#azami kiryu
witch-of-mustafar · 5 months
Yakuza characters who have the same surname as Fatal Frame characters:
Kazuma Kiryu:
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Akane e Azami Kiryu:
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Tetsu Tachibana:
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Itsuki Tachibana:
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fandomsideworks · 2 years
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The tournament is up there, with the rules, my open askbox etc.
Names' ideas from the characters list below (they're examples I've gathered or you submitted, THIS ISN'T A LIST OF CONFIRMED CONTESTANTS. If you want them in the bracket you have to submit them) :
Acerola, Aerith, Ainsley, Almond, Althea, Alyssa, Alyssum, Amaranth, Amarantha, Amaryllis, Amy Rose, Ananas, Anemona, Anemone, Angel Lily, Angelica, Angélique, Anthea, Anthy, Apple Bloom, Araluen, Arum, Asami, Ash, Ashleigh, Ashley, Aster, Artremisia, Ayano, Azalea, Azami
Basil, Begonia, Belladonna, Bellossom, Berry, Bloom, Blooms, Blossom, Bluebell, Botan, Bougainvillea, Briar Rose, Briony, Bryony, Buttercup, Byakuren
Calanthe, Calla (Lily), Camellia, Campion, Carmilla, Carnation, Cassia, Cedar, Celandine, Cerise, Cherry, Cherry Blossom, Chloe, Chrysanthemum, Clove, Clover, Cosmo, Crocus, Cucumber, Cynthia
Dahlia, Daisy, Dandelion, Daphne, Daphnes, Delphine, Delphinium, Dendro, Dendrobium, Diantha, Dianthus
Eglantine, Elanor, Erica, Erika
Fearne, Fields, Ficus, Fig, Fleur, Fleur de Lis, Fleur-de-Lys, Flora, Florence, Flores, Flower, Flower in the Night, Flowey, Flox, Forsythia, Foxglove, Fuchsia, Fuji, Fujiwara, Fuuka
Gardenia, Garlic, Gentian, Geranium, Gladiolus, Gladion, Goldmary, Guzma
Hana, Hanadera, Hanajima, Hanako, Hanami, Hanasaki, Haruka, Hau, Hazel, Heather, Hemlock, Hibiscus, Hinata, Holly, Hollyhock, Hollyleaf, Honeysuckle, Hortense, Hortensia, Hua, Hyacinth, Hyacinthe, Hyacinthus
Iantha, Ianthe, Ibaraki, Iolanthe, Iris, Itsuki, Ivy
Jacinda, Jaskier, Jasmine, Jessamine, Jessamy, Juniper
Kalen, Kalina, Kanon, Kasen, Katniss, Kiku, Kikyo, Kiryu, Kiwi, Kugisaki, Kukui, Kuroba
Laura, Laurel, Lauren, Lavender, Leif, Lemon, Lian, Liana, Lilac, Lili, Lilia, Lilian, LilianaLilium, Liliya, Lilja, Lillian, Lilliana, Lillie, Lillium, Lilly, Lily, Lime, Linnea, Lusamine, Lychee
Magnolia, Mallow, Mandelstam, Maple, Margaret, Marguerite, Marigold, Marlowe, Meadow, Mei, Mentha, Miki, Mimosa, Mint, Minty, Momo, Momoka, Moobloom, Myrrh, Myrrha, Myrtle
Nadeshiko, Narcissus, Nasreen, Nemona, Nepeta,
Orange Blossom, Orchid
Padma, Padmé, Pema, Peasley Peony, Pepper, Periwinkle, Pervinca, Petunia, Pimpernel, Plumeria, Poppy, Posey, Posy, Potpourri, Primrose, Pumpkinhead
Ran, Rapunzel, Raspberry, Ren, Riko, Ringo, Roisin, Rosa, Rosalie, Rosalina, Rosalind, Rosaline, Rosamund, Rosalyne, Rose, Rosella, Roseluck, Rosemary, Rosemaster, Ronsencrantz, Rosethorn, Rosetta, Rosie, Rosita, Rozaliya, Rue
Sage, Saki, Sakuko, Sakura, Salvia, Samantha, Seagrass, Sensui, Sequoia, Smilax, Sour Grapes, Sprig, Spruce, Strelitzia, Sue, Sumire, Sumireko, Susan, Susannah, Susie, Suzanne, Sweet Grapes, Sylvester, Sylvia, Sylvie
Tamar, Tamara, Tansy, Thalia, Thistlefoot, Thorn, Toph, Tsubaki, Tsubomi, Tulip, Turnip, Twoflower
Vanilla, Vasily, Venus, Veronica, Viola, Violet, Violetta
Whitley, Willow, Wisteria,
Xion, Xochitl
Yasamin, Yasmin, Yasmina, Yotsuba, Yuri
Zara, Zahra, Zinnia, Zisu, Zhou Xu
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writtenjewels · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
