itsmarjudgelove · 1 year
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notsoincog-nito-ryu · 3 months
It's been a while since the Scottish University Kendo Taikai, but it did indeed happen!
It was incredibly stressful to more-or-less be in charge of running an event like that, and a rude wake-up call to learn seminar and competition etiquette for the future!
Great results for Edinburgh University Kendo Club too!
I came Second 🥈, beaten by my Japanese Senpai! A really great kendoka! Super calm, really clean kendo, and sooo fast! (My first silver medal in kendo!)
Together, and with 3 others, we won the teams category, adding 5 more gold medals to the club collection!🥇 (My first gold medal in kendo!!! Although, I feel I was the team weak point! 😅)
In the end, the medals made up for the stress, and relentless planning, absolutely indispensable helpers, and hours of coding nearly fully automated spreadsheets paid off to create a smooth event!
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kendopath · 9 months
“Enzan no Metsuke”
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I've grew up in the mountains.
Whenever I hear people talk about Enzan no Metsuke they always reference a mountain.
In my daily world, mountains are infinite.
When you've climbed a mountain and attained enlightenment, it turns out to be only the first peak; overlooking a vast landscape of more mountains.
Looking behind you, you see the same peaks and valleys you climbed on the way up.
Your journey will never end at the top of the mountain.
To observe your opponent as if viewing a distant mountain, limitless focus.
This is the view I imagine. Not a mountain, but a vast landscape of mountains. The view is so wide, you can't resolve a single mountain, because within you focal point lies 20 mountains.
The view of your opponents entire being.
The continental divide.
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furrypersonalover · 9 months
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The Kendoka's Notebooks 📒
L'intolérante est là, glacée dans le regard,
Son cœur est indolent mais son corps tentation,,
Personne sauf moi ne défie son œil noir
D'amante brute et douce aimant par sujétion.
Passer de fille en soie à femme de combat
Est folle déraison et sans pondération
.. je crois.
Diyana 🌷🩷🧡
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kanrix · 2 years
I've seen so many 11( OR YOUNGER) year olds taller than me and. I don't think I will ever recover from it actually
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genoskissors · 5 months
Daily Danganronpa Fun Fact #19
The type of sword fighting style Peko uses is Kendo. While her official Japanese talent is "Super High School Level Kendoka", this can also be inferred by the bamboo sword she carries.
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sporesgalaxy · 5 months
Whats is your ideal high school au zosan?
if youre gonna put the Straw Hats in a modern setting they still HAVE to be miscreants and freaks with insane trauma who regularly commit crimes.
I NEED Zoro and Sanji to be on the verge of flunking out and/or being expelled for fighting.
Zeff is making Sanji go to school so he can have a bright future or whatever the fuck but ALL Sanji cares about is helping run Baratie. Why the hell would he "do math homework" when he can COOK? That's the only future he wants anyway. So what if he also happens to love marine biology it's not like that matters and it doesn't help with his general education course grades. Also obviously he still gets into tons of fights because of his short temper and strongly held principles. He's probably got a reputation that, along with his workalohic tendencies at the restraunt, make it hard for him to keep friends.
Zoro made a promise to his late friend Kuina to become the greatest swordsman...in the sport of kendo. Zoro also struggles to care much about his classes. However, similar to Zeff, Kyoshiro won't let him completely give up on his education in favor of living and breathing kendo 24/7.
While NOT getting into fights and nearly flunking out of school would certainly make it EASIER for Zoro to continue competing in kendo, from what I've been able to look up about the rules of the FIK it's actually not impossible for him to get into kendo competitions even if he's a bit of a hooligan lol. Especially since his primary caretaker runs a dojo. So long as he can get some adults to vouch for him, like maybe the current greatest kendoka in the world...
