#kim yoosung headcanon
wukindly · 2 years
After Yoosung’s Route
“Hi Julie! Congratulations on 5.5k! It's completely deserved <3 For the requests (if you're still taking them), could I ask for some fluffy yoosung headcanons that take place after his route? Yoosung growing and having a partner for the first time? Thank you <333” by @brighteststar707
Pairing(s): Kim Yoosung/gn!reader Word Count: 1.1k Genre: fluff, slight mentions of hurt, comfort
A/N: This starts right after his route ends.
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Even though he’d insisted that he was fine and that you shouldn’t worry about his eye, you couldn’t help yourself, just like the rest of the RFA. Jumin wasn't kidding when he told Jaehee to contact the hospital as Yoosung's injury required attention - and the other members also agreed that it might have been too soon for Yoosung to be at an event like their party in the condition he was in.
One of the things that attracted Yoosung the most about you was your caring and supportive personality, so he wasn't surprised at all when you offered to take him to the hospital to check if he was indeed alright. Seven also promptly suggested that he go along, as he was feeling guilty about what had happened.
He would have preferred the others to have taken his word that he was fine, yet Yoosung agreed to go with you. After the events of the last few days, almost losing you and not even being able to go see if you were okay, he would take any opportunity to be with the one he'd been yearning for.
You might have gotten to know each other well on the messenger, but both of you were still eager to learn even more - especially now that you weren't pre-dating anymore. Yoosung could very well spend hours talking about the things he liked, but he was way more delighted to hear you talk about your own hobbies and experiences.
Yoosung was touch-starved when it came to you. He always made sure to be touching you in some way when you were together, whether it was “accidentally” brushing his arm against yours, holding your hands or straight up holding you. It was like an assurance that you were there, right next to him, safe.
You were the one to bring up the “therapy” subject. So much had happened in the short time you had known each other and you felt that Yoosung's mental health should be a priority.
Of course that he knew that things had been hard for him, but he still was a bit hesitant. He had no problem opening up to you or a close friend, but doing it so to a total stranger was different. However, remembering the conversation he had with V about Rika's issues and how she had refused treatment, he decided to give it a try.
He finally started acknowledging his own issues and working on them. Before, Yoosung wasn’t completely aware that he used LOLOL to cope with everything that happened. He knew, to a certain level, that he used the game to distract himself, but he could not see that his addiction was due to a coping mechanism.
Even though it's hurtful, he began exploring his feelings towards Rika's death. Recognizing the great impact his cousin had on him and that he didn't need to forget or walk away from it, but that there were healthier ways to move on with his life even if grief was still present.
Being the open partner he was, Yoosung looked for your support and comfort outside of therapy as he was working through these things. Healing is a hard and long path, so he was grateful that he had someone by his side that was patient enough to listen to him.
He meant what he said at the party, that he wanted to become a better person for you. With therapy, he also started working on the mindset of becoming better for himself as well.
Getting more and more of his motivation back and with the support of you and his friends, Yoosung's attention on his studies increased. That meant he had to learn to balance the time he spent with you with the time he focused on college. The life of a student is not easy.
That in no way meant that he neglected you. Even if he was studying for a big exam that was coming up, he still found time to text and call to make sure you were okay and eating properly.
There was this one time that Yoosung had invited you to his apartment so you could spend some time together and relax after he finished reviewing a few things for his finals. It was supposed to be just a few things, so you'd arrived while he was still studying and tried to keep yourself busy until he was done. Unfortunately, the study took more time than he’d expected and, when he realized, there wasn’t that much time left for you to hang out. Trying to cheer him up, as the man was repeatedly apologizing for making you wait, you suggested that maybe you could stay the night.
Since it was so late...
And you would like to spend time with him...
And, well...
Yoosung felt his face burning as he pulled the blanket over both of you. He was relieved that the light was already off so you couldn't see how red his cheeks were. He might have grown to be more confident in himself overall, but nothing could have prepared him for that. Due to the size of his bed, you were lying very close to each other. Yoosung could feel your warmth from where he was, feel your breath lightly against his face. His eye was still adjusting to the dark, but he could already make out the outline of your head leaning against his pillow. He wondered if you were also looking at him. Yoosung felt his heart skip a beat as one of your hands found its way to his belly, quickly guiding itself to wrap your arm around his waist. As if it were a second nature to him, the man moved his own arms around your body, pulling you closer. Your sigh of contentment as you buried your face in his neck didn't go unnoticed by Yoosung, bringing a soft smile to his face. "Good night, (Y/N)." he placed a kiss on the top of your head. "Thank you for staying."
Yoosung found he slept much better with you around. Even though he had spent most of the previous day studying, he’d woken up feeling refreshed in the morning.
He went on to invite you to his apartment more often in hopes that maybe you'd want to spend the night there again.
Another time you were there, Yoosung discovered how good it was to study while you snuggled him. The first few times that happened, he found it kind of hard to focus on his books with you so close, but he learned to make it work - mostly because he knew you'd stop doing it if you knew it was distracting him.
All in all, he was still going through a learning process, both about relationships and himself.
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rhinestonesox · 1 year
fan art i drew of yoosung kim dying in a glue trap
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w-sss · 2 years
(zoom in to see the details. I still can't stop praising Tumblr for high resolution photos!)
