neat too - it made a lot of things both in 7 and village make more sense.
what i’m still digesting, though, is the ending.
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...man, capcom, you put poor ethan through all of that and then you have the balls to actually kill him? i mean shit, you made us think he was dead for a whole 20 minutes but then nope! he’s alive! but then nope! he’s dead again! i did see someone point out that at least ethan got to go out on his own terms, but dammit i would’ve at least liked for him to get to see mia one last time. i think it would’ve softened the blow a little more. but i guess that ties into the whole grief theming this game has going for it, and like i said, i probably just need some more time to digest it. 
i don’t dislike the ending, it’s just a very big culture shock - it’s definitely a ballsy move, and i really respect capcom for going all out the way they did. they really held back on nothing in terms of this game’s story and i absolutely love it. it was so, so worth the wait in that regard. 
and tbh that’s kinda how i feel about the whole game in general; it was super super good, very much worth the wait, and i absolutely cannot wait to see where resident evil goes from here. i have a gut feeling this’ll end up being one of my absolute favourites in the series, which i know is very high praise, but i really do love it that much. i wasn’t disappointed with much in this game, if anything at all. it’s just a super fucking good video game man idk what else to say at this point
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alo-piss-trancy · 3 years
Really kicking myself for not watching E/lfen L/ied like a decade ago when I first saw that one piss clip that used to circulate and sealed the series name into my memory
I heard it was gory/horror based so I chickened out (and also I couldn't find a full dub)
But tbh it would have been RIGHT UP MY ALLEY if I'd seen it around that time or maybe a year or two later... Sadly now I've been exposed to enough other series and plots that this doesn't really stand out like it could have. :c
It's not BAD but it's definitely showing its age by this point and is kinda mediocre. Certain tropes have not aged gracefully and some of the brutal scenes/plot points (cool or angsty tho they are) definitely don't have the emotional impact on me they would've back then. 😧 It's such a shame bc the first episode had me hyped but everything since has been kind of eh. I could really see this being something I loved and got nostalgic af over if I'd just caved and watched it damn it...
I'm like halfway through and curious about enough that I'll finish it. But dang I'm disappointed bc I waited so long for this. Too long apparently RIP
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nightglider124 · 4 years
I don’t know if you’re still keeping up with Titans updates (honestly, I haven’t and basically forgot about it lol), but Anna posted some pictures of Kori’s Starfire costume, and it is 🔥.
Meh im not really, i’ve kinda given up on the show tbh, season 2 was like nail in the coffin.😂
I saw! (Core 4 are the only ones i stay up to date with now on social lmao) Its not bad tbf like the people who initially hated her look cant really say shit now 😂
I’m not... completely in love with it. Like dont get me wrong, Anna be looking bomb af and the suit is looking hella nice in terms of it doesnt look like some cheapo costume. Like im really happy she is finally getting the attention she deserves and I’m super happy that they didnt half ass her suit. I was gonna be pissed if they did considering the suit quality the pigeons got and Nightwings suit got too.
I love the colours and I love the warrior vibe of it but I dont like the fact its like... such a full suit? Kory notoriously has skin showing in practically all her outfits in comics and games and shows and movies etc which obviously ties into her needing exposure to the sunlight to charge her powers. (Im not here for her basically naked suits; im looking at you new 52 outlaws 🙄) So I dont really love that they have covered her as much as they have but its not that major tbh. I like her new hairstyle, despite gonna miss her s2 hair; i really liked that one tbh. Tho, im hoping its more red than in pics i have seen so far? They all make her hair look like dark brown or black and that’s a bummer if it is since yknow, kory has red hair. 😂
I am liking the Kory look for S3 tbf. Im still not gonna watch it lmao cos im just not up for setting myself up for disappointment yet again like i did with s2. I have a bit of hope now the suit has been revealed that Kory gets her spotlight LIKE SHE FUCKING DESERVES. (I really hate that Kory is seemingly never a centre stage in anything >.>) but i still dont think people are gonna get dickkory content like they think they are 🤷🏻‍♀️ I heard from multiple people that Kory has a new love interest for s3 as well so its like 🙃🙃🙃
Anyway, i went all negative. Sorry. 😂
No, overall I do like the Kory look for S3. But tbf, Titans can never fuck up that badly. Kory is my favourite character in every media format and even Titans S1 had me rooting for her but thats mostly Anna cos shes an adorable queen. 👑
I’m so fucking glad that they have been hyping the suit reveal up over the weekend and bigging Anna up for the loveliness she is tho. After all the shit she went thru with this show to start with, its really nice to see so much love being poured her way and she 100000% deserves the love.
