#kili and fili oakenshield imagines
fanartka · 3 months
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Imagine uncle Thorin with his little nephews
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mirkwoodshewolf · 9 months
I belong with my One; Fili x Dúnedain reader
*Author's note*
So this took me a few days to finally get finalized and write down so I hope @futuristicyouthvoid I hope you enjoy this fic. For this fic I've put that instead of Kili getting shot by the Morgul arrow, reader gets shot saving him and ends up getting sick.
Warnings: reader poisoned, near-death experience, some angst and some fluff.
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So much has happened in such little of time.  First Gandalf offers me a proposition for aiding a company of Dwarves, then we’re being pursued by orcs, then get imprisoned by the Elven king Thranduil.  Now we find ourselves at the mercy of the Men of Laketown.
Thankfully another friend of mine Bard was willing to let us stay the night at his house but of course the Dwarves had to screw it all up by going to the armory to steal the weapons and end up getting caught by the Master of the Lake’s guards.  But by some miracle, we were granted the supplies we needed to get us to Erebor to complete the quest before sunset.  Of course I knew it was because of the Master’s greediness that he agreed to help, he never was a good man.
“You do know we’re one short, where’s Bofur?” Bilbo asked.
“If he’s not here, we leave him behind.” Said Thorin.
“We’ll have to, if we’re to find the door before nightfall. We can’t risk no more delays.” Balin agreed grimly as everyone began piling into the boat.  But as I was just halfway over the plank, I felt a hand stop me.
“Not you.” I turned to see Thorin.
“We must travel at speed, you’ll only slow us down.” He told me.
“I’m coming with you all to the Mountain. I promised Gandalf that I would.”
“(Y/n), you have been a big help to me and my kin. The first Ranger to truly stand for our cause. But lately you haven’t been up to par on your health. Stay here and rest, rejoin us when you’re healed.” Just because I’ve been feeling a bit sluggish since the river incident, doesn’t mean I’m helpless.
“I will say no more on the matter.” Without another word, Thorin went back onto the boat whilst I had no choice but to sit back down on the docks, feeling a chill suddenly come over me.
“I’ll stay with the lass, my duty lies with the wounded.” Oin said as he voluntarily got off the boat and came up to me.
“Uncle, (Y/n) has done more for this company than any other outsider could’ve done for us. You cannot repay her by leaving her behind.” Fili stepped up for me.
“Fili no.” I told him.
“I will carry her if I must!” Fili argued.
“Fili, one day you will be king and you will understand. I cannot risk the fate of this quest for the sake of a Ranger. Even if she were the only one willing to help us.” As Oin began feeling my forehead for a temperature, I soon watched as Fili stormed off the boat but Thorin stopped him.  “Fili, don’t be a fool. Your place is with the company.”
“My place is with her!” he snapped back at his uncle before taking back his arm and came over to me.
“Why did you do that? I thought you always wanted to see Erebor, you told me so yourself.”
“I’ll have plenty of opportunities to see the kingdom in my lifetime, but your wellbeing is more important to me than all the gold in Erebor.” I felt my cheeks grow warm as I softly thanked him.
“And don’t think it’ll just be Fee that’s gonna help you get back on your feet.” We turned to see Kili had also left the boat.
“Kili, you didn’t have to stay behind too.” Fili said.
“Yeah I could’ve gone but it’s my decision too.” He came up to me and stood on my right side.  “You saved my life back in the Woodland realm, I’ll gladly do everything I can to help you now (Y/n).” I smiled and looked at the brothers.
“You guys truly are the best friends I’ve ever had. Thank you.” They both nodded and as the Laketown band played a victorious fanfare to wish our friends luck, a sudden dizziness overcame me. 
My vision was going in and out of focus and as the crowd cheered as the boat with our friends departed from the docks, I suddenly fell forward, the last thing I heard was Fili’s voice calling my name.
*3rd Person POV*
When (Y/n) had passed out on the dock, Fili cried out (Y/n)’s name as Oin came up and began searching over her body for any trace of an infected wound or trace of blood.  Knowing that she had saved Kili from that arrow back when they were trying to escape the orcs on the river, there must’ve been a wound he might’ve missed before they came across Bard.
“OH, did you miss the boat too?” they soon heard the missing Dwarf, Bofur’s voice say.  But the moment he saw (Y/n) passed out, his concern grew as he asked Kili.  “What happened to her?”
“We don’t know. She just—suddenly passed out.”
“Her fever’s spiking lads. We have to get her help right away!” Oin said.
“Kee, help me out here!” together the brothers lifted her up by her arms while Oin and Bofur got her legs and they walked back towards the Master’s manor to ask for help.  After pushing through the guards, Fili cried out. “Please wait! Please, we need your help. Our friend is sick!”
“Sick? Is it infectious?” the Master exclaimed fearfully as he covered his nose with his handkerchief and fearfully cowered behind Alfrid. “Get back! Alfrid, Alfrid don’t let them come any closer!”
“Please. We need medicine.” Oin pleaded.  Alfrid walked closer as he sneered at them.
“Do I look like an apothecary? Haven’t we given you enough? The Master’s a busy man, he hasn’t got time to worry about sick Rangers! Let alone this one right ‘ere. All she’s ever done for this town is ruin the Master’s good name and turn the people against him.”
“She’s helped these people in their hour of need! Are you willing to let her die because of your own selfish needs?!” Kili demanded.
“None of our concern. She’s not a paying citizen here, therefore she’s not our problem. Now off you pop! Less we use more drastic measures.” With that Alfrid and the Master shut the doors and the guards ordered them away.
After being rejected by the Master, they tried going to other people to see if they could help but all of them were either too scared to go against the Master’s wishes, or didn’t have enough supplies to help aid her as well as their own sick family members.
With no other options left, the Dwarves raced back to Bard’s home.  Knowing of their friendship, they’d hope that at least he could help them.  Bofur knocked on the door frantically and as soon as Bard saw them, he sneered.
“No, I’m done with Dwarves. Go away!” he went to shut the door but Bofur stopped him pleading.
“No, no please! Please! No one will help us. (Y/n) is sick.” Bard opened the door further to see his good friend now sickly pale, strands of her hair stuck to her face from the profuse sweating she was doing, and her breathing was now choked gasps.  “She’s very, very sick.” Even with the grievance he had with the Dwarves for risking the safety of not only his children but the entire town of Dragon fire, he didn’t have the heart to turn his dear friend away.
“Bring her in.” Bard stepped aside and the four dwarves quickly piled in while Bard quickly looked around before shutting the door.  “Put her over there. I’ll see what I have.” Bard went to the back of the house as the Dwarves set her down on the nearby couch.  Fili took her hand between his and squeezed it.
“Hang on (Y/n), we’re all here to help you. Just…..don’t go where I cannot follow.” He whispered to her stroking the back of her hand with his thumb.  Kili watched his older brother and knowing of his feelings towards the Ranger, he couldn’t help but feel guilty knowing that it was because of his carelessness that the woman his brother loved got hurt to save him.