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(Tw for dangerous actions as putting a sticker on Vendy was very risky 🤭)
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mystic-headcanons · 9 months
updated: 12/18/23
the RFA at the eras tour
what their favorite taylor swift album is
jumin, zen, and jihyun with an mc who dies before they can confess
the rfa getting jealous of someone flirting with mc
with an mc who is stressed
with a short mc
what the rfa first noticed about you
holding their child for the first time
rfa getting jealous and clingy
with an insecure mc
rfa + their ideal partner
jaehee, jumin, & the choi twins' preferred cuddling positions
with a trans ftm mc
an oblivious mc
the rfa wants you to take care of urself!!!!
hanahaki disease
insecure/jealous mc
what if rika grew up with yoosung?
seven / saeyoung choi
707 angst
insecure 707
707 comfort
zen / hyun ryu
mc making it to his dimension
with an introverted mc
comforting a chubby mc
jaehee kang
soft jaehee
sleepover turned romantic
jumin han
mc accidentally saying 'i love you'
mc making it to his dimension
oblivious to their feelings
with an mc who doesn't do relationships
first kiss (lightly nsfw?)
autism headcanons
jumin han learning he's autistic through mc
more autistic jumin hcs
more autistic jumin &lt;3
unknown / saeran choi
hurt/comfort with saeran
saeran helping mc with halloween costume
yoosung kim
nervous mc and yoosung first kiss
mc feels guilty about him losing an eye
jihyun kim / v
mc proposing to v
v with an autistic mc
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glandot · 2 years
Unknown redesign !!
This is a bit of a hot take, since i changed him a lot more than i changed 707. I just thought something more mysterious would better suit his personality :⁠-⁠P i also made his hair significantly messier than 7, to kinda show his life has been rough since they separated. I dunno!
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coolbies · 2 years
Hi so I was playing and then I thought they might see each other in the store for hair dye and yoosung gave some tips.
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natasha-in-space · 2 years
Mystic Messenger cuddling headcanons
The whole gang's here! I wanted to do this for a while now, and it was super fun to write out my thoughts on each of them in detail ^^
He has no particular preference when it comes to being the big spoon or the little spoon. It all depends on your mood when you two finally collapse into each other's arms at the end of the day. Whoever needs more comfort will get it! When it comes to his favorite position though, he definitely has a huge weakness for cuddling while facing each other and sharing long meaningful conversations for hours on end. His grip on you is not too strong or too weak - it's the perfect balance to make you feel safe and loved within his arms. Yoosung is prone to light snoring if he's in a very deep sleep, but it barely bothers you. You even find it cute! And you definitely did not record your boyfriend's snoring on more than one occasion- He's not picky and can fall asleep pretty much anywhere. Being a college student has taught him the importance of getting enough sleep, and he has no problems in doing that, aside from getting too immersed in his hobbies throughout the evening. Still, he has you to always remind him when he's getting too carried away, and cuddles with you will always be far more enjoyable than any tasks keeping him away.
He's mostly the big spoon because he really enjoys providing you with a feeling of safety and comfort you might need. Having you happily snuggled up inside his arms makes him feel so happy and content at the end of the day, and your cuddles are something that he definitely looks forward to throughout his exhausting rehearsals. His favorite position would be him happily napping on his back with a moisturizing mask plastered on his face, while you are laying sprawled out on his chest with your cheek pressed up against his collarbone. You're like a living weighed blanket, only ten times better because of how cute you are! Zen's ideal bed would consist of one thick blanket and a shared pillow. Though, he's not a picky guy at all, and if you have other preferences, he's more than willing to work it out with you as you go.
Deep down, she's actually a huge softie, and when it comes to cuddling? Yeah, she's definitely a little spoon. It takes her a while to get comfortable enough with her feelings toward you, since she never actually felt this connected to someone throughout her lifetime. She can still get just a tiny bit flustered whenever you hold her in your arms, so she'll press her face into your chest and hope that you won't hear just how fast her heart is beating right now. It's adorable, really. Jaehee has struggled with sleep for so long, and she'll make sure to let you know of every possible problem that could arise from you two sharing a bed. She may or may not overanalyze the tiniest of inconveniences in the process, but with your encouragement, you two will quickly figure everything out. She has nightmares occasionally, however, you'll never know about them, unless you're someone who is a very light sleeper. The only signs of Jaehee having a nightmare is her suddenly jolting awake in the middle of the night with quick shallow breaths escaping past her lips. She would never try and disturb your sleep because of her own troubles, but she might get out of bed to make herself a relaxing cup of tea if the nightmare was especially stressful. If you do wake up and ask her about it, she won't try to hide anything from you. She trusts you enough to share her unpleasant experiences and rely on you in times of need. She just needs a little nudge from time to time.
Jumin can and will go both ways when it comes to cuddling. Being the big spoon? He adores the feeling of having you nestled up all comfortable in his arms. Being the little spoon? He never knew just how nice it is to have someone lovingly stroke your cheeks and kiss your forehead at the end of the day. He has no particular preference in that regard. Just being close to you is more than enough to please this man's soft heart. The thing he absolutely adores though, is the feeling of your legs crossed over each other. It's like you become one living being, and there's nothing more magical and comforting than that. Jumin will read you to bed every once in a while! This may come as a surprise to you, but he really likes to read and analyze classic fairytales. The process of reading something aloud relaxes him, and the sound of his voice lulls you to sleep. It's the perfect compromise. If you'd like it, he would love to start a book club of sorts with you. You'll compile a list of books you'd like to read, and he will gradually go through them all as the days go by. Reading is not a race, and sharing something like this with his loved one makes him really happy. Jumin is a huge softie when it comes to you, so expect lots of gentle touches and tender kisses both when you're falling asleep and waking up the next morning. Elizabeth does get a bit jealous from time to time, but she quickly calms down once you lay her down on the bed with you two and give her the attention she deserves. It's a small family of three, and you wouldn't have it any other way.