Honestly, its a good look and I like it; happy for all the Anna/Kory fans with the suit reveal ☺️ 🔥
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I finished reading The Secret History and I'm-. (Spoilers ig)
The whole story was just miserable, I thought they'd at least have a happy ending.
I understand the hype, because it did have some magical aspects that let me transcend into a different time, however it does have a lot of flaws. Richard, the protagonist, is literally so misogynistic and I'm happy he never got a girlfriend. The girls in the story were all described in either hurtful or shallow ways that did them no justice at all. He talked badly about his ex, Kathy (?), and admitted to have been thinking about raping Camilla. Also, Judy, the real mvp of the story, was only mentioned as one of those "other girls", which is unnecessarily insulting.
Romance, if there was even supposed to be any, was un-shippable.
The friendships between the characters were equally bad, I never felt a true connection to any of them tbh. However, that probably wasn't what Donna Tartt tried to achieve with this book anyway. I had hopes for some deep friendships and perhaps a found- family- trope since none of them seemed close to their actual families. Instead I as well as Richard got deceived by all of the characters.
Every one of them was flawed, which isn't bad since flawed characters are more realistic, but their abusive, condescending, if not straight up narcissistic behaviour was not appealing. Sure, I loved the murder plot, it was the best thing imo, but how they treated even each other disgusted me.
The only main character who I don't think badly of is Francis. If he did anything wrong then it escapes me right now but I don't really think he's ever really done any shameful thing. I even think that him and Richard had more potential as a couple than any of the others and I don't just say that because they'd be mlm.
Certainly I liked the Greek and Latin a lot. That's always fun to read about and translate in fiction! The general writing style was seriously marvelous.
I really have no idea what to think of Julian. I understand the appeal of his teaching methods but sometimes he gave me weird vibes. Obviously he was irresponsible.
Henry seems overrated to me. The fandom thinks he's the epitome of the dark academia aesthetic and that might be true, however, he's also a bad human being and shouldn't be seen as an icon. I had hopes for him and Richard to become good friends but apparently Henry felt nothing for Richard and only manipulated him.
Charles had quite a strong personality too. I was shocked when he just kissed Camilla. This whole trope was quite disturbing to me but I came around ig. Anyways, in the end when he tried to kill Henry I was disappointed. I kinda understand because he felt threatened but it just wasn't the smart move. I also had the naive hope that maybe the cat he adopted would give him some sense of responsibility and will to fix his life. (That's what my cat did for me)
Camilla has always been the sweet, smart girl but I feel like she lacked profound personality. I'm immensely happy she turned Richard down tho. His feelings for her never seemed genuine. I preferred her with Henry.
I don't suppose I have to say anything about Bunny but I'll say this one thing: Homophobic, manipulative, ungrateful piece of shit. Don't know how they put up with him so long, I would've dumped him ages ago. And don't tell me it's difficult to avoid a classmate when you're in a class of only five to six (5-6) students. My Greek class also only consisted of five (5) students and I only really talked to one (1) classmate.
In conclusion, I enjoyed the book- it didn't make me emotional or jump up in ecstasy, but it conveys a vibe, an aesthetic and meaning.
@ the fandom, I wished you would meme a bit more. I know that's not a dark academia thing to do but I need some nice textposts and incorrect quotes to laugh at. I'm not creative enough to come up with them myself lmao.
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darkpoisonouslove · 5 years
Regina, Snow and Emma :D?
- How I feel about this character:
Regina was my favorite character while I was active in the fandom. However, recently I haven’t been very active and I’ve also found myself avoiding any and all thoughts about Regina and I am not quite sure which one causes the other. I liked Regina because she is a complex character and I loved her struggle to become better as well as her forging loving relationships with the people who became her family despite their history. It gave me hope that people can change and be better and I really liked that. Idk what is going anymore but I think I outgrew her as a character. She used to speak to me and now I just get annoyed by a lot of her decisions and I don’t relate to her much anymore. I used to see a lot of myself in her and a few days ago I found myself thinking “Not anymore. I am better.” So... it was fun (it was the world tbh; my love for her and for the show got me through a lot of rough times) while it lasted but I think I’ve moved on now (which makes me mourn all those fic ideas that will never see the light of day... I should probably at least release them as fic summaries so that I don’t hate myself for never breathing life into them since I love them so much but I doubt I’ll ever find the muse to write them).
- All the people I ship romantically with this character:
I'm just going to list them because if I talked about every one extensively, we would be here all week.
Faciler, Ruby, Maleficent, Emma, Snow, David, Killian, Belle, Rumple, Robin, Daniel, Jefferson, Drizella, Archie, Ariel, Whale (kinda)
- My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Zelena. I love their relationship. They really learned to be sisters despite what happened between them. I loved the development. Wish we'd seen more.