5. Ritual Children (Fatal Frame 2) Fatal Frame 2 was my first exposure to the series and I absolutely fell in love with it. I loved the mixture of tragedy and horror and all the world-building of this village and its rituals. This fic focused on the Kiryu twins (Akane and Azami) and follows from their birth to death. It's years old now but I'm still proud of my first real dip into the horror/tragedy genre. I debated between this and "Vita e Morte" as number 5, but I like this one a bit more since I got to experiment with horror and really flesh out the tragedy of the story.
4. The View from Here (The Greatest Showman) From the first time I saw The Greatest Showman in theaters, I loved it. It's a very tough call between this and West Side Story on which is my favorite movie musical. The music, the choreography, the story, and the celebration of dreamers really touched me. This fic focused on the relationship between Philip Carlyle and Anne Wheeler, going a little beyond the story in the musical. I put this at #4 because I really enjoyed converting the musical numbers into written dialogue. Plus I got to develop Anne and Philip's relationship beyond what we see in the movie.
3. Inside Eternity (Heroes) Heroes was one of the first fandoms I remember really getting into when the internet became commonly used for such things. I love superhero stories so this one about more ordinary people gaining powers was cool. This fic focused on Peter Petrelli and Gabriel "Sylar" Gray while they were trapped in Sylar's mindscape in season four. Even at the time, I saw that episode as fan-service (Pylar was a VERY popular ship in the fandom) so of course i took advantage. This is a unique one since I didn't really have a plan for where the story was going at first, but as people commented on the chapters I took their suggestions as inspiration. It was a really fun collaboration between me and my readers.
2. Someone (Mass Effect) I was a little late to learning about Mass Effect, only playing it once all three games were out. Now it's one of my favorite video game series. Who doesn't love a space adventure story that takes inspiration from so many other space adventures? This fic is focused on Kaidan Alenko and John Shepard (Paragade Earthborn War Hero) as their relationship develops over the trilogy. I'm ranking this so high because it's my go-to romance whenever I play. Kaidan is my favorite character and I love his relationship with Shepard. I also like it because I got to write a slow-burn that really developed their friends-to-lovers dynamic
Living with Ghosts (House of Ashes) Like most people, I got into the DPA because I enjoyed Until Dawn and wanted to see more from the developers. Little Hope is my favorite but House of Ashes captured my imagination with its well-written characters. This fic follows the aftermath of Jason being infected by the dead alien he inhales. This is my #1 because without even meaning to, I put a lot of myself and my own processing into it. It has personal, special meaning to me because of that.
So those are my top 5 favorite fics I've written. Sorry I don't know who to pass this on to, but if you are a content creator (writer, artist, etc) feel free to list your top five favorite pieces anyway. We are our own worst critics so it's important for us to acknowledge the things we're proud of.
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haku23 · 5 years
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Kill that stupid doll!!! 
Watched a playthru of FF2 recently(don’t call me a fake gamer girl I’ve beaten the game 4 times sometimes a bitch doesn’t want to make an effort) and got reminded of... They.