Saeyoung mostly plays the role of the big spoon in your relationship, but there are occasional exceptions to that. He's a very affectionate guy, so it's not a surprise at all that he simply adores cuddling in all its forms. He's very similar to a needy cat in that regard. Sprawling out on your lap while you're trying to get some work done and he wants some attention from you? Been there, done that. Randomly hugging you from behind and staying like that for like half an hour waddling after you, as you go through your tasks? Well, he does that almost every day. Having you sit on his lap while he tinkers away at his new toys? Be prepared for some neck kisses and sweet nothings being whispered into your ears, because he loves seeing you blush and squirm at his antics. Still, this totally goes both ways for you two, so it's not an unusual sight to see him flushing as red as a ripe tomato at something you've said or done. You two are a silly couple who love each other to the moon and back, and everyone can see that clear as day. Saeyoung likes to hold you close as you lay on the bed facing each other. It's not rare for you two to talk for hours on end, bouncing from one topic to the next. When it comes to sleeping itself, he's not picky at all, but he prefers it when he can get two pillows and a light blanket to cover himself with. If you need a thick one, you two might need to look into getting two blankets for each of you, because he will sweat like crazy, especially with you nestled up next to him. This man is naturally very warm, so don't overheat him too much!
This man is a little spoon through and through. He needs to be held and kissed till he absolutely melts into your embrace. His touch is so incredibly gentle, sometimes it's hard to tell that he's even there, which amazes you up to this day. Jihyun is not used to being held and pampered, so it's a work in progress with him. It doesn't mean that he does not like your affections - quite the opposite, actually - but he can get overwhelmed sometimes and not know what to do for a minute or two. He's never even been hugged properly, so cuddling? It's a huge step, especially when it comes to him receiving the affection, rather than the other way around. He's so used to being the giver in his other relationships, that it's hard to allow himself to be the receiver this time around. Good and healthy communication is key, and he's more than willing to work on himself, both for your and his own happiness! Still, he suffers from nightmares quite often. His many regrets in life can weigh heavy on his shoulders even as many years pass you by, and sometimes, they follow him into his dreams as well. He may wake up gasping for air, anxiously looking over his body, only to tell you a while later, that he had a nightmare of the very fire that killed his mother. Or, he might call out someone's name in pure desperation and anguish, as his hand reaches forward to stop someone he can't see. He feels very bad whenever he wakes you because of his own troubles, but having you near him brings him so much peace, that it's practically impossible to push you away. Instead, you two go out for a short walk in the park, enjoying the quiet beauty of nature around you, and finding comfort in your hands, tightly laced together as you walk.
He wants to be the big spoon for you, but deep down? He's definitely the little spoon, no doubt about that. It's hard to get him to fall asleep next to you, but once you manage to convince him to do it... the longing to do that again will keep gnawing at him ever since. Ray is extremely nervous that he'll mess something up, so it'll be better for you to coax him throughout the process the first time around. Make sure to reassure him that he's not doing anything wrong! As long as you keep smiling at him and babbling away with no care in the world, he will gradually relax. You'll even notice him smiling softly in the corners of your eyes, because he finds you so incredibly adorable as you talk about this and that. He's way too embarrassed to admit it, but his all-time favorite position would be to lay there facing each other, with your arms gently wrapped around his torso to keep him safe and sound beside you. Especially when you eventually fall asleep and he can admire your beauty up close without any fear of you finding him staring this intently weird or unpleasant. He may or may not kiss your cheek while you're snoozing away. The other thing he loves is doing your hair before you go to bed. If you have long or medium-length hair? He'll brush it and braid it for you. You have short hair? He will make sure to put on any hair care products you use and give your hair a quick brush. His fingers are trained to take good care of his Saviour's hair, so you definitely don't have to worry about him pulling on your hair or messing something up. He'll even research your hair type in his free time, to make sure you get the best care possible! Whenever he's not having nightmares, he looks so incredibly peaceful and almost childlike in his sleep, it makes you wish you'd do this more often for him. His breathing is so light, you kinda get scared whether he's breathing or not, however silly this may sound. Ray is similar to a cat in a very deep sleep in that regard.
Suit Saeran
Uhhh... That's a hard one to crack for sure. This Saeran really needs to get held and pampered, but he'll rather break up into atoms than admit it outright. There are really only two scenarios when you'll get lucky enough to cuddle with him. The first one is if you've done it with Ray before. Saeran can and probably will try to 'replicate' the experience to toy with you and ridicule Ray's childish desires. So, that's how you will find yourself laying in your bed with your face pressed up against his chest. You will not get the privilege of seeing his face, and that is definitely not because of how warm his cheeks got from being this close to you. It's an awkward and confusing experience for both of you. Saeran is genuinely doing his best to keep up the act of total indifference, but he fails miserably, to his utter dismay and confusion. His hands are trembling as he tugs at your clothes, his voice sounds way too gruff and shaky for his liking, and his heart is beating so fast it's embarrassing. He does try to convince both you and himself, that it is because of disgust, but... it's not very convincing. Best case scenario: he'll eventually leave you laying on the bed in a hurry, and you won't hear from him for a few hours. Worst case scenario: you say something he really doesn't like, and that sets him off. He'll shove you off and scream at you for being so frustrating, for acting so arrogant, for messing with his head. He'll slam the door shut, and you'll hear his heavy footsteps slowly getting further away. Second scenario: you'll coax him to lay with you after his apology. He'll be very reluctant to do so at first, but if you'll gently squeeze his hand and reassure him that you do genuinely want him to stay with you, he just might cave into your request. He'll be extremely skittish and surprisingly tender with you this time around, and you will have to be the one initiating the contact. He's just afraid of hurting you again. This form of intimacy is so incredibly foreign to him, and it's hard to imagine that these hands of his can be the source of comfort to somebody in this way. You'll lay there, facing each other and gazing into each other's eyes. Saeran looks so incredibly exhausted, and all you want to do is hold him close and keep him safe inside your arms. And if you do pull him closer? If you start carefully caressing his hair and whispering sweet nothings into his ears? You'll eventually feel him start to shake slightly against you as silent sobs overtake his thin form. But, you will not let go of him this time. And judging by his tight hold on you? He doesn't want you to do that either.