- My unpopular opinion about this character:
So idk if this counts since it's shippy, but I love Golden Queen. I understand the repulsion of the fandom towards Golden Queen in season 6. I was quite repulsed myself since they threw out all of the things that made the relationship what it was just so that they coul fuck. I was disappointed. Not for the reasons most of the fandom was, though.
- One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish they'd put her and the Queen back together. That would have been the real sign of Regina learning to love herself. I am not a fan of that entire arc and especially of the way they "resolved" it (since it wasn't really resolved in my eyes)
- How I feel about this character:
I am... not quite sure. i wanted to rewatch the show before forming final thoughts since I realized I paid a lot less attention than I’d thought on my first go but I don’t think that will ever happen so... I’m kind of in a bind here. I like Snow but she was never my favorite. She wasn’t spicy enough for me honestly although I appreciate that she kept herself in check and didn’t allow (mostly) herself to get swallowed in hatred. She (and David) kind of faded after season 3, though. I mean, when even was the last time she had a solid arc? That was rather disappointing since she had a lot going on in the first seasons and there were some really cool storylines (2A is one of my faves! Snow and Aurora were so precious together! And all the stuff that was going on with her and Emma! Those were the good times!) I like her but I’ve never been super passionate about her.
- All the people I ship romantically with this character:
David, Regina and maybe Ruby a little.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Ruby! This friendship warms my heart so much!!! I love it.
- My unpopular opinion about this character:
I don’t want to start shit but I disagree so much about Cora’s murder. I am pretty sure the fandom has agreed that it was necessary but no, it wasn’t. She had a better option and that was to put Cora’s heart back without doing the spell beforehand. They could have tried but she just wanted to murder Cora and that was that on that. It wasn’t for a lack of choice, it was because she wanted revenge. And I don’t appreciate the other characters on the show trying to convince her of the opposite either.
- One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish she’d gotten a bigger role in the later seasons since she really got benched like I mentioned earlier. Though, maybe it was better the writers didn’t try to start some shit between her and David like they did with Captain Swan (honestly, at least half of their season 6 arc was just unnecessary drama but whatever).
- How I feel about this character:
I love Emma! She is super resourceful and badass but I love that her arc is learning to be open and vulnerable and to trust people. I think her journey was well done (at least in the first seasons) and I loved the results of it. She managed to forge a strong bond with her parents, learned and loved to be a mom to Henry and also found love and friendship as well. For someone who’s been alone their whole life that was such a big and beautiful change and it was amazing to watch it happen and see her find her place in a world she thought didn’t want her.
- All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Killian, Neal, Regina, Lily, Elsa
- My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I loved her friendship with Elsa but I’m going to have to say her relationship with Snow. They went through so much together even when they didn’t know they were mother and daughter and that relationship has been such a journey for both of them and I am really happy they got to have it and Emma finally found someone who would never stop loving her and loved her even when she didn’t know they were related.
- My unpopular opinion about this character:
Um... I don’t know. Her whole 5A arc felt super unnecessary to me. Or maybe you could say that the show didn’t set it up properly. They were talking about the Dark Swan and Emma turning evil and she just... never did? Yes, she held on to the darkness because she wanted to save Killian but that is not the same as accepting it and giving into it. That was a bit disappointing to me because they were hyping up the whole Dark One Emma thing and she never actually turned to the dark side.
- One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wish we’d seen her build on her contacts with other people like Ashley and Lily. There was so much potential for adorable friendships there and I wish they had allowed the characters to breathe from time to time so that they could actually have a life as well and connect with some of the more minor characters.
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evscelia · 4 years
Selena Gomez’s Rare
my personal and unbiased opinion. enjoy!
— rare: first of all, i love how the title track is the album opener, she did it with revival too and it’s a little thing that i like. anyway i think this song is a cute bop. very catchy. i like how she sees herself as a unique person and wants people to recognise that as well, can relate to that tbh. the song sets the mood for the rest of the album and makes you want to listen to the rest, which is great.
— dance again: this was my original favourite song off the album, and i still consider it one of the stand out tracks. it makes you want to dance and i can definitely see myself still bopping to it once the album hype is over. this songs seems like a scrap from “when the sun goes down” now that i’m listening to it again jsjsjs, love the concept btw.
— look at her now: we all know this one. was shocked when selena released this song since i didn’t expect to have the second single that fast lmao. the ama ama ama part makes the song seem lazy but in my opinion the lyrics kinda fix that. very happy the selenators got this song tho! selena said it was important for them to know how she was feeling and i agree with that.
— lose you to love me: i didn’t like it at first, it didn’t seem powerful enough for a comeback single but the lyrics ... miss gomez snapped. healing anthem 100%. now that i’ve got used to it, i like it, i can see myself listening to this song voluntarily. feels like the heart wants what it wants and kill em with kindness had a child.
