#kim yoosung x mc
wukindly · 2 years
After Yoosung’s Route
“Hi Julie! Congratulations on 5.5k! It's completely deserved <3 For the requests (if you're still taking them), could I ask for some fluffy yoosung headcanons that take place after his route? Yoosung growing and having a partner for the first time? Thank you <333” by @brighteststar707
Pairing(s): Kim Yoosung/gn!reader Word Count: 1.1k Genre: fluff, slight mentions of hurt, comfort
A/N: This starts right after his route ends.
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Even though he’d insisted that he was fine and that you shouldn’t worry about his eye, you couldn’t help yourself, just like the rest of the RFA. Jumin wasn't kidding when he told Jaehee to contact the hospital as Yoosung's injury required attention - and the other members also agreed that it might have been too soon for Yoosung to be at an event like their party in the condition he was in.
One of the things that attracted Yoosung the most about you was your caring and supportive personality, so he wasn't surprised at all when you offered to take him to the hospital to check if he was indeed alright. Seven also promptly suggested that he go along, as he was feeling guilty about what had happened.
He would have preferred the others to have taken his word that he was fine, yet Yoosung agreed to go with you. After the events of the last few days, almost losing you and not even being able to go see if you were okay, he would take any opportunity to be with the one he'd been yearning for.
You might have gotten to know each other well on the messenger, but both of you were still eager to learn even more - especially now that you weren't pre-dating anymore. Yoosung could very well spend hours talking about the things he liked, but he was way more delighted to hear you talk about your own hobbies and experiences.
Yoosung was touch-starved when it came to you. He always made sure to be touching you in some way when you were together, whether it was “accidentally” brushing his arm against yours, holding your hands or straight up holding you. It was like an assurance that you were there, right next to him, safe.
You were the one to bring up the “therapy” subject. So much had happened in the short time you had known each other and you felt that Yoosung's mental health should be a priority.
Of course that he knew that things had been hard for him, but he still was a bit hesitant. He had no problem opening up to you or a close friend, but doing it so to a total stranger was different. However, remembering the conversation he had with V about Rika's issues and how she had refused treatment, he decided to give it a try.
He finally started acknowledging his own issues and working on them. Before, Yoosung wasn’t completely aware that he used LOLOL to cope with everything that happened. He knew, to a certain level, that he used the game to distract himself, but he could not see that his addiction was due to a coping mechanism.
Even though it's hurtful, he began exploring his feelings towards Rika's death. Recognizing the great impact his cousin had on him and that he didn't need to forget or walk away from it, but that there were healthier ways to move on with his life even if grief was still present.
Being the open partner he was, Yoosung looked for your support and comfort outside of therapy as he was working through these things. Healing is a hard and long path, so he was grateful that he had someone by his side that was patient enough to listen to him.
He meant what he said at the party, that he wanted to become a better person for you. With therapy, he also started working on the mindset of becoming better for himself as well.
Getting more and more of his motivation back and with the support of you and his friends, Yoosung's attention on his studies increased. That meant he had to learn to balance the time he spent with you with the time he focused on college. The life of a student is not easy.
That in no way meant that he neglected you. Even if he was studying for a big exam that was coming up, he still found time to text and call to make sure you were okay and eating properly.
There was this one time that Yoosung had invited you to his apartment so you could spend some time together and relax after he finished reviewing a few things for his finals. It was supposed to be just a few things, so you'd arrived while he was still studying and tried to keep yourself busy until he was done. Unfortunately, the study took more time than he’d expected and, when he realized, there wasn’t that much time left for you to hang out. Trying to cheer him up, as the man was repeatedly apologizing for making you wait, you suggested that maybe you could stay the night.
Since it was so late...
And you would like to spend time with him...
And, well...
Yoosung felt his face burning as he pulled the blanket over both of you. He was relieved that the light was already off so you couldn't see how red his cheeks were. He might have grown to be more confident in himself overall, but nothing could have prepared him for that. Due to the size of his bed, you were lying very close to each other. Yoosung could feel your warmth from where he was, feel your breath lightly against his face. His eye was still adjusting to the dark, but he could already make out the outline of your head leaning against his pillow. He wondered if you were also looking at him. Yoosung felt his heart skip a beat as one of your hands found its way to his belly, quickly guiding itself to wrap your arm around his waist. As if it were a second nature to him, the man moved his own arms around your body, pulling you closer. Your sigh of contentment as you buried your face in his neck didn't go unnoticed by Yoosung, bringing a soft smile to his face. "Good night, (Y/N)." he placed a kiss on the top of your head. "Thank you for staying."
Yoosung found he slept much better with you around. Even though he had spent most of the previous day studying, he’d woken up feeling refreshed in the morning.
He went on to invite you to his apartment more often in hopes that maybe you'd want to spend the night there again.
Another time you were there, Yoosung discovered how good it was to study while you snuggled him. The first few times that happened, he found it kind of hard to focus on his books with you so close, but he learned to make it work - mostly because he knew you'd stop doing it if you knew it was distracting him.