GE Saeran
He's mostly the little spoon, but he doesn't mind being the big spoon every once in a while. Saeran is tremendously affectionate toward you, so daily cuddles are a total must! Casual cuddling is also important to you two. If you're sitting next to each other? You'll be cuddling, doesn't matter where you are. It's nothing explicit, he just loves being physically close to you and feeling your warmth flood his body. Prefers cuddling while facing each other. Having your arms hold onto him so securely, while you're talking about your day is pure heaven to him. Your voice has always been a huge comfort to him, which is why it's not rare for him to ask you to talk about whatever you want. He'll listen. Be it your special interests, how you're feeling at the moment, or what happened during your day - it will make him smile regardless of the topic. You could tell him the most boring story ever and he'll absolutely adore it because it's something important to you, and that means that he'll be fully engaged instantly. After all, he knows from experience how hard it can be, when nobody's interested in what you have to say, however small it may be. Unfortunately, nightmares are a common occurrence for you two. The difference is, with time, he'll stop waking up from them all together. He'll just get up the next morning as if nothing ever happened, although he's completely open to talking about it with you, if you'll bring it up with him. Instead of waking him from his slumber, you'll reach out for his hand, quietly assuring him that he's okay and that he's safe. He might not hear you, but your presence does bring him peace. His nightmares will get rarer with time, thanks to therapy and his own progress in life. It's a work in progress, but he's got a sturdy support system by his side to help him get through the hurdles as they go!
Okay so, he's definitely not the cuddliest guy around. But, surprisingly, it's not impossible to get him to snuggle with you! Just don't say that that's what you two are doing right now. That's the rule. See, the room he works in is cold. And not just cold, it's borderline freezing cold. Your only saving grace is being plopped up onto his lap, which gives you the opportunity to try and cuddle up to him in search of warmth. Unknown is not that warm in temperature, but he's not freezing either, except for his fingers which are super cold to the touch. If you do that carefully enough to not disturb him from his precious work, you might get lucky enough to stay snuggled up next to your boss for the time being. For all his teasing, he's pretty oblivious when it comes to societal norms. If he knew that by having you pressed up against his chest, with him placing his chin onto your shoulder for a better view of his workspace, you're basically cuddling? Yeah, he wouldn't put up with that. But hey, he has no idea, and in his worldview, he's keeping an eye on you, so that you won't do anything stupid. What you don't know won't kill you. And... it's nice to have something, or someone, to help him ground himself whenever he gets so lost in his routine, it's hard to distinguish reality from fiction. He never mentions the reason behind his fingers absentmindedly finding themselves fiddling with your hair or drawing invisible patterns on the skin of your thighs. He just... likes it. There are a lot of things that you two never speak about. It's a two-sided blade, really. The other times when you'll be 'cuddling' is whenever any one of you is suffering particularly badly from the effects of the elixir. Oftentimes, it's hard to remember what exactly happened to you under the haze of the drug, which is why it's so easy to allow yourself to be just a little bit braver. You'll hold him close, rubbing his back and promising him that everything will be alright, as he feverishly clings to you in futile attempts to numb the pain. And Unknown will begrudgingly tuck you into bed whenever you're the one suffering through the same pain in return. Against his indifferent demeanor, he will stay by your side until you fall asleep, checking up on your temperature and making sure that nothing goes terribly wrong. You'll awake the next day with a wet towel draped over your forehead and a glass of water resting on the bedside table.
SE Saeran
It will take him a while to feel comfortable enough to try full-on cuddling with you. It's nothing against you, Saeran really enjoys being close to you, but he's just... It's scary letting someone share such an intimate experience with you. You'll sit side by side and you'll hold hands most of the time. Occasionally, he will carefully lay his head onto your shoulder, if he's feeling especially peaceful and content in the moment. It's the silent sort of closeness where no words are needed to understand each other. You know he loves you, and you don't need him to break his boundaries to prove that. When he does feel ready to share this new level of intimacy with you, he's going to be a little bit stiff. He'll be laying on his back with his arm carefully wrapped around your waist, while you tentatively nestle yourself close to his side, pressing your cheek to his chest and feeling his heart drum away right beside your ear. You'll rest like this for about half an hour, before you decide to pull apart and make sure that everything is okay. You'll see the tiniest of smiles stretch out the corners of his lips, but it radiates with so much warmth, you can't help but get a little bit choked up. It'll still take you two a lot of time before you finally decide to try sleeping together in a single bed, though. His nightmares cause more than enough harm to him alone, and the last thing Saeran wants is to hurt you, even if he does it on accident. You two make sure to speak about these things openly and come to a shared decision. Nevertheless, short naps on the couch are more than okay, which is why it's not unusual to find you two huddled up under a fluffy blanket in the middle of the day. He's not a heavy sleeper, but not a light one either. It really depends on his mood before he falls asleep. Saeran is the most vulnerable when he's asleep, so it's a huge representation of his utmost trust in you if he allows you to be near him in those moments.
Deep inside, she's a huge cuddle bug, she just needs a little encouragement to be open with her desires! Healthy and open communication is key, and she's more than willing to put in the work in order to make your relationship prosper. She has her good days and her bad days, which is why it's so important for you two to always keep in contact regarding your mood. Rika is doing her best in therapy, but the road to recovery is a bumpy one. She really enjoys being both on the receiving and giving end when it comes to cuddling, so she's not picky at all. It should be noted though, that it's pretty hard for her to be the big spoon because of her small size, but she's more stubborn than she might seem to you at the first glance. She will make it work one way or another! Rika adores it whenever you let her rest her head on your lap. Feeling your fingers gently running through her hair and being able to look up at you any time she wants is pure bliss to her. You look just like an angel in her eyes, and if you'll lean over to place a quick kiss on the tip of her nose? She'll turn into a blushy puddle in an instant. Sadly for her, she looks way too adorable whenever she tries to hide her burning face inside her blonde locks, which is why you'll never stop trying to sweep her off her feet. She's extremely doting on her partner, so expect a lot of kisses. In fact, her kisses are pretty much your new alarm clock, since she's an early bird at heart. The other thing she loves is having long meaningful conversations while cuddling. She tends to get carried away with her thoughts, but you're always more than happy to listen and make your own additions to her line of thought. Rika is pretty picky when it comes to how she wants to make her bed, and her preferences consist of two pillows and a thin blanket. She gets overheated easily under a thick blanket, which is why you might need to speak about that in advance.
