#kei amakura
ironclark · 7 months
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The Halloween set of Keyblades is done! This time featuring the classic Fatal Frame franchise! Fatal Frame 1 - 5 along with the 3DS Spirit Camera! 
A Keyblade modeled after the ghost-filled mansion of Fatal Frame! This Keybkade increases the amount of health dropped by enemies. The hilt of the keyblade is designed in combination of Miku's Camera Obscura and the Himuro Mansion. The shaft of the blade is designed after the various torches seen throughout the mansion, with one being present in the center. The teeth of the blade is formed from the blue fire that is left behind when Miku exorcises a spirit with her camera. The keychain is designed after the hanging ropes found in the mansion with the Token being that of the Type-90 Film, the strongest film in the game. The World Logo is the infamous Himuro Mansion where Miku is trapped in. The name comes from when you have several photos taken in a location. 
A Keyblade designed after the butterfly motif from Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly! This Keyblade is designed to double the damage of your attacks! The hilt of the Keyblade is designed after Mio Amakura's Camera Obscura and Spirit Stone Radio with the cross guard having the first set of crimson butterfly wings. The shaft of the keyblade is made of twin pillars holding the saving lamp. The teeth is formed with a second crimson butterfly. The keychain is made of Spirit Stones with the token being Mayu's Charm. The World Logo is that of the hidden village that Mio and Mayu are trapped in. The name comes from the dual themology of twins and butterflies.
A Keyblade designed after the tattooed motifs of Fatal Frame III: The Tormented! This keyblade is designed to inflict sleep on targets. The hilt and along the saft of the keyblade eventually forming the teeth is that of a blue snake, representing the blue snake tattoo that Rei Kurosawa gets throughout the game. Along this snake is several holly flowers representing the tattoo that Miku gets. The handle and shaft of the blade is formed with the Puryfiying Light candle. The token is that of the Echo Stone Earrings of the Kuze family. The World Logo is the Manor of Sleep, a sleeping world that traps those with the Tattoo curse. The name comes from the sleeping and snake motifs in the game.
A Keyblade modeled after the moon motif in Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse! This Keyblade is designed to have stronger Aero attacks! The guard and shaft of the blade is designed after stylized clouds found in the title screen. The crossguard has the titular Mask of the Lunar Eclipse. The hilt of the blade is that of the Spirit Stone Flashlight. The keychain is made up of the Spirit Orb charges with the Token being that of the Hozuki Doll collectables. The World Logo is the cursed island that the came takes place on. The name comes from the fact that all the protagonists suffer from amensia as well as the phases of the moon. 
A Keyblade modeled after the waters in Fatal Frame V: Maiden of the Black Water! This keyblade is designed to increase the power of Water spells! The guard, shaft and teeth of the blade are designed after classical depictions of water in Japanese paintings. The crossgaurd features one of the headdresses of the Maidens. The pommel is the head of a Reliquary key, with the hilt and keychain token being inspired by it as well. The token is the flower of the titual Maiden of the Black Water. The World Logo is the mountain in which all the tragedies related to the Maidens take place. The name comes from the fact that the once pure waters are now tainted by black.
A Keyblade modeled after the haunting book from Spirit Camera: The Cursed Memoir! This Keyblade is designed to have a combo increaser! The hilt of the keyblade is designed after this game's Camera Obscura with the handle being inspired by Maya's design. The shaft of the blade is formed from the ghostly essence from the Purple Diary. The Teeth is formed like a hand from the ghostly essence. The token is the amulet found within the diary. The World Logo is the infamous book. The name comes from a synonym of "Book" and "Tome" as well as the bonds of Maya. 
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fmpnalogirlypop · 3 months
Fatal frame researching part 3
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After surviving a car crash which killed her fiancé Yuu Asou, freelance photographer Rei Kurosawa remains in mourning for him and takes to photographing reportedly-haunted locations. She is assisted by her flatmate Miku Hinasaki, who lost her brother Mafuyu to supernatural events. While photographing the ruin of Kuze Shrine, Rei sees a vision of Yuu and follows him into a place later dubbed the Manor of Sleep. After encountering the hostile ghost of a tattooed woman, Rei returns to reality. That night she dreams of the Manor of Sleep, waking up with a tattoo growing across her body. She begins investigating Kuze Shrine with the help of Miku and Kei Amakura, a friend of Yuu and uncle to Mio who lost her sister Mayu.
It is revealed that Kuze Shrine was the site of a ritual where a chosen priestess received tattoos emblematic of a person's grief, eventually being impaled in a sacred chamber so her spirit would carry the grief into the afterlife. The last priestess, Reika, was in love with the banished Kaname. When Kaname tried to rescue her, he was murdered in front of her, causing the tattoos' power to overwhelm her.
