#keeping lines blurry
indigosunsetao3 · 1 month
Keeping Lines Blurry
Chapter 18- Steadfast
Masterlist of Chapters
Warnings: 18+ - No minors Please read the tags on AO3 for any of your triggers
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Kyle "Gaz" Garrick X Original FMC 12.3k words - AO3 Link
“If they aren’t with us, you assume they are hostiles,” Price said as he tossed Nik an extra magazine realizing all of his vest pockets were stuffed. “That includes anyone who shows up here,” he peered at Nik who just nodded once. Nik was supposed to be gone by now, headed back home to prepare for the shitshow that would happen once everything came to light. But he offered to stay, to keep watch on the house and women inside.
“Any idea how many we are expecting?” Gaz asked as he strapped his dagger on the right shoulder strap of his vest.
“No,” Price answered as he checked his clip before shoving it back in the rifle. “Informant said he was surrounded by five men when he entered the warehouse, but there were multiple cars.”
“Sounds like someone is afraid,” Soap answered smugly as he snatched up an extra throwing knife and tucked it carefully into his boot. “Why risk coming back here anyway?”
“He doesn’t know what we may or may not have,” Ghost answered simply. He was finished prepping, sitting on the couch watching the rest of them finish up. “Probably aims to get ahead of any backlash. Show up alive, beaten up a bit,” he shrugged, “let his paid MI6 agents take the glory for saving him. Then start laying out his story about Olivia’s family, probably has a lie cooked up about us as well to be safe.”
“He’s relying on the old rule, whoever strikes first wins,” Alex chimed in as he stuffed a laptop in his bag. This was a covert mission, off the books because there were too many rats in the intelligence agency. They would have to hack the cameras and security themselves to get in without being spotted. “He’s hoping to get to the press first before Olivia can discredit him. Get his side of the story out first so Olivia is left scrambling. He’s the bigger face, bigger name, thinks it’ll help him.”
“He’s not going to get that far,” Gaz said as he pulled the velcro on his gloves tight and flexed and stretched his fingers to make sure they felt right. He liked to wear them tight, the pressure a strange comfort and also assurance they wouldn’t slip. “What’s the play?” Gaz asked, knowing they all knew what his actual question was. Were they taking Henry alive or not.
“Take out the guards and get to Henry before he can figure out what is going on and try to run,” Price answered as he looked pointedly at Gaz. “See if we can get him to talk. The more information we can get out of him, directly from him, the better.” He swiped the car keys off the table, “but should he give us any problems we’ll deal with it.” The unsaid implication hung in the air and the rest of the team looked at one another for moment before Ghost rose from his spot and followed Price out the back door.
Gaz didn’t have time to run up to Olivia and tell her they were leaving, properly anyway. Even if he did, he had no idea what he would say to her. He was on his way to go capture her husband? To potentially kill him? Gaz knew there was no love lost between Olivia and Henry but he was sure there would still be an odd feeling to sit and wait for news on if your lover killed your husband. He stared up at the ceiling for a moment as he shifted his rifle in his hands, his thumb idly sliding over the safety as he thought. A clap on his shoulder pulled Gaz from his thoughts to find Soap standing there.
“Better to leave her be,” Soap said, guessing correctly at what Gaz was pondering over as he stood there. “Being in the dark on this one may be a bit of a mercy,” he reasoned. “No need for her to worry more, let her sleep some of this shit off. Nik will fill her in when she gets up.” He glanced over at Nik who gave a curt nod, having heard the whole conversation from where he was positioned at the front window.
“Let’s go get the bastard then,” Gaz answered with a halfcocked grin, glancing at the ceiling one more time before walking toward the door behind Soap.
The warehouse was one of the ones Ghost had found in all of his digging. It was non-descript building far outside of the London city limits. They were in a small manufacturing town that, in its heyday, boasted multiple factories exporting a multitude of different goods and a booming population. These days the smokestacks sat dormant, loading docks empty and shattered windows allowed birds to flit in and out.  
They had parked a ways away, pulling into the back of a closed grocery store, and walked the rest of the way through the woods. There was no sound, no other people around, as they all moved quietly through the underbrush. When they made it to the chain link fence that surrounded the whole property Ghost made quick work of it with bolt cutters. As they crept along the border looking for a good place for Alex to setup they didn’t spot any movement. Price risked a small hand drone fly over to make sure no one was outside, Ghost piloting. All quiet, not a soul outside, which was a plus but also a bit unsettling that there wasn’t even security waiting.
The sun was starting to set as Alex tapped into the security, having found an old guard shack that still had power running to it. He ripped wires from the wall jack and after some finagling, he was into the camera feeds. He was rotating between all the different cameras, different angles of the outside areas, before he finally came upon the cameras inside the main building. They found the security team. There was a solid dozen out on the main floor milling about, armed to the teeth. As Alex clicked through, they found more in an upstairs area but still no Henry. Gaz rolled his neck a bit, an anxious tick, as Alex got back to the beginning of all the camera feeds.
“He couldn’t have left,” Soap mused as he stood behind Alex with his arms crossed over his chest. “Our informant would have seen,” he glanced at Price for confirmation and the Captain nodded.
“He’s here,” Ghost answered. “Too much security, too many cars. He wouldn’t leave without a detail on him.” He continued as Alex clicked through cameras to see if they had just missed him. There were so many cameras on the grounds they could have accidentally missed a feed.
“We need to figure out which room isn’t on the cameras,” Gaz piped up, the idea coming to him in an instant. Henry was a creature of habit. “Henry kept control of the cameras in his home office and bedroom. He was fine on spying everyone else but no one could watch him. Where are the blueprints for this warehouse?” He smirked as Alex clicked away from the cameras to pull up the files upon files they had on Henry.  “He probably just doesn’t have a camera in his office here,” he reasoned and Price nodded.
“Find the missing room, we find him,” Alex answered as Soap pulled up a chair and made a crude sketch of the blueprints in the last clean pages of his sketchbook. Together they worked through the cameras, Soap marking them on his hand drawn map; Ghost looming over their shoulders to make sure they didn’t miss anything.
“How’s Olivia holding up?” Price asked Gaz quietly as they stood watch over the door to the guard shack while the others worked. His hand was gripping his rifle casually, his finger resting on the trigger guard as he peered around the empty parking lot. “Her mother was a mess. Nik said he was afraid she was going to hyperventilate and pass out on the way to the safehouse. Practically had to carry her upstairs.”
“She’s,” Gaz paused as he leaned his shoulder on the door jam opposite Price. “Well, she seems surprisingly alright,” he said as he racked his brain over everything. “She’s been in a living hell for years so she’s learned how to cope with chaos.” Gaz sighed as he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. “Olivia is stronger than anyone gives her credit for, then I ever did.”
Price stood quietly for a few seconds, as if debating his next words carefully. Gaz gave him the space to figure it out. The two of them had argued more in the past few weeks than they had the past few years combined. Gaz always fell in step with his Captain, barely ever disagreed enough to even voice it. But bringing Olivia back in the picture seemed to have upset the status quo, gave something Gaz to argue about.
“I’m not going pretend with you that I am exactly happy about you and Olivia again,” Price finally mused. He chuckled a bit at Gaz’s face, “you aren’t as sneaky as you’d like to think. We all know you too well,” he peered over at the other three men as they mapped things out for a second before turning his attention back to Gaz. “She destroyed you. It was brutal and putting you back together is not something I ever want to do again. The utter devastation almost got you killed a few times. You were so wrapped up in the anger, the pain, it ripped your senses right out of you.” He sighed and paused again trying to find the proper words. “Just, don’t get so deep again until you know for sure. She’s got a long fucking road to come back from. It’s going to be rough for anyone involved.”
“Understood Captain,” Gaz said with a small smile as he shifted his feet a bit. “I’m not going to let her do it alone,” he tacked on as Price watched him. “But I’m also not going to let it come between the team either. I can’t go through it again myself; I don’t think you can come back from that twice.” Those days had been dark enough that some of them were just fuzzy memories, as if his own brain tried to block them out for his own preservation. “Though, I’d like to hope she doesn’t manage to find another Henry,” he chuckled a bit and Price returned the gesture.
“She finds another one of them I’m hanging up the hat,” Soap answered as he leaned back in his chair, holding his notebook up. “We’ve got it,” he shook the notebook a bit and Price and Gaz walked over to take a look. The five of them crowded around the laptop as they mapped out their plan, Soap scribbling and erasing on his drawing as they worked through it.