They're a self-certified big spoon, and it'll take you a while to convince them to try out playing the role of the little spoon for the sake of the experiment. And once they try it? There's no going back from that. They're a relatively silent cuddler, but you don't need words to convey the peaceful atmosphere that accompanies your cuddles. They'll place their chin on the top of your head and hold you close to their chest, drawing small circles on your back with their thumbs. In contrast to their bulky build, they're actually very tender with their touches. It's like they're afraid that they'll break you somehow if they press on you just a little too hard. Vanderwood loves to intertwine their legs with yours whenever you guys are snuggling. It makes them feel safe and connected to you on a deeply personal level. They often suffer from nightmares of their time in the agency, or of something horrible happening to you, so you'll need to be prepared for that. They might lash out the moment they awake since they're so used to seeing danger at every corner, but they'll never hurt you. It does upset them quite a bit whenever they see that frightened look on your face, but they won't push you away if you ask to stay with them. You'll make a warm cup of tea and talk about it once they're calm. Or, you won't. You never push them to talk about something they don't want to share. After all, you can only guess the horrors they've seen throughout their years in the agency. Some things are best left unsaid, and you'll stay by their side on every step of the way.
Bonus round!
She's a little spoon at heart but prefers playing the role of the big spoon at first. She does have the tendency to care for her partner's needs before her own, and the notion of letting someone comfort her scares her a little. Some reassurance is definitely needed before she feels comfortable enough to relax in her partner's arms. Oddly enough, Natasha won't get that flustered when cuddling. Moreover, quite often she doesn't even realize that you two are actually cuddling till you verbally point it out to her. And that's the moment when her face will start to burn up with embarrassment as she stutters away in weak attempts to rationalize her behavior. She's a bit of a mess in that way. Will hug a pillow in her sleep, at all times. She won't fall asleep if she's not holding something close to her chest, her partner included. Natasha is an extremely deep sleeper. It gets so bad sometimes, that you have to actively shake her awake, and even that will take you some time before it works. It takes her a long time to fully wake up, so dealing with a very sleepy and drowsy Natasha in the morning is a routine at this point. She prefers sleeping under a thick blanket, but it's only because she gets cold very easily. As long as you keep her warm, she will fall asleep with no problems.
She's a big spoon, and there's no negotiation about that. And to her excuse, most of the time, it's hard for her to play the role of the little spoon even if she tries. Her big height, as well as her muscular build pretty much settle her as the one giving the cuddles in any relationship, and she's not complaining about that anyways. She likes the notion of providing someone with the feeling of safety and comfort in such a tender way. There's no need to put her life on the line, grit her teeth through the pain or tear down someone both physically and emotionally against her better judgment. She can just... hold someone, and that's more than enough for them. Sometimes, it's still hard to believe for her that something so simple could exist. When she gets further into a relationship, she'll start being way bolder with her affections. Her partner will have to be prepared to play the role of a huge teddy bear for Chaewon. She can and will pick you up, spin you around and carry you bridal style wherever she goes with relative ease. The other thing she loves is using her partner's lap as a pillow. She's quite similar to a sly cat in that way. It's not unusual for her to plop down onto your lap and raise an eyebrow at you expectantly. You already know what she wants! She does struggle with nightmares quite often, but she'll try desperately to hide them from her partner. After all, it's only dreams, they're not real. She's super stubborn, so you'll need to sit her down and lecture her about the importance of healthy communication before she grumpily agrees to talk about it with you. She's willing to learn, it just takes her some time.
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Happy Pride Month! It's that time of year again, which means I've got another batch of sweet Pride Avatars to share with you all! Use them as you please!
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stardustincarnate · 11 months
I'm Scared, Hold Me // Yoosung Kim x Reader
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SUMMARY: Watching a horror movie sounded like the perfect excuse for cuddling.
WORD COUNT: 1628 words.
GENRE: Fluff.
WARNING: Cringe nicknames. Because people in love do and say cringe stuffs. Also, possible grammatical and typographical errors ahead.
♡ writing commissions | art commissions ♡
A/N: It has been a year or two since I wrote this... ig its about time I post it. I had some obsession with Yoosung back then, hehe.
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Yoosung couldn't think straight. He was nervous. He was of course very excited too, even though it wasn't the first time seeing you—but it was his first time watching a movie with you. Unsurprisingly, people like him would feel nervous due to overthinking what's going to happen between you two during the movie. Especially if it were romance... But apparently that wasn't the case. Though he badly wished it was.
You two were going to watch a horror movie. It's not like he had a choice, anyway. When you told him you preferred watching scary movies he felt something drop to his gut. Horror movies?! But.. but how could he get a chance to slip his hands through yours and lock eyes with you during the most romantic part of the movie so that you two could actually do what the protagonists were doing and—oh boy. He didn't want to disappoint you so he just acquiesced.
He was quick to open the door after you had knocked. Flustered with you jumping into his arms, he sort of malfunctioned before he returned the hug. Not too tightly as he didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable.
"I brought extra snacks for us!"
"O-Oh! But Seven already spared us a few Honey Buddha Chips and I've got some more popcorn and my mom also cooked for us.."
"Yoosung, you're forgetting one thing!"