I also don't think they'd go to the same school. If Zoro and Sanji are nearly dropouts, Luffy is definitely already a high school dropout, let's be real. I can't decide what sort of rougish illegal profession he'd be pureheartedly aspiring to on dry land right now (street gang leader?????), but he'd definitely have no interest in getting a regular education. So, it's no problem for this weird delinquent to befriend two other weird delinquents from different schools and rope them into whatever weird shit he gets up to between dine-and-dashes.
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aroanthy · 5 months
i've thoroughly enjoyed everything you already said on the topic and would like to ask if there is anything else you might want to get off your chest about saionjis gender shit if it strikes the fancy?
i am the transfem saionji truther, we know this, but mannnn. her whole thing with masculinity is so damn interesting and i see very few people actually grasp at what's going on in that (malcolm tucker voice) abandoned barn of a brain of hers. that was a joke btw her brain is not an abandoned barn she actually makes some of the most astute points in the whole show lmfao. anyway
saionji's masculine ideal is much more informed by traditionally japanese ideas of gender, as opposed to the americanised 'modern man' masculinity that akio peddles. like saionji thinks that princes are cringe. he's just also tormented by the fact that no one else thinks that and everyone loves these princes and because he's got the world's biggest inferiority complex, he can only think that he's wrong, that he's been left behind to a world deemed 'unspecial' because of some innate quality about him. and whenever saionji thinks this (all the time) he becomes fucking awful to be around.
i digress. saionji takes being the president of the kendo club very seriously, not just because he takes Everything seriously but-- well. arguably the reason that he takes Everything seriously is because of his practice of kendo. i think it's a bit of a chicken and the egg situation wrt 'is saionji Just Like That or did his warrior grindset make him that way'. kendo is really important to him, and the way that he and touga are (rarely, lol) able to connect through it would suggest, i argue, that it's a good and healthy thing for him to have in his life. same goes for touga but that's a different post about 1000 other things.
i think this gets at a) something rgu is trying to get at wrt americanisation and a critique of aspects of japanese culture that doesn't then discard that culture altogether. ikuhara does this a lot more obviously in his other shows. and then b) on a character-level, it's about separating something valuable and important (the practice of kendo) from ideas that have enmeshed themselves with it bc Society (misogyny, namely). saionji's conception of masculinity is all about kendo, and he likes kendo, but he's uncomfortable with/stifled by this expectation of Manliness that he simply cannot access in a way he's comfortable with. it's only when he lets himself forget about his obsession with power dynamics and Being A Man that he can just. enjoy this aspect of his life that informs how he lives it so wholly. tldr girls can be kendokas too. which is obvious to people who aren't as misogyny-brainrotted as ohtori academy student saionji kyouichi, but swagever.
btw if anyone whose better educated on nuances of japanese culture than i, white british person whose only read a handful of academic articles on the subject, thinks something ive said here is off in any way, please let me know!! i always always always want to gain a better understanding of rgu as a distinctly japanese show, my lack of resources and formal education on these topics be damned!!
i just think saionji is an androgynous legend who should get into textile crafts. let her woodcarve and knit. she'll be unstoppable. practical queen etc etc. lets embrace gender anarchy together
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bonickhausen · 3 months
i guess i'm a kendoka now, for real!
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yes, i still need to learn how to tie my kendogi and hakama correctly but HEY, i'm really digging this!
i started practicing kendo back in january- i was looking for some kind of physical activity that did not bore me to death like regular gym exercise did. a friend of mine sent me a video of some dude slashing a bamboo-something with a Very Sharp sword and i thought to myself "hey, that looks neat".
living in the largest city in the southern hemisphere of the planet means that if you're after something, you're probably going to find it without too much trouble. the video i saw was about iaijutsu but because i'm a fucking idiot i thought that was the same thing as kendo and joined one of são paulo's many kendo clubs.
thing is, i really fucking like kendo now. i like the constant effort to try and improve my moves while being surrounded by other people who are also trying to do the same thing. it feels very cooperative.
my mentors told me i was ready to wear these fancy clothes and so i bought them. Kendogi's the upper half and Hakama's the skirt thing. Putting them on is kind of a bitch though and folding them back is an even bigger bitch or maybe i'm just a general failure at folding clothes and putting them on which is a really strange thought: i never thought i'd suck at wearing clothes.
no matter, i'll get the hang of it eventually. it feels good to have finally found a physical activity that i really like.
my cat was watching me the whole time as i was flailing my legs around
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great stuff!