The sun was almost completely down by the time they finalized everything and Alex had managed to clone and overwrite the cameras. Gaz had watched the man’s fingers flying over the keyboard with unmasked aw. Alex merely acted like he was writing up a report and kept up with the conversation happening around him as he clicked away. The man barely batted an eye as he ran code and slipped between security walls like a phantom, laying down false images and turning off virtual trip wires. When he announced he was done he snapped the laptop shut and stuffed it back into his pack, but not before unplugging the hard drive and pocketing it. If he lost his pack the laptop would be useless without the drive.
“Let’s go then,” Price said as the lights inside the warehouse across the way started to come on inside. “We’ve all got our marks,” he looked around at the team and all of them nodded. “Let’s make it quick and clean then. Fucker has dragged this out long enough.” He grinned and lead the way out the door, crossing the parking lot in a low jog as they all fanned out.
Gaz climbed up the straight shot ladder on the side of the building as fast as he could, careful to avoid the rotted-out rungs as he went. He saw Ghost disappear around the left side of the building as he hoisted himself over the lip of the flat roof, Alex going around the other side. Once he was situated up top he peered over the edge as Soap slipped between the line of vehicles planting C4, his hands moving quickly to run the wire and set the trips. Price was setup at the loading docks prepared for people to come out that way.
“In position,” Gaz said quietly into his comms as he stared down the large vent on the roof. The grate had long since rusted out and he had to pull out the remnants of an old birds next to get a clear shot. He could hear the muffled voices of people inside the building coming up through the funnel and he smirked. He pulled out a smoke bomb and hooked a finger in the pin as he waited for confirmation from the rest of the team.
“Cars and the front door are all set,” Soap said, his voice a bit jostled as he ran. He was to wait across the way and blow the front door while the rest of the distractions happened. Then he would wait for people to come out, pick them off, and blow the cars if they attempted an escape before coming in to aid.
“Ready to cut the lights,” came Ghost. There was a chance they had a backup generator but it would take a bit to get that online, Alex had confirmed there was nothing wired for an automatic trip. So that would be a few minute of chaos in the dark for them.
“Flashbangs are a go,” Alex answered.
“Hit it,” Price’s voice came across.
Gaz tossed his smoke bomb down the vent before stepping back and headed to the roof top access door to get inside. He pulled his scarf up over his face, not overly concerned about the smoke being too thick from where he was going to be. There were catwalks at the top of the warehouse that he could move along and pick off people with his heat vision. The paths were like spiderwebs, spread out all along the top of the building and Gaz did his best to memorize them. He was also silently praying that they would still hold up after all these years and he didn’t come crashing down from a loose bolt or two.
It took about ten seconds before anyone realized what was happening inside. The moment raised voices came from the exploded smoke bomb the lights cut and Gaz prepared himself for the flashbangs that were next. Alex had slipped in a side door and tossed them at pockets of people which sent them scrambling as they exploded. He was running the inside perimeter of the building throwing as he went which forced people to gather more toward the center of the building to try and get away. In the pandemonium they had raised their guns up and were firing at what they thought the origin of the attack was. None of their shots hit their mark though, Alex long gone from where they were aiming.
“Hold Soap,” Gaz said into his microphone as he rested his rifle on the catwalk railing. He didn’t want to give away his position just yet. While it was a good vantage point, he would be too easy to pick off if the men below rallied against him. “They’re going for the doors,” he added as he spotted Alex dart up to the second level and get into firing position. “Now!” He called as a group of men pushed at the doors and realized that it was blocked from the outside.
The explosion rocked the building and Gaz felt the catwalk swing ominously at the blowback, his hand holding tight to steady himself. The flare of the fire lit up the inside, sending things into sharp relief for a moment as a few bodies flew back. Gaz shut his eyes at the burst of light in his heat vision before he opened them and readjusted his rifle from where it had slipped. He fired his first shot, taking out a man that was headed for a side door before twisting and taking out his friend that was looking around for the origin.
The din inside increased ten-fold as the men they were firing upon started yelling orders to one another and began returning rapid fire as a group. Gaz dropped another one before having to scramble down the walkway, the return fire whizzing by as it clipped the metal, sending sparks. He took a sharp left turn and dropped down to his knees, aiming directly through the slats in the floor of the path to take another man out as he attempted to radio out for help. Bullets were flying all over the place, glass shattering and Gaz was back up on his feet in an instant running in the direction of the loading dock doors. Price was a good shot but he wouldn’t be able to take them all out if they tried that exit. Gaz picked off two more men before a shot embedded itself in the ceiling right by his head.
“Ghost!” Alex yelled through his comms and Gaz whipped around to see if he could see what had happened. It was nothing but flashes of muzzle fire and he jumped back as the railing he was supporting himself on gave way and the pipe fell into the darkness below.
“What happened?” Soap’s voice cut across, he was still outside a ways away from the fighting, waiting for the best time to set off the next round of explosions.  
“”m fine,” came Ghost’s voice, though it sounded a bit strained. “Keep your focus on the objective,” he added before cutting out.
“The fuck you are,” Alex snapped, his words a pant as he returned fire and bolted through the second story below Gaz. “I saw the hit,” he added before jumping down the last few steps down. “And I saw you go down,” he tacked on before Ghost could argue again that he was fine.
Gaz followed Alex from the walkway, careful to keep him covered as he weaved around everything on the floor. There were a few men that had regrouped and Gaz groaned as he spotted them heaving what looked like a heavy gun. Courtesy of Henry’s illegal arms manufacturing. Gaz fired upon them but they ducked away and he had to move around another way to get a better angle, avoiding the return fire.   
“Lucky shot,” Ghost answered. Gaz finally saw him as he knelt down and steadied his breathing to aim at the men that were hiding. Ghost was pressed up against an old machine holding his leg as he continued to return fire, working in tandem with Gaz without them even discussing it. Ghost drawing them to return fire at him then Gaz taking them out from above with a headshot when they poked their heads up. “Pretty sure it was a through and through,” he added after a second.
“I’ve got him,” Alex cut back as Gaz saw him slide in next to Ghost and wrench him around the back of the machine to keep him covered. “He’ll live,” he tacked on after a second, “outside of the thigh, going leave a nasty scar.”
“Just another for the collection,” Ghost answered with a dark laugh. There was a reason he kept his face and the rest of his skin completely covered.
“I’m coming in, we need to wrap this up.” Price interjected, “I’m going to push them out the front, Soap.”
“Rog,” Soap answered, his voice a bit strained. He hated not being in the thick of it and Gaz knew he was agitated that Ghost had taken a hit. “Still no sign of Henry?”
“Hasn’t left his hidey hole” Gaz answered as he continued his trek through the maze of catwalks, laying down fire then darting away before anyone could get a lock on him. “Steel door hasn’t opened,” he added as he glanced back at the room that Henry had picked as his safe spot. It was the only area in the warehouse that didn’t have a camera and was probably the most well enforced. It was an old freezer back from when this warehouse was in food production.
“Keep an eye on it, make sure he doesn’t make a run for it,” Price answered as one of the loading dock rolling doors flew up. The sound was a loud clatter and it instantly drew fire from the enemy. Then the next one went up, and a third. They had no idea which one someone was coming in, or how many had come in, and the flashbangs that Price tossed in disoriented everyone even more.
Gaz continued to drop the men from his vantage point, careful to make it a one and done shot so they couldn’t pinpoint him. Alex and Ghost laid down cover fire as well from their tucked away spot and Price drove the rest toward the front door. Gaz could hear what was left of the security team yelling about a retreat, to get to the cars and evacuate the boss. He took down another with a headshot as he went to the freezer door to pull it open, the blood splattering on the metal. He wasn’t letting Henry get out and he certainly wasn’t going to let him get blown up; that was too easy of a death.
“All yours Soap,” Gaz called over his comms as he watched the last few dart out the door to the cars. He heard the vehicle doors slam shut and hesitated in his walk waiting for the explosion. It didn’t take long. There were four in quick succession and the fireball was impressive as it rose up past the high ruined windows and blew out some of the weaker panes that were left. They head created enough chaos that the lights never came back on and Gaz quickly assessed the warehouse from what he could see to make sure no one else was lingering.
“Clear from my spot,” Gaz announced as he stomped down another section of catwalk to glance over the edge. It was quiet enough inside now that the sound of the metal rattling could be heard echoing around.