All in all, he was still going through a learning process, both about relationships and himself.
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omelette-boy · 4 months
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Your honor do you really think this cutie is guilty of first degree murder?
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rhinestonesox · 1 year
fan art i drew of yoosung kim dying in a glue trap
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juminsmysticmc · 1 year
How will de RFA react to them calling them husband/wife before marriage. I like your writing 🫶🏻
RFA reacting to a Mc calling them Husband/ wife before Marriage
I did it again - I forgot about my own blog. I am so sorry :( but here you are, cutie! Hope you like it just as much as I did!
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,,But really, I still wonder why the heck you guys got married so quickly,’’ Zen asked, sighting as he sat opposite you at the round table. 
The RFA wanted to meet up for a private meeting, organized by you. 
,,I can answer this,’’ Jaehee said, her eyes were on fire as she lifted up her lenses. 
,,Because our lovely Mc,’’ her palm directed towards you ,,in an interview named Mr Han ,,my husband’’ and guess who liked the ring of it,’’ she smiled, she was there when it happened. 
You answered a question and named Jumin instead of fiancé ,,my husband’’ but quickly corrected to ,,fiancé’’ - something Jumin disliked. 
He was proud and excited to be named your husband, he loved the moment so deeply and Jaehee still had his bright, happy smile in front of her eyes, as well as his facial expression when you corrected yourself. 
And since he liked the ring of his soon-to-be name, he wanted to rush things. 
Jumin’s hand was entangled in yours, remembering that day brought memories up and he truly felt blessed. 
Zen nodded at Jaehee’s explanation. 
,,Mc, were you even okay with it?’’ he asked you, wondering if you even were allowed to decide anything in that marriage.
,,Yes, Jumin wouldn’t let me sleep in his bed beside him, I was craving for more and so I was happy over the rush,’’ you answered, making Zen choke. 
Jumin - your husband - was even prouder now. 
,,Zenny, you are so cuteeee!’’ you laughed, you were laying on top of him, both of you cuddling and wrestling softly. 
,,You are my cutie, princess. But don’t name me Zen or Zenny, let me be your Hy-’’ 
,,Husband? Oppa?’’ you asked him, looking deep into his red eyes. 
Zen had to process what you just said. 
You named him Husband. 
His face turned red, glowing and burning. 
He was getting embarrassed but slowly smiled. 
Hearing that out of your mouth gave him a new ring, and he liked it. 
,,Oh, sorry, you wanted to say Hyun, didn’t you? Of course I will,’’ you smiled and gave him a kiss on his soft lips. 
,,Now I am embarassed that I called you like that,’’ you laughed, turning red on your own. 
You quickly hid your face between his neck and his shoulder and hugged him stronger. 
,,Please, just forget it,’’ you begged him, sighing.
But Zen couldn’t think of anything else than your words, than the meaning which was held into the word ,,Husband’’. 
And now you would name him Hyun… 
,,Hello, I called earlier, I am here to see your engaged rings,’’ Zen said the next day to the lady in the jewelry shop. 
No way he was going to make you call him Hyun instead of Oppa.
He wanted an upgrade now. 
,,Seven years,’’ Yoosung sighed, giving your hand a squeeze. 
,,Yes, seven years, I can’t believe, that we already have been married for so long,’’ you chuckled. 
Suddenly you remembered something ,,Remember, when I came to the hospital while lunch break and asked your co-worker about your whereabouts?’’ you asked him, of course, he remembered. 
,,Yes, you asked about your husband, even though we still weren’t married,’’ he smirked. 
And everyone was angry with me that I didn’t tell them I was married,’’ he told you, remembering how embarrassed but happy he was when someone finally found him and told him that you, his wife, were waiting for you, only to find you with a similar redhead. 
And in that very moment, Yoosung made a decision - as soon as he had his day off, he wanted to buy you a well-deserved engagement ring. 
It was a hard day, after a shift of so many hours on your legs, your head was empty. 
The shop was booming, of course both of you, Jaehee and you, were thankful for that. 
However, you still had your challenges to keep it up. 
It was almost closing time when your friends Yoosung and Zen entered the coffee shop, ready to eat the last pieces of cakes that wouldn’t be sold anymore - probably. 
Actually, Yoosung was going to bring some to his family since neither of you wanted to throw them away. 
When Yoosung wanted to give you at least a bit of money, you shook your head. 
,,Even my wifey said no, so take it!’’ you laughed. 
Everyone stopped breathing, Yoosung and Zen both looked at your hand, eyes glued on your ringless finger while Jaehee’s cheeks slowly turned red. 
,,Wifey?’’ she asked you. 
However, you didn’t realize what you just said. 
,,Wifey?’’ you repeated, making Jaehee turn even deeper in red. 
The four of you were laughing, while you were denying your own words, Zen and Yoosung tried to assure you, that you just named her your wife. 