— ring: oof i LOVE her. kind of a jazzy song which i love and her voice fits so well. would love for it to be longer and can’t help but think of how amazing a music video would be. can totally picture it being in a bar, 80’s style.
— vulnerable: when the album got leaked this one seemed to be everyone’s fav so i was excited to listen to it. it’s a nice song i can see why people like it so much, i like the production and i don’t know why but when i listen to this song i only think about how much her voice has changed from “SG & the scene” to now jsjs.
— people you know: this is my friend’s favourite and i understand why! the concept of this song is great, definitely a go to song for when you’ve lost a friend. her voice sounds pretty here. one of the stand out tracks. (specially since track 7’s are usually a disappointment no matter what artist/band we are talking about...)
— let me get me: this song is FUN, but even though i’ve seen people claiming it, i think she’s pretty forgettable specially since it isn’t very high on the track list.
— crowded room: while listening to this song, i’m waiting for something that never happens. i’m waiting for the song to explode but it just doesn’t. this song’s kinda boring tbh
— kinda crazy: love the rhythm, selena kind of lost me with crowded room but got me back with this one. very very catchy song thanks to the chorus. “i think you’re kinda crazy and not the good kind baby” ?? sis really gave zero fucks while writing this song huh? as she should!
— fun: ooohhh meet bad liar’s younger sister! not many people like this song but i think is fun, not a stand out but not a skip either. i like the bridge.
— cut you off: k i’ve listened to this song four times and i still don’t remember it lol but HOW COULD I CONFUSE THAT SHIT WITH LOVE ?? PERIOOOOD GO OFF QUEEN. if it wasn’t for that lyric the song would be forgettable tho. not much to say about this one.
— a sweeter place: i personally think this was a good choice to finish off the album. her voice is auto tuned but it fits with the song’s vibe so i don’t mind it. heard this one’s gonna have a mv? i don’t think it’ll do bad as a single so i’m excited to see what they come up with! for some reason this song reminds of me space so i think a galaxy theme could work here.
favourites: rare, dance again, ring, people you know
least favourites: let me get me, crowded room, cut you off
Overall, this is Selena’s first cohesive album, but does that mean it’s her best? no. Revival remains her best piece of work to date. Before writing this I read another reviews and I actually agree with one of the things that were stated, “Selena wasn’t looking to make commercial hits, she just wanted to take things off her chest”. I think that’s the case to be honest, can totally see her development as a songwriter, and after everything that woman’s been through it’s understandable.
This album doesn’t have many stand out tracks but as an album it works. The transition from Revival to Rare is amazing, going from wanting to be good enough for someone else to realising you’re “rare” and loving yourself? yes! i’m here for the healing and the growing theme. I know selenators have been waiting for this for 4 years tho so happy listening!! Selena looks very happy as well and that’s what’s important. she seems healthier, very proud of her.
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maguneedsalife · 5 years
WonFes Postmortem
Alright yall remember the bingo card I made a few days ago for my wonfes hopes?
turns out I did pretty good!!!
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I did kinda shoot myself in the foot by dedicating a whole row to non-garage kit Granblue figures but... Granblue represents a pretty significant chunk of what I care about these days lmao. (Some optimistic part of me wonders if they’re holding off gbf figure announcements until the 5th anniversary in a few weeks...)
While there were many announcements/updates I was happily surprised by, there were a few things I’d been rly hoping to see but didn’t.... namely, a kotobukiya scale figure of Dawn. They’ve done all the girl protags except Dawn and Crys so far; since I don’t really think they’re going to make one of Crys at this point, I was hoping we’d finally get Dawn... alas, Koto’s big Pokemon announcement this wonfes was.... Professor Oak??? To say I’m disappointed would be the understatement of the century tbh!!!!! (like, I get it, I get why they went with Oak. Kanto hype is big rn and his voice actor just died recently. I get it. I’m still REALLY mad that they skipped Dawn)
Disappointments aside, we had some pretty big winners this wonfes!!! As usual, here’s my highlights:
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There were some pretty huge announcements this time around!! Figma and Nendoroid Goro Akechi are all a fangirl could really hope for, and I’m really, really happy to see that GSC decided to make the whole main party in P5 (esp considering they’ve skimped on persona figures before... no, I am still not over never getting P4 protag). I may be considering quitting figmas, but I may also get the Akechi one for my Joker, who knows? Nendo Akechi is gonna be an insta-buy though holy shit.
Also... all 12 Hypmic boys were announced as nendoroids!! I actually had a vague premonition a few weeks ago that we’d get Hypmic figures this wonfes but not like this!!!!! (I put Jakurai on my highlights bc he’s the only one I care about)
I put down nendo Amaterasu not bc I’m personally interested in it, but I have friends who were really excited about it. Also, I am kinda curious how they’re going to make a nendoroid out of a wolf! 