Rei manages to reach the heart of the Manor of Sleep and defeat Reika, reuniting her spirit with that of Kaname and sending the two off into the afterlife. This lifts the curse and allows the spirits trapped in the Manor of Sleep to depart. Yuu appears and takes the tattoo curse from Rei before passing on. Both Rei and Miku wake from the dream, deciding to continue living despite the pain of their losses
Fatal Frame III: The Tormented is a survival horror video game that has players taking control of three different characters−Rei Kurosawa, Miku Hinasaki, and Kei Amakura−who explore the supernatural Manor of Sleep, fighting hostile ghosts through photography using the series' recurring Camera Obscura. The game uses fixed third-person camera angles, with the Camera Obscura using a first-person view.
The game is split between the Manor of Sleep—set in the characters' dreams—and the real world where players control Rei in her apartment. In the real world, Rei researches events assisted by Miku and Kei, with passive ghosts appearing in Rei's apartment later in the game.  While in the Manor of Sleep, the goal is to explore its rooms, finding items which can either be used to solve puzzles or reveal aspects of the game's backstory.
Character health and the standard film type are restored to default levels upon leaving the Manor of Sleep. Progress is saved either at lanterns within the Manor of Sleep, or in Rei's apartment using the Camera Obscura.
Combat, carried over and expanded from earlier Fatal Frame titles, involves using the Camera Obscura to fight hostile ghosts, with damage being based on distance, the angle of the shot, and current film type. These factors also dictate the number of points awarded for a shot.
Combat points are used at save points to purchase items, and upgrade the Camera Obscura with lenses that increase damage or add special abilities. Passive ghosts can also be photographed for points, adding them to an in-game album.
Each of the characters have different abilities impacting gameplay. Rei is a balanced character with more upgrade opportunities and a "Flash" to knock ghosts away. Miku has stronger attack power and the ability to slow ghosts temporarily, but cannot use upgraded lenses. She can also explore different areas of the Manor by fitting through small gaps and crawl spaces. Kei has weak attack power, but high health allowing him to survive more hits and the option to hide from some stalking ghosts. He can also move heavy objects to open new paths.
I chooses Fatal frame and their series of the games for my own inspiration, it for the ideas to make the main character have flashbacks or deju vu to show what is the causes of the plot and aswell the ideas of the colours on the flashbacks on the game.
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fatalframe · 5 years
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i-plague-eater · 5 years
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Just several scetches allright?
Funny enough I didn’t like Fatal frame 3 at all, but I enjoyed Kei as a character.
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phantomstatistician · 5 years
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Fandom: Fatal Frame
Sample Size: 582 stories
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call-me-schmidt · 4 years
Okay, so disclaimer first: I haven’t gone to examine the actual lore too well before writing this and I’ll bet there’s some things got lost in translation. But I was having some Thoughts about the Fatal Frame characters and the different vibes they give me, and these are those:
Miku, Miu, Yuri, and Hisoka have their link to the spirit world built into them. It’s a fundamental part of their existence: they would have always had one foot in the supernatural world, even if the events of the game had not happened.
Mayu, Mio, and Rei fulfil the conditions of a particular curse or ritual. Outside of these conditions, they would have little or no way to interact with the supernatural world. Within these conditions, they are unable to remove themselves from it. 
Mafuyu, Kei, Ren, Chōshirō , Rui, Ruka, Misaki, and Madoka are kind of in the same ‘cursed’ state, but it’s not something that’s intended for or structured around them, per se. To me, they’re a kind of mix between the two previous ways of being linked to the world of ghosts. Their searching for knowledge puts them in the path of something that’s already been happening, something that’s bigger than them. The supernatural does not take special notice of them until they cross a particular line. They’re essentially victims of a supernatural event.
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darkspellmaster · 7 years
So I think I have a way for Allura to find Shiro
All she’s going to need to do is go into a haunted mansion.
 Take pictures of said place.
Get cursed by a ghost that is trapped in a never ending nightmare after her boyfriend and her were killed.
Have a blue tattoo slowly cover her body, eventually keep falling asleep to wake up in said haunted mansion. 
Gain a special camera that can take pictures of ghosts called a Camera Obscura. 
Discover various puzzles and solve them while trying not to be killed by said ghosts. 
Find out that Shiro is looking for his niece who is also dealing with the sleeping evil ghost. 
Make sure that he has a set of earring so that he doesn’t turn to ash. 
Yeah that should solve the problem right? 
(For those that don’t get this joke -Kimberly Brooks and Josh Keaton were the main voices of the localized version of  Fatal Frame 3 the Tormented, playing Rei Kurosawa and Kei Amakura. 
By the by, these two are hinted to be end game in that game as well. 
Also have to wonder how Allura and Shiro would handle a camera obscure and ghosts.) 