And Jaehee was trying - of course in secret - to find out if she still had your ring size from the latest jewelry order to ask you to become her real wife…
If someone would have told him that he would have pushed you from the couch for saying something cute, he would have shown that person his middle finger. 
But he couldn’t because he was currently pressing a cold ice pack on your throbbing head while his arm was holding your waist. 
,,I am so sorry,’’ he whispered, little kisses on your wet cheek. 
You were crying because of the pain, but you knew, that he didn’t mean it. 
You were still in pain though. 
,,I will never call you Oppa or Hubby,’’ you groaned, giving him a side-eye. 
He smiled apologetically. 
,,My hand moved on it’s own, of course, I loved it when you named me ,,Hubby’’... 
But I was so embarrassed…I just wanted to push you lightly, I didn’t mean to make you fall,’’ he confessed. 
You rolled your eyes. 
,,I know. But I would like to get a pre-divorce,’’ you kept teasing him. 
Of course, the little pain you were having was gone in a few hours but still, Saeyoung kept thinking a lot and a lot about this incident. 
He was thinking of a way of preventing something like this again and his only way was making it real - he had to become your real-life husband.
21.05.2023 // 11:56 MEST
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mystmesstolemysoul · 6 months
What if MC had no choice but to reset? What if, after enough cycles through each story, they know exactly which night they'll go to sleep next to their love then wake up all alone with a text telling them to go to an address they already know by heart. What if MC was cursed with repeating the same events over and over again, falling in love but never getting to grow beyond a certain point with the love of their life?
(lil drabble below the cut. There's a little bit of reset theory sprinkled in, along with a smidge of reference to a song I think goes with MysMes perfectly)
Which guy I'm talking about is intentionally vague so you can imagine your fave <3
Angst with a happy? bittersweet? ending
Not proofread, I don't have time for that shit, sorry lol
The first time it happened, it was jarring. A panic setting in as you woke up, back in your old old apartment, no sign of him anywhere. Had it all been a dream? Surely not.
Then came the text, and it all came flooding back. What was happening?
You were less fearful this time as you walked up to Rika's apartment, even knowing all that you did now about the mysterious circumstances that had brough you here.
When they, the RFA, your family, greeted you as a stranger, it stung in a painfully nostalgic way. Had they really forgotten all about you? But it wasn't that; they hadn't known you in the first place.
You did some things differently, this time around. You gave more attention to one of the members that you'd brushed off the first time. Confusion clouded you on day five when everything began to drift away from the story you remembered. Despite this change, your new bachelor managed to sweep you off your feet, though you always felt guilty whenever he, your lover from the first time, called or texted. You felt guilty having to push him away to stay loyal to your new man.
You had almost forgotten about that jarring day when everything had reset. Almost. Until it happened again. You were more prepared this time, but felt almost exceedingly empty as you read the text asking for your help. You wanted to ignore it, to stop this toying with your heart. But you knew you couldn't stay away from the RFA. You were bound, heart and soul. So you did as 'Unknown' asked.
You began to dread it more and more each new route, never knowing when you were going to wake up alone and start the cycle all over again. It became numbing. Heartbreaking. But you could never stay away.
Eventually, you'd seen every possible way it could end. There had been a time you'd hoped to find a road that wouldn't end. A path that wouldn't lead to you waking up alone, forced to greet your closest friends as new strangers. But you'd long since given that up.
You'd seen every success, every possible failure. Felt every swell of new love, every shattering heartbreak. Made friends, made enemies, just for it all to be washed away.
There was a time when you'd begun to intentionally run everything into the ground. It was easier to repeat random 5-day loops than to go months, years, before having it all ripped away from you. But bringing them heartbreak hurt you more.
You were careful now. So careful. Especially with him.
You could never bring yourself to be careless with him. You didn't know why, but after a while, he began to stick out to you more than all the rest. No matter which path you walked, he always caught your eye. The way he said things, his way of thinking, how he tried to look out for you in his own little way.
So you pursued him. You'd won his heart before, many times, but you did it again with a purpose. You knew it wouldn't last. You knew one day, you'd wake up and it would all be over. But you loved him. You really loved him. And when the night came that you knew would be the last, you tried desperately not to sleep. But it was as if some curse took over you, forcing your eyes to close. When you awoke, it was all gone.
But you wouldn't let that stop you. Again, you followed him, your north star, your guiding light. Again, you won his heart. And again, you woke up. It was the third time when you noticed something different. Just a moment. A spark. A faint look in his eyes when you saw him face to face, some wondrous shock, as if he couldn't believe you'd chosen him. More than that usual look in his eyes when he saw you for what you believed to be his first time.
But the look wasn't enough for you to say something. Not yet. But a fourth time, you chose him. Then a fifth. Till finally, on the sixth time through, he gave you a look as if you'd gone insane, and he loved you for it. You'd asked without thinking. "You remember, don't you?"