“Nothing on the heartbeat sensor,” Alex answered as he carefully walked the lower level, monitor on one hand, gun in the other. He had left Ghost sitting after wrapping his leg tight with a bandage, cutting his pant leg off near the hip to be able to get the bandage on. 
“Regroup and we clear the final room,” Price said as he positioned himself outside the freezer door, gun poised on the door.
Gaz didn’t need to be told twice. He jogged toward the ladder that would take him off the catwalk, and then jogged to the stairs from the second floor to the first. Just as he shouldered open the stairwell door, gun raised to be safe since there still wasn’t a full all clear, he saw Soap lean up against the wall nearest to the freezer door handle. Alex returned to Ghost’s side and helped him stand, nodding that they would remain out in the warehouse to keep cover.
“We don’t know what is on the other side of this,” Price said as he stared down his sights. “Just blueprints. Doesn’t mean it hasn’t been altered and we don’t know how many people are inside.”
“Good thing we have someone that can clean house,” Gaz said with a smirk as he looked at Soap who returned the grin.
“On three,” Price said as he stepped closer, and Soap’s hand latched onto the handle. Gaz was ready, gun aimed right where the gap in the door would appear when Soap opened it. Price started the countdown, his voice low but clear as he inched closer. Gaz let out a calming breath and his eyes darted to Soap for a second, catching the subtle head nod he gave him, before his gaze returned to the target. When Price reached one, Soap yanked the door open in one swift movement, quickly dropping back from the gap to avoid any potential defensive fire from within.
With guns raised, the three men stepped into the pitch-black room, ready for whatever awaited them.
Olivia didn’t know how long she had slept for. When she awoke, she stretched out with a pleasant groan, rolling over to find the room was almost completely dark and Kyle was nowhere to be found. There was no clock in the room and her phone had long been lost and probably destroyed so she had nothing to refer to. Sliding her legs out of bed she fished around for the bedside lamp switch before gathering her clothes off the floor and getting dressed. The house seemed strangely quiet as she pulled her hair up and when she opened the bedroom door to see the whole upstairs was still dark, she raised her eyebrows a bit.
She walked down to the room her mother was in and quietly opened the door to check on her. Her mother was still curled under the blankets and Olivia watched her for a moment, noticing the slow rise and fall of her breathing before she slipped back out again. Her mother needed the rest and there was plenty of time to talk later, much later. Olivia wasn’t sure when she would be ready for another talking session with her. She still had so many things to process and her mother was already in shock enough, having known none of what had been happening for years. Olivia at least had a semblance of the disaster their family’s lives had been.
“Kyle?” Olivia called out as she walked down the stairs. The living room light was on and she could hear the quiet mumblings of the evening news on the television. When she cleared the bottom step, she didn’t see anyone and the sudden feeling of unease settled over her as she looked around. “Hello?” She questioned a bit unsure as she poked her head in the dining room before she heard movement coming from the kitchen.
              “Oh,” Nik paused in his cooking as Olivia appeared in the doorway, his hand freezing in its movement to grab his pistol off the counter. “Startled me,” he said with a chuckle before going back to the frying pan. “Hungry?” He asked lifting the pan up and tilting it to show the mix of rice and meat in there.
“Ah,” Olivia said as she stared at the man. She knew who he was, he had brought her mother here and she had seen him when they arrived hours ago. But knowing his name, what he looked like and that he could be trusted that was the extent of her knowledge. “I mean, yes,” she said after a second, her stomach growling at the scent of the food. She couldn’t remember the last time she ate. “But where is everyone?”
Nik was shifting around the kitchen cabinets for plates and he pulled down two mismatched ones to the counter, gently pushing his pistol out of the way with his elbow. He peered at her over his shoulder before finding forks and two glasses for water, which had to be from the tap because there was nothing bottled. He didn’t answer her right away as he plated the food, dropping the pan in the sink and carrying the plates over to the small kitchen table. As Olivia stared at him, he gestured for her to sit before grabbing the glasses of water and taking a seat himself.
Olivia stared at Nik expectantly and the longer he took to answer the more nervous she became. She debated on refusing to sit until he told her something but relented and took a seat, watching him as he sat across from her. It suddenly felt like there was a great secret, or painful thing, he was about to tell her and her heartrate jumped in her chest. Surely they would have woken her if something major had happened. If Kyle was hurt or another attack happened, they wouldn’t have just left her to slumber.
“They’ve gone to collect Henry,” Nik said as he dug into the food and took a bite. He saw the look of surprise on her face and he took another bite before setting down his fork. “It was fast, they couldn’t wait to move on the intel. I offered to stay behind to keep an eye on you and your mother,” he explained and he pointed at her fork to indicate she needed to eat. He waited for her to raise the utensil and take a few bites before continuing. “They left a few hours ago,” he paused and looked at his watch, “almost four hours. Henry was spotted back in England on the outskirts of London.”
“Four hours?” Olivia asked shocked as she looked around the kitchen for a clock. She really had slept a long while; her sense of time was completely thrown. “Have you heard anything? Did they get him? Should they be gone this long?” She asked, fork hovering in the air as she waited for an answer. The food really was delicious but she couldn’t stomach another bite yet, not with the nervous butterflies in her stomach at all the unknown.
“I haven’t heard anything yet,” Nik answered, “turned on the news to be safe. They had to do it strictly off the books, no outside communication. MI6 is compromised, couldn’t risk them tipping off Henry. Anything major happens it’ll be on,” he continued to eat before taking a sip of his water. He watched Olivia over his glass as she started to pick at the food again. “Four hours isn’t that long, not with having to travel, get a lay of the land and get a plan. No need to worry…not yet.”
Olivia nodded a bit mechanically as she ate the food in front of her, not really tasting it but needing to eat something. Her mind was swimming with questions, with unease, fear. What if her last time she saw Kyle was when he tucked her into sleep and curled her against him? She felt nausea rise and she gently pushed the plate away after eating about half of it. She wished he had come up to say goodbye, but she also knew she would have been agonizing over this for that much longer. She downed the glass of water in a few gulps and wished she had something stronger, eyes glancing around the kitchen.
“Here,” Nik said, knowing what she wanted without having to say. He produced a flask from the inside of his vest before rising and cleaning up the dishes.
Olivia took it and took a swig, wincing at the straight Vodka inside. It burned and she made a face before taking another sip and setting the flask down on the table. It felt odd to be sitting in a kitchen somewhere in London, not sure where, so close to home yet so far away. With a man that was a protector but she knew nothing about, waiting to hear news about if her husband was taken into custody thanks to the evidence her father had dug up on him. Evidence that Olivia had stolen right under the Russian’s noses then watched her lover murder one in front of her eyes to keep her safe. Her life felt like one big giant fog of a thing as of late and today all of it came to a head. She took one more swig of Vodka to see if the sting could clear some of the blur away, it didn’t, she sighed and rose from the table.   
“Thank you for the meal it was-“ she started but Nik held his hand up to silence her. She saw him cock his head and she froze, turning slowly on her heel afraid she was going to see an enemy creeping up on them. Her eyes darted around the kitchen for a weapon, or a way out, but she saw Nik hadn’t raised his gun. She blinked as Nik whipped the dishtowel off his shoulder, shoved his pistol in his thigh holster and walked toward the living room.
“What’s going on?” Olivia asked as she followed him. He was standing directly in front off the television, hands on his hips, as he watched the broadcast. Olivia turned to face the screen and she could see helicopter footage of a warehouse. The remains of something smoldering in the drive area sending up large plumes of black acrid smoke into the air. Nik turned the volume up a bit more and they could hear the newscaster better. They stated they weren’t sure what caused the explosion, just that it was reported by residents. They were speculating that it was an old generator that finally exploded, old chemicals or even kids messing about in the abandoned area.
“Not kids,” Nik said simply as he dug out his phone. “Soap,” he said as he looked over at Olivia for a second before whoever he called picked up on the other end and he started talking to them. Olivia wasn’t listening to Nik as she stared at the screen, waiting for any sign of something happening but the helicopter shot didn’t show anything else. There was no movement outside the warehouse and the feed cut back to the newsroom. The newscaster said that they were sending a ground crew to meet with the police and would have updates later.
“Laswell is going to keep the police at bay for a little longer,” Nik said after he hung up the phone. “We just continue the waiting game,” he said as he looked at Olivia who was glancing between him and the television. “Everyone thinks the fighting is the worst part of a war, but it’s the waiting,” he gestured to the coffee table where he had a half-finished game of solitaire up. “Know how to play Durak?” When Olivia gave him a small headshake he grinned, “I’ll show you, then you can beat Garrick. Little shit learned from me and kicks all of our asses now.”