As the night overcame the lake, (Y/n)’s health was gradually becoming worse.  Oin did managed to find a small graze just underneath her elbow.  A graze that came from an orc arrow tipped with poison.  Already the wound (even for as small as it was) had already started to become infected and the poison was spreading fast.
(Y/n) was tossing and turning, panting as her body was glistening with sweat.
“Nothing’s working! Can you not do something!?” demanded Fili who was growing more frantic by the second seeing the woman he came to love be in such agony.
“I need herbs! Something to bring down her fever.” Bard soon came in with some more supplies and began listing them off.
“I have nightshade, feverfew…..”
“No, no there no use to me. Do you have any Kingsfoil?” said Oin but Bard told him.
“No. It’s a weed we feed it to the pigs.”
“Pigs? Weed. Right. Don’t move.” Bofur said before leaving the house.  As Kili was continuing to dab a damp, cool cloth across (Y/n)’s face and neck to ease her of her sweating, a rumble was soon heard coming from the mountain.
“Da?” asked one of Bard’s daughters Sigrid.
“It’s coming from the mountain.” Answered Bard’s son, Bain.  Bard had feared the worst, the dwarves had awoken Smaug the Terrible and soon the prophecy would come to pass, the Lake will shine and burn.
“You should leave us.” Fili said as he walked up to Bard. “Take your children, get out of here.”
“And go where? There’s nowhere to go.” Bard told him in defeat.  Little Tilda stepped in front of her siblings and asked her father fearfully.
“Are we going to die Da?” Bard looked at his youngest child and assured her.
“No darling.”
“The dragon, it’s going to kill us.” Bard then turned towards a beam just above the kitchen and gripped a thin but firm piece of what appeared to be black iron.  He pulled it down from the beam to reveal that it was a Black arrow, the very same black arrow that can only be used to kill the dragon.
“Not if I kill it first.” Bard said determinedly.  He then asked his son to come with him while the girls stayed behind with the Dwarves to help take care of their Aunt.
Time passed and (Y/n)’s fever was getting even worse.  Her breathing was sharp and panicked and she was now starting to writhe in agony.
“Durin’s beard where is Balin with that Kingsfoil!?” Fili demanded.
“I have the right mind to go out and look for him myself!” Kili snapped.
“You can’t leave! With the guards on patrol, they’ll arrest you too and aunt (Y/n) will never get better!” Bain said.  “No one is leaving this house understood!?” hearing the young man take a stand against the Dwarves made them both feel shock and admiration.
“Very well laddie. But I don’t know how long (Y/n) has got left, she’s growing weaker by the second.” Oin said to Bain.
“Tilda, Sigrid, come with me to get more rags and water for aunt Hela.” The siblings soon left while Fili gripped (Y/n)’s hand tighter.
“Fi…….li.” she choked out.
“I’m right beside you (Y/n).” he whispered to her.  Slowly opening her eyes she croaked out.
“Fili…..if anything hap-happens to me—”
“Don’t talk like that (Y/n). We’re going to heal you, Bofur’s probably found the Kingsfoil by now, he’s just probably ducking the guards and taking longer. Please don’t give in now.” He squeezed her hand between his.  “Don’t go where I can’t follow.”
Suddenly a scream was heard and next thing everyone knew orcs began dropping down from the rooftop or coming in through the front door.  The dwarves grabbed whatever they could to fight off the orcs but there were too many of them, and with the tightly constricted area the house provided, there was hardly any fighting room.
Kili got the children to duck under the table and fought off any orc that tried to come close to them, while Oin and Fili worked together to fend off any orc that came near (Y/n).  When they thought they were done for, help came from both Legolas and Tauriel who had been tracking down the orcs since they left Mirkwood.
As Fili managed to block an orc’s attack with a kitchen knife, (Y/n) had managed to crawl out of the couch and use a fire-poker to stab the orc through its spine.  But she soon let out a cry of agony as she collapsed to the ground, the poison fully starting to overcome her.  Eventually, all the orcs were either killed off or had begun to retreat from the house.
“You killed them all.” Bain said as he and his sisters got out from under the table after all went quiet in the house.
“There are others, Tauriel.” Legolas ordered but Tauriel was hesitant.  As Oin came down beside (Y/n) and felt around her neck to feel her pulse was slowing down, Fili and Kili came down beside her as Oin said fearfully.
“We’re losing her!”
“Tauriel.” Legolas said to her.  She turned back to her prince and said.
“The Ranger has done no harm to us, is there nothing we can do to help her?”
“She is beyond help. I’m sorry, there’s nothing that can be done for her.” Footsteps could soon be heard racing up the stairs and as the two elves prepared for another battle with orcs, they stopped to see that it was Bofur carrying some Athelas in his hand.
“Athelas,” Tauriel exhaled as she took it from him and admired it. “Athelas.”
“What are you doing?” Bofur asked nervously.  Tauriel looked into the room before looking back at him and said.
“I’m going to save her.” Legolas’ eyes briefly narrowed.
“You may go if you wish Legolas, but I cannot leave the she-ranger to perish in such agony. Not whilst she still clings to life and that I now have her only salvation.” The young prince took a deep breath then exhaled.
“What would you have me do?” the two elves raced back inside and Tauriel ordered.
“I need water fast. Get her on a solid, stable surface. Lay her flat on her back.” Every in the room reacted quickly.  Tilda gave Tauriel the bowl of water for her to mix the Athelas together, whilst Legolas and the Dwarves worked together to get (Y/n) on the table.
She was screaming and writhing in pure agony, her mouth starting to grow black with the poison.
“Where is the wound?” Legolas asked.
“Underneath her left elbow.” Oin said.  Legolas took hold of her left wrist and raised her arm above.  But when she tried to struggle, he was forced to also grab her forearm to pin it down and there he saw it.  The black graze and he could see the infection had fully spread and blackened her entire elbow.
“Hold her down.” Tauriel said.  Kili and Bofur held down her right leg while Bard’s children held down her left.  Fili held (Y/n) by the shoulders and Oin helped Tauriel brew the medicine.  Once it was brewed, Tauriel cut through the sleeve of (Y/n)’s shirt to get a better access to the wound.
The female ranger appearing like a rapid animal, screaming, grunting and thrashing about trying to free herself.  Tauriel took some of the Athelas and began rubbing it onto her hands as she chanted.
“Menno o nin na hon i eliad annen annin, hon leitho o ngurth.” She then placed her hands over the ranger’s wound and (Y/n) let out an agonizing scream.  Fili softly shushed her stroking through her hair and whispering in her ear all the while Tauriel kept chanting the spell.
Bit by bit, (Y/n)’s animalistic behavior quietened and then she went still.  Her breathing now soft and not as frantic as it had been.  Fili looked down at her worriedly and Kili asked.
“Will she be alright?”
“Athelas has powerful healing properties. With time and rest, she’ll regain her full strength. A few more minutes and she would’ve been beyond even with the aid of the Athelas.” Responded Tauriel.  The dwarves and Bard’s children breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank you.” Fili said to Tauriel.  She gave him a soft but tight smile as well as a soft nod.  Then both she and Legolas left to deal with the orcs.