Finally, I’m really glad that GSC could announce a Mutsunokami nendo with a prototype already made ;u; that swordboy deserves more love
Unpainted Prototypes
I mentioned Mutsu already, but I was also happy with a lot of the unpainted prototypes revealed this wonfes. (Not listed here were nendoroid Ann, nendoroid Hachisuka, and another scale figure of Arthur Pendragon; also cool, but not quite highlight tier). I’m glad nendoroid Mai-senpai is coming out so cute! And of course, I was pleasantly surprised to see Goodsmile shouting shuake rights with their photo of the Crow and Joker scales together. I prob won’t be buying them (I don’t like the poses that much) but I’m glad to see GSC is starting to realize that if you put the ships together, the fangirls will come in droves.
The most important prototype on this list though -  Flare’s Oswald emerges from the ether after almost 3 years of silence!!! Unfortunately I’m now long past the point of caring enough about Odin Sphere to buy him (thats what you get for taking so long flare) but I’m still happy to see he hasn’t been forgotten or canceled.
Painted Prototypes
aaaand here’s where more of the heavy hitters come in. Romani was in a similar boat as Oswald (wonfes after wonfes passing without a single update after the announcement) so I’m happy to see him done and painted!! He’s cuter than I was prepared for!!
Ozymandias was bound to be a winner after his unpainted prototype was shown off at Animate Girls Fest last fall, and it looks like Megahouse knocked it out of the park this time too! He’s so handsome!!!! His pose is absolutely killer, and the paint is amazing.
Speaking of amazing paint... Altair’s Merlin is out here looking like a goddamn dream!!! I wasn’t going to buy him bc I have the nendoroid already, but scale Merlin’s hair came out so beautiful.... It really brings out the ephemeral quality of Merlin as a character. I might have to start putting money away in anticipation of his undoubtedly high price.......
I’d been considering swearing off scales for a while after I preordered Altair’s Arthur, but these three have made me deeply reconsider!!!!
Other highlights: Nendoroid Yusuke looks really good!! And I had to include the noodle-sitting Nitocris bc she’s just so cute!!! nito might be the closest thing I have to a fate wife
All in all, it was a pretty successful wonfes for me!! Lots to look forward to and be excited about and save up for. I probably won’t buy everything on my highlights list, but nendo Jakurai and Akechi are definitely winners, and I’ll likely end up buying one of those fate scales too... or all of them....
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mysweetkittae · 6 years
I recorded most of the concert so to see the videos please check my pinned thread on twitter (@bunkook20)
Let me just say right from the start that the UK LOVED Jin, and when I say that they loved him I mean that every SINGLE time he appeared on screen, whether in the MVs, the videos in between or just Jin himself, everyone LOST IT and screamed their lungs out to the high heavens. It was amazing.
I was in lower tier seating so I can’t say for sure since I wasn’t in standing myself, but every time I looked over everyone was being really respectful and no one was pushing (at least on my side) which made me really happy!
Also! All of the security and staff at the arena that I came across were really lovely too!
Maybe around 5 minutes before the concert was supposed to start an annoucement came from the translator that Jungkook wouldn’t be performing again because of his injury. He was apologising loads on their behalf but we were all like IT’S OKAY DON’T WORRY WE LOVE YOU!
A quick note on Jungkook: you could tell he wasn’t feeling well throughout the concert. He was very playful of course and was smiling and singing beautifully as always, but at times you could tell from his face that he was frustrated/upset at the situation which broke my heart because it’s not his fault :( He was also limping a bit when he walked, which shocked me because at that point we didn’t know that he had stitches on his heel and it made me really sad because I love him so much and the last thing I want is for him to be hurt and feel guilty about it :(( But, there was pretty much always a member with him and playing with him so thankfully baby bun was never too lonely! He definitely smiled the most and looked happiest when they were around him T-T
They went back to playing MVs after that, and played DNA, Mic Drop, and Fake Love. I think the concert started abut 10 mins late? 
THEN, my friends, the concert began with the beginning video and it was so pretty and magical.
Idol started playing next and I swear, as soon as the doors opened and they walked out I felt my body ascend to another plane and enter a state of pure bliss. For all these years I had only seen them through a screen, but now I was breathing the same air as them and looking at them with my own two eyes? Unfathomable. Also I could feel the heat of the fire from where I was sitting so I can’t even imagine how hot it must have been for them :/
Next was their opening ment and it was so surreal to hear them speaking and akdjakjfafa idk it was weird to expereince that but they sound so beautiful ;-; I kept saying hi back to them like the idiot I am lmao I couldn’t help it they were so adorable T-T Namjoon mentioned Jungkook’s injury and made sure to remind people to be mindful of their neighbours because he is the king of safety and we Respect that in this household.