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phantomstatistician · 5 years
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Fandom: Fatal Frame
Sample Size: 582 stories
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spiral-hands · 4 years
@asexuelf so i heard you're lookin for some incest ships for the doc 😳
cookie run
Vampire cookie/Alchemist cookie
Mustard cookie/Dr. Wasabi
Naegi makoto/ Naegi Komaru
Rick & Morty
Solar Opposites
Magical Girl Site
Aya Asagiri/Kaname Asagiri
Animal Crossing
Shokugeki no Soma (Food wars!)
Takumi Aldini/Takumi Isami
Erina Nakiri/Azami Nakiri
The joxter/Snufkin
Vampire Knight
Kaname Kuran/Yuki kuran (canon,sorta)
Zero Kiryuu/Ichiru Kiryuu
Kawaikereba Hentai demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasuka?
Mizuha Kiryu /Keiki Kiryu (canon)
Yuzu Aihara/Mei Aihara (canon)
Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt
Panty Anarchy/Stocking Anarchy
Scanty/Kneesocks (arguably canon)
The Arcana
Portia Devorak / Julian Devorak
Lucio Morgasson/ Morga Erisdorttir
Asra Alnazar/Salim Alnazar
Namar Satrinava/Any of the satrinava siblings (Nadia,Nahara,Nazali,Natiqa,Nasmira,Navra,Nafizah)
Jojo's bizarre adventure
Jonathan Joestar/Dio Brando
Dio Brando/Giorno Giovanna
Jotaro Kujo/Jolyne Kujo
Jotaro Kujo/Josuke Higashikata
Giorno Giovanna/Jolyne Kujo
Ore no imouto ga konnani kawaii wake ga nai
Kyosuke Kosaka / Kirino Kosaka (canon)
Eromanga Sensei
Masamune Izumi/Sagiri Izumi
Toilet bound Hanako kun
hanako tsukasa/yugi tsukasa
kou minamoto/teru minamoto
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All July 2017 Song Recommendations
Missed a post? No problem. Here’s a list of all the song recommendations for July 2017.
1. Schwarz Stein - New Vogue Children 2. Story of Hope - Forever 3. Hold Out Hope - Twilight Syndrome 4. Head Over Heels - Haters Gonna Hate 5. Salty Dog - Meteor 6. Anarchy Stone - Our World 7. Uplift Spice - Omega Rythm 8. Secondwall -  “恋の終わりに、桜舞い散る” 9. Touch My Secret - Like A Paradise 10. Pulse Factory -  希望灯 11. Delhezi - Alone 12. Neko - Fade 13. Jiluka - Lethal Affliction 14. DIV - Seasons 15. Kaya - Salome 16. Duel Jewel - Azure 17. Moran - Eclipse 18. Wing Works -  『シルヴァー』 19. Jupiter - Nostalgie 20. Jiluka - Omelas 21. DIV - RxR 22. The Black Swan - Ruvish 23. The Thirteen - Liar Liar 24. Galneryus - Angel of Salvation 25. Pentagon - Tetsu Kizu 26. Smileberry - No More Cry 27. Luche - Heartless 28. Realies - Step By Step 29. Avanchick -  「ねぇ…神様?」 30. Codomo Dragon - Wolfman 31. Clowd - Rudeness Resort 32. Ladybaby -  Renge Chance 33. Tenshi No Yume - Niwa 34. Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - PONPONPON 35. Soroban - Sekishoku Ranpu 36. Novelis - End Roll 37. Serial Number - Futari No Paradise 38. Lolita23q - Ceramic Star 39. The Kiddie - Soar 40. Vidoll - Eve 41. Juka - Aravesque 42. Velvet Eden - Igyou Hime 43. Malice Mizer - Beast of Blood 44. As.Milk - Disturb 45. Razor -   ネイキッド 46. Art Cube - Suna No Hana 47. D=OUT - Sunrise 48. Vistlip - Chimera 49. Megamasso -  Hoshi Furi Machi Nite 50. Kamijo - Throne 51. Balalaika -  「刑法202条」 52. Ensoku - This Is A