"Oh—right!! Pizza..! How could I?!"
"Not to worry! Your knight in shining armor slash princess has brought two boxes of pizza for her baby!"
"Are you not letting me come in?"
"Of course not [Y/N]! I mean—come on in!" Yoosung chuckled, nervousness evident on his tone.
Eventually the movie commenced. Initially you two were sitting with a decent space between you in the sofa but somehow before the opening credits had ended, Yoosung had found his way right beside you. And when you rested your head on his shoulder and placed your palm on his chest, he swore he had never been as red as during that day.
It was so romantic, thought he, if you were to minus the horrors currently unfolding on the monitor.
With a heap of other snacks in front of you which Yoosung had apparently forgotten existed as he was busy trying not to freak out during the first few minutes and break his manly side in front of you, you stared intently at the screen while finishing half the box of pizza.
"Oh no! Don't believe him he's just pranking you! And unknowingly putting you in danger!! Don't go in ther—oh no don't be so stupid!"
Yoosung peeled his eyes from the monitor and looked at you, a tad shocked to see you looking at him with a certain smile on your face. He was torn between thinking of it as cute or suspicious...
You giggled. "You know, the main character reminds me a lot of you."
"Eh?! But I'm not that gullible. Am I?"
"Oh, sure, chocolate milk." Yoosung shunned your gaze with his face beet red. "My cutie Yoosung." You continued, poking his cheek. He rubbed his nape and pouted, reluctantly admitting, "I guess I do find myself stumbling on pranks most of the time.. but at least now I know better not to go into an abandoned wing in case Seven tells me another one of his nonsense!"
The moment the protagonist entered the abandoned wing of the building, the door shut behind him with a loud thud. At the same time you two heard the creaking of the door.
And it wasn't part of the movie.
"Who's there?!" Yoosung squeaked and wrapped his arms around you—maybe a little too tightly—and kept on turning his head, albeit too afraid to actually look at the door.
"Yoosung, it's me!"
"Oh, mom..."
"Sorry.. I didn't interrupt anything, did I? I was just wondering if you wanted some drinks."
"Oh.. sure!"
His mother left two more bottles of soda in front of you before leaving. Once you two were alone, Yoosung realized that he didn't stop hugging you. Poor boy panicked and blushed furiously.
"I-I'm sorry [Y/N]! Did I squeeze you too hard? I'm sorry! And it's not like I was scared. Definitely not!! I just wanted to protect you in case there really was a gho—wah!! [Y/N]..!!"
There was a jumpscare. Well—it looked like one to him. Yoosung clung onto you and hid his face on your neck, his hair tickling you which made you giggle and blush furiously. You ruffled his hair and sighed fondly, "Calm down Yoosung. That's just his friend, not the ghost."
"What..?" Very slowly and reluctantly, he looked at the monitor and let out a huge sigh of relief. And just seconds later he was a fumbling mess of blushes and apologies again. "[Y/N] I'm so so sorry! Ahh.. nooo.. That wasn't very manly of me, was it? I promise to do better! It won't happen again!"
Oh, this adorable boy you so deeply loved. Sure. You grinned. But you both knew well that it was a lie, for everytime there was a scene that his brain had identified a 'jumpscare' his body would automatically attach itself into yours and he'd cover his face with his hands. Other than the crunchy munching of those Honey Buddha Chips and the sound from the movie, his squeaks filled the room.
You were having a hard time controlling your laughter. You didn't want to tease him.. Oh, poor boy! You almost took pity on your boyfriend. But to see him like that—in a state you perceived as absolutely adorable, with his hands resting on your shoulder and unintentionally squeezing them while he tried to cower behind you—really, would anyone want that moment to end? Reckon he would just have to forgive you for 'torturing' him by making him watch something that scared him to the bones. And, of course, he would forgive you for this.
Anything for you.
Although you were the one who suggested to watch a horror movie in the first place, you couldn't say that some parts didn't scare you. As it got closer to the climax, you started fidgeting your fingers, which Yoosung soon took notice. Yoosung looked at you, and a tad hesitant, he wrapped his arms around you. The tension ebbed from your body as you allowed yourself to succumb in his warm embrace. It was tentative, his hold, at first. But as moments passed and more horrors frightened the both of you, his touch eventually gave in and turned into something tight, sure, and something that felt like home, right where you belonged.
He wasn't even watching anymore. It had become a turmoil there and your occasional squeaks told him that the scene unfolding wasn't something he'd relish to see. And without heed you placed your hand above his, rubbing gently on that soft skin which caught his attention. He returned the favor and grabbed the opportunity to bring your hand underneath his—that way he could share more of his warmth with you, and that way which also allowed him to weave his fingers through yours, causing an eruption of red on both your cheeks.
"Are you okay [Y/N]?" He whispered. You looked at him—his eyes, his lips—then back to his eyes.
"I'm scared, hold me."
Yoosung was more than happy to oblige. He'd become rather bold by then. You closed your eyes as butterflies manifested themselves inside your stomach from the way he brought you sitting on his lap, his arms around your waist and his chin on your shoulder. His fingers found their way to gently comb your hair and bring them forth over your right shoulder, exposing your nape. He thought of doing it—hesitating over and over again until he gathered enough courage which spilled all over his chest, and then he was peppering your nape with the gentlest of pecks, his lips carefully grazing over your then shivering skin, the touch nothing but a lick of the wind, a flicker. The butterflies multiplied, and the heat burned your cheeks, your nape, and your ears.
The pleasant sensation contrasted starkly with the gore afoot on the screen, the turmoils unfolding in the movie. But they were paid with no heed, and in fact had been reduced into but little to no sounds by the remote which Yoosung had taken a hold of with one hand, while the other remained wrapped around your stomach, the warmth of his palm permeating your skin as he made circles with it in a careful, loving manner.