He hadn't had to speak a word for you to know the answer. You knew him too well. He woke up alone, the same as you. And you loved him fiercer. Again and again and again, determined now to always choose him. No matter how repetitive, no matter how painful, you couldn't choose anyone but him, knowing he'd have to watch you fall in love with another man if you chose any other path.
When the fateful night settled in, wrapped up in each others arms, you were silent. You both knew what this night meant. When the daylight comes I'll have to go. You felt his tears trickle into your hair. "I don't wanna start all over."
And you didn't either. "I know, baby, I know." You held him so close, promising, "I'll choose you. I'll always choose you." And you meant it. You'd never be able to make it through now without him. You had him, now, and you weren't letting go.
And when the daylight comes I'll have to go, but tonight I'm gonna hold you so close, 'cause in the daylight we'll be on our own, but tonight I'm gonna hold you so close.
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lan-tana · 7 months
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So I started playing Mystic Messenger again, takes me back to 2016. Yoosung has always been my fav and you ??
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charameldraws · 8 months
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i swear im a seven girly but i rlly got disappointed when i realize i will not be receiving any more wake up calls from yoosung :(
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gifti3 · 5 months
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this popped into my head after this interaction lol
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heres the pic i used
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spliceyblues · 4 months
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waking up the mystic messenger fandom today
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marsvlog · 1 year
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zen won the babygirl poll🤭
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kangjaehee · 2 years
RFA + sex headcanons
because i am in a Mood. minors do not interact
content under the cut
like... very. He likes it when u take control.
He likes it when you’re mean to him, when you demand, when you give him no choice but to do as you say if he wants to be a good boy for you.
Humiliation is his shit kinda... he says he doesn’t like it when you highlight how sensitive he is but you, who sees how he trembles at every word you say, you know different.
And on that regard... he’s sensitive. Like, the slightest touch and the right words can crumble him into a whimpering mess within seconds. You’re actually quite shocked. But you absolutely love it.
And he’s loud, too. Doesn’t at all hold back his cries, which sound oh so beautiful to you.
Very into pet play. Likes when you take care of him, likes the element of humiliation that comes with being treated like an animal.
Make him do the gross embarrassing things. Make him eat from a bowl and bark. It gets him off.
Surprisingly, he’s not that much into physical pain or impact, just the control element of it all. He likes it as part of something else, but not in and of itself.
Actually he gets off more in the concept of punishment than the act itself... it urges him on. You think it’s cute. It makes him harder to hear your little dismissive laugh after he whines.
He finishes quite fast but my god does he have stamina. He can go for rounds and rounds that leave you asking for a break.
it turns out all those lolol all nighters he pulled did actually mean something....
Also: the idea of you taking care of him while he’s in the middle of a game??? and not letting him cum until he wins????? GOD it makes him melt.
Very kissy during aftercare. Also very talkative.
You actually have no idea how a person can have this much energy after cumming so many times but hey this is Kim Yoosung we’re talking about.
He doesn’t sext but he does call you to tell you how needy he is. Over the line, you hear him stroke himself to your voice. It makes you lose your mind.
this man has 1 goal and 1 goal only: making you feel good
service top pleasure dom whatever you wanna call it. He just wants you to feel loved and sexy and give you the orgasm of your life.
He likes feeling you. Groping your thigh, manhandling you, kissing you red and raw.
(of course, all while he praises you and tells you how unbelievably gorgeous you are...)
And you absolutely love it. It makes you feel wanted, powerful.
Active sex drive. Y’all do it every other day or so. Not always for long. But it’s an integral part of your relationship. 
He’d do it anywhere. In the kitchen, living room, bathroom, car... He doesn’t need to be comfortable, he just needs his hands and your body to touch.
But don’t misinterpret him, he loves planned affairs too. Especially when you go out of your way to set the mood with lighting and scents and stuff.
LOVES it when you dress up for him. Put on some cute lingerie and sit there, watching as he turns beet red and his breath deepens.
And send him pics. be the biggest tease you can be. Anything relating to you drives him crazy. In his eyes, you’re the sexiest being on the planet, no matter what anyone has told you.
Although keep in mind that he Will warn u about the power u have over him and The Beast potentially coming out at an unwanted moment...
You always tell him to be patient and wait, as if that’s not exactly what you’re after. The Beast always comes out when he gets home though, with him absolutely devouring you in kisses.
Stamina for days... like come on let’s be real he’s a musical theatre performer. He’s Never done.
Not very kinky but has a thing for breeding? creampieing? He wants to claim you, to have something of his inside you.
...And you don’t hate the idea but Babe don’t you think we’re... too young for kids?
Oh my God sorry I didn’t mean it like that... But, hey, don’t you think I’d make a good dad ;)?
You roll your eyes and laugh.
Also he’s not so opposed to the idea of bondage... to have unrestricted access to your body like that (or you to his...)