After her healing, Fili wrapped up (Y/n)’s wound with some bandages and kept vigil at her side.  Never before had he felt so scared than he had felt at that moment.  Fearing that the woman he had come to become fond of—nay love throughout this quest, he wouldn’t have known what to do had she been lost to him.
“She’ll be alright Fili. She’s strong, she’ll be back on her feet in no time.” His brother tried to assure him.
“I know. But seeing her go through all that pain, all that suffering, and who knows if she even knew she had been hit.”
“Even if she did, she’s got the stubbornness of a Dwarrowdam. Perfect woman for a guy like you.” Fili turned to his brother.  “You may try to have hide it from the others but you can’t hide anything from me Fee. I’ve seen how you’ve been looking at her since Rivendell. You care for her more than just as a friend.” Fili sighed and looked down to her.
“I don’t even know how it happened. But after all that we’ve been through, seeing her in a—domestic way. The way she was with her younger cousin, the way the sunlight seemed to reflect off her hair, and the way her eyes shone like jewels in the dark. Kee……I feel as if she is my One.”
“And you should follow through that brother.”
“But would it work? A dwarf and a human? It’s never been done before?”
“Is that what’s really troubling you? Or is it that you fear she doesn’t feel the same way?” Fili remained quiet.
“This quest has shown me that life is too fragile. And at any moment, any one of us can be taken away by any means. I want to tell her my true feelings but—not now. Not while our lives are still in danger. Perhaps when we reach the mountain, I’ll work up the courage to tell her but I—”
“I understand brother. The turmoil that must’ve been stirring in your heart seeing her on death’s doorstep, if you had confessed your love for her beforehand and it be too late to save her……I can’t imagine the pain that would’ve been.”
“She’s too precious to me.” Fili said as he stroked her cheek with the back of his finger.  “I feel like if she had died tonight, my heart would’ve died with her. My body may have continued to live on but my heart would never be full again.”
“Take comfort now that she’s alive and that she’s recovering. No more darkened thoughts need cloud your mind anymore.” Kili said as he placed a comforting hand on his brother’s shoulder, gently shaking it.  Fili turned to his little brother and nodded giving him a soft smile.
“Thank you Kili. I know I’m supposed to be the older brother here but, I’m glad that you were here to be the one to ease my mind.”
“I’m always here for you brother, and I always will be. Together forever right?” he extended his other hand out.
“Together forever little brother.” Fili clasped his other hand with Fili’s as they pressed their foreheads together, drawing in each other’s strength.
*My POV*
 All I remembered was darkness, as well as a voice reaching out for me.  Then a bright light and soon silence.  I don’t remember much after that but I do remember hearing Fili’s voice along with Kili’s.
“This quest has shown me that life is too fragile. And at any moment, any one of us can be taken away by any means. I want to tell her my true feelings but—not now. Not while our lives are still in danger. Perhaps when we reach the mountain, I’ll work up the courage to tell her but I—”
“I understand brother. The turmoil that must’ve been stirring in your heart seeing her on death’s doorstep, if you had confessed your love for her beforehand and it be too late to save her……I can’t imagine the pain that would’ve been.”
“She’s too precious to me.” I felt something graze my cheek with the most gentlest touch.  “I feel like if she had died tonight, my heart would’ve died with her. My body may have continued to live on but my heart would never be full again.”
So did Fili actually feel the same as I have come to feel for him? Oh Fili, I-I love you too. And I do hope that one day I can say that aloud, but for now I was just too weak to even open my eyes.  I soon passed out once again but it wasn’t until the sound of giant wings flying towards us had me opening my eyes.
Smaug was coming for us. And he was out for blood.
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kilibaggins · 4 months
Your take on cuddling with the company? 🥺
Cuddling With Thorin's Company
A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for! Thank you for my first the hobbit request and I hope I did them justice <3
Warnings: None really! I don't go into detail about anything graphic or anything. Nori is said to be handsy (I go on to describe it's in a good way and not sexual and only with someone he's dating)
Words: 2113
Crossposted on Wattpad!
from the river to the sea, palestine will be free 🇵🇸 READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate.READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
Very much a big spoon kind of guy, always just pulling you as close as possible and burying his face in your neck. The smell of you makes him feel comfortable and safe, a lot safer than he'd feel being held as a little spoon.
He'll randomly put his arm around your waist if you're all sitting around the campfire, using the cold as an excuse for it. 
If you have hair he'd love to have his hand in it while giving you big hugs. His hugs are longer cuddle-like hugs that he uses to remind himself that he can keep you safe.
Uses your cuddles as a way to relax after a long day, especially if he ends up being king one day since he's the heir, and even as the heir he has a lot of responsibilities and it weighs him down so cuddling with you is his time to relax and feel like he can let go. 
Kili is a little spoon or big spoon, depending on your and his moods. If you've had a close call he's one to pull you as close to him as possible and be your big spoon to make sure you're safe and okay. Holding you is one of his favorite things to do. 
So Clingy, I'm not even kidding. An arm around your waist, a hand on your hip, a hand on your shoulder, his arm looped through yours, his legs in your lap, his HEAD in your lap, the company can bet every day they'll see some new way he's decided to cuddle with you even in front of them all.
If you're more of a secretive/in-private kind of person he'd cut back on the clinginess but sometimes he'd slip up and cuddle you randomly just to notice and pull back. 
His favorite cuddling position is when he can lay his head in your lap and you're petting his hair. I have a headcanon he doesn't do much with his hair and doesn't like braids much but that doesn't stop him from LOVING his hair being played with and messed with. it makes him feel safe. 
Kind of handsy, won't lie, but in a gentle way and only after you and him are fully together. His hands on your hips, hands holding your legs close to him in bed, etc. He's very much a "pulls you as close as possible even when you're already as close as you're gonna get" kind of guy. 
"Nori, Nori, you're suffocating me, Nori-"
Will also cuddle you anywhere. He has been known to just pull you onto his lap, even If you're taller than him. Likes to pull you into his lap and, if you're the right height, rest his chin on your shoulder with his arms wrapped around your waist and his hands on your thighs.  
Oh, a negative thing though, he steals the blankets. BUT only if he can't steal you. He'll choose you over the blanket for a cuddle sesh or at night but if you for whatever reason don't cuddle with him, expect to find yourself without blankets.
Slightly awkward at first but also very gentle and clingy. Doesn't like asking for the type of things he wants in any regard, let alone cuddling, and lets you take the lead. It takes you looking him in the eye and telling him to tell you what he wants to admit he wants to be held. 
Though, after a while, he'd eventually just. ASK. Because as soon as he's comfortable with someone his anxiousness subsides to show his brave spirit. 
He loves to sit up in bed with your head on his legs as he draws or writes. He likes to read to you as you lay down together. Cuddling with Ori is kind of like hugging a teddy bear. 
Dori is a very gentlemanly dwarf so cuddling with him is always putting your feelings above his (which is something you two can work on). He's very willing to give you exactly what you want at any given moment.