Horror movie long forgotten, you two settled on ensconcing yourselves on one another, laying on the couch, limbs interweaving, fingers interlaced.
Four words, and they were all it took for what he had been surreptitiously dreaming of and what he thought was only possible if you two had settled prior with a romance movie, to happen.
Four words, and a horror movie, and suddenly the idea of the latter wasn't so terrible anymore. Yoosung could live with that, as long as more opportunities of moments like this could present themselves before him.
Moments of you laying on his chest, delightfully humming and tracing patterns on his skin—patterns you could only see. The silence was cozy, brimming with affection. The pizza was only remembered when it was already tepid, and it took longer than it would've had been consumed if you two weren't so entangled with each other, laughing, giggling, and smiling at the sheer fact that you were placed in an intimate, comfortable position.
Yoosung smiled to himself, wishing that perhaps, even at times you aren't scared, even at the most arbitrary moments, he would get the chance to hold you like this.
Close to his heart.
Closer to his soul.
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
I forgot that you can see when you joined the RFA....
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2,372 days ago... Wow... And I don't have all the endings yet. I'd love to see how long you all have been playing and how many endings you have!
I have 20/49 endings.
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itsdrawingmen · 5 months
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The lost cause of words walks away with my nerves Cause I'm gay as a choir boy for you
Hoo boy, got me a new ship, and it, too, has a cranky albino with family trauma and a deeply troubled youth who used to have dark hair but now has golden as a result of a formative experience.
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mystic-headcanons · 9 months
the rfa at the eras tour
this is entirely self indulgent LMAO but here's how the characters would be @ the eras tour.
zen would love the concert. while he may not listen to all of her music, he very much enjoyed the entire set and especially loved how happy you were to be there. probably wouldn't join in on any of the chants or trade any bracelets, but instead looks at you with a smile every time you do. definitely takes a lot of pictures of you, and taylor, and then the both of you because your matching outfits are just the cutest. his favorite era would either be lover-- he can't help but look at you throughout the entirety of lover-- or 1989, because the visuals and the sound just completely enrapture him.
yoosung would just be happy to be there! knows her earlier stuff, but doesn't really know anything beyond 1989. goes feral over the fearless era, and screams almost as loud as you along to love story. if there's a proposal at your concert, you can bet he'd be crying while witnessing it-- and also a little jealous that he didn't think of the same idea. poor boy almost dies during vigilante shit-- his face is redder than a tomato and he chokes on his spit as he tries to look anywhere but the stage. you take many photos of this.
saeyoung is almost as excited as you are. he lives for anything that lets him dress up. he sat there making hundreds of friendship bracelets for you, spent hours shopping both online and in person for the perfect matching outfits, learned every chant and every song so he could fully enjoy the experience with you. and he did! however, any video anyone within five feet of him took would be unusable because he'd he screaming at the top of his lungs. holds you close during the lover and speak now era and definitely cries at one point during the show. fills up the entirety of his phone storage with only pictures and videos of you and him or just you.
jumin is. not having a good time. LMAO this man doesn't like huge crowds like that, and doesn't know most of the songs and craves the quiet comfort of his home. however, one look at you has him relaxing and a small, soft smile taking over his tense features. this was entirely for you, of course, and seeing you so happy and excited was enough to quiet any discomfort he might've felt. doesn't take any photos or videos, but he'll let you pull him down for selfies. the only video he has from that night is the one you sent to him of him kissing the crown of your head during lover.
jaehee is just excited to be there with you! she's a casual fan of taylor swift-- she doesn't really fangirl over anyone that's not zen-- so she probably won't know any of the chants, and definitely won't trade any bracelets, but she'll happily dress up with you. sings along under her breath to the songs that she knows, and just nods along to the ones that she doesn't. really likes the midnights era- and especially vigilante shit. blushes whenever you hold her hand or kiss her cheek or sing to her during the love songs. she takes one or two photos.
saeran absolutely refuses to go with you at first. attending a three and a half hour concert with thousands of people attending sounds like his own personal hell, but when you go to ask saeyoung to accompany you, saeran finally relents. "fine!" he'll grumble, "no need to ask my idiot brother. i'll go with you." you...hadn't suggested that to make him change his mind, but. a win is a win! he doesn't do any of the chants or any of the bracelets, and doesn't dress up. (or, at least, he doesn't wear anything he wouldn't usually wear, but. it's looks pretty reputation era, so you're happy.) despite his grumbling and his anxiety, saeran really did love seeing you so happy and carefree. is surprised by how much he enjoyed the reputation era, and ignores your smug look as he adds the songs to his playlist later on. refuses to take any pictures or videos, and will only be in a few for you.
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juminsrealgirlfriend · 5 months
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Average conversation with yoosung
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myslibrary · 4 months
Scenario: RFA + Ray with a sick MC
• it took him a good hour to notice something was off
• usually you’re the one up first, attempting to get him up. But today was his turn.
• if anything he was a bit confused. I mean you just laid there, awake, sniffling.
• Zen then asks you what’s wrong. You explain you don’t feel like getting out of bed and you felt off
• Nonetheless, he was worried. Zen decided to stay home and help you feel better.
• He sung for you and acted out your favorite scenes from his plays with you attempting not to pull his head off due to your headache
• Every now and then he would ask if you’re ready to start walking around just to see where your stand point was.
• you both settle down and he cuts to the chase asking you if you need to talk to someone or go to the hospital, you replied, you just didn’t feel it today and you were really off..
•he couldn’t help but become concerned through the day. Surprisingly (maybe not surprising)  he is clingy, holding you not afraid of getting sick himself.
• He could only do so much, and you bet he did the most he could to make you feel better
• Today was the day Yoosung came to visit you after class
• With it being Five PM, he raced to your place so you all could hang out
• He unlocks the door and notices no sounds or anything going.