They performed a bit of Save Me and all of I’m Fine but because I’m an absolute buffoon I forgot to press record so I’m really annoyed because I really love that song :( BUT at least I watched with my eyes and so I have the memory of it :’) It was an amazing performance and I loved it so much :(
They had their second ment here and then performed Magic Shop (one of my faves) which is just pure evil because how can they hit us with the feels so early on and expect us to be okay?? I was not fine. But it was so beautiful with all the purple lights and everyone singing together and it made me feel all warm and so happy :( You could really feel the love in the air
Just Dance was here but because I continued to be stupid I frickin forgot to press record again!!!! I’m super angry at myself. Hoseok though, his charisma and the way he entrances the crowd is insane! And his dancing!! omfg he is honest to god one of the best dancers I have seen in my entire life. He’s so mesmerising and you couldn’t take your eyes off him for even a second.
After this was Euphoria, which is one of my favourite songs ever because it makes me so happy and like everything is going to be okay. Jungkook has the most beautiful, soothing voice and I just can’t describe how hearing him made me feel. It made me feel like I was safe. He kept looking at the crowd with so much adoration and the most beautiful of smiles and he was listening to us singing along and it made me so happy because he looked so happy :(
I Need U was straight after and this made me !!! because this was the song that changed my life and made me an army so hearing it live made me totes emosh :(
Run was pretty hype and Joonie got us all jumping so it was really fun!
Serendipity!! Jimin has so much stage presence it’s crazy, it was truly a magical performance and it felt like we were all in a trance. He also kept putting his hand up his shirt to make it do the flappy doodle thing which was the epitome of rudeness :)) He is a beautiful dancer and you’d be a fool to deny it.
Love started and it was so much fun! He really knows how to work a crowd, everyone was singing and it was like we were all performing together aajfakfak I loved it. I also really liked Joonie’s jacket. idk if it’s clear in the video but at the end when the members were joining him on stage Jungkook was walking really slowly and that’s when I first saw that he was limping :(
DNA was amazing but all I could focus on was how sparkly Jimin was. I loved it. I love sparkly things. I’m like a magpie... or a niffler. ANyway, baby bun did as much of the choreo as he could in his chair and the members kept looking at him when they were singing at it was so cute huhu they love him so much he’s their precious baby.
They had another quick ment here before the medley of Dope, Go Go, Blood Sweat Tears, Boy In Luv and Fire. Jin and Jimin were playing with Jungkook so much it was the cutest thing and Jungkook had the biggest smile TT-TT
Airplane Pt2 was super fun but also kinda sensual and idk how to explain the feeling but it’s like there was something radiating from my chest throughout my body and I Felt It(TM) in my soul okay? 
FAKE LOVE!!! tbh I had forgotten that they might perform this lmao so it was a super pleasant surprise! I really love this song and the energy from them and the crowd was amazing. The video didn’t pick it up very well smh but the fanchants were so good! Especially for the WHY YOU SAD? IDK NAN MOLLA lmao it was like we were a cult summoning the devil it was Great. Also! At the end when jinkook are supposed to do their arm thing together Jungkook did it from his chair with Jin in the actual formation so they did it together but from a distance :(
Seesaw omfg I love this song so much and I was looking forward to it so much and it did not disappoint. It’s such a good song and such a good performance and he has such a pretty voice and I really really liked it ;-; Everyone went wild for when he slid down the bench it was so cool omg. The fanchants during the bit at the end could’ve been better but it definitely wasn’t bad and people were screaming loads! I would’ve done the fanchants better myself but my voice was hoarse from my cold before the concert even started and progressively got worse as it went on since I was screaming so much that by this point I was struggling to breathe and trying my best not to choke to death in the midde of the performance and have it be caught on camera because y’know, Priorities. 
SING.U.LA.RI.TY. Oh my goodness gracious me this performance was something else. The dance he does at the beginning with his hand was so sensual and mesmerising and I honestly couldn’t look away. It was so realistic as well, I obviously knew that there was no one there but it looked so real that if you told me that it was someone else’s hand I would’ve totally believed you. Also his hands are ridiculously beautiful. The first thing I noticed was how perfect Tae’s live was. Obviously they’re all amazing live and have been in all of the performances, as has Tae himself, but in this song it’s unlike anything I’ve heard before. It literally literally genuinely truly sounded EXACTLY like the studio version to an almost scary point. This man is an incredibe singer and if you can’t see or hear that god help your soul.  