Surpisingly likes toys. If they make the experience better for you... (and he wants to try them too, though he’s not gonna admit it).
He’s not very keen on being on the receiving end. Doesn’t exactly like not being the one in charge, but he relents every once in a while.
He particularly loves blowjobs. He thinks you look so stupidly sexy while doing them, and the way he flusters and bites his lip... it’s so cute
(One day you’re gonna get him on his knees for you, one day.)
Although the tension between you two and the desire you harbored for each other was undeniable, it took you quite a while to get intimate.
When you crossed that threshold, though... Well, let’s just say there was no return.
Lots of kissing. Before, during, and after. She kisses you intensely, with purpose, like she wants to eat you whole. It’s a bit overwhelming. Makes you wonder for how long she’s been saving this.
Quick, does not hesitate. Teases very little, goes straight to it, and has you shaking and remembering nothing but her name in a matter of miniutes.
Stupidly skilled with her hands. They’re good for so many more things other than kneading dough...
Absolutely loves to hear your moans and other sounds. It urges her on. Please be as loud as you possibly can.
The sight of her large honey eyes looking up at you while she’s eating you out has to be one of your favorites.
But while she absolutely adores being the one to take care of you, she actually pefers it the other way around...
And you do too. Because, my god this woman is the cutest being in the universe when she’s flustered. And it’s extremely easy to fluster her.
All it takes is a smile, a kiss, a remark on how wet she is for you... and boom. You’ve reduced her to a mess of whimpers. She’s sensitive and easy to crack.
And it’s funny because all the while you’ll see her trying desperately to hold onto the propriety that she’s so known for. But soon enough it’s gone and she’s cursing and pleading.
You love to tease her because of this. She groans like she hates it but actually doesn’t, actually wants you to do it, draw this out as long as you can. It makes her climax much more satisfying.
She loves when u play with her boobs. Bite them, mark them, grab them, pinch them, maybe slap them if the occasion requires it...
Two words: Praise. Kink.
...Yeah she very obviously has it.
Tell her how well she’s doing no matter what it is that she’s doing. How good she is at taking your fingers down her pretty wet cunt. How well she’s sucking on your clit. It makes her feel like she’s in heaven.
And of course, tell her how she’s a good girl, how she’s your good girl. And watch her fucking dissolve.
(...yeah she’s quite a sub).
She’s into some other stuff... classics like bondage and the occasional spank, more adventurous stuff like wax play.
She likes sexual experimentation. She’d try most things once, just to have the experience, as long as they’re safe, sane, and consensual.
She has quite a bit of stamina and can last long, although she doesn’t exactly like cumming many times in a row or overstimulation in general. Instead, she prefers being edged until she can barely hold it in.
She also cries. It shocked you the first time, but... she cries when cumming.
And after you’re done, she’s always extremely tender and soft, wanting to cling to you for long. You always reassure her, tell her how good she did. Often you like to shower after, or eat something together. Cuddles after sex are mandatory but always remember to get up and do your necessities.
You guys don’t do it often, and don’t like to do it quick. The Jaehee motto is “If you’re going to do anything, do it how it’s supposed to be done” and that applies to sex. But that just makes the encounters you do have all the more special.
for someone whose only experience is having explored his best firend’s body once out of “curiosity” he’s surprisingly very good.
(JUMINV REAL i will die on this hill. i am cheritz actually.)
instinct-driven. doesn’t hesitate. takes you in whole.
composure and propriety thrown out the window, he will make you his. he’s gonna make sure that you forget your own name and only remember his, that you forget everything else but the feeling of his hands on your body and how he pounds inside you.
It’s not hard to get him going. Like at all. Just kiss him deep the way he likes it, grind agaist him, and bam.
He likes to tease verbally, you like grinding against my thigh, love? but not a lot. Eventually his desire to just have you wins him over.
It’s possessive, yes, but it’s his way of showing you just how much he wants you and no one else. You think of it as almost a privilege to be loved so deeply by someone.
Loves marking you, biting into you and then seeing the pretty purple bruises that from, that mark you as irrevocably his. Kisses you a lot during and after. A lot of You’re mines coming out of his mouth.
Also, he loves hearing your moans. And you love hearing his.
It’s actually very funny to tease him, because it’s very easy and he tries to make it subtle. Just push out your shoulder, watch as his face gets red and he swallows, struggling to keep his poise.
And then God save you, because he will not hold back...
You guys do it often. It’s a way for him to destress, so it’s almost a daily affair. A little quickie before bed and after waking up never hurt anyone...
Doesn’t like doing it in public, likes it when it’s just the two of you, though he for sure likes teasing you in public... You’ve given him a handjob in the limo in more than one occasion.
He’s averagely kinky. Likes bondage. Likes calling you his kitten. Likes slapping your ass when you’re both really into it. Not much beyond that. 
The dominant position is comfortable to him, he can let his desires run wild and free, and you like how he exerts his power, how he’s so confident. It almost lights you up.