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rkanahi · 1 year
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Kendoka Genji with his helmet off 💦 I really love his hair down
My twitter
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goshdangronpa · 8 months
I’m no mystery writer. I can’t promise airtight murder cases. Still, I have quite a lot of ideas for the first chapter of "I DISAGREE: An Ibuki Mioda SDR2 Protag Swap AU." Let me piece together something - or some of something, anyway - for our new protagonist to piece together in her first pitched battle against sheer despair. Strap in, cuz it’s a long one.
We've All Been Looking for the One: The First Trial
The Monokuma File only confirms the obvious. The victim: Chiaki Nanami, Ultimate Gamer. Time of death: when else but in the dead of night? Cause of death: impalement, as evidenced by the gushing tunnel connecting gut and back.
Ibuki screamed even louder than Hiyoko, drawing everyone - including the bear. Hajime vomited. Byakuya fell on his knees. Fuyuhiko bemoaned the bastard who did this. Mikan broke down. Monokuma cheered. Everyone else cried out. But with a limited window before the imminent trial, there was no time to grieve - only to investigate.
Let’s follow the investigation and trial through the main suspects:
Nagito finds the Ultimate Kendoka’s sword at the bottom of the swimming pool, definitely not where Byakuya had stowed it after confiscating it. Only this could be the murder weapon, and surely only its wielder could use it so effectively. Her do-nothing demeanor could be a put-on for all anyone knows, and her being barricaded like every other patient means nothing when Chiaki also somehow escaped.
<Peko Pekoyama!>
Fuyuhiko vigorously defends her, leading everyone to question why he paid so much more attention to her than anyone else. Ibuki notes that before even knowing the girl was sick, he noticed that she wasn’t at the restaurant and rushed to find her. Peko says they should stop hiding their connection. That’s how everyone learns that the two have known each other practically since birth. The Ultimate Kendoka is the Ultimate Yakuza’s lifelong bodyguard and companion.
Ibuki thinks it’s adorable that he did so much to protect her. The others feel differently …
<Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu!>
A few things become clear: the killer needed access to the sword, and they couldn’t have been stuck in a room. So, either a patient with help from staff (Fuyuhiko released Peko, who killed Chiaki) or a member of the staff on their own (Fuyuhiko did it himself to cure Peko). Fuyuhiko had already shown a willingness to kill before this sudden pivot to nursing. Maybe he volunteered specifically to become the blackened after all!
“No, that’s wrong!” Hajime’s been practically nonfunctional after seeing Chiaki’s corpse. Though he’ll never know it in this AU, her presence in the trials would’ve grounded him in a way no one else could, enabling him to suss out contradictions and find the truth. This is what allows another person to become the protagonist. With Fuyuhiko in the crosshairs, though, he’ll finally spring into action. “Peko would’ve died too,” he continues, “and he’d never let that happen.”
A few other clues will vindicate the pair. I like the idea that Hajime is Fuyuhiko’s alibi because they spent the whole night in bed together. Kuzuhina fans, rejoice! (Fuyuhiko, too straightedge to let the implications stand, insists they just watched samurai movies until they passed out.)
This is when Ibuki and Mikan realize something crucial. “She wasn’t acting like herself,” Fuyuhiko says about Peko’s recent behavior shift. He’s the only one who’d know what any patient was like before the island. It’s no coincidence that they started acting weird when they fell ill. The illness itself radically altered their personalities! “It’s like Opposite Day Disease,” Ibuki shouts, “or Being-Really-Different Disease!” (And this is why I chose Peko as one of the infected!)