Gaz had his night vision on and when he stepped into the room he spotted two men hidden behind a desk. Between him, Price and Soap they were dropped in a matter of moments, Gaz had no idea whose shots took them out. They weren’t the only ones though. Bullets came from the right and Gaz dropped down to a knee and took aim at a couch, littering the upholstery with bullets until a figure fell on the floor behind it with a thump. Soap dropped another man that had taken up a hiding spot behind some metal cabinets, the bullets echoing as they made contact before that assailant fell.
“Visual?” Price asked as he swept behind Gaz and Soap, checking behind a safe large enough for a grown man to hide next to. There was no one there.
“Nothing yet,” Soap answered as he walked around the desk and kicked the bodies over to look at their faces. None of them were Henry. He looked up as Gaz zeroed in on a portable closet, his hand raising to yank the door open. When Gaz looked back, Soap and Price both nodded, their guns trained on the door, and Gaz pulled it open.
It was a quick blur as he got the door open. There was a pistol aimed right at his face but Gaz reacted fast enough to avoid the shot. The muzzle of Gaz’s gun connected hard with the hand that was holding the pistol. Henry’s hand. The gun clattered away on the cement floor and Gaz reached in his left hand to bodily yank the man out of his hiding place by the back of his neck. Sliding his rifle over his back in one swift motion, Gaz threw Henry to the floor and was on his back, knee digging between his shoulder blades. Henry scrambled and cursed as Gaz pressed down and got on his comms to let the rest of the team know that they had him.
“Lights coming,” Alex answered before the power was flipped back on a moment later and Gaz blinked a few times in the sudden brightness. “We’ve got company, we can hear a helicopter circling, just a matter of time before we deal with the local police,” Alex added. Gaz couldn’t hear the helicopter himself but that was probably because they were inside the well-insulated freezer.
“Surprise Henry,” Gaz snarled, as he kept the man pinned under his knee. He looked rough, even from the back. His normally well pressed shirt was wrinkled and stained in places. The greying hair a greasy disheveled mess and Gaz couldn’t help but be smug at the patchy facial hair on his jaw that was stark white.
“What? Gone silent now? You could never keep your mouth shut before,” Gaz snapped as the man squirmed and Gaz pressed his knee down harder. How many times had Gaz thought about this? Thought about tearing this man apart piece by piece. Drawing out his pain as he made him pay for everything he had done. Done to him, Olivia, Olivia’s family and all the innocent people he had killed in his scheming.
“Nowhere to go now,” he taunted as he grabbed the side of Henry’s face and shoved it hard into the concreate, wondering how much pressure he could put on before it cracked his cheek or eye socket. “How’s it feel?” Gaz asked as he pushed more and Henry spluttered for air, or maybe that was in pain.  “How’s it feel to be fucking trapped?” Gaz hissed, his fingers moving to curl in the man’s hair and rear his head back before smashing it into the floor hard. Bone crunched and blood splattered on the grey floor as Henry’s nose exploded. “To be helpless under someone stronger, bigger?” He was going to destroy him, make him feel an ounce of what Olivia felt when he pinned her under him. Gaz was seeing red as his breathing picked up and he pulled his head back again to smash it back down when a voice cut in.
“Sergeant,” came Price’s voice; even and calm. It wasn’t admonishing, nor telling him to stop. It was just a small reminder of who Gaz was; what he was. Giving him a chance to see through the seething anger for just a moment.
Gaz hesitated before recalling what Price said, that they wanted to try and get Henry to talk. Shifting off his back Gaz yanked him up and dog-walked him to the desk chair. He paused long enough to kick the bodies away before throwing Henry down in the office chair The man reared back, almost upending the seat before settling back in a normal position. His nose was steadily dripping blood and it was running down his chin to drip on his expensive shirt. The glare Henry gave Gaz was a delicious one and Gaz laughed as he waited for Henry to try and talk himself out of this one.
“Surprised to see me?” Gaz asked, cocking his head to the side a bit. “You had to know I was going to find you one way or another, right? You put a mark on my life, on Olivia’s, that shit wasn’t going to just slide.” Gaz’s hand shot out to take the gun he saw Soap pick up from the ground. The same pistol Henry had aimed at Gaz’s head when he wrenched him from the closet. “None of your shit worked. You may have killed Olivia’s father, your best friend,” he scoffed as he leaned closer and got into Henry’s face. “But unfortunately for you he got the last laugh in all this.” Gaz slid the gun between their bodies, bringing the muzzle of the pistol up to dig into Henry’s jaw right where it met his neck. “For a man of many words, you sure are fucking quiet Henry,” Gaz said as he pressed the pistol harder into the skin, making Henry’s head tilt back.
“You won’t do it,” Henry said as his eyes attempted to flick down to look at the gun, but it was too close for him to actually see it. “You need me alive,” he prompted as Gaz pushed him further back in the chair, the material groaning under the pressure. “Me dead will do nothing. And your Captain won’t let you just murder me,” he looked at Price who was standing there watching quietly.
“Don’t underestimate what I will and won’t do,” Gaz said as his eyes flicked over to the side where Price was. His Captain looked at him for a moment before giving a small nod. Gloves were off. “And my Captain doesn’t truly care if you’re alive or not,” he gave a small humorless laugh as his finger passed over the trigger. “I could end you right now, with your own gun,” he twisted the pistol and slid it so it was pressing into the soft spot under Henry’s jaw, right under his tongue. Gaz smirked as his eyes flicked down to the pistol before back to Henry eyes which were a tad bit wider. “Murderous, lying, abuser commits suicide, seems like a fitting headline.”
“What do you want?” Henry finally said after a moment. His self-preservation stronger than the need to win at the moment. “Money?” His eyes shot over to Soap who actually laughed as he stared at Henry in disbelief. “Weapons? Contacts?” He reached a hand out to his desk draw and hesitated as Gaz dug the pistol in harder, silently warning him to not try anything. “I can give you whatever you want. Work with me and you you’ll never want for anything ever again. No more shit jobs, working for the government.” His hand yanked a draw open and Gaz saw tons of overstuffed hanging files.
“We can’t be bought that easily,” Gaz answered as Price walked around to pull some files out and flipped through them. “All this work to get you, almost dying too many times to count…you will have to try harder than that,” he continued as Price handed some paper to Soap for him to look at.
“I’ll leave you be. Tell me how much it would cost to pay you off and disappear into the fucking sunset,” Henry said as he swallowed hard. “You can see how much money I have,” he explained to Price even though he couldn’t see him at the angle Gaz held him at. “My resources. You could be set for life, never hear from me again. I’ll even let you take my bitch wife with you,” he said and he smirked at how Gaz’s eyes flared at the insult. “Not worth my time anymore, think of it as a free perk.” He actually groaned in pain as Gaz’s hand shot out and grabbed him by the throat pushing down on the prominent Adam’s apple.
“Try harder,” Gaz said before letting his throat go so he could actually talk. “And leave Olivia out of it. You don’t get to talk about her, look at her or even fucking touch her ever again,” he tacked on, the venom dripping in his voice.
“I’ll give you my connections,” Henry tried as he pointed to the safe across the way. “Co collaborators. I work with many powerful people, here and in other countries. If you spin it that I was manipulated I’ll give you everything. Let me walk and I’ll disappear, I promise,” he locked eyes with Gaz who barely looked up at Price.
“What’s the combo?” Gaz asked, playing into like he was going to go for it. “Lie and it’ll be the last thing you ever do,” he tacked on as Soap walked over to the safe ready to take the numbers. He saw Henry debating, wondering if he could trust Gaz at his word but he didn’t really have a choice now. He rattled off six numbers and Soap spun the dial this way and that before the lock popped and he pulled it open. He had his gun raised cautiously because the safe was large enough to hold someone inside if they really wanted. It was empty of a human but was packed full of cash, guns, paperwork, multiple laptops and cellphones. It was a literal jackpot of information.
“All there,” Henry prompted after a second of silence as the three men stared at the prize before them. “We can say that I was trying to keep everyone alive by working with them but they out maneuvered me,” Henry stated, as if he already had this story up his sleeve as one of his many backup plans. “Let you all come out as the heroes. I’ll disappear from the public eye to recover from the trauma,” he watched as Soap yanked a laptop out and flipped it open to power it up. “We all win here,” he added into the silence.