A lot of "is this okay?"'s and "Are you cold?"'s. Uses your well-being as a big excuse a lot of the time because he cares about you a lot. If he's questioned on why you were in his bed roll the night before he'll tell everyone that it was cold! You were scared! You shouldn't have to be alone in this dangerous world, he had to protect you!
A very big mother-hen, and not only to his brothers, so it's very easy for him to come up with "excuses" to cuddle with you. 
But really he just wants to.
Sometimes it can be hard to hear the things you say to him so when you're nice and close in bed it's one of the best times. He loves to hear you talk in his ear so he loves when you lay on your side with your face near his. 
He loves to read your lips in this position, hearing you speaking and reading your lips helps him be able to understand you more outside of bed as well. 
Your arm would be thrown over his side and his would be gently running up and down yours. Your legs would intertwine a lot.
He's not that cuddly anywhere other than in bed, usually, he prefers his space, but if he ever thinks you're under the weather he is THERE. or if he sees you're down for any reason he's also there, holding you, because in his own words he's a healer! and healers are meant to help in any way possible, and it's proven that physical affection can help.
Gloin is a bear hugger. He will squeeze the living daylights out of you and laugh while he does it. Cuddling with him is like if you were cuddling with a living bear. 
He's kind of possessive but less in a "you belong to me" way and more of a "I get to have you?" way. He's always burying his face in your hair, shoulders, neck, wherever he can just to get closer to you. 
He's a guilty pleasure little spoon and it RARELY happens but when it does he says it's to humor you. 
He'll cuddle with you at night around the company but he's not that much of a hands-on affection type of person. He'd rather show how much he loves you with acts of service or words than hold you. 
Bifur!! Bifur would be very much a secret cuddler. He wouldn't do it often, I think he might even get a bit overwhelmed with being held, but he'd love to sometimes be able to hold you and show you how important you are to him. 
Especially if you can't speak Khuzdul, he'd feel the need to show you physical affection as a love language to show you how much he cares. If you see him with the axe still in his head, he'd be a bit... hesitant to hold you. He wouldn't want to accidentally hurt you with it. 
I think he worries about not being able to give you what he "should be able to" so he often shows you love in cuddles whenever he can. 
BOMBUR IS A HUMAN (dwarf) PILLOW. He gives the best hugs 100% and loves to cuddle. He loves when you lay at his side and lay your head on his chest or stomach. He also loves to just cuddle into you like a cat. 
If Ori is a teddy bear, and Gloin is a real bear, Bombur is one of those big teddy bears that you have no clue how to actually cuddle but instead, he has the pro of being able to cuddle YOU so there's less of a hassle!! Loves to just have lazy days where all you do is lay and cuddle. 
Will 100% cuddle with you around the company but if anyone mocks or jokes about it he'll stop. (don't worry, he'll only stop for a little bit before picking it back up again. not even his kin can make him stop cuddling you.)
Cuddling by the campfire usually consists of you laying against his side and falling asleep but he doesn't mind. 
Bofur is such a cuddler oh my gosh !! He'd cuddle you constantly. He's a lot like Kili, wanting physical touch with you all the time but specifically his cuddles are so gentle. 
He's had a rough life, and through it, he keeps a smile. When his smile finally falls, your cuddles are the only things that can get him happy again. 
He likes to sing to you while you cuddle and his favorite position is your head on his chest, but he's open to other ones !! He's open to being a little spoon and enjoys it but I think a part of him prefers being able to hold you, which is why your head on his chest is his favorite because it feels like a mix of holding you and you holding him. 
Dwalin doesn't seem much like a cuddler, and I think he'd definitely not do it in public, but he'd hold you at night. He's a personal space type of person so it's not all the time but he does! He'll pull you close to his chest and bury his face in your hair. 
His cuddles are kinda clunky and rough, and he's always worried about hurting you, and he's a bit too strong for his own good so sometimes he squeezes too tight. Though, despite all that, if he's tired enough he'll just grab you and hold you without thinking. Sometimes those are the best nights where he lets you gently run your hands up and down his arms and lets you kiss him gently.
Those nights, when he's so tired that he's just dragging his feet and all he wants it to be with you are some of the best nights. Sometimes, and I mean very rarely, he'll let his head rest on your chest.
Balin is a cuddler but not a big one. Loves to hold you but isn't really clingy or enthusiastic like Kili, and overall just finds peace in it. If he's able to hold you it means you're alive and, to him, that's the greatest gift of all. 
He's a calmer soul so a lot of the cuddles are just laying in bed with a few of your limbs intertwined and just relaxing after a long day. 
He doesn't really like positions like little spoon big spoon or anything, he prefers to have his own space in bed which is why the points of contact are limited to arms and legs most of the time, but if you or he has a day he's willing to cuddle more closely. 
Thorin is a great big teddy bear underneath all the grumpiness. Very gentle, he treats you like that meme that says "gently holds". He's like a living furnace and shares his body heat happily. 
He loves to sleep as close to you as possible, and he's a secret little spoon. He enjoys being the big spoon and probably won't ask to be the little spoon, but he will be one in a heartbeat. He loves to be in your arms or have you in his. 
Technically this isn't cuddling but Thorin will wrap his coat around you and put his arm around your shoulders to keep it in place for you. Likes to pull you into his side/chest and wrap his coat around you while hugging you, too. Will 100% suffocate you without meaning to in his need to be close. 
He keeps to himself, and because of that he rarely ever cuddles in public. Feels a little awkward if anyone can see him cuddling with you. 
Due to his height sometimes he finds it hard to be the big spoon so he often ends up being the little spoon, which you won't find him complaining. He's very gentle when it comes to cuddles and is another one to put your needs first, though if he doesn't like something he WILL make sure someone hears about it. 
"Your arm is in my side. Move. Y/N, Move."
"It's too hot." *he does not get up to move*
He may sound like a complainer but most of the time his complaints are small things that he chooses to ignore anyway, and you'll make him smile if you tease him about it. If your arm is in his side weirdly and he complains, you can just... laugh. and not move. and he'll shake his head with a smile.
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harrypoppinss · 1 year
How the Dwarfs show PDA
Thorins company x gn!reader
Warnings: an insane amount of fluff, implied smut
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Being the King of Erebor meant that he had a lot of responsibility on his plate. Even before the Dwarfs defeated Smaug and reclaimed Erebor, he wasn’t overly affectionate publicly; that didn’t change once he re-built his kingdom. Kissing is a no go, but instead he would just always have you hold onto his arm as you walked, or vise versa. But when you’re alone in your shared chambers, its like he can’t get enough of you. Thats when he always makes up for the lack of attention and affection that he can’t openly show like he wants to, but if he sees someone flirting with you then thats thrown out of the window; literally. He will pull you up onto his throne and make-out with you infront of everyone if he wants to… and he has… many times. But most of the time; not very into PDA.