Though he also has a strange, almost hidden desire for the other side of the coin... he likes being the one with the power taken away, too.
It always oddly attracted him, but he never paid attention to those desires, as they made no sense. But then you suddenly decided to be more dominant one time, and oh boy something awoke in him.
It’s not very easy for him to submit and let go. But it’s extremely liberating once he does so. For a man who has to be thinking and making decisions and bearing more responsibility on his shoulders than any person could imagine, being in a position where he doesn’t have to make any of the decisions is almost cathartic.
He likes being your kitten. Likes the sight of you above him, holding him by a leash and smiling, just as much as he loves the sight of you under him.
Likes impact quite a bit, actually. More on him than on you. It’s a little humiliating to imagine the heir of one of Korea’s biggest conglomerates being spanked raw. But that’s inexplicably a turn-on.
Likes latex a lot. The sight of you on it is pure art.
Also into shibari. Likes the intricacy of it, the protocol, the fact that it’s an art form.
Lot’s of stamina, doesn’t cum easily. Will always make sure you’re the one to finish first or with him. Prefers to cuddle after, sometimes for hours, tightly and in silence or with just a few words exchanged. It’s the act of bodies becoming one, of feeling being not said but expressed in the way his skin contacts with yours.
Okay so wbk this man is a menace. This applies to sex too.
Most of the time, it’s sloppy and imporvised. Undeliberate, hands everywhere, kisses all over the face. He doesn’t think, and you don’t either. It’s almost funny.
A tease, just because he absolutely loves to see you riled up and begging for it. But, do it a bit aggressively. He’s a bit of a brat. He pushes, and wants you to push back and push harder.
He doesn’t need things at all to be fancy, he can have fun with very little. He’s creative.
But you know what his absolute shit is?? Roleplay.
He does it almost naturally. Has fun with it. Likes the performance element, the not being himself, the play. It’s a way for him to take advantage of all the costumes he’s kept form his agency days.
You’ve found him on more than one occasion just weasring a maid dress and pretending to clean... The indirect was caught and enacted upon.
He’s kind of a jack of all trades. He can top, he can bottom, he can take the strap and rail you until walking is an arduous task.
freak in the streets and the sheets. Truly willing to try anything once.
Pain enjoyer. Likes spanking you, and likes you doing it to him too.
Also likes overstimulation. Edge him, then let him cum, and do not let him stop... just let him go off like that.
Lots and lots of stamina. And also just fucking dies after. Does everything and then five minutes after he’s absolutely fucking spent. To you, it’s shocking. To go from being so loud to being so still...
Likes to kiss during foreplay, but not much during or after. Prefers to tease with words or just let the actions speak for themselves.
One thing about Choi Saeyoung: he’s a romantic partner and extremely entertaining lover. You can trust that stuff will never get repetitive on him. Always switching it up... in all ways possible.
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wonder-cat-art · 1 month
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This drawings makes me feel emotional
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omelette-boy · 10 days
The star boy!!!! 💫💫
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mystic-headcanons · 9 months
updated: 12/18/23
the RFA at the eras tour
what their favorite taylor swift album is
jumin, zen, and jihyun with an mc who dies before they can confess
the rfa getting jealous of someone flirting with mc
with an mc who is stressed
with a short mc
what the rfa first noticed about you
holding their child for the first time
rfa getting jealous and clingy
with an insecure mc
rfa + their ideal partner
jaehee, jumin, & the choi twins' preferred cuddling positions
with a trans ftm mc
an oblivious mc
the rfa wants you to take care of urself!!!!
hanahaki disease
insecure/jealous mc
what if rika grew up with yoosung?
seven / saeyoung choi
707 angst
insecure 707
707 comfort
zen / hyun ryu
mc making it to his dimension
with an introverted mc
comforting a chubby mc
jaehee kang
soft jaehee
sleepover turned romantic
jumin han
mc accidentally saying 'i love you'
mc making it to his dimension
oblivious to their feelings
with an mc who doesn't do relationships
first kiss (lightly nsfw?)
autism headcanons
jumin han learning he's autistic through mc
more autistic jumin hcs
more autistic jumin &lt;3
unknown / saeran choi
hurt/comfort with saeran
saeran helping mc with halloween costume
yoosung kim
nervous mc and yoosung first kiss
mc feels guilty about him losing an eye
jihyun kim / v
mc proposing to v
v with an autistic mc
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juminsmysticmc · 1 year
RFA x Mc who stays alone while someone tries to enter the house
So, this scenario came suddenly to my mind! Hope you enjoy!  
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It’d been a long time since you stayed alone in the big penthouse.
Jaehee was ultra annoyed because of a project and Jumin just had to stay a bit longer at the office, something he didn’t quite enjoy but couldn’t change.
You were in your private library, sitting in the relatively darker room with a little light next to you so that you could at least read the book Jumin bought for you.
You were enjoying the calmness, the quiet lonely feeling of freedom.