“Seems promising,” Gaz relented, his face moving to a contemplative gaze as he looked over his shoulder for a second. He felt Henry relax a bit under his hold. “But I don’t think so,” he smirked as Price flipped the switch off on his recorder on his vest, one that had been on since they walked into the room. “We got what we wanted out of you. You’re useless to me now.” Gaz slid his finger over the trigger and stared right into Henry’s eyes, inches from his face, and pulled it.
Henry cried out at the click and clinched his eyes shut preparing for the shot that would end him. But it didn’t come. Soap had emptied the clip quietly before handing Gaz the gun. They wanted to scare Henry, get him to talk, but not kill him. That was too easy of a way out; too simple. Gaz wanted to draw out his pain, let him get dragged through the coals and suffer as the world turned on him. But Gaz couldn’t resist pulling the trigger. Just once. Just to see the sheer panic and fear on the man’s face. It had been worth it and Gaz was pretty sure the asshole wet himself as he opened his eyes, realizing it was in fact not dead.
“Police are here,” Alex said from the door as he peered into the scene in the room. “They know we’re in here and have been told to stand down…but they’ll get antsy if we take too long.”
“Handcuffs,” Gaz said as Soap handed him the plastic zip ties before he yanked Henry up out of the chair. He had definitely wet himself and Gaz pulled a face as he turned him around and yanked his arms hard behind his back and zipped his wrists together. It was tight enough he knew his fingers would go numb in a matter of seconds. “Walk,” Gaz instructed as Henry resisted, still muttering and trying to talk his way out of this.
Gaz walked Henry out of the building, followed by Price and Soap. The camera lights were bright as Gaz walked over to the police sergeant and passed off the prisoner. Ghost had opted to stay inside for a bit, not wanting to broadcast his injury for everyone to see. Alex had gone to seek out medical help from one of the ambulances, using the side door so it was away from the news vans.
Henry’s face was a livid red as he screamed at Gaz, at the cameras that couldn’t decided who to focus on, that he was innocent. That this was a mistake, that Gaz and the rest of the team would be stripped of their titles and awards for the atrocities they did that they were trying to pin on him. The lies flew from his mouth as easy as breathing and Gaz actually smirked as an officer put him in the backseat of their cruiser. The news reporters seemed uneasy as they tried to figure out what to do but Price walked over to give a very brief comment, before walking away. Press and briefings were Laswell’s specialty and she already had a statement written out to send the moment Henry had been taken into custody.
“Better man than me,” Soap said as they watched the police cruiser with Henry inside, still screaming, pull away. “I would have shot him, maybe stabbed him a bit,” he smirked knocking his shoulder into Gaz’s.
“I thought about it,” Gaz answered as his eyes flicked over to Ghost who was limping to the ambulance waving off the frantic medics that were pleading with him to get on the stretcher. Alex lugging his gear behind him. “But I figured less paperwork for Price,” he laughed, “he’ll get what’s coming to him. Playing the long game was the better option this time…I think.”
Nine Months Later
Gaz rolled out of bed as quietly as possible, untangling himself from Olivia’s legs and arms as he slipped to the kitchen to start the coffee. Today was a big day and he knew Olivia had been up most of the night tossing and turning with the weight of what was to come. She woken him up at two in the morning from her own nightmare and had practically pulled him on top her, kissing him frantically as if he would disappear. Gaz gently eased her down from her panic with soft touches and kisses, his hands sliding over her flushed sweaty skin until she was moaning from pleasure and not fear as he slid into her. She had begged him not to stop until she couldn’t talk anymore and when they finished, she fell into an actual restful sleep.
Leaning his hip on the counter Gaz stared out the small kitchen window at the sleepy streets of London. The flat they had rented wasn’t the best one out there, but it was decent enough for them, in a not too bad part of the city. Olivia had the money her father had left for her and her mother and she was careful how she spent it. She set her mother up in a townhouse not too far from them, had put a lawyer on retainer and bought a cheap beat-up car to get around then hid the what was left. Gaz supplemented the rest of their needs with his own pay, knowing the lawyer was going to eat up most of the money between supporting Olivia and her mother during all of this. Who knew how long it would take for the government to work through the debts and her parents’ estate, and if there would even be any money left by the time they were done.
When the coffee machine stopped gurgling Gaz poured himself a cup of black coffee before padding to the living room. He glanced at the clock on the bare wall before kicking his feet up on the coffee table, leaning down to rub at his knee. He had two new scars on it from the surgery he had a couple of months back to repair the damage, the skin still raised and dark from the incisions. The pain wasn’t as bad as it had been before he finally relented to the surgery, but it still ached. Especially in the morning or if it was going to rain, which in London it was more common to rain than not.
Gaz turned on the television, lowered the volume a few degrees and flipped to the news channel. They were already talking about the trail, even if it wasn’t going to resume until ten that morning. It was all the news talked about these days, treating it like a football match with play by plays, analysis, predications and even conspiracies. Soap had called Gaz after he testified for three days and made him look at a gossip rag about him. Soap then proceeded to laugh himself silly as Gaz read about how he supposedly was sending subliminal messages as he shifted in the witness chair.
“My fucking knee hurt,” Gaz argued back to Soap who was still laughing, “I had to adjust because I was sitting there for hours. What sort of messages what I supposedly sending?” He scrolled as he read through some of them. “For fuck’s sake,” he groaned as he found the pictures where images had been circled as if pointing out the proof. “They really will latch onto anything for a stupid story.” “Quit tellin’ the lizard people our secrets,” Soap said, cracking himself up again before hanging up.
That was two weeks ago. Gaz had to testify because he had been attacked and was also the person to actually execute the arrest of Henry. They had grilled him, had tried to get him to trip up, say he was a jealous ex-lover trying to make Henry to be the bad guy. Had tried to discredit everything he said but it hadn’t worked. Gaz had stuck to the truth through all of it and unfortunately for Henry the truth didn’t unravel.
Now everyone was fixated on the star witness, the person who was closest to Henry and had all the inside information; Olivia. Gaz knew this was going to be hard for her. He had sat in on the mock questioning by the government lawyers and her own lawyer and had seen what it did toher. She had come home in tears a few times, had panic attacks and Gaz had found her on more than one occasion sitting in the dark of the bedroom just staring at the wall thinking. Sometimes he debated if keeping Henry alive was the best idea after all. It put Olivia through all of this, drawing out her torture unable to fully close the book on that chapter of her life until this was done. The divorce from Henry had been sped through the courts in a matter of a few short weeks after his arrest, but he was still tied to her because of the trial.
Olivia had said she understood why Gaz kept him alive, had agreed it was the smarter and better way. Make him live through everything he did, and in his attempts to weasel his way out of punishment he gave over more and more information on his counterparts. It led to many arrests, a total upheaval of MI6 and a few other government officials, something they wouldn’t have gotten as fast without him. But Gaz knew she was suffering despite the brave face she put on for the media as she attended the trial. She only went on the days Gaz testified or when she was needed, she didn’t want to be around the circus or even see Henry if she didn’t need to.
Gaz sipped on his coffee as he watched the news when he heard the bedroom door click open and he twisted to see Olivia standing there. Her hair was a mess of a halo around her head and she rubbed one eye as she looked at him in nothing but his t-shirt. She still looked exhausted and Gaz dropped his feet from the table and stood up, setting his coffee down on the table and walked over.
“I didn’t wake you, did I?” Gaz asked quietly as he enveloped her in his arms, feeling her rest her ear against his chest. “You had at least another thirty minutes of sleep before I got you up,” he explained as he rubbed her back gently.
“No, I just…woke up,” Olivia said with a soft sigh as she listened to Kyle’s heartbeat for a moment. “And when I realized you were already up, I just decided to get out of bed,” she tilted her head up and smiled at him a bit, though Gaz could see the nerves behind her eyes. “Bit nauseated this morning,” she explained. The nerves were not helping her already uneasy stomach and she felt Kyle pull away from her to head to the kitchen. Toast was the only thing that settled her these days, only thing she could really stomach, along with some herbal tea.
“Go shower,” he said leaning down to kiss the top of her head. “I’ll make you something to eat,” he pulled out of her embrace completely before giving her a small pat on the bottom to make her go. He smirked as she swatted at him before she disappeared back into their bedroom to the only bathroom in the flat to shower. He heard the squealing pipes as she started the water before they finally quieted down after the water ran for a few seconds.