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Like his Uncle, he has a lot of responsibilities since he’s the heir to the throne. But he doesn’t let that stop him. Once he’s done with his daily duties as the prince of Erebor, he gives you his undivided attention and affection. He always makes sure you’re able to stretch your legs, so he usually like to take late night walks through the mines as you two attempt to not be seen by the guards. One time though you did get caught doing… something. But that’s a story for another day and time. Sometimes he will literally just slip away from the meetings to go and be with you but only if Kíli is there to cover for him. He doesn’t have a problem with showing you how much he adores and loves you, even if that means getting his head chewed off by Thorin for skipping his royal duties.
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This man is literally the definition of PDA. He doesn’t have as many duties as his brother so he gets to spend his free time with you. He doesn’t care who watches you two as you walk through the halls of Erebor with his arm tucked tight around your shoulders; paired with a proud grin on his face that reads “yeah thats right they’re mine”. He doesn’t care if his Uncle scolds him for it, you’re his one. He tends to pepper kisses all over your face at random times, which inturn makes you incredibly flustered, sometimes his own brother has to pry him off of you. He’s just a lovey-dovey type of boyfriend and he is not afraid to show it to the whole Kingdom of Erebor.
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Not a fan of PDA at all. However, if he sense that you’re having an off day, or if he sees someone openly flirting with you…. well then it’s like he’s a whole new person. He’ll pull you into his chest as he rubs circles on your back, giving the person that was attempting to flirt with you a death glare and grinning when he watches them basically shit their pants and scramble away. If its the scenario where you’re having an off day he will find someone to cover for him most of the time with a threat before taking you back to your shared house as he gives you his undivided attention and affection. All in all; this man can quickly become the worlds biggest simp for you.
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Like Kíli, he’s the definition of PDA. As soon as he gets home from work he’s all over you; literally. He will physically jump on top of you if you’re ignoring him, especially after a long day in the mines. Which usually leads to you forcing him to get up off of you so you can fix him a bath. Even when you’re doing that, his hands are wrapped around your waist as his chin rests on top of your head. In public it doesn’t change, his fingers are laced with yours and he’s constantly finding an excuse to kiss you. You have something on your lips? Kiss. You turn to look at him? Kiss. He wants your attention? Multiple kisses. He just adores showing you how much he loves and cherishes you, even during the journey to reclaim Erebor.
Where to request a prompt for a character from LOTR/The Hobbit, Supernatural, The walking dead, FNAF? Here!
The masterlist? Here!
The prompt list? Here!
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ironmandeficiency · 9 months
the hobbit + hozier songs
characters included: kíli, bilbo, dwalin, thorin, nori, bofur, ori, fíli, dori, tauriel
word count: 1166
a/n: the amazing and precious @wordbunch inspired me to write these bc of her lotr/th characters as taylor swift songs posts & i couldn't be more excited to finally post this labor of love!! thank you bestie for listening to me scream abt this for nearly two months lol
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kíli: foreigner’s god
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he loves outside of his race and this fact causes undue scorn to be thrown at his feet. it’s unheard of for almost any dwarf, let alone one from the line of durin, to do such a thing. this does not deter him - it empowers him; if his heart could go against the traditions forged into his bones, molten in his hot blood, how could it not be true? the strength of his love is what helps him ignore the doubts shouted by the prejudice plaguing those who know nothing of his heart. that, and the sound of your laughter at his antics, the soft smiles only given to him when he’s being a little too charming… he could go on.
bilbo: like real people do
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as much flack as bilbo gets from the company for not being conventionally tough, he’s not weak by any means. he’s familiar with the pain of loss, and how the ways one tries to rise above the grief that follows aren’t always savory. he knows there’s a respect to be found in the absence of prying questions, choosing simply to coexist in the feelings and allow answers to come in their own sweet time. he’ll put some tea on to cook and scrounge up some leftovers from the previous meal, sitting beside you and letting the comfort flow naturally, his soft lips soothing the most tender aches.
dwalin: work song
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just looking at him, you wouldn’t think dwalin a sap. but with his insanely strong sense of loyalty and stalwart dedication, he can’t be anything but. he’s faced down innumerable evils in his time, braved the fiercest of storms that many of his comrades didn’t; none of them even come close to keeping him from you. your arms welcome him home without question after each fight he braves, and your letters tucked into secret compartments in his armor keep him warm between embraces. he’ll read them by the fire every night when he’s away, every gentle word carrying his mind away from thoughts of the day’s turmoil.
thorin: sedated
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this sweet, sad man doesn’t think he deserves good things in life. this, unfortunately, includes having someone love him despite his flaws and past mistakes. he couldn’t resist admitting his feelings for you and was ridiculously shocked that you reciprocated & allowed him to love you. on nights when he feels his failures deeper, he’ll try to convince you that he doesn’t deserve you. vitriol will escape from worried lips and terrified heart, piercing you in the way only a lover knows how. a soft kiss, gentle words, and a few strokes through his hair will soothe these wounds from him for a time and allow him some of the peace he’s fought to find, but doesn’t always believe is earned.
nori: it will come back
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it was decades since the last time nori thought of love, even longer since he believed himself worthy of it. meeting you only solidified his disbelief; how could someone look at him and see someone that deserved such a pure thing, after everything he’s done in his life? he’s stolen, lied, cheated, and killed to survive (and sometimes not for mere survival). his attempts to spurn you away from him only increased your determination to break through the fortress he built around himself. he could only be strong against your advances for so long before he crumbled, reluctantly accepting the love and peace and safety you offered so freely.
bofur: nobody
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bofur’s done a lot in his time. he was born in the blue mountains, a colony that never seemed to find the prosperity needed to do more than simply survive. he is a brother, uncle, cousin, friend, toymaker, miner, member of the great company that reclaimed erebor. but through all his adventures and hardships, he never lost his playful streak. he wants to have fun with who he loves, wants a little bit of mischief to make his laugh louder and brighter. bofur is a fun-loving soul who, despite his wandering past, will always choose you over anywhere that you’re not.
ori: francesca
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ori’s life has never been a peaceful one. being raised by dori and being followed by the whispers of his late amad’s reputation (not to mention nori’s) without a mountain to call home, it weighed on his shoulders. even his craft, the pride of every dwarrow worth their beard, happened to be one seen as miniscule in importance compared to smithing. every moment spent with his one, doing anything or nothing at all, eases the burden he carries and makes every moment of strife worth it just to be with the soul made to mirror his.
fíli: i, carrion (icarian)
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your love for him seems almost too good to be true, the remnants of stories told in dusty tomes written by those with far more eloquence than he can claim to possess. that being said, he is definitely not one to look a gift boar in the mouth. he relishes in each tender moment, every second spent in your presence that carries him far beyond the constraints life has placed upon him. but he recognizes that life isn’t always so simple, retreating into your arms and wishing that everything around you both just disappears. there’s always reality, waiting patiently outside of your chambers for one faulty misstep to throw you both askew. that’s why he dedicates himself to showing you that if life does what it does best and deals harsh blows, he will be there for you through it all.
dori: shrike
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dori never had time for love; he had two brothers to protect, one more wily than the other was young. his focus was on getting his brothers through the days, putting food on their plates and the semi-frequently used stash of bail money well-stocked. he allowed his feelings for his one to fall to the wayside in the name of preservation. he ignored their call for decades and braved out the pain that came with such a silence. he begged for his one’s forgiveness every time they called for him. but once the mountain was reclaimed and his brothers safe, he yearned for what he could have had. he would approach his one with much regret and sorrow for the time lost, but a pure hope that they could find forgiveness in their heart for him.
tauriel: unknown/nth
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to earn her love is a feat unlike that which the world has known for a long time. being seen as worth all these mortal struggles and painful toils in the eyes of an elf, let alone one as fierce as tauriel, is quite the achievement to anyone outside looking in. to the red-haired warrior in question, though, giving her love to you has the same unthinking ease as breathing; it’s beyond instinct to do and just as necessary to her survival. you’re worth every century spent alone, every moment after knowing you spent away from you.