But still, you couldn’t wait until Jumin came home to hug you.
The day was long.
You sat there on your couch until you heard something on the window.
At first, you thought it was your imagination, but then you heard it again and tried to focus longer.
An animal? Why wasn’t the alarm going off?
These thoughts haunted you until a face appeared behind the glass, making you shriek.
In that very moment the man crushed the window with a stone he was holding in his free hand and managed to enter through it, making you scream even louder.
The alarm finally went off, over sounding your screams of fear and making the bodyguards finally react.
In a totally different place Jumin was busy working on the project while Jaehee was too busy rolling her eyes at a specific phone call.
When she, however, heard the bodyguard's words, her face turned pale.
At the same time, Seven entered the chatroom and informed everyone what just happened - somehow he got a notification when the alarm went off in the penthouse and hacked into the CCTV.
Jumin and Jaehee never arrived so quickly at the penthouse and Jumin was never so scared for your life.
His hands were still trembling when he was holding your sobbing body.
The bodyguards who were supposed to patrol the garden were fired and the security was kept even tighter. He would never let something happen to you.
,,Maybe I should call in sick,’’ he sighed, kissing your temple again.
You were rocking your sleeping baby daughter. She was just two weeks old and it already felt as if she was always there, as if you were always rocking a baby in your arms.
Your hair wasn't brushed yet and you still didn’t change your sleeping gown, but you still had a soft smile on your lips.
,,Don’t be silly, it’s just today. The director needs you, we will handle it,’’ you tried to calm him down, your eyes never leaving the baby you were holding.
She had white hair, but your eyes, something that amazed you.
But she was already so beautiful and a really calm baby.
,,I know, but I worry about you two… I don’t want to leave you,’’ he whispered and stroked his daughter's soft skin.
His daughter.
Just thinking about it made his heart swell.
But no matter how much his heart hurt at the thought of leaving you, he had to go to work.
If the director would let him fall, he wouldn’t be able to provide for you or his child - he didn’t want to risk it.
The hours passed by and passed by until it was time to make dinner.
By now you fed your daughter a few times and also changed her diapers.
Of course you changed your clothes - both of yours - several times and managed to brush your hair and get some house cleaning done.
You just needed to cook dinner now and then the day would be over.
The baby just began to whine again when you put the noodles into the soup.
Thinking you would just go away for a few seconds to take your daughter, you didn’t turn off the heat but just stepped away - it was still unknown to you that this was what saved you.
Just when you had your baby in your arms, an odd sound made you stop breathing.
Something was crushed in the bathroom.
Remembering you left open the window after a shower earlier, you thought the worst.
You put your daughter’s pacifier in her mouth, praying to god that this would make her stay silent before you tried to slowly walk towards the door to run out. 
The steps came closer and closer and you already thought you lost, when something made another loud sound, this time coming from the kitchen.
The steps stopped and seemed to go in a different direction, the chance you used to run away.
You quickly ran out, left the door open, and ran.
Your baby was in your arms, without a jacket and shoes, you just ran.
,,MC?!’’ Zen called when he saw you, his motorcycle stopping across from you.
,,Princess, what are you doing? Why are you like that?’’ he asked you, referring to your barefoot body.
,,Hyun! Someone broke in! Someone broke in!’’ you gasped and sobbed, just now you realized how painful it was, how scared you were.
Zen didn’t wait a second to call the police and give you his jacket and shoes.
While waiting for the police so that you could drive a car back home, Zen held you and tried to calm you down.
The burglar didn’t find anything, apparently - or so showed the CCTV at home. He was surprised by the dinner and ran away as soon as he heard the door.
Still, Zen took this as a sign and decided to listen to his gut the next time he didn’t want to go to work.
,,Alright, see you tomorrow,’’ Yoosung said, kissing your head and making you chuckle.
Actually, he would be back at midnight as he had the later shift, but he liked to act as if being a vet in a hospital and having a late shift were holding him back from seeing you,being overdramatic.
You waved goodbye and then began to enjoy the free time you were going to have.
You cleaned, cooked, read a book, watched an anime, and spent your time with your friends in the chatroom.
The time passed by and before you could realize it, it was already time to go to sleep, something you did as you couldn’t manage to stay awake until Yoosung would be back.
Slowly you closed your eyes and drifted to sleep, a light slumber yet.
The warm blanket and your soft pillow were the things you loved the most after Yoosung.
And just when you thought you were asleep, something made you jolt.
A sound, you thought.
Your eyes were wide open and you were gasping for air, trying to concentrate on whatever you just heard.
Was it Lisa? No, she was with Yoosung at the hospital.
Was it Yoosung? He wouldn’t be back yet.
And then again, a sound, things falling, and steps.
Someone was here.
From the little space between the door and the floor, you could see that the light was switched on and in that moment your body reacted on its own.
You grabbed your phone and quickly but silently walked to the bathroom in your room and hid in the shower.