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demifiendrsa · 3 years
Fatal Frame: Maiden of the Black Water - Overview Trailer
Japanese version
It’ll launch digitally for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PC via Steam on October 28, 2021 in the west. It will support Japanese, English, Chinese (Traditional, Simplified), French, and German language options.
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Fatal Frame 20th anniversary DLC includes a digital art book and and six costumes inspired from previous characters in the series (Mio Amakura and Rei Kurosawa outfits for Yuri, Mayu Amakura and two Miku Hinasaki outfits for Miu, and Kei Amakura outfit for Ren)
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A Digital Deluxe Edition will also be available, which includes a copy of the game and Fatal Frame 20th Anniversary Celebration DLC
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Users who pre-order the game or purchase it within the first two weeks of launch will receive a special Ryza costume inspired by the one featured in Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout.
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Key visual
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Some of the new costumes for Yuri and Miu
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FATAL FRAME: Maiden of Black Water is an enhanced version of the 2014 Wii U release of the same name, allowing players on all platforms to enjoy this unique horror experience. Players will step into the shoes of Yuri Kozukata, Ren Hojo, and Miu Hinasaki as they venture up the eerie Mt. Hikami in hopes of finding those who have previously disappeared. In order to overcome the malevolent spirits housed in the mountain’s waters, they will have to master the Camera Obscura – a unique camera that can deal damage to ghosts upon taking a photo. Each successful shot will cause a spirit to emit Spirit Fragments and if players are able to capture an image of the ghost and these mysterious fragments in the same frame, they will unleash a high-damage Fatal Frame attack. Upgrading the camera’s parts, such as equipping a stronger lens or changing out the film, allows more powerful images to be taken, giving players more protection as they venture further up the mountain. When a ghost has been defeated, the camera is able to perform the Glancing ability to uncover the ghost’s past – helping to uncover the truth behind the disappearances on the mountain. 
 New to this enhanced version is a brand-new Photo Mode where players can use any character or ghost from their adventure, position them on a background of their choice, while adding a variety of effects (lens type, frame choice, focus, etc.) to make the perfect scary photo. New costumes and accessories have also been added including Yuri’s ‘Punk Ensemble’, ‘Cutesy Goth Ensemble (Black)’, ‘Swimsuit (Blue)’, and the ‘Triathlon Suit’ as well as Miu’s ‘Miku Hinasaki Outfit (The Tormented)’, ‘Cutesy Goth Ensemble (White)’, ‘Swimsuit (Yellow)’, and ‘Swimsuit (Pink)’, along with Ren’s ‘Groom’s Outfit’.
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sine41 · 3 years
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Day 1-5 | Day 6-10
Day 11: DFFNT X KINGDOM HEARTS | Noctis Lucis Caelum as Yozora
Day 12: DFFNT X DEAD BY DAYLIGHT | Exdeath as Talbot Grimes (The Blight)
Day 13: DFFNT X DARKSTALKERS | Kam'lanaut as Lord Raptor
Day 14: DFFNT X FATAL FRAME | Zidane Tribral as Kei Amakura
Day 15: DFFNT X OVERWATCH | Ramza Beoulve as Brigitte Lindholm & DFFNT X NieR SERIES | Ace as 9S
Already reach half way! Yeahhhhh xD
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satoshi-mochida · 3 years
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Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water will launch digitally for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on October 28, publisher Koei Tecmo announced.
A Digital Deluxe Edition will also be available, which includes a copy of the game, digital art book, and six costumes inspired from previous characters in the series (Mio Amakura and Rei Kurosawa outfits for Yuri, Mayu Amakura and two Miku Hinasaki outfits for Miu, and Kei Amakura outfit for Ren).
Users who pre-order the game or purchase it within the first two weeks of launch will receive a special Ryza costume inspired by the one featured in Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout.
Here is an overview of the game, via Koei Tecmo:
Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water is an enhanced version of the 2014 Wii U release of the same name, allowing players on all platforms to enjoy this unique horror experience. Players will step into the shoes of Yuri Kozukata, Ren Hojo, and Miu Hinasaki as they venture up the eerie Mt. Hikami in hopes of finding those who have previously disappeared. In order to overcome the malevolent spirits housed in the mountain’s waters, they will have to master the Camera Obscura—a unique camera that can deal damage to ghosts upon taking a photo. Each successful shot will cause a spirit to emit Spirit Fragments and if players are able to capture an image of the ghost and these mysterious fragments in the same frame, they will unleash a high-damage Fatal Frame attack. Upgrading the camera’s parts, such as equipping a stronger lens or changing out the film, allows more powerful images to be taken, giving players more protection as they venture further up the mountain. When a ghost has been defeated, the camera is able to perform the Glancing ability to uncover the ghost’s past—helping to uncover the truth behind the disappearances on the mountain.