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theaskywalker · 24 days
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Imagine being Fili and Kili's younger sister and joining them and your uncle Thorin on the Quest despite their disapproval
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horsewithaface · 8 months
So I rewrote the Battle of the Five Armies for my Everyone Lives AU because yes I’m still in denial and no you can’t stop me
• Everything up to Fíli getting captured is the same
• Fíli is caught by Azog and held out over the cliff. Kíli is below in the nook. While Azog is giving his speech, Kíli shoots him from below in the wrist, causing him to let go of Fíli. Fíli falls to the ground, onto Kíli, breaking his fall, who drags him into the nook and hides him as he tends to his brother’s wounds. Fíli regains his strength after a short moment and, despite Kíli’s better judgement, Fíli gets up, and races back to the top, calling for Kíli to follow.
• The two brothers fight countless orcs as they climb the stairs of Ravenhill, searching for Thorin. Once they come upon the plateau of ice, they find Bilbo weeping over Thorin as they speak.
• Kíli shuts down, thinking it is too late, but Fíli remembers something crucial. Back in Lake-town, he had pocketed a pouch of Kingsfoil in case his brother’s wounds hadn’t truly healed. With it was a messily-written note of Tauriel’s incantation written out phonetically.
• “I will not let you go, uncle. Not today. It is not your time. We will have a great feast tonight and will walk within the halls of Erebor among our kin. I cannot walk there without you.” - Fíli to Thorin as he kneels down opposite Bilbo, preparing the Kingsfoil. He rips open Thorin’s shirt, revealing the weeping wound before pressing the mixture into it. Thorin lets out a roar of pain but Kíli snaps to attention and runs to hold him down to stop his thrashing. Bilbo grabs Thorin’s hand with both of his, pressing his forehead against the bloodied knuckles, whispering pleas for him to hold on.
• The Kingsfoil incantation only partially works due to Fíli being a novice in elven spells, however it buys them time for Gandalf to get there and finish the spell properly.
• Thorin is taken to the medical hut where he regains his strength for the next week despite his refusal and insistence that he is fine. Bilbo eventually gets through to him and Thorin gives in, allowing the healers to aide him.
• Thorin does not remember what happened when he had succumbed to the dragon sickness, it is only when Bilbo flinches at a sudden movement of his when he is getting frustrated that Bilbo realises Thorin does not remember. Bilbo reluctantly tells him the truth when Thorin demands to know what he did wrong.
• Thorin never forgives himself for his actions, even going so far as to denying his birthright and banishing himself from Erebor. He gives the crown to Fíli who does not accept it, choosing to go with him for Thorin is more important to Fíli than ruling. Kíli never wanted the crown and so the brothers appoint Dain as the rightful king for they would not have prevailed without him.
• Thorin and Bilbo part ways, Bilbo returning to Bag End unsure if he will ever see Thorin again because despite what happened, he never blamed Thorin for it was the fault of the dragon sickness and not his own mind.
• After about a year, Bilbo hears a knock at his door. He is greeted with a very nervous Thorin, quite a juxtaposition from his usual stoic nature. Bilbo doesn’t believe his eyes, convinced that he is dreaming. Thorin cannot help but whisper, “Bilbo…” before engulfing the hobbit in a hug.
• Thorin rambles on a whole poetic speech about how he does not deserve redemption for his actions and he simply came to apologise. Bilbo takes Thorin’s face in his hands, pulling him down to eye level.
• “Stop it. Just stop it, you giant oaf. I forgive you. You never let me speak my mind after the battle. I never blamed you, Thorin. I never have and I never will. It was that bloody dragon, not you. I stand by my word when I say that I am glad that I have shared in your perils. You are more than any Baggins deserves.”
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luna-writes-stuff · 6 months
Kili: Remember how you threatened to kill my uncle on multiple occasions?
Raewyn: haha, yeah, wild times
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The Hobbit Preferences: How They Kiss You
(A/N: i accidentally got thrust back into a Tolkien phase so have fun while i write my thoughts out here to keep them from plaguing me, if there's other characters you want me to add then let me know, I might also do a LOTR one too once i've rewatched them)
(Includes Dwalin, Fili, Kili and Thorin x Gender neutral reader)
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Dwalin is actually far more gentle than you'd think. He's very aware of his strength and so he is exceedingly careful around you for fear you might break. He tends to keep PDA on the down low since he has a reputation to uphold, despite the odd forehead kiss, which is made clear when you see the soft look in his eyes when you pull away from a kiss in private.
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Fili is a little more reserved with affection than his brother and, while he isn't shy with it, he limits PDA to kissing your hand every now and then. (If Kili tries to make fun of him though he becomes far more tempted to make out with you on the spot just to shut him up.) When it's just the two of you he has a habit of dipping you to see the look of surprise on your face before kissing you. It's soft, passionate and something only you get to witness.
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Kili tends to have a lot of energy and that's definitely translated in the way that he kisses you. His kisses are spontaneous, playful and full of excitement, and always followed by his ear to ear grin when he pulls away. He will also kiss you on the cheek at any and every opportunity.
If you're way taller than him he will jump. Don't test him.
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Thorin is first and foremost a gentleman (to you at least). With his role of leadership, kissing you in public is off the table almost entirely, but he more than makes up for it when you have time alone. He isn't particularly good at expressing his feelings out loud so he translates via the affection he gives you - this means there's a 50/50 chance when he kisses you of it being slow and sweet, or dominating and possessive.
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x-bluefire-heart-x · 5 months
Dance at a Feast
Happy New Year everyone! The good thing about having two weeks off from work is that I am able to get some writing done! I'm trying to get drafts done for a lot of fics I have plans for, so I can have some things to post when I go back to work.
Also, please feel free to make requests! I have a list of prompts which is linked below, and a master list that has the fandoms and characters I write for. If there is someone and a something not listed that would like to make a request for, feel free to and I will let you know if I know enough about it to write for it. Also feel free to make requests for this verse!
This is another part in the Covered in Steam verse. A fluffy piece between female reader and Thorin, it is set after Covered in Steam.