Pen 53. The Piass -  螺子時計リビドゥー 54. Umbrella - Keihaku Na Hito 55. Baiser - Pegasus 56. Babylon - Loveless Involve 57. Screw - Raging Blood 58. Necro Circus - Cynical Romance 59. Blood - The Funeral For Humanity 60. Buck Tick - Romance 61. Kerbera - Counterpoints 62. Dio - Garasu No Umi 63. Ansinomy - Danpen Kou 64. Siva - Youen 65. Sugar - Afterglow 66. Dolly - Moonlight Disco 67. Popcore - Heart 68. Lc5 - Refrain 69. Ecthelion - Drive U Crazy 70. Yeti - Monochro 71. The Sherry - Future 72. Vistlip - Period 73. Depain - Doll 74. Kuroyume - I Hate Your Popstar Life 75. Celestial Garden - Monochrome Pleasure 76. Chemical Pictures - Walking Ashland 77. Misaruka - Jester 78. Piko - Tears In 79. Asami Shimoda - Meltdown 80. Nega - Haunted Jealousy 81. 12012 - Tattoo 82. AND - Bluff 83. Spiv States - Flavor 84. Fake Cradle -  Dare no tame demo naku 85. Feeche - Meisei 86. Fenrir - Butterfly Effect 87. Kiryu - Ameyo Ni Waraeba 88. Galruda - Progress 89. Purple Stone - Blame 90. Claire - Moon Dew 91. Aim - Hysteric Liar 92. ISK;M -  「未来trip」 93. Litchi Hikari Club - Dark Knight 94. Yuyoyuppe - It’s Over 95. Undivide - Verge 96. Sid - Enamel 97. Akira - Aoki Tsuki Michite 98. Lisa - Rising Hope 99. The Lotus - Grace 100. The Gallo - Belial 101. Sujk - Stay With 102. Light Bringer - Hyperion 103. Kitcha Saventhes - Stay Alive 104. Sol Ardour - Heart of Violents 105. Hybrids - Illusion 106. MinstreliX - Caterina 107. Baby I Love You - No One Is Immortal 108. Lusia - Ibara No Ori 109. Amano Izanagi -  Yamato Takeru no Mikoto Daiichishou~Seisei 110. Veronica -  Urami Koushinkyoku 111. Paranoid Circus - 69 112. Van9ish - Jewel 113. Gimmick - Whispered Cell 114. Ry:dia - Anata No Senaka 115. I.rias - Vawdy Rabbit 116. Fi’Ance - Ring 117. La’Miss Fairy - Dress 118. Arege - Nocturne 119. Laybial - Visage 120. Vice Risk - Nostalgia 121. Distray - Still 122. Crossfaith - Rx Overdrive 123. Dir En Grey - Toguro 124. Infi2ty - DualxFace 125. Anima -  不完全カタルシス 126. Syndrome - Deep Sky 127. La:Sadie’s - Setsudan 128. Vrzel - Fivefold Envy 129. Zero Mind Infinity - Be Proud 130. Avel Cain - ID 131. An Cafe - Jibun 132. Deep Girl - I Kill 133. Meteoroid -  「背徳者に敬礼を」 134. Mazeran -  寄生 | マゼラン 135. Krad - Plantman 136. Yusai -  『アイラク偽心』 137. NEXX - Neo World 138. NEXX - BBG 139. DIV - Teddy 140. Akaku Somatta Kioku -  トラウマ 141. ViV - Anagram 142. Develop One’s Faculties - Insert Memory 143. Shiva - Varuna 144. LiPS - Maria 145. Amy Dolly - Pain Pain 146. SiM - Make Me Dead 147. The 3rd Birthday - I Am 148. ZON - Super Liar 149. Xaa Xaa - Saigo No Uta 150. Razor - Missing Piece 151. Doguramagura - Mennheraderera 152. Mekakusi - Mi Wo Shiru Ame 153. Devize - Ambrosia 154. Gaga - Sky 155. More - Nokoriga 156. Synk;yet -  [絲] 157. SchwarzKain- Moment Glow 158. Ensoku - 12 Monsters 159. Sibilebashir -  『二重人格』 160. Avanchick -  「他人の不幸は蜜の味」 161. Dezert -  大塚ヘッドロック 162. Razor - Maisou 163. Rides In Revellion - Close 164. Monolith - Akatsuki 165. Kra - Eclipse 166. Kiryu - Sazanami 167. Royz - Lilia 168. Kameleo - Obake 169. Sadie - Madara 170. Lycaon -  「gossip-ゴシップ-」 171. The Gallo - Incubus 172. Gossip - Kimi Ga Anoyo Ni 173. Reign - Death Mary 174. Matenrou Opera - Helios 175. Miyavi - Torture 176. Dice and Joker - Eternal Insanity 177. L’Arc~en~Ciel - Yokan 178. Gacharic Spin - Next Stage 179. Jiluka - Ajna 180. Miseria - Mad Brain 181. Chronus - Brand New Days 182. Blesscode - Bizarre 183. Amanjaku - Suicide World 184. Link - Protective Color 185. Follow -  「ピノキオ」 186. Jilled Ray - Scars 187. Astaria - My Venus 188. Lin - Missing Melody 189. Xenon - Planetaria 190. Crimson Shiva - Exdysist 191. Holyclock - Akasha 192. Codomo Dragon - Butterfly 193. Chariots - Rinpun 194. Royz - Pandemic 195. Nihilizm - Anthology 196. Spell Box - Monochrome 197. 2nd Dyz - Neo Gate 198. Nega - Deluge 199. Piece - Brave Sword 200. Choujikuu Android Piece -  Atomic Beam 201. Airish - Sora Iro Letter 202. The Lem - Prism 203. Eve - Divergence 204. Jackman -  平成B型 205. Wing Works -  『シルヴァー』 206. Adams - One and Only 207. Gigamous - Giga Speaker 208. Jiluka - Citrus 209. DIV - Vanish 210. Deviloof - Nightmare 211. Jiluka - B.A.L.U.S. 212. Gore - Itan 213. NoGoD - Missing 214. Far East Dizain - Dizainerve 215. Rides In Revellion - Rusty Nail 216. Die/May - No Longer Burden 217. The Gazette - Guren 218. Tra Tra Tra - Unchain 219. Meidara - Oni No Me Ni Mo 220. Diaura - Kinji Roku 221. D=OUT - Shangri La 222. X Japan - Endless Rain 223. Dadaroma - Yume Tarareba 224. Daizystripper - Smile World 225. Rides In Revellion -  紫煙 226. Blood Stain Child -  Tri Odyssei 227. Avanchick - Liar 228. Vrzel - Mind 229. Blood - Sweetest Disease 230. Malice Mizer - Beast of Blood 231. Moi Dix Mois - La Dix Croix 232. DIV - Natsu No Yukue 233. Deathgaze - Dead Blaze 234. Luna Sea - Deja Vu 235. Deathgaze - Ring The Death Knell 236. Babykingdom -  カマッチャイナ! 237. Chiodo - Emorir 238. Jilled Ray - Maria 239. Lig -  「ホロスコープ」 240. Madeth Gray’ll - Missantroop 241. Kuroyuri To Kage -  「黒百合と影」 242. Calmando Qual - Born Iqual Pain 243. Speed-ID - Moonshine 244. Sakrun -  白昼の足跡 245. Ru:natic -  精神欲求不安定 246. Mazohysteria - Your Only Master 247. Missalina Rei - Meruhen Yuuenchi 248. Shelly Trip Realize - Mirakuru Fantasy 249. Lynch - Ambivalent Idea 250. Kiryu - Oirantan 251. Kuroyuri To Kage - Chocolate Kaidan 252. Mejibray - Uka 253. Deprive -  タイトル不明 254. Kuroyuri To Kage - Yokusou 255. Canary -  死期の影 256. Deshabillz -  劇薬喜劇 257. Lolita23q - Nejidokei Libido 258. The Gazette - Calm Envy 259. Dir En Grey - Garden 260. Megaromania - Ideal Future 261. Memento Mori - High Collar Ondo 262. Vierge - Myth Shine 263. Gill’e Cadith -  哀愁ぱれっと 264. Karen - Dusty Mirror 265. Grieva -  Taihaitekikyou Sou 266. Jelly Berry - Mother Crisis 267. Gossip -  Akudōkai -Kusottare  Kōshinkyōku 268. Aliene Mariage - Suicide 269. Kagerou - XII Dizzy 270. Jennie - Hate 271. Kaggra - Urei 272. Lareine - Fuyu Tokyo 273. Kamijo - Death Parade 274. Versailles - Ayakashi 275. Mejibray - Decadence - Counting Goats 276. Matenrou Opera - Gloria 277. Plastic Tree - Ghost 278. Psycho Le Cemu - Ai No Uta 279. Deluhi - Frontier 280. Janne Da Arc - Feel The Wind 281. Schwarz Stein - Last Hallucination 282. La'cryma Christi - Forest 283. Due Le Quartz -  Jisatsu Ganbou 284. Shazna - Melty Love 285. Kuroyuri To Kage - Hesonoo 286. Kuroyuri To Kage -  「未遂」 287. Pentagon - Popcorn Monster 288. Shin - Jack The Ripper 289. Silently Shooting Traitors - Manipulate 290. Breathe My Words - Trigger 291. Azami - Farewell 292. Nocturnal Bloodlust- Break This Fake 293. Darrell - Dead Inside 294. Razor - Liquid Vain 295. C-Gate - Broken Wings 296. Victim of Deception - Suffering 297. Paledusk - Bonds 298. Alive Like The Flame - Empty 299. Graupel - Etherial 300. Inception of Genocide - Bullseye 301. Soul Japan -  ‘落ちこぼれからの脱却’ 302. 7 Years To Midnight - Mirage 303. FOAD - Our Future/Our Past 304. Hotoke - Trend Kill 305. Crystal Lake - Omega 306. A Ghost of Flare - Endless Demise 307. Last Day Dream - Violet Blood 308. Falling Asleep - Bookshelf 309. Earthists - Cybele 310. Enth - Tears 311. Shark Ethic - HMS Resolution 312. Hone Your Sense - One Last Time 313. Coldrain - Wrong 314. My First Story - Alone 315. ONE OK ROCK - Last Dance 316. Acme - Senkou 317. Xaa Xaa - Shinitai 318. Akira - Waltz of Vanitas 319. The Lotus - A.P.O 320. Ganglion - Never Ever Again 321. Bataar - Always Die Young 322. Black Gene For The Next Scene - Doom
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xrosesmusesx · 6 years
About The Mun
NAME: Cierra, Cici PRONOUNS: She/her AGE: 23 BIRTHDAY: December 11th TIME ZONE: EST STAR SIGN: Sagittarius, though I don’t feel it suits me. MBTI: INFJ MORAL ALIGNMENT: I would personally classify myself as chaotic good. HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff
HOW LONG (MONTHS/YEARS?): A little over a year. PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: Tumblr BEST EXPERIENCE: It’s hard to choose one!
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT?: No smut, ever. Whether I prefer fluff or angst is dependent on the muse, but I do like both. PLOTS OR MEMES: I prefer to have something plotted, generally. LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: Depends on the RP partner and what we’re writing about. BEST TIME TO WRITE: When I have the motivation. ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): I relate to a lot of my muses, >.<  . Moeka Kiryu and Setsuna Higashi especially, but I also relate strongly with Yuu, Tsukasa, Altera, Azami and Sunset Shimmer.
Stolen from: @jestersmuses Tagging: Whoever wants to do this.
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thequietdoll · 8 years
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Beep Boop I gave up on  Itsuki Tachibana (and Miyako Sudo which is why she is not on here). Chitose, Mayu, and Sae should be up some time next month (and if I get motivated I’ll try Miyako again).
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fandomsideworks · 2 years
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crappycornus · 12 years
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cosfi · 12 years
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Kiryu twins by Poke
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fandomsideworks · 2 years
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