•  You weren’t quite awake, Still in bed 
• Maybe you were waking up from a nap he thought?
•his concern began to grow. We’re you depressed? You were dying?!
 Maybe you didn’t get any sleep last night. He slowly walks into your room and sees you laying there, asleep. With a rag on your forehead
• His eyes widen, coming to your side to feel your forehead.
•Yoosung then crawls on you, smothering you in kisses.”babee, are you feeling okayyyy?”
• The blonde boy heard a groan from underneath. “You’ll get sick if you continue this, Yoosung.” He just frowns, “ I don’t mind. Let me take care of you!”
•Yoosung knew you didn’t want to get him sick, but he couldn’t help wanting to take care of you.
•He finally lets go of you, and you begin to have a sneeze fit. Poor boy is concerned. “let me cook something for you!”
• Yoosung finally comes to the rescue with your favorite soup, his emotion wouldn’t change from worried and concerned as you slowly sipped the soup
• Later, he decides to stay the night. You both finally snuggle up to each other, Yoosung then begins to sneeze (and freaks out) 
It was an important day for Jumin at work. Many investments finally came through. He got up for work and got ready.
About to head out of the door. he noticed you weren’t there for see him off for work. He was confused. If you were playing a game with him it wasn’t funny.
“MC?” He paced around the house looking for you, until he saw you still in bed. Abnormal, He thought. Pushing the fear aside, he thinks nothing of it. kissing your forehead to leave for work, feeling it was a bit hot, but maybe you were just over heated and didn’t think much of it.
To make sure he was overthinking, he pulled the covers off you a bit, you were still on fire.
With how he was a bit concerned for you through the day, he decided to come home to have lunch with you, only to find you still in bed. By then it was truly a concern. You were awake? ‘MC, what's the meaning of this? You’re not out of bed?” His tone was a bit straight forward
You groaned trying to sit up, Jumin noticed how pale and weak you were and immediately came to your side. He felt your head again and you were heated up. “You’re being loud Jumin..-” You quickly cover your mouth, coughing, then you began to sniffle.
 “I’m sorry dear. Let me go make a few calls. stay put.” Jumin takes Elizabeth out of the room and calls Jaehee about how you’re not feeling good so he must stay home, and then calls his doctor.
Jumin comes back in the room with vicks rub, two masks, and a pair of blue gloves. He directs you to sit up, you lifted your shirt and places it smoothly a kiss on your back then started applying.
Jumin decided the best course of action was to not leave you alone and to do the rest of his work at home.
•The doctor then arrives with a few nurses and checks you out. Simple case of the flu, and he sets you up with medication. 
• Jumin had no intentions on catching the flu from you, he kept contact but not too much. “You need to feel better.”
• You all were sitting outside, enjoying a bottle of wine, when suddenly you felt a bit off, You decide it would be best if you would drink water and lay down. 
• The next day, You woke up extremely late for your day. You felt horrible, So, you decided to call Jaehee and tell her how you felt. This didn’t feel like a hangover. Sadly she couldn’t make it back home and she quickly hung the phone up due to being in a meeting.
• You understood so you took care of yourself. You knew if she could be there for you she really would. Took medicine, a shower, and ate the best you could. 
• Later that night when she came home, she found you on the couch watching Zen’’s DVD”s. “Honey...Are you feeling oka-..” She then noticed a box of tissues, vicks, and soup bowls. 
• She quickly got changed and came to the rescue. The rest of the night, She took care of you. Planting kisses in safe areas, and cleaning up the messes. 
• You both began to relax  on the couch and talk about the music pieces he sung.
Normally, it is rare for her to come home with no work at all, So you assumed she put it off for the time being to make sure you’re okay which was true.
usually, Youre up around, cleaning, cooking, reading. but youre dead in the bed asleep and in pain
A headache? like really bad headache
Seven doesnt quite noticed at first, he cut to the assumption youre just slacking today until he asks you to get him a drink
with nothing of a response, he gets a bit agitated until he looks over at you, completely still in bed.
Ah, yeah shes out for a reason. 
With his computer next to his bed, his head is continuously checking back and forth from his PC to his sick sleeping girlfriend
Any time you would groan for something, there would be a *click, click* “Don’t worry” *click click* and a rushing boyfriend racing to grab what you need
When His break times would come around, he would cuddle you to spend time, kissing you, being super personal
Seven would make sure you were comfortable with feeling awful
If you were throwing up, Seven would hold your hair up and help you clean up right after. 
To try and cheer you up, He would dress up as a doctor, along with a face mask and a keyboard. To play ‘pretend’ This would def. make you feel so much better
When his work day was over, all of his attention would be on you and your desires. 
When you woke up, you woke up to a sick Seven, with his head in his pillow, snoring.
You both had a date to the aquarium planned today. 
Last night before you all fell sleep, He held onto you whispering how
 excited he was to spend the day with you away from work. 
As the morning approached, You both got out of bed excited.
Unfortunately, you felt a little unbalanced, you didn't think much of it
UNTIL you all finished breakfast. You felt nauseous. 
As ray was rubbing his thumb on your hand smiling at you explaining how happy he was to enjoy breakfast with you, you gagged
Taken aback, he gasps a little as you rush to the toilet. 
Yeah plans are canceled. He rushes right behind you and holds your hair up the best he can. As he also rubs your back, he was wildly concerned.
He helped you clean up and to bathe. He also carries us bridal style??? the the bedroom for us to rest.
Completely throwing away your date plans, hes feeling your neck and forehead. He does not care about those plans, Although it would be nice to see fishys. 
You continuously apologize, feeling guilty for puking? but he persists and hushes you with the soft words, “Hey...hey...hey, shhh....its not your fault, just rest.” 
Those words left you feeling Light and calm. Knowing you’re in good hands, for all the times he had to care for himself.
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libra-kirishima · 1 year
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