Warnings: Talks of a sexual nature. Dain being disrespectful - nothing insane just not acknowledging the reader as the Queen *yes I think this should be a warning*
Tag list: @catt-leya @bunson-burner
Master List
Prompt List
Covered in Steam
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You fiddled with the sleeves of your dress tugging them down before pulling them back up and then down again. You glanced at the mirror in Thorin’s, no your chamber you hadn’t slept in the chamber that was yours since that night. You wore a beautiful gown in the colours of the family of Durin, the blue almost matched that of your Kings eyes. Your hair had been left down showcasing the braids and beads that Thorin wove into it every morning. You were nervous, this was the first feast since you were behaving as a true married couple. And you didn’t want to do anything that would embarrass Thorin. Which was why you were concerned about the dress, the shoulders of the dress could sit normally or be pulled down to expose your shoulders and collarbones, and the plunging neckline was lower than what you normally wore but it worked the best with the necklace Thorin had gifted you with on the day you got married, and you hadn’t worn it yet.
“Sister?” you heard Dis’ voice call out from the sitting room next to the bedroom where Thorin received any guests that came to your chambers.
“In here!” you called back, shifting the bodice of the dress a little, unsure about the gauzy material that ran in panels down your ribs before forming into the princess style skirt.
“Oh my,” Dis whispered as she laid eyes on you. “I think you may very well kill my brother in that dress.”
“Is it too much?” you spun around eyes wide with concern as you smoothed down the billowing skirts. “It’s a normal style in my homeland but I know it isn’t overly common amongst the women here.”
“You look stunning my Queen,” Dis assured you as she came to stand in-front of you grabbing your hands. “You do not need to pretend as if the culture and norms of your homeland do not exist, my brother would not expect you to only dress as a dwarven woman.”
“I know he has told me as such, but I just don’t want to…embarrass him in-front of his court, especially since everything between us is still so new,” you nibbled your lower lip before yelping a little as Dis pinched your arm.
“You’ll ruin the makeup,”  
“Can’t have that can I?” you laughed, your nerves slowly leaving you in your sister in laws presence. Something she has always managed to do.
“Now, come on,” Dis tugged on you before stopping for a moment. “Wait, you are missing something.” She let go of your hand to go back to your dressing table and lifted the small crown from its resting place to put it on your head. “There.”
You lifted your hand to gently touch the crown as Dis went back to tugging you out of your rooms and towards the main banquet hall. You were still not use to wearing a crown, as you and Thorin both only tended to wear them when you absolutely had to. Such as at a feast welcoming Thorin’s cousin Dain. You could hear the celebrations before the door even came into view, you smiled. Dwarrow truly knew how to throw a feast and celebration.
“Introducing her Highness Princess Dis and her Royal Majesty Queen y/n,” the herald at the doorway announced both you and Dis causing the court to become quiet as Thorin stood from his chair and walked around the table that housed the royals. His eyes burned with a fire as he took in your appearance, you could feel the eyes of every dwarf on you as the king walked towards you and Dis quickly left your side to greet her sons. You could only guess the dwarf sitting on Thorin’s left was his cousin Dain, Lord of the Iron Hills. You briefly caught his eyes only to quickly break eye contact and focus on your husband. Dain had the same colour eyes as Thorin only his were cold and calculating, and you did not like the way he looked at you.
“My wife,” Thorin rumbled, this voice bouncing around the room. “You are a vision.”
You dropped into a small curtsy as your body warmed, your eyes locking onto his as you lifted your head back up. Thorin stepped closer to you to place a kiss upon your lips before gently taking your hand, guiding you to stand in-front of his cousin, who remained seated.
“Cousin, my wife, your Queen,” Thorin’s voice was hard as stone as he noticed the disrespect being shown to you. “Greet her.” Dain’s eyes narrowed before a friendly mask fell over his face as he stood and bowed low to you.
“It’s an honour to finally meet you, Your Majesty,” Dain’s voice didn’t sound overly pleased and you were concerned but you nodded back at him regardless, knowing now was not the time to raise concerns.
“And it is lovely to finally meet you Lord Dain, Thorin has spoken highly of you,” you responded voice soft, your eyes looking at a point over his shoulder as you didn’t want to look into his cold eyes again.
“Come my Queen, you must be hungry,” Thorin’s arm wrapped around your waist and led you away. You smiled gratefully up at Thorin raising on your toes to press your lips to his cheek in thanks. His arm squeezed you in kind, his eyes full of love as he stared down at you.
“Hello aunty mine,” Kili smiled up at you as you walked past. You grinned down at him, unable to resist messing up his hair. Kili pouted up at you as he tried to fix his hair, you dropped a kiss on his head in apology as you did the same to Fili as you walked past. Dis’s sons had been as welcoming as she had when you arrived, always smiling and including you, you were forever grateful for those three Durin’s.
“Aunty,” Fili smiled as you sat down beside him, Dis was in the middle of her two sons, who leaned around her oldest to smile at you. “Don’t worry about Dain. He’s a traditionalist but Uncle doesn’t pay any mind to those old dwarves.” Fili had lowered his voice and leant close to your side. His eyes, the same shade as his uncle was soft and kind as he looked at you. Your heart squeezed at his words.
“Thank you Fili,” you whispered back. “I will keep that in mind.”
“But, should he or any other dwarf look to cause you problems promise that you will let myself, my mother, Kili, Dwalin or Balin know. Of course Thorin should be your first choice but if you cannot find him, you also have us on your side,” Fili added squeezing your arm before letting go and focusing on his food.
You could hear the conversations going on around you as you picked at your food. You never ate much in-front of large crowds, but would always find a plate of food waiting for you in your chambers after a feast. You had always wondered who ensured the staff left it but never thought to investigate it too much.
“Are you alright love?” Thorin asked removing himself from the conversation with Dain to check on you. He had picked up on your added nerves after meeting Dain and wanted to do everything he could to be sure that you were fine.
“I am,” you nodded turning to give Thorin a smile but you could tell from the look on his face that he didn’t buy it. He leaned close enough to whisper into your ear.
“If I had known Dain would show such disrespect to my wife I would never had invited him here,” Thorin promised you. “Tell me at once if he ever does so again or makes you uncomfortable at all. Erebor if your home and you are the Queen.”
“You Durin’s and your need to protect,” you teased nudging your nose against his.
“Fili just gave me a list of all the dwarves I can tell if Dain or any other dwarf causes me problems,” you explained. “It was pretty much you four and Dwalin and Balin.”
“Hmm,” Thorin hummed his eyes full of pride at your words. “Well, us Durin’s are fiercely protective of those we care about. And once we care for someone it is next to impossible to get rid of us. So I’m afraid my heart, you are stuck with me, and my sister and nephews.”
“Such an imposition that,” you laughed.
“You weren’t thinking I was an imposition this morning,” Thorin growled his eyes darkening as heat filled them. “With my tongue between your thighs.”
“Thorin,” you gasped in shock. “You can’t say things like that here.”
“I am the King,” Thorin shrugged kissing your lips and whispering his next words into your mouth. “I can say such things when I please. And no-one can hear us.”
You playfully glared at him about to say something back when Dain interrupted leaning around Thorin to gain his attention again, sending you a cold look before placing the mask back in place before Thorin could see. Thorin kissed you once more rounding on his cousin, you could hear the harshness in his tone as he spoke in dwarvish. You sipped at your wine, as music started to play, as it always does at a Dwarven feast. The boys beside you quickly stood up looking to find some partners to dance with, Kili raced off instantly looking for Ori. Fili however, hesitated, Dis had left seeking out Balin to discuss some matters.