Monokuma confirms their theory, but claims dibs on naming the malady he invented. He dubs it Despair Disease.
<Byakuya Togami!>
Up to this point, Ibuki’s mostly been little more than a contributor to the trial’s progress. Byakuya Togami dominates the conversation with his self-proclaimed leadership role. His keen observation skills and high intellect back him up. What he can’t quite manage is to piece together a clear narrative of the night’s events, though he still expects everyone to catch up with him.
Several things become clear:
The staff were around the contagious patients long enough that someone could’ve caught Despair Disease from them.
The symptoms of the infected cleared up after Chiaki’s murder, though the exact timeframe is unknown.
Hajime and Fuyuhiko are each other’s alibis.
Ibuki and Mikan, having also shared a bed (Hiyoko: “Hey, is that hotel a love hotel?”), are each other’s alibis.
(I've learned that two people can’t just be each other’s alibis. Just assume there was an awkward moment, very late at night, where Mikan and Fuyuhiko tried sneaking out of what they both know to be, respectively, Ibuki and Hajime’s rooms. They both ducked back in and apparently stayed.)
No one saw Byakuya after the group split and left Ibuki’s room.
Byakuya was the one who insisted on storing Peko’s sword.
He also insisted on keeping its location secret from everyone else.
The alleged leader and protector of the group doesn’t take the subsequent accusations well. (Being the only one on staff who slept alone that night doesn’t help.) Ibuki’s confident that he’d never murder someone in a million years, but vibes alone aren’t enough for others to drop their suspicions. This is her moment to shine as the protagonist! Her vivid imagination allows her to conceive possibilities that wouldn’t cross anyone else’s minds and devise creative solutions that most would immediately dismiss.
One funky idea I had for how his name gets cleared involves Chiaki’s nails. While examining her corpse, Ibuki notices dark marks beneath them - flesh, torn off when the victim fought back. Kitty had claws, but who bears the claw marks? Only one way to find out: “Quick! Take off your top!” With no choice but to remove his dinner jacket and undershirt, Byakuya shows no signs of that damage on his chest, arms, or back.
Pants are out of the question. At least, not until others expose their upper halves first. Despite Teruteru’s insistence, they start with the boys:
The slim Fuyuhiko is free of marks.
So is the surprisingly wide-chested Hajime … “but,” Ibuki teases, “you already knew that, didn’t you, Hiki-chan?”
Nagito has scars, but they’re old. Mikan correctly guesses they’re from past surgeries.
Kazuichi, who’s been near-catatonic since being discovered in his room, is reluctant to move, let alone strip. Ibuki recalls that his crazy pecs were exposed throughout his entire hospital stay. They thought that finding him with his jumpsuit zipped up was a sign of normalcy …
The others urge him to comply. With great reluctance, he unzips. This action reveals a bloodstained wifebeater.
<Kazuichi Soda!>
More on the murder and execution, next week.
PREV: The Killing Game's First Victim
NEXT: The First Blackened
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notsoincog-nito-ryu · 3 months
More Keiko today, and a constructive one at that!
This relaxed kamae thing has made it a lot easier to strike debana kote! And I feel so free and flowy! It's great! Obviously, not a fix all; my zanshin is far from perfect, and I think I need to fix that to ensure I get those ippon in the upcoming uni Taikai, but my hard work feels like it is actually paying off! 😁😁
I also took some film photos on my Nikon F2! 800 ISO meant that I could take shutter speed all the way to 1/2000, so hopefully some super crisp shots of strikes! If I get some good ones I may post them! 😊
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kendopath · 9 months
Basics: Fundamentals: Balance
You often hear about the importance of Basics. Every seminar you go to you start off with a focus on basics. The kamae, the suburi, the waza -- the basic.
The base of Kendo.
After doing Kendo now for over 17 years. I had a realization last night when speaking to a much younger student.
Basics are critical because your body isn't the same over time.