By the time Olivia emerged with a towel wrapped around her body, and another tying up her hair, Gaz had her toast with butter and a little jam and mint tea ready. She smiled gratefully and sat down on the couch, eyes flicking to the television which had conveniently been changed to a sitcom rerun. Olivia avoided the news as much as she could, barely even using social media on her phone because the trial was literally everywhere. She didn’t even like going out in public because people recognized her from all the old photos and constant news reels. Especially in the lead up to her start of testifying against Henry. Her mother came by and a few old friends stopped by but for the most part Olivia spent her days alone while Gaz continued to work.
Gaz was doing desk work for the time being, staying on assignment in London as her own personal body guard because of the threats from crazies and Henry’s associates. It was under the guise of recovering from his surgery but his real assignment was keeping Olivia safe, and probably sane because if she had been left completely alone, she would have lost it. When Gaz told her he was going back to work she had a meltdown before he could explain it was at a local office running intelligence, he wasn’t leaving her for weeks on end.
  “Sorry for keeping you up last night,” Olivia muttered around her toast as Gaz sat back down next to her and sipped on his coffee. Sleep had been alluding her for a while but it was getting worse as of late.
“I’m fine,” Gaz answered, “I can go a few days without much sleep, this is nothing,” he smiled as Olivia held out her toast to him to take a bite before taking it back to finish it off. He chewed for a moment before looking pointedly at her, “you still feel up to going? I’m sure if you feel ill,” he started but Olivia shook her head.
“I’m not going to prolong it,” she said, “the waiting is the worst part as Nik once told me.” She sighed a bit glancing at the clock. “I’d rather just get it over with. I know they are going to have me up there for days,” she set her empty cup and plate down on the coffee table, knocking the remnants of their card game from the night before askew, then curled her legs up under her on the couch. “It’s not too long, I mean,” she paused, “it’s only a few hours all together. I can do it.”
“Just a few hours,” Gaz agreed with a small nod as he looked at her. It was a few hours at a time, but he knew she’d be worn down for much longer than he had. “I’ll be there the whole time, front row,” he smiled a bit before grabbing her to pull her closer. “You won’t be alone,” his hand slipped gently under her towel, his fingers splaying over the still damp skin of her stomach, over the barely there swell in her lower abdomen.
It had been a pure accident. The stress of their life had caused Olivia to lose track of her medication and Gaz wasn’t always the best at fishing for condoms in the heat of the moment. The birth control was supposed to be preventing the risk of pregnancy anyway. But one thing led to another and Olivia missed a period. They chalked it up to stress and moved on with their lives. Then the next one didn’t come and the morning sickness started. It had been a short moment of panic followed by overjoy and frantic doctor appointments to make sure everything was alright. Not worried about pregnancy Olivia hadn’t been careful with what she ate or drank and Gaz had continued to smoke around her.
All was well thankfully, and now she was four months along. Gaz had been taking care of Olivia, doing everything and anything she needed. The morning sickness had abided for the most part but he knew the nerves had brought it all back up again. The doctors warned Olivia to not let the stress get to her because it would affect the baby and she was doing everything in her power to remain calm. Such as staying away from news, drinking tea, light exercising and actually getting back into her old favorite hobby of reading.
“Remember, he can’t touch you anymore,” Gaz said gently as he tilted her head up to look at him with his other hand. “Never again. There is nothing he can do to you, you’re safe and I’ll make sure it stays that way,” he smiled as she leaned up to kiss him, her head nodding lightly as she grabbed at his thigh. “You should probably go get ready,” he said quietly after a few minutes of holding her.
“So should you,” Olivia answered as she pulled the towel off her head and dropped it behind the couch. “Come on,” she said as she rose from the couch, not bothering to grab at the towel that unraveled from the tucked knot at her chest and let it fall to the floor. “If we hurry you can help get out some of this nervous energy,” she taunted as Kyle looked up at her from the couch, his eyebrows raised high as his eyes raked over her body.
“Last night not enough?” He asked, though it was just a tease because he was already standing and clicking off the television. He followed her into the bedroom, his hands sliding over her hips from behind as she paused at the bed. Olivia reached up behind her to snake her hand behind Kyle’s neck to pull him down to kiss at her shoulder.
“Never enough,” Olivia answered with a satisfied sigh as he kissed at that soft spot where her shoulder met her neck. She grabbed one his hands and guided it to her center and groaned as his fingers found exactly what she wanted, arching her back against him.
“Should have said something earlier,” Gaz growled against her neck feeling just how ready she was for him. “Could have taken my time,” he said as he gently rubbed at her clit, smirking as she ground her hips back against him, using the movement to give herself more pressure. “Really drawn this out,” he nipped at her ear before she pulled away from him and bent forward, propping her hands on the edge of the bed, before turning to look back at him.
“You can draw it out later,” she breathed out as she watched him peel off his boxers and the undershirt he was wearing. These days she was already ready for him, the desire to climb him as soon as he walked in the door from work was almost its own form of torture. She knew it was probably the hormones coursing through her body but she also knew it was the love for him, and the love she knew he had for her. “Please,” she whined as Kyle bent over and kissed the middle of her spine, working his way up between her shoulders.
“Patience love,” he answered as he brushed the still wet hair off her back before sliding his hands around her front to grab her breasts. They were already pleasantly swollen and he grinned when she groaned as he rolled her nipples between his fingers, biting down on her shoulder blade. There was an older hickey there that had begun to fade and Kyle sucked at the abused spot gently.
It had taken Olivia a long while to be comfortable like this, her trauma from what Henry did to her made this position nearly impossible for her in the beginning. Kyle had taken his time, letting her guide him as she worked to take back her own body. He had kissed every inch of skin on her back, let his hands gently rub over the skin as she laid on her stomach in bed and pulled her hips up back toward him. She had panicked a few times and he quickly switched tactics then but then one day she asked him to take her like this. Had arched up to him and practically begged him and Kyle had, his hands holding her hips as she set the pace. When he managed to get her to come twice on her hands and knees, praising and lovingly holding her through it, she had let go of that final hold Henry had over her body.
 “Kyle,” Olivia breathed out as Kyle finally pushed into her, his hand gently pushing her shoulder blades down so her face was pressed into the mattress. Her hands gripped hard at the edge of the bed as he set a quick pace and she whined, closing her eyes to enjoy the rapid slapping sounds their bodies made. He kept one hand on her hip as the other found her clit again and she began to pant, doing her best to not be too loud for the poor neighbors. The flat was old and the walls were thin but he kept hitting that spot that made her cry out with each thrust.
“Oli,” Kyle groaned as he felt her clamping around him. “Fuck love,” he grabbed at her shoulder to keep her pressed back against him, his movements had pushed her too far away from his liking. She keened at the pressure and he bent over her back to roughly kiss at the side of her face as he rolled his hips. He grinded into her as she rolled back into him and he felt her release as she gasped into the sheets, one of her hands stretching far out in front of her on the bed as she slumped further into sheets. “There you go,” he grinned as her body became lucid coming down from the high he had just given her. “One more for me, give me one more before we go,” he goaded and Olivia nodded before she pressed up on her hands fully, extending her arms.
At this angle he could rock her against him, her hands able to give her leverage to push back. He wasn’t going to last in this position, her body was still fluttering around him and he could feel her cum on the tops of his thighs as he pushed even deeper. She was moaning with abandon now as he thrust hard, pulling out almost all the way before pushing back in to the hilt. She helped him move her body, rolling her hips and arching her back up a bit to let him get that little bit further in until he couldn’t go anymore. He was afraid he was going to leave bruises on her hips as he bullied her body but he couldn’t help it, and the way Olivia was begging him to keep going he knew she could care less.
“Fuck, fucking hell,” Kyle groaned out as he felt his release coming, “fuck yes…just keep moving,” he instructed, begged, as she rocked her body back against him on her own volition. “Just like that,” he looked down watching as she fucked herself on him. He heard her cry out with another release and her movements became frantic and that was the final thing he needed as she slid over him. He came hard, his hands sliding down to her thighs to hold her fast against him to fill her with his spend as deeply as he could so it would remain there.
When she stilled and caught her breath Gaz gently pulled out, pressing kisses down her back before standing up and tugging her to the bathroom to get ready. They readied in relative silence, smiling at one another in the mirror as Kyle shaved and she curled her hair up into a French knot. When she picked out a simple black dress Gaz zipped up the back for her and smoothed his hand around her front. He rested his hand over her belly as he looked at her in the mirror while she put on a soft dusting of pink lipstick. Then when she finished, she straightened his tie, dark purple, to go with the lilac button down he had selected just for her.