Oh god Epiphany. This was the performance I think everyone was looking forward to, and you can clearly hear it with how loud everyone was screaming. Jin looked absolutely ethereal with his parted hair and beautiful face and beautiful voice and beautiful jacket. His voice has so much emotion that just pierces through your heart. This man has a true gift that is impossible to deny. Every was singing “I’m the one I should love” together and whether that was something we believed in or not, in that moment we all truly loved ourselves, and there’s nothing more beautiful than that. Listening to Jin sing Epiphany surrounded by the most beautiful lights... I felt at peace. I felt safe.
If Epiphany wasn’t emotional enough they went straight into The Truth Untold and I do not lie when I say that the emotions were tangible. Every single one of them looked angelic in their gorgeous outfits and their voices were like honey and I felt so light but my heart felt heavy at the same time? It was a very bizarre feeling. Everyone was singing along and it really was so beautiful. Jungkook’s adlibs at the end and Jimin’s change of the high note were incredible and if I didn’t have such a stone cold heart then I’m sure I would’ve cried like I thought I would. 
Listen. I had seen so many fancams so I KNEW that Outro Tear came immediately after The Truth Untold, but nothing could’ve prepared me for how insane that performance was. Not only for the whiplash it gave me since the previous 2 performances were so emotional, but the 3 of them are such phenomenal rappers and have so much control and power over the stage and audience that it’s almost terrifying. You couldn’t keep your eyes off them even if you tried. They each have their unique styles but the way they come together so perfectly and beautifully is unbelievable. I have no idea how they manage to show such individualty yet perfect synchronicity at the same time, but they do and it truly is a sight to see. They are a force to be reckoned with and I know for a fact that down the line they are going to have such important roles in shaping the music industry. Don’t ever doubt their abilities, not even for a second.
Next was Mic Drop, which Namjoon announced was the last song and I was like??? How??? It honestly only felt like it had been about half an hour but it had been 2 hours. Jungkook didn’t come out for this performance, not even sitting on a chair, so the whole time in the back of my mind I was really worried about him. This is only speculation of course so don’t take it as the truth or anything, but he really must not have been feeling well for him not to even be able to sit on a chair. Either he was in loads of pain or he fainted or something?? idk, I just hope it wasn’t too bad :( They just played the backing track for his parts with the members sometimes singing over it too. The performance itself was amazing though! They had so much energy and the dance break was the bomb dot com.
After this the main part of the concert had officially ended and the girls next to me were asking each other if it was over so I was like no no don’t worry there’s an encore they’re coming back! Don’t leave yet!
After some time it was ARMY TIME so everyone held up their banners and it was so nice! So What had started, which I was surprised about because I thought that they’d want us to hold the banners up during a slower, more emotional song but nope. So What was the hypest song out of the entire concert and everyone was jumping so much and it was just so so so much fun?? 
Jungkook was back for this performance but it was very obvious that he wasn’t doing well. He was singing fine and trying to be playful but you could see in his eyes and his face that he wasn’t okay, which is why I feel like he might have felt faint before or something, though I’m still just speculating so don’t hold it again me. Jin stayed by his side for basically the whole time and walked slowly with him down the ramp to the extended stage and!! You guys, when Jungkook did the shoot dance, although it was very slow he looked so so happy, it made my heart melt :( I’m glad he was able to do it because honestly that was one of the times he smiled the biggest :( Jin did it together with him and it was so sweet and I’m just so glad they all have each other to look out for them. Taejin had their Moment again it was fantastic. There was lots of cuteness throughout the whole thing and they looked like they were having so much fun! It made me very happy.
Anpanman was super fun and very enjoyable! It really is such a cute song uwu it made me smile a lot :’) Jungkook was looking at the audience a lot for this one and doing as much of the dance as possible in his chair what a cutie pie and Joonie and Jimin played with him too and he kept laughing uwu uwu this song was too much for me.
Then it was time for their ending ment. They started off with such a sweet event for us :( They made the army bombs turn rainbow coloured and took a picture with the arena in the background and it was so lovely :( Also lmao Hobi said it was photo time with an American accent, but Joon corrected him saying that is was “phoTo” with the enunciated ‘T’ sound like you say with an English accent if that makes sense?? It was really funny and after that Hobi kept saying photo with the harsh T and it was adorable. Joon then went on to say that Yoongles was going to do his ment first but he kept saying “sweetie sweetie sweetie suga” in an English accent again and alfjfkjfna I love him ma
Yoongs had his bling bling SUGA rings on and they were so sparkly! He was so smiley and just super cute. He repeatedly talked about how they were going to see us again soon so I’m certain that they’re coming back next year with either an epilogue tour or something so Wembley you better be prepared because next time we’re coming for you.