New to this enhanced version is a brand-new Photo Mode where players can use any character or ghost from their adventure, position them on a background of their choice, while adding a variety of effects (lens type, frame choice, focus, etc.) to make the perfect scary photo. New costumes and accessories have also been added including Yuri’s “Punk Ensemble,” “Cutesy Goth Ensemble (Black),” “Swimsuit (Blue),” and the “Triathlon Suit,” as well as Miu’s “Miku Hinasaki Outfit (The Tormented),” “Cutesy Goth Ensemble (White),” “Swimsuit (Yellow),” and “Swimsuit (Pink),” along with Ren’s “Groom’s Outfit.”
Watch a new trailer below. View a new set of screenshots at the gallery.
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fatalframe · 5 years
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astralechoes · 5 years
Mayu: Another person who sees ghosts.
Rei: Aren’t you Kei Amakura’s niece???
Mayu: Wrong Mayu.
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strawberry-metal · 3 years
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Sakura wip. I’ll give all part credits when shes done. Tbh I don’t like how she looks, it’s tempting to scrap her and just start over. Also I forgot to remove the grid for the preview pic, please ignore that green line lmao
Sakura Amakura, a young witch prodigy who shows excellent talent in magic. She’s very open about her being a witch, but of course isn’t taken seriously and is often labeled a chuunibyou. Sakura was born under a German-American mother, and a Japanese father, both of which are a witch and warlock. For witches/warlocks there’s a ranking system in how skilled and powerful you are in the magics, master rank is the highest you can go which is already pretty rare. But for the extremely rare few who pass this, they will be granted their own title, have great responsibility, and be highly regarded. Passing the master rank, her father is known as the Celestial Warlock. Her mother hasn’t passed master rank. Due to their rankings the young witch does suffer from jealousy related bullying. This got worse when the Witch of Destruction, ██████ had chosen her as a pupil. It’s a mystery as to what happened to her a year later, some say that she had finally met her demise at her own destruction.
Sakura Amakura is childhood friends with Shanna and Victoria, and during Highschool events, shes in the music club as the drummer of the band shes in with Tei, Amai, and Shanna. Pre part 3 she’s mostly a side character, probably too chill about the mysterious happenings going around Japan lately. She’s there for music club comedic relief but to also offer Jotaro advice. Post part 3 shes a key part in the Akiba Arc, participating in the fight against the Artificials, even present in the final fight against the vampire behind it all.
Post part 5: A year after part 3 when she reaches the age of 19, she’s working hard to become a Master Witch, however, it seems another witch, wanting to get rid of the competition, tampered with her work, and she was sent a decade into the future. Not just that, she’s not in Japan anymore, but Italy. Labled a missing person for years, while not even a day has passed for her, the young witch, while meeting old and new faces, desperately tries to find a way to get back home to her time period while her own magic is progressively killing her. However, a certain raven haired, orange boy seems to of taken an obsession liking to her, and he may not let her leave so easily, especially after their relationship develops.
-- Sakura can not see stands but can sense them there. In short, the blonde’s personality can be described as a kamidere, but deep down that personality masks her own insecurity. While a prodigy at magic and skilled at the drums, she seems to be clumsy at most other things. The blonde is desperate for love and has done stupid things to try and feel even a bit of affection in the past, and it still eats away at her. Her familiar is a siamese cat named Arusa. Sakura left to live on her own after highschool, choosing a swamp to live in so no one would come by, worrying her magic could hurt or even kill someone. Thus, for awhile she was known as ‘The Witch of The Bottomless Swamp’. In order to afford schooling, she resorted to mostly eating ramen for about a year straight, also not going out in the sun hardly at all. She is not healthy.
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miss-ada-blog · 10 years
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fatalframe · 6 years
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indigocurse · 10 years
[Browsing through some Fatal Frame stuff, I've seen a lot of people complaining about Kei and about how he's not a good character because everything he does is hiding, moving heavy objects and that he isn't that strong. Well, while I do agree that Kei's camera abilities and power could be stronger, I think people should pay more attention to the actual plot.
I mean. If you read and watch it all carefully, it clearly states that men were not allowed into the Manor of Sleep, since the whole ritual is about a tattooed priestess (not a tattooed priest), reason why the femare characters have more stuff that Kei does.
That reason, by the the way, is why Kyouka sent Kaname away when he was born, seeing as he (or any other male presence) could touch the heart of the/a priestess and make her fall in love and change her mind about doing the ritual. That, by the way, is the reason why Kei can't be found-- he is a man, and thus he isn't allowed to be there or he will be killed. That's why he "doesn't do anything besides hiding and moving heavy objects".
I dunno, I think this was always so clear for me that I don't really get it why people complain so much about him, poor Kei. I think he is an awesome character, and the fact that he's connected to characters of the previous Fatal Frame series (his nieces from Fatal Frame Ii and Mafuyu from Fatal Frame) makes him just more awesome.
Kei's such an underrated character and surely deserves more love haha xD]
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