“Let’s go put that final nail in his coffin,” Gaz said as he picked up her hand and kissed the back of it before they got out of the car the courthouse. Olivia let out a steadying breath before hooking her arm in Kyle’s elbow as he led her up the steps, her head held high ignoring the cameras and questions as she walked. Her lawyer had advised her to not to speak to any media, not until it was over, and Olivia had no problem with that. The cameras inside the courthouse were much quieter, the reporters not allowed to talk as the trial commenced.
When Henry was led in, Olivia stiffened in her seat. Kyle placed a comforting hand on her thigh, his thumb rubbing over the skin above her knee that had begun to shake. Henry stared at her when he walked in, his eyes narrowing in that threatening way he always did when he was going to make her pay for some indiscretion. Olivia swallowed but, unlike before, she didn’t look away. She held his gaze defiantly, using Kyle’s silent strength and support next to her to not back down. She knew Kyle was also staring right at Henry and for the first time ever, Henry was the one to look away from Olivia first.
“You’ve got this. I’m so proud of you,” Kyle said quietly into Olivia’s ear as the government lawyers came to get her and led her to the stand. She did her best not to shake as she took her seat and when the questions began, she held her ground. She didn’t waver from her story, didn’t let the tears that burned behind her eyes fall and in moments of nearly breaking she glanced at Kyle. He was positioned right in her view, angled so she could easily see his supportive smile, and she found herself swelling with pride and love for him all over again
Kyle had always been there. Always. Even when she pushed him away, wounded him, tried to break him so he wouldn’t come back to her for his own safety, he remained resolute. When she didn’t deserve his help, he still gave it. When she thought she would completely fall off the edge, he was there holding her hand and pulling her back. Whatever she needed from him, he gave freely and without question. Her hand slid unconsciously over her stomach as she watched Kyle, who grinned wider at her movement. A child was not something they had even remotely discussed, but the moment it came into their lives, Kyle dove headfirst into preparing, with zero hesitation. That was him though—no fear, no holding back. Her steadfast soldier.
Henry was sentenced at the highest extent of the law after being found guilty on all charges. The trial had taken months but Olivia’s weeks long testimony washed away any questions of his guilt. He was locked away in a high security prison, his family money liquidated to pay all his debts and the civil suits that were mounted against him. More and more people were arrested and tried as evidence kept mounting but Olivia and Kyle weren’t needed for those trials. They had done their duty and put the ringleader away, putting an end to his attempt to run the world.
It took years, but Olivia and Kyle were finally free from Henry and could start the life they had wanted before he interfered. It was a hard-fought victory that had almost killed them both, but in the end, Henry had finally lost at his own game. He was left to rot in a cell for all the atrocities he committed, while the world moved on without him, slowly wiping him from their memories.
And as Kyle held Olivia on the couch in their run-down apartment two months after Henry's sentence, laughing as he spoon-fed her yet another scoop of his ice cream because she whined that it tasted better, he knew this was exactly where they were supposed to be.
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ahopelesspedantic · 27 days
Keeping Lines Blurry Fanart/Animation Pt.2!
In honour of KLB by @indigosunsetao3 having ended, I wanted to make another small animation for the story since I had so much fun making the first one!
I chose the absolute worst scene to draw for Gaz before lmao I felt like I had to make it up to him by giving him something more tender and sweet.
This is not from a specific scene, more so the vibes Gaz and Olivia gave me by the end. Their fond, longing glances and secret touches passed between each other💖 Olivia was always reaching out to Gaz, sometimes without even realising it, and Gaz was always willing to answer her calls 🥹 the man that you are, Kyle Garrick.
Also this song has been stuck in my head this last week and I think it fits Olivia well bcs she really was waiting for Kyle to like her again for so long 😭 I loved the rollercoaster these 2 took me on.
Gaz nation, do yourself a favour and READ THIS FIC!!
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nico-di-genova · 15 days
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Keep to the Line Verse
Max doesn’t mind media duties when it’s Charles behind the camera. RBR find this out fairly quickly and use that to their advantage.
Bonus: Nurse, they’re flirting in the comments again.
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cobaltfluff · 1 month
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the only part time job I actually wanted
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flowercrowngods · 5 months
writing who did this to you pt. 2 and i wanna cry about how much season 4 will take from eddie, like. god he’s. he’s just a boy.
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froot-batty · 17 days
Hello!!! :DDD So im having trouble doing backgrounds (as much as any other artist does lol ) and you do them very well and good! So I wanted to ask you if you can maybe share some tips or secrets when doing them if its not a bother. Thank you and have a great day/night! :)
Thank you!
Unfortunately my advice is gonna be a repeat of probably the same stuff you hear all the time, but my main recommendation is
Like I would be UTTERLY HOPELESS if I couldn't go onto Google images and figure out what stuff looked like. Reference images are your best friends FOREVER never take them for granted. You don't even need to have a full reference for what the entire room looks like either (if that makes any sense). Just look up the pieces of the background (any furniture, buildings, plants, etc) and use a reference to figure out how that thing should fit into the background. That's at least how I do it, especially when something is at an odd angle
When you're just starting out, I'd personally do a lot of practice drawings of typical background scenes just to get the basic jist of angles and how things fit together down. You can copy straight from some images on Google or even do some drawings IRL. That'll also get you used to light and shadow and how they appear on different things, especially when the scene is indoors
Unfortunately it's just a LOT of practice until you can get really confident drawing backgrounds. They're complicated things! Especially when you're trying to fit a character into them as well. Just start small, take as many shortcuts and simplify anything you'd like, and you'll get the hang of it :]
I hope this made any sense at all !!
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k00kiecrumbler · 6 months
☆ Rt-tober Day 19 - 26 ☆
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no. 528 - rhythm doctor! RT [ *unsteady button smash* ]
no. 569 - Barbie! RT [ *hi Barbie on loop * ]
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no. 5 - catboy! RT [ this looks better than the sketch ]
no. 19 - Fell! RT [ :0 bones ]
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no. 26: Genshin Impact AU! RT [ black duck of the post ]
no. 31: Bugsnax! RT [ * sigh* bunger... ]
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no. 231 : Dimentio! RT [ would've known this lad if I made it past the tutorial. ]
no. 57.2 : AA AU! // mayor // RT [ *smash* ]
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roseofthewind · 7 months
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I swear I wasn't planning on doing a redesign, I just kept changing little things as I went...
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ereborne · 1 month
Song of the Day: March 18
"Break Down Here" by Julie Roberts
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kylermalloy · 10 months
26, Ed and Al gen 👀
Hi Morgan! You know just what I like 💙💙💙
(Okay so this little fic is completely self-indulgent. It’s set in the AU I conceived years ago in which Al, instead of being a suit of armor for the entire story, just has to drink Ed’s blood to live.
He’s much more resilient than a normal human—he can heal from what would otherwise be fatal wounds, so long as Ed can supply him with fresh blood. This comes into play in this particular snippet—which is this AU’s version of events when Scar catches up to the brothers for the first time.)
The alchemist catches Al first.
They’re both running for their lives, trying to escape the man who set his sights on exploding Ed’s head. Both boys are panting, exhausted. Ed claps and transmutes frantically, but the man breaks down every barrier they erect in his way.
Maybe if they can make it to headquarters, find another safehouse—something—anything—to escape the man in glasses, who, like Ed, apparently doesn’t need to draw a circle to transmute.
Al trips.
The man gets a firm grip around his knee, and—
Al’s leg explodes.
He screams, but it’s at Ed—to run.
Ed has no intention of running. Al is bleeding out, and though his leg looks horrific, beyond saving, Ed’s seen him come back from worse.
He just needs more blood. Ed can give that to him.
His momentary preoccupation with Al is all the alchemist needs to shatter his arm.
Al’s scream is somehow louder this time.
The man offers him a moment to pray.
Al screams in panic. This time, he’s cut off by a sick-sounding cough.
He won’t last much longer.
Ed stares past the man in the long coat and dark glasses. “Can you give me a minute with my brother instead?”
“I will not.”
“Will you hurt him if you kill me?”
“I will not. Your sins are not his.”
“Okay, then, go ahead.”
Ed closes his eyes, so the sound of the gunshot surprises him.
The military clashes with the would-be killer, and he flees. It’s over in less than a minute, then the soldiers have two injured boys to deal with.
One is hardly hurt, his automail the worst part of him. The other…well, at the very least his leg is gone. He might not even make it off the street, given all the blood he’s lost.