Hobster spoke in English and it was so good and it never fails to amaze me how hard he tries for all of his comments in all of the concerts. He was totes making fun of us though, when we said aww because he was sad it was the last concert day he said aww back and I felt the mockery but he’s so flippin adorable I don’t understand how can one human being possibly have so much power to make so many people happy it doesn’t make sense I don’t understand.
Tae. Eyebrows. Rude. He was being super cute talking about how he had seen London in movies (none that I knew of because he is evidently much more cultured than I am) and that he thought it was such a beautiful place and that armys were beautiful too (what a flirt). He then went on to saying some word but honest to god I hadn’t the faintest clue what he was saying and neither did my friend or anyone else around me and in the video you can hear a very faint “what?” because I was just so confused lmao. Apparently he said bloodclat? but I’m not from London so I have no idea what that means and I’m still no wiser. Twas a very confuzzling time.
Jin. Jinnie. Kim Seokjin. My man. My bro. Dude. Please stop looking so handsome, it hurts me. He was talking about how he looked like Kingsman and that next time he’ll dress up like Harry Potter. I’m holding that promise to you Jin, don’t let me down. At that point Namjoon said “shut up Malfoy” like he did in that one vlive last year(?) and it was so funny I couldn’t stop laughing why must they be so adorable?? 
Jimin was next and he kept saying that everything was lovely again and again and it was so sweet and oh my god he is literally the cutest thing ever I love him so much he is such a precious person please protect him 5eva. He also said that he wanted to come back so Jimbles! I’m holding that promise to you too don’t let me down.
Baby bun was next and he was apologising for not being able to show us more but we all just screamed NOOOOOOO really loudly because we love our precious baby in this household and he must never apologise for something that was out of his control :( Even though he was injured he still gave it his all and did his best and his health and happiness is more important than anything else!! We don’t need to see him perform, we just need him to be healthy.
Nimnams was next and my god he was so radiant. At first he tried doing an English accent but he quickly gave up on it lmao what a cutie pie I love him. He said that he fell in love with London and that it really inspired him and that he might write a song called London and we all just went !!! Because with Jungkook being injured in London it would’ve been understandable for them to associate the UK with negative feelings because that’s just how human brains work, but the fact that they seemed to have loved it so much and were inspired by it and want to write a song about it? It just made me feel so proud. I hope that when they come back they get the chance to travel around a bit because there is so much to see and it has such a different vibe to London and I’m sure they’d love it! He said how he was proud of himself for chosing this path in life and becoming a part of BTS and therefore being able to come to London :( This boy completely owns my heart and I would do anything for him :(
After this was the last song, Love Yourself Answer, but I didn’t have much space left on my phone so I couldn’t record it :( It was so lovely though and as one of my favourite songs it made my heart all wibbly wobbly :( Tae was on my side a lot and was beng super duper cute and it was the best. Jungkook’s seat was still in the middle so the members were playing with him lots and being all round cutie pies. Everyone was singing “you’ve shown me I have reasons I should love myself” and it was so beautiful to hear people saying that to themselves and actually believing it in that moment. This was another song that made my heart happy and made me feel very peaceful and like everything was okay in the world.
Then it was the ending and they were walking around the extended stage and waving to us all. Jimin kept saying that we were lovely and Tae said I purple you and urgh it was just so incredible and magical. They thanked their dancers and bowed with them and we all screamed for them too! There was loads of confetti and it was so so so beautiful. 
It ended then, and I remember suddenly feeling so empty. The past 2 and a half hours had without a doubt been the best of my life and the fact that I has seen bts live with my own eyes and been in the same place as them was still hard to comprehend.
One thing I can say for sure though is that they truly love performing on stage. They must have been so exhausted with how crazy their schedules have been, but they were constantly smiling and had high energy and put on the best performance that they could. Never once did I feel like they were being forced to do something they didn’t want to do, not like I sometimes feel with some other singers. No words can fully express how genuinely happy they looked to be on stage, and that in itself makes me so happy. Knowing that they are doing something that they love so much and are so passionate about is incredible and I hope that they are able to do the things they want to do for a long time. Anyone watching them can feel the amount of love they have for the stage, each other, and us.
And that’s the thing - people can try and dissect them and figure out what the ‘bts formula’ is as much as they want, but they will never find the answer; because you cannot formulate love, and you cannot formulate authenticity. Every moment since the creation of the universe led them to where they are today. It led them to each other, the most beautiful of soulmates, and it led us to them, our guardian angels who came into our lives when we needed them the most. Everything that has happened in our lives, both the good and the bad, led us to the moment where we discovered bangtan, and something in us told us that this was where we belonged. We all come from so many different walks of life, so many different journeys and destinations, yet here we all are, coming together because of these 7 beautiful boys with even more beautiful hearts, and intertwining our lives with one another. Despite all odds, we survived, and we’re living this life together; and that is nothing short of a miracle.
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