My conditioning, my body, my Kendo is constantly evolving and changing. In order to adapt and learn, to progress you constantly need to address your body and mind.
Returning to basics is a continuous method of allowing yourself to know your current state.
My knees, my ankles, my back are MUCH different than they were 17 years ago. My body cannot attain what I did in my younger years.
So focusing on basics, the return to the fundamentals is critical in understanding where I am NOW.
Focusing on basics allows your mind and body to adapt to the new normal of your current state.
Basics allow you to once again find a balance as you reconnect with your body and mind.
Evaluating, changing, adapting and learning of your spirit within the Now.
The Now: The moment in Kendo, where ippon awaits.
Connected Ki-Ken-Tai-Ichi.
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deusvervewrites · 1 year
Nitpick for the Gamer AU from a martial arts buff, one that used to be a Kendoka: the choice of Kendo and Karate would be a bit questionable.
For Karate, the issue is that Karate covers a lot of styles, some more effective than others, and even in the same style you could find dojos that focus only on kata and ones that include conditioning and sparring. Okinawan styles usually include conditioning, sparring, and even grappling (a skill that was abandoned by most Japanese styles), plus weapons for some, so I'd go for one of those.
For Kendo... It's no good in a fight. Sure, the shinai hurts, but the movement are prevedible and easily countered by anyone with some skills. Kenjutsu, that is the old swordfighting schools, would work better.
I picked Kendo because Midoriya would want to use a sword like a JRPG protagonist, and I know that UA specifically has a Kendo club, but I'm open to it being Kenjutsu
As for Karate, you're right that he went for the Okinawan style or something similar that would have actual practical use.
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furrypersonalover · 9 months
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The Notebooks of Kendoka 🙏
Ma geisha aux yeux biais m'attend, l'esprit
Son regard est soumis, éducation ancienne,
Sa bouche est écarlate, son teint de poudre d'os,
Courtisane le jour, péripatéticienne
Les nuits de lune pleine, j'aime comme un
Serrer son cou gracile.
Diyana 🌷💞
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mercheswan · 2 years
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After the Nogitsune left, Stiles never truly felt like himself. He knew that some some part of it stayed inside him, but he was too afraid to voice out his worries to the Pack.
In the end the secret came to light when they got attacked by some creature and Stiles used Kira’s sword to kill it.
Good news. Stiles, like Kira, now knew how to use a sword. Bad news. He doesn’t have a sword to use, and his father doesn’t want to buy him one at least he’s got a certificate for it. So Stiles found a Dōjō outside of Beacon Hills and enrolled in it.
Kira decided to join with Stiles too. She was a natural but you could always get better.
So the two foxes joined the Dōjō. Stiles was actually excited. And then Theo Raeken came. The boy was in his class and he was so infuriating, always teasing and provoking Stiles. They were always paired up together to train, and the boy was good but Stiles was better Eichi infuriated the other Kendoka. Stiles kinda enjoyed this rivals/enemies things they had going on.
“Why are you even here anyway? You and your girlfriend don’t need it! The ability is supposed to come naturally to you, right? Aren’t Kitsunes born with the power to use swords and other martial arts weapons?” Theo said.
Stiles tried to hide his shock and to steady his heart. “I don’t know what are you talking about”
Theo snorted. “You don’t have to hide it. I can smell it on you both. I’m part werewolf part werecoyote”
“Oh…” Stiles glanced at Theo with suspicion. “Then you have claws, why are you learning how to use a sword?”
Theo hummed. “I’ve always wanted to be a Samurai. And I hate losing. I hate that you’re better than me”
Stiles snorted. “Get over it” He turned to leave. “Oh, by they way, Kira it’s not my girlfriend, she is just a friend. She is actually dating my best friend”
Theo lifted his eyebrow, interested in that Stiles just revealed. Apparently, Theo had also been a little bit jealous of Kira for dating Stiles. But now there was no need to slice with his sword against any obstacle to get to Stiles.
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