That is, that’s what the soldiers think until he sits up and slugs his brother in the face.
“You idiot!”
“Ow! Al—”
“What were you thinking? You absolute dumbass, were you going to let him kill you?”
“He promised not to hurt you. I had to—”
“You had to what—cause the least possible collateral damage? News flash, brother—if you die, I’m not far behind! What were you expecting, for me to lick your blood off the streets?”
“Al, just take my blood—”
“Fine.” Al pounces on his arm and bites.
“Ow! Son of a—”
“You deserve more than that, but right now I’m going to pass the fuck out unless I drink.”
He’s bitten hard enough to draw blood, so Ed guides him close under the guise of a hug so he can press his lips to the cut and suck. Ed winces but accepts the burning pain as his punishment.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Al. I didn’t want to leave you, but—”
Al squeezes his arm, casting an icy glare up without breaking his hold on Ed. Somehow, as always, Ed knows what he means. Just because you’re sorry doesn’t make this go away. You’ll still hear plenty about this.
Honestly, Ed wouldn’t have it any other way. Al wouldn’t be Al otherwise.
He presses his lips to Al’s forehead anyway, marveling at his brother’s resilience. Anyone else would’ve never walked again, but not Al. Al is still alive, and strong, and in a few weeks he’ll be up and about like this never happened.
God, he’s beautiful.
And then Lieutenant Hawkeye is there, draping her jacket over Al’s shoulders and retrieving the tattered remains of Ed’s coat to wrap him up in. “Just stay here,” she warns in a low voice. “We’ll get an ambulance. Triage his leg. Is he okay?”
Ed allows her a weary smile of thanks as Al drinks his fill, replenishing his body of the blood he lost. “He will be.”
Send me a prompt and a pairing!
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indigosunsetao3 · 2 months
Been a sick day on the couch today. Didn't do a single chore, I ordered my groceries for delivery because I am not leaving the house, and I had french fries and chicken nuggets for dinner.
But. I did write a 7k worded chapter and 4.2k of them were tension and smut. So, I would still call it a productive day.
Buckle in for chapter 15 of Keeping Lines Blurry😘 This is your only hint.
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911onabc · 9 months
girls who listen to dear john and think about themselves. our own worst enemies fr
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ybcpatrick · 10 months
​i see it all, now that you're gone. don't you think i was too young to be messed with? the girl in the dress cried the way home. i should've known.
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this-doesnt-endd · 1 year
the girl in the dress, cried the whole way home, I should have know
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blurrycow · 2 years
BRO DUDE FUCK i wanted to make a song because I’ve always wanted to have my own band or whatever (it’s just me, blurrycow- that’s the name of the band I made for music class, and that’s why I’m called that on all my media). Like in the spring for music class we had to make a music artist and come up with a vibe and songs and stuff but do it for another person. so i made blurrycow and one of my friends made songs for me and i made some for him but thats besides the point because in the spring while that was happening I made a concept album because i was bored and it was about how i really feel sometimes and it was called Alienation. it sprung from my album art that I wanted the friend to make for my “band” (again, just me, the one and only blurrycow) and it [the cover] included an alien abducting a cow because,, yk, aliens abduct cows for some reason. SO today I was like ‘hey i have time lmao lets go sit down and songwrite because I never really have time for that and all the other times it always sounds bad. maybe today will be different.” AND IT WAS.
In literally twenty minutes I had an entirely written and well structured song made SOMEHOW and i dont have the melody because my parents are in the room so I can’t play around with singing the lyrics but FUCK I AM SO FUCKING PROUD OF MYSELF because songwriting is SO HARD for me but today i managed to pull a WHOLE ASS SONG for SOME REASON and I am NOT complaining
Tomorrow I’ll play around with melodies and maybe even record if I can!!! fuck im so excited this has never happened to me before!!!!
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tearlessrain · 1 month
please help me- i used to be pretty smart but i’m having so much trouble grasping the concept of diegetic vs non-diegetic bdsm!
gfkjldghfd okay first of all I'm sorry for the confusion, if you're not finding anything on the phrase it's because I made it up and absolutely nobody but me ever uses it, but I haven't found a better way to express what I'm trying to say so I keep using it. but now you've given me an excuse to ramble on about some shit that is only relevant to me and my deeply inefficient way of talking and by god I'm going to take it.
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SO. the way diegetic and non-diegetic are normally used is to talk about music and sound design in movies/tv shows. in case you aren't familiar with that concept, here's a rundown:
diegetic sound is sound that happens within the world of the movie/show and can be acknowledged by the characters, like a song playing on the stereo during a driving scene, or sung on stage in Phantom of the Opera. it's also most other sounds that happen in a movie, like the sounds of traffic in a city scene, or a thunderclap, or a marching band passing by. or one of the three stock horse sounds they use in every movie with a horse in it even though horses don't really vocalize much in real life, but that's beside the point, the horse is supposed to be actually making that noise within the movie's world and the characters can hear it whinnying.
non-diegetic sound is any sound that doesn't exist in the world of the movie/show and can't be perceived by the characters. this includes things like laugh tracks and most soundtrack music. when Duel of Fates plays in Star Wars during the lightsaber fight for dramatic effect, that's non-diegetic. it exists to the audience, but the characters don't know their fight is being backed by sick ass music and, sadly, can't hear it.
the lines can get blurry between the two, you've probably seen the film trope where the clearly non-diegetic music in the title sequence fades out to the same music, now diegetic and playing from the character's car stereo. and then there are things like Phantom of the Opera as mentioned above, where the soundtrack is also part of the plot, but Phantom of the Opera does also have segments of non-diegetic music: the Phantom probably does not have an entire orchestra and some guy with an electric guitar hiding down in his sewer just waiting for someone to break into song, but both of those show up in the songs they sing down there.
now, on to how I apply this to bdsm in fiction.
if I'm referring to diegetic bdsm what I mean is that the bdsm is acknowledged for what it is in-world. the characters themselves are roleplaying whatever scenarios their scenes involve and are operating with knowledge of real life rules/safety practices. if there's cnc depicted, it will be apparent at some point, usually right away, that both characters actually are fully consenting and it's all just a planned scene, and you'll often see on-screen negotiation and aftercare, and elements of the story may involve the kink community wherever the characters are. Love and Leashes is a great example of this, 50 Shades and Bonding are terrible examples of this, but they all feature characters that know they're doing bdsm and are intentional about it.
if I'm talking about non-diegetic bdsm, I'm referring to a story that portrays certain kinks without the direct acknowledgement that the characters are doing bdsm. this would be something like Captive Prince, or Phantom of the Opera again, or the vast majority of bodice ripper type stories where an innocent woman is kidnapped by a pirate king or something and totally doesn't want to be ravished but then it turns out he's so cool and sexy and good at ravishing that she decides she's into it and becomes his pirate consort or whatever it is that happens at the end of those books. the characters don't know they're playing out a cnc or D/s fantasy, and in-universe it's often straight up noncon or dubcon rather than cnc at all. the thing about entirely non-diegetic bdsm is that it's almost always Problematic™ in some way if you're not willing to meet the story where it's at, but as long as you're not judging it by the standards of diegetic bdsm, it's just providing the reader the same thing that a partner in a scene would: the illusion of whatever risk or taboo floats your boat, sometimes to extremes that can't be replicated in real life due to safety, practicality, physics, the law, vampires not being real, etc. it's consensual by default because it's already pretend; the characters are vehicles for the story and not actually people who can be hurt, and the reader chose to pick up the book and is aware that nothing in it is real, so it's all good.
this difference is where people tend to get hung up in the discourse, from what I've observed. which is why I started using this phrasing, because I think it's very crucial to be able to differentiate which one you're talking about if you try to have a conversation with someone about the portrayal of bdsm in media. it would also, frankly, be useful for tagging, because sometimes when you're in the mood for non-diegetic bodice ripper shit you'd call the police over in real life, it can get really annoying to read paragraphs of negotiation and check-ins that break the illusion of the scene and so on, and the opposite can be jarring too.
it's very possible to blur these together the same way Phantom of the Opera blurs its diegetic and non-diegetic music as well. this leaves you even more open to being misunderstood by people reading in bad faith, but it can also be really fun to play with. @not-poignant writes fantastic fanfic, novels, and original serials on ao3 that pull this off really well, if you're okay with some dark shit in your fiction I would highly recommend their work. some of it does get really fucking dark in places though, just like. be advised. read the tags and all that.
but yeah, spontaneous writer plug aside, that's what I mean.
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