“My Queen,” Fili said, his voice loud and pointed as he bowed low at his waist holding a hand out. “May I have a dance?”
You grinned up at Fili, standing up and reaching to take his hand but you were pulled tightly against a hard chest. Thorin’s scent surrounding you. Fili smirked, his eyes playfully challenging his uncle, as he continued to wait on your hand.
“My wife will be dancing with me first, nephew,” Thorin’s voice rumbled.
“I think Her Majesty can make that decision, Uncle,” Fili grinned.
“I am honoured Prince Fili,” you grinned, trying to keep your voice regal. “However, I would think you would prefer to seek out someone else to dance…and even maybe court?”
Fili’s face flushed bright red his eyes automatically going towards a dwarven woman that was standing off to the side near Bofur. The look in his eyes was similar to how Thorin would look at you and you knew that maybe you and Dis could do a little pushing.
“I mean…I can’t…” Fili stuttered in an uncommon show of nerves.
“Yes you can nephew,” you encouraged him stepping a little out of the circle of Thorin’s arms but he kept a hold of your hips. “I have seen that young woman look at you, in the same manner you look at her. You are a Durin, take the courage that all you Durin’s seem to possess in enough abundance to take on a Dragon and ask her to dance.”
You felt Thorin’s hands squeeze your hips and his lips pressed into your neck, you could feel the smile that tugged at them. You reached out to squeeze Fili’s hands, forcing his eyes back to yours. The red of his face had calmed down to a light pink.
“Right, yes, true,” Fili nodded.
“You are my heir Fili,” Thorin added reaching out to pat him on the shoulder. “You can do this.”
Fili nodded once more before he turned around and strode towards the woman in question. He forced the Durin swagger into his steps as the two of you watched him in amusement. Thorin tugged you close again turning you around, you smiled up at him wrapping your arms around his neck.
“So, that dance?” you asked. “Better make good.”  
“Come along then,” Thorin smirked. Pushing you backwards, you giggled turning around and taking hold of his hand and pulling him onto the space in the middle of the room that was used for dancing.
Thorin spun you around before tugging you close, wrapping his right arm around your waist and grabbing your right hand with his left, you placed your left hand on his shoulder. You allowed him to led you around the floor trusting him to keep you from backing into anyone. The tune was a fast past one, your skirt flying out every time he spun you around quickly. He grabbed both of your hips and lifted you up and turning the two of you before putting you back down and grabbing hold of your hand again to lead you around.
You giggled as your dress managed to hit Kili and Ori on your way past them, you threw an apology over Thorin’s shoulder causing the two young Dwarves to laugh. Thorin couldn’t take his eyes off of you, your eyes were bright with happiness and you had not stopped laughing and smiling since Fili had first asked you for a dance. Your face was flush from your wine and from the dancing, you had danced to two fast paced songs before a slow paced song started to play. Thorin wrapped both his arms around your waist pulling you as close to him as he could get you. You looped your arms around his neck, using one of your hands to tilt his head down, he grinned as he rested his forehead against yours and swayed the two of you in time with music.
“You truly do look beautiful tonight, my Lady,” Thorin whispered. “Seeing you in my colours, I wish to take you from this hall and feast on something else entirely.”
“My King, was this morning and last night not enough?” you asked, stroking the back of his neck, his thick hair covering your movements.
“I will never have enough of you,” Thorin answered. “I will never have enough of your taste, of your body, of you. I will always want you in my arms.”
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Another series of Tolkien Surveys people:
If you were in Middle Earth....
(excludes the married ones)
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wordbunch · 11 months
Their love song (Taylor Swift edition) > The Hobbit characters
a/n: welcome to my little self-indulgent celebration of 700 followers! 🥳 EVEN IF you're not a fan/don't know the songs, I hope you can still like and support this fic - a lot of time and love went into it! and by all means come talk to me about it or suggest your own songs! love you all so much and thank you for reading my stories and being a WONDERFUL community 💕💕💕 i've never written for many of these characters so i'm excited!
BILBO ♡ sweet nothing
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Undoubtedly, the world can be really difficult and overwhelming at times, and it is then that the two of you find comfort and safety with each other. You don't even need to be doing anything special, it's enough to just be existing together and enjoying the simple pleasures of life in your own little world, it is the love that feels like home.
BARD ♡ mary's song (oh my my my)
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Most certainly a family man who loves his town and his people, and he deserves this lovely underrated song. He would always choose to pursue a committed, lifelong relationship, have a family with you and be a part of the community. Eventually it would be so nice to reflect on decades of love and support, still by each other's side and still in love.
THORIN ♡ gold rush
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pun mildly intended This dwarf can be a little intimidating, despite his height, and he is a very captivating presence, who can also be a little arrogant at times. You weren't sure how you felt about him at first, but after getting to know each other, you realized there was a heart of gold hiding in his chest, just waiting for someone to unlock it and be fiercely loved by him.
FÍLI ♡ invisible string
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He is a romantic soul who believes in destiny, and finding the love of his life who is meant just for him. He is thankful for all the things in both of your lives that brought you together, even if they seemed bad at the time - but they resulted in a beautiful love story in the end, and he will be devoted to you forever.
KÍLI ♡ paper rings
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Although he is a bit more playful and fervent, he is the person who falls absolutely head over heels, and nobody saw it coming at all, which makes it an even sweeter story to tell. He doesn't care about any circumstances, he just cares about being close to you, no matter when, where or how.
TAURIEL ♡ mastermind
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She thought she was being very smooth when you caught her eye, and she was convinced that you couldn't tell that she was absolutely melting inside whenever you were near, but to her absolute astonishment, you noticed fairly quickly. Still, you let her play her little game and "win" you over, though you had been won for longer than she was aware.
THRANDUIL ♡ don't blame me
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His love is intense, passionate and even a little bit possessive, but he disregards everybody's comments and opinions on it. Why should he care? It only matters that he found the perfect person who loves him with all his flaws and virtues, and he likes to make it known that he would do basically anything for them.
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc @entishramblings @thesolarangel @silversword7000
@friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-place @valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr​​​​​​ @noldorinpainter​​​​​​ @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste
@ironmandeficiency    @starryeyedrogue ​​ @dinofromspac3  @wisheduponastar​ @lady-of-imladris​ @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @sweetpea-thoughts
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kililvr · 1 month
the lonesome elf fic is still in the works but it has been a while since i last posted something here so take these quotes that will relate to the fanfic heavily to hopefully peak your interest to read it when it is posted :)
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porcelana-r0ta · 7 months
Oh you're sad that your favorite character is dead???? Well none of my faves are dead bc I have been living in denial (reading fanfic) since 2011. Y'all stay safe tho
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sylveongender · 7 months
i love to imagine dis & thorin being practically twins which is where kili gets his dark hair from but, fili gets the blonde from his dad
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ironmandeficiency · 7 months
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