No one would think something valuable would be in a bathroom, right?
With trembling hands you tried to reach Yoosung. Seeing that your messages never arrived, you switched over to 707, the man who was always online, and indeed, he was.
,,707 your hero at the start, my lovely Mc, what can I do for your private message?’’ he asked you.
But you had no time to waste and spammed him.
,,Help’’, ,,Someone broke in’’, ,,I’m in the bathroom,’’, ,,I can’t run away,’’ , ,,I’m scarede,’’ , ,,*scared, typo,’’
Praying he would help you.
,,I will be there. Call me so that I can hear what happens,’’ he said and you did.
You didn’t know how much time passed, you just knew that it was hard to breathe, fearing that they would hear you.
And then everything was louder. You could hear several voices, people yelling, and your name being called in a panic.
Just when the door was opened and he held you in your arms you could manage to calm down and collapse in his arms.
,,Seven informed Jumin who immediately arrived with his men and the police and came to pick me up. Thank god we came in time,’’ he whispered with tears.
It was okay, you were okay…you were okay.
,,Take everything you need, I am not going to stop you or alert the police. Take either drinks, food, or money, I don’t care, I just want to stay alive,’’ you whispered to the unknown man standing in front of you.
You could see that he was in need, and hell, if he didn’t have a weapon, you would have let him eat something for free even.
You were the last person who would have kicked him out.
If he would have wanted, you would have even offered him a job or something, but he was standing in front of you with a knife, hands trembling while he ordered you to not move.
You didn’t plan on moving.
You were just thankful that Jaehee went off earlier before closing the shop and helping you to count the money because she had to pause something regarding Zen.
On the other hand, she could help you out with her Judo. Alone you were, well, fucked up.
,,I DON’T WANT TO HEAR YOU!’’ the man hissed, waving with the knife.
You were scared, but you tried to stay calm.
You also didn’t utter a word, you were just trying to understand what the man was trying to do. Did he intend to kill you, to take something, or both?
,,Everyone just looks down on me! I am not someone to pity! I will make you all pay!’’ he cried out, making you gasp.
You still couldn’t think straight, you just wanted to live.
,,Mc what is taking you so long to-’’ Jaehee didn’t have to finish her sentence to understand what was happening.
And then everything went too quickly for you to understand. The man ran towards Jaehee, who just realized that the man had a weapon in his hands.
And before she could even dodge the stab, her body reacted on its own and she fought against him with some of her cool Judo tricks, making him land straight on the floor.
,,Thank you,’’ you whispered when you saw that Jaehee took him down in less than a minute.
Her warm arms were now around you and you could feel her heart racing against your own body.
She was worried.
The police arrived and everything was solved, although the security was tightened and below the cash register a little alarm was placed so that whatever happened, the police would be alarmed.
If there was something that was impossible, it was to enter through the security of a hacker, actually, two hackers and a person who worked for an odd agency once.
The three men knew a lot about security and none would have guessed that anyone could break that security.
But someone could, and this someone was none other than the agency.
Revenge, this was something they seeked for, Saeyoung was sure.
As soon as his phone alerted him that someone entered his house, his heart was racing.
His head was spinning and his palms were sweaty.
His mouth was dry and suddenly he forgot how to talk.
He lost Jihyun and Rika, who betrayed him and lied to him, took advantage of his little brother, and almost ended their future, but he finally found you and got Saeran back. It couldn’t be that someone else was about to destroy this happiness he just found.
,,Quickly they will realize that she’s sleeping!’’ Saeyoung gasped.
He didn’t know what exactly made him go out with Vanderwood and Saeran, he never went out, neither of them did.
But today they did. This was how strong your presence was, you could change the habits of three grown men. Your upcoming birthday was a reason for three introverts to leave the house and do something special.
Neither of them thought of putting you to any risk.
With his red racing car, Saeyoung arrived in a few seconds to his place, his phone never out of his sight, hoping that you would call him and tell him that you were hidden somewhere.
But nothing.
And he was scared that if he called you, your phone would ring and make you get discovered.
Feeling helpless was awful.
,,The basement window is broken! They are in!’’ he gasped and if he could have, he would have vomited right there.
,,The agency would never leave so much proof, it has to be someone else!’’ Vanderwood tried to stop the red haired man.
But he was sure they wanted revenge.
Well, the sight welcoming them was a bit different.
You were in your nightgown, a baseball bat in your hands, and a man on the floor, unconscious, with alcohol around him.
,,I finished him off,’’ you said proudly.
Gosh, Saeyoung’s legs gave up right there.
You were scolded a bit ,,What if he had a gun and shot you down? What if he wasn’t alone? Imagine if he would have gotten up again, Mc! What if…’’
Saeyoung only stopped talking when Vanderwood mentioned the problem of having an unconscious man in their house…at least you were alive and the agency kept ignoring you…
08.03.2023 // 21:06 MEST
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jinjinranran · 1 year
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